Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 12, 1866, Image 7
From our Third gdition of Yesterday. 2CIIMIXth Congress--First Session. •<^ WASHINGTON, April 11, 1866. Swsserk.-LMr.:Suinner (Mass.) . offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Sill itary Affairs to inquire Into the expediency of providing a system of education for eoldters in the army of the 'United States. Mr. Wilson (Mass.) introduced a resolution,which was adopted, prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors in the capitol building, Mr. Sumner introduced a petition asking for Congres sional aid for building the European and North Ame rican Railroad, to connect the 'United States with Hali fax. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. A bill to authorize the Secretary of War to settle the - Kansas War Claims was passed. The senate then took up the House bill in relation to the habeas corpus. ROUSE.— Mr. Hblmes presented a resolution adopted by the House of Assembly of the State o New York, declaring that the action of the New York Senators on the Civil Rights bill was approved and requesting theNewYorkEePresentatives tovote for the bill notwithstanding the President's veto, M , r.Warner (Conn.) made a personal explanation rel ative to his absence when the vote was taken on the Civil Rights bill. It was his understanding that he was paired with Mr. Johnson, of Pennsylvania. who was absent on account of sickness. If he (Mr. War aer),Autd been present he should have voted most cheerfully for the bill. Mr. Eliot (Mass.). from the Commitfee on Com. , merce, reported back the Senate bill to authorize the issue of American registers to the steam weasels Michigan, Despatch and William K. Maar, with an amendment applying the same privilege 'to a dozen otht r Lake steamers. The amendment was agreed to, and thebill passed. Messrs. Washburn (Ill.), and Washburne .(Iffass.), Delano and Thornton, presented a large number of ad verse reports from the Committee on Claims, which were laid on the table. Mr. Drlggs (Mass.), from the Committee on Public Lands, reported back the bill to establish a land office in the territory of Idaho, which was considered and passed. Mr. Schenck (Ohio), from the Committee on Military Affairs. reported back with a substitute, the bill to xegulete the pay of the drmy,and asked that its con. sideration be postponed and made a special order for this day fortnight and until • disposed of. It was so ordered. Mr. Bundy (Ohio) offered a resolution, which was adopted, reciting that William. Mercer, of the county of. Ross, State of Ohio, had furnished seven sons and one grandson to the army of the United States daring the late rebellion, some of whom were minors,and were killed in the service, and that, William Mamas and his wife were aged and infirm; \ without the necessary =Leans to support them is the old age, and Instruct ing the Committee on Invalict‘Pensions to inquire into the propriety of placing the name of William Mercer On the lest of Invalid Pensioners. Pennsylvania Legislature. Heal:sienna°, April 11th. Extvamt.—The Committee of Conference on the general appropriation‘bill made a•report, which, after a brief discussion was passed. The following bills passed: One allowing persons on the Susquehanna River to capture loose o3gs. Incorporating the Bethlehem Palmer ger Railway with an amendment preventing any distinction of color in passengers. Increasing the value of the stock of the Spruce and Pine Street Railway Company. Incorporating the Schuylkill - River Passenger Railway Company. Diminishing the width of part of Cameo street. House.-Mr. Mann offered a resolution requiring a copy of the joint refolutions requesting Edgar Cowan to resign, to be sent to each Pennsylvania Congress man, and to the President. Passed by a party vote. Mr. Negley asked leave to introduce ajoint resolu tion stating that the passage of the Civil Rights bill was a triumph of the people and of right and justice. leave was refused, the Democrats objecting. The House agreed finally to the report of the Com mittee of Conference on tie General Appropriation bill. This gives the Philadelphia Judges 15 ore per an num: the Northern Home 15,000, and fixes the pay of members at $l,OOO. The sum of 1500 was given foe the re-interment of Pennsylvania soldiers upon the Antietam batfie ground.. The following acts passed finally, having already passed the Senate: Be It enacted that the true intent and meaning of the act passed March 21, 1861, shall be that the pre ceding year mentioned In the 6th section of said act shall be held and taken to be the yea r preceding the organization of the body and not the election, any thing in the above recited section to the contrary not withstanding; and all elections that have heretofore taken place shall be deemed,to have taken place agree• ably to this interpretation of the act and are declared legal and valid. In the final passage of the bill the ayes were 57 and the noes 30. The Democrats voting no. An act allowing tobacco to be furnished to convicts in penitentiaries as a reward of good behavior passed. New York Stock Market. Stocks are higher. Chi and Rock Island, 118,4% Cumberland preferred, 45: Illinois Central bonds, log Michigan Southern, 8031; New York Central,92%; Read. In , 102%; Hudson River, 106; Canton Company, 56; '64 ...our! 6s, 7434; Wester, Union Telegraph Company, 55Y4; U. S. coupons, 1881, 100 i; ditto 18V...,1035,1; ditto 1864. 1031 i; Ten-forties, 9133; Treasury 7 3-10's, 100* Gold, 1.=@)127%. Markets. MALTIMOItt, April IL—Wheat firm. Corn, I©2o, lower; yellow, 78c.; white, 84@85c. Oats firm at54(455c. Flour steady; high grades scarce. Provisions quiet. Bacon shoulders, 121,1 c. Bulk shoulders, 113ic. Sugars steady. Coffee apd seeds dull. CLoverned. 45 5 0 M5 55. Whisky dual; Western, 42 25. Sales at Phlladen SALES AFTER 0000 City 63 new 92% SOO City 6s old 87% 1000 Camd & Amboy mtg 63 'es 95 1000 Lehigh Nav 6x'B4 87 1000 U Tress 7 8-108 • Notes July 100% 811.11 Perms 68 84% 5560 Pa War Loan 99% 100 sh Nor Centr sswn 45% 100 sh Bead R 830 51 100 81/ do s3O 50% 200 eh do b3O 51% 200 • sh do 660 50%, 200 oh do bsint 51% 400 sh do 860 50% 200 sh T lljapie Shade 8.30 8 55 sh high Nv sswn 54% SECOND BOARD. $l6OOOO City 68 new 92% 100 sh Catawiss prf b3O 31 800 Penns 5s 88% 100 sh do 30% 36 sh Lehigh Val RR 61% 400 sh do 31 100 sh Ocean Oil 9 100 sh do 830 81 9 81a Cam &Am R 118 200 sh do 31% 40 sh Penns R R 56% BUSINESS CABINS. T.EsSISPORTS PROCURED.— JOHN H. FRICK, ROTARY PUBLIC, JI " ,pOI4I3IISSIONER FOR ALL STATES, PENNON AND PRIZE AGENT, No. 223 DOCK Street. Aoknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ac counts taken. 7nhl3-3m/ 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY, of Ho king ' " own make," at No. MS ARCH Street. These Pal. ta are gotten up expresslyto meet the wants of flretclass trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts* xnade to order, sateredand repaired. Wholesale and retail. nol3-emt C. KNIGHT & CO., wHoLirsutrx GROCERS, M.S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar Honse, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr GEORGE SHARP. Patentee and manufacturer of the BALL PATTERN SILVER WARE, . No. 41 Prune street. . - ja23-31nos JAMES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PEKE. CILMICENT A. aniscoul THEODORE WRIGHT. FRAME L. NEALL. PETER WRIGHT &BONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping and Commission Merchants, No. U.S WALNUT street, Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA: WORKS,—ON TILE, DELA -- WARE river, oelow PHILADELPHIA, : CHESTER. Delaware county, Pa. R.3LtI.N.EY,-SON Fc CO., 'Engineers and Iron Boat-builders, Manufacturers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EN GINES, Tren Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tanks, Propellers. die.die. BEANEY te , W. B. RE.ANEY' ARCM:BOLD, - La of ;late Tteaney. Nears & Co., Engineer in Chief, -Penn Works, Phila. S. Navy. T. VAIIGHAN'ILERRICK, - WM. H. MERRICK, .TNO. E. COPE. . Q.OIITHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AID WASH fJ 7,NGTON STREETS. - - I ;LUICIC I S 11 SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS ifannftfeture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine Service. 