CITY BIWTIN. EASTER AT THE CiATHEDRAL.-80101XLII pcintificagmass will be 'celebrated In the cathedral on Easter Sunday ttomorrowl, at half oast ten o'clock: by tbeßight Rev. Bishop Wood. The sermon, will be 'delivered by the Rev. J. F. Shaneghan. rector of, Bt. Charles Seminary. Before the mass the grand march by Lthdpainter will be sung, followed by the Te Beam .of . Hayden. : The mess will be Hummel's B. fiat.' At the onertorium a duo for sOoranoa and chorus, are .ranged from _Mend elasohn's •"Song of Praise," will be sung. Before the'sermon the:choir will sing a "Vent Creator." for sixvoices, arranged from Stevens: At . the conclusion of the mass the bishop will impart the papal benediction, after which the overture to liehtil's Joseph" will be played. The choir will be accom panied by the Germania Orchestrb. The entire sea , 1 " the theirwill be under the direction of Mr. M. CrOdai • iu we afteinnon the Right Rev.' Bishop will sing pontifical vespers. After the usual psalms there will be sung the 'Alma Virgo," by Hammel; the "Regina Coma," by Novello t and at the .Benediction, ' 0 Sacrum . Convivium" from Beethoven, and a "Tantum Ergo," by bpnhL • - A-VEsar SAD CAsE.--In yesterday's . minim we noticed the suicide of Mr. Jacob Koch; We learn to-day some additional particulars. He had 'served:faithfully and gallantly in the three months sereice,•and subsequently in the 191st Pennsylvania ' 'Regiment of three y ears' volunteers. He was wounded - and became blind, and on being discharged front the Turner's Lane Hospital he could only see with one eyp;having totally lost the sight of theother. Thepar- ; till loss of his sightprevented his gaining :occupation' at his trade, though he obtained from a benevolentcal-, san some light employment during the last- three or „ four months.. Be could not obtain, his pension, and that, together wit ith la anxiety to obtain work to sus: tain his family, leg to the suicide. Be leaves a wife _and three children. in deplorably destitute drams stances, and they are really worthy of the mutat cence of the charitable. Any contributions for the benefit of the family may be sent to Hr. Lindley M. ,Ekinton, No. 116 Margaretta'street, who has kindly. interested hlintielt in the case. . . LUNAR EOar EPSE.--A. lunar eclipse, which was total, oCcurredlast evening. It was the 2d of litre solar and lunar eclipses for the current year. This was visible at New York„ Poughaeepsle, and in that region Ist one qharter 'before nice, but not complete for an hour afterward. It began. in Philadelphia at 9.37, and -the total , eclipse occurred at 10.00. The shadow , passed from the moon's disk a little before 2 o'clock. The sight is comparatively rare, and the streets were &lied with persons watching its course. The next lunar eclipseoshich will ago be total, will occur on the 24th of lieptember, and will be visible only in the TEE SCHOOL' TEACHER'S WARRANTS.— Mr. Henry W:Halliwell.the Secretary of the Controll .ers4 of.the Public Schools, will issue the warrants for the payruent orderers alaries of the School Teachers, In the foLowlng No warrants will be issued to sections failing to return their :quarterly reports. Tuesday r -TrventysLxth to Sixteenth section incursive. Thursday—Flfteenth to Eighth section inclusive. Baturday—Seventh to First !section inclusive.. OUR READERS will do well to bear in mind that Messrs. Clark & Biddle. 712 Chestnut street, con tinue to give their customers the benefit of a liberal 'discount. Their stock of watches, diamonds. jewe'ry, silver and plated ware, &C., is of recent purchase, and selected with great care. . SCHOOL DIRECTOR ELECTED.—Mr. Wm. B. Heins, telegrapher at the ventral Police Station, was yesterday elected school Director of the Nine teenth teetlon, to fill a vacancy caused by the decease ofMr. Alfred E. Eldridge. "THE SECRET OF SUCCESS" Is the title of a lecture to be idelived by Rev. P. S. Henson, at -the Baptist Church, corner of Broad and Brown streets, on Tuesday evening. See advertisement. . THE MOST, REPINED LADIES USE and endorse only exquisite "Email de Paris" for int parting to the roughest skin the color, texture and complexion of polished ivory. L'Emall de Paris is tssed as a delicate beautifier for theatre A saloon andball room. Mlle. Vestvali Mrs. D. P. Bowers, Lucille Western, and other ladies - recommend it to the profes elon and public for its efficiency and harmlessness. Sold by E. .1 - cunt. ill S. Tenth street, and by druggists and dealers in toilette articles. SPLENDID STOCK OP;BOYS' CLOTHING AND FANCY CAssimnaxs.—The opening spring admonishe: parents that their boys require new suits o , I"(Vdress boys well, and with due econo"^ - , - „n*, tire — same time; is an art. This art has beep ttutsteredby Messrs. Cooper Conard, at their raider establishment, southeast corner liarketAnt i 4 Ninth streets; and the advantages .of their art:.l,tefree . to everbody. We have examined their t•.:.peib stock of boys' fashionable clothing, and 11avelo hesitation in pronouncing it superior in point "of taste and neatness of workmanship to any other in the city, and their prices are astonishingly low. Their , stock of materials to cut from is also excellent, em bracing a splendid line of cloths, cassimeres and ladies' cloak Inge. Of the latter, which, they offer in elegant variety, they are now selling hundreds of yards daily for ladies' sacques, for which they are admirably - adapted. The prices of these, too, are unusually mode. .rate. A CURIOSITY FOR THE LADIES.--There is on exhibition at the salesroom of Messrs. Wheeler & Wilson, No. 625. Broadway, the first sewing machine (No. 1) made by that Company, the present number being 22000. Let the interested compare the machine .13 old In 1851, for 3125, with those now offered for $5.5. The former ewner of this machine gives its history as follows: "This machine was finished early in 18.51, = and I learned its use from Off. Wilson himself. I was thus, you see, the drat to work the Wheeler do Wilson ma chine, and learned on the first machine they ever manufactured. "Di 1854.1 earned with the machine SY9S, halides doing my own household work and taking care of my buoy. In hid ve came to Davenportand brought the machine with ns. I believe it is the first machine ever brought to lowa. • • "I. run that machine almost constantly for more than fourteen years, on all sorts of work, from the finest .dressmaking to the heaviest tailoring. I quilted a MU sized white bedspread with it, which has been ex hibited three times at the fair. It took me three weeks to do it with my other work; but it could not have been done by hand in as many years. I have even stitched leather with it, and at the time I exchanged it (in 1501) for No. 193,120, It worked just as well as when made. •It is, perhaps, unnecessary for me to add thai I be lieve the Wheeler 4k Wilson to be vastly superior to aLy other machine made. "Yours, respectfully, P. E. B." P. S.—Phlladelp`•ia office, 704 Chestnut street. .NEW PRESERVED GINGER,— For sale by MITCHELL & PLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. FINE CONFECTIONS it Boxpa.—SinCe fashion has decreed that bouquets are too perishable, .and that a box of fine confections made of the purest And best materials is the most appropriate present and souvenir for a lady. Our chief manufacturer of the moat delicious sweetmeats, Mr. Stephen. F. Whitman, N 0.1210 Market street, is constantly patting up, In -daintily devised boxes, a great quantity of these con- fections, many of which are sent to other cities, where .they are justly regarded as without rivalry. "GET THE BEST" • "Get the Best" "Get the Beet" 'Clothing at Charles Stokes & Co.'s One-price, under the Continental. Splendid Spring Goods now ready at greatly reduced prices. Call and see them. Trig "THREE-STITCH AD.I3 EMBROIDER LNG ATTACHMENT" Madebyjhe Brien Manufactur ing Company, applied to the Wheeler tit Wilson Sew ing Mac Ines, enables the operator to produce alt the stitches that i.ny Sewing Machine can make. Persons, therefore, who snake this simple attachment to their Wheeler &Wilson instruments will obtain all the ad vantages possessed by ail other Machines. Witness their operation, at 704 Chestnut street. GEBits' HATS, new styles; also, the new W ee Navy Hats. OAXEORDS', under tke Continen- EAsura CONFECTIONS.—E. G. Whitman .& CO.. No. 318 , Chestnut street, below Fourth, have on .hand a choice assortment of delicious Confections that are specially adapted to the Easter season. They are .constartuy introducing fresh novelties in their line; while their old favorite sweetmeata are attaining a greater popularity as their undeniable merits become more widely:known. E G. Whitman & Co. deservedly stand in • the front rank of their professsion as the getters-up of the most delicate and delicious fancy confections; while the entire purity anti wholesome ness of the articles they manufactures commend them Judicious lovers of confectionery. WAIT TILL NEXT THURSDAY and see oakrorthe Misses' and Children's Hats. Stores under the Continental Hotel. • THE HIGHEST . STANDARD : . OF EXCEL. _SENcE.• , -The superiority of the confections manufac tured by Mr. George W. Jenkins, at No. 1037 Spring 'Garden street, (Union Square), will not admit of con troversy. His stock the present season is even • supe .rior to last season's display, and consists of every va riety of bonbons, caranaels, cream chocolates, French secrets; candy , images, foreign fruits, almonchl, nuts. etc., etc.. and countless other articles for which we have not space. Mr. Jenkins has attained his success by great attention to business. and - well merits the ex tensive patronage he is receiving. Visit his attractive A MODERN MIRACLE ! From old and young, from rich and poor, from high horn and loudy, comers the Universal Voice of praise .Ibr VEGETABLE _ ILAut.wEaszNwElt. It is a perfect and miraculous article. Cares .baldness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any " oil" or ."pomatum." Softens brash, dry .and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses, But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HATS