Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 12, 1866, Image 4
BUSINESS NOTPUESis CIITT.ING A FIGURE. make a figure seems tp be . Of 34 mankind the aim, But many, ere its 1. will See That it is too hard a game: And some, whose fame has been unite great, Were poorly Sad, and little 8. When from the Tower a suit you've bought, 'Tie glory that won't vex. you 0; And, 10 to 1, your friends will vow You ne'er be 4 looked fine as now yWe have the largest and best stock of Cloth -lag in Philadelphia. Selling at prices guaranteed lower than the lowestelsewhere. GAS ECLIPhE. "Luc= anon lucendo." The "Gas Trust,' we don't trust to save from a fall, They make "darkness visible," that's about all. And just at the worst time for ice and for mud, Deceiv'd, we get floored and come down with a "thud." In the darkest of mornings and darkest of nights These wiseacre humbugs stop off all the lights, And when they are burning so muffle the light That they might as well put -the whole thing out or sight. It is well for the stranger, who tomes from afar, There's one thing resplendent.awe mean P1E2.11.74 STAB! 'Tis well there's a Sun who diurnally "goes" To lead all wise people to Rums & To inspect their large stock ofstsrasn arrrars, Vresh as ever, defiant of water or flre,— That the "STAB" can, in fact, in its radiance be seen. Tho' the walking is bad and the gas rather mean. Air Owing la .the arrangements which we hays made with the insurance companies, we are Sating ad ER. iIIiIABDLXB 3 OF COST. 21. 21. —Botwithatanding our inunenee sates .have greatly reduced our stock. we have still a fair asiortmcia rigi.t:itoir,vlll,vatZfe.N.ltllo:442lY.l LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 009 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF MB STAR. PERRY 00. 8.-4 lot of Vests, forme dollar each. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS save forty per cent. in gas bills. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Will prevent blowing or waste of gas. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Will give a better light than with street preesare. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Are attached only at the meter. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Ilse no "Mercury or Diaphragm. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Do not get out of order. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATORS Invented by Dr. Charles M. Cresson, formerly Ma naging Engineer Philadelphia Gas Works. For sale by FA BANKS & EWINk, Masonic Rail, 711 Chestnut street. il okrt MEYER'S NEWLY IMPROVED CB CENT SCALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and Highest Awards in America received. MELO DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. 3a24..w,5.zu 3m Wartirooma, 72... Arch at , below Bth. STEINWAY 'er, SONS' • be I MAre now acknowledged the best 1121 MI irtmments In Europe as well as America. They are Used in public and private, by the greatest artiste living in Europe. by Von Eulow, Dreysehock. Liszt, Jae:, and others; in this country by Mil a, Mason, Wollhohn, etc, For sale only.by BLASIUS EROS., 1006 Chestnut street. delß.st W tf Kt i CABINET ORGANS AND STECK CO.'S PIANO FORTES. The only place where these unri-il paled instruments can be had in Philade G OlpU LD hia, i S , s at E. Seventh and Chestnut. liel-stwtfl EVENING BULLETIN. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1866 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Fifty-seven years ago to-day a poor boy was born in a log-cabin in an un settled country in the heart of Ken tucky. One year ago to-day the Con gress of the United States officially notified that poor boy that he had been for the second time elected President of the American Republic; and to-day Congress assembled, upon the birth-day of Abraham Lincoln, to pay its official tribute of respect to his momory. Ten months have passed away since that cruel Light when he fell a martyr to the cause of the country, whose life he had saved, and eyes still glisten and bosoms still heave with emotion at the remembrance of the awful deed. In the presence of the representatives of our own government and of the gov ernments of Europe, Mr. Bancroft has pronounced his eulogy upon Mr. Lincoln; but nothing that pen can write or oratory proclaim can contribnte a single leaf to the laurels with which the world has already crowned, or add one cubit to the stature in which he is destined to stand upon the pages of History. We have before expressed our regret that neither Judge Holt nor Mr. Stanton could find the time to pronounce Mr. Lincoln's eulogy upon this impos_ ing occasion. The positions they have occupied in relation to him gave them the rarest opportunity to speak of and for him, and the country identifies them so intimately with Mr. Lincoln's illus trious career, that their tribute of affec tion and respect for their great chief would have been particularly grateful to people at large. In his historical character the "birth days" of Abraham Lincoln begin to-day, and to this "Twelfth of February" the future generations of the American people will look back, as long as the republic , shall last, as marking the epoch of the greatest of American Presidents. It is the tendency of great events to dwarf all the actors in them, save those who are really great. This rule of History has been perfectly illustrated in our late war. Of all the millions of men who have been actively engaged in it, how few are really to live in History. The magnitude of the war has swal lowed up one man after another who for a time promised to achieve greatness. The" advancing tides of the sea do not more surely surmount and obliterate the little sand-hills on the shore than did the swelling billows of such times as ours have been, as they rose with grander and grander proportions until the civilized world stood aghast at the huge dimenSions of our civil strife. Common men cannot become great in such times as these. And so we see, as the storm has lulled, and the clouds have cleared away, only a little , handful of all these millions, who have achieved -greatness. And of, this little band, Abraham Lincoln stands out morally and politically, as he did physically, -chief of them all. Abraham Lincoln is yet too near to us to permit us thoroughly to measure bim with the men of the past. But this much we know, as a fixed principle of buman History, that his present great ness is only the shadow of what the fu ture will make it. Thereis a subtle pro TOWER HALL, No. 518 Market Street, WINN= & CO. A party of Virginia State Senators and Delegates, headed by Mr. Baldwin, Speaker of the House of Delegates, had a formal interview with President John son on Saturday. In the course of the remarks of Mr. Baldwin he used the following words:— "Another great result alike accepted by our people is the final overthrow of the in stitution of slavery. This has been com pleted by a constitutional amendment, the binding force of which is universally ad mitted; for although we were not represented in the Congress by which it was proposed, the failure to be represented was of our own choice. The condition of the freedmen among us, and the policy to be adopted with regard to them, will be recognized by you as calling for the exercise of the highest faculties of the statesman and the best feel ings of the Christian philanthropist." Mr. Baldwin had better continue on further North and come on a mission of enlightenment to the Copperhead orators and presses of this section. Taking their cue from the old times talk of their old Southern masters, their great staple in trade is admiration of slavery and de nunciation and ridicule of the negro. There is no considerable party in the North to whom this disgusting twaddle can be acceptable, and it is, of course, gotten up principally for the Southern market. How must its getters-up feel when a regularly authorized mouth-piece of Virginia declares in a carefully pre pared speech that slavery has been right fully abolished, and that the condition of the freedman calls for the exercise of "the best feelings of the Christian phi lanthropist?" Mr. Baldwin should cer tainly come North, and preach abolition ism, and merciful consideration for the unfortunate to a party whose only capi tal in business was destroyed by the de struction of slavery, and who are show ing a Bourbon-like inability to forget anything old or to learn anything new, and who a:re floundering abaut among their prostrate idols while the world is moving majestically forward. Having been invited to attend what might be called a rehearsal of the experiments illustrative of the lecture on Refraction, we propose to offer a few remarks suggested by the exhibition. A lecture on light must be brilliant if adequately exemplified. In the present in stance the huge lantern and gigantic lenses which the Professor has had constructed Tr his use, afforded facilities of this nature, which, when backedby a powerful Oxy hydrogen light, could hardly' be improved. A great luminous circle of forty feet or more in diameter was thrown on the scene, and on the face of this sun-like disk, all the objects represented were painted by the quick fingers of the flame, with a brilliancy and sharpness of outline aqsolutely perfect. A long silver arrow,which lay as distinct as if held in the hand, was snapped and broken by the refracting glass interposed,as clearly as if fractured by a shivering blow dealt to a brittle pipe stem. The most curious and novel part of the performance was that in which the w‘ter tank was introduced. The whole face of the screen is filled with the image of a mass of liquid. Into the crystal receptacle certain tinctures or chemical agents are injected, and at once the most beautiful and stri king effects follow. Clouds of varied hues roll and tumble arid chase each other about the screen as if some terrific storm was career ing through the sky, or some volcano belch inf forth its smoky breath. After the whole face of the screen has become black and rayless, flashes of golden light will appear and work their way about, dispersing the gloom and at last restafing the screen to its original brightness. Our limits will not allow even an enumer ation of the various experiments which were added to those just noticed. They were very various, beautiful, and to the Point; while the concluding exhibition of dissolving views was in itself a rare treat to the lover of art, as well as an instructive lesson to the scientific student. We sincerely hope that a fine night • and a full house)will again greet the lecturer, and encourage him in his laudable endea vors to instruct as well as to entertain the community. MASTER RICHARD:CoIIER, the boy so prano, is about to sail for Europe. He will MVO ft concert in this city on Thursday cess of refinement which Time carries on, upon the great characters of the world, which rounds and smoothes and polishes them as they recede into the Past, until the little -defects, which seemed to mar the beauty of the out line, in the eyes of contemporary judges, are all lost from view, and the grand proportions stand out, fixed in an eter nal Fame. This also 'we know, as we contemplate Abrahain Lincoln's char acter. His growth as a public man was all his Own. The stature which places him in the very sunlight of the world's regard rests upon no pedestal but his own native worth. His feet stand upon the virgin soil , of the Western prairies, and upon that foundation he rises to the sublimity of hisglorious career, the pure product of American institutions, the unmixed type of American character. The pedestal of early advantages, of polished associations, of- thorough edu cation, of wealth,of patronage of heredi tary gifts, makes up the greater meas ure of the stature of many of those who shine moat illustriously in History. None of these adventitious aids lent a helping hand to Abraham Lincoln. He stands upon no pedestal but the solid base' of American soil. We who write, and most of those who read, will not live to see the char acter of Abraham Lincoln as it is to shine upon the pages of History; and yet there are those who, with a personal re collection of his life and death, will 11 , ie to verify in the next generation the es timate that a grateful people already places upon the man who was great, even amidst the stormy grandeur of events which tried to the uttermost the qualities of the public men of America, and showed to the attentive world what manner of spirit they were of. WANTED, A MISSIONARY. Another Lecture on Light. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PDILADELPHIA. 14 ONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1866. evening, tickets for which and information concerning it can be obtained at the music store, No. 1103 Chestnut street. THE FRENCH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY will give their annual ball this evening, at the Musical Fund Hall. This is always one of the most elegant fetes of the season, and as the society is a most useful one, we hope that it willlhave, tyis-year, a large addition to its funds. IN THE SALE noticed by M. Thomas & Sons, to take place on to-morrow, at noon, among other valuable property to ne sold, we observe a fine modern Residence, at the corner of Twentieth and Spruce, a desirable location, especially for a physician. Valuable Real Estate and Sleeks. Messrs. Thomas it Eons will hold morrow. sale of valuable Real 15.7,6tate and Stocks to at the Exchange. See auction column and :pamphlet cata logues. EXTRA VALUABLE Priophrtrx.—Por full particulars of a /a' ge amount of EXTRA VALUABLE PROPF.BTIES, to be sold on the 20th I nat and 6th of March by order of Orpbans ' Court. Executors and others, including some of the most valuable estates sold this ,Beason, see auction column. In the Sale noticed by M. 'Moines it Sone.for Tuesday next,anrong the properties to be then sold. we,observe a valuable Residence, at tb e corner of Twentieth and Spruce streets. A desirable locality. especially for a physician. Joy ORIJ2IP BUILDER. 1781 U.CESTNIIT eTREET and 213 Li~v (} E STREET. Mechanics of every branch required tbr hotutebuild ing and fitting promptly furnished. jse-Smo "DEICES REDUCEDt—Photouraphs of superior style, I execution and finish ' made at B. P. las.thiEß's Gallery, 624 Arch street. Patrons will And them in all respects entirely eatiefactory. Prices reduced. DOOR BELLS. Cranks. Pulleys Check Series's. Knob slide and Flash Bell Palle, Mortise Canks, Annealed Wire, Bell Btaples, Malleable Iron Cranks, hplkes and Carriagee, and Door Knockers, for sale by TRUMAN & BHA No. No. 5 3 5 (Bight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. P RICES REDUCED.— CoIored Photographs, of fine accurate and naturally colored, executed at REDICEIVEt, at moderate cost. Don't rail to obtain them at Gallery, Second street, above Green. to AILROAD CONDUCTORS' POCKET PUNCH Al Flyers and several styles of Shoe Panch Plyers, for sale by TRUMAN dt SHAW, No. an (Right Thirty. nye) Market street, below Ninth. P/LEDUC I. for Cartes de 'Waite of exquisite 1. styles, naturally and finely finished. See sped' men and judge yourselves of their superior quality, at B. F. REIM.E.R.B, 614 Arch street. 1) OPE HALTERS.—Drovers sad others can airlY it them for their horssi or by the dozen, at TRUMAN dit taLAW'S, N o nce (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. CIDER VINEGAR-2obarreLs. lJ Pure Cider Vinegar. For sale by A MERLNO, fe12.31 4, 140 South Front st. 00. F SHIRT MANUFACTORY Hoop Skirts 1111 ready made and made to order: warranted or the test materials. Also, S irts repaired. AIRS. E. BAYLEY, fel-3m? 814 Vine street, above Eighth. SQUIRE'S OLD GERMA.NTOWN DRUG SPORE. Opposite Town 'RAIL This long and favorably known Pharmaceutical Establishment, is now under sole control of the un dersigned. who fur more than tire years pas' has been in active management of the business. Having first. class Drug connections in London, New York, and our own city, we present a stock of goods which for purity, novelty and variety, is equaled by but few similar *establishments in the city. The constant personal attention of tne proprietor, Is _given to tite details of the business, insuring accuracy, promptness and reli• ability. JOSEPH P. BOLTON, Ja.36.24t4p Gnuistate iu Pharmacy, Ott siAllf.—To Shippers. Grocers, Hotel-keepers 1: and others—A very superior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozen. P. .I. JORDAN, nog-rptf nie Pear street, below Third and Within{ IkTEW ENGLISH MEDICAL AND SCLENPIFIC .L BOOKS. BENNIVI T'S PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF 311. DU INF. Fourcb hdOlon. PEMEIRA'S AND MA.TERIA MEDICA. New lAttion. HIGGINBOTHAM THE USE OF NITRATE OF SILVER. MORE ON CANCER Colored Plates. REALE ON RINE. tion. RARWELL U ON CURE New OF E CLUB FEET. Illus. trate. GARROD ON GOUT AND RHEUMATIC GOUT. HICKMAN'S CANCEROUS DISEASE 01 THE BONS. Third HOW TO WORE THE MICROSCOPE. Third Edition. BEI, ACHROILATIC MICROSCOPE. COO} ES 2 , IICROsuOPIC FUNGI. BOURGIGNON ON THE CATTLE PLAGUE THE IRON SHIP BUILDER'S, MERCHANT'S AI%D ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT. FAIBBAIRN'S IRO,. SHIP BUILDING WATI'S Die/ JO-NARY OF CHISItLIS'IRT. Three volumes. TEE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHI- C AL REVIEW, for January. Gamgee on Dary Stock. A huge assortment of MEDICAL and SCIENTIFIC Books shrays on bard. FOREIGN Books Imported to order. CATA LOGUE S furnished. LINDSAY & BLASISTON, PublLsbers, No. 25 South alath street. I N YREISS !! READY NEWT SATURDAY THE QUEEN'S REVENGE By NVILICIE COLLINS Author of "The Dead Secret," "After Dark," "Hide and Seek," "Basil; or, 'The Crossed Path," etc. Pr!litt d from Advance Proof-Sheets. ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. PRICE 73 CENTS. Send for Petersons' Descriptive Catalogue. books ien , postage paid, oa rec e ipt of reiarl'prlCo. Addriss all mall orders, retail or wnolesale, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. tell-2t ALL NEW BCOKS ARE AT PETERSON'S' It di NATRANS, Auctioneer and Money Broker, 1 N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one s o tar ce e below A ed for the last f . o THANS'S Pri.e ars. 3113ocinit to loan in large or small amounts, at t rty Ke lowest rates, on Diamonds, Sliver Plate, Watches. Jewelry, Cloth.. L3g, and goods of every description. Office hoars from A. M. till 7P. M. • dezti-tfrp. JJORDAN'S (CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—The I nay healthful and nutritiotu3 beverage, now in use oy thousands—invalids and others—has established a mars tier for quality of material and purity of menu titccure, which stands unrivaled. It la recommended ly physicians of this and other places. as a the Conic. and requires but a trial to convince the mast skeptical of its great merit. To be bad, wh.leraieand amil. of P. I. JORDAN, VS Pear street. FTTLER, WEAVER .51 CO.. Manufacturers of MAINTL.A AND TARRED CORDAGE. Cords, Twines, &c., No, 83 North Water Street and No. 22 North Delawar Avenue, Philadelphia. EDWIN H. Frizare. MICSAaL Wilainai. CONRAD F. CLOTHIER. Liks, GROWTH AND BEAUTY.— "London" Gray Hair Color The Only Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Hair Hair Color infallible Restorer" "Lonaon" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Changed Hair Color Hair Restorer" "London" ; Hair Color Restorer" "London'", without Hair Color Restore, Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Dyeing. Hair Color tive. Restorer" It is the only known restorer of color and perfect hair dressing , combined. Delicately perfumed. "London' Does Hair Color Removes Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" not Hair Color all Restorer" "London" Hair color Restorer" "London" Stain Hair Color Dandruff Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" or Soil Hair Color and Restorer" "London" Hair Color Restorer" "London" Anything. Hair Color Itching. Restorer" MAKES THE HAIR SOFT, GLOSSY AND LUXURIANT. KEEPS THE SCALP CLEAN, COOL AND HEALTHY. ' "London Hair Color Restorer." ' London Cures all Hair Color It will Restorer," "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Diseases Hair Color prevent Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London of the Hair Color the hair Restorer," "London Hair Color Itestorer" "London Scalp. Hair Color from Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color' Falling. Restorer." N o washing or preparation before or after the use; applied by the hand or soft brush. Only 78 cents a bottle, six bottles *4. Sold at Dr. SWAYNE'S, No. 380 North Sixth street, above Vine, and all the leading Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. deso-mm,so ATAREDIG wiTti INDELIBLE, INK, Embroider AIL halts Braiding, Stamping. d x. M. A. TORREY, 1800 Filbert street. RARITAN AND DELAWARE aI:4:=BAY R A ILROAD. — NOTICE.—On atm auer — Ay, February lith the Express Train will be discontinued. The Freight Train leaves CAM DEN pt 8 o'clock, F. M., daily, (Sunday excepted,) ar riving in New York next morning. Freight taken at iow rates. . fenti -- L. B: COLE, Agent. • GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES OB — ou - B ar • low own importation, reliable lit ;guiltily gad at prices. BABB a BBOTICHat 431 susistehostant street. below CALL attention to our cent assortment of superior NANO% W eh we always have .CM hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to` unabasers. Best of references and FULL GU BB in - •ly giLen by T8 .11.1 E UNION NANO BLANGBAOPUBING OM PP2O /1117 WaintO MOW INSURE YOUR LIFE EN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, THE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cori Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers in this Company have the additional guar antee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH which, together with CAbH ASSETS, now on hand amount to $1,143,874 14, Invested as follows ; 100,e00 U. 8. 5-20 Bonds 100,900 City of Philadelphia Loan, Ws. new 78,050 U. t 3. Treasury Notes, 7-30 25,000 Allegheny County Bonds.-- ..... 15,00 U. S. Loan of 1881 10,000 Wyoming Valley Canal Bonds 13.700 Compound Interest Treasury Not es 10,010 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Bonds 10,000 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chic& Rail/ oad 0nd5_........ *we City o go f Pittsburgh ß and oilier . !fonds 9,808 Beading Railroad Bonds . . 1,000 Shares Pennsylvania haitroad....... 450 Shares Corn Exchange National Bank 107 Shares Farmers' National :Bank of Reading.. ... . . . 22 SharesConsoirtiallo - rHialFnargia 14h Shares Williamsport Water Com.- Mortgagesiny— ]tents heal 2reate. Groraid Loans on collateral amtly secnrea--- ........ Premium notes secured by Cash is hands of agents secured by bonds_. Crib on deposit with 11. el. Treasurer_ Cash on band and in banks__......._ . _ .„..___ Accrued interest and rents due sta."l INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1865 $544,492 92. Losses paid during the year amounting to e 87,636 31. DIVIDENDS MADE A_NNITALLY, thus aiding the insured to pay premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies In force Decemlier 31, 1863, was Fifty Per Cent. Of the amount of P Sear• Its TRUSTEES are well known citizens Moor midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Wlxilldin.t William J. Howard, J. Edgar Thompson, I Pamu el 7. Bodine, 1,4 roege Nugent, Joan Aikman, lion. James Pollock, Henry K. Bennett, A I tert C. Roberts, I Hon. Joseph A 1.15013, P. B. Isaac II P. tsamuel ork, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, SAMUEL W ORS, Vice President JOHN C. BINS, Accusay JOHN B. WILSON. Sez.retary mitt Treasurer A few first rate canN. - aers wanted. CALICOES. FIVE CASES, tThirteen Thousand Yards,) CALICO, BEST MAKES, At Twenty-three Cents Per Yard. ALSO. Three Calms 4-4 WIDE AMERICAN CHINTZES At Twenty-eight Cents Per Yard, J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO. N, W, cor. Eighth and Market Sts. ,au-tt rp e , MARKET k a , NINTH. 1 4F .4 0 & C 4.4\4'r Calicoes ! Calicoes ! ONE CASE CALICOES, 23 cents per yard. TWO CASES 4-4 CALICOES, 28 cents per yard. THREE CASES 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN, 35 cents. TWO CAS ES 4-4 BLEACHED 113U5L1N15,371-2 ctn. ONE CASE 4-4. BLEACHED MUSLIN, 40 'cents. .111:Th R A LTSI Unbleached Muslin, 25 to 35 cents. A fine show of best makes Cotton Goods retailing at about the wholesale price. 5,W.V.70,14 'A.151-ENCIC. An old established Sheffield Steel House requires an AGENT FOR .THE SALE OF THEIR STEEL In Philadelphia. To an Agent with a connection and a good knowledge of the business this would be an excellent opening. A liberal commission is offered. Barkers' references required. Address Box 75, Post Office; Sheffield, England. fes-12t4 z CAL Biniasi, in handsome eases, plernittroto twO to twelve choice melodies, for sale by AB, REAMER. Im NO. SU dc MeitlMS atreei,bear=i; FIRE ASSOCIATION No, 34 North Fif,h Street Insure from Loss by Fire In the City of Philadelphia Bruldlngs, Furniture and Merchandise generally. Statement of Assets, January L 1806, published in con formity with the Act of Assembly of April Bth, 1842: Bonds and Mortgages on property in the City of ....... ......... $826,466 17 Ground Beata— 20,848 31 Beal Estate (Office No. 84 North Filth 14,396 18 S. Sovernment 520 Bonds. 45,000 00 11. S. Treasury Notes.-- 6,640 00 Cityl, 7 arrants-....- ............ .... ........ 646 00 CElah, on hand.... ...... 27,422 49 Total 6981,419 10 . 1 f". 461.061 45 . A' 2 X TRLISTIMI. GEORGE W. TRYON, President. WM. B. HAMILTON, JOStrPH LYNDAI.I., , JOHN SOCCER. LEVI P. CuATS, PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPAIdIAWK, JOHN PHILBIN, CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARHOW, JESSE LIGHTFOOT. riEURGE YOUNG, ROBERT SHOEMAKER. fel2m,w,Ell WM. T. swims, Secretary, . 117,290 89 . 142,46105 . 117,504 56 . 32,468 16 . 20,843 00 . 65,824 14 . 10,833 C 0 CLARK &•" BIDDLE, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, Have Jest opened an invoke of FINE WA.TCELE S 9 Manufactured for them in Europe. Also, a large assortment of American, English and Swiss WATCHES. J. P. CLARE, felC•St rp SAML. BIDDLE. J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY & CO., FORXERLY BATLEY & KITCHEN, Offers for sale at his NEW ESTABLISHMENT, S, 'N, cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts (No. 1300,) A SUPERIOR STOCK OF English, swiss and American WATCHES. MANUFACTURER. OF PINE JEWELRY And Sterling Silverware. DEALER IN Pearls, Diamonds and Other Precious Stones Watchts and Clocks caretally Repaired and War mute& felasa m th tpt received during the COAL ! COAL BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, NINTI-1 STREET, BELOW GIRARD AVENUE. la - BRANCH OFFICE CORNER OF SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. delOtapl-cp _ _ JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. • 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Dealers in Government Securities, D. 6's of ISM., 5 20's, Old and New, 10-10's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 7-30 NOTES, ist, 2d. and 3d Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com mission. Special business accommodations RESERVED FOR LADIES. PHILAIMLMILi. February ISO. fez 3m GOFFERIN G MACHINES. GOFFERING MACHINES. A large assortment of °offering Machines Just to, calved per steamer "St. George." FOR SALE BY Isaac Townsend, House Furnishing itore p of the late JOHN A. 2411711- 922 Chestnut Street, Ja2ol,f4p/ Below Tenth street. .13.A.IKELIEL 9 s ORNANENTAL HAM MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment 0$ Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids sad Curls, Waterfalls, Vietorines, Fri settee, Illusive Beams for Ladies, AtlPrloes LOWER than elsewhere, MIR 909 OKESTNUT STREET. GR. , . • OVER & IMPROVED SHUTTLE OR "10010 STITCH SEW N . o.land No.9 ING T M ai A lo C r H I P N : &c en .' akers, Saddlers, 780 ORESTNITT Street, Philadelphia 17 MAREET Street, Harriaborg, V fel-8121 rp ria a MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPONDIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWEL RY, PLATE CLOTHING, &c., at MAR do CO.'S. OLDESTABLISKIED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of THIRD and GARKILL Streeter, . Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, IVATCIIIMI, JEWELRY, GUNS, &c., PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, Incorporated March 27, 1820. E BALT AT Y LO PO WPRICE% iaWrltrall OAK SHADE OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, : • et 300.000: SHARES, 120,000. PAR VALVE, $5 004 PRESIDENT, WILLIAM BAILEY, TREASITIMEL, SECRETARY, HUGH GAMBLE. J. DALLAS HAIL. DIRECTORS, JOHN F. GROSS, DAVIS RAMBLE, HUGH GAMBLE, JOHN H. JONES. WILLIAM BAILEY. OFFICE, 329 WALNUT -STREET,. PHILADELPHIA, fel24lmt WA. N E r FOR RENT, a convenient Dwelling. ta TILL THE BELLING SEASON, Or for a LONG TERM,within easy walking distance or Walnut and Twelfth streets. A liberal rent will be promptly paid. For address, apply at this office, or mail letters to- C. L., Box No. 1,883 Post Office. It/ GREAT SACRIFICE,. IMMENSE BARGAINS, NO TIME TO 33M LOST In Se curing a Great Bargain in reiNOWIRDIOIMA YOUTHS' CLOTHING, RESCUED FROM THE LATE FIRL THE LOW PRICES Offered at will ASTONISH YOU. Call at the Store of ROCKHILL&WILSON, PROPRIETORS OP THE Brown Stone Clothing Hall, NOS. 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST.; Who are Preparing their SJPITLIEN 0- STOCIK..; THE CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT IS NOW UNDERIWAY On the Second Floor.> Entrance on Chestnut Street, jallrp PATENT WIRE WORK. FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS. PARTITIONS, am IRON REDSTEA_DS AND WIRE WORK in variety, manufactured by M. WALE ER & SONS, NO. 11. NORTH SIXTH Street._ Jrll7.lm 4 00 *kg WO LIDO_WIIre /MI z 0 otzli A VERY LARGE VARIErY JAMES W. QUEEN et 00., de2ltf rpi DAVIS ' CINCINNATI HANIS Just received by THOMPSON BLAOK d; SONI BROAD AND CHESTNUT ST& •8-5 t .* Z'r/ AND CO. MALTSTERS S) . HOUSES IN RECGLA.: Thompson street above Ninth, Pear street above Dock, Office over Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, and Pro— prietors of the ONLY MALTING ESTABLISHMENT;, AT AVON, • Livingston County, New York" feSUI EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR. O 1 Chestnut !SU.. co,KpLETE ASSORTIMIT oir Choice G - oods At Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid for at Cost for Cash. TEETH EXTEA.CTED VhTHOIIT PAM._ Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. a ftt inserted to look perfectly natural. Dr. e. L. NAGLE. Dentist, . 816 spruce (street= 1P122-ttrPi Q 24 CITFRTNIIT RTHRET.,"