Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 03, 1866, Image 6
1 Tonigntion of.ron* linile.l9liniz T ent nessee. murderers were hung_toliay, at thirteen minutelTPait twelve orclodlit Their, real _namesLarciffames Knight; Thomas Perry, George Crab and Jamee Lysaught. Two - had - been in the rebel. Teiit,er'dity several , Orthodoir-minister called. conversed and_prayed with the prisoners, who eihiliited-kome emotiont ...itfterward,,Father Beg,rath;of the Cat - 4 olic Church, was with them: They all professed the Roman Catholic faith! Knight and - P - efly - ivere baptized. The other a tivo had been baptized in infaticA The prisoners had previously -. 5h6w.4 great hardihood, singing such pieces as "Bold Jack Dunaho" and "Bingen or}} the Rhine.' ; ' The past t%yro,.,days had in taeethern do*n, but' hey were still stolid, frivolous and careless, joking about their doom. - They:; slept soundly last night, Crab having ~to be shaken to arouse him'. Lysaught retired at nine o'clock, the othera,Adinut twelve. They ; ate theii breakfast with, relish, Mrs. Johnson, -- Ncrife,o'r,the keeper of 'the penitentiary, providing the meal from:her own table. This morning, Perry's brother brought hina , clothing. - The parting 'scene be tween theni' *Eta 'heart4driding,-PiairY giving'way to' tearEi d 'ansObs. Colonel Innisprdovidedthe others with clothing: 'LytaughtElaid, at first, 'that he didn't want any_panisp as those he had on were mood' as •_gold to,r-hang,in. .Crab_wa.s , • ;,,asked;to livho, shot ,Hellerman. He I replied; "That is not, fair• question; I'll never tell that in ihis - world. I , _Father Begrath pame about ten, o'clock to 'attend them, in their 'last moments. Lyeatight said he felt as 'gay as a lark. =He Said hehad been' badly treated; else be-VoUld be with his parents 'now. Father Begrath read a touching' , letter Lysaught's parents , to the Bishop, ~ asking him.to have,James' grave marked that some day, they might take the body away. He was .earnesay exhorted to repentance, but ; . he remained - alinost '. Seme one in the room having a ' lookinglass, he jurapedup; exclaiming, "By golly, must look at my face once ` • more." Then turning to Crab, he re marked, "Look at yours—its your last chance." -Crab,replied, "Itaintany use." Ly sauglitasked, laughingly, 'Afraid you'll -break the glass!" when all four seemed much tickled. Crab having eased Ly saught's handkerchief, the latter play !.." fully snatched, it away, saying, "Let me • smell it for , everlasting,'' then, turning 'to Crab, said, "You're enough to make a monkey grin." Perry was asked if he feared to die. He replied, "I don't dread it a bit. Its best to take it easy, it's got to come." Crab indicted the following letter td ' Byron Heaton, Oswego,: New York: • 'George Crab, the boy who used to run on the packet with you, in 1861, is about to be hung. He requests to be re membered kindly to yourself and family,' Perry took his brother aside, at part ing, and advised him never to indulge in sinful, lazy ways,.never to swear, and to leave alone whsky, cards and bad houses, "for the like of this has brought me to the gallows. I want you to take my body home and let motner see me. I am sorry she did not see me before I was hung. Tell her to meet, me in a better world, as I am prepared to die. God bless you! Good-bye! ' When the priest left them for a few moments they began to chat and joke about the ropes that would hang them, the feeling of contrition being evanes cent. An immense crowd, numbering fif teen thousand - persons, Were on the ground. At twenty minutes past eleven the prisoners were brought to the gal lows, which they mounted with a firm step, and stood gazing around for nine teen minutes, while.' the charges and specifications and sentences were read. Perry composedly leaned against one of the uprights and surveyed the crowd. Crab took hold of the noose before him, and viewed it-with a comic look, testing its strength with his thumb, and rub bing his head against the rope. - Knight buttoned his coat, chewing his cud of tobacco violently and showing nervousness. As his arms, were bound his face quivered a moment. During the prayer he knelt, bowing his head and holding his handkerchief to his nose, which was bleeding. His last words were: "I have no hard feelings against • any one. lam going to a better world." ' . ..Lysaught took a farewell chew of tobac - vvo,saying,."Pretty rough, ain't it?" He 'asked forgiveness of all whom he had Injured, adding, "lam glad we had time .for repentance. lam glad we were re moved from the jail to the penitentiary. If I had stayed at the jail I would have starved to death:" Crab also asked for _giveness for his misdeeds, and thanked lir. Johnson, keeper of the Peniten tiary, for his kindness. Just before the drop fell he shrugged his shoulders and exclaimed, "Its kind o' cold." A chum called on him on the platform, and was affectionately kissed by Knight and Crab; as he, went down the steps, the former called out,."Take warning by this." _ Just before the drop fell, Perry held out his hat and said, "Jim Johnson give my brother that." At thirteen minutes after 12 o'clock the rope was cut, and the four bodies fell with, a heavy thump. Lysaught's neck was broken. The knot sllpped with Knight and Crab, who died with many struggles and convulsive writhings. Perry died by strangulation, but did not move much. After hanging twenty minutes, thb bodies were cut down and placed in com mon pauper coffins. An early attempt was made to erect whisky, candy and apple stands among the crowd of spectators, but the military promptly interfered. • The'bearing of the condemned showed that they had agreed to brave it out. Their highest estimation of conduct on such occasions seems to' have been to die game. They certainly met death with ,as little show of fear as is possible to im agine in youths not out of their teens.. Hearing and ' , Seeing , ' by the Blind. An article on the blind, in the London Quarter/y, contains the following:. Next in importance to the sense of tonal( comes that of hearing. The blind boy knows the step of - his friend in a trice, decides quickly or even instantly which way'that step is moving, and, if be coming towards him, exactly at what angle to run across the room or yard to meet it. He will even distinguish a certain footstep, at ;times, among others, especially if it be one that he either loves or fears. Let us glance for a moment into the basket shop in. St. ' . ~::,:f:`I4~E~~ALY~E~ENINix;BUL~ETIIW: v~:PIIIL George's Fields .= It-is a 'large and lofty room some twenty . feet wide by one hundred and fifty - feet long, and in it are nowat,-.work on - basket. making. about fifty boys and men: There is generally, a teacher, with sight, at either end of the•l'OQM; but; one' isf .:now - ijust g9n4 (; td fetch some osiers :fit:d another; art;of the building. Our friend little Trotter is at work half way down the room, but has met with`SOMe trifling difficulty not to be solved without his teacher's help. The fifty boys and men are .alinostjall talking as they work; or 'perhaps hum-: ming a tune, or beating their work with a bar of iron; and some are crossing the room in search of tools, help or` advice; so that, altogether, the ~sceiaetis fall'of noisy life, and as 'unlike a shop full of blind people as, may, well be imagined: But in' midst of all the noise Trotter sits quietly waiting; he knows that the, ,masterwent out of the room five minutes aid (he will - tell you he saw him go); and, though several persons have since come in at the dobr, he' knows that his teaeher,is not, one of, the few:, All at once he:Starts up, 'as thndOcit shuts'with a bang—and the 'pupil 'walks quickly, up the room, in a direct, line, as, he saw the table ativhich teacliei - now As, he, goes back to , his place. another person enters l by thiti„ same door;'. and makes his way hastily towards the other end; but he has not gone a dozen steps before more than one voice among ; the baskist4nakers is • -heard - to- Whisper, "Here comes the chaplain," or "There goes. Brown." , Or; glance into, same room ain hOur. laterrand -the Whole Scene `is changed.. The bell has rung for leaving off' work; but, as it is a wet;:wintiry.day, some fifty, or sixty of the pupils are here under shelter, walking two-and-two, arm-in arin; round the room,/ whistling, chat ting, singing, - or shouting - most uproar iously—but all promenading as methodF• tally, and evenly, as if every one there had eigh is t. • Ncit single boy ever, strays out "iif Tr rank, no one runs against his neighbor; though, at, the first glance, it appeari, only a noisy and confused crowd. There are three doors to the sluip - , one at either end, rind one in the centre; every two: minutes some boy darts out from the crowd, or rushes in to join - it, by- that Middle door; but iu neither case does he jostle friend or foe. Here comes Trotter himself. He is in search of his friend Jones, who, driven in ,by the rain, left, him ten minutes ago at the swing, and is now the solitary unit i&the long chain of couples. As tramp by tramp it works its slow way past the door where he stands, •Trotter, 'with his face all eye,' watches to pounce on his friend as he goes by. In spite of all the din he hears him when some yards bit, seizeS .- on'his arm,as if he saw it, passing, and away they go, to join steadily, in that jolly unbroken march. Our friend Trotter has just set of in a great, hurry for that, door way; he seizes the handle, opens the door hastily, shouts out one or two lusty works, waits for no answer, -but rushes off again else where. Ask him what this, pantomime means, and he.will tell yott he is in quest of a certain trio, of boys who promised to meet him there; that lie "looked" into the club-room and found that they were not there:, at least he thinks not, as judging by the sound of his own foot against the form on whicu they usually sit, and of his own voice, the room seemed empty 'And 'And empty it really is . The well-kn Own story told by Mr. Anderson of a blind messenger at Edinburgh, entirely 'corroborates this fact. "I had occasion," he says, "to send out one of those blind men with a mat tress. I gave him the bill with it that he might receive payment. But, to my surprise he returned with the account and the mattress, too. "I've brought back baith, ye see, sir" said he. "How so?" Indeed, sir, I didna like t'leave't yonder, else I'm sure= we wad ne'er see the siller—therels nae a stick of furni ture within the door!'?. "How do you come to the that?" "Ohl sir, twa taps on the floor wi' my stick soon tell' t me that!" And true enough• was the blind man's guess; for guess it must still be called, though in both the cases cited it was shrewd enough to pass for wit: Reception to Admiral Porter. B,Avrnirowa, Feb. 2.—A grand reception waif given to-day at Armapolls,in the Senate Chamber and in the House of Delegates,ana at the Executive Chamber,to Rear Admiral Porter, the hero of Vicksburg, &c. An 016- quent and historic address was delivered by Lieutenant-Governor Cox, followed. by pointed,characteristic and eloquent remarks from Governor Swann, which, were enthu siastically applauded. The ceremonies :of the reception were concluded by Speaker Frazier, of thellouse of Delegates, in an appropriate style. The reply of Admiral Porter was patri , otic and highly practical. He acknowledged the cordiality of the reception, and desired co-operation with him on the part of the representatives of 40. e perple in making the Naval Academy affAnnapolis such as its founders designed. During the recess of both Houses, and whilst partaking of the hospitalities in the Executive Chamber of the State House, from the great crowd, dna floor sunk considerably, causing much consternation; but - it was soon allayed by the assurance of Governor Swann that the floor could only • - sink to the heavy sn ; porting chains underneath, when all wag quiet. • BAurrmouz, Feb. 2.—The pilot bill re quiring ail vessels to or from foreign ports to take a pilot or pay full pilotage, and which had previously passed the House, was passed by the Maryland Senate to-day; and is.now a law. The' 'steamship Kensington having c'om• pleted her repairs at Norfolk, sailed to=day from Fortress Monroe for New Orleims• her original destthation. ' The State War Debts. The loyal States, with the exception of i.Bansas, lowa and Michigan, and the •thiee Pacific States, have furnished to Mr: Blaine, of Maine, Chairman of the Select ,Commit. tee on the War Debts of the' LoYal States, the amounts expended- by them severally in supporthiig the late war. 'The footings, in most cases =elude the amounts by counties; cities and' towns, and the aggregates, in round numbers, are as follows : Maiae -' ' =-• .412, ,or,o 'Maryland. , ts,doo,ooo New Hemostat?. 13,000,000 West Virginia 2,000,000 Verinont ' 8,700,000 Ohio ' 65,000,000 *Maelschusetts..: 24,100,000 Indiana. ---- - ......... 22400,001 Hboce Isisuid ' 6,500,000 1111uois (eit'd) ' 30,000,0 Connecticut. 17,000,000 Wisconain 12,200,,, ( 01 New York 111,000,000 Minnesota 2,5080 New Jersey26,7oo, ffissonti 9,000, II Pennsylvania. . . ... 54,000,000 UF.entucky .;„ 1,600., I Delaware - 1,100, 1. 00 , - : I. Th 6 remaining States will soon be heard from, and the total - amount of expenditure will reach about $50,000,Q00, and this, it must be remembered, itP in 'addition to all that class of war expenses by States, which can be audited and paid under existing laws' ti The State alone, without Including towns' orun , . _ N14V1CA381318.-400b oxesßunch Layerilatin 800 boXes Videnck‘Maisim mista ENxgUeti /Udi/IzLs water stree for sal t. e try 74X3. a Ca. 115, 8° !. ulb • • rinA.IOGEB AND LB:SiONES.BiciIy - Oranges . and Lemons; in prune order, for sale by JC!.9, B, BUM/a CO., 108 South DelAwarit mune. , sii* - oWL4a 7 ll4Yies. FREORRLOICDOITGLASS on "me Assaast," nation and its Lessons," at CONOERr HALL, E Tcf:I3BDAY EVENING. Feb. Bth. fe2-4t. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the BIADi 10' . COAL AND I.SON COMPANY, will be held! at the office, 410 Walnut ,Streetilon Wednesday, Fe b raasy 7th, at 11 o'cuiek'2i, M. JOHN TUCKER. Ja., ; ja2.4.9t* Secretary. 10'A SPEOL&L MEANING of the Stockholders of the-POUBLNO.D. O OK AND BAST- SA. ND Y. OIL COMPANY, will ~ be held AV 610,; , Walnut street,. THUltsbAY,Sebrilarv-Sth;- , at 12 AL:- , By order of the Board. S. B. WALLIHAN, fel-614 Secretary and Treasurer, lUTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE :STATE O/3' .PENIsaIYLVANIA„, Jan. 291 h, Moo Wne• Annual Heetlng of the Stockholders 'will be held at the Company's Office, 4 and 5 EXCELLNGE PLUILDING, on MONDA_,Y February 5t12, 1866, at 12 o'clock noon. Wthir AM HARPER, ja2e-etl • Secretary. ' OFFICE OF THE BRANDON ISLAND COMPANY, ROOM 18, 524 Walnut street. he annual meeting of thedtockholders of this Com pany, and an election for Directors to serve the ensuing year will. be held at...the. office of, the Company ou MONDAY February ; sth, At 32 Li: • ' " 1.14 /EDWARDS, Secretary. n&b OFFICE OF THE WOLF CRFRIr DIAMOND COAL COMPANY.—FumAukr.sitrA, JEL 1 1%6'M:ulna' meeting: of the Stockholders Of this Company to elect Directors; to serve for the ensuing y WEDNESDAY,hId at their Office, FS WALNUT Street, o February 7. at 12 o'clock, noon. Jag!-tfe7f B. B. ROSE, SeC'Y. TaIOFFICE OF TIX.B DEL - AWARE - DIVISION . * C.A.ITAL COXPANY P.EIiiiSYLTANLA., tO3 WALNUT street,Prmaxampaticaart;Sf, V' Tbe Board of' Mainagerii have' thia , .day declared a _Dividend of THR.UIa:'PER' CENT. on .LtbitiCapital ...Stock. Of tbe- Company- clear., of State and , n lfational Tax:payable Ott sad after February 11th,-.nett. The Tfanafer Books will be closed•until February22d. CIECAI3. C.DONGSTRETH;Treavarer. OFFICE OF THE BLACK DIAMOND COAL AND DION COMPANY—No. 2024 WALNUT Etreet.--Pittuzsd.roya, January 27th.:1262., , ThaAnnuaL.fdeeting of. Stockholders of this :Com- Dunn 'ibr electing ofticers and - transacting each other burdnestias shall comeLbefora It will, Da held at its office On. biONDATothe 12121 of February next, at .12 o'clock.. M... ja27-s,tu,theta. B:l3ATlbliAleCiet.ary. 0. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of the "Gibson Oil Company," of Philadelphia, will be held at the Office , 5.T4, Walnut street, on Tusedgi t ' s e a bruary Oth, HA at U o'clock. A. M. At this mee the . question 6830" the propriety of reducing thee& Stock..of the CoMpanywill be submitted to the Stockholders. B. M. WEAVER, lalS-3w/ Secretary. OZis THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOOK , . HOLDERS .of the VriISTMOREL aND AND NEW YORK. GAS COAL' COMPANY will be held n Philadelphia, at the Office of OF.OROE JUN KIN, Esq., Walnut street, corner of Sixth street on MON% DAT. February sth. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the election 01 TRDS or DIRECTORS. Ca.ABRI 'WM, Jr., Secretary. Haw Yens. Jan. 20, 1886. jal4-10t• tWOFFICE OF THE lstOlt W Er,TERN COAL AND IBUN COALPANY, MS SOUTH. FOUBIH. tEET, Pnii.ahrlAPHlA, Jan. 42,-.1866 , Ihp 'lAnnual Meeting. of the StoCkbolders of this Company' Election' for Officers, and"- transaction of such other business to shall come before It, will be held at Its °nice on MONDAY, the 12th of February next, at 12 o'clock, M. F. B. HUBBELL, ja3l-tut} Secretary. PILTLADELI'IIIA AND ERIE RAILROAJ COMPANY, PIIIIADELPHTA: Jan:W.oB66. heAlum:Ll Meetinic' of Vie litOcklioltlers of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the Office, 2.30 WALNUT street, on MONDAY, tue 12th February next, at 10 o'clock A.ll. At this meet ing an Ellecuan will be held for Ten Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. The polls to close at 2 o'clock P. M. GEORMS P. LITTLE. As,m,w,lel}: `Secretary. 11 . ‘. CONNELSVILLE. GAS COAL ICOMPAITI OFFIC.E, No. 411 CHESTNUTS:TREE I, PHILA.- .1111:111ary ZJ,/SEti. The AI'iNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Connelsville Gas Oual Company will be held a' their Office, on MONDAY, Feb. at L.'S o'clock, at which time an election will be held fur Directors to serve for the ensuing sear. • NORTON JOHNSON, Secretary. (IFF•CE PENNSYLVANIA .RAIL ROAD COM PAN I`. Purt-thEramta, Jan:3s,la%. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of this Company will be held en TUR.SDAY,-the :4th day of February, MS. at Ito o'clock, a$ the SANSOM STRKET HALL. The a nnual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the sth day of March, 1566, at the Oillce of the Company, No. Wa South Third street. ja3l t fetal EDMUNID SMITH, Seey. OFFICE OF THE CittrAflaslT eipy OIL U COIIP.sIiY.—PHILDILLPHIA, Jan. 16, 1866. trotice is hereby given to all delinquent Steckholders that mikes the assessment of Ten Cents per ahara made by this Company shall be paid a.n or before it o'clock, noon, MONDAY, February kali, /566, so mucb of the stock of Bald delinquents aa will' be,requiredtc pay said assessments and necessary expenses as pro vided by law will then be sold at the canoe of the Com pany. at public auction jal6,tfelt4 BUZBY. 'Treasurer. ObOFFICE HIII`..TTINGDON AND BROAD TOP BOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 25'S outh THIRD direct.—Psur.annkeitia, January So, 1866. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Ooal Company will be held at their °f ace on TORS. DAY, the 6th day of February 1866, as 11 o'clock, A.M. when an Election will be held for a President and _Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. JEIPEI SfeS S. P. A.EI3.TSEN, Secretary. THE BIG MOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENT COMPAN Y.—Prtu..turastas, January Le, 1855 - . Mie Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Big Mountain Improvement Company ;will be held at the 01lice No. S2O WALNUT street. otrMONDA Y, Fe- bruary sth, 1566. Aid o'clock, P. IL, .when an election will be held tor live Directors to serve for the ensuing year. The Transfer books will be closed on Thursday, the 25th instant... , j 1034.165 WILLIAM P. YENKB, President. ONION CANAL 'COMPANY, Pathan .-mr- PK/A Jan. 17 1866. lhe anneal eedng of The, Union Canal Company 01 Pennsylvania will be told at the office of the Com pany, No. WI Walnut street, on TUESDAY, February 6th next, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an election will be held for officers and managers of, .he Company, to serve for the ensuing year. ' " • •• OSCAR THOMPSON, Secretary. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 26th Jal74lelif fl— OFFICE OF THE LOCUST' MOUNTAIN 1.1 ,7 COAL AND IRON COMPANY Per_mans.l.- I"LLLA, January 4th, 186 S. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company, will be held at their Wilco No 230 South Third street, On MUNDA.Y the SRI February next, arl2 o'clock 31., when tneelectlon V7ll be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensuin, y The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed or fifteen days prior to the day for 381 d -election. la4-tfef,/ • • EDWA_RD ELY. Secretary. OFFICE CATAWISSA RAILROAD Col.'d PANY—No.42I Walnut Street—RamanaLeniA, January Mixt 1866. Is °TICE TO aHE STOOKROLDERSOF THE CA TAVISSA BAILItOAD COMPANY, : In pcirsuan,- , , of the expressed desire from the Hon. Judge sitting Niel Prius,before whom several cases are now paladin; in which this Company are .Thal ly interested—tha no action shall be taken by the Company until t.- cases are decided by him. Therefore, the issue of I e Scrip as proposed on the Ist February will be post poned, and therefore the Transfer Books of the Com pang will remain closed until further notice. HASKENZS DUPUY, jet• President. fl" OFFICE OF THE WINSLOW PETRO LEUM COM_PANY. , —PIEILA.DELPHIA, Jan. 12th, 1866. A specialp meeting of the Stockholders of the WEN. SLOW PETROLEITh.t COM.PANY willhe held at the Office of the Comp N. E. corner Second an..l Chestnut streets, P elphia, on TUESDA. v , the Sixth day of Febrn y next, at 12 o'clock., M., to act upon a proposition to reduce the capital stock of the Company from one- mi.lion dollars '01,000,00) to tw nunared thousand dollars, (.240,000), and to adopt such financial measures as mar be 'necessary to prOvide au additional working capital. PHILIP S. JUSTlCE,_President, EDWIlsr liiIILER; Treasurer. B. W. NOBLET, C. B. SHELVE, _ _ GEO. HERING WOLFF, { D ir O 1 8• Ja81.50 JOHN WIEST, . DIVIDE NOTICES. n ...,- NOTICE.—Th Directors of the PHILADRI, 1.1.,D 7 FRIA. & TREN N RAILROAD COMPANY. have this day declar a Dividend of TEN (10) pEa CENT., (clear of Taxes) upon their capital stock, payable in stock, on the 15th day of FEBRUARY. 1866, AVENUE. mpany's Office, No. 221 S. DELAWAIus - Fractions paldth scrip. . . J.-P.ARRI,R, NORRIS, Treasurer. PRILLDELPHIA.,.Dift , •..1580. •-- ja22•tfols OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN 1.1.,D 7 COAL AND IRON COMPANY. PH:MADILL PIM, January 25th, 1866. At a meeting of theßoard of Directors of this Com pany 'held this day, a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT: on the Capital Stock, clear of StateTax;was declared; payable to the Stockolders or their legal representa• Lives on and atter the 6th day of Febrdary. next: A m u e6 „EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. NOTICE. DELAWARE AND RARITAN. WCANA_L AND CAMDEN AND.AiktliOY RAIL. ja AD AND , TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. • The Directors of the above Companies have this daY declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT. - .tulear of S. Tar), upon their Capital Stock,payable in Stock, on the 16t h of Feb r uary lB6fkat their Offices, in NEW YORK and PHILA.DRLPHIA. Fractions. paid In - RUNTARD. STOCarlY4,..Tresaurer. 191.11, 1t366. ja26.141.1 'CARPETINGS. CYARPETINGS. A larail saaortznelit of DOMEST'IO CARPETINGS Olniatanitron hand and for Bale at,e lowest Artois GEORGE W. z No. Ho North THIRD street. ADELPH IA c - SATURDAY, FEB L!L'J IrmicwAßE , MUTUAL. SAFErr nurintezram niCORPOBATEb BY THE LEGIEMATITENOBr • PENNSYLVANI A _ OFF/011 S. IL' CORNER TEut.c:AND WALMIT ; 9 1 1M4PMADELEILLEL., CARGO • To all pnrtn ntAa world. sariGier, t • • • - tri.sia• nudu - seivims • vooas, by }liver, Canal, :Zake,,and land Carriage. to all parta_of tbotUnion t e F J INBUBANQF~A, On IfmalmulEmgenerallyv OnAilnBB B , , Pwelling - 1 1 01316 &C. • ' ASSETS OF TSEC COMPAITY, _ November 1,1865. 8108,009 United States 6 per cent. loan, '7l 05,000 00 120,000 'United States 6 per cent. loan, 'Bl ..... 128,100 00 , 200,000 United States 7 8-10 per cent. loan • ' Treasurgr Notes-- 194,875 00 100,900 State of einuiylvarda FitreTer Cent. Loan . .. ... . 90,500 64,000 State of Pe n ns y lvania i : e7r ee — nr. • Loan 53,28000 12500 City of p fillacielphLs ills Per Cent. , 111.812 60 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad puss Mort gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds--...... . 29,000 00' 26,111 Pennsylvania Railroad Second *cert. _gage Six-Per CenlyMonds 28,750 00 25,000 Western Perma.—lrocul - Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds— . 23,798 SO 11,000 800 ShareNStocx Germantown Gas Company, , principal and interest guaranteed brithe City of Philadel , 13.53750 7,160 43 Shares. litciplc7Penn.ii, 7116tilioad , conananz. . . tow Do ciooloo shares BLOCK North - Pennsylvania P.afiroad Comnany . . . 8,260 00 40.000 Deposit with Om _ _ vernmen t'subject to 10 days 40, 000 uo 80,000 So of Tennessee Five Per amt. • an. 18,100 99 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, — first , liens on City .Property.—...--- 170,700 00 I,oaguin Par. Market valrus...:— tKe.56O 00 Real Bstate 36,A00 00 Bills raceme's,' IbibishranCe . made 111,012 V 'Balances duo atAgencleL—Premiums on bur • tine Padre. Accrued Interest. and outer debts 'clue the Company' ... 40,611 44 Scrip and Stack of =dry. lusurance and , other Compaolos,o44. palutated.value..:, ;2410 110 Cash Sn I'm int .455,956 810 lEl=ll _ Thbrnai O. trawl!, • John O. Davis, • - • - Edpattrul A. Bonder - Theop_hllus Spaldln's, Sohn R. Penrose, Jarnea Traqualr. - 'Henry 0. Lalletc, Jr., ' James C Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph PL. Seal; - George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Robert Burton, John D. Taylor, THOMAS JOHN C. Hargay - lirraruns, Beers TNEFORANC33 COMPANY OF NORT/1 A2dZILICIA I.—MARINEP . 34 AND INLAND TILANBPOS TATION °lnce N 0.232 WALNUT Meek pany scat alas, oust te Therropertl of tills Coni are well Invested and Malan a es valtable rand for the aruC aL desanity ofAllmsons who desire So beprotected Instannos 'S RlBB/3 ;saws on Vessels, and Qu MND • TRANSPORTATION RISES on Mer chandise Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. PERE RIEIIEon Merchandise, Furniture and Build, inFei In Citzand County. thCORPOsATED 1 794—cAprrAz, si i AND PAID XI AND SECURELY INV TOTAL PROPERTIES, $1,700,t00. PEMPETUAL CHARTER. . Arthur G. Coffi J n, ames N. Dlcken.s. . Samuel W. Jonas, a Morris Wain, John A-13rown, John Xisso_ _ Charles I=o, George L. : ..ISIII.DOR. Ambrose Fronds B. Cope, , Odd:lard D. Weary, Edwa rd H. TrOner. William Welsh, E. S. C/orke, W11.82m B. Bowen, William Cummings T. Cbarleton He ARTHUR G. clowns, President Cbu.smins Purr. Secretary. VIBE 'ASSOCIATION, ;ay.' Inwrisorated Nardi 72, Ista EP A OPFICE. No. Of N. ETFTH street.• • sure BUILDING_ %_HOU SE HOLD sm. an NITIFItIt d. -cc s..AIFIEI ally, trout Low by Rim . Ca the =tl --" Plalanelphla only.) arcs artyy •of the Assets of the Asssztetlen • • Jennars I, /Sea sold' and licatimea on Property in the C 317 of Plillesielphla only VSTXt Sronnd NODS et Seal heaters, Yt/th and North eareals.) 11,32 0 IS U.S. OM. Bond':. 45.= "nth Asulstalt — T . rieWirer= nom man Se TRUNTERIEt GEORGIC W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. Hurdßan, Jos. R. =IL John Solider, Levi P. Peter A. Keyser, Ittsranel S B litetrh. John Phi P. MW John Carrel', Robert Shoemaker. Geo. L To .Tesso lrA_ttitoot. mye T. = 4 l: Secretary DHCHNIX L DELPHLA. INCORPORSTI2IIBO4-4311ARrER rEmpirrula. =WALNUT Street, opple the Dllachantm In addition toll-Ran:NE an L uv .I.AI 4 I'D INSUES2VOIE mb Company blows from lose or damage by BMX an liberal terms, on Winans, merchandise, =altars .fir..,fter periods , and permanently on banality V depositl of premium. The oex e mby boo been in active 0p8214207/ 1:121Z10111 L b = EIEgWA-EABB, during which all limiets havo been promptly militated and pald. RS. John DIRE CTO m L. Hodge, David Lewis, Si. B. hiahon.ii Benjamin Ening, John T. Lewis, Thomas IL Powers, William S. Grant, 1.8 McHenry, Robert W. Memoir& Edinond a. , D. Clark Waanc.a. Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, . i' Louis C. Norris. TORN B.:-. " a eV e" Preeldant Saxtrzt Wo.cos,Secridal7. THE COUNTY HIRE INSURANCE 00HPANI.- OFF,ICE NO. 110 SOCTH. rotr.ra sTram--: "The Fire Insurance Company of the County ct Incorporated by the Let:Wawa - a ol Pennsylvania in 1839, for indemnity against loss L., damage by fira sj u ic rr iusively. ER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample and cant:intent fond carefully invested continues to ic• sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, ese.. elite' Pr x. roanently or fora limited time agains t loss or dansts by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the ahanlu:s tatety of its easterners. Losses adjusted and and with all pcmible despan'. DMECTO.B.S. . , Marla J. Batter. Edwin L. Beakil, Henry ailly, John Moore, HenryV. Haney. Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Meeks, &ndrew H. • James N. Stone. " 3 3. SUITES, President. Sec's , and Treasurer. BENJAMIN P. Hozoiramy IE4: +r. 111:7.1 :+.O into wan,' y zit •D 4 z • • :11 , viz :: :a.% • 013 o's PANY--Incorpozated IMS—Ctuarter Perpetual—N.', 610 WALNUT Street, opete Independence Boarii, This Company, Divorab known to the commtinby for over fluky rem, con two to Insure against las or damage by are, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or Itir a limited time. Also, ca rtirnitureggla ofGoode sad Merchandise Emma:, on Their liberal Capital, together with a large Surplus Blind !noted In the most careitil anner, wcII ensb them ta to oiler to the Insured an m undoubted W security l a n tie cue ethos. Daniel Smith, Jr., Haal erwo n, ° Isaac Thomas Robins, Daniel D. s WILLLY G. Unovnian. M CO WALNU T Stree e ve AL. A ILA. e Street, .BELLD Having a paid up CAPITAL STOOK and b yin PLUS liivW.w in sound and available Eiecuritiee, eon, thine to Insure on Dwellings, BtoreteAltuns, bler ohandbie, Veamla In port, an d their and other personal Property. All Loma liberally an prompt':? sillosind. • Thomas B. HIM Jahn Windt_ Bamael 0. morSon. Patslok Enal37. Lead tiorria. -- TIEILOXLS B. MARD3, Praddent. ALBERT U. L. Csawsoan. Bearetam, mys A KBERICAN BEDITI'AI. INSURANCE 00222A.NV XL —come_ stindins, No. 12 WALNUT Street. NALRECTE AND DNLAND Risks taken on vessels, canpsm and freights to all part of the World. and,Ongoods on inland transportation on river% rallrolmil and other c 011221222162 thrOughoo2 the united States. WILLIAM SEAM. President. PETER crumarv,Vlca Piulant ! ROBERT J. KEE, Secretary. luimaarona. ' f Maury Cl.Mallett, Wm. S. Lonlbar, 7.Johnstonßrosex, Samuel A. Anjou, Mason Hutenina, Henry L. Elder, ' ' S. 'woman Korvin, Senill. ' , _ . 1 nun ern% Peter Cullen, J WIIIiSm Dale% L Tr., S. Noniok4 B W. Richards, Gump Doll_ at, win. IL 8ih41,,,._ 'Pearson qua': PROVIDENT -LIM-AND _TRUST :01RE:, AP PHILADELPHIA.— inemrporsted bythe State of Pemanyivanm,lll,tiontki - - uq • 8 ,..._ P poeami 17. aOO ea ialls - .. n ,. - - i . uar...414.,.....,............... • ..•."......„ ...... -04— 0t . _, .DIHROTZiRS, Samuel B.EduPiwr. • . Richard I CadisrrY. 1 Jeremiah•Hacxer, g em . 7 B a i nes4 , Joshua H. hicirriss ,1 T. Wistar Brona 1 Richard W . - , . • . Chtse,; Vaa. O. LOA/P*l.M ~. ~ i SAMUEL h. SHIPLEY; President. ) , , -RoarLaara PAISB:r. Actuary. . “ . , :,. .. OP 17888 LTPik). MME $1,2111,610 U Samuel E. Stokes, .r. F. Peniston. - . Henry Sloan, William G. &mann, Edward Darlington, H: Zonesßroolm, Edward Lafoureside; Jacob P.: Tones. - James E. McFarland, Reims P.Esi - re, Spencer McDvalne, J. B: Semple, Pittsburgh. A. H. Berger, Pittsburgh, D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. : O. HAND, President. DAVIS,Nice President. &Minot .003[PAZIT ,OR PHILA. John Deratettz, Thema Smith, , Y e d. l lXBl7 l 4l tick_ • • , SIR - TR, Jr., President. -tar, John T. Law% James R. Oamobial Edmtmd G. Dan, quirks W. Poona:Le:Pi 'INTEREST" ON DE . ui Bona/ Youth 24nd uA 3;-1866.-- INERTBANCE. : - FIRE "IXSITgAISCE. - Liverpool ! London. ; god , Globe pitEtyruiztala COMPANY': Authorized Capital, $lO 11.14Sii.e!fillitd14 , over 16 Mi ll ions. Yearlir Ili:Venue, over '5 trilli ons , Inieited in the United IStatee, over ••$1,500 i 000. All lasses] proniptlY adjusted without reference to England. • • ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, dem,e,tc,,th to fee PHILADELPHIA. 18,29 -CHARTE R PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. , Assets on January 1,1866. 41124500,851. 90. Pe 00 . ......44Cd ,54: Ii .. .. ......--- 844 8„. ' Um= • .., .....„.... . lun.--- --- YOR 1306. . d Sta-P ...---- Accr" =COKE. — i sixaux2s- Pr , 4010,..... : ' $11467 U., , • Losses Paid' Situlg2',9 Over ..• $5;060.4300.- r reipeinsi and Temporary Policies on i• DERFCTORS, Chas. N. Bancker, , Edward C. Dale, Tobias Wagner, George Pales, . Samuel Grant, -• ' Alfred Mier, Geo. W. Richards, • Fria. W.:Lewis, M. D. . Isaac Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. ANCR:ER President. RD WARD C. DALE, Vice 'President. JAS. W. 'We A I.T.TbTER, Secretary pro tem. ftd..lit GLRARD - FIRE AND DLAR E INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE ,CS WALNUT STREET PHILA. OELPIEEA. CAPITAL pen) IN, IN GASH. gloo.coo This company continues to write en /;:re Risks only. Its capital, with a good surplus, is safely invested. 701 Losses by fire havebeen promptly paid, and more than 43500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company whit re. main at 415 WAL.3IIIJT STREET, But within a :els , months will remove to ila OWN BIIJuDLNO. ant. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure oar patrons at such rates as axe consistent with safety. THr" , kr AS CRAVEN. 'ALFRED S. GILLETT, FUR RAN SHEPPARD, N. S LAWDENoR, TAOS. MACXRI.T •R. CHARLES L JNO. SI PPJ , TrR, HENRY F. KENNEY. W. CLAGHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. SiIAS YEEK Ma?" THOMAS CI ALFRED S. GILLETT, V JAMES B. A.LVORD. THE 1101 iE M5- 7 1rt1 1 W W g I 1 N W : 1 7 - ' OF PHILADELPHIA. No. 150 South Fourth et above Wal- nut street CHARTER PERPETUAL This Company insures_ _against loss or damage by FLUB on PtBLIC and PRIVAT/I buildings, FIJILNI TCYLB and 11.B.RCHA1yDINS generally, City yr Country. — Also Insures dwelling"tiperpeolilly fly de posits of premium. DIRECTORS, JAMES snow:v . . - caAßias A DIIY. WILLLAM D. LEWIS, WM. N. NEEDLES, JOHN D. TAYLOR, THOMASHIMBER& JA CHAS. THOMAS NXELSON. ' z. ► RELIANCIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF A. PHILADELPHIA.. Inoszporaied In ISM Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, No. SOS WALNUT STILES?. CAPITAL. $..' , 60,1:00, Insures against has or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings. limited or per. petual. and on Furniture. Goods Wares and mereban• dice in town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. A855T5........--- 79 Invested lathe following tee•::]mities. First Mortgages on City Property, well se cnred . . -..-....—. 41124,100 00 United Statea - GOViiiiieTtiEfliti._ mow 00 Philadelldua City 6 per cent. 1..0an5... 55,000 01 Pennsylvania es,eooAO 6 per cent Loan.-..... 21,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgaps----- ..... 55,001 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 cent. Loan —... 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading RattroaTl-dom panys 6 per cent. 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad 'I op 7 percent. mon- gage bones.--.-- County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.— Mechanics' Bank 'Stock__ Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock_ Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. lReliance Insurance Company of Phi Me- phi&a rtock .. -...-. —-- _ Uzi] In bank and on hand-....... 5-03,001 711 DIRECTORS. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Castner, Young. Alfred English, _ 51 TIN LEY, President, •etary. 18435. deW-th,.s,ta,tl Clem. Tirgley, Wm. Musser, Samuel Btspham, Carson, Robert Steen, Wm. Stevenson, James T TITOB.LAB C. HILL, Seer • 1. q: A Er T lEURA CITE usisuitA.Nall 00XPANY. - Ad. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third, Philr. Will insure against Loss or Damage by First, on Rune.. Inge, either perpetually or fbr a limited time, Housettnis Furnitare and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, cargoes at r Freight. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Wm. Esher, David Pearson, D. Luther, Lewis Audenried, Peter Sieger, I. E. Baum, J. B. Blakiston, Wm. F. Dean, Manfteld, John Ketchem, WM. N:1:1:v: President. WM. F. D : , Nrice.proAldeam WM. M. SMITH. Becretarr‘ . ISO gEFFERt= MBE 'WC:RAN= COMPANY OW PHILADELPHIA.—Ordoe Northeast corner LE THIRD and surroNwooD V ire eets o gate D __Tamrasev, Incorporated by the oRiagsa PRztrgrtrar.Vl authAlfadVy vi tt;,7' poo,ooo. Make Inattranoe t Loss or Daman b , Fire of Public or Private R dings, Baronage, K o ch., Goods and MeratufnaNn favorable Worm OTORS, George Bite% _pherlii. =ler, August 0. Frederick BtitalM, lam B e i s terang. Jonas Bowman. Henry Trooraner Frederick Doll. Wink= , Jacob Scbandlet, Georo Buts, Jr., Stephen Smith, • Henry Garker, Banned Mlller , Edward GEORGE BRE TY JOHN Ir. BREBTENDING, vue ProiNtoa. PECH.J7 Z. COWMAN. Secrets= FiaINSURANCE OODESANY, t"' 'No.too incumiuT sTREarr. ERELADELYRIA. EIRE AlfiD)/NLAND ./NSURANOB - - iao. .1 1 Franein N. Back. .T W. Everman, Charles Richard/an, ' . 'Babe:dß, Potter, , Henri Levils.! Jno. Ressler, Jr., Samuel Wrigni, ' ' E. D. Woodltdr, P. B. Justice. , , •, • . aka - . Stokes, gem, A, yireso,- Jas. D. Ellin. FRANCIS N. UCH Prentdent. . ' • , CRAB. paatiamethsr, vice P* aver comih. S. MASON RINE& JOHN J. SHBAPP Tee UNDERSIGNNO INVKX-M A.2.W.BATION TO - their stoCk. OY• ' Buckatonntain companra Lehr Navition Company 'B Coal, and LocUst Mountain . - Which they are preparki to Ball 'at: the low* market rates antto deliver in the beet condition.: • • , • Onlers4e.ft with B. MASON MINES, Franklin tate Building, SEVENTH att eet 'below' Market.. 'lit be promptly attended to. - MINESdt•SEVESA.. , '• s e 6x Arch Street Wharf , sclinvirau• tIOAL.-LSVG.A.ELOAF:MEA.VER, MEADOW :SPlinriffoulitaihr.Lehigh 0431. and beat -1 , 0904 . ._ Mountain trom %chalk:al, .13teWed Mzencie, fan3ll,9'ora.,, De W..borner GHT.ta. and LOW 'itzvets• ' I COMB. 112 South sworn) streat.r - WAN WA AD,ALE BOIS 'AND t TWELsiB NANDI . PILDTD LA and Ile Bale by biPLEB ,213 NortirWater street, aid '- DI North Delaware avenue -17 MI, President. President and Treasurer. to AM( LEMUEL COPPEN L HILLBORN JONNS, JOHN WOODSIDE. WILLIAM B. BULLOCK, I LONGSTRETH. JOHN' N. HUTCHINSON. BROWN, President. BUY, Vice President. • . , jaLls,tu.thly 4,510 00 /,000 00 4.000 00 10,000 u 0 MA u 0 ,EDITCATION. - I ' rt ! 1 t: COMMERCIAL-COLLEGE Telegraphic Institute, ASSEMBLY BUILDING, 'B. W. 'Col.. Tenth .and . Cheitnut viL6 pirrimin-Expam. COLLEGE, AN IMPOB. TANT LINK IN TIM GREAT INTERNA TIONAL CHAIN OF COLLEGES LO CATED IN 'FIFTY PRINCIPAL OPPEES'E , IzTab UNITED STATES. AND CANADA& The Collegiate Course Arabi-aces BOOK-KEEPING As applied to all Departments of Business; Jobbing, Importing, Retailing, Commitsiion, Rank ng. Nana featuring. Railroading, Shipping, dte., PEINDIANSHIP, both Plain and OrnamentaL • - ,•• - COMMERCIAL LAW. Treating of Property, Partnership, Contracts, Corpo rations, LasFirance, Negotiable Paper, General 4cet - - age, &c. COMMERCIAL CALCULAIIONS —Treating of 001:11131illSjon and Brokerage„lnsurance,,Taxes. Duties, BankruptcP, General Average, Interest, Discount, An nuities, Exchange, Averaging Accounts, Equation of Payments, Partnership Settlements, dc. BUSINESS PAP ER—Notes;Checks; Drafts. Bills or Exchange, Invoices, Order, Certified Checks, Certifi cates of Stocks, Transfer of Stocks, Account of Sales, Freight, Receipts, Shipping Reteipts, &c. TELEGRAPHING, by Sound and Paper,tanght by an able and experienced Operator. A Department opened for the exclusive nee of Ladles. PHONOGRAPHY Taught by a practical Beporter. Diplomas awarded on a Satisfactory Ezamination.l Students received at any time. Jail w s to 3t PIANO _FORTE AND SINGING TAUGHT, by Miss JANE LEPTEPS, either at her pupils residence or at her own, West aide of THIRTY-SEVENTH Street, first house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia. Terms, 515 per quarter. Her pupils will have the use of one of Narvesen's Superior Pianos- a moat excellent instrument. yiaa L.. had for two years the entire charge of the music class in Pleasant am SPrn na ry. West 3Liddle. town. Pa., and can refer besides to a very large circle of private pupils. jai 3nal riNGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL—Corner of Fortieth street and Baltimore avenue. West Philadelphia taSecond term commences MONDAY, Feb. sth. 'For information as to tuition or boarding, apply to Rev. S. H. MclitLL/2.4, A. 3723 Walnut street. West Philadelphia. ferns TOUGHY ACADEXT, i& el:Lairs:lr STREET. AA, The second session will commence on Feb. sth. E. Cr.ARRNICE SMITH, A. M., Jam Principal: INCH LANGUAGE—Conversation by 21.. vArr- A: La NT. 1035 WALNUT street. Courses and Lae sons. Evening Classes. la2ls,m,thls* &FALL &MELON OF N 1 ARROWS 14 - 11S'ABY FOB YOUNG LADIES will com mence on Wednesday. September 13th, at her re 1d corner of Poplar and Sixteenth streets. Philadelphia. Paremaxbrats:- - Rev. G. Hmlen Hare D. D., Bey. Themea Brainerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, Esq late President of Girard College. /9/7-19. Oa *'a ti tab v c 0.341 pErERSONS' NEW BOOKS! Published this day by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, SOO OB.AaTNI:IT STEMET. THE LOST BRIDE. By T. S. Arthur. author of "Love in aCo =age." "Love in High Life." etc. :My cents. NED lICSGRAVI• or, The Most Unfortunate Man in the World . By Theodore Hook. Price 75 cents. A LIGHT ANL A DARK CHRISTV 1R B 7 Mrs. Henry Wood. Printed trom the Author's advanced Proof sheets. Price M centa. CORA BELMONT; or. 'THE SINCERE LOVER: A True Story of the Heart. Complete in one large dno deckle° volume. Price It 5$ in paper, or #bo in cloth. THE TWIN'S AND HEART. By M. F. Tapper. Complete_ In one large octavo volume. Price T 5 cents. THE CHOCK OF GOLD. By M. F Tupper. Com plete in one large octavo volume. Price7s cents. - OUR MUTUAL EMEND. By Charles Dickens. With all the Author's Illustrations, 40 in all. Price $1 00 in Paper, or. $2 50 in Cloth; or. in two volumes. Cloth. with tinted Illustrations $4 -00. • 110 A NOILTfi or, Where is Utopia. A thriliNg novel of Southern We. By C. H. Wiley. Illustrated. 75 cents LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL SHERI DAN; the Hero of the Shenandoah Valley. By Rev, C. W. Dennison, late Chaplain in the U.S. Army, ll.' lustrated Price 75 rents in paper, or 11 Olin cloth, TRAIN'S SPEECH TO THE FENL.ANS.. 25 cents. CHARCOAL SKETCHES. By .I. C. NeaL Price 02 50. THE LOST WILL. By-Mrs. Wood. lricefe cents, R.Vell COURT FARM. By Mrs. Wood. Pries 75 cla. Copies of any or all ef the above popular books will be sent to any one, free of postasv, on receipt of price, A ddrass all orders to the Publishers T.. 13. PETERSON &BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut st Philadaiphia, Pa. And they will receive prompt attention Send fur one of our new and full catalogues. fee-"t I cThOZEN ' , TRW rilooss— (JUST PUBLISITPI) BY_CiIIL,ETON) The Prince Kashna. Novel edited byHtnisetE...-r 00 Country Love vs. City Flirtation. Illustrated. 200 Poema by Gay H. Naramore. Love Life of Dr. Sure and Bliss Itargarot F0x...... I 75 The Humbugs of the World. By P. T. Barnam—.. 1 75 Poems by Mrs. Susan T. Bolton_ What Caine Afterwards, Arthur's new Novel 1 50 A Splinter's Story. A new Novel by M. A. 1 75 Artemas Ward's Traiels. Comic illustrations— Gomery of Montgomery. A new Novel— Looking Around. A. B. Roe's new Novel Our ArtLst In Cuba. Illustrations by Carleton #** All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mail free on receipt of price, by eAnurloN, Publisher, jaIS-watf • New York. IVEW BOOKS.—WENTFRED BERTRAM. and the /1 World She LiVed In. By the anchor of the "Cotta Faniy.' , • LIFE AND TIMES OF GARDINER SPRING, Pastor of the Brick Preabyterian Church In the City et New York. 2 vols., tvith portrait • - AN IN to the Devotional Study of the Holy_Scriptures. By:Edward Gonlburn. D. D. PLAIN TALES ON FAMILIAR SUBJECTS. By 3. G. Holland. .1 vol. 'Cloth. LiTiLEPbVw I4 Eyiirlstopher Crowfteld. au r of "House and Home Papers, ' MAN AND THE 00.9.pEL. By Thomas Guthrie, THE SMITTEN HOUSEHOLD. A Book for the filleted. • For sale by JAMES 9. CLAXTON. Successor to W. S. ds A. Manisa. ' jati Mestuut atTeet. JUST PUBISIEF.D. WORsiTTP IN .1111. SCHOOL ROOM, _ ; BY *REV. W. T. WYLIE, Containing Lessons said Hymns, With apPropriate and familiar music, selected with. great care; Each Lesson presents at its commencement a topic which is the key-note or the entire service. _lt will be found as Invaluable. aid In public and private': as well as Sab bath Schools. • ' The especial attention of Bnpermtendenp, Teachers and Parents Ls called' to this lvork: — One voL,svo. cloth. 264 es—price el 50: • SCHERKERROMsT, BANCROFT do C 0 ja27-70 bl2.•Arch street.: ♦ LLIEIVS LIFE OB PICLLIDOII.-17310. LIFE OP PHILIMOIt, Musician andenna MaYer, nY Geo** Allen, Greek Professor In the Unlveraltz_ of „Pena.' sylvan's; with a Supplementary Ens ay on Phllld aa Mesa Anthr ant: hew Player, br , TAasatie: , Vol'•o4 debrand en Laza, I, voy MdisOrdlnarY and 11.31 n. Utter Plealpanintlary or the King of Primalk Far lho Court ofl3axa•Welmar. 1 voL, =me t .votunn;ltali top. Price $1 " Lately published) runt nob ) „ I i. . ;1137 South linneth- TAME BARB'S Blank Zooks • and' StattoneUz Market St. Old Books bought and eXchanged. .... DYAII~t~~AIr`D ~PRYN'rINQ.~;; _ADLEB :AND I:III4,IMENPSI DRESSES DYED 14 all the modern colorsi. and finished with., the original lustre: crape, Broth() and Woolen with,, ,Tahle and Piano Covers cleaned and finished must to new; otethanen's Clothes and . lloarning done at abort zones, at WIN': SMITE.EVei, N. Fifth street. Antics AND LEMONS-LBunch:Layer and Seed JLVP leas Italslns and" Malaga 'Letnons;landlut Asa( bark La Plate ,and, fer sale by, SOS. 13, BETS,S.,a CO:;108 South Delaware wienne. , . , , WRITE - ALKERLA. GRA-113*--Id Perna o landing, from' bark La Plata, , a,nd 'for aale by Jets. 11, BIIShIER do CO., 108 8. Delaware ¥ta&