From our Third _Edition of Yesterday A Fatal Affray on a Railroad Train. CINCINNATI; Dec. 26.=The, Gazette says: Yesterday afternoon a. number of ram en gaged as laborers on the Dayton and West ern Railroad; t near Richmond, Ind., took passage on a train bound for Dayton, and refused to pay their fare. A difficulty en-. sued, in which two laborers were killed and others wounded. 'The baggage-master of the train was also wounded. Shipping sews. BOSTON, Dec. 26.—The schooner Zeno, of Belfast, from Portland for Boston, with a cargo of molasses, was abandoned at sea on the 23d inst., in 'a leiiiky condition. Her crow were all saved. Arrived, steamer Norman, from Phila delphia. Belli§Try of a Safe. CINCINNATI, D C. 26th.—The safe of the Treasurer of Pulaski county, Ind., at Win nemack, was broken open on Sunday night, and between $7,000 and $B,OOO were stolen. Nark etsc l, Nviv YMOI, Dec. 26.—Cotton Is firm at 51©520. for 1 7 1 our has advanced Sc.: sales of 6,000 bbls. at *7 200;•i8 67 for State; ES Q@.slo 10 for Ohio; .720@ Es 70 for Western; ES 90@t115 25 for Southern, and 53 25 62,2t1 20 for Canada- Wheat is quiet; holders demand a,n advance, and the sales are small. Corn firm; sales Unimportant. Beef steady. Pork lirm• sales 0(1,00 Lb's. at r 213 87%@ 28 75 for Mess. Lard firm. Blew loan., Bee. 26.--Stocks are lower. Chicago .t Rock Island, 107; 111. Central, .W.. 14; Mich. Southern, 74%; N. Y. Central, 9V.‘; Reading, 107%; Hudson River, 10834.; Virginia 6,s;nfrie, 95. Y; Dousiana's, Sii;One Year Certificates, 973 i; TreasurY 7 5 - /c's, 98;e; 1040's, 103%, Gold, 149%. IT. S. Tieasury. The statement that the U. S. Treasurer is authorized to pay the coupons due Ist pros.. is premature. They will be paid on Janu ary let. CITY B A DISTURBANCE AMONG THE COLORED PEortm.—Yesterday morning, about nine o'clock, several musket shots were fired from the second story of a house on Lom bard street, below Seventh. Lieutenant (loldey and some of the Fifth Ward police entered the prerhises for the purpose of stopping the firing. Inside the house seve ral colored men were found, and they resisted the officers, declaring that they had no right to go there. This caused soma trouble. A crowd began to gather, and soon there were several hundred colored perple assembled in the neighborhood. There was considerable fighting, and at one time quite a disturbance was threatened, but the presence of the police prevented any serious outbreak. Several muskets were fired off in the street, and two or three men were arrested with guns loaded with ball cartridges in their possession. Some of Lieutenant Paullin's officers were also upon the ground, and a couple of the policemen were slightly injured. During the entire day there was considerable excitement, and more or less fighting in the neighborhood. There were plenty of scratched faces and bloody noses, but no person received any injuries of a severe character. Twelve of the Fifth Ward police were kept on duty until two o'clock this morning, and some thirty or forty arrests were made. The prisoners were all committed, this morning, for breach of the peace. Sales at Philadel SALES AFTER 100 sh Feed Dam 94-100 500 oh do :Wu sh Daizell 1 94.100 1100 sh do 2 3CO sh Hestonc'e Rbs 37% 200 sh Junction 1 100" sh do 1 3 lo 200 sh Era Oil 200 tth do b3O oh Penha R 57 SECOND 300 sh Caldwell Oil 200 St Dalzell Oil 2 200 oh St Nicholas oil 63-100 lOU eh Sch Nay pfli b2O 200 sh Sugar Valley 3 IGil 513 do b3O 1-16; sh Penn.: RR (.0 FO,l Iliglilomitain sco sh Franklin S~ ~~~~.. 1 0,0 4- 4--C - ....ARTER PERPETUAL. ITi_rce..A.NarLAlN E' iFIGURANCE: COMPANT PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1, 1865, 02. 9 501 9 297 04. Capited. ....... Accreted enzpinz— Promhuns- laNuFriu P , F) r 2,745. losses Paid since 1829 Over 059(300.3,0t00. 11 , e:m41 kild Tempo Can.rlas N. Buncker, ToblEr; Wagnez, Grunt. Jaceb t. Smith, Boras W. Ilichlinll2., CHARLES N. B EDWARD C. D 'JANCEB W.McA.Taasru.s, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE 'LEGISLATURE OF _ _ I'EsiESYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE S. E CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT _____...... ___ STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSF7.9I CARGO,_ To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake and Land Carriage, Union. FIREaII parts of the FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1865. eloo,ooo United States 5 per cent, loan, '7l $95,000 00 120,0t0 United States 6 per cent, loan, 'Bl /28,100 00 200,0.0 United States 7 3-10 per cent. loan Treasury Notes 300,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 54,000 State of .Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan, 112,612 50 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort _gage biX Per Cent Bonds 25,000 Western Penna. Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 11,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Pidladel phis. 13,527 50 7,150 143 Shares Stock Penna. Railroad Company 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,250 00 90,000 Deposit with the United States Go vernment, subject to 10 days call 40,000 00 20,000 State- of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 170.700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first 18,900 00 liens on City Property 170,700 00 1 2 036,850 Par. Market value 996,560 00 Beal Estate 36.000 00 Bills receivaule for Insurance made 121,013 87 Balances due atAgencies.—Premiums on Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other debts due the Company 40,511 44 Scrip and ,Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 0,133. Estimated value... 2,910 00 Cash in Banks /55,956 89 Cash in Drawer 678 48 158,635 37 ... . . liliiiporms. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. stokes. John C. Davis, r. F. Penistort, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry Sloan, ' Theophilus Spalding, Witham G. Bouiton, John R. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traquair; H. Jones Brooke, Henry , C. Lanett, Jr., Edward Lafoarcade, • James C Hand, Jacob P. Jones, William C. Ludwig, James B: McFarland, Joseph H. deal, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiper, " 'Spencer Mallvaine, Hugh' Craig, J. B. semple, Pittsburgh. Robert , Barton, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. John D. Taylor, D T.Morg. an, Pittsburgh, THOMAS C. WAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. FIBBBIr ifiaziniii, BeCreiery, delaingl Ihla Stock Board. FIRST BOARD ' 30 sh Academy Music 60 200 sh Bead B. 85 53,.; 200 sh Catawis pfd 830 39' 4 ' 400 sh do . 3:44 200 sh do b3O 40 430 sh do 13.3 J 40:i 100 sh do b 5 40 ' !60 sh do , 40 'OO sh do b 5 40'. LOO sh do b 5 4U! 4 BOARD. 200 sh Catatilssa pfd b 5 4411; 100 sh do blO 41 200 sh do b 5 int 41 100 oh do b2O 411,1 !:100 sh do b3O 411; NO sh do b 5 411; .200 sh Era oil ~, 100 sh Cousoldat'n bk 30.,; 1117At'V: MMffia .12:00M.E FOR ISEI 8810.000. • °natal n Liberal TOT= TOES. Isaac oa , Edward O. Dale, (-1-wrge Fates, Alfred Fitler, Fraa. W.Lewiz, •ANCEICE, Prealdent. ALE, Vice Prealdent Pre tem. apl tarn 194,375 00 1,253,830 18 CE. THE COLTAI.ON WEALTH OF PENNKX oVANIA. Statemem, of the condttion of the WI nowa' and ORPB ANS' BE LIFE INSURANCE COMPA NY OF NEW. YORK; Ori the first day of November, FIRST. 1. Capital Stock 2. Number of 'shares' of stock subscribed for_... 3. Amount ol assessments or ins alments on stock pain in each 6:5311,003 00 SELOND-THE PROPERTY OR ASSETS II &LB BY THE COMPANY. 1. The value, or' nearly as may be, of the real es tate held by the 2. Ayan . . mount of, cash on hand None. 3. Amount of cash deposit ed in Banks. specifying in what Banks the same is deposited-Rational - Bank of N. Ame , ica.... 4. Amount of cash in hands of agents and in course of transmission 5. Amount °Cleans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lien on real estate, on which there is less than one year's Inte rest due and owing None. 6. Amom t of loans on winch interest has not been paid within one Amount 7. Amount due Company N One. on which Judgments have been obtained None. 11. AmourdorsiockS owned by the Company. whe ther of any State or the United States, or of any incorporated city of the United States, or of any other description, spe cifying the number of shares and par and market value . of the same: United States 6 per cent. Registered Stock- Loan of 1663. redeemable 1881, par value .1200,000 041 Loan of 1161, redeemable 1881, par value Market value United States 7 3-10 percent. Bonds, June 15,1865,- Pa r value Market va1ue....., ...... 9. Amount ofstockheldbY the company as colla teral security for loans, with the ain't loaned on each kind or stock, its par and market value... 10. Am't of assessments on the stock of the com pany (Idled hf,due and unpaid 11. Amount IN premium notes due and unpaid None. 12. Amoribe or interest on investments made by the:compatiy,due and unpaid None. THIRL.-TBE LIABILITIES OF THE COMPANY 1. Amount of lesser. due and unpaid None. 2. Amount of the claims for losses which are in suit or contested by the com pany 3. Amount of loeses riming the year, which nave been paid 1. Amount of losses during the year, which have nut been seated 5. Amount of losses durmg the year, which are contested 6. Amount of losses during the year, reported to the company and not acted upon 7. Amount of dividends de clared 8. Amount 01 oividenos de clared due and unpaid.. S. Amount of dividends, (either cash or scrip.) declared and not yet due 10. Amount of Muncy Dor roived and the nature and amount of security given None. 11. Amount of ail other ex isting claims against the oompany,coutested or otherwise 1,516 35 FOURTH.-INCOME OF THE 00.12-PAN Y 1. Amu tint of cash pre miums received, net amount 2. Amount of i rem inpu notes taken by the puny 3. Amount of premiums earned (does not apply) 4. Amount of Mt'st money received from the in vestments O. the com pany 5. Amount of ita_unie of we company irom any other source None. FIFTH.--EX YEN 1,11 UItES OF THE COMPANY :. Amount of losses paid during the year None. 2. Amount of 1 - .sses paid during the year, wnicu accrued prior to the year 3. Amount at wMeti the hisses were estiniuted in former statement, which were paid dar ing the year 4. Amount paid arid or. tog for re insurance pre miums Amount, Of r.llrn pre miums, whether ps.d , or unpaid Aintuln tot dividends paid during the year 7. A womanl expenses paid during the year,includ- Mg commissions and lee, paid to the agents and others of the com pany E. Anuaint of taxes paid by the company (included ifi au swer to No. 9. Amount of all other ex penses and expendi tures of the company... 1. Amount of promissory notes originally form ing the capital of the company 2. Amount of said notes he,d by the company as part of the w de of the l'apttal thereof None. sr, 616 L. ROBINSON, Prevident. STATE OF A - ETV YORE, Y OE NEW (I.EK, xs: Be . it remembered.that on this, 13th day of December. A. 1). before the subscriber a .Commissioner is and for the State of New York, duly commissioned and authorized by the Governor of the State of Penn sylvania to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other writings, t•' he used and recorded in the said State of Pennsylvania, and to adminkter Oaths and nirmations, personally appeared LUfiillUS RUBIN. President of the Widows' and Orphans' Benefit Life insurance company, of New York, and made oath that the above and foregoing is a true statement tattle condition of said Widows' and Orphans' Benefit Life Insurance Company, upon the First day of November, A. D. 1866: Ana I further certify that I have made personal ex amination of the condition of said Widows' and Or phans` -Bev efi t Life Insurance Company on this day. and am satisfied they have assets safely invested to theamount of at least Iwo Hundred and Twenty. rive Thousand Dollars. That I have examined the securities now in the hands of the Company, as set forth in the foregoing statement, and the same are of the value represented in the statement. I further cer• Lily that I am not interested in the affairs of said Com pany. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my [SEAL.] band and affixed my official seal, this Thir teenth day of Desember. A. D. 1865. [Signed] MOSES B. MACLAY, Pennsylvania Commissioner in the City of New York. F. RATCHFORD STARK, Agent, de26-iv,f,m•6t@ 400 Walnut street. rNst7RANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERMA. I—mARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSMtANCE. Office,No.2B2 WALNUT street, south side, east af Third street. The Properties of this Company are well invaded and furnish an available hind for the ample indemnity of all pparsons who desire to be protected by Insurance. RISES taken on Vessels, Freights and ea gr o ,TND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on !der. chandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Build hips in City and County. niboltPoA'rED 17511—CAPITAL000 600 Azzai PAID IN AND SECURELY usylsg:ll33s, TOTAL SI PROPERTLES, ,700,000. PERPEITA_L CHARTER, • - • •--. Arthur G. Cann; James N. Dickens, 13anuiel W. Jones, S. Morris Waln, John A.Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, George L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E. Bowen, Wnryilli . am Camminne Charleton He A T. RTHITIi. G. OOFFHT, President. • : PLATT. Secretary, -..,..... FIRE ASSOCIATION. .7.Z.,,:. Incorporated March 27, 1820. POM A OFFICE, No. 84 N. FIRTH atreet.• In. . , sure BUILDINGS_ __,_HOUSKIECOLD FUR. ~!..- 0 4. : !,' . NITUBE and ~ .m.IIIIIUICHANDISIC _gamer _F-, ,:,, any, from LOBS by Fire, (Lu the cm of .V . t . 4... _'r.., . , Philadelphia only.) STATEMELcT of the Artesia of the Association ~ January 1,. 1885. Sonde and Mortgages on Property in the OSP of Philadelphia only Ground Bente Real Notate. (Office, Fifth and North streets.) 1428,8 90,808 1615 17. St GOV. 5-20_, Bonds.: ..... 45,000 00 Deposit with IF. 8. Attendant Treasurer...—. 25,00011 Gash on hand............- ..... ......... ........... ... 26,689 27 _ TIITTSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H, Hamilton, Jos. R. Lyndall,- JOhn Bonder, Levi P. Coate. Peter A. Keyser, Ilanauel ElparbaWL John Phil-bin, onarle9 P. Bower John Carroty,Robert shoemaker. Geo. L Younr Jesse T I htfOOt. - T. B Secrequi. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : DhLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1865 1203,000 00 20,000 00 107 3i 237,325 99 f 4,960 251,R4 Si> $B2 801 81 14 6,5 , ;19 r 7 .2N 33 Charter PerpetuaL Authorized Capital, 'WAS, Paid up Capital, floe an. Insurer, egainst loss or damage by FIP.E nn ether pen:usher, t: vor foz a LIMITED p.,rlod. A J 3, ov afFINCELAISTIftI . .E generally - and household Paul. tore city or country. James Brown, I Thomas Klmber, 2.r., Chas. A. Lay, Henry S. McComb, Wm. D. Lewis. Lemuel eorlln, WillLasiz B. Bullock, Chas. P. Bayard, Wm. M. Needles, J. IDllborts Jones, John D. Taylor, John Woodside, JAWES B OWN. Prldent, CHAS. A. 'DUI', \ -- ; ,, e Preqldert., mhllra , a - fi T.110M.At..&LL..-lON. SecreLary. lEFFEBe.ON FIRE INSURANCE COALPANT aS pm - LA DELPhIA.--0/.1.1Ce corner THIRD and BUTTONWOOD utreeinilate Tam ruarn Incorporated by the Legislature of Pet:uncivil: , lA, CEASTED PIMP/LTD/a.. authorised 'by It: r..v fleo,oUo. Make Insurance ageinst Dan:laic. Fire of Public or Plicate Burin:mg - 8. Furniture., 5t..x.1., Goode ant Merchandise, on favc:Able DLIRECToItS, George Erety : ;Cairtstonb , ii Hlllcr, Lt e - usr C. Allier : , Froderck b: 2e. John F. Belsterting, Henry Troomner, .I , r-C.eriCk Dolt, Wlllfam McDaniel, Jae Schantiler, George Butz, Jr., euepiien Smith, Henry Garkez, Sau.uel Be..wari Aoyer. OEOP.ti ERETY, Pru.+ldent. JOHNF. BELSTERLING, Vice Prealdani, PHILIP E. tXII.F I -t..AN, Secretary BF PROVIDENT Et AND TRUST (OM.- I. PANT, Cl' P!I ILADELPHIA.— Incorporated by the State of Pennaylvanla, .34 month, 1065, ENSURE. , LIB ES, ALLOWS INTEREST ON DE POSITS AND (-RANTS ANNUITIES, CAPITAL 4150,000 DIRECTORS. Richard Catihniy, Henry Haines, T. Wistar Brown, Wm. C. Longatreth, Chas. F, Coffin. Samuel R. 6124107, Jeremiah Hecker, Joshua H. 1k: orris, lidetuixd Wood.. A VE.RICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. LNUORPOILAT E L 1840 4 -CHARTER mum. - - a 0 WALNUT S'aeet, above THIRD Street, prrrLa DELPFELA. Having s large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SUR. PLUS invested in sound and available Securities, con. Untie to insr_re on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Men eh ndise, Vessels in port d r an their Cargoes„ and other Pie ate Property. All imsea liberally and ProlaPtlY a Thou= B. Marta, John Welsh, Barnnel 0. Morton, Patrick Brady, .FAME INSURANCE CONZPAITY. No. 406 013.ESTNUT STREET, PYrn. , VDELPIECLA, EIRE AND INLAND INSURANQE "BAJOU" KID GLOVES. • LEWIS BROTHERS & CO 78 Leonard St., 1238 Chestnut St., NEW YORK. I PHILADELPHIA. • • Having been appointed SOLE AGENT In the United States fur the sale of this celebrated brand of Kid Gloves, are now prepared to take orders, and have a full and complete assortment in stock. Also, SOLE AGENTS In this country for the well known "311 cot" brand of Kid Gloves, to which the al. tention of the trade is Invited. LEWIS BROTHERS it 00. ocza,, 4903,5U43 IMPERIAL FILENCR PRIIe;63EI.-50 cases in tin canisters and fancy boxes, imported and for sale by JOS, IS BIJSBIEII. a 108 tooth Delaware avenue. 13ARLSY.-7,000 bushels Canada .Barley In store and fbr eale by E. A. SOIIDER & CO., Doels. Street H4li., 17fBEFr FftNCE INSURANCE._ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841 x, , Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, No." 808 . WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $300,800, Insures against loss or damage by • FIRE, on Houses, Stores and. other' Buildings, limited or per petual, and on Furniture. Goods Wares andinerchan- Mae in town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS *108,004 79 Divested in the following securities. viz: First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured.-- e 124,100 00 United States Government Loans 135,000 00 Philadelphia City 8 per cent. Loans 55,000 00 Pennsylvania tsmoo,ouo 6 per cent Loan 21,000 00 Pennsylvania sailroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages 85,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's _ 6 per cent. Loan Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany'e tiper cent. Loan Huntingdon and Broad '1 op 7 percent. mort gage bonds 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.— 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... 10,000 00 Union Mutual'lnsnrance Company's Stock.. 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel hia's r 1.000 Ca p t ank k sh in bank and on hand 5,914 7009 . . 1 , 108.001 79 DIRECTORS. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hlll, Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Castner, Alfred English. ' Young. It T ry INULEY, president. •eta. er 1, 1865. Clem. Tirgley, Mueser. Samuel Wpham, R. L. Carson. Robert Steen, Wxn. btevenson, James T. OLE THOMAS C. 7477.1", beer: PHILADELPHIA. Decemb :1: Vi r • • • SA' • z glAil • : ire • OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, "The Fire Insurance Company of the 030 - o ts' of Philadelphia." Incorporated by the Legislature al Pennsylvania In 1839, for indemnity against ion w damage by fire exclusively kicanertrAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample carpwo and ca ntingent fund carefully invested continues to In sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, drOt, either loer manently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest ratesponsistent with the absolrAd safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and D patd with all poss.:hie despatch WTOItEt. Charles J. Better, T4,:n wie L. Reakii , Henry Crilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr., Jos eph Moore , Henry Rudd, George Henke, Andrew H. Miller, James N. Stone. C J. SUTTER, Preside= RErasmitir F. HOECKLEY. Sec'v and Treasurer. T"tRE orstraericE EXCLUSIVELY. THB r PENNSYLVANIA. VISE INSURANCE 00.r.f.. PANY—lncorporated 1825--Charter Perpetual—Bo. 510 WAINL Street, opte Independence Sonara Company,This favorablyknown to the communby for ever forty years, con nes to Insure against 'ors o or damage by fire , n Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on EurnitoreStocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fano tt Invested In the most careful manner, which enabiao them to offer to the harmed an undoubted security the cane of loss. DEREOTORLI. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Deverenx, Alexander Benson, Tbomna Sx.n.h, Isaac Eszlehmst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Hoblna, J. Gillingham Fell. Innael Haddock, Jr. D.:I_I7IEL SMITH, Jr., President Wrzaxam G. Caw:axis... S.cretars 1101N1X INSITSANOIC ,COMPANY 0.? PELL DELPHLI.. LICCORFURATEDIBO4—CRARTILR PER_PISTUAL. NO. 2ii4 WALNUT Street, the Itxchang.e. In addition to MARINE and 1:11,_!:-.N1) INSURANCE this Company iIISCIF.9 Mont loss o- daroake by rail:. on liberal terms, on btuldlngs, naerubanthae,tttrultu re, em., for limited perind., and PerMabeatlY on btilidltta by deposit of preiniulll. The Company has'betna in active operation for more than SIXTY during o. Meth all losses have been ortimpily adjusted and Md. DISX(r.OOII4. Lawrence Lewin, i:aN, to Lewis, B. , njelnill Thianas H. Powers, Ecanoad Castilion, tiarnuel Wilcox. WZOILERE.II, Prm!der.t. John L. Halm Wll.lluso .11cEee, B. Mallory T. Lewhi, Ure.nt. Rohrrt W. Leana!ns 1). Clark WILF4II,L).. JOHN It. ILCOx SEcretar: A ' CAINI MUTUAL ENSI7ItANITA: CO .&MP V, —Office Farquhar Sninting No. 12 WALN'fi forret. .11Ait.IICI: AND LNL.A_S - 0 1.1. t zi , UR.A.NCE...,-- R!ake taken on vtasels, earroen and f-oli,:hta to e:: of the world, and on good% on !Alan,: transports,lon on rtvers, maroadn and Mbar couveyano‘i throughout the rnitrd Wawa. W11,1,1,t. at CRAIG Pre%Men, Pl7l Fat CFI-LES, ine pre r,„14,1 2 ,,. ROSIUIT J. ISERE, F•ec- rro DnELECTfIE . ..e. Henry, O.Clett, W. h. Low I J. Jolina:.on eanine: A. isulon, I Mason Hounline, Ilenry L., S. Itod..manLiorrin RarrilL Wllllam, Peter Conen, John, Jr., WI Merit k, Serf. W. Ric:lards, (..4Ultels Dr.lle: Wm. M. P.ztrd, I.stirmn F'arirt2IA;k:SCILANCE CX)-11.PANY PFIILADF_LPFIIi. No. 150 South FOURTH. Street. SAM CEL Row - LAND Peituy, act= OFF. No. ICE. . 111 Bourn Fourth Street one. John T. Lewis, James E. Campball Edmond G. Dutilh, Charles W. Ponitneyl • orris. = E. MAIM, Pre:Merit. Secretors. m.vl2 d2.103:RT 0. L. OIaWF - ORD Francis N. Buck, -- - - - - Jno. W. EVennen. Charles RichardsOn, Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis, Jno. Kessler, Jr.. Samuel Wright, E. D. Woodruff P.S. Justice, Chw . Stokes, Geo. A. 'West, Joe. D. Elll6 FRANCIS R. _ _ ,N. tiCK. President. CRAB. ItlcatAlmaisoie. Vice Preadeer. W. L PrAlraErAnn. Seceetere ~r~ R~~~ra<~ de2Oth,e,tu,tl XTEW FRUlTS.—rrlueess Papersbell and Lisbon 11 a Irooncs; splemtl London Layer Raisins, In whole, halt end quarter boxes, choice „Verne tilts, to small drums, In store r.nd for sale by M. F, SYILLIN, Tea Dealer and Grocer. N, W.corner Arch and Eighth. VONGTAI "Sieneract.a ' and "Ceres to store zu.d tor J.1.1e by E C. E NIGHT R. CO.. dells-1m S. E. cor. Watcr an.i t'lm,tuut street. SHIPLEY, President DIL.M.E .NEW JERSEY %RAF ta) in barrels _IL and kegs, in store and fur sa,e by . _ GREEN imported Gr , 'en Peas and Mushrooms. Green Corn and Tomatoes for sale by JAMES N. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth streets. FEsit PEACIIE.S.—AcIatus county Peaches. the finest grown, put up In gallon, halt gallon and qnart cans, for sale low to fatutlies by J tJttl R. WEBB, Walnut anti Eighth streets. 5,000 PEACHIS, TOM 5.T01.., Green Corn. Peas, &c.. warranted to give satisfaction: For Fa e by M. F. SPILLIN, N, W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. UXTRA MA (511 E s L.--Extra ctitilce large Macke. rel in kilts. Also new spiced and Pickled Sal mon. For sale by M .F. SPILLLN, N. W. ri)r. Arch and Eighth streets. \HY 1 3, - MEESE') (iI,N(iER,.—A small invoice of 11 this delicious can iectiou, in'small !..; lb. boxes, just rtceived at (OE6'll 'S East hod Grocery...No.lLS South secocd street. PRESERVED GINGER-30u CAS eS choice Preserved Ginger, each Jar guaranteed, in store and for sate nt COIISTY'S hest End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. Spices,l laud UraPnge-SiTel(aParineScCurrants. (oo k y n t g ro ‘ z, in L es em a n Brandies, new Sweet Cider, all for sale at COL'S CI '6 East End Grocery Store, No. liS South Second street. NEW YARMOUTH BLOATER.*,—A small invoice of 41 ese deilgb flit and choice delicacies, for sale at COUtillY'b East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street IDRIBIE SPANISH OLlVES.—Spanish Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, East India Hot Pickles. Boneless Sardint s, and alt kinds of new Canoed Fruits, Meats, Soups. Milk and Conee, at LUILII . 17'S East End Gro cery. No. 118 South Second street. GiVBERRI Kb.--ar barrels Jersey cultivated Oran i El erries in store and ior sale by M. F. Bprr.r.Tl N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. AUNIERIA GAPES.-1W kegs of these splendid while grapes in fine order landing and for sate by JOS. B. BIJSSTRR (X).. 108 South Delaware avenue. 3 . 1 IC E t tr l c l ii A ng ßy an y b T ay H e rt e nP o 131 E f l or English ung Lin a g ies 7ench 1811 Uhestuut Street Philadelphia. rrliE FALL ts.e4sisiuls 1 SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES wlll corn. mence Oh Wednesd_y September lath, at her residence, corner of POplar . and Sixteenth streets, Philadelphia. RffsPxursCons:—Rev. G. Enslen Hare D. D. Rev. Themes Brainerd, D. D., W. H. Allen, EN' late President oir Gireird College. iYI7-13'• S:WI:ATM:NG FEILT.—LOWEILL. PATENT PrLAB do Sheathing Pelt for Ships; also, Zohnson's Paten Woolding Pelt sor Steam Pipes and Sailexa, In ster and for sale bq S GRAFT. No. 0.32 Booth Delaware avenue. - ' • BACON.--20 boxes Side Bacon, for sale by E. A. SOU XER & CO.. Dock street Wharf. PROPOSALS. LLB. TAP; NAV Yx,.. NAVY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OP EQUIPMENT AND REcaurrixo, December 26th, 1865. SFAT,I,D COW for the Navy, to be delivered during the balance of the fiscal year , ending 30th June, 1868, will be re ceived at this bureau until 10 A. M. 28th January, 1866 'these proposils must be endorsed "Proposals for Anthracite Coal for Steamers," that ,they may be die tiogutsbed from other business letters. The offer must be for the delivery of 6,000 tons, of 2,140 pounds. The coal must be of the best Buck Mountain or Black Beath, or of a kind equal to them in all rieepects. for the purpose intended, which equality will be deter mined by a Board appointed by , he Secretary of the Navy after the reception of the bids. 'She name uf the coal proposed to be furnished must be'si ate d In the offer. It is to be delivered in lumps ofsultable size for naval stem:sera, clean, of uniform quality, selected tree from impurities. unmixed, of whicn the contractor shall be requl ed to hunts?. such evidence as will be satisfac tory. and be subject to such inspection as to quality and quantity as the Department may direct. Tire coal must, In all respects, be satisfactory to the inspector or inspectors, to be appointed by the bureau, who will Lave the right of peremptory rejection. . The coal is to be delivered on board vessOls,!at such Place in the port of New York as may be designated by the Bureau, and in such quantities and at such times as, in the opinion of the Bureau, the exigenci vesselhe rervice May require; commencing when the is reported ready to receive cargo; furnishing, if de manded, not less than 1.000 tens per day, to be distri buted to each vessel, as may be directed, until the load ing is completed. In the case of failure to deliver the coal in proper quantity, of the proper quality, and at the proper time and place, the Bureau will reserve in the contract the right to purchase forthwith,at tbe contractor's risk and expense, that which may seem necessary to supply the deficiency. Any demarrage or other charges to which the Navy Department may be suhjected from delay en the pion pt delivery of the coal by the contractors will be deducted from their bills. Ihe price must be for the coal delivered on board vessels, on the terms and conditions above stated, at the contractor's risk and expense, and without extra charge of any kind. The offer, as required by law, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more respon sible persons, to the effect that they undertake that the bidder or bidders willifhis or tneir bid be accepted, enter into obligations, at such time as may be pre scribed by the Bureau, with -good and sufficient secu rities, to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposition will be considered unless accompanied by such guarantee; and the Department reserves the right to reject all the offers, if considered to be to the interest of the service to do so. Two or more sureties each in a sum equal to the 21:nottnt epeettied to be paid, will be required to sign the contract, and t heir responsibility will be certified by a United states District Juoge, United States District At torney, Collector, or Navy Agent, As additional and collateral security. twenty per cent. will be withheld from the amount of ail pay ments, which reeervation Is not to be paid except by authority or the Secretary of the Navy, until the con tract shall have been in all respects complied with, and the remaining eighty per cent. or other amount that may be aue upon each bill, will, when a proper certificate is furnished by the inspector, and the bill spin ()NI d by the But eau, b.. paid by such navy agents Ls the cuntrscior may name, within ten days atter the warrLeas fur the tame shall have been passed bki the ire rretery of the Treasury. It e Id be atit.ulated in the contract that if default be mane in the a...lively of the coal—ln the quantity er [LA Slid at the place and time directed by th.• rhea and In that case, the contractor ai d hi s sure.os will forfeit and pay to the Unhurt State,. ticr.idetitt sum of money not exceeding to Ite contract price, which may be recovered Irani 10 UM,. as, cording to the act or acts of Congress in tr,s. „J e d . laah-re, whose proposals shall be accepted, and none riled, "ill tie nolitp.l and. as ear. as tirectlexitii-.. 'LI Arai t wail be trzinenatten to Inc w hid) Elle. will be squired to , -aerate within ten day , rt.. its r„~ript - a.t. utnct Or navy a., vary ilaal,l 11,11. i he I. , rin of offer, gnsu glitter. 4Coi certificate is here -0 lb given. OF OFFER. I for IN el of —.State o: bereay agree to forrikh and oe!!‘ er thou,aue tons of - aotoraeile coal for steamers' ure, PIE. rate --- per :oa 2.2,0 pcma:b... amounting to - - dobar,, w . ...he .0 cc: foru..ity v, 111.. prothioLs ere: tera, of 100 al - 111 :L0 osy of Iteceolser, IrJal tali Lepartl..t-at, and 1.14e1.nL0 a opend—/.. ',110t1:0 utter be out,: ft, MEV 1 , 1 fl.r . v.artic,l for 54, - 00: • re, re:: .0- FORM OF RANTER. SS P. IL, nnt:t I rt:se::::nts --- aft: - heresy ttlp :tn.! NeVe . 7.A.l,y it!. the at ... -.17-to fl .m.; bat of - d, - • ::::: ten ..t.ts ten the re e- PI 1: t act at -, tle Ihe game . with g. 0,1 r., an .. 11. v., ntn. Z.t., ft.: the deltirery of the an pr.:lose:l pl.ance tv;ln the terms .r It.- r of the :stn Dee e faran, tart ben-to ; wt.h-13 I; watt and in case •e-t 1 - shafl fall to enter Into :!1.• C.oll:ravt. Z.!. tO :11116t. 111.. t!!,c, Le:le:Fell the oat r of the sa:d anti that which fe:a•.'epted. f ess, 'Signed.t C. D. (I•lac-e) E. F. Ce , thy that. to the to t my,v‘ aLC 1,11-f. the a 1.0% C 1.13.1 a ,t 1 - - gee° :thd U. H. To bes!gred by the 1.7n!to:I SLAV , Di , t.r.c: rn:l,l Agebt de, tae.-IL.( . Proposals ail! be received at this 0:11-e untir ll o'clock. M., on Ibe 'lst Le•o.. 1 4 ,3, fo, ;lir. U. D. Isavy De; arixi.eir: with th, boot its nest Yard. PL Each Ipl Iree e: Alspeciir.ra by the n spect 0111 r leere heard i 1! inch. (4 het 1 ii. •_rl • :I.on White Pine psar i b4. 3,(4.11 ft-et 2 In. see_so..ed White ash Plank. 1.04) !rel. I , : in. Lied Whlle Pine Panel Plaak. LW. , ter t I in. " " 13 arils. [l2:th lbs. heti t . It lilt, Lrae.- oil. 54. lbs. 1 • •rr' 71.1gn ions ail-- lei!" 2.1 " lie • 24 s etc,: Leaihr r Lear Lug Rosa, in 54. o I, lens Pig. 1. ti.e . e•LN • It.•• ' lohas. Ppril SteLel, 7x3-If.. 5 5 s‘3-0, 1•21, " '' 4 :-2.3 4xlr•2 " 3 1 Ox " " " I •Ir.l-4. " '2_l • -4 'k I 3-431-4. ' " I I-2 sl. 4. 2 cells 1-2 .n lira:Ala rope. A. H. WATiON, 4'CA- -1 Paymaster, C. S. N. ciat. E. C. EN IG 11T & S. E. cor. Water and Criestnut streets. del -Im. EDUCATION. de26-80t* ItfLp fiNJ.I :Ll.i 628 HOOP SKIETS, 628 NEW FALL STYLES NOV — rEEA.DY of Hopkins' " own make,' at No. 628 .AMM Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants .of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles, Misses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal In themarket, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, constantly on hand, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 springs, at very low prices. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail., nols-em/ C. F. RIIMPP, No. 118 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. 5 .4‘,._„ 1111 ,M,4- , ', 1, Manufacturer and Importer of POSTE BIONNAIES TRAVELING RAGS, POCKET BOOKS, • CIGAR CASES MONEY BELTS, • SATCHELS___, PURSES. Cabas, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Oases, Writing Desks, Port Folios, Bill Books, &c., &e. Jobbing promptly attended to. noti-hni InADOW GLASS. jr.T.TA M EVANS, Jr., 252 South FRONT St. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American and French Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnlshes * , - ete, A very desirable brand of 024,8 m/ Glass for Picture Frames. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK WM. H. MBatltMe. nit). E cbrs. QOUTHWASK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASB lAD INGTON STREETS, PECUADELPICFA MERRICK & ESOMaI ENO AND,_„MA(IIibrD3TS, Manufacture High and Low Treasure Steam magma for Lar...a., River and Marine Service. Auden, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. .lastlnge ofall kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Lame Roofs for Gas Works, Werkshepg .sitirtsad Rtauons, &c. sun WWI and Gas Machinery, of the latest and mom co_proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar, Tr ains , d SDefaestors, F eat Mills,_ Vacuum Pans, Om Steam ilters, Pumping Rs S o le tents Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar Bonito Apparatus, Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer ani Aspinwall & Wooh3ey's Patent Centrifugal Sum Draining Mnebine. PENNSYLVANIA WORMS—onthe DKr...AWARD River, below PHILADELPHIA, OHIOSTER, Delaware county, Pa. HEANEY, BON a 00.‘ Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of All kinds of OONDEZNBENG AND NON-OONDMCHING EE DINES, Iron 'Wrack' of all descriptions, Boners, Vats, Tan Propellers, ac., T. BA W. B. HEANEY, a ABOHIBOLD, Late of Late Beaney Neafle fi Ou., Engineer In Chlst Penn 'Works, Phila. rice-tri 11. B. Nay lIVPRTT. A riELPHIA RID/NO SCHOIXT..m. OURTH street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Nth, Ladies andedge gentleme nthis desiring to acquire a thorough knowl of . accomlishment will and facility at this schooL The p horses are safe and e 973 trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best manner. SaCidle horses. horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriages rtir itmo. rals, to cum steamboats, &c. PROS. CRATON & SON. IDETEF. WRIGHT & SONS, A ahLPONTFaIki OF EARTMEZIWANE, AND ISECIPPENG AFD COMUISSION NO. 115 WAL.NIJT sTB.EBT, PHILLIMIXECLIL. ILK= A. WhlGErr, aLlithrEirl A. ontsoctsc, TICCMICTON fix E. THEODOELE WEIGHT. FIXTURF.-11.1f3fiEY MERRILL & V.X .1 , ;0. 718 • e v IEMSTNUT street, Alainnacturen, of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &C„ rte., would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas entuideliers, Pendants, lira,krts. sc. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dice Illtg. and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing. altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. Jaw jjlilVY WELL OF PROPERTT.—The oufr ulace to get Privy Wells CiPsnsed and Disth fected..nt very low prices. A. PEYS6ON, Manufacturer of Pondrettd, Goldsmith' Ball. Lib street rary DRUGS. , OD LIVER OlL.—Twenty-rive barrels, new made, k Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Carb. Azumenia. Just received, In Jars; also, Just received, twenty•five barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 95 pet cent_, In the best of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. BAKER CO., oc`.ll-ly No. 718 Market street. 110r)(3...0N'S BRONetuAL TABLETS.—The AIle• viatlon of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarseness and Similar Complaints, affecting the Organs of the Voice, Public Speakers, Singer and Amateurs barb been greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their Intrinsic merit, particularly re commends them to persons affected with BRON. I:IOARSENESS, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For saleby Druggists generally Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILLS, Aponte. caries northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, delphia. ocl2 IVEW AND REVULSIVE /I PLASTERS. with the pliancy of silk, the strength and softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, pains. weakness. &c., &c. They are cleanly and odorless, comfortable and effective. Sold by HURRRT.T. Apo. thecary, 111 U Chestnut street. 5E116 TIP-FOG LSTS' BUNDRLES. Graduates lifortars. 11 Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors. Tweners„Put Boxes, Dorn Scoops, Surgical Lusta rt imenta, Trusses, Herd end Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Glass arid Metal Syringes, ato., all at "First Rands" prim. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, AP 541 1 23 South Eighth street - OBERT e , HOF.M.A.RER & CO.. IC. E. Co l, FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, WhOlesale Druggists, Manufacturers and Dealers In Window cm--s. Whitt. Lead, Lad Paints of every descrlption, otter to the trade, or consumers, a complete atack goods In their line. at the lowest market ROBERT SHOEM W Fri Ca, Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. N ' a l n (4 2 . bo — x - e i s A . - I. j,e o n i n n i t r :..C ' t 's tles. ealci J n enni t n a g l s u t"arbo u n n a l te "l' ol in or.. and 4 ez. papers. Heavy Calcined 2f aenesia lynr!lng ar.d for sale by CHARY.v., SUN Druggitts, liarket and Seventh streets Philadelphia. aelfl vsems"TlAL OF A.L.MONDS. Lemon Bergamot, anise, oarrawaY, Clovet Orange, Wintergreen Cinnamon Lavender. Juniper. Cognac. Per permint, Saw.g.tra.a. liose F.c.v.+.e Geranium C'!tronel`a. erbeca, all of warranted qualit.,% Fm Bale by w IL Co., Dmggiata, Nos. 7f sed 722 Market street. LARPE (iF.`N.I•IRAL STOCK 01' Dtu Chena. cam r.d.,d Prepare tor.r, for sale by TV 1 LLLA.)I ELLIS Ls 00., Ltragii,iez. Vo.s. 7.4 and 7.72 Market. street., - DAY RC.lll.—Just received. an invoice of Genuine Imported Bay Rum, for sale by the gallon, hi RORER& SHOEMAE ER & CO., Druggist, N. E. CO: Le: Fourth and Race streets. ' rrEw LLI: PI PF.' —A. SI.I.SPLE CffiFANL P M "E' parr-able contrivance for the application of it • (yenta to tne internal linsfn,..x , of the rectaco. Sold to ROBFrAILL. Anotl,mlrv. 141 CI ec.cont street. REAL ESTATE. ARCH sTREET.—FOR SALE - T A handsome .tt ur-story briar Iteshience (ma•ble first story, wit three-story double back buildings, finished throughout in a superior manner, with every modern conve nienct and improvement expressly for the oecti palmy of the present owner, situate on the south side cf Arch street, west of Twentieth street. Lot 170 feet deep to a street. J. M. tiI:M.M.EY & SONS, Sat Wal nut stret t. CT:" PINE STREET—Fait GALE.-3 handsome four-story brown stone residence, with three-story double back Mr Idings; built in the best manner, with every modern convenience and to perfect order, situate on Plne street west of Fifteenth street. Lot 1:13 feetdeep to a street. S. M. GUMMEY .SON 6, tOO Walnut street. FOR SALE.—The handsome three-story brick Residence, furnished with every modern con yen euce and improvement, and In good order, situate No. tt;:t South Twenty-first street: 10[21 wet front by so fret deep. Immediate possession given. J. M. Or UM MET & SONS, bon Walnut street. SIXTEENTH STREET—FORSAIE—A.thiee- TI story brick Dwelling, with double back buildings. 117 'orth Sixteenth street; modern conveniences; im mediate possession. Apply to .1. H. CURTsS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 45: Walnut street. fP CH ESTIN.:I7T STBERT—FOR SAL It h very ta desirable Business Property, 1207 Chestnut Street. one of the best locations fur business in the city, Ap ply to J H. CURTIS SS SON, Real Estate Brokers, 413 NV alnut street. tEFOR SALE.—PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION HOUSE, Downingtown, Chester Co., Pa.. 13, acres of ground. Terms easy. Apply to HENRY RICE OLTZ. on the premises, or H. Thomas Sous. 1:5 and IC S. Fourth st., Phila. der.kni ELEGANT MODERN FOUR-STORY DWELL DR ING, with three-story back' buildings, very coin piece, with every convenience. 142 North Twentieth street, near .St.. Ciement'sieburch. Immediate posses sion. For sale by C. H. &WIRD F.1D,205 South Sixth street. i.de2l.-5t4 BoFOR RENT .— the four story Store. No, MO Simla street. Also lease and fixtures for sale. Apply on the premises between 1 and 4 o'clocis P. M., on or before the 23d inst. The present proprietor Is desirous of removing to another store. dLO-tn I FOR sALlO.—The modern Dwelling No. 1502 ESI Spruce street. Side yard and all the modern con veniences 'immediate possession. Inquirp in second story, No. 3uB Chestnut street. dl9-tfi. llb FOR SALE.—The large four-story Picton stone front DWELLING, 1630 North Broad street; has ait e modern improvement,. Immediatepossession, Inquire 910 Arch street- no29.tft ea TO RENT—A LARGE STORE IN MARKET ria Street. near Sixth. Possession In Samiary., A. nu 15e ARCH Street. de2B 3t• FOURTHSTORY—,STORE TO BENT - IN MARKET st: eet.betweett Fifth and Sixth streets. in part or whole. Andress Box 1035 P.O. de26-dt ITA I DAB LE WI3ARR PEOPE R'l'Y —FO BA.LE— V With pier 48 feet in Vivid h, end docks on either side of 38 end 4 feet. al nitud on the Delaware. at Lombard street. 3. M. (UM3BEY dr, SONS. 508 Walnut street. .B ui" '0 LOT FOR BALE.—A Valuable Building at, having three- fronts, situate on southeaqt cor ner of Obrlatian andt.ixteenth streets; cpntainlng in fr 4 in on Chri•tian street . 284 feet by 13.3 feet on Sixteenth Mr& t, through lit Nontrosestreet, which 18 40 feet in width. • J. M. 01.111.11EY& SONS. 508 Walnut street. raItACAS COCOA.—Fitt7 bage for sale by 301114/ V DAILY= ca . us Wawa area "07 SECIPPINGL sr A wri - r.r. , 8 PASSAGE OFFICE. FOR LIVERPOOL AND CORE DIREOTJ •I•ne ; alts full pcnvered Clyde built iron semi steamships of this Line leave regularly EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, THROTTGHOUT the YEAR. First Cabin (by Wednesr's steamer).--..........590 00 Steerage (through from P indelphia) 85 BO PAYA_BLE PAPM, MONEY, • POll ZOBLOPLIKSBY, BELFAST DM3LLY, GLASGOW 0.12 LIVERI I OOL. The elegant Clyde built Iron screw steamship .13115ERN1A leaves on SATURDAY. Dec. 16,1865. Cabin (according to location) ----PO, ego and {7O Steerage All payable in paper money and booked through free from Philadelphia to any of the above porta. Parties about visiting the old country wrn find It to their advantage to call on the undersigned before en. gaging elsewhere, as they can secure choice bertha wig save their railroad enemies to New York. For paasage, apply to W. A.. HAMILL. No. 217 Walnut street (up stairs). Drafts issued for any amormt, payable in any part 02 England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales on the con, 1071 tf .4-••••• - • STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. "n 1 at QITEENSTONVN, the Inman Line, ealltalg Farkri.wpn,RLY, carrying the U. S. Mml " err 1 OF CORK Wednesday, Dec, 20 CITY OF BOSTON, ....Saturday, Dec. 23 CITY OF ..... .. ay, Dec. 27 ETNA Saturday, Dec. 30 At Noon. from Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. t; PAYABLE IN GOLD. First Cabin .------....4901 Steerage.-- .430 Eton to London-4.-- ..... 95 Steerage to London.... 84 First to .. Steerage to Paris. 40 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, &c., Au., at moderate, rates. Passage by the Wednesday Steamers, First' Cabin; 190. Steerage, $2.5, payable in United States currency. Steerage passagelrom Liverpool or Queenstown, 30 gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. lice& For farther inforraation, JO.Mq apply_ G at theD.A ComPa L. nre OL l . .Agesat, 111 Walnut street. Philadellph Le., • RE-OPENING OF TIME OUTSIDE LINE. OF STRA TA - Fag between PHILADELPHIA AND NEW RE r This favorite line will commence th Y eir O trips on THURSDAY next, 30th Inst. The following well known and staunch sea-boats will be placed on the route: Steamer ADMIRAL. Capt. Niebola. EASTItIIN CITY " Mundy, KENNEBEC Edmonds. Days of departure (from each city) will be TETF3- DAN 5, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city from first wharf below Spruce Street at II o'clock, A. M. and New York from pier 4, North River, at 1 o'clock P. M Freights received daily, and 'taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New York will be forwarded free of commissions. _ „ ...... For rates of freight, &c., &c., apply at the office, 314 and ale South Delaware avenue. _ _ _ FOR BOSTON. T. .1 FB 0 .31 _EA C S IT _VO I R? E VERY 1 IV HIP LINE DE DA FROM PINE ST. WILA_RF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews,will NM . from Boston on Thursday, December 28, at 12 M. TI e steamship ABIEt.,, Captain Crowell, will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, Dec. 30. at 10 A. M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, MO tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker; 1750 tons burthen. ARMS, Captain Crowell, 900 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a &Learner being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Bills of'l.4witug with their goods. For freight or passage, apply to HYN.RY WINSOIt & 00., = South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA , RICHMOND .IL ND NORFOLKsTRAmSECIP COMPANY. The fine steamships of this Line insure at the lowest rates ancUsall rt-gularly from the First Wharf above Market &Yea, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk acd City Point, forming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. For freight or passage, with excellent acoommodai tlons, apply to WM. P. CLYDE & 00., 14 North and South Wharves. NEW vx pRESS LINE TO ALEX tii7rANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington, ttrpeake and Delatettre Canal, with connections at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market street every Wedncsiay and Saturday at 12 M. For frdghtapply to the agents W. CLYDE a, co., 114 North Wharves. J. E. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. Eldridge & Co., Agents at Alexandzis. 44tren FOR NEW YORK.—New Daily Line—Vigi Delaware and It&ritanCanal.—PhiladelptdCl anclort , I..pres3 stentnboat Company will t¢ celve freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., delivering that; cargoes in New York the following day% . _ WILLL4.II P. CLYDE, A5..11, 14 SOuth WitarVeB, r ft" „ ' JAMES HAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 15 East River, N. T. NEW TOW-BOAT LLNE. ----- DELAWARE and CIiESAFEARB ei.A.e.t., TOWBOAT COACPART. BARGES towed to and from PHLI,A_DELPECIA, HAVRE-DE-GRACE, BALTIMORE, WASHING TON. and Intermediate points. Val.. P. CLYDE & 00., Agents No. 1 , 1 South Wharves Philadelphia, Captain JOHN LACCiRLDT. Superintendent, FOR SAN FRANCISCO ROBENSON'S CA I rFORNLA CLIPPER LUCE SAILING REGELA_RLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift- Sure Line at reduced rates. The renowned clipper ship STA.k. OF TliE I, SION •a Is now taking in the balance of her cargo at pier 11 East River. and will positively be the first clipper ship to sail. All freight should be forwarded immediately, as she will close out In a few days. For freight, apply to. _ _ _ ItsFOR NEW YORK.— axpress Line be hue schooner F. L. POTTE-L, Small, master, now loading for the above port at Cattell's wharf. above Market street, will have prompt despatch. For frets t, apply to DAVID CJOPEE.ct.. CO., is North Wharves. de2/1 FOR BOSTON—Express Ltue.—The fine % schooner FR.:I. - NE ILERBERT, Chase, master, how loading for the above port at Oirard's wharf. above marker street, will sail with despatch. Fcr freigLkupply to DAVID COOPER dr. 00., 18 North 'Wharves. den FOR FRETORT OR CHARTER.—The tine Mscbooner EL: za BETH MAO EE, Magee, master, 450 tons burden, or 4.090 boil. capacity; cvppertd and copper fastened; now in port and ready for urn: voyage. apply to bAVID COOPER NCO. 16 No: lb Wharves. de23 s c., FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER-Schooner ROLLISIE KESSALL, Captain Woodruff, bbls. capacity. cbooner A. L. YU VICIAN, Captain Daggett, 1.400 bbls. capae:ty: now ready for any voyage. .apply to LAVIL COOPER 4.t.. 18 N. Wharves. delS .A FOR BALTIMORE. MD.—rho tine schooner MARY GAY, Captain Keel , Is now loading for above port at Girard's wharf,above Market street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER dr. CO., it, N. Wharves. • 4- 4, FOR LI VERPDOL. The fine Al ship MOUNT ROYAL, Cuniminger, master, having the greater portion of her cargo engage 1, will suiF:with deepatch. PETER WRIURT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. _ FOR MA.RSETLLES. FRANCE.—The bark WM. VAN IAIIIE, Capt Lewis P. Cook. For Cabin passage, having tide accommodations. apply to the Captain on board, or to WOB.S.mAN dt CO., 1`23 Walnut street. dela FOR BREMEN.—The Al Bremen ship EMIL, Capt. henry On lten...,For Cabin passage having tine aecommodationt, apply to the Captain on board, or to WORKMAN & CO., 123 Walnut at. dela OWNER WANTED for two hods. STAG WASTE, consßßned to HINES & CO., ex ship Afonnt &val. from Lieerpool. PETER WRIGHT dr. SONS, 115 Walnut street. de27.4t QHIP AftR.R.IIIAC, from Liverpool, is now dis /.21 charging uncirr general order at Shippen street wharf. consignees will please attend to thezeception of their goods, PETEIt WEIGHT & SONS, 115 Wal nut street. delB-tf A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED Jai.. against trusting the crew of the Br. ship MOUNT ROYAL. Cumminger, master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction will be paid by the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT dt SONS, 115 Wal nut street. N. barbering persons are hereby cautioned against 11. barbering and trusting any of the crew of the Danish brig DENMARK, as no debts of tnetr contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK MAN & CU.. Consignees. its Walnut street. SUIP NOTICE .— AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. ship 8. L. TILLY, whereof Calm is master, from City Point, VB., as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. EDMUND A. SOUDEIt ds CO., Dock street wharf. del9 Ob. ?,riIiiINDLER, successor to JOHN SHINDLEit tr below & Vine Philadelphia. All work done in the beet manner and on L.e lowan and moat ftworable terms, and warranted to give per, fact satisfaction. Particular attention given to repairing. HOTELS. H OTEL.—The PTERREPONT HOUSE, BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, L. I. is open. We congratulate our friends and the public that the above Hotel is now conducted upon a liberal plan. Being new .y furbished throughout .and having the best table the market affords,' we recommend our Philadelphia friends to patronize our old townsman, Mr. Peters, of the firm of • PETERS & WILSON, Proprietors, Iramanima 25,1865. • de26dm A.N.A.RY SEED.—Twenty-flve barrels Primb V.) nary Seed in otore'and ibr Ole W 0133 Q Ala 123 Walnut Mich 4 . P. R. CLARK, Agent. BTSITOP, SON & CO., 105 Arch street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers