From our Third Edition of Yesterday lE.p.pla.llle§paicy•to Railettti.J _ WA.suixorox.r, Jarl.'..9. l 43udge Kelley will secure a favorable repoit 'froni the N'ayy Committee, accepting,Leagne Island. The bill is in accordande with the views Of the gecretary of the Navy. , There seems to be w settled determination in the House to pass the bill for an air line .road betwSen iVasbington and:, New York. It will fail in the. .[Correspondence of the 'Associated Prsssj .WAsniriaroN,Jan.9.—An •informal meet ing of the members of the House of Repre sentatives wtitii' held in the *Hall yegierday afternoon, immediately. after the adjourn ment.,Mr. Morrill, of-Vermont, in the , chair, and Mr. Green Clay Smith, Secretary. A committee of Jive was'appointed, on mo tion of Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, to prepare resolutions expressive of the feelings of the members relative to the death of the Hon. Winter Davis. ,The chair. appointed . Mr. Stevens, Pa.; Mr Garfield, 'Ohio; Mr. Blow, Mo., and Mr,. Dawson, Pa. The meeting adjourned to meet on Mon day next, immediately after the adjourn ment of the House. Marine Disasters. _ BOSTON, Jan. 9.-'—the brig Caroline E. elly; Capt. Morrill, from Philadelphia, for. Boston is whore atESst Downs:crew saved, Tlie schooner Saxon, frOm New York, fur Boston. with pig 'iron and fire brick, is ashore at East Dennis; crew saved. Additional News by the Canada. The London Globe highly eulogises Gen. Grant's official report, and says it is avert' able, clear and strikingly modest document frankly admitting failures and losses,and doing full justice to his opponents. The steamship Ibis,belonging to Cork,had been wrecked near that place and about twenty lives were lost.' At Cork, on :December 21st, Charles Un derwood O'Connell was found guilty of treason-felony and was sentenced to ten years' penal servitude. He made an elo quent speech,and after being sentenced, ex pressed the earnest hope that there could be an exchange of prisoners before his sentence expired. XXXIXtIi Congress—First Session. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 SENATE.—Mr. Sumner (Mass.) presented the petition of clerks in the State Depart partment, asking for an increase of pay. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Re lations. Mr. Sumner presented a memorial asking for the donation of public lands for educa tional purposes in the States lately in rebel lion. Referred to the Committee on ~Enblic Lands. ' Mr. Foot (Vt.) offered a resolution, which was adopted, appointing Mr. J. McDonald chief clerk of the Senate, vice Gen. Hickey, deceased. Mr. Sumner, from the Committee on For eign Relations, reported the House resolu tion accepting the invitation for participa tion by the United States in the Industrial Exhibition at Paris. Laid over for the pre sent. Mr. Henderson (Oregon) presented the memorial of the St. Louis Chamber of Com merce asking for an appropriation for the improvement of the, Mississippi River, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Sumner offeied the following': Whereas it is repoted that persons de clared free by the Proclamation of Emancipation and by the recent amendment of the Constitution are now kidnapped and trans ported to Cuba and Brazil, to be held as slaves, and that in this way a new slave trade has been commenced on our Southern coast, therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on the Ju diciary be directed to inquire if any farther legislation is needed to prevent the kidnap ping. of Freedmen and the revival of the slave trade on our Southern coast. filors - E.—Continned from second Edition.] Mr. Washburne (Ill.) biought to the at tention of the House a Washington letter, written by Mr. Baldwin (Mass.), to the latter's paper, the Worcester 4w, saying that the purpose of proposing the bill to facilitate commerce between the States was to release the Illinois Central Railroad from its obligations to carry the mails, &c., free of charge in consideration of land grants. Explanations followed from several gen tlemen. Mr. Baldwin (Mass.) maintained that such was the legal construction of the bill, while Mr. Washburne disclaimed any such intentions. Finally the Senate was requested to re turn the bill, as it was prepared under a misapprehension. Markets. NEW Yom, Jan 9.--Cotton dull at 52@,53 cts. State Flour has declined sto 10 cents. sales of 4,000 barrels; Stater/ 75@8 20: Ohio Se, 40@}10 23; • Western sll .8 30; Southern $8 aisgsls; Canada $51.1. 25. Wheat dull; Corn dull; Beef quiet; Pork firm; mess $2B 13; Lard dull at 15. Whisky dull. Stocks are steady. Chicago and Bock Island, 10434: Cumberland preferred, 4:4 Illinois Central Scrip, 26; Michigan Southern. 683 b; New York Central, 94%; Readlag. 10134; Hudson, 10.5; Cant , n, 4234: Erie. 943„ Gold, 13834: One Year Certificates, 98%; Treasury Notes, 98; Ten-Forties, 93; Five-twentles;lo3 4; Coupon Sixes, 103'/e. BALTIMORE. Jan. 9.—Flour dull and low grades drooping. Grain inactive owing to the difficulties of making deliveries, on account of the Ice: prices, how ever, are firm for all descriptions. Provisions heavy; Mess Pork $29 50030. Coffee dull. Whisky firm at t 2 29 for Western. The weather is moderating, but Is stillquite cold. CITY IIiMUMIN. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Chas. O'Harrah, aged 40 years, was killed about noon to-day, by a bank of earth" falling — On "him, on. the Junction Railroad, near Harrowgate. The deceased resided at Cooperaville,Twenty thin' Ward. Coroner Taylor has gone to hold an inquest in the case. ITALIAN OPERA.—A party of excursionists. from New York hare engaged seats for L'Africaine to-morrow evening. The sale of tickets, both for this great Opera and also for the Matinee to-morrow afternoon, when the German troupe gives La Dame Blanche, is very brisk.;'- THE GIVEN Cs:SE.'—The hearing : of, the testimony from the army. in the Given and Weaver contested election case west° have been continued this morning -by Gen. Col lis, the Examiner, but owing to the absense of the witnesses, a postponement until after noon took place. . • -Sales at Philadel SALES AWES: $lOOO Lehigh Nay es 'B4 89 100 eh Philo FcErle b3O 80,4 100 sh do • 303 i 100 sh do SO 100 sh do bad 30 100 sh ,do bl 5 30 100 sh do 2ds 294' 2 sh Perms It 5535 100 sh Franklid Oil . 2' leo eh Beadß. b3O 50% 100. sh ,;• do et&izAt 50% 100 eh •do • s3own 50% .500,5 h do 330 .5035" sksh . -,',do, 50% FMST BOARD 300 sh Fun . = Coal C 100 sh matanoY Coal 0 7 ,, 100 sh do. 200 200 sh do .• 6 3a 100 oh' do' blo' 6% 200 sh Catawis pfd b 5, 42' 100 sh do '• ,2ds .4134, 100 sh - do b3O 413 100 sh do 41 100 ,sh do.'._ - _403; 100 sh , do om b2O 274 100 sh do •blO ' 100 sh Ureen,Mount .100. sh do • - blO 4311" BOARD. SECOND SSC 017 S5-20s '64 - reg.lor% :61.00 do ..- '62-coup 1061 i .600 sl3. Catatvlasapf b3O 4 2 34 0,813 ' do:. coin 136,263 I 2.00 - sh,Beading S R - 51 115 _do , 50;i -100 sh.Oceasi'oll b5"18 ' 2 , 00 sh : t -- .::•;; ;-- 1:: , :BOARDICKfi.;: - . MBE HANDSOME RESDMIDE, s. corner of ' , Spruce laid. Eightb,Ltreeta,bas. beerk. opened: for the reception of boarders. -- Bourns single, and' sulleB and mitt QX witlioat private rable. Ata irti9. • his Stook Board. . _~-; TRAVELING, .GITIDE. • . • wsEas. asu - s - z-Lremaracihr a 3 t MA' :6 .. THE INTERIOR OF PENN. SYI,VANLS., THE SIMITyLICILD, BUSQ,IHC9AN. • NA r CIM.I.I EItLAND W.Y.OhIING_V • Lk/ RA, TIDE NORTH, • NORT/IWP.X.,T and , the GANADAS. WINTER ARRANGF2.I3MT OP FASSENGEB TRAINS leaving the Conipany, , a Depot, _ THIn. TEIWTH and 13W,LOWH.H.L Streets, Philadelphia at the foilowing hourrn - , MORNDNG‘ 1-L• 0:i At 8:A.- M., , --for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsv llie PineOrove , Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williams" port, Elmira,. Rochester, Niagara Falls, Bullido; .own, WllkerNarre; Pittston,-York, Carlisle,Chambers. bnrg; Hagerstown; do, dsc. "`-• • • This. train connects , at READING with ,the East Pennsylvania Railroad trams •for ' Allentown; tec.l and with the. Lebanon,: Valley' train- for Harrisburg, etc.: at PORT CLLNTON with" Catticvlass, Railroad trains ibr. Williamsport, Lock Haien. Elmira. HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill. and. Susquehanna trains for Northumberiand,:W illiernsport York Caambersburg, Pinegrove, &o. . - "rtracoolg EXPRESS. - Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. forßeadlm Potts. Harrisburg,. &c., connecting. with . and Columbia RR. train'sfor Columbia Ac.-,mad.with Cam. wises _Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, rim ea, Buffalo. dm. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M., .stopping at all waysta. tions; arrives 'in Philadelphia at 9.41) A. M., Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 arri v es in Reading at 7.30 P. M Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at-7.25 A- M, and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in 'Philadel phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.i arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation - leaVoS 'Reading at 7,85 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car atiached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for ns.ding and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.30 . A, M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains laave Po ttsvi lle at 8.00 A. M.. and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. 31 cuasTErt VALLEY. RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediatepointi take the 8.00 A.M. and-4.60 P. M. trains from Phil rd. phia 4 returning from .Downingtowr at 7.05 A. DL'and NEW 'PPE EEPRYBSi FOB .prrraatrneal AND Leaves New -York at 9.00 A. M. and 8 PAIL, Beading at 1 A. M., and 1.48 P. AIL. and connec= HarrisbVt 2 l l= t .Pennsylvanfa t and Northern Central Railroad ress Trains for . Pittsburgh , Chicago, Wll 4 liumsnort. Baltimore. du. Returning, Express Train leaves Efarristnn cok arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsborgh,At t 3 and 9.05 AL M., passing Rem lop at 4.49 and 1.0.52 A. M., arriving at New York Ie A. M., and 2.45 P. M. Bleeping Car amornpanyini , these trains through between Jersey, City and Pittsburgh, without charge. Mail train for New York leaves Harrishurgat 1.45 P. M. Mall train fbr Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 NOM ISCRUYL3III4, VALLEY RAILROAD. , Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45,11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. ream:Ling from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and 1.40 and a P. M. Beguyr,rra.V. AND SIFSQITKHARBIA RAILROAD.: Trains leave Auburn at 7.46 A. M. for Plnegrove and Harrisburg; and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinegrove and Pro. moat; returning from Harrisburg: at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at 7,00 A. M. and 6.00 P.. 111. TICKETS. Through Ilrst-clam tickets and emigrant tickets m all the prfncipal points in the North and West and, Canadsa. - - - The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fmrth street, Phllad Ida, or of G. A. Meals, General zsuperintend ant, 6010SILITATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent., discount between any points desired fbr fixm ilea and firms. U t i t j: I Good for 2,000 ID Iles,between all points, at $52 50 each, for families and firms. sp. &RON TICICETS. For three, Ida, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets al half-fttre. EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, good Mr Saturday, Sunday and hionday at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow. hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all desalptionSibrWarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streeta. FREIGHT TRAMS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. M., 1216 noon and Por 6 Y t . AL, fo g Clinton, poin r , Lebanon, ta bey Harrisburg, Pottsville, and all ond. • Ar arts Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Its branches at SA. .IL, and for the prin. tdpal Stations only at 2.16 P. M. PHILADP.r.PRIA, WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL TABLE.—Core mencing hiONDAY, Jahuary Bth, 1866. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as followss Express Train, at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for r ltimare and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-de'Grace. Aberdeen, Perry man's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. Delaware R.R. Train,B.l.A.M.(Sunday excepted), for Salisbury, Milt rd and intermediate stations. Way-mall Train, at, 9.15 A. M. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimortratopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, and MI regular stations between ilmington and Baltimore. Express Train at 245 l' M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Claymont Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, N orth -haat, Perryville, Havre-de'Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stemmer's Run. Night Express at ILIS P. M. for Baltimore and Wash. Ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark,Elltton, North-East. Perryville and Havre-de-Grace. , Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress • Monroe. Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 9.15 A.M. Train. As . llll . additional accommodation for those holding (through tickets for Baltimore, Washington and I.•outhern points, a special car will Lave the !Philadelphia Depot at 11.30 A. M., connecting at Gray s merTriyy with the Morning Express train from ew York AL,VOMMODATIOSi TiLaizt.y, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at. 0.15,11.15 A.M., &SO, 500 and 7.00 P. M. The 130 P. M. train connects with the Dela. ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00, 8.15 and 9.30 A. M., 3.00 and 5.00 P. M. Trains . for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at BIS A. M., 3.30 and 5.00 P. IL THROUGH TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 12.00 M., 4.30 and 9.55 P.M. CHE6TE.V. FOR PHIL. DELPHLit. 5 .0 t, 6 r Leav 44 e Chester a P. t P.M. 8.58 and 10.14 A. M.,12.36, 3.43, and Prbm Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 8.25 A. M., Way Mall. 1.10 P. M., Express. 6.35 P. M., Express. 