BICONVIDITIOE BY TELEGRAPH: LATER FROM MEXICO. French Troops to be Immediately Withdrawn. The United States to Re main Neutral. FROM THE RIO GRANDE. Investigation' of the Bagdad Affair. LATE FROM TEXAS. V estructive Fire at Jefferson. THE FREEDMEN AT WORK.: The: Withdrawal of the French. Troops from Mexico. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.--f Special to the Tribune.]—Letters have just been received here from. Paris, confirming in every im i9rtant particular the information concern , ing the intentions of the Emperor of Franco with regard to Mexico which I gave you some time ago. The- Emperor is ready to withdraw his forces from . Mexico with the least possible delay, demanding nothing of the Government of the United States except that it meanwhile remain neutral between the belligerent parties, according to the assurances frequently given and reiterated by this Government during the last three years, The Emperorof France does not ask for the recognition of Maximilian,nor insist upon any other treaty stipulations. The statement put forth by the Paris Presse,titat an Extraordinary Commissioner has been sent to Mexico to make preparations for the evacuation, is confirmed by the letters here received. I have good' reasons for believing that the State Department is already in pos session of official information-to this effect, and it is to be hoped that such information will soon .be laid before the . public. The statement here given came from a most trustworthy source,and may be looked upon , as absolutely trustworthy. The Rio Grande. NEW Onrmu•ls, Feb. 2.—Gen. Weitzel has issued an order directing that every commanding officer shall arrest all armed persons lurking in, the district of the Rio Grande. A military commission is now in session at Brazos • Santiago, investigating the Bagdad affair. All persons, whether residents in Mexico or the United States, are summoned to appear, who are conver sant with , tiny circumstance connected therewith. Gen, Weitzel. has annulled the order mustering out the 118th colored infantry, till the report of the Military Commission. The arrival of Juarez at Santiago is again reported. From Texas. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 2.—A large fire has occurred at Jefferson. Texas,destroying two blocks. Loss $50,000. Gen. Mower, commanding thesub•district of Galveston and Houston, has passed through on his way home, previous to being mustered out of the service. Large invoices of goods imported from England via Savannah have arrived at Gal veston and gone to the interior. Several German vessels are soon expected at Galveston with emigrants. The Houston Telegraph gives the favorable news that a general dispo§ition exists among the freedmen to go to work under the new contracts. The railroad is completed and running be tween Lavacca and Victoria. Arrest on• a Serious Charge. Sm. Louis, Feb. 2.—General Coolbaugh, who was eharged with having been engaged in various swindling operations in different parts of the country, was arrested here to-day. Movements of Steamships. Powridam,,Feb. 3d, 10 A. M.--The Da- masons has arrived from Liverpool. Her advices are anticipated. BosToN, Feb. 3d, 11 A. M.—The Africa t has arrived from Liverpool via Halifax. Her mails will be due in Philadelphia on Sunday. NEW YORK, Feb. 3d.--The steamship Talisman has arrived from Jamaica, Port an Prince and Turks Island. She brings no news. Price or Gold in New York. ]By the People's Telegraph.] Nnw Tonic, Feb. 3.--Gold has been quoted to-day, as follows 10.30 A. M. 1401 j 11.30 A.M. 10.45 _ 1401112 M. 11.15 11.00 - 1401@i I I 12.30 P. M. ' 1401 ffiarkeis. Yo Feb. B.—Cotton dull at 48349 c. Flour Ihm and advanced be; sales of 8,000,bb15.; State, $6 90g $8 20; Obio.sB 50@$i0 85; Western, 56 00@)8 85. Southern unchanged; sales of 600 bbls.; Canada frm; sales of 850 bbls ,at 67 85@i61.1, Wheat closed With an advancing tendenc9. - Corn dali and drooping. Beef steady. Fork heavy and . unchanged. , Whisky dull and Stocks better. Chicago and Bock Island, 100; Canal berland preferred, 47 3 / 4 ; Illinois Central, 115; Michigan Southern, 673 t; N. Y. Central, 88"; Reading, 0034; Had. son River, 100; Virginia Bs , 66; E de, 7834 Westerntlnion 'Telegraph, 66X; U. S. Cotmons, 1881. 103 X; Ditto, 1882, 103 X; Dmo. 1864,102; Ditto, 1865,1023 i; U. S. 10-10 s, S4lil Treasury 7 8-100, 89@ 0 93;; One Tear Certificate% 903 x; Gold, 140 g. NEW Outaturs, Feb. 2.—Cotton active with sales of 3.5001 bales; ' Prices range from 45 to 450. The sales of theweek have been 82,000 bales, and the receipt; 22,000 bales. The stock on band is 8,000 bales. Sugar active. fair and fully fair 143@1534c. Gold /40. Othermarketa unchanged. A Nxw 'OrrY.—A movement is being made towards consolidating the boroughs of Birmingham, East Birmingham, West Pittaburgh,South Pittsburgh, Monongahela; l'emperanceville, . and a portion of Lower - .St. Clair township, into one corporation. The Parties who have undertaken the mat ter are men of influence and energy, and we would not he surprised if their efforts to -erect a city should prove successful.— :Pittsburgh Despatch. , • , , SHOCKING ACCEDENT::-At Mount Vernon, Ohio, on Tuesday last, two little children of Mr. William Maxwell, named . Cecelia, aged about five years. and Samuel, two years, were burned:to death during the.temporary absence of their mother from the home. It is supposed that while . playing' with xnatches; they eet their clothing on ftre, CITY BIMLEICIN: NEFFITICCE IW.CIERIEMALIFFO2I.9IThrI Iteniasits of judge Allison. z ' • OVER AND TRIDINER--7tldOS' and Ludlow.—This morning Christian Bet ger was brought into'court , o'redelve ear-, tence. The fact became known and.; in , a few minutes the court room was' densely crowded, and great anxiety was manifested to obtain a view of the protier. • :Alone' the dock, he was the object of , close scrii-' tiny, but he bore it with !the same stoliditY and unconcern- that has characterized hie, demeanor throughout the trial. His' es ; wandered about the court room withciut•be-: traying any excitement, and, to all appear maces, he' was the least concerned of any person in the court room. The motion for'a new trial and an arrest of judgment was overruled. District Attorney Mann next moved for the judgment of the Court. The prisoner was asked if he had an to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced. He replied quietly that , he bad nothing to say. Judge Allison then said : , • You have had 'addressed to you.' by`the! Court, through its, officers the usual ° quear lion. and perhaps the necessary question to be propounded to a prisoner occupying the solemn position you do at this time, before, proceeding to pass the judgment of the law.• It would be unnecessary for me to make any special allusion to , your case. It can only be too fresh and too vivid in your re-• collection to require Ille to detail the facts of • the murder of Mary L. Watts, for whicW you now;stand - oonvicted by the ,verdict oft the jury. Your trial occupied some five daya, —beginning.on Monday and terminating on ; Friday. You were defended—l mean it as no' empty oompliment,—with zeal, industry and; with marked ability. Your comasel did everyrt thing for you that any counsel could hay% beep expected to dounder,the circumstances in which they were placed. Selected as they were by you, and after that selection, oa r signed , by the court to discharge the responsible duty of . guard.;. Mg your life in ' the peril it was, and see, if you were convicted, that it was in accordance with the law of the land, they have ably discharged their whole duty. Every oluestion that could be'ralsed in your favor has been raised; every excep tion to the items of evidence; every question in regard to the case, as it was applicable to . your case was folly and fairly presented by them. The jury who tried you, tried you with patience and with deliberation. It was a jury of your own selection: They were the twelve men taken from the body of the county and placed in that' box to pass upon the question as to whether you were guilty or not guilty of the charge contained in the bill of indictment No. 738 of the. December session, 1866, of this court. That bill charged you with the murder of Mary L. Watts, and after a par tial consideration rof your case after the counsel had been heard at every stage of the progress of the trial, and after