Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 28, 1866, Image 1

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    erißiU PEACOCK: - Editor.
VOLUME M.---NO. 270.
(Sundays - excepted) at
~ 3 51 b. 329 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
"Evening Bulletin: Association."
The BULLETIN' is served to subscribers in the city at
as cents per week, payable to the carriers, or IS 00 per
Sewing Machine goo.,
720 Chestnut Street,
RAIRT. - F—PARDU—At Hazleton, Pa., on Tuesday,
Feb. 27th, by the Rev. E. 3. Newlin, Jams M. Earle,
of Philadelphia, to Alice, eldest daughter of A. Pardo,
•Of Hazleton.
BELL—On the 27th instant, Wm. A. Bell, son of the
late John and Julia A. Bell, in the 30th year of has
The relatives and friends of the family are re
qtspectftilly invited to attend the funeral from his late
residence, No. 3626 Walnut street. West Philadelphia,
on Friday morning March tel at 10 o'clock. Inter
inent at Glenwood morning,
BELL—On the 27th instant, William A. Bell, late of
the firm of Lungren Bell, and ton ofJohn Bell, de
.Cease d, aged 30 years.
EvaaucK-On the 26th instant, George Emerick
lu the 72d year of his age.
The relatives and friends or the family are re
- spectihily invited to attend the funeral from his late
residence, No. 514 North Eleventh street,above Button
wood, on Thursday .afternoon. March Ist. at 3 o'clock.
Funeral services at Et. John's Lutheran Church, Race,
below Sixth Street.
LANE—On the morning of the 26th instant, Captain
.Teter Lane, in the 65th year of bis age.
The relatives and friends of the family are respect.
fully invited to attend the funeral from his late resi
dence, No. 957 North Sixth street, on Thursday morn
ing. March Ist. at 10 o'clock. •
LIPPINCOTT—On the morning of the 26th instant,
Mary E., wife of Joshua W. Lippincott, and dauglitet
of Eamnel and Martha H. Parry, in the 27th year of
her age,
Her friends and relatives are invited to the funeral
.-from the residence of her husband, No. 1 624 Mount
'ernon street. an Fifth day. 3d mo. Ist, at 11 o'clock.
interment at Laurel Rill Cemetery.
MoINTYRR—On the 27th instant, John Mclntyre,
in the 48th year o f his age.
The friends of the family, the members of Philadel-
Ipi a Division, d. o d f No.
the Bi) Brotherhood
iGrandt e Dlv d i i s s i
d n p of
Church are invited to attend the funeral from his
late residence. No. 2022 Locust street, on Friday, the
2d March, at - . 12 o'clock. Services at the Churcn of
the Holy Trinity, 19th and Walnut, at 1 P. M. **
MIJ 1 FR.—Suddenly. on the morning of the 26th in
stant, Mrs. Mary A. Miller, aged 69 years.
Funeral services at the residence of her son-in-law,
. David L. Skillman. No. 1316 Vine street, on Thursday
-evening, at o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Pisca
taway, N. J., on Friday morning, at 8 o'clock. .***
W Green Watered Moreena.
6-4 and 5-4 Green Baize,
White Cloth for Sacks.
White Evening Silks.
EYRE a LANDELL. Fourth and Arch
VHOWARD HOSPITAL, icaa. 1518 and If2o
Lombard otreet, Dispensary Department. Med.
trestraent and medial"— ea Urnlahed gratultonay
Se the poor. isen .
partide interested in the above matter will be
let. rd by the Committee on Law of City Councils. in
Belect Council Chamber. WEDNESDAY (28th lost.).
734 P. M. C. M. WAGNER, Ch , Irman.
February. 26, 1866. ~ It
V . The Third Annual Commencement at the In.
. Luton will be held at Cot cart Hail, on THURSDAY
.APVEZENOON, March Ist, at 431: o'clock. Valedictory
address to the graduates by PROF. J. 1r osrE.R.
IMAGE'. The public are res_pectfally invited.
fe.B-2tl T. H. McQUII.LEN, Dean.
Stockholders of the OCEAN OIL COMPANY
PENNSYLVANIA, will be held at the Office of the
Company, .No. 411 CHY>3PI , IOT street, on WEDNRn%
, March 14th, at 12 o'clock. M.
W, 31. CARTER, Secretary.
PICCLADELPHLty Feb. 28, 1866. fW..B-6tl
JO. riEBECANTELE LIBRARY contains nearly
forty thousand volumes, over two hundred
newspapers, and one hundred other periodicals
from all parts of the globe are regularly sub
scribed for. The use of the above as well as of the nu
merous chess tables Is afforded to Stockholders at
and to Subscribers at SS annually. Shares of Stock
Only $lO, to ballad at the desk.
felSna,w,stl T, MORRIS PEROT, President.
delivered at University Hall, • NINTH Street, above
- Chestnut, on THURSDAY EVENING, March Ist, at
S o'clock. Single Tickets for the Coarse v. Tickets
for the Course admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies,
32. Single Tickets for an evening. 50 cents.
Tickets may be had at Ashmead :Evans's Book
'Store, 724 Chestnut street; at Parrish's Drug Store,
southwest corner of Eighth and Arch streets, or at
.I.he door. fe27-2trp.
Office. No. 327 WALNUT street, (Second floor.)
_Par Value 910 00
This Company owns in fee simple several valuable
.diver Mines in Nevada.
25.000 TO BE SOLD EN 2i LOTS AT $5 000 EACH.
Subscriptions received at the office until March lith.
fe22-18trp T. S. EMERY, Treasurer.
Mecember 21140265.
The Loan of this Company, due April Ist, 1884, lute-
Crest Payable quarterly, at the rate of six per cent. per
This Loan Is secured by a mortgage on all the Com
goany's Coal Lands, Canals, and Slackwater Navigation
In the Lehigh river,and all their RaiLroads,constructed
50121 d to be constructed, between Mauch Chunk and
Wflkesbarre, and branch roads consented therewith,
load the franchise of the Compapy relating thereto.
Apply to SOLOMON :Mt..s* RD, Treasurer,
dell-rptfi 122 South Second street.
The undersigned have on hand a supply of
LEHIGH COAL, equal to any in the market, which
- they prepare with great care and deliver to the
"residents of GRumAIsiTOWN and its vicinity at the
following prices, vim
-33ROKEN OR FURNACE COAL tio 00 per Ton.
'EGG OR SIWA LT FURNACE-- -...... 10 00 "
-STOVE OR RANGE-- 10 00 "
:SMALL STOVE OR 4.Wr .Y NUT 10 00 "
_1 UT OR CHESNUT 9 50 "
A deduction of FIFTY CENTS PER TON will be
xnade when taken frum the yard.
Adhering strictly to ONE PRICE, an order by letter
• will have the same effect as a visit in person and will
ae promptly attended to.
Address to the Office,
.Or to the Yard,
Green Lane and North Pennsylvania Railroad.
Psmso A, Feb. 24. 1866. , fe264mrpi
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stock
-holders Of the Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steam
ship Company will be held at the ROOMS OF THE
BOARD OF TRADE on isioNDLY, March sth. 1866,
between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 O'clock,
Pd., fo pursuanceose of eiectin g SEVEN" DIRE UP-
in of a provislpn of the third section
of the act incorporating said Company.
moms c. HAND
WaL EL wusort
7OHN D. arocirioN.
ffeliltrPl Corporator%
Feb. 24;1'
.•..' - _,;) , .i:4.tit , ' - '''''''''''-... - ' . - : )-:ii - tfltit - i':•••' ,-.-- •'• - 1 1 ::::). , *it.t.Ti.At
A Stated Convention will be held in the
Hall of the House of Representatives, in
Harrisburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, THE
at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of nomi
nating a candidate for Governor, to be sup
ported by the friends of the Union.
The ordeal of war has tried the strength
of our Government. Its fire has purified
the nation. The defence of the nation's life
has demonstrated who were its friends. The
principles vindicated in the field must be
preserved in the councils of the nation. The
arch-enemy of freedom must be struck once
more. All the friends of our Government
and all who were loyal to the cause of the
Union in our .late struggle are earnestly re
quested to unite in sending delegates to
represent them in said Convention.
By order of the Union State Central Com
mittee. Jolts CEssNA, Chairman.
pondence between HENRY PETERSON and
1 .1 1 .? l. ' K. PRICE, L. A. GODEY, JaY COOHE, BISHOP
SIMPSON, and others, in the daily papers of Febru
ary 27th.
The Lecture will be delivered on MONDAY EVIDN-
EtcG, March sth, at CONCERT HALL, beginning pre
ciseiy at a quarter before 8 o'clock.
Tickets, admitting a Gentleman and Lady, price
Fifty Cents, can be obtained at McAllister's. 728 Chest
nut street; Pariah's, EUO Arch Street; T. B. Pugh's,
Sixth and Chestnut; U. Hunt fi Sons, st North
Fourth street, and at the door on the evening of the
lecture. rgrp
Before the Social, Civil and Statistical Association,
At Concert Hall. Subject:
.51.10 Ste BY THE "BLACK SWAN."
Ticketa, II cents, to be had at T. B. Pugh's Book
Store, Sixth and Chestnut, and at the door. Doors
open at 7. Begin at 6. fe26 41 rpi
U-€y method of expressing their gratitude to the
brave and generous members of the United States
Engine Company in their untiring effort, in saving
irom destruction our property during the late confla
gration. To the Police and Firemen in general we
also return cur sincere thanks for their kind and
willing assistance in their endeavors to save.
Wholesale Druggists,
Its No, 24:: North Third street.
CLUB, No. Iluo CIIES rNuT street. Pumnipm,-
Plow, February
.6 /Special meeting of the NATIONAL UNION CLUB
will be held at Headquarters, on FRIDAY EVENING
NEXT, the 24 prOX., at o clock. on important busi
ness in connection with the proposed visit to Harris
burg. ROBERT P. SING. President.
SliY DEE LErDY. Secretary. res-31,
ZOTTSVTT.T.r, PA., Feb. 7,lB66.—Messrs.
Editors of the Bulletin—G.EsTLEmmi: In
your issue of yesterday, I notice a commu
nication- copied from the Pittsburgh Com
mercial, in which a correspondmat claims
that the Rev. William White, of Butler,
Pa., has the oldest printed book in the
United States. The book is said to bear
date A. D. 1631. On other occasion mention
has been made in your paper of books of
very early date, but none, thus far, I be
lieve, as old as one (the Holy Bible) now in
my possession. This book was printed in
London in 1610, by Robert Barker, and I
herewith inclose a copy of the title page,
orthography, punctuation and display as it
occurs in the original :
The Bible : That is The Holy Scriptures
Conteined in the Old and New Testament,
translated accordinr , to the Hebrew and
Greeke and Conferred i with the best Transla
tion in divers Languages. J with most
profitable Annotations upon hard places,and
other things of great importance, Printed at
London, by Robert Barker, Printer to the
King's most Excellent Maiestie. 1610.
Truly yours, J. G. FRICK.
To the Editors of the Evening Built-tut:—
GENTLEMEN—Seeing in your paper of Feb.
26 an account of some old books, and espe
cially of one in the possession of Rev. W.
White, of Butler, as being the oldest printed
book in America, I am led to mention the
fact that I have in my library one which
may be looked upon as a grandfather com
pared to the others. It is the second volume
of Pliny's Natural History, printed by the
Aldi family at Venice in 1535. It is in splen
.did condition; and the initial letters have
been inserted after the printing. The state
ment at the end of the book is to this effect:
" Venetiis, in Aedibus blerednm Aldi, et
Andreas Asnlani Soceri, 111/XXXV."
Which, we take it, means, " At Venice, in
the establishment of the heirs of Aldus, and
of Andrea Asnlanus, partners." 1535. The
well-known dolphin and anchor is present.
Has any one a book older than this?
W. C., Philadelphia.
HARRISBURG, Feb. 27.-8 most terrific
explosion of a boiler occurred about half
past seven o'clock last evening, at the fur
nace of J. Az H. J. Meilly, located at the
junction of the Pennsylvania and Union
Canals, at Middletown, resulting in the
complete destruction of the furnace and
the killing of five men, besides the wound
ing of six other persons, one of whom can
not live. Eight boilers, four large and four
small, were in the furnace, one of which
was raised from its bed, passed up and
through the building, and carried a distance
of five hundred yards over a brick dwelling
and a furnace, and lodged in the Pennsyl
vania Canal. All the other boilers were
torn from their beds and scattered in various
directions, some of them passing through
houses and other buildings.
A portion of a boiler was hurled through
a room in which two women were lying sick,
but missed them. The bridge over the
Union Canal was carried away, nothing but
the abutments remaining. The cinder cart
and the horse attached were standing near
the building and were carried a distance of
fifty yards into the Union Canal. Thirteen
men were in the furnace at the time of the
explosion, and of these the following were
killed: James Thomas, chief engineer; Ben
jamin Boyer, a traveler who had taken lodg
ings in the building; Josiah Sleeper, George
Washington Barrel]. and Eli Ayres (colored)
employes. Wounded—Patrick O'Donnell,
scalded; Neil Reilly, scalded and bruised;
Richard Malone, slightly . wounded; Eleazer
Randall, dangerously, . m the head, and
scalded, and cannot survive,. Henry Scog
gins and John Meyers, slightly wounded.
Many of the dwellings _located in the
vicinity were more or less shattered by the
fragments, of the exploded boilers and the
whole town - was shaken to its foundation by
the explosion. the report of • which was
heard as far ai.EUghspire, a distance of three
miles; The, loss of the Messrs. Meilly win
reach,gf not exceed; $50,000. They intend
to rebuild , the works immediately, and
workmen are already employed in removing .
the debria of,the old structure.
1 1.11 E
A meeting or Stockholders of this Company will
be held on MONDAY, March sth. at 12 M.
fel.4-4t Secretary.
Bore Old Books.
Terrible and Fatal Explosion
(Correspondence of the Evening Bulletin.]
fih Chisel and the Brush In New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—There was of old
a Cretan Labrynth, and there is of new, I
hale heard, a Maze at Hampton Court, in
the first of which a gentlemen with a toga
and a bottle of Falernian might manage to
pasS several days without "material pro
greo;" and in the last,in stove-pipe hat and
a few quarts of porter, he might become so
completely lost as to believe he was in The
Studio Building, in Tenth street, Gotham.
The intricacies of this edifice are such that
the'brushes of the artists, here working, like
Pat's musket, will shoot round . a corner,
and to very good effect; witness Bierstadt's
heavy hit with his Rocky Mountains. If
that was a tremendous "loud" price, what
kind of a report would a California canon
make when transferred by him to canvas?
He' i has made money. Church and Bier
stadt may now stand up among the money
makers, and when their Ring Midas brays
"Artists can't make money," they can take
him down by his asses' ears and beat him
with his own bag of gold. Behold what
Genius can do.
But in other places than the Studio Build
ing, the chisel and the brush are at work
trying to satisfy the Art Sentiment: there
are hosts of artists here too numerous to
mention—when counted on anybody's fin
gers; who may all be eminently deserving
of notice, but as one does not see them ex
cept by instalments, they must now and
then be overlooked. New York grows
artists as Norfolk grows early vegetables,
under glass and rather out of sight; but in
the spring they come out at at the Academy
Exhibition and blow as thick as hops, some
brand new varieties, some rather tender as
yet, some overgrown, some lop-sided, but
tor the most part wholesome and containing
the essence of malt. and no small beer.
The old time honored "Artists' Recep
tions," the invention of an American mind,
have been so successful, or rather so popu
lar, that there is now no place in the city
large enough to hold the guests, and the re
ceptions have consequentty stopped for a
moment to take breath. There has been
but one reception this winter and this had
to be held at the Academy, where it went
off with grand success. There wilicertainly
be one more entertainment on theopeningof
the Academy Exhibition about the middle
of April.
There has been on exhibition for some
time, at Smedecer's Gallery, on Broadway,
J. Q. A. Ward's statue, an Indian Hunter,
which, to more than one observer, appears
one of the best works ever executed by an
American sculptor, here or abroad. It is
still in plaster, though several thousand
dollars have been already subscribed to
have it cast in bronze for the Central Park,
the artists even taking part in the subscrip
Palmer is here, in the Tenth Street Studio
Building, reclining on his laurels, and
moulding busts of prominent noses, to en
sure for Gothanaites what Napoleon laughed
at as Immortality in Marble. "Only five
thousand years, qu'est (Inc c'est ea!" It is
something for those who peddled tape in
life's young morn; and cheap at the price.
Rogers (John) is still doing small groups
in the good, strong, sensible, manly old
way. He has not hid[his patriotic fervor
under a bushel, or refrained from showing
that his heart was with his country for fear
of hurting the feelings of "unmixed Cop
perhead society." Nude and lewd statues,
flimsily dressed in a Greek or Spasmodic-
Romantic name, are fast being consigned to
billiard saloons and bar-rooms, and here
and there men are asking if a decent whole
some strength can not be given in Art; and
Rogers says it can.
I am sorry not toltind Ives in this city
and am afraid he has gone to Rome or Para
dise; having no friends likely to visit the
latter place, I don't know how to get a mes
sage of greeting to him. I can only say,
bere t that he ought to be asserting his right
to one of the high seats, as a diligent sculp
tor with well balanced ideas of beauty and
strength, and skill enough to 'realize' them
in marble, with grace and dignity.
As for the brush, for after you have gone
through the dust and clay of the chisel, you
need it; why Bierstadt has but lately com
pleted "A Storm in the Rocky Mountains"
that beats the Hof Brauerei at Munich, that
greater bier stadt. It is to other paintings
what the celebrated Bock is to the simple
Lager. It strikes in. There is a certain
cleanness and sparkle in it that thrills you,
and there is just head enough on to make
it acceptable. It is on exhibition for the
benefit of a benevolent association, and it is
the earnest hcpe of more than one, that it
may serve the cause.
Church is painting a wide view of South
American scenery; it has width and depth
and length and breadth pl-en-ty. Imagine
at your leisure, fo a scene of action, a
mountain gorge spu r ned by a rainbow, also
gorgeous. It is exceedingly grand in out
line, this bold painting, beautifully drawn
and remarkably true in effect; certainly one_
of the artist's most happy ,works. Gifford,
has just finished for Goupil a large picture
of White Mountain scenery, Very rich and
beautiful ; it expresses with fidelity the
mild forest region with its clear unmolested
lakes in a manner which creates desire to
have it for a souvenir of summer in a win
ter's drawing room. Whittredge has lately
painted for Goupil, and it is now on exhi
bition at his gallery, a view of Cape - Ann,
or "A Cottage by the Sea," which has at
tracted wide favor—it is fall of the breeze
and freshness of the ocean and shows that
careful study of the scene that tcharacterizes
this artist's works, whether portraying the
views in the Schwartz-wald, the Campagna,
or the wilder natural scenery of our own
country. He has but lately, commenced a
iorgeptuttug of Catskill Mountain scenery
the completion of which will result in pre
senting us with one of Irving'S deScriptions
set to paints. Gignoux is working like--
like a New Yorker, heart and hand; having
just completed a very large' view of SwW
tsitl;3:% C (1) d a[KI Y
scenery, by the way one of his best produc
tions; he, unsatisfied with his success, is
commencing another before - the paint on
the first is dry. William Hart has two good
pictures under way of American hill and
valley scenery. His brother James still
Faints in his pleasant way, and has lately
finished two large pictures highly merito
Among figure painters,Eastman Johnson
still keeps his reputation up, high up. No
one lives higher up or gets up earlier. He
shows a splendid rise in his last picture of
"The Soldier's Widow," and would have
shown it fully as well in "The Soldier"
alive and no widoCV- about, if society could
only see it. But Eve must have Worcester
shire sauce , with our beef, and so something
of the desolate Leonore, sad and touching
in her grief, is given, instead of the plain
pepper and salt of happy Nancy, gay and
smiling. Winslow Homer in time of peace
does not forget the lesson of a bitter war
and keeps up his manhood to the tramp of
the boys in blue, or to scenes of camp life,
where ye live over again the old cam
paigns. - Homer gives us nothing of the
blood and thunder style of the Illiad, in the
French, fashion; in his scenes of soldier's
life, they are simple, truthful, natural and
quietly emotional—that's all! W. H. Beard,
a figure painter doubtless, though he
only paints beasts, is brushing
away at a large picture, where we are re
quested to 'walk in gen'l'men, and see the
bear dance;' in it we recognize at once a
large number of portraits from life of promi
nent citizens, in undress. It is true this
was not intended, but• sticking so close to the
face of nature as Beard does, we cannot help
tracing certain resemblances existing be
tween bears and men that more than one
physiognomist has plainly noted.
There, the other incipient Canovas An
gelo's, Lorraines, and Paul Potters may
rest in peace until another time.
The President's Reception Last Evening,
[Correspondence N. Y. Herald.)
WasnisoTos, Feb. 27, 1866.—The Presi
dent's reception this evening has been, in
point of numbers, the most remarkable of
any in Washington this season. It was sup
posed the climax had been reached the
evening preceding Ash Wednesday, when
all the carriages in the city bad been pat in
requisition, and throngs were arriving and
departing for hours: but the political excite
ment incident to the veto of the Freedmen's
Bureau bill and the speech from the White
House on the 2.•?.ti of February, seems to
have been the signal for a more
general expression of public approval
than ever before. Perhaps no
public reception held at the White House
for sears has had more political signifi
,..ance. By eight o'clock this evening the
rooms of the Presidential mansion were
nearly filled with the people eager to meet
the Chief Magistrate
,and by a squeeze of
the band and a heally "God bless you."
assure him of their undiminished confi
dence and steadfast support. In addition
to those crowds which filled the sidewalks
on all the streets and avenues leading in
that direction, carriages were rattling and
dashing through the streets in every direc
tion in all quarters of the city.
By nine thecrowd could not be estimated
by hundreds, and by ten no estimate could
be made of the number present except by
calculating the dimensions of the building
and the smallest number of cubic inches a
human frame could be compressed into.
Even this would fail of representing the
visitors, for crowds were departing as others
arrived, and long lines of carriages stood in
front of the main entrance filled with those
who preferred retaining their seats and
awaiting the exit of the crowd. Policemen
were distributed throughout the rooms
and passageways to maintain a
semblance of order, but were
finally compelled to abandon all attempts
at restraining the avalanche of human
beings by which they were overborne, ex
cepting at some of the principal doorways.
The rush for admittance degenerated into a
jam, in which the weak were pushed on
'ward or aside by the strong. Once in the
living current there was no extraction; deli
cate ladies were crowded to suffocation;
several fainted and were extracted from the
crowd with the utmost difficulty, and ele
gant dresses innumerable were ruinously
crushed or torn to pieces. The President
and family stood in the Blue Room to re
ceive, and each visitor was presented by
name by Assistant Marshal Phillips.
The political complexion was closely
scanned by nearly every one, and each
seemed to draw the conclusions most
agreeable to himself. Among those notice
ably present were Secretaries McCulloch,
Stanton and Welles, the family of Attorney
General Speed, the staff of General Grant,
the heads of nearly all departments and
bureaus, Senators and Congressmen of
radical proclivities as well as conservative,
and a very large admixture of the rank and
file from civil life from all sections of the
country. The spontaneous character of the
gathering was unmistakably shown by the
comparatively small number of persons
attending in full dress. There was no real
falling off in the latter, but the number of
those who came in ordinary walking cos
tume exceeded them ten to one. After ex
changing the usual salutations with the
President the citizens passed on to the East
Room s -nnd either promenaded to the excel
lent music discoursed by the Marine Band,
or conversed in knots and groups according
to their acquaintance or political inclina
William Lloyd Garrison delivered the
fourth and last lecture of the Fraternity
Course in the Brooklyn Academy of Music,
last evening. The house was well filled by
a highly respectable audience of both sexes
—many of the multitude being from New
York. The veteran Abdlitionist addressed
himself to the President's recent veto, and
bade the Pregident beware of the men who
are applauding him, and he thought that
Secretary Seward might better have fallen
under the red hand of Payne than to have
taken part in last Thursday evening's meet
ing at Cooper Institute. The name of
Charles Sumner was received with irrepres
sible plaiglits, and Mr. Garrison's fierce de
nunciations of the ,President were greeted
with mingled hisses and cheers, the latter
prevailing.—x Y. rime&
THE wife of "Grandpa Davis," at Knox •
villa, Tenn., has given birth to twenty-nine
children, twenty-eight of whom are living,
and twenty-fiveof them served in the Union
army dnringthe late rebellion. Mr. Davis
is upward of ninety years of age, but hale
and hearty,.
Collision Between the Nannie Byers and
C. E. Hillman--The Nannie Byars
Sunk---Total Wreck---
Fifteen or Twenty
Lives Lost.
the stern-wheel steamer Nannie Byers,
Captain W. J. Rusk,which left Cincinnati
for St. Louis on Friday evening, when near
Eagle Hollow, one and a half miles above
Madison, Indiana, at 3 o'clock, yesterday
morning, collided with the People's Line
large side wheel-packet C. E. Hillman,
Captain Theo. Fink, bound from Louisville
for Cincinnati. The weather was cloudy,
dark and rainy. Pilot Al. L. Smith was at
the wheel of the Nannie Byers, and pilot
James Bacon at the wheel of the
Hillman. The Hillman's bow hit the Nan
nie Byers on the larboard side, just forward
of the cylinders, crippling the engine, cut
ting through her guard into the hull, which
rapidly filled with water, causing her to
sink almost instantly, Several of the crew
who were on watch inform us the Nannie
Byers sunk and went to pieces insideof five
minutes after the collision. The cabin and
upper works separated from thehull, when
the latter was completely capsized.
The wreck of the cabin and texas was
landed at the Madison Ways, and the hull
lies sunk at the foot of Church street, Madi
son. The Hillman, it is stated, was "back
ing" when the collision occurred,but, as
soon as it was ascertained the Byers was
sinking, came alongside the wreck, her of
ficers and crew rendering all assistance pos
sible in rescuing the passengers and crew
of Ihe Nannie Byers. Owing to the early
hour in the morning, all the passengers
and the officers and crew, save those on
watch were in their births and asleep. All
of the officers and cabin crew were saved.
The bar-keeper, named Oliver Gundrick,
ot Madison, Indiana, and the colored cham
bermaid, Mary Jane Brown, were drowned.
several of the deck-hands and firemen and
tifteen passengers were drowned. Fortn
nately there were only twenty cabin and
eight or nine deck passengers on the boat.
The crew altogether numbered thirty
live persons. The books of the boat being
lost, it is impossible to give all the names of
the crew and passengers.
DUNKEL ()cunt:
Captain W. J. Rusk was in command,and
Capt. A. Byers and Mr. James K. Cullam
in charge of the office. Mr. W. H. Keyt,
formerly clerk, had fortunately left the boat
the evening previous, to take charge of the
office of Capt. George Wolff's newArksngcs
River packet. Among the cabin passengers
was a family named Griffith, numbering
eight, the father, mother, two sons, two
daughters, and a son-in-law and wife, emi
grating from New London, Butler county,
Ohio, to Missouri. All except the youngest
daughter, aged fifteen years, were drowned.
She, together with the other survivors, was
brought here yesterday afternoon, on the C.
E. Hillman.
None on board of the ill-fated steamer
saved a particle of baggage or clothing, save
that which they had on when the disaster
occurred. An old gentleman, named David
son, and one of his daughters, destined for
St. Louis, were also drowned. The other
daughter, Miss Nina Davidson, was saved.
An Irish deck passenger, named John
Quinn. from Cleveland, Ohio, lost his wife
and one child. Mr. Byington and Mate
Bumgartner, of the Hillman, rescued their
little boy from drowning, who was picked
up in the river, and resuscitated. Captain
Rusk was pulled out of the river with the aid
of a rope.
The bodies of one man and two women.
unknown, were recovered from the wreck of
the cabin. The man is supposed to be a
tanner and currier, from Pittsburgh. The
bcdy was brought here on the Hillman,
and may be seen for identification at the
office of Undertaker Sonrds, 175 West Sixth
The following survivors arrived here on
ihe Hillman: Miss Nina Davidson, Miss
Elizabeth Griffith, (has relatives in incin
nati), Joseph Nova, wife and son, Mrs. Dr.
Ong and daughter (wife of Surgeon Ong,
18th United States Colored Infantry), John
Quinn, C. L. McCrack en, of Pittsburgh,and
the following deck hands: John D. Davis,
Thomas Johnson. Richard Balgar; James
Strong, cabin boy; David Turner, N. Min
ter (colored), John Cosgree, Daniel Webber,
John Cassady and Francis H. Killing.
The passengers on the C. E. Hillman con
tributed clothing and money for the suf
ferers to the amount of $371. Capt. James
Good, Superintendent of The Peoples' Line,
generously contributed $l5O of the amount
named. Messrs. H. G. Thomas, J. G. Lind
sey and Charles Wolff, passengers on the
illman, as a committee, distributed the
money to the sufferers.
The C. E. Hillman lost her jackstaff, sus
taining no other injury. She returned to
Louisville last evening.
There are so many reports relative to the
cause of the collision, we refrain from ex
pressing any opinion, as the case will be in
vestigated by the local inspectors.
Charles Cook, the second mate of the
Byers, was left in charge of the wreck at
Madison. Captains Rush and Byers came
here on the Hillman, the former returning
to the wreck last night on the same steamer.
The cargo of the Byers consisted of the
following articles, which, together with the
boat, will prove a total loss, as the greater
portion of her freight was on deck when she
48 kegs powder, 50 tuns scrap iron, 65
barrels coal oil, 58 barrels clover seed, 47
barrels sugar, 10 barrels lard oil, 200 bed
stOads, 100 live sheep, 50 bureaus, 40 side
boards, 5 wagons, 22 barrels whisky, 40
kegs beer, 20 dozen brooms, 150 kegs nails,
80 coils rope, 150 empty trunks, 7 casks
wine, 100 dozen chairs, 70 dozen buckets
and tubs, 30 dozen baskets, 6 bales hay, 226
sacks barley, 1,000 packages merchandise,
40 live hogs and 8 horses.
The Nannie Byers was built in Cincin
nati, in October, 1863, and owned by Cap
tain A. Byers who purchased the interest
of Captain W. , 3. Rusk, a few days since.
She was valued at $33,000, and insured for
$16,000 in Cincinnati offices, as follows:
Central, $4,000; Union $2,000, and Franklin,
$lO,OOO. The cargo is also partially insured
in Cincinnati offices. Mr. J. A. Townley,
of the Commercial Insurance Company,
left for the wreck last night.
shid blo
A lot of manufactured boiler andGa bar
iron, valued at $10,000,. ppe y yrd
d Son, of Portsmouth, on the steamer St.
Cloud, was reshipped on the Natmie Byers,
without the usual privilege of reshipment;
making the St. Cloud and owners responsi..
ble for the loss, according to 'a recent
The sinking of the Nannie Byers makes
[From the Cincinnati Commercial, of Sunday J
• v--
F. L. FETHERSTON. - tt.„
1t .
the third disaster to steamboats that has
occurred within the past forty-eightlours;
the Winchester, burned at East Livgrpool,
in the Upper Ohio, and the Sam Gaty, sunk
at Tower Island, in the Mississippi, below
St. Louis.
THE CvrysTbit'r.—"The Ice Witch," the
finest and successful spectacular drama eves.
performed in thisi city, continues its great
career at the Chestnut. Nothing can exceed
the beauty of the last scene of each act of the
"Ice Witch." Some of the scenes are astonish
ing novelties in the way of stage effect. We
may cite the spectralship scene for instance,
filled with moving skeletons, which present
a remarkably natural, life-like, or rather
death-like appearance, and the stidden
change of the bleak looking rock on the
Norwegian coast to a stately and magnifi
cent vessel. These two scenes are worthy of
special mention by reason of their entire
novelty and surprising effect. Mr. Clarke
performs Harold, the Sea King, to perfec
lion, while Miss Josie Orton, Miss Keach,
Miss Cappell, Walter Lennox, Mr. Young
and a host of others, come in for a just share
of praise. Another grand '!tiatinee will be
given this afternoon, when the drama of
"Ten Nights in a Bar-Room" will be per
TILE ARCH.—The five act comedy of
"Sam" is still drawing handsome audiences
at the Arch.
THE WAnisuT.—Clarke appears in "The
Member from Pike" and in "Paul Pry" to
THE AMERICA.N.—The dramatic season
has again been inaugurated at this popular
place of amusement.
—On Friday night the pupils of Professor
Philip Lay, rence give him a complimentary
reading, which will be one of the most sue
cesL,ful ever announced in this city. Mr.
Lawrence will read several of his best poems
and his pupils (the "seven champion rea
ders of Philadelphia") will present their
very best efforts. The programme contains
more than twenty extracts and poems by
the greatest authors of the old and new
world, and cannot fail to be immensely
entertaining. Mr. Lawrence will read
Poe's "Farewell to Earth," which is said
to have special masonic interest.
SIGNOR BLITZ and his latest novelty "The
Sphynx" are at Assembly Building.
NATIONAL HALL.—The Old Folks have
inaugurated a brief season at this spacious
Facts and Fancies.
There is now in St. Mary's Workhouse
in Reading, England, an old woman,
ninety years of age, who is able to repeat
the whole of the second book of Milton's
"Paradise Lost." Glad there is a Reading
Workhouse for such literary old ladies. 4 -- •
The audiences at the Chestnut at preastit:
are very cold,—owing to the Ace Whicli is
One of General Grant's aides had his
pocket picked in New York on Saturday tt
pOO and some private papers. Thieves
after their raid decamp, we suppose.
A volume on political economy by Hon_
Amass Walker, entitled "The Philosophy
of Wealth," is to be published, The-author
is one of those Pericatelio philosophers who
think that wealth is nothing to amaze ar.
According to the Neapolitan correspondent
of the Temps, Queen Victoria has written
an autograph letter to the Pope, thanking
him for the instructions he had given to the
clergy in the Fenian matter. We hope the
instructions are not of an auto de Fen:fart
Why was the ark like a bribed police
man ? Because it made Noah rest.
A typographical error in some of the ver
sions of the late railroad decision, makes it
speak of an "intervening Read," instead at'
an "intervening Road."
Repo '• • ' PUS , E • v • •• BWeiga.
sT" Attfar — Wharpler--63
bblsmacl:c• 603 do b.rr .g J H Atwood. •
rTrvm%ni7mrm - rm
0 P: - A •:8 : : :d 4
/Or tiko Marine Bußdin on Sixth Pews.
cbr Hiawatha. Disney, 6 days from Newboxyport
with notte to Geo B Kerfoot.
eau W B Mann, Weaver, from New York; with
barley to captain.
-.eta C Blenzle, Woodruff, from New York, with
salt to V' Bumm & Son.
schr Geo G Baker, Messervey, from Millville, with
hoop poles to captain.
,chr New Jersey, Wilkes, from Bridgeton, NJ. with
hoop poles to captain.
schr Burrows C. McElwee, 2 days from New York,
In ballast to captain.
Schr J C Runyon, Mathis, from New York. '
Schr S App' egate, Steelman,from Great Egg Harbor—
Schr T C Clark. Adams. from Great Egg Harbor.
Schr F R Baird, Ireland. from Providence.
Steamer Claymont. Allen. Richmond,W P ClLir Go.
Schr Nightingale, Beebe. N York. J k. 4 &GS pller.
Schr ID Jones, Tatem, New York. Day & Hudde I.
Schr Louisa Frazier, Steelman, Boston. M 8
Schr Aid, Ireland, Boston. L Andenried dr Co.
Schr Jas Satterthwaite, Long. Boston, Caldwell, Sao-
yer & Co.
Sob r Trades Wind, Corson. Providence. ..T R White_
Schr F F Randolph, Risley, Bridgeport,Strualciram
Schr C filenzle. Woodruff, Leak - sville, 'NC. captain.
Schr Mary H Banks, Haley, Newbaryport, Lennot,
Burgess & Co.
Schr Delaware Campbell, Newport, Lb Lord.
chr John P Prifield, Love, Newport, P 'Ford.
Schr Jar eT. Love, Maurice River, S Gilbert, •
Schr Newport, Sheppard, do do
Steamer New York, Platt, hence at Richmond 26th
Steamer Florence Franklin. Pierson, hence at Balti
more yesterday.
Steamer Europa, Inglis, cleared at Boston yesterday
for Liverpool via Halifax.
=Steamer Britannia (Br), (Laird, cleared at N York
yesterday for Glasgow.
Ship Mean°, Sheffield, from Calcutta 15th Nov. for
New York, was spoken yesterday, on the line, lon at
ship Mary Ogden, Colley,from New York Aug lovt9l ti
Falkland Islands, at San Francisco yesterday._ •
Bark John Trucks, Taylor, sailed from FalFßiver
26th Inst. for this port to load for Antwerp: ,
Balk Esmeralda (Nor), Beck, from . .Antoy 9staNar.
at New York yesterday, with teas.
Bark Nonnanby (Br), Mclntosh. 52 days from Hue.: Ye. L .:-
nes Ayres, with wool and hides, at New York Fester.
Bark Wayfarer (Br), Blatehford, from Rio Janell,
19th Jan. at New York yesterday, with coffee. ..te"
Brig Haze, Hall, from Mobile 2d inst. at Boston yM
Scars Perty Refiner, Grace, and Clara Merrick,
Montgomery, hence at New York yesterday.
Schrs Annie liiegee, Ketchum, hence for New Lon
don: Gettysburg, Smith, and J E Simmons, Smith, do
for Providence at-lk ew York yesterday.
Sara D Hastings, Hilton, and Wanponsa, Milton, at
New York yesterday from Delaware.
Schr James H Moore, Nickerson, cleared at Boston
yesterday for this port.
Scbr Frank Herbert, Crowell, cleared at Boston 25th
inst. for this port.
Behr Edward H Farber, Cobb, from Boston for this
port, sailed from Newport 25th inst. _
ina lch f r o E r
tb dr a
pt. ater or , Fisher sailed from au River 95th
Foreign and coastwise arrivals for the month or
February, 1866, as compared with the same period in
14366. 1865.
For. Coast. Total. For. Coast ? Tots 1.
5hire........... 1 ... 3 1 I
• 6 2 6 4 10
23 2 31 12. .19
Schooners.— .... .16 .41 737 7 - 110 fl
130 130 -. /9 19
Steamers...,...._ 76 75
. _
Total 54 525 .r 79 301 109