ICIISINESS NOTI4DES. A BRIGHT SHEA. See w hat it Is to help yourself! . This, Jersey's Stockton noted, And rather than go on the shelf, l'orort hie own stay he voted In his Senatorial place, And thus, by one step. won the race. Bath man his own requirements knows, And claims what's in his power; So vote yourself that suit of Clothes Touneed so, from the Tower. • Owr stock of. Clothing is the laved and moat complete. in this. city. surpassed by none in material, stsdn and 708. and sold atprtees guaranteed lower than the Wieest• TOWER SALL, No. 618 Market Street. 13BNNATr & 00. ALICE BROWN. BY L. D. BABBOUL. In the suburbs of the city Dwelt &country clown, Close beside hilt—what a pity— Lived sweet Alice Brown. What was most to be regretted, Alice and her aunt Were to this same man indebted— Bich old David Grant. "Alice looks more like a fairy Than a country girl, Flitting through the cottage dairy," sad this stupid churl "The maiden aunt may keep the farm Bent free all her life, If she will make—ibr 'tis no harm— Alice be my wife." To him she never would be wed, She firmly did declare, Though she'd no place to lay her head, Nor second gown to wear. Forgive the maiden—who would not ? For her heart was gone • Unto a youth who passed the cot Every summer morn. Such a tale as we are telling How we bate to 'mar ; David Grant found we were selling Clothing at the Star; We sold him a snit of clothing; Sold it, too, so cheap• Alice leaked no more With loathing On hie puree so deep. But she changed her mind, 'lts said, Or strayed from the truth— Promised she would David wed— * Seen forgot the youth. The lover saw what changed the clown, .And visited the= tar; Then for the suburbs of the town He took the nearest car. And having chanced to reach the church Before the knot was tied, He left old David "In the lurch," And took away the bride N. B.—We have the moat tastefully cut and trimmed, and best made-up stock of ready-made Clothing to be found in this city. which we sell at lower prices than the "sibp shops" ask for inferior goods. Also, piece goods, of every variety. Our customer department Is conducted by the best artists. STAR CLOTHING BUFORD:RC 609 CHESTNUT STREET'. SIGN OF THE STAR. PERRY & CO. BARGAINS IN LACE CUBTAlNS.—Wehavernst received born AUCTLON, a large invoice of LA.LE CIIR N TAIS. some very elegant patterns, which we will 'sell LOW. Call and see how much the price la reduced. .e..ELTY, GAARINGTON & CO., 723 Chestnut street. • er.isdNWAY & SONS' PIANOS MA's now acknowledged the best In-1M atrontents In Zurope as well as America. They are weed in public and private,_by the greeted arilsus liTng_in Europe, b y V O N B MAW, DREYSCHOOK, LISZT, JAEL.Wend others; in this coUntry by MILLS, MASON, WOLIWAIN, etc. FBLAor nide only by ME; BROS., BSA- hi 1006 Chestnut street. GEO. STECK & CO.'S PIANOS.--m These Leautifol instruments are as strongly recommended by the follow -jug among tne leading artists in America as any Pianos made in this country or in Europe 'Wm. Mason, S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas, H. C. Timm. Max Maretzek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl Wolfsohn, Chas. B. Jarvis, M:H.,Cross, Carl Gaut, 'tier. H. G.; Thunder r J. N. Beck. Joseph RI, ,O, C. Crofts. Cxecunems of certificates as to their duratoUtiv, and the references of one thousand purchasers in Philo ilelptda and vicinity, to be had on application. } or sale in rhiladeiphia only. by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. ;CHICKEHIENG IMGRAND, SQ,IIARE AND lIPRIG PIANOS. Fiftysla Medals In America and Europe, and 80,000 Instruments in use. Great Collection of ORGANS and MELODEONS. New Ware Rooms, 914 crrv4TNur street. nMS-sa,ttr.th W. H. DUTTON. MEYER'S NEWLY .IMPAOITED ORES CENTSCALE OVERSTEIING PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal- And Highest Awards in America received. MELO DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS jai ttr,s,m SM Warerooms, 722 Arch st., below Bth. witMARSHALL & MITTALTER'S Grand and Square Pianos, superior to any other make in the Union. KindsM dr. 31anz's well-known Pianos, for Bale by A. SCELERZEP., 625 Arch street. 751131-e,m,vr-Im REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! -- MSteck &Co 's .1.62.5 Pianos for ?.515 Steek &Co 's 575 " " 475 Raven & Bacon's 550 " " 450 Raven & Bacon's 500 " " 400 Raines Bro s. 400 " " 300 rah24-tf I J. E. GOULD. Seventh and ..hestnut. EVENING BULLETIN. - SATURDAY, MARCH 31. 1866. "RADICAL" STUBBORNNESS. The Copperhead journals throughout the country are not sparing of denun ciations in their allusjen to the course of the Republican majority in Congress at the present session. The "radicals" are stigmatized as obstinate disorgani zers, mulish sticklers for abstractions, and as being stubborn, , unyielding and uncompromising. When the fact is taken into consideration that these same "radicals" constitute nearly, or quite, two-thirds of the Senate, and much more than that proportion of the lower House, these charges seem rather ridiculous. They remind us of a story of a jury that had been out deliberating upon a ver dict for an' unconscionable length of time, and when they finally game into court and were discharged, ono of the number indignantly declared that they - - might 'Lave agreed upon a verdict long ago had it not been for the eleven stub ji93lljUrcorS who hltd so unreasonably. -stood out against him fora week 1 The "radicals" in Congress are the eleven ' , Stubborn fellows who are holding out against ohe conservative. Who that one conservative is the reader can decide for himself. ECLIPSE OF THE GAS. Those of the authorities of the city who regulate the lighting of the gas lamps in the streets, according as the almanacs say there is or is not a moon shining, &could study • the almanacs_ a little further. Last night there was a total eclipse of the moon, and the city was in total darkness, the street lamps I being unlighted. The almanacs called for a full moon, and the authorities aforesaid overlooked the well known , fact that • the moon was to be darkened I by the earth's shadow at the time of Inightwhen light was most needed; when people were going home from theatres or churches or exhibitions or parties,and when walking was really a dangerous business. rf there were not numerous eases of robbery, or waylaying, , or other street grime, it was because theloot pads :.and other villains knew as little about aotronomy as the gas-light regulators, sold did not understand the nature or • 1 of a total eclipse of the moon. ARIECY SEDUCTION. : A Southern cotemporary, in discus sing the reduction of the military force of the United States; ieeme to be very anxious that the diminution of the nnm ber of,troops should go on faster than it has done. In his report at the opening of Congress, the Secretary of Waistated that over eight hundred thousand sol diers had been discharged during the previous seven months. Oa the 22d of last November there were less than two hundred thousand men on the rolls, and at this period there are little over one hundred and fifty-two thousand. It Is also said that during the present month over fifteen thousand white and colored troops have been mustered out, and that the commissioners of •musters are yet actively engaged in discharging all volunteer organizations which can be dispensed with. As a measure of economy, other things being equal, ng this reduction is an ex cellent thi, - Tor every dollar of diminu tion of GoVermnental expenses brings the country nearer to real prosperity. But we may suggest the question whether, in the present anarchic condition of the South, it will be wise to bring down the military force to a peace basis. We cannot see that "reconstruction" has so far progressed that the South can be safely left to itself. Murders, outrages, persecutions of freed men are still rife, and the provisional governments established by the Presi dent in the Southern States seem almost powerless ,to prevent their recurrence. We rarely see a Southern paper which does not contain accounts of lawlessness and brutality of a desperate nature, and we know that the helpless freedmen are treated infamously in thousands of cases. Is it wise then to leave the late rebel States in such a condition? President Johnson avows his intention to protect Unionists and freedmen whenever the occasion shall arise; but would it not be .better, as we have already suggested, to retain troops enough in the South to see that such infamous violations of law do •not occur? LINCOLN AVENUE. We are glad to see that Common Councils have passed a resolution changing the name of Broad street to Lincoln Avenue. The proposition is one that will meet with universal favor, and coming just at this time, when the minds of the people are beginning to turn towards the firstanniversary of Mr. Lincoln's death, there is peculiar appro priateness in this action of our authori ties. There could be few better monu ments to Mr. 'Lincoln than the fine Avenue which it is proposed shall bear his name. Destined as it is to be one of the grandest streets, not only in Phila delphia, but in America, it would be im possible to designate it by a worthier name. Washington, Franklin, Jeffer son and Girard have given names to several of the principal thoroughfares or our city,and Broad street,lbeautified and improved as it is soon to be, will be hon ored, in bearings new name which will help to perpetuate his memory who is so dear to the hearts of his countrymen. The adoption of the proposed name will doubtless have the effect of settling the question of the location of the Lincoln Monument, which we trust to see in progress of erection before the expiration of the present year. We hope that the resolution of Common Councils will be taken up and passed at the next meeting of the Select Branch, and that this most appropriate tribute of affection and re spect, offered to the memory of the Mar tyr President,will be at once carried into practical effect. THE NEW JERSEY SENATORSHIP. Mr. James M. Scovet's course has caused much indignation among the Re publicans and much chagrin to his per sonal friends, who have valued him for his services to the Union cause during the four yeass of war. They can see nothing, in any defence offered by him, that can justify him •in thwarting the wishes of the rest of the party in the Legislature with reference to a joint convention to elect a United States Se nator. It is not too late for him to re cede, and we trust that he will magnani mously lay aside all personal feeling and give his vote for the joint convention. P. S.—Since the above 'was in type we have received a letter from Mr. Scovel, which we print elsewhere. -It does not change our views of his course, nor will it be considered a satisfactory vindica tion by any except those who desire to have the Republican strength in Con gress impaired. BALE AT TIOCA. STATION.—The entire furnituroof a residence will be diqmsed of to the highest bidder on "Mot day next, at it o'clock. at the S. E corner seven teenth and Tioga streets. toga Station. The cars leave every hour. Catalogues may be had of the Auc tioneers, Davis & Harvey, No. 333 Chestnut atreet. Peremptory Sale of Valuable Coal . Lands. The catalogue of James A. Freeman's sale next Wednesday 111C1110.F13 a valuable tract of 400 acres of coal lands, In Luzerne county, Pennsylvania. adj M ing lands of the Delaware and Hudson (;heal Coln• nany, the Boston and Lackawanna. Coal Company, George M. Hollenback and others. It Is very nivan tageousty situated for mining, beingon 'both sides of the Lackawanna, about ore mile front the town of Archbald and nine Irides from h , cranton, and is en tirely underlaid by allthe valas Of cbtil known in that regibn- title coal has all be en thorecighly proved upon ,the land, and Is the best Penntylvanta anthracite coal, well known as "Bcranton,",stursold by regular auction sales intim New York - market. The tract is accessible by railways and canals both to New York and Phila delphia. . , Ads Plans andrePorts at the auction store. B unlibe ouritrahout any reserve to close a Con cern. Inintente." bile Sales Valuable Real Es. late. B . a. 10th, 17th. 18th and 24th Aprll, add Bth May. Negate. Thomas & Sons' pamphlet catalogue, issued thIS day, 'swell worthy the attention of capitalists and Personswanting valuable Residences, Country seats, neat Dwellings and Building Lots. It contains thirty, two pages, and include the most valuable property told this sr aeon. Alto, valuabie ce,tocks., see Tsiv thir ra page. Apn-1. or valuable additions to this sale d Auction Notlee—Sale of Boots and Shoes. /he early attention of buyers is called to the large and attractive sale of 1,300 cases Boots and Mims, to be sold by catalogue, for cash, on tMonday morning, April 2. commencing at 10 o'clock. by Philip Ford & Co., Auctioneers, at their store No. 506 Market street. A CHEAP LOT 01 11 BLACK 'BEAL CHANTILLY LACE POLGTES.-611.0. W. VOGEL, No. lois Chestnut street. invites attention to a very cheap lot of Black Beal Chantilly Lace Pointer (Half Sham's), va• Um& in price from 190 to &Mb. Ach ice assortment at the the ab /dovrate%e low prices. Zteduceit.to corremnd with &O Btrp VIE DAILY EV.P.,NING BULLETIN : PRILIDELPRIA. SATI' DAY, MARCH 31, 1866. HOWELL ilk 'BROTHERS S. W. cor. Ninth and Chestnut sts., Are Manufacturing their new styles of Paper Hangings FOR SPRING; And Samples and Lots of New Goods are now coming in from their manufbctory, which with a fresh Impor tion of French Designs are ready for the inspection of their customer& The increased facilities of their new and more ex tensive Factory enables them to produce much hand. Bomar and finished styles. Imitation Fresco Designs FOB Parlors, Entries, Ceilings, dlo., PREPARED. mh7•m.w&slmi RETAIL JAMES R. CAMFBELI4 & CO., 727 Chestnut St., Have made exteusivealdittons to their popular Stock of SILKS AND DRESS ca-coons, WH:CH THEY CONTINUE 70 SELL At Moderate Price, Wholesale RooTs up Stairs, rntt , Ito rp Jmsßur-LDKELenumET and SIS LOirti.E STREET. Mechanics of every branch required fbr househuild log and Sitting' rramptly furnished. ]a&t;ma 421ATIONEAY—LETTER, CAP AND NOTE IJ PAPARI , , EN V 1 LOPES. BLANK liooEd, and every requisite in the Stationery line, setting at the lowest figures at J. R. r OWNING' Stationery Store. mal2-tfrpl Eighth atreet.two doors above Walnut. PRICES REDUCED.—Lirestre Photographs In Ott Colors, the most pleasing, natural end Ilte-like P.rtratta made. See specimens. B. P. ItEildrett, Arch street. ABuIIT HO PA 111 S OF sCi &SOB S may be sharpened on one of Russ Ft Patent Scissors sh irpeners,which will do it bob newly and quickly. for sale by TEO MAN sll,l W, ho. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Mart street, below lilntb. 61 Ll' FOR LARGE SIZE PROTOGRA.PRS, , suitable for fratniug, just the tal g for the tin- s, accurate. durable and cheap. made at RES...NIERS Gal lery, Second street, above Green. AMI:TB-DA Y GIFT TO YOUR SON, that may be very useful to yourself, Is a Box of Tools. A variety of then) may be found at TRII3IAN SHAW'S, O. his (Eight Thirty-five) Market greet, below Ninth. E a l t i Ft2lll.73 ( G .F a S li — err SeCArdudPsitTet4etg,ratr:vhes jot 11, executed with rate skill, by artists of ability and el l :. Telenet.. All pictures carefully and Lindy finished. 9tE U ADIIATFD ELEASITIZE answers for four _L of them and a funnel, thus combining dye articles in one. Housekeepers and storekeepers sbould ex amine them. For sale by THOSAN i 4 .11.1.1.V. EES hittyfive) Market street, below Ninth. TbTEWART DEPUY, . 253 Eolith SELOND strekt. Philadelphia, ra Nc• soling from one of the largest and , neat assort. ments of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MA,TTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, de., &c., that be has hen for many years, and at 'very reduced prices. mh3l-3to LJii,ILS' LIGHT CLOTH SAQUES. IN ALL THE POPULAR STYLES OF CHOICE MATERIAL, AND MADE UP IN THE BEST MANNER. BLACK SILKS COATS, BLACK SILK SAQUES, BLACK SILK CIRCULARS, &a., Ac. CIIRWEN STODDART a BROTHER, 450, 452 and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW, LOTHS AND CASSIMERES FOR G L A DIES' SAQUES. CLOAKS AND COATS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART dr. BROTHER, £450, 452 and 454 NORTH SECOND STREEP, ABOVE WILLOW, FANCYANSUIEB, 1' LOATINGS, MIXED CASSIICERF.9, LATEST STYLE CA.SSIBLERES, GOODS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART BROTHER, 45P, , :52 and 151 NORTH SECOND STREET, mb3l.st/ ABOVE WILLOW, HOOP SKIRT i ZAOTOHi - Hoop Skirts ready made tuca tt. order; warranted of the beat Also, repaAred. 1 *.8, - .I3.ATLEY, 6 3 1,64 , 812 Vine street. above Rlichtli: FRENCH. HAMM CLOCRI3.4 fleinh A: °nation of beautiful styles, warranted correct FARR & BROTHER. Imperters, 824 Chestnut street. below Fourt. TREASURY DEPAItTMENT, OFFICE OF COMP TROLLER OF CURER-ICY, WAsume rc , N. March 30th ,1 866. • - , Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the `!undersigned, E has been made appear that THE NATIONAL BANK OF' THE REPUBLI - OF PHLLADELPHIA.," in the city of Philade l phia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirementa of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula tion and Redemption thereof," approved Jnne Bd. 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act re• quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking tinder said act. how therOore, 1, Frreinan Clarke. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "THE NATION AL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF PH/LADRI, PAIA,.. in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness t my_hand and { SEAL ) seal of office, this E thirtieth day °Mann, FRCLABRE IB66- [mhaltmySOn Comptroller. 1131ARTNElt WANTED with ;3,500 to buy out a re• tiring partner, Must be enterprising and ree dw . table. ddress Business established, Bale and verykrOltabler - •.W m•LEY lt* . . :Box 1418 .Postolitee.' Taw Is a personal invitation to the reader to examine our new styles or SPRING GIOTEING. Oacalmeze Snits for lES. and Black Salts for $22. Plner Sulfa. all prices up to $75. WAN/Alia-slat & BROWN, O&31 HALL. SOUTHEAST 'CORNER EITEL and MAIM= Sta. 15,000 1 1 4 V, t o I L 451- intiN - faila. vi,wrs_EDNER, 'NO„, Iseult Fourth arreet. Ynh3l:2t* NEW LINEN GOODS !! _ _ IfIST EXIMIVTED DIRECT ift OM =BODE, Ate: MILALILIKEN'S LINEN STORE, No. S2S Arch Street. RETAIL, AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. LIAM LAWN DRESSES, NEW STYLES, VERY ' • RANISOME. • LINEN TRAVELING DarliSES,entirely new design NEW PRINTED LINENS, landing from Steamer "Propontis." GOLDEN . -FLAX IRISH SHIRTING LINENS, all the Numbers. These Linens are of extra weight and quality. POWEB•LOOIL TABLE LINENS—Prom $7% per yard. BLEAOI3XD TABLE LINENS—New Patterns, very cheap. CHEAP ICAPEDIS—Landing from etr. "Helvetia." TABLE OLOTHl3,rsze styles, with Napkins to match. TOWELS, of every kind from 25 cents up. NIIIISs BY DIAPERS, all the widths required. TOWELING by the yard, ()rash, Diaper, Huck, dtc. LINEN DRILLS and DOORS, white, cord and fancy. LINEN HAN= PS., every kind for Ladies' s Genus' and Children. SHIRT BOSOMS, of very superior quality. BIRD EYE and OTHER DIAPERS, LINEN cIAXERICR and DAWN& LINEN BUYERS Will Find the Largest Stock of Linens in the City, at MILLIKEN'S LAIOTEN srro Ek N.Q..,EL I ARCH STREET. PRICE & WQOD, 113. NORTH NINTH ST., ABOVE .A.BCIT, Have Just opened 3,100 3 tads Best Bleached MtHIM in the city. for 25 cents yard. Bleached Muslin,, 23 29, al. 33 and 35 cta. Just opened, one bale Heaviest Unbleacaed ;Malin, yard-wide, 34 cm. yard. Good Unbl.ached lifts lns,lB, 20,22. 25 and 2.8 eta. a yard. Just opened, one case 5-4 Bleached Muslins, 81i2 eta Pillow Case and Pheeting Fast color Calicoes 9218 eta. a yist Best quails) Calicoes, fast ciders. SU cit. a yard. Arunleati stinr,hams and Delan,..3. Fresco Ginghams, fast colors. Fine quality Black Alpacas, 50,65, 70, 60, 90, 95 and ft its % Jupered from New York, 500 dozen Linen Nap• kine. Li 37%. 1. - 2, tt 62. iz 75 and $'3.33 SO, tip tO 13 doz. Table Cloths and Table Linens kky cue yard. lat re assortment uckshaek Towels. Handsome Damask Towels. .13 uulaUtaciL ntid trash by the yard. Few eh Idaver. ty the piece or yard. bbirting Linens irons 4.5. c. up to it 40 per yard. WBl E tiut'DS. WHITE GOODS. Just opened, a large lot of Soft Finish Carahrim, 53. 40.45,50, 56 and eS cts. yard. bon Finish tambries, full i 3( yards wide. 50 c18. yd. Nainsoos. Muslims, ZS, 31, 15, 40, 44, .7), t 5. 64 up to SO els. ys rd. PI.Id and Stripe Meslins. White Brill's', tes. er auction lot, 55 Ma. cheap. bhirred Musli', very cheap, dc., dc. A large assortment of and Gloves, Jaconet d ging!. Instrtings and Ftouneings. A new lot of Bonnet Itibborus, Choice colors and gelid quality. Best quality B oop Skirts, made to crier. expressly for cur aales. Price & Wood, 113 BOWEL !MTH BT., Above Arch. F. B-Rrgl remove to the northwest cor. Eighth th.l•ptof flora. 114 1.04J0. IMPOta. BOYS' CLOTHING. A large assortment of BOY'S FINE READY MADE CLOTHING ON HAND. Gentlemen's Clothing Made to Order. As fine a stock to select from as any in the country. F. A . H oyt 13r0., S. W. cor. Tenth abd Fh tnnt sts. mh3l-sa to th lm} ASSEMBLY BUILD GROVER ill BAWER' FIAT PREMIUM 'MASTIC STITCH AND LODE STITCH SEWING 2IACIIINPB, With lateet Improvements, no CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia -17 MARE.ET Street. BarrLitpurg. J T. GALLAGHER, •••• Late of BAILEY dt CO., FORMERLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, InvitE a attention to his NIk.W JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, S, W, cor, Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts. HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS , AND OTHER FINE alkniliALßY Sterling Sidi erwarn, and Silver Plated Ware. will be found very complete. Those wishing to par. chase or examine will find it ranch to their advantage to favor him with a call. All goods wARRANTED of FiEtsT satisfactory QUITY, and prices. The CELEBRATICO V AL ACHERON and CONSTANTINE WATCH, of all sizes, for Ladlee find Geoliemezh spe.ral attention given to irAM4NISS. Watches sad Clocks carefolly Repaired and War. ranted. mhl- thsa to .nil PS.IL -I JECLIN t..).11g3 SPRING STYLES ! EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 Chestnut St.. AT OTTINGHAM vs: CONTINENTAL CURTAINS,. IN AND LACES FOR CIIRTAINS.—WiII open to,_.• day, one more case of this desirable item. all or whg e p , are, very cholre pat terneand st greatly reduced pri . nrchase. E'S display of style and prices c l" foo s ru r en t ic e s csi r de e r q n u gw l r to i o u p tattan tity, are allowed an extra COLORED WORSTED. TIDIES AND MATS,fer - Standa. a small invoice, only, that are exquisitely beautiful, at very low prices. Ladies, please - tne" notice, PLAID NAINe 00K. Will open a o.se, small, medium and large Plaids of letter M. known to the trade Its very ittiO ,0411.8 t, Prices very low. LACE COL.LAIIB, LACE TfANDIKERriIi - Just opened, sem° small 'invoices of Valencleprie7 : Thread and Point Goode. that are cheap. MACHINE. MUSLIN i n s tripes, 136 yards long. Will open today ;fig, large quantity, fairly sembllng embrolderAt go s,, at a very trifling cost. Country merchants who pur- chase for cash. may make some selection , fora,Vis' large and varied stock . f cheap goods, that will pay them handsomely, by visiting -:f WORNE'S Lace and Embroidery store, It No. 38 North Eighth street. • SWISS BEGARS.-50,000 Imported SwLed Attars.- - For sale by A. MERINO.? ' mbal SO • . 140 SoathEiOnt, BAY RUM.-15 puncheons auperlor quality. Vir royo' Bond and duty paid. - . For Bale by A. MERINO, to. natal -30 140 South rriint'street. NVALNIITS AND ALMONDS.—New crop_Grotiobi Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds , Tarawa by J. B. BUBBLER es C0..108 B. DelawAream.nw-, OPENING -- DAY. L. •L EF E R- E. wns.Oilax ox Tuesday, April 3 1866, His Stunmz,r Mantillas and Dress Snit. 1202, CHESTNUT STREET. rahsi .2t 825 THE $25 UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL. Extraardinary Inducements NOVEL BIIBIbTESS (ALLEGE TIMMS, FrolO April 1 to October 1,1866, and succeeding year& LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, Including Bookkeeping, Ba ldness Correspondence., Forma - awl CUSIOO3.II, ()com mercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship, Detect ing COUnterielt Money. and Commercial Law. TWENTY•FIVB DOLLARS. SCHOLARSHIPS, tacltuttag 'the same Subjects as above. Time limited to three months, TWENTY DOLLAkB PENMANPHrP, Three Month 7 PENMANSHIP and AILLTHMET/C. Three Moe... 10 The saving of coal and gas In the muniner months Is an advantage of such importance as enables Inc man• as entent of this College to make a considerable redac tion In the summer rates. PROM O CTOB ER L 1,334, TO APRIL L 1357, And ERIC% eedlng years, as berbre. Life Scholarships- Scholarships, 3 months-- 25 Penmanship. 3 months...... lb Penmanship and Arithmetic, 3 m0nth5......_..._. Special Terms for Chiba, Soldiers, and for the Sons Of Min , sters and Teadhers. 113. DAY AND EVENING 10/STEVOCTION FOR BOTH S.h.X3M AND ALL AGES. Endorsed by the public as the most ancceealtd Bush:teas College or the country, as is evidenced by the fact. that 101 JR HUNDRED AND TWO STUDENTS Have entered in the First Six Months of its Exlstence. Open Day and Evening throughout tee yea-. Call orsend for a Catalogue, College Curren:7, and Pierce's Practical Educator. Office-531 North Eighth Street. rob3l-21 4p THO3I/03 PELRCE. CARD PHOTOG.HAPHS OF HENRY COFFEE, President Elect of Lehigh University, FPM. y, MoALT,TRTEII, No. 1 7,?.S Chestnut, St. Cape I slar.d 10 Boom Cottage for Bale ADJOINING CONGRESS HALL, Will be sold with or without. Stable for four bones. Address, J. P. CARE, mtars.wlin rpl Cane Island. ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH EVANS & WATSON SAFE. READ THE FOLLOWMG parr.ADELpirtA. March 27th, 1866. MESSI39. EVANS & WATSON, Oszrrs—litarly this morning our three-story Steam Raw and Planing NM was entirely destroyed by tire. Ile Sale we purchased of you in IStZ was severely tested. Upon opening it, we found the BookS. Papers, Money, dc., were entirely preserved and uninjured, so ranch se that we shall CONTLNUE THEIR DAILY USE This is an additional Froof of the SUPERIOR and COMPLRT.E plotectlon of your IMPROVED nisLDE Door: CAFES, and we feel that they deserve ibe moss liberal pairobage Your:, Tery tral,y. Within the past two weeks this is the second Safe of our manufacture - which has been severely tested by both instances the contents being entirely pre. served. We call the attention of all desiring' a PER FECT protection against fire to ourlustly celebrated FIRE PROOF SAFES, which have never failed to preservd their contents. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes for Bank, Mercantile or Dwelling House Use, guaranteed free from Damp ness. We sell at prices lower thin other makers. EVANS & WATSON, No. Is SOUTH FOURTH STEM. 3a1229-Strp • OA.L!• COAL ! BEST QUALITIES OP COAL AT LOWEST MARKET ELATBS, AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, INTII ITI ET, BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. 4 { t 'BRAVOS OLTICEIE CORNER OP want AND SPRING GARDEN. dental/in trit SPRING. Mt. ATM. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, mb24 2m IV PHILADELPHIA. PATENT WIRE WORK BOR RAILINGS, STOREFRONTS, me, &c. PON:RECISTEADS AND WIRE WORK in variety, manufactured irS' M. WALKER db SONS, Inbantlig NO. n Norma SEMI Street, FOR aitlar. — To BhlPPere, Kinker!, Hotel-keepers and otbere—A very superior lot of Cbranoree *der, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JOB,D , riotwrpif, 220 Pear street. below Third WI Walnut ARRAMOMMENT OF IS`lll. MR THE BEADY, SHAFF.ER 4.. t. CO. U. S. SANITARY-CONIMISSIONi- 1307- -ChestnutStreet.. The Bureau of Employment has still regtste.red their hooks a large nuMber ofnnemployed bosorablY discharged SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, difutbled 'or - otherwise. Employers are most risme , tinny notified that they can obtain any amount of skilled or un— skilled labor by applying to this office. Many of these men are in very needy circumstances and should luiver employment immediately., All information furnished. GRATUITOUSLY. . JOHN W. WI:WON, Seers , m12314t rp , Bureau of ,EO3ploymont, 1866. SPRING. 1866; CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ROCKHILLSz WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing HalV' 603 and 605 Chestnut Street,. pBII.ADELYHIA.. Gentlemen's Fine Ready-Made Clothing- eplendld Stock constantly on band. Orders Containing Netumrements At tended to Promptly. Rcckhill & Wilson, 1331OWN43TONE CLOTILING ECLM, Nes. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, OUR' CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. In our Custom Department orders are received from. sli parts oftheXnion for suits made rip in Fashion— able Style from elegant materials. Our Spring stock of materials embraces all the latest novelties in botto Foreign and Domestic Fabrics. Suits for Aptly and Navy Officers Made up in best style, at short notice, from choicest materials; our business in this branch being larger than that of any other house in the United States.. Boys' Clothinsg. Our stcck of Seady-mas'e Youths' Clothing is largo• and complete. Orders promptly attended to on receipt. of measurements. The Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 and 605 CHESTNVT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Has long been the Favorite Clothing House of *merlon. Favorite Clothing House of Americas. Our Clothing Is made up In the best martner.bir the best workmen. from the best materials; Prices Reasonable. Orders are respectfully solicited. ROCKHILL & WILSON Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 & 605 Chestnut street,. rananiasnia. mhl.9-8 11= AUCTION NOTICE. lIVINDE:NkiJE SALE 1,800 Packages DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODSI TO BE SOLD IN EBTIBE PACKAGES BY JOHN B. MYERS & CO., ArCTIONEERS. Nes. 232 and 234 Market St., ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, '667. Commencing at ten o'clock, by catalogue, For Cash. A PORTION OF THE FOREIGN GOODS ON A CRFOIT OF FOUR MONTHS. The !sale will comprise in partthe following ficeirabltrz fabrics, viz.; Domestics. Car es Bleached Shlnings and Sheeting% Bales Brown do. do. Cases Tickings, (In great variety). " American Prints. Cottonades. " Browu and B'neDenlms. Tivertion Cassimeree, " Kentucky Jeans. " Sack Flannels. " Satinets. Tweeds and Cessimeres. " Brown Cotton Shirts. " Striped Linen Bed Sacks. " Bleached, Brown and Colored Drills. . White and Colored Corset Jeans. " Colored Cambria!' and &reales. " American De Laine... " Checks and Stripes. " Gingbams and Linseys. " Double and Twisted Cassimeres. - " 4-4 and 6-4 Tweeds, " Canton, Domet and Wool Flannel& " Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, " Mosquito Nets. " Cotton Hosiery, of the Lawrence Cos.-Mani:o - facture, of all Grades. Voreign Croods. Cases Irish SHIRTING . LINEN. 4-4 Blouse LINENS. - " 44 Brown HOLLAND& ' " Mantle .LINENS. " 66 inch Full Bleached- DAMASK. " Spanish L.N.e-NS. " CASIIMARETTS. " Patent .1 breads. " Black and 'White Solid Check Ginghams. " Pialn and Fancy Motamb,oues. " Nancy Silk and Worsted Cnecks. Chintz ttripe Grenadines. " Black and Colored Alpacas and Fens. - Paris all-wool Plain and Printed MOW: de? Lathes. Chintz Org andies. " 4-4Piatiter's Linens. - " 4-4 Blay Linens- " Bleached and Brown Linen Drills. . 4 ' 24 and i 0 Inch Cream Canvass. —" • Brown Bordered Dank. Alan cheater and Scotch Ginghams. Bales Hemp Carpets. —Cases Foulard and Madras _Handkercbialb. "44 Plain Turkey Red Calico. " Silk Stripe and Emb'd 6 4 Mozabablquea, " Stripe pWn and Check Mohave. - " • • Pekin Stripes, , - ..5.4 Inch Black Tamartines. Paris Mourning . Together with many other descriptions not mentionea} above. 'MADE ft Aar The attention of the om aq sections la particularly invited to this Sale: as it will be positive: and every sample Package sold entire' to the highest and best bidder, and will be decidedlynne of the tar. gestoffer-Imes ever xunde at AuCtion in this or any other City in the 'United estates. In t i *,sl 4pi .:JOHN B. BURRS &TO., Anct'rs. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers