PROCEEDINGS OP GENERAL CONFEREN,I2. THE N. E. _CHURCH. - • SECOND DAY. Attfrnaon Session.—Conference reassembled at 3 Rey: Dr. Peck, of California, Conducted the de votional services. - Bishop Scott took the chair; t journal of the morn • -in g was read and approved. _ MaSonraoy , il the appointment of a corn-. mittee on public .worship, which was passed. Po the information of auy who rno.y have bushiest , with .this committee, we would state that the Rev Bartine, 681 North Eleventh street,' Rev. Dr. Casll6; Rev. Dr.' Moore, Taster of Union Church, and RSV. R. R...Pattison, of St George's Church, are'members to whom application may be made. e•A:*mmittee of seven on the celebration American Pilethodi:m was - ordered. A petition. was presented front Southern Illinois, in ieference to District Conferences- A,petition, of snider character, fro n Michigan, wasquesented by Rev./Dr. Siner. 4 One' irtun New England, in favor Of eitending the term"of Ministerial service, was presented.and Resolutions •of the- Northwest Indiana Con -ferencie, . presented bY ..,Rev. Dr. Goode, in. 11 printing the Hs inn Book in raised letters, for the blind„were referred. to the Committee on, Book' Concern. . • , Various .otber . Petitions and 'resolutions upon a variety 'of subjects, were presented -and appro priately referred., " AMotion wa% paser'd Unit qt.'s 80 - diZt of Btshos be respectfully requested to inVite the venerable Rey.. Dr-,Elliot and. Rev. Dr. George Peck to seatnpcin the platforin. Much of the session was occupied in the - organ. ization .of the standing committees: This was be': .gan by each Committee retiring, electing their Chairman and Beliretary, and then •returning • the Conierenderecure. Thelollowing are the reports made: , Comitaree cti Episcopacy:;Rev. Dr. Trimble„ President; Rev. Dr. Eddy, Rook River, , , Secretary.' - , , Onlesiserancy--Rev. , M. Reid, ofGenesee,: Pr; sident; Rey. A. Nelson, Central Ohio, On,Boundaricst-This Committee had the privi,' lege Of organizing -and reporting-in the morning: - An appeal was resented.from Rev. William Wilroptcof Califon:tit/Conference, 'and referred. 3 , An appeal-from Henry P. Johns,--expelled from. Troy Confermee, was presented and referred.... Much time was occupied in minormatters„ after which tde Conference adjourned-At 5%"..!c10ck, with the Benedictionfrom Rev. Dr. Patterson.. NEW 'ARTILLERY ORGANIZATION /IARRIBIII7I3II, May 3. —Hon. J. P. Glass, Tana ber of the Legislature from Allegheny county, organizing a new artillery regiment of twelve corp panies; each company consisting (4 , 5 - officers and 147 non-commis'ioned officers and privates. The regiment will be known as the "Moorehead" Heavy Artillery, - in honor of the - member of Con gress from ,the. Pittsburgh Histrict-V-The head quarters are at Harrisburg, where persons desiring authority to recruit may address Colonel Glass. Twelve recruiting offices have already been estab lished in•the State.- 7 FROM NEW HAVEN. Naw HAvsx, May 3.—Private Joan McOarthy, a recruit of the Twelfth Connecticut Volunteers, was shot dead at half-past nine o' clock this morn ing, while attempting - to desert frton the Conscript Camp at Grape Vine Point. - The brig Elizabeth, of Bangor, laden with coal and bound to Boston, went ashore on Shark's Reef, off Bradford, on Monday night. Her crew were taken frcitn the rigging, where theyhad .re mained for twelve hours, by a boat's crow from Fair Haven.' The bfig washuneteen years old, and was valued at $17,000. She will probably prove a total loss. FROM SAN FAANCISNO SAN Fuexoreco, May 3. —The shiMaolden Fleece has been chartered - fo load for Boston. T The Gould and'CAry Mining 'Conapany had de clared a dividend of - 5125 per - foot. The Savage Company liaa also declared a dividend of Si - 0 per' foot. Two millions dollars in treasury notes have been received herewithin ten days.' The markets are without animation. Flour, wheat and barley are higher. lOBTAT O WB. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Brdlettn. • BOTTER.DAIII.r-Brig Sitene, liermsna—unpipits gin 1 case g ordials , eo Zeigler; casks zinc 50 es zinc 25 maks - zinc nails IsTathaixTretter & Co; 6 bales seeds H A Dreer; 51 cs mdse Chas Lennig; 15 cs wine A Stephani k Co; 2 cs cologne water Henry Bohlen & Co; 5 casks dye stuff Henry Karsten; 6 casks wine Carl Schnell; 16 ca mdse Geo Doll & Co; 24 es do Walter Berghauser & Co. 25 pipes 40 casks gix order. BIESSINA—Brig'_;WaTerIY. canters brimstone 6 do corkwood 50 bales rags 25 casks olive oil 200 bags sumac-30 cs liquorice 833 boxes lemons 4200 do oranges Isaac Jeanes & Co. ton . 0! PRELADNLPHIA. _Buy 4' Risss,6 04 I SUN 'Mirth 8 66 i HIGH W1TZ16.12 4 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Schr Western Star, Crowell, 6 clays from Port Royal, in ballast to Baker aclFolsoss,„ Sehr Bela Peck, Avery, 4 days from New York. with mdee to D Cooper. Schr Garnet, ,Norman, I,day_from Lewes,DeL with corn.te.aasi LBewley 4s, Co. Schr Chesapeake; 'Morris; days from Seafoid, Del. with lumber to J W Boson. Sala New Jersey, Morria, from Providence, in ba S ila eh: Bloc Schr Daniel Webstet, Perry, from New York. Sahr Panthea, Laney, from New York. Schr (J Heft, Shoe, from New York. Schr Anita Damon, Torry, from. New York. Schr Tyrone, Perry, from New Haven. Schr 0 Grant, Preesy, from New-Raven. Schr Crisis, Rose, from Newport. Schr Fleetwood. Johnson, from -Bristol Ferry. Schr Reindeer, Irvin, from Gloucester. Steamer laninallunn, Burton, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W Clyde. _ -- - Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 'hours from Now York, with mdse to W lit Baird - • - - • Steamer L•Wallace,. Wallace, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. • CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Cuba (Br), Pierce, Matanzas, Workman Sr. Ca: Brig Ada B (Br),Gould,Olenfuegos. 