LATER FROM EIIROPE. BY THE CITY OF. WASHINGTON AND BEL(aIAN THE FALL OF DIIPPELN AND RETREAT OP THE DANES. The stealer City or Washington has arrived. at New York with later dates from Europe. The Germania arrived out on the 19th Ult. The Prussians assaulted and took Duppeln on the 18th ult. There were heavy losses on both sides. - The steamer Bavaria, from Hamburg for New York was seized at the mouth of the Weser by a Danish frigate.. Garibaldi leaves England on the 17th, his health' haying given. way. The Ministers indig nantly deny that the Government had suggested his departure. _ The steamer Bavaria left Hamburg for New York on the 17th, and was captured by a Danish frigate at the mouth of the 'Weser. She had a large um ber of passengers on board. The ship - and cargo 'were valued at X. 120,000. The Hansa was stopped by a frigate at the same place, but after an exami nation of her papers was allowed to proceed. The Germania, from New York at 'Southampton, would not go to Hamburg. She landed her pas sengers, and would probably discharge at South ampton. The steamer City of Rew York has broken up and disappeared. It is again reported that a well established com pany will revive the Galway line. The London Tirace attributes a slight rally in the Confederate loan and a reaction on" the Paris Bourse to the open defiance of France on the Mexi can question by . the House of Representatives at Washington. The -Times thin.ks, however, the action on the part of the HollEe will be ignored or The Parliamentary proceedings have been unitn .portan t. Cyrus Field has been giving a banquet to the re porters of the Atlantic Telegraph. Messrs. Adams and Bright were present to exchange international courtesies. The public were startled on the 18th by the an nouncement that Garibaldi's visit was to be abruptly_terminated, anct that he would leave Lon don on - his way for Caprera, on the 22d. The excitement was alleged to be too much for his health, and medical evidence was adduced in support, but it was circulated that his departure was suggested by the Government, at the instiga tion of Napole on. These reports were emphatically denied by Lord Clarendon, in the House of Lords, and Lord. Palmerston, in the House of Commons. They asserted that Napoleon took no exception to Garibaldi's welcome, but 'rally appreciated it, and sccuted tee idea that the• British. Government would have listened to any interference. • THE DANISH WAR-FALL OF DIIPPELN. A Berlin dispatch of the ltth thus announces the fall Deppeln - " The Duppeln redoubts were captured, this Inerhing. by trie.Prucsian troops. Two thousand Danes were made prisoners. The Prussians have taken hairenchments Nos. 7,8, 9 and 10. "They stormed the Tete du. Pont, and captured there three thousand Danes, including forty-flve officers. The Danes have blown up the bridge." Giavenstein despatch of the same date says : "The assault upon the Danish works at Duppeln was delivered at ten o'clock this morning. Re doubts Nos. 1 to 7, together with the communica tions in the rear, were occupied by the Prussians ; and while the Brigade Raven took Redoubts Nos. t 3, 9 and 10, and the Tete du Pont, the bridge was des tr oy ed. " - - - - The victory before Duppeln was announced at Berlin by salutes on the evening of the 18th. Great crowds of people surrounded the royal palace, cheering the King and Queen, and singing tho Prusrian national hymn. Their Majesties ap peared on the balcony, and thanked the people. Rearty cheers were given also for the army. Many houses were magnificently illuminated. Theßin" , ' sent the following telegraphic message to Prince Frederick Charles, of Prussia, whose headquarters were at Spitzberg near,Gravenstein: " Next to the Lord of hosts I have to thank my splendid array,and the leadership, for the glorious victory of this day. Express to the troops my highest acknowledraent and my royal thanks for their performances. (Signed) WILHELM." The Daily News says : "The Conference -may now meet as soon as it pleases. The assault on Duppeln has been delivered. The defenders, out numbered by five to one, have succumbed to the fortune of war. The Prussians hare now only to take Alsen to make themselves masters of the whole of Schleswig. "The material guarantee which the German Powers sought will then be in their hands, though whether it will avaii to secure them anything which they might not havehad without it, is more than ever doubtful. The mission of the Earl of Clarendon to Paris will enable England and France to appear at the Conference united, to op pose the arabitious - pretension indulged in Berlin and acquiesced in at Vienna Whoever may profit by their ag , eement the military insolence of the Prussian Court will receive a check. • The „Loudon Time.: also alludes to the under standing which exists between France and Eng land.. and says there is a full agreement that the integrity of the Danish monarchy shall be pre served,: and that the unhappy campaign in Schies. Wig, and the occupation which is exhausting and demoralizing both Duchies, shall be brought to A. telegram from Gravenstein places the Prus sian less at Duppeln, - in the assault on the 18th, at two Generals. sixty officers, and six hundred pri vates killed end wounded. The Prussians cap turedfaighly,three cannon. „ . A..lziamburg despatch announces that the Isle of Als:en had been occupied by the Prussians. A late despatch from Gravenstein says the Danes lost, in the assault on Dnppeln, between eighty .and one hundred Officers. including General Dup lat and tv. - ci Colonels killed Four thousand men were reported hors du combat. It is stated that the occupation of the whole of Jutland has been resolved upon as a pledge for indemnification on losses by "Danish piracy.' ' he Conference was to meet in London on the day the City of Washington left Liverpool. , - MEXICAN AFFAIRS. The. Emperor Maximilian arrived sit ROme on the 18th. Bis reception was brilliant. The French military binds played as he passed through - the streets Tne Emperor Napoleon recommends tae .application of the Mexican indemnity to the ;eduction of taxation. The subscriptions 1 o the new Mexican loan were said to be large, and it was already quoted at 1)4 per cent. premium. The Bourse was fluctuating at 67f. 35c. Bommer, March 30.—Exchange, 28 1S d. Freights declining. CALCUTTA, March 30.—Cotton goods improving. Exchange 2s. l 7 d. Freights unchanged. Slia'a 011 AI, lidaSch9.—Tea firm. The City of Washington brings' 079 passengers, the mails and a fair cargo. Pes,ed on the night of the 21st, the City of Cork; on the 22d, the City. of Manchester, f , r Liverpool, and on the 07th, the Ediubm gh, for New York, and Glasgow, fur Liverpool. , The Olympus sailed from Liverpool on the 20th. THE LATEST, VIA QUEENSTOWN. The Bavaria would leave Southamp ton on the for New York, She was not molested by the Danes. She reached Sonthamptan on the night of fhe 2fab. The Danes have retreated from Duppeln to the Island of Aisen. home members of the Conferease met on the 20th. The representatives of,the Diet were absent, send they adjourned till the 25th. Garibaidi was reported to have reconsidered his determination to quit England on the 22d. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BELGIAN. PORT AU BASQUE, N. F., Kay 2.—The steamer Belgian, formerly the Ilammonia, which. left Liv erpool at 3 P. M. on the 2lst rdt. , and Londonderry on the 22. d, passed here at 7 A. M. to-day on the IN ay to Portland. The inquiry into the loss of the Bohemian is pro gressing at Liverpool. The Garibaldi fever continued in LoAden, and strong assertions continued to be made tnat GOT erunient pressure had been exerted to bring about his departure from England, ministerial denials to the contrary notwithstanding. The Paris Moniieur contradicts the rumor that his visit is to be cut short at the instigation of the French Emperor. The Garibaldi Committee have resolved to ask the General to rest awhile, and then to visit six or eight of the principal provin cial towns, and a deputation presented this request .and were so far successful that the General agreed to reconsider his determination, and said he mach desired to visit his old friends at Newcastle and in the North_ His definite determination would be announced on the 21st.. The freedom of the city of London was formally presented to him at Guildhall on the 20th. He made a speech, expressing the deepest gratitude of himself and Italy to the English nation. His re ception in the city was most enthusisstih. In the' evenmg he was the guest of Mr. Gladstone, who gave a brilliant entertainment. .A. preliminary meeting was held at the Duke of Sutherland's, to raise a fund to secure a permanent income to the General and his family, which resulted in £2, 000 being subscribed on the spot. The Parliamentary proceeds on the 20th were unimportant. The •Ring of the lielgians had Alui , ted England for his home. The English Court had gone to. Osborne: The rumor that it is the intention of the Earl of Carlisle to retire from the Lord Linetenancy of Ireland is pronounced unfounded. The National Reform Conference was in session 43t Manchester. • The Danish account of the fall;of Duppeln says th e terrible fire from the Prussian artillery de stroyed redoubts No. 1,5, and& which were then taken by the enemy, and the left wing of Duppeln positlou consequently was Siren np - and the Dan ish troops were compelled to fall back with great loss. The eracuation of the right wing took place tinder more favorable circumstances, but also with considerable loss. The greater Dirt or four regiments were annihi- lated. The Tete du Pout was demolished by the Prussian artillery, but defended until the Danish army crossed to the island 01 Alsen. - Ttie Prussians captured-1,-6W Danes, 900 officers, and 9;: snug. An.. to be suspene_ed fr_ra V. till o'olock during the 19th, to allow the Danes to evacuate. The bembardme* would then recom mence. A great part of the Prussian army has been ordered into Jn lands to occupy .all the province and besiege Frttelica. The Er -eror and Fmpress of Mexico left Rome on the te. , i. for 10Ivita Vechia,' to embark ?or Mexico. - They had an audience with the Pope on the 19th. and his Holiness returned the:visit. They attended mass at the Vatican brfore leaving. The Bombay Nail of March 29th had reached Fnglar d. The frontier tribes were again inclined to be troublesome. - The Persian Gulf cable had been laid thronthh out, nine hundred miles in length, and - works magnificently. In the London money market funds are steady. The demand for mohey on the 20th was moderately supplied and more abundant. There was less real' of a further advance in the bank minimum, though there was still some pressure. Satterthwaite's circular says that business in American :Securities has been .ekeeedingly re stricted, and the continental demand entirely ceased. ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Failed for Philadelphia, on the t?.ist, the Tusca rora, om Liverpool.. Sailed for New Orleans, on the 1.71 h, Lonie Cesare, from Bordeaux THE LATEST VIA LONDONDERRY. - - - - - - - - • • Livnr,roor., April 22. —The steamEtup America, from New York, arrived from Southampton on the o.d. The City of Cork has arrived at Queenstown The political news is of - no importance. Danish affairs are without change. The ship,Cicero, ready to sail from Bombay for Nt w York, caught fire, and nearly all the upper tier of her cargo was destroyed. PENNSYLVANIA LEUSLATURE. CLOSN o.l` TEUTERDA7 3 El PROCEEDINGS EZTBE! .AArneori Session. —lhe following bills passed : Rtiative to the Cleveland and Altilioning railroad. Relative to the heirs of Jacob Peters. Incorpora ting the Allentown Passenger Railway. Arranging election - divisions in the Twenty-first Ward. Renewing the charter of the Norristown and Allen town Railroad. Incorporating? the Quaker Run Improvement Company. Adjourned until eve ning. Evening Session.—Resolution s - were adopted ask ing the President of the United . States to discharge the Pennsylvania Reseives. The resolution& were similar in tone to those already passed by the House. Various bills, of . no public interest and of no interest to Philadelphia, •ere eossid ered. The session will probably be extended -be yond midnight. HOURS OF REPRESENTATITHEL 4/terncon Session.—The following bills passed : Arranging the election divisions in the Twenty first Ward; Authorizing the Governor to accept a donation of fifty thousand dollars from the Penn sylvania Railroad for the benefit of orphan chit dren_ol soldiers, and to disburse the same; Ex empting Christ Church h ospital. frum taxation. Adjourned 'Emil evening. —Evening Session. —The early part of they evening was spent in the discussion of a bill allowing State Banks to transact business under the National Banking Law. `A number of local bills were then cot sidered. OITA/IDUJIS OF. THE POOR A stated meeting was held yesterday afternoon. A communication from residents of me first seven wards and the Twenty-fourth Ward was read. They complain of the inconvenience of no bridge for passenger travel across the Schuylkill , between Market street and Gray's Feriy bridge, and ask the Board to re-establish the ferry from South street wharf to the , Almshouse, or give power to others so to do. The communication was referred to the committee on Farms and, Gardens, with power to aft. - The resignation of Dr. Alberti:l. Smith, Attend ing Obstetrician at the Alrasholuse, was tendered and accepted. I he City Solicitor,to whom was referred a com- ItlaYi cation from the Board as to whether a person bolding a salaried office under the city could at the same time he Id the position of member of the Board of Guardians, writes that by so doing he forfeits his position as a member of the Board, according to an act passed 1554. The Treasurer reported having paid into the City Treasury $1,023 99. The Out- door Agent reported having collected $-t2 50 for support cases, and $648 for emigrant The House Agent reported the census of. the HOLIEP. for the week ending 13 11., April 30th, as follows: Number in Rouse, 2,373 ; Same time last year, 2,493; Decrease, 120; Admitted in the past two we, ks, 140; Births, ; Deaths, 25; kischarked, 140; - Eloped, 56; Inde - utured, 5; Granted lodgings, 35; Granted meals, 75. The monthly ireportof the Board of Visitors shows : Total eipenditure,:34,lB3 03' • .'number sent to Almshouse, 250; number refased, 404; whole number receiving out-door relief, 4,079 ; which are divided as follows : Americans, di* ; foreientra. 1,031; children, 2248. ltdr. Townsend offered the following: Resolved, That in the judgment of this Board the appropriation made to increase salaries is not equitable or just between the ofhceri of the House, and that Councils be requested to reconsider the ordinance, and to pass such appropriation in gross, allowing to this Board the right to appor tion the same. Agreed to. Messrs. Whltall, Weodward and Taylor were appointed a committee to receive proposals for 200 cords of wood, to be fdrnished to the Almshouse Adjourned. BOARD OF TRADE. SAMUEL E. STOKES, GEO. N. TATHAM, MowraLy Oolticrrnot BENJ. MARSHALL, 1317011TATIONS. Reported fei the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. MEsSlNA—Brig . Erriehetta, Russo-1020 canters brimstone 4000 bxa oranges 1008 do lemons Warner Draper. rialLolll DAYS 07 BTRAIIBRI2I3. TO ARRIVE. 6s7r-r. PROM POE HATS Edinburg Liverpool—New York April 16 Bavaria.... Southampton; .New York April 19 Olympus .Liverpool—New York April 19 C 1 of Washington.Liverp'l..Now York April 10 Scotia Liverpool... New York. • April 23 Aida "Liverpool—NOW York April 27 Africa. Liverpool.. Boston ...April3o Germania ..Solithampton..New York May 3 TO DEPART. Champion ..... ...New York...Aspinwall May 3 Salad's, New York... Kingston, Ja May 3 Australaslan...New York ..Liverpool. May 4 St. Andrew... .New York.. Glaagow May 4 Columbia New York.. Havana &N o... May 7 Pennsylvania.. New York.. Liverpool May 7 Bremen ' New York.. Bremen May I Damaseus........Portland..Liverpool May 7 oof Baltimore N York... Liverpool. May 7 Edinburg New York... Liverpool May 7 -Europa Boston... Liverpool. May 11 Geo Washington...N York... New Orleans.... May 14 Bavaria New York.. Hamburg May 14 Crusader New York—Kingston, Ja.. : . May al LETTER EROS T.S2III:IIISORAN2B'IEXCEIAAGB, PHILADELPHIA Ship Oswingo, Card Liverpool, soon 1;14:81Ella 4: 6 IT- 1 OA el Vl* ~,1:11.4E1 Suit Riszs,6 06 I Sun Swra, 6 6 , L I Man WATER. 11 45 'l4 Brig Minato Miller, Anderson, 4 days from New York, in ballast to -T E Bazley & Co. Brig Erricbetta (Ital), Russo, 60 days from Mes sina, with, brimstone, oranges and lemons to W Draper. Behr - John R Mather, Willard, 6 days from Port and. with =lee to Crowell Sr. Collins. ---- - • • Schr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, DeL with corn meal to B. ill Lea. . Schr Cora, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with flour to Rai Lea. Schr Hope, Johncon. 1 day from Indian. River, with corn to 3 W Bacon. Schr Vandalia, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with corn to Jac L Bewley & Co. Sehr Packet, Trouax, 1 day from Leipsle, Del. with grain to Sas L Bewley & Co. Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Alantun, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with grain to Jas Barrett. .Sehr Ettie Hall (new). Fleming, 1 day from Fre derica, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. ' .Steamer Alida, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W,F Clyde. Steamer Novelty - , .Chaw, 24 hours from N York, with mdse to Wm M Baird b. Co. Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird .Ir. Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Nickopee, Leland, Cronstadt; Workman & Co. Behr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor, Lynn, Pearson & Co. Schr Huntress, Howard, Newburyport, Day & Hud dell. • Sehr Mecca, Parker, Salem, Hammett, Van Dusen & Locbman. Schr Glenwood, 13ayles. Fall River, do Behr Louisa, Haskell, Salem,S G & G S Renplier. Fehr R Seaman, Seaman, Boston, do &lir Expedite, Beebe, Pawtucket,_do Sehr H W Benedict, Ring, do-. do Sehr Sas Parker,Sr, Kelly, do do Sehr Mary Nowell, Covill, Cohassett Narrows, R H Powell. Schr Alcorn, Foster, Boston. C Efeckscher & Co. Behr Mexican, McCarty, Portland, Sinniekson & Glover. Behr Heroine, Champlin, Providence, do Sclu - Sea Ranger, Wiggins, Boston,Blakision, Graff &Ca Schr Blame Diamond, Young, Danversport,Castner, Stickney & Wellington. - Schr E A'Conklin, Norton, Fall RiVer, do Schr Northern Light, Ratan, Boston, Hewitt & Clayden. Schr Diary Elizabeth, Cordery, Boston, Noble,thild- Well &CO. . Schr Polly Price, Adams, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. • ilricion, Dow, I3oston, L Audeniied & THZ DAILY NTENDIG BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY; MAY 3, 1364: Schr WBonnelly, Hunter,Fort Monroe, Tyler&qo. chr Rhotlelra Blue, -,Peterson; Fort Monroe, 'Tyler Schr Fantuzzl,Woestei.,Poriland E A 9muler&.(lo Seta Jae Neilson, Burt, Taunton, Blakiston, Graff Sr. Co. Schr L A May,•Baker, Salem, W H Johns. , Schr Dwight, Hill. Portland, 0-A Heckscher & Co. St'r I. Enos, Wildams, New York, W P Clyde. St'r H L Gavr, Iller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Correspondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin. • READING, :May 2. The followin^ boats from the :Union (Janni passed hate the Schuylkill Canal to-day, botind to i 3 hile• delphia, laden and consinned as follows: • Troy City, and H I 3 Heebner, lumber to Joshua Keeley; Pdary .enn, do to. Mr. Davis; American Eagle, do to captain; Arctic and A W ICalbach, (1 , ) to Jbahua Keeley; Rebecca Fisher, do , to' E Jones; Jas Henry, shingles to Malone & Trainer; Farmers' Boy, do to Mr Diemer; Keystone ' rye to Budd Comley: Exchange, limestone to Thomas, Norton & Co; Msj Anderson, lumber to ,E Jones; E (roar,, blooms to J J Bailey; rafts timber to Schuylkill Navigation Co. F. ME ICRANDA. Ship _Tuscarora, Dunlevy, sailed from Liverpool 2.lst ult. for thia port. Ship Valley Forge, Cowell, from Callao, at Ham bum 12th ult.- • :Ship National Eagle,Matthevirs,from Rio Janeiro, at Calcutta previous to `26th March. --- • . Ship Daring; Henry, Dora Manila, at Boston Ist instant. Bark Heloise (Fr), La Belle, hence at Queens town previous to 21st ult. Brig Edith (Dan), Erichson, hence at Helvoet pre 'Awls to 21st ult. Brig Webster Kelly, Brown, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Brig St Peter, Luce, at Liverpool 16th ult. from Pernambuco. Brig Alice Grey (Br), from Leghorn 4th Feb. for this port, was spoken.l7th March, in the Straits. Brigs W Woodruff. Eaton, and Olive, Gandy, from Boiston for this port, at Newport Ist inst. Brig Cygnet, Croscup, hence, sailed from Barba dos 11th ult. for St Thomas. Schr Garland, for this port, sailed from Mayaguez 17th ult.. Schrs Enterprise (Br), Gould, and Rachel Jane, Roath, cleared at New. York yesterday for this port. Schr Ivy, Henderson, 17 days from New Orleans, at New York yesterday, with sugar. TICA V EILIN (31 GUIJ)E. C ' B I4 II T — R P AI. .8 1 1 PL Y RO %a 241 ELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH. 350 MILES DOUBLE TRACK! THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market Insets, as follows: Mail Tata at B.eo A M. Fast Line • • 11.40 Through Express It 10.30 P. 111 Psrksburg Traia 1.06 Harrisburg Acminmodation at 2.36 Lancaster Train at. . . 4.00 1, The Through Mira ,ssTrain runs daily—all the other trains daily'except Sunday. FOR PITTSBURGH AND. THE WEST. , The Mail Train, Fast Line and Through Ex. press connect at Pittsburgh with through trains on all the diverging roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by railroad. \ INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express \ connects at Blairsville Intersection with a train on this Road for Blairs ville, 'lndiana, /cc. - \ EBENSBURG AND. CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects et Cres son at 10.45 A. M. with a train no this road for Ebensburg. A train also leavesOressan for Ebens burg at 8.45 P. IR HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Altoona with tniins for Hollidaysburg at 7.55 P. M. and 8.40 A. M. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD, BRANCH RAILROAD. \ The through Express Train connects at Tyrone with Trains for Sandy Ridge, Philipsburg, Port Matilda, Miletiburg and Bellefonte. \ HUNTINGDON . AND A BROAD TOP RAIL- The Through Express Train connects al Run ingdon with a train for HUpewell and Bloody Run at 6.56 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADED@ PHIA AND ERIE RAILROADS. Fon Sountrity. WILT...IA=IOIM, Look HaVien and all points on the Philadelphiaand Erie R • R,, and ELMIRA, Roonnstran. BCPPALO AND NIAGARA FALLS. Passengers taking the Mail Train at 8.0 A. M., and the Through Express at 10.30 P. IL, (Daily, except Sunday, ) go directly through with out change of cal. between Philadelphia and Wil llarnaport. For YORK, HANOVER and GETTYSBURG the trains leaving 8.00 A. M., and 2.30 P. AI. con nect at Columbia with trains on the North Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAU' ROAD. The Mali Trains and Through Express conned at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambers burg and Hagerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH Rerr.ROAD. The Trains leaving at 800 A. M. and 231 P. M. ' connect at Downingtown with Trains on this road for Waynesburg and all intermediate stations MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this reliable Expriss Company will pas* through each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Passenger Depot Elev enth and Market streets. The traveling public are assured that it is entirety responsible. For further information, apply at the Passenger Station, S. R. corner of Eleventh and Market streets. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agen t An I:migraut Accommodation Train leaves No. i 37 Pock stteet daily, (Sundays excepted,) at P. M. For lull Iniormation, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, No. 137 Dock street By this route freights of ati description can be :orwarded to and from any point on the Railroads at Ohio, Bentaciry, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West,- by steam. ars from Pittsburgh. For freight contracts or shipping directions, ap ply to S. 13. KINGSTON, Jr. Philadelphia. ENOCH LEWIS, Jails General Superintendent, Altoona.. Pa. UAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD COMPAPT Y.— NOTIt)F...—OttANGE OF TIME OF DE PARTURE of Way Lines from Philadelpta Walnut Street Wharf, for Beverly, Burlington, Bordentown, Ice., to 5, 6 and 7 P. M. - . . . On and after MONDA.Y. May tld, 1861, the Bordentown Express Line (Maxwell Oonductor), now leaving at 4y P. M. will leave Philadelphia at 5 P. M. , Burlington 6.15, Bordentoinn 6.55, and arrive at Trenton 7.15 P. M. - 'The Way Accommodation Line will leave Phila delphia at 8 , Burlington 7.15, and arrive at Bordentown 7.501 P. M. The•D3arket Lino (Fenton Conductor), now leaving at 63 P. M., will leave Philadelphia at 7 P. X. and arrive at Burlington 9.90 P. 111. • W. H. GATZMER, Agent. April 20th, 1264. ap3o-3te riOAL. —SIMILE. LOAF, BEAVER MEL. DOW and Spring Mountain Lehigh (Ica`, ant best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill, prepare 4 expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corns EIGHTH and WILLOW streets. °Mee, No. 111 South SECOND street. nas,27 J. WALTON & CO. B. MASON RIVES. JOSH B. SELMAY I . RUM UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTIO' 1 to their stock of Buck Mountain Company's Coal, - Lehigh Navigation Company' s Coal, and Locust Mountain " tit which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar. ket rates, and to deliver in tho beet condition. Orders-left with S. MASON BINES, Fraatlis, Institute Building, Si I/ ENTH street, below Mar ket, will be promptly attended to. BINES SUTOCV.r, kritte stroot vrtiftri. Szhnvlicill INFANT'S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE 00., PA, MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the ton dorsal care and culture -for Children from three iu seven years of age, will be opened. on Wednes day, -APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. ' For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References : Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city;- also to Abraham Martin. - Pea fell-2no R do G. A. WRIGHT'S NEW .AND FASHIONABLE PERFUME Night Blooming Cerens Extract. Night Bloommg Census Pomade Night Blooming Cereus.Soap. Complete and desirable assortment of the sweet est and most delicate articles ever offered for the Toilet. , • --R &G. A.. WRIGHT respectfrdly call attention to the superior strength and fragrancy of 'their make; incomparable with qualitiesliovr being sold under that name. spin T A.T1325. Cargo lat ees for sal* by S. a. 41r..-irnc WESTERN. EMIGRATION FREIGHTS COAL EDUCATION AUCTION, SALFA. PY 10 y E s - CO. .ers • , ~i. • _ Nos. 2 - 4 an ne 1 ctio e _.r!; iqi.rket street. corner - Of Bank: .:. r.,- 1 .11-ITORY 6.a/..E. (4 EURO-, PEAK, 115,..71 4 A " etiVD - 'AMERICAN '.DILY GOODF. ' - GOODS, CARPETS, MATTING, &c.• • We Will hold a large sale of British, German, French and -American Dry Goods, by_catalogne, en FOUR moral-is , CRLDIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY. MORNINt.i, MAY 5, comardeneinfr at preelsely-lo o' clock comprising 775 PACE.AG-ES AND LOTS h, of British, German, French, India and American Dry Gcoci.s, embracing a large t .full hnd fresh as.. sortment Woolen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton. and Silk Goods. for cit . v and country sales. • H.--SaMnles of the same will he arranged ftn examination, With catalogues, early on the more of Me sale, when dealers will _End to than interest to attend LARGE PFREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS; STRAW ;GOODS, CARY ETS, MATTINGS, &c. NOTlCE—lncluded in oar sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, on THURSDAY MORN ING, May sth, at 10 o' clocd, will be found in part the following desirable articles, viz: cases neat styles American -prints. - - cases neat styles Aillf ricrac ginghams. • cases - English and German ginghams. cases apron checks. ^ cases blue denims. . -.- cases -tickings. cases blue stripes. a- cases black and colored silesMs. cases brown and bleached musitns..., cases fancy cottonades. cases jeans and mixtures. cases Saxony dress goods. -- cases fancy lawns and jaconets - . cases poplins and mozambiques. cases fancy reps and poll de chevres. cases de beg e and mous de lames. —pieces mode and silk alnacas. LINEN GOODS. THURSDAY MORN M.G., May sth, _ _ pieces 7.4 an,d 8-4 Barnsley damasks. pieces white and brown damasks and cloths, —Tieces damask and beck too: pieces diaper and plain towels. pieces bleached and brown linen hncks. pieces II 4 and 12.4 linen sheetings. pieces elastic canvas. dozens vend ,41 linen cambric handkerchiefs: pieces linen diapers. TAILORING- GOODS. THURSDAY MORNING, pieces. fine French blue, black and colored broad cloths. pietes fancy shades meltons and coatings. pieces 6-4 fancy French castircieres. CARPETS AND CANTON MATTING-S. ON THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5, At precisely 10 o'clock, with which sale will commence, en assortment of ingrain, Venetian, hemp, list and rag carpets, Canton mailings, &c. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, GERMAN AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. Ac., FOR SPRING SA.a.:ES. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY 9, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by - catalogue, or FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about 575 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German and British Dry Goods, .tc., embracing a large and choice assortment 01 fancy and staple articles, in silk, worsted, woolen, linen and cotton fabrics. N. 11.--Sartples of the same will be arranged fo exam-Mallon, with catalogues, early on the morn. dig of sale, when dealers will find it to Midi In terest to attend. Nir THOMAS .t SONS, AUOLLONEEKti, jjU . Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. Sale at Nos. 131 and 131 Sourth Fourth street. SUPERIOR F URNITURE, ROSE 9700 D, PIANOS. LARGE MIRRORS, BOOKCASES, FINE CARPETS, Jce. ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock. at the auction store, the superior furniture, rosewood piano, by Reichenbach: 4 large French plate, mantel and pier mirrors, an assorement of fine Carpets. &c. Alto, set of fine Sheffield plated dish covers, plated tureens, Also, 3 superior revolvers pair duelling pistols snd ease. Assignees' Sale. ASSETS OF THE BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA. ON THURSDAY. MAY 5. At 12 o'clock noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, by order of the Assignees of the Bank of Pennsylyankt. in parsu... once of the authority of the Conn of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, the remaining assets of said Bunk. Terms cash Payable en or before. Mon. day, :day 9,, at 12 o'clock. Full pasuculars in catalogues, which may be had at the auction rooms, Sala No. l&I.11 Green Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ELEGANT ROSE. Vit 0 D PIANO. BRUSSELS CARPETS, ilze. \ ON FRIDAY IYIORNING, MAY C, .At to o' by catalogue, No—IS 26 Greer. sties, the supenor plush parlor furnisure, elegant -mm nd seven octave piano torte, secretary and bookcase, whlnnt chamber fnrninire, Brassels arpetsi \ Also, the kitchen furniture auil utensils. IIG , " May \ he exarrar.ed on the ruorinng or the sale et S clock; I.XTENSIVE SALFrOF FURNITURE AT ST. \ LOUD: HM EL. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY IG, at s o' clock, by catalogue, the entire : rn itn re of the ft. Louts \ Hotel, Chestnut street, between Third anti Fourth streets, comp . ; icing the parlor and dining-room furniture, and the fnrnitnro of ILO chambers, line rnatresses, bed and table linen, &c. Also, the office tinchar furniture, fireproof, gac chandeliers, ..te. SCOTT x sTEWVIRT,AUCTIONEERb GZI CHESTNUT atid 615 . SANSOM stmt. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF ELE GA Di r ITALIAN MARBLE STATU ART, ALABASTER VASES AND ORNAMENTS, FRENCH BRONZES, &O. ON THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 5, At to & It dr, at salesroom, 422 Che.tnut street, will be sold, a choice .collection s of Italian marble parlor and garden statudry. including. the tine Mists of Clay and Webster, llirstta's great work of Fidelity. with other valuable pieces of eta nary. Alabaster ornaments; comprisinz. noels - carved &rate, Bardiglio and Castellida Twee of Grecian, RCman and Rothic designs. An invoice of new designs and elaborately orkccl French bronze vases; also, figures and groups of Tesn and Veronese, Soldot Goltien, Bacchus and Adrianne, Collot and Lenore, Ham let, 4:c., &c... just lauded from Havre. \ The whole the imp rtation of Messrs. Viti Bros. Catalogues will he ready, on Wednesday. Msy 4, at which time toe collection can be examitiod,'•, SCOTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, will glvo their personal attention to sales of MERCHAN DISE and WARES of all descriptions. Fund. tare of parties removing or hrealdng up House keeping, on the premises of the owners, or at the!2 elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos. 62'2 Chest. nut. Street and fits Samara street. felS-t1 NOSES NATHAN?, .a.tICTIONT 4I 44 AND COMAIISSION MERCHANT, Bout east corner SIXTH and RACE straits. WATCHES—WATCRES—WATtnik,S. prisate sale, upwards of :1000 gold and silysst witches, at half the usual selling prices. Wateh rnaliers, dealers , und privatol purchasers will de well by calling at Ms S. Illcornsr of Sixth and Sacs streets. AT PP.IVATE SALE. IV Peters's Philadelphia cases English Patent Lever Watches, of the most approved mad brsi makers; some of them have five pairs extra jewels, and very tine and high cost movements. If ap. plied fc;i.• immediately they can be had singly, of the let at & each. The eases will wear equal to solid gold cases. Very Inns double barrel clack guns, breech load big; oarbilles;.rovelving Viler fine 'English rives revolvers. k.e. AT PRIVATE SALE POR LESS THAN FAG T.l TIME USUAL SELLING- PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting case and double bottom English patent lever watches, jell jeweled and plain; of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; ladies' fine gold enameled diamond watches; fins gold American hunting case patent lever watches. of the mold approved styles; fine silver hunting 'case and open face English patent lever watches. of the moat apprfived and best makers: line silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the meal approved makers; fine silver hunting case and open face Swiss and French patent lever and lopine watehes; independent second and doubts time lever 'watches; silver guartier English, Swiss and French. watches; fine gold-plated watches; peters' s patent watches, line English movements, and numerous other watches. Very fine English twist double barrel fowling pieces, ham' and back action locks, some very costly. MONEY TO LOAN, in largo or small amounts, on goods of every description, for any length or time agreed on _,SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsswhars, and, wnen required; two-thirds of the value cr the goods Will be advanced in anticipation of gala OONSIGNMENTS • of goods of every dsicription solicited tor on pobito sales. Very ilne 543Witig iriachlriez; aaveral 311pariOr. HeaIMOCII:3I fine gold chains - jewelry of ever? description.; dianaonds, and mimerous other aril. cles. FOR SALE. —l2 Barrels best SOUTHERN TAR For terms , apply to -- • . . YETER,WRIGHT & SONS. ap2tl-tf) - 115 Walnut Strop 8 - 111'174 Irt? tbLA "Fiat `l , 7i Ws by TIiiLLETT. it, SON, 129 Routh FRONT straat AUCTION B:ti'lralla. THOMAS & SONS, ATTOTIONEAXS R Me. 13'; and 141 South Zeurtki titres. • CR' FURNITURE SALES AT-TECS AUCZION STORE. EVERY THURSDAY::: " er?'' Par itewer attention given to sales at privets reswenes-s, dcc. - SALES OF STOOKS AND RF. A AT, E::::TATI at the Exchange, every TU.ESDAY, at 12 (3' eloeN 210C11. - I,3rllandbills °teach property Issued separately and on the. Saturday previous to each. stile 'IW cal ii:ognes, in pamphlet farm, giving fall. descrls: . - - 'REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY 10. • Gridituas' Court-Sale—Estate of James Brovrn. eecIa—VALITABLIC BuSIVE9S PEOPERTY—Bri/OIC BUILL'INGS, known as the EXCILINCE BATES, No. 228 south Second at, below Dock st, 23 feat ft oat. 270 feet in depth to Laurel el., Same Estate- TWO-STORY BRIOR DWELL ING. S E. corner of Elmira' s alley and Laurel st. Same Estate-3 - FOUR. STORY BRICK STORES and DWELLINGS, Nos. 213, 2.1.5 and 217 south E ccon d et, with TAVER Nan d DWELL ING and COACH. MANUFACTORY, Nos.:-150 and. 102 71000 et-15m feet-front.: TDREE-hTORY BRICK DWELLING, No, GlSeoutlf Ninth st, below South st, (Rortaldson's Row. ) Peremptory Sale—LOT, North Penn Villtg,e, that Ward, near Girard College. and Lands in Missouri and New Jersey. Sale absolute 3 k OUR STORY BRICE DWELLINGS, N.E. corner of Coombs's . alley and Chancery lane, be. tween Front #id Second ant Market and. arch sts. • ,Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT. Bristol Turnpike, (formerly Mr. Bowen's, and latterly Mr. Desilver's)—LAßGE and SPLENDID STONE MANSION, STABLE and. COACH HOUSE and 23 ACRES. The mansion is elegantly finished; with all modern conveni ences, at d the grounds handsomely laid out and highly improved. Commands beautiful views, convenient to churches and schools,aad accessible to cars, steamboats, stages &c. Sate absolute. • THEEE-STURY Black STORE and DWEL LING, No. 7E21 Market st, west of lath. - . Trustee's Peremptory SaIe—THREE-ST° 7-1 BRICE DWFI.T.I-NG, Ho_ 710 Buttonwood st., west of Franklin st. Sale absolute. DESIRABLE COTTAGE LOTS,I . ' Jameß avenue. Boxborough, 2ist Ward. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, known as Bloomfl.ld Villa," Marlton Tarapike, 3 miles from Camden, N S. Executor's Sale—Estate of George Ludwick,' dee' d— VALIg ABLE TAVERN PROPERTY, N. W. corner of Haverford road and 40th st, and LARGE LOT, Lancaster avenue, 24th Ward. VIRSLUABLT.', COUNTRY bEAT of the Rev. James Neill. 12 ACRES, Bunting st, oppo site the Grove of M. Baird, Esq., DARBY—Man sion, Stable, Carriage House, Ice House, and other o at - bid Idings. MIL tcl3' Sale—VA LtrAnix ErrslTM's STANDS -3 FOUR-STORY BRICK STORES, N 05.130,132 mid 134 SOUTH FRONT- st between CHESTNUT and WALNUT. lir Will to sold giving the choice of either, with privilege of the three. Same Estate—tl VALUABLE FIRE-PROOF WAR EIIOUSES, • S.W. corner of Front and New st=, b.t.tween Race and Vine stz—Lorge LOT, E 6 by about 155 fept HANDSOME COUNTRY PLACE, 2 ACRES, - Eelaware county, about 2% trines-from Chester r.nd about II; miles from 'West Dale Station, on the Media and Philadelphia Railroad.' Orphans' Court =Peremptory Sale—Estate -of Chat les Harlan, IiPC - Ci.-4 BUICK DWELLINGS S. E corner of Myrtle and Preston sts,24th Ward. Same Estate—EDILIANG LOT, Pemberton b'etween 15th and 19th and Shippin and Fitzwater sta. Sale absolute. Same Eon..—LfillGE and VALITAI3LE LOT, sprues st, north it e, west or Till st, •lids Ward -45 feet frost-2 fronts. Same Estate—GßOUND RENT of c 64 a year. NEAT 16 ODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1911 C,cates a - 4—has the modern conyeniences. - . Executor's Sale—Estate of George Pelerman,, deg ct—G EN TE EL TB REM STORY DEUCE DWELLING, No. IR* Wiszar st Executor's Sale—Estate cf Josiah T awson, cl•c'd-2 VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS, Nos 2.5 and 5 north 'TIMID st.ab3ve MARKET. Exe num' 8-Peremptory .Sale—Estate of Daniel S. Davis. dee' d—TICREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 717 Sansom st, west of Seventh et. Sale absolute. . LARGE ar.d INIODERN47RESIDENCE and Coach Rouee. No. :2.59 south Fourth st, near Walnut Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE RESIDENCE, with side yard, No. ICw Beach al, south of rt. th Ward. Sale absolute. Peremptory Sale-LBUSINESS STAND—Four story brick store and dwelling, N. B. • corner Broad and Spruce ste. Sale absolute. 5 COTTAGE LOTS, James avenue, Rox borosizb, Val Ward. Terms one-half cash. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, Foulkr:id st, st and Penn I L Frunkford. 3 td Ward IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT, tt . . , .6 a year. well secured and punctually paid. Peremptory SaIe—HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. No. .. , 257* south lith St, between Locust and Spruce eta, In by 190 feet. Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY 17. Orpbans' Court Sale—Estate of Henry B. Marl:- laud, a tair. or— EE- STORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. F•3l Race st, west of Sth st. Sale absolute. VERY T-TANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT of Mr. Sohn H. Andrews, _Uj4 Accor.s., Springfield Road and Darby Creek, DARBY—a number of elegant building sites Pet emptory Sale-1a VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS and U ACRES MEADOW L PasiD, Atlantic City; IC 3. Orphads' Court Sale—E.state of Mrs. Mary Pepper, deed—THREE STORY BRICK STORE. MARKET at, W. corner of Eighth Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK STORE N 0.4 north Eighth et. sme E=tate- THREE STORY BRICE STORE and DWELLING, No 6 north 6th St. Sam« Estate— T IIE RE. STORY BRICK STORE and LR ELLING, No. is north sth st. ..S.'§.rn Estate—t 2 TRREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING'S, rear of Bth st. below Filbert. Same Estgte—FOUß-zzTORY "BRICE STORE and DWELLING, N. W. corner of lifteer.qh and Locust sts. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John C.Pechiu, decd-2 YEARLY GROUND RENT:, of S IV./ a year each. ' Same Estate—LOT OF GROUND, Pine st, east of 2?ci ST. same Estate—LOT OF GROUND, N. W. corner CSI Itlchean and t2th sts. Same Estate—LOT, - Gre en Lar.e. 22d Ward. TWO-STORY .13 Rita ELL I tslG S, New- It irk st, extendirg through itakomnson. Orphans' Coon Sale—Estate of Thomas Ash rrieait,odeed—TllßEE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING No 120,JRace Orphans' Conn Sale—Estate of Jas. Itlclienney, dec ti—DWELLI.NG. Boston st. Executor's Salo—Estate of Susannah Fricke, ace' d lirsiNEss STAZID-THIME•Sr()RY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 716 north Second et. Same Estate-2 TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL LINGS,' St Jot. u at, adjoining. Executors' Sale- - -Estate of Townsend Sharpless; dee.'d—VALUABLE STORES, Nos. 32 and 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, extending :trough to Strawberry st. Seine Estate—VALUABLE STORE, No. 251 MARET st, near Third st. Sam Estate—VALUABLEDWELLINGS, CITES NUT st, corner of Seventeenth. Same Bstate—DWELLING, IV W. corner of 12th and Filbert eta. , .Same Este—DWELLING, Filbert st, of Thirteenth Same Estate—LAßGE LOT—Vine st and Dilkea court," with 13 BRICK DWELLINGS and 2 Females I Es ecuter' sale—HANDSOfe E COUNTRY 'RESIDENCE ad 1 ACRE, Beverly, N. J., 1:\ having a grave fro ton the River Delaware. Executor's Sale—Es-ate of Geo. Sheaff. dee' d. - - 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No. 244 t hester st, and No. 231 Shell et. _ Executor's Perempfpry &de—Estate of Powell Stack house dee' d—V.r.rrAnrx. Busismss 'LOCA.- TION-11 BRlolt. DWE LINOS, Front st, be tweeu Race and Tine :Its, 6l feet front by 132,x feet deep. Sale absolute. FOUR STORY BRICK STORE add DWEL LING: N. W. corner Mtn and Summer ate. Ornhans'. Court . Sale—ES e of Robert C. Kry der, dee' d—LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, over 2i acres, Buck Road, Firs Ward. . _ _ - 13Rralf. 13 WELY.ING, Rich mond st, northeast of relarlborotighst„ 18th Ward.' HOTEL,known as the "Spray lloase," Pacific al7,,nue, Atlantic City. New Jersey. TWO-STORY PRAIRE DWELLINGS, Soraeset st and Belgrade aventie, 25th, Ward. • Assignee' a SaIe—COUNTRY RESIDENCE., Main Er, Norrlstown; handsome garden, situation nealih Sale at No. 990 - North Tenth Street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE', PIANO, CARPETS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY . MORNING, MAY 4. At 10 0' clock, at 905 nor.h Tenth street, above Poplar, the entire household and kitchen furut tore, piano, carpets. mattings, &c. Mr- May be examined atS o' clock on the morn-• in g of sale. PublMSale on the Premises. rLEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 8 ACRES. DARBY ROAD AND .T3Mk.T.IT ST., DARBY. . ON WEDNESDAY, May 4, 1864, at 3 o' clock P. M. will be sold at , public side, on the pres, emises,cor an EI.:C EANT COUNTRY SEAT, -8 acr ner or uarby Road and Summit street, DARBy. Stone Mauston, 2 carriage houses, wagon house, tenant house, ice house; 6:c , vegeta le garden, fruit sad °harm trees, hydraulic, ram, good spring water, fish pond, &c. It is a valuable and hand some country place. Dar will be shown by the owner and occupant, .Tosoph H. Conover. so. BgBI Ey .,_ 8,000 bi - rartals of Barley, cargo al oar. opus, to arrive,. for sale by 'KENNY .r. C0..332 South Iffliargas. AUCTION akLE3 • TiLINES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER" - 0 . 422 WALNUT street, above Fourth. REAL * ESTATE SALE; MAY This sale will - VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND, south. side of 'Chestnut at, 500 feet from 47th - to 48th et, thence along 48th st.-2t53; feet to - York- st, along the north side of York at 423 feet IN inches, thence Northeast 86 feet 3% inches to 47th at, and 175) feet on 47th st. Truateee Aozglute Soli--Egate qr Either Byram, deed. - - _ : - VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND at the N. E. corner 48th andlihestnut streets, 400 feet front on Chestnut and Oak streets, al:A*2l4x feet ou.4Ehlt street. Same estate. • VALUABLE SQUARE. OF GROUND at the S. W. corner 48th. and Chestnut streets 440 feet on. Chestnut and York streets, 21133 feet on 48thstreet, Same Wale. _ ' • - VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND at the N. W.•corner-48th and Chestnut s treats On feet 'l.„St in. on Chestnut-street, thence N. W. IMM_ feet to Oak street, 480 feet on Oak street and 214 A feet on 48th street. Sante estate. VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND S. W. - corner of 48th and Market s reets 480 feet along - Market and Oak streets, and 2143,1- feet on 48th and 49.1 t streets Same estate. VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND atIS - E corz,er 47th and Chestnut struts, 181 feeton Chest nut et.; thence S. E. 45 feet 10x. inches;, thence S.. W. 218 feet 11 inches to 47th st., aad along 47th st. 144 feet .5,1 g inches. Same Estate. VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND north side co York, -440 feet west of 48th st., 600 feet on York at: thence N. E. to Chestnut E tree t, along the -same 7 • feet 2 inches; thence south 215 feet 2 inches. Same Estate 815 S. 7T3 ST. Three-story brick house And lot 52 feet front, near 40 feet deep, Sl.7' ground rent. Orphant' Court Bale--Bstatt, of Bernard 41 7 2251. dec' d. ‘ , II.IIABERTON COAL CO. ' —This • valuable estate, comprising 300 acres or Coal lands in. _Lu zern° county, Pa., near Wilkesbarre: See Xi white. GERMANTOVN COTTAGE, at the corner - Of Knox rnd Linden streets, with every convenience. Pull descriptions in handbillS. Possession im mediate. - BROWN STONE STORE; NO. 210 CHEST NUT STREET, 15.4' feet front, 102 feet deep. No incambrances. Full descriptions in halicibtils. Executors' Sale. Estate of Joseph Fisher, deceased, G„ERBTANTONN.—A valuable. property of 7 acres, on Main avenue, Armat and Hancock streets, ix,ith excellent improvements; stream of water through the land; stone mansion; stable and ccach house, and ,all out-buildmgs, Fine fruit audyery accessible. P27SPRUCE STREET-‘-Three- story brick home, rgx by feet to alO feet alley, fb0.2.25 ground rent. Executor's Sale—Estate of lc; B. Ga nn, dec'd. S E. CORNER EIGHTS AND SPRUCE STREETS—Large mansion house andltne lot 21 leet 9 inehesby .150 feet to a 40 feet street. $0,0411 may remain Possession immediate. May be ex amined at any-time. Same estate. - GROUND RENTS. 82.5, 821, Sl9 30 and - 830 per annum, out of lots of ground and frame houses, 19th Ward. hey are all old rents, are welt se cured. the land being worth more than the-princi pal of the rents. ixecztor's Sale. •'' ' aa AND :.4.3 S. TWELFTH STREZT-- Tbree.story b'ick houses and lots bzlovi Spruce street, each 16X by 31 feet; SlO 50 gtound rent on each 440 POPLARSTREET—Tbree- story brick store and lot, 18 by 63 feet, no inctimbrance. Orphans' Coot Sale—Estate of G. Le.tterle Br., deed - .44'2 POPLAR ST.—Property adjoining store and dwelling, 18 by near 30 , feet: no incumbrance. Same estate. Sul OTIS ST.—Two-story brick house, wad - lot .11r by 91% feet clear; S-lu grvunti rent.- Same estate: MOORE ST.—A lot of ground adjoining the aooce on the rear, 20 by 65 feet. Same 230 GROUND REST—Out of a lot on Moore 20 by 65 feet. ffam?. estate. _ _ VALUABLE BROAD-ST. LOT—S W. corner of Ontario st., F,..3 feet C a Broad, 3.37 feet mg incites on Ontario st.; Ulan(%) S. W. 37 feet OK inches' to Fifteenth st., on crli-E..h it is 36 feet front. Sale imreniptory. - •2:• - SOUTH FIFTEENTH St —Three- sr6ry brick house N. W. corner vf Molloy St., 21 by 73 feet: subject to :POMO morteiage. obit to a dower of 5300 a year. £zecu ors' ablute Sae, estate of & Esier, ctc'd. 1113 POPLAR St—Three-story, brick house and lot at IS 'feet, part or7.r 75 feet deep to a 3 feet alley. - - I:na POPLAR ST., : -Three-story brick adjoin • I E g I - 217 POPLAR, ST..:-Throe-story brick adjoin t Ith WARD—Desarahle property, N. E: 'earner of aid: and York sts.. 75 by leo feet. 1517 ,ItADWALADEB, ST.—Three-story brick house and lot, IS by near SO feet. .151. C. BO§ INII ST.—Three-story brick houseand lot on the rear of the above; feet-by near 30 feet deep. _ 1510 'BODINE ST.--Three story brink house and lot, 19 feet 3% In. from and near 40. feet deep. 415 SOUTH 12T11. Sr.—With 2 houses on Salem Alley and lot 15 by 36 feet, 572 ground rant. 0. Bate. Bstatecf ft t rt IRright, dec'd. SALEM ALLEY—Three houses, Nos. 1.2&'4,12t0 and 121 . 2 and lot 30 feet squsse. $45 ground rent,- Sa•.se Estate. 4t SOUTH TN 4 Pra:TH - STREET—Pour-story brick stt - re and dwel ing, and back bnildiergs, 19K by 61 feet.. No inctunbrance. Same estate. (3 IaiMANTOWN—The valuable property known as the Germantown Market Htfuse ; stone built of thebest materials at a cost of R 13,000. 41 by 100 feet,: with walls 21 inches thick strong er.ough for any purpose whatever; welt lighted from sides said-roof The lot ' 55u by 351) feet, in the most thrivi;ng part of the lace. $lBO ground rent. SUMMIT STREET,A desirabl nearly. new Louse, built b y the corner for his wn use, now occupied by Dr. Budd. who- will sh it. Dot ..."‘lK by 157 feet. Posse ionwith the dew IS . 33 feet front, wel built and finished. No it:cumbrance. : • • - :210 N. TWELFTH ST* Three. story brick house nd lot,ltz.' by 95 feet. - RACE ST.—Four vienteel - dwellings, near Broad Street, each 16 by 91 feet. No inenmbrances. 1604 N. FIFTEEN ST.—Genteel dwelling, above Oxford Street.: su-1- yard. Lot23;t4 by 100 ft. NORTH ST.—Two gehteel dwellings, Nos. Bon and 1911; each. 15 by 57 feet ESHER ST —A lot ofigronnel. near Washington Street, 90th Warn; tEts l'y 100 feet. Mei THOMAS BIKII - H..% SOPS kill Auctioneers and p , ... mission Mercban No. 9F ( IHESTNFJTstreet . nbovd Ninth.te, Sale at 1 , 0. 60E 4 Sourtt Sixteenth Street. ROSEWOOD PURNIT; t 7RE: PIANO FORTE, CARPETS,. Pad NTINGS., &c. - ON WEDNESDAY IItORNING, MAY At 10 o'clock, at No. 60:f south Sixteenth street, will b sold the furuitnte of -a family removing from the city, comprisinggrosewood parlor furni ture, rosewood piano 'Lori, made by Van Riper, cost 5750; velvet carpetg, oil paintings, ' mirror . manteldlock, 2 suits of elegant rosewood chamber furs iture, one richly ornalbented cottage chamber beds, matresses, chaing-room and kitchen furniture, &c. The furniture cau be await:Led at S o' Flock Olt :he morning of the sale. Stile at No. 11:1 estn at Street A - PiD OP STOUR, FIXTURES AN 10E CREAM SAL;pIsT AND CONFRO— TIONA_RY. - ON THURSDAY,PIORNINO-, At 10 o' clock, at No. 1114 Chestnut, street, wilt be sold the store fixtures,),;aloon furniture, and inanufacturnig utensils miff other articles for ma nufacturing ice cream, can*ies, cakes, Av., such as moulds, freezers, pans, ) ettles, ice cheats &C. May be examined early onl the morning of sale. - Sale at N0."914 Ohn.ftnnt Street. NEW AND SECONDHArND HOUSEROLD FURNITURE, GARPIAPS. CAINA, /ice. ON FRIDAY MoRNING, At 1.0 - o'clock, at the atilt:ion store, No. 9 t4 Chestnut street, will be sold 7-- A large assortment of snyaitior fiarnittit'e, front families declining housekeepStg, comprising every variety of parlor, chamber cad dining-room thr... niture. TIMBER LAND AT PUIVATE SALE. Fcr sale, 437 acres of Land, heavily timbered; also, iron ore on the stone, jituated in Sullivan stream, adjoimmr Laporte, the county town; a of water passes thron& the property, and logs can be floated to a mafket. A plan of ate same can be seen at the aucti9n store. Thomos Birch & Son willtglve tneir prstOnal "attention!to the sale of F ' of those , about breaking up l l; re .ons a e L lC l e h e e rng moving. Also., hold sawn f:f ITeirc Itiwr FRIDAY MORNING,a t )scions Wareromils. No 914 littes'tant, attest D,.-- . vtt %estateea_ lil , s LIP FORD ft CO-: , ti li T l°XE ElB 44 .7 P 525 Market and 522 Contloeree streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE 'OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS SHOES, BitGANS, Zco. ON TETiSDAY 1.51 - ORN.tSG, MAY 5, At 10 o'clock prectsel7, wilt-be sold, by cat. loguo, -tor cash, 1,000 oases nen's, Boys' an,e, Yonths' Oalf, Sip and Grain; Boats, B rog a ns , _ Balmoral.% Cavalry Boots, Ism Women's, Misses' and ';'Crtilldretes Calf. Etp. Goat, Ii id and' Morocco Reeled Boots - and shoes, Sltppers, Gapers, BusVins, &c.; from city anti 'Eastern raannfacturers. co prising a general assortment of goods. • - , DITRNESS: - BRINLEY Zc", CO— Man. 615 enF,STI.III'r and 612. SAYNE street. . CORSETS CIORS.ETS! : ! 00RaLTS! ! !—DIADAIIII A.. V BAB ATET has just recei - 4 . eci from. Paris, a, superb lot of light, strong Corset Matarial, far summer wear. Madame B.'s Corsets are univer sally admired for their superior Rabat, elegauee or lit, and durability .. Ladies as advised to call and procure' a pair of her - Cor .s before haring' their spring dresses made up. :L. MADAME A BARATLT. ll6 • Sotult FIFICENTR street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers