Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 31, 1866, Image 2
Cholera In the Enst—Quarantine Regnkt We have already announced the opening of the Cholera Conference in Constantinople., The French representatives have made the following proposals in regard to the stop page of all sea communication between Arabia and Egypt in the event of another epidemic: 1. That the Ottoman Sanitary Commis sion, now in the Hijaz, should report on the health of the pilgrims. 2. The presence of several vessels of war to interrupt maritime communicationj 3. An orBanized surveillance over the Egyptian coast to prevent any disembark ation in infringement of the prohibition. The manner of carrying this plan into execution was set forth:as follows: 1. In the; event of cholera breaking out among the pilgrims, the members of the Ot toman Commission, assisted if need be by other medical men appointed ad hoc, shall report the fact to the local authorities and to the vessels of war stationed at Jiddah and Yeddo, and shall also transmit the gence to Europe. 2. On the declaration of the said medical men, the local authorities shall interdict, until further orders, all embarkation, and shall invite all pilgrims destined for Egypt to proceed thither by land; 3. At the same time the vessel of war shall send away from the ports of embarka tion all steamers and sailing vessels which may be found there, and shall exercise a strict surveillance in order to prevent any clandestine departure. 4. On advice being ,received of the pre tence of cholera among the pilgrims, the Egyptian authorities' shall forbid the entry of all arrivals from the Arabian coast, com mencing from a * point to the south of Jid dab to be determined. Farther, they shall assign to the suspected vessels, after revic tnalling them, in case of necessity, 'a !lo cality on the coast of Arabia—Tor, for in stance -- where they shall perform quar antine. 5. With regard to the caravan, it must be stopped, as is usual, several days' march from Suez, where it shall be visited by a niedical commission, and shall not be al lowed to enter Egypt until its sanitary state is declared free from danger. 6. As respects the pilgrims destined for India or other countries beyond the Red Sea, it will be beat in order to avoid the risk of a partial embarkation, to subject them to the same general rule, namely, to make them wait till the end of the interdiction, However, it may be possible to assign them a particular spot some days' journey to the south of Jiddah, where they may embark. 7. The prohibition to embark shall cease fifteen days after the last case of cholera de clared in the Hijaz. Objection was made to these requirements by the English; Russian, Turkish and Per sian, delegates, but there was a majority in favor of them, in spite of a declaration on thepart of the Turkish Government that it coifed not engage to carry out the scheme. Atlhe last meeting, however, on the 3d in stant, several modifications were made in the French proposals, owing to the strong objections urged by the English delegates on behalf of the Indian pilgrims. By para graph three, as it now stands, the ships of war are to send away all steamers and sail ing vessels from the ports of embarkation only; and paragraph six has been altered as follows: "With regard to the pilgrims destined for India, or other countries beyond the Red _pea it would be best to assign .them a spe cial' point for embarkation, several days' " the south of Jiddah,nnleas the au- Winn _ g; pay be embarked thoritieis j aft% that tu . Withoht risk at Jiddah." The ch%lera has reappeared at Alexan dria, kgypt, though in a modified form. There had been sixteent deaths up to the Bth instant, since the beginning of the new Visitation. Statistics of Ohio. the Toledo Blade publishes an abstract of the annual report of the State Commissioner of Statistics of Ohio, from which we extract the following summary: "The amount of land cultivated in 1864 was 700,000 acres less than in 1862. Ma chinery did the work of 50,000 persons while the men were at war. The average produc tion in 1865 of crops was up to that of a series of preceding years. The crop of oats was estimated at 18,000,000 of bushels; corn, 90,000,000 of bushels, and hay 2,000,000 of tons. From nine counties in the State was grown an aggregate of 13,144,779 pounds of tobacco. "The destruction of almost the entire fruit Drop of 1865 was traceable to the ice, stomas of winter, and the extraordinary humidity of the atmosphere in April, May and June. "There are 3,340 miles of railroad in the State, with a paid up capital of $77,694,737, and an indebtedness of $58,931,686. "The number of marriages last year were 23,198, and the number of divorces, 837. Indictments for crime, 2,811; convictions, 1,025. Violent deaths, 1,014. Number of civil suits brought in 1865, 11,777, and judg ments rendered, 8,773. "Number of houses erected, 4,850; barns, 1,158; mills, 78; furnaces, factories, etc., 311. Cost of these new structures, $4,889,912. "The production of maple sugar, sorghum tragar, maple molasses, and sorghum molas ses was, in total sugar, 5,239,729 pounds; malasses, 2.933,697 gallons." !rem New Orleans and Texas. NEW °ELVA 'NS, March 30.—The New York "nails of the 24th have arrived. In the Natchitoches and Upper Red River dis lricts the spring is forward. More land has t4en picked. eak planted this !Tring than er beffre. The freednien, are working well. Alexandria is being rebuilt. In NortherrjiLottisiana the crops will be equal to that of any past year. Ausxml, Texas, March 28.—A resolution has been passed to send delegates to Wash ington. Messrs. Porter, Hancock and Hen derson have been elected. The New Orleans True. Delta newspaper has failed. _ • The Texas trade is lively, and the West India and Mexican trade is reopening. The Mobile and Eastern Gulf trade con tinues laxge. Thenty-five to fifty thonsand bales of cotton are expected soon from Lake Besteana. It is said the New York steamships are losing money. The direct line of Liverpool steamships is doing a large business. A TERRIBLE AFFAIR, resulting in the killing of a whole family, has occurred on Felicity Island,' Terrebonne Parish, La. The Houmas Civic Guard, says: "It seems that the land had been rented to a man by the' name of McDonald, who, with his wife. and son lived on another island. Another. man bithe name of Bourg took the liberty of squatting on the island, and was repeat edly ordered off by McDonald, but refused to go.. The consequence was a continued war between the two famklies. On last Sunday McDonald, his wife, son, and a negro man who, it seems, was in the employ of McDonald, went to the house of Bourg, all armed. What their intentions were does note appear clear; ,nor have we been able to •get the particulars of the fight that ensued, but the 'result is tragical. to say the least. McDonald, his wife and son were all killed, and the negrosliphtly wounded:. Bourg has been arrested. 3 A CURIOUS CASE • of smuggling occurred in Detroit the ,other day, One Ellen Good enough, Who was bad enough character, came over from Canada on a lark, and took quarters at, a hotel in the town. When the bndlerd presented . her bill she offered in payment of it ' a gallon' of =whisky from - s, two-gallon india-inl3ber-canteen which she wore under .her clothing,' The•lanlord, in deflitioe (iftintntrittr,' "deelbied the article," andtalleittal'ezeiteriner rtol inearceratathe , "femide.szto er.'.',_ ,Utilafarati otbi:drebfi Waesmat . —,alCOireetitto4 'Literary. It is said that the Emperor Napoleon • is determined to edit and have a newspaper of his own, .and that National, altered greatly in tone and language, will appear as such in. "RDAs early in April. The Constitu tionnel and other semi-official • journals dis like the prospect. Mr. Thomas Carlyle is to be installed as rector of the University of Edinburg on the 2d of April. He was elected in November, 1565. M. Eugene Pelletan is at work on the con clusion of his Babylon 2tloderne. It is to be entitled Le Luxe, and his friends:ass-I.i that it will strike very hard and at -very high marks. A significant caricature is 'being circu lated in the Smaller States of Germany. It represents an Austrian and Prussian sol dier, in uniform for a " campaign, making obeisance to the Emperor of the French,and inscribed underneath with the words: "Ave Ccesar morituri to salutant." The pro duction has been prohibited in Austria and Prussia. Father Lefevre, of the Jesuit Order in. France, has published a poUderous work bearing the title "On Insanity, Considered l in its Bearings in Regard to Religion." The reverend author considers madness, as the general rule of conduct in the affairs of the world—assuming, in fact, the idea that "all the world's a madhouse," PtrnE GE.A.RE WthE; PASSAIC, Oct. 20th, 1865.-1 hereby certify that Mr. A. Spear of this village his a large vineyard of choice grapevines, •which are - looking very fine. He also purchases a great many graps not as yet producing as many himself as is re• qmred to keep his stock of wine full. He has the Samburg Port Grape, the wine of which is held in high estimation, and of which he has a large quantity on hand lying in his cellars requiring age before he Aisposea of it. tt) if hi 'AM ;113 galk`fe YAI ID .b.SOLIITION OF REQUEST TO THE LEGIS• latme of Pennsylvania. Whereas. The rate of municipal taxation for the city of Philadelphia has been greatly increased and that VvithOut sufficiently increasing the revenues; and whereas it is a natter of the' that the evil is largely attributable to the great Inequality In the assessments of property In the said city; and whereas, It Is incumbent upon the authorities to use every effort to relieve those of our citizens who pay an unjust pro portion of the taxes. Therefore, Besosued By , the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia, That the Legislature of Pennsyl vania be resppctfully but urgently solicited to enact the bill to promote the more equal assessment of the pro perty in Philadelphia. Resolved, That tre Clerks of Councils be directed to forward to each of the Senators and memoers or the House of Representatives from the city of Philadelphia copies of these resolutions and of the bill alluded to. WILLIAM S. STOK LEY. President of Common Council. Arrzsx—RP NIA MIN H. HAINES', Clerk of Select Council. JAMES LYND, President of Select Council, Approved this thirtieth day of march, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 1866). NORTON !deII:WEAL t h it Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPROPct lA tion to the Department of City Property to pay deficiencies of 1865. kEcrioN 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, that the sum of five hundred and ninety-six dollars and five cents be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Departm.nt of City Property, to pay the following claims of 1865, to wit: Item 1. To W. G. Warner, for grain and ship stuff. two hundred and twenty dollars and seventy cents. Item Y. To Wolbert & .Brother, for ice tarnished for Courts and offices, three hundred and seyenty-live dollars and thirty-five cents. And warrants shall be drawn by tbp Commissions: of City pro,rerty 312 gccordl4lo9 With extqq.ng ortli- IMAM, WILLIAM S. STONLICZ Preoldent of o n ArrEsr—BENSAMEN H. HAILUB. Clerk of Select Connell. JAME@ LYND, Approved this thirtieltreketlaelfiiiSeleci Co ch, ° Lino Domini one thousand eigat hundred and 51xtpeix (A. D. 1560, MORTON McMTCHA_EL, Mayor of Philadelphia. RESOLUTION TO IFALTHORIZEI THE FAIRS MOUNT Park and Delaware River Passenger Railway Company to lay certain rails. Resolv , d, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That • the Fairmount Park and Delaware River Passenger Railway Company are hereby authorized to lay a single railroad track from the present terminus of their road along Girard avenue to Palmer street, thence along Palmer street to Beach street. thence along Beach to Shackmaxon street. thence along Shackamaxon street to Cilrard avenue: Provided that the said rails shall be laid in a manner satisfactory to the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor, and shall conform to the establtshed grade of the streets along which the same shall be laid, and pro• vided they keep said streets in good repair. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Common Council. ATrEsT.--BEN.TAMIN H HAINES, Clerk of Select Council. JA ALES President of Select council. Approved this thlrtleL day of March, Anno Domini One Thousand Elgi . Hundred and Sixty-six, (A. D. AN). _ _ MORTON McIkfICHAEL. Mayor of roilaT BIISIIVESS OARDL.k. pasSPORTS PROCURED.— JOHN H. FRICK, NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER FOR &LL STATES, PENnION AND PRIZE AGENT, No. 22.3 DOCK street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ac counts taken. rattl3-3mi 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY, of Hopkins' "own make," at No. ES ARCH Street, TheSe Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal In the market, and warranted to give satisnwllon. Also, constantly oa hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, gt r v epalreg. w lf i Who lesale k and re made t:oi.rderi C. KNIGHT dc C 13., WHOLESALE GROCERS, E. Cor. WATER and CHITSTNIIT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. jal•lyr GEORGE SHARP, Patentee and manutacturer of the BALL PATTERN SILVER WARE, No. 41 Prune street. - I FLU4imo• .TAREE4 A. WEIGHT. THORNTON POLE. OLEMENT A. GRISCOM. THEODORE WRIGHT. FRANZ L. NEAIL. PETE.B. WaL9gr & bONS, .14:Ppener9 of tartheoware, Commission Shipping wad Commission Mereharde, No. Lie WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA WORES.-0$ THE DELA WARE river. nelow PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Lelaware county. Pa. HEANEY SON & CO., Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Manufactui ere of • All kinds of CONDENSING AND NoN.OO:s., — DhNSLNG EN- °INES, Iron Vessels ofall description , , Boilers, Vats, Tanks, Propellerp.lto., ac. T. BEANEY, W. B. REANBY, S. ARCEILBOLD, Late of :late Reaney. Neste dk Co., 3ingineer in Chief, Penn Woiks, Phila. TI. S. Navy. . - - T. VAtIGHAN HERRICK, 'Wl.f. H. NERRIOK, . . ..,_ MO. E. COPE. QOUTHWARE Fou.N.r. ank - , FIFTH AND WASH -10 INGTON STREETS. • PAILAMILPEELA. MEMBICII dt SONS, ENGINEERS AND MAOHOINIStSEngine's, for Land,River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks Iron Boats, &c, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roots for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most Lmprovedconstruction, livery description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, •Pumping' En gines, &c. . Sole Agents for N. Billenx's Patent - Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth'a Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolaey'a Patent Ceatcifngal Sugar Draining Machine. . GCt_AB PTICTURPB.--11fISICIFF IOFBILITM & TEAM:CARA. NO. 718* muirtiTottiT street Rematch:mere of Gas Fixtures, .Lamps, &c.„ would call theattention of the •putitic to their Large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackels, &c. They also introduce Gas ipee into Dwellings and Public Buildings, said attend to extend ing altering and repairing Gas pipes.' All work war jaw rfiIkiItrADIEGPILIA. RTIDING BOHOOLA fOURTH street, above Vine, will mown for the Pall and ,Winteft sesusou, on MONDAY, Sept. nth. Ladies and gentlemen &SiringVO .aosolre a ;normal knowledge of ' acoomplishisent will find' e facility at this school. -- Thillustess are - safe andV4 Tnied. so tbatthenuntlinaki need. not fear ." Biddle h es trained in the beat rdAnber Saddle horns and vehicles, to And Oomalfoo - fOr i = rat, tO steansbeatsoils. , 7 ' THOIEL °SAME *SOIL plavyllirELLs-rtiVITLIERBOF PROPEETY.—The only place to get Pfivy Wens Cleansed and Ditellf. footed, at very low prides. A. FIGITBSON; ! - Manufacturer of POUdrette, floldemlth's , HalL.Lib street racy , 071 CE.—All persona are' hereby — notified :not t 3 l'ruat the creWorthtiSsvedistt brig FP LAD, in to debts et their contracting lelll- beefflaid by captain or womix&Sci cO.lttErwaltut Umbel THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1866 RTALNIS CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCHANGE CHOICE SEATS , To, al.lplaces of amusement may; in had trp o'clock any evening. (1110IC13. SEATS AND ADMISSION TICKETS , caul, be had at THE PROGRAMME OFFICE,' 481 CHESTNUT street, oppoelLe , the 'Post Office, ibt the ARCH, CHESTNUT r WALNUT and Be OF MUSIC, up to 6 o'clock every evening. Ben tf NEW CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. . , LEONARD GROVER and WM. E. siz-4cr, Lessees gad Managers. WM. E. SINN. ,Reetdent Manager Doors open at 6.45. Curtain rises at 7.45. . _ THIS EVENING, POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCE Of Scribe's beautiful• Play, in five acts, BETRAYER .aND BETRAYED - BETRAY ER AND BETRAYED BETRAYER AND BETRAYED BETRAYER AND. BETRAYED ' BETRAYER AN OnD BETRAYED CROSSING THE QUICKSANDS. CROSSING THE QUICKSANDS. CROSSING THE QUICKSANDS. CROSSING THE QUICKSANDS. CROSSING THE QUICKSANDS. In whicb Mr. Frank Mordant, Mr W. Lennox Mr R. Young, Mr. C. Lewis. Miss .Yoale Orton, Mrs. k. F Reach and others will appear. To conclude with THE LOTTERY TICKET. THE LOTTERY TICKET. THE LOTTERY TICKET. THE LOTTERY TICKET. THE LOTTERY TICKET. MONDAY EVENING, April 2d, CHARLES REA DE'S Great Work. NEVERTOO LATE TO MEND, NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND. NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND. AND BURGE,S. PRENDERGAST. HUGHES AND • LA RUE'S ETHIOPIAN TROUPE Adinleaion to Evening performance. 25c., 500, arid WALNUT STREET THEATRE. • TT N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. CARNIV 4.1.. OF FUN. "MST BENEFIT OF 1411. OWEN FAWCETT. FAWCETT as Jack Raggett FAWCETT a 5.... Mr. Aspen Quiver FAWCETT Augustus SATURDAY—First time in this — city the new Comedy, so successful in London and New York, of WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN. Fawcett Firstßaggett. Mr. Owen Fawcett First time in this country of the new Farce of A. TICKET OF LEAVE. Mr. Aspen Quiver Mr. Owen Fawcett To conclude with Boucicault a Drama of THE WILLOW C)PSE. Auguatns.— . . . . -Mr. Owen Fawcett MONDAY—First: 'Celebrated actress, EMS. D. P. BOWERS. RS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH ST REET MTHEATER. Begins at 7X o'clock. • TO-NIGHT (Saturday) March 31, 1846. BENEFIT OF E. L. TILTON. First appearance on any stage of MISS FANNY V. TILTON. First appettrance in this TheaVe of MB. S. HEMPLE. First time of the sensational Drama of WA 'TING FOR THE VERDICT. Martha Rosebiade...— __Miss Fanny V. Tilton Blinky Brown Mr. e 3 Hemple Jonathan Roseblade— E. L. Tilton Preceded by the Dual Comedy of THE HOUSiIIIOLD FAIRY. After which, first time in this Theatre, BURIED ALIVE. MONDAY—Mr. J. E. bi ITRDOCII. Wild Oats. BURGISS, PRENDERGAST, HUGHES AND LA RUE'S MINSTRELS, MINSTRELS, - ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH and ettas /NUT. COMPLETE SUCCESS. CROWDED HOUSES. THREE NIGHTS MORE, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVEN IN GS. March 11th, &Eh and atat,__ GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, SATURDAY at Ts: o'clock. The Great Confederation of Distingulabed ET= OPI A N ARTIsTES. THE MASTER BAND OF THE WORLD, In a Minstrels' Grand Carnival of New Acts, New Songs, New Jokes. Admission. 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Doors oven at 7: dommence at 8 o'clock... - Seats secured at Turner Hamilton's Book Store, No. 106 South TENTH street, Assembly Building. rat-st wriv AMERICAN THEATRE. WALNUT street. above Eli. Mtn. W 4 EVE RY ATTRACT ING /ON. EVEN AND ON WEDVMDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER r9oNfi._ EL NINO EDDTI.I tbe Mild Wonder, on the TWA 'Rope. THE CELEBRATED FOW ER SISTERS. Grand Ballets, Songs, Dances. Burlesques, d:r.- Brilliant Combination of Artists. mhts-cf FIR THIS WEEK ONLY. WOOD'S KINSTREL AT THE muairAL FUND HALL. OPENING NIGHT A GREAT SUCCESS. THE PREMIER BAND OF THE WORLD. Introducing an entire change of provamme nightl y; as performed by them throughout the United Statxs and at Wood's minstrels' Hall, 514 Broadway. New York. for the past lour years; recPtred with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of applause by crowded and fashionable aldermen. Everything original. mhZ5-ft COOL I:4'HITE, nianager. CONCERT HA LL, CHESTNUT street. above TWELFTH. Commencing MONDAY EVENING. March Vtb, 18. a. '/HE GREAT .EATR DOPROTOSCOPE AND GIFT ENTERTAINMENT. Tic.ke's tar sale at 'Frumpier's Music &re, corner of Seventh and Cbestuut streets. Adapt... Won. 2.5 cents. Reserved seats, SO cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8 o'clock. MATIN3s.I.I3 Opt WEDNESDAY AND SAIURDAT AFTERNOONS. tub.% IQ Doors open at 13.,; o'clock. Commence at o'clock. A.S.N.Erhil BIN BUILDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOT:BLE SPITN - NE - SIGNOR BLITZ'S DOUBLE SPIIYNX Is still the great attraction at his TEMPLE OF WON DERS. All the best feats, including the ROPE DANCrfR, GRAND TURK, CARRY BIRDS and VZ NTRILOQUISM. are also given -EVERY EVE v. INO at 73/and WEDNLSDAY and SATIISDAY A ETERNO;DRS at 3 o'clock. - - - Admission. 25 cents—Children, IS cents. Reserv,d So cents. mhis GRNIABIa. ORCILESTRA.—PubIIc Rehear:tilt every Saturday afternoon at the Mustcal ran Ran, at half past three o'clock. MI aagensenta Iced, by addreaning 6EOI3GE BASTERT, agent, 1231 MOP erey street. between Race and Vlne. oclitt A CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CRESTNTfT,abrrs. Tenth street, Open from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Benj. West's_gTent Picture o Still on exhibitionCHßlST JEOTED, . lel4-14 . . IHE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE cv, HARNESS Manufacturing Establishment in the Country. LA CEY I MEEKER & Co No. 1216 CHESTNUT STREET OFFER OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE: BUGGY HABNESS, fr0m....... —..l= 50 to MC LIGHT BABOUCHE from .50 00 to 850 HEAVY do do 75 CO to &X EXPBESS,BRASS I'SDUINTED BARNS:PS.27 50 to 98 WAGON and SELF•ADSIISTING 15 00 to 81; STAGE and TEAM do - .80 00 to 50 LADIES' SADDLE do 12 00 to 154 GENTS' do do 800 to 76 Bridles,Mountings, Bits, Rosettes , Home Govers. Brushes, Soaps, Blac.W•ng, Ladles' and Gents' Traveling ano Tourist Bags andSatks. Lunch Basket's Tingling and Shirt Cases,Trunks and Valises, mhlo.Bin CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 1866. 81>RING. 1866. cir i EWIN - fa• On Tuesday; l March '2O, Mrs. E. IKeyser's Children's Clothing Emporium, 'No. 1227 CHESTNUT ST.,. bis.tf Below p r nr i rr irlea p N E fift Side, _ ILE. ISTAT.EN ISLAND • FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT„ AT THE OLD STAID 471(?&TTEEREIigiiVIDEBT (EAS CITY T S ID E.) 'With the benefits of an experience of nearly sitrrY YEARS ON' STATEN ISIAND, and facilities UN. EQUALED BY ANY OTHER 'ESTABLISHMENT Li this country, we offer superior inducements to those having IMLII,__WOOLEN. or FANCY GOQDS for DYEING OR CLEANSING, BARRETT'NEPH EWS & CO„ No StreetladelPit ia* .saierolntreet, New Vol No. 718 BROADWAY, New York. • .No. 289 niLTON Street. Brooklyn. laving 11 • - GEE AND; /a7.1.0N13 -,- ,181017 and Q Lemons,'l s- prime ordet for istresnat dep.,,aosSoith Leila , Bale el 7 _arenvenno. • . - 3 Hops—eftvinil ot "Jtuss recelv__,atnstor - and fox Weary WMLLIAIf 9. immANT, - ISO Out& DeAwskre . , ANIEUSERIENTS. HARNESSTSADDLEgitc7 — No. 1216 Chestnut Street EDIICATION. CST Thorough Business Education BY ATTENDING Bryant,- Stratton & Kimberly's NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, B. W, Corner Tenth and Chestnut ate. PECELADELPHL&. W. R. KIMBERLY, A. M., Principal. The PlilledelPhls College, an Important link in the Great hat ernational Chain of Colleges. located in forty twe principal Cities in the United States and CatlB4llB. EXTENSIVE ROOMS Bitted up with Banksand Business Houses. Theory and Practice Combined. !Thereby bringing into mall kinds of Business Paper. Penmanship. The epencerlan System of Business Penmanship taught in its purity. Telegraphing Taught In the most thorough and practical manner EVENING SCHOOLS. Young Men wko are engaged through the day, can acquire a thorough knowledge of BOOK-REARING and BUSINESS by-attending Evenr , so truly - For farther partctuars, please call at College Booms, or address Bryant, Stratton & Kimberly, PHILADELPHTA COLLEGE. BORDENTOWN, A few vacancies for the slimmer term, commencing April 18th. For Catalogues containing terms, etc., Address Rev. JOHN' H. BR.AIaZ ELY, mhl4-Im} President. PIANO FORTE AND SENGENG TAUGHT, by lilts JANE LEW/I:SS:either at her pupils residence c r at her own. No. Ism SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, Her pupils will have the use of one of Narvesen't Superior Pianos- a most excellent Instrament. Miss L.. had for two years the entire charge of ttu music claw in Pleasant Hill Seminary. West Middle town Pa., and aim refer besides to a very large elrele of private pupils. Ja4 Sthl fp= PALL SESSION OP MISS Azatorrt x 612113QA8P FOB YOI7NO LADLES will corn mews on Wettneadey September lath, at be , reeldenm, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth atreett Philadelphia. Bamouterczai—Bey. G. EirMen Han D. D. Bev. Themes Brainerd, D. D.. W. H. Allen. Bet late President of Girard - Collets- 17174.ve TEETH. ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE FOR. - CLEANSING AND PEESERVING THE TEETH. Removes all substances destructive to the teeth, prevents discoloration and the accumulation of Tartar, and a spongy re laxed condition of the Gums, imparting a pleasant and refreshing fragrant taste to the Sionth. Guaranteed to contain no Acid, or any substance that will injure or de stroy the. Teeth. Its cleansing and healthful properties are certified to by prominent Dentists throughout the country. Sold by Drugghits. Fancy Goods Dealers and Perfumers, and at the Depot, SS Li berty Street, .N. Y. Ask for ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLINE and take no other. • JOHNS.TON,HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Wholesale Agents. nabw-tual.s.ini GLASSWARE. PHILADELPHIA Window GLASS Warehouse. BENJAMIN H, SHOEMAKER, AGENT FOR THE •FRENCH PLATE GLASS COMPANIES. IMPORTER OF English, French and German Window and Picture Glass And Looking Glass Plates. MANI:TAM:TREE OF • American Window, Picture and (Jar Caws Ornamental and Colored Glue. 205 and 207 North Fourth Street, 11226-gm Pm:Lammnue. HAIR RESTORATIVES. EUREKA. . T INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE! This is no Bar Dye REASONS WHY THE EUREKA SHOULD BE USED. - - - It will cleanse the scalp, and thereby promote the growth of the bats. If the hair Is dry, stiff and lifeless. It will give It a softness and lively youthlul apance. If the hair Is becoming thin, wea r and failing oft, it win restore Its strength and beautY. If the hair is gray, or becoming so, it will restore it to its orignal color without staining scalp or head. ' It is ftee from all impuritiettor poisonousdrugs. It is no hair • d3re, but an • Infallible restorative, and will do all thane prokalsed.'whenesed by the directions. • SOLD, wiamasALE. AND RETAIL. BY . Ronzwr FISHER, Sole. Agent, If°' 25 215111 ' .174,21 .5 ,31106 engieetittitand Pine, 84 Zostil • Agent for Pennsylvania DV OTT do CO. 282 North Second street:Phith.da. - • 1 518 t n.a.tnaml - Mrs: kit: . D lion a. dad and an south ,stimet, ' fr naaa handsome assortment of SPRING MTh. LINICRY; liffssete and Intents' Hata and Cape, felbs Velvets, Crapes, Ribbons, FeatberaPlowers, gravies, dtc. anti64mf RETAIL Bali-4'4441M lii. .-: 4 .')U-k - '4-,,A... N.O 43 NORTH : EIGHTH STREET. ("LOSING our sTtp ' olcßßlon TO ALTERATIONS OF. STORE. Great Inducements 'to Purchasets J I TSP - • OP ON: NEIVANTI RICIV.STYLE PARASOLS. JOU VIZI KID GLOWS. CHOICE SHADE SPRING KID.GLOVES, sco Yards BLACK GROIJIQD IRON BAREGES. 6,000 Yards HOYLE'S WARRANTED ENGtrarr PRINTS. 3,000 Yardi3 NEAT PLAID MORALES; Bargains. - arr.VGAI:T LLAMA POINTE SHAWIs, at reduced Prices. HANDSOME VALENCIENNE TREsni.ED HIMPS (Real), at Reduced Prices. niriATION DO. A JOB LOT. NEW LACE COLLARS. - .THE OABBIELLE HOOP SKIRT. GABRIELLETttL HOOP mum'. An entirely new adjustment, especially adapted for gored dresses, tube had - only at E. R. LEE'S, : No. 42 North EIGHTS Street. A General REDUCTION IN STOCK, at . E. B. .LBET, No. 43 North MIRTH Street. mbio- r s tun STEEL & SON . . • Have now 4en a choice assortment of ' RICH PRINTED PIQUES. BLACK and WRITE PRINTED PIQUES. CHOICE STYLES TRENCH. PERCALES. PLAIN BLUE, Burp and PINK PERCALES. PLAT* WHITE and BUFF PIQUE. Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth Street, mhso-sit H. STEEL iSD SON Have just opened several choice lots of • SPRING AND BUMMER itHiS S GOODS. All bought at less than cost of importation, and will be sold at VERY LOW PRICB23. Nos, 713 and 715 North Tenth Street, robSO-St rp RICH BLACK SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. LARGE PIIRCHASYS AT THE PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE AUCTIONS, Enable us to exhibit a eplendid line of PARIS TAFFETAS, OROS DU RHINE, GROS GRAIN, GROS DU AFRIQUE. CIIRWEN STODDART. BROTHER, Nos 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. . , , . -‹....,,,.., Ai Fointh and Arch _ NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES ) _ AT PRICKS TO MEET THE VIEWS OF BUY J.Ems ARE OPENING TO-DAY FOR SIRIELIN Or SALES, FASHIONABLE NEW axon. - NOVELTEEs IN DRESS GOODS, _ NEW STYLES SPRING SHAWLS. NEW TRAVELING DRESS , SOIXS, PINE STOCK OF NEW GOO , MAGNIFICENT POULAZDS, SPLENDID BLACK SITARS. N . P. S.—The above are all new goods, air at prices snit. p tsP-1 , .; grol * at:4041 kizit 41 aWI4I 1866. Spring k.portation. 1866. E. M. NEEDLES Eas Just opened, 1 000 PIECES WHITE GOODS IL PRAM— FANCY, STRIPED. Mal) and Figured Jaconets, Cambrics, I.Zainsook, Dimi ties. Swiss. Mull and other limn' compris ing a most complete stock to which the atten ' non of purchasers is solicited as they are of fered at a large REDUCT/ON from last ISRA.-' SOINTIs PRICES. leo pieces SHIRRED IiftSLINS for Bodies. .1.(x) pieces PIQUES In all varieties of stale and price from iklc. to $1 SO. SCO PARIS COFFERED SELECTS, newest styles, of my own importation. Pc wt . = ctirarevoll Azic sztiiWZl CLOTHS CASSISIERES AND COATINGS.-,James & Lee invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted Spring Stock, comprising, in part, COATE' G 000.155, Snper!Black Frencn cloth. Colored Cloths, of all kinds, Black TricotCoatings. Fancy French Coatings, Super Silk Mixed Coatings, Tweeds, of every shade and quality. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, the finest texture, Black French Cassimeres, the finest texture. New styles of Fancy Cassimeres. Plain and neat styles Cassimeres. Mixed Doeskins and CAss roeres, Silk Mixed and Plaid Cassimeres. Cords, Beaverteens and Velveteens. Cassimeres for Suits, all styles. Also, a large assortment of Goods expressly . adaloted to Boys' wear, for sale cheap. J 4 & LEE, No. 11 North Second at., sign of the Golden Lamb, dr,'LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, have Just replenished their assortment of sze ( STAPLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, And now fllll7 prepared to anpplr i allien with --- GOOD 11.111sLucS, BY Tlin, GOOD SHIRTING LINENS, GOOD TABLE LINENS. }7300D BED TIMINGS. GOOD WHITE FFLAANNNELS. GOOD FINE BLANKETS. GOOD DAMASK NAPKINS. 'BUFF MARSEILLES QUILTS. ' PINK MARSEILLES QUILTS. _ FINEST AND LARGEST Willa_ DO^ IRISH BIRD-EYE AND SCOTCH TO w _ NEW LOT OF BBILLIANTS, MARSEILLEA___ _ _ din SPRING STYLE CHINTZES, PR.F.GALRB, 01 ~ 7 1 5 ' and e. snperior A A 1 , [OO Vio ide Black Wool Delaines. l 501br finest $2 wide Black Cashmeres. 12 for new Spring Eibades Wide Wool Delaines. ew White Piques, - Brilllantes, Cambric , Plaids, &O. Heavy Nursery Diapers , some - extra wide goods, Fine Towels; 40-cent Towels- a bargain, t 3 and $5 Napkins are Much undervalue. ' ' Miehardson's Reat7 4_ hirting and Sue Fronting Linens. COOPER ARD ! _ S. E. corner Ninth and M a rket streets. TETITITE GOODS, PROM ILGOTION. vy White Goods, less than cost. White Goods, at old prices. Plain and Plaid Nainseoks, in variety. Striped and Plaid Nainsooks, beautiful quality. .Theonets and Cambric% a.l Mulls. Plain and Dotted Swiss Mu.lins. Shirred Ainalins for Bodies..• Worth the attention of the Ladies, at tsTURES Oft WOOD'S, 702 Arch street. EDWIN WALL dr. CO., 28 South Second strect, have now•opeti their Spring Stock of Shawls. OperrCentre Brodie Shawls. • Open Centre Square Shawls. Centie Squarer bawls. New Styles of Shawls. Span Silk Shawls. , Llama Wool Shawl.S. • . • Cashmere Wool Shawls. Berlin Wool Shawls. Long and Square Black Thlbet Shawls, in great va riety. wholesale and retail. E D WIN BALL . 8 : C. 28 South Second street, are 'opening daily-new goods. , Check Silks, Colored Grounds. cheek Silks, White Grqunds. itich 'Moire Antiques. Rich Shades Plain Silky. • Foulard Silks rich slYlea. • Silk and Linen Popplins._ Black Silks.ot all kinds,lbratlika. BMW - SEDVOEDPRIOES. F 11TH `URA AYE) BEDDING., GtO.'J.II.E.N Thirteent,h and Chestnut Streets, FURNITURE WAll FE OUSE. A Large Aithortment of ROSEWOOD DRAWING ROOM FURNITuBjr„ WALNUT DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, . WALNUT. DINING BOOM FURNITURE, WALNUT LIBRARYY FURNITURE, WALNUT HALL FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD CHAMBER FURNITURE.'- . WALNUT ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Prices are as low as the quaiity of the work wind admit of mh2-1m Laterof Nos. 809 and 811 IUJEL N IrrU EZH.. GOULD & CO.'S Celebrated Furniture Establishment is r emoved frOnSs Second and Race streets to the splendidN.EW DEPOT,. 8 ' No 37 and 39 N. (mond street, - (Opposite Christ Chtmch.) Where they purpose selling for one year, at,abOut Flegivat Furniture at Faulously Prices. II Also at their Ninth and Mask et Streets Branch,. where they are selling equally- low,l being about to en large the premises. • • GOULD & CO.'S FlTlMlrgupg DIC:POTS, Nos. 87 and 89 N. SEC OND Street, and Corner NIN TH and 2.1.&1111ET. mhMy/ "Walnut Dining Room and Library: Suites in Oil, at Gi eo. J. Ilextkels', Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, P , rmerly of 809 sad 811 Chestnut Street, rah2,sa to th 6t TO .11 OUSE KEEPERS.- I bave a large stock of every variety of Furniture a - Lich I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND lIA_RBLETOP COTTAGE SIaTS,, WA LNUT CH 6 , , krBER SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH.. PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN REPS. Sideboards, a:stens:on Tables, Wardrobes, Book cases, Is attrsses, Lounges, Cane and Woodseat, Ctairs, Bedsteads and Tables of every description. P. P. GUBTLN.n, nahS-am • N. E. Corner Second and Race streets. FURNITURE Tn every style, in Rosewood and Walnut, either PO. lichen Oiled, at Oeo J Elenizels% Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, FonnerTry K 9 and all Chestnut Street. roh24 sa tots 6ti EPRING MATREbB. BEST CILALITY AND STYLE, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J. G. FITLLER. m1117.8m 9 South SEVENTH Street. COAL. GEC). A. COOIKE 5' ' IS SELLING PRESTON COAL. Wllirli is the very best Schuylkill that coming to this market, perfectly clean and tree of slate, deliverable • to any part of the city, at fr per ton. Egg and Stove ' sizes. Also, the genuine EAGLE VEIN, same adzes, same prim!. Orders received at No. 114 0 . THIRD Street. Emoprinm No. 1314 WASHINGTON Ave. m.h1.3 rrI.NINILLIN tsz COAL YARD. S. E. cor. Thirteenth and Willow Streets,. PHILADFT.P HI& fa'Orders thankfully received and promptly exe cuted. Blacksmiths' Coal constantly on hand. mhl4-Imp Eagle Vein Coal. STOVE, $7 $.O. CH ...1`1 , 4 LT r. .$6 50. At J. S. JE Ms - COAL YARD. 331112:5-Ini* S. W. eor. ZUNI II and WALLACE Sts. MILE TREILONT COAL 035fPANT are now ready to receive oroers for the several sizes of their cele brated LORBEREY .ASH COAL. It is the determina- Oen of the Company to take special pains in the pre paration oftheir Coal so that it shall be of the best quality. Reliable arranger: etas are made for ship ping to all points, east at, d smolt. Orders for the ore sent, SEM to their oilice. No. 23 EXCHANGE BUILD LNGS, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to, GEO. SAND P.S3S, President. A. B. ECKEL, General Coal Agent. Put LAPELPRIA, March 15. ISthi. Inhl7-6.tu,thlSLl 6. 61.6..bUzis uvaa - JOHN SIELIZArI TIINDIZSIGNIM INVITE ATTENTION TO 1. their stock of Buck Moruatnin Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Cold, and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest marketrates. and to deliver in the best condition. .Orders left, with S. MASON SINES, Franklin Insti tute Building, SEVENTH str_eet ,, below Market, will be promptly attended to. alb & SHEAVE', isee,tf Arch Street 'Wharf, SchtlYallah r10A5...--£XOAB LOAF. BEAVER MEADOW AND. Spring Mountain, Lehigh Coal. and best Locuse) Mountain from Behe.4lltlll. Preaored Miresadi .E family use. De ..t, N. W. corner .T.ORTH and cHe LOWb27 streets. I ce, Nix 112 South BZOOND street. eaA.LTON dr 00. F lIJJ rii- G-11.7EF:N ..P.EIII6S, Grreen Corn, Fresh Peaches, Fresh Tomatoes, Plums, &cr. , ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dr A tit ELT FINE GAMES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, JAPAN SE PO W 0110. N .15A, • the finest ever imported. OOLONG TEA. DRAGON CHOP._ PO E s OLD y ALE r tiVERNIAMI T JAVA COFFEE. JAMES R. WEBB. WWI WALNUT and EIGHTH Street& QIIG - Sata — s gYRIIFs, Manufactured — by the. /..7 Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocer's Sugar House, Mr sale by E. C. KNIGHT dt CO., Corner Chestnut and Water streets. nah2-1m E QUEEN OLIVES .- 500 gallons of the finest- Queen Olives ever hnported, in store and for sale at COVSTY'S East Bud Grocery No.llB South Second: street. BONELESS BARDEN-Ea. Anchovies, earrs,- STEW Herring; of superior quality . at ITS, TY'S East End Grocery. No: us South Second street. FASHION SUGAR HOUSE MOLAS.9/03: 0 1 1 3 xlme West. Indda Honey, always _ol to _be had et• COM,TY'S East End Grecery, No. US etee Second'. WINSLOW'S SUPERIOR GREEN CORN,. 407,ctst - _per Can, Champion Green Peas, at.4o cents '_pes can; Tomatoes 25 cents; all warranted; at COUSITYYS- East End Grocery, No.llB South second street. midi- WEIN' FRUITS.-Princess .Paper•shell and LisbOrt Almonds; splendid splendid London' Layer Baird wr whole, half and quarter boxes, choice Elaine figs, in mall drams, in store and ibr sale by F. ElPri:rsr, . o C... .N,W.co •er 5 000 CASES FitiVr PAA-fae: I O3,TOMATOES, - • Green Corn rens, occ.warranted. to _Oven atathottott. - For sale DF M. F. kIeILLIISI, R.W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. • ••-• EMA -- CICEREL.Rstra chnioelArte •- rel kftts. Also new _.•olotA and pickled mon. For sale Wl' . 13Pu.law W. r. Anal, .-20 barrels Jersey , cultIv1"1 Aran , berries E ireore and lor inge try lf- V. W, tor. Anal and Eightb ! trea s . - - SITU= GEO. I.