Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 21, 1865, Image 7
SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATE FROM WASHINGTON. The Withdrawal of the French from Llexico. AUSTRIANS TO BE SUBSTITUTED Zhe Air Line Railroad. FENIAN MEETING IN LOUISVILLE. O'MAHONY DENOUNCED. SEVERE GALE AT NEW YORK. INtl1 , 4:4:.0111:11 , 4;i:494'..0(:ny050:1; LATEST FROM GEORGIA Disturbances Between Blacks and Whites. Martial Law Proclaimed. Prom Washington. !Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.—The Government has received nothing official from the French Emperor indicating the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico. The French Minister has indicated that such however is the Emperor's intention. Maxi milian, it is said, has already arranged to supply their places with Austrian troops. This is "whipping the devil around the stump." There seems to be a settled determination in Congress to pass a bill for an air line road between Washington and New York. A bill for that purpose is in the hands of Thaddeus Stevens. Secretary McCulloch, left to-day for New York. It is said he wants more money. The Fenian& LOUISVILLE, Dec. 20.—At a general meet ing of all the Fenian Circles, last evening, resolutions were unanimously adopted de nouncing in the strongest terms O'Mahony and Killian. They concur in the findings of the Senate in regard to the guilt of these persons,, in accordance with the charge and specifica tions brought before them, and consider their conduct injurious to the cause, and contrary to the spirit and object of the orga nization. They express the greatest confi dence in the Senate, and call upon all the Brotherhood to unite with them in their en deavors to purify the Order of all faithless officials, and heartily endorse the election of President Roberts. A general Convention of delegates will bo held in Covington, Dec. 27th. The Storm - NEW YORK, Dec. 21.—A heavy gale com menced here at 6 o'clock this morning. SANDY Hoou,Dec.2l,lo A.M.—A schooner laden with wood drove in against the wharf here to-day and lays beating against the dock and will be a total loss. The crew were saved by jumping from the rigging to the dock. SANDY HOOK, Dec. 21, 10.15 A. M.—The French brig Prosper, of Bordeaux, is drag ging ashore inside the Hook and is thump ing heavily. LONG BRANen, N. T., Dec. 21st, 9.15 A M.—A large schooner is ashore near Green's hotel, and will be a total wreck. Two o the crew have been saved, who report that the vessel left New York yesterday, with a cargo of coal, outward bound, and with a crew of five men. The last seen of the cap tain and his wife, and the balance of the crew, they were clinging to a spar. Another schooner is ashore at Green's pond, two miles from thiq place, but there is no one on board, the crew being saved by the life-boat, which was sent off to her. She lies bows off shore, and appears to be full of water. LONG BriAxcri, N. J., Dec. 21, 11.30 A. M. —The schooner James J. Crandall, of Fall river, is ashore on Deal Beach, arid is full of water. All hands were saved. The schooner Eveline Hickey, Captain Fisher, of Philadelphia,bound to Pawtucket, It. 1., with a cargo of coal, went ashore als Long Branch, and has gone to pieces. The Captain, his wife, and two men were lost. Two of the crew were saved. The schooner Tarlight, Capt. Price, from Virginia, with , wood, bound to New 'fork, is ashore here, and will be a total loss. The French brig Prosper, lies with her side on ,the beach, the sea making a clear breach over her. She lies about a thousand yards from the main shore, opposite the east beacon, inside the Hook. No commu 'nication can be had with her, the wind blowing a severe gale, with a high sea. FORT HAiiirroN, N. Y., Dec. 21, 11.30 A. M.—The bark Evergreen, from Buenos Ayres, is ashore under the lee of this fort. She went in at high water about 10 A. M. From, Georgia. NEW Your, Dec. 21.—The steamships Hunter, Nevada and Euterpe have arrived with Savannah advicei of December 17th. The Herald says a Convention of Internal Revenue Assessors and 'Collectors for South Carolina, Alabama, Florida and Georgia will be eld at Atlanta on the'2oth inst. to regulate a system of assessments and the collection of taxes. _ - The General Assembly of the Presbyte rian Church South convened at Macon, December 15th. • The Savannah Cotton market is irregular and holders are asking an advance. Mid dling Uplands 48 cents. It is reported.that a serious difficulty has occurred between the whites and blacks in Emmanuel county, Georgia, but no par ticulars had reached Savannah. The pro TEL B DILLY ,EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21 1 1865.---TRIPLE SHEET claiming of martial law at: Thomasville arose "from' several unprovoked attacks upon the negrees by the City Marshal Atkinson, he inflicting wounds upon one •s• man ith a hatchet, on account of the pre vious arrest of one of the Lamers on a charge of being engaged in the recently developed great cotton swindle. The Mayor recommended the proclama tion of martial law, he being nnahle to re press the lawlessness of many ofthe leading citizens. The steamer Falcon has been seized at Savannah by Gen. Brannan, owing to the refusal of her owners to allow troops to be transported in her from Augusta. Anniversary ,of the Landing of the Pilgrims. Bo N, Dec. 21.—The anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims will be observed by a grand military demonstration, to morrow, when the numerous battle-flags of the Massachusetts regiments' willbe form ally transferred to the State, and deposited in the Capitol. An imposing turnout of veterans is anticipated, unded command of Major-General Couch. Wreck Of a Cotton Vessel MosiLE,Dec. 19.—The ship Roger Athern, Summerville, with 2,700 bales of cotton, from Mobile for Liverpool, was wrecked on Sand Island. She is supposed to be a total loss. The Kentucky Legislature. FRANKFORT, Dec. 20.—The House of Representatives has adjourned till the 10th of January. XXXIXth CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 1865. HousE,—Mr. Hubbard (Conn.) offered a resolution declaring that the Goverment of the United States ought never to recognize any Government imposed upon any nation on this continent by the arms of any Euro pean power. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Voorhees (Ind.) offered a resolution endorsing the President's annual message, and pledging the support of the House to the principles enunciated. On his motion the consideration was postponed until the Bth of January. Mr. Niblack (Ind.) offered a resolution which was passed, directing an inquiry into the expediency of admitting a delegate to Congress to represent the District of Co lumbia. Numerous resolutions of inquiry were passed. Price of Gold in New York. [By the People's Telegraph Line. j NEW YORK, Dec. 21.—Gold has been quoted to-day as follows : 10.35 A. M. 1461 12.00 M. 10.55 146 k 12.25 P. M. 11.00 146 12.30 11.25 1451 12.40 11.40 146 12.55 Markets. 3 4 TENV YORK, Dec. 21.—The cotton market is firm at 510152 c for middling. Flour has advanced SCI sales of 9.500 barrels, at 10@ so for State: as 50(4110 for Ohio. 10®pi 50 for Western• gS 75 i 5 25 for Southern. anti s 10@$11 10 for Canadian. Wheat has advanced is: sales unimportan'. Corn firm. Beef steady Pork firm at VS 3 7 iitur.8 50 for mess. Lard dull at /s®/931,C. Whisky dull. Personal. The war correspondents have not made pro minent a great number of literary men; though there were several hundreds of them.. Two of the list seem to have made a very fair reputation. Mr. B. F. Taylor, of Chicago, a gentleman on the grave side of forty and among the Eastern correspondents, George Alfred Townsend, originally of this city, but at present identified with New York. Mr. Townsend seems to hate pleased the people of the western cities very much, with a lecture which he has been delivering, en titled " The Recreations of our Special Cor respondent." Our Exchanges come to us with flattering comments, and the youth of the speaker seems to have made his elo quence more effective. A hundred dollars a night and expenses •is some recompense even for the hard work of war-correspond ing. Miss Harriet E. Prescott, the authoress was married to Richard S. Spofford, Jr. Esq., of Newburyport, on Tuesday. The venerable Rev. Daniel Webb is lying dangerously ill at hTh residence in Barn stable, Mass., and but little hope is enter tained of his recovery. 0 About a week ago, some'six or eight stu dents of the Freshman class at Harvard in dulged in a raid among the quiet denizens of Old Cambridge. Two of these frisky fellows, named Wm. T. Bule, of Rhode Island, and Samuel Dinsmore, of Keene, N. H., were arrested and fined $2O and costs. Since their conviction in the Police Court, the Faculty of the College have made an investigation into the mattor, and found that the facts as alleged are true, and have expelled the above named young men from the College. John C. Williams, an old and prominent business man of Chicago, recently died in that city at the home of his son-in-law, E. W. Blatchford. Rev. Dr. Emerson, of Salem, is said to be the oldest pastor in Massachusetts, having been settled over the same parish more than sixty years. He has for some years had a colleague. The substitution of Horace F. Clark, a son-in-law of Commodore Vanderbilt, for Mr. Corning, as a Director of the New York Central Railroad, causes some discus sion in financial circles. The editor of the Dayton (Ohio) Journal accuses the Rev. J, T. Headley of plagiarism, in' his Life of Gen. Sheridan, adding that twenty pages of said book was the lucubra tion of the. editor, who was a war corre spondent. General N. H. Harris, of Vicksburg, Miss., has been pardoned. On a late trip of the steamer Gen. Lytle, between Louisville and Cincinnati, Pietra Calliero, a fruit dealer from Nashville, met with a sudden and singular death. He was seated at the dinner table and had been dead for some moments before the people seated on either side of him discovered the fact. Timothy Manning was sentences at Al bany, on Monday, to nineteen years and six months imprisonment, for knocking down and robbing a woman of a breastpin, valued at four dollars. B. H. Payne has been held IO bail in Nashville, charged with murder, in the sum of $50,000. He killed the seducer of hiswife. The President has commuted the sentence of Edward Lambert, of the 26th Louisiana Regiment, to be hung, to ten years' im prisonment in the Penitentiary. The wife of Mr. Jack Stanley,of St. Peter, Minn., a few days'ago gave birth to twins weighing in the aggregate 21 pounds. The Messrs. Lamar, of Savannah, who were arrested on the alleged charge of at tempting to bribe a United States Treasury Agent, have been released on $25,000 bail. G. W. Bickley, President of the Knights of the Golden Circle, has been released from Fort Warren after two years and eight months imprisonment. Joseph Ashley, a Fall River glutton, bet $25 the other day that he could eat a nine pound turkey at one sitting. He did it, too, in just thirty - eight minutes, and pocketed the money. Among recent promotions for "faithful and meritorious service during the war," is that of Major Stryker, Paymaster, 11. S. A. His rank will hereafter be that of Lieuten- mat-Colonel. The promotion was amply earned; and - his friends in - this - city' and Trenton will be gle " to learn that it has taken place. I: . I 4 THE SPAM r-CHILIAN WAR. The Situation trichangedL-The New President of Peru Deposed and COlonel Prado Proclaimed Dictator---s Var Between Peru and pain Inevi table-- fairs in Pana and the Inter or of ColOmbia. {From to-day's New York Heraldd Later South and Central American news of interest is furnishbd in our Panama and Callao letters by the steamship Henry Chauncey, which arrived here yesterday, from Aspinwall on the 13th inst. The Chauncey brought to this port over eight hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars in specie. There had been another revolu tion in Peru, even almost-before the late one which deposed President Pezet was con cluded. Gen. Canseco, leader of the anti- Pezet army, and who, on the flight of the latter from the country, assumed the Presidential office, was himself in tarn, before he was snugly seated in the Execu tive chair, ousted at a meeting held in the public square of Lima, and CoL Prado, another revolutionary chief, was declared President. The ostensible motive of this last revolution, which happily appears to have been consummated without any blood shed, was the desire on the part of the Peru viansito co-operate with Chili against the Spaniards, and a fear that Cnnseco's go vernment would not gratify their wishes in this respect. It is thought that Peru will now give the:Chilians important military and naval aid. Much damage to property bad resulted from a late heavy swell in the harbor of Callao. No material change in the hostile positions towards each other other of the Chilians and Spaniards had taken place up to Nov. 18, the date of our latest advices. The Spanish admiral continued his blockade of the principal old Chilian ports; but the new ones that had been opened by the govern ment, at which no duties were exacted, had become tolerably well established, and a large business was being transacted at them —so that neither the country nor shippers experienced much inconvenience from the closing of the others. Tne Spanish admiral had not bombarded any of the Chilian towns, and it was thought that he had given up the idea of doing so. In the meantime the govern. ment of Chili was actively, but secretly, pushing on its war preparations, and wherever on the coast small parties of Spaniards had attempted landings they invariably met armed forces and were driven back to their boats. The other South American republics, as well as those of Central America, were comparatively quiet. General Mosquera, the President elect of Columbia, is expected to arrive on the Isthmus in the latter part of this month, on his way to the capital, and apprehensions are entertained that his arrival m<ty be the signal for an outbreak of his partisans in Panama. 146; 146 b 1464 146.1 146; L.) v kre :Iv 3.v ws MAJOR McCALLA. —We observe with pleasure that Major Thomas H. McCalla, late of the 95th Pennsylvania Regiment, has returned gallantly from the war, and has laid aside the sword for civic pursuits. He has again taken charge of his old business, at No. SO4 Chestnut street. Major McCal la's hat store is supplied profusely with the latest styles of hats and caps, and his mili tary friends will find him especially atten tive to their interests. His store recom mends itself to all classes of the community for it is without doubt among the most just ly celebrated of our fashionable hat empo riums. In another column will be found the Major's advertisement, in which special attention is called to his Christmas stock, which is unusually elegant and extensive. "THE FIINNTEST THING."—"PEARAores SERPENTB."—Curious and Int Fretting. Bower, Sixth and preen. 50 centa a box: mailed, 55 centa. "PHARAOH'S SERPENTS."—A Scientific Miracle! ,Sstontsbing everybody: Amusement for all! Bower's Laboratory, Sixth and Vine, 50 cents. Mail, 55 cents. HERNIA OR RUPTURE—Treated with pro fessional and practical skill by C. H. Needles, ti. W. corner Twelfth and Race streets, Ladles' Department conducted by ladles, on Twelfth street, Ist door below Race. DRUGGISTS' SUND,RIES IN EVERY VA- Er&TY. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Receiv ers, Jewel Caskets, Cigar ftses, Cutlery, etc. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. A VERY acceptable present at this season Is a case of the celebrated Weld Farm Cider. No table will be complete on Christmas day without a bottle. CH A Rr.r.{ W. NOLEN. No. 1:3 S. Front street, below Chestnut, Sole Agent. tell)6 Li I Di :-1•11 RI 01 SALES OF STOOKS. FIRST BOARD. $lOOO If S 5-200 '65 Noy,. 400 sh Phila, Lancaster Me II S 16--103 92.1, and Cherry Run i 4000 U S Tram 7 3-10 s 300 sh Hestonv'e R b3O 383 y Notes June 97? i ., 200 sh St Nicholas ow 3000 City as new C&P 90 b3O 6% 2200 do due bill SS% ire sh do b 5 6% 700 do Ca P 8974 1000 sh do cash 63 ~ 2800 do mun'l dub 139,% 200 sh do b 5 634,' Goo II Sss 'Bl 1073; 100 sh do cash 6% 400 sh Dalzell Pet 1% 100 sh Read R cash 53, 0 3/30 eh do 1% 100 eh do bswn 53 500 eh Sugar Creek De- 300 sh Era Oil 33; velopment 2 100 sh Ocean 011 630 18% 200 eh do 21-16 200 sh do • 19 100 sh do 2%* 200 sh Susq Canal 0 500 eh do 255 100 sh Briggs 31-100 100 eh Catawissa 115 22 100 sh Plalla ,t Erie 80% 160 sh do 22% 100 eh Swatara Fails 0 2 100 sh do pfd bs 36% 4sh sth & 6th St A 43 Public Board—Philadelphia Exchange. HEYONTED: BY B. O. JOHNSON, STOOK BBOHJES, NO. 323 WALYIIT ISTIOLIET. • BERST CALL. 100 sh Reading R 5V 4 i1100 eh Maple Shade 5 400 eh Jamison 011 1%1500 sh Franklin 011 1% PRICE OP STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (By 2131egraph.) American Gold ....,: Reading Railroad- New York Central 11. S. es 'Bl int oft.. B. es, 5-Es Erie Hudson River Illinois Central Northwest El Finance anal iliumaese...Dee. 21,1565. The Money Market presents no new feature, the sup ply of capital on the street being fully up to the de mand. The Stock Market is comparatively quiet, i a there being very little specu Live movement in any thing except a few of the low-priced Coal and Oil shares, some of which are elatively far below their Intrinsic value. Governme t Loans were not offered very freely, and closed at 1 ii'Cals7;4" for the Coupon Sixes, '81; 100;ac and 103 fort new and old Five. Twe nties; 92j4 for the Ten-For es, and 97% @ 98 for the 7-305. Stave 5s were dull at 934 City Loans sold to a a limited extent at - 8934000 Reading Railroad was 41 Very quiet at 55@)533,.;: Phi elphia and Erie Railroad sold at 89 , 4—n0 change. 1 as bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 563; for ennsylvania Railroad; 53 for Germantown Railroad; 55,x3 for Mine Rill Rail road; 3634" for Catawissa Railroad Preferred, and 2_ ,Ii; 1 for the Common stock. In anal stocks the only sales were of Susquehanna at 9. here was an active move ment In St. Nicholas coal at ~ , ;(g)6,,i—a decline of 13-4. Mahanoy closed at 8.4', andßig Mountain at 5. Ocean 'Oil was heavy and declined 1. Maple Shade closed at 535. Several thotuland shares Sugar Creek Developing SECOND CLASS sales sales sales sales sales ...... sales sales sales sales 14(Vb .53w . 95 3 3; 107% 102 95 108 sales sales bales bid sales sales bid sales sales . . 'sold at2@2s;-fin advance of 34, closing In demand at the highest figure. ' The Compapy has now four wells down and are obtaining 40 barrels Of 01l pei day. Dai ren rose 3i. Passenger Railway shares were more sought after. HestimVille sold at 383 b. 30 and 38 b. 10, and Fifth and Sixth streets at 4.3. Jay Cooke k CO. quote Government Securities, &0., to-day, as follows: Buying. Selling; 11. S. 6's, 1. . .... ...... ....... ......-....1071i 107.71' Old 520 Bonds - 102 . 1031 a New " 1864 leo 101 5-20 _Bonds, 1865 100 i 101 10-40 Bends. ... .--. ......... -.-.. 92 9234 7 3-10 .A ugust — 9734' 9sW 4 ' " June 97, '5 98 " July 9732 98 Certificates of Indebtedness....-.. 9736 • 97 2 / GAthe 12 o'clock 146 1.46% At the Philadelphia Gold Exchange, No. 57 South Third street. basement, Gold quotations were at the following rates: 10.80 A. AL, 1463i".112.00 K. 148‘..f. 'l. A. X, 145%. 112.80 P. Si.. 14814% 11.99 A. M.. 14634 11.00 P.IBL. 14638. Messrs. Deßaven & Brother. No. 40 south Third street, make the following _quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at 134 P. M.: _ Buying. American G01d............... —.......1.46 Quarters and halvee----.-...-141 Dimes and half dimes-- 186 Spanish Quarters. ----.336 Penna. eurrency--.....—........—. ..; dia. Midis. New 'Pork 11 achan .. . 1-10 oar. Smith, Randolph & Co., Bankers, 16 South Third street, quote at 1 o'clock as follows: Gold 1464'014634 11. S. 1831 Bonds 1073Q010714 U, S. 5-20, 1662 102%Q laPt; 1664 10014010014 1865 100;4@l0074 11. S. 10-40 92 p 923 b 11. B. 7-30's—let series— 97740 983 4 2d series._ 97.1,10 973 " 3d series 9234" U. P. Certificates of Indebtedness... 97,11® 9734 Stock market dolL The following is the amount of Coal transported over the Huntingdon and Broad Ton Mountain Railroad, for the week ending Saturday, Dec. 16, 1885, and since January 1, together with corresponding period last year: Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. 6,278 301,859 388,135 1864 6,276 367,214 373,490 Decrease._ Philadelphia Markets. THURSDAY, Dec. 21,—There is not much demand for Flour but supplies come forward slowly and holders are firm in their views. The sales for shipment com prise 360 barrels Penna. extra faintly at $l9 barrel, 600 barrels Penna. and Ohio at $lOO.ll, 1200 barrels good spring Wheat do. at $9, 500 barrels Kentucky White Wheat do. do. at $ll 50, and ?10 barrels fancy at $l2. Sales to the home consumers at $7 25®7 75 for super fine, Sggli SO for extras, is 50(5.9 25 for Spring Wheat extra family, slo®ll for Penna. and Ohio do. do.. and $ll 50®13 50 for fancy. Rye Flour is dull, with small sales at VI 25. Corn Meal is inactive and we quote it nominal at $4 25 for Penna. and 50 for Brandywine. The market IS poorly eupplied with prime Wheat and other descriptions are not wanted. Sales of 1210 bushels common and good Red at $2 1552 30 and White at $2 50 to 12 70. Rye ranges from $1 to $1 10. Corn is In demand at yesterday's quotations. Sales of 7.Cie bushels new yellow at 81@l84 cents in store and from the cars, and 2000 bushels old at 58 cents. Oats are steady at 50 can to. Prices of Barley and Malt are nominaL Clocerseed ranges from $7 50 to ti l for common and choice quality. Timothy is not wanted. Small sales of Flaxseed at ea au, at which figure it is taken on arrival. !sky Is very dull and prices are lower. We quote at 2 33(2 34. IMPOBTATIONS, RepOrtea for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. LIVERPOOL—Ship N Mosher. Anthony-1M crates ethw W G Pierce: 15.1 do A F Eberman; 18 do Hunting ton & Brooks: 11l do Stirk & Hoare: 45 do Asbury & Young: 200 tons pig iron S S W Welsh: 259 blls iron J J S 0 647 bars iron 10 bdls plates N aylor tt Co: 49 Ci steel D T 365 bars and 1105 bdls iron Steever & Whittaker: WO bags nitrate of soda C Lennig 500 bags mdse E J Dupont de NemourstkOo: 2 cases n achinery M Needham: 5 cases and casks hdw Nathan Trotter & Co; 25 tons pig iron 650 sacks salt John R Penrose: 304 sacks salt C W Churchman: 2:io kegs bicaro sodas 7 soda ash 19 tierces do 1657 pigs lead Ito bbLs roll sulphur 12S casks and cases mdse .10 ICS bleaching powders 46 cases machinery and Ste bundles iron order. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA —l3.Ec. 21 112 bee Martne Itu.gears cm scecm4 Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Kenriebee..EciiinnmitT,ll4hoar from N Yolk, with mdse to P R Clark. Above Reedy Island passed brig W A Dresser, from Bangor, at anchor. Bark C Brewer, Dennop, 7 days firom Rockland. In bal.ast to captain. Bark Wavelet (Br), Bastian, from Boston, In ballast to Workman et Co. Brig Gen Banks, Ketchum, from Providence, Schr E D Phin ney. Crammer, from Providence. Schr Geo L Green. Rick, trom Portsmetuti. Schr A E Martin Brower, from Huston. Schr F F Randolf. Risley, from New York. Schr Eva Belle, Lea, Rom Boston. Scbr Ocean Wave, Baker, from Newport Schr D Smith. Anderson, from Fall River. Schr Brandywine, Orson. from Fall River. Scbr J N Baker, Adams. from Salem. Bohr E Magee, Magee, from Salem. Behr S B heeler, McGlaughlin, from Salem. Scbr W S Hines (new), Thomson. from Wilmington, Del. CLEARED THIS DAT. Scbr Wm B Hllles, Thomson, ,New Orleans, 1) S Stet ' non Ca. Ear I Paine, Mayo, New York, Dovel .9 Son. Scbr 1 Csawalader, Steelman, New "4 ork..T B White. Scbr Brandywine. Corson, Fall River, (....stner, Stick- Wellington. Schr S B Wheeler, McGlaughlln, Boston, R H PowelL Schr A E siartin, Brower, Fort Monroe, t S Quarter- master. Scbr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor, l'iewbern, Lathbary,Wlck. en3ham & Co. Sehr Ruth A Baker. Knight, Boston, W Kerr. Sehr Ocean Bea - se, Parker, Boston, .J It Tomlinson. DtP2dOBANDA, Steamer Admiral, Eldridge, hence at New York yesterday. Bark Baker. E•Ctilt, sailed from Leith 7th Lust. for this port. Bark Aquidneek, F. ndieton, from R!o Janeiro 12th ult. with coffee, at Baitimore yesterday. Bark P C Warwick k Br). Chichester, for New York, sailed from Rio Janevo Ilth tilt. • Brig Milo. Townsend. cleared at St John, NB. lath Inst. for this port. Brig Rate Stewart, Paddock, hence at Antwerp 6:h Instant. Steamer It It Coyler. Dollard, from New Orleans nth inst. at New York yesterday. Schr Eveline, Almeida, sailed from Matanzas loth inst. for this port. Scbr Alida, Lambert, cleared at Boston 19th instant for this port. Schr John Crockford. Jones, at Fall River 19th inst. from Delaware City. Schr Sarah, Buten, sailed from Newburyport ISth Inst. for this port. Sohn' Ellwood Doran, Jarvis, and S L Simmons, Gandy, hence at Salem isth inst. MARINE MISCELLANA - . Brig Nellie, Capt Mcoregor, from St Vier ant sib nit. of and for St Steven. NB, put into Fox Island Harbor, near Mt. Desert. on the sth alt., in distress, having ex perienced heavy NE gales previously, spl.t sails and received other damage. During the night she parted both chains and went ashore, and will be a total loss. She was partly loaded with molasses and sugar. The Vessel was Insured. The towboat Equator arrived at New Orleans loth inst. from the steamship Minnetonka (previously re ported on the bar nearly full of water), with 230 bales cotton and aio bbls flour, the whole of the dry cargo. HE BEST BOOK _VOIEL A PRESENT Is Mackenzie's Great Family Receipt Book, As it Contains Over 10,000 Useful and Reliable Receipts On all conceivable subjects. For Bale by Agents only and the publtsber, T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Nos. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, de2.l-3t rp SECOND FLOOR. SPECIAL SALE OF French Bronze Groupes, Figures and Vases, Casteßina, Statuettes, etc., etc. The Importation of Messrs. VW Bros., To take place at SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, No. IC2O CHESTNUT Street, on Friday Evening, 22d inst., at 71i o'clock. de2l-24 B SCOTT, JR., Auctioneer. TO BANKING — COMPANIES, Banking Rooms. The undersigned will contract with a Banking Com pany to furnish very handsome Banking Rooms with the advantage Butt they can arrange their Vaults du ring the eonstrnctlon of the building. Apply between 8 and 10 to M. C. LEA, 1622 Locust street. it* 11 LAPIERRE HOUSE FOR RENT. La Pierre HP ing one hundred and twenty chambers, besides parlors, dining rooms dm., is offered torrent, on a lease, at ,fifteen thousand dol Lars per annum. The'rent before the war was twelve twousand dollars per annum. The house is in good order, over six thousand dollars having been spent by the owners In repairs within the last two years. Apply to - SOHN H. PMWARDS, del9tn th Egt sps 701 Walnut street. MIOR BALE—A copper STILL, for Alcohol; In corn 12 Pie" order. AP/l i r o t 6 O. BARER & CO.. 718 Market street. 7, 3BEA.UTIETIEJI. SETS EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, BROCATELLE CURTAINS, = BICAND SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS LADIES. L E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 1 719 Chestnut street. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. The largest assortment in the City. J. C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street. PATENT WIRE WORK ! The subscribers are the only and exclusive raanufao• corers of Under the WIRE WORK Jenkins Patent In this city, and would call the attention of the public to their varied and extensive assortment of patterns and Styles of Railings, Store Fronts, Door and Window Guards, Bulwark Net . ting for Ships, &e , &e. all , i ) , gd . z r rs ch yk Le ro c Tl a t n ly d executed. ulici Liberal discounts made ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1136 Ridge avenue. del-th as to ell FANCY THERMOMETERS AT JAMES W. QUEEN (ft def.Utf CHESTNUT STREET. Kelly &-. Neel. New Fluid "Paragon Oil," "Paragon oil" And Safety Lamp, beautiful light hours, 1 cent. 1.0 Chimney. Igo Chimney. Agents wanted. Sold by Inventors, KELLY & NEEL, del9-et rp• 911 Market street. Our Photo-Miniatures, At moderate Prices. For delicacy of detail, softness and warmth of tone, artistic merit, truthfulness of likeness, plain and co lored. are unsurpassed in this city, deI HENSZEY, & CO., Photographers, 9-St rp. , 812 ARCS STREET Bouquets, Wreaths, Baskets of Natural Flowers, French Immortelles in Variety. H. A. Lo]R,E.EII,, FLORIST, 714 Chestnut st. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 5-2 , 0"5, 7-30's, 10-40 9 5, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Inter.‘t Notes of 1864, and GOLD t: ; t:D/I SILVER, Etoy g,:rht. and sold. Draft drawn on England, Ireland, France and Cler. , r• any. 5-10'a of 136 xchangFd for the old !sane of 1862 and the market 0 , erence allowed, 00214 f REP CURTAINS, BALTIMORE. Dec. 21.—Flom is inactive: Western extra, es 25; Wheat, red active at $2 40®82 45: white is very scarce. Corn,,yellow, firm at 85c; white. 8608e.c., the demand is fair. Oats 52€2.53c. Coffee very active; Rio has an advancing tendency. Sugarabeavy. Whisky dull. Provisions unsettled. Mesa Pork, $3O per barrel Salem at Pbiladel BALEI3 AFTER $lOOO City ea new cab. 90 4000 do new C&P 90 1000 do old Cdr_P 85 4000 do munl 90 700 do due bill 90 1000013 Sea 'Bl 107% 7000 Henna 5s 85 891 2 600 II S Tress 7 3-10 Notes June 100 s 97% 38h CamitAmß C 125 MO eh Ocean Oil 19 100 eb do h 39 19% PIO sh Catawissa bl 5 M.% 100 sit do b3O 22; 200 sh do 2ds 2:23 100 sh do pfd 630 38% BEOOND two uE. 7 3-10 s July 9 7%f 500 do June 97.; I 1500 do 97% 3850 do Aug 90% ICtO 17 B 3-203 'C cp 102% 300 do 102 5000 Union Can hs b 3022 15 oh Penns RR, 56'. /klub°ld's Highly Cele.Atratei FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARBLIk; And Beautifying the Complexion) NOT A P'ICW of the worst disordins that afflict mankind mute teem the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Ot sill dies:merles that have been made to vane It out. nous min octal in effect It Meatuses and renovates the blood. Instals UM 'Mare health into the system, and purges out the =nail which make disease. It stimulates the healthy him* dons of the body and expels the disorders that VOW NMI rankle In the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for and now, fir the first time{ the public have .one on which they can depend. OUlf space here does not admit certificates to show its effectj but the trial of a e bottle will show to the Mat thai It has virtue anything they have ever takeni Two tablesnoonshil of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water, is equal to the Litman DWI Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the Decoction as usually made: Tn-THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN AllegaT4 TO USE IN 1.13.6 UNTIED STATES AEMY,and" are also ingeneral use in all the STATE HOSPI4 TAMS and P LIO SANITARY ENSTITDTIONII I.": ••1 It 'CO I.: - From Dispensatory of the United States Bee Professor DEWEES'S valuable works on =“I Practice of Physic. geeten:lathemade by the late celebrated Dr..PIIII BIC, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM MoDOWEIZi g celebrated physician, and Member of the Royal Coni lege of Surgeons, Ireland, and published In the trans actions of the King and Queen's .TournaL See hiedico-Ohlrugical Review, published by BENI& LI:LN TRAVERS, Fellow of RoyalOollege of Surgeon! See most of tius late Standard Works en Mediaine& Delivered to any address, securely pooltea Address letters ltu• luformiOlon. to 104 SOUTH TENTH STI Physicians in attendance from 7 o'clOokiLlif.to 9 Pia BEWARE OR 00LI TD IINTERFE1M AND ICILP }MAIMS, Who endeavor to dispose of "their own" and "MOSS articles on the reputation attained by ECEEMBOLVEI GENUINE EXTRACT =OHM 11:102113O LD'S GENUINE EXTRACT AIiaAPABILAI EGEMEMLD I 3 GENUINE IMPROVED 808233WA880 Sold by ell Druggists,' ASK FOR HELMBOLD ddir (Mr oat the advertleementZ and send fer is old invoattlo and expoenrw le2Ralltir COTTON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK of every width from ORO to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, Papermakers felther Sail Twine &O. JOHN W. EVKR.M.A.N at do. No, leaJonee's All4l. NEWRAISINS.--500b °ass BunchandLayerßalsbla 300 boxes Valencia Raisins. 100 mats Seedlesal Raisins fbr saleby Yes. B. BIISBIKB , CO., 1.10 Boutl WTEW HOPS—Growth or iM& Just received, In IN and for sale by 'WILT. 411 L s GRANT, eeT 138 South Delaware &value. 4 • THIRD EDITION: BY TELEGRAPH. Marine bisatitera. BOSTON, Dec. Sl.—The brig Catharine Nichols, from Baltimore for Boston, with oak plank, sprung a leak off Cape Cod, on the night of the 15th instant, and was cap sized. The vessel was abandoned, and the crew were picked up and brought to this poi'. Heavy storm at Buffalo BUFFALO, December 21st.—This placewas visited last night by the heaviest storm of wind known for years, accompanied by snow and sleet. Great damage was done by chimney being blown down, etc., but no serious accidents are reported. To-day the weather is pleasant. New York Stock Market. NEW YORK. Dec. ?let—Stocks are st Chicago eady. and IL 1., 107; Cumberland preferred' 44%. Illinois Cen tral, 133; Michigan tit Southern. 753'; N. Y. Central.9s3i; Beadir 8, 106; Virginia Us. 68; Misgoari6's ' Erie. 953 , ,c,; Carolinas, 8514 Treasury 7 3-10's, 97'4; Five Twe nties 011865, 180%; G old, Hai. Markets. FIRST BOARD ssh North Central 44 Zs at Penns .13, 56X 100 ah Read It awn 5.27/.' MO at' do 830 8.%; 200 eh do 860 523 i 2130 eh do 830 53X, 100 eh Allegheny Valley b3O 13 100 eh Phil & Erie b3O 303 100 sh do 33;1 700 eh Sugar Creek De. - - - velopment 23i 100 sh St Nicholas Coal cash sg , h Mcli2l.lienny 156-100 BOARD 700 sh Phil Lancaster _ . & Cherry Ran 34 10110 sh Sugar Creek eve b 5 94 eh Forth Cent 442}4' 1600 City 6s old c&p as 100 sh NY &Middle field bS 6 COMPOUND For 'purifying the blood. rei eases ving all dhs: moving arising from eV cess and Impradencles In MN chronic constitationaa diseases arising from an lm state of the blood, and the enly kn inaim able and effectual own remedy Care of Scrofula, Scald Head, eats Rheum, Pains and Swellingsat the Bones, 171ouration of the Throat and Lega , Blotches, Pimples on - the Pam. Teaks., Erysipelaa, and all scaly =prima ofthe atin. EIBLMBObn'II COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILL iScs Msdical Etowa^ties of Buclu,l il , Oll OM I :ICI Drug and Chemical Wareham, Drug and Chemical Wareham:® 694 BROADWAY, N. Y., OR 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., cat HELM:BOLDS MEDICAL DEPOTS p:iasfElotxfiv:iEl HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS 3:0( IA O'Clo cit. hia!Stock Beard.