SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. The Comniittee on Reconsthiction, Probable Admission of the Tnensesee Delegation. OUR RELATIONS WITH MEXICO. FIRE IN LOUISVILLE. From Washington. (Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, .Tan. 6.—The Committee oa Reconstruction were in session to-day. The admission of • the Tenheusee delegation is the first matter under consideration. A majority of the committee are opposed to making Tennessee an exception. Never theless such exception will be made, as it is known to be the President's with. * Secretary McCulloch• will , nsmit his funnels] budget to the Senate and House Yinance Committees in the begining of next week. The Senate committee on Foreign Affairs will probablyreport adversely to Mr. Camp bell's appointment as Minister to Mexico. Col. J. Browning, the Secretary of Lega tion, will not be confirmed. Despatches from Gen. Sheridan represent matters quiet along the Rio Grande. From .Lonisville. Lotasvitax, Jan. 6.—About one o'clock This morning a fire broke out in a photogra phic studio, over the New Albany and :Mi en° Railroad office, threatening a deluge of the latter establishment by water. Sailing of the Britannia. NEW YORK, Jan. 6th, 1866.—The iron screw steamship Britannia, of the Anchor Line, sailed to-day for Glasgow, carrying passengers to Londonderry,g3elfast, Dublin, Newry, Cork and Liverpool. Among her passengers are a number from your city. The steamship Caledonia will be the suc ceeding vessel. She will leave far.the above ports on Saturday next the 13th inst. LATER NEWS FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Moravian. PROGRESS OF THE FENIAN TRIALS. Convictions and Severe Sentences. FATAL COAL MINE EXPLOSION., A.mericau. Securities. LARGE ANOIINTS GOING ABROAD. Commercial Intelligence. PORTLAND, Me., Jan. 6.—The steamship Moravian has arrived here with Liverpool dates of December 21, via Londonderry December 22. The Kangaroo arrived out December 20, the Allenaania December 20, the North America, City of Manchester and Pennsylvania on December 22. The Moravian brings no political news of importance,. The Fenian trials and convictions con tinue atiCork, McCafferty is the only man thus far acquitted. Jeremiah Dolevan and Thomas Duggan, were sentenced respectfully to five and ten years penal servitude. The trial of Charles !Underwood O'Connell was progressing, and' evidence was given connecting him with the head centre in New York. Another coal mine explosion had oc curred near Merthyr Tydvil in Wales, "killing thirty-two persons and injuring many others. The ship Yuca from Hull for Charleston ; ashore near Blakeney,got off after throwing a part of her cargo overboard. She has six feet of water in her hold and is much strained. Lormox, Dec. 27.—The Times says that the statement from New York, that the Chilien Envoy thought fit to give a banquet to the representatives of the Anarchical Mexican Republic, has not tended, in the city of London, to increase the sympathy entertained for the Chiliaru3 in their dispute with Spain. The Times says the present contest in the Colony of Victoria, if carried much farther, must inevitably assume the form of a con flict between the Assembly and the North ern country. The cattle disease returns for the week ending December 16th are more favorable. The Times city article says: A purchase of £200,000 consols for the Court of Chancery, coupled with the circumstance of the Bank notkaving adopted any advance in the rate of discount, caused the English funds to be steady yesterday morning at the, rise of ir, but the improvement was not maintained. Between this date and the 14th of Januar3r the market will be liable to be influenced occasionally by arrangements in connection with the large amount of securities to be de posited with the Court of Chancery on account of new railway bills. At the Bank yesterday the discount de mand was light and in, the Stock exchange advances were freely offered at 6 per cent. The agitation for the repeal'of the malt duty has recommenced. Satterthwaite's circular of Dec. 215th, .says: "Since our last every large amount of bu siness has been transacted in five-twed ties at considerably enhanced quotations. The message of President Johnson giving renewed confidence; the'final quotation was 66ia.661. Illinois Central and Erie ad.- vanced, the former closing at 82a82/. •and the latter at 58/a59. The dealings in these securities were somewhat limited, owin k . to difficulty purchasers may have ob taining the forthcoming interest 'unless the bonds are transmitted to New York for registration. ' • _ .. The Daily News cfft article says "Ameri can securities, especially five-twenties, con tinue to be • imported in large amounts by each steamer, and but for this, ; the remit tances of specie from America would, be much laiger although to some extent. this ,is a negative result so far as, our money !market is concerned: