, rennsylvastia Legislature OLOBE 0.1?' yzedur,ankr's . raocEsintres. SM27&rE.--111r.,McConaughy read a bill in plaice bicorilorating the . Gettysburg Battle-. field MeinorialASsociation. Mr. Glatz, one _relative to agriculture sta- . . „ Also; one relative to weights and measures. Mr. , Ridgway. one incorporating the Fair knount Gold and Silver Company. Mr. Donovan, one equalizing the taxable& of the Twentieth and Twentygourth Wards. Mr Landen up the bill allowing the Susquehanna. Boom Company to largely in-; ocrease their tolls and to build a dam. Mr. White moved to postpone indefinitely, rand spoke at length and forcibly against this . attempt to encourage a grasping monopoly at the , expense' of the lumbermenand the people of the State. At the conclusion of his remarks a motion to adjourn was carried, and the Senate ad journed until Tuesday morning at 10. o'clock. Hotrsk.—Mr. Sterner presented a petition from. citizens of Ashland, Schuylkill county, in favor of restricting a day's labor to eight Bills Introduced.—Mr. Marks, vacating _Paul street, in'Twenty-fourth Ward. • Mr. Hood, providing for the hater regis -tration of births;marriages and deaths in Philadelphia. Mr. Thomas, incorporating the Lincoln Institution; also, relative to the estate of .John .:James; also, authorizing the trustees -of the Second Presbyterian Church to sell real estate. Mr. Josephs; incorporating the Weccacoe .I,egion, of Philadelphia. Mr. - Donnelly,- - incoiporating the Mam moth Gold and Silver Mining Company. Mr. Wallace, an act providing that so much of the 24th section of the act of Con 1-solidation as provides for the appointment •of supervisors be repealed, and that they shall be subject to Councils, add that Conn -cilmen shall take their seats on the first Monday after second Taesday of October. Mr. Sterner, incorporating the Salaman der Mining Company. Mr. Freeborn, exempting the armory of the Fiist Troop of Philadelphia City Cavalry from taxation. Adjourned. Afternoon Session.—The joint resolution - urging Congress to sanction the new air line railroad from New York to Washington was -considered. Mr. Slack, of Allegheny, moved to amend by adding the new road from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. Mr. Barr, of Clarion, moved to amend by urging Congress to pass a general railroad law. Mr. Lee moved to postpone the whole matter indefinitely, which was agreed to— ayes 39, nays 30. fr Pleasures and Follies of Fashion. Walking up Broadway yesterday, and re marking the extreme richness and variety of costume displayed by the women of New York, and the delightful and unhesitating liberties taken by the March wind, I was reminded of the tendency to excess which pleasure and fashion confirm, and I thought -of the very remarkable artistic caprice of a woman of fashion in Italy, at a grand cos tumaball, given last winter by a banker of Florence. - Madame Ratazzi (Princess Salina) riveted and amazed all eyes. She was attired as a Bacchante. Her head was encircled by a magnificent wreath, formed of grapes of various hues, with insects of gems glittering among the leaves. In her hand she carried a golden goblet. Her arms and neck were bare, and her only drapery was a closely fitting red velvet robe, with a leopard skin drawn tightly over the back. The skirt was left open at the sides ' and literally revealed her limbs, covered only by flesh-colored tights. The seat she choose at the supper table was a somewhat original one, to say no more. Owing to the great -crowd there was ,a scarcity of chairs, and the fair Bacchante gracefully poised herself—in her husband's lap. Her costume, in spite of :its questionable shape, was astonishingly picturesque. It was made at Paris, and coat £lOO. Another remarkable person present was Madame Florenzi Waddington, who looked beautiful in spite of her sixty-five winters, dressed as a Marquise. Forty years ago she enchanted the ball-going public (so saythose whO remember her) by appearing in the costume of Diana very nearly au na tura The world of lesbian in New York has nothing so artistic, so daring.and so -questionable to flavor the gossip of letter writers. Oar excesses and our follies do not take so seductive a shape. When dress be comes a fine art with us, - as it is with the Latin races, we shall have the corruptions .and the elegant nudities of the gay world -abroad. It is astonishing to what excesses the passion for enjoyment and the desire to _give pleasure will push the beautiful women -of the world! But speaking of fashion, of taste and of beauty, did you ever have occa sion to remark how uncomfortable you were ;next to a being not dangerously gifted with either? It was my fate to be seated at a -concert the other evening behind a chalk white damsel, and what kind of a hat do :you suppose she adorned her head with, and what colors did she deem complimentary? 'One of those ugly square hats of pink vel vet, with scarlet flowers and emerald green -tinfoil ! What a combination was there,my countrymen! It made,me so sick that I had -to change my seat,while the innocent,chalk white damsel was in blissful ignorance of - the suffering she caused. Had she known how much her taste shocked me, she would have crushed me with a look, or flown at me like an enraged cat. Artistic. -Sir Edwin. Landseer has completed the :model'of two of the lions intended for the base of the Nelson Monument, in Trafalgar Square, London, and the arrangements for il the founding in bronze are about to be com menced. It is thought, judging from the rate of progress now made, that - some of the •children of the present generation may live ito see the monument completed. • A young English sculptor named • Rey inortfi, a native of Hull, hasmade a design of great promise for the statue to be erected to \Andrew Marvel l in-that city. He adopts the costume of the time of Charles the Second. 1 Elmore, the painter, was still at Algiers, \for the benefit of his health, on the 10th of - March. He was not idle, however, but the fruits of his study and pencil will be !,kept a secret. The following gentlemen were elected i 't nglish Commissioners for the Paris Exhi don, at a meeting of the' commissioners ready appointed, on the 9th of March; The rl of Clarendon, Lord Henry G. Lennox, 11 P., Mr. Milner Gibson, 'Mr. Goschen, Alhssrs. W. H. Hamilton, C. Lawson and 1 1T Tite, M. P. , • A. monument has been erected to the I.niomory of the right Rev. Dr. Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury, England, in the r Cathedral of Canterbury. It is formed of a 1 solid piece of Caen stone, sculptured• in the I;plain Gothic style, bearing an effigy in the Ifull Episcopal robes. In the centre of the hose is the - inscription, in old English ichareeters, "John Bird Sumner born '1780; Bishop of Chester, 1828; Archbishop of IlCanterbury, 1848; died; 1862. He showed 'nut of a good conversation his works with inteeknez.s of wisdom.--St. James, chap. iii, 13." , New Jersey Polities—The Senatorial ' question. , TRENTON, March 30.--Senator liudlam,of Cumberland county, N. J., who offered the resolution to go into joint meeting, 'in the iew Jersey Senate, on Thursday, makes he following statement : "The despatch of the Associated Press, in egard to the vote in the New Jersey Senate n the resolution to go into joint meeting to elect a United States Senator, is likely to Ilead to a mistake on that subject. The vote -as ten in favor of the resolution and nine against it, and the resolution was lost be cause of a previous resolution, which had been passed by Mr. Scovel voting with the Democrats, to make a majority of the whole number, eleven, necessary to pass the reso littion. The ten votes given in favor of going 'into joint meeting composed all the members elected as Republicans, expect Mr. Scovel, who voted with the Democrats against it." TRENTON, March 30.---Both Houses of the Legislature have adjourned over until Mon day night, - and no: action whatever has been taken on the Senatorial question. The Re publican paper ha this city opens sharply oh Senator Scowl for vating not to, g 9 into. jointmeeting. Doubts are felt as to the probability of any joint meeting at . all. The• prominent candidates now-are ,Mr. Scovel and A. G. Cattell,‘ of Camden. • ttc)ARll OF T.Ii,ADF, SAMUEL E. STOKES. 'GEORGE N. TATHAM, Mowna.y CommyrrEn JAS. R. CAMPBELL, vat 'anti Baffin s of Ocean Steamers TO E.EITPB TRAM .. 708 . • 1 1 / 1 2111 City of Limerick..LiverpooL.New York ........Marcti Delaware - Liverpool.:.Boston&Phila.March 'lB Fulton Havre...New Y0rk..........March 13 Hansa Southampton... New York „......_March 14 Cityorßoston.........Liverpool-New York March 14 Moravian.- ...... --Liverpool-Fortland March 15 China ' ...LiverpooL-805t0n...; March 17 City of Dublin. Liverpool.:.New York March 17 Tripola .Liverpool-New York March 20 .Liverpool-. New York . . . . .. Bavaria Southampton.-New York .. . .. 21 City of ld.anchester.Liverp'L-New York:- March 23 Atlantic Southampton... New York-..-.... March 24 Cuba. .Liverpool-New York March 24 Edinburg .LiverpooL.New York ...... -„March 23 TO DFIPABT. Winona .New York-Londou ' ----April 4 Anstralatdan. ..New York-LiverpooL.-..... .... April 4 Columbia -New York-Havana. April 5 City of Dublin..... New York-Liverpool ..... ..--April , 4 Washington .....-NewYork-Havre- . . ..... 7 Helvetia. *.New York ... Liverpoo l. .-.....-April 7 Bremen ' New York.:.l3remen....- --April 7 Britannia .New York-Glasgow..-.... ... .. . . April 7 Cityof Baltimore. New York-Liverp001.'........- April 7 Moravian .Portland.-Liverpool April 7 Fah Kee _NewlYork-St Sago .- - -April 7 Vera Cruz. •.NewYork-Havarta drV C April 10 China- . . - Boston... Liverpool .April 11 Atlantic. -.New York... Bremen April 12 411AJIMLN.E suLLETm. 411721 RUMS. 47 1 8uir Bare, 610 I HIGH WALTHS,I 40 ARBSVED TBBTERDAY Brig Pylade (Swedy„ Hultman, . from Beaton, in bal last to Workman t Schr Remittance. Quinton, a days from Nanticoke River, with lumer to Bacon. Collins & Co. Schr Chris Loeser, Laws. from Boston. in ballast to Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. Schr Lucy, Spence 1 day from Brandywine,-DeL with corn meal to R .15i Lea. Scbr Minna Walmsley, 2 days from Sassafras River, with grain to Christian & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY Steamer Stara and Stripes, Holmes, Havarti', Thomas Wattson @ Sons. Steamer H L Gays , , Iler, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. Schr C T Edwards, Armitage, Norfolk, E V Glover. Eltf °BANDA Steamer Alexandria,„ hence at Norfolk nth instant. Steamer Montgomery, Ryder, 7 days from New Or leans, at New York yesterday. Steamer Westchester, Ingram, cleared at New York yesterday for Wilmington, Del. Steamer Oriental, from New Orleans for Boston, ran Vineyards o'clock yesterday morning on Hedge Fence, Sound, but was assisted off by the steamer Manah ans.ett. . Steamer Helvethi (Br), Ogilvie, from Liverpool 14th -inst. via Queenstown 16th, at New York yesterday, has 1021 passengers. Steamer Caledonia, Nervier, from New York 14th inst. for Glasgow, was spoken W.d, lat 47. ion 19. Steamer Delaware, Thompson, for Boston, entered out at Liverpool 14th inst. Ship John Clark, Letournean, from Liverpool 3151 Jan for this port, was spoken oil the Cap,s of Dela ware by the steamer Gussie, at New York. Ship Messenger, Small,from New York,at San Fran cisco 29th inst. Ship Tbame2, Arnold, sailed from Colombo 3d ult.. for New York. Bark Reunion, Tracey,from New Orleans for Havre, was spoken 19th inst. let 41 10, 100 51. Bart Deborah Pennell. Dunning, hence, was disch'g at Rio Janeiro Sd inst. Bark Glide, Hawthorn. cleared at Salem 28th inst. for port east Cape Good Hope. Bark Templsr. Wilson, from Buenos Ayres for Bal timore,-at Fort Monroe 29th inst. Brig Ida 711. Comers. McLellan, for Cardenas, was towed to sea from New Orleans 16th inst. Brig Germania (01d),Fielke,hence at Charleston 26th instant. Brig Kate Ste Wart, Paddock, at Genoa 11th instant from Antwerp. Brig Hampden. Nickerson, hence at Boston 29th inst:vla Holmes' Hole. Brig Gerbardina. Aaldisks, at Boston yesterday from Bahia. via St Thomas. t3chrs Raven, Rose, and Wm. Boardman, Ballard, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. e;chr J G Huntington, Jones, from Nall River for this port. at New York yesterday. Schrs J Price, Nickerson, hence for Boston, and Cerro Gordo, Cobb, hence for Bridgeport, at N York yesterday. Behr Charles McCarthy, Godfrey, hence, was at St. Thi mas =d inst. for Trinidad, Cabs.. 28th in Schr John Lancaster, Williams. hence at Providence st. Sabra Lewis Cheater Bartlett. and Cordelia New kirk, Etuntley.at BaltiMore 29th inst. from Ikew York One!da Davis, hence at Savannah 21st inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Upper and Lower Cedar Point Light Vessels, Potomac River, have resumed their stations. By order of the Lighthouse Board. J M BERRIEN Capt. U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector., Norfolk, March 26, 1866. The Light Vessel reported at anchor in Viroyard Sound, proves to be the Nantucket South Shoal Light Vessel, which parted her moorings on Sunday nu •rn ing,lBth inst. in a heavy NW wind. She was towed to New Bedford on Wednesday by 17 S schr Pharos. and will be replaced upon her station as soon as a new an chor and chain can be procured. SLK!M ESTATE. tPPUBLIC SALE.— rHoisfAs dr. SONS Atte tioneers.—ln the Court of Common Pleas for the and County of Philadelphia—Peremptory Sale— Genet her vs. Flanagan, in Equity. December Term, 1864, No. 5. Pursuant to a decree of the Court made in tbe,above case. will be sold at Public Sale, without re serve, on TUESDAY, April 10th. 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the job lowinO described property, viz: No. I.—THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 1738 SOUTH street. All that lot of ground with the three-story brick messuage and two story brick messuage erected on the rear, situate on the south side of Cedar street, 34 feet east of Eighteenth street. in the City of Philadelphia; containing iu front on Cedar street 16 feet, and extending of that width southward between Dees at right angles with said Cedar street 65 feet, including the eawernmost moiety of a three feet wide alley, which extends from Cedar street southwat d 30 'feet, then gradually converging to a point in the centre of said three feet wide alley at the distance of 33 feet from Cedar street, which alley has been laid out for the mutual accommodation of this aid the lot of ground adjoining thereto to the west ward. Bounded On the north by Cedar street, on the east and south by ground late of Hannah Parke, and on the west by ground granted to William Bell on ground rent. . N. B.—The three-story brick messuage fronts_ on Cedar street. has a bulk window, and is No. 1738; the two-story brick on the rear-of the lot Is accessible through the alley way above described. Cedar street is now South street. No. X.—THREE-STORY BRICK DWlr.tr.rTsTG, No. 1318- MARINER STREET.—AII that lot of ground, with the three-story brick messuage (No. 1818) thereon erected, situate on the south side of Mariner street, in that 'part of the city of Philadelphhia, formerly called the District of Moyamensing; comtdencing at the as. 'Lance of 144 feet west of Thirteenth street; containing in front 16 feet, and extending in depth southward 47 feet .1 inch, more or less. Bounded on the north by said Mariner street. on the south by ground now or lute of Josiah Randall, on the east by ground now or late of Alexander WhilldiMand on the west by ground now or late of A. C. Lammon. • P P. MORRIS, Master. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, m.b19,23,27,38,31 aps 189 and 1418. Fourth street. TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHEERS.—PUBLIy SALE —THOMAS SONS, A. uct loneers. Ver va nable BUSINESS PROPERTY, known as the CENTRAL BUILDINGS, Nos. 218 and 220 Walnut street, opposite the Merchants' Exchange: 85 feet on Walnut street, 140 feet in depth on Pear street; 2 fronts. On TUESDAY, April Bd, 1866, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at_public sale, at the pmr,A TiELPHILEX uHANGE, all those two four-story brick buildings said the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side df Walnut street, directly opposite the Exchange, containing together in front on Walnut street 35 feet, and extending in depth about 140 feet to Pear street, known as the Central Buildings, with a passage-way running through to Pear street, on-which is erected a five-story brick building. The attention of capitalists, bankers and insurance companies is called to the above mentioned property, comohdng as It does mans' advantages. Its close proximity to the Exchange, together with two fronts, making it desira ble. Property in this particular block is considered of more value per foot than in any other block in the whole length. of Walnut street, -Clear of all incumbrance. For further particularsospply to Lewis H. Redoet, No. 152 South Fourth street. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers; mhlstap2 139 and 1.41 South Fourth street FOR SALE.—A large and well-built country RESIDENCE on Duy ' s. lane, Germantown, w in twelve minutes' walk of railroad station; lot about 300 feet front. and over 400 feet deep, with more land adjoining, if desired. The grounds are laid out with large lawn, well shaded with evergreen and other trees; a great variety of fruit trees, grape vines &c. ~ "Water in bathroom and chambers; very superior well of water in the kitchen, first.rate furnace. Situation high and healthy, and fine water viewin front;' within about 200 yards of a turnpike. For particulars apply to O. C. JACKSON, 531 Arch street. mh24-s,tu,th,3t* InFOR RENT—FURNISHED.--THE RESI w DENCE of the late, A. Bldermann, situated on e Kennett Turnpike, about 5 inflect from Wilming. ton. DeL It contains large parlor, - reception - room, - dining room and pantry and small room on first floor, five chambers, servant's rooms, dc. Ice house filled, stabling and Carriage room; It is surrounded by trees, is a cool - -and healthy resi-' dence, and would be rented to a private family for not ltst. than four months.. Apply to C. J. Dupont, Jr,, Rekely, near Wilmington, Del. Eir442B,tlo,tu-12ti THE _Pia/3E4111i, BIT EtPUBLIO SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, Aim ioneers.--ELEGANT COUNIRY SEAT, STONE MILE CE and COTTAGE SITB S.—On TUESAY, .April 3d, 1888, at 12 o'clock noon, at the FITILEIDEL. PtlIA EXCHA Nat.. wilt be'sold at public sale, ELM. GANT COUNTRY RlCSlDENCE,with•extensive oat. .building's. WAVEELY HEIGHTS, the residence of Joseph Newhouse, 8 acres 7 perches, 9 miles from the city—Handsome Mansion; with the modern improvements and conveniences, !Stone 'Stable and Carriage House,StoneTenant Honae,Stone and Frame Barn, grounds tastefully laid out, &c. The situation LS high and very desirable. Also, 2 beautiful COTTAGE SITES, of 3 acres each, Waverly Heights Also, 3 very beautifully situated COTTAGE SITES, of '6 acres each, Waverly Heights. Also, Neat STONE - RFSIDEIVUE, containing 8' rooms, corner of Church road and Limekiln turnpike, good Stone Stable and Carriage .House, dtone ' Barn, and other outbuildings—Vegetable Garden, choice Fruit Trees, &c. A leo. 2 Hai dsome BUILDING SITES, Church read, each of 4 acre... • . s. Full particulars in handbills and plans at the Auc ion Rooms.- nacosreB 4r, SONS, Auctioneers, mb20,24,28,31 Nos. 139 and 141 &oath Fourth at - - FOR SALE—V.ALIJ BLE REAL ESTATE grg AND MLLL PRO rERT y order of the t rict loud, under proc ,, edings in partition, will be sold by the heriff, on Monday, April 2, 1868, at 4 P. AI., .at the PANSOM. STHEEF kt.A.LL, Philadelphia:— No.l.—A valuable fourstoryßrick Factoryßuilding, with steam engine and extensive machinery, contain ing 58 feet 7% inches front on the suuth side of.Callow ...hill street 78 feet 4 inches on York avenue, and 71 feet 4 inches on Crown street, widening to 71 feet 7.5 i Inches on the rear end. No. 2.—A substantial ilve•story Brick Btdlding,stores and warehouse , S. W. corner of Fourth and Callowhill streets; on Callowhill street 57 feet 4 incher, and en Fourth street 60 teet, running westward of that breadth to 'Y ork avenue; subject to a yearly redeemable gr,onnd rent of f 540, payable half yearly.. • ' Ihese buildings have been erected in the most sub stantial manner, regardless of exbense. and are now occupied by French. %Richards & Co. Parchasers by this sale will acquire a perfect title. mll3o-2t/ rr.FOR SALE.—THE CELEBRATED WATER «. 'MG PLACE ENO WN AS JORDAIPS WHITE 'C MIR SPRINGS; situate in Frederick. Va., 5 miles from Winchester, and convenient to a Railroad Station. Large Thick Hotel -nildings, three stories high, substantially built, containing 90 rooms' bath houses, ten-pin alley, stable and other out ,bulldings— ito acres of excellent land attached, with large garden filled with vegetables, and fine orchard of choice fruit. The healthfulness of the' locality-and virtues of the water are widely known. For further particulars apply to J. M. GIIMMEY• & SONS, No. 508 Walnut street. • ir FOR SALE.—TWO CONTIGUOUS COTTAGE HOUSES, Ac Atlantic City, near the Railroad Depot, fronting on PPnnsylvania Avenue. Toe houses are modern, with PARLOR, DINING. ROOM, and KITCHEN on the first floor, and nine chair hers above - ROBERT EVARD, near the Premises has charge of the houses, and ill Show them to any person wishing t) purchase. LOTS 50 feet front—iso feet deep to a street. Apply,to ROBERT CHURCHMAN. roh2B-In.otq N 0.254 south Sixteenth st., Praia. _ - - irFOR SALE.—DESIRA_BLE COUNTRY SEAT e AND FARM, OF TWENTY-FWE ACRES, situate three-fourths of a toile east of Green Lane sta tion n North Pennsylvania Railroad, and four miles Lorth of the pavement on Second street. Substantial and comfortable t tone dwelling. handsomely situated snd shaded, containing parlor, dining room, two kitchens, eight chambers. Stone barn, stables, spring house. &v. DICKeON BROS . mh22-th,stutfi [32G.:Walnut street, up-stairs. Fro, TIOGA. Rh.SIDENCE FOR SALE—Low price ka and easy :terms. About one acre with 200 feet Is on t, large mansion, porches on two sides, gas. heater range and bath in the house; also large stable on back street, good carriage road from Mont, ground well laid out, dwarf trees in bearlag, grape arbors and duck pond—for 04.000 or two acres adjoining with tenant house and chicken house, can be had with 0,000 more. WERNER 11l SCHNEE, 233 Chestnut street. nikr.-ate FOR BALE.- 7 AVERY CHOICE AND DEEI RABLE FAR3I in the Twenty third Ward, 10 ml l es from Market street, adjoining the village of Bustleton, containing 90 acres. Improvements tine and land In a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water, and everything In first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be. tweets 10 and 2. 1a25-trt.tb.satt FOR SALE OR TO LETS—Large warehouse "" B os. 1933 and 1935 Market street, 7•6 by IM feet, al under roof with Railroad tracks. Bins for storing rain &c. coupled by late firm of mar trey, llogg of La. Terms easy apply to THOS. CARRiCK. & CO., 1905 Market st. Isib29.3te or JAMES HOGG, 1.Z21 Franklin at, FOR s L'N• A very desirable three-story pointed stone RESIDENCE, with back buildings alVe all modern improvements, in geed order and ground well cultivated. Situate on Morton stree ttermantown, within live minutes' walk of Ratupad tation. J. M. GLIMMEY tt SONS, tuligtfi SOS Walnut street. ELM GEkLeNTOWN RIDENCE FOR SALE NM OR TO RENT—Reautifully and conveniently i.nuated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane , tation. A commodious and e egant RESIDENCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable. coach-house. c. Lot 180/2.15. Apply between 10 and I, at as North THIRD street. (Wilt ti/j W. P. WILSTACH, CHESTNUT HILL —FOR SALE—A handsome gala modern double atone Residence, having every city convenience, and lot of ground 165 feet front by :mu feet deep, situate on the corner of Summit street and Prospect. avenue Immediate possession given. J. M. GUMMEY it SONS, SOS Walnut street. 0,7 FOR SALE—The handsome four-etory brick • Residence, with threestory double back build -I..gr, , built and nnished throughout in the best manner. with extra conveniences, and in perfect order; situate No. leM Filbert street. Lot it; feet deep to a street. J. M. GUMMEY fi SUNS, 508 Walnut street. TO RENT.—A Country Blansion; stabling for five horses, Ice house filled, milk house and car en, 10 minutes wall: from Tloga Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to BANJO J. siOIT, Toll Gate, Old York Boas and Nicetown Lane. mhl9 121.* Mit WALNUT STREET—FOR SALE—A very de sirable three-story brick RteciLDENCE, wl , ll uttact, and a story back buildings, and farnished with every convenience, situate o, the north side of WAL NUT stmet. between Broad and Fifteenth streets. J, G U.1131.F.Y & SONS, 508 Walnut street. )IP., FOR BALE.—THE ELEGANT ALAN lON and grounds at Chestnut Hill, owned and occu pied by Air. Horace G. Browne, within three squares of the Depot. Terms easy. Possession April let. Apply to C. S ou MIIIRHEID natao No. 20,5 th Sixth street. itr2 CH}...TSTNIT HILL—FOR ISALE—r.A. handsome double stone REIDENCE, with every city con. vrnience. and lot 16.5 feet front. by 330 feet deep. situate n the corner of PROSPECT avenue and SUMMIT yreet. within five minutes' walk from the Railroad t.epot. J. M. GLMMEY & SONS, SUS Walnut FOR SALE. . • FOR YALE, IN MANTUA, A °CONVENIENT t'At 9 House, 13 rooms. Lot 36 by 100 feet; possession ‘lith the deed. Apply to mk3o•2t* b.I.4COUNTRY RES.IDENCE FOR SALE, NEAR. mansion , peachey 2 acres, app comfort able fin orchard. ,t.c. ly to J. H. H CURTIS & SON. Real Estate. Brokers, .1133 Walnut street. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR Sale.—Filly or one hundred acres, Bristol Pike,ttbove seven mile stone and near aconey. sion House md other dwellings To Let. Apply to R. H LTA EER, No. Sle Locust street. mh2s-it• 2 FOR SALE.—A MOST DESIRABLE MEDIUM 2 sized Arch street house for sale, possession at once; terms easy. C. H. MUIRHELD. mh2o.-6tl 202 South Sixth street. CF..i 6 .•,. TO BE LET —TEIRRE.STORY DWELLING. Mil 432 Lombard street; back buildinp and all mod ern improvements. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real hstate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. - IE4 FOR BALE.—The Elegant ROlTSE,_with every WE modern Improvement No. 214 West Was t,uare. -LEWIS R.EDNER, 152 S. Fourth street; CETO RENT—The Handsome STORE, No. le South FRONT Street. 3111 Inquire, No. 18 South Front street, •el • F 0 It RENT—Furnished House. LOCUST street, In opposite St. Mark's Church Apply to C. H. 111111 t ri•.,l D. No. 205 South Sixth street. mhBo-10tt TOAPITaLIST3 AND BUILDERS—FOR SALE. J. co rnere and valuable LOT OF GROUND, south west of FRONT and DIAMOND Streets, N 1 feet 2 inches on 'Front street and 110 feet in depth to Hopestreet. Will be sold If desired In small lota on ground rent. mh27-6t* LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, 104 Beach street. Et - Great Chance to make Mow on a Small CaMtaL SPE NC ER'S In die PEPPC4I.E.N It is the right thing In the right Iglaglissehold would be without it after a sin gle trial.. It is: the only Sifter now in use that gives satisfac. don. Eltitryffiner is warranted to give perfect Batts atction. " , . Paden, Nd;l46 North SECOND Street, Phiiada, State and ConntY. Rights for Sale on easy terms. Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable terms. Baniples sent,tn. any Address on receipt of ft 00. [fen GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. C*RTER STREET 6 Ifixpem Emma. iiciumunntz tic arsabini,,,,rt4l,l,4' ProlrlDtlY *tided to.' Satianthi.—Oldnese Stigar Cane Sysa , handsome article. for sale by UM B. =BS R. dr 00.01)(1 SOnth Delaware octanes REAL ESTATE. P. SHEDWICK. .nd and Baring M. Thlrty-s PATENT IN SIFTER STRAINER. Invaluable for use in all les where a Strainer or Lve 1s reqaired. It will bPLE, ,OUR, MEAL, SQHEATUASH. BUCKW, ~ and will Strain PRESERNMEI t SAUCES, &c. `.l" COMFORT. MOM 3 RIC IT AR II PE.TIST.A.N'S Al'e f Wine and Liquor Vaults, 430 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Eletabliehed for, the Sale' of Unadulter ', ated thine= Only. Special Notice to Families! • -RiehaTd Penistan's Celebrated, - --Porter - and Brown Stout, Now so much recommended by the Medical PaCulty for Invalids. $.l. 25 PER DOZEN. (These Bottles hold one Pint.) The above being of throi ze mbest ly Twenty, it must be admitted the ri is ex OW. It is oellv e. erped ce to all parts of the city city without extra charg Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whialriesoko.,dto. Warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates, by the Botle, Gallon, or Cask. CHAMPAGNES of the beet brands offered lower han by any other house. On Crimea and In Betties, PURE GRAPH lIIICH. This is an excellent article lbr Lavalids. It la a sus care for Dyspepsia. HAVANA OIG OLIVE OIL, MEM% SADISM dta London and Drattin Porter end BrownSARDINES, Eitoat-E1 and Scotch Alee. delf2as SAY BUM, JUST OPENED, Penistan's 13raneh Ale. Wine and Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Stree Philadelphia Bear Entrance on Pank street HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE , P. IT N - 0 - N 151 SOUTH MONT ST., 80LE AGENT. WENICa—Tbe attention of the trade fa solicited t. the followli_acy_et7 choice fbr sale fOSEPH F. DMWON. 351 , 2. IEI South Front Meet above Walnut: MADEIBAS—OId Island. 8 years old. ElLERRlEM—carnpbell at Co.,ingle, double sag .nple Grape, E. Crusoe Bow, Jindo/Pll, Tofu. Rte; Spanish, Cr own and F. Valletta. PORTB—Vallette. 171n.b0 Velho Beal, Dutton ane Rebell° Valente-dt Co, Vintages It= to 1858. CLARETS—Cruse Ells Frame and EL Eatephe Mat eza I.nrn ny. VERMOIITH-0. Jourdan, Brlye et Co. MUSCAT—de Fran CHAMPAGNES —VI. Irrony, "Golden Star.' le Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal Lablnes and .OLX.IP ricortte brands CHAMPAGNE—PIPER HELDSIECAT, constantly on hand: for sale by A..IIIX,RDZO, Sole Agent for this State, rahls-1m• 140 South Front street. UWE WHIBET.--Chotoe lota of old !On and Bourbon Wltteky. fbr sale by R. P. IaDDL.III - S North FRONT Street. rervivwvroTm - worw-ocrrrA CAR PIETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, REEVE L. KART & SON, SO7 CUE S ITT ST. CARD). The Cheapest Carpet and Furniture Warehouse In the City. OASPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING% WINDOW SHADED, ~nd a general assortment of Household Farniture, H. R. LEWIS, 1434 MARKET STREET, fel9-31ni First Furniture Store below ISth,:lower side PHILADELPHIA OIL CLOTH WORKS. Established in 1820. The undersigned invites the attention of Dealers to , he most desirable stock of OIL CLOTHS to be found in the Union, consisting of Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, . Stair Oil Cloths, and • Window Shades. THOMAS. POTTER, • MANUFACTURER. Philada. Warehouse, No. 229 Arch Street. Nevi York Office, No 78 Duane Street. • mhiS-2ml iwwl34nolwAs AIICTION - S - SLES. PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMEN T P U B. E. corner of RIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally: Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time treed OD. ATCHEB AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE, Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever 1911LeheS; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le. pine Wetches_ ; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face ;English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine Watches: Double Case English Guartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast ping; Finger Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, dm.; Fine Gold Chains: Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pinsi Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and JeweirF g e ne' Fu y. R SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Chest suitable fora Jeweler, price $650, Also. several Lota in South Camden. Fifth anti Chestnut streets. -'47. I'I77,PATEICE & CO., AIICTIONECEPS, No, 416 North SECOND street, above CallowhilL AiB:llnu:DGE & CO., No. 5i)5 • - pc &um. JL, AIRIT/ONEBB AO* /05)0 Cfl3;6s' =UT. Matt, R 13,1 k, 'MARC% 81,188 &SONS, AUCTIONEERS, 111. • Nos. 139 and 141 Booth FOURTH street. STOCES AND. BEAM ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. ;pamphlet cataloghes now ready, containing full de. s_briptions of all the Property' to be sold on TM. DAY DMXT. Id. with ;A list of-sates loth, nth and 18th ceinpris ins a large amount and great variety of valuaole Property,-, by order of • Orphans' Court, Executors'. and others SALES" OF STOOKS AND REAL ESTATE At the Ear.hange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock noon. lai - :Handbille of each property issued separately, and on the. Saturday previous to each gale 200 o" cats, lognes in pamphlet form, giving dill ascriptions. REA:I, ESTATE AT PRIVATE SA.LE. Printed catalogues, comprising several - hundred thousand dollars, including every description of city end country properM from the smallest dwellings to the moat elegant mansions, elegant country, seats, terms, business properties, de. VFURNITURE SALES, at the Auction Store ERYE 9 RURSDAY. • " • W Particular attention ,glven_ to sales at Private I . .esidences, d.c. _ STOCKS, On TII.EIiDAY. A PRIL..3. At 12 o'clock noon. at the PhtlatleinniaXCUaFiga 25 shares Penns, 'yank!. Fire Insurance Cot 8 shares Continental Hotel, preferred stock. 1 share Philadelphia Library. 5 shares Academy of Music. 55 shares Greenwood Coal Co. 100 shares Philadelphia and Colorado Gold Hining Company. 100 shares Union Petroleum Co. 520 Superior 011 Co. . . 1800 shares Big Bandy Oil CO 28 shares lihnerprise Insurance Co. • Aaminlstrator's Sale. Pew No. 164 Church Holy Trinity.- • SIXTH SPRING SALE; APRIL 3. Estate of William Frantz, deceased —VERY VAL 'CABLE'( OUNTRY'PLACE, over 41 ACRES. Lime kiln Turnpike, Germantown and Bristol Township Line Read and Chelten Avenue, 8 fronts. t mile east of Germantown—Large Stone hiouse,Stoneßarn,Carriage Hesse, Wagon House, &c., beautifully situated,. and Very desirable for a country seat and cottage sites. • Executors' bale—Estate of Samuel Megargee, dec'd — HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT. 11 Acres 60 Perchss, Old• York Bone, between • Jenkintown and oemakertown. Montgomery County, Pa., 9 miles from Philadelphia, and about 7 minutes' walk of the Cnelten lite Statlon. on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. 'Well built Mansion, desirable Cottage, and 2 Stone Dwellings, large Barn, Carriage House and other out-bulldinge, all in good repair. Immediate possession. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with eaten side outbuildings, WAVERLY ILEIGHTS, the resi dence of Joseph Nenvhon.se, Esq., 8 Acres, 7 Perches, 9 miles from the city—Handsome Mansion, with the modern improvements and conveniences, Stone Stable and Carriage House, Stone Tenant House, Stone and Frame Barn, grounds tastefully laid ont, dm. The situation is high and very desirable. Also. 2 beautiful COTTAGE SITES, of 8 Acres each, Waverly Heights. ' Also, 3 very beautifully situated COTTAGE SITES, of 6 Acres each Waverly Heights. Also, neat STONE RESIDENCE, containing eight rooms. corner of Church road and Limeklln turnpike, good' Stone Stable and Carriage House, Stone Barn, and other out buildings—Vegetable Garden, choice Irait'erees, etc. Also, 2 Handsome BUILDING SITES, Church road, each of 4 Acres. executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Joseph 31. Searight, dec'd—Threestory BRICK DWELLING, No. is 29 North Thirteenth street, above Stiles street— has the modern conveniences Sale Absolute. Orphans' Court,Sale—Estate of J. Coleman Drayton. a Minor—Valuable Modern Double THREE-S FORT BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1729 Walnut street,Lot 33 leet front. It Is a very desirable residence, situate in the handsomest part of West Walnut street, the first house east of Eighteenth street, and overlooking Bit- I teahouse Square. Possession Such May next. Orkliat s' Court Sale—Estate of John Black, a Manor —Modern THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2114 ,allowhill street—has gas, cooking range. also, a large Frame Stable,frontiog on Carleton street. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Emma Newkirk, a minor—LARGE AND VALUABLE THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with three story back build ing. Nt . 423 Spruce street, west of Fourth—has gas, bath, hot and cold water. cooking range. &c. Peremptory eaIe—HANDSOM E M ODER N THREE- S 1 011.1 BRICK RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach House. is. W. corner of Fortieth and Hutton streets, 24th Ward. Lot So feet front, las feet deep, to Centre street —3 fronts. The house is in good repair and neatly lurnished. The garden planted with vari ous fruit trees. Immediate possession. Sale without reserve. Trnstees's Sale—Estate of James S. Duval, deceased —2l DESIRABLE CO ITAGE LOTS, Johnsen, Duval, Chew and Musgrove streets, GERSIsNTOWN. Same Estate—A number of VALUABLE LOTS, t hessnut street, Sansom street and Darov etnad, near the new Chestnut street bridge, West Philadelphia. See Plan. s ELEGANT MODERN GRAY STONE RESI• DEN Sa',ltelfsn style, with ornamental Tower and coach House, corner of Chestnut avenue and Nor wood street, ceteeTNUT HILL. Has all the modern conveniences,and finished throughout In a very act perior manner—greunds ta.stefuliy laid out.. Lot 300 feet trout, 340 feet deep. Peremptory Sale—BUTT/D.137G LOT. S. W. corner of Fitzwater and Cadwaleder streets, between Broad and a Itte nth streets. Peremptory Sale—TIME-STORY BRICK DWELL ING ,Is o 14 k 4 Fitzwater street, adjoining the abova. To Capitalists, Business Men. sc.—V.r.RY VALUA BLE BUSINESS STAND.,,No. 1214 CHESTNUT SI REES', west of Twelfth street. .2..5 feet front, 2:15 feet deep, through to Sansone street, wail Stable and Coach Hose. It is one of the most valuable locations on Chesthut street. Clear of all incumbrance. Execn•rix sale—Estate of Jacob &hare. dec'd— THREE-STORY BRICK DWe LLING, Swede street, north of Airy. Norristown, Pa —garden planted with various fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY /MICE RESIDENCE, with double back buildings, No 21.41 CHISTNUT STREET. It is handsomely finished, with the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Keys at etthe 5 THREE-S FORS' BRICE DWELLINGS. with back buildings, Nos.„lste, 19VS. 1912, and 1914 Sey bert street, west of 19th.. SIRAIME LOT,corner of Thlity-faurth and Chestnut streets. 100 Met Rout, 1113 S" feet deep n 54th street, 24th Ward. DESIRABLE LOT, S. E. corner of Thirty-fourth and Oak streets, between Chestnut and Marketstreets, and Lots 34th street, adjoining. 8 VALUABLE LOTS, Twenty-second street, south of Pine. 3 VA_LII-911LE LOTS, BrDwn street, west of Six eentb. 13 ANDSOME MODERN BROWN-STONE /*NUE, N 0 .7725 WALNUT Btrf et. It is well built and finished, and has all the modern conveniences. lIR KE-t.TORY DWELLIN'O AND BA EERY, No. 414 North Third street, above Noble. in mt Mate possession. Administrators' Sale—Estate of Rizaheth Foichten berger, deteased—THßEE-aTORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. New street. west of becond. Pcases sionJuly HALE-STORY BRICK DWELLEG, No. 433 Dauphin street. VaLIIABIE LOT, Randolph street, 24th Ward. VERY VALIIPLELE SDI aSS PROPERTY, knosvL aa' 4 l he Central - Building," ISos. 218 and 90, 'Walnut era.; opposite the Merchants' Exchange, as meet front.,l4o (let deep to Pear street-2. fronts. Clear of all incranbrance LARGE and VALUABLE OFFICE PROPERTY . . known as the 'Commercial Building," Nos. In and 113 Walnut street east of Second 47 feet 9 inches front. MODERN THREE STORY BRICE DWELLING, No. 712 Sb irley street,beta een 19th and 194 h and Coates en d Brow n oiroota—has gas, bath, hot and - cold water, turret*, cooking range. &c. Also, a Brick Stable on Orr street LARGE and VALUABLE HALL and BUILDING, - known as the "Frienaship Fire Engine House," Third street, north of Brown-1S Pet Stool, 92 feet deep. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.No..7I2 Lom bard street— has 2 parlors, 4 chambers and attics, gas, bath de. Terms—llalfcasb. MODERN THRBE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, north side of Walnut street, west of :lath street. MODERN THREE-4TORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 726 Nerth Front street, south of Brown—has gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, 4*.c. Immediate possession. 'IBREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. 724 North Front street, adjoining the above, occu pied as a Bakery, and is a good business stand. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 2,2 south Third street. north of Spruce—has the modern cancer lences. Immediate _possession. THREE.-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. 920 Warnock street. north of ronlar. - MODERN TH_REESTORY BRICK DWELLIN, No. 1427 North Eighth street,with a Three-story Brick Dwell-ng in the rear on Perth street, being No, 1424. DIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE,IS ACRES, Lancaster turnpike, 3--.1 of a mile of Whitehall Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad—Stone Mansion, with the modern conveniences. new Stable and Carriage House, Ice House, fruit and shade trees, &c. Imme- D nested. d121,4;,-0.7. THRU 7 E , STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos, 1919 and 1921 Christian st., well built and have the modern conveniences. 11 A NDSOME MODERN - FOUR-STORY BRICK SIDENCE (first-story Marble), with three-story back buildings. No. 218 South lariat street, below Wal nut It is handsomely finished; and has the modern conveniences. HANDSOME MODERN TH.P.E2E•STORY BRICK RESIDENCE.No. 1767 Wallace street, west of 17th. It is well built and in excellent repair,bas all the modern convenier. ces. Clear of all incumbrance, Immediate posse O ssion. MD.RRN TRBEE.STORY BRICE. DWELLING, 614 Wood street. west oflllarshall. Bale at No. ns North Tenth street HANDSOME FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO TUT DAY tNE CARPETS, APRIL ON DAY MORNING, APRIL 3, At 10 o'clock by cotalogne, at No. ..1.83 north Tenth street, superioeparlor, dining room and chamber fur niture, fine carpets, chandeliers, dm. May be examined at 8 0 clock on the morning Of sale. Sale in Germantown. ELEGANT ETIRNITURE, PIANO FORTE, BOOK CASE. FINE' CARPET% AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS. &c • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. _ April 4. at 10 o'clock, Armat street, south side. first house east of Willow avenue, Germantown will be sold, the entire household furniture, comprising sups' rior piano forte, elegant parlor and chamber forniture. In rosewood, oak and maple; large bookcase, tine car . pets and matting, &o. The cabinet furniture was made to order by Afoore & Campion, and Is equal to new. Catalogues will be ready the day previous to sale. Cars leave the depot, Ninth and Green streets, every hour, and visitors flom the city will get out at Church Lane,:within five minutes walk of the place of sale. BY BABBITT & co. :AUCTIONEERS. AIICITO.N HOUSE, No 2.80 MAREET street. corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra eharep_. NOTICE TO OITY AND COUP TRY MERCHANTS. LARGE PEREMP'T'ORY BALE OF SEASONABLE . DRY Gt.ODS. . - ON MONDA.Y MORNING, April 2, at le o'clock. (=prising a large stiortment . Of Clothe. Cassimeres, Satinets, Dress Goode. Bleached; and Unbleached Melina, Linen Goods, Dress Shirts, Notions, dtc., do. Also, invoices Clothing, Umbrellas, Bpats, and Shoes. Rata, Caps,Cutlery, AUCILION SALES. AUCTION SALES. JA 31:103 A, PIDEEmaR, AUCTIONEER. No. 422 WALNUT street: SIXTH RPRING SALE APRIL 4. 1856. Miami% on Wednesday. at 12 O'CloCh tat nO, at the Righting% tab' =lade STO CE P, Iroo shares Royal Petroleum Co. BCC Shares Rosh Farm Grp - ' • Pew No. 54 mid, le aisle Church. , • ' VALUABLE COAL L ANDS.—A valuable tract 04" 490 ac res of Coal ',ands. in Laterite county, PennSYl - adjoining lands of the "Delaware and Hudson Canal Co ," taw , "Boston and awann Coal Co." George M. Holenbach and others Lack It is very admit,. tageouslysituated for minin,being on both - sldes of the Lackawanna, about I mile trom the town of Archbald and 9 miles from Scranton, and Is entirely underlaid by all the veins of coal known In that region. The coal has all been.thoroughly proved upon the land and is the best Pennsylvania anthracite coal,well known SO "Scranton," and sold qy regular auction sales in the. New York market; the tract is accessible by railways and canals both to New York and Philadelphia, .111iP•Plans and Reports at the Auction Store. cern JAIL will be sold-without any rearm to close a con. . • 10v.1024 LOWBARD ST—A three story brick house with back buildings, 16 by 78 feet: Orphans' Cburt Sale —.agate of Wittram Alcorn , dee'd. MAREET esT—A. hree story brick house. above Vine. 17 by - 120 feet. Orphans' Court Sate--. Estate of ghoinqs Bobinson. deed. - ' • • No. 1227 and 1220 SOUTH ST—A frame bake bonae, dwelling and lot. Sonth st, below 13tir t,48 feet front bysl feet steep to an alley. f 2 500 may remain: DWELLING No.. 1.5e8 VINE ST.—A toree story brick house with brck building 19 by 80feet to Skate a. {'3 50 may remain' immediatepossession No, 329 1101U1.0 E ST.—A frame house and lot, Mai. roe late Plum at, below Fourth, 18 by 90 feet. Va.-Sate 4 peremptory. 80. 1509 BRCKE TT ST. —A three story brick dwell hig and lot. Beckett at, (running west froml6 , lt,below Coates st) 13 by 38 feet, .t2.ler annum ground rent. - ADJOININGouse ad oining. Same d. TBUCIE LAN —H D, 24TH ARD.- , A tract oet 20scrip acretien% Island road, Bingsesaing. 24th Ward. adjoining Suffblk. Park. there is °frame house and stabling on this tract, and the lend is very rteh. 15 ACRES, ready for trucking, opposite the swim, 814.4.111E5. on Elk Creek - . , 30 ACE .ES adjoining. These lands ore in the highest to of cultivation and are first suslity grazing land. jfirtliandbilta, plans, dz., at ths,duction &ors. VALUABLE RESIDENCIES AT PRIVATI9 BALM TO REAL ESTATE OPERATORS. ELEGANT WALNUT Kamm MANSION-Sae of the most elegant residences on Walnut eases; 60 feet front large ground. stable;- Broad t. Also, s BROWN STONE MANSION, Walnut near W 111 be sold. at very low Vttes, to a whp.wlll take them all in one lot, five desirable dw e llings In the heart of the city. Immediate occupancy can be had 11 desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par. ties who seek good real estate inv estm ents to beyng old prices property which will pay well and increase In value. Tor particulars a ply's% the auction atom. STABLE—A very d e Property in the natatt• borhood of Twelfth and Locust sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on Bldg road, 9 miles from tt.e State House, known as. "Sorrel Norse , Plans, surveys, ac., at the store. Property No. 402 south Front sf, 41 by /00 feet , do do U3B and U4O Lombard at - 80 acres, Germantown 87 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do d Barker do do o 8 Bundling L o ts , south Twenty-second st d Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce MI Dwelling, with side yard, Darby road Brown-stone Store, Second st, near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do do 418 south Eleventh at 5 acres of Land. Federal st. Twen inzth Ward VALUABLE S TORE. ST —A yaw valuable business Proterty on Chestnut at, having $W fionts—in good order, dcc, Occupancy with the deed. BY JOHN B. MYERS & CO.. AUCTIONEERS, Noe. 232 and 234 MARKET street. corner of Bank. LAB( •NII, • : • F *lt AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, At lo o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. ON POUR MONTHS CREDIT, about 850 lots ofPrench, IndiaGez. man and British Dry Goods, embracing a full assort. meat of fancy and staple articles in silks, worsteds, woolens, linens and cottons. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination and cats. Ingres r eady early on morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH, SAXONY, BRITISH, AND ITALIAN DRY GOOODS, dm. NOTICE-Included in our ,sale on MONDAY, April 2, will be found in part the following, viz— DRESS GOODS. pieces Paris plain and printed mons de Islam. - do Paris bombazines; !same% mozambiques. do checks; mohair% melanges; poll de chevren. do plash and fancy poplins; alpacas; obtains: do French gingham.% lawns and organdies do Saxony dress 'goods In large varletp. SILK% pieces Lions blk taffetas; gros du Rhin. lust:rites -- . do grosgrains: gros brilliants; cadrilles. do solid colors and fancy ponit de soles. do drap de Lyon; drap de France; fonlarda,&c. SHAWLS. CLO vb. ,gc. Full lines broche border stella shawls do Lama wnol bong shawls and fancy scars. do merino. Canhemire and de Wise do. • do mozamblopie and grenadine do: cloaks, sig.c. WHITE GOODS, EiDEFS., 4sc _ _ -pieces Nsinsooks punnets; lawns; brilliants. do India book; Swiss mulls; picries; Marseilles, do Madras. silk, gingham and linen Isdkns. ' Also. linens, veils, gloves, ribbons, Balmoral and hoop skirts, umbrellas, and a splensid invoice of dress trimmings ofevery description, of late importation. We will add to the above sale - pieces Paris plain and printed moos de laines do cto 6-4 blk and c - lored ao do 34 and 6 4 real blk Bernani grenadine, do broche, satin and plaid grenadine& do plaid and striped mormsaline a sole. do fancy check and plaid mozamblquad, eo new style satin wiped do do blk and white Paris skirting reps. do Cnlnese and jaspe Paris mbhains do silk chain crape Augene,in beautiful spring styles. Tbe above goods, of a well known and favorite im portation, are well worthy orspecial attention. 60 CASES UMBRELLAS. 60 cases silk and gingham sun and rain umbrellas: EXTENSIVE POSITIVE SALE or 1600 PACKAHES DO'ki - FTICS FOB CASH. Aso -200 CASES FOREIGN DRY GOODS , ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, we shall sal 1600 pkck.zes Domestic and. Foram; Dry Gocds.exclusively in whole packages. Particulars hereafter. LAR,GE PEREMPTORY BALE OF Boors, SHOES, BRoGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, am ON TUESDAY 'MORNING, APRIL 10, Will be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on taw mouths' credit, about 1,510 packages Boots, shoes, BM morals, &c., of City and Eastern manufacture. Open for a'ramir atlon With catalogues early on the =raft of sale. AVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS (Late with M. Thomas & Sous.) Store No. MS Chestnut street. FtrymTITTLE A T..% at the Store every TuesdaY• SALES AT RESIORNIMIS will receive particular. attention. Sale corner Seventeenth and Tinge streets. sUFFEIOR FURNITURE ELEGANT TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, GERMANTOWN. WAGONS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, t-At 11 o'clock. by catalogue, at the coiner . Seven eenth and Tinge streets, '1 loge Station. near German • town. the entire furniture, including elegant parlor suit in t air cloth, superior chamber salts fine hair matresses, fine tapestry and Brussels carpets &c. May be examined at 8 o'cL ck on the mornitigof the sale. Sale ati the Auction Store. SUPF2dIOP. FURNITURE, CARPETS &c. ON 'I LicEst,DAT MORNING, At 30 o'clock, at No. 333 Chestnut street, handsome bedsteads wardrobe tin shed In oil. dressing bdireans. medallion tete-a•tete, centre and bouquet tables secre tary bookcase, office tables, lonnses, chairs, house keeping articles. cbina and glassware, &c. Also, immediately after the above, et the N. E. corner Twentieth and Callow - hill eta, THE HOUSEEWLD and KITCHEN. FURNITTREis ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. At 23; o'clock. the fbrniture, carpets, feather beds and bedding, k itchen utensils, ,tc. Sale No 1516 North Eleventh street. • SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CABINET ORGAN, TAPESTRY CARPETS&c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at No 1516 north Eleventh street, in cluding superior parlor furniture, elegant clamber suit, cottage set. fine toned cabinilt organ,fine tapestry carpets, lace curtains. engravings, fine hair matreises, &c. Map be examined at 8 o'clock on the morningof sale. THOMAS RIRAIEf dc SON AIICTIONRNBB AND COMMISSION No. MO CHESTNUT sired, (Rear entrance 1107 Sans= street.) Housuhold Furniture of every deac.ription receiVed ge Consim , rn ent. BALM EVERY FR AY MORNING. -Wee of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the Mon Beau: amble Terms. A 'l'm OF REAL ESTATE. STOOKS, ifue., AT Tat EIXAGE. Thomas Birch dk Son respecteally Inftain their riende and the public that they are prepared to attend to tbe sale of Bag Estate by auction and at private sale! SALE OP PRIVATE. LIBRARY VALUABLE EN— GLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOOKS. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. At 4 o'clock, at the auction store. No. 1110 Chestnut street. will besold— A collection of valuable miscellaneous books from a private library. Catalogues will be ready and the books can be exa mined on Monday. Bale at No. 20= Mount Vernon street. HOTTnEROLD Fs RNITL,RE. &c. ON WEDNESDAY HORNING. APRIL 4, _ At le o'clock, at. No. 2011 Mount Vernon street. will - be sold the furniture of aXamily declining honsekeep ing. DRUG STORE AT PRIVATE SALE. A well established Drug Store, handsomely fitted hp with lease of the, premises, for sale. Apply at the auction store. - 13HI.LLP BOOR a cu.. No • 506 M AUCTIONEE t RS, A_BILET stree SALE OF 1800 CASES BOOTS AND SHOFS. ON MONDAY ktORNENG, APRIL 2, Commencing at 10 o'clock, we will Bell by catalogue, for cash, 1300. cases Boots. Shoes, BBroogaan3, Balmoral% Congress Gaite,rs, Buskins, Ties, Slippers, dka, Maki- PIIBMg a general assortment or flxst-class goods, ,_ BALE OF is c.esEs7Bocestum saom ON THURSDAY 3fORNINet APRII.., _a • Cerroneneing at to o'clock, we will ;sell by mdalogne,, for essh, 1500 cases 'Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Remeerabs. • Congress Boots, Slippers, linskins,.' Om, conspeising •- ' fress and desirable assortment of first class 'goods, to which the attention of buyers le called. • 11. 'O. al, .111:,•,`4( Dail lich IT.Atslain&
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