E WAR FOR THE MO N, THE BED BIVEE 3XPEDT:T.Nfir Cnicieo, May 2 —The Tribunc pablisitis a tele gram from the moult of the _Red River, 1 dated April 24th, stating that Banks's Army was falling back to Alexandria without figb ting.- The gun boat fleet is at the same place, nine boats above and tome below the Falls - The Red River is low and still falling. The enact its and lenses rivers are filling up from Lake PTOVIdeIICE. aim guerillas are becoming more troublesome on the Eastern bank of the Alissiesippi. General Steele has opened tomninnication with . General Bunke. The New Orleans Era, of the 19th, contains the names of the f glove ing soldiers of the 47th Penn aylvania Regiment, brought troth Grand Ecore to New Orleans, on the steamer Ohio Belle. They were wounded in the battles of Sabine Cross Bonds and Pleasant Ridge: Samuel Wagner, Company D. Cornelius Cramer, rornpuriy C.; Wm. Pyers, sergeant, ompany C. ; Edward Mier, sergeant, Company B.; H. Bolester, Company B.; Rotor% A. Rings borou,,b, Company H.; Isaac Baldwin, party D. IMPORTANT FROM RICHMOND. WAsn riG TON, May 2.—The Free ere cksburg c one:pendent of the Richmond Examiner, of .April 27. says: ..The opinion prevails in Washington that Lee's army, in numerical strength, does not exceed fifty thousand men -To oppose this forCe, or rather for the purpose of attack, Grant has required that the army of the. Potomac shall be rendered one hundred the - 1354nd strong. ..To this end reinforcements to that artily have been continually passing over the Orange and Al exandria Railway for the past ten days. Ten days hence it will be ready for an advance, which is-universally desired in the United States, from Lincoln down or up, whichever phrase you prefer. ' ”The earnixtonly received opinion that General Grant will attack General Lee in front and in his fortifications is erroneous. He will seek to turn the flank of our army and his policy is, evic catty, to maintain his present position until his organiza tion and equipment are thoroughly accomplished, and then by suddenly unfolding hiss trategy to sur prise General Lee. • "He may march rapidly, and without an. nonncement, either to some point of crossing on the Rapidan or Rappahannock, or to Port Repub. lie, thence to Stanton, and thence to Lynchburg. I think an attempt ,to flank 'on the east most probable, his army crossing at some of the lower fords of the Rappahannock. This, however, is all conjecture, and but, the echo of Washington gossip." A despatch to the Richmond Enquirer, front Orange Court House. under date of April 17 h, says that General Avert!' has gone to bonthwest Virginia on a.raid, and that General Meade is re. ceiving reinforcements over the Alexandria Rail road. The Richmond Enquirer has the following despatch: - BALTON, Ga., April 2 7 .—Brownlow's Yankee cavalry, five hundred strong, dashed into Spring Plade this morning, but beyond the capture of one citizen, effected notning. This was nothing more than a reconnoissance of the route by which the enemy will advance. A despatch to tie Richmond Enquirer, from bile, says that. General Banks has fallen back, and was intrenching himself. - WAsnixbrox, May 2.—Rebel papers published in Richmond on the 30th ult. have been received. A Wilmington despatch of the 20th says a fire oc curred the previous night which consumed the of fices-of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, thirty-four freight cars belonging to the Georgia Ventral Railroad, and every building south of the depot, including the Confederate cotton press. Berry's marine railway, and all the cotton stored 'west of the ferry, being about 6,000 bales. • The loss is estimated at from six to seven and a balf millions of dollars. A second despatch o t the same date says, at the fire to-day about 4,40, bales of cotton, 25 freight cats, the railroad offices, rosin and oil "works, cotton prees, Berry's shipyard, shed, &c., were burned. The loss is estimated at live million dollars. The Confederate Government lose about one million. - The balance falls on indi .vidule, who are insured only for about tan thou sand dollars. The Richmond Eraminsr, of April 29th, says:- 44 We have again rumors of an impending battle on the Georgia and Ttn.uessee lines. The opinion in that part of the Confederacy appears to be that the enemy . is to make a grand effortfor a successful campaign in that quarter, but while there is much stronger evidence that an effort is to be made in the direction of Richmond, it must be recollected that this theory by no means excludes the probability that an important issue is also to be tried in North Georgia. The enemy has no army there which is formidable in numbers and discipline. It pos seises one great advantage wilt la the enemy has not in Virginia—the impregnable fortifications of Chattanooga upon which to fall back in case of dieuter,', PROM MORRIS ISLAND .- . . NXV: Tons, May 2. —The P4lmetio Hvaid of April 26th, published at Pert Royal, S. 0 , has been received. General Hatch has been relieved of command in Florida by General Wm. Birney. Colonel Hewell, of the 85th Pennsylvaaia Regi ment, is relieved as Commander of the District of Hilton Head by Colonel W. W. H. Davis, of the 164th Pennsylvania. Colonel Duryea, 6th Con necticut, is succeeded in command of the post at Hilton Head by Colonel Hoyt, of the Sid Penn sylvania. Fifteen or twenty rebels, scouting in Vincent Creek, Morris Island, were captured by the pick ets of the 54th 1515.ssachuF. etts (colored)`` • :gtment They confirmed the reports that the arms, for the defence of Richmond had been strengthens. e expense of more southerly positions. _ AFFAIRS IN THE SOUTHWEST. CAM, May 1. —By the arrival of steamer Mollie Able, we have New Orleans dates to the 26th ult , and Memphis to the 29th. The steamer Morning Star, from New York on the 16th, arrived on the evening of the 25th. • The cotton market is too unsettled for quotations. A small lot of strict low middling cold at 90. Sugar and Molasses firm; sales of 600 hhds. Sugar at 24 for good lair, and 24 a 2534 fur fully fair. 500 bbls. Molasses sold at 95 for new. The Mollie Able brought up 200 hhds. of sugar, and a few barrels of molasses. The gunboat Petrel was suddenly boarded, cap tured and burned by Wirt Adams's cavalry, on the 23d, two miles above Yazoo City. A number m the boat were killed. Capt. McElroy and his crew are among the missing, and are supposed to be prisoners. The executive officer, pilot, engineer and an en. sign escaped. The Petrel was a small sized gun boat armed with four or five guns The following Sunday, a Federal officer, named Wooster, formerly in command of a colored regiment, was executed in the same vicinity. The. steamer Tycoon, from White River, has arrived at Memphis, and reports a skirmish be tween cavalry and guerillas near Duvall's Bluff. The enemy were routed elids number of priso ners taken. The Arkansas River is failing very rapidly. The steamer Progress was recently tired into near Concordia Kiss., and a deck-hand was - wounded. Ai:oler attack was made near Grand Make. One guerilla was killed and ten taken prisoners by a company of marines. The Progress was attacked a third time near Island No. 76, but sustained no injury. The mili tary authorities are pi easing horses from citizens for the purpose of mounting a Wady of cavalry on duty at that place. The Memphis cotton market was active and grim xlll offering being readily taken. ReCeipts small: middling to strict do., 66a67c.3 good, CBa69e. fair, 72c. _lt is reNifttd utat Paducah is azaln threatened; add measures are to be taken to prevent Govern ment property from falling into the enemy's hands, should they advance on the place. It is -said a thousand people from the country about Paducah and contrabands are encamped within a radius of ten miles on the opposite side of the river from that city. Colonel Osborn, who was wounded, at Carbon. dale on the 27th, has since died. CAIRO, May 2 .—Generals Ransom and Howe axe passengers by the steamer Memphis, from New Orleans. The fostero is rapidly recovering from his wound. H goes to exonerate Gen. eral Stone from the responsibility our isastsr resulting from the disposition of our forcesat Sa bine Cross,Roads. He further states that General Stone has endeared himself to the Army of the Gulf by his gallant conduct in the battles of the Bth and 9th. who captured the gnnboat Petrel are represented to number about 300 men, with two pieces of artillery, which, with musketry, sud denly opened on the boat. The crew, though taken by surprise, quickly responded, and - quite shriek fire was kept up for some minutes, whe n a ball from the enemy pierced the boilers of the Pe. trel, filling the boat with scalding steam, compell ing the crew to leave her. What damage was in flicted on the enemy is unknown. A BILIIGGLER KONG—ACTIVITY IN EMI- TART PREPARATIONS. • - suZirrnis, April X 9, a CUto.,‘ May . Smith Was executed to. day in. Fort Pickerirg, for the crime of smuggling percussion caps to the enemy and violating his oath of allegiance. He stated at the gallows that he was guilty, and that his sentence was just. Two oilier men are now in Irvin Prison for the same crime, and will prob ibly suffer the same penalty. • - Gen.. Wash rn bue s i very actively preparing his forces active duty-in the fielo. Gen. Stingers has assumed command of the cavalry here, and is remounting and equipping • FROM WASHINGTON, • WAsnixoTort, May 2. S eele(N. V•) lyid before the Hone Naval Committee to-day a prop. oeition ten derttg to the Committee, as a site far Navy lard; aplaee on the Hodson-River .below Yonkers., The. Committee will, meet to-morrow, - when another effort wit). be made to , dectde upo n the locatton of the. new iron. cla.d..NavY Y.rd. The - P.reenlent to. day Fent to the.Sena!e the name of Colonel Fry , as BriOndier,General: This rank Ncne recenily conferred nr on the Provost-Afar. Etars office by a re(ent law - of (lorqtroFe. The Houeelailitars , Committee, to, day; agreed to • report it bill in favor of relieving Payramster Brill ion from liability.for two-millions and a half of greenbacks, b'urnt on the steamer Ruth, last_ sem suer, on the lilississippl, which were under his charge-When the accident occurred.' i•zeveral member's called upon the Senate to;clay to urge! them to a dont the House resOluticin to adjourn' n the last day of May. z The Hon. Amos Myers, of Penn syivarda,to-day revered, through the Secre.tary of the Navy, an in crease of pay for the joiners la the Navy Yard to three dollars per day. - • - - A large number of tt e wives of Senators, mem. tiers of the House and others,met to-day for an or ganization Of a £ 0 cie tyr for the purpose of exec cising grea'er economy in the purchase of foreign luxu; - ries. The Constitution, as reported, states the ob ject of the assonation, and designates Its name as "The Coverant." -It contains the 'following pledge, which is to be signed by all the members: • 'For three years or during the war we pledge our- SCIVCE to•purchase no foreign articles of apparel When American articles can possibly - be substi tuted." , _ We are again without any war news of interest from She Army of the Potomac. (len. Spinner, of the- United. States Treasury Department, is still confined to his room with lever. Be is improving, but is very weak, and it may be some days before he can resume his duties, with his 'usual vigor and herculean energy. IMPORTANT CONCERNING VIE DILAPP. - WAR LEP RTMENT, PROVOST MARS RAL GENE s Ovvicts, W. 65131102 oN, April 29, ( E ta. —Otr cu ar No 16 he f"Ilt. wing opiuion of the Ron William :Whiting. Solicitor of the War - Depart Mem, is published for the information and quid ance ot all °Mars ol t.* is Bureau: In regard to the question whether the plea of non- resider. ce in the district where a drafn d man may have been enrolled shoulo; under all cir Cb Illt tan cer, be regarded by Boards of Enrollment ZZE a legal and pruver ground for exemption from u ilitary service nude] the draft in that district, &.c. or mom. When a person vdio has been enrolled and drafted claims exemr 'lion from draft on the ground of non-residence the Board of Enrollment will be justified in granting it if he makes satisfactory proof on three points. Ist. His non-residence in the district where he claims exemption. at the time of his enrollment therein. - 2d What his place of actual residence was at the time 'when the enrollment therein was made.' 3d. That be was or is actually enrolled; and has been drafted, cr is liable to draft in his place of actual residence. .611 persons from whom military service is re quired under - the Act of Congress, are liable to en rollment and draft in some district. The notation or the ocCupations and residence of persons enrolled is not required to enable unpatriotic citizens by technical objections to avoid their fair share ofpub e duty, but to identify tee persons drafted and assist in equalizing among the different districts Eh, ir respective quotas. Whoever has b en enrolled In one district and intends to claim exemption from draft by reason of residence elsewhere, must take care to be enrolled where he resides. If the corrected enrollmer.t be promptly effected, an application thereafter made to the Provost Mai shal•Geneial, or to the Boards of Enrollment w ill protect ban against double liabilitk.; but if he neglect this privilege ho ought not to escape all military service in time of War, by proving :hat an error had been made in the place of his residence, the spelling of his name, or the description of his trade co occupation. • It is deemed a . privilege to enter into the military El rylea of the 'United States. The patriot owes it to his country ; the man of honor owes it to his neighbors to see that every ci i7.1:11 liable to milttary duty is properly enrolled. JAMES B. PRY, Provost Harsbal-Geueral. POLITICAL AFFAIRS IN IctVADA A copy of a letter from Governor Nice, of Neva da, to the Secretary of State, has been sent to Con gress. With regard to the defeat, by the people, of the State Constitution, the Governor suggests that the Constitution coot:tined stringent prowl. sinus in regard to the right of suffrage which ar rayed the disloyal element against it. !slimy miners objected to theprovision imposing a tax on min ing. It was submitted at the same time as the State electon, and sonae of the names on the State ticket excited much dissatisfaction. Exception was also taken to some proceedings of the Moven. tion. All these causes combined sufficed to defeat the State Constitution. Virginia City and the aeljacent county, which were entitled to one-third of the ri:proseatation of the Territory, instructed their nominees to vote against the tax on mines. , This alarmed the formers, who thought the whole tax 'would fall upon them, and many joined the disaffected to defeat the ejonstitntion. He says there is a good Union majority in every precinct of the county. Too many of the.disloyat who crnoy and perplex conssantly, and considerable of the Secession element exists in the race 6 timnaigmtlon, mainly from Missouri, Southern Illinois and Southern Indiana, and the scattered rebel forces of the Southwest. This charaCter of immigration, he dunks, will be greatly increased this session. The struggle between the parties has been es.raeat and embit tered. He has no doubt that Nevada will imme diately respond to: the enabling at of .Congress: thirty millions of dollars in precious metals have been mined daring the past-year. When irrigation is reduced to asystem, it is claimed that the terri tory will produce a sufficiency of vegetables and certa2s. The subscription to the Ten-forty loan, reported at the Treasury Department to-day, amount to one million four hundred thousand dollars. The name of Tar. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, was incorrectly printed in the yeas and nays among those who, on Saturday, voted acainst equalizing the pay of white and black soldiers. He voted for that amendment. WANTS die WANTED—To rent for the summer months ka a FURNISHED COUN MY HOUSE, wuhin an hour's ride of City by Cars. Address, with f 01l particrare, B. W., Office of this pa per. ap3o4t* WANTED—A DESIRABLE COUNTRY IE6 LIZ E SIDENUE, with trom lo to 20 acres of land, in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches; not more thnu S miles dis tar.t from the city, and of easy access; - the grounds must be well shaded and handsomely laid out, mansion large, well built, and have all the mo dern conveniences. J. M. GUM.M.EY tc. SONS, SUE Walnut street. • BOARDING N 0 SOUTH BROAD STREET, private ,41.1 BOARDING. Vacancies to-day. ap3o.stit SUMMER, BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED IN a pleasant part of Germantown, for persons without children. Apply at Ilarkinson's Confec tionery establishment. Main street. ap27-6t4 DE EiMEINENT HOARD wanted by a clergyman 1 with small flmtly, in private Christian home. One large or two small communiCating rooms desired. Will furnish in part. Location between Third and Twelfth and Walnut and Pine streets. Address, with reference, 0. 'T. W., , 4 Pr , ss" office, FOURTH Street. below Chestnut. ap3o.3t* •- - - BO Y S' CLOTHING, Boys' Clothing, Boy s Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Pcys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, In every variety, IA every. variety, In every , ftariety, In every variety, In ever3&variety, In every 'Variety. In every In ems , ' OfirleiV, In every variety, Li every var.ety,. In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell & Son' s,_ At H. L. Hallov. ell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, Ai H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At 11. L.' Hallo well & Son's, At H. L. Hullovuell & Son's, 534 Market street, 531 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 - Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 At arket street, • - 534 Market street, SPECIAL NOTICE.—We have the largest and best assorted stock of Ready-made Boys' Clothing in the city, cut - in the latest styles, and made in the best manner. H. L. HALLOWELL & SON, apll:2-3mt, 534 Mar ket street. 1!I - ARM/4 LEANS, NO. 4lal UHESTM Ug Lift Street. First Prerotam awarded by Franklin Institut; to MARTIN LEANS, Manufacturer of MASONIC MARKS, PINS, EMBLEMS, &O. New and original designs of Masonic Marks and Templars {Medals Army Medals and Corps %wires of ein:turrluttnr: intel-erwr. rIeRA/N PlPE.—Montgomery Terra Cott .11J Works: • PrieList 1864. 2 Inch pipe per 3 Lfeetfor length 30 cents. ;3 inch pipe per 3 feet length 30 cents. 4.lnch pipe per 3 feet length 48 cents. 5 inch pipe per 3 feet length 60 cents. Web inarech pipe per 3 feet length 73 cents. prepared to furnish stone-whre drain pine, glazed inside and outside, from 2 to.M inches •n. diameter, in large or small quantities, with all rariet i es o f Traps, Bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. McCOLLIN lc RHOADS, a. 22 1221 Market street. Philadelphia. MITE PI:III.A.DELPHIII. iItIDINCI- SCHOOL, FOUPTH Street, above Vine, will re-open for the Fall and Winter season on MONDAY,Sept 1. - tdies and 'gentlemen desiring to acquire thoronzli - knowledge of this accomplishment w in. And every facility, at this school. The ttorsez, arc safe end well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. S•addliv horses trained in the- 'best may; Saddle horSes, hones and `Nehielesto hirr klso earriatve for far sin Is, to oars. zteamboatS, & - • etts. TiWia 1F: . 1 1 - 16 r , i,ed E.D . 11 , 195 boxes Scgtieti Fier crin botes No. Ilierrir.g per Clucirtpion 'Wharf for-mle. r..-sr E. EL. StIUDEIT. 4 CO, Dock Jamey . • DAILT,AVENII 4 I6 BULLETIN! PIIILADELPfLiA. TUESDAY, MAT 3, IBtli NEV'' PUBLICATIONS - Es : ELI _l lON—BISEIOP HOPKINS'S Scriptural, Ecclesiastical and Historical VIEWS OF SLAVERY, • From the'times ~t the Patriarch Abraham to the Nineteenth Century—Cloth, St.so prepaid. Pali.' Mlle(' by W. S. POOLEY & CO., Harper Build ing, N. Y. J OHALLEN & SON, 1308 Uliest. nut, For Sale also by J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO. E. H. BUTLER & CO., T. B. PETERSON &BROS. fIARDS ENGB A.VED AND WRITTEN. FASHIONABLE NOTE PAPER, ,AND .ENVELOPES. . 'INITIALS, STAMPED, GRATIS, IN EDDING (.3ARDS ENGRAVED, • MOURNING PAPER Ac.. COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS 45:0. • my 2 !N.§ UOOK BOOKS.—COOK ROOKS. REST PUBLISRED. New Editions Jnst Ready.—Cook Books for Families, Private Parties, Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes. Best cooking receipts published. IVIDDIPIELD'S CODK ROOK. Price St .50 LESLIE'S COOKERY BOOK. Price .61 50. HALE' S COOK 130 OK, Price 81 50. LESLIE' S RECEIPT BOOK. Price 61 50. HALE' S RECEI vTROOK. Price 31 50. PET ER SON' NEW COOK BOOK. (In Press Price 51 50. FRAN OATELLI' S FRENCH COOK BOOK, with tilustratiorth. (In Press.) Price 8.5 00: Copies sent free of postage, on receipt of price. Orders solicited from families, hotel-keepers; restaurateurs, booksellers, news agents, and all others in want of reliable works on cooking. Address all orders and letters to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT St eet, Philada. And they will receive prompt attention. Send for one of our new Catalogues. iny2-•3t SPEER'S SOURCE OF THE NILE. WITH. ILLUSTRATIONS. A Journal of the DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By John Harming -Speke. Captain in the Indian Army, with Map and Portraits, and numerous Illustrations, chiefly from drawings by Captain Grant. In one volume octavo. RE' ENTLY PUBLISHED. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIO DISOOVE BY for IRI. THE; NATIONAL ALTdA.NAO fur Isat. TiiY OAVE LIFE IN yIOKSBURG, by a Lady. • THAYER'S Youths' History of the Rebel lion. MATHEW'S Illustrated Horse Management. ' VAUX'SHat. and Cottages. SMILE S Industrial Biography. " COUNSEL AND, COMFORT, by the Country Parson. FAMI LIAR INVITATIONS. A new edition. CLEVELAND'S HINTS to Riflemen. JOHN BUSS. His Life and Times. NEW BOOKS. _ _ MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC and MISCEL LANEOUS, and all others of a standard cltarac• ter, lot sale as FOOLI as published, at low prices, by LINDSAY & BLAHISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut 1( k 1 E BOOK'! IvEW BOUHS ! Speke's Africa. A Journal of the Discovery of the Sources of the Nue. svo. Vnivereal Pre greets. By Herbert Spencer; 12mo. BulwerL)tton's Dramas and Poems. Blue and Gold. Swain's Poems. Blue and Geld. . Round the Block. A new American Novel. l2mo Edith's BTinistry. By Harriet B. McKeever 12mo. kierbert Spencer on Education. 12mo Fcr 'vie by W».l.Ta V S. & ALFEED.MELETIEN. ripio 606 Chestnut street. 'JUST REOEIT BY LEYPULDT, ilookse r, Publisher and Importer, 1313 OHESTti UT street. STUDIES OF RFLIGIOLYS HISTORY AND CRITICISM, BT ERN ST RERAN, Author of "The Life of Jesus." Authorized translation from the original French; by Rev. 0. B. Frothingham, with a biographical introduc tion. I vol., 5'0., cloth. Price S 2 50. Sett., postage free, on receipt of price. apt .V 5 AMEN'S LIFE OF PIELLIDOR. LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician arallehess Player, by George Allen, Omsk Pdofeasor in the University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple mentary Essay on Phdidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von Heldebrand an:. dm Lass, Envoy Extraordinary and minister Plena potentiary edit* King of Prussia, at the Court Saxe-Weimar. 1 voL , octavo, g vellum, i lop. Price Si SC Lately published by E. H. BUTLER es 00. nos 137 South Fourth ork:st. TROLOGIOAL BOOKS, PABIPBLET'S and WSPAPERS bought and sold at JAS. BARB'S. 1105 Market street, Philadelphia. fat Pr. OVA L. —Dr. J. LEVIS has removed to it No. 1104 ARCH Street. a1r17..12t* WILSON /c BRO.—REAL ESTATE . AGENTS and BROKERS. 4t9 WALNUT Street. Money carefully invested. Real Estate bought, sold and exchanged. Interest on Ground Rents, Mortgages and House Rents promptly collected. apts..lm. JAMES M. SCOVEL, Attorney at Law, , piaster and Examiner In Chancery. 113 PLUM street, ap7.lm* Camden. N. .1. AFFA & SMITH, _ _ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE BALE OT . FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, SEEDS, ° And Produce generally. No. 121 North WATER et., Phila. Eaps.ina* ROBERT EWINO, BILL BROKER, • mh2s.ly* No. 109 South THIRD street. GEORGE BuLDIN, bIICHAEL WAR rnk BOLDIN dE WARTDIAN, TOBACCO and GENERAL COMISSWN Merchants, No. 106 North WATER - street and 106 North lels DELAWARE avenue; Philadelphia. A.NS do :WATSON' SALAMANDER SAFES, - - STORE NO. 16 South FOURTH street, PRILADRLPRIA, Pd. A lgrge variety of FIREPROOF SAFES &map on hand, cheap for cash. - myl9-1y J, VAUGHAN MERRICIC, WM. H. DIERRIcg JNO. E. COPE. SOUT HWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AI/ WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & ENGINEERS AND 'MACHINISTS, Manufacture Iligh and Low Pressure sweat ED ginils for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &O. Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshop, at Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest ant moat improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, suck Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans,Om Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumpig Rh. glues, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeux' s Patent Sugar 8011 , Mg Apparatus, Nesmyth' s Patent Steam Ham. mer, and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrk fugal Sugar Draining Machine. ja2:2 GBS FIXTI ftES. —W AHNER, husgmy CO. No. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufactu rers of ' Gas Fixtures, Lamps, occ. z ce . woul d call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, pendants Brackets. &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings' and Public Buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work warranted ' la.lo Tb ENNSYLVANIA WORKS—on the DEr.a. WARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, 'CHESTER, Delaware county, Pa. RE A NET, SON .S; ARCHBOLD, •Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of , All - kinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONENSING ENGINES,. Iron 'Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, ke. jce . T.REA.NEY, W.B.REANEY, S.ARCIIBOLD Late of Lab Keeney, Neafle Co., Engineer i n oar Penn Works. Phila. Gyl3-tfl 13. A."" DR. SCOTT'S t i M LIVERY STABLES, P-..‘ ork Yavenne,, between Buttonwood and of streets, Philadelphia. No Horse tliat can injure another will be ad. nutted, Livery to he paid before a Horse leaves or is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Florser to hire. New customers for these are raostrespect• tnllc requested t o bring a reference. Terms mod cersAo. but cosh DSITITIrkt fala-lra • 1,4 TIRING ER' S BEEF TEA. JET.LY--An in J_VJ vrlttable article for the sick and delicate, con yertit,le in a fevv It...litotes into a* delicious Soup or Beef lea. Hours of prer.aration aud trouble are required according to , the old me' hod. For sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER CO., 108 and. 110, South Wharves. OBALLEN, 1308 Ohestn u t BUSINV:swi OAJU:oh. HaYEs You Provided for Your Family an Insurance on , Your Life ? ROME- Life -Insurance Company, MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President. G. 0. RIPLEY, See. I. H. FROTHINGELAMITreaII WILLIAM J. Coyfitt, Actuary. Philadelphia. Refereneee. • Hon. Wil•iam S . :rung; Bev. Matthew Simpson, D.l) , Bishop of M E. Church; 'Bev. filbert Banes, D. D.; Rev. James Crowell; Ttik mos Robins, k sq..; Lewis R.Asahn.r.4, Esq L. • Samuel Welsh, Esq. ;- James Droalao. Sag ; W Esq.; John Rice, Esq.; Cnaries Humphreys. Esq; John B. Austin. Esq.;rS. C Palmer, Esq • O. B. Mount- Ee.q, ; Samuel Perkins. Esq.; J i lin R. Penrose, }sq.; Samuel Field, Esq.; Masons. E. W. Clark & Co.; Hucknor, McChromou -& Cu.; _01:m B. Myers & Co.; Benjamin Bullock .h Sons Wm. 5..& Alfred Martino; George B. Reese, Son & Co.; J. B Me Teary sc co ; George Cooke:tan & Co.; D. Kershow & Co.; - Kay & Brother. JOHN R. PAORARTI,II- D. • MEDICAL EXAMINER. No. 7225 SPRITOE STREET, In attendance at Agent's Office daily from I to 2 P. M. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, Corner Fourth and Library streets, aps• tuths36t B ESLE ft, Agent 1024 C3HES_TNUT E. M. NEEDLES Would call special attention to his large stock of LADES, Ehlaft , ILDERIE:A. ff AN DK ERCHIE e'S. VEILS WRITE GtiODS• all bought before the racent ad vance, compri4eg many novelties, in li mes suliab . e or ladle,' bodies at d drPsses in striped, figured, plaid, tucked and puf fed mu, lius, &c. 100 pieces White, Bair and Figer.re3 za Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. n In 'clew of the heavy additional taxi w n.bout to be impesed on all imported goods, t ladies would do belt to kive my stock an c,) early inspezlion, as prices inns , be fleece. saTily largely advanced in a short time. `,: 4 ' lam still selling at old prices. 1024 OH Etiri N 1 T TR FET 1864. 1864. g . COSTAII,'B" BAT, ROACH, ABT, &c., • EXTERMINATORS: .415 years established in - City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Pe140015.' "Not or-nprous to the Human Family. **Rata come out of their holes to ale.' Ifir Sold by ,11 l•rograsts everywhere. t!! BMWAIN!!! of all worthlee* imvations. sir "Costar's ' Depot No. 4tl Broadway. ST Sold by all tiruggists and Dy iu. Co.. 932 North Second street. ap29-ta the 2614 JOHN C: ARRISON, NOS. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH ST., MARUFAOT OBER OF The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST CUT BY T. BURR MOORE. Warranted to Fit and Give Batinfaction. also Importer and Dlaimfacturer of OEN TLEMENTS FURNISHING GOODS N. B. articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best ma eriste. aple-am Patent Shoulder - Seam Shirt liTanufactory. Orders forthese celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Ekmds, Of late Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & C 0... 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Fine Shirt Manufactory The subs6ribers would invite attenticn to their IMPROVED - CUT OF SHIRTS, Whiah they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES TOR GENT'S WEAR J. W. SCOTT 41b CO., Gentlemen's Furnishing store, 814' CHESTNUT STREET. le Four do o's below the C outineutal BEDDING. MATTRESSES, • IFE &THERS• BLANKETS,`QUILTS, 13 00AlEORT4,LES, IBED TIUKINGS, And every other article in the Bedding Innings • ci the ltivrest cash prices. AMOS HILLEORN, te9es-31oe TENTH BELOW AROB ,ST2 CELEBRATED REEVESDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO., B. E. corner Broad and Callowhill m 2-► COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves, Triramings and Fancy Goods, .c holasale and Retail ) No. 53 North Eighth at., Phila. ra2l.3m¢ Commission Paper Warehotse. FARRELL, IRVING & CO. 510 MINOR STREET, Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and :-.INGLE MEDIUM; OAP and CROWN. MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. • Highest price paid for Rope in large or small quantities HENSZEY & otographers, NO. $l2 AIICH STR_EET. ap9-anu , ele.hl AN , S UNRIVALLED VENTTILA -1 ING Wigs and 'Toupees, Ladles Long-Bair Braids,.Hali Wigs,- Carts, Bands, &11., cheap. 1 : 113 / 2411 ,°) MAO lot ox. 994 cmirhsrmirr : . O...F;'Wo4K'fST•I''...Q . a. STOCKS. Oil, Mining , Railroad and the STOCKS, - Bought and Sold M BROKERS' BOARD. SMITH & RADOIAPB m a..6 2mp outh Third street G. F. WORK & CO. U. S., COUPONS BOUGHT AT HIGH PREMIUM. DE HAVEN &BRO , ilm2 _2o, o6 South-Third Street. JOHN ,C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKER,. No. 23 South Third Street,. i. Directly opposite she Mechanics' Bana t Government Loans, Stocks and Dondt Bought and Sold on Commission at the Board or Brokers. MONEY INVESTED Al D NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIAT:ED ON THE BEST TERMS. Sall-3m G. F. WORK & CO. GOLD; ISIINER 2 rlim BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BHA) 20 SOUTH TE0311) 17. EXCHANGE ON LOPiiIION, FOlt Sala In Snms to Suit, by HATTHEW T. MITIM CO, No. 45 South Third street STOCKS Bought. and Sold on COMIIII3IOI, BY Matthew T. Miller £ Co., d3-Ui No. 45 South Third st; G. F. WORK & CO. STOCKS AND SECURITIEN BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO.. taFa 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET. G. F. WORI€ BANKER'S AND SiOCK COMMISSION BROKERS, 48 SMITH THIRD STREET; nual2-nmao ISAAC C. -,JONES - JR" JIIE stock and-Bill Broker, • REMOVED TO No. 140 South Third St. up-STOOKS and LOANS bought and sold at the Board of Brokers. 119" Oominerolal Paper and Collateral Loans ne gotiated. ruhrr-th sa to V3t§ - - - lIEWES & RAEM, Bankers and Exchange Brokers,-. sal No. 52 . South Third Streit, healers in Specie, Bank Notes and Government Securities. - Stocks bought and sold on commission Oollections promptly made. ap3o4nti, LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH k By the Cask or Dozen. ALBERT C. ROI3ERTB. DI I ER LET FINE GROOTPRT , IN, - Perna Eleventh - and Vine : Streets. P. A. It ARbING & Coo Importers and Jobbers of STRAW AND 3IILLINERY GOODS, NO. 413 ARCH 'ST., _ _ BOOKS BOOKS 1! AND FINE STATIONERY.' - - Since the first of the year we have been audtng constantly to our stock, until we now have one of the larsest and best assortmenta,! of BORS, FIRST:CLASS STATIONERY,. PHOTO GRAPHStaid ALBUMS,to be found in an? es. tablishment in the United States. We warrant our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very best material, strong, durable, and as tow I" prima as any in the market. - . all New Books received as soon =issued. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors in Willis P. Hazard, No - , 724 CH.ESTEUT STREET. inh22-2310. LOOKING GLASSES ° JAMES S. EARLE & SON, - No. 816 CEMSTNUT BiIiREET • PHIL.IIS - ELPHIA, Hate now in store, a very fine stock of_ Looking Glasses, Of every character, of the vet's , tesT mannfootttre and laTess styles. Sir Oil Paintings, E‘gre.vin ss, Picture and Pho— tograph Frames. aVa - - - FERLOUG-11S. - mem and Soldiers, visiting ongh, needing SWORDS, AND uTHRIi, MILITARY EQUIPMENTS aro invited to the very extensive illanalaetttring Es tablishment of • GEO. W. 81010N3 .& BRO., SANSOM STREET RALL, - . Sattscom Street. -above. Sixth.. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shorts,. it nodce, which to richness and magnificence challenge =a:petition, no other house in the conntry 7.T combi-,inr, ma. NUFACTURING • - 43 JEWELER 11 TEN FEAOTIcAL SWORD MAIML apB-ini4 NOTICE OF EMOVAL, The uncleveignes would inform !heir Liendicand the public ism:ally, that they have removed fr011i• their Old. Stand, 517 A2.CH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREHOOMS, No, 912 ARCH STREET,. Where they will continue the sale of • GAS FIXTURES, CHANEEL - ERS, COAL OIL sup..oiEss, - taa Having associated with our hoiise 11r.CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the ,Pr- Desipter for Oar— helius & Ester,) we are now prepared to execute, orders for Gas natures of all .=.cdes and design% from the plainest L... the most marisi ve and eist..-,rate, VAN KIRK & CO., tel9-Im6 - No. me Amin sni•EFT. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE . PUT UP AT WILTBERGER. DRUG STGRE No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET PRELADELPIIIA, Will color mere water than four times the saIIIO - of ordinary .T.ndigo, - ilig - The sew Label does not require a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTMR; it is retailed at the same price as the Itaztaiians and Inferior articles. • apll.- lm BEVERLY. N. J. Ei p A COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE. Replete with every convenience, with about one acre of ground—in flue order; gr - Early possession • -- For particulars, apply to - L. MOSS, ap29-60 tli9 DOCK Street. HANDSOME - COUNTRY RESIDENCE • FOR SALE, With Stable and. Carriage Honse and: 27 ACRES OF LAND Situate on WASHINCITON .LA'NE, midway be-. tween tact Nor'h Penusytyarde. Erld. ebautelphie.- and Germantown Railroads—several a . res land and a stream of waterzunaing through: J M. GUMMEY & SONS apirS.tst* ,40S WALNUT Street. in FOR SALE. 21 . The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH 1 ENTH-STREETV Has THREE-STORY BACH BUILDING. ,MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet IrOnly a small part of Cash reqmired. - IN(111111 . ON - TITE PREMISES. ;al5-iii CABINET WARR A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LOW • FRIOFS. . . , GEORGE.LIEINKELS= Nog, 809 and 811 Chestnut stream. TA T T T P n it ry -E IL i i t.ll 7 :: lt lj s jcal — e .N Z . 12 a 11.6 83.41412 /"''' ' W6-it FROTLUNOTIAN &
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