Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 05, 1866, Image 7
From our Third Edition of Yesterday• From Washington. WASHINGTON, April 4.—The President has proclaimed the treaty with the Sans Arcs band—of Dakota or .Sioux Indians for the preservation of peace and their removal from the overland routes. Publication has heretofore been made of treaties with other Indians of that tribe as separate bands, and for precisely the same objects. A number of postoffices were yesterday re-opened in North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. The i'resident has recognized Isidoro Nallas as Consul of Spain at New Orleans. Auction Sale of'Coal. NEW YORK, April 4th.—An auction sale of 20,000 tons of Scranton coal took place to day. The bidding was very spirited, the whole lot being disposed of in ten minutes. The following Is the range of prices: Stove, - - . - - 55@6 90 Egg, - - - - - 6 90@6 30 Grate, - Steamer, Lump, - Chestnut, The New Jersey Senate. TnEwroN, April 4th.—The Senate, by a vote of Bto 11 to-day, again refused to go Into joint session for the purpose of chosing a United States Senator. Death of a newspaper Publisher. CINCINNATI, April 4.—M. D. Potter, se nior proprietor of the Cincinnati Cominercial, died at his residence in this city early this morning. XXXEXtb Congress—First Session. SENATE.—Mr. Wilson (Mass.) introduCed a joint re- Solutlon directing the Secretary of War to take steps for preserving the graves of Union soldiers from dese mation,,which was pasted. Mr. Pomeroy (Kansas) introduced a - joint resolution appointing a Board of Managers for the National 311114ary Academy, which was referred to the Commit tee on Military Affairs. anag r. Clark (N. H.), from the Judiciary Committee, reported Fuck, with certain amendments, the House bill in relation to the habeas corpus. Mr. Stewart (Nevada) moved that the Special Com mittee of Fifteen be discharged from the further con sideration of the plan of reconstruction recently sub. ranted by him. and that his resolutions be m .dethe special order for to-merrow. Mr. Stewart spoke of the Impatience of the country for some definite plan of reconstruction at the hands of Congress. The expiration of the morning hour cut off discussion on Mr. Stewart's motion. The message of the President vetoing the Ci v il Ri g h ts bill wee taken up at 10 o'clock. Mr. Trumbull (Ill.) took the floor in defence of the bill. ROUSE.—The Howe proceeded.aa the first business in order in the corning hour, to the call of committees for reports, beginning with the Committee on Naval affairs. Under this call, Mr. Darling (N. Y. from the Com mittee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill to allow to Cornelius it. Gold, late Acting Assistant Paymaster of the United States Navy, - credit in tits .account,, for clothing stolen while, under his charge at Mobile in 188.5. After some discussion the bill was amended and passed. Mr. Phelps (Did,) from thesame committee, reported the bill for the relief of Hiram Pauldis g. Rear Ad miral of the United States .Navy, which bad been yes terday recommitted. TI e bill as reported to-day, omitted the words tech nically making an appropriation and simply directed the proper officer to audit and settle his accounts, which, by the uniform ruling of the House, does not a bring bill within the rule requiring bills making ap propriatitns to be first considered In Committe of the Whole. After considerable debate as to the propriety of al lowing a naval officer for his expenses in entertaining gguests on board of his vessel, the bill was,on motion cf Mr. Boss (Ill.), laid on the taboe. oriswold (N. Y.), from the same committee, re ported back the Senate bill releasing J. R. Rittenhouse, fleet captain of the Pacific squadron, from liability for 11(33,509, public money stolen from him at Panama, in October, 1865. WIWI "AIM After considerable debate the bill was :passed by a Vote of .1 e.s 68, nays 40. The morning hour having expired, the House re gamed the consideration of the contested election case ofDodge.against Brooks, from the Lighth Con gressional District of New York. Mr. Marshall (Ill.) resumed and completed his argu ment in support of Mr. Brooks's rig,at to the seat. Pennsylvania Legislature.l HARRISBURG, April 4, 1868 SENATE.—The following hills were passed —.lacer porating the Pennsylvania College of Veterinary Sur geons; The lb ion Fire Company; the Philadelphia- Chamber of Commerce; the Ruby Mining Company; the Keystone Normal School in Berks county ; the Grand Lodge .of the Drivers' Beneficial Association; the U. S. Grant Mining Company- ; the Leviathan Company; the Ope rative Plasterers' Mutual Protective Union; the Cen tral Company Operative Association, and the Safe De posit Company of Philadelphia. Also, extending the time of the completion of the Fr anklord and Holmesburg Railroad. Also. authorizing the American Wood Paper Com pany to hold real estate in Chester county. Also, joint resolutions relative to post chaplains in the army. HOUSE.—Mr. Riaddiman moved to reconsider the vote by which the House, on Tuesday evening, patted the act exempting petroleum establishments south of Heed street and east of Front street, from re moval. The bill was reconsidered and defeated Nr. Bnddiman stating that it exempted certain establishments for all time to come, from provisions of the law, whereas the House had al ready agreed, by another bill to allow them to remain but for nine months. Mr. Marpley offered the following: Whereas the President of the United States has issued a proclamation declaring that armed re bellion has been suppressed, and has declared peace to be restored in the country, therefore Besolred. That we hail this declaration of peace with' unfeigned joy, and as evidence of., the gratification with which the people of Pennsylvania will receive this re snit,weo he representatives of the people, request Governor Curtin to cause a salute of 36 guns to be fired from Capitol Hill in honor of the event. The resoln tion was objected to and could not be considered. Mr. Thomas called up the act ceding to the United Stale: the Jurisdiction of League Island and a strip of land on the nerth shore, which passed. This bill was originally introduced into the Senate by Mr. Nichols, and has also passed that body. Marliets. NEW YORK. April 4.—Cotton dull at 39c. for mid dling Flour dull; sales of 5,000 barrels at unchanged prices. The market for Southern is heavy, with sales of 480 barrels. Canada drooping; 300 barrels sold. Wheat dull for commosP,•with a declining tendency. Corn dull, Oats advanced le. Beef steady. Pork buoyant at 626 1234@5213 2.5 for Mess. Lard heavy at Whisky unchanged. Stocks are better. Chicago and Rock Tsland,lls; Cum berland Preferred, 4334; Michigan Southern closed at 91, after touching 95; New York Central, 911i1 Reading 99; Hudson River, 109; Canton Company, 47%; Missouri 6's, Erie,72%; 'Western Union Telegraph Company, 52: U. H. coupors 1881, 1053 i; ditto 1862 1043' 4 ; Ten-forties, 91%; Treasury 7 3-10's. 100%0100%; One Year Certifi- Cate% 09%; Gold, 127%0127%. BALTIMORE, April 4.—Flour quiet; high grades firm. Wheat dim; high grades scarce and in demand. Corn active; white MA:7S; yellow 70c. Oats 49C.@50. Clover seed s6@6 25: .COiree steady; Rio 20@210. In gold, Sugar. drm: Porto Rico lic.®l3. Whisky $2 26. Sales at Philadelphia Stook Board, SATmcl A_FTER. FIRST BOARD. 4500 Philacla 66 new 91%1 1000 U 8 6s 6-202'61rg 102 1100 do 92 500 do '62 100 1000 1J S 7 3-100 50 eh Cam & Am us June esh 100 200 sh Read R 810 493.- $0 do July 100 100 Ph Fulton Coal 6 SECOND BOARD. __- - - - - - --- - . $l2OO U B 7-308 June 100 Y, 300 sh Phil & Erie b3O 32 1500 City 68 new 91X 100 sh 4* .31,... , 1000 do 92 100 eh do ago 317 . 21103 Allegh Co 5885wn 73 100 sh do b3O 31% ZOO eh Read B bBewn 48% 200 sh Susq Can 133 a 700 eh Ocean Oil 530 9 NO sh North Pa R 80% 100 sh bs 9%1 20 sh Lehigh Nay 03 ZOO eh do 9.% I COMPTIAOLLEW6 NOTIOE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COMP TROT.r.vrP OF CURRENCY„ WasHararox. March 10th, 1868. . . Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE NATIONAL BANK. OF 'THE - REPUBLIC OF PHILADELPHIA." in the city of Philade.phta, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to trielre guirements 01 the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of 'United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula tion and Redemption thereof," approved Snue 3d. 1864, =ld bas compiled with all the provisions of said act re miired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said act. _ . Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE NATION AL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF PHILADEL PAIA," In the city of Philadelphia, In the comity of. Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony.whereof witness my hand and seal of office, this thirtieth day o• Marsh; 1886. FREFM N CLARKE, [mbBltnlY2ol - " Comptroller. GUDE, CURLED lIAIR, &C. 250 isAitEELS OF GLUbI, OF SEWER L QUA- Mies, on band, and for sale by CRAWFORD co., No 208 Market StraeB • ap2-imp dALUE, GLUE. GLUE, GLUE, GLUE. GLUE, A_X Butted to each partionlar manufacturer. en. led Hair. Untied Hair, Curled. Hair, of various grades and prices. Emery Paper and Sand Paper, a large quantity on bend. Neats' Foot , Oil, strictly l ure; 7ENtdnis, Sausage Ca nines, &c. CRA..WFORD ap2.lmt No 708 Market street. — VALE ROPE AND Varmo MA — AL SIT T ITRED and for BaleA nam & 00.; • .sa ?AVM streeto‘iid 93 North Delaware avenue- 5 95@6 25 5 95(4)6,00 5 62@5 87 5 40@5 50 WASHINGTON. April 4 REAM ESTATE,. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTAVE 0 11.'21 CHARLES HEN UN FISHER, deceased.—JAS. A. FREEMAN, Auctiottee*.-22,'.i ACRES, PA.13.14: street,or Wissahigaron Avenue; formerly the property of "The Chestnut Hill Agricultural Society.' Under authority of the Orphans' Court. for the City and Coun ty of Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAY. April 18. 18C6, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sate, at .the PHILADELPHIA RICOH 9NGE, the following described Real Estate,l ate the property of Chas. Henry Fisher, deceased. viz:—All that certain tract or piece of land, situate in the late Township ofGermantown, now in the 225 Ward of the City of Pniladelpbia, beginning on the northwesterly side of a road laid out for the common use and benefit of this, dud other lotsbouud. frig thereon, coiled Wissahickon Avenue, thencealong hencee 89 0 , W. linereches to a stake set for a corner, twith the of land now or late of Jesse ilinckle. N. 510, W. 2834 perches to a stone set for a cot nor, thence with the line of land conveyed to Juhn A and George Howell N. 590, E. 27 derches to a stake set for a corner in the line of land next hereinafter de scribed; thence with the same 8.510, E. 28lil perches to the place of beginning; containing 4l acres and 10 perches ofland, he the same more or less. Also, All that certain tract or piece of land, situate in the said 22.11 Ward of the city of Philadelphia:begin- Ding at a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thenceby the land he, einafter described N. 50 deg 15 min. W. 58 perches to a stone set for a corner, in a line of land now or late of Wendell Weyant. thence partly ho the same and nartly by land late of John Peters S. 19 deg. 45 min., W. 24.1 perches to a stone set for a corner of this and land now or late of John A. and George Howell; thence partly by the same, and partly by the lot herein first above described 5. 50 deg. 50 8.58 perches to another stone set for a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thence along the same N. 59 deg. 45 min., E. 24.1 perches to the place of bginning. Containing 8 acres, 2 quarters and 37 perches of land. And also, all that certain tract or piece of land situate in the said Twenty-second Ward aforesaid, beginning at a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road, thence partly by land of Peter Matson, and partly by land now or late of Enock Rea, N. 50 deg. 15 min. CIT., 58 perches to a stone set for a corner, thence partly by land, now or late of the said Enoch Rex and partly by land of said Wendell Wey ant 5.39 deg. 45 min., W. 24.1 perches to a stone set for a corner, of this and the last above described lot; thence with the same S. 50 deg. 15 min., E. 58 perches to a stone set for a corner In -the middle of the aforesaid road, thence alone the same N. 39 deg. 45 min., E. 24.1 perches to the place of be. pinning; containing 8 acres, 2 quarters and 37 perches. Being the same premises which Mathias Haas and wife. and Augustus L. Bonnefort, by Indenture, dated January 30tv , 1854, Recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 131, page 24, granted and conveyed to .john G. locker, his heirs and assigns.. • iril" The above tract to be sold as a whole, comprising in a it 22 acres, 1 rood and 4 perches, is on the Wisahickon avenue, or Park street, near the Germantown turnpike, and is eligibly situated, affording beautiful sites for budding purposes. ao' The improvements consist of a three story frame Meuse, and stabling for 20 horses, the said stabling has been burned down. .Pian at the Auction Store. g. 300 to be paid at the time of sale. By the Conn, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk, 0. C. P. C. HOLLIS.j . Executors H. P. MIIIRHEID. and Trustees. 'JAMES A. PREEMA.r. , Auctioneer, mh29.ap5,12 Store,422 Walnut street }EN:EEC/TORS' PILREM. P TORY SALE.—Estate of JOHN GEST, deceased.—JAAlES A. FREE MAN, Anctioneer.—Under authority contained in the will or the late John Gest, deceased.on WED VESDAY, April 181866. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve at the PHILADELPHIA XCHAN G h, the following described real estate, viz:, No.l. Two story BRICK SOUSE, No 61S Pine street. All that certain brick mestuage and lot of ground, on the south side of Pine street, No. 618; containing in front on Pine street about 15 feet, and In depth about 100 feet (lets a strip of ground within 7 feet or there abouts, from the southeast corner of the lot, contain ing 2!.:, feet in width, by 39 feet in length, held by - - halter.) Subject to the payment of $3O per annum, part of an at portioned ground rent of i,43 per Also, a lot of grout d in the rear of, and adjoining the said described lot, situate on the north side of Minster street, and containing in front on said Minster street, 20 feet. and in depth 40 feet. Alto the rignt and privi lege of a passage way left open fir the use of premises extending eastward actors the adjoining lot, and thence northward into Pine street. la - The anove w ill be sold as one property, being 15 feet front on Pine stret, 20 feet front on Master street, and 140 feet deep. fa - Sale absolute. _ - . No. 2. FRAME HOUSE, 1102 Locust street.—All that certain two-story frame messuages and bake oven, ie cod yard and lot of ground, situate on the south site of Locust street and west side of Prosperous alley, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets; contain ing in front OH Locust street 20 feet. and extending in depth southward along PrOsperoug alley SO feet 4 inches. Excepting, however, the two frame mes suages situated on said Prosperous alley, reserved to Henry Airmail], his heirs and ass'gns (now of Patrick: Tiernan), with the privilege of the ground on which they stand for the same or other house', and the right of way in the rear thereof, to the privy erected on said lot. Subject to a ground rent ofttio per annum. Ira-Pos session In one month. Sir Sate absolute. zgy- SSQ to be paid on each at the time of sale, order of laecutora. JAMBS A..FREEUAN. Auctioneer, nth9o.aps-12 Store, 4= Walnut street. G-Fit REAL ESTATE. JAMES A. FREEMAN, a.11:1 Auctioneer. On WEDNESDAY, April 18th. 468, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the Jo/lowing de scribed property,vir : No. I—Neat modern three four story BRICE LWELLINGR,Nos. 320„322 and 324 North Front street, North of Vine street. All that modern four-story brick messuage, with three-story back buildings atd lot situate on the west. side of Front street, north of Vine street, No. 820; containing in front 17.1 i feet, and in depth about 83 feet; with the common use of a 2 feet alley. No. 2. All that modern four-story brick messuege, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, ad joining the above on the north, being N 0.322; contain ing in front 17 feet. and in depth about 8,1 feet; together with the privilege of said alley. No. 3. all that modern four-story brick messnage, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, ad. joining the above on the north, being No. 324; contain ing in front 17,12 feet; and in depth 90 feet to a 2 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof: far Immo dike possession can be given of each of the above. frir The above have the modern conv-rdenees, and have lately been put In good repair. r - EACH - CLEAR OF ALL INCITAIBRANCE. Rent for 050 each. Nos. 4 and 5.-12 THREE-STORY BRICE DWELL INGS, Nos. 317 and 319 NEW MARKET Street. All that modern three-story brick messnage, with three story back buildings, and lot of -ground., east side of New Market street, north of Vine street. No. 317, in front 13 feet 2 inches, and in depth about 64 feet 2 Inches to a 2 feet alley. with the priviege thereof. No. that modern three-story brick messnage, with three-story back buildings ano lot of ground ad joining•the aboveon the north, 12 feet 2 inches-front, and in depth about 62 feet 2 inches. far The above have the modern conveniences, and are in good repair. rlar They rent for $309 each. AB - Each clear of all licumbrance. Immediate possession. AR - *too to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. M h29,ap5,12 Store 422 Walnut street fra, PX.EQUTORS' SALE.—Estate of ANDREW REYsER. deceased. JAMES A. 'FREEMAN. Auctioneer. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, No. 272 South SECOND Street. Under authority con tained in the will of the late Andrew Keyser. deceased, on, WEDNESDAY, April 18th, ise6, at 12 o'clock, neon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, Viz—All that certain three story brick store and dwelling, and three story brick back buildings. with the lot of ground thereto belonging, on the west side of Second street, 20 feet 3 inches northward from bpruce street, thence extending westward 81 feet 3 inches, thence southward 20 feet S inches to the north side of Spruce street; thence westward along the t ame 21 feet 5 inches, thence northward 50 feet, thence eas', ward 105 feet 8 inches to the west side of 'second street, and thence southward along the Fame 25 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning. The easternrsost 4 feet 3 inches of this and the adjoining property on the north, is agreed shall be left out, in order lo enlarge the foot way for the common use of the parties thereto, and not to be built on otherwise than for steps and cellar doors. fre The above is a 'valuable business location hoeing been a store propertyfor 25 years; the fixtures for a Dry Good's St ore are included in the sale The dwelling par lien is well adapted for a bording house ;with fine patiors in the second-story, all the moderntonveniences, lar May be examined at any time. Are ch Immediate possession will be given the pur aser wi the Aar $6.000 haser.may remain on mortgage, if desired by purc Aar $2OO to be paid at the time of sale. ity order of Execs! ors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mht9 ap6,12 Store, 422 Walnut street. tirl PUBLIC SAME.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—TEN and a QUARTER ACRES, PARR. STREET, or WISSAHICKON AVENUE, GERMANTOWN. On WEDNESDAY. April 18, 1966, at 12 o clock. NOOl3, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de scribed Real Estate, viz : All that piece of land in the Twenty•second • ward. beginning at a point in the middle of a road laid out for public use, leading from the Wissahickon to the Germantown turnpike; thence extending along the middle of the said road the follow ing courses and distances. viz.: S. 490 81. W, 50 feet. S. 7'20 341, West 209 feet 4 inches, 8.52 0 121. West 177 feet 1 • inch, S. 30 0 321, W. 174 feet 10 Inches, and S. 21 0 30/, 101 feet to a point; thence extending by land of Hiram J. Eartwell, S. 490 15?, E. 971 feet 10 inches. to a stone, N. 4 2 0, E. 17 feet 2 inches to a stone, and S. 480, E, 298 feet 2 'aches to a point in theside of an old road 1 perch wide, and crossing the same, being alto the line of land late of Peter E int kle, deceased; thence along the same Nq 420, E. 645 feet 9,44* Inches to a point. and thence re crossing the said road and extending by other land of Samuel H. Austin N. 490, W, 588 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning; Containing 10 acres, 1 quarter and 31 perches of land. . itra- The, above tract is on the Wissahicken Avenue or Pork strfet, about 1 aniie Dram the Gerinantown Turn pike and is well located for building eta. tar 94,000 may remain on mortgage, If desired by the purchaser. etoo to be aid at the time of sale, 7 ES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mh29ap5,12. Store 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Estate of RA.R. , BAR& NEILL, deceased.—JAMES A. FREE- S AN, Auctioneer. 3-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 908 North THIRD St. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAY, April 18,1866, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following . described Real Estate, late the property of Barbara Neill, deceased viz :—All that certain three-story brick messuage. with the two story frame beck buildings and lot situate on the wen side of Third street (So. 908), between ronlar and Bea ver streets, sixteenth Ward; teing 20 (tet front on Third street. and in breadth on the west end 16 feet, and ex tending in depth on the north line thereof about 115 feet and ca. the south line about 120 feet to a 8-feet wide alley leading into Poplar street, with the use thereof'. - • . /far Clear efincumbrance. • Za , i—s O. to be paid at the time of side. By the Court. • •• E. A. ISLERRICK..CIerk O. ' THOMAS CoCH.RAN, Tragtee, JAMBS A. NB) EISIAN. Auctioneer, no1:128;45,12 . Store 422 Walnut street. THE DAILY EVENING . BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAT, APRIL 5, 1866 ORPHANS' .COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF CATHARINE' STEEL, deceased. JAMES .A` Auctioneer.., Under authority of the Or pliame Court for the City nd County of Philadelphia. On WELN9SDAY, April 18, 1856, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Putilic Sale. at the PIIEL a.DE LPHIA EXCHANGE, the following nescribed peal Estate,late the TY , operty of GMT:urine igeel,decEllsed, viz.: No. I. ROUSE, SARAH street. above RICHMOND, 18th Ward. A two-and-a-half story brick messnage, and two-story brick kitchen and rot, on the west aide of Sarah street, 29 feet 10 Inches north of Queen street, now Richmond, being 15 feet 4 inches front, includtng half of an alley 2 feet 10 inches wide, and in depth 42 feet 4 inches. No. 2.--110TISE, Frankford road, above Otter street. A two-story brick multiage, and frame kitchen and lot, situate on the west side of the Frankford and Bris • tol turnpike roads, at the distance of 176 feet northward from Otter street, containing in front 16 feet, and in depth itO feet. 100. HOUSES, Minton street, above Otter street. Two-story frame houses and lot, on the east side of Dunton street, 376 feet northward from Otter street, containing in .front 16 feet, and In depth 56 feet. Agi - 450 to be paid on each at the time of sale. .By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. GEORGE EN} , CHT, Executor. JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mb29,apsaz Store, 422 Walnut street. ir6..:4 RICA 1, ESTATE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.—B OTEL, AND THREE, DWELL. b. S, S. W. corner of Thirteenth and Lombard streets. On WEDNESDAY ,April 18. 1860. at 12 o'clock, noon, w , ll be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE. the following described Real Estate, viz,; AD that lot of ground with the improve: ments thereon, at the S W. corner of Thirteenth and Lombard streets; 24 feet front on Thirteenth strest,and 80 feet. more or less, on Lombard street. SubleCt to $l6B grour, d 1 ent uer annum. On the corner is a three-story brick hotel, and adjoin ing are 3 three-story brick houses; the whole rent to good tenants, for ;782 per annum, and would readily bring more. . fa - Half the purchase money 133 Ay remain if desired. X&11C0 to be paid at the time of sale. ,41111 JAM.Eb A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, nlhl9tans,l2 Store 422 Walnut street' r' SALE BY ORDER OF HElRS,—Estate of !! SARAH C. GEE. deceased. JAMES A. FREE AN. Auctioneer DWELLING, No. 535 Pine street. On WEDNESDAY, April 18, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public dale. at the PHILADE.LPHIA. EXCHANGE, the iollowing described Real Estate, late the property of SARAH C. GEE, deceased, viz: All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of grouno, situate on the north able of Pines:seat (No. 535), between Fifth and Sixth streets ; containing itt front on Pine street 17 feet, and in depth northward 78 feet. Subject to a yearly ground rent of g5l per annum. Zar oto be paid at the time of sale. BY ORDER OF HEIRS, ja'arFA A. FREEMAN, Luctioneer. mb29.ap5.12 Store, 422 Walnut street, in FOR S 41-,, R —TWO CONTIGUOUS COTTAGE HOUSES, At Atlantic City, near the Railroad Depot, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. The houses are modern, with PARLOR, DINING ROOM, and KITCHEN on the first floor, and nine chambers above. ROBERT EVARD, near the Eternises has charge of the houses, and will show them to any person wishing t) purchase. LOTS 50 feet front—lSO feet deep to a street. Applv„to ROBERT CLIITRCIT 7 %f kN, noh2S-111.01 No. 254 South Sixteenth st., , FOR BENT—FURNISIIED.—TH.E REST. DENCE of the late A. Biderinann, situated on be Kennett Turnpike, anout 5 miles from Wilming ton, Del. It contains large_ parlor, reception room, dining room and pantry and smug room on first floor, fire chambers, servant's rooms, SC. Ice house filled, stabling and carriage room; It is surrounded by trees, is a cool and healthy resi dence, and would be rented to a i.rivate family for not less than four months. Apply to C. J. Dupont, Jr., Rokely. nei.r Witte in*lon, Del. [tub2.9,th,s,tu-ldg FOR. SALE.—DE silt N.BLE COUNTR. i I AND FARM, OF TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, situate threedturths of a mile east of Ureeu Lane sta tion in North Pennsylvania itailromi, and four miles north of the pavement on Et:omit street. Substantial and comfortable t tone eo el ling. handsomely situated and shaded. containing parlor, (lining room, two kitchens, eight chambers. atone horn, stables, spring house. &c. DIcKisON BROS,. nilv22-th,stutn rtrat:Walnut street, up-stairs. 13FOR siA_Lb;.—A VERY CROICE AND DESI ' EARLE FARM In the Tcvsnty third Ward, 10 mires from Market street, adjoining the village of Rnstleton, containuag i 0 acres. Improvements tine, and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water, and everything in 'first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be. tween 10 and 2 la2o-tu,th.sa.tl r ._ W FOR SALE-1212. RACE STREET.—A THREE 3'. SRY BRICK DWELLING ROUSE, track bu dings, saloon parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Modern conveniences. Immediate pos- session. For terms and particulars apply to A. F. WIEGAND, ape tu,lb :No. WS Walnut street, FOE SALE.—TILE ELEGAIiT3Ia.N..q.ON MI and grounds at Chestnut Hill. owned and occu pied by lir. Horace G. Browne, within three squares of the Depot. Terms easy.Posseasion April Ist. Apply to C. H. IIUIttIiELD, nahlo tO5 South Sixth street. FOR SA IR—A well•buPt three-story d welling house back buildings, modern Improvements, on tonton street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. For terms and particulars, apply to C. D. RITCHIE. nah3l-s,to,th.Sts seB Walnut street. E. . FOR RENT.—A DESIRABLE COUNTRY residetce, within 1.5 minutes' walk of a Pressen gar Railway. Large double stone mansion, with all the city conveniences; tine lawn, ornamental trees and shrubbery, and fruit of all kinds. Furniture, horses, carriages, dc.. will be sold if desired. as the owner in tends going to Europe. J. M. GllsfsrilY d. SONS. 505 Walnut street. fpSPRUCE: STREET.—FOR SA.LE—A HAND SOME f onr-story brick residence, 22 feet front, wan three-story dnnble back 'tiidings., built and fi nished ihrotghout in the best manner and in perfect odder, situate cn the North aide of Spruce street, west of:Nineteenth. J. M. GITOLILEY tr. SONS, 503 Wal nut street. tlfe! FOR SALE—A very pleasant COUNTRY BEI SEAT, with handsome lawn. well shaded, abun cance of fruit. grapes and berries. Large and good vegetable garden; new coach-house; with stabling for six horses; miles from Market street bridge, on the Merlon Turnpike Rood. - r or particulars inquire of R. B. POTTED., ISIS Pine street, from S to 10 o'clock. A.M. apB-St• FOR SALE A very desirable three-story 11 pointed stone RESIDENCE, with back buildings anddd all modern improvements, in good order and ground well cultivated, Situate on Morton street, tiermantown, within Live minutes' walk of Railroad station. J. M. GUMMEY &SONS, n3IIF-tfl SOS Walnut street. IGOE kILAINTOWN RESIDE:it% FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beautifully and conveniently situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A commodious and e•egant RE S ID INCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable. coach-house, ac. Lot 1302213. Apply between 10 and 2, at 38 North THLRD street. [mhl4 nfl W. P. WILSTACH, M. GERMANTOWN— FOR Si L E.—A handsome Ma double-pointed stone RESIDENCE, with stable aao carriage house and two acres of land. situate on .buy's Lane, within live minutes' walk from the R. R. station: has every city convenience, line lawn, choice staubbery, and is well shadedt, J. M. GIIM:11417 SON's, stB Walnut street. CHESTNUT HILL—FOR SALE—A handsome double stone RE'sIDENp.E, with every city con v ence. and lot 165 feet front by 3.t0 feet deep, situate n the corner of PROSPECT avenue and bUJIMIT street, within five minutes' walk from the Railroad depot. .1. M. GUMMEY fi SONSi, R,B Walnut street, firs FOR BALE.—A IVEW sTONE COT PAGE II& French roof, with ad the modern improve ments; situate on Evergreen avenue, near the city lint road, the finest view on Chestnut Hlll. Apply at No. 129 South Seventh street, or of f. MUG FORD. Chestnut Hill. ap2-Bt} frTi. CHESTNUT HILL.—FOR SALE—A. handsome mode.n double stone Residence, having every city convenience, and lot of ground HS feet front by &to feet deep, situate on the corner of Summit street and Prcspect avenue: Immediate possession given I. H. GUZIMEY &SONS, 508 Walnut street. r.e NORRISTO WN.—For sale a fine Property at RED Norristown. Modern :Improyementzt; parlor, among room and kitchen on first floor, fruit trees. &c., 40 by feet. Healthy location. Apply to J. Jr. CU,./S.TIS dr. SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walant st. FOR SALE—A TERRE STORY BRICE BOUSE, with three story back buildings 648 urth Thirteenth street. Modernconveniences. Apply to 3. B. CIIP.TIS do ttON, Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. WFOR SALE-1 he three-story brick REST. FENCE situate No. 715 South NINTH street; has evOrF convenience, and Is iu perfect order. immedia:e possession given. J. IL tAUALISEY ct, SON'S, 508 Walnut street. "TO BII , LDERS—Valuable Lots on Fifth and Dickerson, Sixth and Morris streets. For Sale by ap2—J. H. MORRIS, -it* No. 235 North Tenth street. To a STORAOR—TO RENT—Large cellars un der N 05.203 and 2tS-Peat street." ap2-It* I._lb H. MORRIS, 233 North Tenth street, OaFOR SALE—A TWENTY PEET FRONT HOUSE, with modern improvements. For sale low. Apply on the premises,No.4oB S. EIGHTEENTiX street. ap3-12t• A, TO BE LET—Fourth ilobr 129 Walnut street. 2' Apply to J. H. CURI'IS & SON, Real Estate ri, era, 433 Walnut stteet. _ ~.. FOR RENT—Furnished or untarnished House, No. 717 South NINTH strt. 'Apply . H HEM, No, 205 South Sixth ee street. to p ili ap U l-10ti • Wl ' , TO RENT—The Handsome STORE, No. Pt 2 South FRONT Street. . in 84.11 Inquire, No. 18 South Front street. p Tee. Locus'' , street. I:7lliffirtD 4 ,2 , lu. 2os south Six 8t Mark ' a a tti atreet wY mb. toso•%tr. E.ISI.ALE COLLEGE. F . BORDENTOWN, N, A few vacancies for the summer term, commencing April 18th. For Catalogues containing terms, etc., , Address Rev. JOHN EL BRAIKELY, redipi.trnp President, MILE FALL SESSION OF /MS_ ABHOTFA JL SEMINARY- FOR YOLING LADLES WU/ corn' mence on Wednesday, September 18th, at hei residence, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth streets BEricaurgOrts t—ltev. G. Emlen Hare, D. D. Rev Thomas Brainerd, D. D., W. H . Amen mg , - late President of-Girard College. tyli-lir• OND'S BOSTON. Boston lAttUr and Milk Biscuit, ,landtps from steamer Norman. and for sale b 9 JOS. 1 1:; US it CO.. ,Airpts: Bond, 1011 Sonth.Debnym avenues; REAL ESTATE. EDIUCAXION. TBA.V3IILINGI GUIDE. NORTH PBBINSYLVANIA. B It.--THb; MIDDLE RO T.E.— Shortest an molt direct line to Bethlehem, Allentown 1, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Wllkesbarre, Mahanoy City, and all points in the Lehigh and WYOi ming Coal Regions. Passenger Depots in Philadelphia THIRD street above Thompson, and corner of BEBH6 and AMBRI CAN streets. wmTint ARRANGEMENT. NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after Monday,Nov. 20th,1385,Passenger trains leave the Depot . , _Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: AT 7.80 A. lA.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and Principal, Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail. road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley 'Railroad for Allentown, Catasauqua, Slatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherly, Teanesville, - Fr wdeton, White Ha, ven Wilkeabarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; als, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City and with Catawissa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Williamsport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 1145 A. M. at Wilkesbarre at 2.45 train' at Mabanoy City at 2 P. M. Passengers by this can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Eau. ton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.55 A. IL—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. IL—Accommodation. for Part Waahing. ton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At 2.4WP,INL. Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT &SO P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania. Rail. road, maMn&close connection at Bethlehem with Le. high Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers for Plainfield, Somerville and other points ob. New Jersey Central R.IL take N. J. C. Train at Easton, which arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Pas sengers for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales. and tor Nazareth at .Bethlehem and for Greenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 P. IL—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartaville take stage at Abington for Lntaberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Beth lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at _Bethlehem with TA III O Valley Evening Train for point. "xi Z i ehigh Valley Railroad and for Danville. Wila.,.....samtsad Catawiess Railroad. AT 6.15 P. M.—Accommodation, sor Lansdale, stop. ping at all intermediate Stations. AL 11 P. Accommodation for Fort MNiu:dm:lo2l3. - - Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.02 A. Id.. and 6.15 P. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.80 A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilkesbarre at 1 P. M. connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at SA P. M. Leave Doylestown at &SO A. M. LB and 5.20 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washin N gton at 10.50 and 2.15 P. M. O SUNDAYS. emia t 9 Philadelphia for 'Doylestown at 8 P. M. • Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.M A. H. " Bethlehem for Philadelphia at a P. H. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars corm 9 Ps* engers to and from Barks Street Depot. White Caraof Second and Third Streets Line convey gassegners to Third Street Repot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, THIRD Street or BERES street, In order to secure the lowest rates of fare. VT.T.TS CL A • K, Agent. Hillman's Baggage Bxpress will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Office, No. 113 South THIRD street. noit-tfi . • FOR NEW YORE..—The CAM. DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA. AND TRENTON Ra n.P.oAD COM PANY'S L1N.113, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET W.tiARF, 111 leave as follows, viz: Pare, At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Expreaa, 300 At 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy Express, 2 25 At 12 Si. (noon) and 8 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas- Banger.) . . . . . . . . 225 At 6 and 1120 P. Si., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation, (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 225 2d Class Ticket,. 160 At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and SP.M. For Mount Itolly,Ewans. Pemberton and VincentoWn. At 6A. M., and 2 P. M. far Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12M. 1.00, 5, 6 and 11.50 P. M . for Pal. myra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Edgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Bordentown. &c. The 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. FROM K.E.NSINOTON REPOT will leave as follows • . , at 11.15 A. M., LSO P. H and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey City Express 1.3 00 At 12P. M. (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express..--. 2 25 The 6.45 P. Bi. Line will daily. All ctneni . Sun days excepted. A 17.30 and 11.15 A. M. 8, 8.20, 458, 5 and 6,45 P. M., and 12Midnight, for Bristol. Trenton. &c. At 7A. M. 10'50, 3,5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwells, .ror. risdale, Holtnesburg, Trumny, Wissinoming. Brides burg and Frankford - and at BP. M. for Holmesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVLDhRE DELAWARE RAULROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern P Ivardai' and New York State, and the Great. Lakes. 77wwo through Mimi daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot. as follows: At TM A. M. and S 2 P.M. for Niagara Fails, But. tido, Dunkirk, Canandaigua-Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesharre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, nem ngton, tr. The &SO P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allen town. Bethlehem. At SP. M. for Lambertville and Intermediate Stations . sir For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken &Macon Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, halt an hour betore departure. The cora run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. On SundPys, Qmnitinmes will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6P, hL to connect with 6.45 P. M Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen. ger. Passengers are prohibited from f.t-bn anything as baggage but their wearing appareL All baggage over tiny pounds to be paid fbr extra. The Company limit their responsibility for b to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable fora amount beyond stoo. except by special contract. 2ti . .tets sold and baggage checked diinat through to Bostcrt. Graham's Baggage Da - press will call flu and deliver baggage at the blepots. Orde.rs to be left at No. a Wal nut street. LINE FROM NEW TORE FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., 6P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 6 A, M. and a P. M., via Amboy and Camden. At 12 M., 3 and 6 P. M. (Freight and Passenger),_ AV _Via Amboy and Camden. WM. R. CiATZMI.M. Agent. ' W1531` CHESTER AND PHILA• DELPHI& RAILROAD, VIA SIniMER MU*NOZ:M":;;NM'EI. On and after MONDAY, March 19th, 1865, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CwrSTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia far West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.a) A. hi., 1.1.5 u d. aa., 5.15, 4.45 and 7.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street. 6.D3, 7.10. 10.41 A. M., L4O, 4.50 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.30 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.41 P.M., will not stop at PenneltOn, and will stop below B. C. junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.15 and 10.30 Lave; Pennelton ler Philadelphia 8.16 7.85 These Trains atop at all intermediate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A. X. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Cheater 7.55 A. M ands.oo P M. On Strarneys—The . West Philadelbhia Passenger cars all leave Sieves:ea and zdarxet streets, half-an hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train tocionvey passengers into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.2 e A. H. and 4. P. M., and leaving West Chester at 7.11) A. M, and 4.50 P. X,. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R.B. for Oxford andintermedlate points. Jar Xassimgeril are allowed NS take wearing apparel Only as Baggage, and the' Company will not, in any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollarsnless a special. contract Is made for the same. HENRY: WOOD.General BuDerintendent t PHIDALELPHIA & RA.LTI MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.— GEMENTS.—ON AND AFTER MONDAY, March 19,1866, the Trains will leave Ptdla. delp his, from the Depot of the West Chester dc Phila delphia Railroad. corner of Thirty-flrst and Market streets, (West Phllada ), at 7.20 A IL, and 4.15 P. M. Leave Rising Bun, at 5.30, and Oxford at 6.05 A. M., and leave Oxford at 5.25 P. M. Thl June Ist a Market Train with Passenger Car attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving The Rising Sun at 10.45 A. DI., Oxford at 11.45 A. lif.„ and Kennett at 12.45 P. M., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and atter June let, this train will leave the Rising Sun at 4 P.M Oxford at SP. M., and Kennett at 6 P.M. Marketing will not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancastercounty. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxibxdwith the Atlernoon Train for Philadelphia. The Train - leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 runs to Rising Sun, Md. Passengers' are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, at d the . Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contract be made for the same. mhl9 HENRY WOOD, Gen'L dup't. ir WEST JERSEY RAILROAD . LINES—From foot ofiMarket sweet ; Amer ,eN titA soly, eampt Sundays. FALL AND GEMENT, Commencing WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, D 36. For Bridgeton; Salem, and all Stations on west ler. sey and Falem Railroads, at 9A. M. Stations, P. M. For MilLville and all intermediat at 9A. M. and 3P. For Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to Mills le connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) for Cape-May, due 8.45 P. M. and &OOP. U. through peasenger due SOO P. X. For Ginesbero' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. 8 and 3.90 Pi M.. For Woodbury, Gloucester, dm., at 9 A. 9-50, and 5.80 P. 111.. Freight will be received at second covered wharf be low Walnut street from TA. M. until. SP. M. Freight received before . 9 A. AI:, will gc, forward same day. Freight delivered et Souty Delaware Avenue. J. VAN RENSS.ELAER, Stmenmentient. .L . R.E.'WEST'IEBIIity E.XPRESS COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Earnass Bus mass, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Express Companies , to all parte of the coml. try, aMarttcle entrusted to them.' . A Special Meissen acoeMparlies imeji- through train. Wipe, NO, 5. WalnUt Street,. - - ' TRAVKLING 61DIDE. READING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM 11 ' • TO THE INTERIOR OF PEER. aYLVAEIA THE Berauyiarup,___Slß.9UESCAßl• NAXITAIR _D AND VirrOmictla V ALE, THE NORTH, NORTHWEST and the OANADAS. WThITER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS leaving the Corn EDepo_ , THIEF TEENTH and OALLO ft•eeta, at the following hours: MORNING HAIG. At 8 A. M., Ibr O Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottm liie Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury,Wllliams port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, es town, Wilkbarre, Pittston, York, Carliale,Gitambers. burg, Hagerstown, &c., &c. This train connects at READING with the Rut Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, and with the Lebanon Valley train ibr Harrisburg, &c. at PORT CLINTON with Cats Maas Railroad trains for Wllummnport, Lock Horan. Elmira, dfac.. at IT A RAITRRITRG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Su.s_quehanna trains for Northumberland,'W lllllsr]mpora. - York, Ohamberabarg, Pinegrove, AFTERNOON IMPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 8.80 P. M. for summing, Potts ville, Harrisburg, arc., connecting with lum‘ffng and Columbia R.R. trains for Columbia &c., and with Cats wissa Railroad train for Milton, Wllllaau3port, Buffalo. &c _ ReadingNG AOOOSIIIIODATION. Leaves at 6.80 A. hi., stopping at ail vraysta tions; arrives In Philadelphia at 9.80 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at. 4.80 P. M.; arrivesln Reading at 7.80 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M" and PoWiwille at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Philadel phia at 12.45 P.M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves ] Reading at 7.85 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Ranting and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.30 A, M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. AD the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M. and Phlladeltala at 3.15 P. M OwuR,T.ER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepointa take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadel. phis. returning from Downingtewr at 7.05 A. M. and 2 30 Noon_ NEW YORK IMPRESS, FOR PITTS:6IIIKM Air _ TH E WEST. Asa Leaves New York at9.od * A. and SP. M., passing Reading at 1 A. M., and Z. 48 P. M.. and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Nix ress Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, WU. liamsnort, Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisb On arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh_at 3 and 9.05 A. M., passing Ite.l if? at 4.49 and 10.5 2A.M. arriving at New York Id A. M., and 2.45 P.M. Sleepini Car accompanyf 2 these trains through between .Terfie9 City and Pdtsb -Harris , without charge. Mail train tbrNew York leaves burg at 1.45 P. M. Mall train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHOYLETLI, VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P.M., returning from Tamaqua at 7..35 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. IL SCHUYJx - MT, AND SUSQITEH_ANNA. RA mrtoAD, Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre• wont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.63 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.00 P.M. TICKETS. Through ':first-cleas tickets and emigrant tickets to an the principal points in the North and West and Canadc.a. The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of E. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 1t. , 7 South Fourth street, Philt,delphia, or of 0. A. Nicol% GeneraPSuperiatend ;;Yt, COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent., discoent between any points desired for tr.mdies and finn.s. Nurr.F A C. 4 E, TICKETS, _ _ Gocd for 2,000 roiles,berween all points, ist ea 50 each, for fs.ralllos and arms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six. rune or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. CLERGY'S.= Residing on the line of the Road will be farr-ishee with cards, entitling themselvea and wives to tickets al half-tare. EXCTIIkuoN TIC HEIR. From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for ..ictarday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be ar...d only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow 'Lill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above pond ints fromi llow th streets.e Company's New Freight Depot, Dr - " - a W FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Pbnadel hia daily at 5.80 A. M., 12.45 noon and e F. LL, for g, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. bLLILIti Close at the Philadelphia Poet Office for all places on the road and ha branches at 6 A. 3L, and for the prin. Woad Stallone only at 216 P. 2d. p IT. A DELpHIA, WrrArrNG 01111AMRTON AND BALTIMORE RAH, ABLE.—Commencing MONDAY, march 26th, 1666. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 415 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Perryville, Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia , Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Delaware R.R. Tral .B.l4A.M.(Stinday excepted), for Princess Anne. Milferd and intermediate stations. Way-mall Train, at 9.lsping A. M.Chester (Sundays ex cepted). ibr Baltimore, stop at , Marlow, Linwood, Claymont, and all regular stations between Wilmington and Baltimore. Express tram at 11.45 A. M. (Sandaya excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, Express Train at 2.45 P. X. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Fitton, North-East, Pearry vil =oliale,, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, M, Chase's and Stemmer's gun. Nght Empress at 11.00 P.M. for Baltimore and Wash- LlCtby boat from Baltimore fbr Fortress Monroe, City Point and Richmond will take the 1L45 A. It Train. _ WILMINGTON AOCOMMODATION TRA_LNG, stopping at, all atationa between Philadelphia and Wil• minglon. Leave Philadelphia at 815,11.15 A...M_,3.30, 5.30 and ILSB P. M. The LSO P. 15L train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate sta. Leave Wilmington 7.00, 8.15 and 9.30 A. M., 3.00 and 5.00 P. Di. - Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at eas At. M., 3.su and 5.30 P. M. THROUGH. TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 12.00 M., 4.80 and 10.00 P.M. CELESTEB. FOR PRILA DELPELLA.. _ Leave Chester at 3.01 , 6.18 and 10.14 A. M., 12.37, 3.48, 0 .01,5.44 and 10.36 P. M. From Baltimore to Philadelphla—Leave Baltimore 8.30 A. M., Way - Mail 9.21 A. M. Express. 1.10 P. M., Express. 6.85 P. M., Express. 6.21 P. M., Express. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 4.i9 and 9.52 A. M.. and 3.28 P. M. Trams for Baltimoreleave Wilmington at 5.=, and 10.83 A. M., and 4.00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 415 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Perryville, avre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express 11.00 F. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington. Accommodation Train at 11.30 P.M., for Wilmington and intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PEDELADEILinEte. Leave Baltimore at 8.2 P. Di., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers tram Baltimore or Washington. A spertal train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6a) P. M. ht trains with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington fey Perryville and intermediate stations at SAM . M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4 45 P.M. H. F. HENNBY. Superintendent. • PHILADELPHIA GICICILAN TOWN AND rionasemown . a ;To s.. . TABLE.-On and altar WED. NESDAY, November ljlt, j§6s,t_mtil Blither notice, FOU GERSIAZUOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9,10, il, ISLA. X.; 1. 1, ILU minutes, 3%, 4,5, 5%, 8,7, 8,9, 10, 11,12, P. N. Leave Germantown-6,,7,, 10, Di,ll B, P 8.20, N 9, 10, 11, 12, A. N. 1, 2,4%, 7, 89. . The 8.20 down n'ain, and the 8% and 5% up train/ do net stop on G ermantown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphts-9,10 minutes, A. 2, 7 and 10%, P. M. Leave Germantown-8 A. ht.• 1, 6 and 9%, P.M. farksrsur HILLICU:I.I4OAB. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, 19, hi, A. N.; 2,2%, 531, 7.:6, and 11, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, 8,9.40, and 11.40 A. id.; MO, 8.40, 5.40, 6.40, 840 and 10.40 P. 51. ON 6bP7DAYB. P.ht. Leave Philadelphla-9.10 minutes, A. /II.; 1, and 7 Leave chestnut Hlll-7.10 minutes, A. N.; 12.411, 140 and 915 rolntites P. N. FOR CO OCKEN AN TOW Leave P NSH deI H haB.3S,I D mOR A. . I)ie 8,4%. 5%, 6%, 8.C5, andll%, P. M. Leave Norrigtown-5%,a7, 7.50, 9,11, A. hf.: 1.%, 4%, 5 and 8 P. hi. The 5% P. N. train *ll stop at School Lane, Wissa hickon, Idanartrac, Spring Rills and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -9 A. N., 2%, and 7F. N. Leave Norristown-7 A. M.. NA:and 5 TONE E. P. M. FOR DIA Leave Philadelphia-IL 8.85, 11.05 A. N.; 1%, 8, 4%,13%, 6%, 8.05, and 11% P DI Leave Manayana-4%, 7%, 840 9% ,11%, A. lb; 1,5, 6% and 8, P. N. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. N.; 2% and 7P. X. Leave Mans.pnnk-7%• A. hi.; 0% and 8 P. M. W. T. ,SON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets, •.-i-L - e-r OFFICE OF THE ADAMS PRESS COMPANY, MO CREST. I 1 Al PEULADHLPUIA, January stritiosa The Adams Expresa Company have enlarged their facilities at Washington, D. C. by building a ,Elroad Depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation. are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing. ton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederirk, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied by the army, at greatly redumgtatea Special agreemen,a made for Merchandise in large lots. Sutler's goods and army sup Plies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual. rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and revel ted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LO. MST streets. JOHN GINGHAM, Superintendent -- RARITAN AND DELAWARE Y RAILROAD.—NOPICE.—On an• aei I y BA ,Februara 12th, the Express Train „win be discontinued, The Freight Train leaved CAM DEN at 2 °week; P. 'IL, daily, (Sunday , excepted,) as glvirSn New York next morn Lug. Fre ht taken at low rates. B.OOLE, Agent. kikv*ViminiciLtaLittm 0:41 r: RAIL P.EZIROAD.NSYLVAITIA IMENTRAir - The trains or the Pennsylvania Central R. R. lesiva' the Depet at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is' reached by the ears of the Market Street Paasenget Bank ay running to and from the Depot. The last car leaw s Irani i.treet abcut thirty minutes, prior ter the departure of each 'Drain. -ON t , UN—Cs lea le enth - strets 45 rDnmss b a fure departure Ev a e nndnMrtaike aNN's BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver' Baggage at the Depot Orders left at theoffice, No. 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention. T rivSt MANE AND ARRIVE. AT DEPOT TBUS: MAIL TRAIN kyr. . PAOLI ACCOM., No. . FAST LINE, - 1 * • PAREF-91131JRG • RARRISBIJRG'ACCOM., LANCASTER AMOR., • PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • - ERIE MALI * - - - • PRILADELIIBIA EXPRESS t • AILIEUVB. OINC/04.NATI EXPRESS. t - • " 1.10 A. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS t • " 9.10 PAOLI ACCO3I., No. 1 az, PARKESBURG - % 9.00 ' 1 LASNACAS TIER TRAIN • "WAP. MI FT 1... EN PAOLI ACCAM:, No. 2, " 4.40 DAY EXPRESS - • " 510 HARRISBURG ACCOM., . ' 1 9.10 " *Daily, except Saturday. tDally. tDally, except' 3.I9PPaY. AU other trains daily, except SandaY. The Pennsylvania Bauman Co. wilt not assume _any risk for Baggage except for Wearing Apparel, and their responsibility to One Buns red Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will beat the risk of the owner, unless taken by optical. contract. TICKET OFFICES. Have been opened tat No. 631 Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel, and Girard House, where Tickets may be procured to all important points in Pennsylvania, as well as the West, Northwest and Southwest: and' lull particulars given as to time and connections, by JO'RN C ALLEN, Ticket Agent The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be con tinned as heretofore. where all information respecting routes as well as Tickets, can be had 'on application to THOMAS H. 2..A.8.KE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Ratlitrart Train runs daily, except Sunday. For lull Information as to fare accommotlattora, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 137 Dock street. • - • sa 19 AB lo CLNOILiNATI RAILROAD a • . I*li_r_, PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government bas assigned to it the carrying of the U. S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. THEME BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OP CABS BET w - F.R7g PHIL a DELPHIA AND CUTIHNIITATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PA SENDERS BY THIS ROU rE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS, ONE THAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTTIER, LLNE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff's Celetrated Palace ttate-Room Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus scithout charge, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at mionight, a comfort never before afforded to toe traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEIIRMT rj 1."," PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and .11.arket Streets. Philadelphia. B. P. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Agt. Steubenville!. 0. JO.EaC H. 7 , M.L . FR Gen't eastern Pass. Agi. sa; Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gen'l Sup't. fel:34f PIIILADELPHIA. ERIE RAILROAD. 1366. great line traversesthe Northern and North west counties of Penns) ivania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. . It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania kallroad Company. 'inn OF PASSENGER. TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVE EASTWARD. Fee. MIR Train Erie Express Train..._....._ LEAVE WESTW ARD .7.00 A. M. -LOOP. M. Erie Mail Train - 9.00 P.X. Erie Express Train .J 2.00 H.. Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mall and Express %trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONN - ECTION. Oeave New York at 9.00 A.M., arrive at Erie 9.15 A. H. Leave Erie at 1.55 P. H., arrive at New York 3.40 P. AL Elegant bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For Information respecting passenger business apply at corner THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, Phila delphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: B. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Iliarket , streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. ROUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. °AMMER, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L. TYLER, General Supt., Williamsport. A • .Li t • at.. • : 1 . -7 7- 1 ! ADFILPHIA TO WILLTAME-- WIT w ' CHANGE OF CARS VIA CA.TA WI'....,bA -ROUTE. On and alter Monday. April 2d, 1866, through car* for Williamsport will leave the Philadelphia and Read ing Barroad Depot, Thirteenth and t...Salowhill streets. at 6A. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. M.. and making close connections for Elmira, Oil Regions. Buffalo. Erie, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and. all places in the Westera, North Western, South Western States and the CanBdas. - R:ROUGH TICKETS to all points can be procured at the Company's office 425 Chestnut street, under - Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom House, at the United States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, 511:10 at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Thin eenth and tallowhill streets. N. VANHORN, Passenger Agent. BIISIMMiti *ARDIS. pas....mr.rrs PROCURED.— JOHN H. FRICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, COSEMSSIONER FOR ALL STATES, PENnION AND PRIZE AGENT, No.: n DOCK Street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ai> counts taken. anhu-Smili 628 HOOP SKIRTS, NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY 2B of Hopkins' " own make," at No. 621 ARCH Street. These Skirtsare gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every else and style for Ladies, Arbiv • - and Children, which, for finish and dnrabWty, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly oa hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skits, from 11 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts , made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. noLl-dmi Lt C.RNIGRT & CO., WHOrmsA 1" E GROCERS, S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and. the Grocers' Sugar. House, of Philadelphia. GEORGE SRARP Patentee 11 , d manufacturer of. the - Ft LT. PATTERN' SELVRR. WARE, ,No. 41 Prune street. jaM-arno* JAM ES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIKS. OLEMMTS As GRISCOM. THEODORE WRIGHT. FRANK. 1.. NEALL. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and !Dipping aid Comm ission Merchants, No. U 5 Wlaas.• 0 Street, Philadelphia. DENNSYLVANIA WORES.—ON l'JeLe.. DELA WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Lelaware county, Pa. REA_NEY, SON & CO., Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Manufactut exs of All kinds of CONDENSING AND - ..s.ZONCGNDRNSING EN— GIN ES, Iron Vessels of all description_, Boilers, Vats. Tanks; T. REANEY, W. B. Pro pellers. REANEY, &c. S. ARCH :Ia LROLD;. Late of te Reaney. Neste & Co., Engineer in Chief, Penn Works, Phila. U. S. Navy, T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. MERRICK; JNO. E. COPE: Q01..i ritt w ARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH INGTON STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MER.b.ICE & SONS, ' ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. ' Manulhcture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land,River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Castings ofall kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works,. Workshops and Railroad Stations, dc. Retorts and Gas .Machinery, of the latest anti most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist .11111 s, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pumping .En— gines, dc. Sole Agents for N. Billemt's Patent Sugar Bolliv Apparatus, Nesmyth's pat-nt Steam Rammer and aspiuwall 4 Woolsey's Patent Ceatrifngal Sugar Draining Machine. GAS PIXTUREB.—MiIiKEY, 31:ERBILL & THACKARA, NO. 716 CME-liiTNUT street, Manufacturers of Gaa Fixtures, Lamps&c,, &c., would call the attention of the public to , their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, PendanM, Brackets, &c. They also introduce- Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing. altering and repairing Gas pipe& A.ll work war. Jr= T. PHILADELPHIA REDMG 6aa0ca...4 FOURTH Street, above Vine, will reopen for 111 Fall and Winter season 00 MONDAY, Sept. 48th; Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of We accomplishment will And ever, Nullity at this school. The horses are safe and wen trained, sothatthe most:timid need not fesr.. Saddle horses trained in the beat wanner. Saddlo hmesal horses and vehicles to tare. Also carriages for ftnitif to cam, steamboats, do. TH - 09. ORATOR SOM. I RIVY WELL..—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—The only plabe to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Dledn. acted, at way low prices., A. PEYSSON, Motinfacturer of Pondrette s , • Goldsmith's Hall. Llb street racy SAIL DUQK of every,widtb MoririlN LINEN one to six flet wide, rll numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, Papermakera felting. Sail Twine. &b. JOHN W. .EVERMA_N ,dt C 0... N 0.102 Jones's Alley= - A LISIERIA GRAPES.-100 [cep or these s pi el: 4 4 waitegraln fine order landing and forsale by 708.8. BIISBDraB &CO., _IOQ Smarr Delaware SNOW* , . 04 8.00 A. M " 10.00 " " 1%00 Ki M. " I.OOP. II 2 .30 ?. • " 4.00 II .a. 5 .30 it t. 9.00 n 31.10