Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 02, 1864, Image 6
PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE: CLOBE 07 B.4.IO?DAY'S ruopssurarca. SENATE. The following message from. the Governor was received : T o the Renate and House of Repro . sentatioet GENTLEMEN—On .the loth of June last, in conse quence of the advance of the rebel army north of the Potomac, the President issued his proclama tion calling for militia from this State to repel the invasion. I immediately issued my proclamation of the same date, calling on the militia to come for. ward. When the men began to assemble under this call of the President, some difficulties arose from their unwillingness to be mustered into the service of the United States, as mis. chievous Cpersons made themselves busy in misrepreeenting the consequences of such mus ter. In this state of affairs I suggested to the Pre sit eat the expediency of my calling the militia, so as to remove the difficulties which had been thus created. The Preside nt a pproved of the suggestion. and, for the purpose of attaining the end proposed by his proclamation, directed me to make a State call for militia. I accordingly, on the 26th day of June, 1863, - issued. my call for the militia. The United States clothed, equipped, and subsisted the men thus called in the emergency; but declined to pay them, on the ground that Congress had made no appropriation for that purpose. assurances were, however, received from the War Depart ment, that it the money to pay these troops should be advanced by corporations or individuals, application would be made to Congress on its meetings, to make' the necessary appropria tion to refund the, money thus advanced. Copies of two telegraphic despatches from the Secretary of Wa- are herewith submitted—one addressed to me, dated July .22, 1863, and the Other addressed to a member of a committee of the Union League of Philadelphia, dated July 21st, 1e63, and which was immediately communicated tome.-On the faith of these _assurances, I pro posed,that the moneyed institutions of the State should advance the money, there being no State appropriation for the purpose. I pledged myself that if the money should be so advanced I would recommend an appropriation by the Legislature o refund it, in case Congress should fail to do so. A copy of my letter on this subject dated July 'l2d, 1863, is herewith submitted. These being not entirely satisfactory to' the gentlemen composing the Committee of Banks, they had an: interview with me here, and I finally handed them the paper dated 24th July, 1863, a copy of which is ale) herewith submitted. Seyerai of the banks: and other corporations in the Sine acting with their accustomed spirit and patriotism, promptly came forwards and agreed to advance the necessary funds. and the troops were accordingly paid. The disbursements were made, and the pay accounts were so faithfully as well as formally kept by g.en, tlemen who acted entirely without compensation, that they were settled by the Adjutant General of the State, with the accounting officers at Washing ton, without any objections arising. The sums thus advanced amount, with interest at the present time, to about seven hundred thou sand dollars. It ought to be added that little more than one-half of this sum was required to pay the troops daring the existence of the emergency. The remainder was a expended in paying such of them as against my remonstrance were detained af terwards by the United States for the purpose of enforcement of tie draft. The answer given by the Secretary of War was, of course, sanctioned by the President. The pay of these troops was, in fact, a debt of the United States, and the faith of the Government was pledged to do all in its power to procure the proper appropriation by Congress to refund the money. I regret to say that the President has not considered it to be his duty to lay the 'matter openly before Congress in a message. A bill, it is true, has been introduced, and is now pending in Congress pro viding the necessary appropriation, but it has met with opposition, and in the absence of some public declaration by the Executive, of the pledges made by the Government, it may probably be de feat. d. Meanwhile as your session is drawing to a close, I feel bound be redeem the faith of the Ex. ecutive Department of Pennsylvania, and do therefore earnestly recommend the passage of a law providing for the repayment of tile sums ad. vanced, as hereinbefore stated, if Congress should fail to Provide therefor at its present session. Our own good faith will be thus preserved, and it can be in no ether manner. A. G. CURTIN. House.—The House was called to order at nine o' clock, the special order being the act for payment of claims for damages sustained by reason of rebel raids in border counties of the State. • Mr. Smith (Chester) offered several amendments providing that the Attorney-General shall depute an attorney to appear before the Board of Ap praisers in behalf of the State. Also e that the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, on the re-- port of appraisers, is directed to affirm or set aside the same, and certify it to the Governor, who is requested to present it to the Government of the United States for payment of amount of damages ascertained by said report; and the Governor shall report to the next Legislature the proceedings in the premises. Also, that ten days' notice shall be given of timeand place of payment of claims. The amendments were adopted and the bin peened finally. Mr. Smith (Chester) read in place an act te pro • vide for the payment of money advanced oy banks of Pennsylvania and other corporations to pay the troops called into serviee to repel the invasion of the rebel army in 1663: Whereas, during the aforesaid invasion a large number of troops, under the authority of the Pre sident and upon the call of the Governor of this Commonwealth, entered into the military ser vice of the 'United States for the purpose of repelling such invasion and defending the State;and where a-,anumber of the banks and other corporations othis Commonwealth, at the request of the Go vernor, advanced the sum of six hundred. and seventy-five thousand one hundred and ninety. five (loners and thirty-three cents for the payment of the said troop., relying upon the faith of the Commonwealth for repayment, in case Congress should not provide for such repayment; and whereas, Congress has not yet made such provi sion: Therefore, SEciricai 1. Be it enacted, dc., That the Governor and State Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith of the Commonwealth such sum of money as may be necessary to pay the sum so advanced by the said banks and ether corporations, with the interest which may be due thereon, and to issue • certificates of loan or bonds of the common wealth for the same, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, which shall be reimbursable at any time atter the expiration of live years from their date; and it shall be inscribed upon the face of such certificates and bands that the loan for which they shall be issued has been contracted to repel invasion and defend the State in war; Provided, That no certificate of loan cr bond authorized by this act shall be issued for a sum less than one hundred dollars, nor be nego tiated for less than its par value, and said certifi cates and bonds shall be transferable` on the books of the commonwealth at the Farmer' s and Mechan ics' Bank, in the city of Philadelphia. Provided further. That this act shall not take effect if Con gress shall provide for the payment of the same at its present session. Sao. 2. That the bonds and certificates issued under the provisions of this act shall be signed by ehe Governor and countersigned by the State Trea surer and Auditor General, and an accurate regis try of the same shall be kept in a book to be pro vided for that purpose, in the office of the Auditor General, who shall make annual report thereof to the Leeielature; and the Governor is hereby au thorized to draw warrants on the State Treasurer for such sums out of the money raised by said loan as may be necessary to pay to the said banks and other corporations the money advanced by them as aforesaid, with the interest that may be due thereon; and also such sums as may be neces sary to pay the proper expenses incident in the negotiation of such loan, and the preparation of the bonds and certificates authorized by this act, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise approptiated. Sao. 3. That the Governor be and he is *hereby authorized and required, before negotiating such, loan, to give at least thirty days' notice in one newspaper in Philadelphia and one in Pittsburgh, inserting for the loan or any part thereof, as authorized by this act, which proposals shall state the price intended to be paid for such loan or parts thereof, and at 3 o' clock P. M. of the day ap pointed in such published notice, the State Trea surer shall proceed to open such bids in the pre sence of the Governor and Auditor-General, and such other persons as may attend, and allot the same to' .the highest and best bidder. SEC. 4. The expense of advertising and the priat ing of bonds and cat ti licates shalt be settled in the usual manner by the Auditor-General, and paid by the State Treasurer out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. On motion the House proceeded to the considera tion of the bill. Mr. Smith (Chester) said that this mosey had been appropriated for, the payment of the militia called into service last Summer. There was no doubt but that the Generai Government would re fund the State; the banks, however, looked to the Commonwealth to be reimbursed, and it was ne cessary for its credit that it should be done. The bill passed finally. - Au act to provide ides the instillation and train ing of orphaned and titute children of soldiers and sailors was then taken lip. The bill was discussed and postponed for the present. Adjourned until &fond ay at 3 o'clock. TOBACCO AND BEGABS 11 L jAVANA A' good assortment constantly in store a n d itond—at lowest rates for cash. STEPHEN FUdiTET. /importer, m.b.2-3raco No. 216 S. Front Street MONACO°. —27 hbds. shipping Tobacco received to-dtty. Forsale by BOLDIN & WARTFULN, No. ltti N. Water street. apt DENNSYLVANIA SEED LEAP TOBACCO. I - 19 Cases Pennsylvania Sea Leaf Wrappers and Fil'ers, in store and for sale by GEORGE AL• "lON'S do CO., 'IA North DELAWARE Ave. jrle. u 11 nerp—.-b THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, Of lice No.• 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Notice is hereby'given that the Secretary- of the Treasury has kincilv ordered that all articles de... tined for the Great Central Fair, shall be admitted to entryfree. of duty, and that instructions to this eileet have been issued to the Colleetors of the Ports of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. HORACE Howenn Funrrass, See' y. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. COMMITTEE ON ARMS AND TROPHIES. PHILADELPHIA, April 25, 1361. Contributions of any articles of interest for this CoMmittee, for sale or exhibition, as well as of money, may be sent to any member of this Com mittee, and .receipts will be returned by the Treasurer All packages sent to Colonel G. H. CROSMAN, United States Army, Chairman of the Committee, Northeast corner TWELFTH and GIRARD streets, by . any of the Rail road or Express Companies, will be free of charge. ap26• tf4 EDWIN NORTH, Secretary. OCrHARDWARE BRANCIH,GREA.T OEN TRAL FAIR. —The undersigned Commit tee earnestly solicit from all directly or indirectly connected'with "our trade" to send their contri butigne be they large or small, money or mer chandise, to either of the undersigned:, Joseph CS Grubb, 236 Market street. William H. Sowers, 412 Commerce street. William P. Wilstach, 38 North Third street. Aug. B. Shipley, 503 Commerce street. Charles A. Miller; 4'5 Commerce street. John J. Burr, 614 Market street. Chas. J. Field, 633 Market street. .Daniel Steinmetz, 501 Commerce street. John A. Murphey, 922 Chestnut street. TsaacD. Williams, 726 Market street. 3 D. Landis, 211 Market street. Allen, 115 Market street. L. Faust, 19 North Third street. Sc.>. S. Fisher, N. E. cor. 6th and Commerce st. A. M. F. Watson, 512 Commerce st. ap 16-s, m, w, lina§ rrGREAT OeNTRAL FAIR FOR THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RECEP TION OF GOODS, Room No. 28 Washington Building, No. 274 South THIRD street, Prime- DELPHIA. April 18, 1864. The Committee on "Reception of Goods'? are now prepared to receive any articles designed for the Fair, and would ask the co-operation of the various branches of Trade and Industry, as their labels must necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and sent to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are authonzed to receipt and acknowledge the same. They are happy to Inform the public that all of ,the railroad and express companies have gene- rously offered to deliver packages to the Committee free otcharge. A. R. IitcHENRY, Chairman, E.H. ROWLEY, Secretary. Committee meet on Tuesday and noons, at 5 o' clock. A. 8.. McHENRY, A. S. ROBERTS, Jr.. EDWARD H. ROWLEY, JAMES N. STONE, DAVID McCANMON. 1 GEORGE A. McXINSTRY, S. S. MOON, J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN, - JOSEPH HARRISON, itc., ap22-In4 Kr GREAT ORANTRL FAIR. PHILADELPHIA. HORTIOITLTURAL AND FLORAL DEPART- BIENT. The Committee in charge of this Department re spectfully solicits contributions for either exhibi tion or sale, at the Fair in June next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables; also, Bouquets, ' 'Autumn Leaves, Baskets of Flowers, Aquaria, Floral Designs, Seeds, Hanging Baskets, Gardening Books, Flower Stands, Fountains, Fern Cases, Horticultural Iron Work Aviaries;Wire Work, Gardening Implements,) .. China and Native Wine, Garden Seats and Vases,' 1 4 Out Flowers; Dried Fruit, - Dried . 4 Foreign or Exotic Fruit, Wax 4 4 'Wax Fruit. Leather 4. Garden Statuary. nisi" 1 - _ Phantom Bouquets, In short Rustic Adornments of every kind, or anything of a rural or rustic character that does not' strictly belong to the Agricultural Depart ment. Daily contributions of Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Designs, Baskets, ,so as to insure a constant and regular supply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and contributors will please arrange with the Chairman of the Committee of Baskets, Designs, and Bouquets, Mr. ROBERT KILVING TON, Florist, Locust street, near Thirty-seventh, West Philadelphia, as to the days oa which their contributions will be required. Pally contributions of Fruits and Vegetables, not only for exhibition and sale, but also for the use of MI Restaurant, will Pm be thankfully received. The time fixed for opening the Fair, is the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, and It will con tinue two weeks. All articles, except cuillowers, fruits and vegetables, must be received on or be fore the preceding day. Donations from the interior of this State, and from Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by any public conveyance, free of freight, and should be distinctly marked, "GREAT CEN TRaL FAIR,LOGAN SQUARE, PHILADEL PHIA, HORTICULTURAL DEP ARTIIIENT. Care of D. R. King, '7'M Chestnut street, Philadel phia.' Sale," or for Exlispitism," as may be desired. Bills of lading should also be for warded to the same address. Dirs. J. RHEA BARTON, Chairman of Ladies' Committee. aiil4-11,111.vrtje5§ D. RODNEY R1C:03 . , Chairman of Gentlemen's Commi tee or , r- RELIEF FOR TENNESSEE. —A oni mittee of the Ladles' Branch of the -• -t Tennessee Relief Association intend Tied g Knoxville with supplies in the early part of k , • and will be thankful for contributionshniclothin • , particularly for women and children, and artici for hospital use. The following extract from letter written by Mr. Harris. of Nashville, proves the wide field for labor. ini;that unhappy State: "You may remember some families newly arrived occupyirg the large lecture room on the first floor; one of them numbered eleven, the other thirteen. The former now numbers four, the latter three. The lament of a mother yesterday, as she wiped the death dews from the brow of her only son, a lad of thirteen years, was, 'Oh! oh! I brought mv little ones a mighty way to get bread to keep soul and.body together; now I have bread, and no children to eat i all gone; you see! 0, God! take me—take muNAs. poor; broken hearted me. ther!' By the stote sat her husband with a dead baby in his arms, the last of a family of six." Since our fair we acknowledge the receipt of $.3 from a friend; $2O from do., and $2O from New town Square, Delaware county. Donations may be sent to MRS. JOSEPH CANDY, Arch street, DIRS. CALEB W. HALLOWELL, or, an3o.3t* 2121 Arch street. irrGEORGE THOXPSON— ANOTHER MEETIN G.—Thirty years ago GEORGE 7110111PSON delivered nis first Lecture in till city in the Covenanter' s Church,CHERRY street, below Eleventh. He is now invited by members of the same Church to deliver another address in the same building, which he consents to do.. The meeting will take place next FRIDAY EEN ING, the fltti of May, at 8 o' clock. Subject— " The Unionists and Copperheads of England and America.' • Admittance 50 cents. Vents to be had at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets; at the Anti-Slavery Office, 106 North Tenth street; and at the door. ap3o-6t§ 07. PASSENGER RAILWAY NOTICE. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, It-44. At a meeting of the. Board' of Presidents of. the City Passenger Railways it was resolved that on and after May Ist next, smoirmg will be prohibited on all parts of the cars. ap2s tf. ' ' ' HENRY . CROSIKEY, Sec' y. ffrOFFE F THE LEHIGH ZINO COMPICANY, O No. 121 WALNUT STREET, arLADELPHIA, April 19, 1864 —The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH 0 COMPANY will be held on WEDNES DAY, May 4th pros., at 11 o' clock A. M., for the election of seven Directors to serge for the en suing pear, and for the transaction of other busi ness. GORDON MONGES. aplB-14t§ Secretary. _ OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA 113 EXCHANE COMPANY. PHILILDELPHLi t April 26. 1864. The Managers have this day declareei a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, clear of all taxes, payable on and after sth proximo. HENRY . D. SRERRERD, Treasurer. ap2s tras6 ait IT A zT ErRALLUOILD COMPANY, April 13, 1861. he Stockholders of the above Company will meet on TUESDAY, the 10th of May next, at their Office, in PRINCETON, N.J., at 'a o'clock, M., to elect nine Directors for the ensninx y.ar. apl6tm3 , lo JOHN P. STOCKTON, Sec' y. ErrA CARD TO THE PUBLIC —At a meet ing of the Photographers of Philadelphia, held Thursday Evening . April 38th, it was unan imously agreed that in consideration of the great increase in the cost of labor and material, it be comes necessary to raise the price of Photographs. Therefore the rates of pictures will be advanced on and after May Ist. ap3o-iit* OT. MUSICAL POND SOCIETY. The Annual Meeting of the Musical Fund Society will be held at their Hall on TUESDAY, the ad of May. at 8 o'clock*, P. M. The. Elnanal Report will be read and an election for Directors held. WILLIAM L. ap27-w, f, m, tu , 4ti SeeTtiry. TILE DAILY EVENING Bu.r.,LETIN : MONI)AY, MAY 2, 1864 LTED MEE.a.INUS FO FRAyEe, u,3 continued daily at 5 o'clock P. At a.p30.3* , THE THIRTY-SEG'ON ANN•tvER_ 113 s_sry of the "Northern Linerties' Btble So • ulet3'," will be held at the Dutch' Reformed Church, on Seventh street, above Brown (31. r. Talmage, Pastor). on Tnegiay Evening, Blay 3d,. at eight o'clock. •Several addresses may be ex pected. , ap3o-24 A ITTOFFIOE OF THE SHANIO.KIN AND BEAR VALLEY GOAL 00., '213 °HEST NUT STREE r, PHILADELPHIA, April 18, Mt. The annual meeting oV stockholders and election for directors will be held at the office of this com pany on. MONDAY, Ma • 2, 1561, at 1 2 o' clock. . W. P. ATKINSON, • ap2l.