CITY BULLETIN. INTERESTING -TO COTTON BROKERS.—OOI. - John H. Taggart ,Collector of Internal Re venue, of the let Dia ' rist of Pennsylvania; ‘kas issued the following circular: The at tention of Cotton Brokers is called to the fact, that'the regulations .of the Treasn'y Department require that cotton, packea in .bares, shall contain a metal to or inspec tion label, showing that the Internal Re venue .Taxes on the same have been paid, attested by the Collector of Internal Rave ' nue of the district from'whence the cotton is shipped. In addition to this, all consign ments of cotton:should be accompanied by a permit from the. Collector of Internal Re -:venue of the district from whence the cot ton is shipped, describing the marks and numbers on the, bales, their weight, and eextifying that the Internal Revenue Taxes Cape same have been paid, and granting permission for removal. Information has been received at this office, that considera ble quantites of cotton have been sent to this market, without complying with the - regulations of the department, m this par ticular, no inspection labels being on the bales„and no permits forwarded with the consignment. The absence of these proofs that the Internal Revenue Taxes have been paid, renders the cotton liable to seizure by Collectors of Internal Revenue, no matter in whose hands found. TRAVEIAnES' INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Comrsorrour.,-In another column of our ,paper to-day will be found the annual statement of this "Pioneer" of the Acci dent Companies 2 ,for the year ending De cember 31st, 1865. It will be seen that the receipts for cash Premiums amounted to the enormous sum of $482,853 43; from Interest, &c. $42,030 64, making a gross total income.of $524,884 07, against a total expenditure of $373,959 30, leaving a net profit to the company of $150,924 77 for the year. The assets of fhe Travelers' at the date of ,the statement amounted to $616,- 869 94, and upwards of one thousand losses have 'keen met, and $73,500 realized to twenty-four policy holders by the small outlay bf $426 in premiums. The im portance of the class of insurance to which this company is devoted cannot be over estimated. Among other individual illus trations of its value that have recently come under our notice, we may cite the case of Mr. Podesta, residing at No. 1311 North Seventh street, who on the night of the 14th of this month was assaulted by robbers on Broad street near Vine, and seriously in jured. He happened to , be insured in the "Travelers' " of Hartford for $5,000, and as the result receives the sum of $25 per week during the time he is laid up. • A DouBLE CHARGE.—James ROSS, Thos, Dougherty and John Canning were before Alderman Beitler yesterday afternoon, charged with assault and battery and rob bery: Abraham Ruth testified that a few morning ago he was at the public house, corner of Ashton and Thompson streets, when the defendants came in, and that soon after„ while he was drinking at the bar, one .of them approached from behind and struck him, and that very soon after his watch was taken by Ross. Another witness testified that he was present and was struck by Can ning. Owen Cambell testified that he re ceived a gold watch from Dougherty, who told him to keep it, as he was going to be arrested. The accused were committed, in default of $3,000, to answer. Ross is the man who was shot by a Nineteenth Ward policeman on Thursday. Domisric MausET& —Prices in market this morning were as follows—apples, 35 to 40 cents per half peck; butter, 55 to 60 cents per celery, 6 to 8' cents per bunch; 4 =m.. J.. es, 12 to 15 cents per quart; eggs, :37 to .0 cents per dozen; lard 22 to 25 cents per pound; roast beef, 20 to 25 cents per potmd; Eiulain stakes, 25 to 30 cents per pound; mutton, 9 to 18 cents per pound; onions, 20 to 25 cents per half peck; parsnips, 2) to 25 cents per half peck; pork, 15 to 20 emits per pound- potatoes, 20 to 25 cents per half peck; poultry, 20 to 28 cents per pound; tunups, 14 to 16 cents per half peck, and veal, 12 to 25 ,cents per pound. THE WATER SUPPLY.—The following statement shows the water supply of the city, and the revenue therefrom, according to population, since 1830: ' • Daily average Popu- , supply in Die lation. Gallons. Revenue. 1800 .16"2,000 2,020,100 $68,918 27 1835 195,000 3,364,625 92,116 82 1840 230,000 4,064,638 126,074 51 1845 300,000 6,142,654 135,465 37 1855 450,000 11,700,786 307,176 24 1860 566,000 20,382,064 494,424 22 1865 725,000 30,281,019 , 595,661 44 • ATTEMPTED BURGLARY.—Before Alder • . . griEtn Butler yesterday afternoon, William Cook and Ezekiel Wisner were charged with an attempt to enter the premises of Wm. V. Wilson, Seventh and Moss streets, on the 3d of January last. The allegation is that they were found upon the roof of a one story building, near a window leading to a second-story room, .and on the approach of • Mr. Wilson they Jumped down and ran away. They were held in the sum of $1,500 for trial. SHOCKING RAILROAD Accmrprr.—James Boyd, 55 years 21d, o afiver on the North Pehnsylvania Railrwas run over last evening, at Second and Cadwalader streets, and - -instantly killed. The wheels passed over both legs, severing them. His head was crushed also.' Deceased resided at 1626 America stree . ACTRESSES AND OPERA SINGERS.—Use and endorse only exquisite "Email de Paris" for im parting to the roughest skin the color, texture and contplexion of polished ivory. LFEmail de Paris is nsed as a delicate beautifier for theatre, saloon and ball room. Mlle. Vestvali„ Mrs, D. P. Bowers, Lucille Western, and other ladles recommend it to the profes . Mon and public for its efficiency and harmlessness. Sold bytruggists and dealers in toilette articles. •;?.”; EASONABLE AND SPRING COATINGS.--A -- flue stock at the right prices. COOPER k. CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth streets. A MODERN MIRACLE ! Prom old and young, from rich and poor, from high born and lowly, comes the Universal Voice of praise for HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILT AN HAIR RENEWER. It is a perfect and miraculous article. Cares baldness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any " oil" or "pomatum." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken ses, Bat, above all, the great wonder is thei r sidity with which it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL . COLOR. Use it a few times, and PRESTO, CHANGE! he whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthful beauty. It does not dye the hair, bat not 'strikes at the root and fills it with new life and color .ln m at It will not take a l ung --' m '—agreeable trial to prove the truth of this matter. The first application will do good; you will see the NATURAL COLOR returning wery day; and _ BEFORE YOU EN WIT, the old , graY, discolored appearance of the hair will fulbe gone, giving place to lustrous, shining and beauti locks. • - Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer ; no Other article is at all like it in effect. You will find ' CHEAP TO BUY, . PLEASANT TO TRY,. Euici SURE TO DO YOU GOOD. Tliere are many imitations. Be sure You procure the genuine, manufactured onlyby R. P. 'Fr A T.T. CO., Nashua, 11 , $. For sale by all , druggists, - AirERIOAN FRENCH AND ENGLIBEE 6.4 •Cassitheres, for boys' spring mite. COOPER cortAattp S. E, corner. Ninth and Market streets. Pulta LIBERTY:WHITE TmA•o,—Try4 Amid you will haVe none other. • Fort ATALLow PASTE, Moss Paste, ..Soft Gum Drops, and other efficacious Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to E, G. Whitman & Co.'s, 818 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. A REFORM IN THE HARE3L—There ism serious reform In , the harem. The Sultan has pro scribed turbaned head-dresses, voluminous veils, cos aidriackets, short petticoats, pantaloons and begu n . • med slippers; and, Instead thereof, ordered crinoline, chignons and kid gloves. For himself his majesty has • determined to set an example of tasteful dressing by procuring his own. wearing apparel at the Brown Mona Clothing Hall of B.ockhill & Wilson, Nos. soa end 605 chestnut street, above Sixth, W. aB. W. it B W &B', W. , lit B. ' W. &B. - W. &B. w. &B. W & B: w, &B. Best Clothing in the city. W. & B. _W. & B.__ Lowest, prioes in the city. , &B. W. & B.Largest assortment in the city. & 8. , .W. &B. • OAK: HALL, & 33 ;' & B. OAR 'HALL, & &B. - • OAR HALL, W. At B. W. &B. S. E:cor. SIXTH and MARKET • W.A. B. W. &B. S. E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET, W. &B. W. &B. S. B. tor.' SIXTH and MARKET, .W.& B. W. & B. wAwersAREB &Baoww. & B. W. &B. WAN A 711 A trBR & BROWN. • W.'& B. W. & WASAMAKER & BROWIY. W._& B. W. & B. W. & B. W. & B. W. & B. W. B. W. &B. W. &B. W. /B. W. &B. GAYLEY'S ie growing in public esteem every and as a , reliable cure for chapped and rough skin, and as a beautifier of the comnlection ren dering it soft, clear and white. It is endoised by thou sands all over the land. Price fifty cents. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. -- COOPER & CONABD are daily opening new spring cassimeres and coatings of fine quality. &E. corner Ninth. and Market. PRErrriez's PuEownox.--The Louisville, .Tournat. says: No-matter, dear reader, what you see in the papers. Jeff. Davis won't have a military trial, and he won't be convicted. And if he were con. vlcted, he would be pardoned. Though no card player we "speak by the card." We are not so prophetic as Mr. Prentice and deal only with facts. The most Im portant fact we can think of now Is that the best and cheapest coal in Philadelphia is sold by' W. W. Alter. No 957 .N.Ninth street, and at his branch office at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. • PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.—Preferred by Dealers, as It always gibes satisfaction to their cus tomers. TAMENESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases aPPerlaining to the above Members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the MO' can be seen at his office, No. 519 Pine street, The medical Dimity are invited to accompany patients, as he has hadsecrets in his practias. Artificial eyes inserted. No re charge made for examina tion. • .NODBY ARE THE TROUSERINOg we exhibit this spring. . COOPER .4. CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. THE WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Ma chine, Buhl at 701 Chestnut street, excels e nd eauty durability of of stitch; strength, firmness, adurability of seam; economy of thread,wide range of application, compactness and elegance of work, simplicity of con struction, and speed and quietness of movement. Wherever it has been exhibited in competition it has carried off the palm. SUPERLATiv.aLY FINE CorrFEcrnoNs.— Choice and rare varieties for select resents. Manu factured by STEPHEN.F. street. FURS Market street. FURS AT COST ! BUY Now I! We continue to sell at the very lowest prices. We must soon put away our remaining stock. We will sell at a heavy discount rather than let the Furs remain over. Get a Set now ; Get them at the Great Fur Emporium of CHAiS. OARFORD & Hotel 23 the Continental Hotel 23 AND 25-CENT SPRING CALICOES sell very fast. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. • W th -- N OF TAR Syrup. For Cough", Colds and Affections of the Lungs. This excellent preparation affords speedy relief in all cases of a pulmonary character. Put up in bottles at 50 cents. Harris Oliver, Druggists. S. E. corner Chestnut and Tenth streets. The trade supplied at reasonable rates. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. —Orders daily increasing. CHOICE AND ELEGANT.—The "dessert confections" introduced by E. G. Whitman & Co., No. 8 Chestnut street below Fourth, have proved a great hit, as the constantly increasing demand for them bears testimony. E. G. Whitman & Co. are untiring tog their efforts to please the public palate, and in doing so they are as careful that their productions shall be as wholesome as they are elegant and tooth some. To appreciate the resources of the confectioner's art, when practised in true artistic style; it is only ne cessary to pay a visit to No. 318 Cliestnut atrest THE FENEST CARAMELS and Roasted Al monds are thosS manufactured by E. G. Whitman & C0.,318 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied. Cniumrs STOKES& Co's first-class ready made Clothing House is Po. e 2.4 Chestnut street, under the "CenttnentaL" lI:coirPARABL GUM DRors—Ever sol uble, and deliciously flavored. Manufactured only by sTErsEx F. WHITMAN; No. 12.10 Market street. COOPER & Coicrenn are still daily selling quantities of muslin. Their price list follows atten tively emery concession in the price of these imported staples. &E. corner Ninth and Market streets. INIMITABLY FINE CHOCOLATE CONFEO Tioss.—A var ie ty of choice kinds. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, MantiftuMirer, No. MO Market street. New Jersey Matteis. PROGRESS AT Amex= CrrY.—The im provements now in progress at this pleasant sea-aide city, and those contemplated during this spring, giye promise of an active sea son. Extensive preparatiothi are being made to increase the public accommoda tions, and already a number of rooms have been engaged. Adjoining the United States Hotel on the south, a large building has been put up for the use of the ! servants em ployed in that establishment. , Hogan's Re •treat, near the Excursion House, is being enlarged by a building thirty by 40 feet, which is to be divided into a dining room, nisi other apartments, for 'various purposes. This building will also give about eighteen addit onal bed-rooms to the hoteL Daly's Second Street House is undergoing improve ments which will give thirty by thirty-six feet additional to its capacity, Mr. Rother ham's Washington House is to b 4 enlarged by a capacious building, fronting on Pa cific avenue. Hinkle's Congress Hall has • been ornamented with a new portico, and other improvements are being made by that popular landlord. Many of the other hotels will increase their capacities and repair their buildings. On Massachusetts avenue, below Atlantic, a large boarding house is to be erected, which is to be put up under the superintendence of Mayor Evard, who is also building a cottage on Pacific, above New Jersey avenue, and another on New Jersey, above Pacific avenue. Mr. Good bought is making preparations to build a large cottage on Facitic avenue, opposite Congress Hall, forty by forty-four feet, with outbuildings. Hon. John F. Starr is making a handsome addition to his cottage, and others are being repaired, enlarged and beautified. Mr.. Gutekuntz has nearly finished an elegant cottage on Pennsyl vania avenn,e,. and Mr. Charles Weiss, of Germantown, as building two, one on Dela ware, and the other on Virginia avenue. North. Carolina avenue is to be graded and graveled from Arctic avenue to the beach. Much of the swampy grounds is to be filled up. THE WORK CommEHeEn.—Workmen are now engaged in altering and fitting up the Perseverance Hose house, in Camden, for tha new . Dispensary. Messrs. McKeen and Garrison have manifested unusual perse verance in this laudable enterprise, and have encountered and overcome no ordi- ' nary difficulties, arising from the factious opposition of a few who hoped to divide the surplus draft fund among themselves, in stead of appropriating it to the Dispensary, es ordered by the citizens of North Ward. Some of t.4e most noisy would have made money by the operation, as they contributed but little or nothing toward securing the quota of troops. Had it not been for the two gentlemen named, who made them selves personally responsible for the amount required, some of these croakers would have served their country against their will. The institution will be in charge of the medical faculty of tbe city, and will be so managed as td , confer incalculable benefits upon the poor of Camden. A ROAD To-ATLANTIC CITY.—It is de signed to have a plank or 1 gravel road, to start from the "past land,7 about two and a half mileslaelow Absecom, crossingseven *miles of marsh, and to terminate at the lower part of Atlantic City. A large por tion of the stock is already taken, and the proposals are issued. The road is to be finished, including the completion of a bridge across the Thoroughfare by the Ist day,ff July .:' This will give visitors an op .Wrtunity to bringtheir stylishequipages and M stherses on the island,while the drive from shore to shore will be most healthful and invigorating. The road , will also increase the luxuries of the city, as fresh vegetables, butter, eggs, poultry, dm., ; can be brought in by the larmera every day. The eater. : . Y EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1866: pTiae,will add, largely to the transient Poptt-' latien ,of the city, and give l a new itapptus .to improfrementa. - ILEntovEn---Yesterday morning. theller man who was found, beaten almost to death, - heax the West Jersey Hotel; was seat to the Hospital in Philadelphia. It appears that he belonged to the 34th New Jersey Volun teers, and. is named Peter Sterable. He was terribly.cut, and it is thought he will not recover. The villains who perpetrated the crime are still at large. At the Chestnut to-night "The Ice Witch." At the Arch "Sam." At the Walnut Clarke in "The Member from Pike," with two' other interesting dramas. At the American Wallett's last night. At Assembly Building last night of the Peak Family., At the same locality Signor Blitz and the Spbynx. On Monday eventing Father Kemp's Old Folks' Concerts com mence at National Hall. On Tuesday even ing a grand concert will be given by the Amphion Quartette at Concert Hall, and the entertainment will be varied by elo quent readings by Prof. N. K. Richardson. On Monday night the German Opera begins at the Academy of Music. SEVERE THUNDER STORIC—On. Monday night a severe thunder storm passed over Petersburg, Va. The lightning, which was very vivid, struck a large cypress tree in the yard of Capt. Thomas Whitworth, near the city, and shattered it to pieces. The Er press says: This cypress tree was planted in the year 1800, and was, consequently, sixty-five years old. Unusual with trees of this kind, it grew and flourished on elevated ground. It was a great favorite with the family, under whose shade many had grown from infancy to maturity. CANTANKEROUS Kmrrtrasr.—The Frank fort (Kentucky,) Yeoman, in a recent issue, says: "The Louisville Journal takes the Legislature to task for not passing some act or making some official endorsement of the amendment to the Constitution prohibiting slavery in the United States, and which Mr. Seviard proclaims soloudly to be a part and parcel of the organic law of the land. The Legislature has done right, and Governor Helm said no more than was true when he protested against this assumption, and re proclaimed that no number of States, nor any majority of Congress, had any right to bind Kentucky against her consent in mat ters over which she reserved to herself the exclusive control." JAY COOKE & CO., Dealers in Government Securities, U. S. 6 5 8 of 1881. 5 20% Old andolietv, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 NOTES, Ist,2d, and 3d Series. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com. mission. T•alD LES ___' Special business accommodations liaDidErm VED FOB . fe7 - _ - PFECLADELPHLL. Rebroary 1666. OAK SHADE OIL COMPANY CAPITAL. • SHAREII,I2O,OOO. TILEASI7IIEII, _ HUGH GAMBLE. MEW, JOHN F. GROSS -I lOBS DAVIS IMIHLE, HIIGH GAKSLE JOHN H. JONES. WhaJAH ItAILEY. - OFFICE, 329 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Z.l2.Rnlrp ettaIISFJEMTS. NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. OF PHILADELPHIA. PILESIDS.NT, WILLIAM BAILEY, qIV-Tr"--irwmi : „I, The genuine and well known Heldsleck & Co.'s Champagne t h ele at all times, In large or small quantities, at Importer's price in New York. also Jules bium's Dr 7 Verzenay and Imperial Rose. Dloet &ChLadon's Green Beal. Verzenay_ and Sillery German Hocks, Sparkling RHINE W INES, ea lows: Sparkling Moselle Muscatel, Scharzberger, Hock, Imperial, Johannisberg, Pearl of the Rhine. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, B. W. cor.BROAD and WALNUT street. GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED 83:w . f.( LE OR "LOCK" STITCH SEW ENCi MACHINES. No. land No. 9 for 'Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddler% &c. . lao CECESTNirT Street, Philadelphia. 17 MAREET Street, Harrisburg. fel-ton rp EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, OM Chestnut St. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Choice Foods At Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid fo at Cost for Cash. :3 Dl-1 Fp VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND.— V FOR SALE—The Square of Ground bounded by Seventh, Franklin, Diamond streets and Susquehanna avenue; alio, a number of other large and desirable LOTS. Apply to N. FITLER, fe24.6te No. 51 North Sixth street. g - COIINTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR T."F Fifty or one hundred acres, Bristol s , e above 7 mile stone and near Tacony, wi i. . without the extra dwellings, &c. A to R. WR_UARER, It* No. 610 Locust street. MI FOB SALE.—An elegant and desirable Stone um Mansion in the best part of the city. It is nearly new, In perfect condition, and has all the modern im provements. Terms easy. Apply to the AGENT. No. 1609 Chestnut street. EL FOR SALE.- .A. FIRST-CLASS DWPT.TING, 1908 PINE. Inquire on the premises, felotfrp from 1 P. 11. tot?. LI WAI6TS. urzasiTED—A few active and experienced men tO Vl' sell a most valuable patent. For persons compe• tent the most liberal indacements are offered, Inquire No. 223 DOCK st., 2d story, front room. te24,5,m,w,1 payWANTBD TO BENT.—For a Smallfamily a Cottage at Germantown, for six months from . Must be conveniently aitnated and well shaded —furnished house preferred. Address M. No, sin B. Tenth street Philada . • • • fe24-3t* n o NINE 1 1 ' Ti 1 i ANICID 'UPON W A TCHER, DIAMO N DS JEWEL. BY, MATE markENG.aka,stt JONES & CO S. of,DHSTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of THUM) and 4ASKILL Street, Below Lombard. N. 8.-DIAMONDS , WATCHES, novimity GIINS, dm., YOB EUMO AT OLOWPRIOES. GALL attention to oar cent assortment of smperlor. PIANO% w e always have on nand, and offer them at very reasonable prloes purobaners.• Beet of red:renew and YULL GUARUSTEE i nvarh at i , aree l i l i n iE b7 UMM .. PIA" MAinfP. laVAClTUßlNWalnntestse"eill OIL TRETE EXTRACTED 'WITHOUT PAU Nitrous Oxide Gan administers& • • -I M-tfi inserted to look perfectly marital. - Dr. G. L. NAGLE, • Dentist. Vl5 Swum Meet, : iga-tra In the year 1848, the writer embarked in the Drug Business in the city of Philadelphia, and While thus engaged, made several experiments in' regard to the most desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extracts. My efforts being successfal—the &Melee being approved placing by the Medical faculty—l was deen'ons of hem before the lonelier bu t hesitated far some time before concluding to resort to newspaper adver tising, knowing of the preindices that existed in the minds of many against using advertised Medicines; but through the advice of friends and those who had used my preparations this objection was overcome. i - , Commencing n a small way, after 18 years' exec.tions, the popularity of my articles has extended to all parts of the United States, and widely throughout fb reign countries—and this in the face of much opposi tion. Every means has been resorted to by unprinci pled dealers since their merit and success have been known—such as advertising largerbottles atless price, censuring another preparations, and even copying my advertisements—but I am Atappy to state that oat of the many who have resorted to this, none have been successfuL The Science of Medicine, like the Doric column, should stand simple, pure and majestic. havinglact for its basis, induction for its pillar, and truth atone for its capital. I contend there is no 'business requiring these quali fications more, as medicines are brought in contact with Druggists everywhere. I am also well aware that persons reason In this manner: that which may benefit one may be of no advantage to another! How mis taken the idea! A Blood Purifier for one is a Blood Purifier for all. A Diuretic for one, a Diuretic for all. A Narcotic for one, a Narcotic for all. A Purgative for one, a Purgative for al. Just as much seas wholesome food for one is whole some food for all,' with no more difference than that some constitutions require more than others, and that persons in disease are given to despondency--exPect leg in a few days or weeks, and perhaps with a single battle of medicine, to be restored to health, if not to youth and beauty. These persons rarely recover,lack.- Mg patience. They give nothing a fair trial, consid ering a few dollars expanded for the benefit of their health awaste of money. The same individuals may have been years in breaking down their constitutions, dress ave probably eat:ended thousand' of dollars in ' and disalpallon. and thought nothing of it. Such forget that GOOD HEALTH IS TRUE WEALTH. With upwards of 30,000 recommendatory letters and unsolicited certificates, I have never resorted to their publication. I do not do this, from the fact that the are "Standard Preparations" (not Patent Medicines), but open to. the inspection of all. The ingredientsare not kept secret, and are recommended only for those diseases and accompanying symptoms for which their ingredients are everywhere jecognised as Standard Specifics. $BOO.OOO PAB VALVE, $5OO 3. DALLAS SAY L fe22-IMt f ItOTICE.IOi.TIIETTIBLIC*Li - 1:: ADVERTISEMENT The Kidneys. The kidneys are two in number, situated at the up• per part of the loin, surrounded by fat and consisting of three parts, viz.: the Anterior, the Interior and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine. and con vey it to the exterior. The exterior Ls a conductor also, terminating in &single tube and called the Ure ter. The ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tiesuea. divided into parte, viz.: The Upper, the Lower. the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, others urinate witlibut the ability to re tain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections We mast bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various func tions, If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. , The reader must, also be made aware, that however slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect his bodily health and mental power= as our deals and blood are supported from these Bourret Gout or Rheumatism, Pain occurring 1n the lolns is indicative of the above diseases. They occur in persona disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. The Gravel, The Gravel ensues from neglect or =proper treat. ment of the kidneys. These *nom being weak. the water is not expelled from the bladder. but allowed to remain; it becomes feverish and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone Is fbrmedand gravel ensues. Dropsy Is a collection of water In some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the parts affected, vir:wheri generally , diffused over the body, It Is called anasarca; when of the abdomen, Ascites; when of the chest, aydrothorax. TREATMENT. Relmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly ene of the best remedies for dis eases of the bladder, kidneYs, gravel, dropsical swel lings; rheumatism and gouty affections. finder this head we have arranged .uysaria, or difficulty and pain In passing water, scanty secretion or small and fre quent discharges of water, Btrangury or stopping of water, Hematuria or bloody urine, Gout and Rheuma tism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase of color or dark water. It was always highly recommended by the late Dr. Physic, these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion and excites the absorbents Into healthy exercise, by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as 11 ell as pain and inflammation are reduced, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Directions for use and diet accompany SOLD AT HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No, 594 Broadway, New York, 104 South Tenth St., Phila delphia, Pa,, And by all Druggists. lALFWazi-tt EDVCA.MON. Thorough Business Edueatin BY ATTENDING Bryant, Stratton & Kimberly's NATIONAL -COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, B. W, Corner Tenth and Chestnut Bta., PHILADELPHIA. W. R. KIMBERLY, A. M., Principal. The Philadelphia College, an Important link in the Great In'ernationa , Chain of Colleges. located in forty twe principal Cities in the United States and Cenades. EXTENSIVE 'ROOMS Fitted np with Banks and Busthese HOTMEL Theory and Practice Combined. Thereby bringing into mall kinds of Buinessiwpar Penmanship. -. The Speneerlan System of Business Penmanship taught in its purity. Telegraphing Taught in the most thorough and practical manner. EVICHIWG SCHOOLS. Young lien who are engaged through the day, can acquire a thorough knowledge of BOOK-KREPTEIGI and BUSINESS by attending Evenings only. For farther particulars, please call at College Booms, or addresa Bryant, Stratton & Kimberly, PRELADBILPHLi. Jal93l.Sti MEDICINES. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Have proved, from the most ample experience, an entire success; Simple—Prompt—Efficient, and Be toble.They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot be made In using them; so tharmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. No. Cents. 1. Cures FEVERIS,_I: z _Congestion, Intiammltttn, 2. " WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic- - --.25 a, " CRY nict-ooLic, or Teething of infauts--25 4, " DLARRECEA of children or adults --25 5, " DYEMCTERY, GriMng, Bilious colic.—Z 6, " CHOLERA MOBBUS, Nausea, Vomiting-2S 7, " COUGHS, _Colds, Bronchirl. 8, " NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faceache..—..-23 READAtain.„ Sick Headache, Vertigo. V 10, " DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach--..... 25 11, " SUPpveIgSSVII, or tainfel Periods--.-25 12, "WHITBS tooprofusePeriods_ 25 is, " CROUP. Cough. difficult Breathing.—......Z 14, " SALT RICE.UM. Erys= c P=lSS.—.2s 15, " RHEUMATISM, BY —23 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agnes—.....6o 17, privA,blimity laleeding— 6O " OPETHALWI, and sore or weak Ryes.--. 511 " CATARRH' acute or chronic, Infinerna..-60 " WHOOPING COUGH, violent Couglut-50 21, ASTHMA,s)ppressed Breathing, .E 0 V, " EAR D.Nz.A.RG E: ai r mpairedHearing- 50 " SCROFULA. enl Glands, S 24. " GENERAL D pat- - -- 22, 4 .' DROPSY and scanty Scretiona.-„,--50 " SEA-SICKNESS. sickness from riding—..oo 2" " KIDNEY DTSPAcT` Gravel_ --50 " NERVOUS DEBILITY. involuntary Dis. cnarges si 00 49, SORE ItiOUTH.-014k94 so, " URINARY Incontinence, wetting bed-60 81, " PAINFUL Periods. even with Spuons---60 89. " SUFFERINGS at cbange of lira 3l, 00 33 . " EPITIE__ FAMILY PSSABP4I33=4 St. Vitus' Dance .... 100 " DlFEmid- 1 nk AS nrated Sore Throat. -0-50 CE& 85 vials. morocco ems, and books.----419 00 20 large vials, in monxxn, and book--....... 006 20 large vials, plain an d b00 k .... 606 /A Donee (Nos. 1 to 15 CO VETE>"A.RY SPEOffra . •• • • Mahogany awes. 10 VW. IT. e. Single vials, with 1 00 W These Remedies, by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of o n the price. Addrees S , lo HOMEOPATHIC , MEDICINE COMPANY, 011 ine and Depot. No. sOlltroad d Vew York. Dr. HLISCPECEIXIM is consulted at his office personally or by letter, as above, for fbrzoa of Ms. DYOTT & CO. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW DEN, T. Philadelphia and AKIMOSE SMITH, Wholesale H Agents, Philadelphia. lyr,th.a.tolyzp Pt; Ig) DC , not cHESTMIT STREST THICATRA i i. lr CHESTNUT Street, above TWEE. ' LEONARD GROVES and WM. E. SINN, Lessees and Mangers. WM. E. Manager THIS (Saturda) 'EVENING. SL.XTH IIGHT OF THE GREAT HIT OF THE SEASON, THE GREAT HIT OF THE SEASON, THE GREAT HIT OF THE SEASON, THE GREAT HT' OF THE SEASON, THE GREA HIT OF THE SF &SON, THE TAT S GR HIT OF THE SEASON, ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE W ITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICH. WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICEIWITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE %% 11 CH THE ICE WITCH THE ICE WITCH OR, ',THE SEA KING'S BRIDE. Produced after FOUR MONTHS' PREPAB.ATION AT AN r•YPENHE OF 63.000, and Admission to evening peribrmance, 25 cents, 50 Cents d $l. Doers open at 6.45. Curtain rises at 7.45. WWALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. SATURDAY GALA NIGHT. MR. JOHN S. CLARKE EVERY NIGHT. Second night of the new American Play entitled THE I,CF,,tRER FROM PI.W.E. DEmosTRTNES TORRENT, from Pike Mr. J. S. CLARKE Scene—Washington City. Period—The Present. Aar I. A magplticent and accarate view of PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Aar 11. Consultation of Members. Aar 111. The Speech of the Congressman from Pike. ACT IV. The Passage of the Bill. To conclude T with HE W ucksCK ABThSORB Btone's rilliiig Drama of RE. To commence with the Laughable Comedletta of THE YOUNG SCA Nl> iurits. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at 73‘ o'clock. HOUSES PACVRD TO SEE "SAM." AidedFIRST OLIVE WEEK OF MR. CHANFRAII AS "SAM," by LOGAN, C. T. PARSLOE, and the Author, DE WALDEN. TO-NIGHT (Saturd ay ), Februar3 24 1866, DE WALDEN'S FIVE ACT COMEDY OF "SAM." , Mr. CHANFRA.I7 .... OLIVE LOGAN .... C. T. PARSLOE DE WALDEN Mr. F. F. ivrgniraY ..,Owen Marlowe Mrs. Thayer ..Mrs. T. A, Crees SAM' Lit U DICK, RA. SAWS T1GER....... BILL CROCKETT Gen. Roslyn James Plushley Emilperaia R051yn..... topley AIISW AMERAN THEATR.Ia acv3 LI GRAN D NATIONAL , WALNUT street, above EWA& t LAST wzgx. OF THOE, EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCE. LAST WEEK OF W. F. WALLETT. REAPPEARANCE OF MASTER BARRY. WONDERFUL SOUTH AMERICAN BROTH ERS. EVERY EVENING &VD ON WEDNESDAY ANNSD BELTURDAY AFTER! NOO. STAB EQUESTRIAN TROUPE. intrr.T.TA INT STUD OF H 033518, PONS. MULES, ac. GERMA.NTA. 011.01 BA —Pal2l? kt u ßehearsals Halle,lrrralin=a*MAlG "Aram:tense= by addressing GEORGIC BASTZBT, agent, bee Zinnl arey etre.% between Race and Vble. oClltt P.I!M'ILL NEWO CHOICE BEATS . To all places of amuseraant, may be had up to a% o'clock any eventna.. mh2941" - VIZI be 111 at t iMD AD=N3ION TICKETS THE - • eye :4.1:414 . e • 431 CHESTNUT street. opposite the Post Offloe, for the ARCH, CHESTNUT. WALNUT and ACADEMY OF MUSIC, up to 6 o'clock every evening. aelS tt AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Leonard Grover, BRIEF SEASON GRAND GERMAN OPERAS Seats may be procured for any night announced, TO-DAY. at TRIIMPLER'S Music Store. OBSERVE PRICES BELOW FIRST NIGHT Or THE SEASON, Monday, February 26th, 1866. For the only night during the season, Gounod's very popular Opera, .A. 1U S rr 9 OW UV:4O:a 3 .13 , A ) K 11 : 4 : 4, 410 1i 307,144 FRANZ HIMMEB. his original role.. ----Faust JOSEPH HERMANB.--. ' Mephistopheles His very celebrated character. MADAME JOHANNA ROTTER M'LLE SOPoral DZIDBA asibel This ever popular opera will receive one representa tion during the season only. Hienmer and Hermann will appear in their original roles. Toe appearance of these artists as Faust and Mephistopheles at the close enbe enormously successful season of Grand Italian and Great German Opera in Boston, was the signal for round after round of vigorous cheers. The Boston Post says : "We cheerfully ascribe to this the position of the most satisfacliory performance of the whole season." Palpable improvement is discernible in B en:clans. who makes the Mephistopheles more than ever his own. Indeed several of the best critics in Boston. Washington and Baltimore, claim a decided Improvement In the quality of Hermans' magnificent voice. The opera is presented with new and magnifi cent costumes and properties. 1 u DAY EVERTING. FEB. =TR, 1866. Only time of Anber's very popular Opera. FRA. DIAVOLO. FR A. DLAVOLO _ - . HAMPT ; Vr A_RiIAND. HERM A Ns,WEL:S7LICH, 61E1:CECIL MADAME DA ME JOHANNSEN. The tlrst production here by this Company of this w.nderfully popular opera. The able.critic of the Washington Chronicle pronounced the recent produc tion of "Fra Diavolo" the mast gennine success of the season, and the most enjoyable operatic performance ever given in that city. It is not presumption to say that no other American Cast equals that of the German Opera Company in vivacity and esprit de /opera. Habelman and Madame Rotter are esteemed as in their most effective relies; Germans, slightly trespass ing on that good nature which the public everywhere accords him in order to please 31ilor. the Englishman, with something National, introduces, as one of the Robbers. Rtiell's popular ballad—"l'm afloat. I'm afloat"—which producd the most tumultuous enthu siasm. and presents this popular basso in an entirely new feature. WEDNESDAY RV ENING, FEB_ 14TH, 1866, MOzARTs IMMORTAL OFER ALA Girl FLUTE. MAGIC FLUTE. DEBUT OF M'LLE EL'VTELA. NADDL rWMtillerM=Tfslll3EMlwKr4 Madame Johannsen This sublime Opera of the great Maestro is presented after the moat careful study and rehearsal, and now attracts the largest audience uniformly of the entire repertoire. The Opera is at present given in a most gratifying manner, and, as clearly excelling all its former presentations in this country, is worthy of the large attendance which it receives. Prices for the three nights announced—Admission, oNE DOLT. A Vt secured seats, BITTY CENTS EXTRA.. FOYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CARL WOLFSOHN'S MELEES OF TEN BEETHOVEN MATINEES. SIXTH MATINEE, Tuesday Afternoon, February 27th, At half.paat Four o'clock. DOORS (PEPS' AT FOUR O'CLOCK. SINGLE TICKETS.. ONE DOLLAR. To be had at the Music Stowe; and at the Door. re.1.2t.. NATION psiarlilet Street,ElitovLe,,nvemai. MONDAY EVMITN.3. February 26, and EVERY EVENING DURING THE WER_ GRAND MUSICAL L LIO .TIIB N. ILEES FOB ' THE mi The largest and most popular concert.compani, the mast elaborate, unique; pleasing and instructive enter tainments ever offered the Amerlc:an people. First appearance since returning horn England of the original FATHER HEMP'S OLD FOLKS' CONCERT COMPANY, consisting of twenty two ladies and gentlemen, with a tine Orchestra and splendid BRAES BAND, assisted by EMMA J. NICHOLS, the Jenny Lind of America. All of whom will appear in costumes of one hundred years agO. AM:IEIISSIOD to all parts of the hall, 30 cents. Family tickets four for gl. Children, 15 cents. Doors open at 7; commence at 8. FATHER KEMP, Manager. R. N. TEMPLE, Agent. CONCERT HALL. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. ELOCUTION AND MUSIC. SELECT READINGS by Prof. N. K. RICHARD- S( N, the distinguished Elocutionist, and MUSIC by the AMPHION QUARTETTE, Ou TUMDAY EVENING, February 27, 1566. Prof A. M. GOLDSBOROITGH Pianist Tickets,so cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. For sale at Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut Trunapler's, Seventh and Chestant.and Rhlera, Continental Hotel. Doors open at 7. Entertainment begins at 8. fellt-30 AASSEMBLY BIIELDrNGS, S. W. corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, MOST POSITI v kaX THE LAST TWO EVENINGS Tait. PEA_E FAMILY SWISS BELL RINGERS. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, February 23 and 24. SATURDAY, LAST GRAND MATINEE. Cards of adrokmlon, 35 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Children, 25 cents. No half-price to secured seats. Tickets for sale at Chas. W. A. Trtunpler's Music Store, and at the Hall. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at & Afternoon—Doors open at 2 o'clock; commence as. Afternoon Tickets—Adults, 35 cents. Children, 15 cents. felaot4 A SSEMBLY BIIII.DINGS. THE SPHYNX. THE SPHYNX. SIGNOR BLITZ Will Introduce every evening this week the marvelous Illusion of THE SPHYNX, which has created an im mense sensation in Europe and in this country. Commence, evenings at 7% o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'clock. Admission, 25 cts.; Children, 15 cts.: Reservedasats.soo. A• :AA • • ` a b ov s OTen th street pen from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Bert). West's great Pietnre o CHRIST R.E.CTED, • Still on exhibition. .1e14411 IRON RAILING. HILADELPSIA AND NEW YORK ORNAt P MENTAL IRON WORKS. The subscribers. founders and manufacturers of CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Mme• &c, PATENT 'wrFau for offices, store fro llir)47 1118 bulwark.AatliMßrashillpAßDSs, &o,; &.c., made under the'JMI.EINS PAT RINU being the only authorized manufacturers of Wire Work under said patent la the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT; IRON FITRNITURE, STABLE FITTINGS, _ of every,varlety of new and improved designs. -SPECIAL CARE RESTOW e E si r ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY .11,11VFX.T.TFTEr• .Id ENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Stateary, &c.ativing us_ superior facilities. All orders shall receive carefal and prompt attention. ja2S-th,s tu,Smipl RoBERT WOOD & CO., Office and Warerooms, llB6 RIDGE A.venue. AIJCTIbN HALES. j ktd:l32l FIOEO I 4M.-AUCTIONEIES, No. 422 WA ,Now street, ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, At 12. o'clock. at the Exchange, will be sold by order of the Collector of Internal Revenue— ow s h ar es capital Stock Platt 011 Co., seized and to be sold by order of the 'United States, for unpaid taxes BOJU%DiTif G. A DDERABLE SECOND-EMORY FRONT ROOM, for gentlextian and wife, will be vacant lat Blarcla. lieference required... ' /417 RIPIAVOB Street,., its , . - - Director.