Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 31, 1866, Image 5

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He Defines His Position.
Terrible Steamboat Disasters.
Two Hundred and Fifty Lives Lost.
The Judicial Appointments
From Washington.
[Correspondence of the Associated Press.]
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31st.—Hon. James
Harlan, in a card to the Daily Chronicle ,
says that part of the report of his remarks
on last Friday evening, which referred to
the President, is so imperfect as to change
the sense, and he adds:
"After referring to the danger apprehended
by some in conferring the elective franchise
on a vast multitude of persons so recently
released from slavery, and the danger on
the other hand of excluding the large por
tion of the thoroughly loyal part of the
population from a voice in the reorganiza
tion, I expressed my greater confidence in
ignorant loyalty than in intelligent treason,
and added that I had never disguised the
preference and would not do so in the
future, concluding with an expression of
confidence in the wisdom and virtue of the
President,for whom I was not authorized to
speak, and who has been able in the past
and would be able in the future to disclose
his own views."
Postmasterer-General Dennison, yester
day, directed upward of a hundred post
offices to be reopened in the Southern
[Special Despatch to theßulletind
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.—A council is now
being held at General Grant's headquarters.
It relates purely to military affairs in the
Southern States. Gen. Sheridan is not ex
pected, having sent his report to General
Grant. If the resolution making General
Grant full General is carried, another will
will be proposed, making Sherman and
Sheridan [Lieu t. -G enerals.
The Special Committee on the Air Line
Road to New York will hear the arguments
of those opposed to the scheme this evening.
The Camden and Amboy and Wilmington
and Baltimore interests are here in force.
The scheme is backed by a corrupt lobby.
The'Steamboat Disasters.
CiNcrmi - Art, Jan. 31.—The steamer Miami
had about two hundred and fifty passengers
on board, among whom. were 91 men of
Company B, 13th U. S. cavalry. The acci
dent occurred at 7 o'clock in the evening,
just after supper, while the passengers were
assembled in • conversation around the
stoves in the hall. The explosion was of
such force as to rend the entire floor asan:
der and let every person in the front par'
of the cabin down into the mass of fire and
steam below. Great numbers lost their
lives by jumping overboard. The total loss
of life is supposed to be nearly 150. Thirty
soldiers were lost.
The steamer Missouri had 120 persons on
board,. 25 of whom were passengers. The
latest information from Evansville places
the loss at about 100. The Misiciari was
one of the largest passenger boats on the
river, and was valued at $lOO,OOO.
Judicial Appointments—OfliciEd.
HASIRISBURG, Jan. 31.—The Hon. Joseph
Allison has been appointed to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Judge Oswald
Thompson, and the Hon. W. S. Peirce has
been appointed to fill the place of Judge
Allison in the Court of Common Pleas.
Price or Gold In New York.
]By the People's Telegraph.]
Nnw YORK, Jan. 31.—Gold has been
quoted to-day as follows :
10.30 A. M. 141 111.45 A. M.
10.45 141 1 1 12 - M.
11.15 140 i I 12.15 P. M.
11.30 140. E
41*11:1U DO
rious damage done by the fire on Monday
night orr Water street was to the stores oc
cupied by W.B. Johns and Messrs. Tomlin
son & Hill, Nos. 237 and 239 on Water street
and 242 and 244 Delaware avenue. The
buildings formerly belonged to the Brock
estate, are owned partly by S. & W. Welsh
and Thomas A. Newhall. The loss is esti
mated at $lO,OOO, which is fully insured in
the Franklin.
The two upper stories of these two build
ings were occupied by James S.Shindler,s ai I
maker. The loss is estimated[ at $30,000,
about half of which is sustained by parties
who had sails in process of manufacture.
Mr. Shindler employed between thirty and
forty men, who all lost their tools. Among
the sails destroyed were full sets for the U.
S. steam frigate Chattanooga, and the bark
Sea Eagle, and parts of sets for other ves
sels. The total insurance is $22,000, as fol
lows : $3,000 in the Phcenix, of Philadelphia,
$5,000 in Delaware Mutual, $5,000 in State of
Pennsylvania, and the remainder in the
Etna;and North America, of Hartford,Conn.,
and Springfield. of Springfield; Mass.
Mr. Johns estimates his loss at $lB,OOO,
upon which there is an insurnace of $14;000
in the American Fire Insurance Company.
The ground floor of this store, on Delaware
avenue, No.' 242, is occupied by Samuel
Williamson Sr, Co., produce dealers. Their
loss is by water, and is fully insured in the
Tomlinson & Hill estimate their loss at
between $15,000 and $lB,OOO. Insured for
Budd & Comly's store, No. 235 Water and
238 and 240 Delaware -avenue. was slightly
`damaged in the upper part. - A. G. Cattell &
Co., and Tonalinson & .Hill had some goods
in the store. Total loss, $5;000; folly insured
in the International,' of New York, and
Comity Insurance Co., of Philadelphia: On
the ground floor, on - Delaware avenue; were
132 hogsheads of sugar, belonging to S. &
W. Welsh. This was, damaged by water,
but is frilly insured in the American.
The loss of Mr. John C. Davis, No. 233
Water street and 236 Delaware avenue •is
alight and is fully insured. The first floor
on Delaware avenue is occupied by Stephen
Cox & Co., dealers in fruit and prodnce,who
suffered considerably by water, Fully in• ;
•. • ,
gored in the Republic , Ineuran' ce Company
of New York. • .
Cbampion: Souder & Clo.,produce dealers,
244 Delawares avenue, stock-'damaged
water. ~F,'nlly-insured in the Reliance.
B. Lloyd James, 241 Water and 246 Dela
vivre avenue fully insured in the Delaware
Mutual. First floor, on Delaware avenue
occupied by Austin & Wood, provision
dealers. Loss by water. Fully insured:-
No. 243 Water and 248 Delaware avenue,
was used for the storage of molasses and
bay, by Henry Burnm and others. There
was a considerable quantity of hay in the
building, and it sustained some 'damage by
water. The .upper story was occupied by
R. F. Shannon, sailmaker, who sustained
a slight damage by water and is insured.
The first floor on Delaware avenue occu
pied by H. A. Mickle, commission mer
chant. Loss by water. Fully insured.
The total loss by the fire will not exceed
$lOO,OOO, and it is nearly covered by in
The origin of the fire has not yet been as
certained, but .it is undergoing a thorough
investigation by Fire Marshal Blackburn.
Messrs Thomas & Sons sold at the Exchange
yesterday noon, the following stocks and
real estate, viz:
20 shares Harrisburg,
Portsmouth, Mount
, joyand Lancaster B .55X $l,lOO 00
hi " ' Minehill and Schuylkill Haven
Railroad, $504.. .. ._....—...- ._ 981 00
24 " Lehigh Valley RR. Co.. $6l 75 . 1,482 00
lu " Lehigh Coal and Nay. Co., $53 00...... 530 00
3 " Philadelphia Bank, $142 CO 426 00
4 " Bank of North America, $ 2 093' 838 00
$lOOO Schuylkill Navigation - Co., Boat and Car
Loan 80 per cant. 800 0
900 N ortgage Schuylkill Nav C0.,95 per cent. 695 00
200 Six per et. Philadelphia Loan , se poer cent. 172 00
20 Shares Stubenville and Ind. R., $7 50 320 00
100 ' Big Tank 011 Company, 26 cents, 28 00
;3,000 " Alleghany B. &hull Run 011 Com
ptay, 134 c......... 45 00
18,000 " lc. lso 00
4,500 1.14 e.......... 67 00
8,000 " .. ~ Sc. 00 00
8,0430 " 66 66 We
2co. 48 75
3, 6O 00
1,500 " " 210 37 50
2X IO railroad
. cars, at-$625 each 11,250 00
99 " at wo each .-,..,- ........ -54.000 00
Threestory brick dwelling, No. 3417 Marshall
street _ ......... ._-...---, 8,050 00.
Three-etory brick &welling, No. 809 Carpenter
street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $15... 2,550 00
Three-story brick dwelling, No. 818 Carpenter
street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $28... 950 60
Thirteen brick and frame dwellings, Nos. 824
and 826 Carpenterstreet, subject to two ground
rents of $2O a 3 ear _ ...... 2,025 00
Seven dwellings, No. 842 Sw - insom street, * sub.
Ject to yearly ground rent of $lO6 66- ....-... 2,600 00
Neat three.etory brick dwelling. No.:1017 Rod
man street, subject to a yearly ground rent of
$72..... -.. . brick dwelling, ..- 2 550 00
Three.5 . t0ry ". ........ Pine street, 8,300 00
Four frame dweliings,:p7o. 418 Monroe street,
subject to a yearly ground rent 0f524...__--- 100 00
Two lots of ground Baltimore street, each sub
ject to a yearly ground rent of $8... 210 00
Three-story brick dwelling, 833 Callowhill at 5.015 00
Thrse-story brick bakery, No. 654 Cherry street 3,800 00
Three-story brick tavern and dwelling, Marl
borough and Thompson street .2„100 00
Valuable lot, 6 acres, Chelton Hill. Montgomery
county, Pa._ 2 8:10 00
Twelve acres, Melton Hill, Montgomery cam
ty, Pa..._ " 900 00
Farm , 143 acres, Upper Salford township, Mont
gomery. county. Pa .5,300 00
Farm, 91 acres, Montgomery county, Pa. .5,300 00
department is in full operation, and the in
cidents at the crossings are quite unique at
this time. We would particularly instance
Second and Dock streets and Second and
Spruce streets. At the former spot a lady
nearly broke a limb while endeavoring to
ford t'he sea of slush this morning.
nothing like Bower's Inibnt Cordial, rubbed on the
gums with the finger. Bower's Laboratory, Sixth and
Green. Bott.e 25 cents.
sent by mail, 50 cents. Bower's Laboratory, Sixth and
\ HERNIA OR HITPTURE—Treated with pro
lisestonal and practical skill by C. H. Needles, 8. W.
corner Twelfth and Race streets. Ladies' Department
conducted by ladles, on Twelfth street, let door below
23 South Eighth
BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv
era, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Caere. Cutlery. ete.
_ _
Importers. 23 South Efghet th etre
The Fur Trade of Minnesota.
ST. Petri,, Minn., Jan. 22, 1866.—The fur
trade forms an important feature in the
wealth and prosperity of Minnesota. Al
though the business is by no means as ex
tensive as it' was a few years ago, still it
gives employment to thousands, and is a
matter well worthy of investigation. In
good seasons furs valued at half a million
of dollars have been shipped from this
point; but this season the exports will fall
short about $lOO,OOO. The trade seems to be
monopolized by three or four large houses
in this city, one firm alone claiming to have
exported $150,000 worth; but there are small
dealers scattered all over the State
who drive a profitable business,
and invest their earnings in
land, 'with the expectation of being as rich
some of these days as their more showy
neighbors of St. Paul. Trappers usually
resort to this city in great numbers at this
season of the year. Here they can dispose
of their furs at the highest prices, and refit
on terms more reasonable perhaps than at
any, of the skailler towns in the interior.
They are a hardy, industrious class of
people, and frequently whole families are
supported during the winter by the untiring
activity and wonderful skill of these back
woodsmen. Their stock in trade consists of
a few steel traps and a rifle, together with
a natural aptitude for the business, without
which few of them can be successful.
Chief in importance is the mink fur which
is a source of considerable revenue to the
trappers and traders throughout the north
ern part of the State. In former years,
when mink was not considered a fashionable
fur and martens were all the rage, skins
could be bought for twenty-five or thirty
cents each; but now they will bring from
six to seven dollars apiece by the gross.
Last year they could not be had for less than
nine dollars; but an unusually mild fall at
the East lessened the demand for far goods,
and a fall in the price of skins followed as a
natural consequence. The Chippewa In
dians are the most successful trappers we
have, and monopolize the lion's share of the
fur business, eepecially since the ex
pulsion of the Sioux, with whom they were
ever at war. Thehunting ground are located
in the wildest and most uninhabitable parts
of the State, chiefly in the neighborhood of
the headwaters of the Mississippi,and along
the shores of that chain of lakes which dis
tinguishes the northern boundary of Minne
sota, and forms a natural line between the
territory of the - United States and the pos
sessions ofthe Hudson Bay Company. - The
trapping season usually commences in Oc
tober, and continues through the greater
part of the winter. Furs obtained in Decem
ber are the most valuable, on account of
vv eight, mink at that season of the year '
being considered "full furred," as the traders
express it. Experienced dealers can, by
examining the pelts, tell to a nicety almost
in what particular month the animals are
killed, and fix a price upon the skins ac
In trnpping the mink great caution and
ingenuity have to be exercised by the hun
ter in order to be successful.. Before the
snow covers the ground it is difficult to find
their hiding place, and it requires all the
wily art of the aborigine to discover their
whereabouts; :but as the winter advances
and the "fleecy mantle" shrouds•the earth
there is less trouble attending the operation,
and even the bungling farmet's boy can
track the animal to its hole. The hiding
place once discovered, the unerring trap i s
produced, and the fate of the poor mink is
sealed. Most trappers bait their traps with
minnows, which are easily procured' in any
of the neighboring lakes.
Next in importance to the mink comes
the muskrat. It is found very plentifully
in all the lakes throughout the entire State.
and large quantities of the furs are shipped
from St. Paul for the European markets.
The skins are.worth about twenty-five cents
ach, a nd are 'easily converted into good,
'Warm - groves, vihich - luid - readj'irtarket
among the poorer claluleanf Oar p . opulatiou.
Bear ,skins, which lire, becoming rather
scarce now, are brought in by the Chippe
was:generally, and find' a ready market at
fifteen dollars each. Wolf and raccoon skins,
which are need principally in the manufac
ture of robes, are plentiful this year. The
- wolf skin is worth about four dollars and
the raccoon about one dollar. Fox skins are
gathered for exportation. In some parts of
Europe, especially Germany, large . quanti
ties of these furs are used for trimming pur
poses. The fur of the American fox is
preferred to the European, and good profits
can be made on shipments from this
The best otter skins are sent to China,
where the fur is highly prized. Pelts are
worth from seven dollars to eight dollars
each. Beaver is the only fur sold by weight.
It is worth three dollars per pound, and is
bought up by the agents of Eastern manu
facturers in considerable quantities. Buffalo
skins are brought here by the Red river
traders,but not in large quantities, the great
bulk of the skins being sent down the Mis
souri river to St. Louis. Good buffaloes can
be purchased for seven or •eight dollars by
the quantity, although retailers here have
the conscience to charge fifteen dollars. A
white buffalo skin is considered a great
rarity, and is very much sought after by
traders. Major Hatch, of this city. while
acting as the agent of 'the Blackfeet Indians
several years ago was presented with a
couple of white 'uffolo skins by the the
chief of the nation. They were the only
skins of that description in the possession of
the tribe, and the compliment was esteemed
the highest that could be paici. The recipi
ent regards the favor very highly, and
would not part with the present for love or
money, I suppose.
In deer skins there is not much doing, on
account of the scarcity of pelts. The Sioux
played great havoc with the deer before
their expulsion from the State, rendering
that description of the game quite scarce;
but now that these relentless hunters are
away, it is hoped that these monarchs of the
forest will become more plentiful. The
skins are principally bought on account of
New York houses, and are worth about five
dollars each. From New York they are
transported to Johnstown and Gloversville,
N. Y., to be manufactured into gloves and
a variety of useful articles.
Probably three-fourths of all the furs
furnished by this State find their way to .
New York, where they are sold to manu
facturers and then distributed all over the
country. The New Your houses have their
agents here, and appear to monopolize all
the trade. There are two or three
establishments here where furs are
dressed, but the moat valuble furs are
transported to New York to be dressed; so
that the best class of fui - goods can be
bought cheaper in that city than they can
bere. There is a good opening here for a
first-class dressing and manufacturing
house, and it is surprising that some
astute Yankee has not jumped at the chance
ere this.
The Hudson Bay Company have an
agency in this city, but not for the purchase
or sale of furs. It is merely a forwarding
agency for the transportation of goods to
Fort Garry and thenumerons posts through
out the territory of that ancient monopoly.
Most of the goods received at these trading
posts come from England; but St. Paul
enjoys a fair share of the patronage, espe
cially in the winter season, when the sup
plies at the posts are apt to run short.' Fort
Garry, which is the post whence all the
other posts obtain their supplies, is only
about sixty miles from the northern boun
dary of this State; so that you will perceive
it is quite convenient to this market, and
can be readily supplied at any time of toe
year. The Hudson Bay Company enjoy
the reputation of being the oldest business
concern on this continent. Their charter
was granted by James the Second—two
centuries ago.—.N. F Herald.
PO IT S 5-20 s 'e lee .
5 Morris Col pf 114k,'
1500 do reg 101 10 sh Cam d. Ana R 1164;
3500 US 6s 'Ed con 1033%; 3oh do 117
MO 13 S Tress 7 3-10 n oh Penns R 54%
Notes Tune 99X 100 sh Read R 030 4.974
12100 City 6s new 91 300 sh do b 33 50
200 do gas 633, 500 sh do 50
6000 Phil & Sun 7s 9010 100 sh . do swn 40 - 1
200 sh C,atawissa pfd 33k, WO alt. do as 49 , 4
100 sh do 615 3371 200 set; Pa R 37
100 sh do 34 , ... 100 sh do 2ds 37
WO oh do 530 34'. 100 oh Phila.& Erie 294'
200 sh do 341; 100 sh do b 5 29.4
400 sh do 344 0 To sh New Creek 11-1
200 sh do S 4 200 sh NY & Middle
Ica sh do 62 345; Coal gleld 7
100 sh do coin 21 loan oh do to , f) 7 , t
109 Idt do 23!....1100 oh Fulton Coal b3O 7N
300 sh do 231;1190 sh Eng Mountain
an sh do 13til Coal 514
FAO sh do 24 100 sh Soratara Falls 2
600 sh do s 5 24 SOO sh St Nlchoiao C 5.7) sNi
400 eh do b 5 24 3 sh Preston Coal is
100 eh do 2.3?4 26 sh 10th & 11th lit R 525;
700 sh McClhat'k 13,1 20 all lath & lab St R 32
Public Board—Philadelphia Exchange.
2.8.£011.TED EY 11, O. JOH2TSON.ETOI7B /3.130/1351. N. 3"M
WALNUT 15713.1ZET.
=tali Catawis pf 23%1400 ak American Gnm
itOsh do s3O 3a+l; I Paint Co _d3 I
MO sh Read R No 497;01000 sh Phillips Oil X
100 sh de • slO 40'
!Inane° and Buslness-.Jan. 31, 1868
The Stock Market closed with a stronger feeling at
the Stock Board this morning, but there was very little
activity in anything but Catawisca Railroad. of which
about ten thousand shares changed hands, opening at
304, and selling up to .3434—an advance of The
Common stock advanced 4.. Reading Railroad sold at
404@SO—closing at the latter quotation—an advance r.f
Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 54U—nO change:
Camden and Amboy Railroad at 1163117—an ad
vance of 3i . , and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at
293,;—an adance of Government Hums were ex
tremely quiet, but prices were without change. There
was but few of the better class of Railroad and Canal
Bonds, and prices were steady. Canal stocks were
dull. 531,,' was bid for Lehigh Navigation; 29 for Schuyl
kill Navigation Preferred: 21,14 for the Common stock:
57 for Wyoming Valley, and 5 for Union Canal Pre
ferred. Bank shares were unchanged. Oil stocks
were very heavy. We notice by auction of 35,0190 shares
Schurl's Rnn Oil Company at one to three cents ..per
share! In Passenger Railway shares the only. sales
were of Hestonville at 3i, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth
Streets at 92.
Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government Securities, &c..
to day, ea follows: Ail
Buyir - Selling;
11. S. 6's, 1281...................... R 33 104
Old 520 Bonds
• 103 10334
New " 1864..........-...... ..... -.I017.; 1023.4
5-20 Bonds, 1865. Jul% 10234
10-40 Bands.—.... -................. 93 9334
78.10 August - . 984 9934
"June 99
" July ........- 98% 99
Certificates of Indebtedness...,.,_. 98; 9838
Gold—at 12 0'c10ck......- .... .. ...........14oN 140%
Messrs. Dellaven :Brother. No. 40 South rnird
street, make the following quotations of the rates of
exchange to-day, at 1, 1 , .M.:
American G01d... ....................,liuying n . Se
i. 14lling.
quarters and ha1ve5 . ......................1:62N
Dimes and half d1me5.—....,—..-131 ..
Spanish Qoarters......— .. —.. ..........131
Penna. Currency—. ..4 dia. 3-.. i dbl.
New 'York Bachange HO dis OEM
Smith, Randolph & Co., Bankers, 16 South Third
street, quote at 1 o'clock as tollows:
Gold ....
U. S. 1851 Bonds.
11, F+. 6-20, 186 e.
" 1865
11. 9. 10-40
U. S. Z-So'e--ist
2d series
ad series.... .-...
B. Certificates of Indebtedness..
Philadelphia Markets.
WITNESDAY, Jan. 31.—The topid condition of trsde
noticed for some time .past, still continues, and for
most descriptions of goods there is a steady deprecia- '
tthn of values.
No. 1 Quercitron Bark is scarce, and if here would
readily command $32 50 ton.
There is no falling off In the demand 'for aciverieed
and 800 bushels fair and choice quality sold at $7.12.54@
$8 44—an advance. ,Prices. of Timothy are nominal.'
Eanall sales ,of Plaxseeditt $3 15 ffi bushel.
Th e Floor market continues extremely dull and only
a few hundred bhrrels were disposed 'of.'for home
consumption at s7@7 50 barrel for snperfins, ss®
$B. 50 for extras, .$8 55@99 for North Western extra ,
faintly, 99 .50@1050'for Penna. and Ohio do. do.,
.103 10334
..101X 102'
'..101?.4 102
. 933
98,N0 99
983.0 98%
98110' 993ic
88,A5@ 98%
and at higher figiirei forlant7 lOtsaccOrding
)ty: — Slnall. Salta ofßyellour at $5 SO. In' Vorir Meal
nothing doing and Prices are nomisal, ,•
There is some inquiry for plitne Wheat but inferior
'can only be sold at low figurts. Sales bu s h
lon bushels
Red at g 2 ®B2 20 VS bushel, and' 400 bushels Penna. ,.
White at $2 25. Rye ranges from SO cents to V. Corn
comes forward slowly and is in good request,' with
sales of 6,000 bushels yellow at 78 !cents. Oats are dull;
1000 bushels Penna. sold at , IScents. •
Whisky is very quiet. Small sales of Penna. and
Ohio barrels sin 26(02 27
Window Shades---Holland.
Window Shades---Gilt.
Window Shades---Painted.
Window Shades—Plain.
In Every Desirable Color, Style o
Parlor Curtains,
Drawing Room Curtains,
Library Curtains,
Dining-Room Curtains,
Sleeping-Room Curtains,
Piano and Table Covers
71E9 Chestnut Street.
Engravings and Photographs.
Plain and Ornamental Oilt Frames
Carved Piralunt and Ebony Frames,
7-30 9 5,
1S I's,
Certificates of Indebtedness,
Compound Interest Notes of 1884, and
Sought and Sold.
Dratta drawn on Itngtand, Ireland, France and Oer•
D any.
5-20's of 166 ichanared for the old Issue of lae. and
the market erence allowed. nozetftp
Gray's Patent Molded Collars.
Wholesale Dealers In PAPER COLLARS can obtain
sew terms on single orders for 60,CM or more Colima.
Selling Agents American Molded Collar Company,
lay.z-12t 5p RAW YORK.
Miscellaneous Stocks and Bonds, State. County and
Railroad r-ecurities, not quoted at the New 'Vora Stock
Exc.b wage.
Government Securities Bought and Sold. Ja23 sp -lm
To Iron Founders.
500 Tons Lehigh and Schuylkill Lump,
Shinn's Coal Depot,
OFFICE-2 Walnut Street.
During the Erection of the New Bank
Building, to
No. 305 Chestnut Street.
tal7-tf 'fp
Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1866
C. H. CLARK, President.
nn andWr - Br dam
800 boxes Valonda Raisins, 100 mate , Beedlem
MMus for sale by 7 08. B. BUBSDBIL & CO.. 115 Booth
Water street.
MOND'S 'BOSTON BISCIJIT.—Bond's Boston Batter
and Milk Biscuit, landing from steamer Norman,
and for sale by JOS. B. BIII3BLER dr, CO.; Agents, for
Bond. 108 Bomb Delaware avenue. - '
/IRAN OE$ AND . ' LEMONS.-Sicily Oranges and
[:!'.'Lemons;` in prime - order; Or Bab) by JOS.' S.
331r8E3.1111 & 'CO.; He South Delaware avenue.
'-001,0)-- . --MON..
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.—The question of
exempting Savings "IRF.nk4 from taxation
will be argued before the Supreme Court
this week. If the. Court decides against
them, they will appeal to Congress for a
special exemption law.
The Reconstruction Committee author
rized their chairman to report back the reso
lution amending; the Constitution, recom
mitted to them yesterday, striking out the
words "and direct taxes," making it
read "representatives shall be appor
tioned among . the severa) States which
may be included within this Union accord
ing to their respective numbers counting
the whole number of persons in each
State, excluding Indians not taxed.
Provided, That whenever the elective fran
chise shall be denied or abridged in any
State, on account of race- or color, all per
sons therein of such race or color shall be
excluded from the basis of representation."
NEW YORK, Jan. 3L—The steamer Moro
Castle has arrived with Havana advices of
Jan. 27th.
A royal decree had been received disap
proving the formation of a society for the
suppression of the slave trade, reprimand
ing the Captain General for countenancing
it and ordering its suppression.
There was no cholera at Havana but con
siderable small pox at Regla, a small town
opposite the city.
It is reported that the gulf is full of
Chilean privateers. A. schooner and steam
er flying suspicious flags had been seen; the
latter is believed to have come from New
Orleans, and to bo cruising in the gulf.
War risks are being effected at Havana
by the ship owners, but one company had
refused to take them.
The steamer Tonawanda, from Boston,
arrived at Havana January 27th via Matan
zas, having been without fuel for two days.
She would proceed on the 30th inst.
The steamer Vera Cruz arrived at Havana
from Vera Cruz January 22d, and would
sail January 28th for New York.
Private advices say the French are tired
out and freely discuss the ali!ildonment of
the empire.
There is an intense feeling against the
Americans, and the French say they want
war with the United States and to be sent
to Texas to wipe out the Bagdted affair,
which they say was the work of the Fede
ral troops.
The Earthquake at Cameras.
The reports of the New York papers that
Caraccas has been destroyed by an earth
quake are incorrect. The shocks of the 15th
and 18th December were severe, but did no
damage to the city. Advices have been re
ceived in this city as late as the 9th instant,
when all was quiet, and all fears had sub
MEXIXtIi Congress—First Session.
SENATE.—Mr. Lane (Kansas) presented
the petition of the women of Lawrence,
Kansas, in favor of the extension of the
right of suffrage to women. Referred to the
Committee on Reconstruction.
Mr.tane (Ind.) reported a bill to extend
the benefits of the pension laws to artificers
of the army.
Mr. Grimes (Iowa), from the Naval Com
mittee, reported the resolution of thanks to
Admiral Farragut, which was passed.
Mr. Sumner (Mass.) presented the petition
of William Cornell Jewett, in favor of the
abolition of all distinctions on account of
color. Referred to the Committee on Re
Mr. Anthony (R. I.), from the Committee
on Printing, reported in favor of printing
5,000 copies of the report of the Revenue
Commission. Passed.
ja27 let 5p
Mr. Sprague (R. I.) moved to reconsider
the vote by which the bill to extend the
time for the withdrawal of goods from the
public stores was passed.
Pending the consideration of the above,
Mr. Trumbull called for the regular order,
which was the bill to protect all persons in
their civil rights.
Mr. Davis took the floor against the bill
and the pending amendment to it declaring
all persons born in this country not subject
to any foreign powers to be citizens of the
United States.
Housz-The House passed the bill ordering
that the produce of the forests of Maine on
the St. John's river and its tri butaries,owned
by American, and. <sawed or hewed in New
Brunswick, by American citizens, the same
being manufactured in whole or in part,
which is now admitted into United States
ports free of duty, shall continue to be so
Mr. Washburne (Ill.), from the Committee
on Commerce, reported a bill repealing all
fishing bounties. Not acted on.
Mr. Eliot (Mass.) reported a bill further
to amend the registering of vessels. It is
in effect declaring that sailing vessels under
foreign flags during the rebellion shall not
be again entitled to the privileges of Ame
rican vessels, except under the provisions
of an act of Congress authorizing such re
gister.- Debated but not acted on. -
The Committee on Reconstruction re
ported back the constitutional amendment
with modification, • striking out the
words "direct taxes" and confining the ap
pointment to Representatives.
The resolution with, this exception, is
precisely as originally reported- from the
committee.' • ,
SENATE.—Messrs: ;Connell, Nichols and
Haines presented , remonstrances against
Sunday travel.,
Mr. Ridgeway presented a petition in fa..
vor of an act allowing persons to testify in'
their own case. , • -
Mr. Nichols' read a bill authorizing the
construction of , a • free bridge over the
Schuylkill, to: .Conimebced) within one'
year, to.be built;the. elP.lYand to be free.:
Mr. Ridgeway; • 012.0. VlAsing : the .Aotits.ef
* O'Clook.
From Washington.
[Special Despatch to the Bulletin.]
From Barons and Mexico.
Patuisylvania Legislature.