TO ITS ORIGINAL MOR. ITse it a few times and P ITO, CHANGE • the whitest - and. worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty. It does not dye the hair, bat strikes at the root and fills it with new life and color ing matter... _ /t will not take a - long disagreeable trial to prove the truth of this matter. . The first application will do Rood ; verY YonSla will see the NA.TIIRAL eoLOR returning y an d, - '• - • • 43 BEFOREYOU KN w.rr 0 /a• gray, 'discolored appearance of , the hair will be one; place to bistrous, shining and beatiti- Ask fix Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer ' no other article is at all like It in effect. You will find It 03331 AP TO BUY, _ PLEASANT TO TRY, and SURE TO 'DO YOU GOOD. There are many imitations.. Be sure you procure the gennbae, manufacturedinly by &CO Nashua: A. For sae by all drunista. Tlau Sircr,:kiricor.—The political itt this period larather tinhorn-skiing. - Recenrtrtiction ap to be at a stand-still: owing to the differencei eling between the !President and Congress. Then we have: another: sensatiougn reference to the New 'Jersey iSenatorsblp. Which, promises' to stir up some excitement. 'ihecitizens ofPhiladelphia are, however, quite tranquil,and continue to purchase cheap and ex r•ellent coal at: the yard of W. W. Iter,No. 957 North Ninth street and at his 'branch. office , at Sixth and BPzing . , WaErartlOS'43 OPENING „ • ' • OH THURSDAY. APRIL 6th. Of mums and Children's Hats. It will embrace novelties never before seen In this • Stores tinder the' Continental Hotel. 18 + 5 6.—Warm . -Paparas; 121 ; 15 and 20 cents; a superior variety of Glazed Paper Hangings: neatly hung; Window Shades. riclvcolors, cheap, at JoHN STOWS Depot,24 0. 10S3 Spring Arden street, (Union hf A9cErtu,r, & WILSON, BSOWI 6°5 STONE pd CLOTHING HALL, 641 3 AN CH_ESINOT ST REET, Pt . . aengerz an' SUM, OZOtliing . ; - clothing V 11, made to order ; clothing ready-mide: clothing Pr 5 1 oj'a 1 gr ad es; the most itexiht.anct becomigg cloth ROCI-HILL da WILSON,' BROWN STONE I* CLOT CRI*TNEISTIa' "a -AND 61.1,5 " ' PURA LIBMITY WiaTE LEAD.--,Tiyikand you will have none other. WrNE of Tar Syrup , for Coughs, Colds and Affections of the Lungs: This,' mixture Is entirely 'vegetable., and affords sp eedy Rellefin all' Pulmonary Diseases, such as. Asthma.Broil chins, Spitting of Blood, &cPrepared only by HAREM CLII7IIIII, Druggists, & S. B. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut streets, Phil% Ptritic, .I,3ll.latTY WHITE LEAD.--Preferred by Dealers, as It always gives satisfacticin' to their cup- ' SPRING FASHIONS FOR .CHILDREN.:-M. Shoemaker & Co., Nos. 4 and 6 North .Elghth street, arenow opening a= splendid assortment of aindren's apt/dug, In the latest Paris .etyles, unsurpassed for elegance of workmanship and material. The public is invited to call and examine. Hoof SninTs.—New Spring styles, Hop kin's "own make" gotten up expressly for first class trade—superior in style, - finish and durability. to all others in the market—warranted to give satisfaction. Wholesale and retail at latuaufactory, No. 628 Arch street. INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS. Choice and rare varieties for select presents, manufactured by • • STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, " • • - No. Imo Market street. PURE T. •warrr WEami LEAD.---Orders Fos MALLOW PASTE, Moss Paste, Soft Gam Drops, and other efficacious Confections for ,Coughs 'and Ccdda, go to E, G. Whitman& Co.'s, 815 Chestnut Street. Dealers supplied, • - Tait ThrnitEi'r Caßtarms and Roasted Al monds are those manufactured by E. Q. Whitman & C0..318 Chestnut street .Dealersimpplied. DE , AFNESiIi, Blatt - DNB:3e AND CATAB RB.— .1. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success, -Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 519 Pine street . The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has had no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. - New Jersey Mutters. REPUBLICAN MEETING.—The Republi- Cane ann all others interested in the election of a United States Senator in place of Hon. J. P. Stockton, have. called a general mass meeting at the Court House, in Camden, this evening, for the purpose of giving an expression of sentiment on the subject. The question is one which, at the present moment, has De• come intensified by the attitude it assumes In the "mate Senate, and. the Union Leagues and Republicans of Lamden county manifest a profound Indignation at the action on is there. Thlegattons from the various , ownahips of the county will be present at the meeting, able speakers will - address toe people. Hones ROBBERY,—A few evenings since three boys Were discovered In a honse on Cooper's EMI, Middle Ward, while the family were absent. and they were arrested. 'Yesterday Mayor Budd commit ted them to the county jail to await the action of the Grand Jury: on a charge of attempting to rob. THE DisPElcsnitY.