1864. A_RRANGEDIEB - TS OF NEW YORE - .LINES._ _ .1864. he . .en and Amboy and Pedladelprila and 'Trenton Railroad Companies' Lines from PhDs •lelphia to New York and Way Places . _ FROM WALNUT" STREET WHARF, • Will leave ag follows, - *la JFABL At 6 A. M., Camden and . Amboy, ,O. V and .-Accoramodalaon. ' .$2 23 At &I M. - , via Calnden and _ Jersey ; Cit Morning Express O. At 8A: M., via Minden and - Jersey City, 2d ....a Militia* 26 At 12 HI.; via Camden and Amboy, O. and • A. - Accommodation At 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy,. v.• and A. Express ' " 300 At IP. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accom , • modation (Freight and Passenger) 175 At 6, P.M. via Camden and Amboy, Ae.coin mbdation (Freight• and Passenger), Mt . Class Ticket 225 2d Class do. 1 EC At 7X P. M., via Camden and Amboy Ac- coilunoaation (Freight and Passenger' a) Ist Class Ticket 3 25 2d Clas do. • 150 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem' BeiVidere, Easton, . Lambertville, Flemington' Zoe:, ,at 3P. Id. For,Mount liolly.Evamgvtiis and Pemberton, at • A . 2 and 5.P..111. Fru' Freehold, at 6 A.EL and 2P.M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Bar: n• Florence, Bordentown, be., at 6A. M., l U MV• 1,3, 5, and 6 P.' M. The 3 and SP. Id- Lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra., Riverton, Delano, Beverly and ' Burlington at 7 P. BL Steamboat Trenton for Bristol. Burlington, BeverlY, Torresdaie and Tacony at 9.30 A. M. and 2. - 30 51. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows! At 1.60 A. lit, (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.15 A'. via Kensington and Jersey. City E.tpress 3 CO At 4.30 P. 111.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Express 368 At 6.45 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 3CO Sunday Lines leave at 1.30 A. IIL and 6.45 P. X. There will be no line at 1.50 A. M. (Night) en Mondays. • For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes bazre, Montrone Great Bend, Manch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton,Lam bertvll' t le Fleinington &a., at 7A. M. This Line connects with the Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk'at 3.30 P. X. - For Bristol, TrentOu, ice.. at 7 and 11.15 A. X. and 5 P. X. For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wissinoning, Brides burg and Frankford, at SI A. M., 5, 5.45 and BP. ra. For New York, and -Way lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure... The (Jars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Deriot. Miry pounds Of baggage only, allowed each Pas senger. Paiisengers are prohibited from taking anYthing asbaggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. • The Compasy lixidt their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyondsloo, except by special contract. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage to the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3, Walnut street. May 2, 64 Will. H. GATZDEM Agent. LINES ,FROM NEW YORK FOR PICILLIDEL ; PICEA, WILL LEAVE • • FrOM foot of Cou.rtiand Street at 1.2.111. and 4 P. DI. via Jersey City and Camden; at 7, 10 A. iffL 6, P. .11. and 12 (Night) via .Tersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street, at 6 A. nt., and 2 P. DI., via Amboy - and Camden. From Pier No: 1, North River, at 12111.,4 and P. M., (Freight and Passen g ers ) Am boy )and Camden. - •PHILADELPHIA, WIL MINGTON AND -,BALTI -16.11.-41114ANGE, OF HOURS. OW and .alter 'MONDAY, May. 2, 1864, Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.30 (Express Mondays excepted), 8.05 A. M., 12 00:M. , 2 30 arid 10.30 P. M. Chester at B.osmnd 11.15 A.M., 1.33, 2.30, 4.30, 0, awl 11 P. IStr. Wilmington,_at 4.30 (Mondays excepted), R. 05 /1.15 A. 31 . 4. 1.302.30,4.30; 6, -10.30 mid 11 P. M. New Castle at B. 05 A. EC. and 4.30 P. M. Dover at S. 05 - A. M. and 4.30 P. M. 3111tord at 8.05 Salisb Itt 8. QS A. N. Phlladelpida. _ a or leave Baltimore at 8. f 45,.. 9. 40 A. M: (Express), 1.10, 5.25 and 7.25 P.. M. Wilmington at 6.45,:9.00 A. .M. ;12, 21, 1.00, 1.55, 4, 4, as 7.30, 9. W. and 1L 12 P. M. . Salisbury at 1 P. M. Milford at 3.35 P. N. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 4.55 P. X. New Castle.atB.3o A. X., and 6.55 P. M. Cheater at 7.38,:9.40 A. X., 1,00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.14 9.40 and 11.45 P. IL - Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 7.25.?. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and. intermediate eta tions at LlO P. M. Trains.for Baltimore leave Chester at 8.40 A. ht. 3.00, and 11.05 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5130 9.25 A. M.,.3.35 and 11.40 P. 3L Freight train witliPassenger Car attached wil rnn as follows: Leave:Wilming'on for Perryville and intermedi ate places at 7.45 P. M. SUNDAYS--Only at 4.30 A. •NE. , and 10.30 P. X., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. From Phila delphia to Wilmington. at 4.30 A. M., 10.30 and 11 P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 7.30 anill;hr P. M. Only at 7.25 P. M., from Baltimo Philadelphia. • H. P. KENNEY. Assistant Superintendent: GERMANTOWN AND NOR TOWN RAILROAD. IME TABLE. On and after December 7th, 1863. MAO furthernotte. F - OR ERMANTOWN. LaaTe Philadelphic-6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. DI.; 1,2, 3.10, 4,5, 6,17, 8, 9,10. 11 and 1:2 P.M.. Lasire Germantown -6,7, 73, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A.M.; 1,2, 3, 6;.6x, 7,-8, 9, 10 and 11 P. The 8.20 down train will not atop after leaving Grernnuitown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 A. X. • 2,7, 10 P. N. . Leave Germantown-13.10 A. lie; 1,6, 9% P. RE. CHESTNUT HILL • Leave Philadelphia-6, - -8, 10, 12 A. .81., 2,5%, 5%, 7, 9 and 11 P. X. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10, 8, 9.48,. 48 A. N. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. N. The 3% aad 5g up trains do not stop on Gernum. town Branch, _ " ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pldladelphis-9.10, A. N..; 2, and 7P. 31. LsaTeMhestnnt Hlll-7.50 A. N.; , 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25'P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave - Philadelphia-6, ex, 11.05 A. NE.; 1%, 3, 6.05, 8.05, and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown-6, 7, 7.50, •9,11 A. 21.; 43( and 6„P. M. ' ON SUNDAYS.' Leave Philadelphia-9 A. X.-. 2g _P. M. Leave Norristawn-7% M. SP. RI ' FOR ALARA :Leave Philadelphia. --6, B_g, 1145: A, zit.; 1%J7, 4g, 6.05, 8.05, and 11% P. N.' Leave Manayunk-6%, 7g, 8.20, 9%, 11% A. X.• 2, 3 and 6g P. JAL • -ON SUNDAYS.- Leave Philadelphia -9A. AL; 2% and 63/ . P. N. Leave Blanayunk-7% A. M.; 5% and BP. X. H. K. SMITH, General : Superintendent, Depot, Ninth 'and Green street,. 1864. RE-OPENED. 1864. " PHILADLPHIA. - t... BALTIMO E RE RAILROAD._WIG BELGIUM WESTW.63ID VIA. BALTIMORB AND OHIO ROITIE. REtird YUNG DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ERRY. ThroughFreightAßOVE facilities OH between Philadelphia nd the wester 4 states, have been Dilly resumed by the above route, at lowest rates. (4IIIOS TRANSIT BY FAST FREIGHT TRAINS without change of cars to the Ohio river. This route Is now consiter,ed entirely safe from Lujury by rebel raids, in proof of which the Bahl more and Ohio Railroad OompanTarygaarantee owners against loss or damage by WU le i sure, 'whilst in transit on the line of that road. We have no hesitation therefore Inrespect:rally eking the confidence and patronage of nipp er& For further information, j apply to • OOLHO N 1c OOWTON, JOHN S. WI Gene LS ON, Apnts,ral Freight Agent.. Office, Sixth streets abov e Ghsu'rnit• - rlEFLAsbuzzia. January 0. 11863.an7-11; • - OFFICE OF THE ADAMS -' EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 X s : I. - :LET, Piximarermnii 4 January 7th., 18(2. The Adams Express 7 oompany.having enlarge.' their fatuities "at ashington, 0., by blinding a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity.for 4 anneportation, are now prepared .- -10 forurard Heavy Express freights, Packages ani . Parcels,. toWashing - ton, 0-earget own, Ai ermadria, Annapeßs, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied bv the army, at greatly reduced rates. - Special Itgreemerits made for merchandhte In Large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies as saticfactory prices, on application - at cur ofnce. Sol4lers' parcels taken at much 1 ese than our 1 181181 tc..%S. Etavy and ky packagee received and re 4elpted for at our depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LfietTST , Streeta g r ORN BZWORAA Baparlatandans. TRAVELING GDIDX. ." - READING RAILROAD. ,GREAT TRUNK LINE if in ?I •to ELF'HIA TO THE INTERIO9S OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCII HILL, SUSQUEHANNA, CUMBER LAND ANDTS WYOMING VAL.- - . LE, NORTH, NORTHWEST AND THE CANADAIR PASSENGER TRAINS Leave the Company's . Depot, THIRTEENT and CALLOWHILL streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours : - MORIUNG MAIL, •• At 8.15 A. M., for, Reading, Lebanon,. .Rant[. burg, Pottsville, Pine g rove, Tanis4aus, ( ..StusbarY, Wamsport, Elinira., Rochester,. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wiliresbarre, - Pittston, York, Carlisle,Chambersbnrg, Hagerstown , An This rsin connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Ralirdad trains for, Allentown, i re . and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harri sburg, /co.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Rail road trains for Wilkeskarie, port, Lock Facven 'Elmira, Ace. ,• at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, , Draraberiand " Valley, • and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains, for Northum berland, Willtabnsix/rt, - York, •ilhambersburg, Pinegrove, - Ace. , AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3:30 P. N. for Reading, Pottsville Pinegrove, ' Harrisburg.; 'Ma, connect. tag at Harilsburg with Pennsylvania Central Rail road trains for Pittsburgh, Ac. , Northern Central Railroad trains for Sunbury, Nortb.umberland, Ae. and at PortiOlinton with Catawissa Railroad train for Milton, • WilliArnvorti M.ra :Buffalo, Ito. READING ACCOMMODATION.. Leavesßeadingat6.3oA. M„ 6 - topping at all . way Astons; arrives in Philruielphia at 9.25 A. M. Returning. leavesPhiladelptda at 4.30 P. AL ; ar- Ives in Reading at 7.25 P. M. •• . Trans for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8 A M. and Pottsville at 9.15 A. N.. arriving in ;Phlla, lelphia at 1.50 P. M. 'Afternoon trains leave Har ' risourg at 2.00 P.M.. and Pottsville at 2.,30 arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 P. • $ • Market trams, with a -passenger car attached, ayes Philadelphia at 1 P. N. for Reading and all way stations; leayss Reading at 12 Noon, and Downingtown at 12.7 a P. M. for Philadelphia and Sall way stations. All ttie above train .an daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 1,30 A. 'nd Philadelphia at 3. 1.5 P. N. CITEISTER V - LT IRY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 8.15. A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 7.05 A. N. and, 12.30 Noon. - • NEW "YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7P. X., passing Banditti; at 12 midnight, and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Pitts. burgh.. Returning, -.Empress Train leaies Harrisburg on arrival of "Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, )6t 6.30 A. Al., passing-Readlng at 8.45 A. and arriving at New York at L4SP. M. Sleeping Oar accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. $ Na il trains for New 'TOOK leave Harrisburg at El A. M. and 2 P. N. Mail trains_ for .Harrisburg leave New Mirk at 6' X. and 12 Noon. • SCHUYLKILL, VALLEY RAILROAD. LTrains leave Pottsville at 7.15 A. IL and 3.30 P. 111., returning from Tuscarora at 8.05 A. M. and L4SP. M. - - SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEILSTRA. Trains leave Auburn at 3. 45 /IL for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, at - 10 A. M. and 1.20 and 7.16 P. N. for Pinegrove only ;. returning from Harris. burg at 7.30 P. M. and from Pinegrove at 8.15 A. N. and 4 and 5 P. RC. • _ TICKETS. . • Through first-mass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal poliztsln the North 'and West and Canada& The following tickets are obtainable only at - the Office of S. Bradford. Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolle, General Superintendent, Reading." • COMMUTATION TICKETS.. At 25 pat cent discount between any points de. aired far families and firms. MMWAGE TICKETS. Geed for 2,000 miles, between all whits, at $46 35 each, far families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine or twelvemonths, for Judder only, to all points, at reduced rates. - • .CLERGYMEN : 'Residing on, the line of the Road will be fay. ntrhed with cards, entitling theinselves and wives to tickets at half-fare. -EXCURSION TICKETS, ' • From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced 'fare, to be had only at the Ticket OM* at Thtr. tenth and Chdlowhill streets. - ' FREIGHT: - • Goods of all descriptions forwm•ded to all the above points from the Company's New. Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphla ,4 d aily at 6A. AL, IP.RL , "M and 6P. . , for - st lig_ Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port 01intOn, and'ail, points beyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post ONce for ail places on the road and its branches at 5 A. X., and or the principal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA It. S. . OR. BETHLEHEM, TON, EASTON; WILUt AMSPOR HAZLE , WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after 3110NDAY, Noy. 16, 1863, Passer.- ger Tralae will leave the NEW DEPOT, THIRD street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sandarix .i cepted) aa follows: It At 7A. ( ress) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch °kaiak, eton, Williamsport. The 7A. Ed.. train makes Close connection with Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Bethlehem, being e shortest and most desirable route to all points In the Lehigh coal region. At 3.15 P. Id. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eas ton, Zre. . . This train reaches Easton at 6.40 P. M., and makes close connection with the New Jersey Oen tral for New York. At 5.15 P. H. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Minch Munk. For DoYlestown at 9.15 A. H. - and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. H. and 6.15 P. N. White care of Second and Third street line City Passenger Oars, run directly to the new depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. - Ed., 9.30 A. EL and 0.87 P. Leave Doyiesto*n at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. zit Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. H. and S ON. SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. la. and 4.15 P. M. Z Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 7.30 A. M. and Fare to Bethlehem $158,. . Fare to Easton 158 Fare to Mauch Chunk .., 255 Through Tickets must be procureiri at the Ticket Office, THIRD street or BERKS...itreet, is order to secure the above rates of tare. aplB • , Fr:LIS CLARK, Agent. WEST PHILAD C HES T E AND ELPHIA RAIL- D, V EDIA..—SPRING ARRANGE MENT.-CHANGE OF DEPOT.—On and after FRIDAY. April 1,1864, the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the DEPOT, CORNER OF , THIRTY-FIRST AND MARKET STREETS, , (West Philadelphia), at 8.00 and 11.05 A. H. , and at 2.30 and 4.30, and 6,45 , rP. M. ':Leave West Chebter at 6.20, 7.45, and 11. 00 A.M., and at 2.00 and 4.45 P. 7L. • ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8;30 A. M.,' and 2.30 P. -M. West Ohester, at 8.00 A. M., and 4.30 P. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M., and , 4. 30 P. M. connect at Pennellton with trains on the P. &B. C. R. R., for Concord, .Kennett, Oxford, &c., &c. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only, as Baggage and in no case will the Company be liable for an amount exceeding 8100. apt HENRY WOOH,'Gen. Supt. At l T t ltatE r'Pal Otig TVA ) . Ica —bPRING ARRANGEMENT.— On and after FRIDAY, Anna 1, 1864 the trains will leave Philadelphia frOm the Deloot of- the W. O. and P. It R, corner of THIRTY:-,FIRST and. MARKET- Streets, (West Philada.); - at 13.80 A. M and 4 30 P. M.; leave Oxford at 6.30 A. M. The train leaving Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of stages for Beach Bottom in, Lancaster county; - returning, leaves Beach Bottom to connect at Oxford withthe afternoon train for Philadelphia. Passengers are allowed ;to take .- .wearing apparel only as baggagsi, and in no case will the company be liable for an amount'exceeding $lOO. - • apl HENRYWOOD. Y Gen'l Supt. • _ - PIiILADELPH.La. AND ET.. MIRA RAILROAD LINE. , 1 . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For Williamsport , Scranton, Elmira , Buffalo, Niagara Falls;. and all points In the West and. Northwest. Passenger Trains leave the Depot of Philadelphia andißeading Railroad, non BROAD and CALLOWHILL streets, at 8.15 A. AL and 1:20 P. Pd. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST:ROUTE from.PhiladelPhia points-- In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, W'estern New York, A-c., dco. . Baggageohecked through to Suffalo, Niagara Falls, or intertlediate pa i nts For fartaer information. apply to TORN S. ILILLES, General Agent, - . Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, ' aos and ntAlra W par ~ Z irth and ralasettai, CORKS, 50 Bales of Spanish Uorks just received 'and for sale, Iiy,DATA;RTT 6c.SON.l29South FrOntatrest .TRE DAILY. v giviva BULL-TO rkaili ES - IP ':: 111:Y :1 4 ' -11864 D:354—P .E NNSYL V a. ri/ OENTRAE-RATLROAD. ELYRIA H. - 050 'MILES DOUBLETRACK !G THE SHORT. ROUTE TO THE: WEST. Trains leave the Pep:A at Eleventh and Di - arias: streets; as follows:. - - - . Mail Tain at " ' B.OEI A. lA. Fast Line at.... 5. Through 'Express e it 10.30 P. /51. ,Parksburg,T - Mix, " ; . .. • LOO " Harrisburg Acc4mmoda.tion . . 2430 ' I Lancaster Train at.. - '4.00 Th' :4frgEt4in SEM * daily—ail thc Rater trailis.i.litily.except SfihaV. FOR PITTSBURGH AND lath. WEST. " The Mail, Train, ,Fast Line and Through EL press connect at "Pittiburglk with 'through trains on all the diverging. roads • front that -point ; North to the Lakes, West to the, Mississippi and 'Missouri Rivers, and -Sonth and ' Sauthwest to' all points accessible by railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Tlirettgh, Express 'connects at Blairsville Intersection - With a train on tWs Road for Blairs ville Indiana, gm. ' EIiENSBUREF AND 'CRESSON BRANCH AILILOAD The Through Express Train connects et Cres son at 10.-4.5 A. RI: with a train no this road fox • Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebens burg at 8.45 P. HOLLIDAYSBURG- BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Tram and Through Express connect at Altoona with trains for Hollidaysburg at 7.55 P.M. and 8.40 A. rii. • TYRONE. AND CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The through Express Train connects at „Tyrone With Trains for Sandy Ridge, Philipsburg, Port Matilda, Mileebnrg and Bellefonte. '4 HUNTINGDON AND. BROAD TOP'BAIL d ROAD.. The Through 'Repress Trans connects at Hun ingdon, with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Run at 6.55 A. Id. NORTs=frmlY CENTRALND PHIMADELe PHIA AND ER TV RAILROADS. FOR SITRIIIIILY. WILLIAISAPORT: LOOK Harsh and all points on,the Philadelphia.and Erie 11.• and EnsitsA, - Roonatirrns; BIISFAI..O AND N LAGAR FALLS. Passengers taking the Mail Train at 8.0 A. Alt , and the Through Express at 10.30 P. (Daily, exc.-pt Sunday,) go directly through with out change of cats between Philadelphia and Wil liarasport.,• For YORK, HANOtER and GETTYSBURG the trains leaving 8:00..A. M., and 2.30 P.con nect at Columbia with trains on the North Central T;si CuMBEHLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Wail Tritins , and Through' Express cornet at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambers burg and Hageratown. ' • • WAYNESBURG BRANCH .1 1 / 1 11,11,0A.D. The 'Trams leaving at 800 A M. and. 2Se P. M. connect at Downingtown with Trains or. this road lor Waynesburg and all intermediate stations MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this•reliable Express Company will pass throngh each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Depot-Elev enth and Market streets—. The traveling public are assured that st is "entirely responsible. For farther fulmination, apply at the Fasienger Station, S. E. corner of Eleventh and Market streets. 'JA at'ES COWMEN, Ticket Agon t. WESTERN EALIGRATION. An Emigrant AccommoodatioirTrala leavea No. 137 Dock street daily, (Sundays excepted,) at Leo P. M. For fall information, apply to FRANCIS FMilf, lltalgrant Ager.t, No. 127 Dock atr= PREIGIITS. By this roue freights of all description can be lion:yarded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the 112Vrigado3 riyerra of the West, by steam. are from Pittsburgh. For freight contracts or shipping directiOns, ap ply to S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ENOOR LEWIS, Jan 9 , General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD —Running time of trains, com. niencmg AY, April 18, 18014. IMOD! WALNUT STREET WHARF. For Cap e f May at 9A. 31.. Returning at A. EL For eville, icc. at 9A. M. and 3P. M. Re. . turning at 8 09 and no P. M. For Bridgeton, &c. at 9A. M. and 4P. M. Es. turning at 6.10 1. M. and 110 P. N. For Salem, Ate., at 9A. TCL and 3 and 4 P. Dl _ Returning at 4 and A. M. and 130 P. IL For Weoirtury, kc., at 9 A. EL and 3, 4 and 6P. Pd. 45 P.M. Returning at 7.00, 7.48, 9.33 A. Er.. and J. VAN RENSSELARR, Superintendent. SALEISILeILBOAD. Aprll.lB • Running time o; trains, eammememigatONDAY, , From Walnut . Street Wharf at 9 A. M. and 4P. M. Freight 12 M. Returning, leave Salem at 6.10 A. M. and 1.10 P. EL Freig , ht daily each way. Apply to. MORTON Agent, Rd Covered Pier below Spruce ' J. AN RENSSF.r. vw, superintendent. CAPE MAY AND IdILLVELLE RAILROAD. Running time of trains, commencing MONDAY, April 18, 1E54, from . Walnut Street Wharf. For Cape .Island, Court Rouse, Dennisvillo, Ttickahoe, Port Elisabeth, and by connecting lines of stages to all parts of Cape May county, at I A. N. Returning, leave ()ape /eland at 6A. Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A. NI. Freight sent or brought daily. Apply to MOR TON MILLS, Agent, fd covered Pier below Spruce street. • SO 12 3: VAN ItENSSFT.A.FIR; Supt. ERIE RAILROAD. 1654. it = great t•e traverses the llorthern an. northwest counties of Feruasylvania to the city Q Erie, on Lake Erie. -.- It has been leased'by the Penniyivaniallailroad Compluiy; and under their auspices . is being rap. Idly opened throughout its entire length. It IS now, in use for. Passenger' and Frelgiit bust. liens : .from" Harrisburg to Emporium. 11f4 ) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 milk) on the Wearer". Division. IIYH OD PAE3BEINGER TRAM AT PHILADELPHIA. izAvn wwviniceaux Train ik 00 A. .Pd. Express . Train 10.341 P. hl Mrs run through without change both ways on these trains between' Philadelphia . and Lock Etaven, and between Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both rays between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, apply at the Southeast corner of ElevriXda and' market streets. And for Freikht business of the Company's S.' B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Thirteenth and. Mar cat sta., Philadelphia. . J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill, Agent N. aR. B: Baltimore. • H. if. HOUSTON, tleneml Freight Agent, Philadelo r Mm L. HOUP' , • eoneral Ticket A E ge W n l t S , Philadelpihia. JOSEPH D. POTTS, mho General Manager. Williamsport __ . INSURANO4i. 111 HE RELI 4NI rs; iNSURANOR COMPANY ' OF PHILADELPEELei• incorporated in 1841._ Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT Street . Insures,against loss or damage by FIRE, HOUSES, STORES AND OTHER BUILDINGS; Limited or perpetual: and 'on FURNITURE, GOODS, WARES. and MERCHANDISE.. CAPITAL 0200,000. ASSETS 6387411 86. Invested in the following securities, lag First Mortgage on City Property, well secured • 6106, 908 66 Limited States G=overnment Loans 119,000 06 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,008 86 'Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per .• cent *3, 000, 000 Loan • 18,000 00 Prmnsylvania Railroad let and 2d Mort gage. Low:93. 3 50 0 0 6 . 0 Camden and Athboy Railroad Com pany's 6pe ce Loan • 6,ecte es Philadelphia r and nt Reading Railroad Company's a per cent. Loan Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 pet cent.. Loans 4,568 M Commercial Bank of Penn'a. Stock,.... 10,090 08 Mechanics , Bank Stock.4,ooo 09 county •Fire Insurance • Company's Stock.... 1,050 00 Union utual Insurance Company's Stock Reliance Insurance Company of Phila. - delphia Stoat • 2,500 60 'Loans on collaterals, well secured 2,250 00 &corned interest 5, 992 00 Cash in bank and on hand 16,587 86 Worth at present market value .. . .... ft 399, 664 3_15 DIRECTORS. elem.Tingley," I • Benj. W. Tingley, Wm. R. Thompson, f Robert Tolman,. Samuel Bisphara, I Wm. Stevenson R.obert Steen, • . Hampton L. Cal son ; William Blasser, I hlarshall Hill, Charles Leland, • I • S. Johnson Brown; Thos. H. Moore. , • - CLEM TINGLEY, President. Tiros. O. 1111.1.. Secretary. jal-f m w-iy§ M - borsi:s SCalodHer: ring; 3i65 .bOxes NO. 1 Herring per Champion lorpale by F. . SOUDER t3O • r Dock miuel WNW. • E. , at'o'''-A STEADI WEEHIPI TO LI V ...., - O .-,.9" ....YOOL, uraelmrtt . -at 41:TEENSTOW!.... "•.,M )•-The well-known Steemers,of tr... :,/rezpool, New Yom aml PhiladelplziaSteamghly, . 1017. -1 7 : 7 : VY are tia4mded to, sail as follows: EDINIEURGH - 3 -'' ' ..0. - Saterday, Nay 7 arY. OP WASHINGTON' ....;Satarday, May 14 Ar'd eteiy succeeding Sat,iird#,Trat Nes% WY, 1A1%44 Nortls-1/1-ter.' - __. RATES OP PASSAGE: r.F.d..13.471 IN BOLD OA ITS INVIVALENT ISX MM. 2332031 e. . it cabin: . . . ... ... see ',Steerage. ' 0.. ..Bas ea A cabinl. o Londpn. 85 , Do, tp . i:ond - oxl 34 OE st Oafkls..! CO Paris..' ., 8.0 , Do. to Perk., 48 Oa at Cabin - to'Rattlbllg - 80 Do. tonamlrarB 37 Pt .1' asset:gen 1%180 forwlmied to Ham, Erman, iottedata, Antwerp,-/se.--,atequally low'rates. Faissz ssoz Livz:e2o4 -Oa QVACEMETO2I..- • Irst Cablla, 875, 825, $lO5. .SteeTztBt-#P3* AtY.Z. ;:o 01 Cu.! Qneertstown, 835. Theee no v7lals to -enletlfor thel! .. friends °sr: Illy ttokete_lt :re at thew yr Ofac faithoi . I r.fornihtios. apply at tlit, Comps 7 T4 3- es. ~ TOE& G. - ' Agent. ' . • 111 Waluat strew;, Plldladelpl4lB. NORTEI' .STEAMSLUP LlMB—Cnifying the U.. Saturday -May 7t - laTtie splendid new steamship eAIELOLINA, Belkely, ans.ster, will receive - wliat'ireight'offers and sail as abive. For fieight or .passage; apply to J. E. BAILEY& CO., S. WA/Lives say2-st, Be:ST . Oli APiD PLULa.D.E.Lp.iitc. S TBANSHIF'LLITE--Sailuagfrom eact port on Saturdity.-From first wharf above Pint :treat, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston, oa •SattardaY, May 7, 1864. The sieambhip SAXON,itlatthews, master, will sail 'from Philadelphia on Saturday, May 7th, at 10 A. M., and steamship rionat AN, Baker, master, from Boston on• Saturday, May 7th, at 4 . . Them new and snhatantal Steamships form repass line„ ealling_trom each port puncrar-Ily Oz Saturdays. . Insurance at one-half the premium charged It, Teeseit3. - . • Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requestedlo Send slip - receipts And , hills of lading with Allah% goods. For freight or purist:it; tiavmeißle accommoda• lions, apply to If Y. WINSOR it - 00., 332 South Delaware avenge. ~, FOE NEW Yl=Allt. —IiEsPATO,E and SIiTIFT , ,SURE LINES—Via Reis ware and ,Earltan (3*lFtl —Tb.e sa..v.ere of tlgdp, tines tare leaving daily at v. 131•1.00111 O'clock, P. M., froin Mini Pier above Walnot at For freigl4, which will - be taken on ace:memo. dating terrag, apply to I,VELL,Lazi. DI. BAIRD CO., 1= South Delaware aTenne. FOR NEW YORK—New Daily Lint DelaVntre'and Raritan' o^-nal- Zelphla end Nel9 York Express Stems:lb:at Cknnpany will receiveTreight and leava daily at 5 P. 31., delivering their cargoes In Now York Ms go/owing days:' Freight taken at ronsonsasio VirILL.T.A.N. OLYDE,'Agensi • • , ThSciuth WherveS, Philade. JAMES HAND L Agent, 7725-U Fiera H and.l.s•East River; N. T. FUR 11.4.RTFORD, Goan.—Direct: The Philadelphia Ste.ani Proitaller Ckan, aey • s Etentner Ornmley, muster, non loading acthe ascot' a witart above Market street. For rates .01,freIght, Apply on bond or to Will, /41. BAIR D OQ., Agee's, 432 South Wharves., ap26 FOR - SAN FRANCISCO. • - COIXISIAN'S CALIFORNIA LIRE. aIitLINE I--- ..REGITEJLILLY AS:ADVERTISED Freight for this Lite sent to NenrYork via Swift Sure Line at reduced rates. • • ' - , The splenOittextreme clipper, CALYPSO. - Baker,r, ••• Is now rapidly loading Co pier s 11. }bail/leer. - a gia This. Utile clipper is new and built at Newburyport expressly for the California ani,t 'tuna - Shippers will please examine this vessel and send their goods down at e a uk s. wilt only carry abontl,3oo tone, and will be dispatched in a very few days. For balance-of freight, apply to MESO.P, SOlit & If4Arch street. aboveFrow. giFOR SAN ERANOISOO, Oat. --Direct from Philadelphia—The last sailing clipper OLD RlOKORT,'Olidies Callaghan, com mander (late of the clipper ship Storm' EClnc), la now loading at OattelPs wharf,caltDmire, street, and having.lh• bulk of her 0 elgagedt will have quick dispatch. Shipper will please hurry their goods alongside, ae this vessel have quick dispatch, Apply to WORKMAN & ea . Walnut street.. apl2-tf seFOR LIVERPOOL—The first class Rea. Etta ship THE CRAMS, O. A. Baker, roaster having a large portion of her , cargo en gr.geo, ticill call soon. For balance of freight, sp. ply PETER WRIGHT •SONS, I.* Walnut street tO ' te apiftf - - jattFOß LIVERPOOL. —2oth instant—Tali nrst class - Neutral packet • snip EMPIRE B- G. Moran, mane_ .baVtag her cargo enured, will mil as above. TETER WRIGHT & eONS. 115 Walnut street. ' ap9-tf AtFOE ANT WEtiP.—The Al liritlsh bark O. A. JONES, Francis, master, no 7r.lasol lug petroleum.. at Willow street wharf, having Alnee-folartbs of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight, apply to E. A. SOLIDER az CO., Dock street Wharf. aV.et PkFOR liA.Vßß—Petrolerua--The Bremen. bask PAULINE, OsterJoh, master, is now petroleum MI for the above port; can take the balk of five hundred barrels, if appliedfor at once. Apply to WOR,EXAN 00., 123. Walnut street.-ap29 sakFOR BOSTON—Express Line—The fins packet schr. QUEEN OF THE SOIJTH- Lurson, master, is now receiving freight at Ken, nedy's wharf, above Arch street, and will 'sail with dispatch. For weight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 Nbith Wharves. ay2 t faFOR ROSTON—Express Line—The fin. packet now schooner &ERIE hi. FaOil, Brier, theater is receiving freight at the second wharf above Race street, and• xvl.l/ sail. i for the above port with prompt dispatch: For freight, apply to Devil? COOPER. 18 North Wharves. FOR ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN and WASBINGTON—Hand's Line,' via t.tinsi—Oa Wednesday—The solar. AID, Moore; master, now loading., will sail as above.:: For freight, apply. to THOS. WEBSTER, No. 14 N. Wbarves. mr2.3t sl ial FOR 'FREIGHT OR .HARER. ship Burmah, Beckwith `master 7E tans itgntei; Br. bark Maria,. Ktllam, master, 6.5(x) bbls. capacityt.Br. bark Isabella Jewett, Hopktrk, master, d,ioo bbls. capacity; Br. bark U A. Jones, Francis, master, 4,200 bbls. capacity; bark Jen nie kitts, Haskell, master, ;,two bbls. capacity; Sr.i bark Irma, Russell, master, 2,200'.bb15; capa city; brig J. W. Spencer, Spencer, master. 3,800 bbls. capacity. For terms, apply to E. A. SOHDER 00., Doak street wharf. ts. ap27 - - At...A JOHN SHINDL.LR Ir, SONS, SAIL No. 244 North WAIWES, yuiestreet, Philadelphia. • All work done in the best manner and on the ..owest and most favorable terms, and warranted :o give perfect satisfaction. mtus-tt Particular attention given to repairing. tON SIGNEES' , • BEL PECK, Avery, master, from NeW 'fork, is now discharging cargo at second wharf above ii aris et It treat. Consignees will please send for Mei: goods, and oblige DAVID COOPE/4-18 North Wrarves. my.2.3t CON SIGH EES' N OTIOE. --British ship RS. , COVERY, Wilber, master, tram Liver pool, is now discharging tmder general order at Sbippen street wharf. Consignees will please at tend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT k. SONS, 'll5 Walnut street. ap23-tf , T.TN ITER STOOK COMPANY FIRST-GLASS PIANOS, ef Nevr York,• also, Worcester's inimit able Patent Ringed Plate Pianos, for sale at No, If North Seventh street, mhl6-2mg. A. STANK° WITOiI, , PIANO TUNER and REPAIRER, removed to 930 RIDGE avenue, above "Vine, and is prepared to receive orders as usual. -His-: many customers bear testimony to his skill and ability as a correct and - thorough Tuner.. Hai Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Plano Maker; has eight yes.rs' city experience, -with•the: best references, whicli can he giVeit. All ordelnlpromptly attended to; and guarantees to give entire satisfaction.- Pries for tuning SL Orders from the country accepted, •: and done very reasonably. inh2-31211' 5,006.06 - AN ASSORTMENT of she pest New York and Pldladelphta Mann. featuring, from 6275 upwards Also, MELODEONS, Harmoniums and Cabins. Organs. No. 233 South FlPTHstreet, at the Nev Store, a few doors below WitinUt. P. SOHULEP Ss Od. ter7-It36* 46387 211 86 (30h5ETS! COR JETS! ! !—MADAME A. i„J BAHATET has just received from Paris, .a superb let of light, strong Corset Material,.-for summer wear. Madame s Corsets are.univxtr,:: sally admired for their superior d ash, elegance of lit, and durability. ' Ladies are advised_to call and procure a pair of her Corsets b-fore having their spring dresses madeup. MADAME A..BAHATET,. 4)27. lmi 116 South FIFTEENTH street., riCIPPER Pii) YELLOW AISTAE.SELEITIr.. ING, Braziers,Copper, Nails, Bo.:tso.nd Ingot Copper. constantly on hand., told for sale by HENRY WIXSOJEC tr. CO., 341 South Wharves PIANOS, 43tC. GLOSS 4!G BAEOKLER_ ORS WaTS LYON'S PERIODICAL. DROP:, !IifIWER FAIL TO OURS TkE LYON'S P=OLIOA/a tißopx aro a opoolllo for all female . dialeultioo LYON'S PMUOLIOA.L Irnopa are wonderfully adapted to obstinate cases. LYON'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS an not pleasant to take, butpoviertal tH their rations. LYON'S PERIODICAL• DROPS nova harm aim one if they r_4:o9w tII. duroctlalui LYON'S PRRIODIO,AL DROPS, n oases of painful 'gammas, act like a atom irigoratulg, restoring and narrating system LYON'S PERIODIC 4 D.a.OPE are azeientilically prepare Auld preparation, ow Mors reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYOWS inKRSODIOAL DROPS an pnulne only, *hen the nionie of Doctor• Jobz 'L. Lyon is written upon the dlzictions, which ars tnvptd carefully antuid each bottle LYON'S PERIODIOAL DEOPIS lire for sale by druggists la city and (solitary entry LYON' S PERIODIVAL DROPS 001 i Vat One dollarperbottle; will yon waste away Wifik anxiety and pain t Whan an tuvrinant atom* • dollar will anrely cure you. e. LYON'S PRSIODIOA.L DROIII wffirsstorenature to its Maltby comity ivtutteyei lq t l hu;thgv=axi. '.. • i • LYON'S - P ODiO/1.1. DROPS * * tato at all wltaa tag dlzactlans az* 41.