HARRLSBIIII Jan 31,1866.
the Library Street Stock Board te e the:
Mr. Hqdge, , a supplement; to the , Penn i *
Sylvania Tnbingignd Trapeportation Com- ,
I House.-Mr. Negley - callad' up the act
• extending the time for one yearfor the ree•
reception of soldier's clainas,.which pa,ssecl.
Mr. Davis called up the eact for `the: the: or-1
ganization of the Schuylkill. 'county :polices
force, and moved to consider, which the
House refused. f
. -
Mr. Markley offered a resolution givinw
the use of the back seats of the gallery to
colored persons. Not agreed to. . .
The Committee of Ways and Means row.
ported favorably an act for the relief of
citizens of Chambersburg, who suffered .
from the rebel fire. The Committee on
Local Judiciary reported. favorably an act
making eight hours a day's labor in Phi
The Maryland Legislature.
ANNAPOLIS, Jan. 31.—The Legislature
to• day, apprupriated $B,OOO making with
former appropriations $15,000,' to complete
the work of enclosing grading 'and orna
menting the Antietam Cemetery,which will
be ready early in the spiing to receive the
bodies of heroes who fell in that memorable
Their bodies, to the number of 8,000. are
now buried in the mountains, roadsides.
and fields in that region. Maryland has
done her part, and the commissioners look
for prompt action by the Legislatures Of the
loyal States, to enable them to properly
inter the bodies of the soldiers of those
States who fell at Antietam.
Sentence of a Murderer.
HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. 30. Albert
Starkweather, convicted of murder in thei
first degree, having killed his mother and
sister, has been sentenced to be• hung on
the third Friday in February. He was
completely • self-possessed while' receiving
the sentence of the court.
Important to Mariners.
Henreax, Jan, 31.—8/unt's Coast Ala
incorrectly reports the Cape. Race and Cape
Pine lights as changed. No alteration has
been made in them, Thee Cape Race light
is a fixed, and the Cape Pine light a re
volving one.
Later From Europe.
NEW YORK, Jan. 3L —The steamship
New York, from Southampton, on the 17th
inst. , has been signaled below.
Specie for Europe.
BOSTON', Jan. 31.—The Asia sailed to-day
for Liverpool, with a small specie list.
NEW YORK. Jan. SL—Cotton is quiet at 49@50 tor
middlings. Flour quiet but unchanged; sales of 7.000
barrels. Wheat quiet but uncianged- Corn firm but
quiet. Beef quiet. Pork heavy at 823 373G(28 50 for
mess. Lard heavy but unchanged. Whisky drill and
Stocks are better. Chicago and Rock Island. 100;
Illinois Central, 1184; Michigan Southern 6 . 93,1; Read
ing, 9934. Hudson River, 102 Erie. 81%; Galena and Chi
cago, 52.1 i: 11. S Coupons, 1881. 1 023. i; Ditto, 1884, 101 X;
Ditto. 1865, 101,r4", Treasury 7 3-10's, 987:(4199; Gold, 140.
BALTINORIE. J 0.13. is dull; Howard Super
48 75(a.r , .. Extra $9 50®$10. Wheat thin; Red $2 35@240,
Corn dull; white. 93c.; yellow, 7 80. Oats steady, as
4.o(Etzoc. Clover seed. $8 25@8 50. Provisions steady,
Lard sells at 18(118;%,c.. Sugar heavy. Coffee firm at
19421 c. Whisky dull at $2 ;ti.
Trial of Christian Berner.
OVER AND TEE 31IN EFL. —Judges Allison and Ludh
low.—The case of Christian Berger, charged with the
murder of Mary L. Watts, at. Germantown, on the 6t
of January. was continued after the .BeLizr.ur went to
press yesterday. The witnesses examined after we
closed cur report were James Watson, Edward
Hughes, Mrs. Hughes. Elizabeth Lippincott. Smith E.
Hughes. Detective Benjamin Franklin, Naaman Key
ser, Mr. Ferguson, Thomas Braithwaite, George
Hardy. Thomas Roche, C. W. Littell and Lieut.
Tt e case was resumed this morning. As on the pre
vious days, the court room was uncomfortably
Alderman Thomas, sworn—l Identify this deed (deed
exhibited); I handed tt to Miss Watts.
Grua-Pr-mined—Delivered it to her in the summer
of le r; don't knew that it remained in her possession
all the time.
Wm. Bender, sworn—l found the deed on the North
Pennsylvania Railroad. just below Fishers lane, about
a mile and a half below; I was out in the woods to cat
a straight pole; I had my dog along, and there being
snow on the ground, and looking around I came to a
drain, and thought pernaps there might be a rabbit
there, and I stooped down to look, and there saw the
deed; it was poked under the. orain about a foot and a
bale I think this was on Friday. the 12th of January;
this was on the road to Philadelphia; took the deed to
t h e Sergeant of Police:the deed was very damp when I
get it.
Thomas Shingle sworn—l live on Queen street; 'sate
the prisener on the morning Miss Watts was mur
dered: about ten minutes of 7 o'clock: on the corner of
Queen and Main streets: I first noticed him when I.
was on Queen street., southwest of Main street; I ap
proached towards him
cornere opposite side of the
til I got to the opposite to him; I then
crossed towardshim and noticed that he was watching
me very hard; I returned his look—looked him in the
eye mull I got to him, and as I got near he turned his
head away; after pasting him about five yards I
turned around to look at him again and he made a
motion as if about to cross the street, and when I got
to Sh'oemaker's lane, I turned and he had disappeared,
Cruarese enined—He was dressed in dark clothes;
he had a long overcoat that came to his knees; he bad
a black slouched hat; I noticed him because there was
no one else about, and because he was standing there
on such a cold morning ; the cars passed this way.
To Judge Allison—l never recollect to have seen Ber
ger before; I saw him at the Coroner's Inquest where
I at once recognized him.
W in. Take, sworn-111re in Queen street, southwest
of Green; I have seen the prisoner; am not acquainted
with him; I saw him on the corner of Green street for
ten days or Iwo weep before the murder, nearly every
morning; saw him on the morning of the murder, on
the corner of Green and Main streets, about 2.5 minutes
of seven o'clock: I then went to the stable, groomed a
horse, cleaned the stable and came out for a bucket of
water, when I met Berger on the opposite side of the
street, on Queen street; he said "Good morning" to
me, and parsed on towards Miss Watts' house.
Cross-examinecL—l am engaged in the store at the
corner; one morning I said to Mr. Funk, " tha man
looks es if he was worried about something:" he
laughed; noticed his dress that morning; he had on
nark clothes and bad a long overcoat - and a black
slouched hat pulled down in fronk heard of the murder
at half past eight o'clock.
Re-examined. This man said "good 'morning" to
me; be only knew one by coming around the store for
ten days or two "I eeks previous to the murder; one
morning he was standin g on the corner, and i asked
him will yon ride down," he said he guessed not, he
would wait a little while longer for a car—that he.
wanted to gee about something before he went to town.'
William S. Funk affirmed—l keep a grocery sore at
S. W. corner of Main and Green streets; I re - ognize
the rrisoner; saw him standing on my Corner for a
week or ten days before the murder; saw him on the
mornings between half past six and seven o'clock: be
came familiar with him in this way.
Goss-examined-1 saw him on the morning of the
murder: Green street lea public thoroughfare; cars go
up down Main street.
E enu Gravensteine sworn.—T live corner of drams.
and School street; I know the prisoner by sight; saw
him on the Morning: Miss Watts was murdered, going;
down Green street; he lives three doors the other side
of where I live; he was going in the direction of Miss
Watts; it was half-past six o'clock in the morning.
Cross-examined—The prisoner lived in Scho 11 street, s
near Green; he lived there with Mrs. Butcher, his
wife's grandmother, I spoke to him that morning; I
helloed to him; he stopped a little and then went on
again; be was in a great burry; he answered me and
then went on.
I. .llzabetb Vanderslice sworn—My husband keeps a
, eery and provision store; I saw the prisoner on the
morning of the day Miss Watts was murdered; be
tween 1U an d 11 o'clock; he came to the store; he came
in and said he bad been to town; he ; went to the stove
and I went around; he bad some' money in his hands
and sa d to rub that off the- slate;" then he said
"watt on me; ' be owed me f 2.3 St; he gave me two 410
notes, a 52 note and two 51 notes; he then bought rivet
and provisions to near , it: he had not supped dealing
will, us: b e mostly paid for everything within five or
six weebt be paid tor some things between times; he
didn't get everything on truSt..
Henry H. Kephart. sworn-4' am employed at Van
derslice's store; remember... Berger ,being at the store
Wednesday before the murder; he then owed $3 Si;
told him that be could not have any more thinto:
until he paid the bill; I told him - kfr. Vanderslice said
so; be dld not get anything of me then.
Cross-rxamined—He said be would pay Mr. Vander
slice: that he bad never owed anybody elsewhere and
wooed not in Germantown. ,
Cross-examined—He was In my store when I got
news of the murder; thatwas between ten and eleven;
don't recollect who came in and told about the murder;
there were a great many in at , the time; I suppose he
heard the persons who told about the murder; he was ,
in the store while it was the subject of conversation: -
there was.nething peculiar in his manner; he was Per-
Actly quiet and collected.
Reesamined—l said tabins.'"Mave inn been down
to the house?" and he said "No.".
At the Annual 'Meeting . 'cif the members of the CORN
evening.the ibllowlng officers were elected for ensu.
. enEsinracT,
' vign esuwamir, . ..
. . vsEASUBER, . ..:
t', t." . .f j - i t - 8:1v pl IiKT T ' TT,. :-'
if.f.:I . OIOEBS: ~'T '
_,. - T
_,..: - r. , I _‘... ...I Eilarasa: L u k ens,
Seneca E. Malone, Georte,..MMatTli..i...sl 4 :
Henri. Bacuils...F.,, ,1 , , , , iite:,6.4..A,V=lgii.e.e. .
John m. Mlchener. ._ W.
i n
..., ....... , ,.. , .. IBEEJOSEP.R.S...PARVA.; .