NEW WINDOW SHADES, The largest stock, . . The lowest prices, • At - W. HENRY PAT rEN' Takla - 1408 (Jhes , . •MILER. • ANDERSON—CAMP BELL IE — On the evening of"the '27th instant, by the Rev. Albert Barnes, "William F. Anderson to Harriet Campbell, daugh. - • .ter of James A. Campbell, all of this city. BAILY—IRWIN--On the evening,•of the 26th of April,. at the residence of the bride's uncle, by -Mayor Henry, Mr. Samuel A. Bally, of Ridott, 311inois, - to Miss Mary D. Irwin, daughter of 'Wm. C. Irwin, late of this city. DALLET—HEMPHILL—At Westchester, Pa., an Thursday, 28to inst. by the Rev. aohnHaul _ lon, John Dallet, Jr., of this city, to Ella, eldest . .daughter of Jos. Hemphill, Esq., of West ()hes , ler. .LITKENS—REEDER—On the 28th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by h.s Honor Mayor. Henry, Linford Lukens toAnna M. Reeder, of Philadelphia.. * Wi.ORGAN — WILLIABIS-0* Thursday, April .28th, by the Rev Dr. Dorr, William Cole Mor gan, Jr., and "Anna Elizabeth, daughter of Reed A- Williams. * TAYLOR—THORN—On the evening of the 28th i.rstant, by the Rev. Q. D. Cooper, George S. Taylor to itliss Lucy R. Thorn, all of Piing-- udelphia. IXD. • - HOOD—On zriday, D April 29, Rev. Jas. Lesson Hood, son of Jasr. F. Hood;aged 2.1 years. - '- Funeral from the residence of his parents, 'No. 1328 Mt. Vernon street, on Tuesday, May 3d, at 11' 'o'clock, A. •M. To proceed to Bristol, Pa., at o' clock, P. M., from Walnut street. wharf. Jlis irfends and those of his family are invited.. Zervices at Advent Church. ** .LO.NGSTRETIT—On Friday, April 29, Joseph Longstreth, in the 28th year of his age. His friends and relatives ate Invited to attend his funeral on Monday morning, May 2, at '93,‘ o'clock, from No. 909 Walnut street. MAITLAND—On Friday morning, April 29th, Hate. daughter of Joseph and Isabella Maitland, aged I rear. . • * POLLOCR—On the 2.9ta instant, Joseph poi lock, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, No.. 1517 Summer street, on Tuesday afternoon, May 3d, at 2 o'clock. To pro. _ need to Mount Moriah Cemetery. • .--- -PO WERS—On the 29th in.tan.t,- Mrs. Margaret Ann Powers, wife of Robert Powers, in the 51st year of her age. The relatives and friends and members of Wu. low Grace Society, are respectfully invited. to at ' tend the funeral on Sunday afternoon, at four o' clock. from the residence of her husband; 1510 /iarelay street - PRICE—On April :,9th, at Lock Haven, Clicton county, after a very short illness, Matilda E , wife of Philip M. Price, in the 57th year of her age SAILER—On the 29th instant, Rate K. Sailer, daughter of John ancUlatilda Sailer, in the 12tb, year of her age. - • The relative and friends of the family are to. spectfully invited to attend the funaral from the residence of her .parents, No. 732 North Nine teenth street, on Monday afternoon, at. 3 o'clock. Th proceed to Monument Cemetery. • * JDt 1+414.4E1Na. AND SUMMER BOMA EINES, of every quality. For sale by RESSON A - SON, ai,l2 Mourning Store, No. 918 Chest:int -rrPet. YRE LANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET, Rich Silks, for town trade. • , Rest stock of Shawls in town. Dress Goods, popular styles. Tan and Plaid Sack Cloths. :bobby style Casstraeres. ,RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ' UNITED MEETINGS FOR PRAYER continued dailyl4 so' clock P. M. ap3o-3* TrWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN 0 fiE•SUII, :Seventeenth- and Filbert Ste.—Rev. WU lie will preach-Sabbath, 103 and 334. V It* gr. 0 111 E BOOR OF .LIFE."—REV. L. L. Briggs lectured on ibis subject to-marrow eveninr. Church, Locust and Juniper. It* - GREEN STREET Al E.• C;BURUH.— "ISS , -Rev. 'Di. B. Crary will pretkch in thernirn- IngAtt [CM - • It* TAiRD REFORMED DUTOH CHURCH, • 11.3 - 2 -corner TENTH and FILBERT' streets, Rev. Wortmin; pastor, wilt weacti to. `morrow Service atiOli A. M. and 734 P. M. it* }..GLISE FRANCAISE —Demain a o'n P. M., Sermon d' Adieu le 'Pasteur ralgueo A 10h, 1 / 2 " A. M. M. le Pasteur Bean .blen sera presente a la congregation. It* t • : i : a.ou• at 3 P.M. , at Lombard Street Ohnrcla, above Fourth. Rev. R. Eddy,.Pastor. Missionary ,Servi otlt* gr. CALVARY PRESBY T ERIAN CHURCH - , Locust street, above Fifteenth. Preaching to-me/row. by Rev. Charles A.,Smith, D. IL,at .10% A. BT. and 8 P. M. l* IrHANCOCK STREET M. E. CRUROR.— Preaching to-morrow by Rev.J. Dennison, of ansas, at Wm A. M.. and by Rev. M. Smith, of 'Cincinnati, at 734 P. M. Lok t) HURON=UF THE COVENANT, FlLL bert Street. above Seventeenb—Divine !pr. -- viceto.morrow (Sunda) ) at !Os A Maud 8 P. M. The Rector will'(D. V.) preach Morning and Eve. lt* piri-km.- ST. JUDE'S CHURCH, FRANKLIN LLS street, above Brown.. The rite of confirma tion will be administered in this church by the Bishop of the Diocese on to-morrow. Sunday eve ning. Service to commence at 7 . K o'clock. it* f rt f r THE REV. tiEO. W. SKILEY will 113 preach Sabbath at Eigbth and Green. Sub ject, ''The duration and comcomitants of the Judgment Day," at 7S P. M. Also services at .10,K A, arREV. RAY PALMER, D. D., of &Many, N. Y., will preach in the Clinton Street ciamrcl!, loth below Spruce street, on to-morrow (Sabbath) Morning, at 10X o'clock. Service in the evening as usual, at 7)4 o' clock. [apan-lt* F ir-1, HOWARD BLIND d.Y SCHOOL, BUILD - US- ING.—Rev. F. B. Harbaugh, pa.tor o' the 'Sixth Presbyterian Church, will preach at the above place, Shippen, Font th street, To -morrow Evening at c. o'clock. • It* ErrM. E. - 111A.RIWER' , 3 BETHEL Shipper'. and Penn Streets.—Preaching ti , :rnorrow. 3036 o'clock, A. M., by Rev. Dr. Nesbit, Editor.of the Pittsburgh-C. A. and Journal At. 7% o' Clock, P. ,by Rev. Mr. FiEher, of Kansas. CHURCH 'OF THE INTERCESSOR, Spring Garden, below Broad street.—Bev. Dr. CarderOwill preach To-morrow at 10),.: A. M. and quarter before BP. M. Subject in the .Even ing,-- 'he Curse in the House." Children's ehurch, 3 P. M. It* ' '1 fir 1411 Sb ON CHURCH, in Lecture Room of Howard Dispensary, Lombard street, bA : tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth. —The Rev. Daniel , C. Eddy. D. D., will preach at qtr o'clock Sun day at'ernoon. Seats tree. Come and 'hear this - Celebrated divine. lt* ErrTHE THIRTY-SECOND ANNIVER. spry of the "Northern Liberties' Bible So. clay : " will be held at the Dutch Reformed Church, on Seventh sheet, above Brown (ar. Talmage, Pastor). on Tuesday Evening, May, 3d, at eight o' clock. Several addresses may be ex pected. ap30.2.4 1 RT. UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH street, below Arch.—The General Con -lerehce of the M. E. Church will commence its sessions hi this Church on Monday Morning, will be Interesting Religions Services will be held on To-morrow (Sabbath) Ist inst., Rev. C. A. HeltneF,r.D. D. of Flttebturgb, Pa., will preach. in. the Mo‘niug a t 0 clack. Lt* . - - - NOR PESBYTERAN CHURCH Sixth Str TH eet, above Green. l By Divine per , miss:or, the Bev - W. S. Plumer will deliver a • discont:e commemorative of the life and character 'of the late Rev. Robert Taylor, recently of Ger -Triantnwr, , and at the time of his death the Pastor -elect of this Church, tomorrow morning' at 10X o'clo k. Evening service at quarter to S o'clock, , by Plnmer. It* • ItHILADELPRIA TRACT ANu MIS_ M' SION SOCIETY. —The Fifty-third meet big in behalf-of this Society, will -be held in the - Green Hill Presbyterian Church, GIRARD AVENUE, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth • tireetr, on Sabbath Evening. May Ist, at a (leaver 0 eicht o'clock. Pow. T. Robbins. Rev. D 0. 'Relieve: and Rev. S. Livermore, Will address the , xneeting. - - SPECIAL NOTICES „Or A. CARD TO THE PUBLlC)meet ing of the Photographers of Philadelphia, bald Thursday tve,ni,g. April•2Bth, it was titian 'mously agreed that in consideration of the great :Increase in the cost of labor and_ materials, it be :comes e nec y the r essar to raise the price of Photographs. 'on and after May Ist. Therefor, ates.of pietnies will be advanced ap3,3,at* trrOFFICE OF NORTHERN LIRE' .TEES GAS COMPANY, P LIILADELPHIA, ' April ft.St An. el 'ction of the Trustees Of the Northern Liber , ies Gas Company, will be held at the office v . the Company, LAUREL street below c n TUESDAY 'FRONT May 10th inst„ betNsreen o'clock .511. M., and: o' , cloAr P. M. ap 24 W P. ' ELL 7 Secretary. FOD or. THE GREAT , :ENTRAL, FAIR, OF fIce.NO. - Mtn CLIESTIVUT Street, .. Notice is her: , s given that the Secretary of the Treasury has (117 ordered that all articles des tined for e Great Central Fair, shall be admitted to entryfr e of duty, and that instructions to• this eflect have been issued • to the Collectors of the Ports of Philadelphia, New York, and Ebston. . JOHN WELSH, Chairman. Roneon HOWARD FURNESS, Sec' y. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR 113_ COMMITTEE ON ARMS AND TROPHIES Frimaromrnia, April 25, ISO. Contribuiions of any articles of interest for this Committee, for sale.or exhibition, as well a. of money, may be sent - to any member of this Com-• mittee, and- receipts will be returned by the Treasurer All packages sent to Colonel CROSMAN, United States Army, Chairman of the Committee, Northeast corner TwELyra d GIRAR D streets, by any of_the Rail road or Express Companies, will he !tree of charge. ar 26 tft EDWIN •IsiORTI-I, Secretary Crr HARDWARE BRANCH, GREAT EN - - TRAL F AIR. —The undersigned Commit tee earnestly solicit from all directly or indirectly connected with'. •our trade" to send' their contri butions, be -they large or small, money or mer ' - chandise :a either of the undersigned: Joseph C. Grubb, 036 Market street. William H. Sowers, .412 Commerce street. • . William P. Wilstach. 38 North Third street. Aug. B. Shipley,- 503 Commerce street. Charles A. Miller, 4 5 Commerce street. John J. Burr, -614 Market street. ; • Chas. J. Field, 633 Market street. . • Daniel Steinmetz. 501 Commerce street. John A. alurphey, 922 Chestnut street. Isaac lA. Williams, 126 Market street. R. D. Landis, 211 Market street. W. Allen, 115 Market street. - .D. Faust, 40 North Third street, - • Jos. S. Fisher, N. E. cog. 6th and. Commerce,st. - A. M. F. Watson, 512 Commerce at. apl6-son,w,lm§ Or, - GREAT 0 eNTRAL FAIR FOR THE U. S. SANITARY COMP.rIISSIONT.- OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON REOEI4- TION OF GOODS, Room No. 28. Washington Building, No. 274 South THIRD street, PniLA:- DreLPHIA. April 18, 1E64. • The Committee on "Reception of Goods"' are now prepared to receive any articles designed for the Fair, and would ask the co-operation of the various branches of - Trz.clo and Industry, as their labors must necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and seat to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are - authorized to receipt and acknowledge the same. They are happy to inform the public that all of the railrcad and express companies have gene rously offered to deliver packages to the Committee free of charge. A. R. McHENßY,Ohairman E.H. ROWLEY, Secretary. Committee meet on Tuesday and noons, at 5 o' clock. . A. li. Mc}IENRY A. S. ROHERT., Ir.. • EDWARD H. ROWLEY,- JAMES N. 'STONE, DAVID McCAIIIAION, GEORGE A. McKINSTRY, S. S. MOt,N, . . J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S: MARTIN. JOSEPH HARRISON, ht.; ) gr. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL t 3, 15a1. At a m tin gof TOBACCO ANCGR interest in the ee GREAT the CENTRAL FAIR. he A ld this afterncon, at 4 o',.clock, the following 'resola tion was adopted : Resolved, That the chairman district the city, and. appoint Block Committees to solicit contributions, of money, tobacco, cigars, snuff, pipes, and. any . salable articles, in atd of the Great Central Fair for the United States Sanitary Commission. D. C. lactlAilLatON, Chairman: THEO. H. VETTERLEIN, Tr saner. A. J. BUCKNER, Jr., Necre ary. NAMES OF COMMITTEES AND DISTRICTS. North side Market stree to south side Callowhill, Delaw are avenue to east side of Third street—Theo. Vetterlem and J. B. Taylor. - North side Marketstreet to south side Callowhill, west side Third Street, to east side Eighth—J. C. Steiner, Scion. on Tellar and William Warner. orth side Market-street to south side Callow= west side of Eighth street to east side Broad-I- Lonis Herbert; G. W. Bremer and. George Esler; Jr- North side Market street to south side Callove hill, west side Broad street to Schuylkill—Levi IReck, - George Fite, John -Douglass and - S. North side Callowhill street to 'Kensington, Dela ware avenue to east side of Sixth street-0; M. Meyers ' J. M. Boyd and H. W. hank.' North side Callowbill street to Kensington, west side Silth street to east side Broad—Thomas Hare, W. Soby and A. R. Fonr,seray. North side 0.11ov:hill street to Girard avenue, west side Broad street to Schuylkill—S. Moore, S. H. Bush, S. F. Smith and 3" W. Wartman. Kensington, East Kensington and Richmond-- L.. Bamberger, J. W. Crowell and George D. Women. South side Market to .north side South street, Delaware avenue tn east side Fourth street—John T. Tat tt, •Auguetue Merino, and William li. Fu gust. South side . Market to north side South street, west side Fourth to east side Eighth street—W M. Abbey, S. W. Ayres, J. IL Simmons, and D. L. Tingley. South side Market to north side South street, west side Eighth to east side Broad street—M. E. McDowell., E. A.-Woodward, George .Bohlui, and James Itusst IL , , . South 'side Markettto not tft. side South street. west side Broad to Schuylkill—A, Armstrong, W. B. Mann, and Walter Garrett. '• South side South street to Reed street, Delaware avenue to Schuylkill—George Cathrall. W. 73. Nassau, Tho 4. Cockrill„. and A. J. Buckner, jr. Horatio Paine, M. I).', General Collector on Turkish divans, fancy pipes, ,kc. sip2S•thstu3t ar. GREAT CENRAL FAIR, TO B HI L I LN PHILA T DELPHIA, June 10,1661. E The undersigned having been appointed a Com mittee to take charge of the Department of • PERFUMERY ANli TOILET ARTICLES, in the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, to be held in behalf of :he U. S. t - ANITARY COMMISSION, in the city of Philadelphia, for the States of Penn sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, earnest y ask your std. The worth of the cause, which is so powerfully calling out the s3nipathies, and exciting to .such extraordinary activity the energies of the nation, needs no words of ours to set it forth. Tee present appeal is made to yon in fall faith that you acknowledge the debt that we all owe to our brave and suffering defenders, a debt which our most liberal benefactions can only partially repay.- r - Donatiorte, whether of appropriate articles or of . money„ may be sent to any of the undersigned. if the contributions are sent by express, or rail road, dO not pre-pay charges. Mail to the Chairman the receipt of the 'Express or Railroad Company, together with a list of the aricles and the donors' names. On one corner of the box or package mark the donor's muse, and the city, town, village, or county from which It comes. Balky packages should be directed to the Chair. man, H. P. TAYLOR, Central Fair Warehouse, Philadelphia. Let all articles be forwarded so as to reach this citr before the 15th Of May—the earlier the better. H P. TAYLOR, Chairman, . ell North Ninth street, MRS. E . =W. CLARK, Chairman Ladies' Gommittee, . 1509 S LADIES' COMMITTEprE. ace street. Mrs. O. J. Peterson, 1501 Walnut streid. Mrs. Joseph R. Chandler, 155 North Tenth street. Mrs. Wm. G. Bonllon, 1821 Spruce street. Mrs. M. McMichael, Jr., W,.tit Philldelphia. - Mrs. C. H. Clark, Forty-second and. Locust sta.' Mrs. John Levy, Fortieth and Pine streets. Mrs. L. Johnson, 533 North Fourth street. • Mrs. Ed ward W. Clark, Germantown. • Mrs 'William D. _Kelley, 407 Walnut street. Mrs. John G. Whelan, 155 North. Tenth street. Mrs. C. R. Taylor, 641 North Eighth street . . - Mrs. t.hubrick, 908 Spruce street. Mrs Bartol, 116 South Tenth street.: Mrs. Dr. Lea; 1323 Spring Garden street. Mrs. John Sill, 710 Washington Square. • rs. H. A. Ouhring, 1932 Spruce street. Mrs. A. Zantsincer, 123.5 Spruce street. Mrs. J. B. Moorhead, 1603 Wthurt street. Mrs. Charles Platt, Chestnut Hill. Mrs, Walter McMichael; South Eighteenth street. Mrs. G. A. Wright, Forty-second and Walnut GENTLEMEN'S COMMITTEE. Apollos W. Harrison, Secretary, 26 S. Seventh street. Xavier Dazin, 917.0herrystreet. _ Richard Wright (of R. ec G. A. Wright), Treasurer, 624 Chestnut street. William D. Glenn, 26 South Fourth street. Jules Hanel, 280 arch street. Thomas Worsley, 518 Prune street—, Edward Glenn (of Glenn .1c C o. ), 726 Chestnut, street. Edward McClain, 334 North Sixth street. Charles R. Taylor (of H. P. &. O. Taylor), • Olt North Ninth street. Eugene Roussel, 516 Prune street. Chas. M.clCeone (of Van Haagen & BlaKeone), 22 South Delaware avenue. Ohm les H. Hamrick (of Hamrick do Leavitt), 30 North Fourth street. ap-thks2t mg. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA Excw AWE COMPANY: Prtuanglamre, April 25. I8(4. The Managers have this dap declared a dividend' of TWO. DOLLARS per share, clear at all taxes, payable' n and after sth proximo. . HENRY D. SHERRERD, Treasurer. ap2s tms* . _ THE DAILY EVENING I3ULLETIN PHILI.DELPIIIA, §ATif.RDAY APRIL i 3 O, Friday After- Oommitwe avn-i4 SPECIAL NOTICES TIER RESTAIIRELNr COM OF -TREGREAT OEN TRAI. EAT a, oak no w. 1, uge,,with many thanks, the receipt, of to • o low ing &Lotions for tneir 'department: • 3,4 hes, from J. Hafieigh; 4 table cioMs, from Mrs. Joseph M. Stoddard; 4. dozen. dotli- s. from Mrs. Joseph M. Stoddard; g pieces linen • table clothi, from Williain . Watmn•& - Co.; 1 piece cot ton table cloths, .from William Watson & Co ; 22 piecei of ribbon ' Co.;from John Stone & 2- cas• tom, from JohnCalverly & Co. ;, 6 bird 'cages, froim Samuel Macferran £ Co ; .20 poun ds fringed tissp. paper, from 0 S. Garrett & Bro.; M•gross bonnet boards, ;rem C. S. Garrett k Co.; 3f dozen barrel Covers, dozen sieves, 2 umbrella stands, t dozen towel rollers, '3.6 dozen lemon squeezers, 31 dozen rolling pins, 36' dozen mashers, 2 'dozen painted buckets, ,v doze.n small tubs, 2 dozen brooms; 2 dozen soap cups, 1 dozen baskets, 2. mirket bis. • kets, 4 dozen scrubbing brushes, 3 citizen' a weep. ing brushes, 1 cva.hing machine, 34 . dozen sugsr boxes. 2 wooden hour buckets, dozen looking glasses, 6 birdcages, 1 dozen cigar baskets, 1 clock, 1 a I trgt r, x, dozen dust brushes, f dozdo wooden spccns ai dozen knife .boxes, from A. H. EiaLciscus; ;31t/ pounds of olive soap, and 1 box toilet soap from Captain David Thain; .1.3[ reams of thsbe paper, from Charles [Regorge Sc Co. GEORGE T.' LLW/S, Chairman: of. - Restemrant munittee.: .. MARY RicHENRY Chairman . : It of... Lad , es' Department.; trtment.. cm EAT (JEANIE', IR , • ' PHILADELPHIA. • • ' BORTIOTJLTURAL AND FLORAL DEPART- The N • • Committee in charge of this Department re epectSully solicits coLtributions for either exhibi tion or sale, at the. Fair• in Stine nexy of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables- also, - -.*.• • _' i ' Buutl.rets, • ' Autumn. Leayes, Baskets of Flowers, Aquaria, Floral Designs, Seeds, -.. • • '' • Hanging Baskets, . Gardening Books, • Flower Stands, • Fountains, Fern Cases, ' Horticultural Iron Weir Aviaries, ' " - Wire Work, Gardening Implements, 1 . 4 China and Native Wine, Glass, Garden Seats and Vases, . 4 Pottery, Out Flowers, ' Dried Fruit, Dried .. Foreign or. Exotic Fruit, Wax r. Was Fruit, Leather 4 . Garden Statuary. Pbat. - - nk Br . . . Jan tom Bouquets, In abort Rustic Adornments of every kind, or any thing of arum] or, rustic character that does not strictly belong to the Agricultural Depar. Daily contributions of .Cut Flowers, Bouqbets, Designs, Baskets. .51 - c ,so as to insure a constant and regular supply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and contributors will please arrange with the Chairmen of the Committee of Baskets, Designs, and Bouquets,Mr. ROBERT KILVING TON,. Florist. Locust street, near Thirty-seventh, West Philadelphia, the days on which their contnbutions will be required. Tally contributions of Fruits and Vegetables, not only tor exhibitiol and sale ' but also for the use of the. Restaurant, will also be thankfully rec?ived. The time fixed for opening the Fair,is the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NETT, and it will con= tinue two weeks: All articles, except cuttlowers, frees and 'vegetables, must be received on or ba to- e the preceding day. ' ' ' - Donations from the inte•lor or this State, and from Delaware and New Jersey, -can be fumy trete.' by any public conveyance, free. of freight., and shot•ld be distinctly marked, "OR c.;AT OEN ) R L FAIB,Lt,GAN SQUARE, PHIL 3P EL- PHIS, HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Care of D. -R. King,- ?'23 Chestnut ifreet phia." ...For Salt," or ' For"EzliViition," as may be desired Bills of lading should also be far: , warded bathe same address. Mrs. S. RHEA BAR roN, Chairman of Ladies' Committ-e. sii2.l.a,rnow jesss D RODNEY RING, Chairman of Gi3ntlemen's Committee ory TB E GREAT CENTRAL FAlR..—Ortlce of the committee on Labor, Income and icer. rine, No. 118 S. SEVENTH. Street Phila delphia.. The undersigned, Treasurer of this committee, acknowledges tie receipt of the lollowin,4 ono rcriptiona: From the Pennsylvania Central R. R. Co- , a subScription of ten thonsauddollars..slo,ooo 00 From H.B. &la W. Benners and employes . of llyottrille Glees Works _ VI 4,5 Thor: Simpson's Sons :15 0 Young Ladies in the employ of EL P & C. R Taylor Per Mrs. John B. Bey 1, Ohair,nant Reynolds Howell & Reid' 5100 00 Samuel Barton &Co , per Chairman . 50 ou Jordan do Brother, per do ' ' 50 00 Charles Ponoghue, Esq., per do ' 00 Thos B Bitting. Esq., per d 0..... . . ... . 50 00 bamuel BiephSlll. Erg per d 0..,.,;...• SO 00 Samuel A. Bispham, Leg:, per do 00 John S. Bispham. Esq., per do 25 00 E. Weaver, Esq., per . .... 2,1 i'harles J. Wolberr, Eeq., per 10 Qo Philip Ford, Esq., per do 10 QJ "One day! s terentte," from two young. Ifl~ites 1 ',- 00 From Ftutb.l ec Newman, and empl yes. per Mies Jane K. Hirst, "Cnnirman ...• 3i) 00 Blom Kennedy. Stairs Er Co., perlaeorge B. Kerfoot, Esq.. Chairman 200 00 Fr OM X1i.,Tr.b.,7 si per du -• • 100 00 Front W. B. Irwin JG Co., per do—. /00 00 From C. P. Knight it Bros., per do 100 00 From S. H & H. Lerin, per do ' too 00 From George B. E.encot, E.sq..per d0..100 00 Frem Crowell .Ir, Collins, per do 7.i Li) From J. K. Schell & Co., per 50 on From Robt. F. Kennedy, Esq., per d 0.... so tsi From T. E. Pendleton .fr. Co., per d 0...... SO 00 From Paul & Thompson, per do 50 0(1 Fr m P. Janey, per do 50 00 F- John M. Sb "'rem John _ iriver, per do • 50 e j From Bookhommer & Endcl, per do 54 4.1 From Curtis .& Enight, per do 50 0 From Cash. p'er do .JO 00 From E. S. Smith, Esq., provinceto wn . Mass.... From Wayne & Bitting, per , do From Charles H Steeleman, per, do Per Mrs. George J. Weaver, Chairman : Employes °fits. E. Caldwell.( - C 0..... 40 Sa . .4 Bailey &Co 55 SO • • Carrow, Thibault k •. , 5 t , Wilton &Co 25 0 An bracre Insu ranee Company, per Henry Sherrerd, Chairman 200 03 Proceeds of a LOcture delivered by Rev. R. A. Carden, D. I)., at the Oakland Lec ture Room, near Shannonville.s. - From tit:leers of the Philadelphia Alun. house, by Mr. Marshsll Ilenzey, one ciar'.s labor • Per Edward G. Peabody, Chairman: Chas. E. Morgan & Co.. and Employes 65 00 Ocorge W. Altemus, Esq 15 00 A L. Bonnafon 10 00 AL ht.-Osborn, publisher of the Ad vocate aid limes, Ils.h way, ,N. Ji Allison &Hi tick en proceeds of Matinee.. Mrs. Ilanr,ah Baldwin, 1 day's income . Simon Colton & -ans.) day's revenue and wages, per Mrs. S. z. Curtis, Chairman. 61 51 °nib $lO 00 Ed Smith, Esq... 500 - Oath ' 1 00 Cash • 2 00 Given r • - • 1 001 Cash. . . ...... 1 00 Per. do., - through Mrs. L. Markle and Miss Sa%re. S. R. 'Bunting.— .2 Or. . TOMner.. - 4 00 C. Gillespie I Of From F, Conway, Esq:, Per Mrs. C. Yearrance,..i Mrs. Wm. HEW .. L .; . INT. F. Moore . ..S5 Os' F. Ycigt 6 04 F. Lederer 1 00 Wm 'Coates 100 Other arms per do - ambt Cash S. & M.... 500! Cash 1 Or "Anon" and OttStl 0 531 Eirtakellt. per Mrs. Wm. lielme, Chairman. • .. 50'00 Brooks & Rosenhelm, per do- 500 S. S. Corbin & Co .10 00 Employes of S. S Corbin ' k Co per do.. 400 J. .Lanning, Esq., per d 0... .......' .. 10 00 Employes of J. Loaning, Esq. per do.. 500 Loris Dannenbaum, Esq-, per do . 10 00 Levett &Haworth, per do 6 00 Employes' of Lovett & Haworth, per do.. . :2;00 Mal k Devine, I sq ..... ....... 100 00 ' JOHN W. CLAGEORN. Treasurer, • Office, No 118 S. Seventh street, Phila. Other subseriptiorls and remittances by mail duly receipted - for and' acsnowledged in this paper. • 10 GEORGE ' TFIOMPSON— ANO rtr ER is s 3 MEETIN G. - '-Thirt.y years ago GEORGE -THOMPSON delivered nis that Ikettire in this city in the Covenanter's Church, CHERRY street, below Eleventh. Be is now invited by memberss, of the tame Church to deliver another address In the same building, which he consents to do. The: v i es tins wt.' take place"next FRIDAY EVEN-1 ING, the 6th , of at 8 o'clock. Subject— " The Unionists and Oepperbeads of BnaPind and. America." Adinittance 50 cents. Ticsets to be' had at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets; at.the Anti-Slavery * Office, 100 North Tenth street; and at the door. • ap3o-6t§ car. THE PENN'A SALT MANUFACTU RING CO., OFFICE, 127 WALNUT ST.— FBILADELPILIA, April 30, 1864 NOTIOE.—Tbe Coupons of the Bonds of this' Company, due May lst next, will be paid on pre. seniation at the Southwark. Bank. ap3o-It*) SAMUEL F. FISHER, Treas.' fry.OFFICE OF . THE LEHIGH. Z LNO COMPANY, No. 121 WALNUT street. Pn ILADIMPurA, April 25, 1864.—The interest due on First and Second Mot tgage Loans of the Lehigh Zinc Company, dne Ist May proximo, will be payable after that date at the office of the Company. , apSo•.2trp GORDON KONGES,,Sec'y 20 oo 10 irG .. . . • SGO _OO 63 96 IR. Gallagher.,, Jas: Mc Mt alma... S. Eispham. • • • •'• • perdu... Chairman. 1 00 2 00 2•(0 . =23 00 • Airs. Batton 510 CO _OO Pars. Batley ..,.... 500 S. M. Baer 1 50 .1. Way 100 tutting to t , 9 64 Clash 5 03 Cash . ' ' ttO Harry De Brot. .. 100 T'ECIAL NOTICES • . ' • 1./Sr/AN 'COMIESSION. •3: - wiedgements for - one *ear, enTiinz ;1 , .; F. L. 13 John •130 to • - lienry . 1 IF (additioral) • COL tributions ,ieceivtp. at . Washhigton k-ncy, as follow: - collection at Clinton, Maine, per Rev: E. Hawes.. First B/ 1)0 Preebyterian `Amax— .. . ...... .... 92'8L Small EllOl9 nom acla - lers ' 36 3t Old Tent Sold - • 2.5 cu. John 0: llarr, (additional)... •• citi Zona of hlercersbnr, Carson . . . . 'received at Brandy St lion, Va., as follows.: Of and Privates rt 75th N. J. - Vole ; per Chaplain 'Dailies. SlOO 00 • wesley Vana=lcen. eta* -P. V 5 nQ &Idler 77th N. . o 1)0. '5lll Vermont 2 • • 1 o tt u" . DrawribackaGerman Reformed Chare,h, Ease Vincent , ~; 100 85 Mt .s. '2O GO Miss S. Pant • "P.. '''3o Collection at First — Ward Pre byte. rian and M. E. Churches, Syra, Mize, N. 'l' • ' • ' 20 00 T. R. Porter, Syracuse, N: Y 50 00 Ladies, Aid , Society, Doylestown; Pa., per - Mrs.".Jiiiia P. 'Brock, Secretary,(additional) ' ' 30 00 David Milne, , per J. P • 2.5 03 Proceeds of a social gathering at Cabin N. y 23 0 Northern 'Llbertte; Bible' Society 50 00 Miss ninny:E., Bacon, Utica; N. Y 2a 00 L..P., Roberts, Loaes Postoftlce,Pa..." 20 01 'ECM% Bedford, Glenhain, N. Y...... 30 o • Mrs. Mary A. Stevens ' . 40 0) -Ladies' Aid Society, Etna, N. Y- • T.; 7i t ontribution from 10th Mass. Vole 23 00 Contribution from 49th Regt. P. V., per ' - Elev. Thos. Stevenson 7 0) .Sabbath Evening Concert,' " - Terryville, Ccnn, per Milo Blakesley, Tress _23 03 Christian Coirar_ission Society, at Allen town; Pa • Semi W. Brown, Manayunk • .1 1 . M ," Philadelphia Leonard Jewell,. Philadelphia. .." .Shenkle'. s German Reformed' Church, North Coventry, Pa -20 50 el esker". Mrs. 3. E:Budd, Philadelphia 50 00 'Thank offerinzfrom the - officers and men of the 3d VcrroOnt Regimen; per Chaplain' Mack—contributed by 10 officers'and 218_ men Cash. ' 2100 IO 00 70 Collections at Nazareth, P&, per Edward H. Reichel.... - Missionary Society of hOd Pennsylvania Vole A Fnend in Cahfornls... . Pollloosuct 3.lission Sabbath School, pins_ field, Mass ..111. C. /he United Society of 97th Pa. Vole J. D. Titsworth Friends of thristian Commission in .New Jersey, per edureau L. Ward 10 IX) liaptist Church, Wlnsor, Cheater Co., Ps:. 5 Cr.) Win Set lea, t amp Ertn,-Pa- S 10 An...... vQ Sabbath tt•cbool in Providence, R.. 1. 3 00 Mhs "Marsh, Providence, It. I 2 ( - 0 A Little Girl, Providence, R. I 25 , _ 6 • N. Mro M. Pomey, Troy, Pa -10 25 00 Prot. Jackson lii 03 Rev. Sam') El Hall,*Oswego, N. Y .... 5 00 John 313 ers. all Ohio-Inf 50 Ladies' it...olaiers' Aid Society, Sanborn tou, N. II 400 F. Freend.. - 5 00 Miss Jane Mc Caudlia h, Neve fine, Pic... . 500 W. N. S. , Trenton, N. J 2 00 • 100 Dr. 11. Ta - Ime.dge,_ Enfield, ,Nets York. ' 3 00 3.1i4s l'elary R. Brooke,. 'Blair cOunly, Pa. 2 00 (...Is,h_ 1 Ou A Public school Teacher • 300 Ca- h 100 A Solder 17th Penmiiylvania ... C.s.valry. 1 SO A Soldier . 500 Miss 0 Tedd, Gurleyville. Clown 1 00 A :.-oldier, - .bal New Jersey Volunteers.— 100 2,360 45 Amcnnt precionslractaovrledged .. .. —251,139 49 2-1),499 91 JOS. PATTON, Tressiirer. Thn 13. 8. Christian Commission begs leave to . iv :knowledge the receipt of the folios/lug stores up to April PENNSYLVANIA. ,Pbiladelphia-1 package,Win. P. johaston, - E sq. i box, Hiss Bell and Anna Roney; 1 parcel. Nellie Nol.and and Josephine Wethorly. Br,deeburar—t p mirage. al. E. Sabbath School. 4. Delaware county' •-1 pa c kage, guknown. Delaware county (North)—backs, Ladies' Union Aid S.(:) , .:ely. Ald Society. Allentown—. 3 boxes, Ladies' Christian Commis sion. Bellefonte-..1 box, Soldiers' Aid. Loylestown—l box, I bbl, Ladies' Aid Society. Nazaitrit-11 boxer, :2 Legs, Auxiliary, U. S. C. C. lIE'W JERSEY. Princeton—l box, bliss Julia T. Smith. • I box, Little Chris. Paulsboro—] b: , xAid Society. EW YORK. New 'Fork—Committee U. S. C. C., 2i pkgs. Einffalo—Committee U. S. 0. U., 1 pkg. Cohees—Foldiers' Aid Society, I. box. Wcet oy—Arrny Aid Society, 2 boxes. Cbsibtran 1 ommission, Flasks; 3 1:oriels; 7 • boxes. BrOoklyn—Sabbath Schcols of Dr. Rockwell, Dr. Hatn,'ld and &v. Arr. Watkins, I box. Little Fa II E. Sab. School and Friends, I box. Ilion—Aid 'Society, I barrel; . - Ogden—Citizens 3 calks. roy—i box Lett:lies' Soldiers' Ald S.:defy; Branch U. IF. Christian Commission. tieldcgepinnoarlit--91. Peokit','SC:sl4bin.nrall:ehitoell-oliaPreba. 04.1.harch. .111A.Ss &CH VSETT.S. • "Boston-4 plrgs, 12 boxes, 2 bbls. Army Committee Y 111.. O. A. North AIAt NE. cey,-.1 box, Ladles. East scoraPott—:-1 box, Sewing Circle.. Total—a 9 bole!, 7.5 casks. C 7 barrels, 4e pkgs, parcel, ti firkins, 2 kegs, 4 sacks. In view Of the impending terrible conflict in Virginia, which'may oe fought at any moment, the Commission would appeal for hospital stores, of every description,' to be in readiness to meet an incessant and urgent demand- Our present sup• ply Is well nigh exhausted. ' The wants of a field of battle are great, both in number and variety, and these we must be prepared to meet. By a prompt and generous response to tbis appeal, un: told good may be accomplished. Money also is required to purchase I eceseary Stores, which the Commission can do to ,tgreat advantage; Let not our Soldiers suifrr for toe .want. of those comforts which the t hristian Commission by the personal ministraticn of tried and faithful delegates, will if properly supported, endeavor to supply. GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman. it 6 11 Bank street. E.LiEr R TENNEsSEE.—A com- Trmitt ß ee of the L FO athes' Drench qf the East Tennessee Relief Association intend . visiting Knoxville with supplies in the early part of Atay, and. will be thankful for contributions Aclothing, particularly for women and children, and articles for hospital use. The following extract from a letter Wliiten by Air. Harris: of INFashrille; proves the.wide field f r labor in that unhappy State: 'You may remember some families newly arrived occupyirg the large lectureroom on the first floor; one of them 'lumbered eleven, , the other thirteen. 'I he former now numbers four, • the latter three. The lament of a mother yesterday, as she wiped the death dews from the brow of her only son, a lao of thirteen years, was, .0h! oh! I brought my little ones a mighty way to get bread to keep soul and body together; now I have bread, and no children to eat all gone, you ,soe! 0, Clod! take Me—lake me, a poor, broken hearted mo ther!' Dy the stovesat her husband with a dead bany-in hisarms, the last of a family of six." Since our fair we acknowledge the receipt of S 5 from a friend; tr-20 from do., and $2O from New Square, Delaware county. Donations-May be sent to • DIRS.-JOSEPH OANBY, • Arch street, or, MRS. ell LEE 'W.' HALLOWELL, r4,0-3t4e , . 0 421 Arch street. 'S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION -0:r LADIES' - MEE LING AT CONCERT HALL. —A meeting of Ladies •of all the Evan. gelical churches of the city will he held at CON CERT HALL on WEDNESDAY MORNING next, May 4th, at too' clock. - The Rev. Dr. Kirk, of Heston, 'Rev. J. "T. ' Duryea, of bleu' York, and same et the city clergy will address the meeting in reference to the organ ization of Ladies' Christian Commissione in the several congregations. A full attendance of the Ladies interested in the temporal and spiritual .welfare of our brave soldiers , is earnestly re quested. . A great emergency is before u s which 'we must he prepared to meet. GEO. 11. STUART, .ap3o-3t§ . . Chairman. Irr D ELAWARE RARAN . RAILROAD COMPANY,AND 181T64' The Stockholders of the above Oompanywtu meet on TUESDAY, the ioth of May next, at tkeir Office, in PRINCETON, N.J., at 12 o' clock; M., to elect nine Directors for the ensiling year. apl6treylo .JOHN P, STOORTON,See y. e ca. , GREAT VENTRAL EAL„'L. The Wholeeale bry (}Dods Committe.. l,ae s ! ll9 : 7 ' letige eceipt of the following subscriptio. cob 0, 00 Jobb. B. Dlyeis & Co, . . . . ... Stacy; R. Parcroft . 4ss 00 l, O lO D.. 13 -Cummins l,OOO Ov David S: Erpwri ' L.(0 0 0 0 Win S. Stewart • ' , 1, 0 0 0 00 Williams& Ca 1,000 'Riegel; W 1 et &Er sl it.: ..... . 1,0:,0,1 0 Marie, Shortridge & ....... ,I,OOIL 00 Coffin & Altemus .......... . .. .. 1,05016 iambs:irk Kirkham & ....... . 1,000-00 , •Tri-dick,Stokes & . . 'l4OOOOO Frothlng,liam &Wells - 001 00 , Ludwig 71.reedlerlc 'l.OlO 00 .3troo-6,ll4ta.reh!ftyliaYward ! " 1,000 00 Falei. Wharton & Co I,l'oo 00 0 e orge 11. , Parristi . 1, 000 00 Lewi ~ Boardman &Wharton:::':..:..... l,OlO 00 J. 0 B owe & Co . 1 , 1,00 n 4 00 Edmund, 'lard &Co.— ' ; -1,1104 00 James, Rent, Santee & Co . 1,000 00 Jobnts, Berry to,-Co - • • • -.1 • 1,000 00 Whitney ... ::. .0: 1,000 00 FurneSs, Brinley & Co .w. . 1,000 . 00 • , Thomas Mr:Evans S. Co ; -1 000 00 George F ..... 500 00 I , Brooke Bros. Co.. 500 00 Lewis & Co 500 00 Hay & McDevitt Bust & Kurtz 50) 00 500 00 Sharp, Haines !,1;' i. 500 Melgs & Brother - 00 ade &CO L'e Cour:ey. La.foure • 500 . 500 00 Aitemus Cozens &.. ..... suo Wilm• uu r, Cannell'- Co. 500 to , , Cot ard k Serrill 500 00 Geori. e B Reese Co' 500 00 PembertonE. Hutchinson - 500 tO Hellman & Rank, t. • 2.50 00 'Nicht & ,Lankenan ' 250 00 Robert Pollock & Co ` 250 00 Wm. T. H Dun can & Co 250 00 Cash 250 00 Ellis, Harrop & Co 100 00 Daniel K. Ti rim - 100 00 Werner & Itschner 100 00 Bld&way, Heussner Co 100 00 Temple ,S: Co 100 00, Jchn Tal urn 100 00 Thomas R. Tunis 10(1.110 John Farnum.... 100 00 Morris, Clothier & Lewis 100 00 Wray Gillilan • J. E. Fryer 100 00 Dale Ross & Co 100 00 • . 100 00 Alexander Wray & 00 100 00 Brian Ferguson ' 50 00 Sibley, Moulton & Co 50 00 Williams & Arnetst 5O 00 H. &J. R. Raiguel 10 00 J. Lurborrow .3.; Co.._ :15 00 Cash 25 al Wilson, Anderson .S.; Cernea. 25 00 11 05 10 00 Kr- ThE TREASUhER of the TWENTY SECOND WARD BOUNTY FUND re ports that he has recei red,since his last statement, the o I law in moneys: From City Bounty Fund, through Mr. yeitch $1.50 3$ sscoah PELF:CINCT. J. W. Boyer $lO Go Joseph Engle 500 Michael Swaab 15 00 --- $0 00 FOC ILTS P 11SC 11% CT J. M. Gummey Mr. Hlrstine George Strouse 4 00 T. eartney 5 00 G. W. Gammenly (additional).— 12 50 J. B. Busier JO 00 H. }ganders 1U oo J. McNeil • 2 00 PINTR PRECINCT. 3. E. P. Stevens. U. 11. Spooner.. 7. A. Gummey, T. Bodine. 5 • J. 'Walker. 2'5a00 B. C. Curry 200 W. Rahn 500 Georpt Rahn 3 to G.nyer 3 00 P. /lesson 3(10 Smith 3 00 J. biiup ick - 200 J. & G. Shantou 1 00 0. Cadge-Mader ..... 2 IV R. Parks .5 00 0. N. Berger 3 90 Norman Hart Gitruuuatown Union League.. Amounting to 51,2117 Remaining in hands from p evious report 741 SO E.'"X:PEN D ED. • • • • Paid Bounty to sixty six men as follows: Nineteen, thirty-seren dollars each , 5570 00 Fort) -seven, thirty dollar* each.. 11 75 p.s pen ded for prinung, ac 3S 50 Remaining to hand of Treasurer- -suss it :Number of men previously paid, .t 2.3; nui"..2.' 4 r Of men in present report. Gni . malting a total of ,29 men, who have received bounty at an expend'- , lure of ste,M3 Z.- , As no woney is now peiEg receivedfrom the gen : tit-men composingthe different Precinct Commit ! Ices, they having discontinued collecting, the nn dersigned makes the above as his final report, coa -1 ceiving that he has fulfilled the dnUes for which he wall appointed in January last. }rcm the best information at command, he be ' :forts that the Ward is exempt from a craft on the two first calls for Ilve hundred thonsa.nd men, and that a number. (perhaps sixty) are placed to the llcredit of tie Ward upon the last one of the Presi dent for two hundred - thonsand more • There is still a number of veterans who, upon re-enlisting. have placed - themselves to the credit of this Ward. Some provision should be made to raise aunt:Relent sum to pay them = their bounty as soon as that number is known. its J DEZ GATES,Treasnrer. 07., APPEAL—UNION VOLUNTEER RE FRESHMENT SALOON. ' To the Citizens rd i'hilecielphia: It will be *three vears on the .trah (my of May,1864, since the Union Volunteer Refreshment saloon commenced- its operations. The Committee never have pressed their claims ; neither have they lost sight of the fact that there were other institutions equally worthy of public confidence and support, and they have endeavored to discharge the duties entrusted to them in an honest, economical; quiet and unos, tentatious manner. Up to this time we have been generously supported by contributions from our friends and a portion of the monied corporations of Philadelphia. We have tried to lessen the bar: dens of our kind friends by annual fairs in. June; the first was a success; the second comparatively a failure, in consequence of the raid into Pennsyl vania last summer, and there is no prospect of holding one this season as intended. The high prjce of provisions, and the heavy . and constant demand on our Saloon have nearly depleted our Treasury, and its the signs of the times point to a series of proiractk d battles, and as there will no doubt be still further calls °worm limited resources,. we are compelledto make this appeal to the libe rality of the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity for assistance, otherwise our future usefulness will be very much impaired. Contributions in cash and notice of provisions and Sanitary' stores for our use will be received by the following gentlemen: Rev. Dr. ,Thomas Brainard, No. Gat Pine street. Thomas Robbins Esq., President Philadelphia Bank, Chestnut street, west of Fourth street. D. B. Cummins, Esq., President`of the . Girard Bank, Third street, near Dock street. NS. A. Mercer, Esq., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Chestnut street, below Fifth. J. B. Austin, Esq., President of the Southwark Bank, Second, ,below South street, . ' M. W. .Woodward, Et q.'Cashier Manufac turers' and Mechanics' Bank," Northwest corner Third and Vine streetsi;,* Thomas T. Firth, Esq Treasurer Pennsylva nia Railroad, Third and Willing's alley. James C. Hand .it Co , corneraforket and Deca tur streets. Satnnei B. r a l f s Esq.. Ifo. 514 Walnut street, (who has consented to act as general Financial Agent for our institution.) Or by any member o our committee, The Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon is situated at the Southwest corner of Washingtonpel- and Swanson streets. The citizens of phia and vicinity and strangers, are re invited to visit the Saloon, and witness sfPoerethtflemllY selves, the arrangements made for the refreeh ment and comfort of the brave soldiers passing 1, through the City of Brotner_lyLoye...., ARAD BARROWS , t.Mairellaa. J. B. WADE, Secretary. IdOAF Sit 7 El SPECIAL; .NOTLGF'S 533,815 DAVID S. BROWN, Chairman.oo SIXTH PILECIXOT MEI= --..•....20 00 SBVI33TII PRECIUCT RIGIITII PRECINCT 500.00 katriEY ADP. THE GREAT CEDiTRAL '1,0.113..—The. following. are ••• announced us 'the 4 ,..ornati!te.e- to. represent toe 'L. tate of New J.-rs..y at the Great alkitral F‘sir, to be held at Phiitteriphat in Juno, 1861. GENERA; RX.EOII•TIVE- 'eortitATlT'fEE lIA.VII C.114/IqlL Or Tan WEIS" JSMSICY DEP A It'rn 'INT• • Phiindelphia. . • Com.-Bobert Siockton, . - Gen.; Thomas; Canwalader. • Camden. • :lathes Steveur, Eppq Hon: Thomas p. tJenter, .• v. 4 lexani,,,,ier G. Cattel.r-El ; ward' Bettie, E-1 George " Gen. , I Mos. kr . r nP ,o l l, -El - q o o Thomas h. Alk„viintri,nz•z4E.44/- Atlantic I.',,, tnat lf- William Moo' e, L s q Enoch Doughty, Esq.. v Dr. Samuel Mille., BUrii4gFall C0U724... - Thomas L. Armstrong, • fltiarlos Darker. Esq., John Tit tigers' F.sq - Mrs. John v s Franklin :Woolman. . Clonkrictul County: • Dr: Wm.-S 11,wen. Babel t t 7 Nichols, E q . Hon, John T. Nixon, Miss Brewster, Miss Hfir.riet Stratton. v Salem County. - • Hon, Richard M. Acton, . James W. Bleettnl: Mle Isabella Thompson, 5 - Sinnickson. Cape May Coinsty. • Dr. E L. 8.. Wales., • DoWnes Edmunds,, Esq. F H. B. Miller: Eeq., , •VMre. J. F Cake. Gloucester County. Robert,H. Matlack. Es q., Robert Cart.r, Elq., , Alexander Wentz• Esq . ., - -" 'Mrs. David Osden - • Camden County. The West Jersey Auxiliary-. Mercer County. . Hon. Edward W. Scudder, William J. Owens, Esq , . Daniel P. Forst, Esq Samuel B. Wilson, Esq , . Mrs. Battolpti, Mrs James B Coleman, Miss Farah B Hall, v Mrs.lJ. S. Fish, _ Mrs. al. B. Chumar- The Depot for Media and East Jersey will; 'be .Tc. TRE.NTON; that for West Jersey at CEIDIDEM: all goods sent to Trenton should be; Quartermaster General of New Jersey; these for Camden to I...:APdUET. HIIFTY, Es.q., assistant to the Quartermaster -General of New Jersey. . JOEL PABH V TEM.:TOR, April 29,11 grNITED ATES HRISTIAN' UGH MIUSSION—STA. NATIO N AL AIOVEAT.F.NT. --u public meeting of NatiOnal character and im r ortence will he held in the Church of the Hpiphs ) y, CH eenth, on TI SDAY EVENING NEXT, May 31, at 7)i o'clock. Rt. Rev. CHARLES P. ArcILVAINE. D. D., Bishop of Ohio, will pre s ide, and deli yer the open lag addr es s. • Statements of the Christian ; work in the Army will be made by Rev: E. N. KIRK. D. D. , of Boston. Rey. JOS T. DURYEA: of New York. E.' S_ TOBEY, Esq., of Boston, (EL.President Board at Trade.) All of whom have recently retarned from the AT my of the Potomac. - . Short address*.o may also be Tr •m Bishop SIMPSON, Rev. T. WHE.A.TpN SMITH, D 19., Of Phila. delphia. • • Tdeesnres effecting the intetusui of the United. es Christian Commission throughout she coun try, nod of great importance to the soldier--so soon to meet the enemy on the battle-field—will be un folded . . GEO. H. STUART, EMIG., 1 JOHN P. GROZER. ,- :i) JAY rOOKE, 41 1 Execntiv C. DEMOND, Boston, I C ° nunittee , E. S. TA..NES. New York. • j .. . ap3o.3t. W. E BOARDMAN. secretary. ay.R.A. WEST BN•Ori COAL. IRON, OBE _AND LUMBER COMPANY . -Nottee is hereby e,iven to the ~ ttockholders of - this - Oat:away, that a meeting for the porp - me of permanent. or ganization. and an elnetion.of nine directors a clerk and a treasurer. In conformity tOWill be bele: at the office, NO LN st stairs) on MOND&Y, May MR 23d, WA 11.64, - at UT 19O' re et, (up noon The polls will be kept opeu'lrom l 2)( to 23..; O'clock P. E 2. • . JOHN' HU.TOIIiNS)N • • a3O. a - to, th, tm3 Chairm an. PitS,..SENG,ER RAILWAY PIIILADELPEtIA, April 21 1 , 64. At a meeting of the Board of Presidents of the City PaE eenger Railways it vvas resolved that on and after Nay lst next, smoking will beprohlbited on all parts of the ears,. . ap2s tf 4 GROSICEY, Sec'y. ay: GAP MINING COMPANY.—The An nual Meeting of Stockholders of the GAP MINING .COMPANY will be held at their ffi oce, No, 136 South THIRD street, on MONDAY the second day of May, at 4 o' clock, P. M.. at which time and place an election will be held for five Directors - to serve for the ensuing year, apls-tmy24 .P. S. HOECKLEY, Secretary. trrOFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINO COMPANY, Na. 121 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, April. 19, 1264 —The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY will be held on WEDNES DAY. May 4th proz., at lt.o' clock A. M.:; for the election of seven Directors m serve for the en suing sear, and for the transaction c f other. bust nese. GORDON BIUNGES. aro MR§ • • Secretary. 51,969 Is HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. Thls AND WM , LOMILKED Street, DLSPEN S.ART Dl•dlcal t 1 " . IV1.1 " 0 2. 1 ntit mtnierti aniloned- VIRIT to ft* •pors.r. Run 31, SO3 so MILITARY NOTICES. lAN ASIMOuItNED MEETING- OF RE Incorporated Company. First Troop Philaiel phia City CA-valry, will be held at their Ar mory; TWENTY-FIRST street above Chest nut, on TRITESDAY, Maysth, ate o' clock, P.M. ' • ' WM. H. HART. President. A. 0. (Isvrnr...t, Secretary.* /ATTEIsiTION!—MEMSERS OFBATTERY L. (Union Artillery) 7th Regimen; P.' M., who have not signed the Pay Roll for services i rendered n.Sep If mber, ;4d )2, Will C2ll at No. Bs cHrsTismT street, prier m May Stn, and sign the same, as nor Ignature will be reeeivediatter r that time Friends of absentees - will report. ISAAC STARR Jn., Captain. S. J. Inwtai. 0. S ' . , ' aP3U-3t* tiARMORY; COMPANY C, ARTILLERY. P. H. G. GEBMANTOWN, April 27, 1664. ~ The members of this Company who wernln. service in SepteMber. 1.522, as Company ci; Sth lvarda Alititia 4 win' meet at Litt gsttoth's Hall, Germantown, on SATURDAY EVENING, 31:th_inst , at S o' clock, to sign pay rolls. : Bel , fives or friends of deceased or abs , rit mem bers will please at-end with proper vonthers. &By order of - M. S. BIDDLE, _. . . nc! ,F'erreaC tptain Commanding. B BUTVEP, Sec rrt. ap 27. w, f, s,3til'• ... _ .. . 1A RUBBMR. MACHETE BRLT/NO. 1: 1 1. 1 ) • STEAM PACKING, HOSE, 4cc. gingers and dealers will find a FULL As. SOBTRIMiI" OE GOODYEAR'S. PAT,ENT VTTLC I ANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PAOR, LNG, BOSE, &a., at ths Manufacturer's Head_ inane= GOODYEAR'S, 303 Ohestaubstree t, South aids. ff. ..Et. We "ave a NNW and Cilip,ATlCLit f GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE,- ie r.r. cheap, to witieb the attention of tbo notate .is PETER WRIGHT SONS, , IBIPORTHEtS OF EARTHENWARE, SH/PPING AND 001 dHaSSIONBIERUHARTS NO. llb "WALNUT STREET. PHELADELPHIA. JAMBS A. WElGHT,lmareinwr A. GIErSBOO34 VHOIUMN PIEB. • 1 TREODOZEI WEIGHT. re, TV/FONT'S GUNI.OWDER.. --sr:Wm:RPM" LI Sporting and all other kinds of Eagle Gnu powder. etinpowAer for bk_stiugand skipping; also, Government Prom for ordnance andmilitary service , • Carmen, Musset and Rifle 'Powder,' r sale by WEGLLAZI S. JRANT. 216 South D i u IWILTA amircm• COTTON !ULM GOTTON CANVAS, of every weight, from one;to two feet wide, au insbeis, _• heavy and light RAVENS MR= ASHLAND TOPSAIL and otter A.wning Twills. Paper Foiting, Ss Twine, &c. For sale b 7 w. EITERMAN tc 00 , -..••• *tit 001.41.. - - URHAX MUSTARD. —The subscribers are D now receiving an invoice of this celebrated English Mustard, the finest in the world, put up in pound and. hall-pound bottles,. imported and for sale by .T. W BUSSIER do 00., • apll 1(13 and 110 South Wharves. BAQS - TLACIIIATRA COFFEE, NOW BVt/ 4 laading from bark Thomas Daue tt . roe street sale by DALLETT & SON, Isto south I'FONT SBIOKEDELERRING.-1,19.5 boxes Scaled Her. P.-nring:3os boxes No. - 1 Herring_ per champi on ( male b F.' tk. SOPME W., DOgb !gat. baTt I
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