The California Gold Discoverer , John A. Sutter. - • The San Francisco papersitatia ral John A Sutter, the pioneer of the Cali,: forriht pioneers, and!whose name is associa/: ted with the first discovery of gold - in that State; was about to leave for Switzerland. The-California Eve,ning Buttetinsays ofhitm , "Gen. Sutter arrived in:California , on the 2d, ofJuly, 183.0, and madethe first exploration! of the Sacrahoento river, on whose borders he established himself, built a, fort for pro tection against the Indians, received a grant of eleven leaves — of land; and for many years Was proprietor of one 'of, the largest ranchos in California. He espoused the. cause of his adopted Country in her war witli'Mexlco, and when California came - ander Ameri can rule, he was,appointed by the military authoritieS FirstAlcalde of his .district. Both before and after thadiscovery of gold,he benine thafriend and benefaCtor of the immigrants who rapidly poured into his district; and, although • they squatted - upon his lands, took possession of his gold placers, stole his cattle and committed math- . fold depredations upon his rights of pro perty, yetthey were always welcome, and as long•as,he had anything to give no one sought food, shelter or money from . General Sutter in vain. - Unbounded liberality is ifot always con , . sistent with prudence, and it is not surpris ing that, while •thousands of the more recent settlers of ' California have grown rich around him, he, the original pioneer, has grows poor. His leagnes of land ; (em bracing the sites of Sacramento and Marys -Ville;) his flocks and herds, have long since passed out of his posSession and, to com plete his misfortunes, in June last his homestead on the banks of the Feather River, with all its treasures and associations, was_destroyed by fire. General Sutter is not a man to repine at his lot, however hard it may be, and he now goes to revisit his birthplace among the mountains of Switzer land with the same lightness of heart, youthful flow of spirits and philanthropic love of his fellows, as when he left it, thirty ene years ago. , • The State has shown !that she is not un mindful of his character and services, kiy makipg him an honored pensioner upon the public treasury, the Legislature of 1854 haVing enacted a law which secures him a payment of $250 a month in gold. If in addition to this, some of those who, have waxed rich from their appropriation ;of the old, pioneer's property would unite in a suh stantial testimonial of gratitude, the act would be both graceful and just: 'Davis at Fortress HOTtrOe. - LCorresriong.ence N. Y. Herald. j FORTRESS MONROE, Dec. 13, 1835.—The President's Message, or the calm and sober teachings of I the waning year and falling leaves, or some-reason of moat cogent na is - ture, now, as I am authoritatively informed, causing Jeff. Davis to turn his attention more especially than at any time. heretofore to the, concerns of his soul. His old clergyman Of St. Paul's church, in Rich ; mond—the church which' he attended during the war, and from which made that marvelously rapid exit on the last Sunday of his attendance there—has been allowed ,to spend a day with him. No criminal about to be led to the gallows can receive more sedulous attention or probably wiser religious counseling. The sacrament was administered to him, and everything done that could be, by his old religious teacher and adviser, through scriptural reading and prayer, to give him peace of mind and that cheerful content and resignation following the right kind of teaching and faith. During his imprison ment Mr. Davis's only religious attendant and adviser hasbeen the Post Chaphdn,Rev. Mr. Chivvis. THE CHICAGO LUMBER TRADE.—On the 55,000 square miles of Illinois probably there does not grow a single pine tree, yet Chicago is the greatest lumber mart in the world. The source of supply is that portion called the ldwer peninsula, where there are thousands of square miles of pine woods. Chicago ranks first, Albany second, and Pittsburgh next. Here we have a most e tensive mart for the pine regions of the Alle ghenies. The Chicago receipts of lumber, shingles and lath, since 1847 to date, have been as follows: Number of feet of lumber, 5,087,033,033; number of shingles, 2,560,093,- 212; lath, pieces 398,297,743. , -,The receipts for this season faave been: Lumber, 606,- 642,300 feet; shingles, 304,216,000; lath, 60,340,000. Six hundred million feet of lumber would make a building large enough to shelter the population, of Europe. The shipments for the season have been : Lum ber, 345,290,089 feet; shingles, 239,738,097 ; lath, 60,744,520. The following will show the prices of the different qualities of lum ber at the present time: Clear, 859@81; common, $20@22; cargoes, $15@17. The cost of this year's receipts cannot have been less than $.10,000,000. • PF.:FS/DENT 3 . 011140 N Atin GnoncitA.-L The folloWing is the full despatch of the President td the Provisional Governor of Georgia: WARBINGToN,Dec. 11.—J. John- Son,Provisional Governor: The Governor elct;;Willbe inaugurated, which will not i terfere with the Provisional Governer. You Will receive instructions in a few days with regard to beino . relieved. Why can't yon elect a Senator? I would issue no commis stone to members of Congress; leave that for the incoming Governor. We are under obligation's to you:for the noble s efficient and patriotic manner in which you have discharged the duties of ProViiional Govern or, and you will be sustained by the govern ment. ANDREW JOHNSON, President. A committee has been appciinted to wait on Governor Jenkins, and learn when it will suit him to be inaugurated. It is un derstood that he desires to know his real status before taking his office. INTERESTING TO BAOIIELORS.—We Ob serve that the household furniture and effects:of the Rev.:D. Mitchell, minister of the Parish Church, Forfli.r, have been ad vertised for sale by warrant of the Sheriff. Among the articles mentioned in the hand bill of sale we rind' the following: "A. col lection of photographs of the leading mein bers of Mr. M.'s congregation and young ladies of Forfar and neighborhood." We do not imagine that the young ladies referred to ever contemplated, when they presented their , 'reverend; 'reverend friend with their cartes de that they would be put up for public sale; andwe question much whether this announcement will afford them much pleasure. Dundee A TRAELV DELAYED BY THE COLD.—The Fast Line from Pittsburgh due here at eight o'clock ibis morning, did not. arrive until. one o'clock in the afternoon. I'he delay was 'mused by the freezing of the water in the tank of the locomotive attached to the train. It is seldom that locomotives become pow erless from this cause, and the present in stance is an evidence that the - chilling "northwesters" have been unusually severe in the region of the Alleghenies.—Harris burg Telegrctph, Friday. NORTH CAROLINA. -A despatch from Ra leigh says: Governor Worth took the oath of office, to-dav .before the members of the ' 1 t two Houses of tL via a ure and "a num ber of citizens. , The bovernor elect deliv ered a short and modest address on the oc casion, claiming . tbat :the people felt a dis position and desired a restoration of the . 'Union. _The .Legislathre . will adjourn on 11011 day morning (7) at six o'clock. , AT A THANRSOFVI743 gathering in -York, last_Week, four generations' werepre-, sent: grzyrilifather Aighty-two Tears old, weighing only 72 pbunds hav ing no gray_hairs; and carrying en the work of his farm alone. His' wife weighs two hundred and twenty-five pounds, and one of the SODS is six feet three inches high. _ EVENINGIftraitTIN = : --- i - PaILA: I : . u • I Meeting ottrhiiilien:+,'HoW.Tllolll73l.9 Cor vc, in taken[ with Paralysis._ . _ $. An assemblageOf distin g uished w ished Ohioans 'Whirenterratiked this etienin ,-by'T.: . C. Wet-; more, Esq., Military Agent for the State of Ohio, at his residetzce • on F street." , It was i the most complete 'rbpresentative company of all classes of officials and persons of note that has been draistn together in -Washington • this season. Among the persons 'pres4nt were Chief Juitide Chase and Justice. Swayne, of the Supreme Court; Senators Ma cle and Sherman,Postmaster- Generals Dennison, all the hio members of the Hauge, Paymaster General Brice, Major' General Gilmore,iHon. E. Jordan, Solicitor of TreastirY, Honr Thomas - Corwin, a num4 ber of ex-members of Congress, from Ohio, etc. About 11. o'clockn the evening, Hon.: Thqmas Corwin,' whilst Trounded by a circle of friends whom he was entertaining' -by his fund of aneb"dote and wit. was stricken with paralysis, and fell helpless and speech less into the arms of the gentlemen standing nearest to Wm. Mr. Corwin is dangerously ill.— Wash COrr. N. Y. Times. 1 ' • REV. MN. Rums, of New Haven, made an 'onslaught upon "New Haven vices" last Sunday night. Aqcording to his figures there are in the city over five hundred grog shops, besides a host of liquor selling re staurants and club houses; seven concert saloons doing a large - business—sometimes ss much as $5OO a night—tio of them for bolored people; 84 faro tables, and a large number of other places fi4r gaming, and several hundred disreputable women. THE Sanitary Commission in November last, collected nine hundred and thirty three soldiers' claims,amounting to $113,000. The Washington Star says that the officers of the commission are performing an aston ishing amount of labor, in procuring from the government satisfaction for claims of all kinds, preferred by solliers and sailors or their heirs. THE Legislature of Virginia has fired the 21st instant for the election of State offi cers. L1.41:10 . 111CHARDPE ISTAN'S Ale, Wine and. Liquor Vaults, 439 Chestnut Street s pHIT„ A T)ELPHIA. Established for the Sale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. . Special Notice to Families! Richard Penist an's Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout. Now so much recommended by the Medical Faculty for Invs.iks. $1 25 PER DOZEN, ci hese Butt es bold one Pint ) The above being of the very best quality, it must be admitted the price Is exceedingly LOW. It Is L eliwred to all parts of the city without extra chart e. Brandier, Wines, Gins, Whiskies,&cc.,&c. Warranted pare. at the lowest possible rates, by the Bottle, Gallon, or Cask. CHAMPAGNES of the best brads offered lower than by any other house. On Draeght and in Bottles, PURE GRAPE JUICE. This is an excellent article for Invalids. It Ls a sure cure for Dyspepsia. HAVANA CIGARS. OLIVE OIL, PICKLES, SAUCES, BAY RUM, SARD&ES, &c London and Dublki Porter and Brown stout—Enointi and Scotch Ales. deittfl CONSTAN ThNE KAISER, Ne. 143 South Front Street, Importer and Dealer in RHENISH AND SPARKLING WITN - VAS 9 oc9-m ,wS,6m CLARETS, &c. CHAAIPA:GNE WINES. WIDOW CLICQUOT MOET AND CEA:MONS GREEN SEAL, SILT:FRY AND VERZE, NAY, HEIDSEICK, GEISLER AND VIN ROYAL. Also Sparkling, RHINE WINES, all of Fresh portations, for salp by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, B. W. corner Broad and Walnnt, HER MAJESTY CHAIVIPAG'NE, 33 N 'T 0 N, 161 301 Mt PRONT Br., SOLE • GMT. TATINI4..S.—The attention of the trade is solicited Lc, V V the following very choice Wines, &c., for sale 1 - 1) JOSEPH F. BUNTON, No. 151 South Front street above Walnut: • INIADEMAS—OId Island, 8 years old. SHERRIES—CampbeII & Co., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crusoe & Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, Meg Spanish, Crown and F. Valetta. .PORTS—Vallette, Vlnho Velho JLeal, Danton ant Rebell() Valente & Co., Vintages 1.83-0 13:.6. CLARETS—Cruse Ells Freres and St. Estephe Chat can Luminy. VERMOUTH—G. Soudan, Drive & Co. HUSCAT—de Frontignan. CH A.MPAGNES Ernest Irrony, "Golden Star,' de Vanoge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabliaet and tithes favorite brandgr: wp.ory.4choice lots of old Wheat, Bye and Bourbon Whisky. for Bare by E. P. NCIDDLE. TON. 5 North liltONT atroot. 13,15 CLOAKS. BARGAMS I BARGAINS I 1 BARGAINS!! I LADIES ATTEND. MRS. HENRY, No. 33 North NINTH street, iSnst below ARCH, Has just opened a large andOAKS elegant assortment of CL, For the Fall and Winter, which she offers at prices al least twenty per cent, below the usual rates. This is no humbug. but a positiVe fact. Call and see or yourselves. I . - .! OFFICE OF WELLS, FARGO & CO., New York and California Expreaa and EsChange Company, -. .607 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. &HIPPED!? OF FREIGHT To TIM PACIFIC COAST will please take Notice that, having been ay.- pointed 17...R1GHT AGENI OF THE pACIFIC CALIFORNIA, we a now prepared to receive -freights for OREGoN, NEVADA, TvASIMMTON TERRITORY, SANDWICH ISLANDS, CENTRAL ;AB ERICA and . WESTERN , CO.AST OF WO MR Ferrates apply at our office, 607 Chestnut street. Steamers will sail from New York lst,' , llth and 2lBt of each month, those dates falling on Sunday, on the preceding Saturday. - - - NO STOIC' FREIGHT RECEFIED ON .DdY . .P22/021 TO SATE-OF BAITING. Vila of lading will be issued at 607 Chestnut street. Our usual package Eappess and letter =bag will be sent by each steamer and wi/liose at 5 P. DoL t daY be fore sailing. , Our FRANKED ENMOPItS Will be on. Sale. at our office, 607 Chestnut street. • .- All letters sentthrough us lau.r.tbe G 9 v eenn jent en . ve.2o _ hafge en SanFranciseo forasle. • Telegraphic transfers of money made to all points reached by the wires on West Coast. California Con Ens bought at bestrates. ,'WELLO, FARGO &CO., ' 00194 m I J. R. COOK, agent. FINANUI.AL. NATION L BANK. 7-30 TREASURY 'NOTES OF ALL ISSUES AND DENOMI NATIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. 0. H. CLARK President. 5.20. 10.40. • 7.30. B. W. BOULTON 84 CO., NO. 113 SOUTH THIRD STREET, GOLD, STOCKS, LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. se2e,ml E. W. CLARK dr, CO., No. 35 South - Third Street, OFFER FOR BALE, 11. 8. 6's, 1895, Pacific Railroad Issue, Morris and Essex Railroad 7's due 1914. All kinds of U. S. Securities Bought and Bold. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. Interest al lowed on deposit. OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GO V ERNMENT LOANS! NO, 305 CHESTNUT ST. JAY COOKE & ca, -BANKERS AND BROKERS, Oiler for sale, at lowest market rates,' GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS : Ij. S. 7.30 Treasrsy Notes 01 date of Attg. 15.1881. Do. do. do. June Ls, 1865. Do. I do. do. July lb, 1555. BONDS OF 1881. 5.20 LOAN, OF 1862. 5-20 LOAN. OF 1564. ' 10.40 LOAN, OF 1864. CERTIFICATES of INDEBTEDNESS STOCKS OF ALL KINDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Sem:Adel Collections on all points made at lowest raesttnls-1 HARRY C POTTER Successor to Thomas E. Potter, Stock Broker, No. 24 Merchants' Exchange, up stairs. RAILROAD, MINING, TELEGRAPH, COAL and OIL STOCKS, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COwkrIsSION. At the Regular Board of Brokers. dos-Ina; V.ll-lEtSrr NATIONAL` SANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1865 TIDE DEPOSITS ON hNTEREST, INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER 'CENT. PER AN NUM WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON DE POSITS, FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER FIVE DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST w ILL NOT BE AL LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT - UR AST FIFTEEN DAYS. - C. H. CLARK, President. 5-20's, 7 3-10's WANTic - D. DE HAVEN 63 BRO., 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. Compound Interest Notes of 1864, Wanted. ACG ) 't s 4, N 0..-16 . , SOITTIIE THIRD ST., \ I IA *4 BANKERS - & BROKERS GOLD,,- , STOCKS. AND BONDS, AND ALL GOVERNMENT BEOUEMBELI BOUGHT AND BOLD: •-• _ STOCK & NOTFJ 218 1-2 WALNUT STREET. oiocxs ,axid - I,oANSbought and gold onrnmmis shin. Trust Funds invested in City, State or Govern• ment Loans. R. BACON. [noSa3m7]; GEO. A.rWARDEB. FINAN $15:00 u 0,030, e 5,000, And otil TU IRAN, ON MORTGAGE. er SUMS' dei44 DIACHANITS &, TRAUTWINE, Walnu street. $15;000 'ivolt,3l Nort ,Tatx,Og h TentrillveOyßh anTcGeAr.GE dets---4t* - 233 street. BROWN -&- MAGEE, NAVOTACTURF2B OF *$ V4i, scP° B.& m I*o e.5 444v RElv) And all styles of goods suitable for Travelers and Excursionists, A large stock of MOROCCO TRAITELENG BAGS AND RETICULEZ FOR GENTS AND LADIPS., Of our own Manufacture, sulfable for Holiday Presents. 7ng CHESTNUT STREET CARD. The especial attention of Coal Consumers is called to a earcja/ perused of thcf,ilounng The shawitee 'Mutual Coal Company are now placing before the public in .Thdarielpina 0 description of coal nerofoorr almost nu known in Vas marKet and of a quality which challenges all comparison. Those . 010 aresisino U from the yards of the cam pony i•-tify unhesitatingly to :ts superiority °Ter all Neter coal This coal comes from the region of Plymonin, Luzerne county, distinctive in its Character and may be briefly described as combining the- best goalirfe3 of bola Lehigh and Schuylkill, affrely free from the defects of either, and of re.-,,orkable purify. It is the deligfit of alltcho Twit_ Thls company Is selling a lim ited number of the shares of stock at ten dollars per. share cash. securing fer each share a ton of coal an nually and perpeatally. Certificates of stock issued immedlatel3r, Or being desirous of meeting the con venience of subscritiers, and of extending the benefits of the mama) system. we have it in our power also sr offer :tie following terms, viz: Ciitthpay - ntrizt on subscription 15 to Enntling the subscriber to .3EO ton of coal at volt as above. The balance of payment may be deferred until Oct> her I. 1505, with tnterosf, when certificate of stock will be issued. Ity this plan it wilihe observed that the - cash pay ment and the cost of the coal is only_ about Lae ordinary retail price of other good coat The present price of this coal to subscribers is $7 and $7 50 per ton at the yards of the Company, to which will be added only the cost of' delivery. Subscriptions received at the office 237 South THIRD Street. Yards-1517 Callowhill street, and Fails of SchnylkilL E. S. EARLEY, • 3C) r?.?I`A.III:FAEL S. E. Corner of Tenth and Green. .1321.1 - KHJEL S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment Ct Wigs, I;onpees, Long Hair Braids ano Curls, Water-falls, Victoriues, Fri zettes, Elmira Seams for Ladies, At Prloss LOWER than elsewhere ram 909 OBEESTNIIT STREET. - EVERY , FAMILY SHOULD HAVE Spencer's Patent Flour Sifter, For Sifting Flour, Meal, Buckwheat, Sauce and all other articles requiring, a sieve. , STATE AND COUNTY Rights for Sale. It Is one of the most usefal inventions for domestic use ever offered to the public. The flour is sifted in one-quarter the time (and much better than by any other process) by putting the flour in the top of the Sifter, then, by turning the crank, the flour passes through the sieve with great rapidity. Clean, very tine and light. This Sifter has no India rubber rollers to grind up the dirt. such as bugs, worms, flies, &c.. but sifts all articles and leaves the dirt remaining in the sieve; the Sifter Is made of tin,ls very neat and easy to keep clean. It is the only Sifter now use that gives SATISFACTION. Every sifter is warrant ed to give satisfaction. Be sure and aak for Spender's Patent Tin.SLfter. karicfliolesale trade supplied on reasonable teims. Samples sent to any address on receipt of 0100, Factory 346 North SECOND Street. nelB-3Mi M. E. SPENCER GEORGE PLOWMAN, • CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 232 CARTER STREET, Apd 141 DOM STItERT. 5 7 linen* Work sm3 311111.wrIgkrillg promptly st• ,:ended to. ,) prom ptl y n 4l 'DALE ROPE AND TWINE MANUFACTURED J 3 and far Bale by mar, ir. wzAVE OM, .28 North Water street, and 22 North Delaware avenue . . RAISTFTB.—soob‘ easslittach andLayerßaiairLe ..14 4800 boxes IralenclarlUtte oo . masts Seenevs Raisins for saleby JOS. B. BUM: & C0.,15 South Water street. ' : HOIS-41rOvrib of 1865. Jost received, in_sto and for sale by WILLIAM B. ne7 128 South Delaware avenue. CEMBE.R.I,B,, 1865C-7.1TR1 •B,WI . ,'f.QA:;EI.QN: . .•:' - 01): .. 4.n...H1GAD1 T Published and Srile by .I 4 ipt•incoti& Co. • • With an Introductory Chapter on 'THE PELYSIOLOGY SpHEP. ' By WILLIAM' A. ITA.MMOND, M. DA Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; member of the. Academy of batural sciences,. author Of "A Treatise on Hygiene, ac., &c. 12mo. aL CONTENTS : CHAP. I—Physiology of-Sleep. CHAP. ll—The Pathology of Wakefulness. 7 1 Cr.HA Ill—The Exciting Causes of Wakefulness. CHAP. IV—The Treatment of Wakefulness. A NEW WORK BY THE REV. DR. PLIIMER. William P. Pl - amr, LL.D. INNER ROME, POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS Prof. of Ecclesiastical , History in the Divinity School, Philadelphia.. Author of "St. Paul in Rome, dm." One vol., Dine., $1 75. . • • Internal Administration of the Pata' Government, External Policy of the Papal Government, Persecu tion for Political • Opinion, The Imprisonment of the Advocate and Deputy Signore Vincenzo Tergolino, 1 he Secret National Society and Committee, The Government of Priests and and its Anomalies. The Papal Government after the Restoration, Rome and Brigandage, Napoleon 111 and Rome, The Issue, the situation end the Solution; Intolerance towards Jews and Protestants at Rome, Indulgences, Lay Confra ternities, A Chapel of Dead Men's Bones, Flagellation, The sacred Image of the Sancta Sanctorum, A. Visit to Loretto, Morals of the Priesthood, Treatment of the rick and Dead, A Chapter of Fragments, Habits and Manners, sketches from Italian Life. SYME'S SURGICAL WORKS New and Complete Edition. THE PRINCIPI vs OF nURGERY. ByeAMES sYMbi. F. B. S. E., Surgeon in Ordina to the Quern of Scotland, etc-. etc., etc. To which are ap pended his Treaties on the - Diseases of the Rectum," ictore of the 'Urethra and Fistula in Perineo." the 'Excision of Diseased. Joints," and numerous additional contributions to the Pathology and Prsa tice of ~ urgery. Edited by his former pupil, LUNALD 31 ACLEAN, hf D.. L. R. C S. S. Proces sor of the Institute of Medicine, and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, Queen's University, Canada. One cot. bVO., r. , In 1 vol. (12 too) "42 pp I. 7he Remnants of the Amedroz Faintly; 11. The Peir Proposes to Visit his Cousins; 111. Will Belton; IV. safe Love-MR,kilag; V. Not Safe Against Love-making; VL Safe Against Love Making once again; VII. Miss Amedroz goes to Perivale; VIII: Captain A 5 liner Meets His Constituents; IX. Captain As imer's Promise to Hts Aunt: X • Showing How Captain Aylmer Fiera His Promise; XI. Miss Am edroa Is too Candid by Half; XIL Miss medroz Returns Home: XIII. Mr. William Belton Takes a Walk in the Country; X 1 1 . 7. Mr. William Belton Takes a Walk In London; XV. Evil Worta.; XVI. Tine Heir's Second Visit to Belton; XVII. Aylmer Park: XVIIL Miss Askerton's Story: XIX. Moss Amedroz has Another Chance; XX. William Belton does not go out Hunting; XXI. Mrs. Askerton's Generosity; XXI I. Passionate Pleading: XXIII. The Last Day at EtitAom The Great Northern Railway Hotel; XXV. Miss Aracdroz has some Hashed Chicken:. XX VI. The As liner Park Hashed Chicken comes to an End; XX VII. Oboe More Back to Belton; XX Vlli. Miss .-vmedro: i, pursued: XXIX. There= Nothing to Tell: XXX. Mary Belton.. XXX I. Taking possession XXXII. Conclusion. UMW ~~a®~. NEW P .ISSUES ; 715 and 717 TNEarket Street. ON WAKEFULNESS. Just Published, JEHOVAH JIABH : A Treatise - on Providence, o,ne vol. 12mo. gl 50 JUST PUBLISHED SOCIAL. BY BEV. C. M. BUTLER, D. D., SYNOPSIS OP CONTMPI*: A NEW BOOK BY JOHN STUART MILL. Published under the author's supervision. AUGUST COMTE AND POSITIVEISM. JOHN STUART MILL. Bvo. $1 50. IV, ANTHONY TROLLOPE'S NEW WORK. LUST PUBLISHED, THE BELTON -ESTATE, BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE. MEMO JUST PUBLISHED. ROBERT DALTON, EIS WORLD OF TROUBLES; =ECM EARLY DAYS OF A CONNOISSEL'A One volume, 12mo CONTENTS. The Orphan: Primitive Infant SChool; The School Broken Cp; The Long Frost; The Funeral; The Dog Fancier; The Rope Walk: An Order for the Hangman; Margit ret Trent: Margaret s Fate: A Change of Occupa tion: 'Hospital Scents; The Bundle: The Betreat from the Wood; Homeless: Looking for a Crust: The Prison erßeleased: Converted into a Market Boy; Enemies Turn Up: The Hunchbacks Punished; Experience at :Theo:: The Picture Magazine; The Errand Boy's Flight to School; Ibe Charity Boy Paints a Picture; The Debt Collector, The Caricature; Paperand Pencils: 'Me School Council; The Old Carver; The Carver's Home; 0 he Old Carver's Story; The Slot ina's Picture; The Gipsy Party; The Old Carver's Last Work; The Gardener and his Prints; ;I'he Money Lender's Scheme; The Prediction of the Gardener'4Wife Proves. True; His Lordship's Porter: Madame Mitchell's; The Picture Restorer; The Two Bugsdaels: Laura Rezza; The Cat astrophe and the Flight; Signor Altoviti; Forlorn Hopes; The Print Collector; Cheated by a Picture Dealer; Becomes a Light Porter: The Print Seller's tory; The Poet; The Lodging House: The Cobbler's Plot: The Italian's Fireside; Explanations and Pro- Jests: A Fortunate Commission: A Journey to Holland; The Jew Discovers New Features of Character; The Jew's Plot; At Home at the Hngne. VII. CHARLES DICKENS'S WORKS., , English Edition. An Illustrated Library Edition, carefully revised by the Author, and beautifully printed. in post, svo. With the original Illustrations. Price 4 , 3 per volume. ALREADY PUBLISHED. PICKWICK PAPERS. 43 Illustrations 2 Vole., :I'S. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, 39 Illustrations, 2 Vols. MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, 40 Ill s ustrations, 2 Vols. OLD CUP lOSITv SHOP, 39 Illustrations, 2 Vols., ,143. BARN A BY BUDGE. 36 Illustragons, 2 Vols. IS. S.KI/ TCHES BY BOZ, 39 Illustrations, 1, Vol., f 3, OLIVER TWIST, 24 Illustrations, 1 Vol , DOIiLBEY AND SON. 39 Illustrations, 2 Vols . 0 ; 3. DAVID COPPERFIFir 1), 49 Illustratrons, 2 Vols. _ _ FICTURES oF ITALY, and American Notes, 8 ll ustra.tions. 1 Vol.St st.l.sAx actusic, 40 Illustrations, 2 Vols., $6. LITTLE DOBBIT 40 DlUStratlons, 2 Vols $B, NEIBISTMAS BOOKS. 17 Illustrations, 1 Vol..lsS. TALE OF TWO CITIES 16 Illustrations, Vol„ e 3. GREAT EXPECTATIONS, 8 Illustrations, 1 Vol., V. ALSO, A CHEAP EDITION OF DICKENS'S WORKS, in 17 vols., Including besides the above, HARD TIDIES, and AN UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER, each . il lustrated with a frontispiece. price per volume, J. .13. :LIPP.LNCOTT CO., Publishers. TISS MoRRRVER'S NEW BOOK. NOW READY. in. THE WOODCLIFF CHILDREN. A new Juve nile volume, prettily illustrated. By Miss Harriet B. McKeever. 1 v01.16m0. Also, NEW EDITIONS OF WOODCLIFF. By Har z let B. McKeever. • SUNSHINE. orS mIN , HA ISTR TE VINTON.Y. In one volume. 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STOVE and HEATERe. 4 IS , u at ALTER'B Coal Yard, NINTH Pt. (ki - 7) 'Rehm Girard avenue. ehigh anti Schuylkill Coal GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Delivered in BOX :1313, by which system dust and dirt on pavement are avoided. LEAVITT & WOOD. 407 Walnut street. RETAIL COAL ,DEPOT , OF I.a• & Co hinn.9 Eleventh and Willow Sts. First qualities of Family and Foundry Coal at Reduced Prices.' de4-1t (iOAL MACTIEIi. R bTztEL, having neen ap ki pointed Sole Agi nta for the sale of the celebrated coal mined by the nuNeAN-coei. COMPANY.. are now prepared to receive orders for the same by the single ton or car. For stoves or grates this Coal is un rivaled. Apply to del2.lm. B. MASON ItLNES. JOHN J. 811:7..AFF, THE lIICDERSIONED viTft ATTENTION TO their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and • Locust Mous.tain, which they are prepared to sell at the ldwest market, rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BLNE,S, Franklin lost tute_Building, SE' ENTII street, below Market. win be promptly attended to. EINES & SITEAVF, se6,tf • Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkil 110A_L.--stroA_B LOAF. BEAVER akakrow AND 1./ Spring Aforuatain, Lehigh Coal, and best Locusl Mountain from Settuyl•klll, prepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. cornerM(4ElTH and WIL. LOW streets, Office, No. 112 South SECOND street. mh27 S. WALTON rt CO. STOVES AMD THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, --S.2•"' Lida Andrews & Dixon, , _ No. 1324 H . CESTNUT street, Pkdiadelphla. Opposite Muted States Mint, Manufacturers of LOW-DOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fires,. ILLSO. WARM-AM FURNACES, For Warming P_lrislic and Priate Buildlnvs, RE,GLSW.Rs, VENTILATORS • CHIMNEY - CAPS , COOKING-RANGES, BATHBOHJERS; con WHOLESALE and RETALL, fIOTEIW§._ 1011ANCROFT HOUSE.CORNER OF BROADWAY J 1.3 AND TWENTIETH STREETS, NEW YORK. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention or his old patrons while D. connected; wi e the ERB HOUSE, Washington, C., and o the plblic lTY gene rally, to the fact that he has leased the above commo dious and admirably located house fora term of years: that he has thoroughly renovated the entire establish ment, and now soucits a trial of his accommodations* with the perfect confidence of giving satisfaction to all. By a gkmce at the city map, it will be perceived that the central locality secures ready communication by railroad and stage with all Of the most desirable parts of the city from the Battery to the Central Park— from the Hudson to the East Rivers. • To those who shall honor him.with their patronage, he pledges himself to spare no efforts in making their stay Pleasant a 1 3 41 agreeable. - • ALBERT S CRA.NEY, ie 2161111 - • Proprietor. reFALL SESSION OF 'M SS ABBOTT'S vikfl - NARY FOR YOUNG LADLES will; cora• menee on Wednesday. September lath, at her 'residence, corner' of POPLar and, Sixteenth streets; Philadelphia. Rzvzsarscxs:—Bat , . G. - Ztalen Hare, th D. D., Bev. Theas Brainerd, D. D., W. IL Amen, Hatt late President of Girard Oellegre. 19/7-19. BO,ABDINGL HANDSOME 'SECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM TO RENT, with Board, at 204 south Eleventh street. - • . del63t* max HANDSOME RESIDIOICE, S. Moor. of Spruce .1. andightli streets, is open for the reception of boarders. ltoomattingle and suites, and With or with. out private table. des-ixao , • And Choice Binding%. MACTIER & STEEL. '255 So th Broad street. ®~~'a~~s [KN./3M!