801 l era Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, , • Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. _ Irom.Frame.Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most Improved construction. . livery description of Plantation Machinery; and ugar. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacanm Pans, Open steam Trains, Dafacators , Filters, Pam Ping En sines, &c. :Sole Agents for N. Blllena's Patent Sugar Zuni:lg Apparatus, Neamyth's , PatPnt Steam Hammer and Beptnwnli & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar 3:4aining Machine.. CIAS FIXTURES.—teLIBILEY, ht:ERBIELL & lT THAGEARA. NO. 718 CIBIESTema• street, liannfacturers of GM Fixtures, .Lampa, Would call the attention of the Public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brsok. mac . They. also ' introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing. anteing and rePalring 42465 'PiPee• ; Yferk war me •; • • , . • ; • ' Jaw ' PHILADESAPRIN --134p1210 EioTrOOLov FOUls.r.ti street, above Vine, will-laoPen for tes Yell end Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. 261 b, Ladies itzlitentlerneridesirin sitspare .thofeega pfsoc-iedge of tbitritecomp t will find every facility et ibis school. The hornets ere ea*, and., Wolf trained. want thatnitat SIM& Immo •trairted in the best manner.,Eraddielroxitia jlOlllOl and vehicles to bite: &lso.cerrlnges fbr fin* Fels.. tc vars. steamboats, , , • , • • THOS. & SOW DRIVY VIMLLE3.:.:-OWNTEREI PROPERTY.-The _I only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disdn- Acted, at very Low prices. mln A. zwirssozr, er of Pondreme Goldsmith's Sall, lib stree& ra , ry hia Stock Board. FIRST BOARD 100 - sti Pl)llait Erie tho eh do 1)12 3 500 sh ; do b3O 333 1000 sh Catawissa pf s3own 22% 100 sh do s6own 100 sh do b 5 30% 200 sh do 810 3031 100 sa do 830wn 29% sh 10 do 31 osh do bscvn 3 30 0% 100 sh do 530wn 29% 100 sh do bs 30% , 200 sh . b 5 30% 200 ah -- do 30% 100 sh Bch Nov pf 2;ds :31.% 100 sh Hestonv'e B b 5 43% ~~~Yil®CGils WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY HAS. BEEN 'USED FOB NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, WITH THE MOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS IN MIRING Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup,ll Liver Complaint Bronchitis, BM. amity of Breathing, Asthma and every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. 'CONSUNiFirr_IOI‘4I - which carries off morevictims than any other disease and which baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady,,often yr - sTLIIS TO IRIS REMEDY! when all others prove ineffectual. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa. ' Well known and much respected among the German populatio i this country, makes the following statemen forthe benefit of the afflicted. DRAG sxas—Having realized in my family import ant benefits from the use of your valuable preparation .-WISTAB'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY-1t affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter Mined. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have 11- ways been benefited by it, JACOB SEC EC LE Ft. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. FOR SALE BY J. P. .DINSMORE, Dey Street, New York. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Proprietor's. Boston • AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE CIDELIM CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cares Boils, Ulcers. Cancers. GRACE'S CRI.EBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblains. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Heals Old Sores. Flesh W ounds, It is prompt in action, removes vain at once. and re duces the most angry locking swellings and Intl amnia tions, as if by magic—thus affording relief and a corn. plete cure. Only 25 cents a box! (Sent by mail for 3.5 cents.) For Sale by J. P. DENSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York. S. W. FOWLE dr. SON,Proprietors, Boston and by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Ja3o.3m VOX. PC,PIU_ILA. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP, PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 7;1 SOU 1H THIRD ST. • D The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerfully recommending the use of Wright's Tar Syrup, for coughs, colds, consumption, whooping cough, spotted fever, liver complaint, pains in the breast, bronchitis, inflammation, and constriction of air vessels in the lungs. The remedy should be in every famlly: Charles C. Wilson, Forney's Press office. Charles H. Graflen, Sunday Mercury office. James Nolen. inquirer office. Wrn. F. Corbit, Associated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police Tele. graph, Fifth and Chestnut streets. A. 33andolph, Front and Lombard streets. James W. Terrine, 1129 Charles street. H. A. Davis, 323 Gs skill street, John Woodside, 1331 Franklin street. Robert Thompson, 1608 Walter street. B. G. March. 626 Franklin street. J. Gebloff, 731 South Second street. John Seymour, 513 South Front street. F.W. Howard, 1 Dock street. H. C. Bartlett, KI South Second street. L. Bates, KS Arch street. Albert Martin, 417 South Second street. Mary Caldwell 1032 Sansom street. W. Thomas, 20 North Fourth street. T. M. earthy, 109 Fifretb's alley. George Wilson. 236 Race street. W. F. Brooks, 69 North Second street. M. J. Hassett,ll9 Canal street. S. Fe moor Bose, Bustleton. Charles Rogers, 921 South street. B. T. Wellington. Second and Quarry streets. E. E. Thomas, 136 South Sixth street. William Barns, 515 South Front street, B. S. Sanford, Opera Manager. John /iiaginnis, rear of 134 North Second street. Mrs. S. B. Choate, Newark. Del. George W. White &Co. No. 56 South Third street. Mt. William B. Wright SIB: We tare pleasure In recommending your TAR SYRUP of; which we have already sold con siderable quantities) as a most excellentand efficacious remedy for the complaints set tomb in your printed bill already submitted to the public. - Asa gratifying act to suffering humanity we will cheerfal4 recom• mend your preparation to all afflicted ith diseases which it is designed to cure. Yours, &c., MUIR & SON, Druggists, N. E. corner Pine and Sixth street& Also to be had at - JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, DYOTT & and all principal druggists and dealers. The subscriber would beg leave further to say that he is prepared to fill orders and forward the Syrup to any part of the country. Persons c'esiring other Information by mail will enclose a postage stamp, and answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies of business will admit. Address WILLIAM 11, WRIGHT, 171 -South Third street Philadelphia, Pa. - - OPAL DENTALLINA.—A superior article for clean ing the Teeth, destroying antmalcuhe which in fest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter. siveness will recommend it to every one. Being com posed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a RELI aBLEI substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLINA, advocate Its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHThN, Aothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown. D. L. Stackhouse, B assard ,t Co., Robert C. Davis, G. R. Reeny, Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Ray, Charles Shivers, C. H. 3 , eedles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. - Husband, J. C. Tnrnpenny & CO. Ambrose smith, - Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst & Co., James-L. Bispharn, Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry. A. Bower, yeth & Bro. D LOZENGICS.--These lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria. Coughs, Son , Hoaess_ and Bronchia:: affectione generally. Throat Try the rsen m. THOS. ESTLACK. Jr., Druggist. S. W. 4 tter of Eighteenth and Market streets.PhiladelPhlni - - • fini-gtoi DE176114. LrIAMPHOR —A lot of Camphor for sale by WIL LIAM ELLIS dr' CO ;Druggists; No; 724 and 722 Mark et Street. • . DLAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS AND FAMILIES-made from true Caraccas Cocoa —free from all adulteration. The above article we can recommend as reliable for purity; exceedingly nutri tious and acceptable to ,for and delicate stomachs. for which it is especially intended; also. suitable for family use. Put up in tin cases to preserve its peculiar and delightful flavor. 'HENRY C. BLAIR"S SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut. - COD LOMB OIL.-Twenty-Ave barrels, new made, - Cod Liver Oil, of very euperlor Carb, Ammonia. just received, in jars; also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 95 per cent., in the best of packagee, and for sale by - , .TOMT C. BARER do 004 oc2l-ly • No. 718 Market street. XTBACT OF BEEF for beef tea or fence of E Beef In Richness of for sourirffor table me. Made in B . lgLa, Illinois, byGail Borden, from the juices of choice beef and is superior Is delicious' flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full di rections, one dollar each. HUBBELL,. Apothecary, I.4lothestnutetreet..- DRUGGISTS' igiIPIDRIPP. arsenates -- morn, PM Tlles,Ckembs,Brushea,Xlrrons, "riveerero,Pag Boxes, Horn Scoops Surgical Inatramentai . Trauma Hard and Soft Rubber Gooda,Vial Caws, Wawa sure Metal Syringes, ,Se., all at "First Hance it fai sl:R el, - SNOWDEN dt aP 154 4 231301MIZIghthathen. s OBEBT isliOn'mflarnlß & CO" N. jg, CU : •kg • rouBTE, BACIrs:I37II)EETS, Whet 6 rproggisia, Mantintettirers and Dealer* Windom Gliiss,Whito Sited, and Paling ,of, every deseription. offer to the trade, or consumers, neolnplete stook of goods is their line, at the lowest raorket rates. 110.111111 M FIHOW&SAIrrn, & • - .Northeast corner Pearth - and Baca BtreeU. ItiliAcirriD24.l4. l -Jaraiinira Calcined in loin. round tans 42.kandireniee,iiiedinbrittita:F,TeritViCarbonate of &Engraft:On 2 or. and 4 oz. , papers. 4.:ryClalatned Magnesia Wading nod for italo , by. SO.N. *pa/. Pr 021402.• blaring; and streets:, Ph.Uadelp4l4. ; ; 1'9014 :11(1VAT',.suet.—Ittat , '/I3CBIVE"dy. InvorEe CieAlibi • Importbd ) jbLy -Paira;, for sile bythel canon', b 103 BERT SlLONEd4arb , Slc alvpxygesv, g r . . . iCVErrY - irmitortiNt:-spozirrela /gay of Istand'a HentrAatare, end fmale by Ef...- . 4,....130VDEcEc & iall:nktEtßAPPla.-100 kelps of these splendid AP rit t e t w a th iinejaraerlanding endear sale by *00.4 101 Swab Delaware avenue THE DAILY EVENINGItULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1866. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE' 0 - . 4 CHAItLES HENRY FISHER, deceased.—JAß. . HERMAN; Anctioneer.-221.i - ACRES, PARS. street,or Wissahickon Avenue; f.amerly the property of "The Chestnut ill Agricultural Society.' Under authority of the Orphans' Court. for the City and Coun ty of Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAY,' April 18. 1596, at 12 o'clock, noon, will ho. sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA' EXCEL ‘NGE, the foilowing described Real Estatedate the pt operty of Chas. Henry lisher deceased, that certain tract or piece of land, situate in the late Township ofGermantown, now in the 22d Ward of' the City of Philadelphia, beginning on the northwesterly aide of a road lard out for the common - use and benefit of this, and other lots bouod. lug thereon. criled Wissahickon Avenue, thence along tL e sam e 39 0 , W. 27 perches to a stake set for a corner, thence with the line of land now cr late of Jesse Ilinckle. N. 51 0 , W. 2833' perches to a stone set for a corner, thence with the line of land conveyed to John A and George Howell N. 39 0 , E. 27 derches to a stake set tor a corner in the line of land next hereinafter de scribed; thence with the same S. 51 0 , E. 283 , .' perches to the place of beginning containing VI . acres and 10 perches of land, be the same more 'or less. • Also, All that certain tract or piece of land, situate in the said 22d3 Ward of the Lity of Philadelphia; begin. ning at a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thenceby the land hex einafter described N. 50 deg. 15 lain. W. 58 perches to a atone set for a corner, in a line of land now or late of Wendell Weyant. thence partly by the same and 'partly by land late of John Peters S. 39 deg. 95 min., W. 24.1 perches to a atone set for a corner of this and land now or late of John A. and George Howell; thence partly by the same, and partly by the lot herein first above described S. 50 deg. 50 min., E. 58 perches to another stone set for a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thence along the same N. 39 deg. 45 min., E. 24.1 perches to the place of 'Tinning. Containing 8 acres, 2 quarters and 37 perches of land. And also, all that certain tract or piece of land situate in the sate Twenty-second Ward aforesaid, beginning at a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thence partly by land of Peter Mnicon, and partly by land now or late of Enock Rex, N. 50 deg. 15 min. W., 58 perches to a stone set for Enocher, thence partly by land, now or late of the said Rex and partly by land of said Wendell Wel ant S. 39 deg. 45 min., W. 24.1 perches to a stone set for a corner, of this and the last above described lot; thence with the same 5.50 deg. 15 rain., E. 58 perches to a stone set for a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thence alone the same N. 39 deg. 45 min., E. 24.1 perches to the place of be c inning; containing 8 acres, 2 quer:era and 37 perches. Being the same premises which Mathias Ham and wife. and Augustus L. Ronnefort, by Indenture dated January 300 , 1854, Recorded. in Deed Book T. H., No. 131, page 24, granted and conveyed to John G. Locker, his heirs and assigns. Sir The above tract, to be sold as a whole, comprising in atl22 acres, 1 rood and 4 perches, is on the Wisahickon avenue, cr .Park street. near the Germantown turnpike, and is eligibly situated, affording b,aul(trul rites for buildingtnirposes. Ca - Tee improvements consist of a three story frame house, and 'stabling for 20 horses, the said stating has been but ned down. - 11S , "• Plan at the Auction Store. /Fe '3OO to be gala at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk, 0. C. P. C. HOLLIS, 1 Executers H. P. MIIIRHEID. J and Trustees. 'JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, m h,ap5,12. Store,422 Walnut street EXECUTOES' PaREM'•'TORY SALE.--Estate WE of JOHN GEsT, deceased.—JAMES A. PREF, MAN, .A uctloneer.--tincier authority contained In the will of the late John Gist. deceased en WED vEiDAY, Apr ll 18, 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA. XCHANG 1 , , the following described real estate, viz: No. 1. Two story BRICK tiOUSE, No 618 Fine street. All that certain brick mestuage and lot of ground, on the south side of Pine street, No. 613; containing in front on Pine street about 15 feet. and in depth about 160 feet (less a strip of ground within 7 feet or there. abouts. from the southeast corner of the lot, contain ing 2,1,.; feet in width, by 39 feet in length, held by - - Salter.) Eubject to the payment alp° per annum, part of ari at portioned grour d rent of dB per annum. Also, a lot of grourd In the rear of, and adjoining the said described lot, situate on the north side of Minster street, arid containing in front on said Minster street, 20 feet. and in depth 40 feet. Also tke right and privi lege of a passage way left open for the use of premises extending eastward across the adjoining lot, and thence northward'into Pine street. --- - . -Sir The above cc 11l be sold as one property, being 15 feet front on Pine street, :.`0 feet front on 311 roste r street, and 140 feet deep, illa - lßrCe absolute. No. 2. FRAME HOUSE, 1102 Locust street.—All that certain too-story frame me.rsuages and bake oven, a ood yard and lot of ground. situate on the south side or Locust street and west side of Prosperous alley, hetween Eleventh and Twelfth streets; contain ing in front oa Locust street 20 feet. and extending in depth southward along Prosperous alley 80 feet 4 inches. Excepting, however, the two frame mes suages situated on said Prosperous alley, rtaerved to Henry Id cabal], his heirs and astegns (now of Patrick Tiernan), with the privilege of the ground on which they stand for the same or other houses, and the right of way in the rear thereof, to the privy erected on said lot. Subject to a ground Tent of $4O per annum. agir Pos session in one month. xi- Sale at solute. gra- $5O to be paid on each at the time aside. By order of lizecutom JAMES A. ritEICMAIii. Auctioneer, mh23aps-12 Store, 42 Walnut street. (REAL ESTATE .— JAMES FREEM.A. - Auctioneer. On WEDNESDAY, April nth. laBs, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the FRILADELPHLS. F.XCHANGE, the following de scribedty, viz : No. I—Neat modern three four story BRICKISWF.LLINOS,Nos. 920,822 and 934 North Front street, North of Vine street. All that modern four-story brick messnage, with threeetOry back buildings sod lot sithate on the west side of Front street, north of Vine street, NO.= containing in front 17% feet, and in depth about 83 feet; with the common use of a 2 feet alley. N 0.2. All that modern fonrstory brick minstusge, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, ad joining the above on the north, being No. 322; contain ing In front 17 feet. and in depth about 82 feet; together with the privilege of said alley. No. 3. All that modern four-etory brick messnage, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground. at. joining the above on the north, being No. 324 ; contain ng in front 171x } feet; and In depth 90 feet to a 2 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. liar 'Mime dle te possession can be given of each of the above. thir ha late The above pot have the modernrepair. convenlenceS, and ve ly been in go al" EACH CLE od AR OF ALL INDCMS/LANCE. Bent for 8550 each. Noe. 4 ands.-2 THREE STORY BRICK DWELL INGS, Nos. 917 and 919 NEW MARKET Street. All that, modern three-story brick messuage, with three story back buildings, and lot of ground, east side of New Market street north of Vine street. No. 317. in front 13 feet 2 inches, and In depth about 64 feet 2 inches to a 2 feet alley. with the priv - Lege thereof: No. 5.—A1l that modern three-story brick mesSuage, with three-story back buildings ens lot of ground ad joining the abbve on the north, 12 feet 2 inches front, and in depth about 62 feet 2 inches. Mr The above have the modern conveniences, and are in good repair. 12,V• They rent for &e each. 94 — r Each clear of all ineumbrance. Immediate possession. AB' 000 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEM.A N. Auctioneer, ich29,5p8,12 Score 4Z:2 WainUt street. XECUTORS' SALE.—Fstate of ANDREW 1.1.120 EEYSER. deceased. JAMES A. FREE AN, Auctioneer. VALUABLE RUSIN }Bs PROPERTY, No. 272 South SECO'SD etre< t. Under authority con tained in the will of the late Andrew Keyser. deceased, on WEDNESDAY, April lath; 1866, at 12 o'clock, ur on, xt ill be sold at Public Hale, at the PHEL.A.DEL• PHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz—All that certaib three story brick - Store snd dwelling, and three story brick back buildings; with the lot of gronxid thereto belonging, on the west side of Second street, 20 feet 3 Inches northward from Spruce street, thence extending' westward 81-feet 3 Inches, thence southward 20 feet 3 Inches to the north side of Spruce street; thence westward along the tame 21 feet 5 inches, thence northward 50 feet, thence ens , - ward 105 feet 3 inches to the west side of -lecond street, and thence southward along the same 29 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning. The easternmost 4 feet 3 inches of this and th' adjoining property on the north, Is agreed shall be left out, in order io enlarge the foot way for the common use of the parties thereto, and not to be built on otherwise than for steps and cellar doom. • Aar The above is a teduabbe business location having been a store property for 25 years; the fixtures for a Dry Good's &ore are included in the sale The dwelibip por tion is well adapted fore bording house.nuith fine parlors in the second-story, all the modern conveniences, 44c. ire Miry be examinec let any time. gar Immediate possession will be given the put , chaser with the deed. ' . say- $6.00) may remain on mortgage, if desired by the purchaser. Atw- e2OO to be paid atthe time of sale. Sty order of Execu ors. - JAMES A. FREEM a N, AuCticrieer. . -rnh29 ap5,12 Store, 422 Walnut strebt. PUBLIC .SALE—JAMES - M FREEAN, E E. Auctioneer.—TEN and a QUARTER ACRES, EVIRFET, or WIRSAHICKON AVENUE, GERMANTOWN. On WEDNESDAY, April 18,- 1868, at 12 o clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de. F cri bed Real Estate, viz : All that piece of land in the Twenty•second ward, beginning at a point in 'he middle ()Parotid laid out.for public use, leading from the,Wiseahlckon to the Germantown turnpike; thence exten 'Deg along the middle of the said road the follow ing courses and distances. viz.: S. 49 0 81. W, 50 feet. S. 72 0 34.?, West 209 feet 4 inches R. 52 0 .124 West 177 feet t Inch ,S. 30 0 32?. W: 174 feet 10 Inches, and S. 21 0 80?, W. 101 feet to a point; thence extending by landbf Hiram J. Hartwell, S. 480 13?, E. 371 feet 10 inches. to a stone, N. 4 2 0, E. 17 feet 2 inches to a atone. and S. 48 0 , E, 298 feet 2 inches to a point in the side ofan old roadl perch wide, and crossing, the same, being aim the line of land late of Peter 13 in , kle, deceased; thence along the same N. 42 0 , E. 645 feet 9R, inches to a point. and thence re crowing the said road and extending by other land of Samuel H. Austin N. 480, W, 888 feet s inches to the place peicheso of begin land. ning; Containing 10 acres, 1 quarter and 81 f lisp The above tract is on the Wissahlcken Avenue or Park strret, about 1 frent the Germantown 2u:7e pike and is well located for building sites. Sas - 94,000 may remain on mortgage, if desired by the purchaser. 11/100 to be paid at the time of sale, - JAMES A. 'FREEMAN Auctioneer. inh29aps,l2 , . Store 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS' CCICTRT SALE—Estate of BAR BARA. NELLL, deceased.—JAMES A. FREE .anctioneer. 8-STORY BRICK 110118 E; No. 908 North THIRD. St. Under authority o' the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, On WEDNESDAY. April 18,1868, at 12 o'clock, anon. will be sold at' Public Sale, at the PHELADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the following described Real:Estate, late the - prolJertY`of Barbara Neill, deceased viz :—All that certain three-story brick messuage, with-the tw,r story frame back buildinge and lot situate on thewest eldeofThlrdstreet o. 9961,betwi.en ropier aud•Bea verertrects, Sixteenth Ward,,^ being 20 feet-front. - .oh Third street. and Irtbreadth oh the west end 16 fest, and extending in depthen the north line thereef.ahaut 115 feet and tn., the south line about 120 feet to a 8-feet wide alley leadleg ;Ipto :Poplar street, with . the use thereof. /Fr Clear efinCtunbrance. . . /Or ti,tohe paid at the timelof sale By the Court. • - ' THOMAS COCEIRANi - VruStee;•• JAMES A.-FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mh29,ap5,12 • • -- ' store 422 Walnutstrest. BEAL ESTATE. RV TS EtSTATE. fi.l REAL AT.E.:—JAMES A. FREE VIANT: Auctioneer.—Residence N 0.214 West WASHIGN, ,16r: Square, On WEDNESDAY. April 18, 1866, at 12 Cclock, neon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the Pall,' Al ELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following, described R. al kstate, viz: All that certain three-story brick dwelling. with basement and lot; of ground thereto Lelongirg, situate on toe .west side of Washington Square (No 214),16 feet from the north side of Locust hire et; 20 eet front, by 84 feet deep, with the use of a ibree feet six inch wide alley leading into Locust si reet. VD_ The above is a very desirable Residence, having a i the modern conveniences. It has been placed in More ugh repair, with new slate roof, entirely new modern stairway, mw doors, &c Painted and papered. la the most expensive manner, elaborately carved marble mantels, and handsome rose wood finished per= n anent washstands throughout, walnut front door, with plate glass vestibule doors, also plate glass win• down in first and second stories, bath room, new fur nace. rabge &c. $5,00 May Tremain on mortgage. sa:. Immediate possession given, on,,the execution of the deed. le,. May be examined at any time. Keys at the Auction Store. WI. The house is completely carpeted, which, to ðer ivitb part of the furniture, may ba taken at a valuation, 11 desired by the purchaser. le,„. *2OO to bepaid at the lime of sale. JAMFR A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ap5,12 Store 422 Walnut street, ra.pEREmpTPEREMPTORYSALE.—y A mVal A. • FREE, MAN ,Auc ioneer.—FAßM, MONROE COUNTY a. On WEDNESDAY, April 18, 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, withoutreserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the fallowing de scribed Beal Estate, viz: A tract of land with the two-story frame house thereon erected, situate in Bar rett and Paradise townships Monroe county, Penney!. vania; beginning at a stone on the line of land sur vey ed in the name . of Cornelius Dupue, thence by the same N. 50 0 , W. 80 perches to a stone, S. 400, W. 12.: perches to a stone, thence by other land of Richmond Compton N. 50 0 , W. 76 ;erches to a stone, N. 4Q O , E. 64 perches to a stone, thence by land In warrantee name of Jacob Cargiss S. st o , E. 76 perches to a stone, N. 400, E,104.4 perches to a stone: thence by other land of ItichmoLd Compton 5.11 0 ,E.86 perches to a stone,smo W. 124 perches to the place of beginning. Containing IEO acres and 64 perches of land. afir he improvements consht of a large new two story frame dwelling, and a new barn 40 by 40.. The land is arable. 25 acres being nnder cultivation. The property is about a mile from the Oakland Station, on the Delaware and Lackawana Railroad. Aar It will be sold without reserve. sir A perpetual Insurance for f 2,000 is included in the sale. jpar Tide Indisputable. Immediate pcssession. 5100 to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. ERETIM kW, Anet'r. Store 422 Walnut street. PERTaREIPTORY SALE BY ORDER OF HElRS.—Estate of ENOCH EICCARES, deceased ANES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. - US AND LOT, N. W. CORNER HARROW GATE; AND NICE] OWN LANES. TWENTY-I'IEIH WARD-- On WEDNESDAY. April 18,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without, reserve at the FHILADFLPELIa. EXCHANGE,' the following de scribed real est ate,lat e the property of Enoch 31cCiatiee, decal sed, iz: A stone meesnage and piece o 'land situ ate in the Twenty.finh Ward, beginning at a career on the nortnerly side of tne road leading from German. town to Frankford. thence extending by land of John J. Ridgeway N. 10, W. 14 31 perches to a corner stake. and thence N 89Y). E. 11' 53 perches to a stake on the side of Harrowgate lane thence by the said :tine 5.1,41'0, W. 14 as perches to a stake on the side of the first men tioned road, and thence by the same N. 8l ¢o, W, 6.8 peaches to the place of 'beginning. Containing 404 perches of land. 7L ere is a two and a half story stone house,with carriage house and stable erected on the above. The house has piazza In front, three rooms on first floor, exit four cn second floor, with two attics above, celled and plastered. Joey- (an be examined at any time. liar Immediate possession given the purchaser with the eiz cation Of tb , deed. Ayr It will be sold for what it will bring, Aar eIGO to be paid at the time of sale, By Order of Beira. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ap5,12 btore, 4:1 - 2 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE .— ESTATE OF ' CATHARINE STFFer, , deceased. JAMI .A TTT'3IAN, Adel loneer. Under authority of the Or phan4' Court tor the City and County of Phil . • Iphia. On WEDN SDAY, April 18, 1556, at 12 o'clumr, noon, will be sold at Putdic Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described heal Elstate,late the property of attherine Wel, deceased, viz.: No. I. HOUSE, SARAH street, above RICHMOND, 18th Ward. A two-and-a-half story brick messuage and two-story brick kitchen and jot, on the west side of Sarah street, 29 feet 10 inches north of Queen street, now Richmond, being 15 feet 4 Inches front. including half of an alley 2 feet 10 inches wide, and in depth 42 feet 4 inches. 2.-110 USE, Frankford road, above Otter street. A two story brick meesnage, and frame kitchen and lot altuate on the west side or the Frankfbrd and Eris. tot turnpike roads, at the distance of 376 feet northward from Otter street, containing in front 16 feet, and in depth 100 feet. Do. S-110USES. Denton street, above Otter street. Two-story frame houses and lot, on the east aide of Denton street, 875 feet northward from Otter street, containing in front 16 feet, and in depth 50 feet. /Or 00 to t e paid on each at the time of sale. • By the Court, E. A—MERRICK. Clerk O. C. GEORGE IMP CRT, Executer. JAMES A, FIIhEMAI 4 7. Auctioneer, nib 28 . 8 13 6.12 Store, ea Walnut street. gsSALE BY ORDER OF HEWS% —ESPA.TE, OF 4A3IES HUSTON, deceas. d.—JAECES A. FREE uctioneer.—On WEDNESDAY. April is h, 16E6, tit O'clock, noon, will be sold at Public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of James 'Huston. deceased, vir. No. 1. THREE FHA HZ ROCeE6I, Fifteenth street below Vine. A lot of ground with three frame houses thereon erected sit uate on the west aide of Fifteenth street, 90 feet 6 inchesnorth of Cowslip (late See) street, between Race and Vine streets: 30 feet • front on Fifteenth street by 120 feet deep to Path, late Pearl street rubject to an annual ground rent of p3O, Rents for floe. ire Terms cash. Itio.2.—FIVE FRAME HOusirs, Cowslip street. A t.of ground with tire frame houses thereon erected, eituate on the north side of Cowslip (late say) street, and WEST. eide of. Path. late Pearl street, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth, and Race and 'Vine .streets; 3) in front on Cewelip street, by 143 feet deep to a 13-feet wide street or alley. Subject to an annual ground rent of 10. Benin for ;SM. ,T,l co to be paid on each. at the time of aide, /Fr Terms cash. By order of Heirs. JAMES a. F. , E,EMAN, Auct'r. ap5,12 Store. 422 Walnut street. OlAria I RMA-NS' COURT' SALE.—EZTA.TE OiP THARINE M'CARTY. deceased.—JAMES t AN, Auctioneer, LOT. WISS &MICRON TURNPIKE. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phlladelphia,on WEDNES DAY. April 18, 1868, at,l2 o'clock, Noon; will. be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate late the property of Catharine It Carty, deceased, viz Lot of ground beginnhig at a stone set for a corner in the mi.:die of the Wissahickon Turnpike road. 175 feet feet southwesterly aide of the Germantown and Perki omen Turnpike road, thence extending along the middle °title said 'Wissahickon Turnpike road s. 41 0 itur. west IGO feet and extending of that width 8. 480 3P, E. 225 feet. rtClear of incumbrance. ILizo to be paid at the time of sale. y he Cot rt E. A MERRICK. Clerk. 0. C. ELLEN DONAVAN. d nit nI s tratr Ix. J. rtt Ps; A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ap5,12 ' Store, 422, 'Walnut Street .IE.- J.A.Aitt. , A- FREEMAN, *1 Auctioneer.—ON WEL NESDAY, April 25, 1846 t-12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHT ADELPIIIA FX.UHANGE, the following de scribed Real Estate, vizi—No. I. Dwelling 2019 Poplar street. all that lot of ground with the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, on the north side of Poplar street, 144 fierwest of Twentieth's street. 16 feet front, and bl feet deep to a 20 feet Street. House has gas, ratit ft ;2,500 may remain if desired. No. 2—Dwelling 950 St. John . street, all that lot of ground with the three-story brick .dwelling house erected thereon, on the eaststde of St. John street, 104 feet south of Beaver street; 15 feet, front, and 73 feet le inches deep. sir 11,600 may remain if desired, provided the pro perty be insured for $1,007. NH - glOO to be paid on each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, aps 12,19 Store, 4= Walnut street. PVFCLITORS' SALE.— Estate of PATRICK t yll]hFriaN,deceased. 7A11..b A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, TAVERN STAND.No.I= Filbert street. with houses on the rear, under authority contained in the will of the late Patrick, Median, dec'd: on WED NEbDAY, April 25, 1866, at 12. o'clock, noon will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following Aescribea-ltalt Ektate, : All that' certain lot of ground with the- four s-story brick houses thereon situate on the south side of Fil bert street It 6 'feet ease. of Eleventh street being 18 feet front - by: Meet deep trrEnnter street.- riubJect .to $ll2 per annum, ground rent. - , REir The above is an old , established Tavern:stand, three-stories high,' with .2 th.eeistory :brick houses in the rear,andla three-story Mick house No. 1019jHunter street. Afir $lOO to be paid at the time of eale. JOHN SEA Y, Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, aps 12,19 Store, 422 Walnut street. f i s • REAL ESTATE;—TAMES A. FREEMAN, Ancaoneer.—ROTEL AND THREE DWELL, 1u i 3, W. corner of Thirteenth and • Lombard streets. On WEDNES.I)AN . ,ApriI 18. 1868 at 12 o'clock, hoOrtiNvilhtesuld at Public 'Sale , the rill LAD Bic PIIIA EXCHANGE. the following. described ReAl .Estate, viz.; All that lot of ground with the improve; meats thereon at the S W. corner of 'Thirteenth and Lombard streets; 24 feet front On Thirteeoth streAand 80 Met. more or, less. on Lombartt street. Suillect tb $l6B gromd ent per annurn.- , Ca the, comer isa three-story brick hotel, and adinin {rig are three-Story brick houses: the whole rent to good tenants, far $782 per annum, and would readily bring mpre. Hall the purchase monet , aiay remain if desired. Agyliee tohe paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mit:Star 5,12 Store ',4 Walnut Street' SALE BY ORDER OF HElRS,—liatate of ::' SARAH C. GEE deceased. JA.IIiIEB A. PREE- N. Auctioneer- DWEL (4, - No. 535 Pine street. On WELIVEADAY, Aprlt 18, 18b6, at 12 o'clock, n 00.., will be sold at Public t.iAle,..rtt trie IPIIILADELPII (Ai EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, .All tl at certain three story late the propert) of SARAH C. GEE, deceased, viz: ground, situate on the north aide of Plroi street, (No. brick messuage and lot of 555), between .Tifth Streebii !COL/WI/lug in front on Pine street 17 feet. and to depth northward 78 feft, SubiecttoaS earl.v.gtound rent of ssl ‘ perannunif. Mir 610 .tobetifial at thettiroe of sale.. • BY ORDER OF HEIR`:}. igia.,&..F .51 - I TUANL._-Atictrotteer; - i 12129 1 4 312 • elete; YVIMOO strftet.. 110,48*0 .4TPAR4 . 1 10.' 1 6 SolathFßONT:Stsfer. - • 7 - . 'tfi Inquire) ON 28 StintliP9nt screek. 'DEAL ESTATE. K',- ORPHANS' COURT " BALE.—)'state of "41 , THOMAS S. DARLING, deceased. JAME-4 A. E , T , MAN, Auctioneer. ROXBOROUGH ERG. PERTIES. Under authority °rale Orphans' Cowl for the City and County of Philadelphia. On WEDNES DAY, A pril 25, ISO. At l 2 o'cl,clc, noon, will be sold at Pablic bale, at the PS T I. A T/ELPHIA EXtll-1 - NGE, the following described , eal - Estste, late the property ‘,l Thomas b Darling. deceased, viz—No. 1. HOUSE, Ridge Road, Twent) -firs; We'd. Alt that certain mes image or d lot of ground situate on the southeasterly side of the Ridge Turnpike road, in ,the late Township of Psotborough, at the-distance of 72. feet 8% Menai northwesterly from High street containing la front 17, feet 3% inches, and in the rear end 16% met, and in depth on the southeasterly:side 165 feet 6 inches, and on the northwesterly side 165 feet,. „ ilia' There is a two-and-a-half-stoty stone house con taming 6 rooms, and attics with kitchen, &c , erected on the above .ot. • No. 2. BILILHING LOT, Lyceum avenue. All • that certain lot of ground No. 12 in a certain plan of Upper lianayunk, situate on the southeastwardly sine of High street, now called Lyceum avenue 80 feet wide, at the distance of 71 feet 6 inches soutaweetwardly from the Eidge Turnpike road, _containing in front 50 feet and In depth between parallel lines at r: ht angles to said High street on the ncrtheast line 152 feet 8 inches. and en the southwest 'line 154 feet 5 inches. Ho. 3. HOUSE. Ridge Road, below High street. All that certain messuage and lot of ground number 13 in a certain plan of upper Manayunk, situate on the southwestwardly side of the Ridge Turnpike road and. southea.stwardly side of High street beginning at a apolutat the southwestwardly. corner of .High street nd. Ridge road, thence extending along Ridge road, F. 37 0 15 1 , E. 150 feet to a point, thence southwestwardly at right angles to said road about 77 fest to a point, thence northwestumrdly along the line allot number 12 at right angles to High street 152 feet 5 Inches to High street, thence nortneastwardly along High steeet 71 teet S Incbee to the place of beginning. There is:a two-story • frame house containing 5 rooms, and out-kitchen. frame Stabling, dic., erected cn this lot. . . No. 4. PROPERTY, Ridge road.. All that certain lot orgroundsituate on the southwest side of bidge roado.oo feet southeastwardly Man Spring street, in the Twenty first Ward, containing in front on Ridge road 40 feet and in depth on the southeasterly line 165 feet, and on the northwesterly line 163 feet 9 inches and narrowing from the fmnt to the rear, 34 met 3 inches: .. There is a frame stable and frame shop erected onthlslot sar tzo to be paid on each at the time of sale. Ey the Cont - t E. A. MERRICK Clerk, O. C JOHN K. HAMLIN. Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, auctioneer. ap5,12,19 • btore, 422 Walnntstreet. ,•1 PUBLIC SALE.-JAMES A. IFELICEBLAN, Auctioneer.. VALUABLE PROPERTIES, wenty-second Ward.- On WEDNESDAY. ApriV2s, 1166, at 12 o'clock. neso, a ill be sold at Public Sale. as the PR3LA DELPHI& EXCHANS K, the following described Roll Estate, viz: No. I—large :atone MAN SION, Walnut Lane. A. valuable property, consisting of lot of land, with V- e large stone mansion house. now occupied by Madame Clement as a young ladies boarding school; situate on Walnut lane, 348 feet;suath of Breen at ee', in ice Twenty second Ward; thence along . Walnut lane 159 feet. in depth 232 feet.. Tue mansion is lance and well adapted to he parpote for which It is now occupied, has 28 rooms, lambs, renges, heetera and ell whet modern co nveniences; sur rounded by fine abade and fruit trees, also stable and other out buildings. gar 06,030 may remain if des7red. Sal - Vet/ to be, paid when the property is struck off. o. 2.—BUILLIN. G LaT,Greett street. near Johnson attest. All that piece ox land, situate on Green street, 200 net south of Johnson street: 130 feet Dont, an.l ae) feet deep. jar * ,(00 may remain if deslrel. Alto to be paid at the time of sale. .No. R.-18 -DICES, WiLow avenue, Chestnut Hill, Montgomery county. A. trrct of 18 acres of land, am ate on' Willow avenue. o- Mermaid lane, halt a mile east of Chestnut Hill Hospital. end adjoining the Wale,. Cure est: bliehment. It wi!l b a divided, if p-e -!erred. into tracts off or sa! res. The projected Rail -way to conr Ect the North Yenna., with the German town Road, wilt pass alongi this land sir 11AD° may remain, if desired, on each tract of 4}, naps- Ara' Flans at the Auction Store. glOu to be paid on each. at the time of sale. J.LIILES d. P.REElLAN.Anctioneer, 81.5,12 19 Store, 922 Walnut 'treat. E . FOR S AIt.—TWO CONT RA:COTTMr. Houszs A t Atlantic City, near the Rafiroad Depot, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. e houses are modern, with PARLOR. ROOM, and KITCHEN on the first floor, and nine chambers above. ROBERT EVARD. near the Premises has charge of the houses, and will show them to any person wishing tw purchase. LOTS 50 feet front-15o~~feet~~de__epp to a street. Applv,to ROBERT Ci3URCHMAt7, =hi%dnWl No. 2..% on th Sixteenth st., Et FOR RENT—FIIBNISHED.--THE BESI DENCE of the late A. Bldermann, situated on the Kennett Turnpike, about miles from Wilming ton. Del. It contains large parlor, reception room, dining room and pantry and small room on first floor, five chambers, servant's rooms, d.c. Ica house tilled, stabling and carriage room; It is surrounded by. trees, Is a cool and healthy reet dence, and would be rented to a private family for not 1.a. , than !bur months. Apply to C. J. Dupont, Ir., Rokely, near Wilmington. Del. (mh29.tb.s.tu-lltt rtFOR BALE.—A VERY cacaos AND DESI RARLE FARM in the Twenty•third Ward, 10 . from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustleton, containing 90 acme. Improvements fine, and land in a high state of cultivation. with plenty of shade, fruit and water. and everything 1n first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be. to een 10 and 2. laWlzi.th,sa,tf SEGERMANTOWN IMiIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beautifully ' and conveniently anuated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A commodious and a' *Vast R.RwIDENCS with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-hone, 4c. Lot 150x213. Apply between 10 and 24 at SS North THIRD street. [tattl4 tOJ W. P. WILSTACH. Et o FOR S T.F—With immedlate possession a m three-story BRICK 01:1sE. furnished, Di o. 229 ]North TENTH street (lot Why 90 feet). The interior has recently been fitted up entire y anew by the owner. Ye a desirable residence for a private family. Will be sold with or without furniture. Apply at 719 CHEST. 1% UT street. aplOtt - SPRUCE STREET.—FOR SALE—A HAND -SOME four-story brick residence, za feet front, wit three-story &tilde back buildings, built and fi nished throughout in the best manner and in perfect o Ader, situate on the North side of Spruce street, west of Nineteenth. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, SOS Wal nut street.. Felt SALE.—The handsome threentory brim; Realdence,with three-story double back buildings —situated No. 1503 &PRUCE Street; has every modern improvement, and is In good order. Immediate pos. t:ssion given.—J. M. GUM- IRY & SONS, No. 508 Walnut street. EORSALF,--The fottratory brick Dweillag,with Zip threr.story back. buildines, and having every modern mnvenience; situate No. 219 North TWENTI. ETI.I street. Lot IS feet front by 95 feet deep. to a street. Immediate possession given.—J. bf. GUMMEY hOICS. 908 Walnut street. FOR SALE—The handsome four story brown stone RhSIDENCE, with three-story double back buddings, finished throughout in the best manner, kith extra conveniences. and lot 13i feet deep to a street. idtnate No. 1514 PINE street. .7 . . M. GUMMY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. rou, GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR 88. LE, it" with immediate possession. Commodious stone se,:alne rooms, lot 60 uy 22.5 to atnet, on East Washington Lane, tTo Equaret from station. Terms easy. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON. apll-4t* 119 Market street, Second story. , n TO LET.—STABLE AND OUCH .11013SE— RCAPE _Tr LANl.—Atttached to Thomas's Cottage, on afayette street. with excellent water. and In all other respects desirable for a private establishment. Apply to Executor, 28 South Eighth street or 303 Wal nut stree, 3d floor. apeetit{ fr FOR SALE—A three story brick Residence, a) feet (rent, with attics, three-story double back h dings and every convenience, situate on the north side of Clinton street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets. Lot 100 feet deep to a street. J. X. Gtrum - PY US Walnut street. fiFs.. FOR SALE—The handsome four-story brick Re=idence.• with three-story double back build ings, finished throughout in the best manner, with extra convenience. situate No. 183:1 Filbert street; Lot 117 (eft deep to a street. I.M. GIIMILEY & SONS, ins, Walnut street. R.4'FOR SALE—VERY LOW—A firstclass cor nerGROCERI STORE, at 'MARSHALL and D SON streets, Has all the modern Improve ments. Posseshion can be had. Apply to ROBERTS. 904 Franklin street. . apll-Sts A COUNTRY HOUSE, partly thrnished, beau=. fully sltuatedon the Brandywine, in Chester co., I m e from railroad station; to rent for the summer. Apply at 805 MARKET street, daily, from 10 tell, , • ar7,t4l aita FOR SALE.—Handsome residence and I acre of ground with every city convenience, and ap purtenance attached, on Cltelten avenue near Ger mantown. Pt ice sl4,teo. Apply to 7. H. WEEKS, 144 South Fourth street. • ap7-sts ic 7 a•UNTRY RESIDENCE FOR , BALE, near DARBY, seventeen acres, welt Improved: fruit an hade treed, fine Dwelling; modern conveniences. Apply to J. H. CURTIS dt SON,Real.Estate Brokers. 411 walnut. street. - EFOR SA LE, THE VERY DESIRABLE COEN try place of Mr. John Tonne. of twenty-rwo acres, near old York Road station, on the N. P. R. R. ap 11.10t* C. IL MIIIRHELD. EATLANTIC CITY.—FOR BALE.—THE hand , some and conveniently arranged tYttage, on neylvania Avenue, 'near the Surf. Apply to WM. WARNOCK, 1610 Master et.. or 2.4oNlarketat. faoll-st's .411 r TO REEILT—A •DESIRAB-E DWELLNG, ia.S 250 South ' THIRD street; ' back buildings; n•odern Immtvementa.-- Apply to ',T. H. OrtaTlS fi SONS,BeaI Ebtate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. 11T..91,1i UT STREET LO S-. FOR SALE-60 feet by V V 140 to astrtet, west of Nineteenth street opposite ;Rittenhouse square. Apply. to H. cußris 3°l%T, Beat Estute Brokers, 433 Walnutstreet. , %W. , . FOR SALE—A TWENTY .FEET FRONT Ea HOUSE, with modern improvement% For sale low. Apply on the premlses,No.4oB S. ELGEITEE NTH street. ap.3-12t* TO RENT--A furnished HOUSED, for sbc snonttu3 from the Ist of May next, in ~pruce Bra eat. above r9ad. Apply at No. 4 , 40 b St• ap7-8 tu,th,St*, • Fix• FOII4IENT—Fm. nished or unfurnished /Rinse, No. 717 South ,NrisitH street. APPLY to H 103} 1 .1D,. No, 2Q South Sixth street. ap4.lOR SVAMM. 17WANTED T4;O PISROBASE7 - .A. DESIR&BLE .DWEI,L MO 'en A rth;Twit or :Spruce streets, We or'Broad 'Street, oncress- -street:; Apply' to 1.12 f :CURTIS - t.ON; Rea? Estate. ;Brokers 433 .Wal.- i aatetreet„, ;‘ s halt • .., .• ILIE:. 4 SiN9. ORANGE:L - 40 0 p boxes . Sweet, Elessisa Ivo Orangesin prime order, labditg told for sale by BUSSLEB , dr, CO.. 108 S. DelaWitrefiTerdie. SHIPPING FOR NEW YOSK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The. Philadelphia and New York ExprOSS Steamboat Company. Steam Propellers leave DAILY from FIRST WHARF below MA BRET street, missing t • e rim in 24 HOURS. This Line connects with Goods and Eastern Transportation CompaniesfOrwarded direct to all points free of commission. Freight received at lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE do CO. Agetita, 14 South Wharves_ PhllactelphLs. JAS. RANA Agent, 117 Wall street. New York.- 4 6 - 11 M .; / 0 011 sos Tort. sTR • Maw LINE Dnucer. - 1:14; Fl2o2if ZANY PORT EMBY IVB DAT& FBOMPIPiEST.WTTARF _pntr..A.llELpgiA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews, will sail - from Philadelphia on Monday, April 16, at 10 A. M. The steamship ARIES, Captain Boggs. will sail from Boston on Saturday, April 14th, at 12 The line between Phlladelphis. and Boston new SAXONp th C e aptain Matthews, MO tons burthen, NORMAN', Captain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. A_TtLES, Captain Boggs, COO tons bnrthen. These substantial and well appointee ew will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippersgoods are requested to send Bills of Lading Witir their . Porfreight or passage, apply to H INB.Y WINSOB & 00.. 202 South Delaware avenne. ,FLIA .13.10B:MOND AND NORBOL.I3. SiTHAMEHTT. COMPANY. Th e tine steamships of this Line insure at the lowest rates and sail regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY azd SATURDAY. At Noon, Connecting With Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, forming the mast direct route ter the South and Southwest,. For freight or passage, with excellent accommods, eons, apply to North a p ed P. CLYDE & 14 Northamd South Wharves. 