they had presented a closing scene to the Court, all that could be said in your favor—every comment upon the testimony that would be likely to receive a favorable, consideration at the hands of the jury, that jury found you guilty of the murder of the . deceased. With that we have only to say; and it , may be said now without' any prejudice to any person, we do not see how the' jury could have arrived: at any other conclusion. The circumstances: as they were proved by the Commonwealth pointed—some of them at least—with un erring certainty towards yourself. You were found in the immediate neighborhood, on the morning upon which Mary L. Watts , lost her life. The circumstances' which pointed to you, the want of money, and the possession of money a few houxa after the murder, and that which you said and did in regard to this 'charge, and the mass of this evidence were • all of such a character when taken together as to make up a connected and compacted whole case upon which thejnry, after a fair consideration, said you were guilty. With that finding our judgment concurs. We cannot see in the case as pre sented any reason for disturbing the verdict; and with this conclusion in our mind it becomes necessary that we should pass the sentence of death. The Judges then arose, and Judge Alli son, in the midst of a profound silence,con tinned: The sentence of the court is that Christian Berger, the prisoner at the bar, be taken from hence to the jail yard of the county of Philadelphia, from whence ha came, and from thence to the plaee of execution, and that he be there hanged by the neck until he is dead, and may. God have mercy on your soul. The prisoner exhibited no emotion during the judge's address, and at the conclusion of the sentence he was removed. . HIGHWAY ROBBEBY.—Mtirtin Evers and Hugh Weir were before Ald. Hutchinson this morning, upon the charge of assault and battery and attempted highway rob bery. It seems that last evening an old gentleman, named Thompson, slipped and fell on the ice at Seventeenth and Coates streets. A couple of young ladies, who noticed the accident, told the defendants to help Mr. Thompson up. Evers and Weir then went to the assistance of the fallen man and succeeded in getting him upon his feet. One of them then knock him down again, and stamped on him, while the other put his hands in his pockets. A young girlobserved the outrage and gave the alarm. The rascals then ran, were pursued by Officeis Stull and Speer, and were afterwards arrested in a tavern at Seventeenth and Coates streets. This morn ing at the hearing they were fully identified by the'young ladies as the men who had as saulted Mr. Thompson. It was also in evi dence that during the evening they had robbed a soldier and had stopped a wagon and beaten the driver in the same neighbor hood. They were committed in default of $2,000 bail for trial. A Loo CHASE.—A Fifteenth Ward po liceman had a warrant for the arrest of a colored man named Henry Gahn, for assault and battery. He went to Gahn'a house, near Fifteenth and Parrish streets; yesterday afternoon and while there Gahn stepped out of the basement. The officer pursued: The fugitive 'scaled several fences and the officer did the same. Finally the colored mane went through an opening in a fence which the policethen was unable to'get through. Gahn continued to run till he got to Eleventh street and Girard avenue where he was captured by a Twentieth Ward officer. During his flight he knocked, do - wn'a citizen who attempted to stop him. ANNUAL STATEMENT.—Very many o . our readers will be interested in the annual statement of the Connecticut Mutual Life; Insuranee Company, published in another, column, int conformity with :the require.: ments of the laws of Peßnsylvania. This Company is increasing in buainess and assets with wonderful:rapidity.- Increasing its capital annually by more than two 'millions of dollars, and now issuing at the rate of about ten thousand policies a year: The wise will certainly avail themselves of the superior advantages of this successful and popular institution. Walter H. Tilden,' 404 Walnut street,is the agent,Slid Is always' happy in explaining its peculiar merits. JtruziciLE TIEEEVES.—Alderman Toland had before him, this morning, three boys named Sohn Walsh, Robert Clancy and: Wm. Clancy, charged with larceny. It is alleged that they went to the North Penn sylvania!Railroad depot, at Front and low streets, bFoke open a box and abstracted Neyeral•pim or NOW And ohm They are LY EVENING BULLETIN PRItAD.ELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY' 3.;''1866: rak,- DAI ' BlSCrtaid 'have' - stolen 'some sbees - frotti tbe front of 'astomon - ,Seoond . street, above Brown:. Walsh -Nias , sent to the Hottse-of Itifirge, -- and the otbeiewere'held to answer ltt court.. • , MONEY:re Lirtertir, or—Befo Alderman Allen, this morning, 'John Noble, James , Corcoran and Charles Clark ,were charged with the larceny-Cif money. A colored man , went into :, therr . tavern of • John Corcoran, • Thirty4ixth and 'Market streets, , to •get-a, note changcd'..`' The' defendants were there. James Corcoran offered. to change the bill, and took posseision `of - it. The note - was, passed from •one to the other, and the oolored man got neither it nor the change. The ac-: 'ensed were committectto answer. ACcIDENT.—This morning the prison van was, upset while turning around the! Twenty-fourth Ward' police . Station. The: vehicle fell on Joseph Hackett, the driver,: injuring hisloot and ankle severely. There: were five' prisoners—four men and one woman—inside at the time. - They were alit jumbled up together, but none of ahem sus-' tamed any injury. , - HEAVY ROBEEBY.—Dong,herty l s rag es tablishment, on Bedford, street, below Sev-, enth; was entered last evening during the: ' temporary absence af the attendant, and! was "robbed of five watches' and a large' amount of money. Among , theiatter were' some gold and silver and, coupon notes. ROBBERY IN THE NINETEENTH WARD.- Beltz's store, on Frankfort'. road, above York street, was entered early this morn ing, by means of "nippers," and was robbed of several articles of clothing., WoonmfßumniNus.---YesterdaytheHigh Conetables ordered three frame buildings 'takendown the structures having been &ected contrary to'an ordinance of tlie city. SITYPOBBIi LAROENY.—Samttelßrown was arrested this morning, by Lieut. Hampton, on suspicion of having stolen two saddles, worth about 5150, Which he was offering for sale for 515. Brown was caught at Second and Shippen streets and was locked up for a hearing. THE ItItRUNT REMEDY ,OF THE AGE for teething - pains, cramps, flatulency. aleepleatness,&r_, in children, la Bowxa's LwrasT CORDIAL. Bower's Laboratory, Sixth and Green. Bottle, 2. cents. "FELT COEN AND BUNION PLASTERS," Mailed for fifty ceate. Bower, Sixth and Vlne. HERNIA on Rtrprunz—Treated with pro lesslonal and practical al= by 0. H. Needles, rt. W. corner Twelfth and Rum streets. Ladles' Department oonducted by Mien, on Twelfth street, lit door below Brace. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA.- arirrY. SNOWDEN .& BROTHER Importers, SS South Eighth street BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Cani Receiv ers, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cues, Cutlery etc. SNOWDEN &. IiROTHER. Importets.l3 South Elghet th stre The song of the billiard-ball: "Oh! Carom me back !" The opening of a market for horse flesh in Paris was celebrated by a grand hippo phagic dinner. It was appropriately served in a salle a manger. Whisky has fallen in Mobile from twenty, five to fifteen cents a drink. It is going down in Philadelphia steadily. The New Yorkers say Mrs. John Wood went to Philadelphia to civilize the barba rians there. As a general rule barbarians avoid the Woods, as they become civilized. Mrs. Robert E. Lee has sold her farm near Warrenton to Dr. Drewry, of Richmond. It contains about 800 acres, and the price paid for it was $4O per acre, or $3,%000 for the entire tract. Now look out for. Madaixi at the negropquarters at Arlington. "What is the . world coming to?" said a kind-hearted but simple old lady, as she threw down her newspaper. "Only to think." she continued, "that there in New York they allow a parcel of French dancing girls to execute their grand pas on the stage, with the people all looking at 'em, and ap plauding of 'em, too!" An English paper says : "Aniong the recent captures of Fenian war materials in Dublin were. 306 pike heads, sixty-five of which were mounted on ten-foot poles and a machine for the manu facture of percussion caps." The one that was mounted on the cap machine is supposed to have been the leader of the party. They expected to elicit some testimony from this capture, but they can't make a Pike's Peak in Ireland. The Portland Transcript says: "The 'Loyal Sunrise' comes to us much enlarged." The particular kind of "raise" that the publisher% has been making is not stated. An exchange tells of some apples raised in the town of Greene, Me., one-half- of which are sweet and the other half sour, Green fruit is apt to be sour. EVENTk ui. VOYAGE.—Ship Isaac Webb, Stowell, from Liverpool, Dec. 5, ar rived at New York 7esterday morning, reports: Ded. 22—Had a hurricane from W. S. W., lasting 36 hours, with sleet and hail,blowing away an entire snit of sails, staving boats, cairying away spanker boom; springing foremast head, and shipped a sea which shifted everything movable about deck, the barometer at 27 50. Owing to the in tense cold, several of the crew were frost bitten and three died. Jan. 10. Wesley Hayes, a seaman fell overboard and was drowned. In lat. 47 30, kin. 44 49, saw part of the lower mast, yard and topmast, with rigging attached, apparently belonging to a brig. Jan. 23. Off George's Shoal, saw a dismasted brig, but a heavy snow storm setting in, prevented her beingseen again or spoken. ThE first case of a colored man testify ing against a white man, in a court of justice in Tennessee, took place on Saturday, in Nashville, at the trial of McGill, for an attempt to rob and murder Gee. EX-GOVERNOR • HOLDEN, of. N. C., has esumed editorial control of the Raleigh rtandard. LADIES' FANCY MRS.' oroxiN No. 718 .ARCR STREET, Above Seventh street, at hle Old Established. Mora Importer, Manufacturer and Deafer.ln FANCY FURS LADIES and .02n4))1101. - - Having now In atm* a very large and heanitibl iin!! eortment of all. the different kinds 'an& 011eallase of Fancy Fors !Or Ladies' and Oblidren'a wear. I solibit. a call Arom those in want. Remember the name and number: , . 3 .. Jotter rAiurrim 718 Arch street above Sevents. • I have no partner or connectionwith any other story: In this city. ' ooPiat rPf GROVER - & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH - AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES, With latest imPravemelita. .''• - '• ISO CrIfERTNGT Street, Philadelphia. n MARKET Street, Garrisburg. jewel rp • ASINGLE BOOM on the tbirsiAloor,listG be vacant on the oth inst., atiol.o Spruce street. [fe2.2o, ' 4 Ol l MONsir TO .ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS- WATCHES. JET,7Li Hy, PLA.TE CLOTHING, diz, at' ' ' JONES OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, - •-• Corner of TIMID and ASA'rtli Streets,., Below Lombard. N. 13.—DIAMONDS. WATCHED, JEWELRY, armll3 ' ac '" - 808 eArae BEMAEHABLY LOWPFueza " yaz>E to Facts and Fancies. SIXTX Per Cent. „_ • D IN .i.I.D'EN..'D TO BE PAID DURING 1866. BY THE - =EN CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. A DIVED/lEND OF SIXTY MR CENT. will be . , PAM' during the' ygar, beginning on; , Pebruair. Theis. Nittihavi paid their premiums in atilt receive SIXTY- PER CENT. DIVIDEND in main those whit have paid their premiums In mush and note , receive the extra dividendEn Muth, amounting to .11.e.terery PER CENT. of the mash part .of their premiums is ADDITION TO THE USUAL DIVIDEND OP NTPTV PER CENT.. The condition of the Company is such that the Serest on the undivided surplus will - fay replant the extra dlvideitf.' so that & dividend of SIXTY PER, CENT. Is possible for a SERIES OF TEAM. This Company is she largeet and mast prosperone Life inamance Company in the world: • WALTER H. TILDEN, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ie=sw W GREAT SACRIFICE. iril , 11%;':',41:1:11.1111104 NO TIME TO BE LOST In Securing a -Great Bargain in relalailliNkilDlA YOUTHS' CLOTHING, RESCUED FROM THE LATE FIRE. iiv:Efonyiut4(im Offered at will ASTONISH. YOU. Call at the Store of ROCKHILL&WILSON, PEOPRIMILS OF THE Brown Stone Clothing Hall, NOS. 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST., Who are Preparing their SPYING . STOCK. THE CUSTOMER DEPARTMENT NOW 'UNDER WAY On the Second Floor. Entrance on Chestnut Street. ramp EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR. 012 Chestnut St. • concekrra ASSORTMENT OP Choice Goods 4 : t Reduced Prices for Cash. Pattern Coat and Clothes Not Paid for at Cost for Cash, FINE OPERA GLASSES. LARGE VARIETY .TAKES W. QUEEN a-, CO d42uf 924 011;ESTNIIT STIDEET. GEO. S. _BE "'HELL', : ARCHITECT, 52 Walnut Stivet, speetai eggeiguid country lfOnses. ia6.llllrp PATENT WIRE WORK., Fox RAMEOP,ATORE - eIIARDS. 'PARTITIONS, &c. IMON - 13KDSTEADS .A.ND WIRE WORK • . 7 ' villetY, liiiirinthetaredby M. WALK ER db SONS, Jarmin p NO. 11. NORTH SIXTH Otteet. SFOR ItENT.—FOI:III.STOBY: HOME, S. W. corner of Sixteenth and Mount Vernon streets. meoSite , MaeBlllol l o, • JOB. CuITITENBE, ' • MS Walnut, street. ---- CARD Y. HAVE-ROW OPEN MT OWN ThENNLTATION _LACE UTRT/kM.S, 0011EOSTINO OP Tambour Curtabs, Application Curtains, Floss Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, Lem Curtain, England, France and' Switzerland; Personally, • • • Expressly for Retail Sales, Many patteane of which are now introduced in this country for the first time; all of which I offer, until further notice, at 20 Par Cent Leakthan Regular Prices L E. WALRAVEN, BLABONIC HALL, 719 Chestnut Street. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED, During the Erection of the New Bank Building, to No. 305 Chestnut Street. 1a174f rp 7PEELS'r NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Serst. 20,1865 TIME DEPOSITS ON INTEREST INTEREST AT, THE RATE OP FOUR PER tthai PPM AN NUN WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOR 'WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. O. H. CLARK, President. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 620 1 5, 10-40's, ISSl's, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes of 1884, and GOLD AND SILVER, Bought and Sold. Draft dzawn on .11hrgland, Ireland, Franco and Ger. many. 5-2e's of 188 =hanged fbr the old issue of 1862 and the market cl arence allowed. no2i-ttsp Gray's Patent Molded Collars. Wholesale Dealers In PAPER COLT. CRP can obtain new terms on single ardent for 50,000 or more Collar& HATCH, JOHNSON & CO. Selling Agents American Molded Collar Company, 31 WARREN STREET. j827-12t 5p FEW YORK. W. I. SHREVE. . W. H. INSKEEP WILLIAM I. SHREVE & CO., RANKERS AND COMMISSION BROKERS, No. 9 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Miscellaneous Stocks and Bonds, State. County and Railroad e ecraitles, not quoted at the New York Stock Exchange. Government Securities Bought and Sold. Jati sp-im To Iron Founders. 500 Tons Lehigh and Schuylkill Lump, IN STORE AND FOR SALE LOW, AT Shinn's Coal Depot, ELEVENTH and WILLOW STS. OFFICE—=2 Walnut Street. Jairl-let 5p COFFERING MACHINES.' GOITERING MACHINES. A large assortment of Goffering Machines just M. calved per steamer "St. George." FOR SALE BY Issi4c Townsend, House Ft:T:4813133g Store r of the late SOHN A. 922 Chestnut street, sitotr44'_•" - i, , Below Tenth street. To. !Sportsmen _ 'TAXES E. EVANS , Gun Maker , Hits resu ed business at his old stand, No. 230` SOUTH;, STREET, Where be will beplessed to see old patrons and the public generally. ; SPORTING ABTICLIS, damaged by the late fir, will be sold at a sacrifice , - . 1a294t, rpi ,ICIALL attention .to Our filchcent senotnent of onwin . PlA.NoB, . : we id.;nws have- on - and- and oder them at very reodorodge prioass. -Baas of " references - , and In= EftLez;:,inyeriably ' 0 I,..TMIIMINP/44*-4 1 FW F AX7 1 : 5 1% . ,r. . t g. • - , , THIRD KDITI()N: BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. The War Debts of the" states: Jeff. Davis's ' Trial. Additional Evidence Against Him. From Wasliington. [SpecialDespatch to the Bulletin.] Wasnmarrox, Feb. 3.—The Special Com mitte on the debts of the loyal Statesbave decided upon a plan of reimbursing said States for moneys expended (hiring the rebellion in raising- troops. The whole number of men furnished by each Sta 6 is to be estimated on a three-years basis, allow ing fifty dollars for each man. To pay this, twenty-year bonds, bearing five per cent. interest„are to be issued to each State, said =bonds to be held by the States for ten years,and during that time not to be put in the market for sale. • The aggregate amount of bonds for all the States by this plan, will be about one hundred millions. Great preparations are being made by the the joint committee of Congress for the tribute to the memory of Abraham Lin coln, which takes place on the twelfth in stant. Intelligence has been received-hereby the French Legation confessing the' defeat of the Liberals at Tehuantepec. It is also stated that the Imperialists were about to march upon and attack Juarez at El Paso. Another effort is being made to have Jeff. Davis tried by a Military Commission. Ad ditional evidence, connecting him with the assassination of Lincoln has been pro cured. 111.10, - L:j :4 it AV] CI); WASHINGTON, Feb. 3,1866. Hotraz.—The Senate bill enlarging the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau was con sidered. Mr. Marshall (11L) made a speech, argu ing that there was no power in the Consti tution to establish such a bureau. Markets. - - BALT/MOBE, Peb.Bd.— Flour is inactive and heavy. Seeds quiet; Clover $8 25. Wheat dull at $2 3:3®2 85 for red. Corn heavy; White name.; Yellow 75. Provi sions steady. Lard 1841877 c. Whisky nominal ate?. 28. DROWIsTLYG CASE.—A cart backed off of pier No. 15, Port Richmond, this morning. William Baird, aged 19 years, residing on Richmond street, below William, who was upon the cart,was drowned. His body was recovered. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Board. SALES AFTER FIRST BOARD, 62100 UnionCratd.s 25 3 sh Lehigh Val 2 da 61 400 Sell Nay 6s b't rn 63 100 sh Catawisaa pfblo 253.1; s'ooo II S 5-20 s '65 swn 10234 100 sh do 510 353. 100 sh 'Rps.ll.g R* 4934 1113 sh do . 353‘. 100 sh_ do WO 4934 500 sh do blO 35ifi 600 sh Union Canal b 5 534 530 sh do WO 254 60 sh do 53: 200 sh Sch Nav pt b3O 2 35 100 sh Feeder Dam .-., 100 sh Big lionntain 100 sh Function 131 Coal b 5 536 6 sh Penna 11 55.3." SECOND 200 100 sh sh do Wavra 85 pfd 810 851 , ; 34 100th do 810 35.1-4" 11 eh North Penn It 87 HEIMBOLDS ‘ . _ RJR •I.• 0;4.. *. 6,;,+ A.ZW w WI : I WASH ExTRAor By IL 11 EXTRACT =CAM c l iNA:4!i,t :ni• - .411-4 • :•: 4:..u451- Son-retentoon or Incontinence of Urine daromotion or Inceratton of the and we,dn Messes of the Prosuswmand, Banal hi the Bladd e r_ Micah= Gravel or Hair... Una MVOs% ARD All Diseases or Altectiorm of the Bladder and RUM, and Dropeicer Svrelltna=tx in Ken, Woinen or Rehab°ld's EX - tract Bushia Hebrabold's Extract Bache' Far Wesimess 'sibling from Herne of Mosdpatlmei tended with the ibllowing eymptome: on to Exertion, Loss of Memary,4Ellott Ind ßreathing, Weak Nerves, Ikea&llex Herres DO Disease, Dimness of Vision, Wilms foliates, Pain In the l3ack, I, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot • illands, iluahing of the Rod Dryness of th e MUD. ERUPTION ON THE PAESI PALLID COUNTENANCE. Thetflermlnelioklf allowed to go on, watch thl9 mecum Invariably removes, soon 113110'ar Fatuity, Epileptic Flts, in one of which ' the patient may expire. Who can lay that they are not frequently , that by those "dlrelAls, easels" ,kI4..NITY CONS II Rev TIONri, Many are aware of the MUM oftheir emffering. • The retards of the Insane Asylums and the Molest. choly Death by Oon. gumption, beer ample witness to the troth of the arsertion. The con ., stitution oronceaffected with Or c Wealiat „ eas ....s rel gaire3 th=e rateaid of Medicine to 8 and invi the BORN Inv ariably i BOLD'S =•TRARIT muowir Invariably am HELNIBOLD'S EXTRACT SUCH® aru m, pleasant In Its taste andodor;gaitil lass Strengt h Air eni ngepar than say anti . the • n ati ens LEON OR BARR f . Per thoseengering from BROKEN DOWN OR DELIOATECONST/TMOID Brom whatever ts, either le MALE OR WELL GIVEI YOU A GOOD AMETITE; EmpII3,II:ILILLTHY NlERlnnig Baum eirDwiAlafff.rreh. and will enable nto AL Idlehdll Convince the meet eiBIePTTCLUA AEU FOR HE.LMBOL 3D° GENUOM EXTRA= BUGEW, - '" ,GENTIMMICTILILOTriLampjuIuza - • 021191:1/"TuFAtoNIEP,Asza sold 6y , a1l ElmgOldir. 3:00 ,O'Clook. BOARD sh Penna 55' ' 200 sh Beading 31 40'.4 .48 10 sh Cam ds 12 , sh Lehigh Nav