--This institution will be opened on Monday,and every day thereafter .where meCuCal advie4 wortmedicbe given Oat gra iultously to the y indigent sick. Dr. H. Genet Talor, of North Ward, of Ward, and Dr. A. Id army of South Stevenson. Ward, have been appointed,to act in the matter. NEW Catrson.—The Methodists are eon t enciplating. and will soon commence, the erection of a new and handsome church edifice on Cooper street. which will be completed st en early day. A number of members. formerly belonging to the Third street If. E. Church, have this enterprise in hand, and have formed a religious association for that purpose.• The new edifice will he a "pew church," -or a church in which pews are sold. REVIVAL.—During the revival in the Methodist Church at Atlantic City, about fifty new niimbera have been added. The !pastor, Rev. Mr. North. bas labor.d diligently In the work, and has been very sticcemitil. AItIIISUWES. 4 „, A MICRICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. .aa. Corner of BROAD and LOjUSI' Streets. Lessee and Manager.:_WHEATLEY EASTER MONDAY . Aprll 2 1866, First appearance in several 71 , 41 , 11 of the • GREAT RAVELS. GABRIEL RAVEL, • Gm 2SIL :ANTOINE RAVEL. 11-*_ YOUNG AMERICA. AND IA TROU PE OF ARTISTS NU/ISERING 40 PERSONS, Alc i ione whom ma v be mentioned the :8 , 11 - TINET3 I PAISLLY (SIX NUMBER,) signorlta PEP/TA, Premiere, from the Opera at Paris. M. Von RAMIE, first male dancer,and ballet master from Hamburg. Mlles t Vandris, Marzetti, Desiree, Sala Lehman, Vandria Garcia, Schmidt, Aztel C. Lehman, and 'a - Full and Magnificent Corpe de Ballet. The Orchestra under the direction of M. Remain from Perla. The el, ening's entertainment will commence with the Ballet Pantomime. called HIM KA, OR THE ADVENTURES OF AN AERONAUT._ _ VhINTILATAN, the Aerial Voyager...-GAB..KAVKL KIM K 41., Emperor of China -ANTOIN.E RAVEL Keying Mons. Schmidt (mu Chanling J. Martinettl Tungning P. Martinettl Rialt Mpg M. Florence Kublaukhan Philllppa alt netti Sonsufung Garcia Tei, Princess and Daughter of Kim Ka, Mlle. Julia Lehman Grand—Arrival 01 the Emperor and his Daughter—The Princess. ' Dances incidental to the piece: Grand Chinese Divertissement, by the . FULL - - • Grand Oriental, Complex, - Symbelical Deuce, 'ln ' vented by the Ravels, and executed by thirty Ladies -and Gentlemen of the Corps de Ballet.. GRAND PAS DE QUATRE, By SIGNORITA PEPITA, hi'LLE VANDRIB, MARZETTI and DESIREE. ASTQNLSHING CHINESE •PAS, BT YOUNG AMERICA (PoPil of Gabriel Ravel) • GRAND TABLEAU AND PIN t To be e followed by - • - A Classic Scene of Groupie CF By JULIEN and PHI UT, PE DIARTINETTL Te conclude with-'the Great 'Fairy , Pantomime, RED GNOME. , • Talc FAMOIJS iivAintro.B.:..........uroisz RAVEL THERED GNOME YOURI3 AMERICA 7‘.he Skeleton ' Mertinettl Alfred... ; caul llfartinetti Rocino ..M.ons:A. Lehman, 'Ronald' - Mr. Florence Bernal° Mons. Schmidt Eugenia. ' Mlle Desiree Vanilla " ' • Mme. Marzettl MATINEE; : EV.ERY SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. - Admission • - 75 cents - Reserved Beate, Parquette and Parqnette circle, Family Circle, 40 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. _ Beata can be secnredat C. A. Trumpler's Music Store, S. E. corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the BorOftice of the Academy Of Music On Fri' daY, froM 9 A. M i .. to 4,1'. Doors open at „I past 7—to commence s before f,i - Seats secured six days in advance. It LEUAL ~NUTIVEs. 1 - BITERS TESTAMENTARY baying been granted J_lto the Subscriber upon the Estate of . .TOSEPH OWEN, deceased, allpersons indebted to the same'will make payment. and those having claigutpresent them to BENJAMIN OWEN, HAMM OW EN, and JOHN OWEN,•Executors. or to their 'Attorney WILLIAM NICHOLSON, SD North Ninth street. rnhalitsviat ETTBRS TEISTAXEMTAItY having been granted to• the subscriber upon the estate of EDWARD GAIRILL, deceased, all persons indebted to the present llm em ake o pWSOR„ and ON se U , h ou n h Broad street, THOS. B. WATYSON, 145 North WATER st., or to their attorney, bicIEURTELE, 416 Walunnt street. mh.Bl-lawat LETTEBE -OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted, to the subscriber upon the Estate of MERRY BALL, deceased,-all persons Mdebted to the same will make Nwment, and those having clalnut prennt them to .Ity BALL, Jr., Admhibtrato No. 880 Marshall street, - - mhMlaw.str, BTTBmtTI ---- ------------ - ___BBTAM:ENTARY ha v ing been d 1.4 to the suhtcriber upOu the Estateof H. SWEET, deceased, al/ persons indebted to the same' will make payment_, and those having claims present them to FITCH, 1103 Girard avenue, CHBIBTO- PRE; BENDER and' MARTHA: BINDER, 1206. North BINDER, Executors. - mhsl-lawfit LETTsapat copIIDNIBT'ItAN estate been granted te the subscriber upon the estate of 'ROB ERT E. GREFEITH, deceaaed. all persons indebted the same will =ate ent. and those having. claims present them to 17EL OP.II7ITEC, AdmlnW istrator. 2116 W. Delancey Place. - 3=41-law^ BOMMIIIO. ITO BENT BOARD- Two unthrnishird Rooms where • there are no other Boarders. For information, call or address No. 1900 PLNiil street. • nab3o-2t,rp* ,THE DAILY ITE.N.INGIAILLEYIIC: -'PHILADELPHIA, gAT:6II.DAY' lIIDDLETON & CLAGHORN, COTTON AND WOOL BROKERS, 7 No. 123 CHESTNUT STREET, 'PHILADELPHIA. • We are prepared to devote exclusive attention to the purc.hase and sale of WOOL and COTTON. Samples constantly receiving of all grades of Ohio Pennsylvania 'and California WOOLS. Also, New Orleans, Mobile Tennessee and Georgia COTTONS PICKINGS, WASTE, dec. Orders received for WOOLEN and COTTON YAENS and WARPS, 11 numbers,elther dyed or bleached. mhl-th sa Mita BUY THE '_ TICE GREAT AFTERNOON Is,—EWSPA:PIER _ . Contains the Latest. Newslfrona all parts of the World. The Best Editorials from the Leading New York Fapers, • • Fpll and reliable Financial, Commercial, Local and Legal Reports, - Beat Morita and Sketches from the ablest authoril of America and BuroPe. The "EVENING TBILEGRAPII" has already the largest circulation of any of the'afternoon journals of this country. rah244m rp. HENRY . ( eivp it 6go_t i CH Nannfactarer ana Dealeran • Waiteites, • - J - e - Webry s , ,, Silv'erware And' Superior sgiei Plated Ware, inhi4mirp AT REDUCED ''kEICEIL • ;' Freedom on the Old .Plantation... A. New. Boni by the author, of "When • JohnilY. Comes Marchinglrongr—THE GREATEST H UT ; OP. THE DAY. Sent by•ma l harizald on .recelot of' SO cents. Published laT • ot Oa, 29.1. Washington street, Boston, Hasa. ..rothaNit 17 GROVER&SAIKER'S. Thrpaconia?ismarman. 033."L0G1F , may . lIQ4 MBA go; 1 and* 9 97r Talen t izopepikkixFgh-tiiidditiy 78D unial 919111a. 17.974.74,th Street, Rarrialnuw. Maar = STATEMENT New England Mutual Life lola &nee COmpaey, F•E)bruarTr Iteal•Ele tate.. Cash on hand Bolide and Mortgages Bark 'and other Stocks Stocks geld as collateral for loans... Premium Notes secured by Policies. Total'saseta x 3,551,081 Losses due ano unpaid • 02.000 Loses reported and not soled upon npo 70,500 Premiums received.... Interest received Return premiums . Expenses of all kinds- The New Errigland Lire Company ,is the onDits.r in the Tinned States. It has always ranked & No. I. It ,has never resorted to law.' It is liberal to policy hot. dem. Premiums may be paid, either in'cash or half, =cash 'and half notes. /!Osses promptly paid by the, DIVIDENDS. WILL BE - PAID Arunnsax- Those who pay cashwill receive a cashretnrn. Those who give a note can apply the dividend to payment Of, note.- Dividends may also be applied to redaction of 'premium, or in adding to the amount insprel. ' Persons desiring to effect insurance. on their li ves shoulis make application to this Company,' Examina tions-daily from Ito 2 o'clock. ;Abend. commissions . - - wanarnitern ' . BENJAMIN P. STEVENS. JOSEPH M. GIBBENS. ' DIRECTORS. Sewell Tappan. `. IJatrISIL1 JatrISIL B. Armory. Marshall P. Wilder, Homer Bartlett,, Charles Hubbard, James Sturgis, George H. Folder, John A. Andrew, Franca C. Lowell. 'Benjamin F. Stevens. BRANCH OFFICE, No. 425 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, W. D. BTSCIID, M, D., MEDICAL EXAMINE& The usdersf&sed is the only authorized Agent in Pennsylvania. • WILLIAM GETTY, zahm..:4'sta AGiorr THE "EXCELSIOR" nANis.l • (Selected from the Mat Corn-Fed Hogs,) ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. IL MICHENER k CO. GENERAL PROVISION EtTe A T.VWS And Curers of the Celebrated ‘ 6 E.X.-CFAL,SICVEL" sugar Cured lams, TONGUES AND BEEF, N05.'142 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST. None genuine unless branded "S. H. H. & CO., EXCELSIOR." Tne flinty mebrated . lExonaton" HAMS are se l l estol2l ttn e Sil en alle l 74 t iieeci le o n tl flavor; fret. from the unpleasant taste of saltomi are e pronounced by epicures superior to aniye2nzio.=,for BARNSLEY LINE GOODS. Now Opening . Beal Barnsley Sheeting', Superior Barnsley Table Damasks, Extra Heavy Table Diaper, Heavy loom Diaper, Fine Marseilles Col'd. Bordered Wasted Huck Towels, Extra Size. These goods were mule" expressly to order for our best family trade, but from their extraordinary dom. If i ltkre also well suited to first class Hotels orßoard- Sh eppardi'Van Harlingen &Arrison, Importers of Linens and Housefornishing Goods, No. 1008 Chestnut Street. nalizz-thsa to 26t rp "Evening Telegraph I" PRIM THREE CENTS. ....1,827.748 84,078 1a17,449 000.003 /7 8 , 614 $1,184 403 , $2L028 MIELPIEREIIp HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS prime proved, from the most ample expftianm an l3entiresucceeic Simple-Prompt-Billie/eat, and 'Re. liable. They are the only Medicines PexiecilY adapt ed to popular use-so simple that mistakes canno tbe Malle in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so ellicient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render wolsfs-tton. No. Oenta. 1, are FRVima,t: Congestion, 6, WORMS; Worm-Fever. Worm-C01ic.....--.21 " CRY ENG-COLIC, or Teething of infents—.2s " DIARREIGRA of children or adults ----a:5 5, " DYSENTERY, Griping. Bilious Colic..-121 5, " CHOLERA MORBUS,Nausea, Vomiting„ • " COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis 8, " NEURA.LGI A, Toothache, Faceache..---...25 0, .1 HEADACHE, Sick Headache, dach V to, " DYSP EPSIA S -_ " 87PP_iwEe, or_painfal 12, " 'WHITES, too profuse Periods.--- ona--25 " CROUPAM difficult itreatisint_ - 26 14, " SALT 1 1 301 m, Ernp 16, " RHEUILIATISIit, iseenmatio 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Ague5...„.„..50 17, prir."P's, blind or Is, 11 opmThAmmy. and sore or weak Eyee........50 tv. " CATARRH L acute or chronic, Influenza..--. 50 20, " 'WHOOPING COUGH violent C0ugha.........50 21, " ASTHMA, oppressed Breathint i DISCKARGEB impaired ei:1 7 1134..-.-50 a, " SCROFULA. etill Err Giands, Bweillings -..50 24. " GENERAL D Physical nem— .....-50 25, " DROPSY and scanty 36, " S S F 4 ,, SHIENESS. sickness from riaing-..-50 27, " I DIKE A RE. Gravel .. . -.-50 " NERVOUS DRBILITY. al 00 29, " SORE .1110171151:Ui1ket........... --- .--...50 20, " ITRINA-11Y Incontinence, waling tten.-......50 31, " PAINFUL Periods, even with S 34, pasnis...—.s» " SUFFERINGS at change of -51 00 " EPIELEXS_ ,Y 13P142=2, St. Vitus' Dance.... 100 14, " DIPHT a D.1•13.1.A. ulcerated Sore Throat. -.-50 FAMILY CA StK‘6. 35 vials. morocco case, and books... 00 20 large vials. In' morocco, and b00k.....-- 6 00 20 large vials, plain case and 660 15 boxes (Nos. 1 to 15)) arid book.. ---... .... 8 00 VET.ERHV - sLahoganY cases, natal .. 00 Sintrle vials, with direr . .. / Oa Theseßemediee '3y thit7iiiiTOi 1ii447, al, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on recen tor the price. Address HUMPH et.EYs' SPECIFIC HODICEOPATBIC 5 1- FDICINE COURANY, °film and Depot, No. 568Broad' , %New ork. Dr. HIIMPHREVE4 Is consulted at hl 01208 personally or by letter, as above, for forms of din. MS& DYOTT & CO., JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY dg COW. DEN, T. B. CALLENDER and AMBROSE euku.TH i Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. iy27-thg.tulyrp PHILADELPHIA' AND NEW TORE OEtNA MENTAL IRON WORKS. The Embscribers. ibundere and manufachirers of CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Ceuta. terlee, PATEN 'WIRE 'WERE R A TLTNG, • WINDOW AND DOOR GUARDS, for offices, store fronts, bulwark nettings for ships, &c., made under , the JENKINS PATI&NT_ oeing - the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work under said patent in the Mts . . • - IRON STAIR WAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, TRONBURNITURgi STABLE FITTINGS, of everyvarlety of new and improved designs SPECIAL CARE BESTOWED ON GARDEN AND °MIMICRY Earztwir.r. 1-1; RENTS, , Oui Varied. aSSOrtment of Fountain _Vases, Statuary, ike.; giving as superior &ditties. - • AU - orders +than receive carethi and promptattention. .1a 2 .5 4 .1 1 ts tuAlnrPi • ROBERT WOOD & CO., office' and Wareroome; 1186 RIDGE Avenue. ARPER, M DEARNESS IN ,' BLINDNESS, THROAT, g '.. ,G CHEST DISEASMiI, CATARRH, t.,.i . .ASTEMA. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS AND " , DISE OF , .THE -DIGESTIVE OR DR. VON. MOSCHZISKEIPS new and tmriValed systems of treating the _above EWA DIES With his "NromatEß,Pe has received the von' blithest approbation from the best medical men of all SOHOOIA and the INDORSEMENT of the entire icar A medical P ' Allow, with TESTIMONIALS from and. CES,to responsible CITIZENS, can be, examined by who_require hid professional services at his OFF/CE thitTRUIDENM,ISIo:IO3INVALNIFT WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL 23d, A MODERN BUILT HOUSE, IN OO&D • Dr/702?. Mnat be situated - between PINE and VINE. and THIRD and BROAD. • Address PA). 80i,!2,1165. rah2B.4t TPI -man I herebystven that the partnership lately 1.1 enbablting bettveen ThomaalleulkerlaidEdward V. 1841°4, of the Twenty-thlrilWard of tbeeltyof delphia, under the flint of Moniker Jr, flinOtr o mati selved on the 12 th-dayotlittareb, 1866, by mutual eon-` r sent. All delta after the above date to be paid , by the (=Witting party, add not by the firm. 11* REAL EsTherm. lona pm -EvERYBODY. EVERY MAN HIS OWN LANDLORD Orili di c a Two Handred,Tollars , fors MindsoMo Is L ot on the - West Philadelphia Passenger May. at' its* Western ,Termitts. TITLE, aME'3 ARp lINLOUBTED • The undersigned will sell on easy terms of Payment, 47s Lots of Ground, handsomely located on the West 1 3 131ladelphia.PassengerBallway, for the small sum or gam each. elear of all incumbrance, with undoubted' :title, nylon one of Me lots laerected the large and vain able building , . lately occupied as Baddington Hospital, Which contains rooms, and it is , estimated would now etst soo.ouo to erect, The choice of lota to be de cided by subscribers; thus with the oertainty ofa Hand scme Building Lot, hilly worth the amount paid, $l.OO, 'may entitle the subscriber to this Lot with its Valuaole Building and Two'and a Half Acres of Land. • . On one of said Lots Is erected a TwoßtoryStone Farm House. containing ten rooms, to which a subscriber will be entitled on distribution of Choice Lots, which will be arranged by ;the subacribers themselves. en the 20th day of June next, at the Hospital Building, corner of Sixty-filth and Vine 'greets, at o'clock in the afternbon, before which time lots must be paid for or payment secured; Xi - Photographs cif Buildings and Plans of LOtfl can be, seen and other information had by application to W. .4... , LEECH, nah2e Odra 2t* . - .l2S,South. SIXTIEStreet, Phila., : . ..,7v.u.g .: ,:gyibi.rr...•• Tile:NeNT..l4lleiii.,lol4ing, 607 Chestnut Street, WILL BE COMPLETED IN A FBI'. ir.,WZIEBIL The proprietors are prepared to receive ProPotials for renting such rooms ae they will not use themselves. These will be THE SECOND sTotty - inunrr ROOM, • 60 by 24'ieet.. THE WHOLE OF THE ICOMUMEIN HELLF.OP. THE 13inM)1D70, Your Stories High.. with Entrance by a wide hall on . c Ohestaut street, And &Front of 9E feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a Jobbing or Commiaaion House, a Bank or Insurance Office. For Farther Particulars apply at the EVENING Eumanur OFFICE. rohntNo. 329 Chestnut Street. ESGERMANTOWN HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—Situate on Price street, within two minutes' walk of both steam and horse•raliroads. It cottamshot and cold water, range, bath, heaters. itc. Lot 70 fee& front. Pr! e ;Lai 0, suoject to a ground rent of O. CHAS. C. LONt•STItETH mhBo-2trps 243 Walnut street, fkL'lo LET;—A MANSION 'HOUSE, con twelve rooms, observatory, etc.. ily situated on high ground, oa the Franktur rose, below Harrowgite lane; garden, with flowers, grapes and fruit; stable and coach house; 3l acres ground- apply on the premises on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Its FOR SALE.—A well-built three-story dwelling • house back buildings, modern improvements, on Clinton street, between 1 such and Eleventh streets. For terms and particulars. apply to C. D. RITCHIE. 508 Walnut street. mh3l-s,tn,th.3t. M r GERMANTOWN— WAN LED TO RENT. A FURNISHED COTTAGE. with stable. for a small family. from the Ist of.Tnne.fbr four months. .Address P. O. box No. 2159. na. • FOR iSALE.—A neat and desirable House. No. fra 4.n North SIXTH street. Three-story back build ings, side yard, modern conveniences: possession MAY nt. Apply to C. B. HASSON, No. 329 North Sixth street. mtisast. ft FOR bALE OR RisaCT—A. House and one faa third of an acre of ground, on the new Township Line. Road 2nrnpike, between Tines street and Nice town lane. Away. to JOHN G. JOHNbON, 703 Will ,,tit street. M }OR SALE—A new nine-roomed HOUSE, on. 12.2..RIOHTILNNTH, below Master street, with all the inoc ern improvements, with immediate possession, will be sold cheap. tor cash, and on accommodatg terms. Apply on Premises, to J. MCELROY. at= It t.P3, TO .LET.—.A. STORE on Rai tween Sixth arid Seventh streets , Chestnut' street -2'. boring required. Apply to. D.streets , south aide. lieventhatreet. - 112'4'115,s 1 , % * s (13 aki IRON RAILING. TREE ' E AND BAB. ' WAUSTb. ~Q~P~R,TNERI9I3.. 1::-11386. THE - CHOLERA Deprived of, its Horrors by Puri. fyiPg and Enriching the Blood,' NoW is the Time There is none equal to HELMBOUYS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTBAGT SARSAPARILLA. CHOLERA.. Is defective vitalization, of the blood, and when the blood looses its ' It cantles relaxation of thenentractile power of the blood vessels of the body and the intestines open their „myriad blood per Bels and all the albuminous ,or ilmh making material passes off from the bowels, , Pure and Healthy Blood Resists D ise ase . . e . And:while tkermay hems occasion for aZarni, thine of impure blood are most liable to suffer. • •ETCH" 341[a .11HIE HERHILHHHH HRH HRH nria HEE IN THE SPBIEG MONTHS the system naturally undergoes a changeand HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRAT D= ' EXTRACT OF GASSAPABIL. LA I• an assistant of the greatest value. . - GIVING BLOOM TO THE PALLID °HEIM AND BEAMTIFYIEG - THE 003EPLEKION. EKE ENE EREEInt JffEEIEF.X. BEE EEE EEE liaml - g34:4N:13t3iL411 . . TIVE RADI C R A ES E th em e THROAT , and ITLUEBA -2409E, EYES, EYELIDS, SCALP and SKIN, which so disfigure the appearance, PURGING the 601 effects of m and removing all taints, the rfmnants of DISEM hereditary or otherwise, and Is taken by ADULTS and With perfect SAFETY. LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LLL LLL. LLL LLL LLILLT.T.TILLL LLLLLLI.T.T.T.r.r, NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that affect mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates In the blood. Of all the discoveries that hare been made, to purge it out, none can equal in effect Ilelmbold's Compound Ex tract of Sarsaparilla. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimu lates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the isorders that grow and rankle in the blood. MM MENEM NTAlrtf m mbu t r ALMM M M MALM MNEM M 'VAC'S M M AIMM 4.33111 M. M. MAIM IiNCYII M M MACK lf m m 111 M MM.3I Arcr - Nr 31 3 1 MMM 1131:31. Ar V M. 15.131 Scrofulous, mercurial and hilitic diseases destroy whatever part they may attack. Thousands die an nually atom protracted diseases of this class, and from the abuseof mercury. Visit any hospital, asylum and prisons, and satisfy yourself of the truthfulness of the assertion. The system best resists the inroads of these diseases by a judicious combination ofTonics. rrwr.mi3OLD'Fl HIGHLY CONCENTRATED ' FLUID EXTR I.OT is a Tonic of the greatest value—arresting the moat luverate disease after the glands are destroyed. and the bones already affected. This is the testimony of thousands who have used sued prescribed It for the 813888888 1188888888 888 888 EBB EBB 888 888 BB BBEBBE BRBBBBBB 11238 888 EBB EBB 888 888 EBBBBBBBE -1113888888 AN INTEEMSTING LETTER t henblihed in the Medico•Chistirgical _Review, on übject of the ex tract of tsarsaparilla in venereal affections. by Beaja. min Travers, F. R. S.. &c. Spealdog of Syphilis. and diseases arising from the excess or - mercury, he state; 21at no remedy is equal' to the =rad of &araciparitia; its power is extraordinary, more so than any other drug lam acquainted with. It is in thestrietest stints a ionic with this tnvatuabie, attributChnt it is applicabte to a state of the system so sunken and yet so irritabte as rest aers other substances of the tonic class unavadabie or iujurieus. 0000 000000. 000 -000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 i 000 000 0 0 00 00 , 000 000 000000 0000 TWO TABLESPOONFULS of the Extract of Sar. saperilla, ,added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup ofFamaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. . . The decoction is exceeding troublesome, as it necessary to prepare it fresh every day. and the syrup its still more oblectionable as it Is weaker than the decoction,• for a fluid saturated with sugar is suscep tible of holding in solution much less extractive matter than water elute, and the syrup is otherwise objectionable. for the patient is frequently nauseated, end bis stomach surfeited by the large proportion of sugar he is obliged to take' ith each dose of Sarsapa rilla, and which is of no use whatever, except to keep the decoction insta s'a . Here the advantages and superiority of the Fluid . act in a comparative view are strikingly manifest. - LIS. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL. LLL LLL LLL. LLL ICELMBOLIPS munzarrKm. CURES SIDNEY DIRER IT. nrmarsolaps mummer BUCKET CUBES It•IngPXAMM. ITTITAIIISOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRU MIXES URINARY DISRABIia /13ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT =CHM CM= GRAVED. ITELIIMOLD'S Eximser ircau MBEs tEcTRICTDRED. TIELMBOLD'A EXTRACT BMW (MMo DROPSY N I E m SS E th S e a d n i d se m A ee l N n S a m IN H o E ABACK, for WMALXE COMPLAINTS and. DISORDERS , arising from ex cesses of any kind, it is invaluable. DDDDDDDD • , ;DDDDDDDDD • t: - DDD, DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD ' DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDDDDDDDD , DDDDDDDD XV THESE EXTRA Cr.cS NAVE BEEN ADMIT TED TO USE IN THE MUTED STATES ARMY„ andare also in verygeneral mein all the state HOSPI TALS 'and PUBLIQ SA.eitTABY INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as .well twin private practice, and are considered as inVabrable remedies. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Principal Dot, niat,msobvis DRUG AND caumslitlLLW A ep 11VP/°Ut3E k o. 594 121ln AMWAY yonk ANDSouth TENTH Street PHILADEL ram PEILL , . • Sold by everywhere. BEWARBDrunestscouraEnurxre..l4 To use a Preventive OARPETINGS , OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WAREHOUSE, Retail Department, *"0: 1 5 19 = Chesttitit St. trABMING WITH INDMILMEO ufx,, gmbroldet mui. Mg, BakUnir, Bumlo gj a m .. BE. ToBREY. 18007111 W Eceel. autrNricersis. CARPETINGS. J. V.._4z:i•-,w-:-,-p...ORNE 904 Chestnut Street, HAVE NOW OPEN TlOinie SPRING IMPORTATIONS NEW CAR,PETINGS Greatly Reduced Prices, ON. ACCOUNT OF TEEM Decline in Gold. J. F. & JE. B. ORNE, 904 Chestnut Sts mii.2o4m rp - CARPET IN GS! AT RETAIL. MeCALLUMS,CREASE&SLOAN, 519 Chestnut Street, OPPOSITE INIMPEN - DMZOB HALL, Beg leave to inform the public that they 'tome now open their Spring Stock CAR.PETLNGS, NEW AISTD CHOICE DESIGN'S Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Which they offer atprices corresponding with The Decline in Gold. FRENCH AND ENGLISH AX.III/‘ TER. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON. VELVETS, ALL WIDTELS, SUPERIOR ENGLISH BRUSSELS.' TAPESTRY " ROYAL WILTON, VELVET, BRUSSELS AN TAPESTRY CARPET. We offer the above in all widths, with borders' 113 r Halle and Stairs. Also. IMPERIAL TICREE-PLY CARPET, EXTRA BIN PERFINE INGRAIN. Just. Received, RED.CRECKED AND FANCY Canton Mattings, of all widths hleCallmo, Crease & Sloan, No. 519 Chestnut Street, OFPOSITE INDEPENDMWE HA.LL. mlai4mrp3,.V..Ib.TTIN G. LEEDOM & SHAW Invite attention to their assortment of Foreign and Domestic CAR , PEPINGt- s . . NOW OPZIEUNG AT Np. 910 Arch Street, mivs-lm. ABOVE NTNITC. "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTQWN, PA, Me_CALLEMS,CREASE&SLOAN mANQFACTURENS, IBIPOBTERS AND WHOLE.. NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the State House, Pm:UI:a:]U9ECU. CARPETINGS!