Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 12, 1866, Image 3
FORUMiII MONROE. Rigid Quarantine. Establishedt-Rarine Disasters. FORTRESS MONROE, April 10.—Instruc tions were received here to-day from Wash ington, D. C., by Colonel A. P. Blunt, the Assistant Quartermaster at this port, to charter the steamer Eliza Hancox for the purpose of acting as a quarantine steamer during the coining warm season. The cruis ing grounds of the Hancox will be in the vicinity of the capes of Virginia, and all - vessels coming from the West Indies will be rigidly dealt with. The Eliza Hancox is sdmirably fitted for the duties of a quaran tine vessel, and arrived here but a few days .2go from the coast of Texas, where her sea going qualities, during last winter, were subjected to the severest test. The plans for an effective quarantine of all vessels arriv ing from infected ports are being rapidly matured, and no doubts of their timely and successful results are entertained by the military and medical authorities of this post, - who have charge of the matter. The following order in relation to the qua rantine has just been issued: HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DISTRICT OF FORT MONROE, VA., FORT MONROE, March 25, 1866.—Genetal Orders, No. 4.—1. In pur suance of General Order No. 14, headquar ters department of Virginia, all vessels, in cluding naval vessels and Government transports, together, with, their officers, 'crews, passengers'and cargoes, from any of the West India islands, or from any port in fected with cholera, entering the Chesa peake Bay or Hampton Roads, whether bound to any port or place in this depart- Invent, or to any other port or place in said bay or any river flowing ante said bay, will be subjected to a quarantine of fifteen days, and will be thoroughly fumigated. If cholera has occurred on board during the passage or after arrival, the vessel will be quarantined for the space of fifteen days from and after the termination of the last case, and will be thoroughly fumigated. 11. All vessels above described, on enter ing Chesapeake Bay or Hampton Roads, will anchor at the quarantine grounds in the centre of which a yellow buoy will be placed, Willoughby Spit light-ship bearing south by east, and Old 'Point Comfort light-house bearing west by south. On anchoring they will raise the ensign to the topmast, and there remain until examined and discharged by the health officer. 111. A quarantine guardship will be sta tioned so asto hail and give orders to all vessels passing up the bay or into Hampton Roads, and a suitable steamer will be fur nished for the use of the health officer. IV. General Order No. 2, C. S., is hereby revoked. By command of Major-General Miles, H. S. GANSEVOORT,. First Lieut. sth Infantry and A.A.A.G. By the arrival of the schooner Pacific here late yesterday afternoon, from Fronitera, Mexico, with a cargo of logwood and ma hogany,. bound to New York, the following marine intelligence was received: The heavy northerly storm which raged with unusual violence on the gulf coast of Mexico during the latter part of February and extending into March for three days, proved exceed ingly disastrous to the shipping around the bars about loading with cargoes for other ports, some eight vessels being totally wrecked, and several others seriously damaged. The Tobasco bar, leading from the river of the same nameywas completely closed by the violence of the storm for the period of twenty-three days, so that vessels drawing more than five feet of water had to -have their cargoes discharged to a certain extent and lighter over it. The following is a list of the vessels totally wrecked : English bark Caxmen, hailing from Turk's island, at Laguna, was light, bound to Frontera for cargo. • Brig Star of Hope, of Boston (said to be I insured in the Columbia Insurance Com pany of New York), twenty months old, -driven ashore nine miles eastward of • Tobacco bar had just finished loading a cargo of mahogany. English brig Cyclone, of Prince Edward's island, light, bound in for a cargo, was on the 6th of March driven ashore on Chitte pique bar, thirty miles west of Tobasco bar. Schooner William Cousins, of Prince Ed ward's island, caught fire by the overturn ing of a lamp, and together with a cargo of logwood for New York, burned to the water's edge. An English brig and two schooners,names unknown, are also reported lost, near Los Bocas. The following named vessels are re ported as being left in port when the Pacific sailed• Brig Julia, of New London, was ready to sail with cargo for New York. Brig Star of Peace, of Boston,was loading at Chittepique bar, for Hamburg. Schooner A. Richards, from Bolton, with logwood and mahogany, for New York, spoke English schooner J. W. Bickford, from the West Indies, fourteen days out, bound in for a cargo. A French steamer, named the Tormentor, keeps up the main tenance of the blockade off Frontera, but vessels of aft nations pass in and out at lei- sure, and were subject to no inconvenience except paying double duty, one at Frontera and the other at Tobasco. The Pacific brought up about a dozen of the men of the wrecked vessels, and put in here to replenish her stock of provisions. The Pennsylvania Legislature. LCLOELIS OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] SENATE.—The following were passed : Extending the time of the completion of - the Wissahickonf Roxborong and Plymouth 'Railroad Company. Incorporating the Birmingham Coal Corn '.pang.' Adjourned. Afternoon Session.