Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 31, 1866, Image 6
t , ; :r;. ...:-~~ Pim,* Legistmtpire.- [CLOSE car YESTERDAY * B PROCEEDINGS' .SEXATE.—On motion, 10,000 copies the , Governor's message were. ordered; .to. be printed in English, and 4,000 in German.. - t Bills in Place.—Mr. Connell read the fol lowing in place: An act incorporating the Corn Exchange Association of Philadelphia; ap. - act incorporating the ;Union Benevolent' Railroad, Drivers' Association; an act to close the trust-estate of Maria Shoemaker, deceased; anuct authorizing the Mammoth Vein Consolidated Coal Company to enforce the paymeritiof installments due on their capital; an act extendiug,the time of pay ment of the'enrollment;tax.of the Philadel phia Drug Exchange Company , for six months. - - - Mr. Nichols, a supplement allowing , the Lombard• and South Street Railroad Com pany to extend 'their track along• Dock to Thirdi from •Second and . South ' through Tittle Dock to Front; along FrOnt to Vine, • and along any street' now unoccupied from Lombard to Market. • ` -Randall, an act aPpbintin'g pcdice force in Luzerne and Schuylkill, to be ap pointed by the President Tudges arid three Commissioners, the latter appointed by the Governor. ' • - , Mr. McConaughy, one allowing the Petro leum' Storage Company of Philadelphia to issue bonds, 45m. , • Mr. White one relative to' the pay of veteran soldiers' boAntips. Mr. Landon, one extending the provisions of the act relati,ve to appointment of police men by railroad c,ompanies to bahks, etc. one incorporating the American Mineral Lane and. Mining Company. Mr.. Wallace, pnii extending the jurisdic tion of Couita of,Oyeromd Terminer to trial, of counterfeitere. Bills Passed.—The following bills were passed: - • • ' ••Incorporating the 'Fidelity Trust and Sife DePosit Company-. • • • ' - ‘''Making the salary~ of the assistant State Librarian $9OO per annum. • Incorporating the Coal Exchangea tion of Philadelphia. HOUSE.—The House met' at 11 A. M. The Secretary of the Commonwealth pre sented the annual message of Curtin, which was read. Mr. Slack Moved to -print 15,000 copies in English and 5,000 in German, which was amended so as to read 10,000 in English and 3,000 in German, and passed. , • The private calendar, containing fifty bills, was the special order of the day, and was considered. Among them were a num ber of pension applications, all of which were referred back to the committee in anti cipation of a general law on the subject. Among the bills objected to was one pro viding for the payment of $4,000 to the Har ilsburg Park Association, for the occupation of their grounds for the organization of the Reserve Corps. Mr. Shenk said that the House did not know what sum the Association has al ready received from the general Government as rental. The following bills of interest to Philadel phia were passed: Authorizing the Jewish Foster Home of Philadelphia to bind out children. Extending the time of paying the Enroll ment tax. An act to incorporate the Western Hose Company." Supplement Supplement to the act incorporating the East Mahanoy Railroad. - An act fixing the time of opening the polls in Philadelphia at 7 A. M., and closing at 6P. M., was considered. It was opdosed by Mr. Donnelly, who urged that laboring men could not reaca the polls at 6 P.M. Mr. Freeborn stated that the object was to defeat frauds by'closing the polls before dark. Mr. Lee moved to amend by inserting 7P. M. instead of 6 P. M. • Mr. Ruddiman denied that the object was to prevent any one from voting, but en dorsed the views of Mr. Freeborn that the design was to prevent frauds after dark. Mr. Quigley insisted that the laboring men Would be deprived of their votes. - Mr. Kearns said thatthere would be ample time for all such to vote. Mr. Davis endorsed this view, as also Mr Adair. Mr. Josephs opposed the A cross-hre ensued between Messrs. Rud. diman and Quigley as to the manno in which frauds were perpetrated, the latter asserting that the Union League furnished thousiinds of, dollars for election purposes, and Mr. Rnddiman retorting by a reference to Knights of the Golden Circle. The entire matter assumed a partisan character, the Democrats opposing the early closing, and -the Republican party favoring the closing at 6 P. M. The amendment of Mr. Lee was lost, and the original- bill was passed to third read ing, there not being the requisite two-thirds in its favor to suspend the rules. Ad journed. Annual Meeting of the Merchants' Fund Association. Yesterday afternoon, at the Board of ,Trade Rooms, the annual meeting of the Merchants' Fund Association was held. Mr. Caleb Cope was appointed chairman, and Mr:Edw. Snowden, secretary. After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the report of the Board of Man agers was read by Mr. John M. Atwood, Mating that at no previous time in the thir 'teen years of the organization had the beneficiaries been more deserving.. Dona :4-ions had been made to twenty-one persons, amounting . to $3,530. Seventeen are re ceiving assistance now, fifteen of whom are :between sixty and eighty-four years of age. The assistance was all tendered and received in a spirit of fraternity that left no feelings of dependence on charity. All that was -given was - contributed by merchants who know not the persons benefitted by their -gifts. The institution deserved to be upheld by the strong hands and brave hearts of the business community; and' they have re sponded nobly to the application, made tc them. During the past year $39,880 27 have been thus added to the, permanent fund, making it now $55,000, of which $lB,OOO ' were invested, and, $7,000 held -in cash. Three beneficiaries died during-the year. The Treasurer's (Mr. James B. McFar land's) report stated that $7,352 11 remained' on hand unexpended, of which it was_re commended to invest $7,000 in approved ;'securities. - Mr. John Welsh referred to the intention of the Association to raise $20,0e0, and to the event whichlad prevented the accam , plishment of that object. To prosecute these efforts he Moved that the Board of Directors ; be requested to continue their efforts for sub-' scriptions until the amount received reach $200,000. , • Mr. Calel, Cope stated thebeneficiaieffects ,:resulting from the operations of the As,socia- Eon, referring to a prominent highly edu- , <sated,. wealthy, merchant, with a large' 'lawny, in this city, who's ad, after failing, -.Teceived until the day of his death, the 'aid -,4sf.this Society. He was an honest man,and •-th r e speaker was glad to believe that in. all the reliefs afforded a proper discrimination was made between the honest and the dis-. honest applicants: He would make theline of demarcation so' broad, so deep and so - wide that the young of the community might have no mistake in judging between good and evil. - The following officers were elected for 1866: President—john M. AtWood. Vice President-Thomas .Itobins, Ed mund A. Bonder. ' ' Secxetary=Williain H. Bacon. • - Treasurer times B. McFarland. Managers—Thomas- Robins, William C. Ludwig, Arthur G. Coffin, James C. Hand, Jgdutuuti A. gioSer, pangtel liitokes, _ i. 'i;~. Jqmes B. McFarlaml t E. C. ;-B Kniglit,iticha'rd- Woodenjaraiit gige, who, Witii the Xii lowing named persons, held over,constitate the Board of ManagergTof ensuingyeari John M. Atwood, i .llobn W..Claghorn, John Mason, William 'Cummings, Thomas F. Brady, Edward L. Clarke, John Welsh, A. J. Derbyshire, Marshall Hill, William H. RICHARD PENIST,A_N'4 Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut ; Street, PHILADELPHIA. Established for, the Sale of Unadulter• ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! • Richard 'seixisianfs Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown . Stout, , • litow so innch'recommended by the Medical Faculty . for Invallus. $.l. 25 PER DOZEN, - ) ,(These Bottles hold one Pint.) • ; The above being or the very, best. quality, it must be admitted the price Is exceedingly LOW. •It is qelivered to all parts of the ; city without extra charge. Brandies, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,dto.,. warranted pure, at the lowest possible rates,, by. the, Bottle, Gallon, or 4 Osak. ORAISIPAGNES of the beet brandi offered lower than by any other house. , • On Draught and in Bottles,. PURE GRAPE JUICE. Thie Is an excellent article for Invallda It Is a enre cure foralyegepsia. • OLIVE OIL, BAY RUM, SARDINES, &c Landon and Dublin Porten and Brown Btout—Euglinb and scotch Ales. • del2tn CONSTANTINE EAISER, N 0.143 South Front Street, Importer and Dealer in RITE:NISII AND SPARKLING WINES, OC4-M,w.f,tin CTAALIEUETTS, & HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, J. DTINTON,I 151 BOUTS POET ST., SOLE AGENT. UTINIM—The attention of the trade is Eollcited tr TY the following very choice Wines, fbr Bale 63 JOSEPH F. DM WON, No. LA South Front street above Walnut: .ifit - DE1R.9.8-01d Island. 8 years old. RlCRB.ltlEß—Campbell & Co., angle, double and triple Grape, R. Crnaoe & Sone, Rudolph, Topaz, Meg Apanish. Crown anal?. Vallette. PORTS—Vallette, Vinbo Velho Real, Danton ant Rebello Valente & Co., Vlntagee 1838 to 1888. CLARETS--enase File Freres and St.„Eatepbe Chat eau Ltuniny. VERMOUTH—G. Scntrdan, Itrive& Co. .SitsCAT—de 'Fran CHAMPAGNES —=it Irrony, "Golden Start le Venoge, Her Majeaty and RnYal Cabinet and .oG4ta favorite brands. lAN& WEED3XY.—Choice lots of old Wheat, 80, E and Bonbon Whlalu. for sale by E. P. ACIDDLI. 'CON. 5 North FP.ONT F3est.. 1715 COD LIVER OlL.—Twenty-five barrels, new made, Cod Liver 011, of very superior quality; Carb. Aramoniajust received, in Jars; also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted e 5 per cent., in the best of packages, and for sale by JOffii 0.1:1xl;rwIt & CO., No. 718 Market street. %TRUSSES, BRACE" 4, SUPPORTERS, DRUGS, 1 Medicines, Paints, Glass..hc ]a29-at*] RICHIRIS,Third at.. and Germantown Road. _ trODGSON-"S BRONCHIAL TABLETS.—The Alla 11 viation of Bronchitis Catarrh, Hoarseness. and COmpleints, affecting the Organs of the Voice Public Speakers, Sham and Amateurs have beet greatly benefited by; usWg these Tahleta, and their high appreciation of their intrinsic merit, particularly re commends them to persons affected with BROM cume, HOARSENESS, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sale by Druggists generally Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILLS Apothe ,siries, northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, delphia. ocht• NarSTRENGTELEINING AND EtIWEILSIVII LASTRELS with the pliancy °flak, the strenstt and softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, pains weakness, dc., dc. They are cleanly and odorless comfortable and effective. Sold by HUBBwr.r., Apo thecary, 1410 Chestnut street. ante DRUGGISTS'BUNDILLIEs. Graduates Mortara Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers,Rur 2.0X6i4 Horn Scoops, Surgical Instruments, Trusses Hard And Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass aro metal Syringes, &c, all at"Firet Hane 3 =r ea a. 13NOWDEN & ap.s4il 23 South Eighth street, D °BERT SHotror A "KKR & CO.c N. E. CORNED It. FOURTH. ANT) RACE STREEIB, Wholesale Druggists, Binnufactarers and Dealers in Window :41ass. White Lead, and Paints of every description offer to the,trade, or consumers, a complete stock o; goods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOEMAR.ER & 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. AGNESlA—Janning's Calcined, in 1011). round tam Oland boxes, also in bottles. Jennings Carbonate o. Uagnesla,in 2 oz. and 4 oz. papers.__Heavy Calcine( - Aagnesia lynding and for sale by 1....A.8.LE.9 F.LLLIS -;014 & CO., Druggists, Market and Seventh streets ?hlladelphia, sale. L7sSENTIAL OILS.—ITRE 01La OF ALMONDS Pi Lemon Bergamot, Anise, Carraway, CloVes )range, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Lavender, Juniper :ognae, Peppermint, Sassafras, Bose , Rose Geranium Jitronea Verbena, &0., all of warranted quality. Fe: isle by WILL "Mr.tsc, & Co., Druggists, Nos. 12 , sad 722 Market street. 527 LABGE AND iiihaNlial.AL STOCK 0/ saleem and Pharmaceutipaht tions, for by WIT.r AM Nos. 724 and 722 Market street. ' DAY RITIL—Jto3t received, an invoice of Genalni LP Imported Bay Bum, for sale by the trajlon, bj BOW= SHOFAt BEE. dr, OO.,'Drugglnt, N. E. ( VX aer Fourth and Race etreeta. NEW "PILE PIPE."—A SIMPLE CLLE.ANIA J. and portable contrivance for the application of on enta to the Internal mince of the rectum, Sold HUBBELL. Apothecary. 141 Chestnut street. PIAN° FORTE AND BMW :NH TAUGHT, by Him JANE LEWEBS, either at her pupils realdence of at her own, West side of THIRTY.SEVF,NTH Street, Brat house above Chestnut Street, West Philadelphia. 'Teims, $l5 per quarter. Hpupils will have the use of one of Narveeen'a Su e or Pianos- a most excellent instrument. ~ s L.. had for two years the entire charge of the muss class in Pleasant Hill Seminary. West Middle 4p towni Pa., and can refer besides to a very large circle of pr vate pupils. jai 3.. it/ LISIC TEACHER.—MB. J. J. RAMAN; teaches ILL Piano, Singing, &c., &c. For terms and particulars call at 110 VINE Street. • References—Lee & Walker, Music dealers, Chestnut street. W.H. Boner & Co., UO2 Chestnut st. ja3o-4t 1)1113GEY ACADEniY, 1226 CHESTNUT STREET ..5.1.) • The second session will commence on Feb. sth, E. CLARENCE SILT.TH, A. Ja29 - Principal TB:EFALL SESSION OF MISS ARROI7I 13EXENAItY FOR YOUNG LADIES will corn mence on Wednesday, September 18th, at he, . residence, corner of Poplar and Sixteenth strei3ta Philadelphia. Rginmsaroza :—ltery. G. Hmlen Hare D. D. Bev . Thomas Brainerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, Faq late Preiddent of Girard College. 3y17-1y• STOVES AND REAMID:M. TNOBIAB S. DIXON dc BONB I Late Andrews dr,.Dixon, ' 1 /10. 