Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 21, 1865, Image 9
SAND-ESASTLES SY L. R,. wrcs,orir. 'Upon the hard, white-sanded beach, All strewn with moss and tiny shells, Thero played a child, whbse lisping speech And winsome ways, were maixic spells To win the love of all who knew The darling boy; and as he played, His auburn curls, and eyes of nine, A lovely, witching picture made. The . waves came leaping to his feet, As if to kiss him, asthey broke Along the shore, in murmur sweet, As though old ocean gently spoke; While he, the boy, a heap of sand Had raised—a castle fair to view, Wlth moat, and draw, and turret grand, Of mimic style, in likeness true. Nor knight, nor prince, more proud than he Of this gay structure he had made ; Nor did he dream the treach' rous sea, Could make the pretty fabric fade; And there he played the livelong hours Of that bright summer's day, without A thotght of winds, or waves, or showers, To mar his sportsome, merry bout. And when night came, he scarce could sleep,, So So eager he to sport once more • Upon the shingly beach, where sweep The crested waves along the shore. At last he slept, and sweetly dreamed. His coral lips and marble brow— His sparkling eyes that ere while, beamed, Are calm, and hushed and quiet now. And while be slept the long night through, The rain descended on the strand; The floods, they . came, the winds they blew, And beat the nouse upon the sand; Alas! it fell—and great the fall Thereof. Morn broke upon the world In splendor, having thrown the pall Of night aside, its folds close furled. The sunlight kissed the foamy wave, It made the trees with diamonds hang; All bright the flowers the rain did lave, While all the earth with music rang, No trace was left of roistering wind, Or swelling flood; all, all was now Serene as some fair statue shines, With holy calm on its cold brow. The little architect awoke, And basted with expectant heart Adown the beach. "Oh! where," he spoke, "Is now my castle brave?" A dart Of angry grief went quivering through His soul, and bitter tears rained fast, As not a vestige met his view, Of all his toil and labor past. The smooth, wide-strAtching sand was all He saw. ' not e'en a foot-print there To mark the spot. He shook his small, White fist, in powerless rage; and where The shine lit up the shelly beach, He threw him down and groaned in pain; His grief was all too great for speech;— He could but weep and weep again. O pilgrims in a weary land, Where all is - care and wild unrest, Build not your hopes upon the sand, Or they will fail when put to test. There is a rock on which to found Your faith—the Rock of Ages, true Arid firm; there grace and strength abound, And there, your soul's salvation too. STEuuktivit.tr, Q., Dec. 11, 1865. Earthquakes in California—Other Dis. asters. A letter from San Francisco to the New York Times, says: Perhaps you all think that San Francisco is no great shakes. Come out here and try one of our earthquakes, not the ones that for so long were a by-word and reproach to the internal forces, mild yearnings, merely, of the terrestial bowels, but a regular old tramper like that which dropped in on us some few Sundays ago, rattling down brick walls, scaring con -gregations into Convulsions, and dis turbing the peace of families generally. It is with a feeling akin to shame, how ever, that I confess that I lost that magnificent shake entirely, being on the street at the time. And they may tell about men being thrown flat upon the side-walks and horse-railroad cars thrown from the track, as much as they please. I do not believe any such stories. For I was walking in a part of the city where the shock was most severe, and was never ,more surprised in my life than when I saw people rushing from their houses in wild alarm, and bricks came dropping about my ears. The street was filled with , people in less time than you could empty a bag. The idea that an earthquake was going on never occurred to me, and I seized several by the shoulders, and asked what the matter was. None answered me for some time, though a Frenchman, to whom I pro pounded the question, looked in my face a moment, shouted ",S'acre," and rushed off like mad. It was on Sacramento street, and he probably thought I was a stranger, asking my whereabouts, but was too much hurried to get beyond the first two syllables of the street. My cu riosity was soon set at rest, however, by a gentleman who replied to my question of what was going on, "An earthquake, you fool." The reply was laconic, cer tainly, if not over and above polite. It must have seemed strange to t hem that any one should be asking questions at such a time. Ima g ine a man standing out in a thunder storm, and asking it' it was raining, though the anomaly might occur if he had a large enough umbrella. Despite all reports to the contrary, very little damage was done by my earth quake. I call it my earthquake, from the fact that as I wrote a half dozen dif ferent accounts of it to as many papers, I cannot help considering that I have a proprietary interest in it. Curiously enough, we had nothing but earthquakes for a week afterward—mild spasms of the terrestrial,bowels, however, which a dose of soothing syrup might have re lieved. But there was a constant appre hension that another big disturbance might come, and for some days real es tate might have been quoted as shaky, with a downward movement in glass and a fall of bricks momentarily looked for. To keep the excitement up,Moun.t Hood,- a mountain in Oregon that is indebted to Bierstadt for an Eastern reputation= if it have any—suddenly put on her bon net of flame, and set red ribbons stream ing from out her back hair. It was the first eruption of that volcano, for fifty years and so quiet had the creature's— or crater's—mouth been,that people had come to regard her as a toothless 'old granny, from whom they had nothing to dread. Some terrible demonstration was looked for when it became known that the mountain was aflame; but nothing came of it; the mountain acting as a sort of chimney or safety-valve for the superfluous smoke and steam below, instead of playing the part of s.O agent of fcesh disturbances. And as this fact be came apparent, we gradually settled down and regarded it alias one of Hood's jokes. I observe that rather exaggerated ac counts of our earthquake reached the THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADM,PHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21,1865.---TRIPLF, SHEET East, and that Sari Franoisco's reputa tion :suffered in consequence. To tell the truth, my confidence in her .is not what it was she occupies " in - my mind the position of a woman who has been "talked about"—been made the subject of scandaland I cannot,refrain from loOking upon her as a little 'shaky. For it was merely a question of a few seconds more ,of ,the earthquake's con tinuance, or a little more violence; thht a single house was left standing in the city. SuppOse they put in a little more powder next time, eh ? One does not like to have one's preconceived notions of the stability of things upset in this way, and all the pretty rhetoric about terra firma set at nought. Such phenomena always seem to group themselves together, for not long before we had the terrible loss of the Brother Jonathan on the up coast, only one small boatload being saved of all the passen gers and crew; and immediately after ward came the explosion of the Yose mite' sboiler, killing and wounding about a hundred persons. Dan. Setchel, the comedian, on the occasion, came very near finding himself in a way to be written of in the future as a "finished actor," for he was on board, and four of his company were instantly killed. He escaped by happening to be in the after part of the boat. In the forecastle of the boat there were thirty-nine China men, all of whom were instantly scalded to death by the escaping steam. The sight was terrible when their blistered bodies were taken out from the wreck. True, they were only Chinamen, but I hold to a belief not very generally ac cepted here, that Chinamen have souls, and that their lives are of some value to themselves, aside from the fact that in the death of each one four dollars a month are lost to the State—that being the tax imposed upon them in mining counties. Poor fellows, their bodies are by this time welt upon the way to that flowery land whence they came. For you know these Chinamen could not sleep com fortably in the graves wh telt our heathen hands dig. Each one of them belongs to what is termed a company, to which company they pay a certain monthly sum for the insurance of being carried to China and interred according to their own customs when they (lie; and perhaps they are not so far wrong, for great as is my affection for San Francisco, I do not know but that there are places in the world that I should better prefer to start from on taking that trip from 'which no traveler returns. SHIPPI. - ***. STEAM TO SAVANNAH, GA. Co IL7 T 1) ]F, I=l 'S LJNE CARRYING THE UNITED STATES 9IAIL. The tine Steamship CILTIVirt lEULA. 9 Captain CHARLES A. FRENCH, Having been upavoldably detained. will sail from_ Steamship Wharf, RACE street, on SATRDA U Y , December mod, at In o'clock, A. M., positive:y. For freight or paasage, having elegant socommoda• lions, apply to E. A. SOLIDER & CO. GENERAL OFFICE. No. 3 DOCK. Street Wharf. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE OFFICE, de2o-41 No. 210 North Delaware avenue. FOR HAVANA. =, The steamship HENDRICK HUDSON, HOWES, Master, Will sail on SATURDAY MORNESH, December ate o'clock. 1:0 Trelght received after Thursday. For Freight or passage, apply to THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, delb-71 140 North Delaware avenue. F A *.crr.'t 's PASSAGE OFFICE. FOB LI h.EPOOL min COB DIRECT. '1 .e first..clasa tall powered Clyde built Iron screw steamahips of this Line leave regularly EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY THHOUGHOUT the YR.-tit. First Cabin (by Wedne,day's etearner).—.....-390 E Steerage (through from Philadelphia) Bt 7 PAYABLE IN PA_PE.B. MONEY, LaNDONDERBF, BELF;f:CT DEIBLE27, GLASGOW ort LIVEIII 3 OOL The elegant Clyde built iron screw steamship EIBEaIiN IA leaves on SATURDAY. Dec. 16, 1365. Cabin (according to f‘kl,4ao and fa) Steerage All payable In paper money and booked through free from Philadelphia to any of the above ports. Parties about. visiting the old country will find It k their advantage to call on the undersigned before en gaging elsewhere, as they can sec ore choice berths and save their railriad expenses to NE A" York. For passage, apply to W. A. HAMILL, No. 217 Walnut street (op eLdirs). Drafts issued for any aruannt, payable In any part o ELgland, Ireland, Scotland and Waies or on the Con tinent. ''- all STEAM TO LIT rRPOOL, ....Zing at QUEENSTOWN. the Inman Line. nailing SEMI-V. - FEELY, carrying the U. S. Mail CITY OF COI-Z% ANeeine,lny, Der, 2!. CITY OF EOSTOIc._. Stannihr. Dec...z. , CITY OF LI:LL.B.', K Wediii.-30 ay, Dee. 2.7 ETNA. Saturday, Dec. 4.3 At !Soon. from Pie, 44 Nortb River. FATES OF PASSAGE. PAYABLE IS GOLD. . First Cabin - ._.. f'W I 5te5rage..... r .....—........430 F": 52 to London 95 Steerage to London_... 34 First to Paris 165 Steerage to Pari5._....... 4C Paasengers also forwarded to Havre, Hanaburg,,Bre. men, &c., ctc., at nat‘derete _rates. _ Passage by the WednescLey ' , Steamers, First f..ne. Steerage, ;.:35, payable In tufted States currency, Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, $3O gold, or its eumvalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends, For further imbrmattun, utmly at the Company'e 01- acat. SOHN G. DALE, Agent 111 Walnut street. Philadelphia. iVF, FOR .80z 4 TON. STEAMSHIP LINE DIRECT. .S.e.t. ING FROM EA PH .PORT EI7E.R P I'VE DA FROM. PINE ti , fT. WHARF, PH ILA.DELPHIA, AN D .LONO WHARF, BOSTON, The stearuslop NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Philaa eiploa on Monday, Dec. 25, at le A. 11.1. Tt e steamship ARIE.t., Captain Crowell, will sail from Boston on Saturday, December 22, at 12 M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston Is now Composed of the SAXON. Captain Matthews, 1200 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Baker, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Crowell, boo tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo, lz•hippers are requested to send Bills of Lading with their goods. For freight or passage, apply to HAS R,Y NVILVSOR do CO., 332 South Delaware avenue. RE-OPENING OF TH_E, OUTSIDE LINE 'Pt OF KEA= dS between. PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK. • -- This favorite line will commence their trips on TEURSDAY ue_xt, 30th Inst. The following well known and staunch sea-boats will be placed un the route: Steamer ADMIRAL EASTIRN CITY _ •• ERNNEEEC Days of departure ( from each city) will be TifES. DAA S. TIILLESDA.Ys AND SATURDAYS, leaving this city from first wharf below Spruce street at 11 o'clock, A. hi. and New York from pier 4, North River, at 4 o'clock P. M Freights received daily, and taken at reasonable rates. All goods destined beyond New York will be forwarded free of commissions. For rates of freight, 4c., Sc., apply at the office, 314 and 316 South Delaware avenue. n02.51fP P. R. CLARK, Agent. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND• SymA wan. COMPANY. The fine steamships of this Line insure at the lowest rates arm earl r.gularly from the ?lrst Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon, Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, forntnag the most direct route for the South aid Southwest. For freight or passage, with exceLlent accommoda. Lions. apply to WU. P. CLYDE Rs CO., 14 North and South Wharves _ _ tt TOR BREMEN—TIe Al Bremen ship BUIL; lifklyfi Capt. henry Onken. Por(lithin passage having fine accommudadons, apply to the Captain on' board, or to WORKMAII &CO., I:13 Walnut st. dela c,„ . NEW EXPREGS . LINE TO ALRB -7; ANDRIA., Georgetown and Washington via uhesapeake and Delaware Canal, with, connections at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the south - mat. ; .. .... ... , Steamers leave First Wharf above Market Weal every Wedn ,, day and. Saturday at 12 M. For freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 North Wharvas. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Georgetown; M. _Eldridge di Co., Agents at Alexandria. Zi FOR NNW YORIC—New Daily Lino—Via Delaware and RarltruiCanal.—Philadelphtg gala 'ewriork Bap reds Steamboat Company will rd calve freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., delivering thei.: cargoea in New York the following days. 4 s -- NEW TOW-BOAT LLNE. --- -- DELAWARE and , CHERAP RA EY 0,...,1. • VW-BOAT COMPANY: BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA HAVRE-DE-GRACE lIALTESLORE, WASHING TON. and interment? p inta. W .P, CLYDE & CO. Agents No. 14 South - Wharves, Philadelphia. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. ROL INSON'S CALIFORNIA CLIPPER EINE. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTISED. Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Sure Line at reduced rates. The renowned clipper ship STAR OF THE UNION Is now taking in the balance of her cargo at pier 11 East River, and will positively he the - first clipper ship to sail. All freight should be ito n ardsci immediately, as she will close out in a few dhys. For freight, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., 105 Arch street. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.-Schooner .. ta CAROLINE RE ALL, Captain Woodruff, 2,090 bbls. capacity. r:chooner A. L. PG I'MAN, Captain Doggett, 1.40 n bbls. capac:ty: now ready for any voyage. Apply to DA VIL COOPER CO.. 18 N. Wharves. del.9 FOB BOSTON, Mass.—Express Line.—The fine packet schooner ELMER M. WRIGH Freeman master, now loading for the above tort at— wharf, will have prompt despatch. For treip ht, apply to DAVID C,JUPER. & CO., 10 North Wharves. deli FOR BALTIMORE. MD.—The fine schooner MARY GAY, Captain_ Keen, Is now loading f)r t. e above port at Girard's wharf above Market. street, and will sail with despatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER s (X)., la N. Wharves. FOR LIVERPOOL. The fine Al shin MOUNT ROYAL, Curnmlnger, master. having the greater portion of her cargo engaged. Nvi sail with despatch. PETER WRIGHT fit SONS, 115 Walnut street. FOR MARSEILLRS, FRANCE.—The bark WM. Val , . NAME Capt Lewis P. Cook. For Cabin passage, having flue accommodations. apply to the Captain on boarn, or to WORKMAN 124 , Walnut street. dell ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against tnisi Ing the crew of the Br. ship MOAN ROYAL. Cum minger, master, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contraction be paid by the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 \Val. nut street. BR. SHIP MOUNT ROYAL. Cummtn.72r. master, from Liverpool. Is now discharging under gen eral tinier atsmith's wharf. Consignees will please attend to tne reception of their goons. PETER WRIGhT & SO:NS. 115 Walnut Street. OTIOE.—A.II persons are hereoy cautioned against barbs ring and trusting any of the crew of the Dar.Lsh prig DE.NIIIAItIi. as no debts of toeir contract ing will be paid by captain or consignees. WORK.- MAN & Cu., Consignees. 123 Walnut street. OTICE —A II persons are hereby cautioned against .1\ trusting any of the crew of the Bt Itish bark A.W. TUN. trom Liverpool. as no dents of their contraction will be paid by captain or consignee s . PI TER NV RR: HT S.. 801.1 S, 115 \Valunt street. tf 4 - .IIIIP persons are hereby cantinned tigain+t trusting tiny' of LIIf crew of the Br. ship S. 1.. TILLY, wt. ereof Cann is master. from City rot nt. Va., as no d...bts 01 their contracting will be pald by capt EDMUND 18011.1)1.2. & CO., Dock street wharf. ' del9 NC/TLC - IL—The schooner EM :A l' BSCOti, Bearse, maw er, from Roston, Is now discharging ber cargo at Arch street wharf. Consignees win atterd to the reception of their goods. DAN' .11) CCOPJ R & CO.. 18 N. Wharves. den C.:HIP 11.8-BRIMAC, from Liverpool. is now dls -10 chargiLg under general order at shippen street wharf. Consignee. will please attend to the reception 01 their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. 115 Wal nut street . delB-tf BR RARE A. W. SINGLETON. from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Shippen street wharf. Conslgnees will please ettend to the re ception of their gouda. PETER WRIURT dr. SONS, Walnut street_ taH INLIKE. successor to JOI:CCE SitINDLEP & SONS, Sall Makers. No. 244 North WEIL WEIS below Vine street, Philadelphia. All work done in the beet manner and on Loa lowea and most favorable team, and warranted to give per fect seti ef Thartirnlar mutation given to reroablinr. HOOP SKIRTS, 628628 NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY of Hopkins' "own make." at No. ARCH Street. Thrse Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, Misses and Children. which. for finish and durability, have no equal In ±he market, and warranted to give satisfaction. A iso, constantly on hand, a full assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 'girls made to order, sistrtirnrai, repaired.yer low p Wh r o l lesale S and noIS-firm C. F. RUM PP r""7"'% t _ • . No. North Fourth street., Phll Adel p Ma. • Manufacturer and Irn.,ortet of ' TAA. PuB.TE MON NAIES POCKET BOOKS. CIGAR CASES. MONEY BELTS, SATC4 F. 1 ,4 , PURSES. Cabal, Rankers' Cases, Dressin4 (Ises. Writing Desks. Port Folios, Bill Books. Sc., LCA. Jobbing promptly attended to. T IN 1)0W GL A S.s._ I WILLIAII EVANS, Jr., 2 2 South FRONT St, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American and French (Russ, Putty. Painut, Oils, Varnishes, etc, A very dasirable orand of 0242m1 Glass for Picture Frames. T Vd I:IOH_A_N 111 7, =t1tia, WSd H. BEERILION J NO. E. COPE. QOVIHWAIIII. - FOL'iCDRY,FfiIIi AND WARE STREETB, PHIL CD HLZFRA, EhrF.R.Ri( K & SO Z: N 815 MACII Emanfz.oiru-e librh and Low Prs.sanre Ste. za , Enstnn. fo r atcror and I.4arineService. ~aer._,Gascaucners, Tanks. Iron Boats, &C. .-astings of all lands, either Iron or brass. Lr.n• ;amt.. Roofs for Gaa Works, Work:shopa a ,42.!.r0, ,, ...t0ffee 3, &C. )r.s and. tisz Machinery, of the latest and 1211:Cl myrr•ved conntrmllon. Y..eery •.:escrimion 01 Plan nation Machinery; aril Sugar, z , sw Orist ',Sills, Vacuum Pans, 'ape: 3 , kain Trains, Defacatora, ?Liters, Pumping gines, &c. kuie Age.nte fur N. Billena'e Patent Sugar RoI.LIN &pparatna, is.:efnyili's Patent Steam Hammer ani esptfwall d ~ VooLsey'a Patent Centrifugal Saga! Draining Machine. SBY IN A WOP.K.s--on the DELAwam E. Elver, TJai.DELPHIA, CH_ESTE.d., Delaware county, Pa. BJ LNEY, SON Os 00,, Engineers And Iron Boat Builders, MBA ufacturer3 of AU kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CO.NDE—NBDIG GENES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tinier Pfwellers, &c., &c. T. REA_NEY, W. B. B.E.A.NEY, S. ARCHEBOLD, Late of Late 2.naney, Neafle 4r. Cu., Engineer In Chteg Penn Works, Phila. DYI3-tfl B. S. NAVA, P HA PH rI. DELPILLASCHOOL , . FOURTH street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY, Sept. Yttla Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire s thorough knowledge of this accomplishment will find every facility at this school. The horses are EISS , and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Eladdli horses trained in the best manner. Saddle honer horses and vehicles to hire. Also carriagea for tong. rain, to cars, steamboats. de. THOS. CEA MR RS SON, 'DETER WRICiYIT d; EONS, .thrpoßTß - rul OF EARTECEISTWARE, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION N 0.115 WALNUT STREET, PHILADV.LPHIA. 7111E8 A. WRIGHT, £3IOaNTON PIKE. GAS FIXTURES.— MISERY, MERRILL k. THACRARA, NO. 718 CcrESTNET street, Inanufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, cte.„ would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. hey also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellikgs and Public Buildings, and attend to extend ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. work' Ciipt. a iNicldols. •• Edmolida PRIVY WELLS —OWN.FALS OP PROPERTY.—The only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Disin• fected, at•very low prices. A. PEYSSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette, Goldstnith',g Hall. Lib street - DAN CROFT HOUSE, CORNER OF BROAD " AY 11 AND TWENTIETH STREETS"; NRW YORE. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of his old patrons while connected with the ILBRITT HOUSE, Washington, .B. C., and. of the public gene rally, to the fact that he has leased -the above commo dious ai d admirably located house for a term of years; that he has thoroughly renovated the entire establish.. orient, and now solicits a trial of his accommodations,' With the perfect confidence of giving satisfaction to all By a glance at the city map, itwill be perceived that the central locality secures ready communication by railroad and stage with all of the most desirable parts of the city—item the Battery to the Otostral Park— from the 'Hudson to the East Rivers. To those who shall honor hire with their patronage, be pledges himself to spare no efforts in making theft stay pleasant and agreeable. ALBERT H. CRANES, 'Je.2l6ml. • Proprietor. Ini'PrKGl I P CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Whartreei, Phdiadh JAMES RAND, Agent, Piers 14 and 15 Fans River, N, Y. BUSINESS CABIN!. I cr.ranzwir A. ()meow, THICODOI7,2I WRIGHT. HOTISIII,N. mAcmitture GMOIC. NORTH PENNBYLVANUL R.--THE MIDDLE ROUTE.— onebt, an . mos direct line to Bethlehem, AilentoWn Mauch Chunk-, Hazleton, White Haven Wilkestiarre. tfahanoy City, ancesil Paints in the Lehigh and Virgid Wing Coal Regions. Paasenger Depots in Plillittlelplaili,_THEßD street above Thompson, and corner of BRAES and AXE :MI CAN streets. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after lifonday.Nov. 20th,1866,Passenger trains leave the Depot. Third street, above Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: AT 7.30 A. M.—Morning Express ibr Bethlehem and and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for ADentown,Catasanona,Slatinton, Mauch Connk, Weatherly, Jeanesville, Hazleton, White Ha. ven, Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Hohane— Railroad for Mahanoy City. and with uatawissa Railroad, for Rupert, DanviUe,Hilion and 'Williamsport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.45 A. M.: at Vviikesharre at 2.45 P. H.; at Mali • uoY City at 2 P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. for Eas ton and points on biew Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 8.35 A. M.—Accommodation, far Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT it A. M.—Accommodation. for Fort Washing ton, stopping at all intermediate Stations. At 2.50 P,M Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all Intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT B.iie P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rail road, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le high Valley Trani for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passenger s for Plainfield, Somerville and other po {Easton,Ne Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at whiou arrives in New York at to P. M. Pas sengers for Sumneytown take stage at North Wales. and for Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville at Quakertown AT £l5 P., M.—Accommodation, for Doylesto wn, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, take stage at Abington; for Lamberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Beth. lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening .Tram for points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and for Danville. WillismsPOrti and Catawisss Railroad. AT 6.15 P. BL—Amonuncrlation, tar Lansdale, atop. ping at all intermediate Stations. At 11 P. M. Accommodation for sort Washington. 'MAINS FOR PHILADF.LPHLA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.02 A. M.. and 6.1 E P. Passengers leaving Easton at 9.a) A. M., connect al Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilkestr4rre at 1 P. SL, connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at 0.45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. 8.15 and 5.30 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 0.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 1v.&3 and 2.15 P. M. OI SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. PhiladeMbla for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at" P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony y pas. likerso andpcm Barks Street Depot. 4 te Gets o ond and Third Streets Line Convey passegners to Third Street kepet. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, THIRD street or R'FRA9I street, 1n order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARE, Agent. Hillman'sExpress will call for and deliver Baggage at the D e pot. °thee. No. 113 South THIRD street. PENNSYLVANIA DEXTRAL . RAILROAD. TER A_RRA_SGEM=S. The trains of the Pennsylvania R. R. will leave the New Depot at Thirtieth and Market streets. The cuss of the Market Street passenger Eta Sway ran to and from this Depot They also leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one hour pre. eions to the time of departure of each Train and allow about SO minutes for a trip. Theft cars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey Passers into the city, and connections are made with all na Market Street. . ON Sm. - nays—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets at G 45 P. M., to connect with the Pittsburgh and Erie Mail. and at 10.2.5 P. M. with Pit aadelphla Ex. dress. Baage Express will hereafter be located at Nu. 31 South eventh street. Parties desiring Baggage taken to the trains, can have It done at reasonable rates noon application to Um. TRAthe LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT 'DEPOT THUS: LICAVEL ERIE EXPRESS - - - at 7.33 A. 31. tilA_LLLeal , : • • ist 600 A. M. PAOLI ACCO2L, No. 1 - " 10.00 FAST L.DIE - - " moo M. PA_REESBIJiIO " LIM P. 3t. RARRISBUR.O ACCOhL, • . 220 LANCASTER ACY.2031., • • " 4.00 PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • - " 5.30 PITTSBL - LGH kERTP MAIL • " 730 " PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • " ILIO u A/MTV IL CINCINNATI EXPRE4iB. . • " Lai A. DI PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS - " 7.10 " PAOLI AOOODL, No. 1 • • " 13.20 PA we IC FT , RUB.43 - • • " 9,1) ERIE EXPRESI3_- - 12._0 E.ANER TRAIN - • " L?- 93 P. Di PAST LLNECAsT - - • • " " PAOLI ACODIL , No. I, • • " 4.40 DAY EXPRESS - . . 5. 4 5 _ _ _ ELARRISBUBU ACOOM., . ~L 4O Phllsulelphia Exgriess lams daily. Pittsburgh and Erie Mail leaves (except BoturatO ) . e_u Other Trains dally--except unday. The Pennsylvania Bauread 00. will not =rune any risk fbr Baggage, except for Weseing A_pparel , and limit, their respeasibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be al the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. For further information, as to time and connections, lee Ma and framed cards, or apply to. • THOMAS H. PARSE, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. AM Multi - rant Train raw daily, except Sunday. For tall Inibrmation as to tare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, No. IXT Dock arrest r)RLP.III a A. GERMAN :- TOWN AND NORRISTOWN qm gm u. t.- • 3 7 : TABLE—On and after WED- N Flit/AY .Noce OR mbe GERMr Ist, 1663, catal further notice. F Leave Philadelphia-4. 7,6, 9, 10, 11 ANT1, WN., 12, A. M.; 1,2, LID agncites, 33i, 4,5, 53, 6,7, L 9, 10,11, 12, P. M. Leave Germanium:2-6. 7, 714, 8, 8.21, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. Df..; 1., 2, 8, 4, tit, C., QC 7, DO. 10, 11 P.. 82. I The 8..1V down train, and the LtX and 53( up trains CIO net stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia--9.10 minutes, A. M.; Z. 7 and UN. P. M. Leave Germantown—SA. M.; 1, 5 and CHP.STICUT RILL RAILROAD, Leave Philadelphia-6,8, 10, 12, A. M.; 2. 3X. 55(, 7, and 11, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hlll-7.10 minutes 8, 9.10, and 11.40 A. M.; 1.40, 3.40, 6.40, 6.411, SAO, and 10.40 P. ON DA YS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. X.; 2, and 7 Pat. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.40 minutes. A. M.; 12.40, 6,4;, , and 9.2.5 minutes P. M. FOR comsm.O.H.OcKHN AND NORRISTOW24. Leave Philadeligati-6, urinates, A. M.; 134. 8,43 i. 8.(15, and II b, P. M. Leave Nornatawn-51i, 7. 710. 9, U, A. M.; 458, 6 and s P. Theo..si P. M. train will stop at School Lane, Whoa. htekon, Manayank, Spring aUlls and Oonahohocken only. ON SUN. DAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.. and 7P, M. Leave Norristocvn-7 A. M.. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia—t, 8.35,11.08 /X, 3. lOC 534, ✓l.lA, and 11;-; I' Id Leave Itlanaynnet-6M. 736, 8.20, 936,1136, A. M.; 2, 5. es and 8, P. bL ON SUNDAYS. Leavo M.; and 7 P. M. Leave Manar.ink-7 L 3 GeneralA. M.; :,-, and 8 P. M W. T. W MC);\ S , General Superinendent, Depot., Ninth and Green streets, RARITANAND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. AL ARRANIJEM ENT. Commencing 11 NDAY,September 1001,1555. 131 DEN TO NEW YORK. From Cooper's Ferry, Camden, daily, at 9.15 A. H., for Tuck erton, Barney gat, Tom's River, Manchester, Bergen. Squancuut. Farmingdale, Shark. River, Long Brunch. Brancaport, oceauport, Eatontown, Shrews bury, Rea Bank, Middletown, Highlands and Port Monmouth, thence to New York by the splendid steamer JESsE HOYT. Through in 5 hours. Fare Fantirsion Ti c kets, good for three days. Through Freight Line leaves Camden at 2.10 P. M., arriving at New Yon: at 4 A. M. next. clay. Lem es New York 4.15 P. M., arriving at Camden 1.30 P. M. next day. W. S. SN EDEN, sea) Superintendent. ?F . F . ICE c O o F m THE I AD : A.MS Ex. Nrpßit.Ang.LrtinA,Januar'y 27th ‘ HESE , ,IStP , Tb e Adams Fay, e,a Compau y have enlarged their facilities at tou, D. U., by balding a Railroad Depot, cud having acquired azvditional capacity for transport/Lion. are now prepared to forward Heavy Exilrers freights, Packages and Parcels I Washing ton. Oetirgett.wm, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, A damsmwn, Forcers Mo t. roe, and (Auer r'a::m South, occupieu by the army, b t greatly reducer ,ates. Special agrcemen s made Inc Merchandise in large lot, butler's goods and army supp Les at satbfaLterr prices, on application at oar udace. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our, usual rates. Heavy anti bubo' packages received and receipted for at our'depot, boutneast corner of BROAD and DJ- LltibT streets. JOHN BI NGHA SI, Superi,trodeut. - vl Nvety, Lo364.j__ P1437.A nA. L 1 ;4 ,to. MINGTON BALTI. ti`a. n 11. 9 VIA BALTIMORE AND - OHIO RAILROAD. THROUGH FREIGHT DEPARTMMTT,_ DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE CHERRY. The undersigned will continue the General Freight StrelloY of the Pilad4Ada, Wilmington an d B a al. timore Railroad, for Philadelphia, by way of the above route to the West. ShiPpera and the public) generally are assured that the organization of through trains Rectum to Freight caviar transit and prompt delivery to all parts parts. iror through rates andlftrther Intbrmatton, apply 1,4) A. OOWTON ds CO., General Freight Agents. .TORN B. WILSON, Frelght Agent, 1817-tit ()Mew, Sixth street. abov e Chestnut. 477 0 * - _ - _ - •.wgz - ;;. , PHILADELPHIA AND 8ALT1„.ii....:7P:7---T-1?--4" „.ii....:7P :7 - -- T-1?- -4 " MOBE CENTRAL RAILROAD. • ' ANS.—On and after WE- NESDAY October 18thGEM.EN, 1885, th T e trains will leave PhilD adelphia Irom the depot of' West' Cheater and Phil adelphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and market streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 8.05 A. M , tuadrl.3o P. M. Leave Oxford at 8.50 A. M., and 3.10 P. M. The train-leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., connects at Oxford with a daily line of stages from Peach Bot tom le Lancaster. Returning leavft Peach Bottom to Connect at Oxford with the afternoon•train for . delphia. Passengers are allowed to take wearing ap • pare] only as baggage, and is no case will the Com pany beresponsihie far an amount exceeding 4100. WOOD.General Sneerlntendatet. TRA.IMMII6I • • READING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE .PROX •, I , FrA , Me' TO THE INTERIOROP PENN iitYLVANIATHE SCHTSYLKILL__ ,AEirrsca ,NA. 0171fRa•,.rt.t,.a.ow AND 'WYwat_us[G V THE NORTH, NORTHWEST and theOANII.I . Ark WINTER ARRANGEMENT OP PARKIMGER TRAINS' leaving the ( w Artdany's (Depot THIS. TEFINTH and 0 Streets, Pglladeiphla at the following hours: - AIORN/NG HAIL. At 8 A. H., for Reading, Lebanon, 'Harrisburg, Pottavi_ Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbary, port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Fallz, Buffalo, Allen town, Wilkeabarre, Pittston, York, Oarliale,Chambers• bnrg Hagerstown, doe. This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvtuila Railroad trains for Allentown, ic.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, &c.; at. PORT CLINTON with Cats ;militia Railroad trains for Will Arnaport, Lock Herren. Ilandra, &a.. at ELARRISBUMG with Northern ()antral, Cumberland Valley, and Schnylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland,Wllliamsport.. York, Ohambersburg, Pine/grove, &c. AFTERNOON EXPRSS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3.80 P. if.. for , Potts ville, Harrisburg, &a., connecting with ng and Ccdumbia H.R. trains for Columbia &c., and with Cats wissa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo. &c. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all way Sta• sloes; arrives . in Philadelphia at 9.30 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.; arri7l94 in Reading at 7.30 P. M Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.25 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.30 A. M.. arriving in Phßadel• phia at 12.45 P. M.. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 1.45 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Beading at 7.85 A. M.tand Harrisburg at 9.00 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leavea Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Bawling and all way stations; leaves Reading 11.30 A. M., and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A- Of, and Philadelphia. at 3.15 P. M CHESTER VALLEY P e °OAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermedlatepointa take the 8.00 A. M. and 4.10 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from Downingtowr at 7.05 A. M. and 230 Noon. NEW YORK IFZPR - Fs..___,S FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. M., passing Reading at 1 A. M., and 148 P. M.. and connecting at Harrisb with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad urg Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wil liatrumort. arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at and 9.05 A. M., passing Readitir• at 4.49 and 10.52 A. M. arriving at New York IO A. M., and 2.45 P.M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without charge. Mail train for New York leaves - Harrisburg at 1.45 P. H. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New' ork at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, 11 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. retaruing from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. SCHUYLKILL ANDstscamtelorA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and-at L5O P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.00P.M. and from Tremont at 7.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. BL _ _ TICKETS. Through 'first-class ucieta and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Dinactss. The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer. No. =7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Meals, General Superintend ent, Rending _^ - (SOX2,IL T TATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent., discount between any pdlnts dedred fbr famillet and firms. DrIT ‘P AGE TICKETS. Good for 2,001 nles,between all points, at $2 50 each, for ft mlites and firma. SEASON TICKETS. EFor three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates.. CLIKR.GYI Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets al half-fare. kl3Eitilii: l :3o).;ftiptsg•:,wy From Philadelphia to principal itationa, _good fbr Saturday, Sunday and Mbuday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow_ hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's Few Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAMS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5,30 A. M.. 12A5 noon and 5 r. Si., for Readingg, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Its branches at 5 A. AL, and for the prin. Cipal Stations only at 215 P. M. WI)FOR NEW YORK.—The CAM :)EN' AND AMBOY and PHILA.- A AN TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LECES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF, willleave as follows, cis: Pare. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. $2. 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 300 AL 2 P. 3L, via Camaen and Amboy Rvpress, 2 25 At 10 A. M. and 12 2iL, (neon) via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Pas. senger.) . . . . . . 0 25 At 6 and 11.011 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, ACcom modation, (Freight and Passenger) Ist Class Ticket, . 225 24 Class Ticket,. 150 At 6A. BL, 2 and SP. M. For Moons Holly, Ewans vtile. Pemberton and Vincentown. At 6A, H., and 2 P. H. for Freehold., At 6 and 10 A. M. I 2 M. 3.00, 5. 6 and IL2O P. H. for Pal: msra, Rivenon, Delano, Beverly, liklgewater, Bur lington, Florence. Itordentown, &c. The 5 I°. M. Little runs direct through to Trenton. As. 23, P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Bristol. Burling ton, Beverly, ,6c. Lines from Kens' ington Depot will leave as follows: At I LIS A. M., 4-33 P.M and 6.4,5 P. M- via Ken- sington and Jersey City lsxpress- 5 3 00 At 12. P. 51.1\ight) via Kensington and Jersey city-2 5/ The 6.45 P. 51. Liue will run daily. All otuers Sun days excepted. At, .31 and 11,15 A. M., 3. 3. , 9.28, 6.45 and 5 P. M.. and Midnight, for Bristol. Trenton. &C 4 At 7A. a., lirso, 3,5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwells, nor risdale, Honnesburg. Taco/Iy, Wissinonung. Brides • burg and Pranklord and at 3 P. 31. for Holmesburg and intermediate stations. BELVID.hRE LELA WARE RAILROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains dally (Sundays excepted) from Rensington De pot. as follows: At 7,..M A. 11. and 3.1 P P. If, for Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Lunkirk, CanandaigumElmma, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bitignaumpton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend liontrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton. :31.1 oudsburg, Water (lap, Belvidere, E:astea, Lambertville, ngton, dm. The 3_:3,)P. I.L Liae eOlanecti direct with be Train leaving Easton for Manua Chunk., Allen town. B‘ thlebetn, dm At 5 P. 3.1,40 r Lambertville and Intermediate Stations. ,V) - For New York, and Way Lines leaving lieu &Lupton Depot, take the (sirs on Filth street, above Walnut, hall an hour before departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival ui eaca Train, run from the Depot_ Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen. ger. Passengers are prohibited from taxing anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over tidy pounds to be paid tor extra. The Company lima their responsibility lbr baggage to One Dollar per pound. and will notbe liable for any amount beyond *leo. excet t by special contract... Graham's .Be.gge .Isaprs will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. L 1 ESFROM ;NEW YORK FOR PHI A DELPHIA: Will leave from foot cf Co/Li-and street, at 12 M. and P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.10 and 11 , 3 A. M.. e P. M. and 12 :Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., Via Amboy and Camden. From Pier 1. , ;(1. , 1 N. River, at 12 H., 3 and 7, P. M. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. W W M. H. GATZ.M.ER, Agent. WEiSr CHESTER AND PHILA DELPHIA RAILRoAD, VIA WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after WIIIINESDAY; October 18th, 1885, the trains will leave as follows: W.E.JT CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia for West Chester 8.05, 11.00 2.15. 4.30 and 8.00 P. M. Leave West theater for Philadelphia 6.45, 8.15, 10.45 A. M.. 1.40. 4.35 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.15 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. will not stop at Pennelton, and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only. PENN ELTON'TRAITS. Leave Philadelphia for Pennelton 4.00 and 11.00 . P.M. Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 9.02 A. M., 6.30 P.M. These Trains stop at all intermediate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A.. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.55 A. M and 4.00 P M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., and leaving West Chester at 8.15 A. Si, and 4.35 P. M.. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. gar PassengersPne allowed to take wearing apparel Only as Baggage, and the Company will not, ih any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contract is"matle for the same. . HENRY WOOD. If General Superintendent „ PHILADELPHIA AND ELMI RA THROUGH LINE. C.ArAWIsSA. RAILROAD. • Short line to Williamsport, Elmira,Uil Regions,Erle, Buttalo, Niagara Fulls, Suspension Bridge, and all places In the Western, North Western and South Wes tern states and the Canadaa. Four through trains daily (Sundays excepted). Leave Philadelphia and Leave North Pennsylva. Reading R.R. Depot, I nia R.R. Depot. 8 A. AS. 7,30 A. M. 3.80 P. 3.1 5.15 P. M. One train on Sunday at 315 P. AL By all these trains direct connection is made at El mira with Erie railway: at italamauca with Atlantic and Great 15 esternn railway at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Lake Shore R. R.; and at Suspension Bridge with Great Western railway. Fare always us low as by any other line. Sleeping cam ou all night, t rains. hecood class cars with cushioned seats accompany each express train. giving passengers the advantage of high speea with low fare. Fur through tickets and further particulars concern ing the routes, apply at the. Ticket Office. 415 Chestnut street. . 0c.2.1 N. VAN EfoRN. Pas. Agt. NUMB —uTEAMBOAT FRENTOg. TitiPs it.E.iUMED. The steamboat reL"On, Captain Hornblower, wil. resume her regular trips on Z•A TURDAY - , I ecernb.r FL at 2'4 o'eldek P. Irt ni Walnut street wharf. for BUR.LL• I OTO.I.4 and BRIa7OL. het urniug— 11l leave Bristol at 7.l and Burlington at 7.20 A. If., !Ur rlit ade phla daily, Sun days excepted..' W. H. HATZOLER, delo-Bt Agent. TRAVELING ECUIEDPI. PHLLADELPHIA, TON AND BALTIMORE RAlL TABLE.—Comencing • MONDAY, Octobe ra r lid, lees. Trains will leave Depot, corner or Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted). lbr Baltimore and Washington, stopping , at Wilming ton, Perryville, Havre-defiraCe, Aberdeen, Berry man's, and Magnolia. Way-mail Train, (at 8.15 A. M. (Sundays ex oepted). for Baltimore, stopping at all re,, ,, ular stations, COD necting with Delaware Railroad at WOm ngton, for Salisbury and intertnedlate stations. Express Train at 1-15 P M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wil mington, Elkton, Perryville and Havre-de-Grace. Express Train at 4 is) P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at. Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Perryville; Havre-de. Grace, Perryman's Edgewood, Magnolia and Stem m er's P.un. Night Express at 11,15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopitg at Chester, Wilmington, Newark,..Ellc ton Noh • t. Perryville and Havre-de -Grace. Passengers by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe. Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take Mae 5.15 A. M. Train. As an additional accommodation only for those hold ing tickets for these points, a special car will Lave the Philadelphia Depot at 11.45 A. M., connecting at Uray's Ferry with the Morning Express train from h.ew York. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stcpping at all stations betiween Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 11.15 A. M., 5.30, 500, 7.00 and 10 00. P. M. The 3.30 P. M. train connects with the Dela Wikt6 liallroad for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 7.00, 0.15 and 9.30 A. M., 3.00 and 4.50 P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M., 3.80 and 5.10 P. M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 12.00 M., 4.27. 8.02 and 9 . 54 P.M. OTIF.STIIR FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 8.01, 8.58 anti 10.14 A. M., 12.38. 8.43. 1 .59. 5.34 and 8.38 P. M. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 8.25 A. M., Way Mail. 1.10 P. M. Express. 4.10 P. M. Way.Trath. 6.35 P. M., Express. 9.25 P. M., Express: Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 8.56 A. M.. 1.50 and 11.50 P. PL Trains for Baltimore leave Witailligton at 513, 9.30 A. M., 2.25, 5.10 P. M. 12.25 A. M. 19.131s:DAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.05 A, M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Pe.xy villa, Havre-de- Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's and Magnolia. Night Express 11.15 P. Af. for Baltimore and Wash ington. stopping at Chester, Wilmington,Newark,Elk ton, Northeast, Perryville and Havre de 0 Accomodation Train at 10 P. M. fer Wilmington and Way Stations. • BALTIMORE FOR PHILADrf.PHIA. Leave Baltimore at 925 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington.. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to takepassengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from - Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. A special train will leave Wilmington for Phlladel. phia at 6.80 P. M. Freight train with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate stations DA 6.04 P. M. H. F. HEJRNEY. Saverintendent. 1865. PHILADHELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1845. i li Nrea. e traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl- Vatila Railroad Company. TIME OR PASSMWER TBAINIEI AT FICELADEXPEEEA. ARRIVE EAST V 7 AHD Erie Mail Train - - Erie Express Train - Erie Mall Train - - - - - - 720 P. Erie Express Train - - - - 7ZSA. M. Passenger cars run through on Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Phitsdi.l. Phis and Erie. NEW YORK CONWECYPON. Leave New York at 6 06 P. M., arrive at Erie 337 A. X. Leave Erie at 155 P, M., arrive at New York 1.15 P. M. No change of cars between Erie and New York. Elegant 1 4 leeping Cara on all X fight Tgaina. For information respectingFamenger business an ply at corner TH_LB=ITH and M.A_REM streets. Phlla delphia. And for Freight business, of the Company's .Amtai: Et B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and market sts • Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Kris. William Brown, Agent, N. C. B. 8... Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON General Freight Agent Philadelphia. W. GWiNNEIR, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L. TYLE, General Sup't.. Williamsport WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES—Prom foet of Market street prer r err). Daily, orcept Sundays. FA_LI, AND WINTER ARRANG sMiENT, CoramencLng IFE.DNERDAY, NOVESEBER 15th, 1845. 1• or Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and Falem Railroads. at 9A. M. and 3.30 P. M. Frr lviii e and all intermediate Stations, a 9 A. X. and 3 P. M. For Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to Malt' tile connecting with freight train (Passenger car attach. d) for Cape May, due 3.45 P. M. and 3.00 P. M. through passenger, due MO P. 31 per a lasthoto' and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. 3,,L, 3 and 3.30 P. M. For Woodbury, Glcruoenter, dz., at 9 A. 11L, 3, 3.30, and 3.30 P. 31... Freight train will leave PniLsdelphla from Sandford's Wharf at 30 A-11. , and Camden, at 12 M. J. VAN RFicssißt. A FRStmerintendent. WENT JERSEY FVPREs.S COMPANY WiL aLtenti to all the usual branches of ExPsx_cs Bmt wrzs, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messen rer see. - meanies each through train. Office, No. 5 Walnut street. DR tl (Mi. ar SOD LIVER OlL—Twenty-five barrels, new made, l- , Cod Liver Oil, of very superior quality; Carb. Ammonia. just received, In jars; also, just received, twenty-five barrels very superior Alcohol. warranted RS per cent., in the best of packages, and for sale by JOHN C. RARER & CO., No. 718 biarket street. TIODUSON'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS.—The Vi 231.1011 of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarseness and Similar Complaints, affecting the Organa of the V.fice, Public Speakers, :singer and Amateurs have been greatly benefited by using these Tablets, and their high appreciation of their Intrinsic merit, particularly re c tuniends them to persons affected with BRON CHITIS, HOARSENESS, and CATARRH of the HEAD and BREAST. For sale by D ts generally, Prepared only by LANCAsTHR & W Apothe. caries . , northeast corner Arch and Tenth streets, Phila delphia. 002= 1 \TRW tr3latElV'6Tl4l NOCEI AND REVIILSWEI PL.A.STF.RS, with the pliancy of silk, the strength and softness of kid. For affections of the Chest, pains, weakness, ..to. ' drc.• They are cleanly and odorless, comfortable and effeMtve. Sold by HCIBREJ.J, Apo thecary. 1410 Chestnut street. anl6 TIRUGGISTS' St NDRMS Graduated Mort -13 Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers _Paft Boxes, Horn Scoops, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Viol Cases, Glass and Metal Syringes, dtc.., all at "First Hands - prkx.s. SNOWDE::: BROTHER, ?: South Eighth street, ROBERT SHORM REM &W.. N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, Wholtale Droggisui. Manufacturers and Dealers In Window Glass. White I.aqd, and Palntn of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, acomplete stock of Foods In their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT S.B.CE.M.AIi.F.St. & CO., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. At Et...1..3—J ennlng's Ukleined, In lug , . r4milo clan 1.Y.1 and boxes. also in bottles. Jennln's eau nocate of Mag - nes.l.e.. in 2 or. and 4 as. pavers. Heavy Calc , ned tignesia lynding and for sale by CHARL.E ELL IS, SOIN & CU., Druggists, Market and Seventh s:reeta, I.l:.llaSe:phia, sel6 I.26SENTIAL 01113.—PUF-E OILS OF ALMONDS, 124 Lemon Bergamot, Anise, Oisraway, Cloven, Orange, Wintergreen. Cinnamon, Lavender, Juniper, Cognac. Peppermint, Sassafras, Rose. Rose Geranium, Citronella Verbena, all of warranted timidity. For sale by WILLIAM ELLIS, & Co.. Druggists, Nos. ni end 722 Market street. ez7,2 LARGI AND CiENERAL ..1-IDrugs, Chemicals and PharmnceatAc Prepara- Mona, for sale by WILLIAM ELLIS .4 CO., Drns.kista, Nos. 724 and 72 Market street. DAY RUM.—Just received, an Invoice of (Jeanine Imported Bay Rain, for sale by the gallon, by ROBERT SHOEMARER & CO., Druggist, N. E. cor ner Fourth and Race streets. tVali NEW "PILE PLPE." —A SIMPLE ahlt-ANLY and portable contrivance for the application of cto.l mita to the internal surface of the rectum. Bold by ELL. Apothecary. 141 Oliestant street. MARSHAL'S SALE. d 131.11 A L'S SALE —By virtue of a writ ofsale by the Hon. JOHN C'ADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States itt and for the Etwery District of Pennsylvania, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale,. to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Powell. bogers & Co.'s store, No 127 North IRO • Tstreet, at 11 o'clock, d. 111. on THURSDAY, the 28th day of Drcen.lier, 185.5. SIX TY•FOUR 11AR RE1 S. containing Manufactured Tobacco and Cot Smoking Tobacco of domestic manufacture, of the wetgli together of five thousa,..d pounds. P. C RLLI4IAK ER, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Penna, • PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 11, IMS. del2,tUthsa MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sato by the don. 2011.4 CADWALAD ER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for tho Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and scat niftier, for cash,on the premi-es.at the junction of the eiermau town PailroaAand Nicetown lane, on THURSDAY, the2Bth day of December, 1665, at 2 o'clock P. AL, 200,000 bricks, 1 frame tool-house 1 frame-building, 1 water tank. 1 cnain pump, 1 brick and stone chimney, 7,000 green bricks, - steam boilers, I clay trucks, 1 iron bound hogshead. 8 wheelbarrows, I barrel coal tar, 2 tons coal, lot of iron chains. 6 hoes, rakes and spades, 42 raft poles, 40 iron kilo f• antes and doors, 300 kiln grates, '2O iron plates, 23 hemlock joist. lot of 3-iucls plank. 756 feet: 6.3 hemlock Joist, 135 shed posts, 57 stied bests, 25.510 feet 3 inch common hemlock boards 1 Kiln uilt of brick, r kiln built of stone. 1 ten-horse power steam eng•ne, 1 Cbamtwrs's patent steam brick ma chine, 1 large coal tscretu. P. CELLMAKER, _ • S. Marshal Eastern Dist. of peons:, t PRILADELFHIA, Dec. 11, 1555. del2-ttl,th,s,st Bandtor ROPE AND TWINE • MANUFACTURED Bale Vw FT 'MM. WEAVER & CO.. .23 /Saab Water street. and 95. North Delaware avennr. OPPER AND YEI LOW METAL SHEATIIING C Brazaq'sl oprer, ?ails, Bolta and Ingot Copper. rorstartly nn hand and mi. sale by 11EN:h1,' WIN nOBt & Co.. 332 South Wharves. • 1 M P. M. 11 10 A. M.