-2.3.25-27.29.my2, Secretary. OrTHE ANNE • L M.EET LNG- OF THE Stockholders • the Gre.m Mountain Coal Company will be • :Id on TUESDLY, May 10, 1854, at 12 o'clock ...on e, . room No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, in thu,,itty . of Philadelphia, for the purpose of elecl'zi....at ectors to serve the ensuing year. •••' The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on the 30th inst., and will be re-opeued on May 15. WM. S. GREEN, apl3-w,fkmtraylo* Secretary. zrHILTON'S CEMTINT. The Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is car y the best article of the kind ever Invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house,. everywhere. By its use many dollars can be savd in the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully applied renders It iavaluribl9 to all classes Fir particulars see AdvortinsunAnt cry. OFFICE BOHEMIAN MINING COM- PANY OF MICHIGAN, No. 132 WAL NUT street. PIIILADELPULA, April nth, 1864. Notice is hereby given that an Assessment of .ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on each and every share of the Capital Stock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the Bohemian Mining Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. WALNUT street, .Prtiladelphia, on or before the 15th day of May, IS6I. By order of the Board of Directors. aplitmyln WM. L. MACTIER, Sec'y. OYPENNSYLVANIA R kILROAD COM PANY,TREASURER' SDEPARTMENT. —PHILADELPHIA, April 20, 1.564 NOTICE. TO ST'OUE HOLDERS. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT: on the capital stock. of the Company ' clear of national and State taxes, payable Cm and after May 16, IE4I. Blanks pow Ors of Attorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company, No. 2:38 South Third street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend :will be ready for delivery on and after May2d, but no stock or script certificates will be delivered between the 15th May and Ist June. ap2l.tiel THOs. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Friday After- E t. PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office trl South Fourtt: PHILADELPHIA, September a. 155;. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and It is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. C7omnuttee S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. 6 TOOSHOLDICES' lIAIERS. Timothy 0. Boyle,.Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster, Andrew Turner, John Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca - Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport, fe.:X.tfis WM. ELEOTRIOIT Y. ro ox AND LITE! A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! All diseased conditions, both acute and chronic, where there is vitality enough left to - react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure in most obstinate maladies no charge is made. ,Elec trical Institution, established about five years ago by Professor Botts& Bead the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in communities, dooming 100,000 youths, of both sexes. -annually to an early grave. These diseases are very imperfectly 'understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous deollity, relexation, and great exhaustion, marssmus, or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs. palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, sore throat, trembling and shaking of the arms and lower limbs, aversion to society. business, and.to study: sometimes dimness of the eyesight, . loss of memory. dizziness of the head, neuralgia, pain in various parts of the body, pains in the back and lower limb-% lum bago, dyspepsia, (constipation or the bowels, de ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many other glaxds of the body, producing virulent diefesee e i n bothmales and females, likewise epilepsy, hys teria, and different forms of nervous spasms. Now, then, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the above named diseasesi., and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lungs or of the spinal nerves, have their origin in the pelvic viscera, hence the wan; of success by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above-named maladies are treatedand cured by Professor Bolles ' at ltto Walnut street. DISEASES OF FEMALES. Prolapens Uteri, Lencorrtices, Amenorrlices, Dyemenorrtura. All the above diseases and other Uterine complaints have their origin In a loss of the vital power of the bo ,brought on by injuries, excesses, sedentary ha , personal abuses, alum tions, and the use of owerful medicines. some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains through the hips and back, weakness of the limbs, and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire system The effect. pros nced from these troublescme maladies are almost multitudinous. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Deafness, Blindness, Fits, Insanity and even Idiocy are not uncommon. No effectual or reliable remedy has ever been found for these alarming complaints till oar Into discovery in the use of Electricity in s trict accor. dance with the positive and negative polar action of the Uterine Organs. We never failed in curing all of the above diseases, except in case of or ganic &ran gemen ts, or severe injuries o I the parts. At 1 . 220 WALNUT sire t Philadelphia. Con . ultation free npl4.lm* Glass, Pottery, alta&T D150092131r A!Lpplteadlo to the useful Arts. Ano thing • Combina tion. Moot and Shoe Mar.nfac. tarpra. Jeweler?. raxallies. Itia a Liquid. Remember Finis. <>l nlB-teraltfrly Agents in P No. 30 N. T . Fourth .treat ._r DR. SCOTT'S ';:t•!--;; -. 7 LIVERY STABLES, • or . avenue, betateen Bto• _Juttonw—o-01l and streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that Call injure another will be ad mitted. taken away. Boarders Livery to be r eelfore ve me Horse leaves er is - once gratis. Carriages, 'Wagons andSdical attend s Horses to hire. New customers for these are most full T ermrequested to bring a reference. Terms mod espect orate. bat cash 'payments. . fai„..itfa AKANTIN LEANS , NO. Ss2 OILESTNITI ly.t. Street: ''' First premium awarded by Franklin Inatitato to mAnTzr LEANS, manufacturer of MASONIC 'MARKS, EMS; jadBLEDIS,_ New and original designsat , masolllo marks and Templara 'Medals, Army . Medals and Corps 'FOAMS hr imewv deenTiptlnn DARLEY. —6,000 bushels Of Barley, cargo cm. schr. Clara, to arrive, for sale by Fkr,liaT WI:YStB :c 00. 1 '3olttle Wl:tar - it% • SPECI A.I, NOTICES _ . _ .. USEFUL AND VA.LOALII.O DISCOVERY! IN ei --- H ÜBDEILTO DEMENTc tt Is o ore -general practical utillt) th any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test. ed during the last two years by prat. tical men, and pronounced by all tt. be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is enew thing, and the result of years of study ; its combination is on scrEirrarip. - PRINCIPLES, and tinder uk circumstances or change of temperature, will it be. come corrupt or emit any offensive smell. BOOT AND WEIDE Manufacturers nai ng Machines wth find it the best article known for Ca meriting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. WEE Will And it JE stunelen L tly ß ad S hesive loos their nee, as bas ~ .een proved. ILL iiweela liy Adapted to • • Leaer, • • And we claim as an eipecial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes suMciently strong without stitching. IT IS Y LIQUID CE MENT. 'EXTANT That is a sure thing for mending Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Bone. Ivory, And articles of Household use. Remember Fillton's Cam:Dm is in a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Hilton's In solubie Canting is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton' s insoluble Gement ad heres oily substances. Snpphed. in Family or idannfactii rer' s Packages from 0 oz. to 100 lbs. HILTON Bitos • & co., • Proprietors. Providence, L adeiphia, LAING dc AINNIR, • at. ; Joseph Godfrey dr Co., 38 N. FOR SALE AND TO LET i lL=...fr• FOR SALE—A small. WOOLEN -KILL, WV with air its machinery, now in Dill operati.m. „apply to 3011ri COCHRAN, .Real Estite Agent, Chester. Pa. . ap30.123* 01-01, FOR S aLE OR TO LE Country Resi dence, containg five acres of Land. five miles north of Market . street. Enquire at STERNDER GER' 425 Chestnut street. ap29-123*. el! TO RENI —West Philadelphia—a desirable mathree-story Dwelling,, with all conveniences. APP/Y On premesis. Walnut St., East of 36th.' RentS,loo. [ap2l3.6t* FOR SALE. —The PROPERTY 1619 ARCH street-double House ' lot 12 by 160. Apply WU, H. RORINETT, 2320 GREEN street, or.T P. BOBINETT. 22 2 North SECOND at. apl44m* TO BROKER': AND tiTli ERS.—TO BE -JIELLET.—A desirable' Property, 218' South Third street, sia4s.ble for such purposes. Apply to T. Id. CURTIS .4k. SON, Real Estate' Brokers, 433 Walnut street. ap3o Ole FOR SALE ---A desirable PROPERTY on BELTPIRD street, south of Walnut. suitable tor the erection of a Bank, Insurance Office, or Bro kers' Office, &c. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. WALNUT STERET —For sale. a Brick DWELLING, WALNUT :..treet, could be altered into Lawyers' offices, near the Court EC/Ilse. Apply to J. W. OURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 4W, Walnut street. rap:3o am FOR SA.L E—N •AT MODERN DWELL = INGF, No. 33S Sou h FRONT Street, IEI feet by 122; has the modern conveniences. Apply to M. THOMAS & SONS, ap27 139 and. 141 S. Fourth Street. TO RENT—a. be:limn:My situated doable COUNTRY ' RESIDENCE, three minutes' walk irorn Wissinoming Station, on Trenton Rail road, with coach-house and garden. .h - pply No. 717 WALNUT street. fri DWELLING No. 340 South Front :stre , ,t, 'lately fitted up.. Also 4-storied stone dwell ing. 1335 Spring Garden street, 36 by 150 feet; im mediate possession of both For sale by A. P J. H. MORIIIS. 916 Arch street. ap3o-3t* OLTINTRRY RESI.DEINitiE F 0 a SALE Good Dwelling, Stabling, Ice House. and Tenant House, with u acres of land, with Shade and Fruit trees, at Moorestown, N. J., now va cant. Price, *4,000. Apply J. U. FINE, Eisp3o-l'-t4 614 enestnut Street. • FOR The nandtsoinu tour-story brown-stone iiestdence, with double back buildings, every mOdern convenience, well built, and in good order, No. 15:3 Pine street; lot itU fast trout by 130 feet deep. J. a. (}UplftiEy & SONS, 503 Walnut street. ap3o AuFOR SALE4—A VALLI 4.BLE PROPERTY —Situate on Fonrtli etreet, below Walnut; lot 42 leer front by 120 feet deep, on which are erected two 'loge three-story brick dwellings. with back buildings and all the modern conveniences. J. al. GtaIDIEY 2c SONS, svi, Walnut street ap3o FOR SALE—A dosirabie thre.,-story DWELLING, , ,with double three-story bank tauldings, THIRTEENTH Street, above Green. in good order and immediate possession. DAVIS, ap9.9.31* Ridge Avenue and Green street. 4/tpiEE IluU oN M/ST T TI AON, Camden SE and Atlantic Railroad, To Rent for the Season, for a 133arding House, containing eleven rooms; an airy, pheasant and healthy location. Apply to JOAN srEWART, Architect. 4Y: WALNUT street air.ls-64 _ . MaFOR SALE—An elegant fonr-story brlest ilestGence, 2.1 feet frost, bail: in the most sub stantial manner, with three-story double back, buildings, and every modern coacentence, and lot of ground= feet deep, ttu - ougrriti Samsun street; situate on Chestnut stet. we of Nineteenth st. J. M. CiUM AIM" d SONS, .5;4; Walnut sn'eet. dB WALNUT STREET. FOR SALE—A. IEI handsome three-awry brick Reaide.nee, 2.1 feet front, with three.s , ory dout.le back buildings, built and fintihed in the best manner, and (yarn:shed with every convenience; situate on Within: street, near Twelfth street; lot 133 feet deili to a back at. J-OrnblET & SUNS. Ste Walnut street. Ti) RENT FOIL THE SUALSIBE. SEA MIEL:SON—A lurnished Rouse, balit cottage style, In a bighly cultlysted, Deal ty•and beautiful location. =ilea from Burling:rot, New Jersey: with stable, carriage, ice-house. k.c. For furtner Intrticulans address Box No. 2itr, Philadelphia Office. Post apl.z-fits fal ESTON ILLE FOR SALE. UR —A deal , able 23i-story StoneCottz.gr, Smelt% nut and Flower Uarden, pith ablat s ca:ra of ground, witluu one squan: of Passenger .grul road Depot. at llestonTtlle. - ItErtnetiLste possession gives. A pply to A. B. eAIIVER ap30.51. S.' W. err. Ninth. Filbert street. fila. VALUABLE CIiESTNUT STIMET PRO MIIPERTY FOR RENT— On an Improving Lease for a term of years: lot 3G feet front by 11:33 feet deep, through to Samoa street. Building is very large, and can be altered into a store at a com paratively expense. Situate in a rapidly im proving tart of Chestnut stmt. J. 31. G 1.1.51N1Er fr.. SONS, 6sB Walnut street. a p :30 ifig TO RENT FOR THE SII.MMER.—A de = airable House and Garden. with pleasant yard and good shade trees, In the yinago of CFOODBURY. N. J. Easy of access to the city by the West Jersey Railroad. 'With or without the furniture. possession Alvan immediately. A pply to spl3-LmJ_ DAVID COOPER. NCl:Laves. fp LOCUST NiI:ELT, +VLSI' r/lILAUEL- Mta .PIIIA—FOR SALE—A. desirable RE,tl - or. the north aide of Lout street, be twee:a Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sweres, with ell the modern conyeinauces; also. Stable and Coach house. Lot lta feet :roe t by la:, 'feet deep kObSek Street. ITllMedlate possession given. Apply to A. B. CARVER lc CO., S. W. earner Ninth and Filbett streets. ap3o Ste- FOR *ALE. —The Property on •-•Wctool MI HOLM Lane, fronting eight hundred and ,•tght (t , ...)) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one. third of a mile to the Wi ahlckon, wish front ou that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous tie-sit - able sttei for Country Seats, dye minutes 'walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the ulty. Apply to CHARLES H. DI 1111.1 E ID, No. 20.5 Swath, SIXTH st. f.NI-031 Nil FOR very di sirable lot otground situate on the north side of Spring' 0-anuen suet b 9 feet to inches west of 18114 street, 711 feet front by about 17t feet deep. This tot IC in the immediate ' , kinky of the most desirable improve ments of Bush:hill; atijointnz new Baptist Jhor and comMands a very extensive view ovarlhe city; would be divided to suit purchasers. Apply to 1. 0 PiittlE, apiNi. WA* S.W. corner Sprint; Garden and fib - CO UN 1 101 SEA.T AND P FOR P‘• SA.LB—Containing fifty-nye acres, aandsomely Blundell in Cheltenham townall, aontiromery canary, Pennsylvania, about sight miles from the city and one and a-ltalf Avm Tort Road Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail. road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial end well calculated for a 'printer or Kammer reel tense. Apply to C. H. MIIIREBID, No. 4114 South sirrm street, Philadelphia sel9-*A VINE STREET RESIDENCE OPPOSiTE K l l. l FRANKLIN SQLT A.RE FOR SALE.—A. handsome three-story Brick Dwelling, with dou ble three-story back buildings on the north side of VINE :street, the second house east of Franklin street, with a large eide-yard frontiugon Franklin street, renlete with all modern conveniences. Also a desirable three-story brick Dwelling and Lot of Ground at the north-esit corner of Vine and Franklin streets. Terms, accommodating. Apply to A. B. CARVER .!c CO., Southwest corner of Ninth and Filbert streets. ap3o.6t*•• ea FOR SAL E. street,prior D WE. ES No. 1916 VINE near Logan Square. Lot 18 feet front by 100 feet deep, to Winter street The house is four stories high, with three-story back buildix gs, and finished throughout in the best manner, with large parlor. chambers, bath room, conservatory for flowers, dining room, kitchen, and all the modern conveniences found in first.claes house. • Possession can be had imme diately. Price, $lO,OOO, of which $l,lOO can remain on the property. HARVEY - SELIW, 151 Sonti FOURTH street. ap23-tf6 MO LE r—with Steam Power, three large Rooms with good light, 414 Prune street. ap2B.6tit WINSEL 1c PEA.ROE. mo LET. - Large and small ROOMS, up Stan, 1812 and did OHESTNTIT strum --- _ 114-tf - • 21 - 1 A PAIRS PIVOT BLINDS (new) for sale tlucheap, at second-hand depot, SEVENTH fl.boYB Thompson. ' Old doors, sash, fixtures, &c., bought. [ap3O-Ct*] NATHAN W. ELLIS. TRON STAIRS, Iron Doors,lron Safes.—For 1 sale at second-hand Depot, - SEVENTH, above Thompson. [ap3o.ct - *) NATHAN W. ELLIS. $25 000-31°'°°°, $. 5 , 000, 51, 000 and other Amounts to loan ou Mortgags and round Rents. JNO:YARD Ja. .t SON, ap2.9.fr,m, Gt* 807 Race street. • $l5 000. t"riflC 4 o*;t and e, O Vo l r e-r n a y ni e ° y il ea lita rs t v!t i r u ve per cent, per annum Apply to ap29.3tit LEWIS H. AMMER, IV South 'Fourth street '1 CERTIFICATE Of 5 per Cent. Loan JU of State of Pennsylvania, for • $5lB os, dated March 12th, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM. MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for them= of 8200, ated - Jtme 30th, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, 'Administrator of William Meredith, in Trnst. Application has been mAde to the And:.' tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, 140 Vll Arta street._ tag•3lni C HI 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY PHILAiji LPIIIA.; ASTS. _ ON JANUAR SE Y 1, 1864. .$2,457,849 95. CAPITAL, ----- $400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - - - - 971000 INVESTED PREMIUMS,- - - 1086,288 iniszrugo cLAres rsrooms you 1864. $9,416. • $200,000 LOBB rem soma 18 9 , ? , es, MO, ODO. PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERNS. .1 DMECTOEI3. Charles N. Bancker, Isaac Lea, Tobias; Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Fales, Jacob Smith, Alfred Fitter, . George W. Richards, Fray. W. Lewis, M. D. . CHARLES N. RANOKER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice-President. Sen. W.McALrasrns. Sec. Pro. Tem. mht2tdelfs LaIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COALPAN —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUTTY an dTRUST COMPANY, of Plailadelpnla OFFICE, No. 408 CHESTNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, s3oo,lXXl—paid in and in - vested in Bond: and Mortgawes. ConU.nue to make Insurance on Lives, grant An nu item and Endowments and make contracts gene. rally, which depend on the ccntingencies of lift. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors s.nd Trustees generally, whether corn mitts:l to their charge by individuals., Courts of Justice or corperate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the In :tied for life. lii6FA6SP.B _ Thomas Ridgway, • John A. Brown, Robert Pearsall, John R. Latimer, John R. Slack, John 0. Mitchel, Thomas P. James, Seth J. Comfy, Frederick Brown, lsaac Starr George Taben, Stacy B. Bkrcraft. Henry G. Freeman, Wm. p. Jenks, Illnnulam Exastraritns. --Geo. Emerson, /Ma and Samuel Chamberlain, M.D., attend at the :Mice daily at h 2 o'clock noon. _ - - Pamphlet% containing tables of rates and expla. nation of terms of application, and further iniar. !nation can be had at the office. T,HDATA S BJDGWAY, Presldeair, Toms F. J.A.1113.. Actuary. fell rNSUR.ANUE COMPANY OF NORTR AMERICA. —MA.RINE, FIRE AND Tiff LAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT =eat, South side, ErtSt of Third street. The Properties of this Company are well In rested and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. ILTARINE ytisys taken on Vessels, Frei is and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION' RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads. (1 .fl arc and Steamboat' FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings in City and Ccitinty. INCORPORATED IN Inn CAPITALBSO@ ,OM AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, Si, 300, 000. PRRPETUAL CHARTER. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Samuel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A. Brown, • John Mason, Charles Taylor, - George L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis 8.. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Tronsr, Welch, E. S. Clarke, Willi‘m E. [Bowen, , C u T Cb.arletcm Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President Cr.....AM1.245 PLATT. Secrtns..-y. wye tiremorn p . TNCORPOEATED 1504-CHARTER PER PETUAL. P-a 4 WALNUT street, cpposite the Ex- In addition to 111 A RINE ltr,d LNL&ND Or- SURANCE, tbis Company Insures front loss or damage. by FIRE, on liberal terms, on buillinys, merehandr - e, furniture fro. for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit et premium. The Company has beer..in active operation for the period of SIX.TY 17F A RS, .idurir.g which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. D. Clark Wharton, ILawrence Lewis, Jr.. Land Lewis, ',Benjamin Etting, Thomas H. Powers, A R. lite Hoary, Edmond Castillon.. John L. Hodge, Adolphne. Perim Witium McKee, M. R. MahonT, John T. Lewis, John R. Wilmer, William 'S. Grant, Robert W. 'Learning, JOHN R. WU, SAmtlif, Wilcox, Sire TEFFEBSON FIRE INSURANCE COM- O PANY OF FIILLADELPHIA.—Office North east corner of MIED and larnotrwoor streets Incorporated by the Leglslatzre of Penurylye, WIL °MARTEL PERPETUAL. (s:witsl antacrbiec by law, aluz.,issl. Make I.nsaranze against Lou or Darattics bY Fire , of Pnblic or Private Build- Ulm Furnitan-, Stocks of (}oods and Li orchan. disc, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, :Ifenry-Gerkar. lingiast-0. !Christopher H. Miller. John F. Belsterling, !Frederick Sasaki, Henry Troop:me:, Jonas Bowman, W illiarn McDaniel, Frederick Doll. Jocob Nnliet, Jacob Schandier, George Ble.ts, Jr.. Stephen Smith. Samuel Miller. GEORGHERZTY, President. JOHN F. BELSTERLING, Vice President. PHILIP F. Ootxxiair. Secretsrv. FAME INSUK NO. 400 CHEST] PRILADI FIRE AND INLA] DITLEC , Francis N. Buck, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, 0. W. Dacia, P. S. Justice, Geo. A. West, FRANCIS N. In CHAS. RICRAR: W. T. RLANOITAIILD. SAC, A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE COM ti PANT, INCORPORATED MO. --CHARTER PER PETUAL. Me WALNUT Street, above THIRD SUNNIS, PHILADELPHIA. Having a large paid np CAPITAL STOCK ant SURPLUS invested In sound and available Secu rities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port, and their Cargoes, and other personal property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Fhomas R. Dizaticross. Marts, Jahn I'. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Fou/tney, Israel orris. THOMAS R. M ARTS, Presi dent &Lamm C. L. Guaymas:a:). Secretary. mum m ' iiimERIcAN NITIVAL INSUR.A.NCE COM. PANT—Office, Farquhar Building, No. U • alnnt street INIAIIDTE AND INLAND IN CSUBANCES.—Rieks taken's on vessels, cinlPeg and freights to all sits of the world, and on goods on inland transition on rivers, canals, rail roads and othnveyances throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President PETER CULLEN, Vice President D. B. STAOBY,'Seeretary. DIELBOTOBS. . Gra* Henry 0. Ballet, Peter Chiller., William T. Lowtwt, John Hallett, r. Johnson Brown, William H. Dierriolt, Samuel A.. Eaton, GiMee Hallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder, Pearson &mill, °hulas Conrad, William M. Baird. j MIME TNSI7O4IVE EICOLIJSTVELI—THE JC PENNSYL . IA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—lncorporated MS—Charter Perpet. sal—No. . 510 WALNUT Street, apposite Inde pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for' nearly forty years, continues to lIISIITIi sigainst loss or damage by ilre, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Ahio, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise generally, on liberal terms. Their' Capital; together with a large Surplus Fund is invested in the moat careful .manner, Which enables them to offer to the insured an un doubted security in the case of loss. . DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Ranson, John Deiereux, Isaac Harlehurst, Thomas Smith. Thomas lionnui, : . RenrY , LetCds. J. Gillingham Fell. JUNATItArd piCTTFXSON, Preitident. WILLIAM Vaewnin Secretary. 14w34544RNP1 ffEMA ANOE OOMPANY, , 'NUT STREET. ELPRIA. ,ND INSURANCE. )TOSS. I Jno. W. Everintua, Robert B. Potter, 3no. Kessler, Jr., E. D. Woodruff, Chss. Stokes, Jos. D. Ellie. . WI, President. 'DSON, Vice Preeldent. retere INSIMAIN C E TlLEisEJ.iaNvr, intSlittA.NCL ~..061.P.a..4 2 OF PHILADELPHIA. • Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 309 WALNUT Street. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE. HOUt ed SES, STORES Aia) OTHER BULLDINGS; or perpetual: and on FURNITURE. GOODS. WARES. and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL 8'30.4000. ASSETS 8387.211 86. Invested in the following securities, viz: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured 6106400 69 United States Government Loans • 119, 080 06 Philadelphia City 6 percent. Loani.:.. 50,008 ell Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per want. b 3, OW, 000 Loan • 18,008 OS . ntisYlvania Railroad Ist and 2d Mort gage 'Loans 35400 ea Camden and Amboy Railroad Cow pany's 6 per cent. Loan Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 6,000 86 Company's 6 per cent. Loan .. 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans 4.560 69 Commercial Bank of Penn's. Stock..... 10,009 06 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4.000 09 Stock 00unty Fire durance C0mpany.C0m pany. ........... .......... Union' Mutual Insttrance Company's Stock Reliance Insurance Company of Phila. delphia Stock' 2,500 66 Loans on Collaterals, well secured..... 2,25 u 06 &corned interest a, 0‘,2 Coo Cash in bank and on hand 16,587 35 - Worth at present market value 15399, 664 36 DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley,j Benj. W. Tingley, Wm. R. Thompson, Robert Tolana, Samuel Bispham, I Win. Stevenson, Rooert Steen, Hampton L. Carson, William Musser, a t Marshall Hill, Charles Leland, J. Johnson Brown, Thos. Moore. CLBM TING-LEY, President. Thos. C. Hui.. Secretary. jal-fm w-131 1-11#1; COUNTY FIRE INSURA.NUE 00AI PANT. OFFICE NO. 1.10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BBLOW OIIERTNEIT. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of l'hiladelphia." Incorporated by the Leg/Waters of Permsylvania for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, e=clusively. CIT A STER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchan dise, ac., either permanently or for a lumted time, asminst loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute- safety of its CUSIOMerS. Losses adjusted and 'paid with all possible CZ. gpataL sihszles J. Sutte DIBEGTOBS.r, (Edwin- L. Reakit, Henry Gritty, John Horn, gobt.V. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moore, . . Henry Budd, reorge Meoke, Andrew H. Miller, Jaruee N. 5t0 ....1 nz Bleu ..riza F. Ho, . 4 j ; .. F SL . 57.3% , 2.13 dr7l'..dfut.r. --._. ....? FIRE ASSOCIATION _,_ 7, ";,...4 _ Incorporated March 217, 1611. E L* 3 7.,-4 ...1. OF_r . ICE, No. 31, N. FIFTH st - _ - e-a. Insure BUILDINGS, BOUSEE.C;IAI ...- FURNITURE =3 MIKIMELkIsTDISB --_=. generally, frond Loss by Fire, fin 'lts th.t.t; of Philadelphia only.) ''' ' Slatement of the Assets of the Associadon, Jane- Bonds Bonds and Xortgages 1, 1661. on Property In ttia City of Philadelphia only 8697, 0 61 f 22 Ground Rents ' 3, 306 64 Real - Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streen. )... .• - . -'. :... 14,300 13 U. S. Goy. 5- 2 0, Bonds 45,060 00 Deposit with U.S. Assistant Tress rarer. 2.5, 000 00 Oath on nand. ,Z. 629 97 THUSTRPS GEORGE W. TRYON, Freshlent. Wm.. H. Hamilton, Joe. R. 1 - , Thdani John Sander, LeTi P. Coats, Peter A. Keyser, Se - euel Sparhawk, Sohn Philbin, Charles P. Bower. John ()arrow, Samuel Saattergood. Geo. I. Teams, Jesse Lightfoot. lays WILLLui T. BUTLER. Secretary CITT INSUILWCE COMPANY.— Branch office tog WALNUT street. 4....11 (pirtal and Assets, 53:30, set). JOSEPH TILLING- AST, Agent. Refer by permission to E. C. SCRANTON, President Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn_ JAMES M. BEEBE & CO., Boston,Mass. WT I - I .faTAN'TIC LLNEN COMPANY, New crk City. T.TPPTNci YrT Philadelphls. DRIA3b . . WE HAVE' JUT RECEIVED AN IN %if voice of the following desirable toilet arti cles. cf foreign manufacture, Law, Son & Hay cen' s Honev and Glycerine Soaps, Beabow & ons' Elder`Flower and Brown Windsor Soaps, I.:r.clish Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, French Extracts, of triple , strength, in the original pack ages. from the . Flower Farms of De Geniis ,t Co., Soinnueres ',Gard.), in quantities to suit purcha sers. , -Morgan & Bros. White Felt oorn Plas ters, &c. For sale by E. YARROW & CO. Driiggists. Eighteenth and Vine. ap'2o-Im* T AWRENCE' S METALLIC' BRO WN PA.UNT CENT.METALLIC BASE. The Metallic base of this Paint is composed of the rrotoxide and Peroxide of Iron. Its proper ties are such as to give it superiority over all ottiers in the market for the purpose for which.- it is re commended. , It has been proved by thorough exposure, and by cumparisou with other paints, to be the only re liable Paint to resist the action of salt water and salt atmosphere. . It is therefore especially recommended for ship bottoms, hulls, decks, boiler fronts, smoke stacks and steam pipes. Fcit, iron railings, fences, cars, railroad'and other bridges, it is not. excelled. It is especially' adaoted for IttEtil. ROOFS. _ - - It is not affected by acids or gases, and is a per fect protector against rust on metals, and from dampness on brick walls. It mixes and blends readily with other paints, and by comparison to the amount of surfaces givea w. fight will cover, costs about one-halt - as much air. other Metallic paints. Wherever this Paint has been used, it has given ENTIRE SATISFACTION, which is, we believe, more than can be said of any other paint in the market. ROBERT STIOEIIIA.KER & CO., rcilall-fmw2lq) Sole Agents for Pennsylvania, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. Phila. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00.— J ROBT. SECOBILASER, BEITJ. H. Shoimssan., Wig. M. SE 08.X.A.RE8., RICHARD 11. SHOIMUCEIL. TO DRUGGISTS.—We, offer tne following, o recent inltortation: . Agaric, AniSeed, Star Amse. Caraway and Canary Seed, Althem, Aconite and Calamtis Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Peppy Heads, Tonqua Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings , a Calcined and Carb. Magnesia, Calabria Liquorice, Essential Oils of prime quality, French Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and nu Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porcelain Elm. nets, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials, Druggists' Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, French Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, Inc. ROBERT SROIRm a irrß. k CO. , Wholesale Druggists, f!C: \ N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. DRUGS, —Relined Camphor in barrels, 11 Pure Cream of Tartar in barrels, English Magnesias ' Caked Carbonate and Henry's" genuine Super .Carb. Soda, Quinine, Morphia, Ophim, Sarsaparilla, Jamaica =Ginger, English and French Tooth Brushes, Low's Soaps,, Glycerine: Honey and . Brown Windsor, Drug gist' a Earthenware, all 'Maas, ' Mor , ars, Jig. For sale by WILLIAM BL.LIS dr CO. , Druggists, No. 721 MAREETqareet- spO-ti "OBESE ENGLISH EXTRACTS, &c. Just received.dlrect from GEO. ALLEN & CO., Amptlull, a supply or Ext. 4coniti. Bella- donna,, Cannab, Ind., Conil, Digitalis Hyos °yam]. and Taraxach„ also, — Olenta Digitalis, Dube, Oreum.,Clroton, ,Tlglil, Elaterium, Lactu atrium, and a full assortment of fresh medi cinal' leaves, &c., &c. - BULLOCK & OREN-. SHAW..Arch and Sixth streets. VINE. VIOLET _ .P014.1,14,L. —AN INVOI4JII of freshly Imported Marrow Pomade sweetly scented with ViSlets,ln 50 cent:jars. • HUBBELL, Apothecary,` 1410 Chestnut street. MHE NEW "PILE PIPE. " --A SLIIpLE, cleanly and portable contrivance for the anpli 1111., cation Of unguents tothe internal simians 01 , 11,2 rectum, Sold by BERT T.‘ APtititeaarn 1416 Obestant street. - TIBTEELEREIII OATMEAL by the pound at . D i teg _fre.qb. every civet. HUBBELL, Apothe cary. 141 D OTTE:4TNITT:street fA.,51 - • diRDR. FINE, PRA.I3TIPAL DENTIS? ror the last twenty years, 218 VINE Street, b e ow bird, inserts the raost,heantifal TEETEroi. the age, mounted on, fine G - old,, Platina,, $l/Yert, Vulcanite, CoraftW- Airiber, , 46c. at prices far neat and substanW work, more reasonable than. ayiy Dentist:lf this city or State. Teeth plAgged to lost for life. Artificial Toeth repaired to snit. Vio pain in - extracting. ,a,ll worir warru2red,.to.l4. .V..af.roneo: inTnl I fo. 171111M-2VOI Oti-PARTIv IPHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed ft ll Co.partnership under the name of HEWES RAHN; for' the transaction a General -Banlting Business, at No. THEW , street. GEO. W. HEWES. A. RAHN— • Al , C.: 14 o,se ea $387 211 ae 8331,073 96