4,411 C M . NEW _IIIPP.ESS LINE TO ALEX " ANDBIA, Georgetown and Washington, Erb • . l lrt ..l '7;n7peake and Delaware Oanal, with connections at Alexandria Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street . every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents. W. P. GLIDE & CO., 14 North Wharves, J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge A Co., Agents at Alexandria. glat FOR Isi - EW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift, sure Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 5 Linea. connecting with all the Northern and Eastern _ • For frright, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to _ _ _ WM. M. BAIRD & CO., South Delaware avenue. : A d NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. --DELAWiLEIE and nisgRAPEAZI tiTtdß TOW-BOA.T. COMPANY. /LIEGES towed to and .from PKIILADELPHLII4 ILATEE-DE-GRACE, BALTIMORE, weimona l TON, and intamlidle points. P. CLYDE & CO._, Agents, No. 14 South Wharves Philadelphisi. Captain SOHN LAUGDELLNI, Superintendent KariCiLyhZo)l:4Aqvnle_6l YORINBODPB CALIFORNIA MUTER LINE. BALLING REOULAIILY AB ADVI3IIITIBED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swirl. Bare Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE t3TATE, Jacobs, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beautiful vessel is one of the sharpest and. • best vessels now loading, and having a portion of her cargo on board with large engagements, Will have quits despatch. For freight. apply to CO., mh231.1 105 Arch sired. gthFOR PROVIDENCE. H. I.—Ex - press Line.— The fine schooner SABAH, Benson, master, is now loading for the above port at Glrard's wharf, above Market street, and will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. -ap9 jg ra FOB LIVERPOOL.—WIth Qrdck Despatch.- The first class packet bark COBURG, Gibson, 211" M master having a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail as above. For balance of freight. or apply to Erma WRIGHT & SONS 115 passage. r0h1.44:f WANTED.—A Vessel to load In the Express . line to Boston. High rates and Wog des. Apply to DAVID ODOPER, 18 orth Wharves.' ape -St FOR KEY WEBT.—The brig G. T. WARD, Captain Lindsay, will be despatched for the above port in a few days. Portreight, apply to WORKMAN & CO., I.= Walnut street. m. 1119 CONSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Consignees of merehan. V ale per Br. bark DUNCAN, from Liverpool, will please send their permits on b Jard, at Shippen street wharf. or to the offlce of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on Saturday, the 14th inat.. when all goods not ptrmi.ted will be sent to the - public s sto treet. apl24tre& RETM4: 'WRIGHT &SONS, 115 Walnut eiOI4IBIGIVERS' NOTICE.--Consignees of merchan t/ dise per ship BRITISH LION, from- Liverpool, will please send their permits on board, at Shippen street wharf, or to the ()thee of the undersigned. 'ma general order will be issued on Saturday, the 14th mat., when all goods not permitted will be- sent to the public stores. PETER WRIGHT etc SONS, US Walnut street. apl2,3r, fIONBIGNEES' NOTICE—The schooner lEJ-TZ A.- tr BETH MAGEE, Magee, master, from Boston, is now diqrb are: tag her cargo at third wharfabove ISfaritet street. Consig.nees will please attend to the reception of their goods. DAVID COOPER, ' North „Wharves. • ;IMO ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting any of the crew of the ship BRI'l 15H LION, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will bepaid by the captain or consignees.. PETER WEIGHT SONS. 115 'Walnut street. spit-a ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTION lab against trusting any or the crew of the Br. bark D11NC..31, from Liverpool. as no debts of tbeir con traction will be paid by the captain or consignees. Ph TEE. WRIGHT &SONS, 115 Walnut Street. ap.2-tf Q. • - 'HIP SAXON, FROM. BOSTON.-Con {J stgnees of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send far their goods. onw landlo at Pine street Wharf. (ards-31.) =TRY WI:MR & 888. BARE M. E. CORNING, Hibberd. master,frona Lot:dim, will commence discharging Priday morn, log, 6th inst.. at first wharf below South street. Con 4 Bigness will'plecse attend to the reception of their Leads. EDMUND-A. SOLIDER & (XL, No, 3 Dock,. street wharf: . ai*tat 11 OTICE.—AII 'persons we hereby notified not to trust the crew of the Swedish brig PYLAD, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain - or consignees. WOREILAIi;dt C0.,1M Walnut st. natal NNOTlCE—Allpersona are bereby cautioned agalast trusting any of the MEW of the Br. bark COBURG, Gibson, master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. mhl7-d XTOT/CE.--All persona are hereby cautioned against .1.1 harboring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DENMARK. as no debts of their contract, in will be paid by captain or consignees. WORE -144 a:, Co.. Consignees. 123 Walnut street. SHIP NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned: L. 4Mt trusting any of the crew of the Br: ship la, , whereof Cann is master, from City Point, Va. as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. 13017 DER CO4. Bock street wharf. . JAB. B.BBINDLEB., successor to JOHN BH:LNDLEB dr. BONS, Bail Makers, No. 300 Muth DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. • All work done in the beit manner and on tae lost en , and most favorable terms, and warranted to are pox, feet sati.fteton. Parldenlar attention given to reosirinir.. ' ' • • . 7COMPTIICILIGER'm UMW& fiIIREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF COMP -A- -TROLLER OF. CURRENCY,,.WAsernsop3s. March Soth, 1866. Whereas, B satisfactory evidence presented to ,the undersigned, it has been made to appear' that " NATIONAL BANK OF THE 'REPUBLIC 'OF PHILADELPHIA." in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under, and' according to the re quirenients of the act of Congress,- entitled "An act to provide a National Currency, seemed by a v e d ge o f united States Bonds, and M provide for the Circula tion and Redemption theredfi" - approved 1nne1d.1564, and has complied_with all the'provisions of said act re quired to be complied with, - before commencing the business of Bankingunder said act: Nolo. therefore. I, Fit eraan 'Clarke; ComPtroller'of the Currency, do hereby certify that THE NATION AL BANK OF - THE REPUBLIC OF PHILADEL PAIA," In the city of Philadelphia. In the, county of. Philadelphia, and State ofTenusyrtmnia, is authorized to commence the business of Barildng under-the act aforesaid. , , r-L-, In testimony whereof witness mytiand tind j' aiwa 18e 6 1 of attic% this thirtieth day of Marta.' 1866. t I ' /MEN m4ll CLARKE, Imbsll;mySOF.l Pomptroller. rffiVl: - sllrlM.)ffilffM7pll 25 0=11 16 21217-EgafZe 8 17b E RT v t r , 6 9 0 V a ii CO„ No. 708 .131 arket, Street sp2-IW, f'LUE, • GLUE, , GLUE, GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, VI hutted to .each particular. manuracturer. Cu , led Hair, Curled Hair, Curled Hair, or various grades and Prices. , • ' ' ' Emery Paper and Sand Paper, a large quantity on `hand. ' .. ' , Neats' root OIL stirictly I tire; Toques, Barts.Elgebs• elnga, &c. CRAWFORD & 0..? , . , sp2-11;of _ , No '706 Market - street.' - .............. OsT Avm; FOT L!? LOST OR BTOLF.N--RIX PER GENT. STOOK .OF. TgEk CITY OF. PRI.U&D.F.E,PETABODS:, No. Ists; ibi one Thousand Do ll ars. . •F o. 7864, 1 for Fifteen Ounored DoatiLEQ ri . 1A1) , -persons are sauttoned naninst , Aiege a ag-the above-mentioned Bonds, whicti - JuVe been 'cleat *.or stolen. application b gtreeri -made O3ithe Treasurer ofthecity , fornew certittoeies, 1 -4.nr.irt.cormag ou .th a s. Will tend to the recovery Of tbe abovsment tidied Bonds will be received by.,Iii.A.IniTiIi , REN.NEW;IOI2 , II, kpring Garden street r Fblladelphla; aps-th