Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 17, 1866, Image 3
The War Debt of the Loyal States. The re , port made yesterday by Repre- sentative Blaine, of Maine, from the Select ,Committee on the Debts of the Loyal States includes data upon the subject from all the Loyal States, excepting California, Oregon, and Nevada. The sum total' of such debts so far as ascertained is $667,954,364. The re ports of the Governors of the States were not exact or in full, but approximate, and it is believed that the total amount is not less than $475,000,000, The debts of the States as reported, are as folluffirs: Maine $12,632,8801We5t Virainl a $2,000,000 New Hampshire.. 13,125 000 Ohio 64,867,813 Vermont. 8,806,759 Indiana 22,834,967 Massachusetts 47,809,827 Illinois 30,000,000 Rhone Island 6,500,772 Michigan.. 12,060 030 Connecticut 17,386,151 Wisconsin 12,240,795 New York... 111,005 953 Minnesota 2,518,361 .New Jersey 96,786,441 lowa 2,200,000 Pennsylvania 53,827,395 Missouri 9,446 575 Delaware 1,441,000 Kentucky 2,150,537 Maryland 8,650,448] Kansan 818,000 This does not include the amounts raised by taxation or by individuals. The Committee recommend a reimburse ment of in part, upon the basis of the proportion of men furnished by each State. It.was deemed too burdensonie to the Gen eral Government to require more than a fractional reimbursement, which would not impair the national credit. Twenty-five per cent, of the average, expenditure throughout the loyal States, or $5l for each man furnished, is recommended. This - would produce the amounts set forth in the following bill: . A - bill to reimburse the States that fur nished troops to the Union army, for ex penses incurred and advances made in raising the same.: Whereas, Whereas, The States that furnished troops to the Union army during the late war were subjected to very heavy expenses, amount ing in the aggregate to $475,000,000, a large proportion of which has assumed the form of oppressive debt; and Whereas, This entire outlay was made for the common cause of the Union, and there fore constitutes an equitable olaim on the common treasury of the nation, therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, that there shall be reimbursed by the United States to -each of the States that furnished troops to the Union army, and also to the several ter ritories and the District of Columbia, a sum equal to $55 for each man duly enlisted into the military or naval service of the United States during the late war,the total number being reduced to a uniform standard of three years' service, viz: To the State of Men. Maine, . . . 565,595 $3,112,725 New Hampshire, . 30,827 1,695,485 Vermont. . . . 29,052 1,597,860 Massachusetts, . 123,844 6,811,420 Rhode Island. . . 17,878 983,290 Connecticut, . . 50,514 2,778,720 New. York, . . 381,096 20,993,280 New Jersey, . . 55,785 3,063,175 Pennsylvania, . 267,558 14,715,690 Delaware, . • 10,303 566, 665 Maryland, . , 40,692 2,238,063 West Virginia, . 27,653 1,520,915 Ohio, • . . 2.37,976 13,088,680 Indiana, . . . 152,283 8,375,565 Michigan, . 80,865 4,447,575 Wisconsin, . . 78,975 4,344,175 Minnesota, . . 19,675 1,082,125 lowa, . . . 68,182 3.750,010 Missouri, 86,192 4,740,560 Kentucky, . P, 70,348 3,869,150 Kansas; . . 18,054 1,025,970 Tennessee, . . 12,077 664,235 California, . ; 7,451 409,805 Nevada, • . 216 11,880 -Oregon,... - . - 581 31,955 District of ' Columbia, 11,505 632,830 Ter'y of Washington, 895 49,225 Ter'y of Nebraska. 380 20,900 Ter'y of ColOrado, . 1,761 96,910 . Teey of Dukotah, . 181 9,955 Ter'y of New Me;tico, " 1,011 55,605 Sao. 2. The amounts to be thus reim bursed, shall be in registered bonds of the United States, of not less than one thotusand -dollars each , bearing interest at the rate of Sive per cent. :premium, payable semi annually in lawful money, and redeemable -at the pleasure of the United States after twenty . years from date. Said bonds shall bedated July 1, 1866, and interest there .after shall be payable on the first . day, of January, and the first day of July, in each year. Said interest to be payable, and said bonds to be redeemable, out of moneys to be hereafter appropriated by Congress. Sc.E 3. Each bond issued in pursuance of this act shall have plainly printed or en graved thereon the word following, viz: "The bonds of which this is one, are issued to the State of -, in full reimbursement for expenses incurred by said State in the war for the Union." Said bonds are not negotiable until after the first day of July, A. D. 1866, and then only upon the indorse ment of the Governor of the State. And said bonds are accepted by said State in full payment of all claims for expenses in curred or loss sustained in the war ter the Union either by the State or by any mu. nicipai corporation within the State. SEc. 4. The bonds authorized by this act shall hot be delivered to any State until the Legislature thereof has formally consented to accept them in the terms contained in the third section, and upon such consent being properly certified to the Secretary of the Treasury by the Governor of any State, the Secretary shall on the Governor's receipt thertof, issue to such State its proper amount of bonds, as provided in the first section of this act, but the condition contained in the third section shall not be construed to ex clude any demand or claim from a State or municipal corporation which can be audited and paid under any law in force at the time of the approval of this act. SEc. 5. The Secretary of State shall for -ward to the Governor of each State a certi fied copy of this act within thirty days from the date of approval, and the secretary of the Treasury is hereby charged with execut ing the provisions of this act. The bill was, on motion of Mr. Blaine, re committed and ordered to be printed. From Washington. Wsancomon, Feb. 16.