1224 CH/123TNITT street, Philadelphia! Opposite United States Mint, wham= of. , _PARLO ~ _ _ --: , LOW-DOV'N, OigAMB, I , - OFFICE, And other GRA.TES, -!: -- . ' Per Anthracite, Bitnmiztocs and Wood Fires, WARM -AIR ACES, ' , i • For V7arnsing .P.ublic and Private Btdldings !_ .11,11;GINPERS, VENTILATORS ~,, ,-I OBIBENEY-OA_PS 'fur' - 'I , COOKINCi-11.ANGEt3; BATIC..tsuILERS.4SO4 :. , • oda - vaicyr.wAsTlll and METAII., - , t• CATEMPB; sAromi, Crape & Blackweirs Thrclieh Flacks,' Catnips, Sauces. .Durham Mustard. Olives, az, 0 Y ship Yorktown and for sale by JOB. B. J51.108/.= W., Nil gob, DelawAre avenue. 4fiE:DILILY- - EVEN.I.N4 BULLETIN : ,PRILADELPILIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31,1866. , -f lALQ,IIO OBS. HAVANA CIGA33.S. PICKLES, SAUCES, DBI3GIS, EDUCATION. , NOTIOES,, BABNIDIL MB PING of the itockhold-; -`;era of the .Athenreum; of -Phriadelphia..Will be. Pfd ou.Monday, February sth - at 11 o'clocire t.iltithis meeting: the Annual Report- pre. , sentedoand. , ofhcers elected to serve, the ensuing • • year. ja3o.st.; • WATER RENTS.—Water rents will bo celved until rite 10th DAY OP - APRlD:inelusiva wit out penalty. Agents and others having a 'Argo number, °thins to pay will saveticnn by calling forthem without dehty. .• • W. J. Pi WHITE,;',' ja27-et - ' • -" Register. . ,10° NOTICE.—The Ananal Meeting of the BIRD COAL AND I‘cON COMPANY, will be held et the office, 410 Walnut street, on Wetlnesday„. Feb ruary 7th, at 11 o'clock A. M. JOHN TUCKER. Ss., ,18.29.91* Secretary. UNITED STATES' Tazaduar, QUSTOIIi f HOUSE BUILDI.NG; PILILAMELPRIA. 'January 80, 1866. On and after the Ist of February next this office will be open for business, trent 10 o'clock A. 31; to 3 o'clock P. Al N.ll BROWNE, jasO-St Ass't Treas'r United States. ficq, THE. INSURANCE. COMPANY OF TAh . STATE OR PENNSYLVANIA, Jan. 25M, 18tid. i The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Company's Offlce, 4 and 5 EXCHANGE ECILDING, on MONDAY, February Sth, UM, at 12 o'clock - noon. WILLIAM HARPER, ja29-60 Secretary. • IeOFFICE OF THE • BRANDON IS t..AND OIL COMPANY, ROOlllB, 524 Walnut street. e annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and, an election for Directors to serve the ensuing year' , will' be beld at the' office of the Company on MONDAY, February Ith, at 12 ••• - J. L. EDWA.RDS,' jal6-tfesf Secretary, fc_q. 0 FFICF OF THE WOLF CREEK DIAMOND COAL COMPANY. Purr . - nr.aaune. January, 23, 1666. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, to elect Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at their Office, 'b 5 WALNUT Street, on CVEDIS/SDAY, February at ffin'clock noon. ja24-tfel R. 8. ROisft, 10. OFFICE OF THE WEST BRANCH AND SUSQUEHANNA: - OANAL . • - COMPANY, JI.IiSEY CHORE, PA. jet. - mtaT 20th, 1866. The annual election for President and Managers of this Company will be. held at their office in Jersey Shore, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of February between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P M. je.24-w,f,m4t/ F. T. CARPENTER, [Secretary and Treasurer. [U. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stock holders of the "Gibson 011 Company or Philadelphia, will be held, at. the ORice, S:t2, " Walnut street, on Tuesday, February 6th, .18 , 86; at lio'clock. A. M. At this meeting -the question as-to the propriety of reducing the Capital Stock of the Company will be submitted to the Stockholders. . B /A: WEAVER, jalaztvi . - Secretary. NreWTHE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STOCK HOLDERS of the WhSTMOR 6L,e. ND AND YORK GAS COAL COMPANY will be held o Ph Gad e 1 pb la, at -the Office of GEORGE TUN KI N, Eeq., Walnut street, corner or Sixth street on MON DAY. February btu. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the election 01 TROSZENS or DIRECTORS. • C. ZABRISKIE, Jr., Secretary. NEW Yons,, Jan. 20. 1866. Ja24-101* PIII.4ADELPIEIA AND BRIE RAIL/WAA/ COMPANY, PuiLADELetti.i... Jan. 224 iStie Ibe Annum' Dieetine of the Stock holders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the Unice. 230 WALNUT street, on MONDAY, toe 12th February next, at le o'clock A. M. At this meet ing au Election will be held for Ten Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. The polls to clove at 2 o'clock P. M. GEORGE P. LITTLE, Jar.es,m,w,lot/ !Secretary. WEST CHESTER AND PH_LLADELVELLi J. RAILROAD COMPANY. The neat Annual Meeti ug of the Stockholders of this Company, will be held in the Horticultural Hall in the Borough or West Chester. On Monday the twelfth day of February, A D. Ibbti, at 12 o'clock M., wueu 'and where an election of officers to serve the ensuing Year will take place By order of the Board. A. LEWIS SMITH. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE CRESCENT CITY OIL COM PAN Y.—PluinaLettra. Jan. 16. 156 d. Notice is hereby given to tall delinquent Stockholders that uniesS the as'essment or Ten Cents per share made by thls Company shall be paid i nor before 12 o'clock, noon, MuNDAY, February 12th, 1666, so much of the stock of said delinquents as will be required to pay said assessments and necessary expenses as pro vided by law will then be sold at the office of the Com pany. at public unction. ja2.6 f m,w,tofel2; n-, OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY. No. t-outti THIRD street.—.P.LunaDatrzaa, January u, 1866. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Monatain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their othoe on TUES. DAY, the 6th day of February,lB66' ,a 1 11 o'clock. A.M., when as Election will be held tor a President and Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. jaar t fey .1. P. AERTSEN. secretary. LW:THE BIG MOUNTAIN LMPROVEs4SNT COMPANY.—PHILADELPHIA, January 11, DM. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Big Mountain Improvement Company ;will be held at the (Alice No. 320 WALNUT etree_ t, on MONDAY, Fe. bruary sth, 1866, at 4 o'clock. P. h 1.,/ when an election will be held for rive Directors to e for the ensuing year. The Transfer books will be closed on Thursday, the 25th Instant. ja2o-tfeb WIT:LTA M F. JENXS. President. ?;OFFICE BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL oa- PIULA DULP/LIA, Jan. 5, 1556. ICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of THE BUCK MUTIN _CAIN COAL COILPANY will be held at the office of the Company, No. 3.5) WAL NUT street, on WILD.NESDAT, Feuruary 71h, 1366, at .1.1 o'clock AM. An Election for SEVEN DIRECTORS. to serve the ensuing year, will be held on the same day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2l'. M. je&f,m,w,tfe7/ (I:ZUNION CANAL I.XIIMPANY, PHI& Jan. 17, 1166. annual meeting of The Union Canal Oommuay of Pennsylvania will be In Id at the °Mee of the Com pany, No. 228 Walnut street, on TUESDAY, February stb next, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an election will be held tor ollicesa and managers of .be Company, to terve for the ensuing year. OSCAR THOMPSON, Secretary. The Transfer nooks will be closed on the '..%th list. jal7-tfeg OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY PaukAoki.,- PHIA, January ath.,1866. 4 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company, will be held at .their office No r.. 30 South Third etreet, on MONDAY the sth 01 February next, at 12 o'clock M when an election will De held for seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. - The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed or fifteen days prior to the day for mild election. jaa-tfe6/ EDWARD ELY. Secretary. (0. DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF Ii ICILIGAN.—'Notice Is hereby given that at Stock in this Company on which the ninth installueni ot TIIREE DOLLARS per share, called October 24th 1565, and due November 6th, /sit% is not paid, is for felted for said default, and that, according to th. charter and Ity...Laws 01 the Company, it will he s,,ld a; Public Auction on MONDAY, February sth, 156. i, a 12 o'clock, M., at the office of the Secretary of the Corn pany, No. 626 Walnut street, Philadelphia, unless paid un or before that time. By order of the Board o f Directors, B. WTATF W.1 ,- ;TAR., Secretary, DATED PHILADELPHIA, Jan. sth, 1E66. Jas-2t,tu,w,f,tfs c? PLATT OIL COMPANY.— A special meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the office o the Company, No, 250 CHESTNUT street, in the city oi Philadelphia, on THunsDAY, the 15th day of Feb ruary next. at 12 o'clock, noon, to act upon a proposi ion to reduce the Capital Stock of the Company from Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to One Hundred Thousand Dollars. W. S. PRICE, ' N. ELL.MAKER, Jr J. S. CLARK. D. W. CHANDLER, D. D. CLARK, • jal7,w,sta ukk'll2ll. CATAWISSA. RAILROAD COll PANY—No.424 Walnut Street—PHILADELPHIA. January 29th, lis6. OTIOE TO '1 11E STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CA TAWISisA RAILROAD COMPANY : In pursuance of the expressed desire from the Hon. Judge sitting in Nisi Prins,befortirwnom several cases are now pending In which' this Company are vitally interested—the, no action shall be taken by the Company until toe =Sea are decided by him. Therefore, the issue of toe bcrip as proposed on the let February will be -post toned, and thereforethei Transfer Books of the Com pany will remain closed until further notice. T. HASKINS DU euY, President. U. , OFFICE OF 'VIIE WINSLOW PETRO LEUM COMPITY.—Thm..uDIiaXECIA, Jan. 12th. 1866. .A'Special 'meeting of th,. Stockholders of the W.DI• SLOW,PETROLEUM. COKrANY will be held at the Office of the Company, N. E. corner Second and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, on TOESDa..) , the Sixth day of February next, at 12 o'clock, M., to act upon a proposition to reduce the capital stock of the Company from.one mt lion dollars ($1,000,eso) to two nundred thousand dollars, ($210,010), atul to adopt such financial measures as may- op. necessary to provide an additional working capital. .PHILIP S. JUSTICE, President. EDWIN MILLER, Treasurer. D: W. NOBLET,.JE., ' C. S. SHEIV.E. GEO.• DEEING 'WOLFF, Directors. JOHN WLEST,J jarmv.St OFFICE CATAVIE39A RAILROAD 001,f -I,IPAITY..,No. 424, WALNUT street—Psuranuo. Faro; Dec.lS, 18e5. • • ' • Incompliance with , request o f the Board of Brokers, hereto annexed. the Transfer Books of the Company for the preferred stools•will remain open until the 20th of January, D3BB, - after which date they will be closed until February 1. By nrder,-,11e...,, TORINBON, vice President and Secretor,' • phlludelphhs Board of - Brokers, Dec. 29,1865. T. H. 'DU PITY, PreSident CatawbisOßallroad-- ; • Dirks SIB: Our transactions in your stock are so large and the time of closing your books or transfer as • ,named is of so long a duration , this Board would re apectlully. ask as a favor, if you can make ly oeuve.' latent to do so, to keep the =leer open until the eesb • of January next: , - -- I am. truly, you ; obedient Servant. • , degi•tf ,• • GEO- CAM- 131 44 President. BALE BOPS TWU P TE44.AIifprACITURED =1 for Salo tor FITLER, WEAVER & 00.. .23 North Water street, and 28 North Delaware avenue, lU'NOTICE. -The Directors of the PEULLADEL-• PHIA;dc, TRENTON • RAILROAD COMPANY, have this day, declared a Dividend of TEN (10) Fsa ICIZ T., (clear of Taxes) upon their capital stock, payable in stock, du the 15th day of.FEBRUARY, 1868, :at thef. Company's: Of ice. 'No. 224 S. DEL.A.WARN !AVENUE. Frac:ions paid in scrip. . J. PA_RKER NORRIS, Treasurer. PaLt.anzipara, Jan. 20, 1866. c J022.1re15 Nt•TICE.— DELAWARE AND RARITAN 'ti`CANAL 'AND CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAIL ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. The Directors of tto , above Companies have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT. (clear of 11. S. Taa), upon their capital Stock, payable, in Atock, on the lath day of February, 1866, at their Offices, in NEW 'I , ORIC.. and. PHILADELPHIA Fractions paid in Scrip. RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer. JANUARY 19:11, 1866. 1,12.0-24 ti • Us , 'DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE OCEAN OIL COMPANY, No. 411 CHILSTNUT STBEET, Pnicrorrirmisi, Jan. 23, 1866. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., being Fifty Cente per share on the Capital Stock, payable on and afterthe Ist or February next, clear of etate Tax. . M. BUZBY. Treasurer T. H. TROTTER, Seerecary Directors DIVI.DEND NOIIICM4 ( 125 , OFFICE [ OF THE Locrusr MOUNTAIN tCOAL AND , IRON COMPANY. PHILADEL- Pli/A, January 25th, 1866. At a rneetihg of the Board of -Directoreof this Cora. pany lield this day, a Dividend Of FOl.llt. PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State Tax, was declared, payable to the Stockolders or their legal .reprtsente.- twee 'on and ofter the 6th day of February next. JEaßfea EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. Transfer Books will close on the 25th; at 2 P.M.. and openiFebnatuy Id. ja24. 25 27 29 31 felAti OFFICE OF THE MERRIMAC MINING U COMPANY OF 1% A IZI3 SUPERIOR, No., 132 WALNUT street, PHELADELPECIA, December - Ist. 1863. NOTICE.—The Assignees of the MERRIMAC MININGCOMPANY - OF LAKE SUPERIOR will pay a Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT. (15 per cent.) on all claims properly adjusted against the Company, at the Mhos of the Company, 112 WALNUT street,Phila• delphia, oh and after the2d day of January, 1866. When the claims consists of drops of the Company, said drafts mast be' presented for endorsement of amotmt paid, and when the claim is in open account, the certificate of the agent of the mine must appear as to Its'correctness. ' _ _ "WILLL43:I_ H. BOYER 1 BL. L. P. DA.RLLNGTON,.I A S B4IIee9 ' I. L. TlDD,.agent at the Mine, P. o:address, "Oreenland,'' • del-f,m,w.tfhl/ Ontonagon City, Mkt. OFFICE OF THE BOHEMIAN MENU% COMPANY OF MICHIGAN', 3311 WALNUT , P.umaracisiaa, Dec. Ist, 1865. NOTICH—The assignees of the Bohemian Mining Company of Michigan will vay a dividend •of FIF TEEN PER CENT. (15 per cent.) on all claims, pro perly adjusted. and dne bp said Company. at the (ace of the Company, 132 Wdtnnt street, Philadelphia, en and after the second day of January, 1866 When the claim consists of DRA.FTS of the Com pany, said eraftamust be presented for endorsement of amount paid, and when in open account; the certifi cate of the agent at the mine must appear as to ito correctness. SA MTEIL P. DATISSNGTON WILLIAIi H. BOYER, .} Amignee3. S. F. PECK. Agent at the Milne. P. O. Address, Greenland. Ontonagon county. hflchltaln. del-f.m.w.tfel ~,rr~:~I~c ~r~.,A AYER'S CHERRY PEC, TORA.L„ for the Ra_PCD ... e . 4 4 I / / 71 ' C 1.7 P. IC OF COCO Ili tE - Ho /_,/,' ..,,, . ',, ill ~-, I', i IiGAItsENES, ultf)up, i 4 ' , :3 ‘: ...1, ,',LY, BRUNCH iTLS, INCIP I, <„="."-Ilktt, 4,.. , /7 . ',- ET CUNSUMPT'ION , ~... ' , ',/ ' and for the Relief of CY3N .z.--_- e- .t,.* -,, ', ' _ . ---,._:" - '14 1 ,t , ,-- - SU hiPTI V E P.kIIENTS ----,---_-_,-- . -k. , IN ADS ANCED STAGES • ' 3 OF THE DISEASE. \ . 6 So wide is the field of its __ - .. --- Niz ,. ,-.-.‘_-_- ~ -. . , qc, usefulness and so nuttier -4,-& ~'- i 0 ous are the cases of its cures r"... 1 .4 , that almost every section of country abounds to nelsons publi,.:ly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of toe lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every otherexpectorant is too apparent to escape observation. and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of tha pulmonary organs that are Incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the cc mmunity have failed and been discarded, ibis has gained friends by every triad, conferred bene fits on the afflicted hey can never forget, and produced torts too numerous ana ton remarkableto be forgotten. We can only assure the public, that it, quality is care fully kept up to the best it has ever been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all that it has ever done- Great numbers of Clergymen. PhystrlßnA. Statesmen, and eminent personages. have lent their names to cer tify the unparalleled uselulnem of-our remedics., bat space here will not permit the insertion of them The Agents below named furnish grans our AMERICAN ALMANAC. In which they are given; with also tun de scriptions of the complaints they cure. These who require an atteratioe medicine to purity the blood. wilt tied A YER't3 COMP. SA ELSA PA- ItILLA the remedy to uae, Try It once, and you will know its value. Prepared by J. C. AYRE & CO., Lowell. Mass, and =old by J. IL &CO., Phlladelphta, and by all Druggists. Jal6-m,w.s.,:an DENTALUNA. a Aen • - or article far cleaning tho Teeth * dastreortr4 In.a cos. which infest, them giving tone to ea ‘o.. and. leaving a foams of liagance and perfect 11.inerss in the month. .11, may used daily, ant gill be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gams qhile the aroma and deteredveneas will recommend o every one. Beteg composed with the aredstance cu he Dentist, Physician and Microscopist, 11 is coma =‘,Atered as a NFTJA mat stilreminue An the na Wishes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentlsiz. acquainted with the oonstatn.et. the DENT A T.T.INA, advocate Its used Is, Oalt=int :-.othlng to prevail its anreetzatned erealoYmera lade only by .11.MN3 T. MEOW, Apothecary, Br9ad and Spruce SWAM and D. L. Stsokhoura, Robert C. Davis, Geo. C. Bowers, (Merles Shivers, O. J. Scattergood, J. G. Tarncenny & Da Charles B. Eberle, James N. Mar Bringhnou di 00 DyoU dt Oa, H.O. Blair, Wyeth & are. For sale by Drectlsla IM .rred Brown, dazaard SeeAY, lasac H. HAY, !. H. Needles, 4. J. Huabaae, .% brow eitalth, Tbore.z.s Weaver, Vjnisrrx,R. Webb, :amen L Illsphats, 'lushes & Coombe, leery A. Bower. BSTLACE'S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES,—These lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, ‘`oughs. Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Atrections generally. Try them. THOS. ESTLACH, Jr., Druggist, S. W. ner of Eighteenth and Market streets,Philadelphia. iaoB-am/ I iota nula ota Kb V Otil M FAtSOCIA'TION OF PIIILADE,LPHIA, OF -1.7 FIC'E No. 34 North I. 11 , TII Street. Incorporated March 27, tsin. Insure from Loss by Fire is the City of Philadelphia. Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene,rally. Statement of Assets,. January 1, Isfai; published In conformity with the Act of Assembly of April sth, 1 , 42. Bonds and Mortgages on property In the City of Philadelphia $836,468 17 Ground Rents •Al,s4s 31 (teal Estate (0111 cc No. 34 North Fifth street) 14 ne) Is U. S. Csovernment &-ito Bonds 45,1510 Ce do. Treasury Notes 6 640 Oti City Warrants 646 0.1 Cash on band 27,4= 4`.+ Tli EF.S. GEORGE W. TRYON, President. WM. H. HAMILTON, JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN SOUDEP., LEVI P. CIA PETER A. RE YSER, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, JOHN PH LLEIN, t.HARLbS P. BOWER, CARROW, J SS ird LIGHTFOOT GEORGE L YOUNG, ROB W ERT SHOEMAT, BUTLERKER M. , Secretary. ja2G-f,m,w,6t .ENSUBANCE. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILA D ELPH I A. C CAPITAL PAID IN, IN ASH, taw.ooo This companrtinues to write en Fire Risks only. Its capital, Wl i good surp oli lus, is safely invested. 7 Losses by tire havebeen promptly paid, and more than $500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will re main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a iew months will remove to its OWN BIL.LDING. N. E COB. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our patrons at such rates as are consistent with safety. DIRECTORS. TH 4I 3LAS CRAVEN, ALFRED S. GILLETT, EuRAIA - 1 , 7 si - TFPPARD, N. S. LAWRENCE K TziOS. ISIAOKELLAR, CHARLES I. DUPONT, JNO. SVPPLEE, _ 4EIENRY F. KEIs"NEY. M 80. W. CLAGORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. SILAS VERB. EtS, THOMAS CitAVEN, President. ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer. 3" A M .._. 8 . ALVORD4 Secretary. jaistf f - WE BERSON Milt INSITBANOE COMPANY 03 PHILADELPHIA.—Office Northeast corner o THIRD and BUTTONWOOD etresisuate Tatar= Incorporated by the Legislature af Pennsylv CTIER PIIBPIZTI7.III. .sd authorized by law 0,155 1 1. Make Insurance agains t Loss or Damaplic of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, augur Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DERECTOBG, George Ett h • Citiristopher H. Minor, August C. Miller FrederWa Staake, John F. Beisternag, Jonas Bowman. Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel, Jacob &handier, Geoats, Jr., Stephen Smith, Henry , Barker, Samuel Miller, Edward Moyer. • GEORGE 'MEFT,President, JOHN P.EIBTERLING, Vice President. : 111 I . E. COLEMAN., BearetarY SAME /NSISBANCH COMPANY. ...L• , , No. itel_k_ _HESTNIIT STREET. zaw4ajm.,PlELA.. VIBE AND `INLAND - INSURANCIR 1 3 Francis N. limit, Joe. W. Mir:lrma. ~ . . Charles Alchardsan, ' Bober& B. Potter, Henry Lewis, '' Jno. Hessler, Jr.. Samuel •Wrigilt, . '. • E. D. Woodruff, ~ P. B. Justice., ...,,i Ma: . Stokes, •.. • ',- Geo. A. elsa 3 , 1 Jos. D. NUM 0113 N. UCH, Preat. AS. SIOHAHDBON, Vice kten Prellidean WA & ituarcaum SeGrOaDr. DEL MUTUAL. SAINTY , INEGMANON INCORPORATI6I) irr mxim'LreogLATTl: o r OF OFFICE S. R. CORIUM TH13113 AND WADNOT STREMS PHILADELPHIA. ' • .BLARThiE /DISUItANCE,' • • CARGO}To all parts of the world. • 71 4 1(43iirr, INLAND iNsuiLANOFIS On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, t o ,3Aparts of the Union. F LNSURANCES, On. Merchandise generally, , On StOrea, Dwelling Houses, &c, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, . November 1, 1565. $lOO,OOO 'United States 5 per cent...loari, '7l $95,000 00 12.0,0(0 United Statesi per cent, loan, 'Bl 128,100 00 200,0.0 United No States 7 3-10 per cent, loan • tes 104375 OD 100,000 ST.Ze a' oi n Verinsylvania Five Per Cent. , ' Loan. 90,555 0(1 I:4,000 State of Pennsylvania Six. Per Cent. Loan .. . . 58,250 00 125,000 City of . Viiii;;reliChlt7 . tiii Fe7",dea . . Loan 50 20,000 Pennsylvania lla.lroad First Mort-112,812 • gage,Six Per Cent. Bods ... 20, 000 op 25 000 Pennsylvania Railroad n Second Mort.. • gage Six Per Cent 27,750 00 25,000 Western, Penns. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Ronda.— 23,750 00 11,000 SOO Shares Stock. Germantown Gas Company, - principal and interest guaranteed by the • City oi • 18.537 50 7,150 113 Shares Stock Penns, Railroad • Company__ -......-..-..._ ..... 8,680 00 5,000 100 Shares Stock North —— North Pennsylvania Railroad Company--....' - .. 40,000 Depositwlth the tinlted States. Go vernment,subject to 10 days call..—_ 50,000 State of Tenrozasee Five Per Cent. Loan ........_......:.,:»_ __ 18,900 00 170.700 Loans on Bonita and Mortgage, "hru . liens on City Property • ...».....»..., 170,700 00 1,038,650 Par. Market value.-- 996,560 00 Real Estate.- . .. . . 38,030 00 Bills receivanirlOTliAanin — rieMZfeT.7._ • —_.721,01.3 87 Balances due atAgenclea—Premiums on lir rine Policies. Accrued Interest: mid otner debts due the Company Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and Cash Other 455 Companies, 05,123. Estimated valu. 966 e. si ;,910 00 , Cush In Drawer... 8;93,625 7 WM. M. CARTFaI, Treasurer Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Sottder, Theophilus Spalding, John R. Penrose, James Traquair. Henry C.l. Jr., James C Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Robert Barton, John D. Taylor, INsIIRANCE Caba'ANY OB NORTD.A.ADKRIOA -74 A RTINTE,_FIRE AND =AND TRANSPOD TATIOI ENBUDANCE. The Properties of this Company are well Invested and furnish an available find for tke ample indemnity of allera:ma who desire to be protected bz Insurance RTPIR4 taken on Vesuela, .Yrognlts and cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION Rif..V3 on Mer chandiseer Railroads, Canals and Steazaboa=. yra ^ oa Iltercliandlse, Parnitare and Rulal. ArOeRP CI C7 - 2.. a A n 'i l a n al794—CAPlTAL.Oril ARO) PA TT) IN AND SECURELY L.WESTAM. TOTAL PROPEatTLEE, ei,Mext. PERPETUAL CHARTER. HTEECTOBB. John L. Hodge, Davkl Lewis, M. B. hiahony Benjamin EVAng, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William S. Grant, .a.. R. McHear7, Robert W. ummtni.. Edmond oft - ~ .IClon, D. Clark Wharton, E. ,, mel Wllcox. Lawrence I..ewts,Loins C. Norris. JOHN B. WCCIFInTZVP- Prosider.l. Smola. WILCOX, Secretary:, ~ci:~[~ ~ln : ~w~yrr , i • :. yr ~rxw~~ra:n y~ co • : • i zqr . ••• . z :Ix_ "The Fire Insurance Company of the County c nladelphla." Incorporated by the Legislature c. Pennsylvania in lga, for indemnity against cos, o damage by tire exclusively laigimaKß - PimmiruALL. This old and reliable institution, with ample exalts and c.ntingent fland carefully invested continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either 1,0 manently or for a limited time, against loss or dxmcgt by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolmi tatety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and mild with all possible des:pate; DravorrOßS. • Edwin L Beallit, John Horn, Joseph Moore, George Menke, James Ni. Stone. S J. SUTTER. President, . Sec'v and Treasurer. LTaarles 3. Sutter. Henry CrMi. Robert V. Voneey, Jr., Henry Budd, Andrew S. Miler._ ; , 01,4191i. INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THS PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT—lncorporated Ea—Charter Perpetual—No wALNITT favorablyp Independence Sonars %Phis Company, known to the communi for over forty years, continues to insure against 1= or damage by dre, on Public or Private Balding' either permanently or for a limited time. Also, m Farniture,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally • on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Mina 1. invested in the most careful manner, wbnch enahla them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security Is case of loss. Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SUB PLIJI3 invested in sound and available Securities, con tripe to Insure on , Dwellings, Stores e tuniture, Met chandise, Vessels in port; thelg and oth and ai Personal Property. All Imam- liberally sin promp Thomas R. Muth John Welch, Samuel O. motion, Patrick Brady, A MERRIAM MUTUAL INK:MANOR COMPANY. —4Blice l anda n ll2l4M ..D No. 12 WALNUT Street. INSUBANORR.— Risks taken on vessels, =goes and freights to al/ Palls of the world, anilon spode on inland transportation on elvers, canals railroads and other convey:mono throughout the - United States. WILLIAM CERAIG,ico Presidgist.Presiden , Vt, • PETER CULLEN ROBERT J. MBE Secretary. nizzonons. WM= Peter Call Cra en, Win. 8. John Ballett..Tr., J. Johnston Brown, William H. Merrick, Samuel A. Buion. Benj. W. Blehazde, Mason Hutchins, • Millet Dalle ,tt - , Relay L. Bider, Win. M. Bair, Pear s ons Et Morgan, Et. errili. ni= , ILI TWI'PROVIDENT LIFE''AND TRUST :0031I NY, OF PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of PenoB9/Vama. 8d mont h , • - 22 d 1865, aql3llllEB LIVER ALLo'ws urricsaNT OAPITA L . OSTIS Aripaßemis ANNIIITE—_ —*WOO DIEORYFORS. Richard Cadbury.. , • Henry Haines, T. Winter Browe i , Wm. O. IgonEettath. • DefUn. . . SHLPLE • Y, Provident: Samuel al. Shipley, Jeremiah Hacker, Joshua H. Morrie, Richard Wood. MIMANCE. $1,24,680 18 • BS. Samuel E. Stokes, Peniston. Henry Sloan. William: G. Bannon, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Larourcule, Jacoo P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Melivalne, J. B. semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.liorgan, Pittsburgh. : C. HAND . President. DAVIS, Vice President. delatnol THO .. , JOHN C. .H.MCRY Ly - L.Eur.N. Seer: Office, bi 0.233 WALNUT street, iwrith side, emit 0 , rhird street. Arthnr G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Baranel W. Jontn, 8. Morris Waln, John A. Brown, John Mason Charles Taylor, George L. Ifarthion, Ambrose White, Francis B. Cope, Richard D. Wood. Edward H. Trotter. William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E. Bowen, William Comixdrirs T. Charleton Henry. A.RTITUB G. COFFIN, President, COLAshits PLATT. Secretary, - FIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated March 27, ice. .-1 k OFFICE, No. Z.l N. lell , rti street. In. sore sunauisip.mio_u;s , .7:HOLD Irja NITUBB and It NDIBB goner ally, from Lose by Fire, (In the City co ' Philadelphia only.) grATionglgT at the Amen, at the Aimichtnin - January 1, 1665. Sands and Mortgages on Property in the City or Philadelphia only -$697,92 t Ground Recta.-- 26,901 6. Real Ditate. , kirce:Fittla and NoßEFlivele.) 16,390 It IL S. Gov. a. Banda- - 46,000 Copal; with .B. Aaalatant Treasumr--. WOW Oath on hand....-.---- 25.C39 TRIIBTKEEt GEORGE W. 'TRYON. President. wen. H. 'l , l m[ltnn, J. B. Lyndon. John Bonder, Levi P. Coats. Peter A. Keyser. Spartan% Jobn Phi Wm, =l l l P. Bower: o h Carrow, Robert Shoemaker. Geo. L Yo Jame Lightfoot. myd T. BUT - IM, Bed:edam. DHOKSIX INSIJILLNOR .COMPAITY OF WILL& DELPHI& INCORPORATED NO. i 44 WALNUT Street, opposite She Inaddition tobiltAnsif Eand....AlW M= .- Ca this Oam any Insures from loss or damage by _TIME on terms, on from loss =ninon &c., for limited periods, and permanently on bulldb:UP hueof premium. The Company has been In active operation far mon thiin SIXTY YE A RR, dazing which all lossae bay been promptly adjusted and paid. Bloz.TAmimsr F. HOECK.L.I.-Y DESECTOItS. Daniel Smith, Jr., Sohn Devereax, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gngham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL ladaTH, Jr., President. WELnisar G. CtaowEL.L. Secretary :4 0.1 , • z I Mr A , • MOORPOBATED4BII-4JHARTEat PEAPID 110 WALNUT PlEStreet above LAT&LPHIATHIRD Street, IJohn T. Lewie, James R. Campbell) Edmund G. Eutilb, Charles W. PonUner . zB.MA • TB. Presider& . Bet:Tunny. min lease] ITHOhL9 ALBERT 0.1.. Crum-soap, Ohm. F BABSITIEL ROWLAND PABF.Y. Aetna iii soM Futuitk Moe; TN OBEDIENCE to a Rule of the Court of Common .IPleas of the City and County of Philadelphia, the She. riff of said city publishes the following writs of Atias Summons amenant: - - • HENRY- C.-HOWELL, SherlLE Sheriff's Office, Jan. 33d, Ism 'Cat' y and. Courity of -Philadelphia, toL_, - TRW , COMMIONWEALTH -- ' D EMCMSYLYANT-a. To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County; greeting;' ' We command you, as before - we-did, that you sum mon WILLIAM THOMPSON. late of your County, so that he be and appear before onr Judges at Phila-. delphfa..at bur Court of Common.; Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia. to be holden at Philadel phia, in and for the said City and County of Philadet.. phia, the first MONDAY'of Fetirciary next, there to answer Elizabeth B. Boyd of a plea of breach of cove nant. Ard have you then there.thiswrit. : We command yon,as before we did,that yod summon • CHARLES L SEVERN, late of your County, so that he beano appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Ple - aa, fortfieCitv and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and tor the said (fity. and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY. of February next, thereto answer Jesse Janes, Sr., who is Assignee of Thomas M. Zell and Anna his wife, of a plea of breach of covenant. sue ground rent deed, Thomas M. Zell and wife to Charles b. Severn, dated February 27th, 1860. recorded In D. B. A, D. 8.,1' 0.109, 12; assignment Thomas M. Zeli and wife to Jesse James. Sr., the plaintiff, dated Jan.' 19 1864, recorded in D. B. L. R. 8., No. 10, page IE4. And have you then there this writ. We command yon,as before we did,that you summon Cil a RIES CAMPBELL, late of your County so that he be and aptear before onrJudges at Philadelphia. at our Court of Common Pleas for the city and County of Philadelphia, to 12e2 holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of February next, there to answer Aaron Comfort. who is Assignee of Thomas L. Woolaton and Tacy F. his wife (sox ground rent deed made between Thomas L. Woolston and Tacy F. his wile,and Charles (Aimpbell, defendant, herein datedthe second day of August A. D. 1851.) (eighteen hundred and fifty-one), recorded in the office for recording deei:l.,&c..in and for the City and County of Philadelphia, on tee fourth day of August, A. D., 1801„ in deed book G. W. C., N 0.106, page 408,&c.; the assignment thereof frOm said Thomas L. Woolston and wife to Aaron Comfort, plaintiff,. herein being dated the thirteenth day of September, (A. D., 1852), eighteen hundred and fifty-two, recorded in the said office, In deed book T. H., No. 89, page 257 &c.. on the thirteenth day ot September. A. D. 1852. of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then here this Writ.' • We command you as before me did thatyon summon CELARLF24 DOWDALL, late of your county, so so that he - bey and appear before onr Judges at Phila delphia, at oar Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County Of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadel phia, in and for the said City and County of Philadel phia, the first MONDAY of February next, there to answer Aaron Comfort, who Is assignee of James D. Wl:tett:lam and Rebecca, his wife (Sur ground deed he- Breen SSIXIf9, D. Whetham and Rebecca his wife and Charles Dowdall, defendant herein, Gated the first day of April (A.D. 1651) eighteen hundred and fifty-one. recorded - 1u the office forrecording deeds, Sc ,in and tor the city and county of Philadelphia, In deed book t-;, W. C.. 92, page 56. Sc., on the l2th day of April assignment thereof from James D. Whetham and el e to Aaron Comfort, plaintiff herein, dated the eleventh day of April. A. D. ISM), eighteen hundred and fifty-one, recorded in said office the twelfth day of April, A. D.:I851; in deed book G. W. C No. tr ., pa t e 56, tto , of a plea of a breach of covecant,and have yea then and there this writ. Weeemmand you, as before: we did, that you - sum mon DAVID REA'F.R. late of your munty, so that, he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, to he holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said city and county of Philadelphia, the fir , t. MONDAY of February next,there to answer Lawrence Lewis, Jr . Robert M Lewis. Jr., and Francis .a„ trustee, under the last wilt and testament of Law rt ace Lewis, deceased, who was grantee of Alexander II stoat!, of a plea of breach of covenant, and have you then and there this writ. We contmand you as before we did, that you sum mon WILLIAM H. DEA c‘/N. fate of your coy my, so that he be and appear before our .fudges at Philadel phia, .t our Court of Common Plea , , for the City and Conn; y or Philadelphia, LO be holden at Philadelphia, in ann !or the said Ci , y and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of February next. there to answer Julia A. Lare, assignee of Joshua Richardson and wile, who was assignee of Charles 11. Fisher and wife. of a plea el breach of covenant, and have you then and there this writ We command you. as before we did that you sum mon ZEBEDEE DOBBLNs, late of your county. so that he be and appear before our Juages at Phila delphia, a:, our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to he holden at Philadel phia. in and for the said City and County - of Philadel phia, the first IfON.TDAY of February next, there to answer William Richardson, of a plea of breach of covenant, and have you then there this writ. We command y on. that you summon ZEREDF.E DOBBINS, late of your County, sn that he be and ap pear heiore our Juoges at Praladelphla, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the elm' and County of Philadel phia. to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for the sold City and County of Philacelphia, the first MONDAY of February next, there to answer William Richard son of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then there this Writ. Witnets. the Honorable Oswald Thompson, Dictor of Laws. President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the .oth day of January, ono Domini, one thousand eight hundred and razty-six. Ja=-lE.c. - 21. OBEDLEINCE to a rule of the District Court 1 of the City and County of Philadelphia, the Sheriff of said City publishes the following write of <Mai Summons Covenant• O&WSJ fa HOTTPT.L, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, January '22d, IS6S. GYty and County of Philadephia, as. THE CO11:310Mv .e..A.LTH OF PEIN. , `"RET'LVA_NIA, To the Sheriff of Philadelphia county, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you sum mon I'ATRICK IfcDEVITT, late of your county, so that he be and appear beforeour Judges at Philadel phia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelnala, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, tae first MONDAY of February next, there to ateAwer Henry Pratt - McKean, Richard S. Smith, Andrew D. Cash, Daniel Smith, Jr. and Edmund Pratt, surviving centers and Trustees under the last will and testa ment of qenry Pratt. deceased. of a plea of breach of covenant, sur ground ratiLdeed, recorded in the office for recording deeds, pc., for the city and cOnnty of Philadelphia. in Deed Book A.M.., No. 65, page 207, &c., the parties to the deed being Henry Pratt of the first part, and Pat,rick McDivitt of the second pars, and the said Henry Pratt died seized in fee of the yearly rent reserved by the said deed. and by his last will and testa ment duly proven and registered at Philadelphia in W ill Book N 0.13. page sS..devised the same later alia unto James Dundas, Benjamin Jingler, Henry Pratt McKean, Richard S Smith. James D. Pratt and An drew D. Cash, in trust, and the said James D. Pratt ,having realm !shed the trust, the said named remain. n€ Trustees, by Indenture recorded in the office for re cording deeds, &c.. for the city and county of Philadel phia, in Deed Book R. L. It., No. 20, page 130, granted and conveyed the said Trust Estate (in which said yearly rent was included) unto R. Runde' Smith, who, read recorded In the las; mentioned Deed Book. page ID. granted and conveyed the same unto James 1 aindas. Benjamin Kugler. Henry Pratt. McKean, tstchard S. Smith. Andrew D Cash and Daniel Smith, Jr., in trust, and the said Benjamin Huger having died, the surviving Trustees grented and conveyed the said Trust Estate (including therein the said Seariy rent'. unto ewis H. tledner. by indenture recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c.. aforesaid, in .Deed A. I' 8.. No. M. nage 542. b deed recorded In the same Book, page s.ci grant• d a 0 conveyed the same into James Dunntas. Henry Pratt McKean, !chard S. smith, Andrew D. Cash, Daniel sualth..lr., and Henry I. Pratt. in trust, for the uses nod purposes set forth in the last will of Hear; Pratt, deceased, and br said S ears C. Pratt has since deceased. emu James !•nod a,. Het. ry Pratt McKean. Richard S. Sao th. An drew D. Cash and Daniel Smith. Jr.. surviving Tres tees,_hy indenture recorded in the office aforesaid, in 1 ieed Houk .a. C, H.. 5, page 529, granted and Con veyed t be 'theist Estate. Including said yearly rent, un to Lewis 11. Hefter. who, by indenture recorded in the saute t thee, in Deed Book A.. C. 11., No. 5, page:VlA, ranted and Cony yed the same unto James Dundas, Henry Pratt Isicßean, Richard S. Smith. Andrew D. aah, Datii,l Smith, Jr., and Edmund Pratt. upon the same uses and trusts, and the said James DI - Ludas has siace (lECCEIH4I; and have you then there this writ. We command vou as before we did, that you stn- MOB JOHN lick: RE', late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia. at at our District Court for the City and County of Phila. delphia, to be holden at Philadelphia. Imand for the sato City and County of Philadelphia, t , e first .110N DAY of February next. there to answer William W. Ball. of a plea of breach of coveuent, etc. And have yon then and there this writ. PKIIPETtIAS, . _ We col , mind you as before we did, that you sum mon BERNA it • BYRICE,Int , • of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia. at our District Court for the City and County of Phila delphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MOM- Y of February next, there to answer samuel S. Puncoast of a plea of breach of covenant, stir ground rent deed, made betweea plaintiff and defendant, ogled Mays, 1853. and 'reiMrded May 7, MI, in Deed Book, 'F. /3'. No. Si, page 197, etc. And, have you then there this writ. Witness the Honorable George Sharswood, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia, the iOth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. ja9.3-iww2t ' F.' A. TRECIO, Pro Prothonotary. 'UMATE OF WILLIA.AI RICHARDSON, deceased. —Letters testamentary upon the said Estate hav ing been granted to the subscribers, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and these having claims against the same to present them without delay to GEORGE J. RICHARDSON, No. ISSO Pine street. JOHN B. °RIR, No. 14:4:1 Spruce street. THOMAS WEBSTER, No. 1134 Pine street. THOMAS SPADES. No. 121 Walnut , Btreet. • RICHARD SMETHuBsr, No. 250 South Fourth street.: T FTTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the INtate or L Dr. WTr.r.r AM. M. UHLER deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the same will make payment. and those having claims present them to MARTHA UHLER, Executrix, School House Lane, Twentl.first Ward or to her At torney, J. K. FOLWELL, No. 309 North Sixth street, • ' .3a17-wet* • B 0: AUTER'S HAIR FLHO. FOR ' RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original color inAbree days, by apr lv ing it night and morning, you can use any kind or oil with the fluid. and as often as you think it neces eery. Pertloll9 wit° have once had Hair Dye applied, need only use the Said ever afterwards— it saves 'all trout:deo! washi, or any preparation a hatever. _ 53 Soot hTF III RD Street, above Chestnut,'Phili- ON DB. - ozactersiva PATMIT Mao do Sheathing Pat for Shim also, Zohnsonl Paten Wedding Felt for Steam Pima and Bellew in et% and fbr eale by Wfl Llanr j, GRAN% /go. sons waware arenas. T. 0. WEBB. Pro Prothonotary LEGAL NOTICEN.