—The supplement to 'the Revenue law, placing State Bonds upon the same footing in regard to taxation as national banks, passed. The section authorizing banks to charge seven per cent. interest was defeated. The bill to continue the Board of Military -Claims was defeated. The bill preventing the spread of disease, having been amended to include sheep, passed. A resolution, appropriating $5,000 towards paying the expenses of the flag reception in Philadelphia, on the Fourth of July, was -adopted. Adjourned. HOUSE.—An act to authorize the Gover -nor to purchase ground for a new magazine, - near Harrisburg, and to appoint four watch men for the same, was passed. Afternoon Session.—The following bills were passed: Allowing companies chartered under the mining laws of 1854 tofiell bonds below par. Appropriating $5,000 to defray the ex penses of presentation of State regimental flags on Fourth of July next, at Indepen dence Square, Philadelphia. - Authorizing courts to cha'nge the place of holding elections in boroughs. Mr. Donnelly moved to appoint a commit tee to obtain four banners in honor of Gene ral Butler's visit to the House to-night, to be inscribed to the hero of Big Bethel, Fort Fisher, Dutch Gap Canal, and the battle of Petersburg. Mr. Lee moved to amend that the gentle man who offered the resolution should carry the banners with a Fenian badge in the but ton-hole in his coat. Mr. Headman moved that a committee be appointed to inquire or the Mayor of Harris burg whether it was legal for the House to exhibit 'a beast without license. All the above motions • were declared on of order. ' . Thee amendment to the Revenue law passed finally, as published several days since, the section allowing banks to charge seven per cent. interest to be struck out. Adjourned. EUROPEAN NEWS BY THE ASIA. HALIFAX, April 11.—The steamship Asia has 42 passengers for •Halifax and 51 for Boston. The City of Cork sailedsimultaneously with the Asia. The steamship Erin arrived at Liverpool on the 30th, and. the Java at Crookhaven on the same day. HALIFAX, April 11-5 o'clock P. M.—The royal mail steamship Asia has arrived at this port, with Liverpool advices of March 31st, by way of Queenstown on the Ist inst. The steamship Arago, from New York, arrived at Falmouth on the 30th. The steamer Hibernian arrived out on the 31st. The English news, political and general, is very meagre. The German difficulties are still increas ing, but no actual hostilities have occurred. The military preparations are actively Pro gressing. General Benedik has been ap pointed the commander-in-chiefof the AtIA 7 trian forces. The Vienna Debatte asserts that the west ern Great Powers intend to-present identi cal notes at Berlin deprecatory of war.. It is stated not only that a convention. but a formal treaty of alliance has been con cluded between Italy and •Prussia. Von Bismarck is said to have addressed a circular despatch to the Prussian ambassa dorkfat the Courts of the great Powers, di recting them to protest against the extraor dinary:armaments of Austria. A• telegram'from Florence says considera ble armaments are stated to - be in course of preparation in Italy. - The editor of the Paris Opinion Nationale states that he had received a visit from Ste phens, the `Head Centre of the Fenian Broth erhood, who announced his intention to de part for America. GREAT BRITAIN. Advices,from Plymouth say that orders have been received there to expedite the preparation for sea of - a half-dozen war ves sels. The conclusion is drawn that they are intended for the gulf and river St. Law rence. The New York, Newfoundland and Lon don Telegraph Company have contracted with the Telegraph Construction and Main tenance Company of London for the manu facture and submersion this summer of two cables, one across the Gulf of St. Lawrence from Newfoundland to Cape Breton, and the other between Prince Edward's Island and Newfoundland, and for the repair of the present cables, so as to have two cables for the prompt transmission of all messages. FRANCE. The weekly returns of the Bank of France show an increase in cash of over thirteen million francs. The Paris correspondent of the London Times writes that Prince Napoleon has left Paris for Italy, after having several inter views with the Emperor. It is whispered that he is intrusted with a mission to Victor Emmanuel, which could not well be con fided to any inferior personage, and has reference to the state of affairs between Aus tria and Prussia. The correspondent adds : "I find that per sons who, up to the present moment, have refused to believe anything likely to disturb the peace of Europe would occur; their views now of the future are gloomy enough, and they think theconilict between Austria and Prussia all but certain." The London Times of the 30th, remarked editorially, that there was too much reason to fear that the peace of Europe was about to be broken by a most unnecessary war; but on the following day the Times re marked: "We cannot persuade ourselves that Aus tria and Prussia, however fiercely they may wrangle, will actually fight. They have been on the verge of hostilities before with out coming to blows. - v 41 can hardly avoid thinking, therefore, that they will find some way out of the present quarrel, desperate as it appears to be." It is reported that Count Mensderff, the Austrian premjer ' has made a positive statement to the Russian Ambassador at Vienna, respecting the movement of the Austrian troops, not concealing the fact that Austria must be prepared for any extreme resolutions that might eventually be taken by Prussia. The Vienna papers report that Austria will not take the aggressive. It'is reported from Venetia: that the commission of Aus trian engineers is making a minute inspec tion of the numerous forts along the line of the Adige, and that the soldiers on the re serve on furlough have been called in. A telegram from Berlin asserts that the mobilization of two army corps will be im mediately proceeded with. The Government of Weimar has replied evasively to the Prussian circular despatch, and claimed Federal intervention in the question. HOLLAND. Baron Von Hall, Minister of State and an Minister of Finance, is dead. INDIA. CALCUTTA, March 26.—The budget for the year has been announced by the Finance Minister. It shows an estimated deficit of £72,000. The duty on saltpetre has been advanced to three per cent. ad valorem. No new taxes are imposed. The public revenue is pronounced to be in a prosperous con dition. Latest via Liverpool. LIVERPOOL ' March 31.—Evening.—The German difficulties continue warlike. Count Von Bismarck had a long conference, on the 29th, with Count Karoliji, the Austrian Am bassador to Berlin. Orders have been issued to place three di visions of the Prussian infantry, the whole, of the Sixth Army Cords ) and several other regiments upon a war looting. It is also stated that orders have been given that the Prussian war vessels at Kiel shall be prepared for active service. The Vienna Abend Post asserts that five Russian army corns have received or ders to hold' themselves ready for actiVe service. The Latest, via Queenstown. LIVERPOOL, April I.—The . German diffi culties are still increasing, butno actual col lision has occurred. Military preparations are actively - pro gressing. Gen. Benedik has been appointed Commander-in-chief. PARIS, March 31.—Thee Bourse is heavy rentes closed at 67f. 40c. CALCUTTA, March 22.—The import mark 7 ets are unchanged. Freights 455. Loin:tow, March 31.—The Brazilian mail has arrived bringing advices from Rio Ja neiro to the 11th of March. Exchange was quoted at 241®25d; Coffee, 711100@711300 reis; stock in port, 120,000 bags. ' • BAHIA, March 15.—Exchange, 2131 d. The steamer Estramadura arrived on the 15th. LONDON MONEY MA RKET, - The London Stock Exchange was the only mai ket open on the 31st. The following were the closing quotations: Consols, 86}(4)86i; Enited States Five-twenties, 70@7.01; Erie Railroad, 55@551 ; Illinois Central, 79i@)80. AMERICAN. SEC BrriEs.—Baring Brothers report the market steady and quiet. 11. S. 5-20's n@7ll. Illinois Central Railroad. 80@84; Erie Railroad, 55.1(4)55i, Massachu setts 5s 85; ,Pennsylvania bs 58©60; Mary land 68 68@70. The weekly return of the Bank of Eng land shows a decrease in bullion of £92,000 sterling. New Coal Railroad. HARRISBURG, April IL—lt is understood that a corps of engineers will commence surveys for the route of the Anthracite railroad within a few days, the southern terminal point being on the river Delaware, below the city. The stock books, will be opened within a month in the cities of New York, Boston and Philadelphia, and the managers of the enterprise chino to have THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 12,1866. cured the aid of such financial parties as will insure the building of the main line of road from the Schuylkill coal fields to the Delaware, as well as a branch road for the direct trade between Schuylkill county and New York. This branch road will also form part of a new through route connecting the Philadelphia and Erie railroad with New York city. P. S. PETERSON di CO. P. B. PETWION & CO., 39 South Third ~.treet. Stockr, Bonds, ete,, ito., Bought and Bold at Board of Brokers. Liberal Premium paid for COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. Interest allowed on Deposits. fe9-tf e .254. 11 : 0 0 \ SPECIALTY. 31 SHIM RANDOLPH & _CO., _BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 Smith Third at., I 8 Nassau streak Philadelphia. I New Yaric. STOCKS AND GOLD ROW= AND KIM ON= 001013HaMt. INTEREST. ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. al 5-20 7 3-10 COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street, $7 .500 MORTOAOETE Olg adr A F 3 I I II.ZBL A4 W. , Ledger Office. spO-2q, 51.500 —A WELL-SECURED GROUND BENT of this amount for sale. Apply to JOS. BALL, 51 North Sixth street. apio-st* $20,000 AND mortgagee. BUMS TO LOA.N ott mortgage. by J. H. MORRIS. Ims ...orth Tenth street. .aplo-4t. Cr - Hdo• A. COOKS, IS SELLING PRESTON COAL Which is the very best Schuylkill Coal coming to this market, perfectly clean and nee of state, deliverable to any part of the city, at r; per ton, Egg and Stove sizes. Also, the genuine EAGLE VELN, same size& same prices. Orders received at No. 114 fi.THIRD Street. Emo rium No. 1314 'WASHINGTON Ave. mhl3 Iml TIIVI:M.IN ISt Sr, 1... - X 7 ][4 - E, COAL Y4RD., S. E. cor. T hirteenth and Willow Streets PEITLADKLPHIA. /rirOrders thankfully received and promptly exe cured. Blacksmiths' Coal constantly on htmd. mhl4.lrat Eagle Vein Coal. STOVE. fi 00. CHESTNUT. $6 00. At J. S. 7ENEINS• COAL YARD. mb2B-Im* S. W. cror..N=l.l and WALLACE Sta. THE TREMONT WAS. COMPANY are now ready I. to receive oraers for the several sizes of their cele brated LORBERRY ASH COAL. It is the determina tion of the Company to take special pains in the pre paration of their Coal so that It shall be of the beat quality. Reliable arrangements are made for ship ping to all points, east and south. Orders for the pre sent, sent to their office. No. 23 EXCHANGE BUILD• INGS, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to, GEO. SANDERSON, President. A. B. Ectr - am, General Coal Agent. ' PHILADELPHIA. March 15. 1866. 13:11117-8.111.1hi8tl S. SEASON MINNS. PBX, UNDRRRIGNSED yrl.ll A/That /lON TC L their stock of Brick Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Monatain, .vhlch they are prepared to sell at the lowest marks rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BM:3, Franklin Usti Lute Building, SEVICNTH street, below Market. wl3 be promptly attended to. BLNES A ff SHEAFF, _ ses, Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkill. nOAL.--813DAB LOAF'. BEAVER MEADOW ANL V Spring Mountain, Lehigh Coal, and beat Locust Mountain flume Schuylkill, prepared expressly fru family use, Depot, N. W. corner M= and WIL D LOW streets. 0203, No. 112 South SECOND street. mhgl 3. WALTON & CO. L.FjM".[A.' l :Laa ; ljU DL LADOZru s, DLOIOND . DEA L ER & JEWELER, WATCREO, JEWELRY SILVER WARE, 'WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIEED. 802 Chestnut St.,Philt Owing to the decline of Gold, has made Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, &c The public are respectfully Invited to call and ex amine our stock before purchasinc elsewhere. jalltf IDOR SALE TWO HUNDRED SHARES OF .L" Cambria Iron Company. Stock. Address, P. O. Box 1706. , aplo.Bt• BOTILIC MOULDS .— Bottle Moulds' for Flint and Green Glass. [apC. SOISTM , S.W.S. W corner of Yorkavenue and Noble street. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. Ab4\ brlliasgrLeall'anvicTetiLil4 Bun Um ' 44 r4C .k • rams., Sunshades and Child! "4‹ . ren's Parasolti, at reduced prices, at 1: 1 ' ORLEY'S Old Stand. SG, VINE St. Etp9-11ns non gmar,—.A. copper STILL, Tor Alcohol; in coin plate order. Apply to JOHN' O. MAXIM A OM, 1 n& Market street USTATE OF GEORGE RUBRICS., DECEASED. 123—Letters testamentary upon the estate ofGEORGE EMEBICK, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, all persons Indebted to said estate will make pa) ments to, and those having claims upon it, will present them to ALBERT. G. EMERICK, Exenutor, 607 North leventh street, or to lila Attorney J.D. itODNEY, 623 Walnut Street. ratamlkstl IFIN,EINCIMI._ COAL. a great reduction in price of hie large and well assorted Stook of FOR SALE. LEGAL NOTICES. LIQIIOBB. RICH ' PENISTANS. Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHLI. Established for the Sale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard Penistan's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brow Stout, Now so much recommended by the Medical Faculty for Invai. 61- 25 PER ( DOZEN, . (These Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being of the very 'best rilty, it mart ba amnitted the price i ttl e f) ceedi t x :l s ge oiti without Wart Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,ito.,‘ Wairanted pure, at the lowest possible rates; by tin Bottle, Gallon;or Cask. OHAMPAG3GIB of the best brands offered lows) han by any other house. On Dratsthtand in Bottles, _ . PURE GRAPE JUICE. This is an excellent article for Invalids. It is a sore cure for DY3PePolo. HAVANA 01463313. OLIVE OIL, P 10111,303, 5A130329, • sAaDrass ast London and Dublin Porter and Brown Stoat—E , nlist and Scotch Alen. dentin BAY BITM, JUST OPENED, Penistan's 13ra,nch. Ale, Wine and. liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Bear Entrance on Bank street. Inhl9 HER MAJESTY\ 1 CHAMPAGNE, IJ-.. 7._ 3D 151 EOM nom $l., SOUS AGENT. ~ 11 - 17131113.—The attention of the trade is solicited VT the follovring very choice Wines, a 23., for sale b JOSEPH P, BUNTON, No. 151 South Front stmer above Walnut MeDIGHAS—OId Island. 8 years old. SlGol.ll.lPS—Cunpbell & Co.,ingle, double an, triple Grape, E. Crewe & Sons, Rudolph, Topa:, Rita Spanish, Crow and F. Valletta. PORTS—Vallette, Vinbo Velho Real, Denton our Rebello Valente & Co., Vintages 1886 to 1286. CLARE S--Cruse F ile Freres and St. lestephe Cisat eau Lon , t • y. VERMOVI3'H—(3. Jourdan, Rrive& 00, MUSCAT—de Fronti:.van. "Go AMPAGNES IrrOn.7. lden e de CH Venoge, Her Majesty and Itnyal Cabinet and .o Star tha favorite brands. CHAMPAGNE—PIPER lIELDSIECK, constantly on hand: for sale by ALERELCO, Sole Agent.for this State, rolslS-Im* 140 Sonth Front street. Lind B o W W hl cefo rlota eb RP W IC h IDD L TON, 5 North FRONT Street. till GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKER, AGENT FOB THE FRENCH PLATE GLASS COMPLNIES. INEPORTKII OH English, French and German Window and Picture Glass And Looking Glass Plates M.A.III7FAZTIIRER OF American Window, Picture and Oar Glap Ornamental and Colored Glass. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, ma • :.• a :• MILLINERY GOODS. 726 cnria - suT STREET. We are prepared to offer to WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOYERS OUR SPLENDID STOCK OF MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, AT A VERY LARGE REDUCTION FROM RECENT PRICES. Onr stock includt a all the latest shapes of STRAW HATS ghI7NETS AND GYPSIES. BONNET MATERIALS OF EVERY KIND, IN EVERY SHADE. RIBBONS, - ALL WIDTHS AND COLORS, TO MATS MATERIALS. FINE LACES. ILLUSION NETS, ac., &c ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, OF THE CHOICEST AND MOST DESIRABLE STYI ES. We solicit an inspection of our stock, and do not doubt that for completeness of assortment and mode ration ot prima it cannot be equaled. Give us a call. WEYL h Rosszurvni, No. 726 Chestnut street. Mrs. R. Dillon, a' 323 and 331 South Street, has a handsome assortment of SPRING MIL LINERY; Misses' and Infanta' Hats and Caps, mbme ets,Ve Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, 'Flowers, es,as-ami S=TinVen'Tlili-R'PiLrTriELAfigll7; Spring and Sommer, ON THURSDAY, April sth. ap3-12t* HAIR RESTORATIVES. p DIOS Z-4 DO CIP4IIII INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE ! This is no Hair Dye. It will cleanse the scalp, and thereby promote the growth of the hair. If the hair is dry, stiff and lifeless. it will give it s softness and lively youthful appearance. If the hair Is becoming thin, weak and falling oft, It will restore Its strength and beauty. lithe hair is gray, or becoming so, it will restore it to Its original color without staining scalp or head. It is free from all impurities or poisonous drugs. It is no hair dye, but an infallible restorative, and will do all that is promised, when usedby the directions. BOLD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY ROBERT FISHER, Sole Agent, No. 25 North IVth, between Chestnut and Pine, St. Louis Agent for Pennsylvania MOTT &CO 218 North Second street. Phi Ma. islB am! EDIJOATION. FRMATN COLLEGE. BORDENTOWN, N. J. A few vacancies for the summer term, commencing April isth. For Catalogues containing terms etc., Address Rev. JOHN H. BRA-RELY, mhl44ma President, EN FALL SESSION OF N 313.8 ARROPPiI Tr. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES will corn mence on Wednesday, September lath, 'at' hon residence, corner of Poplar and Sixteen t h streets' Philadelphia. Rionganiscize:—Bev. o.lhalen Hare, D. D., Rev. Themss.Bralnerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, mot late President of Girard College. Iyl7-Iy+ AUCTION SALE S. B SCOTT, JR., ercruomob rivi - - 1020 TNU'r street SALE OF FINE AGATE, BARDIGLIO AND CAS TELLIEN AVASES, CARD REOEFVFJ*A, Ill&all ET FIGURES. BRONZE FIGURES, ALABASTER OOLUAINS L &c, &c' all of recent Importation. • • •• ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 13. At -11 o'clock, at eott , s Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, will be sold, an Invoice of the above named fine articles, just landed, from Europe. Will be waived for examination on Thursday afternoon. 10,BILIP MORD dk .a.IICTIONEKES , No. SA NATOIRT street SALE OP 1900 CASESBOOTS AND SHOES. ON MONDAY 31ORNING, APRIL le, Commencing at 10 o'clock, we will se ll by catalogue, fbr. cash, 1300 cases Boots, Shoes, BrOgang, Congress Boots. Busking ; Slippers, Side Lace Gaiters, etc., et,C., cozaprlteng a garkezal assortment of goads. A 1134711.016 SALES. TH s BIAS de SONS, AUCTIONEERS. ' Nos. 135 and 141 South FOITETH street. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE At the Exchange,nvery TUESDAY, at 12 o'cloa noon. jar :Handbills of each- property issued seMately, and on the Eaturdav previous •to each sale 2000 Cats lognes in pamphlet form, giving fan r: es cri p titans. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Printed catalogues., comprising several hundred thousand dollars, including every description of city and country property, trom tbe smallest dwellinge to the most elegant mansions, elegant country seats, farms, business proterties, &c. _ *4" FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store EVERY THURSDAY: , - Jar Particular, attention given. to sales at Private Residences, &c. STOCES, &c. , • ON TUESDAY, APRIL 17, • At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, For account of whom it may concern. - 3 shares Farmers' and Mechanics' Land and Building Association (Gratz Estate.) • 36 shares Dianayunk and Flat Rock Turnpike Road Company, 8 shares Bedford and Stoystown Turnpike Road Co. 3 shares Delaware County National Bank. . 16.50 Coupon Bond Allegheny Railroad and Coal Co. 8 shares Philadelphia City Passenger Railroad Co„ th sr d Sixth streets.) . $1 100 coupon bends BaltiMore Central Railroad. . 1760 shares Amber Petroleum Co. . 6457 shhres Sheetz Farm (RICO. - • • 1200 shares Rush Farm Oil Co. SIGN AL FLAGS. - • Also, 16 new signal flags. May be seen at the a.uc. tion 'rooms. • • • - . , RIGHTH SPRING SALE, APRIL'I7. . Peremptory Sale---TWO-STORY, BRICK DWPLL ING, N.,"W. corner of Coates and Beach sts. Sale abeolute.‘ : - • Same Est,. te-6 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELIr 'NOS, Nos. Ss, 85, 87, S 9; 9i. and 93 Coates st; adjoining the above. , They win be sold separately. Sale alma- ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 12 ACRES, Chester 'roaci, about 'half a mile south of DarbY—Handsome Stone - NT .slon, with tne modern conveniences, large Stone Earn, Tenant House, Ice House, (filled) Ora, ery &a. Immediate possession._ . Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of John Ash, deed-2 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, east aide of Eighth at. north of Catharine. Same Estate-3 shares Delaware County National Bank. Same Estate—ssso Allegheny Railroad and Coal Co. Coupon Roods. 3 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 2.50' 11, 2508. and 2510 Pine at, west of Willow . 400 ACRES Vida s=l:. LAND, Gibson township, Ca. mensn covnty. Pa. MODERN THREE-STORY MUCK RESIDENCE, No. 1423 Locuat Bt. • Executors' Peremptory SaIe—BRICK STABLE, _Bingham's Conti. north of Spruce at, between 341, and 4th sta. Pale absolute ______ __Orphans' Court Sale—Estate. of Ann Farrell. decd TIIRME-1* STORY. BRICK STORE and DWELLING, N: W. corner ofißisth and Catharine ats. Same Estate—THßEE-STOGY. BRICK STORE and DWELLING; adjoining the shave on Sixth st. Same Estate-2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL INGs. adj Ining the above. Same Estate—TßY BRICK. STORE and DWELLING, Passyunk road, south of atharine street. VALUABLE Busn• - kesSTAN - D—I'TVEr-STORY BRICK STORE, No. V. 5 South Secondatreet. between Walnut and Spruce. with a five-story brick building and a three story brick Saw Mill in the rear, No. 142 Dock street. • Peremptory' SaleL-WELLSECITRED IRREDEM.A. TILT' GROUND RENT,I9S a year.lawtal silver money. well secured and punctually paid. Sale absolute Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE BUS.US'ESS LOCA. Tl.ols.i—blol4ES, Nos. 242 and 244 North Delaware avenue, extending through to Water street,between Race and Vine. Sale by Order of Retrs—THREESTORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, N. E. corner of Andress and L.mon streets, between lan and nth and mount Vernon and Wallace streets. TEIREE-STORY DWELLL"CO. No. 312 Bradford street. between 16th and 11th and Spruce and Pine stree, a. Immediate possession. 2 TB BEE-STORY BRICK DWELLLNGS, Nos SOS and an Locust street. ITANDSOME DOUBLE POINIMID STONE RESI DEN CE, Clapier street near Wayne Station, German town—has all the modern conveniences. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 503 and 510 Sylvester street. south of Tasker. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, with Side Yard. No- 417 Marshall street, north of Willow. MODERN THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1124 Vine street, west of llth MODP RN B.ESIDMNCE, No 243 South Ninth street, bolowiWalnut- Immediate possession. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,No. 154) north Eleventh street, above Arch. Immediate possession HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICE itysTnENC.K, with Stable and Coach horse, No. 525 Spruce street. Lot feet front, 140 feet deep—has all the modem conveniences. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK. DWEDLTNO, No 626 Wood street. TR REE-mTORY BRICK DWELLLNG, No, 1723 Cox st.. between Spruce and Pine. TRREE.F.TORY FRAME DWFT,r 'MOS, No. 42 South Fifth street, between Market and Plum, Cam den. N.J. TWO-STORY BIGCR COTTAGE, No. 1633. North Twelfth street. THREE-STORY. MOCK. DWELLING, No. W 9 Lombard acreer. itrODERN THREE-STORY BRICK r...LLLIG, No. 23 South Sixteenth street. . Peremptory Sale-21 YEARS LE AE SLATE QUARRY. _ _ OF2.ITarT THEME- STORY BRICILDWELMINO, No., =I Winter street, near Logan Square, Sale "8r0.1707 Wall Ace street. HANDSOME FURNEITTRE. FINE BRUSSELS.. IMPERIAL AND OTHER CARPETS, CHINA AND OLAFSWABE. etc.. ON FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 13. At 10 o'clock. by catalogue, handsome walnut draw ing room :urniture, walnut chamber furniture, beta and bedding. china and glassware. elegant Brussels, imperial and other carpets, .itc. May be examined at s o clock on the moraine of sale. SALE OF VALUABLE LAW BOORS. ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY AFTEILNOONS, Alpril LI. and is, The valuable Law Libraries of the late Judge Oswald Thompson and Judge C. S. Henry. of Geor.e.a. Also, large and superior oak bookcase,l mahogany book cases, ,tc. Sale No. 1712 Spruce street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, CHANDE LIERS. CARPI:IS, ELEGANT BOOKCASES,• dr.c. ON 'MONDAY 111ORNING. APRIL 16. At 10 o'clock. at No. 1712 Spruce streeet, by catalogue, the superior parlor. dining room, library and chamber furniture, tine Wilton and Brussels carpets, mantel and pier mirrors, elegant bookcases, &c. Full particulars in catalogues three days previous to sale. - Sale No. 1912 Green street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, ON TiIDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, At 10 o'clock, at N 0.1912 Green street, will be sold, at public sale, on the premises, the handsome Modern Three;story Brick Messuage, with three-story hack buiidings, M feet front, 90 feet deep to a thirty feat et) eel. SUPERIOR FURNITUItE. PLANO, MIRROR, EL.AfAiLL - A-U. immediately after the sale of real estate wtll be sold by catalogue, the entire Furniture, comprising salt of handsome walnut drawing room furniture, green plush: French plate mirror, superior rosewood piano, by Scbomacker & Co.; dining room and library furni ture, bookcases fine :velvet and Brussels carpets, supe rior is alnut chamber furniture. cottage sets, tine mat :eases, itc . A leo, the kitchen furniture. Fall narcitnlars In handbills and catalogues. Sale for account of the United States. IrgDICI NES, HOSPITAL FURNITURE, BRIT. DING, CLOTHING, An. ON 'WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, At 10 o'clock, at the U. S. Hospital, Christian street,_ above NJ ,- th street, for account of the U. S. bs' order of Col. C. McDougal, Medical Purveyor, a quantity of medicines, hospital farniture, bedding. clothing. iron betistescla..ec. Also. 50(.4:11bs concentrated milk. Full particulars in catalogues. • Sale No. 1533 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO, VELVET CARPETS, OIL PAINTLINGS, ON WEDNF-SDAY MORNING, APRIL 25 At 10 o'clock, at No. 1533 Chestnut street. by cata logue. the superior walnut and satin drawing room furniture. superior rosewood piano by HaLet. Davis ,t Co ; oak dining room and library furs time, velvet and Brussels carpets, fine oil paintings, chamber furniture, tine matressPs. efrc, Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning oteale irt.AVia A HARVEY, AUCTION - K=l (Late -with M Thomas Sons.) Store No. 83 8 Chestnut street. rwmppErGE SALES at the Store every Tuesday. • &ALM AT RESEDSZNCHS will receive particala • attention. Sale No. 655 North Eleventh street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. BRUSFarTsi CARPETS: MORNING, ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue. at 655 north Eleventh street, above Wallace street, the entire Furniture, in cluding Superlot Walnut Parlor Furniture, Handsome Chamber Suit. Fine Distresses, Snit Cottage Furniture, Extension Table, Fine Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, &c. May be examined at 8 o'cicck on the mornidg of the - --- Sale No. 412 North Seventh street. ' SPLENDID FIIIMITURE. ELEGANT VELVET CARPRTS dtc. - ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 18, At 10 o'slock, the furniture of a gentleman declining housekeeping, comprisiug elegant suit of drawing room furniture, covered with ••crimson brocatelle, superb suit library furniture. finished in oil: hand.sorus dining room and chamber furniture: snperlor book case, rich velvet and Briassels carpets, &c. Full parti culars la catalogues • The cabinet furniture was MADE TO ORDER by Wr; &J. Allen and G. Vollmer. is of beautiful design and finish and has been in use only six months. PRE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT B. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. • MeneY advanced on Merchandise general/9; Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. - ATCHEB AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE BALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Pace English, American and Wise Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Wetches; Fine Gold Duplex and other - Watches% Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Eace English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and ;Leone Watches: Double Case English Quartier and Other Watches; Ladies' Fancy 'Watches: Diamond' Breast, pins.; Finger_ Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, dlc.: Fine Gold uniting; medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Plus; Finger :Binge; Pencil Cases, and '7ewolry gene rally. FOR BALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Ghost suitable for a Jeweler, price tea Also, several Lots in South Minden, Fifth Atai, Chestnut streets. , g rPITZPATRIcrIc C° - "AUOTIONZIERS, co, 416 North SECOND atreeto.49ve Callowtaa, AUCTION' SALES. J . 411.14 3 A, FREEMAN, t.l/CT 2 OlMrin AND STOOKS, APREI, lE._ This sale, at it o'clock noon, at the Exchange, with Include— 'TK AdministOCraS . tor's Sale. 850 shares Locust Gap Coal Co.. in lots, if desired. Peremptory Sale on account of whom it may concern, 140 shares Schomacker Piano Forte Hanufacto.ring Company, .• . 10,000 shares of the Philadelphia and Cherry Ras Petroleum Co. • OIL LE &SE& - ' Of tract of six acres, C erry Run, for thirty years. Of a tract eif 22 acres, I rood and 4 perches, Penang. county, for fifty years. _ One sixty.fourth interest in pieces of land an Off Creek, being subdivisions Nos. 1, le, 27, 29, 31, 32, 36. 37 and 39 f tbe Hyde anti Egbert Farm for ninety years. Flve-twelfths interest •in land, well, tools, dirci. r Vet. •i nar.go county. • • Seyenteen proprietary interesi a or shares In the pro perly of the Bleakley Oil Ca., the whole having beers divided into twenty proprietary interests or sharea. Draft or order of the _Hibbard Oil Co.. on their Super intendent, for 81186 dated P-hiladelphia,Auril 22, 1868., W ISSAHICIi ON TURNPIPTF—A. lot. Wissahickon turnpike, near the Germantown and Perkiomeu turn pike, 100 by 225 feet Orphans' Chart 'Sale—Estate of Catherine _McCarty. deed - ' - ' NO. 272 SoUTH SEcOND ST—A valuable business property, 29 feet 9 inches front by 105 feet 8 Inches deep, then extending northward 50 test to Sprnas atoll winch it fronts 21 feet 5 inches. Immediate possession. Executor's Sate—Estate of _Andrew Xegser,dee'd. FLFTEI , NTH BELOW VlNE—Three framehouses Fifteenth below Vine. 30 by 120 feet. Sale by order of lairs- Estate of James Hiiston , itec'd. COWSLIP ST—Five frame' houses, north side- Cow. slip st. below the above. 80 by 145 feet to a IS feet wide street. $4O ground rent per annum. Same Estate. FARM, MONROE COUNTY, PA—A . farm of over leo acres, with frame dwelling, frame barn &c.; near Oakland Station, on the Delaware and Lackawana Railroad. Immediate possession. Title indisputable. Jt toils be soil without reserve. DWELLINGS NOS 320; 322 and 324 N. FRONT ST,. —Three neat modern four story brick dwellings, Front above Vine, each 17 by about 52 feet. Thep_have all the modern conveniences. oar immedrate" se ,,i on. NEW MA BEET - ST—Two modern three - story brick houses, Nos. 317 and 312 New Market at. about 13 feet 2 inches front by 64 feet deep. Afar imm e di a t e . possess - ism. . . . 22.4 AO - 41M, WISSAHICKON AVENUE-7.A- vain able tract of 22,4,i acres, Wissahickon °venue or. Part st, near the - Germantown turnp ke, affording fine sites fy: building parposfs.' Orp hans' Court Efate—Estate 4( Charies Henry 243herldee'd. . • 10Y ACILIMi. PARE. ST — An eligibly Situate - trac, nearthe above. NO. 535 PINT ST--A three story brick dwelling. IT by 78 feet.' ssi per annum gronnd rent, Sala-by order of Ilcirs—Bataie of Sarah Glee, dec'd.. - 7 1PRITIENCE, WASIED7GTON SQUARE—A" neat residence, 214 West Ws.sbington Square, !laving all -the modern conveniences, and. in thorough repair,. _May be e-ram bled any time. iiFie" Immediate posse - siongiven. HADROWGATE AND NICETOWIT LANpy 25TH WARD—A dweLing anahtrge lot; at the N. W. corner. Immediate possession. Feremptory tale ; by order of Heirs—Estate of Enoch/if - et:au, deed. IaTH AND LODIRARD--Hotel and three dwellings, S.W. corner, 24 feet on 13th st, and 80 feet on Lombard at. Yields sm. per annum: would bring more. $165 ground rent. Sir Immediate possession. NO. 908 N. THIRD ST—Three story brick house, above Poplar st. 20 by about US feet, Clear of incam.- brance. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Barbara /roil: dcc'd. HOTEL, FRONT and MONTGOMERY AVENGE —A three story brick property anown as the Railroad. Hotel S.W. corner of Front and Montgomery avenue, Nineteenth Ward, 1934 by HO feet. iIW• Immediate possession. g.i.llAll ST.. EIGisTERNITE WARD—A house, Sarah sh above Richmond, 1.5;4 by tsli feet. Orphans' (hurt Sate—State of Catharine-Steel/. dec'd. FRAIOR_FORD ROAD—A two,story brick hoise, Frankford road, above Otter l6 by 100 feet. Same Bs tate. CLINTON ST.—Two frame houses and lot, obove Otter street: 16 by 50 feet. Same P.sfrrt, No. 766 FLORIDA ST.—A neat three-story brick dwelling. Florida street: 16 by 54 feet. In good order. Immediate possession. No. 608 PINE St.—Property 15 feet front on. Pine street and 20 feet front on Minster street, and 140 fees deep from street to street. .?.xeoutor's Peremptory so4e. .13state of John Gest. deceased. DM LOCUST SP.—Frame houseand lot 20 by 603 i. feet. In ground rant per annum. Executor's Pe rempteu sale. Same Estate. gair Handbills and any information may be had - af the Auction Store. VALUABLE RESIDENCES AT PRIVATE SA L E TO BRAT, ESTATE OPERATORS. ELEGANT WALNUT STREET MANSION—Ow feet frOnU large gronnd. stable, &c. Also, BROWN STONE MANSION, Walnut.? neer Broad at. W 111 be sold. at very low rates, to a when= take them all in one lot, live desirable d in, the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had U desired. This is a very favorable o rtrutity Wpm. ties who seek good real estate Inv .- enta tio bay at old prices property which will pay well and increase In valve. For particulars apply at the auction stone. STABLE—A very desirable property In the.neigh boyhood of Twelfth and Locnst sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres Of land, on road, 9 miles from the State House, known al l t U a "Sorrel Horse." Plans, survey!, ac, at the atom Property No. eft south Front at, ilia , 100 feel do do UN and 1140 Lombard - -- SO acres, Germantown 87 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth; • , do do Barker do do do Building Lots, south Twenty-second-at Property northeast corner Fourth and Sprite* CM Dwelling, with side yard. Darby road Brown-stens Store, Second at, nearCtiestmil Residence and large lot, Burlington do do 418 south Elevenths% , 5 acres of Land. Federal at. Twen eixth Ward VA_LIIA_BLE STORE, ST—A vow valuable burliness properST on estnnt at, having two fronls—in good order, itc. Occupancy vrlth the deed: +MMUS RIBIJH a SON. AIICTIONICOM.A.NIY 1- COMMISSION ' No. 1110 thdithi JT ree (Rear entrance LIM FLAnRom street.) . • _ Household Furniture of every description nom= on Coroo gm meat. SALES EVERY IDAY MOBBING. - Sales of Furniture at dwellings attAnded to on the m Reasonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, 460., AT TEI • - Thomas Birch ft Son respect:lVßY Inferrd thribr rlends and the public that they are prepared to attend to the sale of Beat Estate by am:Renaud at to VSALE OF VALUABLE OIL PAL - WINGS. V ON THII10:1 1 )AY EVENING. APRIL 12, At 73i o'clock, at Birch & Son's Art Gallery, No. 1110. Chestnut street, will be sold, a collection of over 100 American and European Oil Paintings, including works of - L. S. Inillari, H. Boe%, - G. W. Nicholson, W. Sheridan Young; - C. A. Stoners, E. B. Duffey, . . G. Bensell G. Hartwick, Thomas Birch, S. P. Dyke. W. H. Cooper Winner, and others. Also, a number , ofEnropean Painting;. , - , The Paintings will be open for exhibition. with cats logn es on Monday morning; and will be open daily until time of sale. Sale at No. Me Chestnut street NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD EVENT. TUBE, PIANO FORTES, (1411.palyy. MIRRORS. CHINA, GLA , SWARE, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. - At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No.lllo tatientant street, will be sold— • . • By catalogue, a large assortment of superior home. hold furniture, from families declining housekeeping. A TM' OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN COINS. RMAIS, ,M...UsTERALS, `3FMT. I44 , CURIOSITIES, ON MONDAY and TUESDAY, Apall Is andl7, At 4 o'clock P. M. at the auction store, will be sold, at collection of 700 lots of coins, medals, minerals, shells, curiosities; Indian and Chinese relics, ac. • Catalogues are now ready at the auction storm DRUG STORE AT PRIVATI(SALE._ A well established Drug Store, handsomely fitted up 4 with lease of the premises, for sale. Apply at the auction store. • BY -TORN B. MYERS & CO., AITCTIONEEM„ Nos, 223 and 234 MARKET street. corner ofaank. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINGis, CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, If=.. • ON FRIDAY MORNING, April Is, at D o'clock, will be sold, by catalOgne, oa four months' credit, about 300 pieces of superior goods. including - pieces Crossley's velvet tapestry Brussels camel do ings. do Smith's best quality tapestry Ingrain do do Hartford and Lowell extra superfine hi grain do. do superfine and fine ingrain, and Dritch hemp do. do royal damask, Venitlan, list, cottage'and rag do do Manhing "Contract" white Canton and car mag's. 500 PALI , SPARIS WINDOW SHADES. 500 pairs brown and gray, plain velvet andcrystal, landscaped and flowered window shades, especially suitable for Pennsylvania and Maryland trade. Which may be examined early on the morning, of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE . OP FRENCH - AND' OTHER. EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. &c...;; ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. ONEGTIR DIONTRS CREDIT, abontesolots ofFrench, India,Ger man and British- Dry Goods, embracing a ibli assort,. ment of fancy and staple articles in 6110, worsteds. woolens, linens and cottons. N.B.—Goods arranged for examination .and eta lognea readlearly on morning of sale. • LARGE PEREMPTORY SA T.F. OP BOOTS, SHOE% BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. . ON TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, Will be about o'clock. by catalogue, on'four months' credit, ,800 packages Boots, Shoes. Bat morals, &c.., of City and Eastern maaufacture. for examination with Catalogues early on the m ornint of sale. .BY EAREITT & C0..:A1/CTIONEERS. • • CASH ADOTION HOUSE. ,1!, •.1 No 2.3O,MAREET street, corner of Bank serest. Cash advanced on consignments without extrachirge; PEREMPTORY.. BALE 500 LOTS KRP! , scomaam ' - L . • " • DRY fit ODS. - - • - • ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 13, at le o'clock, comprising ad desirable merit of sessonablegoods, imitable for city autl,country .retailers. . A Greta Chance to make Money on Warman Capital. rIOTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK of everywidids ; from one to six feet wide r ail numbei tad AWnlng Duck. Papermakers felting; Flrl,ll Twine. diA • JOHN W. EV u...11AN &.,;CCr.P N 0.102 .Tortuit's Allayl TL.Asm-BR'f!' c° XuarioNzams.' ' • No. tas BUNK= amt. at,lonqytkiit,,