—A communication addressed to Mr. Banks from the Secretary <A' State, was presented to the House to-day, inclosing a despatch from our minister at - Brussels, the Hon. H. S. Sanford, relative to the appropriations of the Belgian Go vernment tor the Paris Exposition of 1867, by which it appears that the Minister of the Interior recommends an appropriation of *120,000 for cost of freight, labor, superviz sion, traveling expenses and publication of reports of Belgian juries and delegates. He advises an enthusiastic emulation,and active rivalry with other nations. Of this sum,' fifteen thousand dollars is for care and supervision, a sum somewhat larger than that supplied for the same item at the former exhibition, as the number of exhibitors will be larger, and the products more varied. It is suggested that a number of masters, or skilled workmen in various, industries, be sent for the purpose of studying the exhi bition, and students in dra.wmg and model ing schools who manifest remarkable talents. The delegation of photographic artists re presenting zseveral of the largest cities of this country, are still in Washington; seek ing such changes in the existing revenue laws as will supersede the necessity of affix ing stamps to their photographs and other productions of the • art. They represent that:inasmuch as thense of stamps has re sulted in serious damage to pictures in de facing and discoloring them, it is manifestly, the, duty of Congress to relieve the petition ers by, substituting a more acceptable way <A' contributing to the national treasury. The following officers have been detailed as members of a joint board of army and navy officers, to consider and report upon the subject of harbor defences, torpedoes,' 4ce.—Brevet Brigadier General J. G. Ber nard. B. S. Alexander and Q. A.. Gillmore, on - the part of the Army; and Admirals Charles H. Davies and John A. Dahlgren, 'and CaptabijamesAlden, on the part of the Navy. The Board will assemble at the Navy Department on the Ist day of March neat.: The . • ' The Department of State to-day received a flag from the working people of Lyons, France, dedicated to the people of the United States, in memory of Abraham Lincoln. The flag is of the finest fabric,. and is 31 metres in- length and 2 15-100 metres in width, and is inscribed "Popular subscrip tion to the Republic of the United _States." in honor of Abraham Lincoln, Lyons, 1865, In response to an application received to day, Secretary McCulloch decided that no general.permit can be granted to importers of hides, and that before a cargo can be re moved from a vessel indubitable evidence must be produced that the hides have not been taken from animals that have died from the effects of the cattle plague. Robert E. Lee arrived here to-day and is at the Metropolitan Hotel. The Lexington (Va.) Gazette says he has been summoned to appear as a witness before the ReAnstrac tion Committee. from Wisconsin. MADISON, Feb. 16.—1 n the Legislature to-day, the Committee- on Federal Rela tions reported a series of resolutions declare ing that the safety of the. Government de pends upon an adhesion to the cardinal principal that all men are created free and equal, and while rejoicing over the restora tion of the • Union, we earnestly protest against any policy of reconstruction which disregards these vital principles and admits the enemies of the Government to partici pate in its administration. The course pursued by' the Soathern States since the close of the war to Northern men, the persecution of colored men, the election of former active rebel leaders to official positions, are evidences that it is un safe to trust them with the destinies of the nation. The welfare of the loyal people of these States urges upon Congress the duty of establishing provisional governments until the Southern people demonstrate their fitness to resume their administration. The safety of the Government demands adequate punishment of treason, in bring ing to trial and punMment the rebel leaders. The resolutions commend - President Johnson's course at the outset of his Ad ministration, as an evidence of his devotion to the cardinal principles of our Govern ment, and pledging him support as far as he faithfully executes the trust con:waitted to him. These are considered the unanimous voice of a majority of the members of the Legis lature, and will probably be passed at an early day. From Georgia. MILLEDGEVILLE, February 16th. The House has passed a bill submitting the question of constructing a penitentiary to a vote of the people. The Associated Press Convention met at 10 o'clock. The following papers Were represented. Mobile Times, Triliune and Register, Macon Telegraph, Atlanta Intelligeneer and Nets Era, Montgomery -Advertiser, Mail and Ledger, Columbus Sun, Selma Tones and Messenger, Tuscogee .News and others. Mr. Clark, of Mobile;was elected President; Mr. Williams, of Selma, Secretary and Treasurer; and F. G. Defontain, A. F. Crutchfield, Thos. Dewolf, Seaton Gales and S. G. Reed } Directors. SAVANNAH, F ebruary 16th.—The cotton store and warehouse in Battle Row, occu pied by J. T. Rowland, was burned to-day. t'he storehouse contained three hundred bales of cotton which - was mostly saved. It was owned by Tyson tit Gonchy. From Riesleo. NEW YORE, Feb. 16.—The Havana cor respondence of the Associated Press states that dates from Vera Cruz to February Ist, and from the city of Mexico to January 21st, had been received, with the particulars of the defeat of the Juarista at Papantla. A force has been sent to Monterey, to pro tect that city from the guerilla -9. A troop of Juarists captured the mails from Monterey for Mexico, together with an Imperialist contaactor, whom they hung. Count Elvin has arrived at Havana, on the way for Belgium. He is said to have been sent by the Empress Carlotta, on fam ily matters. The Austrian Consul-General and Prus sian Minister were on their way from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico.: The cholera was reported at Cienfuegos. The small-pox continues at Regis. The steamer Manhattan was hourly ex pected from Vera Cruz. From New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 16.—The Legisla ure has passed the parochial election bill over the Governor's veto by an almost unanimous vote. The Brownsville Courier of the 7th says 4, was reported that Mendez, with 2,000 nen, had taken possession of the roads lead ng from Tampasco. The-French garrison, onehundred strong, h reinforced by a few undred men, were ordered to attack the Liberals, when the latter formed an ambuscade and cutoff and massacred sixty of the French advance guard. The remainder of the French, 500 strong, renewed the attack, using their bayonets vigorously, and forcing the Li berals to retreat, closely pursued for several hours. Mendez and almost all his staff officers are reported killed. The Liberal oss was 850, that of the French 100 men. From California. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. M.—The U. S. flag -hip Lancaster arrived this morning from Honolulu. The steamer Ajax arrived at Honolulu on he 27th ult. The California Senate has rejected the bill to repeal the specific contract law by a vote of 18 to 10. Mining stocks buoyant. Ophir, N 45; Savage, $1030; Chollar Potosi, $319; imperial $ll5 50. Legal tender, 73k. Fire in Wisconsin. MADISON, WIS., Feb. 16.—Bowen's Block was burned this morning. The loss is $14,- 000; insurance, $7,000. Geo. - Huntley,: gro cer, lost $8,000; insured for $5,000. On. NEWS.—Of the forty-six wells of Pit hole, lately recognized, as productive, eight have ceased to flow, and ten are out of order. Both the United States and well No. 77, Holmden farm, Dr. Dasher well,stopped October llth. The latter was struck keit August; and yielded two months, and at tained as high as one hundred and fifty barrels per day. For nine months the United States averaged daily five hundred barrels. It is stated that the cause of the failure of the United States - was flooding through of the new wells going down in the vicinity. It seems the most productive part, of Pithole territory has now as many wells upon it as can be successfully worked. New wells are deemed detrimental to old' ones. ORDERS have been received g at the Charlestown (Mass.) Navy Yard to Com nience operations again on the new steam slbop Manitou. This vessel is one of ten ordered in 1863, of which not one yet' been completed. The , _,vessels- are each 2,348 tons burden, and will carry 13 guns. It is said that the department has instructed the commandants of the different yards, at which theY 'are being built, to have them pushed to completion as rapidly as pos sible. - • WHITE LABOR. =Quite a large number of white laborers arrived here in the:Kent on Monday. There being a great demand for hands among the 'farmers througcout the county; we learn that these new-corners readily obtained employment.'---Cambridge (Md.) Ingelligencer. THE DAILY _EVENING BULLETIN ;. I:PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1866 ;rift FOR SALE, Oft .TO LET 'UPON G ROUND BO RENT—A valuable tract of LAND.' adjoining the ,t-tiladelphla Gas Works, in the First Ward, haying nearly half amile (35 mile) front upon th e river Schuyl kill. This portion Is particularly well adateasd ror manufacturing purposes, as well as a suitable depot for anthracite and biturnonons coal. a branch railroad leading froth the Penn Sylvania Rallroas, stops at the premises,and can be readily extended about 2,./0 yards to the river tschuylkill, there connecting with a substan tial wharf. The property will be divided to. suit pur chasers. Also To Rent, a brick BUILDING, with extenalve river front suitable for various in:mufamun re; pur poses, in connection with the Gas Works, with steam power and other improvements. Apply at 121 WALNUT street, second story: . ceANFOR SALE.—A WARM, containing 102 acres superior laud, with modern double brickbrick mansion, ouse, carriage house, large new narn, threasreallar ones, two tenant houses e 0., ac.. all is excellent cm, ditlon, situate in Burlington county. N. J., 10 tittles from Camden, 4 miles from the Camden and Amboy R. R., and , i, of a wily from a s'ai.i,m ou the Cd.ald-,1:, Moorestown and Mt. Holly R. R. Five acres of g.rden irult and standard fruit or every dest:riptiou, Hand some lawn. well shaded. and land in highest state of cultivation, J. B. UUMMEY & SONS, 105 Wadulit Street. 5".27.: TO Lh/P—Fs , R THE SEASON—A. Mansion House and Garden, tee rooms; •u good order; h stabling, &c.; about three quarters of a mile from GI ern Lane Marlon on the sort' , Pennsylvania Rail. road, 6 miles Sum the city. Rent, Wo. Inquire at 514 NORTH street, between Fifth and Sizth street, above Market, of fele-3t 5 SIIPLEE & MYERS. elb FOR 9AL Sl.—A VERY CHOICE AND DE9I• RABLE FARM in the Twrnty-third Ward, 10 Mires from Market street, adjoining the village of I3ustieton, containing 90 acres. Improvements line, and land in a high state of cultivation, with plenty of shade, fruit and water. and everything in first rate order. Apply at 102, Chestnut street, second floor, be• tween 10 and 2. FOR SALE—COUNTRY SEAT. on RIDGE "` ROAD. two minutes' walk from Wissabickon Station... Norristown Railroad; double STONE HOUSE and two and a half acres or Ground, with beautiful and commanding view. Also, plenty of Shade, fruit and ornamental trees. , fels tb„s,m.St* r ARCH STREET—FOR SALE.—A handrome WI four story brick residence,with three'story dounle back buildings, and tot 170 feet deep to a street situp te nn the south side of Arch street, west of Twentieth street. Is finished throughout In the beat manner and (rot order. J. AI. GIIIIILEY &EONS, 108 Wal nut ',street gas FOR RENT.—A COUNTRY RESLDSNUE AT M. Airy (Twenty-second Ward,)—situated on east • ide of township line road, north of Gowen's lane. two-and a-half story stone cottage (partly itirn Ish K). stone barn; frame coach home, with eight acres of superior land, and Ilse orchard attached. Possession given April Ist, 1866. Apply at 617 Chestnut street. It* jFOR SALE—The three-story Brick Dwellidg t 'mate No. 715 South Ninth street. Lot 20 feet ;runt by too (cot deep to Russell street, on which th re is erected a neat three-story brkk house. Early 003- Sei9+oll given. J. M. GIIMME'r t SONS, 508 Walnut s reel. E. FOR SALE.—The three-story Brick Dwelling, cute No. 834 South Twenty first street. Has very modernconvenlenee and improvement, and is In cc, od order. Lot ID feet front by su feet deep. I ru natdiate ixlstosesicsa given. J. M. GUM TrY ck., SONS, ;.o. Walnut street. 'TO LET—GOOD-WILL AND PLETURE:3POE. 1 SALE —A large and old established DR YGOoDS 21 . 01,1. One cf the handsomest fitted up in the city. owner being desirous of retiring from trasinuss. Address JOSEPH ILAGY, No. 448 North Second at., hlladelphia. tel 6 6t• 4 - 1 4 FOR SALE.—The Handsome three story brick & 2! sidelinefeet front, with large double back dings, and finished througaout In the best manner, ituate, No. 15e3 eipnice street. LOT. 1-7 tees deep to an cutlet. J. N. 01.;11....11.EY &SONS, 50.1 Walnut st. FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY brick house, with three-story double back build 0.1401 Thompson street; all modern Improvements. A pply to J.ll. CURTIS & SOS, Real Estate Brokers, :3 Walnut street. ,„.75 FOIL SALE A desirable three-story brick au HOUSE, South Ninth street- all modern Im. r cements: immediate posses.loa given. Apply to J. B. CURTIS SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Brat notstreet. •lI• FOR SA r.r —The Elegant HOUSE, with every IL modern Improvement. No. 214 West Washington square. LEWIS R. REDNER. 1t861.4 :152 S. Fourth street. TO LET-1423 WALNUT Street—to a tenant :ea willing to purchase most of the furniture.(feis-60 ESTATE t F WI LLIA3I WHITALL, DECIEAwED. Letters of Ad r .inistration haring been granted to the undersigned, •.11 persons Indebted to tbe said Rstate will please make payment, and &nose having claims present them for settlement to WK. IL WHITALL, Administrator. 1t 1119 Flibertstreet. 1D THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CLTT A ND COUNTS( OF PH EtlA—Estate of A.. OEL L SHORER, d ed.—The Auditor ap pol otdd by the Court to a • e,and adjust the drat acct. —at co SAMUEL. HOBEHAdualtirde bouts non c. t. a. of Sarnnel L. lihober deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bards of the ac countant, will meet the parties intemsted for the pur poses of Ms appointment, 02 WEDNASDA. 1 Febru ary 'huh. 1666. at s o'clock P. M., as the °Mee of It C. litchi untie. Esq., No. 116 Walnut street, In the city of Philadelphia. felts to torts ylvi HE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND I.LOUN TT OF PIiLLADHLPHIA.—Estate of JOPLIN nIIOI3E-R. deceased.—Tbe Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the drat and deal account of SAMUEL L. S OBER, MART M. n RORER and ANTHONTIL RIbfI3ER, Executors of the last win of John R Shober deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant,will meetthe parties interested for the per ; OSES of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY,Februars 1866, nt 3 o'clock P. L. at the Milne of It, C. cMurlrie, Esq., No. 416 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. fer,a,tu,th,ine I. THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of H. REGINA SHOBER.dec'd. The auditor appoint . d by the Court to audit,settle and adjust the first and final account of SAMUEL L. BROKER and A. M. WEBER, Executors of the last will of H. Regina -'be her, deceased, and to report distribution of the •.alande In the bands of the accountant, will meet the . art , es Interested for the purposes of his appointment, WiIDN.aiDAY, February 28te. 1866. at a o'cloclt P. M. at the office of R. C. Mehl ORTRIE Eq.. No. 416 Walnut st., in the City of Philadelphia. [feli-s,tu.ttolt• N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY 1 Al , D COUNTY OF PHILABELPIELA.—Estate of .0111 s; S. HOD •ILINSOIi, deceas d. The Auditor ap i °toted by the Court to audit - settle and adjust the ao count of ELIZABETH lIOD6KINSON,Adou'rx of the es ate of ..ino, S. liongk InSOl3, dec'd,and to report distri rution of the balance In the hands of the accountant. will nn el the parties Interested for the purlasPs of his ppointment on THURSDAhr, March Ist, 1866, at 4 c., ck P. M.. at his office, No. 201 S. Sixth street In the it) o! Philadelphia. J M. COLLINS, fel:.s,tu,th-5t 5 Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA,—Estate I' ANDREW J. WESTER, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust Lb , . a count of ELIZABETH WESTER, Admintstratrix ‘.f tt e estate of Andrea , J. Wester. late of the city o: Philadelphia, deed. and to report distribution of the ,Mabee tho hands of theaccountant, will meet the , art tes interested for the purposes of his appoin tmeru, TH t.,RsDAY, March Ist, A. II 1866, at 4 o'clock. P. .t.. at the office of Thomas J. Diehl, Esq., No. 530 WALNUT street, city of Philadelphia, felbatism.st. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TliE CITY AND COHN L'Y OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate if JOSEPH R. MORT, deceased.--Tne Auditor ap. ',Wilted by the Conn to audit, settle aria adjust the ccuunt of A. E. HORT and WILLIAM P. HURT, Ad ministrators of the Estate of JOSEPH R. HURT, iit ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in he bands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on TEES. I,A Y, February 20th. MS at itli• o'clock, P. H., at his dice, No. 204 South FIFTH street, second floor, in the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM B. HANNA Auditor. restb s tust2 BAKERS ORNAMENTAL HAITI MANUFACITORY. The largest and best assortment of Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids ant Curls, Water-fans, Viotorines, Fri ' settee, Mtudve Seams for Ladies, Ai MON LOWER than elsewhere, lakte 909 OICESTNIIT STREET. rIq.DIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING STEAM PACKING, HOSE, &o. Engineers and dealers will find a PIT ASSORT MENT OP GOODYEAMS PAM= Vu LCAVIZE RIIBBKII THqO, PACKING, HOS fi MannheturWa Headquarters. YEAR 808 Cheetn u le So si. N.. 13.— We have a NEW and OHEA.P ARTluth de CLE of GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, ve cheap. , whi °tithe attention of the public fa caned , • I :41111 . Z., • Z 1• Z. SAUCES, •&(),... 'Crosse & Blackwelre English "Pickles, Oatscipa, Sauces, Durham -- Mustard. Olives, landing us ship Yorktown and for sale by 308. BUBBLER Co ins South Tielaws.ra avenue- JAISINS AND LEMONS—Bunch, Layer and Seed lees 'tabling§ and Malaga Lemons, landing from bark La Plata, and for eale by .10S. B. BM° WX..9 CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. rhIP.KRIAL FRENCH PRIINIB.-50 cues in tin 1. canisters and fancy boxes_ Imported and for sale t)5 JOS. DUMI.ER & 00 108 South Delaware avenue. STEW HOPSorow9ii (01865. Just Teeetved, In stun and for sale by ' WILLIAM 8 GRAN% , 16 -, 128 , &nth, DelawaTe 11.17e1111111: I C: SA) • '4 ll ' • area's Bay of laland'a Herring? , store and ibr ebyE. A. SOLIDER di riANABY SKED.—Twenty nary Seed in store and for 00., No, 122 Wabant street. REAL ESTATE. F. H. HAB.JES. 17 Bank Street. I -DO mai) w Li) 314 ;~:.,. GBfKUMMTIgI4. WRIG 'Has Just Imported a Fine Lot of Table Oil. Boneless Sardines. And .Anohoaies. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STItEET3. aoses at 7 P. M. fel6-8t ALLe.N ISIACCA.RON/, VERMICELLI, PARMESAN CHEESE, Fresh Imported, FOR SALE BY JAMER R. WEBB. WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets WINSLOW'S UELEBRAIID GREEN CORN. 35 CENTS PER CAN. JOSHUA WRIGHr. SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN SIS. Closes 7 P. fel6-3t CIIBLEJEN Green Corn, ]Fresh Peaches Fresh Tomatoes, Plums,. &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DFai.FR tN FLNE GROCFBLES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. WRIGHT'S FRESH TOMATOES, .; OF MY OWN CANNING. Twenty five cents per can. JOSHUA WRIGH r, bPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS. %Asses at 7 P. R. fels-3t Great litduttion in Canned Fruits TOMATOES, PEACHES. 0Rta...1.1 CORN, PATT.an F 01.6 AND CHASIVIGNONS BLANCB. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN AND PRANELLN. Store closes at 7 P. M. fel6-3t b RURVIA Fine, Medium and Low grade yr A op. a.O hall chests Oolong, Young Hyson and Imperial 1 ea. :AM bags Rio. Lagnayra and Java Coffee. atat barrels A. and Yellow angers. to° hbds Cuba and Porto Rico do. Also, a general assortment of Groceries for sale by W. J. 2.1'..tA1f Ali LC CO., 115 South WATER , trees, net." , Chestnut.. tea-lms JEW FRIIITH.—PrIncess Papershell and Llsbot Almonds; splendid London Layer Raisins, It hole, half and quarter boxes, choice Llencle r all drums, In store and for sale by M. F. ..."1-1.1./N ea Dealer and Grocer, N, W.corner Arch and Eighth ocoCASES FRESH PEAtititt>, TOMATO.a> 00 Green Corn, Peas, drc_, warranted to grvr rlsfaction. Por sae by M. F. SPELLLI, N,W. oar ',roll and Eighth streets. LL STELA hiACEE.B.NL.—Extra choice large Sfacke 124 rel in kltte. Also new t 3 Iced and Pickled Sal non. For sale by M. F. SFrr.T.TN, N. W. car. Arci -.nd Eighth streets. Rl' PRESERVED OLD:GER.—A small Invoice o] /../ this delicious confection. in small CD. boxes, just - *calved at MUSTI'S East End Grocery.No.llBSoutt. ecebd street. e).II..E3ERVED GU:GER—SOO cases choice Proserved I. (Anger, each Jar _guaranteed, In store and for sale I.7OI3STY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second tireet. INCE P 1 .—Raisins, Carrara& Innen Lemot ...Viand Grange Peel, Pore Spices, Cooking Wines and sraadies, new Sweet Cider, all for sale at CO USTI . 'f• East End Grocery Store, No. US Solna Second street. ENV YARMOUTH BLOATERe,—A small Invoice iN of It ese delightful and choice delicacies, for sale at t"L' 6 . I V B East , End Grocery, ice lla South Second itreet. )RIIIIE SPANISH OLIVES.—SpauNh Queen Oltree t Strutted Olivet, East India Het Pickles, Soneleen "JarditWS, and all kinds of new Canned Errata, Mesta wups. Milk and Coffee. at COLTSTY'S East End Oin ls:o. 118 South Second street. IRAN vißvirtilrE3.-2e barrels Jersey cultivated Cray 1.1 berries In store and lor sale by IL F. SPILLI2c N. W. cor. Areb and Eighth streets. IMMO EE CATTLE PLAGUE. or Contagion& Typhus In Horned Cattle; 1M Motors, Origin, Treatment. &c. tsy H. Bourgigon. M. D. In one volume. ALsei BLAINE'S OUTLINES OF THE VETERDZABY ART TOUATT ON CATTLE their Breed, Manage ment New edition GA MGEE ON DAIRY STOCK. MUIt~UN'S VETERMARY PHARMACY. sIMONDS ON THE ROC rN SHEEP. M A THEW'S ILLUSTRATED HORSE DOCTOR. MAI - HEWS HORSE MANAGEMENT. YOPATT ON THE HORSE. HA TO:ICE'S GENrr,rm AN'S STABLE MA NUAL. COLLINS'S HORSE TRAINEE'S GUIDE. STONEHENGE on the Shot Gun and Sporting Me. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Including blidit;al, Agricultural, Architectural, Military, Naval. Engineering and the other sciences. LINDSAY it BLA gIS YON, Publishers and Booksellers. No. 25 South Sixth street. A .DOZEN NEW BOORS- (JUST puBT.TRRED BY C.ABLETON") The Prince Kashnn, Novel edited by Rime' ce Country Lore vs. City Flirtation. Illustrated 200 Poems by Gay H. Naramore Love Life of Dr. Kane and Miss Margaret Pox._ 1 75 The Humbugs of the World. By P. T. Barnum-- 1 75 Poems by Mrs. Susan T. Bolton_ —..... What Came Afterwards, Arthur's new Novel 1 50 1. Spiro ter'a Story. A new Novel by M. A. F Istemus Ward's Travels. Comic Illustrations 150 'ornery at llontgomery A new Novel.— Looking Around. A. S. Roe's new Novel Our Anita In Cuba. Illustrations by Carleton •.* All handsomely boon in cloth, and sent by null life on receipt of price, by _ . CA_RLETON, PublLs he , , New York Jul3-V7,Atf PUBLISHED THIS DAY.- THE QUEEN'S REVENGE HE QUEEN'S REVENGE THE QUEEN'S REVENGE By WILKIE COLLrNS Author of "The Dead Secret," "After Dark;" "Hide and Seek," •'Basil; or, The Crossed Path," etc. Printed from advance Proof Sheets. ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. PRICE 75 CENT& Send for Peterson& Descriptive Cataloe. Books ten , postage paid, on rot:tint of retail g price. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS; 806 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. fele, 2t AIL NEW BCOKS ABE AT PETERSON z' NEW BOOKS. ESPERANOE. Br Meta Lander. author of "Light on the Dark River." YOUTHS' HISTORY OR - THE REBELLION. From the massacre at Fort ,E'Wow to the end. By W. 31, Thayer. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Vol. 3. By Harriet Martineau. SOCIAL LIFE OF THE CHINESE, with same ac count of their Religious, Govern Mental and Business Customs and Opinions. By Rev.' Justus Doolittle. 2 vols. 3.o3Btrated. Dl7Ss CONNAMcQUARRJE. A Sequel to "Alfred gagart's Housed" CONTINENT Smith. ACROSS THE • By Samuel Bowles. Editor of the Springfield .Rzpubitean. For sale by JAMES'S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. dr A. Mullen, 606 Chestnut street. LLI 4 i 3 LUZ Up PLIILLMZE.—TRE LW% ea JCL PHILMOB, Musician andehess Player, by Gout. Allen, Greek Professor in the UniversV of Penn. vl l ih 4i n e P l n Te sa gf_l ° 3geaMtotZayrgiilWol:: debraud mid de Lam , lovoyeztaordinal7 and Min Win Plenipotentiary of the Sing of Prussia, at flu Mort ofßaxe-Weimar. I vol., °cam, % vellum. fin , op. Pride :1 21 . Lalejy published yr„. mgum.usti: dis 00,, nob IE7 South Fourth nrcsit. TAXE3l:tAitirS Blank Booke ,and Stationery, 1101 etBt. Old • a I's a a !ed7 t h e ibr PAhns on T/facT Meg tie 'Sheathing Pelt Ships; also, In's Paten Woolding Felt for EitelunPipea and Bailin% In liter. and !Or sale by WilaaAig @ GRANT, No. Baulk Delaensreavzonui BOND'S BOSTON .BISCUIT.—Boad's Boston Batter and 31111kBbretdt, landing from steamer Norman, and for sale by JOS. B. BUSS lIWAR & CO., Agents for Bond, 108 South Delaware avenue. VALUABLE F..I.I.OENCES AT PRP7ATE, 8A1.09. TO R.V. L ESTATE OPERATORS. ELEGANT WALNUT El FRL.B.I. MANSION—One of the moot elegant residences on Walnut street .5e lee: front; large ground. stable, etc. Also, ratowN FroNE MANSION, Walnut neat Broad st. 8, ill 0.- sold Cl very low rates, to a parrYrwho wll' take them all In one ir.t, live desirable dwellings In the heart of the city. I mmecliett‘• °ma:penny cad 62 had it cesired. Ills is a ye -8 , favorable opportunity to par tie, who seek good real atate investments to bay at old prices property weeich will pay mil and increase in value, For pa:dealers apply at the aeration store. STABLE—A very desirable property In the neigh hot hood of Twelfth and Locust sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on Ridgy read, f miles from ti.e State Honsa known as tiu "Sorrel Et oree." Plans, surveys, &c.. at the store. Property No. Ca south Front st. 41 by 100 feet. do do 1135 and 1141 Lombard at e 7.., acres, Germantown S 7 do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do do S Building Lota. south Twenty-ear:one st Property northeast corner Fourth and Spruce Ms Dwelling. with side yard. Daily road Brown-et,r.e Store, Second M. near Chestnut Residence and large lot, Burlington do No. 2ul south Tenth at do do 418 south Eleventh at Dwelling, 430 Pine st do 508 Pond at 5 acres of Land. Federal at. Twentr-atzth Ward VALUABLE STOKE, CHESTNUT ST—A ve valuable business property on Chestnut at, laving ewe fronts—ln good order, fig, Occupancy with the deed. THOMAS BIRCH & BON. AUCTIORICRRO A&1 comussioN r:o. 1110 CH: 113 131egICT 3411 itree , (Rear entrance 1107 Sansom street.) Household Furniture ef every description received es Conalgnment. BALD EVERY PBIDAY HORNING. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the ma. Reasonable Terms. BALE OP BEAL ESTATE STOCK% eitft, AT TM' EXCHANGE. Trion= Birth G Bon respectfally inform then riends and the public that they are pre to attenc to the sale of Beat Estate by sanction and at pared private pie Sale at No. ":0 South Fi ft eenth street. HOPsiFIOLD Furairrrrsz. ON TUESDAY 111ORN1 EI. At 10 o'clock, at No. 770 south Fifteenth street, will be sold— ftimiture of a family removing from the city, ces prising parlor suit of walnut furniture, euvered with re en Brussels, ingrain and Venetian carpets. walnut extension dining table, three suits of cottage chamber furniture, beds and matresses, china and glassware, kiten furniture, &c. CATION 'S. Sale at IC o 646 north Thirteenth street HONSEN "LD FURNITURE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING At to o'clock, at No. 646 north Thi , teenth street, will be sold, the furniture of a Tamils' declining h .0 fetteep• lag, comprising walnut parlor furniture In hair cloth, Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian carpets, chamber dining room and kitchtn furniture &rile at Chestnut Md. HANDSO.IIE HOUSEIDiLD FOBNITBRE. ON WEDNASLA Y 11.1.011N1N0 FEB At 11 o'clock. on Chestnut av- nue, opposite the Cathcllc Church. secona home from the Baid.ng turnpike. will be sold— The fornicnre of a family declining housekeeping, comprislig super or pa lor, chamber and dining room 1 urniture. catalogues will be may fc , r delivery at the auction store three dale previous to the sale. THE PRINCIPAL MOSEY ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of EILCIII and RACE streets. Mot ey advanced on Merchandise generally; Watches,Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plate. and on all articles of value, fur any length of time agreed on. WA7 CBES AND JEWELRY A P PRIVATE SALE. Floe Gold Bunting Case, Double Bottom and Open bane English. American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fir e Gold Bunting Oise and Open Face Le pine \Vetches: Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver alunting Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine Watches: Double Caase English Quartier and other Watches; ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast pins: Finger Rings; Ear Rings, Studs, etc.; Fine Gold Chains; dialllons; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and Jewolry gene rally. FOR SALE—A large and splendid Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jeweler, price $450. Also several Lots in South Camden, Filth and Chestnut streets. BY B. SCOTT, JR.. AUCTIONEER. No. RIMESTNIJT street. G. PELMAN'S FIRST GREAT SA.bE OF MAN TEL, PIER AND LOOKING GLASSDS. OIL PA I NTINGS. EINGRA. VI Nt.4'. CII ROIIO.LITTIO ibRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPH AND CARTE DE VISITE FRAMES. G. Pelman ann noces his first sale of finest quality Mantel. Pier and Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings., En gravings, Chromo Lithographs Photograph and Qirte de Vis , te Frames, to take place at SCOTT'e ART GALLLRY. No. 1020 CIiE•••TNETT Street, ON TUiDAY 11.1.0RNIN0. FEB. 20. At /0 o'clock, comprising mantel pier and lorking glasses, of ilt every description and lie. in walnut rosy ocd and gpier and bracket tab es, walnut and nseweeo: ete(-I engr,vlngs, pmin and colornd dtho graphs, chromes, with or without fames Also, a lot of imported ca le de visite frames. positively without reoerve, as Mr. Pelman is compelled to make the above axle on account of ex. eusive alterations On his premises. fell 6t rall,ll' ittrsit; AUCTIONEERS, No. 506 M A RKET BALE OF 1400 CASES BWITS AND 9ailoFM. ON MONDAY MORNING FEB. 10„ n commencing at 10 o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, for cash, 1500 cases Boots, :Shoes, Brogans, Balmoralst Congress Boots. &c. ' comprisinga desirable assort ment of men's, wa men's, mimes' and - children's wear. SALE OF MOP CABIN BOOTS AND SHOBB. ON THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 22. Commencing at 10 o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, for cash, 1500 case a Boots, Shoes. Brogans, Balmorals, Congress Boots, &c., comprising a fr.sh and desirable aesortio ent of men's, misses' and children's wear, to wbich the attention of buyers is called. "'MAVIS & BAJA Vit k, A UltriLJA .1./ (Late with Bt. Thomas & Sons.) Store No. MS Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every Tuesday. SALES Al' BESEDKNOES will receive poi:lc:LW attention, Sale No. 333 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, E.LEG ANT BOOKCASE, CARPETS. GLASSWAR &c. ON TUESDAY - NORM:6M. At E o'clock, at the auction store. Also—Elegant walnut secretary bookcase. Fine gold bunting case watch 2 lacks' gold watches and chains. 8 tine double barrel guns. BY BABBITT & 00.. Auonomaras, Oath Auction House, • No. WO MARKE'T street, corner of Bank street. Clash advanced on coastal= onts without extra charge, LARGE SALE-600 LOTS. ON MONDAY MORNING, FEB. 9. At 10 o'clock, viz—Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Hosiery, 'Fancy Shirts. 100 cages tat BOote, Shoes and Brogans. Table and Pocket Cutlery, an., &c., in lots to suit city and country retailers. A•a. • : & co., A.. pa J. Auction House, No. 927 CHESTNUT street, adj cent to the Continental, Girard, St. Laprence, N.ac :pt.:. ao i• "DI • - . 11l L. AKEBREDGE di O. AIIC C. TIONEomm, No. 61)6 MARKET street. above Fifth. IEZBOONEI CARACCAS INDIGO now landing a from Earl: WHITE WING for sale by JO Mg D , & Co, 128 Walnuc street. • - LUCTION SAL • JAMES A. FREEMAN AIIOT/ONEXII, No, 421 wAZRI'rr ;,rest. REAL ESTATE • SALE, FEB. 21, 1888. This sale, at the Exchange , at 12 o'clock noon, Will include— STOCKS. 2 shares Mercantile Library Co. 4000 sbares Oil Spring Co., of PermsylVania. N o . Ha RACE ST—A genteel three-story brick Resi dence, below Seventeenth at, 18 by 75 feet. Has the modern conveniences. Sale Peremptory—Estate of Daniel Fitter, deed. No. 209 N. SEVENTEENTH BT.—A three-story brick dwelling,Above Race, 15 by 54 feet. Sale peremp. tory— Same Estate. No. 948 N. SECOND ST.—A threeetory brick House, Second above Canal, 16 by 83 feet; A good business lo cation; grA ground. rent. Sale peremptory Same Es tate. N 0.950 N. SECOND ST.—Property adjoining same description. Sale peremptory—Same Estate. No. £O5 RICHMOND ST.—The tavern stand known as the " Washington House," near Otis street; 40 by lee feet. Sale peremptory—Same Estate. CANaL we Dwellings, Canal street west of Second; 17% by 07 feet deep. Saitcperensp/ory—Same Estate. trIiCOND, r BOVE BROWN—A store and dwering, No. 831 North Seeond.street, :444 by 123 feet. Peremp tory sale—,Fame Estate NO. 1020 NORTH SECOND STRERT—Property 20 by 180 feet to St. John street; Frame store front witn houses In the real; 470 ground rent. Peremptory Sale— t.,,a me Estate. She ~ND AN'D BUTTONWOOD STREETS—Four story brick store, S. W. corns r, 20 by 78 feet. 4.13' See Plan. Orphans' court Sale—estate of Josfph Justice, arcs - med. NO. 516 N. SECOND STREET—Four-story store ad joining on the south, IS by 78 feet. .Some Estate. N0.514N.5.,„C0ND S rREET— A frame store with court houses is, the rear, 20 by 78%7 feet. Same Estate. COURT . JUSI lOE'S COURT—A. lot with the court lu.t.s.s U ereo the rear of the above between Id ana et. John streets. See Plan. Same Estate. JtsTICS.'S COURT-6 court houses and lot, south Fide of Justice's court. Some Estate. JuliN —Lot belays Buttonwood street, 17% by 60 feet. Estate. NO. 493 ST. JOHN sT —Dwelling and lot adjoins 15S, by about 60 feet. See plan and survey. Same Es , tate 2ND BELO x' BEOWN—A Tavern Stand and Dwell ing, No. 727 N.2.nd si., Is by 85 feet; V 4 ground rent. Same Pstate. NO. 1005 'MELON ST.—A three story brick house and lot west of Tenth street. 17 by 681-, feet. Sane Blade. Pm GROUND RPNT—Tne one-half o f 8122 ground rent out of lot Shippen et. and Sutherland avenue, Same Estate No. 104 ALMOND ST.—Dwelling, Almond at. Fourth Ward, by 72' feet Peremptory Sale—Estate of Sarah N. Writter, deceased. o. S. SECOND ST.—Three re ory brick store Second at. below Spruce, 16;4 by 70 feet. Orphans' Court Sale— Estate of Phew Banks, deceased. MONTROSE ST—House, Montrose at., (between Chrlstum, Carpenter, 18th and 19th sts.), 15::by 5/. feet. Orphans' Court Sale— Rstate of Margaret Allen deed. Aar PLANS AND FELL DESCRIPTIONS MAY BE HAD AT TILE AUCTION STORE. BCCITT Js.. "CFM: %lC le tiliFe Ul Iltrelet , BRINLEY & CO, No. 615 WIESTNITI and No. 672 ZA.Y.NIC street. SAUUIS. N. THOMAS ak SANS, AUCTIONEERS. SOL , Yid 141Routh FOURTH street sTobics AND 12W AV, ESTATE,—TURSDAYHEM Pamphlet catalogues now ready containing de. iimipsiona of all the pronerV to be sold on _ tOth inst., with a list of sales,27th lost Mk_ Isth• and 213th Ararat. comprising a great variety of handsome Residencm, Stores, Dwellings. Fanne r Country. Seats, Lots tocks. dm. by order of Orohaits • co o n. Executors. Heirs, and others, to be sold , pets: , naptorny. cAsiES OP STOOK AND REAL ESTATE i4l / 4 `at the Exchange, every TUEEDAY, still o'clock ridalll / ' .3" handbills of each properly issued aeparatelns end on the Saturday prevroos to each sale 2000 Witt : logues it pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions.. • - RPIAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE, s A LW Printed catalogues, comprising several hundred • thousand dollars,. Including every descriptiomoft it and msmtry proputty, from the smallest dwellings t the most elegant mansions; elegant country seats, farms, butineus ptopertlcs...tc. Ear FURNl'l.r+2,_ SALES AT Awn= STORE EVEMY THURSDAY. f, , Z" Particular attention given to same at repass VALUABLE STOCKS AND LOANS. , Y. F.k.B 20 At 12 o'clock 1100 '11 72 1 F at, -31 th A e Philaselphla Exchange— WO shares late Leaver Atear".ory preferred, now Le high Valle j Railroad preferred 10 per cent. stook. 195 abare:i LPhlgh Valley Railroad to. 23 shares Columbus and Indianapolis Central Rail road Co. 3 born 8, slitoo each of the Cr lumbus and Indianapolis Itaiarrad Company second mortgage sinning fund 7 per cent. bonds. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. Administrator's Sale. V!.. shares Sehontacker Plana Forte Mann %during Company. For Non. payment of Assessments. cr' sl area Alleghany River and Schulls Run Oil CO., V enango county_ 1 share Pennsylvania Life Insurance and Granting Annuiti•e Stock. Pew No. LS. middle aisle. St. Andrew's Church. 2LO shares 20 shares Broad T Sc p a m gMarg m et e , n(lt2 C h o . a nd Market) Peremptory Sale for account of whom it may cm cern-1640 shares Shamokin Coal Co. *5007 per cem bond of the Philadelphia and Gray's Ferry essi enter Railway • co. (Spruce and Pine sts.) 4 shares Pennsylvania Fire Insurance CO. 4 shares Fire Insurance Co. of the State of Penn's. BRAT ESTATE SALE, FEB. 20. VALUABLE Brsr..r. ESS STAND FIVE-STORY BRICK STORE, No. .133 .Id_o_REE,T street, near second. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lo ,tt Minors— TEREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, outit Thir teenth street, below South street. - . Orphans' COUIL Sale—Batate of Win. Naty, a Minor , ,THREE BRICK DWELLDIGS, Nos. 4326, 4523 and 4530 Miller street, GERMANTOW.N. Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Edward Slier, deceased—TWO THREE. STORY BRICK BWKLLLNGS. Nos. =7 and 231 Jacoby street, between Twellth and Thirteenth and Race and Monterey streets. VALIIABLE BUSUSMSS STANDS-2 TICREE,STORY BRICK STORES and DWELLING i, Nos. 242 and 214 Smith Second street, a 'nye Spruce. VALUABLE LOT, S. E. corner of Market and Thirty-second streets, 24th Ward, opposite the Darby toed. c 0 by 220 feet- 3 fronts. VALUABLE LOT. N.W.corner of Thirty-filth street and Powelton avenue, 24th Ward -3 front... Peremptory Sale—VALtrealat BUS/I.:1.8S LOCATION— S:7a R RoTEL,Dock street and Exchange Place,oppo• site the Philadelphia Exchange. 451 REE-t TORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 722, '3l and 733 Bayard street. between Seveatu anti Eighth and Wharton and Reed streets. administrator's Peremptory Hale—Estate of Pusan P. Pollard det.*asrd - T EIRE-E-STORY BRICK STORE and DW.h.LLING. No. n 8 Girard avenue. MODERN TB-REE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. F..rty fourth street, fourth house north of Ilaverfdrd au yet, tv h Ward. Firstzts..!. LOCATION — THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLL.titi, No. 18 North Seventh street, soove Alarket_ M ,, DERN THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and WELLING. No. 1019Coate st.. ei-wo STORY BRICK DwFT,T.ING, No. 21:03 Altar t . south of Wash logien st. Peseruptory Se. , e- I Two-story BRICK DWELLING Ld s'i ABLY, No. 2124 Apple st, north of Di =Lund at, •th Ward. Sale absolute. STOCKS, dc. On TUESDAY. Fall 27. At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, For account of whom it may concern lleo shares of the coal Eidge Improvement and Coal Company. 