Blezimn Aflitirs. A. Wg.shingtou Lie.,patcuoiyesterday says: The,constitntional term of President Jua rezexpired by limitation on the 30th of No vember last. Amongthe republican states men of Mexico there seemed to be some doubt as to whether he should continue in Isis office until another election could be held agreeably to the constitution and the exigencies of the country, or whether he should relinquish the Presidency into the hands of General Ortega,the Vice President. All true Mexicans were, however, unani mous in thelirst oppinion. . • General Ortega deemed it to be his duty to be at the capital of the republic at the expiration of the constitutionalterm, with a view to assume the charge of public affairs Should President Juarez deem it proper to renoquisn thew. zis rumors growing out of these circumstances, rejudicial to the liberal cause , have 14.3 circulated, the friends of Mexico in is city deny that Juarez and Ortega have quarreled, and say that the latter will submit graciously to the determination of the former, and continue as hitherto to uphold in the field and cabinet the independence and integrity of the re public. [ekectat despatch to the Cothmerclal Advertiser.] WASHINGTOA, DeCerither 16.—Authentic intelligence from the city of Mexico repre • sents a remarkably growth of nationality in that city,and in the interior. The French were becoming daily more unpopular and their withdrawal would be immediately followed by the downfall of Maximilian. The new dynasty is only maintained by foreign bayonets, and the feeling of ,the in stability of the empire is increasing. Ti officials are uneasy and dread a popular manifestation in favor of the republic. The old factions are gradually abating their differences in a manner that bodes a.) good to the Imperialists. The sentiment of nationality has been immensely stimulated by the foreign inva sion and by the hopes inspired by the res toration of mace in the United States. Southern Custom Officers who have not taken the Oath. The following is a partial list of officers of the Treasury Department serving in the Southern States, who have not taken the prescribed oath of office: Collectors of Customs—Jas. M. Matthews, Tappahannock, Va.; Wm. S. Croft, George town, S. C. Surveyors of Customs—Godan yards, Yeocomico, Va.; Win. Y. Leech, Caariest:m, S. C. Collectors of Internal Revenue—Montgo. mery Moses, first district, Sow Carolina; .Tames G. Gibbs, third district, South Caro- Robert B. Kingsbury, second district, Texas. -Assessors of Infernal Revenue—James H. Norwood, first district, S. (2; Charles S. Elfred, third district, S. C.; Alex. M. Mc- Dowell, first district, Alabama; William H. Vasser, third district, :Mississippi, Benja min F. McDonough, first district, Te.xas; Wm. J. Phillips, second district, Texas. Direct Tax Cumin i.sBioner—George A. Sykes, for the district of the State of Missis sippi. BOARD OF TR A. DE: Enver , P. RIPPLE. { BAB:I7EL E. STORES. MONTIELY CO GEORGIE N. TATILAIL IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin NEIN BEDFORD—Schr .1 . Truman, ' 4 ibbs-7z. - 2.9 galls oil J B A. Allen; 1015 do do G A ,s E A Landoll; 1449 do do Cochran do Russell; 134.100 feet boards 50 boxes can dles 544 gallons oil order arrival and Sailing of Ocean steamers TO ARRIVE. Ell= PROM PCIB I DASH Hansa..._........Southampton...New York Lec. C Britannia. Glasgovf...New York Dec. 9 City of Limerick_Liverpool....New bora ...... ....... ue,, b Sidon Liverpool... New York ' Dec. 12 Germania Hamburg... New York Dec. IS Scotland Liverpool... New York Dec. 13 Saxonia Southampton...NPw York nor P. Edinburg Liverpool... New York Dec. 13 St. David Liverpool—New York Dec. 14 Belgian Liverpool... Portland Dec. 14 Australasian ...... ...LiverPool....New York Dec. 16 Erin Liverpool... New York Dec. 2u Star of the Uuion...N. York... New Orleans Dec. 23 Canada Liverpool... Boston Dec. Si . TO DEPART.. Havana New York... Rio Janeiro ...... -....Dec. 29 Virginia .New York... Liverpool Dec. 3O America New York... Bremen Dec. :Xi Etna New York...LiverpooL Dec. 39 Britannia New York... Glasgow Dec. 00 Hansa New York... Bremen/. Dec. 36 Belgian .Portland...Liveroool Dec. 30 Java New York... Liverpool Dec. 30 Corsica ._New Yvidt....NrissaudtHavana...Jan. 1 Cuba .Boston... Liverpool .. -lan. 3 Australasian New York... Liverpool Jan. 3 Europe .New York...Havre Jan. i Saxonia New York... Hamburg Jan. 6 Scotland ..New York...Llverpool Jan. 6 r1.1,11A1ii,"1:.. ay 01 FuDi ;,TS . srf= BVN RISE -9, 725 I SUN BETS, 4 35 1 HIGH WATER, 9 54 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig Ida McLeod, Cook, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to D B Stetson & Co. Behr A Trudell, Timmins, from New York for Now. bern, NC. with an assorted cargo, put in in distress. having been run into on the morning of mil inst. 10 miles south of Barnegat by an unknown schooner, and lost bowsprit and jibboom; damage to the other schr unknown. Schr S & E Corson, Corson, from Boston, with rods. to Crowell & Collins. Schr J M Flanagan, Cain. from Boston. Bohr E Reed, Doane, from Boston. Bohr Silver Magnet, Perry, from Boston. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bohr Mary E Gage, Hopkins, New York, J B Barley & Co. Schr G L Green, Rich, Boston, BlakLstoo, Graeff & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes, hence at Haver a 17th inst. Steamer Norfolk. Vance, hence at Rickmond 24th instant. Steamer Eastern City, Mundy, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Steamer Norman, Baker. hence at Boston yesterday. Steamer Eagle, Lawrence, at Havana 18th inst. from New York. Ship Kate Prince, Libby, from Calcutta, arrived at, Boston 25th inst. Bark John Trucks, Nicholson, from New Orleans, at Fall River 24th inst. Lost lower topsails and split other sails on the passage. Bark Florence Peters, Skinner, sailed from Havana 16th inst. for this port. Bark Camp Vale (Br), Nelson, from St Thomas for tliia port, at Nevassa 2d inst. Bark Alerts (Pros). Oppen,, cleared at New York yesterday for Pernambuco. Brig W H Bickmore, Bickmore, at Baltimore 24th inst. from St John. NB. Brig E H Paler, forßoston, was up at New Orleans 12th inst. Brig Geo Burnham; schrs Sarah B Thomas, Trade Wind, A Hammond. Quickstep, E G Willard, and J B Austin, sailed from Holmes' Hole 24th inst. Schrs J M Austin, Dews, hence for Boston, and R S Miller, from Boston for this port, at Holmes's Hole 24th inst. Schr R H Daly, Saunders, from New York for this port, rint into Newport 23d hist. in distress, with loss of jib, jibboom sprung. and other damage, having been driven off in the late gale. Bohr C P Stickney, Matthews, cleared at Charleston 20th inst. for Georgetown, DC. Behr Wm B Mann, from New York, before reported ashore at Little Egg Harbor, arrived at Wilmington, NC. 20th inst. Behr Archer idc Reeves, Ireland, cleared at Mobile 17th inst. for New York. Behr B W Godfrey, Godfrey, from New York, was below Charleston 20th inst. Behr Jonathan May, Cobb, hence at Mobile 17th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY. Schr Mary P Stevens, trom Wilmington, Del. for Derby. Ct. with coal, before reported lost, came ashore on Horton'a Point, six miles trom Greenport, LI, in a heavy blow night of the 14 h; is bilged, sunk, and with cargo will prove a total loss, nothing being saved bat spars sails, rigging. &c. Is an old centre board'vessel of about 60 tons. Uninsured. Schr Redwing, Capt Randall, from Boston for Jack sonville, Fla. (before reported), was totally wrecked Sept 29 on Cape Carnaveral,:Pla. The captain, wife and crew, except one man. succeeded in getting on the island, and lived under their boat for eleven days, without food, sustaining life by feeding on land crabs, At the end of that time they were discovered by a man, the only inhabitant of the island, who cared fog them duitrig two months, when they 'succeeded in leaving the island, and :ached St Augustine in safety. It Is also reported that = n unknown bark went ashore owthe same island Oc 26,' and went to pieces, and that all hands perished. - sugar laden brig, also cane ashore at the same ti - and went to pieces: The crew were lost, • ',cow: • ni; . _ :11 :A D t . JO:'H. FRICK. .COHMISSIONE ' FOR ALL Tiesis, STATES, No . :TPeRLIO, PENSION A I ' E AGENT, No. 223 DOCK street. PASSPORTS procured, Acknowledgments, Deposi tions, Affidavits to Accounts, taken for PENNSYL VANIA and all the States. Pensions, Bounty and .Price Money collected. • de2o imp $20.000. lert FOR SALE.—Two ftrst class ages of the amount named secured, upon improved city property, centrally located. J. GUICKEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street PPICKLED KERBING .- 500 barrels Bay of Island's Herring, in store and for sale by E. A, SOLIDER CO., Dock street Wharf. FINANCIAL. BACON & WARDER STOCK AND NOTE IE3 R, O K E RAS 218 1-2 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and LOANS bought and sold on commis sion. Trust Funds invested in City, State or Govern meat Loans. WK. E. BACON. no3O-Smi ' GEO. A, WARDER FIRST. NATIONAL BANK. TREASURY NOTES OF ALL ISSUES AND DENOBII NATIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR. SALE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. C. H. CLARK President. ][2. ‘4Y" No. 16 SOUTH THIRD ST., * A BANKERS & BROKERS. GOLD, STOCKS AND BONDS, GOVERNMEN. T SEOURITIRB. BOUGHT ANT) ROT, n HARRY C, POTTER, Successor to Thomas E. Potter, Stock. Broker, N0. r 24 Merchants' Exchange, up stairs. RAILROAD, BULGING, TELEGRAPH, COAL and OIL STOCKS, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, At the Regular Board of Brokers. des•lma OFFICE FOR THE SALE Wen Di ozel I Din a Kau gg NO. 305 CHESTNUT ST. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, CHIM fbr sale, at lowest market rates,' GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AB FOLLOW: U. B. 7.80 Trefoil:my Notes of date of Aug. 16 .1864 Do, do. do. June 16,1866. Do. do. do. July 16,1866. swims OF 1881. 5.20 LOAF, OF 1862. 5.20 LOAN. OF 1864. 10.40 LOAN, OF 1864. CERTIFICATES of INDEBTEDNESS STOCKS OF ALL KINDS, BOUGH! AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Securities Collections on all points made at lowest raten.anl64 FLIEtS'r NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 iiklEIMMILII:911.10Z1101013Miki INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT LEAST • FIFTEEN DAYS. C. H. CLARK, President. 5-20' 8 , . 7 3-10 ,8 WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. Compound Interest Notes of 1864, Wanted. 5.20. 10.40. 7.30. B. W. BOULTON & CO., NO.IIB SOUTH TIEERD STREET. GOLD, STOCKS, LOANS, 'BOUGHT AND SOLD COMMISSION. ise2e4mi THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1865. OFFICE OF THB OIL BUN IMPROVE. MENT COMPANY, No. 2283 Walnut street. 'I he first Annual Meeting Of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at .their office on THUBSDAY, 4th January next, at 12 o'clock N. de23 9t* tiAMUEL D. HAWLEY. Secretary. qUNION NATIONAL BANK. PffiLenaL PHIA, Dec. 9. 1865.11 3 annual , meeting' of the stockholders of this Bank. for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, January 9th, mg, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock of that day. dell,3otrri N. C. MUSSELMAN, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE ANTHRACITE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 311 WALNUT Street, PILILADELPIIIA, Dec. 25th, 1865. The Annual Election for Ten Directors will be held at this office on MONDAY, the Ist day of January next, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. Id. de26 6tl WM. M. SMITH, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE DLITT - HA — L . SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. PIMA- Dt•:LPHIA, December 18th, 1865. The Annual Election for twenty-eight Directors will be held at this office on MONDAY the first day of January 'text, between the hours of . 10 A. Ift, and 2 P. 2d. HENRY LYLB URN, de2l-Bt2 Secretary. 420 WALNUT STREET, PHlLaniar.,pni,t, December 12th,1865. . special meeting of the stockholders of the Mount Farm CM Company will be held at their office on WEDNESDAY, December 27, 1865, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the reduction of thecapitaL, dell-15t* S. F. WATEON. Secretary, :KENSLNOTON AND NEW JERSEY FERRY COMPANY. Annual Meeting of Stockholders for the elation of Directors wi.l be held at the office. 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel, on MONDAY. January 1, 1868, between the boors 0110 A. M. mad 2 P. M. CHARLES M. LUKENS. de2o•lOt* Secretary. [O--. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA_DELPHIA..—TweIfth mo. (Decem ber) 2.39. 1865. The annual election for Directors will be held at the office of the company. No. 5 South Filth street, os. SE(-I)ND DA) ()Monday), the Bth day of First month (January) next, between the hours of l2and 2 o'clock. de22-12t T. EL.L WOOD CHAP.biAN, Secretary. t fF.FICZ. 1 ILA DELPRIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, De cember 20th. i 865. The annual meeting of the Stockholders and an election tor Directors for the ensuing year will be held at the Company's office on MONDAY, the eighth day of January, DAS, at 1 o'clock P. M. d2O-tjas J. MORRI LL. Secretary. CA.M.SsItIa IRON INDMPANY.—The &onus] Meeting of Stockholders of the Cambria Iron Company will be held at their Office, No. Rou Chestnut street, Philadelphia on TUESDAY, Lae 16th day of January nest, at 4 o'clock P. M , when an election will be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensulaf year. JO/LN T. liihLß, PHIL), nI:LPEITA. Dec. 14. 1E65 OFFICE OF TOE SHEYJItD FAR( OIL W3IPANY.—I'Iie annual wee li; of car rsiockbo ders will be held at the °lnce of tliee,odipany :North Sh.VEN Street. Pulladelptila, un SMOIN PAY, the Ist of January. IStiti, at 7 o'c,ocii., P. AL. at which time an election r r seven Director, to sere, tor The ensuing year, will also take place. =ls=lll e.RICA N LIFE LN:"URA.NCE .>,SLJ TEC, r ciIm.PAN V. WA L.Nt . l' street, mutt: r:,-!(bran uf Dec,..uov. Is. U 110 E —The:tuna/0 Mooting or the f - ttockho'der. 011.111. Corn in.oy, for I.lle E.,..L10u of I'h moon 1 rtot tot se/ a 11,e en•uit.l, , , tpolleid too 01.11,, on 310/N1 , January Ist, Isoti ,011 A. M. all. 110011. JO HI: J. W I , dei 21] N,URANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE rr OF PI-S.M.IYLV IA, I'HIL D. cr. her .3A, An Election tor Thirteen Directors cf the Ctot.lpanY will be Laid an the t. oinpuny a °Moe No 4 Ana ,Et thank,e lithicong, r,❑ .1.11..)..N 1).1. Y. January ,tn, 1.-4 he to ern the hours of ten o'clock A.. 11. gaud Lte., cit,'.. I'. fl \V 11..L1.4...M. HARPER, dr'2.....Zojit: ttecret.l7. r- - E 1-1 , ...)1 RA lI.ROAD COY. PAN I — i811;k Decenatier he 21.1111ual meeting of Lt.? cursholders of the Mose km Railroad Company; will be held at the oillce of thA Philadelphia and xteading arturumi Company. So tsou H street, Pb tlade:plint, on HONDA'S J an tmry 1.51 h. 1,4;6, ut le A. M.. is ..n elect - on sill M laeui inc a President and six. Directors. to serve the en suing year. W. A. CHURCH, Secretary. OLEBRAJOK DA L.b. HAILE.° + D CO.ll PAN)', Pit ti..•PEir December 2 - 2 AI. 't he Annual Meeting of the istockhoiders of the Cole brook dale Railroad Company will be held at the ottit.., of the Philadelphia and heading Railroad Company. No. south Fut. H Street, Philadelphia, on ,• DAY. January 15th. IstiS at II s. M , when an election will t e held 'or a Presldeat and atx Director+, to serve the et,tara; sear. W. U Ri Secretary, Cyr OFFICE OF LEHIGH VALLEY RAI LEO A.D CUIIPANI , Ptin-not:Leat.., Let:ember IstM The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their office, No. 12 Walnut stree, on MONDAY, Chetah 01 January next, at 12 o'clock 31.. at which time an election will be held for Presdleut and twelve Directors for the ensuing year. del , l7t* MAN UFACTURERs' INSURANCE COY PAN Y-0111ce, No. 414 Walnut street—PHD-a Dk.1.1 . 11/A, Dec. 11. Isss. The annual meeting of the stockholders of "Tin , Manufacturers' Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania" ct ill be held at the , ollice of the Com pany, on Al UNDAY, January Ist, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. U., when an election will be held for ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. dell Igtrpf M. B. HEILY, Secretary. 110 a OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL INSr RANCE COMPANY.—FHIL.aDELPHIA, Dec. 9., The Annual Meeting of the stock and scrip holders of the Union Mutual Insurance company* of Filth/del phla. alit be held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 8, late, at 1. M. at which time s 111 be beldam election for eight Directors to serve for the ensuing three years. delatjan JOHN MOSS, Seey. I:U., OFFICE CATAW COMPANY No* .12.4 Walnut street. PFLILADELPHIA, Decem ber 4th. Certificates of scrip on the preferred stock of this Company will be issued on February Ist, 1866. The transfer books 'or the preferred stock will be closed for this purpose ou January Ist, 1866, and opened on February Ist. By order &c. M. P. HUTCHINSON, des4, fell Vice Pres. and Sec. THE VINToN FUFtRACE AND COAL COMPANY OF 01110.—The undersigned com missioners, named in the certificate of Incorporation of said Company, will open the books for and receive subscriptions to the Capital stock of said Companyon Saturday, January sin, 1566, at ten o clock A. M. at tbeoflice of George F. Work, No. 121 South Third street in the city of Philadelphia. GEO. F. WORE., CHAS. 11. GRAHAM. de26-10t 5 F. S. HOVEY. iIfraeOFFICE OF MR NORTH PENNSYLVA,.NIA RAILROAD OOMPAIi Y.-PH I LADEL De cember 20, ISM. THE ANNUAL MEETING OW THE STOCK• HOLDERS OF THE NORTH PENNSYLV.A NIA RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, No. 407 Walnut street, Phila delphia, on MONDA Y, January Bth, Iso6, at 12 O'CIOCK M., at which time and place an election will be held for a President and ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. EDWARD ARMSTRONG d2o- tins Secretary, U. OFFICE OF THE McELEENY OIL COM PANY: 211 WALNUT Street, Room No. 11 , . PHILADELPHIA, Dec, 12th, 1565. , The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the MCELRENY OIL COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Company, 218 WALNUT street, Philadel phia, on TUESDAY, Id purpose Jnuary, A- D. 1868, at 12% o'clock P, M. ibr the of electing a Clerk and Board of nine Directors, and for the transaction of such further business as may _properly come before them. By order of the Board, del2tD* G. E. FRYER, Clerk. 1:18 OFFICE OF THE 111cELHENT OIL co., 218 Walnut Street. DECENI 14 ER 22, 186%3. A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Mc- Elheny Oil Company will be held at the Office of the Company. No. 218 Walnut street. Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 2d day of January next, at 12 o'clock:, P far the yurpose of co tsidering a proposition to reduce the Capital Stock of the Company from one million dollars to two hundred thousand dollars,divided into one hundred thousand shares, of the par value of two dollars a share. By order of Board. _ _ OFFICE OF THE llicltAX AND CHERRY RUN - 01L COMPANY, PIIILADELPRIA, Dec. 23, 1865. At a special meeting of the Stockholders of the Mcßae and Cherry Run Oil Company, held yesterday. 22d Inst., (called for the purpose) a resolution was unanimously passed reducing the Capital Stock from two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to one hundred thousand dollars, and also assessing the stock ten cents each share, payment of said assessment to be made at once, and no stock can be transferred until the assess ment shall be first paid. By order of the Stockholders' meeting. M. 8117.131 r, de23-3te Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAII, ROAD COMPANY, Plul.e.ni6Lrx.l4.. November lith, 1865. In order to procure Rinds for the extension of the Railroad to the Wyoming Valley, I The Board of Directors of this Company, at their meeting, this day, passed the follovsing resolution Resolved, That the Stockholders of this Company shall be entitled to subscribe, at par, for TW.ENTY , PER CENT. additional to the Stock standing In, their, respective names on the Books of the Company, on the ist day of December next ; and each Stockholder entitled to a fractional part of a Share, shall be allowed to subscribe for a full share, as no fractions "will be is sued: Subscription Books will be opened at the Skimpa• ny's office in Philadelphia on the lath of December, and closeon the 15th of January, 1866. Payments to be made as follows : Five dollars per share to be paid at the time of subscribing, and five dollars per share on the lath day of‘each and every month thereafter, until the whole amount shall have been paid—after which certificatee of the new stock will be Issued, but neither interest nor dividend will be allowed until the whole shall be paid as aforesaid. Those Stockholders who fall to subscribe within the time mentioned or to pay the several instalments at or' before the period they fall due, will lose their right to the new stock. By order of the Board. L, 1:111tIMBIKRLAIlf, Treasurer. not -2m* SPECIAL NOTICES. MMI L. (11.4V.SISERLAIN, Secretary and Treasons G. E. FRYER, Clerk SPECIAL NOTICES. fr'LL- 7, 1 - BECORN EXCH.9.NGENATIONAL BANK lk,D7 PRII.ADELPICZ., Dec. 9, 186.-The annual elec tion fur Directors will be held at the Bank. on TUES LAI, the 9thday of January next .between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. 2d. J. W. TOR Y, Cashier. THE eLICENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PI - IImsnELPIIIA. DECEMBEIC lath, 1865. ktutice is hereby given, that, agrembir to the charter, an electibn for fifteen Directors will be held at the Company's ollice,on MONDAY. the Ist day of January next. at 11 o'clock A. M. SAMVEL WILCOX, Secretary. _ COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK.— PHILADELPIELA, Dee. Bth, 1965. Ihe annual election for Directors of this Rank will be he:d at the Banking Houle, on TUESD AY the 9th day of January next, between the hours of 10 o'clockt A.M., and 2 o'clock, I'. Al. de3 - f,m,w.Uagi H. C. YOUNG, Cashier. ri- FARMERS AND MECHANICS' 'RATIONAL BANK, Pica.txdrx.enis, Dec. 8, 1865. she annual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking' House on Wednesday. the 10th day of January next, between the hours of le ,;o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. deBf,m,w4ylo W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. WCITY NATIONAL BANK.—Piimankr...elua, Dec, 8, 1865. e Annual Election for, Directors will be held at the Banking House, on WEDNASDA Y, the lOth day of January, 1866, between the hours of to o'clock A. H. end 2 o'clock P. H. O. ALBERT LEWIS, cl eB-f m wtjalo Cashier. Us THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK, PHILADELPHIA, December 5, 1865. The annual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of January nett. between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. dee , w,.l ija9rpl B. B. COBLEGYS, Cashier. 10. PENN NATIONAL BANK, Pam _DELPHIA, December 9, 1863. the re,,,, ,,, u1ar annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank, for the election of Directors, will be held at Its Banking House on TUESDAY, the 9th day of January next, between the hours of ,0 o'c,ock, and 3 o'clock, P. kL JAMES RUSSELL, deti.f,m,w,tJa9./ 'Cashier, U. OFFICE OF THE PENN IifITTUAL LIFE INSURANCE WiII:PANT, No 921 CHEST NUT in‘ feet, Philadelphia. ELECTION —An election for Nine Trustees, to serve for three years. and One, to serve for two years, will be held, at the ()Rice of the Company, on MONDAY, the first clay of January, 1866. Polls open from 10 A. H. to 12 H. S. STEPHENS, del&w,s,m.tJal Secretary. C.H.ETER VALLEY itaiLatia.i) WM PAN Y.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the Chester Valley HattirOad Company, will be held at the Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia. on 310.NDAY, the tub day of January, A. D. ,566, at 12.1. o'c ock, P. M. At which meeting an elec non wilt be held for a President andp3eyen Directors to serve far the ensuing year. dell-w tBt4 WM. H. HOLSTEIN, Secretary, Secretary delsf m wlm. tUiii OFFICE OF THY. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST 1..0.11PA-NY OF PHILADELPHIA...— No 111 south Fourth street, Lth mo.. 13th. itiari. The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the above named Company. will be held at their railer on HIED DAY, ist, January at 10 o'clock. A. AL . . An eloctlon tor three DireC'OrS, to serve for three wLI be Leld between :be hour, ot and 2 I'. M. ROWLAND PARRY Actuary. 01- FICE OF Till: E:sZTERPRISE INsUR AN E 14M PAN Y, :7,trevt---PitzLn. t.. t 1 e ant ual rdeetlng of the Stock huller , ot 1-*.r.:eryrd, I ta•uralice t.onlnany u 11l be Ite,d .n DA) . the eighth day of Jandary next, at 29 A. at the other of the C.), pally. ele• u r Twelve lin - ,..-cturb the It *2 .Ivar nail re bell on the &•arne day, at the patatf.. betuerdll the LOLIS3 of 111 A .11. and 2 o'• k, B. 1.......)CE1VU nein d;a. *Si&cre tarr. OFFICE 1 Ilk: E'a SSE IN CF ANrF L ll" i.„±, , , Si PAN Y. 0. szrc-e: P. , ..11-4.- 1.1,-I.l'H/.4 Iw C 1'.•Ler1...1 . --7 he A hnual Meet' rz, of the etakholders of the Faroe I usurtin e Compeey be held on MO:\ La T. the Janotry. I,ie, next, AL 10 u . c hick: A. M , ut the oikce Lf tne conipaoy. An electiot for elve Li• rectors to nerve for :ite en ) ear will be held Eft the seine oeiween the L.,urs of i 0 0 clerk A. and 2 kir .nock P. M.. W. I. IILAIS Cif A.R I Secretary, dfln Tia,l OFFIt E OF THE HOME. IN , i • RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, 1.5..1 loath Fourth .street. Plot, Livtrit lA. Lee. Ili. is,s. The .A noun! Meeting of the stockho:ders The Home Insurance Company of Phi adelphia. - will be held on Monday the eighth day of January next at le o'clock A. M.. at the Lidice of the Company. An ele‘tion for twelve Director, to serve toe ensuing year will be held on the same day at the same p; ace, between the hours of le o'clock A. M. and 2 u clack P. M. THOS. NEI I.:sON, de2Stojasi secretary. PENNSYLV.aNLA MIN !NI: COM PAN Y OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given that all r-tock in this ComPan.Y, on which the installment, of Four Dollars per Share. called septemder :LAM and due October nth. 1543, is not paid Is forfeited for said default; and that. according to the Charter and By-Laws of the Company. It will be sold at Public Auction, on TUESDAY, January sth. 16'6.6. a: 12 AL, at the Office of the Secretary of the Company, No. 3. - 25 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or be fore that time. By order of the Board of Directors. _ I. DAY, Secretary, DATE.I) Pllll, DELeti re. Dec, fi, PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OF EC' . 3l.lClll(3.lli.—Nutice is hereby given. oast an Installment of Four Dollars per Share on each and every share of the Capital Stock to the Pennsylvania Mining Company of litchi/tau. has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 6 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on or before the 6th day of Octo ber, l'aZ. Interest will be charged on all Installments alter the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors. S. M. DAY. Secretary. I PM LADELPHIA, Sept. 2-5. lea& NEW PIJELICATIONS. HE NEW 110 LID aXIBOOKS.— COUNTRY LOVE vimsrs CITY FLIRTATION. A epic-tidal new satirical poem by H. T. a perry, with twenty large illustrations by Hoppin. Elegantly printed and bound in beveled covers; quarto, tinted paper. Price *350. •,* Also. a cheaper edition, with all the illustrations, white paper, t 2 SO. ..• lALso, the smaller edition ;Li 50 (OUR ARTIPT IN CUBA. A new 111 • 2.u . z o lo i n o . B., Quarte size. Printed attractively iinn"TdriTedzisti . and elegant beveled binding. IS 00 (THE PRINCE OF KASIENA.. An exceedingly 3 interesting new novel, by the author of "I n the Tro (Tics ;" edited by .Is. B. Kimball $2 00 ( fIOLE. LOVE-LIFE OF DR. KA-NE. With Memoir , I and Correspondence concerning the Secret Mar ' ringe between Dr. E. K. Kane, the celebrated Arctic lEaplorer, and Miss Fox 91 7i (A SPINSTER'S STORY 51F All handsomely bound In cloth, and sent by mall ree on receipt of price, by _ _ del3 NI ,hstf PET' ESONS' LAST PUBLICATIONS. OUR MUTUAL_ FRIEND. By Charles Dickens. Yrice,sl 00. paper, or $2 50 In cloth. 1 EARL'ts SECRET. By Miss Pardo. $2. ALLWORTH ABBEY. By Mrs Sonthworth. $2, RED COURT PARM. By Mrs. Wood. Price 76 cents, TRAIN'S SPEECH TO THE FENIA_NS. 25 cents. THE LOVER'S TRIALS. By Mrs. Denison. $2. CHARCOAL SKETCHES. By J. C Neal. Price V. 50. ROSE DOUGLAB, An Antoblokraphy. Price $2, THE, LOST WILL. By Mrs. Wood. Price 50 cents. MRS. GOODFILLOW'S COORERY BOOK. MILDRED ARKELL. By Mrs. Wood. Paean. HIGH LIFE IN WASHINGTON. price $2. THE BEAUTIFUL WIDOW. Price.- SIX NIGHTS WITH THE WASHINGTONIANS. LOVE AND MONEY. 8./J. B. Jones. Price $2. sll ENT STRUGGLES. By Mrs, Ann S.Stephens,:s2. THE MATCH MASER. By Beatrice Reynolds. $2. .lend for Petersons' Descriptive Catalogue. Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. Address all cash orders, retail or waolesale, to T. B. PETERSON ft BROTHERS. No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A LARGE STOCK OF. CHOICE HOLIDAY BOOKS IS AT FRIERSON& de.l6 31 IVEWAM BILY. " OOR-BY THE AUTHOR OF "COTTA 1.1 F WrNIFRED BERTRAM AND THE WORLD SHE LIVED IN. 12mo. All the works by this popular author constantly on hand. Illustrated Books,Standard Juvenile and Toy Books n every variety. For sale by s LLICWS LLFR OR PHILIDOR.—THE 441. PHILIDOE, Musician and Chess Player, byGeare. Allen, Greek Professor In the University of Penn. sylvan's; with a Supplementary Essay on Phllidor,w Ohms Author and Mess Player, by Thassile Vol Mal debrand and de Laza, Envoy Extraordinary and Mb later Plenipotentiary of the Mint of Prussia, at tht Court of BaxeMeinsar. 1 voL, octavo, }i vellum, MP top. Price el SI& Lately published by E. H. Bo disoo., 187 South Fourth West. TAXES ELLER'S Blank Becks and Stationery, nee Market St. Old Books bought and exchanged. 0r.30411 . . BAF,GAINBI BARGAINS!! • BARGAINS! _LADLES ATTEND. MRS. sa:l3llllaVEY,lgo. 88 North NINTH street, ; • • Just below ARCH: , Hsi Just opened a large and elegant assortment of LOAKS, For di l e' Fallend Winter, which she offers at prima et least twenty 13er cent. below the usual ratea. Thislis no humbug. but a positive ftect. Call and see or yourselves. - oeu-tri IIIitHANDSOME RESIDENCE, S. E.cor. of Spruce iG ind:Eighth streets, is opmu for the reception of boarders. Booms single and suites, and with or with. out private table. deS-Inans A new novel by IL A. , }1 75 CARLETON, Publisher, New York SAIIE - ES S. CLAXTON. (Successor to W. S. & A. Martien), 606 Chestnut street CLOAKS. BOMFLDING. I) 11V.1 0 WI CALA 10, OPIUM 'OF THE GREENWOOD GOAL COMPANY, NO. 328 Walnut street. , The Directors of the Greenwood Coal Company have declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., on the Capital Stock, payable on and after January 2, 1866. Tranafer hooka will be closed from Ws date until the 3d of January. WM. M. DAVIDSON, Treasurer. Pa riumE'LPH/A. Dec. 22 1865. de2.l-ja3l 10. DIVIDEND NOTICE—OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, 524 Walnut istreet—Pam o t., Dec. 23d, 136.5. The Board of Directors have ThLs Day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., on the Capital stock of Lhe Company, payable on and after the 30th instant, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 26th at BP. M. and open Jan. ,2d 1866. de23-5t THOS. B. SEARLE, secretary. fl—b OFFICE. OF THE 'TIOGA LKPROVEMENT COMPANY. urVIDIND NOTICE.—The Managers of the Tioga Improvement Compa CENT. this day declared a Dividend of SIX , clear of Taxes, payable on and after 2lst inst. WILLIAM' ELLIS, Tresaarer, Nos. 724 and 722 Market street. IUbDIVIDEND NOTECE.—OFFICE OF THE OCEAN OIL COMPANY, No. 4t i ). Chestnut Street. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., being fifty cents per share on the capital stock., payable on and after Jauaary next, clear of State Tax. Transfer books will close on Tuesday, December 26th,_at F. P. M., and open Wednes day, January sa. W.; M. CARTEB., Treasurer. P/ILLADA., Dec. 21, 1565. ft1e.2,23,27,29.Maja2,3 [Or -PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 002,1PANY TREASURER'S DEP.AIIMENT, PslLADES rtua„ November 1,1865. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Board of Di rectors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Com pany. clear of National and State Taxes, payable on and after November 30th, 1865. Blank powers of Attorney, for collecting Dividends, can be had at the Office of the Company, 288 South Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, no 2-2011 Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA AND Rtf.At.ING RAIL ROAD comparry, Office =7 South FOURTH Street; PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 11,1865. DIVIDEND NOTICK—The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on SATURDAY, Dec. 16, and re-opened on Tuesday, Jan. 9. 1866. A dividend of 10PER CENT. has been declared on the Preferred and Common stock, clear of National arid State Taxes, payable, in cash or common stock at par, at the option of the holder, on and after the 30th inst., to the holders thereof as they shall stand regis tered on the hooka of the company on the 16th inst., all :payable at this office. S. RRADFORD, dellt3o Treasurer. 12:1. OFFICE OF TEE MORRIS CANAL AND BANKING 00.—JEssa7 Crry, Dec. 18th, 1865..2 DIVIDENu .NOTICE. THE FEBRUARY DIVIDEND OF 1.6'66 TO BE PAID IN EE525121 The Board of Directors have this day declared, from the rarnings of the Canal, a semi-Manual dividend of FIVE PER C..;.*T., upon the amount of the Preferred Stock, and a dlvulend of sfX PER CENT.,upon the amount of the Consolidated Stock—free of overnment lax—payable on the tenth day of JAI' CARY next, at the office of the Company in Jersey City, or to Stocit• holders resident In and near the Ban K r.g louse of E. W. Clarke di in that city. This Dividend is In anticipation, and in lieu of that cvluch would otherwise be paid in February, laiti he Transfer Books will be closed from the 20.11 Inst., until the !uth of January, inclhsi VP. de2o-ealo JOAN RODUERS, Sec'ry. OFFICE OF THE 4,27 COMPANY OF LAKE ISCPERIOR, N,,. ht. NN A LN CT street, PHIL,. A , Deol , eo3 ber Is:. Iss-s. ICE.-1 he Assignees of the Al ERRI.IdAC o.lf PAli OF LAKE SUPERIOR Will pay If Dividend of FIFT.t.a....N PER CENT. (15 per cent ) on al claims preperiy adjusted i'mainst. the Company. at the ether of 11,e t ompany, LC WA I.:\ CT street,Ptla phia. cn and after the 2,1 day ofJ.nuary. N't hen the claims consists of data., of the Company. said draft must he presented to endorsement ‘,l am,' um paid, and when the ,latni L. In open acc,..t,, , the rt of the agent of the mine must appears -5 to Its currectress. WILLIAM H. BOYER,. „ 1, Assignees.SA ML. P. DARLINGroN,, I. L. A eent at the Mlne. P. 0. addre, "Greenland. del-f,ni.e: [fell Ontonagon City. Mich. OFFI. E OF THE BORE3HIN COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, Ix 2. WALNUT PH 1 LATELPH lA. Dec. 151, 15,5. .I.IOTICE—The assignees of the Bohemian Mining ectupary of Michigan will nay a dividend of FIF TEK PER Ck..IST. (15 per cent.) on. all claims, pro perly adjusted. and due by said Company at the ottice of the Company, PV WalLut street. Philadelphia, on and alter the second day of January, When the claim consists of DRAFTS of the Cern pa ny. said drafts must be presented for endorsement of amount paid. and when m open account, the certifi cate of the agent at the mine must appear as to Its cometnese. SAMUEL P. DARLUV3TO.W. 4 „ i ,,, Etees. WILLIAM H. BOYER, .) S. F. PECK, Agent at the 'Mine. P. 0. Addres, Greenland, Ontonagon county. ..If!chlgan. del-f,rn.w,tfel CITY ORDENAIICIES. AN ORDINANCE to Make an Appropriation to Pa Certain Claims. &corms' 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia co ordain. Thai she sum of eight thousand four hundred and tour dollars and sixty cents be and the same is hereby appropriated to and for the following purpeses. Vl7. : Item I. For fees of Sheriff for 1P53, twelve hundred dollars. Item: Tor fees of Coroner for 1865, eighteen bun fired dollars. Item 3. For feat of District Attorney for 184 Z, one hundred and ticenty-siz dollars. Item 1. For fees of Clerk of Quarter Sessions, frr ISGS, two thousand nine hundred and eighty ooititm and thirty cents. MENSMiI Item C. To pay officers of election for 1665, four bun dyed and fifty dollars. Item 7. To pay Franke King, for carriages for grand Jury for ISsl. fifty dollars. Item S. To pay William P. Baker balance of fee as County Auditor, twenty collars. Items. To pay John .1 Whitney. for stationery fur s hiked for election officers, eight hundred and seventy one dollars and,thirty cents. Item 10. To pay B. F. Mifflin for notices Of rates for assessors' certificates of assessment and certificates sad receipts for soldiers, four hundred and thirty-two dollars. Provided, That the Controller shall countersign no warrant drawn upon items I, 2,3, 4 and i, unless the charges contained In the bill charged to said Ream shall be accompanied by the certificate of the City Solicitor that the same are no greater than those allowed by law. Nor shall the Controller countersign any warrant upon items 9 ana 10 until he is satisfied that the charges are no greater than the prices for which the parties agreed to furnish said supplies under a provision con tained in the " Ordinance to make an appropriation to the City Commis.loners for the expenses of lam." ap proved iannary 4. 1;45. And the warrants shall be drag n bit the City Commissioners. WILLIAM 8. STOKLEY. President of Common CounciL ArrEsx—JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. J A alEk3 LYITD, President of Select Council, Approved this twenty-third day of December, A ono Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (A. D. lase) ALEXA.WDER HE.RY. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE to make an Appropriation for Lighting the City for int year 18.6. SEt - Tico: 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the sum of four hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fitly cents be and the same is hereby appropria et for lighting, extinguish ing, cleansing, and repairing the .kublic Lamps tor the year IsB6, as ibllows : Item 1. For Ihrnishing gas to, and lighting, extin guishing, cleansing and repairing seven thou- nd five hundred and twenty lamps during the rear (forty-eight dollars. each lamp), three hundred and sixty thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars Item 2 For lighting, cleansing, extinguishing, and repairin and furnishing gas for new lamps to be g erected daring the year (at twenty-lour dohars each lamp), four thousand eight hundred dollars. Item 3. For the erection of two hundred now lamps (at twenty-eight dollars and forty-five cents each lamp), live thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Item 4. For changing fluid lamps for gas (at seven t oilers and fifty cents each), one hundred and twenty seven dollars and fifty cents. Item 5. For repairs and renewals during the year, four thoussuld five hundred dollars. Item 6. For excise tax on gas used in the publiclamps during the year 1866, fifty thousand one hundred dollars. Item 7. For excise tax on gas used in the public lamps supplied by the Northern Liberties Gas Works, three thousand six hundred dollars. And the warrants shall be drawn in conformity with existing Ordinances. WILLIAM B STOELEY President of Common Council. ATTE-Yr—JOHN ECESTELN, Clerk of Common Council. JAMES LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-third day of December, .A.nno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-five (A. D. 1865). ALEXANDER HENRY, It Mayor of Philac elphia. D ESOLIITION of instruction to the Chief Commia• stoner of Highways. Resolvcd. By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That the Chief Commissioner of Highways be and he is het eby directed to have the centre of Broad street, from Passyunk road to old Sec ond street, put In proper condition for winter travel. Provided. Tbat the expense thereof shall not exceed three hundred dollars. • WM. S. STOICLEY, President of Common Council, ArrEar--ROBERT BETHELL, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. JAMEEI LYND, Piesident of Select Council. Approved this twenty-third day bf December, Anus Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.tive (A. D. 1865). AT. XANDEB. TERNItY It Mayor of Philadelphia. A N ORDINANCE to Direct that no more Warrant 11 Issue for the Payment of Bounties. • SEcTioN 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That no warrants shall be issued after the passage of this ordinance for the payment of any bounties to volunteers. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Common Council. ATTEST—ROBERT RETRELL, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. JAMES LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty third day of December, Anno Domini. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (A. D. 1665). ALEXANDER HENRY. Mayor of Philadelphia. CITY ORDINLNCE. A N ORDINANCE to make an Appropriation to the CI. Department of Police for the year 1866, ecTion 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the soul Of six handrea and ninety-one thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars ($691,392) be and the same is hereby appropriated-to defray the expenses of the Department Of Yel ice for theyear 1866. Item I. F,T the salaries ofthe Mayor, two clerks and messenger, eight thousand three hundred and thirty dollars ($8230). Item 2. For salaries of the Chief of Police and Chief of Detective Force, and Fire Marshal, four thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ($4,850). Item 3. For salaries ofseven High Constables, eight Detectives, eighteen Lieutenants, and thirty-two rier geanb3, sixty-one thou Land three hundred and eighty nine dollars ($61,3r9). Item 4. For the salaries of seven hundred and sixty three Policemen, five hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars (6556' ,000). Item 5. For the uniform of seven hundred and twen ty-nve Policemen, at forty dollars each, to be paid in equal semi annual propottions to each uniformed Po liceinen, for the purchase of uniforms anoer the direc tion of the Mayor, twenty-nine thousand of era ($29.100). Item 6. To repairs to station-houses, rooms and . and for furnitin e, and boats and repairs to same, one tholi rand eight hundred dollars ($1.800). Lem 7. For cleamaing...station houses rooms and cells thirty-seven honored dollars ($3,700). Item 6. For the conveyalace of prisoners by Van. six thousand and twenty-three dollars $6023). This work to be given to the lowest blcider upon proposals invited for the same. Item 9. ror meals and medical attendance, thirteen kindred dollars (SLEW). Item 10. For beddiag, three hundred dollars (VA' 39. Item 11. For badges, rattles. buttons, maces and belts for officers, Bev- a hundredfdollars ($700). Item 12. For stoves and heaters and repairs to the same, three hundred dollars (1100). Item 13_ For fuel, three thousand dollars, (s3,ooo),aud all coal used shalt be Schuylkill, obtained, from mi ners only. Item 14. For incidental expenses, one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,s00). Item 15. For stationery and printing, one thousand five hundred dollar:4(51,500), Item 16 For the arrest and conviction of offenders and for foreign telegraph expenses, one thousand dollars ($1,000). Item 17. For expenses to be incurred in procuring evidence, and in the Investigation of alleged viola tions of law, five hundred dollars ($5o()). Item 18. For expenses to ha incurred in the pursuit and arrest of criminals who have escaped beyond the limits of the police districts of the city, five hundred dollars ($304). Item 19. For taking up dogs, and for killing the came, one thonaanddollars ($1,000). Item 20. For ice to station-houses and Central office, four hundred dollars (1400). Item 21. For rent of station-house, Chesnut Hlll, seventy five dollars (175). E_X PE.e. ti.ES OF POLICE AND FfIlF ALARM TFLEGRAP H. Item2L. , For salaries of e uperintendent and As sistant t-nperir.tendent, :twenty-six hundred dollars Item 2:. For rePairs, (two thousand dollars ( f 2 . 000). item 14. For h rep of bore and wagon, three hun dred ann twenty-ilv.. dollars 14.V5). Item I.Fr Fur batteries and acids, two thousand dol lars ;;-.2 ow). Item ii. For stationery and printing, four hundred ouliars .1-4 o). Item r. for incidental expense,, two hundred Item 24 For painting telegraph poi‘- , . six hundred And Us. warrants shall br drawn by the 'layer. %)" IL LIAM S. rsTOR f.Fy V. Pre,ident 0 I _CO 111131 . 01:1 COU T 1 E. , T -ABRAFIAm STENV.A Rl'. A S... , L3cant t'lert of Common Con nt-t1 JAM "-.S LS '.D, President of Sel•el Council• prov• dit IWPII t y-t I,:rd sl, vof becemner Ann° L, mini sue I.l.ousaml rub. Lundred and sixty-five (..1. ALEXANDER HENRY. Mayor or Philadelphia 1).F" 4. 1-r - IMYS to l'ransfr;r Certa'n I t,1113 of A ppro priat'oo k) the Department rur supplying the City ill, IA ,ter. rrd, 13 - 7 the Se: .ct and Common Councils of tha Cit:. ur Pni!rwie'phia. That ice aunt of two thousand FeN en hur.dred lane. twenty-tive dollars from item no. , labor la) rug pipes. setting and fitting tire plug-s. of an orditaLo-e to make an appropriation to the Department for supplying the City with Water for the year 1413, appr,red Jar.o.ry 4. I si.3, he and the same is Lere'ey transierred to the following items, to wit : o Item No. 26, for tallow, oil and pis at Fairmount Work h. eight hundred dollars. To Item No 2: - . for taPo oil and fluid. at Delaware Wort a. seven ty-ti ce dollars To Item No. •2S, for tallow. oil and g 0,. at Schuylkill W.rks, three hundred dollars. To Item No. 29, for tallow. oil and fluid, at Twenty fourth Ward Works, fifty dollars. To Item No. S 6. for kee-ping pipes, plugs. stops and natures In gcod order..tifteen hundred dollars. All of same ordinance. WILLIAM S. STOK LEY, • Presidt•ut of Common Council. ttes.I—BENJAMIN H. HALVES, Clerk of Select Council. LTND, President of Select Council, Approved the twenty•thlrd day of December. Anuo Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (A. D. 1,455). T. VXA_NDKR HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia A N ORDINANcx making an additional approprla ll. Lion to the bepartment of Street Cleansing for the expenses of 1665. sscrioN 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the further sum of twenty five hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Department of street Cleansing, for the year lan, arid the City Controller Is hereby directed to credit the said sum to the following items of the appropriation to that department, ap proved the third day ofJannary. A. D. 1565. as follows: To Item 7.(for pay or laborers) twenty-three hundred dollars. To Item 3, (books, stationery, &c..) two bandied dollars. WILLIAM S. STOSLEY, President of Common Council. Arrssr—ROßEKT BETHEL. Assistant Clerk of Sel , ct JAMES LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-third day of December, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, (A.D. OW). ALEXANDER It Mayor of Philadelphia. JSUPPLEMENT TO C.N ORDINANCE TO authorize the purchase of ground in the Twenty first Ward. ekcvlow 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the right to enter other ground of the owner of premises described in the first section of the ordinance to which this is a supple mer t, shall be construed to authorize the laying ortly of a forcing main to said reservoir, and by a route de signated on a plan of S. W. Whitney's property pre pared by James Roily, Surveyor and Regulator, in the n oath of December, 1155, and by no other route which shall deviate therefrom more than ten feet. WILLIAM S. STOKLET, President of Common COIIIIC9. ATTEST—ROBERT BETHICTJ,, assistant Clerk of Select Council. JA‘f LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-third day of December, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, (A. D. 1665). ALEXANDER HENRY, It Mayor of Philadelphia. A _ADINANCE to authorize the sale of Military A Rte res belonging to the City of Philadelphia. SE(-r I( Nl. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do Grdain. That the Superinten deui of the City Arsenal, under the direction of the Mayor and supervision of the Committee on Defence and Prete. Lion, is hereby authorized and directed to sell at public sale all the military stores, cavalry equipments, i Wrenching tools and implements, not in use and stored in the arsenal building, together with so much of the artillery harness as are not absolutely neided, and the ammunition (stored at the State maga nel belonging to the city. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. ATTEST—ROBERT BETHELL, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. JAMFS LYND, President of Select Council, Approved this twenty-third day of December, .A.nno Domini one thousand eight hundred undre DE d ß a irm nd sixty-five (A D. ISSS), AT Mayor of Philadelphia. LOST AND FOUND. CAUTION! $l,OOO REWARD. All persons are hereby forbidden to purchase or goit any of the following UNITED STATS n o- BONDS, they having been stolen on the morning of the V..d of December, 1865, payment of the same having been stopped. The following FIVE-TWENTY Bonds: No. 22,960 for $5OO. 35,058 do. do. • 35,4 59 do. do. " 35,060 do. do. " 35.061 do. do. " 35,062 do. do. " 35,063 do. do. • 25 064 do. do. " 6,914 do. $lOO. " 32,771 do. do. • 56,918 do. do, " 56.319 do. do. 8.389 do. $5O. Also, the following SEV..-THIRTY Bonds: No. '35,603 for $BOO. 35.906 do. do. • 125,443 do. do. " 127,476 do. do. The attention of all Bankers is called to the above notice, and any information which will lead to the re covet), of the stolen bonds will be l N iberally rewarded. JOH W. WILSON 617 North Tenth street, Philadelphia. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARSRE- A. WARD.—The residence of the subscriber was en tered on Friday afternoon and the following BONDS stolen therefrom : No. 24,412 15-29 Bonds, second series, $lOO. No. 24,413 do. do. 100. No. 25.817 do. do.' 100. No. 26,880 . do. • do. 100. No. 26,861 do. do. 100. No. 29,196 do. , do. 600. No. 87,296 do. do. 100. No. 6,289 do. third series, 50. No. 6,290 do. do. 50. No. 14,487 do. do. 56.c.' No. 6,107 do. fourth series, 50. No. 7,605 do. do. • 50. No, 90,199 7.30 Bonds, Letter C. 500. And about five hundred dollars In money. Brokers and others will Please stop tnem, If offered for tale. JOHN A. FRY, . de26-2tv 911 Mount Vernon street. IDYRE & LANDE.LL have opened for Christmas, -121 Lace Cambric Hd.lcht.., for $l6 to 124Lcento. Real Point *Dollars, &c. TXTRITE OAR PLANK.--steso feet Ship Plank, VY inch to 5 Inch. For sale by E. A. 13011DM &De. Dock street wharf. dOU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers