Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 05, 1866, Image 6
European News by , t4ei Danlasens. TOBTLAND, April 4.—The steamship Da maaous, from Liverpool on the 221 and Londonderry on the 23d ult., arrived at this port this evening. The steamship City of Manchester, from New. York, arrived at Liverpool on the 22c1, and the Edinburgh on the 232. The sieamship Nouveau Monde arrived out on the 22d. In the House of Commons, on the 21st, the bill abolishing certain restrictions upon Dissenters at Oxford University was de bated 'end carried through the second read ing by 114 majority. ant, London Daily News regards this di vision as the best criterion yet .presented of the strength of the parties of the new Parliament. - Another liberal member Mr. Oliphant, gave notice of intended motion affecting the reform bill, viz: The appointment of a,Royel Commission to inquire into the question of the redistribution of seats. The chances of the Reform bill continue to be actively canvassed by the journals, those opposed to the measure contending that Earl Grosvenor's amendment will seal the doom of the bill, while the other side an ticipate little or no danger from it unless there is a serious detection from the Liberal ranks. The Irish Times learns from a reliable authority that the escape of Stephens is no longer'a matter of doubt, as he arrived safe in Paris on Sunday morning, the 18th, when be immediately sent a telegram to his wife, who was staying at Cork, expecting every day instructions to embark for Ame rica. She and her sister forthwith set out for England, on their way to Paris to join her husband. The ex-rebel cruiser Shenandoah, offered at auction at Liverpool on the 22d, by order of the United States Consul, was knocked down for £15,750. FRANCE. The political news from France is unim portant. ' The Bourse was flat. Rentes closed at 68f. 50c. SPAIN. A Madrid telegram says the ;Spanish Go vornment had received important de ipatches from its Minister at Washington; but upon what subject was not stated. AUSTRIA AND PRUSSIA. The statements in regard to Austria and Prussia were conflicting. The German firms in London have uniformly ridiculed the idea of hostility, and the latest tele grams are of a reassuring character; but still the German press continue to deal in warlike rumors. A special courier arrived at Vienna on the 2(st, with despatches from the Prussian Government, the nature of which had not transpired. INDIA. BOMBAY, March 16.—Goods are firm. Cotton advancing; exports for the week, 30,000 hales. Exchange,2s. Latest via Londonderry LONDON. Friday evening, March 23d. The Bank of France has reduced its rate of discount to three-and-a-half per cent. • Alarming war rumors continue to prevail at Vienna, but the news is conflicting. The recruiting of Austrian volunteers for Mexico was about to commence. The 'Star says Lord Grosvenor's resolution was drawn up by D'lsraeli, and if it should obtain a majority it will be followed Im mediately either by the resignation of the Government or the dissolution of the House, but most probably a dissolution.' A A collision took place on the Norfolk coast between an English steamer and a Russian brig. The brig afterwards cap sized, and ten of the crew and the captain were drowned. ;tiluster Out of Troops. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJ.-GEN.'S OFFICE, WASRINGTON, March 31, 1866.—The sub joined is a list of volunteer organizations which have been, or are ordered to be mus tered out of service, not included in previ ous circulars! California—lnfantry, Co. D, 4th. Cavalry, Co. E, Ist; Co. G, 2d. • Illinois—lnfantry 28th, 42d, 58th, 59th. • Indiana—lnfantry, 32d. Kentucky—lnfantry, 7th. Michigan—Cavalry, Ist, F and S; Com panies A, B, C, D, E, G, I, L. Infantry, veterans of the 4th. I%linnesota-Artillery, 3d Battery. New York—lnfantry, 54th. Ohio—lnfantry, 77th. Oregon—lnfantry, Co. D, Ist. Pennsylvania—lnfantry, 214th. Vermont—lnfantry, 7th. Wisconsin—lnfantry, 35th. United States Colored Troops—lnfantry, 4th, 14th,_ 15th, 21st, 35th, 40th, 82d, 84th, 86th, 97th, 113th. Artillery, Ist heavy. Cavalry, 4th, sth and 6th. NOTE.—The 83d U. S. Colored Troops, in a circular dated Oct. 7th, 1865, was reported consolidated with the 96th T. S. Colored Troops. Circular dated March 3, 1866, re ports the regiment *consolidated with the 10th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery. The latest information is that the enlisted men of the 73d, whose term of service expired s'9o:t. 27th, 1865, were mustered out of ser vice, those remaining were transferred to .the 96th U. S. Colored Troops. Son.. BRECK, A. A. G. The Connecticut Election. HARTFORD, April 4,—The EVC7I,IIIg Press - makes the majority for. Hawley 594, on a total vote of about 47,138, fullreturns having been received from all towns but four, in which the - Union party have majorities. HARTFORD, April 4.—A telegram from Salisburygave English 100 more votes than he received there, and this correction, with others which have been reported, increases Hawley's majority to 599. We have the vote of every town in the State, which gives the following aggregate: Hawley, 43,847; nglisis, 43,2,48. Hawley's majority, 599. The New Jersey Legislature. TRENTON, N. J., April s.—The resolution from tlfellonse to go into joint meeting this afternoon, at three o'clock, was taken to the Senate, and on the Note of concurrence it was lost—yeas 10, nays 11. The Senate passed a resolution to adjourn on Friday of this week. Senator Soovel voted against it. Mr. James B. Dayton, brother of the late William M. Dayton, has been named for Senator. THE NEXT. CONGRESS—THE BILLS FOR EQUALIZING BOUNTIES.—On Monday, Hon. George W. Julian, now representing the Fifth Congressional District of Indiana, was nominated for the fortieth Congress by the popular vote of the - Union men in their respective townships - by over one thousand majority. This is believed to be the first nominationanywhere for that Congress. Some days ago. Mr. Julian introduced a bill equalizing bounties, which was referred to the Military Committee, and which mat the views of the Sailors and Soldiers' Union of this city. The principal objection to this bill was the general supposition that it would require six hundred millions of dol lars, as estimated by the Paymaster Gene ral-and Provost Marshal General Fry. But at the request of Mr. Julian, Dr. Broad head,* Second Controller of the Treasury, has submitted to him a carefully prepared statement from official data, from which it appears that the amount to satisfy the re quirements of Mr. Julian's bill will be less than two hundred millions. SENTllNcEn.—Thomas Mims, who mut. dered James Walters in Cincinnati in 1860, and was convicted in 1863, but who suc ceeded in tying bis case up by an appeal to the Supreme Court, has at last had his base decided, and is sentenced to be hung on the 25th of May ne.xt. Coal Statement. .. • The following shows the shipments of coal over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad for the week ending karch 31, compared with same time last season: Shipped North Shipped South. Total. 28,848 19 - 283,850 06 For corresponding time last year: Week, Year, Tons.ewt, Tons.ewt. Shipped North 1,698 08 35,006 07 Shipped South "0,56416 15'1,93814 Increase. tiCIAlf.l) (ii 4 "l'ILAL)Jfti• SAMUEL E. STOKES. GEORGE N. TATHAM, MONTICLT .00110111[22.72. SAS. R. CAMPBELL, IMPORTATIONS.- Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. LONDON—Bark M E Corning, Thoriaason-127 kegs white lead 60 bbla rotten stone 90 kegs Indian red 5 cks patent driers 26 bags Brench chalk 80 tcs Paris white 20 bbls rose pink 180 cks whiting 12 cs ultra marine J Pettit & R Seeger; 241 pkgs mdse Brown Shipley & Co; 60 tens chalk & G Lenmg; 195 pkgs muse Powers & Weiglitman; ' 15 do blacking H 0 Kellogg; 14 do mdse Rosengarten & Sons; ltriO pigs lead 60 tons chalk 331 pkgs mdse order. LIVI.RPOOL—Brig Cairo, McLean-1420 sacks fine sail 2920 do Liverpool ground salt P Wright & Sons. ORCHILLA—Bark A Houghton. Barrett-300 tons guano Baker dc 'Folsom. MATAIsZZAS--Brig R S Hasaell, Hassell-361 bhde molasses 33 tes do E C Knight & Co TRINIDAD DE CUBA—Brig F,,ex. Bain-365.hhds sugar 35 tierces do 42 hi:Ws molasses 20 bbis do S & W Welsh: 4 do do captain. SAM:TA—Brig John Welsh, Jr, Filield-131 hhda su gar 43 ics do 2 bbls do S & W Welsh. . W.LLMINGTON, NC—Schr H ' W Godfrey, Weeks -72 bale, yarn Woodward & Sons; 101 bbls tar Prentice & Felton; 169,000 pounds old iron Carman. Merchant & Shaw; 78 empty casks Massey, Collins & Co; 12 do do Gray: 17 do do O Bergner, 2 bales cotton Carson & Tucker; 82 bbls spirits turpentine 533 do rosin 12,998 shingles 19 420 feet timber oroer. strived awl Elatllmmoean ISteamera TO MIPS PBOM POB • 1:4•171 New York SoOthampton...New York March 14 Cella London... New York ta arch 15 City of Limerick raverpooL-New York March 17 City of Dublin .Liverpool... New York March 17 Scotland .Liverpool... New York .March 21 Bavaria -.......Southampton...New York lifarch 21 Damascus adverpool...Portland March 22 City of Cork Liverpool... New York March 2.t City of Manchester-Liverp'l.-New York.... March Zt Atlantic .Southemipton...New York. March 24 Cuba Liverpool... New York March 24 Delaware Liverpool. .Boston&Phila.March 27 Edinburg Liverpool : .:-New York March 22 TO DKPATIT. Washington New York...Havre April 7 Helvetia .New York... Liverpool , April 7 Bremen .New York... Bremen. April 7 Britannia New York...Olasgow April 7 Cityofßallimore.New York... Liverpool April 7. Moravian Portiand...Liverpool April 7 Fah REe New:York...St Jago April 7 Veratruz NewYork...Havana et: V C April lo China Boston .Liverpool -lorll 11 .... ..... Boston. ..Liverpool : .. __ City - of Cork New York... Liverpool - April 11 Atlantic New York... Bremen April 11 City of Paris New York...LiverpooL April 11 Fulton ...New York...Havre April 11 Scotland .New York... Liverpool April 14 City of Dublin...-New York... Liverpool .April 17 MARIA .}E BUIL. a PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Aran. 5 91:1N MEM, 5141 I &TN S! TB. 6 19 I H1E1.3 WATZB., 552 ARRIVED T-I.TERDA Steamer S C Walker. Sherin. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird k Co. Steamer Alida, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Bark M E Corning (Br),- Themsson, 100 days from London, with mdse to E ASonder & Co. Bark A Boughton, Barratt, 21 days from Orchilla with guano to .Baker & Folsom. Bark Rosamond, Wallace, 3 days from New York,in ballast to Carman, Merchant ‘t, .4. haw. Brig Cairo (Br), McLean, to days from Liverpool with salt to C C Van Horn. Brig Fssex. Bain. 1A c ays from Trinidad, with augur and molasses to S t W Welsh. Brig R S Hassell, Hassell. 13 days from Matanzas, with umissses to E C Knight & Co. ErigJohn Welsh. Jr. Filial& from Sagua 25th alt. with sugar and molasses to S& W Welsh. Lett bark Gen W T Sherman and brig A 0 Cattail, both heuc-, dlsch'g: schrs John Stroup and A Haley, wtg: barks Advance ana Realm, and Bohr a W ilynson, all load ing for Philadelphia. Brig Rolerson, Scott, 7 days from Charleston, with . mdse to DS Stetson & Co. Seta H W odfrey,Weeks. 6 days from Wilmington, NC, with naval storts, die. to D S Stetson & Co. Schr Sophia Wilson, Newell, from New York. Sehr Delaware. Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jas Barra t. Behr Bird, Duffy, 2 days from Lewes,DeL with grain to Jas Barrett. Steam-tog America, Virden, le hours from Cape enlopen, having in tow barks M E Corning. Mary C Dyer (returning leaky), and brig Rolerson At noon, sd inst. off Cape Heolopen, spoke barks Imperador, from Pernambuco for N York, 10 days out and Glen dune, from Foochow' for do; brig Helena. from Ha vsna for do, and hark American Eagle, from—for do. .Passell In the bay, brig Anna Helen , from Mes sina; brig—, do, and brig Ortolan, from Matanzas. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ann Eliza.R!chards, N York, W P Clyde & CO. Steamer H L Gaw, her. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Behr Silver Stars Phlllips, Petersburg, Va. via Wil mington, Del. I:off:bury, Wickersham g Co. Sebr Mercy Taylor, Nickerson, Fall River. D Cooper. Schr L R Ogden, France, Hartford, Tyler & Co. frLEILOBARDA -- - . Steamer Stars-and Stripes, Holmes, hence for Ha vana. was passed 2d Inst. at 8.40 AM. Cape Hatteras bearing NW by N 10 miles. Steamer Bellona (Br), Dixon, cleared at'New York yesterday for London. Morro M - - Steamer Castle, Adams, from Havana 81st Mt. at N. York yesterday.. Steamer Raleigh, Walker, from New Orleans 27th nit. at New York yesterday. The R has on board the Ist Vermont Volunteers, Lt Col Porter, aommandlag. Steamer Manhattan, Deaken, from New York, at Havana 20th nit. for Vera Cruz. - - Steamer Corsica (Br), Le Messurler, at Havana 30th ult. from New York via Nassau Ship S L Tilly (Sr), Cann. hence, in the Scheldt, pre vious to 22d alt. Ship George Peabody, Paine, from Manila Nov at New York yesterday, with hemp. Ship Haze, Forsyth, ,leaned at New York yesterday for San Frandsen. Bark A W Singleton, Guest, hence at Marseilles previous to 22d ult. Brig Christian, (Dan) Nelson, St days from Rio Ja nero, at New York yesterday, with coif.° Brig J W Harris (Br) Davison, Balled from Cardenas, list ult for this port. Brig Cahnuck. Minot, cleared at Cienfuegos, 28d nit for this port. Schrs Rachel S Miller, hence for Boston; Ann S Can ron, hence for Salem; Tennessee from Eastport. fnr 'this port; Cares, from Boston for do; Louisa Gray,from Q. incy Point for do and Leonora. from Easex for do. i at Holmes' Hole 2d nit,and salted agal., on the 31. Solna Cobassett, Gibbs. and George W. Cummings! Bonlt, sailed from New Bedf 3d last for this port Schr "A Caveron," of Philadelphia coal laden, for —, was spoken on the 2d lust, off Poilrck Rio Light, with loss of bowsrrlt; all head gear and bulwarks stoNe forward, having been in collision with an un known vessel. SPECIAL NOTICES. fY HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. 1.1 , ,y" A PEW in middle aisle for sale. Immediate possession given. Address RANDOLPH, Box 891 PoStofrice. ap4 St* ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD COM PANY.—P/TTSBURGH, March 29,1866. Coupons of the Second Mortgage Bonds of th a Company, due the 2d proximo, will be paid on presen tation at the Office of TOWNSEND. WHELXN CO., 309 WALNUT Street. mh3o.6ti JNO. BALLANTINE, Treasurer. 11Zi. REV. 0. D. CARROW WILL DELIVER A Course of Lectures on "Life in Spanish Ame-ica in UNION METHODIST EPISCOPAL OFIIIRCII. Fourth street, below Arch. The first Lecture will be given on TUESDAY EVANING, April loth, at to 8 o'clock. Subject—" Paraguay and its People." Previous to which Prot. Finny will give a Voluntar, on the new organ. ap3. tu,th,s,3l,* Era. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIREIN SURANCE COMPANY.-FRILADEPHIA, Apra 2, 1866.. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Con t pany held This Day, a semi-annual Dividend of SIS. PER CENT. and an Extra Dividend of TEN PE t CENT. was declared on the Capital Stock. payable to the ctoekholders, or their legal representatives on and after the 12th instant. ape-llti .T. W. Mc,A_LLISTER, Sec. pro tem. fl CAMDEN AND A.MRO'I . RTR: TRA_N i • PORTATION COMPANY, OFFICE, BORDEN. TOWN. March 28th, 1866. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad. and Transported, II Company will be held at the Company's Office, in Bordentown. on Saturday, 28th of April, 1866, at t 2 O'CIOCIt M., for the election of Seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, mh2.B-t,ap2B Secretary. OFFICE OF DENSMORE OIL COMPANY, [11:34 South THIRD Street.; The;tegular Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the `•DENSMORE. OIL COM:MN - Y." For the election of officers and Board of Dirertora fir the ensuing year. and other business. will take place at ale office of 'Cc e Company, on Wednesday. April ELI. 1866, at 12 o'clock 111. T. TUTYLE, Secretary. N. B.—Stockholders are requested to bring the;r cer tificates. • ruh2.B,lotp 11 , t , THE TIONESTA OIL, LUMBER., AED MINING COMPAisTY_ L Office. 432 Chestnut street, Second story, Room No. 2, PHILADICIIEI A. March 31, 1866, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Companywill be held at th e.r officP,on WE DNESDA Y, April 11th, A, D., 1866, at 12 M., for the election of a Board of seven Directors,- a Secretary and Treasurer. And for the transaction of such other business, as may properly come before the meeting. ' JAMES H. PRESTON, mh3l•lM Secretary. [U. DELAWARE MINING COMPANY —OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that the eleventh and last Instalment of TWO-AND-ONlii, RALF DOLLARS per share on each and every share of the Capital Stock in the Delaware Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board ut Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Oflice of the Company t No. 826 Walnut, street, Phiadoh phia, on or before the 19th day of Feoruary 1866, Interest will be charged on all Instalments after the mune shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors, B. WYATT WISTAR, Secretary. Dated Phllatia, Feb, 7th, 1866, re7./lUkta.Wil,tag ffiE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHIL ADELPHIA., THITRSDAY, APRIL 5, 18136. Week. Year. .Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. . 7,418 18 81,182 10 2.21,430 01 202,667 16 185,945 01 MEE TEETH. ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE FOR. CLEANSING AND PRESERVING Removes all substances destructive to the teeth, prevents discoloration and the accumulation of Tartar, and a spongy re laxed condition - of the Gums, imparting a pleasant and refreshing fragrant taste to the ➢south. Guaranteed to contain no Acid, or. Any substance that will injure or de stroy the Teeth. Its cleansing and healthful properties are certified to by prominent Dentists throughout the country. Sold by Druggists, Fancy Goods Dealers and Perfumers, and at the' Depot, 85 Li berty Street, N. T. Ask fOr ItOGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE and take no other. JOHNSTON,HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Wholesale Agents. mh2o-tn,th.e.lsti COAL. Gr..lEO. A. COOIKE, IS SELLING PRESTON COAL Which is the very beat Schuylkill Coal coming to this market, perfectly ch an and tree of slate, dellverab:e to any part of the city. at $7 per ton. Egg and Stove sizes. Also, the genuine EAGLE VEIN, same sizes, same prices. Orders received at No. 114 R.TIIIRD Street. FEIno • rluxu No. 1314 WASHINGTON Ave. mhtli lm? rrINIMI.N Ar, COAL YARD. S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Willow Streets PHILADELPHIA. XiMlrders thankfully received and promptly exe cured. Blacksmith"' Coal constantly_on hand. mhi4-Imi Eagle Vein Coal. STOVE. ir 50. CHEtSTNIIT. $6 50. At .1. IS. JENE INS' COAL YARD, mte-S-lms S. W. cor. NINTH and WATT, ACE S. MITE TREMONT COAL COISEPANY are now ready 1 to receive °niers for the several sizes of their cele brated LORBEBRY .ASH COAL. It is the determina tion of the Company to take special pains In the pre. paxation of their Coal so that it shall be of the best quality. Reliable arrangements are made for ship ping sent points, east ard south. Orders for the pre , sent, o their office. No. 2.3 E.XCIIANGE BUILD INGS, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to. ORO. SANDaRSON, President. A. B. Fermin., General Coal Agent. PHILADELPHIA, March 15. 1566. mhl7-s.tu,thlBl4 s. stAtiON HINE& /MN J. Mali& 11 THE UNDkRBIGNICD IN VIM, ATTJENTION IT 1 their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest marks rates, and to deliver In the beat condition. Orders left with S. MASON RINES. Franklin Insti tute EMlldLng, SEVENTH stmet,_below Market. wE be promptly attended to. SECHAFF_ se6,ti Arch Street Wharf, SchuslliaL rIOAL.--SITGARLOAF.REAVER NE.A.IX)W A.NT, ki Spring Moruatain, Lehigh Coal. and beet Locust Blount/in from Schuylkill, prepared Hex fin toe, Depot, N. W. corner mhE EIGHTH and WH, LO street Office, .N 0.112 South SECOND street. J. WALTON & CO. NEW PUBIAWATIONE). IDAY.ABD TAYLOR'S NEW BOOK N. W ./J HEADY. TB E STORY OF KENNETi', by Bayard Taylor, In one volume. =no., cloth. ALSO LIVINOSTONE'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAM BESI AND ITS :TRIBUTARIES. With Sinatra lions. HISTORY OP HENRY THE FIFTH. By George Idakepeace Towle. SEWELL'S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. THE IDLE WORD. By Edmund Myrick Goal burn. D D. GOULBITEN'S DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURM COMPANION POETS, Containing poems from Longfellow. TENNYSON AND BROWNING. SNOW-BOUND. By John G. Whittler. LUCY ARLYN, By S. T. Trowbridge. THE HEIR OF BEDCLYFFE. New edition. CARLYLE'S FREDERICK THE GREAT. Com plete in six volumes. AN EIRENICON, By E. B. Posey. D.D. ORIGIN OF THE LATE WAR. By George Lunta All new and standard books for sale as soon as pub lished, by LINDSAY di. BLAXISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 2.5 South Stith street above Chestnut. TN PRE=S!! IN PRESS!! IN -PRESS!! 1 TO BE PUBLIsHED NEXT SATURDAY. MAN OF THE WORLD, MAN OF THE WORLD. MAN OF THE WORLD. By. William North. Complete in one large Duodecimo Volume. Price $1 50 in Paper; or 00 in Cloth. The Life, Services, and Martyrdom, and Funeral of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Sixteenth President of t se United States, With a full account of the Imposing Ceremonim at the National Caoltal, on February 11th, 1866, and the HON. GEORGE BA.NCROFT'S ORATION. Complete in one large Duodecimo Volume. Full of Illustrations. Price el 501 n Paper; or 00 in Cloth. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogues. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, • No. 306 Chestnut street Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent Postage pale, on receipt of retail price. All NEW BOORS at PET.ERSONS'. TUST PUBLISHED.—BAYA_RD TAYLOR'S NEW J BOOK, "The Story of Kennett," 1 vol., limo, cloth. CHERRY AND VIOLET. A Tale of the Great Plague. By the author of "Mary Powell." 7'HE CRITERION: or, The Test of Talk—about fa miliar things. By Henry T. Tuckerman. RUSKIN'S NEW BOOK—Unto this Last. THE IDLE WORDS. By E. M. Goulbourn, D. D. AGASSIZ'S GEOLOGICAL SKETCHES, 1 volume, limo. Fully illustrated. ST. MARTINS SUMMER. By Anne H. M. Brews ter. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successors to W. S. &A. Martlen, . 606 Chestnut street. A j.r.irtv . .LlFit O PHLLSIIOII.-.THE WEB t: nimaxml, HualcLun andOhena Player, by Gem; Allen Greek Professor in the 'University of Pens aYlvanla; with a Supplementary Ream on PhUidory :- Chess - Author and O .eser Player, by /Masai-le Vol .HF dehrand and de Lim, Envoy Extraordinary and W ieder Plenipotentiary of the Eine of Pausal*, at V. , Court of Bst.xo•Welmar. 1 vol., octavo, 33, Vellum. 10, top. Price 51 23. Lately pubilahedby . - E. H. B y do 00., no!. • 127 Booth Fourth street. I)EMOVAL.—HENRY O. LE& (late Lea & Blau- IX chard) has removed from No. 105 South Fourth trPet to Nee. 706 and 706 SANSOM Street. mh26-121 A ATVS BARB'S Blank Books and Stationery, int .•. Z 'id ed ..•1• ti ILO FAUIEZEK.A.. THE INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE ! ! This is no Hair Dye .413 I: I • : :*: :431: . :0 :I , :1: It will cleanse the scalp, and thereby promote the growth of the-hair. If the hair is dry, stiff and lifeless, it will give it a softness and lively youttuul appearance. - If the hair is becoming thin, weak and falling off, it Will restore its strength and beauty. lithe hair is gray or becoming so, it willrestore it to its original color without staining scalp or bead. It is free from all . Impurities or poisonous drugs. It is no hair dye, but an infallible restorative, and will doall that is promised, when used by the directions. SOLI); WROLERAr,E AND RETAIL...BY ROBERT RISME% Sole Agents No. 25 North Fifth, b - stuieen Cheetnut anti Pine, St. Louts Agent for Pennsylvania MOTT & ClO., 232 North Second street. Philada. th.s.tu sml ANARY SEED.—Twenty-tive barrels Prime Oa C nary Seed In gore and formic by WORKMAN A 99, got 122 WaLunt street, PERUVIAN SYRUP IS A PROTECTED SOLITTION OF THE PROTUXIDIIi OF IRON, a new discovery in medicine which el BIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, By supplying the Blood with iM vrrAL EarscreLE, on LIFE ELEMENT—LBAN. This Is the secret ofthe wonderful success of this re medy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhcea, Bo)ls, Nervous liffections, Chills ana Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitu- ' tionalVigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD I.d" accompanied by DEBILITY or a LOW STATE OP THE SYSTEM.- - Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energizing silents are not followed by corresponding reaction, but ar• permanent, Infusing STRICNGTII, VIGOR and NEw 1,1711 into all parts of the system, and building up an IRON 001% STITUTION. DYBP.EPOIA AND DEBILITY. A CASE OF 27 YEARS' STANDING CM= From IN SLEIi JEWE'IT, N 0.15 Avon Place, Boston. "/ have suffered, and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from dyspepsia. I commenced taking the. Pe , rnvian tgy rap, and found immediate ceneilt from it. In the course of three or four weeks i was entirely re lieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed uninter rupted health ever since. ' One of the most distinguished Juests in New England writes to a friend as follows: • . "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the re sult fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new man of me; inft sed Into my system new vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger heartier and with larger capacity for labor mental and physical, 'than at any time during the last five years." A pamphlet of 32 pages, will be sent FRRTe to any address. 11:9—See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. FOB SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 36 Dey ' Street, New York, AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that lODINE is THE BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The diftcuity has been to obtain a PURE SOLUTION Of IL Dr H. Anders' lodine Water Is a Pure Solution of lodine, WITHOUT A SOL- [MIMI - . Containing A rum, GRAIN to each ounce of water. A MOST POWERFUL VITALIZING AGENT AND R ~TOBATIVE. It ItAB cured and WILL cure SCROFULA in all its manifold forms. ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM, cEc-sC will be sent FREE to any one sending their address. Price f t (6 a bottle, or 6 for f 5 00. Prepared by Dr. H.AN DEES Pnysiclanand Chemist. FOR SALE BY J. P. Dlliffaltgilli..o6Dey St.. W. Y. • : ; e - • Ja.27-8 tu th3m VO.X..IPCIDPUI_AL, WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP, PRINCIPAL DEPOT, :71. SOUTH THIRD ST. PRICE, SI PER BOTTLE: 3, PER HALF DOZEN. The undersigned Citizens take nlessure In cheerfhlly recommending the use of Wright's Tar Syrup, for coughs colds, consumption, whooping cough, spotted lever, liver complaint. paths In the breast, bronchitis, inflammation, and constriction of air vessels in the lungs. The remedy should be in every Charles C. Wilson, Forney's Press office. Charles H. Gruffest. Sunday Mercury office. James Nolen, Inquirer office. Wm. F. Corbit, Associated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police Tele graph, Fifth and Chestnut streets. A. Randolph, Front and Lombard streets. James 'W. Perrine, lito Charles street. B. A. Davis, 323 Gssktll street. John Woodside, =II Franklin street Robert Thompson, 1606 Walter street. R. G. March. 0.6 Franklin street. -.- .1. Gebloff, n 1 South Second street. John Seymour, 511 South Front street. E.W. Howard. 1 Dock street. H. C. Bartlett, 327 South Second street. L. Bates, 6(.5 arch street. Albert martin. 417 South Second street. Mary Caldwell, ltd 2 SAIIPOth street. W. Thomas, M North Fourth street. T. EL Carly, 159 Elfretb's alley. George Wilson. WM Race street. W. F. 8r00k..'5,69 North Second street. • 2f. J. Bassett, 119 Canal street. • S. Seymour Rose, Bustleton. Charles Roger., ell South street. • R. T. 'Wellington. Second and Quaary streets. E. E. Thomas, 136 South Sixth strat. William Barns, 515 South Front street. S. S. Sanford, Opera Manager John blaginnis, rear of 134 North Second street. Mrs. S. R. ( hoate, Newark, Del. George W. White &Co. No. 56 South Third Street. Mr. William B. Trricht Bra: We tare pleasure In recommending your TAR SYRUP (of which we have already sold con siderable quantities) as a most excellent and efficacious remedy for the complaints set, for.h in your printed bill already submitted .to the public. As a gratifying/ act to suffering humanity we will cheerfully recant. : mend your preparation to all aftlictedw ith di.xe.ses , which it is designed to cure. Yours, &c., DILRS & BON. Druggists, N. R. corner Pine and Sixth streets. Also to be had at JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, DYOTT & CO., and all principal druggists and dealers. - The subscriber would beg leave further to say that he is prepared to fill orders and forward the Syrup to any part of the country. Persons desiring other information by mail will enclose a poetage stamp, and answers will be returned as soon as the exigencies of business will admit. Address WILLIAM B. WRIGHT. 771 South Thirdphia, P street, Philadelra. OPAL DEINTALLINA.—A superior article for clean ing the Teeth, destroying animalculm which in fest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feel ing of fragranee and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter- siveness will recommend it to every one. Being nom m.s ed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician and Et icro‘copist, it is confidently offered as a RELI a_BLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLINA, advocate its use; It contains nothing to prevent ita unrestrained employment. blade only by J .l NrFS T. SH.UT,N.:', apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D, L. Stackhouse, B assard & Co., Robert C. Davis, G. R. Reeny, Geo. C. Bower. Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. J• eedles. G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband. - J. C. Turnpenny & CO. Ambrose smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks. William B. Webb. R. Bringhnrst & 00., James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. ESTLACK'S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.—ThEnt lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria Coughs, Sore Throat,_ Hoarseness and Bronchia) affections generally . Try them. THOS. ESTL.A.CK. Jr., Druggist, S. W. - ner of Eighteenth and Markel streeta.Philadelphla. fee4mf MUMS. DLAIR'S CHOCOLATE FOR INVALIDS AND -LS FAMILIPS—made from the true Caraccas Cocos —free from all adulteration. The above article we can recommend as reliable for purity; exceedingly nutri tious and acceptable to weak and delicate stomach% for which it is especially intended; also suitable for family use. Put up in tin cases to preserve its peculiar and delightfbl flavor. HENRY C. BLAIB" SONS, Apothecaries; Eighth and Walnut. COD LP7E.R OLL.—Twenty-live barrel% new made. Cod Liver 011, of very superior quality; Garb. Ammonia, just received, in Jan; also, just received twenty•five barrels very superior. Alcohol warrantee 95 per cent:, in the best of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. BARK . dr. CO., No. 718 Market street. :IEIXTBACT OF BEEF for beef tea or Essence of £1 Beef in sickness or for soups for table use. Made in Elgin, Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the Juices of choice beef and is superior in ;delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto known. Packets with full di reci ions. one dollar each. HUBBELL, Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut street. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRllGS.—English Va lerlan, Croton 011, Taylor's Lint, Wines of Colad , cum, Composition Mortars, Oil Neroll Petit grain, Oil Turkish Geranium double distilled, 011 Nutmegs, Allen's Extracts, Oil Sweet Almonds, Cream Tartar pure, Aconite Root, White Chamomile, French Rose Leaves, English Castor 011 quarter pints to quart sizes, Rio Tapioca, Fresh Fennel Seed, Cardamoms, in store and for sale by WILLIAM RT,T.TIR & CO., 724 and 74 Market street, Philadelphia, DRUGGISTzt, AUGGISTS' SIINDBIP33. Graduates Mortars Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweesers,Pal Boxes, Horn Scoops, Surgical Instruments, Trusses Hart and So ft 'Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass an; Hotta Syringes, all at "First Hands" pprice, SNOWDEN d; 23 South Eighth street, OBERT 'IMM/wan-tut & op.. N. E. OORNEB 1.1., FOURTH AND RAGE STREETS, Wholtisalt Druggists,: Maintractttrem and Dealers In Window Glass, White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, &complete stook goods in their line at the lowest market rates. __ ROBERT Snowy' irRP. & CO., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets, lUrAtillMMA—lenning's Calcined, in Mb. round tint Mend boxes. also in bottles. leaning's Carbonate of hiagneala.in 2 oz. and' 4 or, papers,Msgimpalcined me,,D t igla lynding and for sale bY SON & CO., Druggista, Market and Seventh street* Philadelphia. DRAT RUM—Just received, an Invoice of Oennimi „UP Imported Bay Ram, for sale by the g_allon, Bommir sgoRMATCES, 00., DrOlilibiti Oert per Fourth And Burn atre9A, SHIPPING FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Company. Steam Propellers leave DAILY from FIRST 'WHARF below DI vrtralT street, making the run in 24 ROUES. This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to all points free of commission. ' Freight received at lowest rates. Will. P. CLYDE &CO., Agents. 14 booth Wharves, Philactelphia. , JAS. RAND, Agent, _mhl4•tf 117 Wall street. New York. FOR BOSTON. • _ STEAMSHIP LINE DIRECT LING FEOM - ILACH POBT EVEBYBI v.B. DA Jeb FROM PINE ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. • The steamship ARIES, Captain -Boggs, will sail from Philadeliilla on Friday, April 6th, at 10 A; The st.amship SA X01. , 1", Captain Matthews, will Ball from Boston on Monday. April 9111,. at 12 nf. The line between Fhiladelphia and Boston is now composed of the • SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons bnrthea. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Boggs, 900 tons burtben. These substantial and well appointed steamship.a will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freight or passage. apply to HENRY WINSOB A 00., apS itait South Delaware avenue. p :ea Al Infr• : I • • •0 IS • - 4:1111' •••• - kS. The tine steamships of this Line insure at the lovres , rates and sail regularly from the Pint Wharf above Market street, every WEDITESDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon, mainsComi with Railroads from Richmond . Norfolk and Point, forming the moat direct route for ths Booth and Southwest. . For freight or passage, with excellent &commode tons, apply tO WMi P. CLYDE & 00., 14 Northland South Whams. NEW EXPRESS LINK TO ALEX eiltru h , e KIA. Georgetown and Washington and Delaware Canal with connection at Alexandria, Va., form the moat direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market strew every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents, W. P. OLYDBA 14 North Wharves. S. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; Eld.ridge Co., Agents at Alexandria. iR FOR :NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift sure rues, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving dbil,y at l 2 N. and 5 P. M., connecting with all the - Northern and Eastern Lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to No. 1= .SC ne t k ,„ '"" s r - NEW TOW-31 -:IIELAIVABE taa.a.lt TOW-BOAT COMPA. - 3ABOES towed to and im PHEL.ADECLPPCIA RAVRE-DE-ORACE, BALTIMORE, WASHING TON. and intermedlite points: WM. P. CLYDE di CO. Agents - N 0.14 South Wharves Philadelphia. Captain JOBN LAVOBILM. Superintendent SS 'MING REGULARLY AB ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift Bore Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship GRANITE STATE, Jacobs, Commander als now rapidly loading at pier U East River. This besuttful vessel Is one of the sharpest and beat vessels now loading, and having a portion ci her cargo on board with large engagements, will have quick despatch. For eraieht. apply to BISHOP. BON & CO., 106 Arch street. FQR HAVANA.—The Br. brig EXPORT Bent, mabt.r. will commence loading for Hs, vane on WJth inst., at Almond street whari, and have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to JOHN 11A.tOls & CO., 500 South Delaware avenue. AiIFOR LIVERPOOL.—With Quick Despatch.— The first elpsa packet bark GVBII/10, Gibson, master baying a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail as above. For balance of freight or Passage apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, I 1 Walnut street. mhLS-tf ArigiFOß KEY WEST—The brig G. T. 'SWARD, Captain Lindsay, will be despatched for the above port in a few days. For treight, apply to WORE MAN ,ft CO., LW, Walnut street. mills Wa.IsITFD TO PIIROTt A CF. small aired steam TOO BOAT. Must not be over 4or 5 feet draft, and guaranteed In good order as re girds boll, boiler and machinery. ddress W. J. tttIKAIPLT Pensacola . Florida, and duplicate to Box Phdadelphla Post Office. ap.l-tu this-3t+ WANTED.—A Vessel of about 7,i bushels Corn fbr Now York. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 19 N. Wharves. BR. BARK M. E. CORNM:G, Bibberd, master,finm London, will commence discharging Friday morn lug, sth inst.. at drat wharf below South street. Con signees will please attend to the reception of their goods. EDMUND A. SODDED. Os 00., No. .3 Dock street wharf. ap.s. tot QTEAMEHIP APSES, FROM BOSTON.—Oon• 1004 'guises of merchandise, per above steamer, wit please send ihr their goods, now landing at Pine stree. ap3-3t mainly WINSOR & MP WOTIC.R.—AII persons are hereby notified not tr IN trust the crew of the Swedish brig PY LAD, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. WORKMAN S C0.,23 Walnut at. mhSt SHIP JOSEPH CLARK, Sherman, Master, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general Order at Shippen street wharf Consignees will please attend to toe reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT .t SONS. 115 Walnut street. XTOTICK—AII persons are hereby cautioned against IN trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark I.:OBI:MG, Gibson, master. trom Liverpool, as no dents of their contraction will be paid by the captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT& Sals.:S, 11.5 Wabaut street. mtil7-t1 NOTICE—AII persona are hereby cautioned ageing' harboring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DhailSiAß.E. as no debts of their contract =.l .1.1 be paid by captain or consignees. WORE & CO., Consignees, 123 Walnut street. SHIP NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cantionee against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship IF , L. T i, whereof Cann Is master, from City Point Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid b.:. captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SOUDEE &CO Dock street whorl: dela JAB. B.SEIND.LEE, successor to SOHN BIL:ENDLIC` di SONS, Sail Maims, No. 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. All work done in the best manner and on tae lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted. tu Fan pr feet satisfaction. Partici:due attention riven to renanins. WALL PAPER. I 'd PC) IF: 1-3 a. 4 ,, t) •: li r__) A in T i t loiLl — jti --,4'-!: 1-1 P 7 i PERFUMERY. MUJAVI.O.IS I . fft THE rviO I : I 4CIPAQ4 . OF ALL'E'VfiitEo.:, tt' _ . minar a ism EA Crosse & Blackwell's English Pickles, Catsups, chances, Durham Mustard, Olives, fic., lt.nding uy ship Yorktown and for sale by JOS, B. BIISSISAP.,. W. 103 south Delaware avenue. Cash Capital, paoopoix Insures against Accidents of all Kinds. General Accidents include the Traveling Risk, and also all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Dogs, Assaults by Burglars, Bobaers or 141.nr deters, the action of Lightning or Sun Stroke the ef fects of Ex. loslons, Floods, and Suffocation by Drown- Me or Choking. Twenty-five dollars per year will secure a policy for FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of death by any dfiscription of Accident, with Twenty-five dol lars per week. compensation. Smaller sums in pro. portion. No medical examination required. Drakc-rarts. NEW volts. BEzmunricra. SETH PA DELFORD, NATIONAL CITY BANS A. E. BURP SIDE, HOYT, SPRAGUES a: .1. S. PHETTEPLACE. CO. ALLEN 0. PECK, GEO. S. BOBBINS 'HENRY H. ORMEBEE, SON. JABEZ C. B NIGHT. ANTHONY ec HALL, THOS. G. TURNER, .L- C. HO WE & CO. ALEX. FARNUM, HUNT, TILLINGHAST J. S. PARISH, & CO. FRAIN% DiArTt A N, LOW, HARES:KAN, L, B. Flilwzw, putaymw dr, CO, ROYAL C. TAFT, 'J. EL D - RWOLF, ' BEM - :BUFFUM, JOHN T. lILAITRAN. . . • • HENRY H. ORMSBEE, President, - J. S. PARISH, Vice President. • IL' M. RAWSON, Secretary. SABINE, WI & HOLLINSHEAD, No. 230 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. STATE AGENTS FOE PENNSYLVANIA, NE N JERSEY and MIA. WARE, First Class Agents Wanted. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE Authorized Capital, Invested'Funds, over Yearly Revenue, over Invested in the United States, over AU lasses promptly adjusted without reference to England. . M. saran & CO., th Delaware avenue. g AT LINE. and O.ECRELLP./Let2LIF 71:1-1E JE - 100.31.E INSURANCE COMPANY OF P.I3:II.4.DELPHIA., No. 150 South Fourth st , above Wal nut street CHARTER PERPETUAL. This Company insures against loss or damage by FIRE on PUBLIC and PRIVATE buildings, FURNI TURE and ALERCILANDISE gene ally, City or (..knantry. Also insures dwellincs perpetpAlly by de posits of premium. _ _ _ JADES BROWN, - -- u CHARLES A. DY. WILLIAM D. LEWIS, WM. N. NEEDIvs, JORN D. TAYLOR, THvDIAS TrTMRT tra l • CHAs. THOMAS NEILSON. 1829 - CHARTER Assets on January L 1866, $2,500,551 98. 00 Accrred Surplus—.s.o,sl3 15 UNIBETTLID CT. 4TIVS, $U,467 63. Perpetual and '1 einpOrary Policies on Liberal Terms DI:RECTOR% (Edward C. Dale, George Fates, Alfred Filler, Fres. W. Lewis, M. D. Peter McCall BANCEER. Presidene President. t. LLLE, Vic lecretary pro tern. fel.lBll Chas. N. Banckeri Topias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo, W. Richards, T am Lea r CRAB.L N. ED WARD - C. 35,. JAS. W. Mr A 1:1 ibTER, Sf NI MI MB M IMMO OFFICE, 414 'WALNUT STREET. PRILA DELPHI& CAPITAL PAID rN, IN CASH. t2Ow),000. This rnmpanv continues to write an .F7re Risks only; Its capital, with a good surplus, Is safely Invested. Losses by fire have b eert promptly paid, and more than 85n0.0n0 - - . Disbursed on this account Within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re main at 415 WAIXET STREET, But within a few mouths will remove to its OWN BUILDING. N. E COIL Slinta,Nrli AND CHESTNUT, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure out Parr Oat at such rates as are consistent with safety. • - THT.ThLAS E 'ERMAN SHETP% . D, N. S. LAWRENCE, THOS. taacßE , CHARLES I. DUPONT, JNO. SL PPLEE HENRY F. KENNEY JNO. W. cLAGtioRN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. 33. Fn AS YE:EKES, JA., THOMAS Cl * ALFRED S. GILLETT,V JAMES B. ALVORD. Si c t 4 til THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1641. Charter Perpetual OFFICE, No. SOS WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, MOO, Insures a,minst loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per pettal, and on Furniture. Goods Wares and merchan ,Mse in town or country. LOS..s9 PROMPTLY AM - USTED AND PAID. A S' YETIS .tlOB,OOl 79 Invested In the following Securities, vim First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured $1.24,100 00 United States Government Loans 135,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.. 55,000 MI Pennsylvania t 3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan 21,0)0 03 PennsylvanialtaiLroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages 35,000 00 Camden and. Amboy Railroad Company's 6per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan Runtiugdoh and Broad Top 7 percent. most• Page bonds. County Fire Insurance Company's Stock...- Mechanics' Bank Stock Commercial Ttn , Cir Of Pennsylvania Stock... Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel• phia's Stock 1,000 00 Cash in bank and on hand 5,914 92 o t b uAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF M FRIT. TILLPHIA— OII ice No. 5 South FIFTH' Street—insure Buildings, Household Goods and Mer. chandise generally. AbSETS —8103.795 .86. DIRECTORS FOR 1855. • CALEB CLOTHIER, WM. F. REEDER, • BENT. MALONE. JOSEPH ,CHAemth, THOMAS MATHER.. EDW. M. - NEEDLES. T. ELLW'D CHAPMAN, WILSON M. -JENKINS. SIMEON MATLACK, LUKENS WEBSTER, AARON W. OA CALEB CHARLES EVANs, CALEB CLOTHIER, Pres ident. ' T. IL'LLWOOD CECAPMAN, Secretary. fe2S.Strof . . TOR SALE—The stock, Hood Will and PiXtUreBSir _L' the Flrst-Class Gentlemen's FURNISHING Stare, m 825 ARCH St. If preferred the Good will and Fix tures can be purchased separately, Apply on tha troloiloa betwooti 4 and e. o'clock, r, op3-tj' TRAVELLERS, INSURANCE_ COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. paini3llo-4111:3M0101 INSUFUINCE COMPANY. ATWOOD SMITH, General A g ent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange fe2lln,th,feac s i. DIRECTORS. I.4.IIIL'EL OOPPi-N - • .r. us,BORN sogES, JORN WOODSIDE, WILLIA.3i B. BIILLOCII, W3I. C. LONGSTRETH JOHN N. Hurcauvsort. BROWN. President DUP. Vice Preeident. iam.tur.bly EaI,A.NIKLAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PUTT .A 77ELP1iLdL. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000. INSURANCE COMPANY. "VM7, President. President and Tnasnrer ialSq DIRECTORS. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Rill, - Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Castner, Alfred English, Young. TlishOLEY, President. Tear - Y, 1,1865. de2O•this,trt,t/ Clem. Tingley, - Wna. Musser, Ssanuel Bispham, H. L. Carson, .Robert Steen, Wm. Stevenson, Jam CLElles T. THOMAS C. HILL, Seal PHILADELPHIA. Decenabf Fon SALE. fe2Ota.th $lO Killion.. 16 Millionz. 5 laMions. $1,500,000 PPTLAD INCOME FOB 1861. PlO,OOO. 4,560 00 1,050 00 4,000 00 10,000 00 380 00 $408,00t n