Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 10, 1866, Image 4
BUSINESS NOTICES., POETRY IN A NEW STYLE, - - Poets, whether great or little, ' , ' • Enow its not always a light task, , Good rhymes to fit to -good ideas, Sometimes, then, might it not behest,' _First to set down your rhymes, that the Worst of the job may then be done? Why not, in a poetic way, - Try thus. "the cart before ttie horse?" New styles take best, and therefore we View with such pleasure Bennett,s suits! Our itoek of Clothing is the largest and mostcomPlete in this city, surpassed by none in materiat;style and yli, and mkt at prices guaranteed lower than the lowest. TOWER HALL, 35C0. 618 lamket Street, Birtorrrr dr. CO. „VERY RINYUCTANT.” It's an 11l wind that doesn't blow somebody good, Bo the late Ire turned out in the end; as it should; icir the way people purchaaedthe "goods slightly wet," Neither people nor PEELLE & CO. will forget. But when go ods slightly wet are so rapidly sold, Nnw &rocs must of course take the place of the old What could Perry & Co. then more timely desire Than to laySD, at PEICES HlLDUcxxi, FRESH ATTLEE ? This opens the season for Brame in a way Ghat enables the big "STAB." to have its own ''say:" Tor thus Perry & t.o. can sell CHEAPLY to all, . When the stores with old stocks are reluctant to dfdl. so the "Bran" now more brallant than ever will shine AS CHESTNUT ST., NUMBER SIX Ht7NDEEDANDs - Lsic • • WE AVES NOW OPENED 0178 SPILINO SALES, BE • 07.11E8/N6 ELEGANT ALL-WOOL NANCY CkSSr STr /nom Burrs AT TWENTY DOLLARS EACH.: THEY • 1171311..8Y TAB THE MIST AND IMEAPIOST SUITS TO Aar BE HAD U• 7 PIHIA.DELPHIA. on ELSEWHILEE: • GIVE as A cAr.b, • - STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, SCOW Plums' AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, d?!) CNENTNEYT STREET, SIGN GB THE "STAR." . • . •.PERRY &ADO. w iev i 4381.111MM1G GRAND PIANOS. BEAU-GRAND PL4NOSI SQVABE GRAND PIANOS! Are known to be the most perfect and permanent In struments in America and Europe. In Grand and Musical Tone and In all respects of delicate . andenduring mechanism, it la entirely con. edited by the _ - GREAT A.B.TIBTEI OF THE• PIANO, And R ALL DD3GBLEINATING MUSICAL AMA .IREhat canorminfra PIANOS ARE FIRST On both sides of the Atlantic. NEW WAIGEBDOMB, • 914 CHESTNUT street. W. H. DUTTON. s~,t,s t m ant..l s4 GEO. STECK ,t CO.'S • PIASTOS.— ti m These beautiful instruments are as ITlVistrongly recommended by the follow ing among the leading artists in America as any Pianos made In this, country or in Europe Wm. Mason, S. B. Wile, Theo. Thomas, H. C. Timm. Max liaretzek, Oeo. W. Morgan,Cari Bergman. Carl Wolfson°, Chas.. H. Jarvis, M. id.. Cross, Carl Gaert ner H. G.. Thunder, J. N. Beck. Joseph Rizzo, B. c'roir.. Cractr.tAns of certificates as to their durability, and the references of one thousand purchasers in Phila• delpbia and vicinity, to be had on application. lor sale in rhiladeiphia only. by J. E. GOULD, ja27-sa,ifi A. REDUCTION OF TWENTY PER CENT. ,ON TEE BEGULA_R-SCHEDUI‘E FAECES. ITTV - I—esiring to reduce our lore stock ofsnuerior and•highly finished seven octave Rosewood Planck.. ars to the removal to our new store. No. Ma 'INITF street, we have concluded to offer them at prices below the C,ost, to manufacture. Persons de airing to purchase a that-class PIA.NO. at reduced rates, should avail themselves of this opportunity. SCHMEACK/SA & CO., Warerooms No. 10/.1 Chestnut street. STEINWAY & BONS' PIANOS Are now acknowledged the best In alkurnenta in. Europe as well as America. They are used in and private, by the e 1 .7 4 . 4 .4 artists 110 satriver Mtn Itt-Bdrope by 'VON 'LISZT, aTe.T.L, and others; la tads country by DI . TT.T BELOSON, WOLFSOHN, ate. For sale only by 33LABITTS BROS., 1W- tf , 1008 Chestnut street. _ _ CHICKERING GRAND, SQUARE AND' UPRI G ELT PIANOS. Irr7Tl.l 'Fifty six Medals in America and Europe, and MAO Instruments in use. Great Collection of ORGANS and MELODEONS. . New Ware Rooms. 934 CHESTNUT street. rabS-ea,M,th W. H. Dern:N. Mkt MEingiFt'S NEWLY IMPROVED ,CREco CERT SCALE OVENSTRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal arid Highest Awards in America received. MELD AND SECOND-HAND PI iNOS. 1112 , 4 w,s,m 3m Warerooms,in Arch st., below Bth. EVENINGr BtPLLETIN .15AT1TRDAY. MARCH 10. 1866. OP REPRESENTATION AMENDMENT. Tile failure of the Constitutional amendment regulating the principle of representation to secure a two-thirds vote in the Senate yesterday, is a source of profound regret. The debate upon this question has been long and un usually able, but it has been conducted principally by the Union side of the Senate, some of whose members have permitted a theoretic difference of opin ion to stand in the way of the attain ment of a great and immediate good. Of all the amendments to the Constitu tion which have been proposed during the session, not one would have gone to the country with•such universal approba tion as this. The public mind is very clearly made up upon the issue of allow ing the Southern States a representation based upon a disfranchised class of their 'citizens. The North will never, and should never agree to allow South Caro ' lina to vote her 300,000 freedmen in Con gress, while she withholds from them "the common rights of citizenship. And Yet . , , when the occasion offers to prevent forever this manifest injustice, we find thomost out-spoken friends of human liberty and e . quality defeating the pro position, because of an objection which is'purely a theoretic abstraction. The amendment has been defeated by tbe votes of Republican Senators, but upon two distinct lines of action. Dix on, Doolittle, Norton and Stewart seem to have surrendered themselves to the policy of opposing everything that isnot in exact accordance with the President's policy of immediate re-admission of the rebel States. Their vote upon the amendment therefore is not entitled to that respect whichan adherence to long held principles always must command. 13ut, with Brown, Henderson, Pomeroy, llaner, - Willey and Yates, the case is Ter7.diffetent. These Senators, so far Iss , we'can judge from the line of the de bates have deliberately thrown away a - mitten opportunity because they de-: tested, or fancied that they detected, a trace of alloy in it. Mr. Sumner's igpp e e cb. was a most able, and exhaustive .o.sirgument for the principles of human liberty, and did credit alike to hi s scholarship and his broad humanity. But the inuCtical hard sense of M.r. and Fessepden, will appeal t o the minds of the people with a thousand - fold more convincingloyce. Mr. Sum `ner was right to make his point and his protest, but there his duty cle,arly ceased. His refusal to take a step, -because that, one stepwould , not;bring him to his . journey's - end was not sensible and may **Atilt in doing'a, great and permanent w;o3g.tc. his r ighteous . „Mr. Wil ton faiylyteireredttletrciand Yesterday s by lath*l,4*--.3jlloAWar. authority, Eadiiii. against hini. Gerrit that the ConStitution dnot XeCimiize slavery oilimsed the amembnent which abolished slavery, because the amendment was, as he held, =admission that slavery had formerly existed by law.' The case is a precise parallel. Mr. Sumner opposes the amendment which would be the most direct pioneer of universal suffrage,; be cause he sees in it a recognition of the right of a State not to be represented. Mr. Henderson has obtained 'a, recon sideration of , the amendment, and we sincerely trust that our Republican Sena tom will split no more hairs over so im portant a measure. If the principle of representation is ever to be re-adjusted, it must be done now. Mr. Suraner's own illustration of the double shield Is a sword that cuts two ways. It admits that there is another side of this ques tion as good and honest and logical as his own. The two knights of the old legend fought, because they believed there was but one side of the shield, and that was their only excuse. Mr. Sum ner admits that there are two, and he should, tkerefore, be willing to accept ' the good, wholesome "half loaf" rather than leave us with no biead at all. The immediate danger to be averted is too great, and the immediate advantage to be gained too vital, for any practical patriot to stand upon abstractions. • We mike our appeal to Mr. Sumner and his five 'colleagues. Their votes, with Messrs. Howard and Foot,• will be sufficient to give us this great step in the direction of human liberty. We wish we could feel that the other Republi ca n Senators, whom we have named, were open to the arguments and appeals of the great loyal masses whom they have formerly so nobly represented. In their .present attitude of fraternization with the consistent opponents of every mea sure of Congress for the suppression of the rebellion, they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Acting on the admirable suggestion of Governor Curtin, the Legislature has appointed a committee to procure a large painting of the battle of Gettysburg, to be placed in the State Library in the new capitol extension at Harrisburg. It is to be executed by a Pennsylvania artist. Nothing, we believe, has yet been determined as to its dimensions or cost. The members of the committee are - now in Philadelphia and we believe there is a general disposition to assign the work to our distinguished townsman P. F. Rothermel. But we have been waited on by the friends of other artists, who think that the work should be open to competition and that designs, on a certain scale, in proportion to the space to be covered, be invited. The proposition seems a fair and reasonable one, and we make it public so that the committee may consider it. We are glad that the State is going to com memorate the great battle that occurred on her soil, and we trust that the picture will have high artistic as well as histor ical value. Seventh and Chestnut. THE BATTLE OE GETTYSBURG John B. Myers & Co.. Anetioneers, Noe. 232 and 234 Market street, will hold during neat week the fol lowing important sales, biz: ON MONDAY. march 12, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four months' credit, Sro iota or French and Saxony Dry Goods, &c.. embracing 1,500 pieces Dress Goods. Alt o 250 pieces Black, Colored and Fancy Dress bilks. of all widths and desciprtions, including some very high cost and desirable gooc a, of the importation of /litters Werner itschner & Co.: large line of Spring Shawls; 80 cases Houzekeepin g, Shirting and Butchers' Linens, &c ; a large assortment or White Goods and Fmbroideries; I,oto cartons rich Bonnet Ribbons, In great variety. A. 1% o. Veils, Laces, uloves, Balmoral and Hoop .I.rts, Trimmings, &a.; 2 000 dozen Madras, Gingham, bilk, and Plain and Embroidered L. C. is., dc„ al cases San Umbrellas. t:N TArksnAy, March 13, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. cm four months' credit w out 1.200 package , 100E9, Elares. Balmo.als, &c , city and Eastern manufacture. ON 1 HIIPEDAY, March 15, at 10 o'clock, by cats ;Ague, on four months' credit, and part for cash, 753 Packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including Cloths, Cassimeres. satinets, Doe -I,lcirs Meltons, Italian's. &c. Also, 20.400 dozen Cotton osiery, Gloves, &c. also, Press Goc ds, Silks, Shawls, Linen, Shirts, .I:nlmOrttl. and Hoop Skirts Hosiery, Gloves, Sew log Ea, Spool Cotton, Patent Thread &c Alto. 125 pan/ ages Cotton and Woolen Domestics. UN Finney. Marchls, at 11 o'ciook, by catat:gue. on ercur months' Cr. dit, about 200 pieces Superfine and Fire Ingrain, Royal Damask, Venetian. List. Hemp, Cottage aria Rag Carpetings, Canton Mattings, &c. Important Public Sales Real Estate. , Mass?. Ti or as & Sons have this day issued their regolsr wstkly catalogue of real estate. The safe bo Tuesday next includes the vatuable residence:4. W. corner t-ixteenth and Locust, and a number of other desirable properties Also, valuable stocks and loans. The catalogue likewise contains a list of sales 2uth and 27th March, and-3d, loth and 17th April. embraci tg a great number of estates by order of Orphans' Court and Executors, !including an unusually large amount rfpeoperly,several very elegant country swats, Gra MAN TOW.N, CHESTNITT RUA and WAvERLY HEM tits, HEStdenCe WALNUT scree., near RITT EXIIO bquare, &c. For full particulars of the estate of W. W. Knight, decPs Fed, lectuding some of thc , most elegant and valuable property sold for a long time, see seventh Page. Auction Notice—Sale of Boots and Shoes• The attention of buyers is calli.d to the large 111.1 d attractive sale of 1,400 cases Boots and Shoes, to be sold by catalogue, for cast+, on Mon Clay morni..g, AS arch 12, commencing at 10 o'clock. roecisely, by Philip Ford de: Co., Auctioneers, at their store No WS Market street • • TORNcstaar BUILDER. 1731 1.3.“"iT1 , 1 UT BTRE.E'T and 213 STREET Mechanics of every branch required tor honsehnild ing and fitting promptly furnished. la 3 sm• ID EDUCED PRlCES;.—superb specimens, all styles, nr.tural and lite-Hke Photograph Lik euesses, ob tallied at P. F. REIMER:S. at muderate cost. Call at 624 Arch sire; t ; secure the best. CIOAR BOX KNIVES OR 0 VFNI , R 9.— A new style just received. which will be found very conve Meht for ppeniix and closing the boxes of those who indulge ilk smoking. For sale by TRIDiA.N dr. SHAW, No. 535 (Bight Thirty-livm 7Slarket street, below Ninth. PRICES-REDUORD.— Life-size Rho. °graphs in Oil Colors. B. F. REIMER'S superior styles Portraits, admixed by all for rare accuracy and impressive co. loring. See tpec,mens, 624 arch street. QAP DINE SCISSORS and several styles of Sardine ID Openers. Thusa may also be used for opening fruit car 3. for sale by TNUAIAN SHAW, No. 835 (highs birty five) biarket street, below-Nintia. 111,1EICES It FDUC ED — . Unsurpassed styles Cartes de 1 Visite Now is the time to have them made. Call at IthllidEß S Gallery, Second street , above Green. Avoid delay; go early. UA..t FLYERS for housekeepers' use, by which they may unscrew their burners and clean trio in out. Also. larger sfr gas fitters' use, Patent Wrencnes fcr t crewingpip,es and superior (ass Pipe Hooks, for sale by 7R1f1a8.14 de SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Trudy; tlyeNharkellstreet. below 'Ninth. . - - - - _ - - - - - _ A X. P. EXIST, CARPENTER and BUILDER: A n jobbing personally and promptly attended to in the belt manner and n the most reasonable terms. abop. lfSl Fr ty street, anove Levet. inhlo 64* 1866.5 . Mi l liciT Y .j ' ALO " OP Hair E nn a d wlllsoers dyed. Razors put, in'order. • Corner Exchanze Place tne Dock street. - JOY, coE & - NEWSPAPER ADVERTPUNG AND SUBSCRLPTION AOENCY For tho _.l4,.e7iiecisrtgiscti•ColrenZhAlepcountiftri;iid. fer7-El,w,l2Le , corner of REAR! READ I • READI ! ' •• . THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH.' . THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT sPzEGH. THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH. "SUNDAY PEFSS": - - TO-MORROW,' I . UNDY' PEERS. "--3 OHROW. 'SUND A AY. PRESS":-TO-MORR OW 7DIDE (EL ISI 'YOUR CENTS!! FOUR , CENTS! - - t iALE" — TO AnlPPers, ierocers, Rotel-keepers and others--A very superior lot of Charmisue Oder. by the barrel or dozen. P J. 701111 AN Rang 149 TetreeSonweekara And WfilAnt THE DAILY EVL►NING BULLETIN i PHILADELPHIA, - SiTURDAI 10, 1866. False Pride"! GEGRGE SAND'S NEW BOOK. VICTOR HUGO'S NEW BOOK. WILKIE COLLINS' NEW BOOK. And other New Books, published this day by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT. STREET, Phila. FAISE PRIDE; OR, TWO WAYS TO MATRI MONY. A companion to '•Fandly Pride," and "Fam ily Secrets." Complete in on elarge duodecimo volume Price $1 tO in paper, ors 2 in cloth. JEALOUSY. By George Sand, author of "Con- Euelo," "Countess of Rodolstadt," "Indiana," "First and True Love," etc., etc. Complete In one large duo decimo volume. Price $1 50 in paper, or $2 00 in cloth. THE BRIGAND; OR, THE DEMON OF THE NORTH. By Victor Hugo, author of "Les Misers tales," &a, &c. • One octavo volume. Price 75 cents. THE QUEEN'S REVENGE. By We Collins, author of" The Dead Secret," dtc., &e. one ;mime, octavo., Price 71 cents. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. By Charles Dickens. With all the Author's Illustrations, Forty in number. Price $1 00 in Paper, or, $2 50 in Cloth; or, in. two vol nmes. Cloth, with tinted Illustrations, $4 so. Copies of any or all of the above popular books will be sent to any one, free of postage, on receipt of price. Address all orders to the publishers. T. B. YETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, And they will receive prompt attention. Send for one of our new and lull Catalogues. JAMES h. EAR,I4'E SONS' Fifth Great Sale of Valuable Foreign and American "Oil Paintings. '3 he entire Importation of James S. Earle & Sons, se- lected in the studios of the best' European Artists, by Mr. James S. Earle,lin the fall 0f1865, will be sold :at Auction, in . the Eastern Galleries ofthe Penrisylva nia Academy of Fine Arts, on Tuesday, March 27th and Wednesday, Marci 28th. MIDDLETON & C 1 G/1011N Y COTTON AND WOOL BROKERS, No, 123 CHESTNUT STREET, ,PEILADELPRIA. We are prepared to devote exclusive attention to the purchase and sale of WOOL and COTTON. Samples constantly receiving of all grades of Ohio. Penns) lvania and California WOOLS. Also, Net t Orleans, Mobile, Tennessee and Georgia COTTON s- PIOELNGS, WASTE, &..c. Orders received for WOOLEN and COTTON YARNS and WARPS, all numbers, either dyed or bleached. rabl-th tta to lm GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PRIMUUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCH STITCH SEWING MACHINES, With latest Improvements, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 17 MARKET Street, Harrisburg. Jel.lm rp BLACK AND WHITE SILKS. I pe r yard. Saks from Auction AT REDUCED PRICES CURWEN STODDART cs BROTHER, 1 , .109. 450, 452 and 454 North second Ptreet, above Willow. DRY GOODS FOR THE POPULAR TRADE, from the late A uction Sales, AT REDUCES) PRICER. Buyers will find decided advantages In every de partment. CURWEN STODDART fi BROTHER, Nos. 450, 952 and 454 :North necond street, above Walow. S PRING CAS 48,1111ERE..4. Spring Coatings, spring Goods for Boys, AT REDUCED PRICES. sTODDART & BROTHER. Nos. 45D, 452 and 454 North Second strPet, above Willow, DRESS 000 IS, 22 CENTS.—From the laie Auction 881e8. CDRWEN STODDART th BROTHER, Not 450. 452 and 454 North Second street. above Willow. intiNE POPLIN'S, 31 CENTS. Dress uoods at Reduced Prices. cuRwEN STODB., RT tt. BROTHER. Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, rrl.llo-3t above Willow pkal D NOZnatHICLES, 5 tittN PS. Dress Qouos at Ertl need Prices. CtiRWEN STODDART & BROTHER. Nos. 450; 952 and 451 North SecoLd street, above Willow .b I E SILK ruALLNE, JUS C RECEIVED.-- VV !Online at 25,3), 37. 44 and 50 cents per yard; very much better that, usual fur the price, WHITE SILK ILLUSION. I Three yard width, which measures 52 indhes wide, at $1 a yar,: much under value. LACE HAI% DKERCIILEES.I Tow marking, a case of Luce Handkerchiefs, linen ntre, ranging from 90 cents to $2 40 each:; a duplicate case of those exceedingly beautiful, yet low priced Hancherehleis, that created such a furore a few months since. GLASGOW VS. ICAMBIIRG CINGS AI9D INSER INGS This lot consists of a ide and elegant Goods and corn plete tit.. line from io cents to it 7u a yard.making over 6,134 V yard. just plaoect in stock; the most extensive col lection of rral choice goods._ CUNT s FOR CtltT AIN& r invite soe - ial attention to a case of tuts item, some times known as the Notttrichaut ; but because the famous Continental Hotel of Philadelobta; was amoog the tint to give them prominence, a d the greater tact that they are soon to decorate most, if not every win dow on this continent, we think it proper to &merl e,. nfze this beautiful, yet not ecp"nsive Window Drapery, For the largest variety and lowest prices. see WORNE S Lace a• d Embroidery itore, ltd No. as North Eighth street. from h je (3 a O u O cgo s n ° Lte ll o 71111,5 e. ,CEPZELVeN;&, wet stock, but slightl damaged at the late tire. 60 cents for best yard-wide 'Pickings made, regular price *I. 40 cents for yard-wide Conestoga Extra Tlcking,regu- Ler price 75 cents. 85 cents for finest yard-wide Ballardvale rlannels, le regular price is $1 38. These are almost perfect. COOPER & CONARD, S. corner Ninth ant uarket. niblO 2trpt READ! READ!! READ!!..--, THADDEUS STEVENS'S GREAT SPEECH. THADDEUS STE'VENS'S GREAT SPEECH "SUNDAY DDEESS" — S T 'E O V MNRSRO W REAT SPEECH "St NDAY PRESS"-TO-MORROW. "sIINDAY PRESS"—. _ 101 H CENTS! FOUR CEN FOU a CENTS!! MILE HARBISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM. BOILEB.—The attention of Manufacturers and o th ers using Steam is confidently called to this new bteam Generstor, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion, in cheapness of drat coat and cost of repairs, in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, de ,not no. possessed by any other boiler now In use. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollow spheres, each sphere 8 inches external diameter, and of an inch thick. These are held ' together by .Warought.l.ron bolts - with cans at the ends. • , Nearly one hondred of these Boilers are now in op eration, some of them in the best establishmente tFortyt . de . sariptive circulars or price. apply to JOSEPH HABRISON. Jr, Harrison h B. Aisanai oller W t bray's Ferry Road,aPiebotng the, U. foitadamrpi. G. C. X.OPP ToHOIIBEICE.SPILica__, for cleaning silver and Vex-plated ware, a isBW Po - Lie - ars - NG p owmat .--the boas ever made. FARR dr. BROTH-AR. Ane a% Chestnut street, Pelew Anulas False Pride ! B SCOTT, Jr , AUCTIONEER fp H B FAVORITE CLOTHING HOIISE of tails CRY, la ,& 'BRAWN% -_- • Popular Establishment, at B.E. corner .SIXTH and ' NAREET STREETS. They have the best stock of Ready-Made Clothing, and a dne 'assortment of Piece 'Goods' for 'Custom Work, 'and are satisfied wish moderate prices. Pay" them a visit for • ur next Suit. , fell•ly HOWELL es *BR° HERS, S. W. cor, Ninth and Chestnut sts,, Are - Manufacturing their new styles of Paper Hangings FOR SPRING. And Samples and Lots of New Goods are now coming in from their manufactory, which with a fresh Impor tion of French Designs are ready for the inspection of their customers. The increased facilities of their new and more es tensive Factory enables them to produce much hand somer and finished etylo. Imitation Fresco' Designs • FOE Parlors, Entries, Ceilings, &0,, PREPARED. mh7.m.w&almE THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE : Nos. 4 and 5 Exchagge North side of Walnut Wen between Dock: and Third PHILADELP a4 , _ •Ilic# IF - far/ Statement of the Assets Of said Company, Feb. 1,1866, Rai Published in conformity with the pravls_ions of the Act of Assembly of April 5, 1642_ •Morto - a , res. -_-. - Par Vain!. Iforkt Vc.,:t‘e pb.olo All of which are fast -tiort gages upon property In this city, at Loan Bonds. 7:,,L44., 'United t3tatra Government 6 pi.r cent , 16 SO End 40. CW Utatf d Slat,* s Government 6 pez. cent., on dem ana...-......- -100 ÜbSted States Got ernment 7 6-10 pap. hie 11,16. so 7..e.e0il City r f PltiEborgh. 6 ter cent EZ Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount ley and .I.uncaster Ra head, per cent ... ..... . 15,0 - 60 Feunsy Ivaula Railroad Com pany. 6 per cent tis 30.000 City of Philadelp. is. 6 per cent.., 415 10,175 Cl.y of Philadelphia, 5 per cent . 65 ic,ive Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company _..........._..........E7 le,ooo :Nortek YermaYlvanm hatirtana Con pany. 6 per 5.({0 Chesapeake and Delaware Ctt a . 0.1 Company, 6 per 5,600 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company. and Delaware and Partial] Canal and fnansportao lion Company. 6 per cent,---- SAO E chnyllJll NaTigation Company, 6 per cent .....- O . . 75 lo,Cfo • tate of Pennsylvania of 1661. 6 er .102 stocks. 5,10 e 265 abase-5 Philadelphia Wil minguin and Baltimore Rail road C'ompany .. 57 14,53 i (0 a,soo 376 shares Lehigh Coal and Na vigation 52 21,552 co 7,500 150 shares Mount Cartoon Rail road Company„--• 50 - 7.500 (1) 6,74.41 67 shares Franklin Fire Insur ance Company. 375 211,13 00 5,000 HO shares Philadelphia, Ger giantOWD, Norristown Rail road Company.-54 5,400 500 101sharea klevelandaa.Maho-n -ing Railroad Company._ _ 5.0,50 6,K,0 133 shares Lehigh Valley -Rail road Company— 61 0.113 00 250 25 shares Scrip of Lehigh Val les Railroad Comnany—__ •z 0 500 ro 4,000 40 shares Union Bank of Ten nessee._._:2 OA 00 3.000 30 shares Pennsylvania FlrelD raranee Con pang 6,000 Co 2000, 40 shares Philadelphia and Lan caster TUrnpike Road Com -10 400 00 MO 5 shares Susquehanna and York Turnpike Road C0a1.75 .75 1 e 0 250 le shares 'Easton and Wilkes bane Turnpike Road Com pany 10 Ivo 0t) 260 Is stares Union Mutual Insur ance Company of Philadelphia 15 11,7, .10 2,000 20 sharea P..Siadelpbio 8ank...140 2,%.0 Miecellaneons. Kozel receivable and Bills of Exchange 11,,'16 9:5 Pc I icies.the Premiums of which remain unser+ le.d, end good debts due in ac count 61,216 I , Cash In Bat, is and in Office 13,489 36 Scrip of r undry Mutual Insurance Co m panlea *7,FAX,440 2.E.20 Op INCORPORATED IN 1754 Charter PerpOunl. Capita), $200,000 E tFropertles of the Company. February IF6c, ka,g• $642 740 25. MARINE, FIRE. I LAND -1N D TRANSPORTA TION INSURANC.e... DIIISCTORS. lir Dry D. Sherrerd, Thomas S. Wattson brutes aliscaltoter, Henry Freeman, William S Smith, 1 Charles 8. Lewis. !Warn B. Whtte George C. Cars: u. George H. Stuart. ! Edward C. I , : utght, Samuel Grab t, Jr., I Juba B. Austin Tobias Wagner, Henry D. Sherrerd, President. WILLI A Ikt Ef RPE Itsenrptarv. ,In-q.tu,th.3trP? MAGNESIUM siPrEtAr , LatiarirrS AND FULMINATING PAPER, WM. Y. Y.oATITSTER, No. 72S Chestunt St. COAL! COAL ! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL' AT_ LOWEST _MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, Ni Nrrn. s rximoorr, BELOW canArip Avnprtra; zirEßialar oraniz oozsza tazas AND KITING emiDlor, delotsPl4p IEFEAIT3I7, gliAlEaTECT..maltern _Banding, /54 600/Isol7lVlSStreet' Greet " teza-inurs MOIR Op 1 Gild w. We beg to 'info= our' enateniera and the publics generally that, Anticipating a Fall in Prices, EXCESSIVE IMPORTATIONS We have made_ IMPORTANT CONCESSIONS In many parts of our stock, and bave Marked the Gobtbi at such Prices BEYOND COMPETITION INSURE THEIR SALE.. We respectfully solicit an inspection of our goats, as Great Inducemente • Are offered to purchasers. HOMER. COLLADAY & 00., Successors to Thos. W.Evans & Co., Nos, 818 and 820 Chestnut street. H. STEEL & SON Have Now Open A PINE ASSOBTMENT OF AND ND SUMMER SILKS. MOIRE eNTIQ.tEE. • COLORED EP . t /lEEE STIES, PLAIN POULT DE SOIBS, FIGURED SILKS, climes SILKS BLACK GROS PRAIN SILKS, LYONS TAFFETAS, TAFFETA PABISIENEM, CORDED A.l3,3itRiSS, GROS DE REELNES, AT TEE VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth Street. inhlo 3ta 100 i 5,000 (0 BOYS' WEA,II. FINE, ALL WOOL CASSI2'IERES,¢I 00. SLACK AND wlin.t. CHECK DO., II F'INE MIXED TWEEDS4I FANCY STYLE CASSIMERES4I FINE GOODS FOR SUITA, to to D 87. F.A.NCY M!XED FOR SUITS, $1 C.. LIENS' WEAR. NEW STYLE CASSPIRRa3. 3.7GHT GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR. STUFFS FOR BtsisEss SUITS. BLACK CLOTHS, CHEAP. FINE SPRING COATINGS. FANCY CASSIMEIMi FOR SUITS. LADIES' SACKINGS. PLAIN NITDDLRSEX. (TOTE. FANCY MIDDLESRIZ CLOTHS. FEW DOUBLE WIDTH CLOTHS. SINGLE WIDTH CASSIMERRS FOR SAQU's DRESS GOODS. ONE CASE CHE 7 .§.I. NE PIPLINS, LI et& LARGE PLAID SCOTCH GINGHAM, IS cte GOOD BLACK ALPACAS, 50 cts. WHITE GROUND FIGURED MOHAIRS, lL WHITE GROUND ALPACAS, 50 c'o„ FRENCH FIGURED aecoNErs. PINE, BLUE AND BUFF PEECALES. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE k N. W. cor. Eighth and Market Sts. fels-ti rp JAS. E. CAIIPBELL4 & CU., No. 727 Chestnut St. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CASE BUYERS Al' WHOLESALE, TO THEM STOCK OF - FRENCH, . BRITISH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, which, for extent, variety and general adaptation to the wants of the trade. is unrivaled. As We ar''' constantly in receipt of the choicest and cheapest offerings of this and other roarkets,our stock will always be worthy of' inspection. inh!.-Yin rpf FFERIIIG IdAOII.IKES. GOITISING BIAORIM3. . large assortment :of (lettering HaMilme Just re etived per steamer "Bt George." Pop' HaLBHIr j.sElaao - %Tc,:wnsend , House FainlEVug Store of the late JOHN A. Mate PHY, • 132.:Mliegtasit street, l a s to ttipt BelOw'Teiati IerAIUMG 'WT/111151DEISILTAN EndaOMß • uL b/Xs BrOatEll , Offunidne, ate. AI. 41. TOBRET, lEo77lDert IMO% IME=2I On account of the Decline in Gold, AS will place them : =UM WHAT 25 CENTSWILL: DO. No 602 CHESS NUT No 602 CH.EbTNUT bTREFILL 25 Cents. - 25 CerLts No. 602 Chestmut Street. A. J, HOYT'S, A. J. HOYT'S, 25 CENTS A. J. HOYT'S Great Sale - of Rich Jewelry And Fancy Goods. 25 cm'vre. A PEW IEATITRE 'A .N.rNi r FEATURE' 25 fUENTb. The entire stock of a thatch:we Jeweler and Fancy. Goods Beale•. to be closed out to make:room for the . "Ledger" Office. ONLY ONE ARTICLE ONLY ONE ARTICLE 2.5 CENTS. SOLD AT A TINE—. SOLD AT A TIME, Better than 13139 Gift Sale. FT SALE - GIFT BALE. • GIFT P AT.K. TWENTTF.FIVECHNTS., TWENTY:FI.V.EC CENTS: TWBVIFY.FIVE VENTS. And One Dollar la all that-la asked:per article,no , matter of what value it may, be. By this method you may get A GOLD WATCH A GOLD WATCH. , 25 CEIN'T'S FOR ONE DOLLAR._ . FOP. ONE DOLLAR. A Silver Watch, a Silver-plated Tea ' Se% a Silver' Coffee Urn. - a Silver-plated Goblet, Caator, Ice Pitcher, Butter Dish, Set ofFarks or Spoons, one dollar. Rich Jewelry, of all the latest and most Improved patterns; Opera Glasses, Fans, Table and Pocket Catlersr. besides' a great variety of other goods. All to be, disposed of on a new plan of sale at a price astonishing to eyery- Included in this lot may be found a great variety, of , articles, such as Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, Perm, Needier, Pins, Bair NetS.l.adies' Belt Buckles, Tooth Brushes Pocket Books, Combs. Fancy Goods and Per-. fumery, Packages , of Paper Collars, Neck Tice, En gravings, etc.. etc. These goods can be purchased at 25 cents per article, according to the following terms: Firnt.. Our patrons are required to select from the 25 . cent list such an article or articles as they may desire, for which they give the price (twenty-five cents per article) which in many instances is lower than that of the wholesale dealers. 13econd.Inomediately atter con cluding this purchase, a registered cer , Mosta. or Order win be given, free of the rge, naming an article in then II that can be had upon the payment of one dollar. The article so specified will then be shown, and the correct information as to its use and quality will be given. Third. It is then left optional whether the holder of the certificate pays the dollar and takes the article or not. Nothing is paid for until you know what you get. Special attention is called to the fact that in no case can the slightest deviatien from our established terms and rates be made. A rigid adherence to our impar tial system of conducting this novel , sale is necessary, that all may share equally the advantages resnitinc from our liberal method of doing business. By this method no money can be lost. No money is hazarded- For you do not pay. neither are you under any oblige= lions to pay. for any article, until you know what you are to receive. Everybody receives more than their mon.y's worth: and. as a matter of course. everybody will be delighted with this.novel sale. A visit frono Mika ladles and gentlemen is expected be.ore we close out our immense stock. Cah and see. for 'ourselves. The ladles will find a great variety of goods particularly adapted to their use and will not fail to call early. This sale is really - the la:est novelty. No. 61,2 Chestnut Street. Salo to continue day and evening until all the goods are disposed of. A. J. Flco-v7r9 successor to J. M. Blood & Qo, No. 602 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Pa. • NOTICE—Pine French Plate Flew Caste, Saled Beata, Counters, Castings, dtz.., for sale. ZD hIC-a & s 4Lrp OPENING. MISSES THORNHILL .& BURNS, (FORME:RLY WITH J. X. HAYLEIGH,) Have Now Open AT I.2oSChestruitStreet; A cew and choice Stock of WHITE GOODS, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, LADIES' Made-up Under Garments, &c To which they invite themiention of the public. mh7w,th,rin 11)* THE "EXCELSIOR" 7. A.IVIS (Selected from the best Corn-Fed Hogs.) ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD.: J. H. IdICIIENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And Curers of the Celebrated 6c" JE-N1 foE r_.s x con? , Sugar Cured I:Tamsi` k , TONGUES AND BEEF, Nos, 142 arid 144 NORTH FRONT ST . I None genuine unless branded "J. H. M. & CO.. EXCELSIOR." Tne Juetly Leiebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS area cured by J. H. M. & Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves), expressly for FAMILY ; eof delicious flavor; fre • from the unpleasantirtaste of eat, and arei fz e nounced by epicures superior to any now offered fox. fe2elis,tu,thSm rp PATENT WIRE WORK The subscribers would call the attention of ther• public to their varied and extensive assortment Or patterns and Styles of Railings, Store Fronts, Boor and Window Guards, Bulwark Net for Ships, &0., eko. All ordets- promptly executed. Liberal diteermten made to Architects and Builders. f - ROBERT WOOD CO., 1136 Ridg6 tivenue irentii,stram rct. . , , FINE OPERA GEMISESZ VXBY LARGE VARDiTTI s .• . r - , JAMES QUEEN it'oo.; got , ni =MS 2:5' CENTS; NOTHING LrR'E-11`.:7. NOTHING LIKE ft. 25 curs; f 25 CENT3.I ES =MEW= EMBNISTre