'a• shares of the Fhamokin Coal Co. 1925 shares of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Co. MALE OF FINE OIL • PAINTINGS, FRAMED ENGRANIN ,G &c. ON MONDAY MORNIG, FEB. 19. At the suction store. commencing at 11 o'clock..a collemion of modern oil paintings, fine engravings, in gilt and walnut frames, &c. Now ready far P , A.. n. RARE, CDRIOES, DITIIRIESTENG AND AMUSING BOOKS On Tuesday and We!nesday, ifteinoon and Evening. February 20 and 21, At the unction store, the library of a gentleman de ceased comprising many rare, curious and interesting works, in the Entllsh. French and Latin languages. ?day be examined with catalogues on Monday and Tuesday. Sale Nos. 009 and 811 Chestnut street. ETOCE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE. ON FRIDAY MORNING. FEB. 23, At 10 o'clock. at No. 809 and 811 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the F. lock of Elegant Rosewood and Walnut Grawing Room. Parlor, Linine Room, Library and Chamber Furniture, matinfactared by George B. Hen kel, expressly for his wareroom safes, o, the best quality ana finished in the best manner. jai,- Flay be examined two days previous - to sale. ear Mr. Henke's, being about to remove his estab lishment to Thirteenth and Chestnut streets is com pelled to sell a part of his large stock at public sale, these-not heir sufficient room on the new premisin to accommodate it. DY JOHN B. MYERS As AUCTIONEERS D Noe. 2.12 and 1:34 Market street. corner of Rank LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OP PRENCCEi AND CCYnnEUROPEAN DRY GOODS. dm. tONDAY MORNING. FEB. 19, At 10 o'clock. will be told, by catalogue, on tour months' credit, about 650 LOTS of French, India, Ger. man and British Dry Goods,embracing a fall me:mt:inenl of fancy and staple articles in silks, worsteds, woolens, linens and cottons. N. B —Goods arranged fbr examination and caZa. iognes ready early on the morning of ears LARGE PEREMPTORY Sar.R OF FRENCH AND SAXON' DRY GOODS. the. NOTICE— included in our sale of MONDAY, Feb 19, will be ibund in part the following, ciz— DRESS GOODS. pieces tine blsek and white checked mohair& do tlg'd check Strombi, satin plaid capitano. do rich satin correaux Basco, mohair lastres. do 6-4 elk t laid tsalintla, small plaid amens. do 6 4 Paris silk poplins. Shepherd's checks, do poll de checres, melanges, alpacas, reps. do plain and fancy de Mines. Tartan coecks. no Yarir bik bombazine, French prings. SI Lk S. pieces Lyons black taffetas and gros dn Rhine% do gros grains. plain and fancy ponit de sole. do Instil ass, foulards, extra rich cadrille. 200 Pl. ( Eis SWISS 200 pieces tine to best quality Swiss mulls. It 10c0 dozen printed corder cambric, gingham. 31adraa F. d silk bdkfe BALMORAL ANT, HOOP SEIRTA 500 dczen new sty le Balmoral and hoop skirts. Lo, rit.bons, veils. c•mbroideries, waste goods, spnol cotton. sewing silk, silk ties, braids, cords, bindings, rimmings, notions. kc KID GLOVES. &c. cartons ladies' Mk, white and co 'd kid gloves. _ do ladies' and.gents' slk Lisle and Limon do. HALT{ PINS All) HOOKSANL EYES. 2 cases and 2 cas+s plain aaa d ha r pins and hocks and eye,„ partially damaged on the vorage of Imps nation, to be sold for cash, for account of whom it way concern. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, 13ROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS. &c, ON TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. H, WW be sold. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, ON FOUR mONTRES' CREDIT, about 3400 pp ackBagges boots shoes. nein:Lomb &c., of city and manuractiara, Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of fah , LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. BALMORAIS. &c. NOTlCE—lncluded in our large sale of boots, shook NOTlCE—lncluded CtbZ TITESDAY MORNING, Feb. SO, will be found in part the fallowing fresh and desirable assortment, viz: cases men's, boys' and youths' calf, double sole half welt and pump sole dress boots. cases men's, boys' and youths' kip and buff leather boots. cases men's fine grain, long leg dress boots. cases men's and boys' calf, buff leather Congress boots and balmorals. cases men's, boys' and youths' super kip, buff and polished grain, half welt and pump sole brogans. cases ladies' fine kid, goat, morocco and enamelled patent sewed balmorals and Congress gaiters. cases women's, misses' and children's calf and buff leather balmorals and lace boots.• cases children's fine kid, sewed, city made lace boots: fancy sewed balmorals and ankle ties. - - cases ladies' fine black and colored lasting Con gress and aide lace gaiters. cases women's, misses' and children's goat and morocco copper nailed lace boots. cases ladles' fine kid slippers: metallic overshoes and sandals; carpet slippers; traveling be= LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH FRENCH, GEUMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. .We will hold a large sale of Foreign and Domestfo Dry Goods, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' 01=IT anf_b_fbr cash. ON mbr..a.DAY MORNING, FEB. 22 At 10 o'clock, embracing about 800 Packages and lola are.taple and Fancy articles,. In Woolens, worsteds, Linens, Silts :and Cgdtons. • N. l3.—Catakignes ready and goods arranged for ex• bibition early on morning of Me. WAITi SLSOO PER to sell '. o — nr We 'want agents to n o ta S e e v =r: Ifachines. Three new hinds. under and u - pper fe. - 41. 4 ' Warranted five years. Above salary er large commis.' hlOnti paid. The ONLY machines sold in United States for less than tie, which are jolly licensed b 9 Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grover &Baker, singer & Cb„ and Rachckicr. 4// other - cheap meddles are • ifringe merits. Cirenlarbfree. Address, or call upon SHAWN CLARE.. 331ddeford, Maine, - dea-s tu3m - "AN ED FOE • —A 13 lop dWelltrg, with modern conveniences, in German own.. Apply, to J. H. OIIIITLS & tia.N.l, Reid Esta(e :rokers. 4.33 Walnut street. _ _ _ I • DU: . L •• A :I: 8 ' A ;4 `(c limier% Co, Nazi, • I • - 13 &Man .. ma s tly a il t b b tui vm d and for sale by REAR ; W 4: 0 (ARANO - ES AND LEMONS.—SteIIy Oranges and. = Lemons, in prime order, for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER etCO.. 108 South Delaware aVeutie.