Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 17, 1866, Image 6
INTERNAL REVENUE. ifturthuGavernment-Procures , Means to Sustain itself:—The Amount of . Taxes Paid' by" Eaeh State and .the Sources of - Supply: The following tables, prepared for the re port of thb Commissioners of Internal Revenue, and which will-be published in a .day or two, show that the receipts of inter nal revenue for the year ending Jane 30, 4865; were $211,129,529 17; of which the amount collected through the collectors and assessors was $183,113,804 69. The expense of collecting this sum was $1,769,666 31, and the several States contributed the following amounts ; Maine, - -- - New Hampshire, - Vennont, Massachusetts, .Rhodegsland, - Connecticut, New'York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, - - - - 27,811,537 63 Delaware, 765,208 13 Maryland, - - - - 4,966,085 36 Virginia, 219,833 36 West .Virginia, - - - ' 6 34276 51 Kentucky, - - - 4,5 346 32 / Tennessee, - - - 1,5 6,967 73 Louisiona, - - - - 1,616,188 54 Ohio, - - - -.- 15,296,123 44 Indiana, - - - - - 4,571,521 39 Illinois, - - - - - 9,174,370 81 Michigan, - - - • - - 2,544,025 01 Wisconsin, - - - - - 1,775,200 19 Minnesota, , :- - - - 245,939'73 lowa, - - - - , - 1,659,161 54 Missouri, - - - - 5,24%540 39 Kansas, - - - - - 209,573 53 California, - - - - 3,840,876'95 Oregon, - - - - - - 158,191 14 Nevada, - , - - - - 286.278 27 Colorada, , - - - - . 130.052 01 Nebraska, --, - - - 56,054 50 New Meal,* - - - - . 49,042 98 Utah, , 41,525' 93 Washington, - - - - 76,740 63 Montana, - - - - 36 , 022 93 Thesources of these amounts have been as follows: Manufactures and produc tions, . . . . $164,379,609 56 Slaughtered animals, . 1,261,357 09 Gross receipts, 8,891,874 13 Sales, • . , 4, 062,243 54 ,• . . Licenses, . . . Income, . . . Legacies, . . . Schedule A, . . Passports, . Special Income, . Penalties, . . . Dividends, Salaries, . . Stamps, . . • United States Marshals, Total, . . . $211,129,529 17 The large sum of slo4,ooo,oooAeriyed from manufactures S and productions is princi ally obtained from the following sources: oots and shoes, - - - 3,072 $3280 627 29 , - - - 476 56 - - - Clothing, - - • Manufactures of cotton, Raw cotton, -- • Distilled spirits, - • Fermented liquors, • Furniture, - - • Gas, • - - - • Leather, - - • Petroleum, - - • Paper, - - - Sugar, - - - Tobacco, - - - Woolen fabrics, - • Senate Confirmations. . The following nominations were confirmed in the Executive Session of the Senate yes terday: • To be Consul at St. Petersburg, George Pomwitz, of Iowa; at Leghorn, John Hut chinson, of Dacotah; at Leipsio, T.W. Dick inson of Indiana: at Laguayra, Ven., C.W. Loehr, of Pennsylvania ; , at Valparaiso, Chile, A.W. Clark, of New York; at Cyprus, C. P. De Cesnola, of New York; Panama, W. B. Little, of Nevada; to Bologne,France, T. De la. Montaigne, of New York; at Prince Edward's Island, Joseph Cowell, of Maine; at Nice, France, Asa 0. Addis, of Vermont; at Foo Choo, Aug.. Canfield, o New, Jersey: Bangkok, Siam, George B. Bosworth, of New York;.at Bath:, Richard A. Vdis; of District of Columbia: at Zurich;• Charles S. Page, of lowa, at St. Domingo, P. T. Jones, of New Jersey. To be Collectors of Internal Revenue— Seventh District of Kentucky, James Hud nall; Sixth District of Kentucky, Edgar Kerman. To be Deputy Postmaster—At Alton, Il linois, Joshua G. Lamb; at Springfield, E linois, Fresco Wright; at Coln ngtbn, Ken tucky, Jesse R. Grant; at Philadelphia, C. A. Walborn; at Columbus, Ohio, Julius J. Wood; at Hartford, Connecticut, Edward 'S. Cleveland ; at New Haven, Connecticut, N. D. Sperry. To be Collector of Customs—For District 4Df Chicago, Luther Haven; Genesee, New ;York, W. H. Crennell. A:` To be Second Lieutenant in Marine Corps, H. T. Giessen, of Indiana. To be Surgeons in. Navy, Passed Assistant '•Surgeon, A. W. Hawkins. To be Third Lieutenant in Revenue Cut ter Service, George E. Thurston. To be Associate Justice for Utah Terri tory, Thomas J. Drake. To be United States Attorney for Utah Territory, Charles H. Hanstead. To be United Stated Marshal for Utah Territory, Josiah Hosmer. To be United States Marshal for the Nor tham District of Alabarrut,-E. E.Douglass. The Elaine Leirialature. AUGUSTA, Me., Feb. 16.—An amendment has been offered by Mr. Bradbury,of Halles, a Democrat, in the House, to Gen. Shep ley's Union National resolutions, indorsing the patriotic course and wise statesmanship that President Johnson is now evincing, and which entitles him to the support of the American people, and pledging to him full co-operation of- the'people of the. State of Maine in sustaining his policy, and ten dering to him sympathy and approval of his views of public policy, as expressed in his social replies to the recent addresses of the Virginia delegation and of the colored deleaatin. Mr. Stearns offered the following resolu tions as a substitute for Mr. Bradbury's .amendment, which substitute was accepted by Gen. Shepley. Resolved, That this Legislature expresses entire confidence in the integrity, ability ' and patriotism of President Andrew John son, who defied Secession in the Senate, and defied Rebellion in Tennessee; who sprung from the people, and is identified with their interests; and that the loyal citizens of Maine will give him their hearty support in his labors for the complete and permanent restoration of the Union on the basis of liberty and impartial justice. Resolved, That in the Union majority in Congress this Legislature recognizes a noble array rof tried defenders of the principles of constitutional liberty, and reposes with -confidence in their wisdom and patriotism for the settlement of the questions appro priately pertaining, to the Legislative de partment of the government. - The amendment and substitute were both laid on the:table and ordered to be printed. From Nashrffier NASHVILLE, Feb. 16.—The river is seven feet on the shoals. Oscar Derby, charged' with altering postai currency, frourftve -- contsrto - fifty - cents, and who was putnn4er $2,000 bonds-to answer - the Charge, absconded ;today, and his bail was declared forfeited: The Ferlian chiefs; Sweeney and 'Roberts, ...Addreased a thronged house at the Old er Theatre; last night, and were received with great enthueiaanz by the audience. They p ropose to hold a grand meeting of the Brotherhood at Pittsburgh, on the 19th instant; when the pllms ,of the campaign will be finally deternimed on. The occupa tion of Canada, washinted at, -and after its posseSsioh was . gained it would be offered to the United States. Roberts and Sweeney leave to-night , for Pittsburgh. . An employer of the Burnsville Railroad, named George Waters, was accidentally killed to-day, in Edgefield, by falling from a train while in motion. BOARD OF TRADE', BENJAMIN MARSHALL, ) JAMES R. CAMPBELL, IMONTECLY CaItkICTIEB. JAMES C. HAND. IMPORTATION._, Reported for the Philadelphia Evening mulletln. MESSING—Bark Witch, Loud-2880 cants's brim stone 5000 boxes oranges 1000 boxes lemons N Hel- Sings & Bro. - $2,408,367 11 - 2,424,917, 71 - 773,658 27 - 23,250,866 96 - • 3,946,846 68 4rielval and filailloa of Ocean ISteamera. -6,009,99 S 84 - 48,949,556 60 81211P61 PRON FOB DAVI City of Limerick-Liverpool—New York_... Jan. 29 Scotland Liverpool... New York Jan. 31 City of London...Liverpool...New York Jan. 31 Belgian. ...LiverpooL..Portland Feb. 1 Canadn..—.... .... ... . . .Liverpool—Bosion_ Feb. 3 Heels Liverpool... New York.— Feb. 6 Allemania...—Southampton—New York Feb. 7 Louisiana Liverpool... New York Feb. 7 England Liverpool... New York Feb. 7 Di oravianLiverpool...Portland Feb. 8 Cuba-- ..... .. ... --Liverpool...New York Feb. 10 Louisiana L verpool...New York -.Feb. 14 —Liverpool...Boston .Feb. 17 TO DEPART. _ 6,157,012 52 Santiago de Cuba...-N York.-Greytown...- -Feb. 20 New York- _New York...Aspinwall Feb. 21 City of Cork New York... Liverpool Feb. 21 Australasian. .New York... Liverpool- ...... ....Feb. 21 Cityof Limerick_New York... Liverpool Feb. 21 Montezuma.-.--New York-Hingston, Se.. .Feb. 22 South America... New York... Rio Janelro,&c .Feb. 22 Atlantic .New York... Bremen Feb. 22 Manhattan NewYork...Havana &V C .Feb. M Matanzas New York-New Orleans .Feb. 24 City of London... New York.. - . Liverpool Feb. 24 Bremen 'New York... Bremen Feb. 24 Scotland _New York... Liverpool Feb. 24 Corsica .New York...Nassau&Hav'a..._Feb. 26 Canada... __Boston-Liverpool.... .Feb. 23 Mora Castle...._ .-.New York... Havana - Feb. 28 o;m: 4 oaoo4;seff_*eyArgjat_MM.o:t.rvh•jko 9II2CRIBES, 6, 42 113111331 BETS, 518 [MOH WATER, 3 58 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. w tt h ea r lig s r e N tc ifV r tip.4 y ni e d%, al hours from New York, Steamer Vineland, Bender, 36 hours from Baltimore, in ballast to P R Clark. - Bark Witch, Loud, 50 days from Messina, with fruit to NitelLings & Bro. 12th bast. about 2.5 miles east of Absecom, spoke schr Maria Hall, 17 days from Mc. bile for Boston, and was supplied with provisions by her. • • . Blfg A G Cattell, Watson, 16 days from Key West In ballast to D is Stetson Co. Steam-tug America, Virden; from Delaware Break water. Towed down and to sea 15th last, ships S L Tilley, for .Antwerp and Emile. for Bremen. Brought up bask Witch and brig A G Catlett. CLEARED YESTERDAY- Steamer Hendrick Hudson, Howes, Havana, Thomas Wattson RP Sons. Steamer Kennebec, Edmunds, New York. P R Clark: Steamer Washington, Chichester, New York, Wm P. Clyde & Co. Steamer H L Gaw, her. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. 12,613,478 67 20,740,451 33 546,703 17 780,266 53 29,538 29 28,929,312 02 517,627 41 14,385,606 63 2,826,333 37 11,162,392 14 2,735 29 Steamer Geo H Stout, Ford, Richmond, Wm P Clyde & Co. Brig Thos Walter, Woterdyke, St Thomas, Jauretche 8 Lavergne. Behr R IT Shannon, Marts, Savannah, Lathbnry, Wickersham d Co. Steamer Bavaria (Banal)), Taube, cleared at N York yesterday for Hamburg. Steamer Fulton, Wotton, cleared at New York yes terday for Havre_ SteamerW G Hewee,.A astin,cleared at New Orleans 7th list, for Galveston. Mel;==l 6,820,936 65 - 6,747,923 18 - 1,772,98.3 48 15,995,701 66 - 3,657,181 06 - 2,733,247 93 - 1,348,32355 - 4,337,266 77 - 2,951,213 87 1 082,475 82 - 2,141,403 15 - 7.927,020 62 7,947,094 21 _ . Bark Ocean steed. Flinn, hence for Genoa, which nut into Bermuda in dlstrem, was ready to sail sth instant. -. Bark Campanero (Br), Speights, cleared at N York yesterday for Rio Janeiro. Bark Jett an (Hatah) Samberllch, from Amoy Oct. 21. with teas, at New Vork yesterday. Bark Reunion, Tracy, aas up as New Orleans Bth inst. for Havre. . - Brig Agnes, Willar. from St Rids for this port, re mainedat St Thomas 31st alt. repairing. Brig J W Spencer, Spencer. at Cagliari 9th nit, from Marseilles and sailed 9th for Rotterdam. Brig Bate Stewart, Paddock, galled from Antwerp 27th nit, for Genoa. Brig Altavela, Reid, from Cardenas. at Wilmlngton, 11C. 12th inst. Brig Russian, Gaels% cleared at Wilmington, NC. 1211•, inst. for Matanzas. Brig Ida M C,omery,McLelleue, hence at New Orleans 7th intt. Brig E H Kennedy, Geyer, cleared at New Orleans 7th Inst. for Galveston. Schrs Mane, Marts. and Marietta Tilton, Fritz inger, were loading at Cienfuegos about 2d instant for this port. chr F B Baird, Irelan, at Providence 16th inst. from New Orleans t•chr C P .Stlckney, Mathis, cleared at New York yesterday for Charleston.. Scbr C Rienzi ,e Woodruff, for thls port, clearedat New York yeeterdaff. Schr E Purber, Cobb, cleared at Boston 15th Instant for this port. Schr May (Br), hence for St Johns, NP. remained at Hamilton.Sermuda, sth Inst. leaking; would discharge_ part of cargo. Schr Jonathan May, Webb, from Mobile, at N York 15th Inst. •-• Scbr C S Grove, McGee, at New York 15th Inst. from Indianola. EMtEEMMMI Schr Ocean Wave, hence at Fort Monroe 14th last for Richmond. Brig Peerless, from Efatanzas for Portland, put into Newport 14th lust, short of provisions and water; had ueen 20 days north of Hatteras, with heavy gales frnin NW to NE; shipped a heavy sea. which stove boat. and set water casks adrift: The coal on board of schr Mary Stewart, sunk below Providence, was insured for $7OO, and has been aban doned to the underwriters. T. LIPILA3 3!Leturicrtinsa co. : H. L. LIPMAN, A. MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTING STATIONER, 51-South Fourth Street, 2d Story, E t:: , ornetel A, WIICMIO.II IS CLIPMAN'S rancorra) En - LET iticum, t,' Lipman's Trl-Patent Eyelet llLachine, 5 ' q LIPMAN'S PAT. PENCIL & ERASER, l ' • c.. LIPMAN'S ERASING PERMS, q ..2 JACKSON'S LEAD PENCILS, ° 4 REARS' STERPOINT LEADS, = , i YEARS' PROPELLING LEADS. ,e, LIPMAN'S ANTI-BLOTTING RULER. 0 N. Lipman Manufacturing Co.'s ? SIPERIOR LEAD PENCILS. BODEEN'S EYELET DEACIEINES. STATIONERY IMPORTED TO ORDER. / LIMO nestreecrumato 80. G- I AND CO. ‘ 4ttts M_A.LTSTERS, HOUSES DT PHILA.: Thompson street above Ninth, Pear street above Dock, Office over Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, and Pro. prletors of the CIoNIAIr MALTING ESTABLISHMENT, AT AVON, Livingston County, New York ItStt/ It Is one of the mast meal 'lnventions for dornestit use ever offered to the public-, The flour' 111 sifted in One-quarter. One-quarter the time fand mush better Liam by anY other proeesseputting the dour in the top of the Biller, then, turning the crank' the ,filour passes through the e with great rapi dity.- Clean. very fine and light: This Sifter-has no -India rubber rollers to grind up the dirt, such aslings worms, flies, ate.. but sifts all articles and-leaves the dirt remaining in the sieve; the Sifter is made of tin, Is very treatanO easy to kee clesaL. It- is the only Sifter now in use that gives A(YPION. ,Everyllifter is warrant ed. Be sure and aak for Spencer's Patent Tin Sifter.' /EP Wholesale trade supplied on -reasonable terms RemPles sent to any address on receipt of g 1 09,- - Faciory, 846 North SEWED littrea. i nentam - • SPENCER. A LISIXIaId GRAPES.—ioo kegs of these splendid whitdnapes in ilne order landing and for sale by 404 B. 8M111 1 9E4 (M u les Egenta Delaware ;Mum • flrg DAILY.EVENINtI , BIILLEtIN-4.- - - • - Mrl3l MARINE B SIBMORANDA IMI3 ;4 ih.;) D.O. i:914:014/Ell.:1'4, STATIONERY. SPENCER'S PATENT TIN SIFTER AND STRAINER. For Sifting Flour, Meal Buckwheat. Sauce and al' other articles requiring a State and County RIGHTS FOR SALE NJBALNEDE. j'STATEIi.ENT.:i:_:. , ..., CON ni r rICION OF THE CONNECTICUT mutual Life Insurancc Compnyf ON TEE Ist day of January, 1866. First. I Capital Stock being a mutual Company has no Capital Stock. 2 Number of shares of stock subscribed for. 3 Amount of assessments on installments on stock paid in cash. Second—The Property or Assets held by the Company. I The value or nearly as may be of the Real Estate held by the Company, at cost.. $49,482 86 2 Amount of cash on hand.._ .. $10,470 72 Amount of cash deposited 1n Banks: In IStateßanit $18,802 56 In the bands of our New Pork Bank. ere 187,918.80 187,918 20 148,189 02 4 Amount of cash in the hands of Agents and In course of transmission 86„500 51 5 Amount of loans secured by • Bonds and Mortgages, con• stituting. the first lien on Real estate on which there is less than one year, due and owing.. 1,807,868 24 6 Amount, of loans on which interest has not been paid within one year 115,695 54 1,924,563 78 7 Amount due the Company on which judgment have 3,551 25 S. Amount of steal - owned — by the Company, whether of any State or the 'United ' States, or of any in corporated City of the U. States, or of any other de scription, specifying the number of shares and the par and market value of the same : Par .59 arket Va/ue. State Bonds andTr Cast, Notes essury V.,500,C00 V. 540.000 2,5 11 , 0 2 6 00 Bonds of the State of Con need=. 1,000.000 00 Bonds ui Eva nsviile City, Hid__ 15,000 15,000 Central Na tional Bank, N. York, 81 shares _.... 8,100 8,703 8,100 Fourth Na tional Bank, N. York. aio shares 93.000 20,000 20,000 Mer ch an Is Bank New Haven. 100 shares ..-... 5,000 5,000 5,00 J 9.60 shares Of stock of Banks of Hartford..... 26.000 /24,753 27,2 0 5 100 shares o f Hartford dt Haven H.H. 10,000 17,000 10,910 50 shares of Coon biver BailrnacL-... 5,000 5,250 5,000 9 Amount of stock held by the Company as collateral se- Carity for looms, with the amount leaned on each kind of stock, its par and market value, Par Marked Amount Value. Value. Loaned. 90 shares $lOO each of National Bank of Rockville, Con. becdcut-.- - 29,000 92:09 7,00 09 200 shares $5O each of 114.13 k of 01210 Valley, Clncinnatl.lo,ooo 15,000 100 shares $lOO each Merchants'Saving. Loan and Trust . • Company,Chicago-10,0C0 15.000 WM 00 100 sharers 11100 each of Stale Bank of Wisconsin.--- . 10,000 10,000 2,331 57 60 shares 5100- each of Hartford Na tional 6,000 7,980 1,800 00 too shares 550 each of Bank of Oslo Val ley, Cincinnati, WO 10,030 4.000 00 shares 5050 each of National.Exange Bank, Hartf ch ord__ 1,550 1.000 00 85 shares 8100 each of First National Bank, Hartlord.._ 8,500 10,880 8,800 00 60 Shares $lOO each of Etna P ire Ins. 10 CompanyGoadd --- 6,000 19,800 10,000 00 U.51,tc0 each and 1 of Dela, ware and Lacka wanna and Wei ern 8..... .. . 11,000 11,000 6,000 00 10 Bonds 51,(0e each Chicago and North Western Railroad. 20 Bonds el,ooo each Pittsburgh and Cleveland It, R.- 30,030:30,000 17,900 00 Bonds $l,OOO each I odianopolls B. B. 4,000 4,000 2,0*1 co U. S. 5-20 Bonds 5500 12.050 15.010 /IMO 03 Is Bonds 5500 each Cleveland and Pittsburgh R. 8,000 8,000 5,000 00 2 Bonds 51,000 each Town _of Slenden, Connecticut...---.. 2,000 2,000 1,600 GO 5 Bonds 11,010 each Indianapolis and Cincinnati R. R., and 2 bonds 51,010 each U. S. 5-20 5... 7,000 7.00) 5,000 00 U S. Bonds an' .. d TreaanzyNote.73-10.12,750 12.750 10,500 00 110 911 57 11 Amount of Premium Notes. 3,233,901 31 12 Amcunt of Interest on Invest ments dues unpaid and so crued interest.. 175,550 17 13 Amount of Premiums In the bands of Agents for De cember business and In transit 487,065 62 Total Assets Third—The Liabilities of the Company. 1 Amount of losses due and unpaid 2 Amount of claims for losses which are in suit or con tested by the Company-- 18,000 00 3 Amount of losses during the year, which have been paid. 510,020 00 4 Amount of losses during the year, which have not been settled , 00 5 Amount of losses durine the 272 700 year, which are contested I 5,000 00 Amount of losses during the year, repro ted to the Com pany and not acted upon... 7 Amount of dividends de clared 359,118 00 8 Amount of dividends de clared due and u Amount of dividends de clared and not yet due.. 97,511 00 10 Amount. of money borrowed, and the nature and amount of security given. 11 Amount of all other existing claims against the Com , pally Fourth—lncome of the Company. 1 Amount of ~ rtsh premiums received 1,489,488 88 2 Amount of ptemium notes taken ty the Company ' 1,821,259 12 3 Amount of premiums In the hands of agents 487,065 62 ' 4 Amount:it of Interest . Money 8,297,818 57 received from the invest. ments of the Company 628,989 06 Amount of income from any other sources, Accrued Interest and Interest un paid 175,550 17 - 702,539 28 Fifth--The' Expenditures of the Cjim. party. . 1 Amount of losses paid during the year 610,270 po. 2 Amount of losses paid during . the year, which occurred prior to !the year .. . . ... . 160,260 00 , 3 Amin:inlet which the losses • were'Ratimated as former 0 statement, which were • paid miring the . . maw oc, ;4 • Amoufit paid, and owing for insurance premiums... .5 Amount of return premitumh • 1.. whether 'paid or unpaid... • -1 6 Atuourinn g &r e d y iv eai klen, ds paid, - - . 878,87 00 7 Amount of expenses paid during the year, including Commission an% fee paid to the agents and officers of the Company " 8 Amount °Praxes paid bylthe Company • ..... 9 Amount of all other expenses and expenditures of the or Purchased.E . oll- _ NOte;JJDforreited Poli-' eles..- .. . .. 1 Amount of PiomlisOry Noted ' ' originally forming • Ithe • Capital of the Company... 50,000 00 2 Amount of said Notes held by the Company as part of the whole of the Capital thereof Vona. Mote of Connecticut, county of Irartford, se. - Be it remembered that on this let day of February A. D. 1866, before the subscriber, a Commissioner of the State of Pennsylvania, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other writings, to be used and recorded in the said Stale of Pennsylvania, and to administer oaths and affix mat ionS, p ersonallyappeared James Goodwin, President of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, and made oath that the above and foregoing is a true statement of the condition of said Company, upon the first day of January, 1866. And I further certify, that .I have made personal ex amination of the condition of said Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company ort‘this clay, and am satisfied that they have assets safely invested to the amount of Three Minions of Dollars: that I have examined the securities now in the hands of the Compady, as set forth in the foregoing statement and the same ara of the value represented in the statem mt. I further certify, that I am not interested in the affairs of said Company. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this first day of February, A, D. 1866. {SEAM} [Signed] Commissioner for Pennsylvania. • Parties insured in this Conipany receive the greatest possible advantage to be derived from apolicy of Life insurance: as this is the largest Life Insurance Com pany in the world. It is conc exclusively which mutual plan. Its profits are divided annually, have averaged over fifty per cent, per annum for nine teen years. A credit is allowed of one-half the pre mium in anticipation of the dividend, thus securing at once double the amount of insuranoe for tile same cash outlay as is required in an all cash company. A DIVIDEND OF SLAT Y PERCENT. WILL BE PAID DURING THE TEAR 1866. RIKEB TAKEN ON A SINGLE LIFE TO TICS AMOUNT OF 420,000. A_pplications received and every information can be had at the OFFICE IN PHILADELPHIA, 404 WALNUT STREET. 'ALTER IL TILDEN, Agent and Attorney for the Company. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME CO3IPANY, THE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers In this Company have the additional guar antee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up t CASH, which, together with CASHASSETS, now on hand amount to $1,143,874 14, Invested as follows: lun,loo 11. B. 5-23 Bondi. 100.000 City of Philanelikla Ulan, tea. new 70,060 U. is. Treasury 24 otea, .1300 Allegheny County Bonds---- 15,000 11. S. Loan of 10,060 Wyoming Valley Canal Boads.--. L. 700 Oampoplid intermit Treasury Notes lung° Philadel •Ma and Ertel Ballroad 1,a4.5ai 6,3 Bon 10,000 Pittsburgh. Fart Wayne and Chice. go Railroad Bond!----__ 16.503 City of Pittsburgh and other Bondi smaio Reading Railroad Bonda------- Low Shane Yennaylvarda ssallroad.- 450 Shares Corn Exchange Nallonal Bank 107 Shares Farmers' National Bank of Reading. fa Shares ConsolidationNationalßank its ahares Wiinamsport Water 03m- paw bfortitaited. Ground Rents and Heal Estate-. 167,509 61 I oans on collateral arm ly 169.471 Premium notes secured by puttee.- 217,604 66 Cash In hands of agents secured by bonds-- 61,41 16 Ca thou deposit with 11. B. Treasures-- 20.t0:1 rp cash on hand and In banka---.—. 63,1r21 14 Accrued interest and rend due Jan. le= 0.) INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1865 8544,492 92. Louses paid during the year amounting to DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the Insured so pay premiums. The lass DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in fOrce December al, lees, was Fifty Per Cent. Of the amount of PEEKLITIEB received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well known citizens Inour midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldin,i William J. Howard, J. hdgar Thompson, Samuel 1. Bodine, Groege Nugent, Joan Alkman, Hon. James Pollock, Henry K.. Bennett, Albert C. Roberts, Son. Joseph Alison, P. B. Atingle, Isaac 14 . lehnrst. Serene' Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL WORK, Vice President JOHN C. SIMS, Actuary $9,794,307 89 JOHN B. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. 1829 —CHARTER PERPETUAL. ed7 IFILA.MEK.ILAN . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHLIk; Assets on January 1, 1866, it 52,41500,51 latk. Capital. 4400,000 Oo Accrnt d Surplus 944,543 15 Premiums 1,152.30.3 81 UNSETTLED CLAMS, INCOME FOR 1886. 011,467 53. 031.0,000. • Losses Paid Since 1829 Over .$5,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS, ChM N. Etancker, Edward C. Dale, Topics Wagner, George Wes, Samuel Grant, Alfred Filler. =W./tic/Lards. Eras. W. Lewis, M. D. Peter McCall. - • 'CHARLES N. ANWIER President. EDWARD C. DA.LE, vice 'President. JAS. W. McALLESTER, Secretary Pro tem. f4t4/111 OCIIE _ROME INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 150 Mouth Fourth st , above Wal- , • - nut street CHARTER. PERPETUAL. , _This CO any Insures against loss or dsmapuliy FLEX on PUBLIC and PRisA.TE buildings, FONI .TDER and MIiIICIIANDISE generally, City or Country.. Also . insures dwellings perpetually by de posits of p remium ..: _ DHCEOTORS r JAMES BROWN,: - LIIMUEL COFFIN CBARIJ3 A. DIM,. - S. RI fALBORN JONES, • W.ILLIA if D. LEWIS, . JOHN WOODS DE W.M. N. 'NEEDLES, ; B. BULLOCK, JOHN' D. TAYLOR,- , _ WM. 0; LOPOSTBSTIC, T4tafaiii Ill.MßElt, Tr.. SOHN N. HUTOHINSON. - JAHES oROWN, President. CHAB, A. DIIY, Vice President. • THOZAIS EXECAO.NiEfeCretarY, ,111188,tu,thiy WI 08,,,.i 47,86 89 48,828 25 GEORGE G. BILL, ei i 46/,1)31 45 o 1 )3 687,636 3E 13MUSANIDE• gr 4,158 25 DELAWARE ' MUTUAL , SAFETY istausAzion mooaroawnifo BY mai Lzamrwroiran OP PENNSYLVANIA vuls. °FMCS S. E CORNER lamb AND WALNUT STREETS BHIMADELPHIA, MARIDIE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS ] i : L E, CARGO, To all parts of the world, FREIGHT, , INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Iderelsandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ,kc. 39,761:75 ASSZET9 OF THE COMPANY, November 1; 1865. 0100,000 United States 5 per cent. loan, snip° 00 120,00 United Stater' 6 per cent. loan, 'Bl 128,100 00 200,0 - .0 United States 7 3-10 per cent. loan Treasm7 Notes 194375 100,000 State of Pennsylva4ia Five PeFeent. , 00 Lean 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania Per Cent. 90.555 Loan .... . 53,250 00 125,000 City of phlladelphis, Six Per Cent . Loan 112,812 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort rage,Six Per Cent. 20,900 00 25,000 'Pennsylvania Railroad Second lion gage Six Per Cent Bands . 23,750 00 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. .. 80nd5...-. 23,750 IX 11,000 800 Shares Stock G ermantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel phia.. 18.537 50 7,1 0 Cf 143 Shares . 11f,a1E — IGi21: Railroad ' Company 8,580 00 5,000 100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania RailroadB,2so 00 40,000 Deposit with the United * States .GO verament, subject to 10 days ca 11...—. 40.000 00 80,000 State - of Tennessee Five Per Ceat. . Loan 18,900 00 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on City 00 1 038,210 Par. Market valtte--. 996.560 00 B eal Estate.-- ~.- 3800 recelvaole —.121,818 Babanes due atAgeisclea.—Premiums on Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and caner debts due the Company.- ..» 40,E11 44 Scrip and Stock of eandry — lnsurance and Cash • other in Companies, 85,124. Estirru 89 sted value... 2,910 03 Cash in 678 48 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, 'Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis, . I. B. Peniston. Edmund EL Sonder, Henry Sloan. Theophilus Spalding, William G. Bonlton, John R. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traqualr. . H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Lanett., Jr., Edward Lafourcade, James C Haud. Jacob P. Jones, William C. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiper, Spencer bferlvalne, Hugh Craig, J. B. Semple. Pittsburgh. Robert Barton, A. B.. Berger, Pittsburgh. John D. Taylor, THO. JOHN C EMMY LYLIVETEN, S FIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated Much :7,1860. A 0 Eig; N0 i . i.5. 34 N. RIF PH street. in. 'GS, HOUSEHOLD rm . sore NITURE and MERCHANDISE gener --,==',..F-- ally, from Loss by tire, (in the City of Philadelphia only.) StATtot4PNT of the Assets of the a.canetsiton Jantary 1, 1854. Bonds and-Mortgages on property in the Lily of Philadelphla.-----------4536.466 17 (: ronndE 848 81 Real Estate(ols4ce 'No - 34 North Fifth street) 14.396 13 U.S. Government .6.20 45 0.50 CO U. S. Treasury NOV 3 3— -- 6,640 al EiMiNIME 10 GEORGE W. TRYog. President WM. H. HAMILTON. JOHN bOU DKR. PETER A. KEYSEE, JOHN PH ILBDi. JOHN CARBOW. GEORGE I. YOUSO, rangivaimac OONT D INLAND ANY OF NORTH TRAIESPOD AMIDICIA I.—E r lTllk AN TATIONx.e.BM .1312ANCW. Tatra No.= WALNUT street, wont aide.east of t. • The ProperUee of MD Company are well Invested and fwahb an avallablefaxul ear the ample of all tia who deelre to be protected Inearanoe. RIBES taken on Venda, and _ _ 41 111 MID cbandhseads, Camda and Steamboats. HERB lawriui on Merchandise Yarnintre and Band, Imp tn CitEard Oonati. ThOORPO PAIDra I SECOM M—C V I WAS AM pßopsarrnmi, Platriairadwasz. Arthar G. Coffin. James N. Dickem Samuel W. Zones. Monti Wain. Zohu John Itiasok anison. Elharlea A V George L. Ambrose = az. D. Wood. Risme 31 ' Wl= Welsh, R. &Clarke, William E. Bowen. William Clanixologa, T. Charlatan Remy. ARTHUR G. OOFFIII, Preside:A CHIIII4IIII PLATT. Becretary. TES 001315 TY MUG 0 - :.• : to: : :i:ot "The' Fire Insurance Company of the County al Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Leshilatu.re al Pennsylvania in MO, ibr indemnity against loss w datnia* by filakaPirrtrAL. This old and reliable Institution, with ample niggle, and emrningent rand carefully invested •wnett to In sure buildings, tarniture, merchandise, dr-, either per =neatly ar fbr a limited time, loss or damns by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute satto of its =timers. Lowe afilusied and nerd with all =MIA &WOW* TORS. Charles J. Grater. MM Edwin L. Reakit. Henry John Horn, Robert V. Mwssey, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Meeks, Andrew H. Mato James N. Stone. J. SIITIMEt, Presidium BMINTAICEN F. HOSCOELEY. Sec'v and Tres:Wren DiIIKENEK DELPECL!.. INCORPORATED 1604—CHARTER, PERPETUAL. NO. r WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In addition to MARINE and lIILAND INSURANCE this Company u insures from lass or damage by FIRE. terms, on buildings, merehsmdise, ftmitture. Ac. for limited periods, and permanently on troildinip by deposit of prendurn. The OODIP has been In active opera Dan ibr more t h at , Emmy daring which all losses turro bean promptly sdj and paid. . DIRECTORS. John L. Hodge, David Lewis, al. B. Mahony Benjamin Etdng, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Power', William S. Grant, A. B. McHenry, Robert W. beaming. Edmond Casaßan. 0. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. • Lawrence Lewis, J. Louis C. Norris. JOHN B. ONEBIER, Preside:lL SAMUEL WILCOX, BeCCIAIII7. JEFFIMBON FLB.E ENBITBANDE 00NPANY OP PHILADELPHIA.-Office Northeast corner oi THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streetskte Tamm.). Incorporated by the URA-ESE:B PREPETISAIAWSB BBO =6 I 11. /EW, IRID,OCCt. Make Insurance Loss or Dar= Fire of Public or Private B dingo , Parnitare, 3oods and Merehartdise,6 To m ihydrable terms. D 88, Oeorge Eretty,_ Ohris i t r oneg E. MMus, &lava (X Hiller, lam F. Relater Jonas Bowman. Henry TrOOMIIB2,_ Frederick Doll, William hfctDaniel, Jacob &handier, Reorgeßutt, Jr.. Stephen Smith, goyDarker, Samuel Miller, Edward . hiori_r. . GEORGE .R., _President. JOHN P. BELSTEBLING, Prewasu, MOUT E. (*.LEMAN. Secretary. A ADEBSOAN MUTUAL INSUBANIXE OOMPANP. Ad_ .olgoo Farquhar /11 _Miligt_No. 12 WALNUT stmt. gul i mENE AND INLAN DINEILTRANUEE3.— Etielm taken on vessels, cargoes and freigirto to o n sarti of the world, and ongoode on inland transportation cw rivers, canstis,__ralmaas and other oonveyancv throughout the united States. WLLLIAM. CRAIG Presld PETER OULLIEY, 'Vice 14111 3nti am HOBERT J. MEE. Secretary. niancgons. William Craig, ?eter Cull, ohn Dane% en Jr., 7. Johnston Drown. William H. Muria. Samuel A. Balm ' ilea W. Itiolmrda, Mason Hutc El hins, Drgletc iHsei7 L. der, Wm. M. Mimi t3.rnam. moron, Pasnon ial A - liiimucten antic IMPRANCIE 0031:PANY. ea. 12100ItPORATEED 1810.—IXITARTER PEaWil! 117 AL. CO WALNUT Sties . above =WM Street • PECELAD MA._ • Having a bine paid up OAPITA_b STOOK and SUS PLUS Invested In sound and available Securities, eon• tlnne to insure on Dwellings Storm, Purnitur% bier. ebandise, Vessels In port, and their cargoes and other .Personal Property. All Louses liberally and mom*" 'adjusted. Thomas R. Matt, John Welah, Samuel Br ad y , Patrick Rey nasal BJ ;THOM! Amnon C. 1.. Ctamorosn, friEr PROVIDENT LIFE -AND TRUST :CON , PANY, _DP PIICLAPELPEIA. flldorPorated by the Beate of Preineybiimisi, Sd filoqr.. INBERIEi LIVID3_,ALLO • INTERIM ON - DE- . POSITS AND NN.4.7T13 CAP1TAL.............. I_ DDINoMEC. Samuel E. Shipley , . Richarduirabltry. • Jeremiah Raeder, Henrygemear Joshua H. Norris, . Brown, - - • Richard Wood. WM. O. Lorigaterdhe • co ffin. . • 133111 0 LET; Predating.' i -- SAMUEL] BarwL4ED PAltalra 'Arlan ers PrO $56,523 77 $1.253.630 D C. HAND. President. DAVIS, Vice President. dentarol rsosEPEE :S LTTULL. LEVI P. 4:3OATs a.mEEL HpalkllAWK. cEiARLE3 P. BOWER, IJESRE LIGHTFOOT. BOBERT sHOInt T. EIITLIat, Secretary. (s):lll:Attui:E77ll‘ COMPANY.m. :COMPANY OP PIMA John T. Low% James R. Campbell Edmund 0. Duttlb, - o Marius W. Toenail = IMELL2II3. PretddeaL Secretary: • my!! i:EM=!! rtrasuttAutran. GIRARD - FINK INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, Mb WALRITT STREET, PHILA. nELPRIA. CAPITAL PAID - INON CASH, $^200.000 This company continues to unite en Fire Bisks only. Its capital, with a good surplus, Is safely invested. _ - _ , . Losses by fire basvebeen promptly paid, and more than $300,000 Disbursed on this accbant witbiiithe past few years. For the present tne office of this company will re- 415' WALNUT STREET., But within a Jew months will remove to its OWN BUtL.DING. N. E COB. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Then, as now, we shall be nappy to insure, oar patrons at such rates as me consistent, with safety.' DIRECTORS. THr MAS CRAVEN, ALFRED tf:. GILLETT, I;I3RMAN SKEPPARD,- N. 9 LAWRENCE TA NA VI .T Ats, CHAR LK-3 L DUPONT, INC). St PPLKE, HI NRI F. KENNEY, .INO. W. CLAGRORN, JuSEPH KLAPP, AL D. Sl' 4S yEicti TROMAS C. ALFRED S. GILLET r, V 1.91.1. Es B. A.LVORD. Sec MICE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY" OH p Fr ir.sunl.pHlA. Incorporated in 1841. --- Charter PirirpetuaL OFFICE, No. SOS WALNUT ST.B.EEP. CAPITAL, 4300.100, . r Insures against loss or damage by Fr?F., on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per pr tual, and.on Furniture. Goods Wares and merchan dise In town or country. - LOSsk.. - S PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSh,Tt3... . . . 79 In .sad geCtuTtlea. First Mortgages on City Property, well $124.100 00 United tiaiii - ei7ierTni - eni I;3_ .ans... ... . 135,030 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans..- - - - 55,000 eV Pennsylvania 133.C.0,00 6 per cent. L0an........ 21,000 00 Pennsylvania tiailroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages..._. Camcen and Amboy Bailmad—Cc7rEirariiri 6.per cent. L0an:.._........_ Philadelphia and leeAlui Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Huntingdon andßroad lop 7 percent. snort- gage bonds—_ County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.._ Mechanics' Bank Stock_......_— Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania ifiock._ Union Mutual Insurance Company s stock.. Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phLa's Lock Caah in bank and on band...... SOB.OOI Zi DIRECTORS. Clem. Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley, Wm. Musser, Marsball Hill, Samuel Bispham, Charles Leland, H. L. Carson, Thomas H. Moore, Robert Steen, Samuel Costner, Wlll. Stevenson, Alfred Engliqh, James T. Young. CLVAt TINULEY, President. THOMAS C. HELL, Secretary. PHILADELPHIL, December 1, lass. A NTHRAOITE INSITEANCE COMPANYr CE.AIITHE PERPETUAL. Office., No. SE WALXcIYT street, above Third, Eldia., Will insure against Low or Damage b' Fire, on EWE- Imp, either nerpennally or for a limited time, H.oußehald Furniture and lferchaailise generally. Also—Marl ce Insurance on Vessels, Oargoes add Freight Inland lusurance to all parts of the UrdOM DLEtEO/4385. Wm. IDther, David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Anderuried, I. E Baum, J. B. Blakiston, Wm. F. Dean, Jos. Ataraield,John Eetchem, WM. ..,..z.s:s sr President. WM. F. DD. : , Vice-Presidia= WM. N. B3CMI. Secretary to IFTAENBURAZIIIII EXCLUSIVELY. THU TICSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCES OWL PANT—Inca ted IMS—Charau Perpetnal—Ma, m 0 WALT. Street, opposite Independence Square, This Company, favorably known to the community far over fbrty years, continues to Insure against lose or damage by fire, on Public or Private Building% either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Purnltureatf rex akis of Goods and Merchandise genera/. on liberal Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Pend Invested in the most carafe' manner, which enablra them to offer to the Insured an undoubted seatnity is the was of loss. Daniel flealth, Jr., - - Alexander Benson, Isaac Hazi., Thomas Rains,elunrd Daniel .71 1) Wirmarir G. Ctnovnrm. FAKE ENSITRANGIC COMPANY. No. CZ CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADIELPHIA. FIBB AND INLAND INSUBANON Prawns F. Bock. Jno. W. Brennan. Maslen Ittetutzdoon, Robert B. Potter, HenryJno. Kessler, Jr., Baronel l Mt. B. D. Woodruff, P. B. Justice, • Cbs; . Stakes, Geo. AL. Wets, Jos. D. MIL FBALBUIB__ N. UM Preettdent. CCF/AB. B/DHABDBOBI. Vloe PrortMotrt ficlent.tor. - Dtu Evoil,lntio to) rObPEARSON' PETROLEUM. COMPANY. —A special meeting of the Stock holders of the above Company w1.,1 be held on MONDAY, Febraary 1866. at 4 o'clock, F. M., at its Office, Room No. 7, No, 524 WALNUT street, for the purpose of electing Di rectors. feclreto U' OFFICEOF THE BOBDEB OIL COMPANY Itoom IS, No. 524 WALNUT street, ,Pari.ankie PILL, February 10th, 1866. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany. and an eleletlon tbr Directors to serve the en suing year, will be held TU'itsD A.Y. March Ist, at 12 M tell-s,in.th,trahl/ J. L EDWARDS, Secretary. EfERCAIfTII.Fy LIBRARY COMPANY. PHI:LADELPIOA, Feb. 6th, 1866. 11 1Z annual election fora Board of Managers will be held In the Library Room, on TUESDAY, hitninsttutt, between the boors of 4 and 8 P. M. J.NO. A. hICALLISTEIB., . Recording Secretary. U. , . OFFICE OF THE PETROLEUM STORAGE COMPANY, Walnut street—Pa.u,s,DELPra.A. eb. 10, 1066. A special meeting of the Stockholders of the "Pe :role= Storage Oarupany of Philadelphia," will be held, at the Mime of the Company, at LI. o'clock, SI , on 5.AT11.131 AT, the 24th day of February, 1865, to vt.te upon the acceptance of the recent act of the Le psis t are, authorizing the Company to issue Bonds and io insure merchandise. teleluti F. B. HUBBELL. Secretary. OFF rCE PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD 8.,p7 COMPAN Y. Pkill t it!fil.PHlA t Jan. 30,1866. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company rail be held on TUESDAY, the 20th day of F bruary, , WS. at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the SAN SOX STREET HALL. Thee uncial Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the sth day of March, ISM at the (mice of the Company, No. 2.3 S South Third street. ' Jan t fe2ol EDMUND SMITH, Sec'y. _ - - OFFICE OF THE McRAE AND CHERRY BUN OIL COMPANY, doutheast c,rner of 'third and Chestnut streets, PHILADELPELI a. February 16 1866. Notice is hereby given to all delinquent Stockholders that unless the assessment of ten cents per share made by this Company, shall be paid on or before ,12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 12th, lasS, so mach of Lae stock of said delintments as will be required to pay said assessment and necessary expeaaes as provided by law, will at that time be sold at the office of Use Company at Public Auction. By order of the Board of Directors, teistrubl2, M. BUZBY, Treasurer. U , DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that the eleventh and last Instalment of TWO-AND-ONE IIA LF DOLLARS per share on each and every share of the Capital Stock in e Delaware Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Unice Of the Company, No . 326 Walnut street, Phiadel pile, on or before the DUI day of Fearuary 1868. Interest will be charged on all Instalments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors, B. WYATT Wl: STAR, Secretary. Dated Fhilads. Feb. 7th, 1866. Tel ilt.estmth,s,tale o. — TitrilaiONT I COA L : COMPANY No. 23, PHILADELPm EXCHANGE, PITIMADISL. PkLIA, February 12, 1868. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockh Aden!' of this Cii.mpany held this day, the following gentlemenlvere unanimously elected to nerve the ensuing year: PRESIDENT. GEORGE SANDERSON. , DIRECTOBS.. J. EDGAR THOMSON, COFFIN EOLEET, MATTHEW BAIRD, Iei:CABLS ).E.K, THOMAS J. WOOLF, IROBERI! W. RYERSS, • GEORGE H •OOLEET, Secretary. VDNOTICE.—TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PLUMLY FARM AND LONG RUN Olf, • A COAL NINING COMPANY.: At a stated meeting of the Directors of the Compapy, held this day, it was unanimously resolved. that TEN: CENTS prat SAA Itl', On • each Share, of its Capital Stock, should be, and by said resolution was assessed, which sum Ito assessed, should be paid to theTreasure.r. at the Office of the Company,'Rooms Nos. 10 and 12 LUDW Hi BUILDINGS, 'Walnut street, above Sixth, on or before the 22d day.Of :February. 1866; and it was further resolved, that it the proprietor or holder of any': Share or Stock, should neglect or refuse to pay said as sessment, On or before the time above appointed for such payment, thatthe Treasurer ahould proceedforth-: with, according to law, in such casemade and provided. to sell so much of the Stock of such person as neglect ing or refusing to pay said assessment, as will be autli dent to pay the same, with necessary and incidental expenses thereon. JAMES McCUTOBLEON. secretary and Trtasurer. PHILADHLPIETA, Feb. 6th, 1866. fe8.1.2.ta ' DIVIDEND NOTICES, • W• OFFICE OF THE aGBEET OIL COM.PANY; No. 147 South FOURTH street; PE4LADEuaIrr4,, ruary 16tb, 1866. - • . • The Directors have this day deCiared a Dividend of 'IWO FEB CENT. on the Capital Mocked' the Compel, „ Compa ny,, payable on and after TEMBSD . AY, February Transfer Books closed on .Friday, February 16th, at a o'clock, P. M.', and opened Friday, Februry 23d. WILLIAM AL QA.ItTER. Secretary and Treatiuker.' N AND LINEN BAIL DUOS of every width • from one to six feet wide, all numbers., Tent and AvvningDuck; Papermakere tenth Sall Twine, dm JOHN W. F, a co.. Pio, 102.11M051 AU PreAiderit. . . . Prey idera and Treasurer etary. jataLf 4,560 IXII 1,050 00 4,000 00 10,000 00 380 00 delM-th.s,ta,tl John Deyeresx, Thomea Smith. Henry LewLs, Grnlngham Fell. • . B. e&Y E r 4 Jr., Preatt