Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 01, 1866, Image 4
BVSIVESS NOIrICES. =Rm. A. STORY tN SIDILLES. '''.Voor as a church mouse," was Joe BroWn, When first he left his native town, While antis friends stood by " Cool as cucumbers" to his view: But he returned "rich as a Jew," - And theyseemed "good as pie." "'Proud as a peacock," he felt big, While each one stared, "like a stuck'ldg," To see Joe "like a lord" arrayed; In s'llmoStilt, at Bennett's made. . s pur stock of Clothing is the largest and most complete, =irt. this city, stalgairsal by none in material, style and and sotcratprices guaranteed lower than the lowest. TOWER HALL, No. 518 market Street, BENNETT &CO. 'ECONOMY IS WEALTH. To tholk , who wish to practise econmay we would say,that they can do so by purchasing their Clothing at the "Bran,' 669 chestnut street. Having disposed of most or the stock on hand at the time of the fire, at Very /0/sorters, and replaced, it with new goods,bought since the -decline in prices,.we are thereby enabled to sell lower than can those who had on hand such large Stocks at the time of the decline, and who will VERY ELEVICTANTLY reduce their prices to the present standard. Our stock embraces every.variety of ; piece goods.and every style of garments now worn, and we SEW , a t LOWER prices Our FINE FASHIONABLE CLOTH-, ENG thanlio those houses whose garments are so bsidly 'cut and so indifferently made and trimmed. N. B.— Being determined to close out our stock of Overcoats, we , have marked' them so far BELOW THE ACTIIAL tOST, that, they would be a desirable investment for those who expect to purchase next winter. Give us a cell STAB:CLOTHING EXPOBITIM, .LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 689 CIEEHTNIIT STREET, SIGN OF ilia. ''STA.R.'! PERRY & CO. • 'DEAF MADE TO HEAlL—lnstrureents to assist the hearing, at MADEERAIs; USTENTH atreet,below Chestnut. fe2G-ett CcHICHERING GRAND PIANOS BEM-GRAND PIANOS! SQVARE GRAND PIANOS Are known to be the most perfect and permanent In struments in America and Europe. In Grand and litialcal Tone and inall respects of delicate and enduring mechanism, it la entirely con- Ceded by the GREAT ARTISTS OF THE &ANO, And ALL DISCRIMNATING MUSICAL ANA.- =DEB. that THE CHIDE:KUNO PIANOS ARE FIRST OH both sides of the Atlantic. NEW WAREROOME, _ 914 QH_ESTNUT street. W. H. DUTTON. Jag-tn,th,s,tfi A REDUCTION OF TWENTY PER CENT. N rti..e, REGULAR SCHEDULE PRICES. Desiring to reduce our law:, stock of superior and highly finished seven octave Rosewood Pianos, prtvious to the removal to oar .new store, No. 1.185 CHESTNUT street, we have concluded to offer them at prices below the cost to manufacture. Persons de siring tp purchase a first-class .PlAtvo, at reduced rates, should avail themselves of this opportunity. SCHOMACRER & CO., fk27-1m Warerooms No. 10:1 Chestnut street. STEINWAY ANOS & SONS' PI • Are now acknowledged the best in- Wi aliments in Bumps as well as America. They are used in public. and private, by the greatest artists ji v i ng trio_pe, by VON BELLOW, D iLEYhCHOC.E., LISZT, JAELL. and others; in this country by MILLS, I.IASON, WOLFSOHN, etc, For sale only by 11LASITIS BROS., Pets- tf • 1006 Chestnut street. mir t CABINET ORGANS AND STECK do / mt i CO.'S PIANO FORTES. The only place where these unri valed irustrumente can be had in J Philadelphia. is at . E. GOULD'S. Seventh and Chestnut. fat-stwtfl EVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1866. THE BOARD OF HEALTH. We are glad that the Board of Health have taken such action as will enable the public, to judge of the responsibility which will rest upon some branch of ' the City Government, if the cholera should visit us and find us unprepared. It did not need the official announce " ment of the Board on Tuesday last to apprise us of the fact that our streets are in a select filthiness alike disgrace ful and dangerous. That the streets of Philadelphia should, ever -be any other :n faultlessly neat and clean is an" in excusable dereliction from public diity; but that at a season like this, with the terrible warning of a possibly approach ing pestilence before us, the neglect becomes absolutely criminal: We care very little, just now, where the im mediate blame lies. If the pestilence falls upon us, the reckoning with those who have charge of the sanitary ,) interests of the city will be sure to be so - _thorough and searching that we shall l' - t.fknow precisely wilo has been responsi r: ble. One thing is certain, that no department of the _government will be able to plead that it was taken unawares. The timely warning which we have had has been amply sufficient for every practical- purpose, and .yet, what has been done? The first appearance of frost appears to be the signal for a total ces ,;;?.sation of all care of the public highways, and not until the warm Spring sun begins its process •of decomposition, is the work of remang the whole accu- mulation of the kwinter months re- t=ted. During this period of fatal inaction, - ': -. gte Board of Health alone appears to liave been awake to the state of affairs, and maw, as the result of the official re ' ports of their sanitary inspectors, they ale compelled to make the humiliating and alarming report that the condition • of the streets of Philadelphia is a nuisance, pFejudieial to public health. They notify. Councils that unless .. measures are'promptly instituted for the immediate removal oftthe nuisance com plained of, the Board will adVertise !or proposals arid proceed forthwith to effect this work of necessity._ Councils meet this afternoon and we trust that they will take' prompt' and . stringent action upon this most, ,portant subject. We trust that they r, tivill not fall back upon their dignity andtivarrel with the Board of Health Pion technical ground which may -- ., ;. . 4 ,5ee,3a1",t0 be involved by the late action of the Board. There is a distinct repu diation by the Board of Health of any desire to interfere with, the action of .Councils. There isnothing in the action .of the Board that will not meet the `._heartiest approval of the community. - We want clean streets. That proposi -tion is simple enough for everybody to .appreciate. If red tape is on the side of .dirt and filth, the public will unani - irnously decide against red tape. The .people will not regaid any explanation : xir.difilcultyor delay as valid that leaves as with dirty streets to invite and breed pestilence. We have to-day entered the first .day aSprin g, and a few weeks more will give us a. temperature that must be detrimental to the public if it finds us in our present filthy state: We cannot doubt that Councils will promptly and efficiently respond to , the call of the Board of jleaLth; and if this the Augean task nay yet be , . accomplished'in time to.preserve healph and, at the same time, to restore the damaged fame - of our beautiful city • CITY 'RAILWAY GREED. • A bill in equity is now pending before Justice Stron g,in the Court of Nisi Fritts, to restrain the Lombard and South Streets Passenger Railway Company from ruining Delaware avenue. This greedy corporation is endeavoring to obtain such legislation at Harrisburg, as will enable it to do pretty much as it pleases with the eastern front of thecity; and not content with obtaining,'free of cost, the right of way on three of the principal.thoroughfares of the city, and with having ruined,: for any travel but its own, the lower end of Dock street, it now seeks to destroy an important por tion of Delaware avenue. The state of the case cannot better be described than by giving the words of a portion of an ordinance recently enacted by City Councils by way of, rotest against this scandalous outrage. The ordinance says: Whereas ' A bill purporting to be a sup plement to the acts of Assembly incorpo rating the Lombard and South Street Pas senger Railway Company is now pending in, the Senate of this Commonwealth, which authorizes and empowers, amongst other things, the said Company "to extend their railway along Dock street from Front street to_Third street, along Third and Second streets from South to Market streets, along Front street northward to Vine street. and upon any other street from their present line to Market street which is not now oc cupied by a railway track, to extend their track to the Eastwick• Skating Park, and to carry marketing, vegetables,'fruit and light freight on said railway, between Broad aud Prime streets and 'Delaware avenue," all of said unlimited powers and franchises to be exercised without the consent of the Coun cilsofthe•city of Philadelphia being first had and obtained. Anct'whereas, In accordance with mani fest propriety and public -expediency, the present charter of the aforementioned corn party requires the• consent of the Counciliof Philadelphia to any, further extension of their railway along anystreet of the said city, and any attempt to repeal such salu tary provision in said charter should, in discharge of an imperative public duty, be resisted by the Councils of the city of Phila -lelphia by petition or 'remonstrance, ad dressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The ordinance then goes on to urge upon the State Legislature the propriety of first •'obtaining the consent of the Councils of the city before any such whplesale appropriation of the streets shall be made. How this reasonable request of the city authorities has beenregarded, or is likely to be regarded at Harrisburg,may be inferred from the proceedings before Justice Strong, reported in the BULLE TENT yesterday, upon °the same pages with the advertised :proceedings of Councils in relation to•the same matter. The•bill submitted in , the Court of Vzsi Prius sets fortlithat the railway com pany is proceeding to remove the paving stones upon Delaware , avenue without regard to law or to the -views or wishes of the constituted authorities of the city and in contempt of public convenience. Like the boy in the story, who took a pinch of salt to be in readiness in case he should have an egg offered him, it is tearing up the street so as to be all ready when the bill before the Legisla ture becomes a laW, and like the afore said-boy, these impudent railway mana gers,deserve to have their knuckles rap ped for their pains. -There •are some of the readers of the BULLETIN who will remember Delaware avenue, or "the Wharves" 'as it was then called, thirty-five years ago. It was much in the predicament that the east ern front of the city ,is now in from below Almond street to the Navy Yard. Boat-sheds were run across the passage way, compelling a detour into Water street at every block or two; wood yards or spar houses lay squarely in the way of the pedestrian or the .draymarr, and compelled him either-to go around a square or two out of his way, or, if he preferred it, to make a short .cut by jumping overboard and swimming around the obstacles. Tumble-down rookeries of houses jutted out upon the wharves in a manner sufficiently pic turesque to have captivated the heart of a Dickens, but not of a style to delectate the lover of good, order and shipishape streets and structures. Water street and the wharves in 1831 were, 'in short, as crooked as the doings of the "ring" in the State Legislature, and as void of grace and decency as t Managers of the Lombard and Sinith Streets Pit.sen ger Railway Company. About the time we speak of, one Stephen Girard died.' 'This "merchant and mariner," as he delighted to call himself, was a Frenchman who had settled in Phila delphia many years before, and who had amassed what was then deemed a very large fortune, and what would even now be considered .a pretty "snug thing" in the money line. Mr. Girar ~ although a foreigner, had a food deal of love for Philadelphia, and h'.ving never had his heart hardened by becoming a stock , hoider and a manager of a city railway company, he had., snuck .public spirit, which exhibited itself in various ways, ; among which was the bequest to the ,eity of five hundred thousand' dollars, the interest of which was to be expended :in the improvement of Water street and Delaware avenue from. Vine street to .South. The very next section of the Will which provides so muniiie,ently for this grand public improvement, gives to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sim of three hundred thousand dollars towards the internalimprovement of the State; provided that the State Legisla ture should pass such laws as would enable the city authorities to carry this identical Delaware avenue improve ment into effect. Well, the Legislature passe4the necessary law and the money was paid into the treasury of the Com monwealth, and for more than thirty years the city has teen expending thirty THE DAILY PIIII.4IPLLPRIA,. TITIMSDAT, MARCH 1, .1866. thousand dollars per annum, the inte rest on the improvement bequest, in Carrying out the views of the benevolent and public-spirited Girard. How well the work has been done is apparent at a glanCe; what a ruin this Lombard and South street railway company would make of this thirty years of labor and of lavish . expenditure must be equally apparent to every person who ,has occasion to pass by their present terminus at the eastern end of Dock street. The potion of Delaware avenue which this greedy corporation proposes to be stride with its iron rails, is the busiest along the front of the city. It is now almost impassible at times, and a rail way track there would be as much out of place as it would in a crowded market house. W* trust that Mr.' Justice Strong will exercise his accustomed clear good sense, and not Only decide that the proposed railway extension is illegal and Improper, but that legislation at Harrisburg,„. in which Philadelphia alone is concerned, and which Phila delphia is obstinately opposed to, shall not be forced upon Philadelphia with out her having first been consulted and her consent obtained. We have made no reference to the modest proposition of these railway collossi, to be allowed to carry "light freight" upon their road. "Give them anlinch and they will take an ell," and if this cool demand is allowed we may, soon look to see them running regular burden trains through the streets. It is high time such outrageous aggressions were stopped by some means or other. PAYMENT or CITY WARRANTS. By an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that the City Treasurer, Mr. Bumm, gives notice that on and after the 10th instant he will be prepared to pay all outstanding warrants issued previous to the year 1864. It is estimated that these obligations amount to about one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. We are glad that Mr. Bumm has taken this step. It has been humi liating to think that the obligations of the city to its creditors have, to a large extent, been hawked around as if the corporation were almost insolvent, and any move that looks towards regularity in the payment of the warrants is to be commended in the highest degree. Frequently parties holding Warrants for small amounts have suffered greatly by delay in payment, and any measure which will obviate this trouble will be a great public benefit. We honor and applaud Mr. Bumm for his new move, and we hope it will be followed up steadily and persistently. Peremptory Sales of Beal Estate by James A. Freeman ' Auctioneer. 7be attention of persons Interested in Heal Estate Is direct, d to tee extensive salts of prop( rhea at arytio-, advertised on our last page. The rale on March 21st. includes the Estates of George Cbilind, dec'd. William &cvl. dec'd, Dr. William Darrach,deed..Tarnes D.Ctufw. deer) Chrioian Griasfm_ deed, amd Etten Crow, de• d. all to be sold by order of Orphans' Court. Thevalnab e roperziee No. 251 south h.,ghtizt street, No. PIZ Saato Front etre et, and BrOppen and On lford streets.togener with a nnrunt r of smaller house& are also to be sold at this time. . Zar 7.ITE LIST OF NEXT WEDNF- , .DAYS PALE 1. ALVAITISED A) SO ON THE LAST PAGE. THE CATA LOGUE'S ABE NOW BEADY. Extensive Sale of Real Estate, 6th of March.—Blessrs. Thomas & Sons' Brst sprlsg sale. on '1 needs , " next, will Inc uf e the estates of David Davis and others, embracing a number of very valuable lots, Falls o' SchnylW 11; business stands In the city, dwell ings, ground rents, &c. I JOHN CIII3IEP. BIIMDEB, 1731 vii 1.241 1,, UT BTBEET Mechanics of every branch required for nonsehuild log and fitting promptly furnished. Jas-amt - DEICES EEPTCED.—A rare opportunity to have I_ your Photographs made, in superior manner, at lessnnable cost, any style yon desire, at B. F. REI MER S Gallery. 624 Arch street. D.RASS CURTAIN OR CR^CHET RINGS, of al various sizes, for sale by TRUMAN &SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth. DEDUCED PRICES.—Life size Photographs In 01 11. Colors, the best Pcrtralts made, being unques tionably the most accurate in coloring and expression .co sppelmens. B. F. REIMER'S 624 Arch street xas.o /SAND PkWNLNG SHEARS, Rose JL Shears and Wostenaolm's Pruning Knives, fur sale by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. p 3.5 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. R. EDUCED PP Get your Cartes de Visite made at REIMER'S Gallery, Second street above Greer. His specimens are superior, pleasing and ac curate. A rare thence. Prices reduced. WRY GRUMBLE AND GROWL over your dill i=elssors, when a few craws over the Pa out tics= Fors sbarpf ,,, er wouio put them fa goo , e , 1[111. , $-o.r For sale by TRUMAN & SHAW,No. 83h (Eight Thirty five) M ark et street, below IN lath. .HOEs.ti STEAM ENQINE FOR SALE with "IV three cylinder Boilers. Can be seen running. Apply 11.45 North FRONT street P HILADELPHIA Feb 26tb, sE . N .h c A A PI I AL, 0 , ,l,t,t) PAR, $1 The Undersigned, having recelyed from the Secretary n 1 the Dtale 0/ nto, a Canner for the aocrve-necord Company, will open books for Fubscription to the stock on Friday, 'March 2.(1. iii ,at 207 Chu eh street. Books will remain open from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 3 o'clock I' ;74. Subscription price. M!-; cents per share. • H. B. BEYMER, JOIL's.7 E. WEUTESIDES, GRO. F. JONES, W. D. HTON. ES dyed. Razors put in order. Corner Exchange Place and Dock street, A l e k P e r ' Ss' IVO HoUSES.KRPERS, for cleaning silver and MI -1 ver-plated ware, a NEW P 'DISHING POWDER —the best ever made. FARR & BROTHER fels n 4 Chestnut street below Fourth' ISAAC H. HOBBS, ARCHITECT, 154 South FOURTH Btrf:et, (4reat Western Building Room No. 5. fe23-lmrp• HOOP SHIRT MANUFACTORY Hoop Skirts ready made and made to order; warranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS, E. BAYLEY, 812 Vine street. above Eighth. - DOR BALE.—To Shippers, Orocere, Hotel-keepers .1! and others—A very superior lot of Champagne Older, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JORDAN, noarptf 220 Pear street. hAkm bird and Walnut i•OINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—Afresh Ins portatlon of beauthul styles, warranted correc TIME-REEFERS.: FARR & - BROTHER. Importers, 324 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. ITIHE HARRISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM .BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator. as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion, in cheapness of first coat and cost of repairs. in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation. &c., not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast-iron hollow spheres, each sphere 8 inches external diameter, and ?. , g of an inch thick. These are held together by wroughtlron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now in op eration. some of them in the best establishments in this city', For descriptive circulars or price. apply to JOSE? a BARRisoN, Jr , Harrison Boiler Works, dray's Ferry Road, adjoining the U. S. Arsenal, Philadel. phia. fe23d,lmrP2. tsilAo NATHAN., .....umivi.ter . and Money Broker, IN. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATEIELMBI3 -Principal °Moe, established for the last forty years. "Money to loan in large or smell amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth• lag ; and weds of every description. Ofticehmus from ISACM.U.B7P.M. de2S-tfrn. Tozamorig KIELEBNATED TON/0 ALEL—The .it/ truly healtliltal and nutritious beverage, now In use by thousanda—lnvalida and others--baa established a character for quality af material and purity of mania /Wore, which stands unrivaled. It la reoummended by pbytdelana of this - acid - pillar plums, ros- a- superior emit, and requires but a trial to 'convince the most keel/dal corm great merit: To be hAd wbobxelrear.4 tsaa, of P. 1. JOBL'AN NAY etiet4.- rdr!rl : G. C. KOPP.B Irri MC - E FAVORITE CLOTHING HOSE of this City, is WANAMAKER _ec BROWN'S Popular Establishment, at S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET STREETS. They have the best stock of Ready-Made Clothing, and a fine assortment of Piece. Goods' for Custom Work, and are satlsded wilh moderate prices. Pay them a visit for your next Suit. MIDDLETON - 6z . CLAGOORN, COTTON AND WOOL BROKERS, No, 123 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared to devote exclusive attention to the purchase and sale of WOOL and COTTON. Samples constantly receiving of all grades of Ohio, Penn* lvania and California WOOLS. Also, New Orleans, Mobile, Tennessee and Georgia COTTONS, PICEINGS, WASTE, dm. Orders received for WOOLEN and COTTON YARNS and WARPS, all numbers, either dyed or bleached. mhl•th sa tnim J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY & CO., FORMERLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, Invites attention to his NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, S, W, cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts. HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND °TIME. ' - FINE JEWELRY And Sterling Silverware and Slider Plated Ware. will be found very complete. Those wishing to par chase or examine w.ll find it much to their advantage to favor him with a mill. All goods WARRANTED of FIRST QUALITY, and prices satisfactory. The CELEBRATED VACHERON and' CONSTANTINE Wel CH. of all sizes, for Ladles and Gentlemen. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and- Clocks carefully Repaired and War ranted. mhl- thsa tu 4.1 OARPETINGS. A large assortment of DOMESTIC CARPETINGS Constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest pit," GEORGE W. HILL, de2l-Rns No. tra North THIRD Street 1866. SPRING. 1866. EDMUND YARD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Silks and Fancy Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods, Shawls and Balmorals. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. ermantown Fancy Wool Cisods, A Full Line of Prints. AT THE LOWPST MARKET RATES. f.,3-1-m iDEI MUM Imo! 816 Chestnut Street. LOOKING GLASSES,, For ALLITTRIS, PIERS and SIDE WALLS, In Gold, Walnut, Rosewood and Oak, of all sizes and styles. LOOKING GLASSES Made to order, at very short notice, and in the beet manner. ',OCRING GL SURD. LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES JAMES 8. EALLE & SONS. =0 •. z z ren-lot • PRTLAD c:LPRIA. GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREDEEITM 'ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCH STITCH SEWING MACHLNES, With latest improvements, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 17 MARKET Street, Harrisburg. Jet. in rp THE "EXCELSIOR" A.IIS (Sell cted from the best Corn. Fed Hogs) ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENEEt & CO GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And Curers of the Celebrated 6 . sugar Cured Hams, TONGUES AND BEEF, Nos. 142 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST, None genuine unless branded "J. H. M. & CO., EXCELSIOR " The Justly celebrated "EXaeItSIOR" HAMS are Co Pr laLcl7eS peculiarare of to delicious s e e= j. y ea j j) Ei r.el 2 l l y . flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. le2es,tu,th3m rp ITCH. ITCH, SCRATCH NO MORE— / • "TETTER" " I NCH" Ir.•.9waynes Ointment. "TRITER" "ITCH" ir.-bledyne's Ointment. "TETTER" "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" NEVER KNOWN "TEPPER" "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" TO FAIL "TETTER" "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" IN CURING THIS "TETTER" "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" TORMENTING "TEPPER" "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITCH" COMPLAINT. "TRITER" "ITCH',' -"TEPPER" Cores Itching Piles, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Rash,all .. Skin Diseases. • "Swayne's ,, - - "All Healing" POintment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" .. "Ointment." "Swayne's" "Ad-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" 4i "All• Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing", "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing' "Ointment." A great variety of cases yield to the wonderful heal ing properties of this Ointment, even the most obsti r ate and protracted in character, 'eruptions covering the whole surface of, the body, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment Which the mind of man could invent, have been permanently cured. Price 50 cents a box. By mall 60 cents. Over 80 years have "Dr. Swayne's Medicines" been in constantuse in all parts of the world-and their increas in tog popularity Is certainly proof of their great power Prep teal ared only by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, No. 330 N, SIXTH street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by the leading Druggists. Ja2-tu,th,f ., , , TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIR.• ..'., ' Nitrous Oxide Gaa administered. -Ur inserted tO InOk perfectly natural. Dr. G. L. NAGLE, Dentist, Is 9 Spruce Street; NOrttrpf INSTMANCE COMPANY WINY:4I STATE OF PENNSYLVANLI. ineeiporated In the year pH. Office, No. 4 and 5 Exchange Building) North side of Walnut, east side of Third street. MARINE, INLAND AND FIRE INSURANCE. Properties, February 1,1866, 8610,000 Capital, $200,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. DERECTOBS Henry D. Sherrerd, Charles lliscalaster, William S. Smith, William B. White, George H. Stuart, Samuel Grant; Jr., Topes , Wagner, HENRY D. SE WILIJ Am HARPER, S .OPENING. WHOLESALE .DEPARTMENT. WOOD & CARY 725 CHESTNUT STREET. Will Open, THURSDAY, MARCH Ist, FRENCH BONNETS, FLOWERS AND • STRAW GOODS. fe24-5t rp WHITE GOODS. pf.xkona wAI.I t N.N.I 'V III• • ilzrei 1:1 tor.llt:l;4(s).l4sitifisksfzil 1:11)4f 41S;:itta: as ELI 6:4:4 (el FRENCH ORGANDY VICTORIA LAWN rxelovDeowsin6l BWLSS ILUBLINS. WHITE BRILLLLICTS PLAID NIISLIICS. A3I:ERI=N CA3EBBIC. \ STRIPED SWISS. N.AINSCK)I( DI eINZAI 6.14eje):4 PLAID NAINSOOS Nsuirrz PIQUE. Russell Smith, Stmassey, B. liforan. Se.hcht, Geo. C. Lamhdin. Euge le lhardt, Xanthus Smith, Myer helm, FIGURED SWISS MUSLIM. I J. G. Falconer, R. H. A. Hersog. NELINSOOK CHECKS. turN TABLETAN. p A ii,v4.z.ff-tvi,o TUCKED hil:Ma2l'S PUFFED MTP2CLUi.S. pmxiitSeaslinfl:ril TAB.LETAN, At Extremely Low Rates. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE it CO N,'W, cor. Eighth and Mallet Sts, fels-tf rp CH:WI - FERIA G MACHINES, • GOFFERING.MACBDIES. A large assortment of Coffering Machines Just re, ceiveti per steamer "St. George.' FOR SA LT' BY Isaac 'Townsend, House Furnishing Store of the fate JOHN A. MUB• PHY, 922 Chestnut Street, ja2otf 4nl Below Tenth street. PARA‘OLS. • WM, A, DROWN & 246 MARKET STREET, have DOW ready their new styles of PARASOLS, in cluding a full assortment of Real and Imitation Lace' Covers. fedi-Sttpi PATENT WIRE WORK . The subscribers would call the attention of the public to their varied and extensive assortment of patterns and Styles of Railings, StorwFronts, Door and Window Guards, Bulwark Net ting for Ships, &c., &o. . All orders promptly executed. Liberal discounts made to Architects and Builders. ROBERT WOOD & CO, 1136 Ridge avenue. rpi . GERMAN' HOCKS Sparkling Rhine Wines, As follovre : SPARKLING MOSVIT , T.F; MUSCATEL, SCHAEZBERGER, HOOK, IMPERIAL, . JOHANNISBERG, PEARL OF THE RHINE., , BENIO24I' COLTON & CLARKE, egn,th,s B. W. c 0.. 8110 AD ant WALNUT St 3 Thomas B. Wattson, Henry G. Freeman, Charles 13. Lewis, George C Carson, Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin.' ERRE RD, Pres't .ecretary. omhl th,s,tu3t/ BEW STORE OPENING. EDWIN HALL. & Will Open THEIR NEW STORE, 2S South Second St.ff; No. 19 Strawberry Street, Thursday, March 1st -9 with a full assortment of SILK, DRESS GOODS STAPLE GOODS, Many of which are of their own importation Wholesale and Retail. MOURNING. GOODS. The subscriber would ask attention to his stock OS MOURNING AND SECOND MOURNING GOODS, Which consists of a carefully selected assortment of materials suitable for SPRING, such as DELAINES, TAMISE, GRENADINES, BOMBAZINES.. HERNANIES, ALPACAS, FLORENTINES, CHALLIES, &c.,&. 1 1 '9EIRJEKIN tg s t 9 South Ninth Street fe.4-e,ta,thSt rPi OIL PAINTINGS OFFERED ,AT LOW FRIOES. Productions of prominent American and European Artiste, all especially - ordered, or selected with great Architectural and Street Scenes,. Charming Domestic Interiors, American and Swiss Landscapes. Marines, Cattle, IOW .11`i TEI GALLERIES, WORKS OP Patti Weber, Van Starkenborg, W. S. Young, E. D. Lewts, Only original guarantied Works. Galleries always open free to visitors JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. 816 Chestnut Street. COAL ! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES?. ALTER'S COAL YARD, N IN '%'IY S rrIZIE ET BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. WERANCH OFFICE CORNER OH SIB'M' AND SPRING GARD ',N .A.N rriE JD, Temporary Office, ON FIRST FLOOR, Otestnut St, bet. Third and Seventh BMA IX, SPACE REQUIRED ADDRESS, I , 0. BOX 1869. OAK bIiADE MIA UOIVIIAN.Y . OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. - : - saocLoop: SHARES, 120,000. PAR VALUE, 85 (k , PRESIDENT, • - WILLIAM BAILEY, TrcEpsurtEß, HUGHIJAMBL.E. SECRETARY' GEORGE C. JERVIS.. DIRECTORS, JOHN F. GROSS, DAVIS MIELE,. HUGH GAMBLE, JOHN H. JONE S . WILLIAM BAILEY. SUPERINTENDENT-J. DALLAS IECA_LL. QFFICE, 329 W.AT,NT_TT STREE PHILADELPHIA. fel2elmirp EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR, OLS Chestnut st. ooisrPLETE ASSORTMENT OP Choice ®-Dods At Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not , Paid for - at Cost for Cash. MKING WITH. INDELIBLE /NIL Smbrolder int, Braldtng, Stamping, de. H. A. TORREY IWO Filbert area. Meyer tin. Von Bremen, Galea Lasch Paul Hoff, COAL delOtapl-4p