Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 17, 1866, Image 7
From our Third Edition - of Yesterday. • From Ntas:ttington." !Special Despateyt t i iheßulletina WASHINGTON, Feb."l6.--A-Penian•delega tion, headed by *!lr..Killiati," are here, for the purpose of calling the • attention of the Pre sident to the action of the British Govern ment in incarcerating American citizens, against wncan' there are no charges. The delegation are very severe upon Minister Adams, who has refuseci to take any notice of the case, to which his attention has been called. A grand mass meeting will be held to-morrow afternoon at . Grover's Theatrd, at which time the conduct of Great Britain will be severally denounced. Generals Banks and Butler have been written to to address the meeting, Pollard, the Richmond rebel, whose paper has been surpressed, gets no satisfaction from the President or , General Grant. He lias been informed that the government intends to make short work with this class of men and papers. The special committee on debts of the loyal States have, prepared their bills. I allows fifty-five dollars per man on the three years standard of service and pays, in all, for two million one hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred and eleven men. The aggregate, one hundred and eighteen million four hundred thousand dollars to be accepted by the States in full for all claims. To be paid in five per cent. bonds, redeemable after twenty years, and not negotiable till after the same period. The House Naval Committee leave here with Judge Kelley, this evening; for the purpose of visiting League Island, with the -view of ascertaining its merits, as a proper locality for the. Navy Yard,etc. To-morrow will be devoted to that object by the Com mittee. Mit EL rketeg. Maw YoSir, Feb. 16th.—Cotton dull at 44%454543. fo middling. Flour has declined lac. for State; soles o 7,000 barrels at $5 85©88 VI for State. 53 asgifilo 7i for Ohio, f 6 70@08 80 for Western, $8 70@f.19 So for South ern, and f 7 80@ll 50 for Canada. Wheat and aorn dull; sales unimportant. .Beef steady. Pork heavy at 50@28 62% for mess lard dull. Whisky dull. Stocks were better this morning, but the quotations are lower since the Board. Chicago and Rock Island, It 814; Cumberland preferred, 453;; Illinois Central, 1141‘; 'Michigan Southern. 71; 7 env York Central. 90%; Read ing 101:16• ' Hodson River, 104% ; Canton Company, 44%; Missouri 6s, 7714; Erie, 80%; One Year Certificates. 98%; Tennessee Ss, 99%; Treasury 7 8 10s, 99%; Ten-Forties, 943 i: United '-rates Coupqn and Batlatered Cis. 104%; Western Union, .57%; Gold: 1177%. CURIOUS SALORILEOE.—The Episcopal Church ai Riverton, N. J., was entered on Tuesday night by some maliciously disposed person. The cabinet organ was defaced and destroyed by tearing out the keys. The book markers and part of the communion linen was stolen by the marauder, who, however, left t'be vestments untouched. A. window was broken, but as the glass was found on the outside of the building, it is evident that the church was entered with false keys and the window broken to divert investigation. The doors and windows were all left, fastened. The object appears to have been malicious mischief rather than pltinder. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Board. BALES AFTER MIST BOARD, tsoo City 6s new 92 500 eh Nicholas C sip 1000 II Tress 7 8-ICS 800 eh Read R 50 60-100 Notes June c 9034 400 eh do b3O 501( 1000:N Pa RRs 111% 100 sh • do 830 50% 12400II8ea'81 101.% 100 eh do 4560 504‘ 4500 sh Green Mount 43 100th do 660'-5014 200th Maple Shade c 434 100 eh do bswir 5074 200 att.:Union Canal pf 43( SO sh id do 3d St R 7 4 100 eh Bch Nay 2334 100 eh Little Bah R 200 sh do pfd bso M.' BBOOND • #2703 US Trees Y S-30 Notes -June Sehi 20(0 City Ge new 82 I 20 eh Norristown it 54 BUSINESS UA_RDM, 628 HOOP NEW - 628 vc rem, EiTYliti%NOW BEADY of Hopkins "own make," at No. 628 ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 16 to 40 spring's, at very low prices. Skirts made to order. altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. rims-am, C. RICIGHT -.3t CO., WROLESALE GROCERS, E.S. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of. Philadelphia. Jat-lyr GEORGE SHARP, Patentee a-41 -manufacturer of the BALL .PATTERN SILVER WARE, No. 41e Prune street. ' Ja23-.3mot LAMES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PrRE, CLEMENT A. GEISCOM. THEODORE WRIGHT. FRANS I.„ NEALL. PET.E.R.WRIGHT Importers of h'artheaware, and Shipping and Commission 3.1 - ershants, 1N0.116 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, vpougAlT' MEREICK, W%, H, ZEFERHICrt. .11.'0. E. COPE. QourEtwAßg. rouNDki, - 2.thm AND WAEM INGTON STREETS, WPM:RICK ei SONS .ENGINRERS AND MACHINIST% - - Ifa x.ri nfacture High and Low Pressure Steam ` Enztn and Marine Service. o Gasimetcrs, .ranks Iron Boats, so,. ...nstings of a.ll kinds, eitheriron or brass. .za, 1 ,- - - .lr-c3 Roots for GCS Works, Workshops a - -Tttluons, an. at and Gas Machinery, of the latest and rat el approved construction. li,very description of P/antrAlon Machinery; EMI Sugar, Saw and. Srist Mills, Vaznam PAW,, 01IM Steam Tral.ns, Dastoston.•, Filters, Pumping E.n. gine+, &v.. Sole Agents. for Ic. Sillenz's Patent Sugar Bellina Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and et. Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal sum Draining Machine. MidiZINSYLVANIA. WORRE—on the DELAWAREI River, below PHILADELPHIA, MESTER, Delaw are pinir, Pa. _ SON * Exurineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of AU kinds of CONDE:MUM AND NON-00NDET181140 En. GENIE, /rod Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tania Prop_ , ,ellers Okc. &o. T. /MAXEY, W. B. BEILDTEY, 8. AICCIIIEBOLD. Late of Late r,eaney, Nestle & Engineer CklSl Penn Works, PlAis. Elyis-Er I U. El: NavP43 IHErfrHE PHILADELPHIA BIDING SORCIO/sr. A. FOURTH street, above Vin e, will reopen for Chi Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Ladies and thlik spmttbis ery lemen desiring to acquire a thorough owledge of • will find 3m facility at this school. The hoaccomphshment rses are safe end ev well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddli horses trained In the best manner. Saddle , horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages foritiW This to cars, steamboats, dso. • THOS.OBAIESE & BON. GAS" FIXTITIMS.—MISKEY, M:EBRILL ds THAMARA, NO. 718 CHEIr 3TNITT street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, dm„ dtc., would call the attention of the 'nihilist* theirlarge end elegant assortment of. Gas Chandeliers, Pend Brackets, &c. They also Introduce- Gas-pipes Into Dwellings and Public Buildings, and attend tolliktend , lug,n ted. altering and repairing Gas pip". Ail , work -war ra IinkRIVY WELLEL—OWN.ERS OF PROPERTY.—The oply, place to get Privy Wells Clearrsed and Disin fected.. at very low prices. A. PETBSON, Manufacturer of Pondretta r gioldsmith's Hall. Lib street rary NTOVEAS; . ANDABEELTEInti.: ' . , ATHomesorrs LONDON ICETOILENEE, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, 'for - families, b_ _,__otels or ..,. w . public histitutions, in TWENTY DIWEEENT 51ZE13.. , 4450, • Phpadelptila Ranges, • Hot:atr' Turr — se7m, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fire., board- Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers,' Coo nufacturers king Stoves, ete.,,at who:esale and retail, by the, ma • &CASE, SEEA.B.PE & - THOM:PBON, - o2B,tnAtti,em/ No. 209 North &mond street, 0n .THOMAS o. DLXPN dr. SONS* , ' . • Late Andrews & Dixon No. 1824 CECINTINUT street, I . llllailedohla. OPPoelte 'United States Writ,' • ofacturera of . . }OwD3mt q: And o th 7r . , an , WARM .7l,l4marnthALisq;43/%13.' :I?..NT • ' IOECCAIIiEE-oA.Eti_ • '''- 00ORTNicE-RAN GER kBA.TEC•BOi o ar. ... _Unica:Mß.l-LE' AAA RETAIL gr.IIITE7A - LIIERIA. , landing from bask and • ins, sala JOS. B;131 7 8131L8. De.a;veze avenue. BOARD, tuu an ..11e3totnee B IMO 34% 100 sh Catawisea pt 86 :XX 30 sh Cam &Am it 116 X 300 5h Union enl . , 236 THE "COLTOW;DENTAL, ASSOUTATIOI( OW originated thg uscifirNitions Oxide (las for • extracting teeth withoutlf sin: - WE DO' NO - OTHER ;DFIC AL Wt.l;E. onice747.IVALINT stre Phila. • tes-I.2tef • -r -_ . • I~H~~.'PHiET~ 3b' 3a -1 7 4i1EW EXPRESS ,STEAMSHIP - LINE . . Have commenced their regnlar OUTSIDE trips. entbr . . , The NEW and lirsk class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester,: NORFOLK; - Captain Vance: ' ALEXANDRIA, Captain Hattrick. VIRGINIA, Captain Snider, - . Leaving from each city on TUE'DAYS, THITI3,S. DAYS and ISA'I'UNDAYS, from flat wharf below Market stree Philadelphia, and Fiera 14 and lb East I leer, .New lurk. These Steamships insure at lowest rates. - Freight received DAILY t our usual low arates. WM. P. CLYDE S. CO, Agents, 14 South Wharves, Prillactelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent„ ja.34Q 1.17 Wall street, New York:. HAMILL'S PASSAGE "ANCHUR LINH OF STHAISFRS. "COLUMBIA," "CALEB:AVIA," "CAM. bRIA ," "BRITANNIA," "INDIA." Ste.T.n.t.to LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, BELFAST, DUB LIN, NE% ItY, CORK AN D GLASGOW. RATES OF PASSAGE. PAYABLE IN PAPER OIRR.K 7 cCY. CA BINB t5O and gm STEERAGE4I() Steor. , f hip "HISERNIA" leaves SATURDAY, January 27 TRE PAIR CERTIFICATES issued for bringing out passengers from the above points at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LUNE/. Also, to and trcna ALL STATIONS ON THE IRL-H RAILWAYS _ _ SPECIAL b, ()TICK Passengetswilltakepartleular notice that the "A actor Line" Is the only line gra• ting through takers at the above rates, from Philadelphia to the points named above, and that the undersigned is the only duly authorized Agent in Philadelphia. AlPly to W. A. HARILE., Sole Agent for "ANCHOR laZstf - 217 WALNUT Street 6TE.a.M. MrArm at QTHERINSTOWN, the Inman Line, Willing SEMI-WEEKLY, oarrying the U. S. Mae CITY OF CORK Wednesday, Feb. 11 CITY OF WASHINGTON ...... ----Saturday. Feb. r (PPV r.F LIMBRIC.II ..... --Wednesday, Feb. tt CITY OF LGNLUN..—' .—Saturday.Peb. At Noon. from Pier 44 North River. RATE OF PASSAGE; PAYAsx.n. tsr SOLD. First Cabin. I Steerage.—m4Sa First to L0nd0n...,......_.:_ ea Steerage so — London-- 84 Pint to Parts .. .--.....115 Steerage toParis 4t Passengers also forwar dedto Havre, Hamburg. Bre men, &c., rte., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednaiday Steamers, Bind Cabin, PO. Steerage, 05, payable In United States currency. Steerage pareeige from Liverpool or Queenstown, tea gold, or Ito equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persona ser.W.ng for their friends. - For farther information, apply_ at the Lm Agent lice& JOHN G. DA.L.E, Agent, Ja2S 111 Walnut street. Philadelphia. .• .FOR BOSTON. ~-••• • STEAMSHIP LINE MUM , I R Olt EACH POET EVEE Y.F.ITB DA ya. FROM ME ST. W HARF, PEET 1 A DELPHLe., D LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The ste w iship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail train Phil elphla on Saturday evening Feb W. 31 eet ship ARIkS, Captain Crowell, will sail from Boston on Wedsesday, February 2., at 12 M. • The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons brat:ilea. NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steatoshlps will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freight or passage, HEN apply RY to NVINBOB .tts OM. _tele . . • 232 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND ANL Noairoia sTEAmliau. COMPANY. The tine steamships of this Line insure at tho lowest rates Imo sail Jr. glumly from the First Wharf above Market, street, every WKDRE3DAY and BATUBDAY, At NOON Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfogi, and City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. For freight or paaeaga, with =MUSA% sooommoda Urals, apply to 1i zr a s P n . d o 6 L e T t D h ßA CO., 57 i STEAMSHIP HARLAN FOR 3111IW ORT.PAINS, DERMA' FR OM PHILA.- Issi • :s A. !The new Iron able•wheel Steamship HARLAN, Forbes. master, will be despatchell for the above poet about March let. For freight or passage, having splendid acooranto datlo66, aPP/Y to BISHOP. SON & CO., felS 106 Arch street. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALBA: ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington vu, tmenapeake and Delmrare Canal, with connection* et Alexandria, Va., .torsi • the most direct route ros Lynchburg, Bristol Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. . ; Steamers leave 'First Wharf above Market etre:, every Wednesday and Baturday at IS M. For freight apply to the age.nrs, - P. CLYDE & 00., • , 14 North Wharves. 7. B. Davidson, Anent at Georgetown.; M. Eldridge 4, Co., Agents at Alexandria. 1,, NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAW.ABiI • and OETE9APBAIEIt oi.Ccti• -BOAT aIIif:PAIVY. BARGES lowed to and tram PHILADELPHIA HAI7BEDE-GBACE, BALTIMORE, WASHING TON, and intermediate points. W3l. P. CLYDE at CO., Agents, No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Super intendent. OLD ISTA.PLISHED INDEPEN. - a DENT ODTSLDE LUCE FOR NE tV YORE is receiving freight daily at low rates. second wharf below Spruce street, and will Insure at low rates. P. R. CLARK, Agent, fet-tfl 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. mv_rnw‘ . 7mimil ROBINSON'S VA T , TVORNI.A. CLLPPER LUTE. F 4 A I - LING 'REGULARLY JS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. isnrP Line et reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship CA_RLYLE, _ L. Hop Wu. Commander, Lals now rapidly loading at pier 11 East River. This beautiful vessel to one of the sharpest, and best vessels now loading. Raving a p"rtion of her Cal go on bcard with large enkagemenis, wilt have quick despatch. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & Ja2stl 105 Arch CO.,em FOR SALE.—Toe superior Bark TRIO. TRUCES, 780 tons register. large carrier and in Rood order, built to cbiladelph la in 1866; also the Propellor Icon Steamship .3' W. EVERMAN, 65L1 tope , register nearly Lew, of light draught of water and large capacity, in first-rate order and ready for sea. arsq, the superior despatch boats GEN. SI - LERMAN and GEN. SHERIDAN, having 301.a1 iucacytinners and large boilers, light draught and frst. and writ adtpted tor r owing at ac a or to harbors; built in Yhda eell,hiawithoutregardtocost. Apply to HY SIMONS, tels-61 0 525 New Market street. FOR LA OUAYRA AND PUERTO CA -2,7 BELLO.—The bark wHIIE WING, Wilkie, master, will sail at an early day for the above pails. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN DAL ',FAT & CO., N 0.128 Walnut street. FOR PROVIRENCE. R. I.—Express Line.— O The fine schooner AMERICAN E.GLE,Shaw. master, is now loading for the above poet at Guard's wharf, above Market street, and will sail with O despatch Wharves. reor freight, apply to DAVID 000 PER, 18 2crth . feS FOR SALE LOW.—The schooner DAMON, las tons register, 98 feet long, 27 240 feet beam, - and 8 3-10 feet hold. Sall has just. been re paired and spars are entirely new. May be seen at alit wharf above Bace street: For terms, apply to E. A.ISOUDEIt & CO., Dock street Wharf.., fe9 let nisFOR LIVERPOOL.—With Quick Despatch.— The fine - American ship Z01:724.17E. L. O. Blair, master, having the greater portion other cargo engaged, and now going on board, will sail aoon. For bit acne of freight or passage. apply to PETER WRIGHT dt 801v13,115 Wainntstreet. fe7.tf FOR BALTIMORE, D.—The fine. schooner MARY GAY, Captain Been, Is now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf above Market street, and will aaU with despatch. For rtaight, APP/9 to DAVDD COOPHIR & C0..18 N. Wharves; FOR FREIGHT. OR CRARTRIL:=The fine brig E. P. STEWART Captain 'Rolland, 4,000 bbla. capacity. Apply to DELVED COOPER, 18 Di. Wharves. . 7a20 r d n yAxc L F.o YTrae - 92sILiz .per )., steamer, will e fendts for their geode, now landing at Pixie street . HENRY WINBOR CO. ' oNSIGINKIES' NOTICE -.The schooner SARAH A. C Paine. master, from-Boston, to now discharging ber cargo at ,flret wharf below Callowhill street— Conelgneee will-please attend to the recep . tion fof their goods. DAVID (X)OPER, le N. Wh a rves. el' WTOTICE.--A.ll persons are hereby cautioned against VII harboring , and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig D.BIIe.M.ARIC, sane debts of tneir contract.. ingl will be paid by captain , or consignees, - WORK- litAN•& 01 1.00 1 14huieee.123 Wednut street. . r , T. eo B.9iuratimsamocessor to JOHN SHINDIXJI idt 'SONS Ban Halr_ t ent No. .North below Vine atreet i Pouattelphlit. MI work done n the bent man= =don Sae lowest and most favorable tenni!, and warranted to tilve peg . feat satisfaction. • - • • - Partionlar attention given to renalrint. - SIP • 0)30.4.-4.1.1 persons _are_hereby_citutioned against • trusting any of the crew of the Br. stilo B. L. TiLLY, whereof Cann ,Is master, in:in - :1.01E1 Yalta, "Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by. captain or consignee. , ED/BEND A. SOUDBLa it 00. Dock strect wharf. • . , •: dog - • • VOR SALN: , -43..ELL10E1 BRIP SR:EA:MI*ISG - '.s: FELT. iniots to suit. - 'A,nuly toPE:11101 , WIII(IRT .. *SONEi. 115 Walnut street!, .• • t . - •tie;aB-if • , DENTISTRY • r ~,.TftE;z P 4l-47:7- EygNINoi,p,UT,TRITI:No.ipOtgA.PIRRI.A. it p*TR A VT rglqtrikß.Y 17, 1866 MIAVELlatir READING RAILROAD. FROM •: s air av or i TOTHE /MENTOR OP: PENN. SYLVANIA.,__ THE SMITYLEML___ L __susgDERAN. 13_ ,A OUNDeau..Anill AND WYlueuriet THE NORTE,_ _NORTHWEST and the CANADAS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT OF PAI3SENGER TRAINS leavir c he iv lM y •Dpot, TEENTH and Streets, Philade/phia at the following holm: MORNING MAIL At 8 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunhat' , ,Willituxus. port, wimira, Rochester, Niagara Palls B , town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, oarlisle,Chambers. burg, Hagerstown, &a, &r. This train connects at 'READING with the Eitel Pennsylvania Railroad trains for. Allentown, .&c,; and with the Lebanon Valley train ibr. Harrisburg, &c.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawlasa Railroad trains Ibr Williamsport. Lock Htu fen. Elmira. dtc., at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquebanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport. York, Oitam.bershurg, Pinegrove, &c. AFTERNOON EMPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 1.31.1 P. M. for Read o lng t , u Potta. ft. ville, Harrisburg, &c., connecting with g and Columbia R.R. trains for eolumbta .oc., and with Oats wises Railroad train for Milton, Willi • "port, Elmira, Buffalo. &e. Mr .41)11c ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all wapiti'. Urine; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.30 A. M. Returning; leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arrives In Reading at 7.25 P. M Trains for Philadelphia leave if.arrisbnrg at 745 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Plilladel• phis at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg, at 145 P. M., and Pottsville at 245 P. 2L; arriving at. Philadelphia at 7.65 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.35 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaven Philadelphia at 1z45 noon for Reading and all way eta done; leaven P.eading 11.30 A. M., and Downingtown 12.35 P. P.I. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays ezcepted. Sanday trains. latve Pottsville at 8.00 A. M., and Philadelphia at 8.10 P. M CHESTER V A .I ;I FY RAILROAD. Passenge for Downingtown and intermedlatepolnini take the 8.00 A. M. and 42.0 P. M. trains from Phlladel• Phia_ L retandna from Downingtown at 7.05 A. M. and in ninon_ NEW YORK EXPRESS_ ___, POP. PITISRURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and S P. 2L, Reading'at, 1 A. H., and 148 P. H.. and oonnec= Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Ex rees Trains for Pirzburett, Chicago, Wil lbiunEsnort, Elmira, Baltimore., &C. 'Returning, Express Than leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania EXpress Mixt Pittsburgh, at s and 9.05 A. IL, pluming Readitk and 4.49 and 10.6: A. M.., arriving at New vork IS A.. LL, and 2.45 P. M. Bleeping Car acoompanying theta trains throughbetweees Jersey City and Pittsburh, without charge. Nail train tbr New York leaves Harr.bnrg_at 1.45 P. 124 Mall train far Harrisburg leaves New York at In Roan. SCHUTIACCLL VALLEY MA TT.POAD. Trains leave Pottsville at ..4.5, 11 A. M. and LIS P. M. returning from Tamaqua at LES A. M., and 1.4* and 4.15 P. M. BUY MULL AND SIISCMCIIANNA RAILROAD. i'ratns leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Plnegrove and Marr.burg, and at 1.50. P. M. for Pinegrove and Tr:. wont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00 P. X. and barn Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Through 'fixot-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all tile principal points in the :North and Went and Colmar:a. The following tickets are obtained only et the Onloe of b. Bradford, Trecsurer, No. 117 South Foarth street, l'htladelzada, or of 0. NloolLt, General mperincenfil• era, BeaAlng. (X)MIWCTATION TICKETS, l_trn per cent., discount between any points deatred for nindnee and firms. Good for 2,t00 rollea,berween all points, at OW 50 each. for fluntheo and draw. SEASON TICKETS. For three, atx, nine or twelve month., Cur holders only, to all points at reduced ratea. CLEIWYMEN Residing on the, line of the Road will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tink.ebs Half fare. EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations.ad ibr Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow. hill etreeta. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions tbrwardtxl to all the above ptAndn Willow ts from the Oats. streempamre New Freight Depot, Broad a FREIGHT TRAIGH Leave "Philadelphia daily at &SO A.. M., 12AS noon and k. AL, for R..A ng, Lebanon, Harrlaburg, PottaVllle, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. blase at the Philadelphia Poet Office tbr all places on the road and its branches at 6 b M., and far the prin. dtpal &adores only at 2.15 P. M. IFIEWPHILADELPHIA, 'WILMENG. I TON AND BALTLMORE RAIL , ABLE.--Cora meaning MONDAY, January 6th, 1808. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.05 A. (Mondays excepted), thr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Warning. ton, Perryville, Havre-de Grace. Aberdeen, Perry. man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Ran. Delaware RR. TrainaLlt A.lL(Sunday excepted), for Salisbury, 31.111.xd and intermediate ststuoux. Was-mail Train, at 5.15 A. M. (tsandays ex. oepted), for Baltimore, stopping at Cheater, Tharlow, Linwood, Claymont, and all regular stanona between Wilmington and Baltimore. 3rpresa Train at 2,45 P. M ,(Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washin,gton, stopping at Chester; Claymont. Wilmingtorr, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Brace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mere Ran. Night Express at 11.0 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester,- -Tiairlow, Linwood, Claymont, Valmington. Newark,ELtion, North-East, Perryville and Barre-de-Grace. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fbrtresa Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will Lake the 9.15 A. M. Train. . As an additional accemmodation fbr those holding through ticaets for Baltimore, Washington and Southern points. a special car will 1. ave Philadelphia Depot at 11.30 A. M., connecting at ()ray a Ferryith the Morning hxprees train hmm sew York THAW:so; stepping Mall stations between Philadelphia and Islington. Leave Philadelphia at 8.1b,11.152,...1L, &Mi. CO and 7.00 P. M. The &se P. M. train connects wail the Dela. ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.1.91, 9.15 and 9.30 A. M., 3.0 b and 5.00 P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 8.16 A. 'M., AZ) slid .s.uu P. TILROUUR TRAIN'S FROM BALTIMORE Paave Wilmingtou at 12.00.1 t.., 4-W and 5.55 kr-a'rER FOR PHIL., Li R • Leave ULster at 6.01, 8..:6 and 10.14 A. IL, 12..56..141 5 .01, 5.44 and 10.29 P. M. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphls.—Leave Baltimore 11.25 A. 01.. Way Mall. Lie P. M.., Express. 025 P. lit., Express: 9.25 P. L.., Express. Au - Accommodation Train Eir Havre-de-Grace and Intermediate stations, willleAve Baltimore at 4.10 P. 51. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.50 A. 51.. 3.28 and 11.50 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12...2.7, 5.13 1043 A. M., and 4.00 P. 51. SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore t.nd Wash. Ingtou, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer's Bun. Night Express 11.15 P. 51. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow Linwood, C la) mcnt, nmington,Newark, Elkton,North-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train wlilleave Philadelphia for Wilming ton and lntermedxtte Stations at 9.u0 P. M. BALTIMORE FOB POI f .5 t) M:1. • Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also atop at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers fbr Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attacned will leave Wilmington far Perryville and intermediate stations at 0.042. M. IL B. KENNEY, Superintendent. ism PHILADELPHIA AND ID= RAILROAD. isss. grea e verses the Northern and North w :.t counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake has be Erie. _— It. en' leased and is operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. Tflos 07 PASEO:NG= TRAINS AT PSCLADELPHIA. ARRIVICEASTWARD. Erie Mall Train - -♦ - - • - ICO P.M. Erie Express Train - - - - 11 10 A. M. LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Ma ll Train - - • - • 720 P. M. Erie Express Train • - • - 7 Passenger oars run through on Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Pbusdel pills and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 600 P. M., arrive at Erie S 87 A. M. Leave Erie at 155 P. M.. arrive at' ew York 1.15 P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. Elegant bleeping Cara on all Night Trains. FOr Information respesting"seenvßr business apply atclorner W& THIRTMTH and - streets. Phila. MO And for Freiglit of IIIBOMP - onell Agents 134 B. gingston,r.,+ comer • Thirteenth and Market eta • Philadelphia. - .I: W: - Ileynolde,43lrie. •- - - William Brawn, Agent, N. O. B. 8., Baltlmore. H. H.OUSTON, General PreWit Agen Pl N h ti i mat dladelp /I . W. G General Tick e t ATTt P LPhiadelPhla. GeneralanteL.Anner WEST CHEATER AND KULA DELPHLS, RALLROAD, VIA 31:4i VV WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Ott and after WEDNESDAY, Octqber 18th, 1885, the trains will leave ea follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave PhikoPlphia - fer Wm4•o ll ester 8.05, 11.00 A.M., 2.15, 4.80 and 8.00 P. bi.• ~ • LleaVe West - Chester for rausuelphia 8.45, 8:15,10.45 A. IL 1.10, 4.85 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.80 P.M., will not stop at Pennelton, anti will stop below B. C. Junctien at Media on ly. PENNELTON 'TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and 11.00 P. M. Leave Penneltoa for Philadelphia 9.02 A. M., 8.20 P.M. These Trains stop at all Intermediate Stations. 0$ SIINDAYS-71.eaver Philad?l,phia , at•PAO A•4 l -( Leave West Cheater 7.55 A. M and 4.00 P M. •Ttains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M. and 4.80 P. ilt.,land leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. 21, and 4.85 P. M„ }connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and 8.0. B. B. for Oxford and intermediate points, /Or Passengeraare allowed to take wearing apparel , Orly as Baggage. and the Company will not, in any cue, be responsible exceedirixene hun dred dollars. ent.43 , 411,4ni.30ial contract 15-made for the same. 1: tBENRY WOOD, General Superintendent TICKETS. MILEAGE T/CECETS, natA. - vikiaßid - tittoic NORTH PENNBYLVANLL R •.• • " R— , THE MIDDLE ROITTIC.—. nortett an mos direct line to Bethlehem,Allentown Manch ',Chunk. Hazleton 'White Haven:Wilkesboro% dfabanoy City, and all points In the Lehigh, and Wyoj ming Coal Regions. , • Passenger Depots in Palladel_plokt.,_TEEDlD. street above Thompson, and corner of CAN Meets. . , WINTER ,ARRANGEMENT. .. NINE DAILY. TRAINS.. On find after hiondey,Nov. 20th,1 8 65,PasSeitfir.tralna leave the Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excePted), as follows: AT 7.80 A. R.—blorning Express for Bethlehem and ..imd Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Ball lload, connecting at .Betblehena: with ,Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Cataaauque, Slatlngton, Mauch Chtusk_ , Weatherly, Jeauezville, - Hazleton, White Ha vens Wilkesbarre, Ring. stout, Pittaton, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys - also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Maiumoy City, and with Catawissa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Will thanspert. Arrive at Manch Chunk at U. 45 A. M: at Wilkesbarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P. 111. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Trainssaingllethiehero, at 12.00 M. for .1285- ton end pointson I , .ew Jersey Central Tvolroad to New York. 8.3.5 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stooping at all Intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation. for Pert Washing ton, stoup? at all intermediate Stations. At 2.30 F Accommodation for Doylestown, Mop ping at a intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT &al P. M.—Evening Empress for Bethlehem and principal- Stations connect he North Pennsylvania Rail road making close ion at Bethlehem with Le htlt'ValleY Tmin for Easton, reaching thereP. M. Passengers tbr Plainfield, Somerville and other points Ch. New Jersey Central R.B. take N. J. C. Train at .E.P.Stcal, winch arrivlas in New York at 10 P. M. Pas sengers for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales. and /or Nazareth at. Bethlehem and. for breenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 P. liL—Airoramodstion, for Doylestown, Stooping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for willow Grove, Hatboro' and Harteville take stage at Abinguan : for Lamberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M. Through Aocommuriation, for Beth /them and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Beihuad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train forpoiro , ' —n Lehigh Valley Railroad and for .Danville, zr.dCatawinatt AT Gls P. IL—Armonamodation, :or Lansdale, stoP ring at all intermediate Stations. At 11 F. IL Aceommodarkm for Fort Washingten. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA- Leave Bethlehem at L.lO and len A. M., and CID P. Passengers leaving Reston at MO .A.. 11L, anneal Bethlehem and arrive In Philadelphia at 12.65 Passengers leaving Wilkesbarre at 1 P. EL,conneat at Bethlehem at 6.1 h - P. DL. and arrive in Philadelphia at s.SS P. Leave Doylestown at 6.20 ;I. M, 2.15 and 5.29 P. IL Leave Lansdale at CIO A. M. Leav9 Fort Waal:ll 6 lton at 10.50 and 2.15 P. LL SUNDAYS. Philadelphia fbr Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown At tP. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.M A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia ot4 P. LL Filth and Sixth Streets Passeng. er Cam cony y pee. engera to and from Berke Street Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line oonvey yassegnere to Third Street kepot. Tickets =meths rocured at ihnTicketOf3tosa, THIRD street or Blstreet, In order to secure the lowest rates or fare. F.r.r.rS Cl n 'KR agent. Winman's Baggage Express 01 call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Office. No. 112 South TIMID street. , • FOR NEW YOKE.-The oAlid, DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA. A TRENTON RAILROAD 00.21- PANI"S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way pleas, from WA_LNIJT STREET WHARF, e ill leave as follows, viz: .Fttre. AL 6 A. AL, via Camden and Amboy, Ahoom., el 25 Ate A. Al., via Camden and Jersey City Exprees, 800 At 2P. M. via Ckuncien and Amboy Express, 2 Li At 12 lii (mem) and BP. M., via Camden nod Amlx.y, Amommodstion, (Freight and Pas senger.), . . . . . 2-a At 6 and 11.EA . P. M., via Camden andAmboy, Amnia ruodation, (Freight and Paaseriger) let Class Ticket, . 225 id Class Ticket, . 150 At 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 6 P.M. For Mount Holly,Ewans. vile. Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A. IL. and 2 P. M.. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. AL 12 AL ft.oo, 5, 6 and 11.. a P. EL tbr Pal. myna, Riverton, Delano.Bevesly, Edgewater, Bar. lington, Florence. Bordenteem &c. The 10 A. M. and 5 P. AL Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROMVrieSENGTON DEPOT will leave 11 , as follows - I At u. 15 A. M., LW P. M and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey MY 211 --- IP 00 At 12 - 1"..14. (Night) via Kennington and Jersey City Express---. -- ...- - -II Se The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others Sun days excepted. At 7-80 and 1115 A. M. 11, LSO, 4.28.6 and 6,45 P. M.. and 12. Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. tto At 7A. 51-, 1030,E 5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwell', sor- Tisdale, Holmes ka Tammy, Wlssine . Bride. burg and Franks and at SP. 51. for Ho and Intermediate Stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Penasylvarda, and New York State, and the Great Lekea. Two throagb trains daily (Sundays ercepted) Iftenn Kensington De pecae follows:• , At 7.80 A. AL and Lee P. M, for Niagara Falls, Bat- Otto, Dunkirk, Canandaigna.Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Ringbampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great .(, Bend, .Montrose, Wilkeebarre Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water *Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Fiera ngton, die. The 2.30 P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton fix Manch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. ete..- At 5 P. M. for Lambertville and hi termeellate Stations 'Age - For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Mb. street, above Walnut, half an hour betore departare. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundes,. Qmnibaeses will leave Wal nut street a - hart at 6P. Ad. to connect with 6.45 P. M Line. kitty Pounds of Baggage only all each Pewee tar. Paseengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over tiny poands to be paid tor extra. The Compauy limit their rmponsibllity for baggage to Oue Dollar per pound. ..mid will not be liable for Any amount beyond ewe, es eel t by special contract. ifFar Ticket.. reef and bacltta6 checked direct lAraugh 1.0 8P5L66. Graham'sßaggage Express win call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. e Wal nut street. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 15 M. and IP. AL, via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, iu and us, A M., 6P, M. and 12 Is fight via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No. I N. River, at e A, M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. AL 12 AL, a and 6 P. AL (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. AVM. H. EIATZME.R, Agent. -- r.. PENNSYLVANIA (lE:writAl RAILROAD. " ER ARRANGEM.ENTS. Q....A The trains at the Pen isylvanla B. 11. will leave the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market street& The cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot. They also leave Frout street every two minutes, commencing one hoar pro viols to the time of departure of each Train and snow about sO rehruates for a trip. Theft cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passengers Into the city and connections are made with all roads creme tag Market street. ON SON/LYS—CM leave Eleventh and Market streets at 6.45 P. IL, to connect with the Pittsburgh and Este Mall. and at 10L25 P. M. with PhLiadelphie, Ex: dress. lininees Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. 81 South - Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can haven, done at reasonable rates untie application to him. TEAMS LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT 'THUS: . LZAVB. ERIE EXPRESS • • at 7.80 A. M. MALL at auti A. lit. PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 • - " 10.00 FAST LINE, . . • , " 12.00. AL pPA_RKESBETRieI . . e Lee r A ART ' R 113341 ACCOM., • " 2.50 P. "M. LANCASTER ACCOAL, • .. 4.00 .. • PAOLI TRAIN : No. 2 ...... _ 4,1 6.010 41 .. - t'ITTSBUROR ',Ii„.EREES HAIL • " 7.80 " PHILADELPHIA EXPB.ESS . " 11.10 " anurvm. OINCINNATI EXPRESS. " LID A. AL pl-irr...e.IIE.LPIIIA EXPRESS " 7.10 " PAOLI ACCOAL, No. / ~ 820 .. p A 1I 1. E 1 . fa am Ili ERIE, R'srpnilif.F. 1 . - " 1.1.20 " EANCAt3TER TRAIN 12.10 P. BE PASTIME . . II 1 . 10 II PAOLI A000.1E., No. 2, S I 4.40 I. II BAY EIAMS • ~ 5 . 45 BA Rums/T XP ORO ACOOM.., ~ am. I. Philadelphia .li l l l eaves daffy. Pittsburgh and gitgall leaves . (except Saturday), All other dally-- ex cept day. 6 ... The Pennsylvania Bauroad 00. wui not Sasaml i any risk for Banw, except for=lt i tiA am trel, and th e ir rm• , poty to one in value. theßamage Forn.eding that amount In value, will be at the riafr.of the owner, unless taken by ape.d. M. , contr a ct. Por farther intbrmatlon, es to time and con . • . omit isee bills and framed cards, or avuolY to.- . . TILOMAS If. PARKE, i• Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. Por full information ea to fare and ecoommodatiozah apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. 187 Dock 'area. . . -• PHILADELPHIA AND BALM'. MORE camutat ItA.II.IIOAD. 14 :ate - GEMENTS.—On and after WED NESDAY. October lath; 32165, thetraina will leave Phil. adelphia from the depot of West Chester and Phil adelphia corner Of . Thirty - first and Market M vets, (West adelphia,) at &RS A. M., and 4.80 P. M. j Leave Oxford at 6.60 A. hL. and 3.10 P. M. A mar ket train will leave the. Rising Sun, on Taesdayo and - Friday s, for Philadelphia, at 10.45 sad returning will leave Philadelphia for Rising Snmon Wednesdays and Saturdays. at 2. - 15 P. The train leaving Philadelphia at &OSA. M., cxrrmects at Oxford with a daily line of stages from Peach:Rot, tom ist Lancaster comity. Returning leaves Reachl3ot tom to connect at Oxford with the afternoon train ibr Philadelphia ,--- Partsengerepretallowed to take wearing apparel only sa;baggage;and rici ease will the Own pany be reinzlonsible for an amount exceeding ti100,,-- less a special contract is made for the same. - 13. WOOD. General Superintendent. " -PHILAp.26t it - pfirlt. ; ip eIIIN AN " ' " a "" TP. junatoAD.. t yid EALLTMEMA.ND gilao i — TitEtOtIGE FREIGHT DEPARTMENT D BROAD STREET, ABOVE The undersigned will continue the General Freight fit eneryof--ther-Philadel --Wilmington and - - .l3a.tt- -- Cream itailload, for Touts te. theWeet; , 41 f- .4 1 i9 , 711. shipperti and- e publietainte ire ‘ltettdred ttud the organization o f through trains `tieeurot: to Freight reittlar transit and prompt dative:oi to, all parte parte. Waugh Tales farther. infordtationiapydy A.:OOTIMpIA qck;, - - :1 J .:General Prefeht Agent& JOHN a Vitr...901% Fre-1V Vt. 10/740 .• • Mice. FUZZ 2 street. v e estrinti TRAVELING GUIDE , - T P O HLGADELPIII* , GREALdIir ) TART . : • • -On an!? atter , WED. November further notice. Leave Pidisdelnida-6. 7.8, 9,10 ,11,12,A. BEA 1, :11, 8.70 minutes, B,X, 4,8, 5%, 8,7, 8,9, 10, 11', 12; P. , Leave Germantown-6. 7,7%, 8,11.20, 9,10, 11,12, A. M.; 1,2, 8,4, 434, 0,83 i, 7; 8,9, 10, 11 P. m, • ');he 8.20 zown train, and the 83( and 87.1 up trams de not stop on G ermanto w n Branch. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. M.; 2, 7 and 10X. P. M. Leave Germantown-4 A._• 1, and 9AC, IL CIELMTI , II3T BADLBOAD. Leave Philadelphia-8, 8, 19, 12, 2,35 f, SX, 7,79, And 11, P. 31.• - - Leave Chestnut Rill-7.10 minutes, 8,_9.40, surf 11,40 A. M.; 1.40, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40, 8.40, and 10.40 P. Di. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Ph finnelphia-9.10 minutes, A. IL; 8, and 7 Leave Chestnut Hill-7.40 minutet A. M.; 12.40, 6.40 and minutes P. M. , FOR CONSHOROCKSIN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—a, 3.85, U. 05 minutes, b M.; IN, 434. 6N, 6N, 8.05, and 11%, P. M. Leave onlatevrn-5#,.7,7.50, 9,11, A. M .; 1 %. 431, and 6 P. M. The 5N P. IL train will stop at School Lane, Wiese. hlekon, I. t ansyunk , Spring Mills and Conshohocken only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M., 2%. and 7P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. D.L. and SP. M. FOR MANAYUNR. Leave Philadelnhia-6. 8.86,11.05 A. IL; IN, 9,4%, 7%. 6%, &OS, end 1135 P M Leave Managuna-6%, 7%, We, 9%,11%, A. M.; 2,8, 64 andl3, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pialladelphia-9 A. M.; 2.% and 7 P. M. Leave Di —74 A. M.; 5% and 8 P. M. W. T. WllBOh,General Superintendent, Depot. Ninth and Green street& ?ll TIM PAR HAND GEROUTE w hsTWATID. Owing tu the great distance bayed by THIS ROUTE the Government has assigned to it the carrying of tne U. S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West sad Southwest. The Shortest Connecting Link between the P. R. R. and roads running Went from Colambes for Piqua, .Daytt - n, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Memphi , , New Orleans, Caro, bud all points West at d Southwest. By this route bat Ci.te thsage of Cars between Philadelphia and Cin cinnati, and but Two to St. Louis. rtuperb :sleeping Cars run through to Cincinnati with bat one change. Passengers by this route will arrive le Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Cairo and St. Louis, ONE TRAM IN ADVANCE of say other line. Pa.wengars leaving Philadelphia at ILE) A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodroff's Celetrated Palace state-Room Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through, to Columbus without change, avoiding changing care at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to tne traveling community Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUBMI. ViLLE," at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. F. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Agi stenbenville, O. JOHN H. MILLER. Gen't Eastern Pass. AWL Sri Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gen'l fe.4-rf WEST JERSEY RAILROAD qx.... l t LlN33—Frorn fast of:ldarket street — wi wr exA kAN agi i M Sunday& FALLAND Commenoir% WEEDNESDA ' Y, NOVEMBER 1.655. For Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and I-!dem i Paillrawris at 9 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.. If For and all ntermediate Stations, at 9A. M. and 3 P. M. For Cape May and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to El Wyllie connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) for Cape May, due 2.45 P. M. and 8.00 P. 8 M. through passenger. due .09 P. M. For Glassboro' and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. E. Sand 820 P.M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, dbC., at 9 A. M., 3, B.A and art P. M. Frei ht train vrillleavePulladelphlafrom Bandfbrd's Whsrf at lu , and Camden, at 12 M. .1. VAN B.ENSSELAER, &aperintendent. • THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Exlmarss Bus xx.ss, receive, deliver, and forward, ugh other re• sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the MUD try, any article entrusted to them. A. Special Meissen cer accompanies each through train. Oboe, No. S Walnut street. PHILADELPHIA AND THROUGH LINE. ATAW - IeNSA RAILROAD. Short line to Wallamsport, Eltaira,Oil Reglona.lWe, Ilhaftalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places lB the Western, North Western and South Wee tern elates and the Coriatlas. Four throngs' trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and leave North Parma:FlT& Res4ing.R.H.Depot. I Dia La R.B. A. IL Depot. a A. M. l IWO P. M. 1.15 P. Y. One train on Sunday at a IS P. ht. By all these trains direct connection Is made at Bi aura with Erie railway; at Calamine& with Atlantic and Great Westerns' railwa, at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore B. E. and at, Saspensioa Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always as low as by any - other line. Sleeping cars on ail night trains. Second class cam with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage *thigh speed with low fare. For through tickets and farther particulars concern In the routes, tapplyat the. Ticket Office, 4:s.Chestaut street ce..l N. VAN HORN. Pea. Agt. OFFICE, OF THE ADAMS EX. COMPANY CHEST- Theta 924 . Pnitrogr..paxa. January =h. igat, Adams Express Company have craw= facilities at Washington, D. C., by building r Depot, and having acquired additional capacity tbr transportation. are now prepared to ;inward Heavy ElpiteS freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing. ton. Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and otrier_raA.vie South, eciettpled by the army, at greatly reduce d Special a,greements made for Merchandise in large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels taken at mov.h leas than our usual rates. Bevy and bniuy pacimges received and reoeipted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and 1.0- Mal' streets. JOHN BINGRAIf, Superintendent. RA.RITAN A D DFiT.A WARE `BAY RAILROAD.—NOric.E.—On !krill nu,: .5101". A.Y. February rah. the Ib.press Train nil! be discoutinned. The Freight Train leaves CAM DEN at 3 0 . c10 , k, P. 111"., daily (Sunday excepted) ar riving In New York next morning. Freight taken at low rates. fel2 B. COLE. Agent. DEUtib. INCASEA-3 perfect substitute for Breast milk, 13.1 for partial or entire Infant nursing. Prepared by Thomas Barron Brook, London Hos pital. Imported and supplied by U. C. BLaflt , SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. fell-tn,th.s 61* (lOD L.D7E:Et OlL—Twenty-five barrels, new made, li Cod Liver OIL of very superior oitiality; Carb. Ammonia, Just received, in Jars; also, just received, twenty-dve barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 55 per cent., in the best of packages, and fur sale by JOHN C. RAKER & CO., No. 718 Market street, L'I.NOLISH AND 1.011t.1ti:li VREGK—Eagnsh Va -12.• lerian, Croton Oil, Ta)mr's L:nt, Wines of Co!chi. unto, Composition Mortars, Oil \eroli Petit grain, Oil Tuikish Geranium dmible dibtilied, Oil Nutmegs, tien'a Extracts, Oil Sweet Almonds, Cream Tartar pure, A conite Root., White Chamomile, French Rose Le. res. English Castor Oil quarter pints to quart sizes Rio Tapioca, Fresh Fennel teed, Cardamoms, in store and fur sale by WELL' AA( FIT TS it (XX; 725 and 7= Market street., Philadelphia, Aoposoics BRONCHIAL TAM qTS.—The Alle viation of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoar a*, , t Similar Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Voice, Public Speakers, !singr and Amateurs have been grestw benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their intrinsic merit, cuhvtly_re commends them to persotui affectedwith WIN CHITIS, HO z z and CATARRH of the HEAD and BR F AST. For saleby DruW.sts generally prepared only by LANCASTBLI W1T• 14 4, Apothe• caries, northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, Phila. delphia. octg3 NESTRIENOTHENEND AND ' IDEVITLEUVR PLETERS with the pllfuicy of salt, thes anfl softness of kid. For affections of the Ches= weakness, ao., &C. They are cl and crises, coinfortahle and effective. 'Sold by Apo met :m.7,1410 Chestnut street. anti ES 1:14301137P SUNDRIBM Orleitiste Pin Tlles,Oozobs, Bnuih Ignore, B o es , earn Banos, Instrnmente t Tromso, H and Soft Rubber Goode, Vial Cases, Men mil mE r swims. de., all at "First Herup 3 lV zi l l, SNOWDEN di a to -28 South Eighth street VesOBERT SHOPINARIOI4 CO.. N. E. CORNNg IV FOURTH AND • RACE STRIEECTS; Wholesale Drtiggists, Nanuftrs and- Dealers in Window Gine% White Lead, and Faints of every description, offer to the trade, or, consumers, a complete stock 01 goods In their Ilne,•at the lowest market rates: [ :ROBERT SHORN...SEER di fXI., 1 Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. ArGISTIIHT.A.-4entangli Calcined. in 10. round tins and boxes. also in bottles; jennina'll Carbonate el esio:in 2 us. and !I oz. papers. Heavy Calcined Magnesia I,ynding and lbr sale by fW...&.D.T.,M ELLIS, SON & CO., Druggists, Market and Seventh streets, Philadelphia; -,r;:. - • ~... • sem RIIII.—Inst received, an invoice of Genuine 11 Imported Bay Rum, tor sale bytbe gallon, by RO : so:1 , SHOIrmARER. & 00., Druggist, lg. E. oar. ne Forirtt and Race streein._ a. q; V • !Mar • : ; z is, • .Viesl.riii • q A.. 'i 2 .1: :. gn • ... . • . .. 1.• • J , i•lk :es: ::• A . ... i 1 .6. . 6 Ve ,Ist ......., I SOUTH: F 'BROAD ~STREEZ— V acanti- O ue ':24,5 handsome suite of. Rocons, second story front, an t' one room kettle fonitn story'. tW.s4t,* TRE Era NDSOME BESIDERCE, Southeast corabr a. USPRUCE and EIGHTH streets, has been opened to rt , uivel3l)o4lllDEß4a. _RoOras,s{ne,le, and !Mirth, and - alai or without Private fable. fes,mano • - T.DYING -AND IE"PaNTINfik.•• L ADIES ArD "CEILDBXVId BliresEd. DYED i all- the nabdera drda ed"-wilkithe , or.ginal lustre: t.,rape. .13rdcbei and: _;Woolerr.Sttawla,i Tattle and PULL° Covers cleaned and finished equal to o . .titlizrien'tkelothesarallatinntling r flonetit ro.lte. nt r ,E. W., t f !.././Ti.t.E.:;, o - Fit . beivwJztak.- -• ' NEDIIDAkid. _ . 3 , WISTARB BALSAM OP :WILD CHERRY HAS BEEN r BED POE .NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, WITH THE MOST ASTONISHING SUCCESS IN CORING Coughs, Colds, hoarseness, Sore Throat, influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, LiperComplaiisl, Bronchitis, BM catty of Breathing, Asthma anti every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. CONSUMPTION, which carries ofimore victims than any other disease, anti which baffles the skill or the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO 1 H IS RE lit,EDl ! when all others prove Inefreemal. - The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa. ' Well known and much respected among the German population to this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. • DEAR SlBS—Havirg realized in my ramily Import ant benefits from the use of your valuable preparation ---iiVisx.sn's BALSAM. OF WILD (HERBY— it afro,ds DIE! pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a do chneolad little hopes of her recovery were enter tamed.' I then procured a bottle of poor excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement In her health. I have, in my inalvffloal case made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefited by it, JACOB SECHL ER, PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. FOR SALE BY • J. P. DINSMORE, Dey Street; New York. SETH W. FOWLE & SON. Proprietors, Boston . AIM BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE CURES ans. Btams, SCALDS. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers. LWieers. GRACE'S CRLFBB.ATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, 4 htiblalns. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Heals Old Sores, Flesh tot , ounds, &c. It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and re duces the most angry looking swellings and inflamms tions, an It by msgle—thus affording relief and a com plete cure. Only M cents a boxi (Sent by mail for 35 cents.) For Sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 3s Dey Street, New York. S. W. FOWLE. & SON, Proprietors, Boston, and by - all Druggist.A. Grocers and tkointry Stores. ja3o 'am persons publicly known. desperate diseases of toe longs by its use. When once tried, Its superiority over every otherexpectorant I 9 too apparent to Escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are Incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrnst firn theztTmityhef!iled and been dlscardec this Mends by conferred bene fits on the afflicted -hey can never forget, and produced wires too numerous and too remarkableto be forgotten. We can only assure the public, that Its qualityls care fully kept up to the best it has ever been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all that is bas ever done. Great ntunbers ofC ergymen. Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to cer tify the unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our AMICELICAN A.1.1(115.A.C, in which they axe given; with also 1141 de scrtptions of the complaints they core. Thane who require an alterative sterliorns to purify. the blood, will And A'i'lat'S COMP. EXT. SA R.V. &PA 1111,LA the remedy to use, Try It once, and you will know its value. Prepared by J. C. AIME 00., Lowell, Mass., and sold er J. M. M ARTS et CO., Philadelphia, and by all Druggist& jal6-m,w,s,Mn OPAL DENTALLINA4 A sztate fbr cleaning the Teeth, dear:WM cabs which Infest them giving tone to thin gmtind leaving a aseling of &trance and riee.sol min the month. It may e mad daily, aVAL %little found to strengthen weak and bleeding gams, while the aroma and deteesivemesa will recommend it to every one. Being composed with the ambstarice at . the Dentlst, Physidan and -i iitt, it 1] 00 141 de=aTereetra fI.B . FT•TA I2 TM tb'the tla• a` shoe fOrmerly in vogue. iv Eminent Den tists . with the Ceristlfaszda of the DERTALLtaw.e., advocate lie mein it n Ma anti' leYothing . prevent ha norestrained em de LAMB T. SBIETBI, Apothecazy ll. Broad and d Spruce ureelfei y, an D. L. Etnckhonse, Robert C. Davis; Geo. C. Bowers, Charles Shivers, G..T. Scattergood, J. G. Tammany & OD Charles B Eberle, James N. !darks, E. Brlnghttrst Co ; Dyntt di Co., 'H. C. Blair, Wyeth Bro. Bar isle by TbaszlAa Fred .13:r0w4, abss.ard ee.. G. B. ICee., Nl= Kim.aY, CI. Need T. J. /Disband, A_PA.roao, Smith, Thomas Weaver, Wiittam•E.. Webb, JamcsL. ltspham, Hughes d: Coombe, Hears , A. Bower. ESTLACK's DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.—These lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs. bore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial affections generally. Try them. THOS. .ESTLA.CH, Jr., gist . S. W. ner of .Eighr.snrit and Market streets.Phlladelphia. festruP COPARTNERS. OTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—The utt .ll dersigned have this day, formed a Itmited Partner ship, in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of the General Assembly, of the Commonwealth of. Per m relating thereto, unaer the name or Arm of HOMER. CO f,r , DAY &4_ 0.. for the purpose of trans acting the business or importing andsell log Dry Goods, in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners are BENJAMIN HOMER, TE OALAS HOMER and PRA.'NCIS 8. COLLADAY, all residing in the city of Philadelphia. The special pArtner Is THOMAS W. EVANS, also re siding in the city of Philadelphia. 1 he said special partner has contributed in cash to the common stock of the said partnership, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and the limited part nership formed and entered into as above stated, is to commence on the Ist day of February. 180, and will - .erminate on the 31st day of January IBM BENJAMINHOMER,. THOMAS HOMER, FRANCIS S. (VILT.A DAY, General Partn.rB., THOMAS W. EVANS, Special Partner. - fel-.361/ February Ist, 1866. =UTNRESHIP NOTICE—The undersigned have this day entered Into co-partnership for the ion of the Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS. „RUBEN Pssi, under the firm of tsTOKES do WOOD, at. Oil Arch street. .TORN H. STOKES, AL.MC. 0, WOOD. Pn - mans., 211 Mo Ist, felS-ta thos-51 EDUCIA.TION: - • PIANO FOETID AND SINGING TAUGHT, by Miss JANE at her . own,, LarM e rl e ,: i ith i glArAil i re or Snit house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia. Terms, ins per quarter. Her pupils will have the, use of one of Narvesen% SuPerFor Pianos- a moat excellent instrument. Ulm. L.. had for two .I%any the entire charge of the meals class In Pleasant Hill Seininary. West Middle iox4rm P va a., pupiland can refeebesided to a very large circle of private s. smf IGRICULTIIBAL COLLECiE ,OF PENNSPLVA n,. NlA.—Tbe session' or 1666, will 'open, February 23. Address WM. H. ALLLN President, Agricultural Copege, Centre co., 'Ps, re, 54 . 2 ,,* - LTENO/ 1 _ __lANGUAGE—Converaanon by A. VIII; 103 x WALI4I3.T, street. Courses and Lfe. ODS. ..Uvening Claspea, Ja2l43,ta,t,tls* r' I. "•-• 0- ' t 4 Dr• 'roreasor o oc On. 4. S. Seventeenthstreet; Stammering cured. fel44t• -THE - SESSION OF MISS- •ARROW'S i SEMINARY POR YOUNELLAMICS will own. meats ,on: -wednesday , , ;September Itttr, al her residence,- ; Pdplar and .431xteenth street*. Philadelphia. itatrosossoss:—Rev. Eitelen ./laree D.p _.lter..Thblifatairatnerd; D. H. Allen. ll* tit late Malaga 01 Otrard Colis¢e . /9"17-/P° mAici is. aLtanti•Blante. •._!_, . • - . - - roma J. sealant FPIUNDESSIGZSMD t VITA ATTENTION TO ett. stock tif 1 ;Busk PdpintalttOctmpanrs Coal. Lehigh Navigation Companar's Octal, and :_, Locust Mountain they ttpitt prepared to sell at the lowest market I'a• i=dlefttotellithvers..inmAstheobseetßcousn..,dlllo_vin.tant:: unina , ta., tute Enllditta.,'SEVElsl TH. street, be l low__ markßt...arm be promptly attended to. - BINE' , dzi , ..._ ":„4"..t. ,-. Bee;t4 , - i .• .. -r; ;AMA Steeet Wheal. =nu/taunt 4-16AL.-IsuGAN. BEAVICR - ItEEADOVit AND Bpifttgliountain, 'Cos and•best Locust Mduntaila tram Scli4yll4ll,.prepared-fax -1 I family um". W corner and treets.- Mt°, We:ll2 &nib rpos. - 11 street. I. WALTON cot. AYR EIS CfLtERY PEC TORAL, for the RAPID CURE OP COUGHS, COLDS, INFLUENZ HOARSENESS, CROUP, BRONCHITIS, INCIPI, ENT CONSUMPTION and for the Relief of CON SUMPTIVE PATIENTS IN ADVANCED STAGES OF THE DIST: ASE. • So wide is the field of, its usefulness and eo numer ous are the cases of Its cures that almost every section