127 CITY;'_ 111MLETIL. MILTONLLINT TABLiAI# CONCERT litta..--.1./Awr WEEK BUT' ONE. . As thou sands of our Citizens-have not yet had an opportunity of attending these Tableaux, now on exhibition at Concert Hall; we would remind them (that this is the last week, but one, of the. continuance here of this popular ,exhibition, and as it will tsiii many years before a similar opportunity will occur of witnessing so grand, sublime and instructive an - entertainment, we hope they will riot fail of improving ;the oppor tunity now offered.r. The exhibition is chaste and refined, and commends itself to an intelligent, discrimi nating phblic. Upon several occasions we have been present, and have noted several of our mostdistinguished divinei, as well as other well-known citizens, in attendance. A'Paradise Led" is'well worthy of a second and even a third visit, and many have hon ored it a half-dozen times, and the little folks—we speak now in a sense peculiarly our own—neier tire of viewing the per formance. Matinees will be given on Wednesday and. Saturday afternoons, for theaccommodation of ladies and 'children, commencing at 3 o'clock. Preasnwis FORTHE HOLIDAYS.—The near approach of the, holidays is giving a sur prising impetus to business, and the stores along Mghtli street are fairly jamped with purchasers. The great difficulty with buyers is to knaw -what'present will be most ac ceptable to their friends. To those who are undecided, we would suggest a visit to the Fancy ..Goods Store of E. R. Lee, No. 43 North Eighth street, where a choice assert._ ment of suitable presents maybe seen. Mr. Lee has just opened a lot of elegant French Fancy - -Goods, lately inaportedlo order, con sisting of Writing Desks, Perfume Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Card Receivers, Bouquet Holders ' Bisque Figures, Vases, Bon-bon Boxes, &c. - People, however, had better visit the establishment themselves, ;and whether they contemplate buying or not, they may depend upon being received with politeness ; and every facility will be afforde t them for the examination of the . various articles the, rase and vertu. We would particularly direct the attention of the buying public, and the ladies most especially, to the large lot of French sample Fans, offered for sale at reasonable rates. They are the most unique and ornate fans we have ever seen. They are made of sandal wood, and are very strong. A large assortment of Photograph Albums, embracing innumerable styles of bindings, are also to be seen. .Artemus Ward has said truly that , "no family should be without aphotograph album and a barrel of flower." But to go over the list of pretty things would be tedious. To be fully ap preciated they must be seen, priced and purchase andnowhere can they be pur chased so reasonably as at No. 43 North Eighth . street'. • Gonis IN NORTH CAROLINA.—The Com mercial List and .Price Current; which com piles the most reliable oil and mining intel ligence of any paper in the country, says— " Amidst the excitement of the past four 3rears the gold region of North Carolina, of the richness of which there can be no doubt, has been almost entirely neglected. The closing of the war and movements of the capitalists and laborers of the North to this section has again attracted attention to them. We have been shown at the office of the "Carson Gold Mining Company," No. 407 Walnut street, a number of rich speci mens of ore just received from a mine in Mecklenburg county, which will favorably compare with anything in California or Nevada. The mine from which these speci mens were taken was opened in' 1838, and the owners retired with a fortune of half a million just before the breaking out of the rebellion. The mine will soon be further developed by this organizetion. GLASSWARE FOE THE HOLIDAYS.—There is not in the entire city a finer stock of use ful and ornamental glassware than that of fered by Mr. S. S. Fetherston, No. 270 S. Second street, near Spruce. It is selected from the very best manufacturers in Eu rope and the United States, and comprises the mostzraceful,elegant and beautiful pat terns ever offered by the trade in this coun try. Vases, goblets; wine glasses, dishes; tumblers, and every article which car; be preased'or out into classical Or sparkling forms may be seen on Mr. Fetherston's counters and ahelves, and they are offered at prices which are astonishingly low. In selecting. presents for Christmas or New Year, our readers cannot possibly make more advantageous bargains than at No. 270 S. Second street. CITY MORTALITY.—The number of inter ments in the city during the past week was 286 against 302 during the same period last year. Of the whole number 145 were adults and 141 children-68 being under one year of age; 168 were males; 118 females; 83 boys and 58 girls. The greatest number of deaths occurred in the Nineteenth Ward(' being 28, and the mallest number in 'the TWenty-third Ward,where 4 were reported, The principal causes of death were—apo• plexy, 5; croup, 6; congestion of the brain, 11; consumption, 48; convulsions, 9; disease of the heart, .8; debility, 15; scarlet fever, 13, and inflammation of the lungs, 25. SALE OF RICH P.ARIS HOLIDAY GOODS.- By special request of many ' - friends who could not attend the late public sale, that took place at the Art Gallery of B. Scott, Jr., 1020 Chestnut street, L dr, P. Grosholtz tic Co. have consented to make a last special sale of French fancy articles to be held at Scott's Art Gallery on Thursday evening next, 21st inst., at 7l o'clock precisely. The well reputation of this old firm will warrant ajudicions selection of useful and tasty articles best adapted to Christmas presents, and a large attendance is - antici pated. This will be positively the last sale of the season. Tax FAm CtOSED.—The fair for the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, held at Carpenters' Hall, was closed on Saturday evening. The goods remaining were sold at auction. The attendance was large and the bidding, as a general . thing, was very spirited. Sonie of the prices ob tained were quite extravagant and con siderable amusement-was created by the sin gular disposition of many of the articles— ladies' garments being purchased by gentle men, and men's neckties being "knocked down" to ladies. THE BOOTBLACK ASSEMBLAGES. —The meeting of the bootblacks and newsboys, at the County Court House yesterday after noon, was largely attended. Addresses were delivered by several gentlemen and were listened to with marked attention by the juveniles. A "Working Boys' Insti tute" is proposed so that.a suitable meeting room can be had and proper books and papers supplied for the boys. A LARGE PCINERAL. The funeral of Williant Stotsenburg, a member of the Good WM Fire Company, who died at there in West Philadelphia. on Thurshay evening, took place yesterday afternoon.from his late residence; .No. 231 North; Sixteenth street, and wag- attended by Baxter's Fire Zouaves, the Good Will Fire Company and Washington Council, N 0.5, 0. 11. A. M. ConorrEn's INQUEST.'- An inquest was held on Saturday, by Coroner Taylor,' upon the body of Edward Mullen, the driver on the Ridge Avenue Railway, who was killed by being thrown over the dasher in front of the wheels of the car on Friday evening. The - verdict was accidental death. , • KIT.T.WD By A RAILROAD CAlL—grank A 3fitull, a son of William M. Maull; twelve years of age, was killed on Saturday by be ing run over by a railroad oar on Washing- THE DAI street, nefirMopane sing avenue. The parents of the: clece! reside at No. 830 Catharine street. - ' SEVRES".—In the grea fancy goods. sale of one thousand lots at 2.2 0 Market `street on Wednesday morning, w be found only one Mall. tea set of this :xquisite china, re nowned over the world for its rarity, and exceedingly fine mater rl and painting. Ladies will havun oppo unity to examine this set, a ourNsity so seldom' found at public sale on Tuesday morning, at, which time will be arranged the largest variety of -rich holiday goods that has been offered for a long period. PRESBYTERIAN HIST° CAL SOCIETY.—A meeting of the Presbvte Historical So ciety will be held in the ecture room of the West Spruce Street Presbyterian Church, corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets, Philadelphia, this evening. The design of this nmeting is to diffuse more general in formation in regard to the great objects .of this . noble Society.' The% Rev. Drs. Dales and Breed, of Philadelphia, and McLean, of Red Bank, Monmouth county, New Jersey, will deliver addresses on this occasion. HELP THE SICK SOLDIEES.-All the re maining sick and wounded soldiers in Eastern. Pennsylvania are now in the Christian Street Hospital, all others being closed. The ladies of the old Citizens' Volunteer Hospital are now assisting them and wish to giye these remains of ourheroos a good Christmas dinner.:. Poultry, pies, or other suitable gifts for this purpose may be sent to the Hospital, Christian street, below Tenth, care of Steward Gunn. Delicacies of all kinds are in conktant use at the hospi tal, andwill be most thankfully received. FINE PROOF ENGRAVINGS.—A. S. Robin son's Sale of fine proof and choice Selected engravings commences Ups evening, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 'Chestnut street, when about one. hundred 1 and twenty-five specimens of the catalogue will be disposed of without reserve. Persons desirous of making piesents for the holidays would do weir to attend this sale. ROBBERY.—The coal office of Mr. Mark ley, at Eleventh-and Willow streets, was entered on Saturday, during the absence of Mr; M., and was robbed of a tin :•box con taining valuable papers. - FATAL Accropfr.—Phitip Riley fell off a dirt car on the Reading Railroad, west of the Columbia Bridge, on aturday, was run over and killed. He was in the employ of the Philadelphia and Rea• g Railroad. ANOTHER STEAMER.— new steam en gine is now being built fo 'the Liberty Fire Company of Holmesburg; It will be a pro tection to the property in that vicinity. DIED OF HER INJD .--4-Mlll. E li zabeth P. Kern wife of Benj. . Kern, . who was burned by her clothes t king ii-e at her residence,. No. 1701 Mark tstreet, died from 1 her injuries on Saturday flernoon. BONNETS REDUCED TO LOSE THE SEA-, so.s.—E.PrGill& C0...N0. 720 • .Istreet,are cl e pout their handsome Velvet Bonne and Hats, re ess of cost. Please . examine goods . . d prices b ore pur chasing elsewhere. E. P. GM a Go., 720 Arch st. ACTRESSES AND OPER - SINGERS.-13S0 and endorse only exquisite "E .' de Paris" for im• parting to the roughest skin t. e color, texture and complexion of polished ivory. L'Email de Paris is used as a delicate beautifier fort • eatre, saloon and ball room.' Mlle. Vestvall, Hrs. I.' P. Bowen, Lucille Western, and other ladies recd . mend it to the profes sion and public for its eMcien y and harmlessness. Sold by druggists and dealers in ollette ruticle.i. HOLIDAY Goons. EXAMIN , • . Our Ladies' Furs, Gents' Hats, every s • le. Wrappers for' gents. Furnishing goods.for gents, Hisses' Hats, Children's Hats, Hoaery, Gloves. etc., For Presents, OA KFORDS, Under the Continental Hotel. LACE CURTAINS, VERY CHEAP. The beautiful Nottingham Lace Curtains, offered by Mr. Finn, Arch and iseventh, streets, almost equal the real Lace article. The designs are equally rich, and the ap pearance so nearly the same, that only an experienced eye can detect the difference between them, while in price the distinction is enormous. The magnificent assortment of these Curtains, advertised in the card of Air. J. M. Finn, in another column of this paper, to day, billy corroborates what is herestated. His stock of them embraces &lithe latest novelties and designs in this line, and should be,e.camined by all who wish to purchase curtains or curtain materials. His stand is at lle southeast corner Arch and :seventh streets. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, . Business Coals, Business coats* Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's:Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Walking Coats—new style.. . Walking Coats—new style. Walking Coats—new style. Walking Coats—new style. Pants, Pants—varl ed styles. Pants, Pants—varied styles. Pants, Pants—varied styles. Pants, Pants—varied! styles. Vests, Vests—all descriptions. Vests, Vests—all descriptions. Vests, Vests—all descriptions. Vesta, Vests—all descriptions. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' 'Clothing, In greatest variety. Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Bunting Coats, Huntiiig Coats, Minting Coats, Hunting Coats, Being constantly supplied from Foreign Importa tions and Domestic Manufacturers, we are enabled to offer the choicest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING at reasonable prices. Also, a splendid stock of 'UNCUT GOODS for Citi zens, Boys, and Army and Navy Officers, which will be made to orderaV , the shortest notice, ROCKRILL et WILSON'S BROWN STONE CLOTHING ITAT.T. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, . OPENING OF SKATING HATS.—Messrs. Wood & Cary. 725 Cbestriut .street, have Just intro duced a decided novelty in Skating Hats that is destined to be the rage." Ley will have their " Opening " of these Hats to-day, December 15th and the thing is certain to c e altensation. It is pretty comfortable and just the thing for the Skating Park. ' The article is entirely new and the price of It moderate. Go see it. OLD LUNDY LANE IN NEW ORLEANS.— General Scott has arrived safely in the Crescent City, to spend the winter among those who so short time ago were his mortal foes, and nbw, doubtless, if they do not heartily greet him, will give him the respect due his station. The mees..sity of gOing to New Orleans to avoid the cold weather is unnedesary to those who buy their „winter clothing at Chae. Stokes & Co's one price, under the Continental. Their clothing will keep you warm mid Polar snows. PRESERVE . THE HAIR.-4-JU/e8 Hauel's Eau .41,hcatierte • Hair Renovator [is not a dye, but a wonderful chemical discovery, void of deleterious pro perties. It will transform gray bairs into their 'pris tine color and beauty, obviate the decadence of lush', and replace what age es 111-health has removed, with out discoloring the skin or the finest linen. Bold by all Druggists; and at the Laboratory of Eugene Bize dG Fricke, s ia. uccessors toJules Haul & 00., 930 Arch street, Philadelph , I MARYLAND HAMS. MARYLAND HAMS. A Fresh Lot of these Celebrated Harr `I, For-sale by MITCHELL Et...ETCHER, Chestnut street. ELECTRO SILVER. YLA ED WARE, best quality for family use, and holida Presents. Campbell • Davidheiser, 1317 Chestnut stre HOUSEKuMPRRS will dat Parson & Co.'s, 222 Dock street, below Walnut, ironing tables, tubs, buckets, tinware, cutlery, tea trays, etc., at mode rate prices. THE SOUTH, desirous ofetting into good odor with its Northern neighbors, is send Lug on large orders for Phalon's "Night 13loorr..thg Cereus," "which for four' years has taken the lead bran other extracts tor The handkerchiefs in every city, and State on this side of the Potomac. Sold everywhers. • , torHE FUNNIEST THlNG,"—"Pharaoh's Serpents. Interesting and curious; Bower, Sixth and Green. 50 cents: mail, 55. THE CONSTITUTIONAL /AMENDMENT.-- It was heretofore announced tha the Department of State bad not received notice oft e ratification of the Constitutional Amendment pro 'biting slavery by a. Indian Recently, however Sp aker Colfax 'filed in l i k the Department : official notice of its ratification -by that State, attested by Acting vernor Baker and Secretary of State Trusler, of In na. He did not at the same time file any statement 1' the excellence .of the coal sold by W. W. Alter, o. DM North Ninth Street • • THE POOICE'I'-FOLDING LANTEBN.—No travele should be without one. Wholesale and retail agent. =, Madman, 721. Chestnut street. _ . . _ -GENTLEMEN'S DRESS ..11.ATS I I. . • • - Two new styles out . it ' The "WINTER" and the “ HOLIDAY,'":_ -, Both graceful and unique. 1 - Gentlemen who in the habit of deferring the npnr 'chaseaf their hats until the Holiday tEeaeon;vrilland these exactly suited to their wants. , - r , - - ' - , W. F. WARBURTON, 450 Ohestatit Street. • Ne l ltt door to Rost Office. i EGGS OF PHABOAH'S SERPEI-411fit, re ceived a tlesh lot of the American, Fren and English berpent Eggs. Every Egg warranted so d. A merican, 10 in a " 50 box, cents . BY =di, tX. cents. French, 1 ... 35 " .. .4 40 .. & OliVer, Druggists, 10th anti Chest ut.Plffiada AN . Er,opEhtFarr.—There is a rest stir fa fashionable circles in consequenc e of a elopement of a fashionable younglady with astin lover. The favored lover is said to be decidlyood looking. - The young lady by the will of a maiden aunt of great wealth, who recently died, will come into' possession upon the day pf her marriage of __property to the amount of po,poo, in Philadelphia, Boston and New York. The secret of howthe young gentleman fasci nated the young lady is old in the fact that he always =his wearing .pare] at the Brawn Stone Ball of Bockh 11 & Wilson, Nos. 403 .and 605 Chestnut street, above ' . . ~ CHRISTMAS GIFT =.— 4+, LACEY, In :am: & CO., h 1216 CHESTNUT Street, Have a large stock of goods suitable for the Holi days. Ladies' Preach and English Reticul', Travel ing. Bagsand Dressins, Gents' Trunks g aveling and Tourists' Bags. and Shirt Cos .m, Lunch Ding Baskets, Carriage Bidin Twits%glish Hunting Crops, ,Eugountings, o ftßosem, French and English Lap Ruts, tine stock, aobes. Of our own manufacture, the largest stock, greatest vari ety. and the latest styles of baddlery anfilLuness to be found in the city. Goods cheerfully shown. I LACEY, MEEKER & CO.. 1216 CHESTNITPStreet, above Twelfth. PATENT SHOE-BLACKING .1418.—This should be in every house. It contains brush, blacking and boet-jack, and a place to keep the slippers and boots. Manufactured only by S. Macferran, 721 Chest nut street i PI No COVERS, TABLE COVEBR and WINDOW SHADES , Of every desirable style or col t. 1 L E. WALBAVEN, 719 Chestnut area, Malonic Hall. • DEAPNE.SS, BLINDNESS AND CAVA_Ru.n.— .7. TP.. , s, M.D., Professor of the Eyeand Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to ,the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the Most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office,7o. 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to-Accompany their patients, as he has had no secrets hills% practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge muddier e•rwninst• 'lion. GE.WILIV FURNISHING OKIODIS. Christmas Presents ! Christmas Presents ! Gentlemen's Furnishintfioods, LINFORD LUKENS, At the N. W. corner of Sixth and Chest nut streets, Offers the annexed list of Goods suitable for Presen• tation to Gentlemen : Rich Cashmere ScarfS, Figured Satin Scarf!, Bilk and Satin Neck Ties. Courvoisier's Double Stitched Rid Gloves, Fine Buck and Fawn Gloves, Cloth Beaver and Silk Gloves, Embroidered Suspenders, Fancy Silk Suspenders, Hemstitched Pocket Handkerchiefs. Silk and Zephyr Wrist Comforts, Buck Gauntlets and Driving Clovis. Porte Monnales and Purses, and a variety of other ar ticles suitable fur Gifts. LINORD LITEEBIi 8, delS7tl N. W. cOrner Sixth and Chestnut. 1865. HOLIDAYS ! 1866. WINCHESTER & CO.. 706 CHESTNUT STREET. l:~N_\N~! FINE SHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS. CARRIAGE BUGS. . RAN - DEERCREEFS, MUFFLERS, 811 NVLs, With a chtiice variety of Wrappers and Breakfast Jackets, Comprising useful and attractive d. F o l i f i gNTS FOR GENTLEMEN. CARD. J. C. ARRISoN, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, PHILADELPEU.C. Would Invite the attention of Gentlemen to hla large and.elegant assortment of FURNISHING GOODS. J utri RECEIVED FROM EUROPE, SELECTED BY HIM AND MADE TO Hlr ORDER. C9nsistiqf of Silk Shirts and Drawers, WARRANTED rum.) Merino Shirts and Drawers. Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Handkerohiefs,&o. Also to a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT GEN TLEMEN,S WRAPPERS. ri SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. Holiday Presents for Gentlemen, Just received, an elegant assortment of new styles of Scarfs, Ties, Coves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Wrappers, bmoking.Jackets, Cardigan Jackets, Carriage Bugs. lers, And a great variety of - • - Hens Furnishing Goods. J. W. SCOTT & CO., No, 814 Ch:stnut Street. deptf rp 825. ARCH STREET. 825 Holiday 'Presents rbn • GENTLEMEN. . Wrappers, Kai Hers Clovis, Ties, F e Shirts, Silk, Merino dLamb's,,Wool Under Clothing, In great variety. at Hor i MAN'S . G - Ontlethen's F nishipg Store; 825. ARCH' TREET. 825, 401484 HOLIDY- GOODS Fancy :13-oods • qm.d.lWoys.‘ kti 3E S 9 1406 Chelitamat Street. del2,46trp. • RICH FAXCY GOODS JUST OPENED. AT BENNETT'S FANCY 33.A.ZA.A.0 AND DEPOT FOR PARIS NOVELTIES AND s.v.uci.A.L:rrEs No. 20 North Eighth Street, WEST SIDE, DOE-if ABOVE BEAD EMT. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Musical Boxes, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accordeous, Flutes, Files, Drums, &c., &c., at HOLIDAY GIFTS. Dressing Cases, Card Receivers, FANCY LEATHER GOODS, CUTLERY. MIRRORS, Rich Work Boxes, Bronze Tnk Stands. SNOWDEN & SRO., • IMIVICTERS, 23 South Eighth Street. rP SKATING JACKETS, Christmas Presents. Ladles' Walking Hats, "The Derby." Ladies' Skating Hats. Ladles' Fur Trimmed Hoods. Huila and Tippets for Misses. Children's Scotch Calm Ladles' Silk Umbrellas. Gents' Fur Collars and Gloves. TO BE HAD OF • THEO. H. .111'CALLA S At His Old Established Stand, 804 Chestnut street. del im rpi 4 13AJOIT" KU) GLOVES. LEWIS BROTHERS & CO , 78 Leonard St., 1238 Chestnut St . , NEW YORK. I PHILADELPHIA. Having been appointed SOLE AGENT In the United States for the sale of this celebrated brand of Kid Gloves, are now prepared to take order , and have a Intl and complete assortment in stock. Also, SOLE AGENTS In this country for the well known "Minot" brand of Kid Glovee, to which the as. tention of the trade b invited. LEWIS BROTHERS & 00. ocaft FLOUR !. FLOUR !! "Pride of the West." "Musselman." "Eagle of Ft. Wayne." "Lebanon Choice." "Lewistown." "Paxton." Brooke & Pugh, Nos. 1731 and 1733 Market Street, SOLE RECEIVERS of the above well-kmown and established brands of Flour. den-nos rpi 11111110 11 1111i.:3 t OVZIVM.:OI lik,3 . .Blinds and Shades. B. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 'lB NORTH SET 4 LH ST., HANTIFACTUBIKELS OF Venitian Blinds and 'Window Shades, I.7,:es h t u m p t gl finest assortment In the' clty, at the ces. Store Shades made and lettered. Cheap lot BOTT.RI) Blind:rand Shades. a% STAUB PRESENTS. GARDEN OF FLOWERS, Price $l. PALACE OF SANTA CLADS, X 125. HOUSE TB AT .TAGIC BUIL r, SO. PICTORIAL MONUMENT/3,U. ' ' Four boxes, each complete In itself. About one hon.. s dred amusing games and puzzles. New, and the Chea - eat and Most beautifta presents for children and youth •of wbicb we know. MERRY'S MUSEUM, G ' iS97I.WoriZZ I ZIO. 1006 Ohgetuat 11Q/2,18,18,20,22} FANCY -4100011,- C. P. PLICASAIPPS' New Itinsical Instrument S,tore (nine twenty-nine), 929 CHESTNUT street. deis-124 GLOVES FLOUR. MMTAIN -11iMIIBIAT59..'11"" CUMITEA.IENtir . CT,TEEM.AIittOn - • culawAsizien JOHN X. FINN . ILE. Corner Ateh and, Eleven th , • Hasjut opened a LARGE ASSORTMENT OP NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, nmbradagan the :' LATEST VARLET/E$ AND DESIGNS, Unusually Low Prices. ZirThe attention of the trade la invited. n27inweistd23 cußTpi MOTABLISIIMT. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & -Arrison, No. 1008 Chestnut St., Are now receiving the commencement of their Fall Assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH LACE CURTAINS, IGIOCATELLE, ME TERRY, PLAIN WOOL REPS. SATIN DE 'LAMA FANCY UNION REPS, • umzeirr'vxr.vm And a variety of other raatertabi for CURTAIN sad FURNITURE COVERING. nOstf NEW PIIIMICATIONS. WO GIFTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. RE-OPENING OF THE • G. G. Evans' Gift Bookstore, No. 628 Chestnut Sti-eet. OE'EINT BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT 'tett, BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT Tetra BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT nit. BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS AT THE BUY YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKS ATE - Gift Book Store, Gift Book.Btore, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gift Book Store, Gin Book Store, No. em Chestnut street, No. as Chestnut street, No. .323 Chestnut street. "Tis the best place in the city. 'Tis the best place in the city. "Tis the best place in the city. Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, Booim are sold as cheap as at any other store, Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, And you have the advantage And you have the advantage And you have the advantage , Of getting a Gift with each Book. ' Of getting a Gilt with each Book. Of getting a Gift with each Book. YOU WILL FEND AN • ENDLESS VARI±..S OF BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. COMPRISING SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED ANNUALS, ELABORATELY-BOUND POETICAL WORKS, RICH LY-ILLUMINATED LADIES' ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in Handsome Bindings, BIBLES IN MOROCCO and VELVET BINDINGS, PRAYER and HYMN-BOOKS OF ALL ZJNDS; THE WRITINGS OF ALL THE FOLLOWINGS STANDARD AUTHORS 'UPON ALL SUBJECTS, . INCLUDING ' BOOKS OF FACT AND BOOKS OF FICTION . BOUND IN EVERY STYLE. AND PRINTED IN THE BEST WAY AND AT it:LE C AND HEAPEST PRICES, ANTI A HSOME GIFT WITH EACH, JAY, LEE, DES,' KIP. BIRD, BOHN • CLAY, WOOD, LYELL, BROWN, ARTHUR, BU LW ER, COOPER, BREMER, DICK ENS, JERROLD, WEBSTER, JOHNSON, ADDISON, LOBBING. • MAIM ATT. SEf OLL Err, FRAN KLIN, • IK MARVEL, ING GOODRIC RA HA H. HAWTHO JEFFERSO THACKERAY. DOESTICKS MAOIE:N2EO., OLNENDORF, GREENLEAF. LIVINGSTONE, MACigricTo S H • MARY Howrri cumtka BELt ' JANE AUSTEN, JOHN BUNYAN, HUGH MILLER , LORENZ O. DOW, LOLA MONTEZ, JOHN PHOENIX, FRED. COZZENS, CHARLES BEADY, BAY ARD TAYLOR MARTIN LUTHER, JOHN BROUGHAM, SILAS S. S TEELE, GRACE AGUILAE, JULIA KAVANAUGH, ANN 8- STEPHENS, MARION HARLAN, MRS. PARTINGTON. • , SIR WALTER SCOTT, FRANK FORRESTER, OLIVER GOLDSMITH, JAMES A. MAITLAND, F REDERIKA BREMER, . WASHINGTON IRVING, VIRGINIA TOWNSEND, •• CHARLOTTE ELwARRTH. .80LMES. A. S. ROE, SAM SLICK, K N. PEPPER REV. HUGH STOWELL BROWN' MAJOR JONES, WIDOW BEDOTT, MRS. E. D. N. SOUTHWORTH, MRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTZ, MISS LESLIE, MR.--. WIDDIFIELD, MADAME JULIE DE MARGUERITES, HUME. LORD, WIRT, PIKE, ROLLIN, WHITE, ABBOTT, GIBBON, SPARES, MURRAY, HALLAM. PARE ea* ALLISON, POIKADLEY. RUSSRI.L, BANCROFT. PRRSCOTT, GOODRIOH. SMUCKER, MACAULEY FERGUSON. LANGHORN. ROBERTSON, HOOD, • LAMB, HUNT TASSO SCOTT% CROLY I BUENA RENTS, Oite, BYRON' PERCY, DANTE, MILTOI4,ROGFItS, SEATTL E, TUPPER BRYANT, BUTLER, BAYLEI COWPER, HOLIwyS. SPENSEB, 'CHAUCER, SHELLEY, SOUTHEY, IT A r.r.wcK. KINGSLEY, TENNYSON -WHITTIER, _ STODDARD, CAMPBELL, BROWNING, TICKERMAN. GOLDSMITH, , THAW:MR/I.Y. MRS. HO WITT, BROOMFIELD. CUNNINGHAM, ATHEBSTONE, LONGFELLOW, E. L. BITLWER, MONTGOMERY, WORDSWORTH, G. P. MORRIS, EDGAR A POE, MRS. NORTON, MRS. HERANS, Together with the largest assortment of PORTFOLIOS, etc., etc., etc _ That with each book that is purchased at this esta blishment youet. HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH FROM 25 CENTS TO $lOO. Whereby lOU GET' TWO , GIFTS' FOB THE PRICE OP ONE, Call in. and one trial assure you that , the belt place in this city where you should purchase Books is THE GEORGE G. RIVAWS' . . GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, FRANK BAY' E, . • (Formerly with M. THOMAS & SONS;) Proprietor. No. We CHESTNUT Street, Pialsoelphls. WW9 Alleril below. f3EVWEE, eouta We. airrritrFt PIUIIiatUALTIONS. HOLIDAY BOOKS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, English and American, AT THE LOWEST. PRICES: " g BE FOUND ASHMF /4 EVANS', 724 CHESTNUT STREET. del4- Lb smtn th Eat - 60 rP BOOMS FOR PFMSFINTS ILLUSTRATED WORKS. CHILDREN'S BOOBS, DTA TFrbi PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BIBLES, PRA'YER BOOKS, AMERICAN STANDARD WORKS, T. B. PETEPSON & B.ROTHRMS% . ' t ' a- ~ - : De w wI :; A. S. ROBINSuN'S Second Large Sale oR ELEGANTLY FRAMED IMPORTED ENGRAVINGS, ORROMO-LITHOGRAPHS, Sso. WILL TAKE PLACE AT / • Philadelphia Art Gallery, Toro. 1020 Chestnut st. B. SCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer, On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, 18th; 19th and 20th December, 186.5.: They will be arranged for Exhibition, WITH CATA LOOMS on the lith of December. n 029 tr MST RECEIVED, NEW ENGRAVINGS, AFTER LA.NDSEER, MERLE, YVON, PORT A VLF; OAAAUD, IT A MAC AN, &c., Also, fine assortment of French PhOtOgraPbs front the original paintings of Geronie. Toulmonche, Nels sonier, Girard, Lefebvre & Co. Photographs from the celebrated painting by Ge rome, of Emperor NAPOLEON ILL receiving the Si. amese Embassy. Orders received for same. FINE ENGRAVINGS, LOOKING GLASS and PICTURE FRAMES, at A. EC ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT gireet. SKATtS! SKATES! sic.A.T.Es! PHILIP WILSON & 00•.. 409 CHESTNUT 'STREET, - Have Just received a large and desirable stock of LA DIEB., GICNTS and 'BO YS' SKATES, consisting of Shirlea's Patent, without lamps; Philadelphia, New York and Boston Club Skates. winiams, Norse & Co.'s superior Skates, of every variety , and style. Blondin Skates, Brims and. Silve r. Plated; and all de scziptions, to be found at 409- sarim FREIGHT OR CHARTER.--Schooner CAROLINE FIREBALL, Captain Woodruff,2,ooo bbis. capacity. • Schooner, A. L.' PUTMAN, Captain Doggett. 1.900 bbla. capita: y; now ready for any voyage., Apply to DAVID COOPER d C0.,18 N. Wkarves. dela "DIBBLED BBRBING.-500 barrels Bay of Island's DO:,Bening, In store and foraale by B.A. t3oupart d 4 Dock Street' Wharf. WOE SA TM --A copper STILL, Cro Alcohol: in cote. plete order. - Apv.4 . to WI C. BAKER & CO.. 7AONIVrIcet Street, Ptffliedelphia. no2s-24t1 STItEET.