Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 05, 1866, Image 8
0444VIIJAA4VkA WATER DIIPLICATES.-The following are the amounts of duplicates for water rents, arranged in Wards for the years 1863 and and 1866- Wards. 1865. 1866. First, - - $18,384 25 $24,017 25 Second, - - 27,207 10 28,099 25 Third, - - 161599 25 17,074 00 Fourth, - - 17,686 2.5 17,919 75 Fifth, - - 27,123 00 27,224 25 Sixth, - - 31,933 75 31,341 00 Seventh, - - 32,278 75 32,245 00 Eighth, - - 30,843 25 33,114 00 Ninth, - - 28,371 00 28,877 00 Tenth, - - 29,233 75 28,634'50 Eleventh, - - 17,432 75 17,711 50 Twelfth, - - 15,951 00 18,609 25 Thirteenth, - 26,232 00 26,514 50 Fourteenth, - 30,070 00 30;312'00 Fifteenth, . - 48,281 25 50,340 00 Sixteenth, - 21,126 30 21,560 25 Seventeenth, , - 18,203 75 18,926 25 Eighteenth, - 19,647 75 24,591 50 Nineteenth, - 31,271 75 35,526 50 Twentieth, - 49,051 75 52,767 50 Twenty-first, - 1,975 00 3,258 00 Twenty-third, - 519 00 603 00 Twenty-fourth, - 18,177 05 18,146 00 Twenty-fifth, lc 4,316 00 4,483 00 'lwenty-sixth, - 23,282 25 26,630 00 $588,297 95 $618,435 25 SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, iSLC.- James A. Freeman auctioneer, sold yester day, at 12 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following properties:— Three-story brick house and lot, 2024 Lombard street, lot 16 feet front, 70 deep, $2,200. Three-story brick dwelling and lot, 1609 Beckett street, lot 13 feet front, $5OO. Three-story brick dwelling and lot, 1607 Beckett street, lot 13 feet front, $5OO. Three-story brick house and lot, Newmar ket street, above Vine, lot 17 feet front, 120 deep, $2,700. Two-story frame house and lot, 329 Mon roe (late Plumb) street, lot 18 by 90 feet, $l,lOO. Twenty acres truck land, Island road, Twenty-fourth Ward, with frame house and stabling, $295 per acre. Eight acres high meadow land, on Eel creek, 6145 per acre. Thirty acres of land, adjoining the above, $125 per acre. Four hundred acres coal land, Luzerne county, Pa., $lOO per acre, $40,000. FINE AET.—The sale of fine oil paintings by B. Scott, Jr., was commenced last eve ning, and one hundred pictures in the catalogue were disposed of. The balance will be sold this evening continuing to morrow evening, at the gallery, 1020 Chest nut street. Among those remaining in the catalogue are some of the best productions named in the list, viz: No. 111, Eve Painted in Pastel,No. 117, Sunnyside Looking South, by Veed, No. 120, Happy Hours of Life, by. J. Dabour, No. 129, Lake George, by C. A. Sommers, Nos. 146, 151, 154, by Otto Som mers, No. 171, - by Paul Ritter, No. 182, The Indian's Last Look at his old Hunting Grounds, by W. Frerich, Nos. 192 and 195 by C. A. Sommers, and other choice selec tions from celebrated artists. Those who could not attend last evening will do well to attend this sale, and secure one or more of the paintings, to adorn their walls. The sale is solely for the en couragement of artists. The sale com mences at7i o'clock. ATTEMPTED HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—Jas. McNeil and John Bates were before Ald. Lutz, last evening, upon the charge of as sault and battery. It seems that George Lenvir and William Parsons were taking a walk on Sunday afternoon last in the south western portion of the city, and when at Twenty-first and Evergreen streets, it is al ledged, they were attacked by the accused. Messrs. Lenvir . & Parsons were pretty roughly handled, and it is charged that an attempt was made to steal their watches and breastpins. When arrested McNeil had a billy on his person. He was com mitted in default of 0,500 bail, and his asso ciate was sent below in default of $2,000 bail. FATAL RESULT.—DanieI Finfrock,of Lan caster, the engineer who was badly scalded by the disaster on the Connecting Railroad, in West Philadelphia, yesterday morning, subsequently died from the effects of his in juries. Though suffering in great agony he walked to the Crittenden House, where he expired a few hours after the occurrence. Coroner Taylor was early upon the ground yesterday morning to make an investigation of the accident. The witnesses were sum moned and everything was got in readiness for the inquest, which will be held this af ternoon at four o'clock. EXTENSTVE SALE OF DRY GOODS.—The largest sale of dry goods this season took place yesterday, at the auction store of John B. Myers & Co. There was a large attend ance, dealers being present from New Or leans, Mobile, Savannah and Charleston. Boston and New York were also largely re presented. The catalogue consisted of 1,800 packages, 1,600 of which were domestic goods. The foreign goods were of inferior quality and brought low prices, while the domestic goods sold for less than was ex pected. Nearly a million dollars' worth of goods were disposed of. LARCENY OF CARPET.—Anthony Augus tine was arraigned before Recorder Eneu yeaterday afternoon, charged with the lar ceny of a roil of Brussels carpet. The ac cused, it appears, left the carpet at Mr. George W. Smith's auction store to be sold. The owner of it dune along, identified it, and instructed Mr. Smith to arrest the party if he called for the proceeds of the sale. This was successfully accomplished. An thony told very contradictory statements as to how it came Into his possession. He was bound over for a hearing to-day. LARCENY.-Patrick McCoy, a cabman, was arrested yesterday and taken before Ald. Lutz upon the charge of the larceny of a watch and chain, belonging to a fellow cabman. The latter declares that he took a - walk with McCoy and discovered his hand in his pocket. Since that time his watch and chain and about $lO in money have been missing. McCoy was held in :00 bail for trial. ANATOMICAL LECTURES.—A course of lectures on Comparative Anatomy will be delivered by Dr. J. R. McQuillan, at the Philadelphia Dental College, 108 North Tenth street, on each Thursday evening during April, May and June. The intro ductory lecture will be given this evening. The course will be remarkably interesting. ROBBERY. The dwelling of George No, 1510 North Broad street was 4entered through a back window between two and three o'clock this morning, and was robbed of several articles of wearing ap karel, some silver plated ware and a lot of nives and forks. The total value of the plunder was about $lOO. Tam —A very attractive fair, for the benefit of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, at Monongahela City, Pa., is now being held at the N. E. corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. The object is a worthy one, having been endorsed by Bishop Ste vens, and the fair should be well patronized. DIED OF HER INJURIES.—Miss Ann Mc- Neely Russell, daughter of James Russell, who was badly burned on. Tuesday by her clothes taking fire at her residence, No. 1326 Brown street, died yesterday from the effects of her injuries. CANAL BOAT BtrutsrEn.—An old canal boat, belonging to Pat. IBehannan J Co., end used for carrying coal oil from Market street wharf, Schuylkill, to Point Breeze, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 5. 18t$6. was set on fire by some boys yesterday af ternoon, on the Almshouse grounds, and was burned. AT HOME ACIAIN.—Hon. Charles Gilpin, who has been on a visit to Cuba, for the benefit of his health, arrived at home again this morning. His health has been greatly improved by his trip. THE GREAT FENIAN MOVEMENT.—The dying excitement about Fenianism has been revived by the sensation reports about the matter which are published to.day. The Irish enthusiasm will again be rekindled and'" the work go bravely on " to the terror of the British lion. Talking of rekindling reminds us I hat the very best and cheapest fuel in the world is the coal sold by W. W. Alter, 957 North Ninth street, Branch ales at Sixth and Spr'ng Garden streets. CENTRAL "TEA DEPOT."— ?lITCHELL & FLETuirmR, 1204 Chestnut street NEW DRESS-MAKING ESTABLISHMENT.— At the 'urgent solicitation of numerous valued patrons, we have opened a department for Ladies' Drem•mak ing, with suitable reception rooms for the fitting, &e., where we are now prepared to execute all orders in the best and latest European style, with the utmost promptness Ladles need fear no disappointment in regard to their orders being delivered punctually at the time promised. J. IV. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 Chestnut street. OARPORDS' GRAND OPENING of Misses' and Children's Hata, Taday. WOMEN SUFFER GREAT WRONGS, we have no doubt, but seen at the present day, they want re dressing as much as their wrongs do. What a pity women don't- have "one-price" Clothing Stores like the men have at Charles Stokes 4 Co's, under the Con tinental; and they could clothe themselves beautifully and cheaply. GREAT NATIONAL WORK. GARDNER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC SKETCH-BOOK a I, --- Containing 100 views of the Battlefields, Places of. Historic Interest, Operations of the Army, &c., drc., with Letter Prers descriptions of the Plates. In two ,arge vols., imperial quarto, Price 31[50. Sold by subscription -only. Subscriptions received, and copies to be seen at JAS. B. SIMON'S, Book Agency, • 33 South Sixth street. above Chestnut. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE- ETSE=J has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair over offered to the public. It is a vegetablecompound, and contains no injurious properties whatever. - IT WiLLREZTORE GRAY "RA TR. TO _ITS:ORIGI NAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, las• trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person. old or young, should fail to use it. IT IS RECOATM'a'NDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. W - Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and take no other, R. P. HALL At CO., Nashua, N. X., Proprietors For sale by all druggists. Go SEE the great display at Oakiords', under the Continental Hotel. HOUSEEEEPERS—Use Lipp's Stair Pads, and alive your Carpets from wearing out. To be had Wholesale and Retail, at the Upholstery and Bedding b•tore, S. W. corner Twelfth and Chestnut. 1866.—WALL PAPERS, 121,15 and 4 2o cents; a superior variety of Glazed Paper Hangings, neatly himg; 'Window Shades rich colors, cheap, at J.Glrs• STON'S Depot, No. 1033 Spring Barden street, (Union Square.) WHAT A SIGHT at OalifOrdS'.— Misses' Bat Opening. Stoves under the Continental Hotel ROCEHILL WILSON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. 603 AND 605 cassrsur b • BEET. R. & W. Gentlemen's Suits. R. &W. Boy's Clothing. R. & W. Clothing of alt grades. R. &W. Beady-Made Suits. . R. &W. Clothing Beady-Made.. ROCEHELL & wiLsos, BROWN STONE CLOT RING FT 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. RRA T) AND TELL TOUR FRIENDS!—MeS.9II3. C. C. Hughes &. Co., No. 136 North Ninth street. are now selling off their entire stock of House Furnishing Goods, at and below cost. This is a chance to replenish the articles of the household that seldom offers. Call at once and secure some of the bargains. PURE TastEHTY WHITE LEAD.—Tryitland you will have none other. WINE of Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections of the Lungs. This] mixture is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Relief in all Pulmonary Diseases, such as Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, au. Prepared only by_ RA_RRIS OLIVER, Druggists, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut streets. Phila. PIIRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.—Preferred by Dealers, as it always gives satisfaction to their cus tomer& SPRING FASHIONS FOR CHILDREN. —M. Shoemaker & Co., Nos. 4 and 6 North Eighth street, are now opening a splendid assortment of ChUdren's (fothing, in the latest Paris styles, unsurpassed for elegance of workmanship and material. The public is invited to call and examine. Go TO OAHFORDS' Hat Opening.— Stores under the Continental Hotel. HOOP Srunrs.—New Spring styles, Hop k in's "own make" gotten np expressly for first class trade—superior in style, finish and durability. to all others in the market—warranted to give satisfaction. Wholesale and retail at Manufactory, Igo. 628 Arch street. INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS. Choice and rare varieties for select presents, manufactured by STEPHEN F. INMITTUAN, No. 12.10 Market street. Pmt LIBERTY WHITE TmAT).—Orders daily increasing. FOR MALLOW PASTE, Moss Paste, Soft Gum Drops, and other efficacious Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to E, G. Whitman dt Co.'s, 318 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. THE FINEST CARAMELS and Roasted Al monds are those manufactured by E. G. 'Whitman & Co.. 318 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. • BR VNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat re liable sources in the city can be seen p,t his office, No. bl 9 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has had no secrets in his praetice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made tor examination. AXIISEILENTS. At the Arch to-night Mr. J. E. Murdoch in "Wine Works Wonders," with "The Kitchen Belle" for an afterpiece. To-mor row Mr. Murdoch's benefit. At the Walnut Mrs. Bowers and Mr. McCollum in "In gomar, the Barbaritm." Afterpiece—"The Midnight Watch." To-morrow Mrs. Bowers's benefit. At the Chestnut "Never too Late to Mend" and a grand minstrel entertainment by Burgess, Prendergast, Hughes & La Rue's Minstrels. At the Academy of Music the Ravels in a splendid bill. They are drawing immense houses. At Assembly Building Signor Blitz. IRON WORKS DESTROYED BY FIRE.—On . Saturday a fire broke out in the Pittsburgh Forge and Iron Works, which resulted al most in its total destruction. The edifice was a one-story stone building, and was located on the line of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, near what is known as "Pork House" Station, about four miles from the city. The building caught fire in the roof from a spark from an immense steam hammer. Owing to the scarcity of water in that vicinity, little or nothing could be done to save the building from total ruin. The flames spread rapidly, and in a short time nothing was left of the building except the stone walls. There were in the building at the time of the fire, three immense stone hammers and a blast engine. The loss amounts to amout fifteen thousand dollars, and is insured for ten thousand- dollars in the Citizen; and Pittsburgh Companies. The works were owned by a stock company, of which Mr. Verner is President.—Pitts burgh Gazette. EXCITING SCENES AT PETROLEUM - CENTRE.—The Meadville Bepublican says: Mr. A. D. Cotton, of the firm of Cotton & Co., at Petroleum Centre, arrived here on Thursday evening. The receipt of the news of the suspension of Messrs. Culver, Penn & Co., was the occasion of intense excite ment. Messrs. Cotton dr Co. closed their doors on Wednesday afternoon, and on Thursday some of the excited depositors, with revolvers in hand, demanded their money of Mr. Cotton. Fortunately assis tance was at hand and they were pFevented from putting their bloody threats into exe cution, and at last accounts the excitement was considerably allayed. , At one time the mob threatened to burn the bank and plun der the safe, but wiser counsels as well as effective defensive preparations prevented a rupture, New Jersey Matters. THE CAMDEN UNION LEAGUE.—Last night a very large and full attendance of the TJnion League was bad at their rooms, at Fourth and Federal streets, for the pur pose of taking action respecting the base conduct of James M. Scovel in betraying the Republican party and its interests. After a few pertinent remarks from a few members, the following preamble and reso lutions were unanimously adcpted Whereas, James M. Scovel, a member of this League, elected a Senator from this county to represent the Union party in the Legislature of this State, has basely be trayed the men who elevated him to the position of honor which he now disgraces, and by his recent conduct and repeated de clarations has severed all ties which can unite him with the great party to which he owes the power he now wields only to dis-. organize and destroy it; therefore Resolved, That we, the members of the Union League of the city of Camden, hereby express our emphatic condemnation of the perfidious conduct Of Jamas M. Scovel, in refusing to go into joint meeting for the elec tion of a United States Senator, and in re peatedly refusing to go into caucus with the Union members of the Legislature, except upon terms dictated by himself. Resolved, That in the opinion of this League no man elected by the suffrages of the Union party has a right to usurp the power of the people, acting through their representatives, and to defeat their expressed will by a factions opposition for the gratifi cation of personal spleen or private malice. Resolved, That irt_the Hon. Alexander G. Cattell, we recognize a man whose personal honor and political integrity lift him far beyond the reach of any shaft which Mr. Scover s envy, hatred and malice may launch against him; that in him we are proud to recognize a standard-bearer who will al ways prove faithful to the principles he professes, and to the political party with which be is identified, and that we earnestly hope that his election to the United States Senate may be accomplished, despite the desperate and malignant opposition of James M. Scovel. Resolved, That we look upon Mr. Scovel's professions of puritg r gf motive and unsel fishness of conduct as the shallowest of pre tences and baldest of hypocrisies, and that we regard any further political association with a man whom no pledge can restrain, as calculated to demoralize and debauch the Union party. _Resolved, That James M. Scovel be and he is hereby expelled from this League ; that hisname be stricken from the - roll of members. JOHN S. LEE, President. J. B. Woon, Secretary. These resolutions coming as they do in an official capacity, show to what extent Mr. Scovel has excited the just indignation and condemnation of the party who have elevated him to power, by his wanton betrayal of the confidence reposed in him by the Unionists of his district. ATTEMPTED BANK ROBBERY.-011 Tues day night, about eleven o'clock, four men made a desperate attempt to rob the Mill vine Bank, but were foiled in their purpose by a watchman of one of the mills in that place, The burglars had effected an en trance by forcing open a back window, when they became alarmed by the arrival of some of the citizens, and they hastily fled into the woods, leaving their tools behind. They did not secure any booty. About one year ago an attempt was made to rob this bank, when the burglars blew open the safe, but were frightened away before doing any other damage. ATTEMPTED HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—On Tuesday nigct an attempt was made to rob a man near Gloucester, by two highway men, one of whom seized the reins of his herse, but the animal plunged forward, throwing him down and dragging the wagon over him. The villains escaped. STORE ROBBED.—Yesterday, the store of Miss Merryweather was robbed of a piece of goods, by two colored women, one of whom was arrested and committed. The other escaped. FOUND DEAD.—Axpan named Kelley was found in a ditch near Gloucester, a few days since, dead. It is supposed that he had been foully dealt with. SUICIDE AT CINCINNATL—On Friday afternoon last, Mr. Edward J. Quinton, a respected citizen, fifty years of age, was found lying in his bed, at - his residence, evidently in a dying condition from the effects of a heavy dose of laudanum. and an incised wound in the neck, the blood from which had deeply stained the bed clothing. Medical assistance was called in, but ail efforts to save him were unavailing, and be died in a few hours. About a year since, Mr. Quinton attempted to kill lam self by cutting his throat, and nearly suc ceeded. M t LLI r LRY. Mrs. H. Dillon, gilt IT, 323 and 331 South Street, has a handsome assortment of SPRING M LINRRY; Bitsseteland Infants' Hats and Caps, &As, Velvets, Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, 'Flowers, Frames, <4.c. mlia-tm/ (4t MRS. 8. D. WILLETS, No. la: North NLNTH street, will open on WEDNESDAY. April 11th. a handsome assortment of Stat.. , and Fancy. also French BONNETS. apS-St* 1.1. as. EDGENIA R. DUTTON 1:::,7 4 WILL OPEN SPRING mrr.r.INEItY, ‘`' No. Sex (ski Is'STNIIT street. 2d Story front-room ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, ap2,5Q April 4th and Sth. L YN N I , R 7t4 . L.ADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MIL . OPENING, THURSDAY, April sth, BM. MRS. N ICHOLS, ap2.Bis 102 South Eighth Street. lIISTERS, No. 145 North EIGHTH Street RSDA.I, April sth, their -( ;11 r l in open o p g and Summerßonnets and Hats. Rib bons, Flowers and Frames, all of the newest styles. • ap2-4tnoz MRS. S. I. SMITH WILL OPEN A HAND SOME assortment of MILLINERY, on THURSDAY, April sth, at No. 242 South EL,EVENTH street. ap3.4t* A'‘ Il r E l °'B ißS l PlßUVStre.allooe S ir.igE l .P Spring and Summer, ON THURSDAY, April sth. aps-12t* . . NEW PIIBLICA.TIONB. " Evening Telegraph I" THE GREAT AFTERNOON NEWSPAPER nues urea= CENTS. Contains the Latest - News.: from all parts of the World. The Best Editorials from the Leading New York Papers, Full and reliable Financial, Commercial, Local and Legal Reports, Best Stories and Sketches from the ablest authors of America and Europe. The "EVENING TELEGRAPH" has already the largest circulation of any of the afternoon Journals of this country. mh24-im rp Freedom on tie Old Plantation. &New Song by the author of "When „robrrt4y Comes Marching Home"---THBGREAT.EST RIP OF THE DAY. Sent by mail, postage pahl, on receipt of SO cents. Published by 11.F.DM' Y TOLMAN & 00., 291 Washington street, Boston, Mass. mhBo.6t rp PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE HEAD, FACE AND BODY.—Third article in the"UNION" now ready. By mail 8 cents. Address J. L. CA.PEN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, No. 55 South TENTH street, Phla delphia. aPS-30 THE EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS, 1111LNDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, _CHEST DISEASES, CATARRH, ASTHMA NERVOUS„ AFFECTIONS AND DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE OR GANS.—DR. VON MOSCHZISEER'S new and unrivaled systems of treating the above MALA DIES with his "ATOVISTR , ,” has received the very highest approbation from the best medical men of all SCHOOLS, and the INDORSEMENT of the entire medical PRESS. These, with TESTIMONIALS from and REFERENCES to responsible CITIZENS, can be examined by all who require his mofessional services, at his OFFICE and RMMENCE,No. 1031 WALNUT street, inb2l-Izuosp REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT. The lir Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WILL BE COMPLETED Lti A FEW.WEEXS. The proprietors are prepared to receive proposals for renting such rooms as they will not use themselves. These will be THE SECOND STORY FRONT BOOM, 60 by 24 feet. TICE WHOLE OF THE . NORTWRIZN . HALF OF THE BUILDING, Four Stories High. R ith Entrance by a wide hall on Chestnut street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a Jobbing or Commission House, a Bank, or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the EVENING BULLETIN OFFICE. mballo. 329 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE, in THE MODERN THREE STOGY yfE ka:21 .13 W N With three story back bu 'dings and every cony& Mence, marble entrance and vestibule, situate No. 1908 Pine Street. Lam feet 4 inches in front, 100 feet deep, with the premista.privilege of a 4 foot alley. Price X9OOO. Apply on the APEREELFPUBY SALE BY ORDER OF RElRS.—Estate of ENOCH McCAßES,docessed. LES A. FRRirts.A.N, Auctlo eer. —D WELLING AND LOT, N. W. CORNER HARROWGATE, AND CE'l OWN LANES. TWENTY-FLFT.h. WARD.— On WEDNESDAY. April 18, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve. at the PHIL DELPHIA. EXCHANGE. the following de scribed real estate,late the property of Enoch EthCabea, deceased, viz: A stone meesnage and piece of land situ ate in the Twenty•finh Ward, beginning at a corner on the northerly side of toe road leading from German town to Frankfurd. thence extending by land of John 2. Ridgeway N. 10, W. 14 31 perches to a corner stake. and thence I 4 59 ; 0 , E. 1: 53 perches to a stake on the side of Harrowgate lane:thence by the said Hine &H.:°, W. 14.52 perches to a stake on the side of the that men tioned road, and thence by the same N. KV, W. 6.8 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 104 perches of land. :Or There is a two and a half story stone house,with carriage house and stable erected on the above. The house has piazza in front, three rooms on first floor, and four on second door, with two attics above. celled and plastered. far Can be examined at any time. Oar Immediate possess ee ion given the purchaser with the execution of the dd. Aar it will be sold for what it will bring, Jlar - tioi to be paid at the time of sale. • Ey Order of Heirs. JA.II-1,,,y FRET - STAN, Auctioneer, ap5,12 j More, 4:.1.1 Walnut street. PE I I I . - MPTOR's SALK.—TAISIES A. FREE, 'l :j" MAN ,Atic ioneer.—FA RM. MONROE COEN rT 'is On WED.N.h.SDAY, April 18, 1866. at 12 o'clock, !won, will be sold at Public bale, without re.tfrve, at the 1 El ILADELPIIIA E..'ll'llAlitlE, the fjilowiog de scribed Deal Estate, viz: A tract of Pend with the two story frame house thereon erected, situate in Bar nett and Paradise tuz .. . - nsiielps Monroe county, Penasyl• vaula; begin , lng nt a stone on the line of land sur v.3 ed In the name of Cornelius Dupue, thence by the same 1%. 50 0 , W. Si perches to a stone. S. 40 0 , W. 12..5j I erChes to a stone, thence by other land of Richmond ~,mpton 1%. fio o . W. 74 1 ercn. s to a stone, N. 40 0 , E. 61 t•erches to a stone, thence by land In warrantee name f Jsccb Cargiss S. Zito. E. 76 perches to a stone. N. 46 0 , 1., 109.4 perches to a stone: thence by other land of Rob tuond Compton .5.11 0 ,E.56 perches to a stone,S..4o o W. 124 perches to the place of beginning. Containing notes and 64 psyche. of land. dt, - 1 he improvements cotslet of a large new two e•ory frame dwelling, and a new barn 40 by 40. The I nd is arable '2.5 act es being under clitivation. The roperty is about a mile from the Oakland Station, on toe Delaware and Lackawana Railroad.. /la' It will be sold without reserve. Zig — A perpetual Insurance for t. 1,100 is Included in D.,. sale. air Tide indisputable. e Immediate pc session. /far 4100 to be paid at the time orsaie. JA3I. A. FREEMAN, Anct'r. ap5,12 store 4 Walnut street. j . . ."20,. SALE EY ORDER OF IiEIItS.—ESTATE OF I_..JAM S HESTON. deceas,d.—JAAS. A. FREE ': AN, A nettoteer.-0a WEONDAY. April /Sib, 66, at Li o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public sale, at I e Pa ILADELFHLa ,, . Excaasalc, the following o scribed Real Estate. late the property of James Huston. deceased, vim No. I.—THREE FRA.M2E l+01:6 . Fifteenth smelt below Vine. A. lot of t mend with three frame horses thereon erected sttr uateonthewest side of Fifteenth street, 90 feet 6 cheanorth of Cowslip (late Say) street. between Race and Vine streets: 3u feet front on Fifteenth street by Lo feet deep to Path. late Pearl street. -object to an annual ground rent of $3O. Rents for $l6B. ear Terms cash. o. 2.—FIVE FRAME HORSRS. Cowslip street. A 1. t of ground with live frame houses thereon erected, rftuate on the north side of Cowslip (late Say). street, and west side of Path, late Pearl street, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth, and Race and Vine streets; 30 n front on Cewr lip street, by 145 feet deep to a 15-feet wide street or alley. fop Subject to au annual ground rent of 540. Rents riSS4. jar - Sine to be paid on each. at the time of sale W Terms cash. By order of Heirs. JAMES FrEEMAIq, uct'r. ap5.12 Store. 4.it2 Walnut A street. R„ORPHANS' COURT SALE.— ES TATE OF CA.THARINE 31'CARTY, deceased:- 3t tt Elf A IC, Auctioneer. LOT. WISS6.IIICKON CRNPIE E. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County orPhiladelphia,on WEDNIIB. DAY. April IS, 1666, at 12. o'clock. Noon, will. be sold 61 Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX t RANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Catharine 2I Carty. deceased. vlz A 1 of of ground beginning at a stone set fora corner In tt.e middle of the Wissahickon Turnpike road. 175 feet fret smiths% esterly aide of the Germantown and Perki n:l)m Turnpike road. thence extending along the middle of the said Widm6hlckon Turnpike road zs. 410 .I . P. west 100 feet and extending of that width S. 46 0 W. E. z 25 feet. /Id - Clear of incombrance. ba..sso to be pald at the time of eale. by the Court • E. A. MERRICK. Clerk, 0. C. • ELLEN DONAVAN, Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ap5.12 Stop.. 422 Walnut Street. .r..SI Al E.- J A MM. , A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—ON WEL:NESDAY; April 25, 11466, At 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA FXOHANGE, the following de scribed Real Estate. vlz:—No. 1. Dwelling 3319 Poplar street. all that lot of ground with the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, on the north side of Poplar street, 144 feet west of Twentieth street, 16 feet front, and 81 feet deep to a. 20 feet street. House has gas, buth, range, eke. gia - - 52,500 may remain if desired. No. 2, Dwelling 950 St. John street, all that lot of mound with the three-stOry brick dwelling house rected thereon, on the eastside of St. John street, 104 fest south of Beaver street; 15 feet front, and 73 ibet lu inches deep. jay- 81.900 may remain it desired, provided the pro perty be insured for 81.80,n. LitZ - 5190 to be paid on each at the time of sale. • JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. aps 12,19 . Store, 425 Walnut street. inEXECUTORS' SALE.— Estate of PATRICK 3111,1.'11 , 4 N, deceased. JASI. A. F itEnlSl AN, Auctioneer, TAVERN STAND,No. WM Filbert street, With houses on the rear, under authority contained In the will of the late Patrick lifeehan, dec'd; on WED ESDAY, April 25, 1666, at 12 o'clock, noon will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX- C:IIANCIE, the following described Real Estate, viz; All that certain lot of ground with the four 8-story brick houses thereon situate on the south side of Fil bert street 116 feet eas . of Eleventh street being 18 feet iront by 76 feet deep to Hunter street. Subject to $ll2 per annum, ground rent. oiy - The above is an old established Tavern stand, three-storles high, with .2 three-story brick houses In the rear,tuadla three•story Mick house No. 1019,Runter street. ,tIV• 5100 to be paid at the time of sale. JOHN SKAY, Executor. 7A.151.1M. A. F.REENLS.N Auctioneer, ap5,12,19 Store, 42 2 Walnut street. CW 4 I REAL 131STATE.—JAMESA. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—STOßE and DWELLING, North 4.=.st Corner of DUTTON and RFRID streets, First Ward,- On WEDNESDAY,. April 18, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de-. scrtbed Real Estate, viz.:—All that neat three-story brick store, and dwelling with the lot of ground, at the N. E. corner of Dutton and Reed streets, in the First Ward of the City; 15 fte9 front on Reed, and 90 feet on Dutton street, to a 3-feet alley; on the rear of the lot is anotrer dwelling fronting on Dutton street. The corner is occupied as a grocery, and is an excellent stand. It rents for $lB a month, and the other for $7. Subject to $52 ground rent, per annum. zir $lOO to be_Raisl_at the time ofaale, .T.a. 2 . 1 -Ns A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ap5,12 Store 422. Walnut street. FnFOR SALE—Handsome COUNTRY SEAT t 2• near HOLMEsBURG, comprisingabout 3 acres of d, beautifully laid out; a splendid stone, rough-cast Dwelling, with verandahs; Stable, Coach-house, Laun dry, dte. A variety of shade and fruit trees. Situate In the square, and oounded by Oakland avenue, Mill, Decatur and Cambridge streets, and about midway be tween the Holmesburg Railroad Station and the Bris tol turnpike. For further particulars, see advertise. rands of THOMAS & SONS'rale of Aprll24. GEORGE W. STULL, Jr., 727 Saneom street. ap3,7,9,11,14 st* NOR SALE.—The EVANS FARM, 1,14' miles from North Pennsylvanta Railroad at Athens v te, and 8 miles from Philadelphia; 65 acres of good ground: a nine-roomed Stone House, with bathroom and other conveniences. There is a spring house. wagon house, stable, tool house and tenant house, all stone. The main house has been lately repaired. Price 1)18,000. J. S. YOUNG, aps-3t* 485 Walnut street. ARCH STREET—FOR SALE. Handsome 1 . four. story brick Dwelling, No. 2011 ARCH Street, we built, with large back buildings, and all the modern conveniences. Lot 20 feet front and 115 feet deep to a five-feet wide alley. Moderate price, rea sonable terms and possession given. May be ex amined on application to S. W. THACKARA. SON, ap5.6Q No. 244 South Third Meet. BEAL XSTATE.; C I RPFIA NS' COURT SALE.—Estate of THOMAS' S. DARLING, deceased. TAMPA A. Eli MAN, Auctioneer. EOXBOROUGH EKG PIRTLE:S. Under anti:it:Pity of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. On WEDNES DAY, April 25, 18e6. At 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at Pubilc bale, at the Pl 3 ILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following-described r eal Ettste, late the property of 'I homes b Darling. deceased, viz—No. I. HOUSE, Ridge Road, Twenty -first Ward. All that certain mes suage a. d lot of ground situate on the southeasterly side of the Ridge Turnpike road., in the late Township of lioxborougin at the distance of 75 feet 8; Inches northwesterly from High etre -it containing in front 17 feet 3; inches, and In the rear end 16; leet, and in depth on the southeasterly:side 165 feet 6 Inches, and on the northwesterly side 165 feet. • Zeii• There is a two-nnd-a-half-story stone house con tainusg 6 mums, and attics with kltchest, &e , erected on the above ,ot, No. 2. BUILDING LOT 'Lyceum averse. All that certain lot of ground No. 12 in a Certain plan of Upper Manayunk; situate on the southeastwardly side of High street, now called Lyceum avenue 80 feet wide, at the distance of 71 feet 6 inches soutawsstwardly from the Ridge Turnpike road, containing in front 53 feet and in depth between parallel lines at r,ght angles to said High street on the ncrtheast line 152 feet 8 inches, and en the southwest line 154 feet 5 inches. Po. 3. HOUSE. Ridge Road, below High street. All that certain messuage auu lot of ground numbar 13 in a certain plan of upper Manaynnk, situate on the southss entwardly side of the 'liege Turnpike road and aoutheastsvardly side of High street beginning at a poi t. tat the eouthwestwardly corner of High street and Ridge road, thence extending along Ridge road, S. 37 0 15i, R. 150 feet to a point, thencesouthwestwardly at right angles to said road about 77 feat to a point, thence northwestwardly along the line of lot number 15 at right angles to High street 152 feet 5 inches to High street, thence normeastwardly along High steeet 71 beet 6 inches to the place of beginning. Per. There is a two-atm." frame house containings rooms„find out-kitchen. frame stabling, &c.. erected cn thislot. - No. 4: PROPERTY, Ridge road- All that certain lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Eidge road. /00 feet sontheastwardly from Spring street, In the Twenty first Ward, containing in front on Ridge road 40 feet and in depth on the southeasterly line ley feet. and on the northwesterly line 163 feet 9 inches and narrowing from the front, to the rear, 38 reel , 3 inches. Pe.. There is a frame stable and frame shop erected on this lot. • • - - gar 00 to be paid on each at the time or Bale. By the Court E. A. MERRICS. Clerk, O. C. JOHN K. HAMLIN. Administrator. JA2d_Es pRE,Frsi AINT, Auctioneer, 8p5,12,19 Store, 4 Walnut street. .12 PUBLIC SALE.— JA BLES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. VALUABLE PROPERTIES, '1 wenty•second Ward. On WEDNESDAY. April 25, 1: 66, at 12 o'clock, nnrn, aa 11l bA sold at Public Sale. at the PRIILA EXCHANti g, the following described Real Estate, viz: No. I—large stone MA, - S:Jo - IN, Walnut Lane. A valuable property, consisting of a lot of land, with t`e large stone mansion house. now occupied by 'Madame Clement as a young ladies boarding school; situate on Walnut lane, 349 feet;south of Breen street, in the 'twenty second Ward; tnence a !nag Walnut lane 139 feet- in depth Zl2 feet. Tne mansion Is lar ter and well adapted to .he purpose for which it is now occupied, has 26 rooms, bams, ranges, beaters and all other modern conveniences; sur rounded by fine shade and fru.t trees, also stable and other out buildings. 516,090 may remain if desired. B`• pro to be paid when the property is struck off. Pro. 2.—8U1L1,1151(3 LOT,etreen street. near Johnson stteet. All that piece or land, situate on Green street, 201 tept, south of Johnson street; 130 feet front, and 200 ft et deep. liae - b an° may terrain if desired. ale - glee to be paid at the time of sale. No. 3.-16 sCEM, Wilrow avenue, Chestnut MIL Montgomery county. a. tract of 16 acres of land, sm a,. on Willow avenue, o. Mermaid lane, halt a mile east of Chestnut Htll Ilospital. and adjoining the Water Cure establishment. It will be divided, it pre ferred, into tracts of aor sat res. The projected Bail -way to connect the North atenna., with the German town Road, will pass along this land 0 -- el,t 00 may remain, If desired, on each tract of 4;"„ eases le— Plans at the Auction Store. ga - 1100 to be paid on each, St thetime of sale. JAMES A. FP.F-EALAN.Anztloneer, nr..5,1219 Store,4l-2 Walnut street. ea REAL ESI ATg—JAILES A. FREE sfAN, A netloneer.—Reilcience N 0.214 West WASIiftiG TON Square, On I.I77.IINEDAY. April 18. iso , 3, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHIL EXCHANGE, the following described R. al Estate, viz: All that certain three-story brick dwelling, with baseineet and lot; of ground thereto belonging, Situate on the west side of Washington Square (hr0.:21.0. Sa feet tram the north side of Locust street; 20 feet front., by Si feet deep, with the use of a three feet six inch wide alley leading into Locust street. - h 0... The above is a very desirable Residence, having a 1 the modern conveniences. It has been placed in thorough repair,. with new slate roof, entirely new modern stairway, new doors, &c. Painted and papered 1.: the most expensive manner, elaborately carved marble mantels, end handsome rose wood finished per manent washstands throughoutovainut front door, with plate glass ves•Jbnie doors, also plate glass win dows in first and second stories, bath room, new for twre. range. &c. we— 'SAO may remain on - mortgage. ed lmmediate possession given, on ‘ the execution of oe. M. May be examined at any time. Keys at the A iletion Store. The house is completely carpeted, which, to p mer K ith part of the furniture. may be taken at a N s lusuon, it desired by the purchaser. VS. .20g to bettaid at the time of sale. Am 5... c A. FREEMAN Auctioneer. 8P5.13 Store, 4 walnut street, TO LET—FURNISHED—FOR THE SEMMER —AI GERMANTOWN. convenient to Steam and gorse Cats—Large HOUSE, extensive grounds and garden, - variety of fruit, barn and carriage house, ice -I—ttse filled. Address 0. P. R., Germantown Post Office. aps-2t* COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR SAL 'h elix', RR—Fifty or one hundred acres. Bristol Pike, above seven mile stone and near Tarony. Manton House ar d other dwellings to let. Apply toB. WHIT AKER, No. 610 Locust street. aps.3t* RESTNIIT .1111.1 r , —A piece of ground containing C four and-a-half acres. well situated for building lots, for sale. Apply at Is;o. M WALNUT St. ap.1.34 FOR SALE.—lmmediate . presession. Handsome .`" modern DWEIJANG every convenience, welfth street, above Thompson. Apply to aps-Strp* HORACE IMTZ, Ws& Slxth street. - p.re al 17.0 N so! N:4 lIIIIIEPECIEVIP HORII:EOPATHIC SPECIFICS Heve proved, from the most ample experience, an entire success; Simple-Prompt-Efficient, and Re. liable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render sati. s .%* on. No. Cents. I, Cares FEVEILII,I2 t Congestion, Inftammation-----.11 2, WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic.-........25 s, " CRY ING-COLIC, or Teething of infants---25 4, " DIARREREA of children or adults 5, " DYSENTERY, Griping,Billous Colic---..... 25 6, " CHOLERA ISIORBUS Nausea, Vomittng..-25 7 " COUGHS, Colds, Bron'chitia...____ _25 " NELTRALGIA,_Toothache, Faceache.---1-25 9, ", 13 F. A TUCIELE,'SIck Headache, vertigo ».».25 /0, " DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach- ... ....-.-..515 11, ." SUPPRESSE.D, or painful .25 12, " WHITES, too profuse Periods. 13, " CROUP, Cough difficult Rreathing..—. ... ... 25 14, " SALT „Bi Erysipelas Eruptions. -25 IN " RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic Pains- .. - . 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues. 2 .50 17, " - . 18, " OPIITILLI.M.Y, and sore or weak Eyes-...... 50 19." CATARRH, acute or chronic, Intluenm---50 20, WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs--.... 50 21, " ASTHMA, op pressed Biceathint .50 " EAR DISC ES,lmpairedHearing.---50 " SCROFULA. enlarged Glands, Swellings .50 24. " GENERAL DERMITY, Physical Weak -50 25, " DROPSY iisca"eiclia; Secretions-- 28, " SEA-SICKNESS, sickness from riding ...50 27, " ELDNEY DISF £4IFI Gravel -50 28, " NERVOUS DEBILITY, involuntary Dis- 00 29," SORE .110ffil . tanker .50 SO, " URINARY Incontinence, wetting bed ......... 50 31, " PAINFUL Periods, even with Spasms.. .4 32, " SUFFERINGS at change of life 00 SS, " EPILEPSY, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance.... 100 34, DEPHTI4 RitTA. ulcerated Sore Throat. —5O FAMILY CIA RWS, 85 vials, morocco case, and books ...L.slo 00 20 large vials, In morocco, and book.— . Ou 20 large vials, plain cased book.-- ... „ . 5 60 15 boxes thib/silojand book. g 00 AMY SPEW:FIGS, Mahogany cases, 10 vial ..00 Single vials, with direc ions. — . l l 00 Sir These Itemediee Sy the cue or — single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mall or expreee, tree of charge, on recall lof the price. Address HUMPS ttEYS'_SFEta.KIO HOMEOPATHIC 3LEDIGINE COMPANY, Office and Depot, No. 562.1troadm : ,iNew York. Dr. HUMPHREYS is consulted at his office personally or by letter, as above, for forms of Ws. ease. DYOTT & CO., JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW. DEN, T. H CALLIINIDI IER and AMBROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. ty27-th.a.tulYrP IRON RAILING. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE ORNA MENTAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers, founders and manufacturers of CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Onne• teries, &c., PATENT WIRE RAILENO, WINDO't AND DOOR GUARDS; 'for offices, store fronts, bulwark nettings for ships, &c., &c., made under the JENE_LNS PATENT, being the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work tinder said patent in the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGET, IRON FURNITURE, STABLE FITTINGS, of everyVarletr of new and imnroved designs. SPECIAL CARE 11E3tOWED ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY EMBEI.T-TFIE ENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Statuary, Allgvin LIB superior facilities. orders shall receive careful tied prompt attention. ja2s-th,s tu,guarpt ROBERT WOOD & CO., Office and Warerooms, CBS RIDGE Avenue. WAPifTB. WANTED—A HOUSE, on SPRUCE Street, be tween Sixteenth and Twentieth streets, with don• hie back , buildings. Address, stating price, J. K. M., "BULLETIN office.' It* WALNUTS AND ALMONDS.—New crop Grenohl Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, for sale by J. B. BIISSIEB & CO.. 108 8 Delaware Avenue. DICHLF—D HERRING.-500 Darrell( Bay of Island's Herring, in store and for sale by E. A. BOUM/ 41 CO.. Dock EUeet, What% CARPETIIIGS. JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-ICALF-WIDE Velvet Carpets, PEW DESIGNS J. F. & E. B. ORNE, XO4 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 9-8, 9-4, 5-4, 6-4 WHITE, BED AND FANCY CANTON MATTING& J. F. &E. ORNE, • 904 CHESTNUT STREET: ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND 'WALT.% WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B , ORNE, No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. 500 PIECES NEW PATTEBAS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 90.6 - Chestnut St. mh2o.:mrp CARPETINGSI AT IRUETA.I.L. McCALLUIS,CREASEkSLaAN, 519 Chestnut Street, OPPOSITE ELCDEPIENDENCE HALL, Beg leave to inform the pubile, that they 'have now open their Spring Stock CARPETINGS, N'l7ir AND CHOICR. DESIGNS Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Which they offer at prices corresponding with The Decline in Gold. FRENCH AND ENGLISH AXMINSTER. ENGT•TSVE ROYAL WILTON, VELVETS, ALL WIDTTIS, SUPERIOR ENGLISH paitussms. TAPESTRY " ROYAL WILTON, VELVET, BROMELS AND TAPESTRY CARPET. We offer the above in all widths, with borders' fbr Halls and Stairs. Also, IMPERIAL TECRKE-PLY CARPET, EXTRA SU PERPINE INGRAIN. Just Received, AND FANCY plitssiov:m:/sotto Canton Mattings, of all widths. MoCallums, Crease & Sloan, No. 519. Chestnut Street, OFPOSITE INDEPENDENCE Mh2l-1131 rp/ CARPETING. LEEDOM et SHAW Invite attention to their assortment of Foreign and Domestic" C IZPETINGI - g NOW OPIOSING AT No. 910 Arch Street, mhls•im rpl! ABOVE NINTH. "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN, PA, McCALLUMS,CREASE&SLOAN MANDFACTUREIN, IMPORTERS AND WHOLE. BALE DvALFRA IN• CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. &C. WAREHOUSE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the State House, PHILADELPHIA, 'Retail Department. No. 519 Chestnut St. mh6.s.irp TEITARIAS. FRENCH PRUNER. muss In MS cantsters andlWcy boxes, imported , and for sale by Jos . li, Bl 156 . 1.: di 00. 108 EiOuth Delaware fiVendei CARPETINGSL