Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 21, 1865, Image 8
IlEr..l.lipeoin'a Early Life. rCorreepoadence of the Chloago Republican.] •HAVANA, Mason Co., 111., Dec. 14, I.B6s:—Happening to in the eastern portion of the county a few days ago, I dalled to see .a Mrs. Wilcox, formerly Mrs. Armstrong. Years ago, when thin goodly State'of ours , Was comparatively new, there came to the • little village of Salem, Menard county, a tall, plain and rather awkward young man to help in the mill; tend store, and make himself generally useful. After serving in this capacity for some time, and making friends of all who came in contact-with him, at mill or grocery,he was appointed County Surveyor, and went to live with a farmer named Armstrong, residing in the neighborhood. This Mrs. Wilcox Whom I went to see was the wife of this Armstrong, and the slender, raw-boned 'shop tender and surveyor was Abraham Lincoln. "The first time I ever saw him," said Mrs. W., "I went trading. I told Arm strong as soon Es I got home there was a new clerk at the store, and I liked him first rate, he was so pleasant and kind. A few days afterward Armstrong went to mill, and when he came home he told me he had seen the new clerk I bragged about so much, and he liked him too. They had got to lifting in the mill, a parcel of them, and the clerk oatlifted every man there." "Well, he lived with you, did he not, afterward?" "Yes; as soon as he got to surveying he came to our house and made it his home. I made' two pairs of deer-skin breeches for him—shirts, too. Arm strong used to carry chain for him. They were great cronies. Wherever Arm strong went Lincoln would go too. He was poor and had no horse; we had several, and he always rode one of our creatures. Sometimes they would be gone a week at a time to Jacksonville, Springfield; or somewhere else. They lied about him when he was nominated for President; and said he used to drink; but he never did. I never saw or heard of his drinking. The young folks thought him kind of queer. When there was a frolic, or any doings among them, he would always go,but never danced and cut up. He amused himself by playing with the children, or telling some funny story to the old folks. Yes, he staid with us till we moved to Missouri, and I never saw him angry the whole time. He used to say he would never marry until he could support a wife com fortably; and he didn't. We lived in Missouri five years, and when we came back he had gone to Springfield. I went down there trading pretty soon, and was standing in a store door looking at the folks, wen I saw him coming down the street. A lady was with him, his wife,and everybody was bowing and shaking hands with him. I stood up straight in the door, a little back like, thinking maybe he would not want to see me, with his wife and all those people around; I never could put on any airs, and he knew it. He saw me, though; before he got to me, and came up laughing and shaking hands, real glad to see me; asking after Armstrong and all the rest, just as if he was one of the family. I tell you, Mr. F., he was a kind, good-hearted man, and a true gentleman. He defended my son, (her son was tried for homicide, and ac quitted), and after the trial, when I told him I had no money to pay him, he laughed at me, and told me whenever I was in any trouble to come to him. Everybody told me I was foolish to write to him about my son, who was sick in the army; that he had enough else to attend to now, besides looking after me and my family. But when a telegraphic despatch discharging my son, and a letter to me too, came, they found out that he had not forgotten his old home down in Menard." ban Francisco—lts Hotels—Excitements, de. de. A letter from San Francisco, says: Taken all in all San Francisco is a great place. We go the entire animal in all things; raising the biggest beets and trees and turnips, the fastest women and horses, and the biggest excitements that can be found in the world. Straw berries are so large that it quite compen sates for the slight drawback of their being wholly without flavor, and we we have them all the year round. We have larger hotels and more of them than and other city of our popula tion possesses. The Occidental, Cosmo politan and Lick Houses are immense, and all crowded. The Occidental, by the way, is owned and occupied by Lewis Leland, whom you will remem ber as a pleasant faced, sweet-voiced boy, long a clerk in your Metropolitan, where his uncles have had furnished apartments for some time, I believe. I used to climb to the upper floors of that caravansary once and a while, merely to hear him calling "Chambermaid! Cham bermaid!" through the hall, his voice reminding one of a silver flute. In the matter of accidents, too, we get them up on a scale which nothing on the Atlan tic side can equal. Horses are never hitched, but kept standing in the street, and, as a natural consequence, we have an occasional runaway. I should feel quite dull if a day passed Without a horse and buggy or two charging by my win dow like a regiment of cavalry. Last week, however, the climax of runaways was reached, and I saw the.whole of it. A buggy and a pair of horses came down Burk street like a shot from a ritted gun, striking one of the city cars squarely on the side, and going fairly through it, leaving very little of the car but the wheels. It was beautifully done. As a lesson in the force of projectiles, I do not think it could be improved upon. There being very few people in the car,no fatal casualty occurred, a lady passenger only having a thigh and both legs broken, and her collar bone dislocated. As the horses have acquired for themselves a local reputation by having twice run away before, I look for a repetition of the experiment with better results. On a previous occasion they killed a little boy, and I should not be surprised if they furnished several excellent subjects for obituary notices by their demonstra tion. When Colfax was out here we got up a little battue for his benefit, and succeeded in killing three men between sun and sun—and a bad day for men at that. Billy Mulligan killed the men and then killed himself. A fairer, squarer fight is seldom seen. He en sconced himself in a house and fired at, every one who passed, every one return ing the compliment by firing at him. I witnessed the whole affair, and wrote the TinieB a full account of it, which the Indians on the overland route were pro bably highly entertained with, as the letter never got even as far as Mormon dem. Our scandals are magnificent, too. riiF. DAILY EVENING- BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBEit 21,' 1866.---TRIPLE SHEET. When a woman goes wrong her imme diate relatives generally take pleasure in making the slip public, and it becomes the immediate topic of conversation on street corners. An eminent pianist was made to suffer in consequence of our not doing these things as well as they are done in rrance. He received an. invita tion to take some young ladies out buggy riding—the note was anonymously signed, and the thing looked like an adventure. 'He, with a companion, repaired to the trysting-place at the ap pointed time. It was 10 or 11 at night, the young ladies were there, and a moonlight carriage-ride, and a supper was the result. Unfortunately, how ever, the young ladies were inmates of a female college, and their absence from their rooms was discovered by the reverend principal, who ascertained that they had made their escape from the window.' With eminent discretion, the whole house was informed of the phe nomenon, and the principal sat up and watched the window until their return. It is natural that a principal should take an interest in the reputation of his school, and I suppose he asked them . where they had been, and_represented to them that windows were - not the recognized means of ingress for the regular members of the establishinent— being reserved for the egress of intrusive visitors. It would have been well, perhaps, to have kept the affair quiet for the sake of the girls who committed the indiscretion—for it seemed eventually to be determined that it was only indiscre tion—but no, the opportunity could not be lost. Sensations are no variety, but we can never spare one. So the whole affair was made public and trumpeted the wliole length and breadth of the coast.. I do not think there is a paper in the whole -country—if we except the Mud Springs Courier—which did not deliver itself of an editorial on the occasion. The male parties to the indis cretion got away on the first steamer, but those of the female persuasion were compelled to remain. And it must have been'very pleasant for the young ladies. The White Elephant of Siam. Sir John Bowring, in the Furtnighttll Rerictr, gives these elephantine items: "Elephants, especially white elephants, are all-important personages in Siam. In the multitudinous incarnations of Buddha, it is believed that the white elephant is one of his necessary domicils and the possession of a white elephant is the possession of the presence and pa tronage of the Deity. I was escorted by one of the great ministers of state to the domicil of the white elephant in Bang kok, whose death not many sears ago filled the court and nation with mourn ing. He had been discovered in the for ests of the interior; a large reward was paid to the fortunate discoverer,and the first king left his capital to meet with becoming ostentatious welcome and rev erence the newly-acquired treasure. In Siamese history there are litany chap ters giving an account of invasions and repulses in wars waged solely for the ac quisition of some white elephant in the possession of a neighboring sovereign. There are instances where two existed in the same capital, and when negotia tions failed for the acquisition of one by friendly surrender, the territory of the doubly-blessed monarch was violated, and the superfluous elephant demanded vi et armis. The court of Siam had been for some time unhonored by ,the pres ence and the patronage of a; , white ele phant. Elephants there were not wholly dark brown or pale black, with pendant ears of a • lighter color and spots on the skin, which showed some affinity to a purer and diviuerrace. These were adorned with rich jewels, attended by special servitors, accompa nied by =Sic when they left their stalls; but they became as nothing when the elephant of higher aristocracy, or rather of celestial genealogy, appeared. The King, on the'announcement of his capture, wrote to me in terms of high satisfaction at his good fortune. When he escorted his prize to his capital I was conducted to the palace of the honored dignitary; to say the truth, his color was not white, but coppery, like that of a red Indian. His stable was painted like a Parisian drawing room; there was an elevated platform, on whose adjacent walls handsome warlike ornaments were hung, and nobles of high rank were in attendance, who took care he should be supplien with delicious food, principally the young sugar cane. When the white elephant went to bathe, caparisoned in splendid decorations, he was preceded by musicians, escorted by courtiers, and was received by the people with prostra tion and reverence. On my departure from Bangkok, after the signature of the treaties, when the royal ltters were delivered engraved on golden slabs for the great Queen of England and placed in a gold box, locked with a gold key, though many handsome presents accom panied the royal missives one offering was placed in my hands with the as surance that it was by far the most pre cious of the gifts to be conveyed—and the invaluable offering was a bunch of hairs from the white elephant's tail tied together with a golden thread.g, Furs! Furs 71 Furs !V, HENRY RASKE & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, 517 517 ARCH STREET, OF ARCH. STREET. FANCY FURS Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR LADLES ANI CHILDREN. We have now open for inspection to our customen and the public in_ general, a most complete assortment of Ladles and Chita ren's Furs of all descriptions which, for variety of quality and superiority of finish cannotbe excelled in the United States. Flease call and e our stock and prices befor. purchasing elsewhere. RE HENRY R4SKE da CO. oon-azol no. 517 ARCH START. JOHN A. STAMBACH, No. 826 Arch Street, • IMPORTER AND MAIsozrFA.OTURER OF Ladies' Fancy Furs, Of every description—latest etyle All Pura warranted ea represented. 'oMv2xa REISIOVAL.—JOHN E. HORSCHEL, formerly co . No. 29 South Second street, has removed to No. Sal ARCH street, where he Is prepared to offer a superb assortment or FANCY PURE, of every deseept_ _ ,lon WHOLESALE AND RETALL. c9-8m SPECIAL NOTICES. gob THE rEiCENIX. INSIIRANOE COXPAIIT OF PHILADELPHIA. .nCEMMItit 18tb, 1805. 14 utice is hereby given, that, a ,dt to the charter, an election for fifteen Direct rs rail be held at the Company's oflice,on MONDA the lst dayOfJanaary Next, at 11 o'clock A. X I deletion SAYIIIEL ILCOX., tiSecretary. UNION NATIONALI BANIC.=. - PH/LADRY PRIA, Lec. 9, 1865. he annual meeting of Bank. for the election of Dir Banking House, on TUESD between the hours of 10 and 3 dell-30trpf N. C. M fli. SOUTH WARK NATION al, BANK, Pfxxx..s DELPILIA, December. 9, 1665. Ihe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking Rouse on Tuesday. the 9th day of January next, between the hours of 10 o'clock. A. M. and 12M. F. P. S !MEL, Cashier. de9.2,tta,th.tjg/ 420 WALNUT STREET, PHILAMILLP/nA, December 12th, 1865. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Mount Farm Oil Company will be held at their Milne on WEDNEsDAY, December 27, 1865, at 12 o'clock. for the purpose of taking into consideration the reduction of the capital. dell-15t* S. F. WATSON. Secretary. KENSINGTON AND NEW. JERSEY FEURY COM.PANY. Annual Meeting of Stockholders for the election of Directors end be held at the ottice. 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel, on MONDAY. January 1, 1866, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. cEr_AALEs M. LimErrs. Secretary .1 de2o-iot OFFICE P.B.LLADELFRIA. AND TRENTON RAILROADCOMPANY. PHILADELPkiIA, De cember xOth, 1867. The annual meeting of the Stockholders and an election for Directors fur the ensuing year will be held at the Company's (Alice on MONDAY, the eighth day of January, 1866, at 1 o'clock P. - M. d2)-tjaB J. MORRI LL, Secretary. 110 a E PHILADELPHIA. 'WIL I vCITON BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY,PHILI, 0.6..LPH1a, December 19th, 1865. The annual meeting of the ritockholders of this Com pany, and an election of Directors, will take place at the office of the Cumpaay, in Wilmington, on the Second MONDAY (Bth) of January next, at 11 A. M.. deli -tu,th,s-ti a. 6 . 1 ALFRED et OHNE tt, Sec'ry. ft OFFICE OF LEHIGH VALLNY RAI LEO !'c7" COMPANY, RaILADEL PIMA, December 18th, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this CORl pally will be held at their office, No. 412 Walnut street, on MONDAY, the sth of January next, at 12 o'clock M.. at which time an election will be held for Presdlent and twelve Directors for the ensuing year. L. CHAMBERLAIN, delo-17t• Secretary and Treasurer. DI AP. UFACTURERS' INSURANCE COM PANY--0111ce. No. 414 Walnut street—Pim.A DItLIMIA, Dee. 11, 18.85. The annual meeting of the stockholders of "The Manufacturers' Insurance Company of toe State of Pennsylvania" will be held at the office of the (Ann • pany, on MuNDAY, January Ist, 1866, at 4 o'ciock, P. M., when an election will be held for ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. dell latrp/ M. B. KELLY, Secretary. fY OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL INbt, U RANCE COMPANY.—PHIL&DELPHIA, Dec. LW The Annual Meeting of the stock and scrip holders of the Unton Mutual insurance eOIIIPIIII9 of Palladel phia. will le held at the (Alice of the Company, on Iti.l , tDA Y. January 8. IaSS, at 12 Id, at which time will be held an election for eight Directors to serve for the ensu;ng three )ears. d ma JOIL.N MOSS, Seey. CATAWI.Sb.I. IL IL COMPANY No' 424 Walnut street. PIM-A DEL Pli/A Decem her 4th. Certificates of scrip on the preferred stock of thi , totoi.any will be issued on I'ebruary Ist, Isi6. Tue traosfer books .or the preferred stock will be closed for this purpose on January Ist, 1866, and opened on February Ist. By order M. P. auTcriiNsog. oast leljVice Pres. and Sec. OFFICE OF T.H.h. PROVIDENT LIFE AND Titer,T cO.I.IPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.— No 111 south Fourth street. 12th too.. 13111. 'l he Annual 3leeting of the oh:lel:holders of the above named Company. will be held ut their office on TIIIPD DAY, lst m0..2.(1 (Tuesday, January 2), 1566, at lu o'clock, A. M. An elecuon for three Dtrec•ors, to serve for three years, whl be held between the hours of JO A./IL, and den-tjalf ROWLAND PARRY Actuary. rc); . .--.4 GIRARD NATIONAL BAN.R.PuitAur.t.rars Deceruber9th, 1665. lbe Annual kjlection for DireCtors will be held at the Banking liouse on WEDN ES DAY, the lots day of January. 1466, between the hours of is A. M. and 2 Y. A- A meeting of the ztoceholders will be held at the same place and on the same day at 12 o'clock M. for the purpose of taking Into consideration the general interests of the Institution. ds-s,tu,th.tjalo 1 . -- --2 OFFIC E OF THE SuitTH PEICN,N"LVANI RAILROAD CuM PANY.—Pur LA DEL cu , De cember 1.11, 18a. TIIE ANNUAL MEETLNU OP THE STOCK HOLDERS OF THE NORTH PENNBYLVA .N la RALLEOAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, No. 407 Walnut street. Phil.. delphia. on ,*(ON DA 1 January sib, 1,66, at L.' o'clock' M., at which time and place an election will be held for a President and ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. EDWARD ARMSTRONG jus Secretary, OFFICE OF THE McEL RENY OIL COM PANY- 2.10 WALNUT street, Room No. W s PitiLADELPH lA. Dec, 12th, Isss. The annual meeting of the Stockholder; of the Y OIL (XIMPANY %e hl be held at the Office of the Company, tjs WAIN CT street, Philadel phia, on TUBBDAY, zd day of January, A- D. 1566 at l 2 t-, o'clock P, 31., fur the purpose of electing a Clerk and Board of nine Directors, and for the transaction of such farther business sa may properly come before them. By order of the Board. del2ols Cl. E. FRYER, Clerk. fl OFFICE OF TILE RELIANCE INSCRANCE tl t y COMPANY, OF PIi*LADELPH.I.A. No. se, NV alnut street, PHlLAnimen la, Dec Mu, WS. At the annual meeting of the Stock:holders of the Re liance Insurance Lump/toy, of FL iladelphio, held this day, the following gentlemen were elected Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. viz Clem Tingley, . Benjamin W. Tingley, Wm.iMusser, Marshall Hill, Samfitl Bispham. Char l.s Leland, H. L. Carson, 'rhos H. Moore, Robert Steen,swill. Costner, Iswill. Wm. Stevenaun. Alfa eci English, James 1 Young. den-Sti THOS. C. HILL, Secretary. R .--- -z. , NOTICE. - - ----- - - UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. SECOND DISTRICT OF P.'s;is.ISYLVA-NIA. Comprising the First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Twenty-sixth wards of the city or Philadelphia. The assessment tor the üboveittamed district,. of per sons liable to tax on INt.XDILE for the year I.'s6-1, and on LiCC , LieS Chrrwors, Bil/iard Tables, Waicass, Jurtcs, Musical Instruments' elilper a tid gold Plate, &c., .or the year ending the aoth of April, 1866, having been completed. _ _ _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. "That said duties have become due and payable," and that the under signed and his deputies will attend at his °dice, No. 239 DOCK street, daily (Sundays excepted), between the hours of 9 A. I. and 3P. 31., until and including SAIIINDAY , the 'ad of December, 186.5, for the par pose of receiving the same. All such taxes remaining unpaid after said 114 day of December 1565, will bu subject to the penalty and charges im posed by law,which Will be strictly enforced The PENALTI for nonpayment of said taxes is TEN PER CENT. additional of the amount assessed. and the CHANGES are twenty cents for special uotice and four cents per mile for the delivery [ - hereof with the additional penalty, in regard to persons liable to the License Tax, of $3OO, or imprisonment fur not ex. ceeding two years, dell tdea JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPH/A. November 14[ , 18C.5. in order to procure Rinds for the extension of the Railroad to the Wyoming Valley, I The Board of Directors of this Company, at their meeting, this day, passed the following resolution: Rf,9otred, That the Stockholders of this Company shall be entitled to subscribe, at par, for T wE:st ry PER CENT. additional to the Stock standing In their respective names on the Books of the Company, on the let day of December next; and each Stockholder entitled to a fractional part of a Share, shall be allowed to subscribe tor a Lull share, as no fractious will be is. sued. Subscription Books will be opened at the Compa ny's office in Philadelphia on the 15th of December, and close on the 15th of January, stis, Payments to be made as follows : Five dollars per share to be paid at the time of subscnblng, and bye dollars'per share on the 15th day of each and every month thereafter, until the whole amount shall have been paid—afer which certificates of the new stock will be issued, t but neither interest t nor dividend will be allowed until the whole shall be paid as aforesaid. Those Stockholders who tail to subscribe within the time mentioned or to pay the several instalments at or before the period they fall due, will lose their right to the new stock. By order of the Board. 11015-2 m q:OFFICE, PENNSYL VANLA. RAILROAD COM- P.A.N Y.—PIILLA-DELPH/A, August 15th, 1865. u Mortgage bonds of the Connecting Railway Company, between the station of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in West Philadelphia and Frank ford, a distance 01 seven miles, can be obtained at this °Mee, No. 218 South Third street. These bonds are in attached , one thousand dollen, with interest coupons , payable at said office on the 15th day of March and September in each year, at the rate of six per centum per annum, and the principal. payabl e in five equal annual amounts at the rate of t 200,00 u per annum—the first series on Septem, ber 15, A. D., 1900. The principal and interest are se cured by a mortgagefor one mi lion of dollars upon all the railway and property o the company • and are guaranteed by the Pennsylv la Railroad bom. puny. These bonds are made eof State taxes by the company, The railway Is being constructed in the most substantial manner, and mill be completed during the ensuing year. This . road perfects the connection between e Pennsylvania 'Railroad and the New York lin via Philadelphia, and becoming, as it will, the mai channel of commu nication between New York and the West, as well as to and from the National Capital, wfil always obtain .!large revenues and be one of the ost important rail ways of the Union. D utter a contract with the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroasi Company, that company leases the road of the Connecting Railway Company, and agrees to pay an annual rent for 999 yews- of six per centum upon* the cost of the road, clear of taxes. These bonds are therefore recommended as a first-class security. For further information apply at the office of the Company, TROALAS T. FIRTI-I. 0012-905 Treasurer. 'e stockholders of this .re, will be held at the •Y, January 9th, 186, . 'clock of that day. SSECLM.AIf, Cashier. W. L. SCII.AFFER., Cashier L. CHAMBERLAIN, Treasurer SPECIAL 'NOTIIdJEP... • NOTICEL—The Delaware,' and Raritan Canal will be closed for navigatlou on SA. rua,DAy, the bltd tukt, unlesui sooner stopped by ice. , P .T..' , .. STEVENS, del64t Engineer and Superintendent tu:. OFFICE WARREN' AND FRANKLIN RAILWAY COMPANY, i Walnut street. Dec. 19th, 1865. •i be annual meeting of otockholdera and election for Directors of the Warren and Franklin sallway Company will be held at the offloe ,or the Company, on MONDAY, January Bth. 1866. GEORGE C. THOMAS, Js , Secretary. dl9-tu,tb,B,9ti AMERICAN 'LLFEI INSURANCE AND TRUktT COMPANY, WALNUT -treet, South east Corner of FOURTH, PHILAbELPICEA, December 19. 1865. NOTICE —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, for the Election of Thirteen Trus• tets,to serve the ensuing year,ve ill beheld at the Oftice, on MONDAY, January Ist, 1866. between to A. M. and 12 o'clock. noon. JOHN S. WILSON, delatjali Secretary. U s DELAWARE MINING COMPANY OF MIORIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that the Tenth Installnient beingTWO DOLLARS per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock in the Dela ware Mining Company or Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the office of the Company, No. Sm WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 18th day of December, lsfia, Interest will be charged on all Instalments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board ej Directors. B. WYATT WISTAR, Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA Decd, ASS. dei.2.tdsth,sa,tulmt gCHRISTMAS DINNER TO THE POOR.— The Teachers and Managers of the BEDE.' JRR ET MISSION design giving their usual DIN NER on CHRIoT.MAJI DAY, to the Scholars of the Day and Sabbath schools under their charge, at the Mission House, No. 619 BEDFORD a rest. Dinner on the table at I o'clock. Friends of the cause cordially invitrd. Donations in money, poultry, or provisions of any kind, thankfully received by the undersigned, or the missionary at the Mission House. JACOB H. BIIRDS.A.LL, 52l Chestnut street. EDMUND S. YARD, 209 Spruce street. GEORGE M Ira 825 Arch street. JAMES L. BISP EA at , 710 South Sec.ind street. WM. C. STEVENSON, 15 5 Green st. d. 9)-4t2 DIVIDEND NOTICES. 10. OFFICE OF EL DORADO OIL CO si PANT, Northeast corner FIFTH and WALNUT sts„ kIiILA_DELPHIA, Dee, 18, 1865. The Board of Directors have this day Ceclared a Ividend of bIX CENTS per chare, being Three PER CENT., on the present capital stock ol the company. mac of the profits ofthe company, clear of tax, payable on and alter the ::Bth Instant, at the office of tae Com pany. Transfer Books to be closed on the 23d. and re-opened on the 2sch .IF &, B. A. MITCHELL, de29-B3 Treasurer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 0031 P A_NY TREASURER'S DEP.AB.LALENT, PIELLADEI, VHIA. November 1,1565. NOTICE 70 BTOCKBOLDEBS.—The Board of Di rectors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Com puny. clear of IS ational and State Taxes, payable on GD a after November ash, 1865. isl,Jak powers of Attorney, for colleciing Dividends, can be had at the Office 01 the Cornpany,•23S e l onth Third street, THO.I.IAh. T. FIRTH, not-2tud Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA AND RAAt LNG RAIL 'Y" ROAD COMPANY, OBlce ''.27 ..I , A)ut.li FOURTH Pli 1 I-A DKLPH lA, Dee_ 0, DIVIDEND N be 7rauster Rooks of this Company trill be closed on SATCRIJA 1 . , Dec. 16, and le-opened on Tuesday, Jan. t. IstA - . . A dividend of 10 PER CENT. has been declared on the Preferred and COlllllll,ll stud :. clear of Na:tonal and State Taxes, payable, in cash or cutunDio stoc par, at the option of [beholder, on and atter the :, , tu lust, to the holders thereof as they shall bland re:4ls tered on the books of the company on the Ritz 11.15 L, 4.ll:parable art tills office. S. RitADFORII, dell t:a~ ']Measurer. U. OFFICE CF TEE MORRIS CA..`." - A - CANI) BANKLNt: CO.—JELL:SI:I' ciTY. Dec. Isth, Isl. - , .2 DI V IDEN NOTICE. THE YEISiII:AHN' DI VI OT:S - 1) OF Mr.tp TO 11E I•A!D ADVANCE. The Board of Director', have ;his day declared, from the earnings of the Canal, a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CED. T.. upon the amount of the Preferred stock, and a dividend of SIX PER CENT.,upon the amount of the Consolidated Stock— free ot overumeut .ax—cayable on the tenth day of JANUARY next, at the °Dice of the Company In Jersey City, or to Sbsek. holders resident in and Dear Pluladelphta.at the Banc leg Rouse of E. W. Clarke & Co.. in that dip. This Dividend is in anticipation, and in hen of that which would otherwise be paid in February, he Traaater Books will be closed from the :Atli inst., until the 10th of January, Inclusive. de-A...UAW JO4l-' 4 ; RODGERS, Ser'ry. GEOCERIF Lam- FRElTS.—Princess Paper shell and Lisbon 11 A Limnos; splendid London Layer Raisins, In whole, half and quarter boxes, choice ,Eleme tit,-s, in small drums, in store and for sale by _IL F, lea Dealer and Grocer, IN, W.corner Arch and Octal:L. VONGI'AI TEAS—Rx - Benefactor" and "Ceres .1.7 1n ature tad for sale by _ _ E C. KNIGHT (t. CO.. S. E cor. Water anu Ctestuut street. dIE NEW JERSEY LEAF LAJtD In barrels and kegs, in store and for sale by E. t. KNIGHT dz. CO. R. E. cor, Water ano Chestnut stre ets. GREEN Pri.A.S.—Fresn Impomed Green Peas and 2duslarooros. Green Corn and Tomatoes for sale by JAMEY x WEBB. Walnut and Rlghtb streets. FRESH PEACEEM—Adams county Peaches, the finest grown, put up in gsilon , hall gallou and quart cans, for sale low to families by WEBS. Walnut and Eighth streets. 5 000 CAFES FRESH. .PEACHEs. TOMATOES, Greer) Corn Peas, •Ibc.., wltrranted to gire sa JAl:talon. For sa'e by S. F. ta.P.ILL.E.N, co r, Arch and Eighth streets. EXTRA MACEERI. L.—Extra choice large Macke , rel In kltts. Also new Spiced and Pickled sal mon. For sale by M .F. EsiPILLL.N, IS. W. ror. Arch and Eighth streets. TIRY PoESERVED GINGER—A small Invoice of 13 this delicious confection, In small It, boxes, Just received at a/USTI 'S East End Grocery ,No. Its South elecuLd street. DRESERVKII GINGEIFL—Sou cases choice Preserved /. (Anger. each Jar i.ruaranteed. In store and for sale at COtIsTN"s East Grocery, No. 'lc:L.3ollth Second street. fI_NCE PlES.—ltaisins, Currants. Citron, Lemon /nand Orange Peel, Pure Spices, Cooking Wines and Brandies. new Sweet Cider. all for sale at COl - STI East End Cirocery Store. No. 718 South Second street. X ENV YARMOUTH BLOATER.....—A small invoice I of tr ese delightful and choice delicacies. fur sale at COUS'IY'S East End Grocery, No. its South Second street. YRIME SPANISII OLIVES.--Spanish Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, East India Rot Pickl , .s. Boneless sardines, and all kinds of new Canned Fruits, Meats, Soups. Milk and Coffee, at MUSTY'S East End Uro very. No. 118 South Second street. IRANBERRIKS.-20 barrels Jersey cultivated (gran berries in store and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN N. W. cor. A and Elghth streets. (Ai EttillsALN DHCENIX INSURANCE .00MPANT Or P. 1111.1, DELPHLA. INCORPORATED 1804-4:TRASTER PERPETUAL NO. 24 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In addition to MARINE and UPLAND 1 1 / 8 1:TRANOR this Com insurer from lose or damage by FIRE, tin Übe terms, on buildings, merchandise, .iiiture, ttc., for limited periods, and permanently on building" deposit of premium. The Company has been in active operation fbr more than SIXTY YEARSdung which all lasses hays been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. John L. Hodre, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.: William McKee, David Lewis, M. B. Mahony Benjamin Erring, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powern, William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry Robert W. Learning. Edmond Castilian, D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox. .TORN R. WIJCHICRED., President, amok". WrLoox. &molars,. A hiIKRICAN 1,213T1TA1, INSURANCE COMPANY. Jog. —Cilia) Am . uhar Building, No. 12 WALNIPI Street. 21.A.8.1; AND INLAND 1111311P.ANCES.— Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all part, of the world, and on goods on laland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads and other conveYanoal throughout the United S.tAyls, C31A16 President -, Vice Preshierit. PRTIMI ROBERT J. NEE, Sec. p William Craig, - - - Peter Callen, golm Daßatt, Jr., William H. Dierrlek, Bea W. Richards, °Mies DaLien, Wm. M. Baird, Pearson PREINSURANC.L. THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHMADELPHI.A. No. 150 South FOITRTH Street. Charter perp ePaid tu Authorized 00 10,% Insures Capital, al. u p Capital, ,0. Insures against loss or dame y FERE on buildings ag either permanently or for a T3IwITIC,D period. Also, n NM , * CHANDME generally and household faint , Lure city or country. i -7 Thoma s Kimber, Jr., Henry B. MuCbrub. Lemuel eoflin, tD . hea . ... P. Bayard, nrll J OP '" James Brown, Chas.. A.. Duy Win. D. Lewis, B. Bullock, Wm. M Needles, J. iiiiitioiiiYone;s, John Woodside, John D. TaYIor, JAMES BROWN President, CHAS. A. DiJY, _Vim President. mbninwil THOMAS N=.i SON. Secretary. N MBE INSURANCE 0011:PA.NY OZ P 11 7 21 18 I3 D:4I4. R ELPHIL-011ice Northeast corner 01 THIRD and BUTTONWOOD etreetsuate 'Pammt, Incorporated by the _Legislature of Penusylik, CHAETEB PXIIPETITAL. Capital authorised by law, Sioo,ooo. Hake Insurance against Loss or Datum /a Fire of Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Goods and Merchandise, on ihvorable twins. DU.ECTORS, George C. Eire,,Zler Chris e t c o ri p e r s r H. ' John F. Belsterling, Jonas Bowman, Henry Troomner, Frederick Doll, William McDaniel, Jacob Schandier, George Buts, Jr., • Stephen Smith, Henry Marker, • Banana Miller, Edward.Moyyeerr GEORGE ERRTV, President. JOHN F. BE.LSTERLING, Vice Preemie= PHILIP E. COLEMAN. 13eoretarY. tern. REI. Henry 0. Dana', Wm. a Lowber, 3. Johnston Brown, Samuel A. EXLIOD, Mason Hut Phi Henry L. alder, & B. .Man Morgan, MIL ' tag IMMfgANCE. REMOVAL. The Office of William W. Allen, AGENT FOR THE ORIGINAL TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPANY,. OF HARTFORD, Conn. The Oldest and Most Reliable Accident Insurance Company in America, AND THE NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN-, Has Been Removed from No. 404 to 400 WALNUT St., DIRECTLY OPPOSITE. not-tu.tti,sJa FIRE INSURANCE. Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE! COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions. Invested Funds, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000. All loss , promptly adjusted r,ltbont reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania, OFFICE, No, 6 Merchants' Exchange, dews tu,tl.-11 - 1 PHILADELPHIA. 1829 -oEullm:t PERPtIliThi,. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1, 1865, 0,2,501,297 04. :3: AS CLAMS 8:12.745. Losses Paid since 1829 Over $5,000,000. Pvna;i4v:w and Tempo ensiles N. Bancker D, Tobias Wagner, Sarrinet Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Georte N EDWARD C. D. .TAicsa D ELAWARE IR, 1 L. AL SAFETY LNISGRANCE CON PAN V, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATCRE OF PENNSYLVANI OFFICE S. E CORNER_ TR IRO AND WALNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. 31ARLICE. INSURANCE. ON VISSFT S , ) CARGO, i-o all parts of the world. FRER, LIT, .) INLAND INSURA NCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Cnion. FIRE lz.:sultaiicas, On Merchandise generally, On stores, Dwelling Houses, Occ. ASSI.:Vb OF THE COMPANY, November 1, I — sao. - 100,060 United States 5 per cent. loan. '7l p 5,000 00 121 , .0iu ulted States 6 per cent, loan, '5l i,•_,100 00 ac. 0.0 United States 7 3-10 per cent, loan Treasury Notes 194,375 00 10,000 State of Pen-nsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 54,000 State of Pennsylvania nix. Per Cent. Loan 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six. Per Cent. Loan 20,000 Pennsylvania Ra (road First Mon gage,Six Per Cent. Bonds ...... .. . 25.00 Pennsylvania Railroad second Mort gage Cix. Per Cent Braids 25,000 Western Penna. liallitaad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bondsf 11,000 91.0 Shares StocK Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of 7,lsol4s phia. Shares Stock. Penna, Railroad Company 5,0.0 lou shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 40,14.1, Deposit with the United States. Go vernment, subject to l 0 days ,:0.0 0 0 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 70.700 Loans on Bongs and Mortgage, first liens on City Property 170.700 00 1,tr..'6,5v0 Par, heal Estate Bills reedvaule for insurance made Balances due aLagencies.—Premiums on Ma rine Policies. Accrued Interest, and outer debts due the Company 40,111 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 0,133. Estimated value... Cash in Banks ; 1 65,11.56 89 Cash in Drawer 678 44 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, .Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis. I. F. Peniston, Edmund A. Souder, Henry Sloan. Theoph ilus Spalding. William G. Boulton, John it. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Traquair. H Jones Brooke, Henry C. 1 allett, Jr., Edward Lafourcade, James C Hand. Jacob P. Jones, Willlion C. Ludwig. James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiper, Spencer Mcllvaine, Hugh Craig, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. Robert Barton, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. J ohn D. Taylor, D T.Mor,.. , mn, Pittsburgh. THOMAS C. HAND. President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. • delltnol .: - ..? , 5. FIRE ABeIOCIATIO N. ...ii3J Incorporated March 27, 1830. ""` IP - '',.. AoFFICE, No. 89 N. FIFTH street. In. ",* sure BUILDINGS__,__ HOUSEHOLD FUR. :,i., ~ ., . ->.79 NITURE and MERCHANDISE genet , ally', from Loss by Fire, (in the City oi .• , .. , :v., - -• , :_!:r Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT of the January Assets of the Association 1885. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only ........... ..... ..... ...............4ama a Ground Rents 28,800 64 Real Estate.( Office, Fifth and North streets.) HMO 15 U. B. Gov. 5-20 Bonds. MAO CO Deposit II dt with .B. Assistant Treasurer......„... 85,000 )) 'I 25,829 IV TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. Hamilton, Joa. R. LP/dell, John Bonder, Levi P. Coats. Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Sperhawk, John Philbin, (diaries P. Bower: John Carrow, Robert Shoemaker, Geo. L Yowl .Tesse.lJghtfoot. myS T. Secretary. A N CHA RTHR TER PER PET UALACINURAN CE. COMPANY... . Office , No. 311 WALNUT street, above Third, Phila., Will insure against Low or Damage by Fire on Build- ings, either perpetually or fora limited time, HoosehOld Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Carmel and' Freight. Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. DERECTORB. Wm. Esher, David Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Baum, J. B. RI -I thltOrt Wm. F. Dean. Jos. Manfleld, John Ketchera. WM. ESHER, President. WM. F. FAN' iirke.preedent, WM. M. SMITH. Secretary .nICOII2 FOB Ims, falo.Oixt. mein ta Liberal T 471121. , ... Edward Dais, George Palos, Alfred Intler, Piss W-Lewts, LANCICENt, President. ,A_LS, Vice President. becroutrY PTO tem. spl mn DEEM Market value 99t3,5ti0 Nii.o(l) 00 12.1.013 $56,6:3.5 $ 1,2.,3,F.1) IS 1901),552' 48 INS MIA TEE J , ELIANCE /NSURAN CB COMPANY OF PIIILA-DELPHLti. Incorporated In 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STRUM. CAPITAL. s6oo.ux), Insures against loss or damage by FIRM, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or per• petual. and on Furniture Goods Wares and merchan dise in town or country. ASSLOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ILTS $408,091 79 Invested in the following securities viz: First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured $124,100 00 United states 0 overnmekt Loans 13.5,009 uu Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 65,0 b lab Pennsylvania 33,110e,ti0n 6 per cent Loan 21,000 OU Pennsylvania hallroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgages Camden and Amboy yiallroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cern. Loan Huntingdon and Broad 'I op 7 percent, mort gage bonds County Fire Insurance Company's Stock..... Mechanics' Bank Stock.. Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock... Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock_ Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's t• lock Cash in bank and on hand DIRECTORS. Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill. Charles Leland, Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Costner, Alfred ' Young. TINULEY, President. •etary. er 1, IRKS Clem. Tingley, Wm. Musser. Samuel Bispham, H. L. Carson. Robert Steen. Wm. bteren.son, James T . CLED THOMAS C. HILL, beer PHILADELPHIA. DeCeMbE TIBB UNSHRAINCE AND TRUST COMPA/NV.. Ai THE GERARD DIPE nrwcaurroz, Aaingumr and TRUST COMPANY, of Philadel hia. OFFICE. No. 408 CIERSTNIIT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital Isoo,ooo—paid in and Invested In Bonds and Mortgages. ti Continue to make Insurance on Lives, grant Annui ties and Endowments and make contracts generally, which depend on the contingencies of life. They act as Strecutors, Administrato r s, Assignees, Receivers, Com mittee of Lunatics, Guardians of Mims and Trustees generally, whether committed to tneir charge by Ina. vldnals, Courts of Justice or corporate bodies. They give a participation' of Profits to the Insured On .. : -. Thomas Ridgway, . ,:... John A. Brown, Bober& Pearsall, Henry G. Freeman, Thomas P. James, Stacy B. Barcroft, George Taber, Wm. P. Jenks. John C. Mitchell, R. I.C. Barrongha, Seth L Comly, Thos. R. Powers. Isaac Starr, Edwd. R. Trotter. BLED/CAL EXAICMYBA.-431eorge Emerson, M. D.,and S- ewe] Chamberlain, M. D., attend at the (Alice daily at hi o'clock, noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and explanation of terms of application, and farther Information can h had at the office. THOMAS RLDGWAY, President. JosEDT F. JAM_ES. ACtriarY. TIC9tRANCE COKPAITY OF NOLTI-1 AALFIIII , A. RINE. FIRE AND LINTLAND TBANSPOE TATIOINT lICSITRAff CF. Oflice,No. 232 WALT street, Beath side, east at Third street, The Propel-Idea of this Company are well Invested and furntsh an available rand for the ample of al! Demons who desire to be protected by Insuranise. MARINE RlitiE.ki taken on Veasels, Ereltthts and Cargoes. U'CLAYD TRANSPORTATION RISKS on War. . dire per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. PURE or Merchandise, Parnitare and Band , Pr in City and County. r.. * OORPORATED EN 179'--CAPITAL, SSOOW AND PAID IN AND SECURELY TOTAL PROPERTIES, 1.1.700.0.r0. PERPETUAL CHARTER. A .. ..th ur a &Jan, -- -- James N. Dicker/2, Sa.mnel W. Jones, B. Morns Wain, .Teun A. Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, Georlra L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood., Edward EL Troller, We , sh, E. B. Clarke. :6‘..wen, Willis:al en mmtnn . T. Charleton Henry. • ARTHUR G. COFFER", President, Cetana.3 - :a PLATT. Secret-sr!, Eli COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,•-• OFFICE 2 , 70. 110 SOU l/I FOURTH STIIKE'F. BELOW C8:E2373:03. •'The FL-e Insurance Company of the County of PbllaGelphiu." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In na, for indemnity against lost ar damage by tire, each/sr. - oy. ARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with amnie capital and c.ntingent fend careta - ly invested matinees to In sure buildings, ftirninare, merchandh.e, &e., either per or for a limited time, against loss or di,Er...3411 by are, at the lowest rates consistent with the abachilig safety of its customers. _ _ Losses adjusted anDMMTol".S. d — pald with all posalble despaMn j Charles J. Sutter, err 4 RT, . . s Edcc - Ln L. Peaktt. Heray Crilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr.. Jcoeph Moora, Henry Budd, George Menke, Andrew R. M.Wer James N. Stone. J. SIITTHR., Prezddsna, Rnsrisces• F. Host y. Sec'v and Treasurer. - - FM.I2SSIIIIANCB xxcLusrvELy. raco acISYLVANIA. MILE INSITRA_NCES COM PANY—lncorporated 15,...--Charter Perpetnal—NO, 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. Thl3 Company, 113vorably known to the community fin over forty years, continues to insure against lose or damage by lire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permAnently or for a limited time. Also, on Purniture,Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a. large Burplap Fund is invested to the moat c:arefal manlier, which enables theta to offer to tae insured an undoubted 513C111i 2 41 the ease of loss. DIREOTOIDt. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereax, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Haziehnrat, Henry Lewis, Thomas )10bine, J. GMingham Fell. De..lel Haddock, Jr. DAXIBI, SMITH, Jr., President. wnsum G. Convrzi.x. Secretary THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COM PANY, DP PS ri DELPHIA— Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, 3d month. 1865, ENSURES LIVES ALLOWS INTEREST ON DE POSITS AND GRANTS ANNI7ITLE2. CAPITAL __ DELECTO BS. Richard Cadbury, 1 Henry Haines, T. Wistar Brown, Wm. C. Longstreth, Chas. F, Coffin. SAMUEL R. siTTPLEY, President. ROWLAND PARRY, Sam OPP No. Samuel R. Shipley, Jeremiah Hacker, Joshua H. Morris, Richard Wood. AAIERICAN FIRE INSURA N CE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1840,..ARTER PERPEO. THAL. 810 WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, ifFLPITT Havtng a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and Ears. PLUS Invested in sound and available Securities, cwt. time to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Purnihire, Mer chandise, Vessels In port, and their 6argoes, and other Personal Property , All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Thomaa R. Maria, John Welsh Samuel Samuel C. ]Morton, Patrick Brady, :THOM ALrimem O. L. ORAwronn INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, Prrrr. A T)NLPHIA. FIRE AND IN CA Francis N. Buck, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, Samuel Wright, F. B. Justice, 6eo. A. West, FRA NOIB R. CHAS. RI it: W. I. Braiscceasn. Beams PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—.SeaIed proposals 1 1 1 will be received at the Department of Riqhways until 1 o'clock P. M., TUESDAY, 26th, tor the masonry, timber superstructure and embankment necessary for the rebuilding of Bridge at Penrose Ferry. Specifications and drawings of which may be seen at the Department of Surveys. It will be necessary that the proposals shall specify prices for the following items: Illasonry of Piers per perch of 25 cubic feet, to include taking down old work and rebuilding. with sand, lime and cement, scaffolding, mac., the old material to be used as far as suitable. Masonry on approach, foundations per perch of 2.5 cubic feet. Piling for foundations, each to include pile, in.in shoe, driving and cutting off, with any coffer dam ming that may be necessary. Piling for fenders, including piles, shoe and driving. Timbers for foundation,per foot 8.h.f..,t0 include work manship and bolts. Timber for fenders, per foot, B. M., including work manshißand Coping—four inch and eight inch per square foot surface. Embankment per cubic yard. Superstructure oft rustle approaches per lineal foot. Superstructure of Howe bridge per lineal toot. Superstructure of Howe Bridge Long span per lineal foot. Superstructure of Howe Bridge Draw per lineal foot,. Crib for fender per lineal foot of timber, round, in cluding bolts, workmanship. ballast and sinking All bidders are invited to be present at the time and place of opening the said proposals. Each proposal will be accompanied by a certificate, that a bond has been filed in the Law Department as directed by ordinance oflitay23th,lB6o. D the lowest bidder shall not signify his acceptance of the contract within five days atter the work is awarded. he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between Ws bid and the next higher bid. Specifications may be had at the Department of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SAMDLEY. Chief Commissioner of Highways,_ . PICKLES, CATSUPS, SAITUna, JEA • Crome & Blackwell's English Pickles, Cataups, Saucf s. Durban Mustard, Olives,landing ex ship Yorktown and Tor sale by JOS. B. BIISSLEB. & CO.. les South Delaware avenue. TMP: SRIAL FBENOEf. PRIINTES.-60 cases In tin ~- canisters and ancy boxes, Imported and for sale OY JOS. B. BUSKER & CO.. 1.0 Sontli Delaware avenue. 4.5130 00 1,03 a 00 4,000 00 10,000 00 380 00 POB.WI 79 de2o-th,s,tu,tt 111 Sowrn Fourth Street John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell) Edmund G. Dahill, Charles W. Ponltneyl orris. R MAY.II3, Prealdent. Secretary. my INSURANCI33 Jno. W. Rverman. Robert B. Potter Jno. Ressler, Jr., E. D. Woodruff., Char . Stokes, Jos. D. Vln. CCR, President. I- 'ON, Vine President"