- ~ 4 tem bared co. ' N' LYON'S PamiLLODICAL DROPS wtten taken regularly alwa revent stelxisk sod Is not preyenon better to cure? • LYON'S XEMODIOAL DROPS tOtTO lama the Wit of 25 sans' experience. LYON'S PERIODICAL mtors toopiTo the encomiums of all who nos them, No ady should be without them. We WO* letters at most every day from ladies of the highest realm: tehtlitY7 telling` n e they would Lot Do without the Drench Periodical Drops for anything. Could ws publish the letters we have received, they would =vino° the•most incrednlens. We nays novels nand an inatance of a ladywho had been irregular until tier constitution was nearly broken down. Her physiotana told her ahe had the Cottanmption, and mast die. She saw oar advertisement, - sad come to see tut. We, too. thought she was too nu- tone to be cured, but commenced at the cause ,witb She Drops. They acted like a charm; and la-day the is well and healthy, a living witless of the Matey of the Preach Periodical Drops, and a re.. sideutof East Hartford, Con.nectiout. If you an sugaring any of the ills caused by Irregularity, we askyou to ease them a trial, and recommend them to your &Meted friends, Ono trial Rill ooirluOi ho most sceptical, and never after will yon be In (lucid sobs without It. PaTOBP S PERIOD/UAL DEOPD waoLzseLa JOHNSTON, HALLOWAT It OOWDZERs no. n WORTH ,t3lXTlitZarliblA mid RETAIL by all Dauer" ix( medicine evin7wacre t, 87, liar' horao. o.e. /Trairt7. 4 00i wttetsstle Dru,TOstz, Proprieton, teli-r L, wi inPEREMPTORY SALE. —THOMAS. la SONS, Auctioneers.—VEßY ELEGANT CAJUN TRY. SEAT, - BRISTOL Tll/47„- Large and 'Splendid MANSION, le ' d. Coach Rouse and i 23 Acres, adjoining the arm and Country Seat of Mr. Geo. IL Stuart,formerly Mr. Caleb Cope's. On TUESDAY, MaY at 12 o' clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without referee, at the PRILADELESLI-EIX. CHANGE: All that elegant and valuable Coun try Seat, containing 22 acres and. VW perches of land, on the Brisiel turnpike, s miles from the city,.and 1S miles from the Delaware river;. cal which is a large and splendid modern Stone Man- sion, built in the most substantial and best manner in every respect, and finished throughout in the most costly and elegant sly le, with all the modern improvements and conveniences of a city residence —built by William E. Bowen,Esq.,and recently owned by the late Mr. R. P. L elver. It is in complete ortiere-atrrfininded by a verandah 15 fest wide, supported by , ornamental ce'umns; 11 lest wide, Me. entire depth of the house; elegant parlors; library, dining-room with fire proof and pantries on first ilocr; 4 chambers and 2 dressing rooms on second floor; 6 chambsrs in the third • story; marine basins, water closets, warm and coill baths, Sc. The waole home warmed by a superior farnaze, besides having fire places and - grates throughout, rendering it a desirable wint.r as well. as summer residence. The: kache.i.s and servants' - rooms, chambers: are in the wings, with superior cellars .under tire:; whole; laundry, With permanent wash tabs; water and gas introduced throughout There 'is cm the premises a gardener's 'cottage, - lodge, orchard house, vineries, conservatory. gas house, icehouse, milk and. provision - vault, ad_ . jolt ing, and substantial stable and coach house The grounds are elaborately improved and in a high state of cultivation; a superior garden, with abundance of fruit; a young orchard, fine old and young forest trees, choice evergreens•and ornaw mental shrubbery, graveled walks and 'drivee; large fish pond, .fountain, a pump of fine cold - water front a deep well, three springs supplying an abundance of water for all other purposes. It Is well-known as one of the finest and most desi rable country places - in the.neighborhood of Philadelphia, no expente having'. been spared in the buildings and groubdei It commands most beautiful views of the surrounding country and the river Delawaie. The location is unsurpassed for Iteathfulness. and the neighborfiood in every way unexceptionable. a , Convenient to churches and schools, and very ac cesfible to cars, steamboats stages, moo., being but a short drieetrem Tacony Landing, and a few minutes' walk from Holmesburg Station, and by pleasant driving roads, and with inereaSedfacill ties in immediate prospect. . far' The premises may be examined on any Week day, except Monday, between the hours of 9 and 1 o'clock, or 3 and 6o' clock; Possession Pith of . June. _ Terms—sue 000 may remaivl on mortgage for a ter m of years, if desired by a.purchaser,•or the, whole may be paid in visit; IR" Clear of all inclambrance. THOMAS t SONS, Auctioneers, - 139 and 141 S. Fourth street 0 1 40 , 2 3, 25 , 2 7, 3 0,my2. 4.7, 9. , - EXDOUTOR'S PEREMPTORY. SALE. SU Estate of DANIEL S. DAVIS deceased: THOMAS do- SONS, Auctioneers. --THREE: STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 717,- SAN SONE street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. - On TUESDAY, play lath, 1664, at 12 'o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale. without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE: that three story brick metsuage, with three-story back buildings and lot of grow if, situate on the - north side of Sense= street, between Seventh and . Eighth streets, No. 717; containing in Irout, oa Sansom street 21 feet 6 inches, and extendlag an. . depth 91 leen() a 19 feet wide street, called Bennett street, with, the free use and privilege• ar,said tr seet. The house has 'gas,' bath, hot and cold ,water, cooking range, Atc. far CL'EAR OF ALL 1NC1.Th18R.3.14-6E, SALE - PEREMPTORY. Sloo to be paid at the time of save. BY ORDER. OF-EXECUTORS. .TRODIAS , .is SONS; Auctioneers, • ap2l3my4A9 Nos 139 and 141 South Fourth' St_ \ Pk.llllolptlii .REAL •ESTATE.-- THOMAS t SONS' SAL E. — THREE-STORY BRICK ST 'RE_ AND DW FIXING, No. !WA MARKET ST. . we west of 10thEIGHT EENl'HStreet: On TUESDAY: y , 1864, at 12 'o'clock, Mon, will be sold at Public Sale r at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE, all. that ' three-story brick, ,mess"cmge 'with three-story back buildings and.lotokground:. situate on the north side of Market' street.. 178 :feet west of Eighteenth street, No. 182 i; containing in[ front on Market street 2.: feet, and eitending In depth 180 feet to a 20 feet alley; with 'the 'free osG at d tbereof. It is .occupied as a Utoret and dwelling, contains 10 rooms; &o. Mt' Clear of all incumbrance M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap2B-m4, 9 139 and 141 S. Fourth street, kizver., Come. ANNVARI" S TROCHES, for • the care of Hoaraeness;•:Throat - Diseases, As. I t are spe cially recommended to public speakers, as the mo=t efficient remetty'satant for the above tits eases. Wopresent s but one of the many testimonials in our possession: • - • C. A lthlSßuitd. Feb Stb, 181. Brown's A. BeJoa nn venr —Dear sire I have used Brtmchial Troches, Wistar' a Lozenges, and othel i preparations for hOarseness and throat troubles, and in;!comparison with •them ail; can cheerfully commend your own as a most, admira 'ble' specific, for public speakers and singers, 111 eases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them 'serving in time of used, most - ef ectually, ' • - • • Yours truly,' • T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. .E'resbyterian chriveh,_. Idantifactured by C A. BANNVART Zs CO. And tor sale lby .ROBERT SHOEMAKER Druggiste, - N. E. tor. Fottrth and Race sts., • mMl.fraw, 249 Alse, by 'Retail Druggists gelleramY- - - e IEiBTLACK.'b ' MPH TD ER A LOZENi+E , These Lozenges are a safe and SpecO27 ttrel it Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoar: eness and Bronchial - Affections . generali v.. , t THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr , Druggist, 13. u?", cif.Eighteertth and Ilierket sta. , ap2B-3ra3 LEOTRIUITT,- WHAT IS _LIFE WITH )UT Messrs., WWII, and Al, ragrj, ' edia& Elecui, formerly associated with M Professor Bell cians se and Galloway, having dissolved partnersld , the :.practice will be continued by THOS.- , at the old established office, No. 723 Nor th TENTS Street, between Coates , and Brown where he will WM treat and .Ortre • all curable diseases (whether a _nt ) , chronic., Pramonary or aralytoi, without shoal[ an y Patn,) with the various modifies-. 140/18 of - Electricity toad Galvanism. This. treat meat-has been-foniidreziarhably- sticcessrelln all e• Fee of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and otter disleAses' of the throat and.respire.tory orgitrus. L., • •-A few of the 'die - sln which; successful Cunt; have-been made are mentioned below. Consumptions • - Mwt. said General Debility. ' • - .siecondstages. Diseases of the Liver or Paralysis: Kidneys. ; • Fewer Neuralgia. ' Diabetes. and Arne. Erolaperis Uteri (Fali_n! 3 Crengestion. of the' Womb). Asthma. Protasis= Ant pa lulozi t . Piles) Dpepsia. Ethetornitism. ' Nocturnal ; .; : Hmiselog;S &a. - Bronchit ys is. Deafness. Dalian= and Catarrh. I - No charge for- anismitat a. la. to SP. DS. 7•,, timmor.tals tone seen i n, PAT.. '01....N-TALLINA... A. =penal article for cleaning titetreettr, sMoying Anizrodculte which Infest -them, 'aping tone. . to the game, and Jesting. a feenag.actra.. Pr - and loerfect cleanliness in the month. ,Ii may be need ftuy, and wiD be found. to strengthen weak and bleeding gums; to the Roma B e- terStrelleSe meornmend' it to ene. ' Be tas composed with the assistance ofd Dentist, '- PhysicMn, and Microscopist, ,it , is , onoildently offered as a . 71- 4. l .3Asix.snabstititte ffor va . csrp tall Wesheefortherly In Vogne:' ' Eminent Dentists; nesinatitett With tttisivitstitn. - eats of the DENT LTA - NA, advocateeontsle.s nothing to prevent its sanrattramed MO. ploymortMade o yby . JA-MED T. SHINN, Apohecary. . - • BROAD and SPRUCE Streets. v eor sale by Drsgests generallkr& and; Fred; :Brown, D. 1.. istackhause. Renard tr. CO.,- Robert C. Davis. - O. R. Kenny, - Geo. Cl:Xicrieerah.,. Isaac:lL May, Charles Shisssis, O. H. Needles, G.J. Scattergood,' T. J, Husband, J. 11.Trine=at.Cat. Alahrose Smith, Charles U. Thomas Weavw, Jaraealt-rita434 WIIIMM - 13-. 'Webb. E. Bringhtmat Oh - James L.• Ey= Co:,_ Hughes &Coombs, H. O. Blair ; Henry A. ,Bower, Wyeth &Bro. ODOSON'Ermtowczur. T II I ionzul to be an Inbls reitZatto =Vas tznent of Erenclitts, 8 .11porpusit, toad , , con l Plaints abetixlS MVO of ticsvoice; particularly goccomuzadedby public zingers, nzut. antaterors. ' Erepartia,lutto d remit, by LAN CASTER - a WILLS. FrlBl/LOBAIS. Juulica, 0/.189.11 , BAIEBROOSW LION. =A reliable. article. Positively curia Blienciatizinv Nenrelgta sad. Spreadig.' 'Frosted ' Feet, Okillblains, Reiss in theLLlrobs, CbestOalds Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, LOB. Tenth, and. Callowbl.ll—streete. Priory 25 cents. 'r. IfM.3m* r r 4 • :41 • rui,tw.. • • : Zon, lieinessor line Old for medicinal - . rise. .LAIII24STEEt , Plurrmagentiots, R H corm . : MM" 83:14 - , IMA,_L ESTATE SAL D.,. on, Ottlca nouns from at 9 44 tie2.64t