0 C Van Horn 4 Brig Centaur, Kilton, 805t0n,•.7 E B tzley,Sr• C 0... - Brig Alamo.; Steele, Bostbn, Hammett, Van Buten; & Lochman. • Schr J B Austin,Davis, Boston, Noble,CaldwellkOei Schr „J Lancaster, Williams, Boston, W H Johns..,. Schr T J Hill, Whelden, Providence, Hunter Norton & Co. ' Sehr Crisis, Rose, Providence. Bl akiaton,Gra fr.koo. Behr S S Lee, Somers, -Dbrehester Point, do - Schr W Loper, Robinson, Newport, do S_chr 0 C Smith Ingersoll, Lynn, do Schr Triumph, Jarvis, Cambridgeport, do Schr Col Lester, Perry, New Bedford, - do Schr Tyrone, Perry, Charlestown, do • Schr Lafayette, Pox, Fall Rive; captain. - Schr Adelaide. Crowell, Providence, Dittoes & Co. Schr B Clayton, Clayton, Salem, '- do • Schr Clara, Crowell, Boston, Crowell & Collins. Schr. Ann Amelia, Hallock ; Lynn, C A Hecascher Go. Bohr L A May, Baker, Salem, Wannerafteher & Max Reid. - Bohr Herald, Knight. Newbury-port, do Schr CatawamteakiSnqw, Sandy Point, Me. Pear son & Co. . . Schr Rio, Plummer, Boston, E R Sawyer & Co. Sehr Mary &Elizabeth, Oordery, Baston,do Schr Reindeer, Irvin, Boston, J G & G S Repplier. Schr Fleetwood, Johnson, Wareham, L Audenried 8c Co. .1 • Bohr 0 A Reckscher, Gallagher, Fort Monroo,Tyler Schr Jt - Vance ' Burdge, Fort Monroe, do Sohr Isabella' , Taylor, • Plymouth, Sinnlokson & Glover. Schr R Blew, .Peterson, Fort Monroe,Tyler & Co. Schr Reading RR, No 84, Powell, Forldonroe,do Schr E English, Somers, Boston, .do St'r IL Willing, Dade, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. St'r Alida, Lenny, New York, vr , P Clyde. St'r Olive Branch, Harvey, New York, W P age. • EMORANDA. Steamship. Norman, Baker, hence at BostOn al instant. Steamship Australasian (Br), Cook, for Liver pool, cleared at-New-York yesterday. _,,, Steamship Champion, Jones, cleared at_NYor.t yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamship Saladin, Jamieson, cleared at N York yesterday,for...lfingston, Ja Steamship Mississippi, Xennedy, cleared at New York yesterday for New Orleans. , , • Bark Saxonville, Jordan, hence for New, Orleans, was passedt eti ult. 4 PAL at the SW Palm. , Bark Hars i est'Afoon, Hagen, cleared IT at N. yesterday-for this port, _ •" '. Bark. B A. "Sender, Dennis,sailed from Cardiff 181 h ult. for New York. Bark T Cushing, 'Ames, cleared at. Now York yesterday for this port. Bark schon (Harsh), Hein; for thin, port, cleared it New 'York yesterday. . Brig Acadian, Wyatt, house for Havre, at Ply mouth 20th lOC . Brig Pante, Parsons, hence at Boston 2d inst. a nd Bess Tangierrsattyer, from Bangor for this port, Budson,Griilln,from Machin for do,at Holmes' Hole Ist inst. and Railed again next day. Brig Jail Crosby, Parker, cleared at. Portland 23 inst. tor this port.. , At Schrs Smith Tuttle, P If from Provfnoetown, and wood, from 130Bton, both for this port, at New York yesterday. • - Schr Abaco, Pendleton, from Bangor or this port,. at Holmes' Hole let hist. • ,- Behr Redwing, Wood, cleared at Boston 2d inst. for thisort. Schr:( L. Lovell, cleared at New York yesterday. for ilia port. - ' . . • ' Schr EG Sawyer, Drisco, from. Boston for this port, at Newport ist inst. Schr A 43 Maj or, Perry, hence at Halifax 27th ult. BARLET.-6,„B0011 Arley ' isitr_gii_,' bt Bar. (tiara, to arrtv*. for aale, by a Isrftc4T v 4 IN NOR it 00.• re Snntb 'Wharves - ' • , .. , SPECIAL _NOTICES For,- THE. BLBARLEY OIL 00IYIPANY— The Books for subscription.. to , the above uipany, are now open at 418 WALNUT street, from 9 A M. to 3P. I. - ,my . 3-ei* EDWIN E. SIMPSON, Sec' y. ITDE L A WARE AND RARITAN RAILROAD COMPANY, April 13", 1864. Tile Stockholders of the above Company will meet on TUESDAY, the 10th of May neat, at their Office, in PRINCETON, N. J. •at 12 o' clock, M.., to elect nine Directors for the ensuing year. apl6tmylo JOHN P'. STOCKTON, Seey. 37.N0T10E. —Application will be made for the issue of new.certificallt in the Ontona gon Mining Company, of Michigan, the following certificates having been lost or mislaid: No. 251, 00 shs.; No. 356, 10 shs.; No. 391, 30 she.; No. 411, 3, On slis.• No. 413, 1,000 sks, ; and N 0.416,450 .131 the name'of, ap9 ar. ANNUAL MEETING- of "THE HOME FOR DESTITUTE COLORED CHIL DREN" will be held- at Office; S. W. corner SEVENTH and A - Refl. streets, on .B.d DAY EV E NING-,,5th month, 9th inet., at 8 0' crook. tion of Trustees, • Managers, .3cc., for ensuing' year. ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, Secretary of Trustees. piy3-st* rr THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, OF : flee No. 1323 CHESTNUT S reet. .• Notice is hereby given that the Se tart', of the Treasury has kindly ordered that rticles des tined for the Great Central Fair, sh be admitted to entryfree of duty, and thatinstrn dons to this t:ilect have been issued 'to the - Colleetors of the eons of Philadelphia, New York; and Boston. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. ROnACE HOWARD FURNESS, See' GREAT CENTRAL FAIR ..NIMITTEE ON ARMS AND TROPHIES. PHILADELPHIA, April 25, tS64. Contributions of any articles of interest for this Committee, for sale or exhibition, as Well as or ynoney, may be sent to any member of this Com - `mittee, and - receipts: will .be returned -by'the Treasurer All packages seat to Colonel G. H. OROSMAN, United-States ,Army; Chairman of the Committee, Northeast corner TWELFTH and ~GIRARD streets, by - any of the Rail .road or Express Companies, will be frne..ofelvtrge. • ap26 ifs •". , NORTH, Setretary., HARDWARE BRANOH,GREATTJEN THAL FAIR.—The Undersigned Commit tee earnestly solicit from all directly or indirectly connected with "Our trade" to send -their contri butions, be they large or small, money or mer chrindise, to either of the undersigned: ' • Joseph 0.-Aartibb, 236 Market street: William H. Sowers, 412 Commerce street. William P. Wilstach, 38 - North Third street. Aug. B. Shipley, 503 Ooraraercestreet: Charles'A. Miller '4' 5 Commerce street. John J. Burr, 614 Market street' ^ ° Chas. J. Field, 633 Market street. Daniel Steinmetz. 501 Commerce street. John A. Murphey, oe2 Chestnut street. Isaac S. Williams, 726 Market street. H. D. Landis, 211 Market street. W. H: Allen, 115 Market street. D. Fanst, 40 North Third street. Jos. S. 'Fisher, N.E. cor. 6th and Commerce et. A. M- F. Watson, 512Comnierce st.. • apl6-s, GREAT C NNTB.AL FAIR FOR, THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. - OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RECEP TION' OF GOODS, CENTRAL FAIR BUILD. ING, on Eighteenth street, bet Ween Race and Vine street, Entrance on Eighteenth street. - The--Committee on "Reception of ' Goods" are_ now prepared to receive any articles 'designed for the Fair, and•-,,,w0n1d ask the co-operation,of the various branches'of Trade and Industry, as, their labors_ must , necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and sent to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are' authorized to receipt and acknowledge the mine. • , , They are happy to inform the public that all' of- the railroad and eipiess companies haire - gene ronsly offered to deliver packages to the Committee free of charge. A. R. McHENRY, Chairman. E.H. BOwLE,Y, Secretary. Committee' meet' on Tuesday arid Friday After noons, at so' clock. - - A. R. McHENRY, 1 A. S. ROBERTS, Jr.. . EDWARD H.. ROWLRY, JAMES N. STONE,_ 'DAVID McO,A.MBION, Committee, GEORGE I.IIcEINSTRY, V- D.. NOUN ELLIS, - JAMES S. MARTIN,' - JOSEPH RA.ERISON,...DL 07. GREAT °EXTRA.", FAIR. PHILADELPHIA HORTICULTURAL AND i'LO . RAIL DEPART- MEftT ' The Committee in charge of this Department re spectfully solicits czntribations for eitherexhiln tion or sale, at the Fair in June near, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetablea;_alsoz- -- - Bouquets, . - unman Leases,- Baskets of• Flowers, Aquaria, - Floral Designs, ~- Seeds, Hanging Baskets,. iGardening : Books ' , Flower. S-tands, Fountains, Fern Canes, t Horticultural Iron Work AT tarids, Wire Work, Guido:Ling:lmplements, China and Native Wine, Garden Seats sad-Yates, Cut Flowers, !Dried Fruit, Dried " Foreign or-Exotic Fruit, Wax 'Wax Fruit, Leather Garden ,Statuary. -- Pbantom J an tom Bouquets, In short •Itcatic Adornments of every kind, or anything Of a rural or rustic character that does not strictly belong to ;the _Agricultural Depart. `Daily contributions of Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Designs, Baskets, Scc. ,so as to insure a constant and regular supply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and cordributore will please arrange. with thellhainnan of the Committee of Baskets, Designs, and Bo nq nets, Mr. ROB E ftT HlLvi NG TON, iFlorist, locust street, nett; Thirty-seventh, West Philadelphia, as to the days on which their contributions wilLbe req aired. , Daily contribution s of Fruits and Vegetables, not. only for exhibitioa and sale, but also for the use of the Rastanrant, Will also be thankfully received. The time Sired for opening the Fair, is the FIRST TUESDAY IN 51fl•IE NEXT, and it will _con tinue two weeks. , All articles, except cn Mowers,. fruits and vegetables, must be-received on or be fore the preceding nay. -. • • Donations from the interior of this State, andi from Delaware and New Jersey; can be forwarded by any public conveyance, free of freight, and should be distinctly marked, .iGREAT- CEN TRAL FAIR,LOGAN SQTJARE, PHILADEL PHIA, HORTICULTURAL DEPARTZIENT. 'Care of .0. Chestnut street, Phi/edel. ''For Sala,'' or . •For Exhibition," as may be desired. Bills of lading should also be for warded to the same address, Mrs. J. RHEA. BARTON, Chairman of Ladies' Committee. ap23.B,rn,w'jes§ I) RODNEY RING, Chairman of Gentlemen's Condnittee. rem ELECTRICITY. " GOOK AND LIVE! - A WORD To THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! • - - All diseased conditions, both acute and chronic,; where :there is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at ltiiO Wa.laut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a 'failure in Most obstinate maladies,no charge is made. Elec trical institution, established about five years ago by Professor Bertms. Read'the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent In cemtannitiee,• dooming 100, Coe youths, of both sexes, annually-to an early grave. These diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous debility,. relaxation, and great exhaustion, marasmns, or Wasting and consumption Of the tissues of the whole body; shortness of breathing, or too hurried breathing on 'ascending a bill or tight of stairs; palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, sore throat, trembling and shaking oe the arms and rower' lirabs,A aversion to society,' brisiness, and, to study: sometimes dimness or the eyesight, loss of memory. dizziness of the head, neuralgia ' pain in various parts of the body, pains•in the back and lower limbs, lam 'bago, ' , dyspepsia ; 'constipation of the bowels, de-. ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many:other, glands of the body, prodacing virulent diseases in -both males and females, likewise epilepsy, hys. teria, • and different forms of nervous spasms. Now, then, ninety-nine cases out of every -hun dred of all the above named diseases, and a host of others not named, as - consumption of the lungs or of the spinal nervea, have their origin in the pe l vie, -viscera, :hence the went, of success by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above -named mala - liea are treated and cured by Professor Bolles, at Ma Walnut street. D'SEA.SES OF FEMALES. • Prolapsnii• Leucorrlicea, A.caenorrhrea,-. Dyamemerrhcea. - All the above di< eases sad "other Uterine Complaints have their origin in a loss of the Vital power of the bedy;brought on by injuries; excesses, sedentary habits, personal abases, abor-' tions, and the'use of powerful medicines. iSome of the ; peculiar symptoms are dragging pa int ,' through thchips and back, weakness or the limb and extreme languor ' and debility throughout the cadre system The' effects 'produced 'from these trontih some maladies are almost multitudinous. CObt-umption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, I)eafness, Blindness,. Fits,- - Insanity_ and even, IdlocY are not uncorranbn.: r. • • - " No effectual or reliable remedy has over been found for these alarming complaints till oar late. discovery in the use of Electricity in strict scoot'. • dance with the positive and negative polar' action of the Uterine Urgans. - We never failed in during' all of the above • diseases,; except in case of or ganic'derangements,or severe in of the parte. At 12, 2 0 WALNUT stre t Philadelphia. p(.on. suliatien irge spit line, iFii DAILY_ EVENING BULLETIN': f °III LAD'ELPFIik,'WEDN_ESDAY, -MAY 4 . 1884 CLEIVIENT MARCH ap22-1m) (31st, Pottery, . "SEcriox 4. Whenever ,any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth in any' actual military service, under. a reqiusltion horn the President of the United States, or by the au thority or this (commonwealth,: such .electors may exercise the right of sulTrage in all eleltions by 013 citizens, undu,( isuch regulations as are or shall be, pioescribed bylaw, as folly as if they Were present at their usual place ofelection. . • • Sac- 1. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be'di signated as sections eight, and nine, as foI , ONY6: "Sac. S. No bilnhall be passed by- the Legisla tune, containing more than one -subject,-which shallp bet e cle'on yexpressed in the title, exCeptap pro„ "SEC. a. No bill shall bo passad by the Legisla tura granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to:grant.sucti powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the.courts of this Commortwealth:" ---- HENRY. C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the Hotise - ql - RApressitslises. JOHN P. PENNEY. Speak& of • • OFFICE OF THE SECRE,TARV • OV'THE COMMONWEA Llll, HerairszuriO,April lis; 1801. PENNSYLV.4 NIA, SS. , Ido iereby/ certify that the foregoing is /L. s. f a frill, true and correct copy of the origi. nal:faint Resolution of .the General A. sembly, entitled ‘ , A. Joint Resoluton•propasing certain amendratmta to the ConstitntiOn," as.the same remains on file in this office: . • . In, estimony whereof, I have herennto set my .hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's 'comes to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELT SLIFER,' Secretary of the Cotneisagreal4.- The above resolution having been agreed to by a Majority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assemblyof this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adoption or re jection, 'on the first TUESDAY of August, .in' the year of our Lord. one tho.isand eight hundred-and sixty-tour,' in accordance• with , he Provisions 'of the tenth article, of the, Constitution, and, Atte act;. entitled "An Act. iireecribing the time and. &antler of submit ing to the people, for their approVal and ratification or rejection, the proposed amendrtleals to the Constitut.on,' , . approved,,the twenty -third 'day of April, one thousand eight hundred, and . sixty-four, ELT , aptl7-w•tautl§ Secretary of the Commonwealth, lATTENTION 00. 0, BLUERESERVEs.:_. The members who sawed with the comPazty th' September 18.01. will report at the Armory,. No; 505 , 011.ESTNUT street, WEDNESDAY EVE NING, 4th hist ,At 8 o!olock, , ta . receive pay.' Relatives of abseatraerob .ers will attend. • , _ . TNFAN't 8 EETREAT. MEDIA, DF,LAWAKRUCL - ,- - PA,*_ • MIS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal, ihig, Inatitutloni•providing a refined home and the' tert...: - 7lerest care and culture for Children from three . 1.11 seven years of age, will be opened on:Wed:um daY; APRIL 13.'. Mediae is 13 mileS _from Phihss. delphia by Railroad. For particulars •applvur Rev. S. Edwards, Media; Pa... Referonoes• Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the copal C lergy of , the %alga 'to4 , 4brahant artin. lilacs fal7—rardi ' • - • - 00 -PARTNERBHIM frtHE UNDERSIGNED have MY day fortaed'Et 'Co: pil.rtnerahtp under the •naixierof tHE'WEIS'ik RA.KM. for the transaction of a General Banking Busincias.; at No.TASetith TWIRL; etreet.. , GRo. W. HEWEI, GE(. A. 11..1.1-ot:' r SPECIAL •NOTICES PASSENGER RAILWAY 1i9T11.1.8. -:•• MPRIZADIMPHIA4 April 25',-11.6.1: • • At areeetist of the Board of Presidents of the City Passenger Railways it was reset : yea that on and after'lllay ist next, smoking will be prohibited on all parts. of the cars. • - ,ap2s 'HENRY OROSKEY,'`Bee y. POWETON COAL AND IRON COX PA NY—OFLPICE No. glO4 - WALNUT STREET .—PruLADELPrire. IE6I, The Annual Meeting of the. Stockholders ,of this Company and ap election for President and Di rectors will take place at the office of the Compiny, on MONDAY, 16th instant, at 4'o' ISRAEL W. NORRIS,. - my2-m;vr, f t Ott. . , Secretary. • UNION LEAGUE, HOUSE, 'Ain 115 CHESTNUT STREET, Pirme..ns t f.rnin, May P., -1861. A Speclar keeting of the UNION - LEAGUE of Philadelphia will .be held on THURSDAY EVLNING, the 12th : instant, at S o'clock, to take into coneideration the acceptance of the Charter lately obtained from the Legislature of the'State of Pennsylvania. • • . By order of the Board of:Directors. •. my 3.90 .GEORGE H. 130IIER,•Se.c'y. ITTTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders tht the Green - Mountain Coal Company will, be held on TUESDAY, Maylo, iSal, at , l?, o'clock:noon, in •roorri' NO. 30, ' Mer " chants' Exchange, in the City of Philadelphia, for the purpose of electing Five Directors to serve•the ensuing year. •• • , • ' The Transfer Books' ot the 'Company, vtill be closed on the 30th inst., and will be re-opened on May 15. WM. S. GREEN, • apl3-w, f&tutthylOei ••• • • • Secretary. • n; HILTON' S CEMENT. The bit) Clement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer the best - article of the kind ever , invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars MI be saved in the run of a year. , •• This -Cement cannot decompose or become corrtiptr as itS nation is en scientific principles, and tuuler no cir cumstances or, change of temparatnre will *emit any oitbnsive smell., The various uses to which it can be .succes4lly applied renders it invaluable to all classes. For particulars sea advertizamfmt- ... GEORGE THOMPSON-T - A.NOTELER. 1.1,5 MEETING.—Thirty years ago GEORGE THOMPSON delivered his first :Lecture in this city in the Covenanter's Church, CHERRY street, below. BleVenth. ..Re is novr invited by members. of the same Church to deliver. another address tho same building, vrhich,be, do. The meeting will take place next YR/ DAY .EVEN ING, the 6th of - May, at 8 o' clock: Subject.- "The'unionial and CopPeiheads of.; Eng/Ind and America.'? Admittance. , 50 cents. Tic Lets to be had at T: E.. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets; at the Anti-Slavery 01110,,106 iinrdl;:r...e h th street, and at the door. ap3o-Gt • .0 eFIC.F. OF THE LEHIGII COAL AND, NAVIGATION'COMPANY, IDEL.- PlarA, May a, • .At an election held thiq day, the following' named pe,rsons were chosen officers-of the LEHIGH COAL AND - NAVIGATION COM PANY, for the ensuing year - ProtstaszaT—JAMES S. COX. . Erskine Hazard, I Jacob P. Jones, 1 John Farnnm, Francisli. Yaniali, Richard Richardson, ,•• Samuel • E. Stokes, Alexander Fullertm, Fraricis 11.• Cope, •• Andrew Manderson, Frederick Grad: TarAar:mak—ED Wlti WALTER. - my.l-3k) EDWIN WALTER, Secretary PENNSYLVANIA R AILROAD - (JCR PANY, TREASURER' SBEk'ART*EiNIT. 'f-PHILADELPHIA, Aprll 20, 1164. NOTICE TO STOOREOLDERS. —The Board of Directors have thts day declared a semi-annual dividend ,o 1" nyE PER CENT. on, the capital stock of the,Compliii, clear of Tatiana' and State taxes, - Payable on and after May 16, teat Blanks powers Of. 1( ttorney fox' eolleinting divi dends can be had , at tbe othee of the Company, No. 233 South Third street. Sock and Scrip certificates for the 'extra dividend_wilihe ready for delivery on and after Tday 2d, but n& noel: or rcript certificates will be delivered between the 15th May and ipt Jane, ap2l. tie]. • THOS. T. FIRTH, TreasUrer. FIIELADELPIILA AND • READING RA -greed Company, Oftice '227 South Fourth Street. -• • - Pnir..anni.PErAiEtiPtemtier 1 1 3.63: DTVIDEND NOTICE. --The' following ',nained Persona are entitled to w Dividend on -the common stock of this Company. The residence IA several of 'them is unknown, and it is thereforenacessary that the Certitiestas.of.Stook. should •be presented on culling for the Dividend. - S. DS.ADFORD, Treasurer. - sroardsoramets , wants. - - Timothy 0. D oyle, Henry R. Sharer,- S. Lancaster, • - Andrew Turner, • John Mclntyre,. : - hirs..Rebecca Ulrich. Benjanigi F. Neport,tf - irrTHE UNDERSIGN I V.D- BREWERS OF the Qit of I,'hiladelphia, Oolltaquence of the continue • advs . 11612/1 Phcea of-Mattl-Ilops„: Lafmr - Pater, &c.. - • and' the Jr creased expense*.to cideneto •the manitfactirre tuad`,,dtllyery of Malt I.lg nors t • .are corollelfed . • to advance the prices of, their PORTym, ft -pd , ALE to the folio vrtng. rata: on and after MAY 2d. ' . • Drat:milt &le, per barrel, S 9; Battling Ale, per barrel, SS; Draught 'Porter, per barrel, ll9i - Bot tling Porter, per barrel, g 9. Wm. Gaul. ' ' Abbo - t - t-&. Co.; . Muse)", Coiling . Paiitp Guclres' , Frederick Lawn Christian Sehniklt, Leeds & Gray, Dithmar.l.a r _ Ignater.DschlerA - .- W. D: Smith & Go. , ; James Moore, t' "GeOrge W, Gray, .PuiLADA:, APril 3t > 366 E irty2-mog,f:3l OrA JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CERTAIN AIHENDHENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. , • Be it riitaced by thil St}WC and House of Rep.resett tottees COMM onicealgh • • Pennrylvdnta - in General ..izseinqy tnel, That the fullovring amend menta. be proposed to the Cowan titian of the Oom monweeith, taaccordance,with the proVsions. of the tenth article thereof: - - - . - There Shall au additional. section to the third article of theKloraititutiou, to be designated as see. Lipp four,, as follows . _ . • J. S. AU.D.BNEgED,'JatoOpt:. R. K. iato O. S. mya4t.xi EDIIPATION. ap.l,-61,! DIVII END NOTICES EARMERS.AND MECHANICS' BANK, PRI,I,ADELPHIA, May 3, 18011. The Board of Directors=hatethls•day declared a dividend of 'tIVE PER CENT., payable- on de manoSclear of United States and State taxes. roy Mt§'WS Ru*ltToisr, - JR.,' OaShier.. • lON , tia.Nß..—Pina.s.n., May a. isdi • u,3 - "At-a meeting' of the Directors teld This , Day. aDiviofndof FIVE PER. CENT., Clear of 'all Taxes, . was declared,' payable on deratiad. •: J. J .N.DOKEL, i asbier. COMM snO I AL DANK, OF PENNS YL VANIA, Pnir:Sionr,'erits., May 3..1861. .-.: The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable, on demand, clear of National'and State taxes. • niy3.6o 1 . • • S..O.'PALMER, Cashier.,'. GIRARD ,BANK, PRILAD.ELPHIA, May 113, .1.864. - • , 0, The Directors have this day declared a DiVidend of FIVE FEB CENT., out of the profits of the last. six months, payable on' and after the 13tlf inst., free of all taxes. • . rny3,tinyll• .. W. , L. SORAFE,EI3, Caqiier. . - isiEuatiNica' - - tsariK, ,P.nri,eimmrque.., May 3, 186-1. ~.. . . .. . i rlh: May Board of Directors, have, this_ day deeLaYed a Dividend of SIX PER OENT ~ . payable on and after the 3.3thltst. J. WIEGADID, Jr.. ,S B N ' y34.0t,' ' . . . , (isl In e .N.' WESTERN :BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, MAY 3, 1861. The Directors of this Bank have this day de clared a Dividend of. TEN PER CENT., payable on dernancll, clear of National and. State Taxes, rny.l-Vt¢ O. N..WEYGANDT,:OasItier.. Cir- SOUTIIVi 4.RIf. BANK, - Pniteontraje, May 3, 1564. • The *Directors have declared a dividend of SEVEN PEE CENT., payable on demand. • my 3,64 • • P. STEEL, Cashier. rKENSINGTuN BANK,, r . JIYIny I - Rol .;:-The Board or Directors liave ibis day. declared a dividend of TEN PER CENT. for tbe•laetstx mcmths, payable on demand, clear of State and United State taxes. • iny3.6 , ) • . C. T. 1 ERKES,,Casnier. fr- THE. PHILADELPHIA BANII,III4v ; .rthe Directors have declared aHlvidend or FIVE PER CENT., for the last six months; and also 'an extra Dividend of THREE,PER CENT., "pay able on'demand, free 01 Stale taxes and the United States tax of three per cent Iny3.6t§ E. H. COMEGV,' Cashier. -TRADLSMLN'S B.A.NR.,FnuAor.tritte., May 3,. 1564. • - , The Board 'of Threaten have this day declared a at, idend of FIVE PER CENT. for- the past sir. months, payable on demand. — - my3-31* - ' " 1 3244. :02LSTNERICatifei. 1• COMMON NEEK.A4Li BANK, PRILA.DEL -ruTA, May . 3a 1e64. The Directorsbame this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER +CENT. ilor the last six incinths, payable on demand, clear of State and Vatted States tax. • • , InS 3 -at , •., $ O youNcf, Cashier. Tr CORN EXCIIANO-E ar BANK, Ptiusr., rnrn., May 3d, 156.1. . ' The Direttors a - Te declared a Dividend` of sEVEN PIER 0 T:',' payrible on demand ' , clewof State and TT. .(3 per cent )nox. • raY 3 -ti9 J. W. TOREN'. ' ' °ashler. Tric CITY. RANH, PHILADELpiiiA,.MayJd, TIIe Board.of Dire ltorii have this day deciaNd a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on de mand, clear of. Taxes. my3-Gt9• - • 01 A. LEWIS, Casluer. • or BANK Or THE NORTHERN DI ER The Directors have We day declared a dividend of SEVEN per cent. for the past mix manilla, pay. able, clear of State tax and the .3 per cent. United States tax, on FRIDAY next, the ethAnst. y t!-et4; W. ODEMERE, Cashier. , ' PHILADELPHIA, Max 2. If‘ll HILL DE A N N D D . — S T R e I M N a G n HOU a S t E O TURNPIKE ROAD, have declared a Dividend of T WO-AN D- A-HALF PER *CENT. . payable on or after the inst., clear of Stat.. :and the 2 parcent. United States Tax. _.U. W. RADON; Treas., - tny3-34] : .-. . 4IT Walttat S sem OFFICE. OF' THE L'ESIGH, 4,3 r 'COMPANY, No. 121 WALNUT street, Printspx - Lyrti3,4lay v, /ESL The DirectoraFisaye this - day. declared a cash' Divdend of FIVE PEE CENT: on the capital stock, clear of State Tax, payable on and the' Rah inst, a' thebfficeollhe Company. - The Transfer: Books- will be- closed nntil that date. GLIBBON AIONGES, iny3-trnyleintl - S.i'Oretary- ' ' TYCHELTENHAM. AND WILLOW.: _ GRorETURNPIECE.—The Manaken; have this day, declared a diTidezd of - VIIREE - PER. CENT: on the Capital Stock of t 4.11 Company 671 - r, the last ctz months (exclustre-of taxon), p ayahle nn and alter the 13th inst. . WAT... S. PEROT. Tressarer..: _ V&r.te aireet Nils., GERMANTOWN '..itif.I)....A.SHRIOHEN 13,3 T UNNti N E.—The lianagere have th te day derlared dilidand of TWO AND A' HALF CENT. on the Capital Stock of the COmpany tor the last Ina months (exclusive of. taxes), payable on and alter the 14th instant. WM. S. PEROT, Treasureiv • No. 31.1 , ' Vine street oer OFFICE OF. THE PIIILA.DELPIILI. L'XCHNNEPOMPAITY. April 2.5. tett.. The Managers have ilits`day declared a dividend MTWO DOI,LAItS per share, elear,at all taxes, payable on and after sth pro:lt-ma -11NRY). aItRRERD, - Treasurer. . OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE_COMP.ANY .01 PHILA DELPHIA, May 2d, 166 t. _ , At. a meeting of the Board of Directors hold THIS DA.Y a aerttl.lttantml Dividend of FOUR PERCENT., clear of ta.tes,.was declared, paya ble on and after the 12n:titter- . m 32-30 PHILIP E. (*LEMAN, &e.g. OFFIUB BOHEMIAN MININU- CIIM -11- FANY OF. MLUHIGAN,, No-- 132 WAL NUT street, Prat , ,Lostrume, April Uth,- . 1964, Notice is . hereby given -- that an :Asieisment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY OENTS - per Share on each and 'every share'of the Capital Stock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the Bohemian Mining - 06thpany,Atre and payable at the Office of the Company, WALNUT - slreet, Philadelphia, on br before the 1 15th 'day of May, 1964. By order of the Board of Directors. - aptitms , ls§ WM. L. IHAOTIEB, Sees.. FUR, 6 - ,91A5 AND inTO LET-=A. destrable three-story Black Dv. - elling, Thirteenth street above Jefferson lncinire of If. C. E.uND, N. E. corner Fnint and Chestnut stn. • r my3.3t* AR FUR SALV—One.of thosttllne cottages, No. Ell 2303 qreen street; large front and back yard; tea rooms, including bath in good : ,order. Immo d pcoocessioti given. my3.3tor MR FOR SALEA tutarsome stone chvettnig. jetr West Ph!lad7 - gide, SPIiUGE street, above . Forty-fourth. 'Possession immediately. Apply at f2r.t73 WALNUT street. my3.6t,r dir-4 FOR SA.L.EA small ' WOOLEN BULL, J,with all its Machinery, now in full operml.m. Apply to JOHN .0001LRAN, Real Estats'Agent, chester, Pa. . , 34,30.42t* OKTO I..Er—A..oountry Best kla deuce, containg live acres of Land. fivemiles north otAarket street. Enpure,at gtTE1114131:11- GER' .5;425 Chestnut street. _ air. 29-120 „digs FOR SALE.—ThaPROPER,TY-10t9 ARCH street—double House lot 42 .by 160., Apply;. toG , H. ROBINETT, 2320 GREEN street, or .I._P._ BOBINETT, 222,FOrth SECOND et.. ap1.1410 gel TO LET NEW HoLuEssuaG. A mode4t-built House, vith stable, garden, fruit etc.; 'within four minutes' vralir of the sta tion: tnquire of JAS. wEED, statibn Master, or J. B. WILLIAMS, 201 Church alles . . 'zny2.6t4t maFOR S4T4E—NEAT- MODERN - DWEL Ina, No. 333 South FRONT Street,. 18 feit, by 10; has the modern - conveniertess. Apply to M. THOMAS di SONS, ap37 1 ,139 and 1415., pon.rth Street. ae TO RENT—A beautifully 'situated dabble , 00UNTRY RESIDENCE, three minntasof walk irom.Wissinorning Station, on Trenton' Rail'. road, with coach-lioruicand • gatdext. 717 WALNUT etreet. ' vapS-tr) FUR 'SALE .1 - .)R -. .r0 LWr.—}LOUSE,Not 06 NeW Jersey, with all :ha moderit.i,liaprove meats, sorra ihided w ith shade, fruit, Apply t o E. P". - DLET ON, 5 broith FBASNI" a treot;; of.- ;to &km L. TAYLOR, .81-TRLItif:I•TON; NeFv,Jarsoy. -hoi.att COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR sanE.--• Good" Dwelling, Stabling, Ice Rouse, and Te mailmen, with a acres of land, With Shade and‘Frititirees, Moorestown, N.J. naw va cant, Prga, S6,1;00. Apply J. O. "FINN,' CaPP 2I . -00 61101aestritit - S reet. FOR RENT, , A FA R" " Ronr.c• • • dm- 'OR it o R om E s N . T, I , A ,I - . F:F . I.K . U-HOUSE, WIYH ill'ljoßailiidreSD o olltgriana&TßZten4lTBdi: 'Min: tiles front Philadelphia-, one ands quarter maileaYfrom 'Villa: Nova Station, :. Penns%lvania !Railroad', Addiviis Or apply. to 7i. MORRIS, near WestAfavertorM-0 , Delaware Co., Pa. m2-3t' frVil LE r—Nyltll Steam Power, three large Rooms with good j11gh . t,t41.4 Prune street. ~ ~ttpD3-ett, WiNtiErs & PE.S.RCE. S'ra.tE.S iron iron' Safea.—For tala , at secontivhanti OPpor. SEVENTH, abort , . .Tt+timp' 01)M:is Co!j Di lITIVA W. VT4 -IS. FOR SALE AND TO LET 0111 NINTH. STREET.' FOR. sit:L}:, OH SAP, a three-story , Brick Dwelling, SUB S Atth Naith-Street. Apply : to . J, 1:1; IJURTIS Er . SON, Real Estate Brokers.' No. 433 Walnut Street. „ TH STREET—FOR SAL fine ~:Tenth : street, LOtortli of Green: all modern improvements: Lbt 130 feet de4p. Apply to.J. U. CURTIS & SON, Real -Estate Brokers, 433 Walnnt . ,st.. my 4 itpli! ARCH STREET—FORS ALE. --A desirabie EMBUILDING LuT, 2021 Arch Street; Lot' 25 by ;167 feet to a street, on which is a three-story. Brielt'llouse. Apply =to J. H. OUBTLS & SON, 'Real Estate Brokers, 413 Wahint street. ' !up; ,FOR SALE, OHEA.P.— Valuable RE81... IIaiLDEDIVE in Burthigton... Also, D WELLING Nylth side yard,. JEFFERSON street, east .of BROM): S. DOBBINS, ap2l-w&s.Bt* No: 108 S. Fourth street. TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER N2+,l SON-4 furnished •Bousei cottage styie, in a highly cultivated., healthy and beautiful location. 2;4 mites from Burlington, • New Jersey; with.stable, carriage, ice -house. &c. For further particulars address Box No. .2027, •PhiladelPhia Post Office. ,• ap-ete , 4 .fi r le FOR ';SALE.-The handsome four-story WV brown stone RESIDENCE wits three-story d ouble' back building's, every convenience and im p) ovement, andlarge lot of ground A feet front by 130 feet deep to feet wide street, situate .-No. 1524 Pine street., J. IVI. 011.4.11EY dc. SONS, 508 Walintptreet• • myt iffet = FOR SALE. —A handsome three-story BRICK. ILESIDENOE,Vith wo tory double back buildings and lot of ground, is feet front by 117 feet deep to a. street, situated on VINE street, West of 19th street; nearly opposite Logan Square. Has every-convenience and improvement, and is in good order. J. GUMHEY SONS, may - 501 Walnut Street. MILOGAN SQUAB:E.—FOR SALE—A large double Residence,-laving eyery modern im provement and convenience, and in perfect order throughout, .sitnate on Vine street, west of Eigb, reenth; opposite Logan Square.,- Lot 53 feet front by 125 feet deep to a street, on Wnich is erected a commodious stable And ,carriage-house. GUMELF.Y"Ic SONS, 503- ainnt street. myt ' IiESTON VILLE cOTTAGE FOE. SALE. ma —A dead able 2%-story Stone Cottage, Stable. krait and , Flower -Garden, with about % acre of ground,, within one square of Passenger itailroaci Depot, at lies umville. Immediate possession given. As pply 10 - A. D. CARVER ac 00., ap3o.3t* S. W. ccr. Ninth .t Filbert strept. FOR BENT.=BB very tine,- desirable Rest - *Nlit dence, with back buildings, lawn and gar, cen, and every modern 'convenience, beantilnlly situated at IiORRI.STQWIL .onehonr's ride from . the city. . • . 'Apply between . lo at 2 o'clock, ti ISAAC ROBERTS. ..218 Walcintotreet, rny3.2t* Second story. Mg TO Ii.ENT FOR. THE SUMMER. —a. de sirable House and Garden, with pleasant yard -and good - shade trees, in the village or WOODBURY, N. J. Easy -6,r -access to the ear by the West Jersey Railroad.. - -With or.withont the furniture, -PosSewion given immediately Apply to aP I 3- 1 143 AVID OGOPER, I IB Worth Whams. 40.7 LOCUST STREET, WEST PHIA—FOR SALE—A 4iesirable REII. HENCE on the north bide .of. Locust street. be. tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets,. wit.b.S 11 the modern. conveniences; also, Stable-and Coach bonse. Lot 11,6 feet fror.t by 165 feet deep to back street. Immediate possession given. Apply to A. B. CARVER 4fc CO., S. W. corner Ninth and Filbert streets. a .30 St* gia FOR SALR —The Property ou Sdhool House Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight OW feeton said Lane, and extending nearly orte-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front bn tliat stream. Containing_ hirty (30) acres, with ;numerous desirable - sites for Country Seats, fire minutesmalkfrom theßailroad Depot, and twenty minntessithlk from the City Apply to CHARLES XIIIRBEID, No. 205 SOnth SIXTH st. V.3-6t WEST PHILA.DLLPHIA.."--FOR, SELLS, in a Handsome Double. Stone Residence; par lor, library, :din - mg-room, andidtchen, onthe first floor, together with alarge lot of ground. -haying three fronts;-165leet on 35th Street, by 230 feet on Grape and Sycamore Streets. Nicely shaded ami planted with choicest shrnblx.ry - -stehle and ten. ept house; iliseidtelien garden and:-well of excel -lent water. GijMNIEY d SONS, - 503 Walnut Street fill FOB. SAISE.—A-very desirable lototgroned IfiAltilmte on the north aide of Spring G - sraen street .99 feet leinches 'west•of - I.9th street, ' Vio . feet froit by about 171 test deep. Tbis Jot is in the lutsgteinialy Tit tufty of the most desirable improve. melts of Bud' hill; adjoiningne - w Saptst Unarm and cam/panda ft•seiy extensive view over the city; would be divided to ellit'isur.thasers:- • - Apply to I. 3? arCrE, aptYk.l..fts S.W. corner Statute Garden and I.3tn Ala • likE. SIR El LE W77E1.14241E1. FOR. ALE ' —The convenient hansomely located- sbr e story DWELLING, No. 6i7 'North ELISVf.N ra street, belove'Mount Vernon street, east side, built in the very best manner, _leri7.ll. doable Ultra-story bauX buildings, and all the mode , n conveniences. Terms accommodatink. Immediate possession. Apply next door to the property, or to A. H. CARVER t CO.. corner Ninth and Filbert streets.. myd-6tis figg COUNT= SEAT AND PAM!! FOE g EEL SALE-C li ontaluing fty-tisto acres, Isituated In Cheltenham towns ontgomery causity, 'Periusyleania, about We:: miles fram tho city and one and a-balf ihMaa TOD Road Statirm °utile North Pe . apisylvarla,. Eat! road. The buildings sire nearly new; substantL4 and well calculated for a Veinter or summer res.! deuce. Apply' to 0. 111 - ITLEITEID, No. f:c South 4111 ..a.street. Philadelphia. stl9-tri FINE STREET. RESIDENCE:OPPOSITE ka.FRANICLIN 'SQUARE FOR SALB.—A handsome three-story - Rack Dwelling, wit h'don-- ble three-story back buildings' on the north side of VINE street, the second house east of Franklin street,' with a largo alde.:ystrd fronting on Franklin strew, renlete with all modern conveniences.. Also a desirable tliree-'story brick Dwellintr and Lot of Ground .ut - the north-east corner of Vine sad Franklin. Street.S.' Ternis, accommodating. Apply th' At. B. CARVER Jr. 00., .Southwest corner of Ninth and Filbert streets. aim. 6ts, mos FOR SALE—The supertor.DWELLl N0.,1916 VINE 'street, neav : Logan 'Square Lot J 8 feta front by 100 - feat deep, to - Winter street The house is four stories high, with three-story back buildirgat: :and dzished throughout in the beat manner, with large' parlor, chambers, bath room, conservatory . tor ilo avers, • dining Mom, kitchen, and all the modern conveniences found in a first-class house. Posseseiort can be had imme diately, Price. 310, 000, of which SLIM can remain on the property: . HARVEY SHAW,' 154 - South ,FOURTH street. ap.23- 200 lulS Pa?lll7seVll.p..t. 1 deoot, above Thcrmpaax.- • Old doors, sub, fixtures. /cc. , bought. [ap3o-6tit] NATHAN W. ELTAIS. MO LET. --Large and small B.oollLi s 47p stair; '1 619 and 674 4.71-74—STN - 77T atr4w4 • . mo ' r t ic rl a d o.e othes 000 — A S IOunt tr _„; loan roniicl Rents. 311 D. YARD Sn. do SON, ~ ap29-fr,m,w,6t*' . 11 807 Race stmet. 11111.11:NIIRY. • . 4 kar t 141ISS Itil. A. BAITER, 1346 OErESTNITT street, ../W - has opened a ' large assortment of PARIS MILLINERY, fbr the Spring and Salruner of 1661. apl2-3M* MISS PEN , NELL, • 26 North EIG-HTH street, . has opened. SPRING AND Slim IVMR.MiLLINERY, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ap9-2m .Scc. 4%3 OPEN - ING.—BIRS. S. A. LINGLE, No. 734 SPRING 'GARDEN § t ., will open on TEEVEZDAY, . April 7tbi A haaldsorao as' soitment of - Sp - ring MILLINEB.Y; also a. choice ;Assortment 'of ' Children's Hats, trimmed in the aateet„ Parisian styles being of quite a new de lign. Illetichiug; . pressing aud Dyeing carefully attended to. , - . . . ap.l.Shrupi 1.. TO:AQC IS AVANA OIGARS.— Sond—at gc iclve tu t 's( r=i gil istllsl . UY Store and _ 64.E.PRN FUGITET, Lroporter, • mho -3112 -9* . _ • No. :116 S. Front Street. ANUFACTURED TOBACCO. -.150 boxes 10 lump,tit cases .34 - lb. lump, superior hi store and for sate:by' .11E0 ALK.I.IIS it C 0.154 North DELAWARE avenue.. myt • OBA(100. - - , -10 bhds, new Kentucky Leaf To- I ,bacco. For sale , by BOMAN WART= MAN, No; 115 North Water street. -my3 rtIOENNSYLVANLA•SEE Et LEAF, TOBACCO. t 9 Caee.s FendsylvaniaSes Lent Wre:p pars end FWerfs, in store' and 'for Sale by, GEORGE AL. KIN'S lc CO, 151 North - DELawArcE Ave. - TT — II-01MA 2(I6.NIJEACTURED TOBACCO— THE FIEST 'ARRIVAL SINCE TIigIWAR 1f110)E' OUT., bsaps supericor sweet ,Vam_ps lust recei ve d trom:_tiorfolk, 7.0.2t00n0r Florliuca: asta iar :sale - • . _ TUOMAII. :Th., usnerat Agent Union'SteattlehitiOnagany, 14 Worth Detitmix,; wvaltiaa. _ • ,TNATES.-20:paiLs..Dates landing, and for sale by SAS, 13USSIFIL Saatb Wharvn -r, DRUG-6 LAWRENCE' IS MET tiLLIC - BRA WN PA/NT —BB PER CENT METALLIC BASS. , The Metallicbase of this Paint is composed of the Protoxide and.Peroxide,of Iron. Its proper ties axe such as to give it supgriority over all otaers in the market for the purpose for which it. is re commended. It has been proved by thorough exposure, and by comparison with other paints, to be the only re liable Paint to resist the action of salt water -and salt atmosphere. It is therefore especially recommended for ship bottoms, hulls, decks, boiler fronts, smoke stacks and steam pipes. For :iron railings, fences, cam, railroad and other bridges, it is not excelled.. - It is especially adapted for = TAL ROOFS: • ' bl: It is not affected bEy acids or gases, and Is a per. feet protector - against rust on metals, and from dampness on brick walls, = paints,' andmixes and blends readily with. other Paints. and by compariion to thaamount of surface a given weight will cover, costs about one.he fas much as other Metallic Paints. - - . • Wherever this Paint has been used, it has given zwrinit eivrierreorion, we believeionfore than can be said of any other paint:in the market. • ROBERT SHOEMAKER. &.00., rahll-fmv72441 Sole Agents for. Pennsylvania % je N. E. corner Fourth and 'Race Streets, Phila. TATE HAVE JUST REUEINED -AN IN ly V voice of the following - desirable toilet arti cies, of foreign Manufacture, Law, Son 4icllay den's Honey and elycenne Soaps, • Beribow & Sons' Elder Flower and Brown - Windsor Soaps, English Tooth, 'Nail and- Hair Reashes, French Extracts, of triple strength,,in, the original pack ages, from the Flower Farms of be Ctenlis & Co., Sommieres (Gard.), in quantities -to snit. purcha sers. Illorgan , & Bros..' White Felt Vora Plas ters, &c. For sale by E. YARROW. & po.. Druggists, Eighteenth and Vine. ap2o4mv--.7 ROBERT SB.O.EMAKFR & at Roar. Ssiomu.l3:lm, Bs - 3u. H. SHORNIAIifaCj WM. M. Suonsiaman, RIOHAED DIE; SHOEMAS: TO DRUGGISTS.-We offer tae following; '-o recent importation: . Agaric,- .anLseed f Star Anise, Caraway and (;anary - Seed, Althete, ,Admiite and Caimans Roots, Barbadoes Tar, :Poppy. Heads,. Tonona Beans, Refined Borax, Rethied Camphor, Jennings' s Calcined and Carb. Magnesia, Calabria' 'Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime , quality,French - Chamois, Wedgviood mid PorceLsin Mortars and Pill Tiles, : Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Fan nets, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists' Furniture Bottles, of Boston ms.nufacture, prima Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, &c. BPBEET SHOEMA.R - F Wholesale Druggista;: N. E. ..-corner Fourth and. Race streets. DRUGS, —Relined Camphor in barrels, Phre Cx of Tartar - in barrels, English. Magnesias, ced Carbonate and Henry's genuine Super Carb. -Soda, Quinine, Morphia, Opium, Sarsaparilla, :Janiisn. Ginger, English and French .Tooth Brushes,. Low's, Soaps, aiscerine Honey and Brown Windsor, Drug,. gist's Earthenware ' all sizes, Mbr ars, &c. ,FOr sale by WILLIAMELLIS do CO Druggists, 'NU. MARKET street. ' • ap%-tt EIRESH ENGLISH. EXTRACTS,' &e.,c. - Just received direct from G-EO. -ALLEN & ft 0., Amptiull; of Ext. Ai:multi. Bella. doralle. Cannel); Ind., Conti, ' Dlgitalis,-Hyos gyamrzazuf—Taraxael, ali3O; Olen= . gd, Dule, Oleum Croton, Tig-111,---Elaterium, Latta cerium, and a full assortment. -.o.ti.:lteah.]thedl -4einal lettres /re., &e. BULLOCK & CHEN SH&W,, Arch and. Sixth streets. . - " VINE VIOLET .I.CvrA L.NVOICE X of freshly im orted Marrow _Pomade sweetly scented with -Violets, In 50 cent jar; IitrBRELI, Apothecary, 1410 Chestnut street. ' - MHE NEW "PILE PIPE. ".:-St. ..2321112P LA A. cleanly , and portable contrivance for tha ttppli. cation of unguents to the internal. =face of the rectum.. Sold by 5U88.144 .iipothettal7B Chestnut street. . - - DBTHLEHESL =OATMEAL by the pound or 17 keg—fre.‘h e week. HllBRELL,,'Apothe ear,. 1410 Clillr3T street. • • ten STO V ES . _ G OLD'S IMPROVED STEAM' - WATER-BEATING APPARATUS, For Warning lout - Ventilating Public Buildings • and Privatelleefeea. Manufactured by the- - ' - UNION STEAM AND WATER:HEATING COMPANY OF PRILADFr' par A. JAMES P.-WOOD; .41 South FOURTH Street. B. M. FRIITWELURtiii't mhl.9- 6m§ toTHOMSON'S LONDON RITORENER, 'OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, 'hotels or public institutions, .in. TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Philadel. phut Ranges, Hot Air Purns.ces r Portable ileateist .Lowdewn Grates. Tireboard Stcfrell, sattußoilet6, Stewhole Phttes, Broilers, Cooking Stcms...fce:.,al wholesale and'retail; by the mannisoturers. • CHASE,. PIARPE dr. THOMSON, . - mh7m, w, f,Om4 - - No. 200 N. ~Second stmet." rp .A.-s .-S. D I-X.O kt,• L > „Late Andrews is Dixon t - • - ?MK CHESTNUT sweat, plallatielpitici.c Opposite United• States Mint, Manufaotxtrers LOWDOWN, • PARLOR; g I EME 'Et _ • - AND OTHER. El-n.A.T.ES. Par Ar.tdracite, IDtuntiannz end Wood Fires. WARM AIR FURNACES. .or warming public cu priyata blld e, REGISTERS, ..tiOrTMATORX= • - - awn , - • 113ECURNEY 4.100.-3- RANGES. BATH Rm.! w - HOLESA.T.F. AND RETAIL. use kriotexlenaci v (Hail TN THE ORPHANS', COURT FOR. THE CITY 1 AND. COUNTY OF PHrLADEL 'HI A—Es tate of SAMUEL ri. , DIATTIIEWS.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN' W. HICKS, Guardian of SAMUEL L. MATTHEWS, and ti make distri 'bution_ofthe balance in the hands of the account-. - ant; will meet the par ies interasLcd for the par-. poses of his' appointment, on WEDNESDAY . . May 11th,' 1831, at '4 o' cloak P. M., at his office. .No. 142 South SIXTH street , in.tue city of Phila delphia: - J. HERVEY BRYAN, ar29- f, to, w• St Audi tor. T N THE ORPHANS' OOLTRTPOR THE CITY 1 OF PHILADELPHIA—ESP/ITE OF OWEN WEBER, decessett•—The Auditor appointed; by the Court to audit, settle and- adjust • the ••ac- Count of • HENRY B. SOTILIEF ER; Adthinis .trator of the estate of Owen Weber, deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant; will Meet the parties hi terested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TELUR:WAY. May I.2thoSal. mtt o' clock P. EL.' at his Milne, N0.'142. South SIXTH 'Street, in- the city. of Philadelphia. • .T. HERVEY BRYAN, . ap29=fr,m. 5t41 • . Auditor. ' ,D/800 1 18137, USEFUL Adial VAttr A ALlit DISCOV".ra 1 - . HILWON'S INSOLITBIa.b VE•MENT Is of more general 'practical utility thon any invention now before the public. Ithas been thoroughly test- ed dnringthe last two years by grao-' tical men, and pronounced by all to be • Applicable to the useful Arts. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known:l ne tMng Hilton's Insoluble Cement, 1.13 - at:twat thing, and-therP-. 5. nit of years • of study • its combination is on *, SCIENdaFIC "Plil-ATUIPK.MS., - and -under no- cirormstandes = - change of temperature, will it be- i Combina- UOD. I come corrupt. or emit.any' 9111nu.iTle, smell. " Boot and Shoe Nannfac- BOOT AND SlatiE Manufacturers usinkMachines will find it' the best article known for',oe, meriting -the Ohannel, ns it •-criar.zs without delay, is not affected by aril' change of temperature. Je*elerr. JR - WEL - eats will audit suffibientlyndhenve fee theiruse, as has been proved. It hi Especially All.typted to Leitttb:er • Lad we claina-as as e special that it Stick& Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently stung withoutsutehing.' • -• • IT IS TEE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT i EXTANT!' That is a sure thing for =tending. F`tandture, CrockerYt ;Wary: Bone. Ivory . , -- And artioleeatlfousehcad Use.. Families. Its s/Alma Rensimber rsit4tubto Cam= is 'irrs liquidlorm and. air, easily applieliaa pasta;• '/Efiiton's :Nubia Ceemot is insoluble in *aim or oil. Hilton's tir.zolublvOcagataci heres oily sulisttinoes. , ; , -.: Supplied in Family or retiurnfricto.-: rer' a Packages fronvitatltcrElO Hu; - HILTON 'MHOS: - et. 00.. - ' • • • .Proprietorg, ;Prorria oneo, -H. I. • aibaphia, Lam% re. mAciniqua t rist,4 Joseph Eloctifesr 4t Co? as N. Remember: piEr-Irmiterly. Agents in .P No. 30'N. T Fourth street riorrON §4.,_lL.Ducix, uorroN ot - vAts,.• IT 'Li of eserr Nrelgrkt, ?roir onem!t'we i'vei.d.e. sa • .-,, numbers; limn ant 403. RAV'EN • Ittrgtig,H ASHLAND 'I`OPSP.L.r., neat caner A. • 4 Twiller•,.): vr 4 z 3 Pa•per • Telting, Sa Twine, Er..a. _ _._ \ •_•,,.. ;, _ For'snle b 7 - - 'W. it — IV'ER4: 4 V-im-a t;` , • 4 • , - ..1 T......1c.1 7 vv....1 - Ir. , - , cat: TERS,"&t; - : -