9.25 P. In Express. An Accommodation Train for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations, will leave Baltimore at 4.10 Trains ,for Baltimore leave Chester at 9.52 A. M.. 3.23 and 11.50 P:liL ins for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 12.27, 5.13 20.33 A. M.., and 4.00 SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magnolia and Stem mer's Run. Night Express 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood. Claymont, W ihaington,Newark, Elkton, .11 , 1arth-East, Perryville and Havre de Grace. A Special Train will leave Philadelphia ter Wilming ton and Intermed , ate Stations at 9.00 P. M. BALTIMORE FOR PIELLADRI-PHIA. i Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stop at Elk ton and Newark (to - take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadel phia and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. Freight train with passenger•car attached will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate stations at OR P. M. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. : • DELPHIA 11 . 1 . 11 33.0 AD, VIA • tint , ARRANGEMENTS. 1 ; On and after WEDNESDAY, October 18th, 1865, the will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAIN'S, • Leave Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05,11.00 A.M., '2.15, 4.30 and 6.00 P.M; • . Leave West Chester. for Philadelphia 6.45, 8.15,10.45 M.. 1.40, 4.35 P. M. I Trains leaving West Cheater at 8.15 A.M. and leaving 'Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. will not stop at Pennelton, and will atop below B. C. Junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and 11.00 Leave Pennelton. for Philadelphia 9.02 A. M., 6.20 T. M. These Trains stop at all Intermediate Stations. ! ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A. M. and 2.00 P. Leave West Chester 7.55 A. M and 4.00 P M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. M, and 4.35 P. M.. connect at B.C. junction with Trains on the P. and B. C R. R. for Oxford and intermediate poipts. la - Passengersrare allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, any we, be reeponsiblefor an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars. unless a special tontraci is made for the ame. , HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent 1885. 'PHILA.DELPHIA. AND " ERIE RAILROAD. 1863. grea .8 ,‘ •versea the Northern and North west cotuatiee of Pennsylvania to the city, of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl• vania Itahrosul Company; • • • TIME Or PASSE NORB TRAMS AT YEILADRUSIM Erie Mail Train - - - • • 100 P. M. Erie Express Train - ' - • - - 1.1. 104.. M 'maxi WESTWARD . Erie Mail Train • • -•-- - • 7 20. P. M. Erie Express•Trafn ••' -• t • • = 20 A. M. Passenger cars run throug h on Erie Mail and Express Trains without change, both ways, between miladel. phia and Erie. NEW YORE CONNECTION. Leave. New York at 6 00 arrive at Erie 887 A. M. Leave Erie at 166 P. M.. arrive at New York 1.15 P. M., I No change of ears between Erie and New York. Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night , Tralns. • • For intormanon respecting Pwit3rjolenstness ahply at corner TipIiTLF,TH and MAIUQ sfireEP. delphia AndfoiPreightbusiness; of the Company's Agents: B.Mingstoni Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market Its Philadelphia. 3. W. Reynolds ; Erie: - . =nun BroWn. AV/1%14.0:R. it., ranimore. , , , (HOUSTON _t,lenertd preight Aaent _ H.-W..3 - ..eint4ll,l T;cket'Agent,Thilsidelphlk:. • .A. L.-TYLER, ) General ROT: Wllliounsport, 1;1 , THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADILPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1866 * TWETA V 1 P4 131. 6.5 titinum, NORTH' 3 F Eri ram ti,yeigx.A Blanch I r riti lin , W tt e ragr* A ill i gr own e. Bieber:toy City, and all points is the. Lehigh , and ,Wrol ming Coal Regions. • ' ' Passenger. Repots in PhiladelphiaTHlßD street above Thompson, and corner of, and AILEILI CAN streets. ' • • WENT . it 'AIRRALRIGIDEENT. ~ t• ~, t p:, ~ ; On and alter Monclay,Nov. 2Oth,lB6s,Passenger trains leave The Depot, Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: . AT 7.50 A.. lit.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and and' Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Bail. road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown,Catasawm,Slatin'gton, Manch Chunk, Weatherly, JeanMville, Hazleton, White Ha. yen, Wilkesbarre, Ringettm, Pittston, and all points in and Wyoming Talley% also, in connection With Lehigh and Malianoy Railro Rupert, ahan 01ty. - and with Catawissa Ballroad, for Danville, Milton and Willianisport. ',Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.45 A. M.; at Wilkesbarre at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passin Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for , Eas• ton and points on-New •Tersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.55 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. A'. 10 A. M.—Accommodation. for Port Waahing• ton, stop:Pr at all intermediate Stations. AV2...30P Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at intermeCiate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 8.81) P. M.—Evening hapreas fOr Bethlehem anis principal Stations on the. North Pennsylvania Rail road, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le. high Valley Train for. Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M...*Passengers fbr Plainfield, Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at wanton, wlscat arrives In New York at 10 P. M. Paa. seers for Srunneytown take stage at North Wales. and for Nasarethat Bethlehem and for Greenville at Quakertown AT 4.15 P. N.—Anscuemodation, for Doylestown, Stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for WilWw Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington : for Lumbervllle at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation; for Beth lehem and all Stallone ou main line &North Perussyl. yenta Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for points onWash Valley Railroad and for Danville. Williamsport and Catawissa A'l". &lb P,ll.—AOmeroadation, for LansilideostoP" ping at all Intermediate Stations. Atli. P.; M. Accommodation for Fop Washington. TRAINS FOR PATT.A TWAPRIAL. Leave Bethlehem at 6.20 and 10.02 A. EL. and 6.16 P. Passengers leaving Easton at CLIO A. M., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.2.5 P. M. Passengers leaving_ Wilkesbarre at I P. M., connect at Bethlehem at &15 P. M., and arrive in Philadelp.tds a. 45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at &SO A. M. LIB and 5.36 r. M. Leave 7 mutate at 6.10 A. M. Leave Port Washltagton at it D teo and 2.15 P. M. ON 817 N neelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. H. e!phis for Doylestown at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia 'at* P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger tars may Pio ei to andro%lerks trrtDern eofs4 rdTiSteete Oats Line convey passegners to Third Street kepot. Tickets must beprocuredat the Ticket Offices, THIRD streeteor BYTMR street, in order to secure the lowest fere. ELLIS CLARE, Agent. Hilnan's Baggage Express will call for and deliver Bagge at the Depot. Office, No. 118 South THIRD Street. nol4-tfi • PENNSYLVANIA. CIENTEAL RA T r.R.OAD. AERANCIE2dNNTS. The trains of the Pennsylvania IL R. will leave the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cars of the Market Street Passenger Eaftway run to and from this Depot. They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour pre. vices to the time of departure of each Train and allow about 80 minutes for a trip. Theh cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey)assengers Into the city, and connections are made w all roads cross. ng Market street. ON SUNDAYS-4%n leave Eleventh and Market, streets at 0.45 P. AL, to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mail. and at 10.25 P. AL with , Philadelphia Ex dress. Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. Si South Eleventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rated upou application to him. laans,b LEAVE AND AIELEIVE AT DEPOT THUS: LEAVY. FRI F EXPERs.R at 7.30 A.M. MAIL TRAIN 04 A. M. pAo.L.r. AMOM., No. 1 - " 10.00 FAST LINE - . . " 12.00 M. PA_RHESBLit(),- • LuttP. RARRIEHETRO ACCOM., " 2..5a " LANCASTER ACCOM., • " 4.(4) " PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • " 5.30 " P1TP31315R14/1 ct.E.RrE ItAIL " 7.50 FAIL A lIELPIEUL EXPRESS " 11.10 " Aparays. CINCINNATI E.X_PRI*i.S. . 1.20 A. M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • " 7.10 PAOLI ACCOM., No. 1 " " PARKESBUB. - • - " 9.30 " ERIE EX - - • " 11.20 " LANCASTER TRAIN - • " 1230 P. M FAST LINE - - • • " LIO " PAOLI AOCOhi., N o. 2, . 4.10 DAY EX_PREN3 - • • " HARRISBURG A0(2331.. • • " " &4 5.45 0 Philadelphia E%f il. , aa leaves daily. Pittsburgh and Erie Mat t leaves ( except Saurian. All other Trains daily—except undaY. The Pennsylvania Bauroad Co. will not assume any risk for Baggage except for Wee ring Apparel, raid limit their responsibility to One Hurolred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value, will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by 3peciul cont rac t. For further Information, as to time and oonnections, see bills and trained cards, or apply to. TRW& H. PARKE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full bafonnaron as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCD3 FUNK. No. IS? Dock street. PHILADELPHIA. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN • • an.TABLE—On—On and attar WED NESDAY', November IE4, 1865 until farther notice. . FOR oE:muds-row:v. Leave PllltulelDbia-8. 2, .8, 9, 10, 11; 12. A. M.; 1,2, 8.10 minutes, 4,5, 5%, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, P. M. Leave Germantown -6.7, 73.., 8, 820, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1 2, 8:4, 43i, 6, 6.4‘, 7 8, 9, 10, 11 P. M. I 'The 8.20 down train, and the BX and 5% up trains do not atop on Germanto ONSUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. M.; 2, 7 and 10%, P. M. Leave Germantown--41 A. M. 1, 8 and 9%, P. M. CHI STNITP HILL RAIL.ROA.D. Leave Phu melphda--41, 8, le, 12, A. M.; 2,8%, 5%, I, 2, and 1.1. P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40, and 1140 A. M.; 140, 8.40, 6.40, 6.4 0;N 8.40, and 10.40 p. M. SUNDAYS. Leave Phliadelphia—a.lo minutes, A. M.; 2, and 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.40 minutes, A. M.; 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. 8.35, 11.05 minutes, A. hi.; 1..%, V, 4:4.53E, 63.., 8.05, and Wi n , P. M. Leave Norristown-5X,_7, MO, 9,11, A. M.; 13(, 434, 6 and a P. M. The 5,;1", P. M. train will stop at School Lane, Wissa hickon, Manayunk, Spring Mills and Oonahohocken Only, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. hL, 23i, and 7P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. M.. and SP. Si, FOR MANAYLINE. Leave PbEadelubla-9, 8.25, 11.05 A. DL; 1%, a, tg, sg, 63~,6.05, and 11% P Lease Bianayana-634, 7%, 8.20, 9%, WC A. M„ a a, 6% and 8, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 231 3 and 7P. M. M.Leave Martayark-7% A. M.; 5, and BP. M. W. T. W General uperintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green atreeta. FOR NEW YORE—BY THE NEW „. RAILRLOOAD RFAR OUTE E. FROM CAMDEN. W ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. BTH, 1866 the Express Train of the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad will leave Camden, from Vine street Ferry Mil .Lhrough in five hours. Fare V. 00. Excursion Tickets good for three days, ;is 00. Freight Train leaves at 1110 P. M. and arrives In New York next morning. FROM NEW YORK. Express line leaves Pier No. 3 at 12.20 P. M. and arrives in Camden at 5.30 P. M. Freight and Accommodation line leaves at 4 P.M.and arrives at Camden at 11 P. M. Freight taken at low rates. Apply to L. B. Cole, Ag:ent Cooper's Point, Camden. }a6-tf W. S. SNEDEN, Superintendent. - OFFICE OF THE ADAMS Irk- PRESS COM_F'A_NY , 820 11F..31% I 1 siT • 61 1' PlCpressMADELPicte,mpany January w ai th.lBo.. • h Adams Ex have enlwd their fac T ilit e ies at Washington Co , D. C., by building a Railroad Depot, and, having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton. Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and caner roams South, occupied by the army , at greatly reduced rates. special agroemenis made for Merchandise in large lots. Sutler's goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at oar, office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our Usual rateS. Heavy and bratty pack Ages received and receipted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LO. DUCT streets., JOHN BINGB_A.Af, Superintendent. 4 - 7 . ;,,swx.,J 4 iis l FEEILADA. 1864j. ' 7 imm'"'vNitGTON 7 t 4_ ,Ti ~a .4. •yaintre - D VIA BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD- _z_, TECROtrew. FREIGHT DEPARTMENT', DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE OBBERRY . The madereigned will continue the General Prelg ht Agency of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and ti-. Moore - Railroad, for Philadelphia, by way of the above route to the - West. Shippers and the public gsneridly are assured that , the Organlsktitei ,, of through trains, secures to Freight Miartransit and prompt delivery to all parts parts. through rates and ftrther information, apply to A; COWTON & CO., General Freight Agents. -•,., JOHN%WILSON, -Freight-Agent, • : .. Wart office. Sixth street. ahoy a Chestnut. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTI MO RE CENTRAL .RALLROADI • ANGEMENTS. , -Oriendnfter WEN' NESDAY October 18th, 1865, the trains will leave Phil adelphia from the depot of West Chester and Phil ' adelphia Railroad, Corner of Thirty-first and :Marlret. Streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 8.05 A. M., andl4.Bo P. M. Leave Oxford at 6.10 A. M., and 3.10 P. M. The train leaving Philadelphia at &ea A. M., Connecta al Oxford with a dall7 Dim -Of stages from. Peach Bot om in Lancaater. Returningleaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the afternoon train for Phila delphia.,.Passengers are allowed to take.wearing ap papad' .onlt , aa haggaffe, and in no' case win. the OoM arry be rewonesbie nor an amount exceeding $lOO. " WOOD.Geaeral gaperintendesh • ;&YLN4iWIIIE: FOR NEW YORK.—The CAM DEN-AND - AELBOY - atd — PHITA: Jain_ A D TRENTON RAILROAD 0021- PANY'S LINES, frOm Fhtladelyihia to New"Zork, and ..way. places, .. from ,WALNUT STREET :WHARF, ce ill leave as follawS, • . fare At BA. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., p 25 At BA . via Camden and Jersey City Expresa, 800 At 2P. M. , Fia Camden and Amboy Express, • 225 At 12 M.' (neon) and BP. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accominodation, (Freight and Pas senger.) • . , . . . 225 Ate and 1120 2'. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation, (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 225 , 2.d Class Ticket, . 1 50 it 6 and 10A.M.,2 and 6P.M. For Mount liollyeans ville. Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A. ~ and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 8.00, 6, band 11.30 P. M. for Pal myra, B i verion, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Bcur lington, - Florence. Bordentown, &c. , The 10 A. M. aria .5 P. M. Line runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FRQ.III. RFNSENGTON DEPOT will lea:a as 'folios s : At ILIS A. M., 4.80 P. M and 6,45 P. M. via Ken sington and Jersey City Express 63 00 At 12 Pi p . (St ess iglat) pia. S.ensington and Jersey City The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others Bun , days excepted. At 7.80 and 11.15 A. M. 8, 8.80, 4.38, 5 and 6,45 P. M.. and 18 Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. &c. At 7A. M. 10'50, 8,5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwells, wor risdale, Holnaesburg, Tacony, Wissinoming.. Brides• burg and Frankforiland'at 8 P. M. for • Holtnesburg and intermediate stations. BELVIDEILE .1/.IKLA.WARIC RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot, as follows: At 7.80 A. M. and 8.80 P. M, for Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Inuaktrk Cantunialgua.Elmiza, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingbampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend. Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere,_ _Eastoa, Lambeitville„Flem ngton, ckc. The 8.80 P. M.. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Easton for 'Mauna Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. 4k.c. .• At 6 . P. M. for LambertvllleandintermediateStations Sir For New York, and Way Limo leaving Ken eington Depot, take the cars on fflitlestreet, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cam run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from • the Depot. Billy Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Paagen. ger. Passengers are prohlbitrom taking anything as baggag:e bat . from wearing apparel. All baggage over nft3' pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and bill not be liable for any amount beyond .100. except secial contract. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at NO. 3 Wal nut street. tINE4 FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA: Will leave from foot oLOortland street, at 12 M. and 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, to and Ul4 A. M., 6P. M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken ornon. foot of Barclay street at 6 A. IL and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden: From Pier No. 1 N. River, at 12 M., I and 7 (Freight and Passenger) via Amboy and Cxunden. GATZMER. Agent. - PHILADEL.P.KIA AND ELbil- RA THROUGH LINE. AWItSA RAILROAD. Short line to Williamsport, Elmira,Oil Begions,Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, and all places tate lb the and Wes Lbe tern, Nnad a orth Western and South Wes- tern Ss Oa s. Four througa trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylva- Reading R.R. Depot. I nia H.R. Depot. 8 A. M. 7.50 A. M. 3.80 P. H. 5.15 P. I.t. One train on Sunday at 815 P.M. By all these trains direct connection is made at El mira with Erie railway; at Salamanca with Atlantic and Great western railway; at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore B. B.; and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always as low as by any other line. Sleeping cars on all night trains. Second class cars with cushioned seaia accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage of high speed with low fare. For through tickets and farther particulars concern lug the routes, apply at the. Ticket °Mee, 4.2.5 Chestnut street. N. VAN HORN. Pas. Agt. RES - I.l7—Fr follt Y of t lerkst street WI AILROAD Wltß ei ßliA s tVlit e l B"". FALL AND Commencing WRDNESDA ' Y,NOVvIrRVR ISth, BS& Far Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and &ale= Railroads. at 9A. M. and 3..30 P. EL For hilllville and all intermediate Stations, at 9A. ht. and P. hi. rhFOr Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to 31111 N -tile connecting with freight train (Passenger ear attach. d) for Cape May, due 3.45 P. M. and 3.00 P. M. through pweenger. due 8.00 P. M. For Gilezsboro' and intermediate Stations, at. 9 A. M, 3 and &M P. M. For Woodbury. Gloucester, CC., at D A. M., 3, 330, and 550 . . Fn train willleave Pniladelptda from'a Wbiut at M A. BS • and Camden, atit 31. . _ J. VAN RI.IVSSELAER, Superintendent. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRES cOM2ANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Ea. PEt E.': '3 Bus es, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re spousible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messen ger accompanies each through train. Odice, No. 5 Walnut street. matieriAtit. FOIL NiEW EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE trips. stitErt. The NEW and first class Steamships WASHINGTON, Captain Chichester. NORFOLK. Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA, Captain Ilattricrt. 'VIRGINIA, Captain Snider. Leaving from each city on TUEQDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS, from first wharf below Market atreet j Philadelphia, and Piers 14 and is East River. New 1 brit. These Steamships Maitre at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE a COAgents, 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, 117 Wall street, New York. 7414rar,,_ ~, HAMILL'S PAsSASE OFFICE. 4 t 808 LIVERPOOL AND OORR DIRECT, I' full powered Clyde built Iron screw steamships of this Line leave regularly EVERY ViRDNDAY AND SATURDAY Firs Cab THROUGHOUT Wednesday' the YEA/3, t in (by s ateamer).---190 OC Steerage (throu ABLE IN PAP' gh from Philadelphla).— Y, — -- 85 fie PAYEH MONE INDS LOITIDONDBB.BY, BELFAST D - rIBLEN, GLAEGOA OR LITERAOOL. The elegant Clyde built iron screw steamship C 4 LEDOIsIIA leaves on BATUBDAY, Jan. 13. 1866. cabin (according .to location).— ISO and X7O 6te All payable in paper money and booked through free brom Philadelphia to any of the above ports. Parties about vUiting the old country will find it to their advantage to call on the undersigned belbre en. gaging elsewhere, as they can secure choice berths and save , their railroad expenses to New York. For passage, apply to W. A. RA NITT.T,, No. 217 Walnut street (up stains). DrSits Issued for any amount, payable in any part el Englmad, Ireland, Scotland and Wales or on the Con tinent. le2l ti -"LA STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. g at QvxmisTow - x, the Inman Line, sailing 5..0 -WEEKLY, carrying the U. S. Mails. (ITV OF LONDON -Saturday, Jan. 13 Ii ANGAROO... Jan. 17 cm OF BALTIMORE.— ----Saturday, Jan. 20 At Noon. from Pier . 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. PAYADLE Trit GOLD. RiratlCabie. Steerage.... • Ftratto S 5 Steerage tot:in - don— 34 Firstlto.----lea Steerage to Paris.-- 40 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre. .ftr.., at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday._ Steamers, First Cabin, $9O. Steerage, 05, payable in United States currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, M gold,'or its equiv a lent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending eir friends. For Ruttier information, apply_at the Oommy's flees.' JOM7 G. D ' 11l Walnut street, IWAtuielptha. igt§. RE-OPENING OF THE OIITSLDE LINE OF STRAMF dB between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. r This favorite line will commence their trips on THITILSDAY next, 30th inst. The following well 1:110111 and staunch sea•boats will be placed on the route: _ Steamer ADIIiTRAT, " -- EAST.IIRN CITY Mundy XENNEBEC Edmonds. Days of departure (from each city) will be TUES. DA'tl, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city from first wharf below Spruce street at 11 o'clock, A. M., and New York trona pier 4, North River, at 4 o'clock M Freights received daily, and 'taken at reasonable rates, All goods destined beyond New York will be forwarded free'of commissions. For rates or freight, &a., &a., apply at the office, 314 and :; is Booth Delaware avenue. no2Sta P. B. CLARK, Agent. g i NEW TOW-BOAT LINE,. DELA WARE and (DIESAPEAEB asth. „l s. a "-BOAT COMPANY. ES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA, TONEand BANFRE-DE- Intr GßA medat CE, points BALTIMORE, - WASHING. . WIII.P. CLYDE .& CO Agenta ' No. 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia,' Captain 3013 N LAIIGMLIN. Superintendent. FOR PROVIDENCE, R. L—frit. press Line.— The tine schooner- DELAWARE, Bishop, • master, now loading for the abovep orat lirB wharf 'above Race street wilt have prosapt des t patch 4 Fot ttelght,'apply to DAVID= COOPEIR & CO., 18 N. Wharves.. , Jaz. FOR FREIGHT. OR CHARTER.—The fine Schooner FaazAßE"ra , MAGEE, ALagee,, master, 950 tons burden; or 4,000 blns. capacity;. coppertd and copper fastenedrnow in:port and ready' for. Anpiy.tO DAVLD COORER .sz CO. 18, North WhaAves.. .._ .. del 3 . A,4,11ki FOR BALTIMO.B.K. 3U?.—The line schooner • GAY,'Cuptain Keen, is now loading for tae above port at Oirard'a wharf:above Market' street, and will sail with despatch, For ,freight, apply,; to-DAVID.WOPE.I3. dr, CO,. la N., Wharves.. , 6 . 3rESALE.-13. nrrt , Ttsdr;CO,'S 1 "FELT, is rote to suit. Apply to r.rrEat WAIGHT, !iirSONS, uS SPalsiu street 4 • • • • ;41v28-a BOSTON, _ • 'STEAMSHIP' LINE DIREt - lii. BALL' 7 G FROM ZACHPOST EVERY .1.1 - K&JICYS. FROM PIN EST. WHARF, PHYLA nELPII t AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON: , The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews, will gall from Boston on Pricey, January 12, at 12 M. The steamship ARMS: Captain Crowell, will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday eVeriing,lan. IS. The line between Philadelphia and Reston is now composed of the b.AX ON, Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen, NORMAN, Captain Baker; 1200 tons burthen. ARLES, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed ate will sail punctually as advertised,' and freiglintlt received everyday, a steamer being alwaya on- the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send BillS of Litding with their goods. • Forfrelght or passage.-annly to tn , 4l WIETSOR CO., Jan 812 South Delaware avenue, 4-s-4 ligi" . STEAMSHIP Whi. G. HEVirES, FOB NEW 08LE.1...N5, LA. DIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA , To sail positively on SATURDAY. Jan. 18th, at 12 M. The iron United States Rail Steamship WM. G. HEWER, 1,500 tons register, D. S. Austin, commander is now rapidly loading at the steamship wharf, above Vine street. and having nearly all of her cargo engaged. will Ball as above. For freight or passage, having splendid stateroom abcommodations, apply to BISHOP, SOH& :CO., Cabin Passage 105 Arch street.- 4 50 Steerage Passage-- .....-- .. . 25 Agent at New Orleans, Mr. - I. C. Harris, Esq., who will forward all goods addressed to his care for the in terior or Texas. Jas-tf PHILADELPHIA RICHMOND AND NORFOLK smeatkEur COMPANY. The fine etmemehips of this Line Insure at the lowest rates and sail regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every Connecting with Ralimade from Richmond, Norfolk and City Ptint, forming the most direct route for the South and bouthwest. • • For freight Or passage, with excellent acocnamoda dons. apply to Wlll.. P. CLYDE & 00.. • 14 North and South Wharves. t; . NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX. ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington via esapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge & Co., Agents at Alexandria. SOUDEB'S LINE FOR SAVANNAH GA., DIRECT. 1 . e firlt-class United States Mail Steamship CTIMBRIA, Chas. A. French, Commander. will sail from first wharf above RACE street for SAVANNAH, Ga., on THURSDAY, January 11, at lo A. M. Freight received daily. E. A. SOUDEB et CO., Freight and Passenger Office, :JON. Delaware avenue. jas-44 General Office, No. 3 Dock street wharf. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER LINE. is I ITNO REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift Sure Line at reduced rates. The renowned clipper ship STAR OF THE UNION Is now taking In the balance of her cargo 94 ,cx.. pier 11 East Ricer, and will positively he the first clipper ship to sail. All freight should be forwarded immediately, as she will close out in a few days. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON t CO., lea Arch street. kFOR BOSTON—Express Line.—The line 1 . - schooner ISABELLA BLAKE, Smith. master, Is now loading for the above port at Girard's wharf, above Market, street, and will have prompt despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID 000 PER etc 00..18 North Wharves. Jag FOR LIVERPOOL. The tine Al ship MOUNT ROYAL, Cumminger, master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged. will sail with despatch. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Lib Walnut street. OONSIGNF.FP,' NOTlCE—Consignees of merchan dise per ship ZOLT AVE., Blair. master. from Liver pool, will please send their permits on board, at arch street wharf, or to the counting house of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on Tlasisday. the 11th inst.. when all goods not per mitted will be sent to the public stores. PETER WRIGHT & lts Walnut street. jalo-2r, FOB BREMEN.—The Al Bremen ship EMI:, Capt. - Henry Onken. For Cabin passage. having tine accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or to WORKIki.A_N ct. CO., 123 Walnut st. delft ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against trusting the crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL. Cumminger master, from Liverpool. as no (teats of their =traction will be paid by the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, U 5 Wal nut street. NOTICE—AD persons are hereby cautioned. against harbcring and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DEMYLA.RE., as no debts of weir contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK MAN & CO.. Consignees. 1= Walnut street. HIP INOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned A.:l against trusting an y of the crew of the Br. skip S. L. TALLY. whereof Cann is master, from City Point, Va., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SOUD/Sit & CO., Dock street wharf. deli CCHIP IIsRRIIIAC, from Liverpool, is now dis charging, under general order at Shippen street harf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT ck. SONS, 115 Wal nut street. delS-tf IA& S.S.HENDLER, successor to JOHN DV & SONS, Sall. Ara - kers, No. 2H North WHAAVES, below Vine street, Philadelphia. all work done In the best manner and on tae lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to eve per. feet satisfaction. Paricator a:London 'riven to renalrine. BUSE%'ESS CABDS. 628 HOOP STS ' 628 NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY • of Hopkins' "own make," at No. 0.15 ARCH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expresslyto meet the wants of tirst-c: ass trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly OR hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nol3-6ml 171 , liliDOW GLASS. v WILLIAM EVANS Jr., 252 South FROST St.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Axcerican and French Glass, Patty, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. A very desirable brand of' 024,1 m Glass for Pictnre Frames. EC. KNIGHT WHOLESALE GROCERS, .B. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets. Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the southevark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar House, of Philadelphia. jal-I.yr T. VAUGHAN ISEERRiCK._ WM. H. 8r.M1.10/3 OOUTNWARK 'FOUNDRY, Iriexti. AND WARS) INGTON STREETS, rnms..tampazt, ELKERRICIC & SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHTNINIS Manufacture High and Low Pleasure steam . Magi. 26 for LEttra, Sever and Marine Service. sonera, Gasometers, Tanks Iron Boats, dio. • Jasdngs of all kinds, either Iran or brass. Iron Frame Booth for Gas Works, Worked:loM 2 .sitroad Stations, ktat lrui and Gas Mach nary, of the latest an MOM mproved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; anti Sugar, Saw and Grist Milts Vacuum Pans, Steam Trains, Datcaton3, 'Filters, Pumping %It Sole agents for N. Billenz's Patent Sugar Balm Apparatus, Nestnyth'a Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall WoObsey's Patent Centrifugal Snag Braining Machine. 'I,WM - SYLVANIA. WORKS—on the DRLAWAR3 River, below PHILADELPHIA, OKISTEB, Delawa ß r m er NE Vnin , Pa. • , BON ilt 00.. Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSENG 333 X. GENES, Iron Vessels of all description% Boilers, Vats, Tants • • . Prop „ellen &c. &c. I T. HEANEY, W, B. BEAZ., B. ABOHIBOLD, Late of Late ;Heaney, Meade & Co., Engineer in Chi% Penn Works, Phila. 1.1712-tn 11. B. Navy,:d Capt. NlchoLs. T7PHILADELPHIA BIDING SCHOOL... , 01731 TH street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. LIM ladles and gentlemen desiring to acipcdre a thorough ltnowledge .of thir. accomplishment will find every laclUtrat this school The horses are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Baddlg horses trained in the beet i wanner. Saddle •horses, horses and vehicles , to hire. Also carriages ibr ftmih gals, to cars, steamboats, drc. - TROSASLIICIE & SON. 3.ETER Nermeimr A soNs, r.IJMPOP.TERS.COT EARTHENWARE, ANTI' . iiiiniT3NO AND comiwlt4sTON NiximmAlrm NO. /15 AVA.LNUT MUM, Titas A. Tir816312. =zoom A. 03D30024 TROILIVTON PIES. WIMODOILL" yr/imam , FIXTURES.—Arr9KEy, MERRILL llJJll TRACKABA,' NO. 718 • CICESTNITT etreet, Wanufacturers or Gas Fixtures, lamps, ate, &c., would call the attention of the public to their large antrelegant tlssortment of Gas Chandeliers. Pendants, 'Brackets, &c. '1 hey Buildings,roe Gas Prpett into :llweslings and Public and extend- I ng, altering . and repairing Gas P.lpe, An Worif war- ffr •• •• map. .: • 5••• OF •• a • :•1• • , e ' only niece to get Privy Wiens Cleansed ' and:lnsiro leered, at' very low priees• a l anuf itfl n S t rl6 , • Goldsmi th 's BAIL' tab street ran' 4 - 1()PP ~ YELLOW, METAIiiBREA.TnINS Copoer,.,Naila,Bolp and Ing.ot CO - coo otantly on bard and 'for . dt Co.;B32l3anth.Wharten. • J. • ri•-3. ~ i ApPPINCI WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. At Noon, r'47‘'!ff 1Z • I SNO. E. COPE. PBOPOSA.LS. ,AN .:UZUCITE WILL FOR_TIIE NAVY. NAVY IlinsLuTsortiy,lhmuarvorlEqurysimnvram, ItscatuTrmo.riecensbee2Stn,qBss; SEALND PHOPOSAIds for furnishing Anthracite Coal for the Navy, to be delivered during the balance of thefLscal year ending seth Jane, 1866, will be re ceived at this nutean until. to 25th January, 1666. • these proposals -.roust be endorsed 'Proposall for ...Anthracite Coal for Steamers," that ;they may be Elle gutsh ed from other business letters. I a'lie offer must befor the delivery of 6,000 tona, of pounds. The coal moat beefthe best Buck litonntain or Maar • Reath. or of a kind equal to them In all respects;Yor the purposel intended, which equality will be deter mined by a Board appointed by the Beeretary•of the Navy after the reception of the bids. 'the name of the coal proposed to be farnithed must be stated In the offer. It is to be delivered in lumps ofsultable size fornavhf steamers, clean, of uniform quality, selected tree from impurities, unmixed, of widen the contractor shall be regal ed to furnish such evidence as will be satisfae tory . and be subject to such inspection as to quality andquantlty as the Department may direct. The cast must, in all respects, be satisfactory to - the inspector or inspectors to be appointed by the bureau, who Will have the right of peremptory rejection. • The coal ii'to be delivered on board vessels, at such place in the port ofNew York as may be designated by the Bureau, and in such quantities and at such times as, in the opinion of the Bureau, the exigencies of the service may require; commencing when the vessel is reported ready to receive 4::argo; forntshing, if de manded, not less than 1,000 toes_Per. day, to be distri buted to each vimsel, as may be directed, until the load ing la completed. Sinn the case of failure to deliver the coal in pro quantity, of the proper quality, and' t the proper tine and place, the Bureau wW reserve in the contract - the right to purchase forthwith,attbe contractor's risk and expense, that which may seem necessary tem:WAY the deficiency. Any demurrage or other chargesto which the navy Department may be subjected from delay in the prompt:delivery of the coal by the contractors will be deducted from their bills, The price must be for the .coal delivered on board vessels, on the terms and conditions above stated,. at the contractor's riskand expense, and without extra charge of any kind. The offer, as required by law, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by ene or more respon sible persons ; to the effect that they undertake that the bidder or bidders will,ifhis or their bid be accepted, enter into obligations. at such time as may be pre scribed by the Bureau, with good and sufficient secu rities, to furnish the supplies proposed. No propositio.n will be considered unless accompanied by such guarantee; and the Department reserves the right to reject all the offers, if considered to be to the interest of the service to do so. Two or more auretlee each in a SUM equal to the graotmt specified to be paid, will be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility will be certified bye United estates District Judge United/2444,3S District At torney, Collector, or Navy Agent, As additional and collateral security, twenty per cent, will be withheld from the amotrat of ail pay ments, which reservation is not to be paid except by authority of the Secretary of the clavy, until the con tract shall have 'been In all respects complied with, and the remaining eighty per cent, or other amount that may be due upon each bill, will, when a proper certificate is furnished by the Inspector, and the bill approved by the Bureau, be paid by such navy agents as the contractor may name, within ten days atter the warrants for the same shall have been passed by the Secretaryof the Treasury. It will be stipulated ut the contract that if default be made In the Delivery of the coal—ln the quantity or the quality, and at the place and time directed by the nu reau— then and in that case, tee contractor at .d hie sureties will forfeit and pay to the United states, es liquidated damages, a sum of money not exceeding twice the contract price, which may be recovered from time to time. according to the act or acts of Congress in that case provided. Bidders, whose proposals shall be accepted, and none other, will be notified. and, as early as practicable, a contract will be transmitted to them, which they will be required to execute within ten days after it receipt at t he post office or navy aeency named by them. The form 01 offer, guarantee, and certificate Is here with given. FORM OF OFFER I (or we) of —, 'State of —, hereby agree to furnish and deliver thousand tons of anthracite coal for steamers' use, at —,at the rate of— per ion of 2240 pounds, amounting to dollars, the whole in cor fortuity with the provisions and terms of the ad vertisement of the 26th day of December, 1865, from the Navy Department, and hereunto appended. Should my tor our) offer be accepted, I (or we) re quest to be Informed at —,and that the contract may be forwarded to for signatures and cert.& Wes. [Signed] FORM OF GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residentsof in the State of -. and of -, in the state of -,hereby jointly and severally covenant with the United States, and guarantee that in case the torec-o ing bid of-- b e accepted, - will, within ten days after the re ceipt of the contract at -. tiecute the same, with good and sufficient sureties for the delivery of the an thracite coal proposed, in compliance with the terms of the adverusement of the Zan December, MSS; hereto appenaed. and under which it was made; and in case the said - shall fail to enter into the contract aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the aril* of the said -, and that which may be accepted. b 'Witness, [Signed,] C. E. D. lace) F. Date) hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above named guarantors. -and - are good and sufficient. [Signed.] G. H. To be signed by the United States District lodge. United States District Attorney, Collector,[ or Navy Agent NEW PUBIA4LATIONS. HOLIDAY BOORS.- f COUN. - TRY LOVE vmmsrs Uri.' r FLIRTATION. A splendid new satirical poem by K. T. Sperry, with twenty large illustrations by Koppin. Elegantly I printed and bound in beveled covers ; quarto, tinted Ipaper. Price =350. *.* AlOO, a cheaper edition, with all the illustrations, white paper, $2 50. • • Also, the smaller edition .$1 50 OVA ARTIFT IN CUBA. A new IlbamMated edl- tion, Quarto size. Printed attractively in SEVNI coLons, and elegant beveled .... 00 I. p elith, PRINCE OF KA BH7NA. An exceedingly 3 interesting new novel, by the umber of "in the Pro ics ;" edited by B. B. Kimball ..$l, 00 THE LOVE-LIFE OF DR.E.AIsrE. With Memoir ,Hand Correspondence concerning the Secret Mar ' riage between Dr. E. R. Kane;the celebrated Arctic lExplorer, and Miss Fox 5{ A SPINSTER'S STORY. A new novel by M. A -70 s a s All handsomely bound la cloth, and sent by mail free on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, New York del3-w&stf 866 -T IVED T CAL PERIODICALS FOR 1865.- 1 Supp Lied by LINDSAY & BLAB - MON. Publishers & Booksellers, No. t 5 South Sixth street, ab , we Chestnut. THE BP ITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO CHI- Rti.E.GICA L REVIEW ILo dou ed., $lO uer annum. THE LONDON ILICILOSCUPICA_L JOURNAL, $lO per annum. THE AMFRICATc JDURNAL OF AfRiIICA_L fences and Medical News.;+ per annum. I3R,VITHWAITESRETRC6'PECT OF AI RD/ CiNE. .1 50 per number. gj 50 per annum. TILE LONDON LANCET. Reprint, $5 per annum. TILE RICHMOND MEDICAL JOITRNA_L, $5 per THE NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL, 4.5 • annum. FOREIGN . JOURNALS IMPORTED to order. MEDICAL ROOKS. A large assortment of Works on Mediciye and the Collateral Sciences always on head, including all hooks published in the United Slate.. FOREI6N MEDICAL AND S-LENTIFIC BOORS imported toot der. WEIN* BOOKS. lr HEN AN; OR, YOUNC.; KNIGHTHOOD. By E. Foxton. vols. ClOth. _ _ _ - THE VICABADDs SACRIFICE. Grounded in principles of universal obligations. By Horace Bush.- I nell. • ESSAYS ON THE SUPERNATURAL ORIGIN OF CHRISTIB NIT Y. By Rev. G. P. FLsoer,ll. A. CHILD LIFE IN ITALY. A story of six years abroad. PRINCE OF KASHIIA. By the - author of "in the Tropics." THE REMPTONS. By lL K. P., author of "Robert ; the Cabln-Boy. DICTIONARY OF THE NOTED NABB OF FICTION. By WA. Wheeler. 1. Mao. IE LOVE-LIFE OF DE. KANE, By Margaret Fox Kane. • THE HORTON'S. A story of American Life. By. D. B. Ca- ssday For sale by JAMFS S. CLA_XTON, Successor to W. S. & A. Martien. SOS Chestnut street. i - ctECICF, WORKB, ILLUSTRALTED BY - GLISTAVE DORE. The subscriber has Just received the following Works, illustrated by Gustave Dare. and invites the attention of the lovers of the Fine Arts to their merits. For ori ginality cf design, and force of execution, Gustave Dorf. has no' equal among modern artists. LA 8AL1...T8 'BIBLE. lilustre par Gustave Dore'; 2 cols. folio, cloth. 1)0. in Englishiwill be ready about 20th January. LE Jill F ERRANT. Folio, boards. BARCN I.fIINCHATJSEN. 4to, cloth. DON QIIICMOTTE. 2 vols, folio, cloth. INFERNO, with - English Translation of the Teat. Folio. Cloth and Morocco. • DON QDIXOTTE, with Stuyiletes Text.. Nos. 1 to 13. „Now published in monthly't arts. CONTES DROLATLQUES. 12mo,half. calf. gilt top. All ofs,tie various works illustrated by ads Artist kept, on hand or Imported to order. • r C. 7 PRICE, Importer of English and French,Books,ttc„ 21 South Stith street, above chestnut. , & o M DOR % n O s P Ie i X s % n l a.lndun PTaIyME ; I b S y M Gea o rs o * Allen, Greek Professor In the Univeralt7 of. Pennt kylvpals: with a Bn_pplententxuy Finny on Phllblor,p4 , Mese Author and Mess Pleyer, by Tb .0 4 ito VOL• .214 4 , debrand and de•Laks, Ikt voy Bxtraordlnstry Wag WIN' inter„PlertipOtetlttaTy Of the King pf PnutahN 414 : at toaunt of Saxe-Weimer. I vOL, octavo, 49 ‘ tro, p. Price Si St Latels puttlished . - • 1-• - • E. H. It awri., jos la! 80t0401N3FgnitreS1.4; TAMES BAREMBIank Books toad Stetkatem 33.08 tf Market . Fit: Old gookish6tight Alterdstited. riAltAt.4 , cOcoA.w-iou amt 7,2 ► 0 1 01 : 13 / 1 DALTirrrA i:X;f4 v•lit is ,StamcV)l,e D .1 - 3 - )asa -buoi n-f* . ~ ~~~