Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 30, 1864, Image 2
BUSINESS NOTICES. BMPLEligNEttli DYES 'TB is the bent in the World. The only Narsiless lersis and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hai; Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, 3stantly to a Glossy Black or Natural BroWnt Wit Oat injuring the Hair or Staining the skin leaving OW hair soft and beautiful . ; imparts fresh ' vitality , Iliquently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies Mu ill effects of bad Dyes. The gentiineie signed WILLIAM A. BemoirsLon, all others are mere iral gitions, and should be avoided. Sold bi all ag gling', &a. FACITORY—SI BARCLAY street, N. T. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for dressing Us Hair. jAitt rr Earrr, Sulizal ,b eg ienme to RISES annoimc&s that their Idamitactory of First-I:Rasa rilino Fortes is now lu full operation. The general 111110bIctiOn their many Pianos, sold already, meet 'With, by competent judges, enables them to assert 4103indently that their Piano Fortes are not sur. by any manufactured in the 'United States. .y respectfullyinvite the musical public to call SUld examine their instruments, at the Sales Room, M. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, Mid prices moderate. ,LAIII9II LOS UST MOUN TAIN AND ri.BATH, HITE 8.811 AL, 00.113 y selected and prepared for family use,tree from 'date and dust, delivered promptly an warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. LUMP COAL for found- Vas, and Unitaraut COAL for steam purposes, at iffliolesale prices. An assortment of HIOKORY_, am and Ppm WOOD, kept constantly on nand. *lzo, an excellent article of BLACKSMI' COAL, delivered free of carting to any part of th e S city. A Mil of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS A. CAHILL, Offices, 315 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvaniaff.ailroad and master street. nue street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD tipartiG ICE COMPANY. Wiese and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of dm n• olidated City and la the Twenty-fou.rth Ward. MASON. PIANOB4 HAMLIN' S PRIM CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. T. E. GO ' Seventh and Chestnut. UTICIII &430.'S O'BOIE 00.7 S CABINET ORGANS.— These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts throughout the country, and pronounced by him tad thousands of the best artists in America, THE IZEST REED INSTRITRENTB IN THE WORLD. They are rapidly . supsirseding Melodeons. For sale in Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOITIAD, seventh and Chestnut. ILLECTRICITY.—Cancer, Goitre, Tumors, Sad all foreign growths, cured by special guaran tee, at t the EPhiladelphi a lectrical institute, 1.20 WALNUT eet. GENTLEMEN'S HATS.-All the newest 33311 best styles for Spring Wear, in Felt, Silk and Classimere, will be found at WARBURTON' 5, 7i0.430 Chestnut street, next door to the Post Office. A NEW LE. EASE of' 4SE OF 1 4 ,1 FE. A 24E LIFE. Dr. Radway' a Pills have granted me a new lease Of life. For fifteen years I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Costiveness,lndigestion. I have taken a cart-load of pills of different makes, but the re lief afforded by their operation was at the cost of severe suffering from Piles. If I stopped taking these pills one week, the old difficulty would trouble me. lat last struck a vein of gold, in Rad vay' s Pills—the first dose acted so differently from all other pills, that I hoped for a cure—six boxes made a new man of me; I am completely cured. No straining, no piles, no weakness followed their 11188. I gained strengthwith their use. I have not taken any physic for over a year, and am as rugged, strong and hearty as a bear. JAMES W. FOSDICK, Clinton Town,Clinton county, N. Y. Dr. Bad war s Medicines are sold Dy Druggists everywhere. RADWAY do CO., 87 Malden Lane, New York. THE TATTERED FLAG. BY THE BARD OP TOWNE HALL. I saw return a soldier band, To visit scenes of peace again: And who their sunburnt ranks that scanned Would think not of their comrades slain"! They held displayed a banner fair, On which was traced each battle's name In whose red field ' twas their's to share The toile, the perils and the fame. But oh, this spoke not half so clear As did the flag that next was borne— Their injured country's ensign dear, All scorched and rent, defaced and torn! There is . no flag so rich, so bright, Or with adornments half so fair As that which does from out the fight The most of rents and tatters bear. But otherwise it is with forms Of men who tread the peaceful street, And ne'er exposed to conflict's storms, Have no excuse not to be neat. Their glory lies in looking nice, And to look thus is in the power Of all as long as at small price Such clothes are sold at BENNETT' S TowEn The largest and best assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, equal in all respects to any made to measure, from which all can be fitted accu rately, whatever be their size or proportions. TOWER HALL. 518 Market street, BENNETT ,Sc 00. ETEAM-BOILER EXPLOSIONS-A SUGGES. To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin: WIMINGTON, April 27, 1864.—k your edi tion of Monday, in giving an account of and commenting upon the unfortunate occurrence at Cornelius & Baker's, you very properly ask Tor a thorough and scientific investigation of the matter to ascertain its cause. If the boilers in all the recent cases of the kind were new, it might be supposed the iron was of inferior quality, being made in a time of very great demand at high prices. Bat some or them were at least three years old. The facts mentioned in the report are not sufficient basis for. a definite opinion; but as far as they go, they indicate the "spheroidal state of water" as a very possible cause of the explosion. Every one who has dropped water on ahot stove has seen water in its "spheroidal state." The globules prevented from actual contact by the high temperature of the metal, goes dancing over the surface of the stove (without any steam forming) until a cooler spot is found, or the temperature is sufficiently re duced, when, contact recovering, the whole globule is instantly converted into vapor, with a slight explosion. Now sisly-five pounds pressure seems hardly sufficient to produce all the effects mentioned in the report. But if, by afresh, hot fire in a "boiler "previously cleared of steam," yon throw the water into its "spheroidal state," then cool the boiler down again (as may have occurred from the use of the injector) so that contact is resumed, you have the same effect as from the ignition of an equal quantity of gunpowder. In the first case you convert a liquid instantly - and entirely into a state _of vapor, thereby enormously and suddenly increasing its volume; while in the latter case, you convert solids in stantly, but not entirely into the gaseous state, with the same result. I have known at least one narrow escape from explosion from' the ignorance of a fire man concerning this condition of water, and the danger was only averted by the timely die ' covery and presence of mind of his superiors in the establishment. I hope, in the investigation, this point may not be overlooked, as it is, perhapr one of the greatest dangers, because generally least un derstood or looked for by engineers or firemen in their daily avocations. “Ganges” and 4 4safety-valves" are of little account when it occurs. F.B. FOREIGN ITEffis. Amagnificent mansion is about to be built in Paris by Baron Rothschild. It will cost itearly.four millions of francs.. ; The Ilse of baschish has just been officially condemned in Turkey, and the sale; under the severest penalties'is prohibited. A French physician recommends essence of turpentine as a specific for nervous headache and hemicrania, even when accompanied by vertigo, to which females are especially subject. THE DAILY EVENING BuLLETIN: PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY; APRIL 30; 1864.---TRIPLE SHEET FROM 2713 ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. [Correspondence of the . Oincinnett Uomm.ercial.] CHATTANOOGA, April 24.—The recent order from Gen. Sherman, that rations are no longer to be issued to citizens, has created intense feeling among the Tennesseeans, whose fami lies will be immediately affected by it. It is well known here in the army, that so great has been the tax upon the Government Commis sary, by the feeding of destitute citizens, that it has been found impossible to collect supplies ahead. The Government facilities for trans portation are very limited, and so much of the •supplies have been distributed to Citizen's that, with what the army consumes, supplies are used up about as fast as they arrive. The army, this summer, will be removed far in advance of its base of supplies, and it is absolutely neces sary for its salvation, that supplies should be husbanded at some point of easy access. The Government cannot feed citizens apd the army too. The former must depend upolitheir own resources, or the Government must starve its army. That there will be wide-spread suffering and starvation in TOnnessee this summer, there is no doubt. Thousands of families, whose male members are serving in the Union ranks, are to-day in a starving condition, with no hope of obtaining relief, and no means for putting in a crop. The only hope left them is in the bounty of the North. If the East Tennessee Relief Association is supported by large donations, these gaunt and hungry Unionists may escape the starvation that now threatent. Yesterday I visited the 4th Army Corps for the first time since its departure from Knox ville, in November last, and found General Howard, the newly appointed commander, busily engaged in the details of putting the corps in a condition for active summer work. He is an energetic commander,fully conversant with all the duties pertaining to so responsible a position, and already has become quite popular in the corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Fullerton, General Granger's old and tried A. A. General, has been retained by Gen. Howard as A. A. G. of the corps. In my perambulation,l met the brave Harker, whose distinguished gallantry on so many fields, as commander of a brigade, the President and Congress has just rewarded by conferring upon him a star. Major-General Newton recently assigned to the command of the 2d Division,43n Monday took command, relieving Gen. Waggoner, of Indiana, who was in tempory command. He is an officer with a good record, and will make a worthy successor to the brave Major-General Phil. Sheridan. Surgeon Phelps, of Ohio, who has so long acted as Medical Director of the 4th Corps, has been ordered by the War Department to report to Gen. Meade tor assignment to daty with the Army of the Potomac. Captain Calbaugh, of the 51st Ohio,Gen. Granger's Corps Provost Marshal, has ben re tained in that position under Gen. Howard. A few days ago a General officer was in the company of a number of ladies, near Athens. Among those present was the wife of .the rebel General Vaughn. The conversation turned upon the peace party of -the North. "General," said Mrs. V., "we are greatly iro pleased with theprospect of dissentious in the North. The De ocracy are true to the South, and you can't I), vent them speaking." "Well, Mada6aa;" was the reply, ""you are welcome to all the comfort you derive from the course of the peace party, whose ravings will have about the same effect upon the policy of the Government, in the suppression of the re bellion, as the barking of curs at a railroad train." ' • “Well, nevertheless, we like to see such de clarations as those of Messrs. Harris and Long. It shows that the North is divided, and the Democracy the friends of the South.. Mr. Long talks like a patriot. Oh, how I would like to see him. I would give him a dozen kisses for that speech! What do you think of him, Gen eral? Is he not a fearless, brave man ?” "What do I think of him, Madam ? That he ought to be hung on the highest lamp-post in Pennsylvania avenue." I would recommend Aleck to visit the Con federacy. Go to Dixie, dear Aleck. A feast of nectar awaits thee, and thousands of fair arms are akimbo to clasp your precious form to their bosoms. tiPt.',OIAJL, NOT CEb ErrSCHUYLKILL iaIsiD(SUSQUEHANNA. Railroad Company, Off*, 227 South Fourth street. Philadelphia, April 441E41.—V , e Annual Meeting of the Stockholders iit this, company and an election for President and: 4 'ix Managers will take place at the office of the 'ripsaw on MON DAY, the 2d day of May next at -• ,4 o' clock, AI. • apsimy2§. W. H WEHH.,Secretary. ca. NOTICE.—THE GER i.RD LIFE IN SURANCE ANNUITY AND TRUST VOMPANY OF P HIL &DELP HlA..—The annual election for Fourteen Manugera of the Company will be held agreeably to the Charter. at their Office ' No. 40S CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May next, between the hoixra of 10 A. M. and 12 M. noon. ' JNO. F. JAMES, ap2B.2t§ Actuary. NOTloE.—appitcation will be made for the issue of new certificates in the Ontona gon Mining Company, of Michigan, the following certificates having been lost or mislaid: No. 259, 50 shs.; No. 056, 10 shs. • No. 358, 30 shs.• No. 911, 3,000 shs.; No. 413, 1,004 shs.; and N 0.416,450 she. 911 in the name of ap9. s-w- CLEMENT MAROH. arUNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COM MISSIOti. —SUMMARY TO JANUARY 1, 1864. Work now in Progress in the Army at Rest— Christian Commission Stations largely Increased in Number—The Work Abundantly Prospered— Many more Statior.s needed to meet the wants of the Army—Unprecedented Call for Delegates and Supplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, with its Movements and Battles. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Christian People. INCREASING WANTS DEMAND IN. OR EASED .LI BERALITY IP Receipts of Money, Stores, ac., to January 1, 1864 , Sl,ll B , 003 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, &c., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16,330. Number of Delegates sent, 1, 563. Copies of Scriptures distributed, 568,275; Hymn and Psalm Books, 502, 556; Knapsack Books, 1, 370, - 318,• Library Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, 155.145; Religions Newspapers, 3,316,250; Pages of Tracts, 22, 930,428, Silent comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its work for the good of the Soldiers STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, and clothing, comforts and reading matter for gra tuitous distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, have been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments, bat teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the Soldiers. A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have. been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains nnreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian uommissionoffers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all its various fields. The money given goes in full measure, in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kir dness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and. Stores, and the work will be dono. Thetlarge corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the armies shall move and battles be fought, and the greater their number the more prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. • Let not the present work languish. Wait not • for the cry of the wounded and dying before pro viding relief. Send now and sent abundantly both money and stores, and the soldiers' blessing shall be upon yo Send miolev'to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank, and stores to • GEORGE H: STUART, Chairman Christian Cimmission, Bo No. 13 BANK street, Philadelphia. .. m r s-if lannuart, Secretary United States 0. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. A DIVIDEND OF T WO AND. A. a a.LF PER CENT. on the COMMON STOCE. of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Company will be paid on and alter the SECOND DAY OF MAY, at the Pent, sylvania Railroad Company's Building, Room No. 1, corner of THIRD street and "WILLING'S ALLEY, by GEORGE TABER Agent fer the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. April 26, 1864 WOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 210 WAL street. —A general meeting of the Stock holders in the American Fire Insurance Company will be held agreeably to Charter, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o' clock M. The Annual Election for Directors will take place immediately thereafter. A. O. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. April 21st, 1E64. ap2l-th as tn-50 ITTOEFICE OF THE SRICKSHINNY COAL AND IRON COMPANY, 230 WALNUT street, April 25, 186.1. • Notice is hereby given to the Holders of the SEVEN. PER CENT. MORTGAGE BONDS of this company, that the Coupons due May Ist. 1064, will he naid on the 30th April, on presentation at the Bank of Commerce, free of t'tate, or National Tax. GEORGE HELMUTH, ap26.st§ Treasurer. THE WARD BOUNTIES—A MEETINGOF THE DELEGATES FROM THE ( 19ED BOUNTY COMMITTEES will be held on SATURDAY EVENING next,. the 30th inst., at 8 o' clock, in Dis - rict Court Room, No. 2, South- east corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A fall attendance from all the Wards is requested, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. - DANIEL STEINMETZ, President. Jona R. V.e.a.zwrintr., Sec' y. ap2o-2t§ orJ. WAGNER JEdMON, ESQ., of Phila delphia, has, by request, consented to speak every evening during the month of MAY, com mencing on the 10th inst. , throughout the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, upon the sub ject of PATRIOVISM AND THE PRESENT REBELLION. The proceeds of each Lecture to De equally divided between the Great Sanitary Fair and the families of Soldiers now in their country's service. Letters of invitation addressed to him at his Office, 625 WALNUT Street, will receive prompt attention. ap29 "it* n; HILTON'S CEMENT. Tne Insoluble Cement of the Iffessrs Hilton Brothers is cer the best article of the kind ever invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Cethent cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully applied renders It invaluable V, all elsumma For Dartlnulars now sulvartlawmAnt Ur-Fiuk, 1301:1L4111AN OONI PANY OF MICHIGAN, No. 132 WAL NUT street, PHILADELFHIA. April 14th, 664. Notice is hereby given that an Assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on each and every share of the Capital btock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the Bohemian Mining Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 1:12 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 15th day of May, IE6I. By order of the Board of Directors. api4tmyls¢ WM. L. MACTIER, Sec' y. a i r ,. LIBRARY COMPANY.—The annual , election of directors and a treasurer of the ritrary Company of Philadelphia, will be held at the Library, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May neat, at 3 o' clock in the afternoon, when the trea surer will attend to receive the annual payments. As there axe several shares on which fines are due, the owners of them, or their representatives, are hereby notified that they will be forfeited, agreeably to the charter and laws of the Company, unless the arrears are raid oft - on or before the 24 day ox May, or within ten days thereafter. WM. E. WHITMAN, Secretary. No hooks will be given out or received on that afternoon. spit- s-t u-th_tray2l TTPENNSYLVANIA ALININt* COMPA NY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that an Installment of Two Dollars per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock in the Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michi gan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 3 2 6 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the sth day of April, 1E64. Interest will be charged on all Install =tents after the same shall have become due. By order or the Board of Directors. S. M. DAY. Secretary. PHILA.. March 23.1664. trth..Z -'2t. a. tn. th, ne PhNNSYLV ANL& R 4.ILROAD COM PANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. —PHILADELPHIA, April 20, 1e64. NOTICE TO STOUR HOLDERS- —The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of national and State taxes, payable on and after May 16, 1e64. Blanks powers of Attorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company, N 0.9 South Third street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra. dividend will be ready for delivery on and atter May2d, but no stock or script certificates will be delivered between the 15th 11ay and Ist June. ap2l.tiei THO. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. fr-ga. PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office 227 South Fourth nfeet. PHILADELPHIA. September 3, DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stick of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it us therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCILHOLDEREV VAIEES. Timothy C. Boyle, Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster, Andrew Turner, John Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport, fe•26.tf Q WTREASURY DEPARTMENT —Oppion OF COXPTAOLLBS OF THB GOREN-NOT, Asum:4mq, Feb. 26th, 1E64. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that. the Fourth National Rank of Philadelphia, in the eounty of Philadelphia.; and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge , of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved February 25th, 1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANE OF PHILADEL PHIA, county of Philadelphia, arid State of Penn sylvania, is authorized to commence the business. of Banking, under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof; witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February. 1864. HUGH 1110CULLOOH, Comptroller of the Carrency. 1 31h2-1:11§ TELECTRICITY. OR AND LIVE! A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! .All diseased conditions, both acute and chronic, where there is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure in most obstinate maladies,no charge is made, Elec trical Institution, established about five years ago by Professor BOLLES. Read the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in communities, dooming 100,100 youths, of both sexes. annually to an early grave. These diseases are very imperfectly u.nderstodd. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous debility, relaxation, and great exhaustion, marasmus, or Wasting and consumption of the tissues of the 'whole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis; and a dry, sore throat, trembling and • shaking of the arms and lower limbs, aversion to society, business, and to study: sometimes dimness of the -eyesight, loss of memory, dizziness of the head, neuralgia, pain in various parts of the body, pains in the back and lower limbs, lum bago, dyspepsia4constipation of the bowels, de-. ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many other glands of tWbody, producing- virulent diseases in both males and females, - likewise epilepsy, hys teria, and different forms of nervous spasms. Now, then, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the above named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lungs or of the spinal nerves, have their origin in the pelvic viscera, hence the want of success by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above-named maladies are treatedand cured by Professor Bolles, at 12 20 Walnut street. DISEASES OF FEMALES. Prolapsus Uteri, Lencorrticea, Amenorrlacea, Dysmenorrhoea. All the above diseases and other Uterine complaints have their origin in a loss of the vital power of the body,brotight on by injuries, excesses, sedentary habits, personal abuses, abor tions, and the nee of - powerful medicines. Some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains through the hips and back, weakness of the limbs, and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire system The effects produced from these troublesome maladies are almost multitudinous. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Ne ura l— a, ai Paralysis, Deafness, Blindness, Fits, Insanity and even 'ldiocy are not uncommon. No effectual or reliable remedy. has ever been found for these alarming complaints till our late discovery in the nsekof Electricity in strict accor dance with the positive and 'negative polar action of the Uterine Organs. We never failed in curing all of the above diseases, , except in case of or ganic derangements, or severe injuries of the parts. At 1220 WALNUT sire t Philadelphia. Con sialtation free apl4-Im* C)T N F .-TE HOOPAR'rNER N SHIP eretofore existing between the under 4 signed, under the firm of COWPERTH WAIT & cO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. • JOSEPH 00WPE'RTHWA.IT, 3E., JUSTUS C. STRAWBRIDGE. Faimumey 19 - , 1864. 3. COWPERTHWAIT & 'CO., Would inform their friends, and the public gen erally, that they will continue the'Dry Ctood s bust. ness at their. th sa-34 NEW STORE, • S. E. COHNER NINTH ANDAIWIUSTREETS I and would call the attention of buyers to their lrrge and extensive STOCK OF COTTONS, ComPrlsmg all the popular makes, such as New York Mills, Williamsville, Wamsutta, I Forestdale, ;White Rock Wauregan, Semper Idem, HouselFeePer, Together with all the best makes of 5-4, 64 and 10.4 Sbeetings, both BLEAOLIED AND UNBLEACHED. OUR STOOK OF LINENS, comprising SHEETINGS, SILIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELINGS, NAPKINS, &c., Will be offered at prices which will command he attention of those in want of such gooeic, DRESS GOODS. Our assortment is now complete, and in variety, style and price, we defy competition. - SHAWLS of all descriptions, adapted to the present season. BLACK SILKS, all widths and qualities, which will be sold at very Low PRICES. PLAID INDIA BILKS, in all colors, extra width, very cheap. Great bargains in W=A=L n q , !U Give us a call, and we will convince you that we still maintain our reputation of selling the best gouda at the lowest prices. NEW OITORE, SOUTHEAST CORPHIL N B.DE ER NINTH AND ARCH. LPHLL. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO. mh24-th, s.tn, to .y 1 J. C. STRAWBEDSE & CO.ll SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLSI 100 Lama Wool Shawls, from 82 50 to 89. 100 Mozambique 83 to 87. 100 Silk Cheek to 89. 100 Black Stella 0( $2 50 to 820. We still hays an immense stock of : =II 10 ' ASD .1 :Or' ‘ C4:-.. 500 dozen Towels and Napkins. 41. full line of Bitziesby Table Linens. The celebrated Power and -Hand-Loom Table Linens. Hnckaback, Birdere and Diaper. Lancaster, Manchester and Honey- Comb Quilts, Pink, Blue, and White Marseilles. Counterpanes and qualm. Cloths, Cassimeres and Cloakings. fall assortment of Saeithsgs. A full assortment of Cloths and Oassismeres. A full assortment of Boys' wear. At Wholmale and Retail, N. W. corner Eighth and Market Sts lati-th an to tjyl ESTLACK'S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGE 3. These Lozenges are a bale and speedy care for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr , Druggist, S. W. car. of Eighteenth and Market sts. • phiia, arr2B-3r4 ELLGTHWITF. - WHAT IS LIFE WITHOITT HEALTH. Messrs. GRIM and Medical Elec•aicians, formerly associated with Professor Bolles and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, the practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEN, at the old established office, No. 7`...n North TENTH Street, between Ooates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the varions modifies tons of - Electricity and Galvanism. This neat. ment has been found remarkably successful in all eases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of ths . ..vses in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Elver Or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ulf°. Prolapses Uteri (Failny Congestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapses Ant (or Piles) Dyspepsia: Nocturnal Emissions, Rheumatism.. /to. lies Bronchitis. Deafness, c. Ba I hama and Catarrh. No charge far consulta! A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to oe seen (IPAI, DENT, 1- . 1 . 1 NA.. A superior article ibr cleaning the Testis, de stroying animalcules which infest them, girths tone to the gums, and leaving a feelingl of fra grance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. B may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de torsiveness will recommend It to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the -num tan Washes formerly in vogue. Fieinent Dentists, acquainted with the comitita , ante of the DENT A LTANA, adiocats its uses • ii contains nothing to preyent its unrestrained ia, ploymor.t. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Statists Tor sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhousa. Hassard it Co., Robert C. G. R. Keeny, G-eo. 0. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, 0. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. husband, - J. 0. Turupenny, &Co Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E.. Bringliurst & OP, , James. L. Bispham, Dyott ft Co., Hughes ft Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. - JUMELLE' B COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOOR..—We often hear it repeated by those who have used JUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOOR, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public,there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine,so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of physiculde biiity, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMP:DIX, No. _1.525 Market street, and by all Druggists. Efel-Sant HODGSON'S BRONCHIAL TABLETS A3lll found to be an indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis,Catarrh, goarsness, and similar complaints afecting the organs of the voice; particularly re commended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANOASTEE do WILLS. T A TION. —A reIi YLOR'S ARNIble a CA article. OIL OPosi R EMBRO ely cures CA tiv Rheumatism, Neuralgia and 'Sprauui, Frosted Feet, Chillblains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, I. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Price, 25 cents. ib22-3m* JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORT& Lion, Hennessey , a line Old Brandy, 4 0AFV for medicinal use. IdiNCASTE.R Pharmaceutists , I? E; corner itßifttiL TENTH Sts.. Phila. CARRIAGE MAKERS, 4 4M- J. LEITENBFJO3 - ER & 801 r ' eft7 RI3TT► STRFAT. fel Teo (Formerly Cowperthwait & Go.) HAVE NOW OPEN. A fine assortment of Black Silks. Small Plaid India Silks. Plain, Striped, and Plaid Poplins. Superior Black and Colored Alpacas. Pink, Blue, and Buff Brilliants. Pink, Blue, and Buff Percales. Striped and Figured French Chintzes. COTTON AND LINEN asrliiu~... !Jon, Office hours from at the office. de2-6al P. A. HARDING & 00 Importers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY_ GOODE, NO. 413 ARCH ST. ratuanzvrtru. m.b.541114 CABINET WARE. EL FULL ASSORTMENT AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS Nos. 809 and 811 Chestnut street, mh17.211:0 FOR SALE. The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH IENTH STREET, Bas THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. IlirOalp a amall part of Clash reantrad. ENQUIRE ON TRE - PREBIINEs. tc.s.trf JOHN C. ARRISON, NOS. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH ST., MANUFACTURER OF The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURR MOORE. Warranted to Pit and Give Satisfaction. ALSO Importer and Mannfacturer of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. N. B.=All articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best ma erials. aplß-8m LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, No. 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PaLLADELPIELA., Halls now In store, a very fine stock of Looking Glasses, Of every character, of the Ter, test manufacture and latest styles. Sir 011 Paintings, Ecgramnas, Picture and 'Pho tograph Frames. ap23 Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manufactory, Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late_Styles in hall variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 706 CHESTNUT STREET. Fine Shirt, Manufactory The subscribers would invite attenticu to thell IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which they make a specialty In their business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENT'S WEAR; J. W. SCOTT at CO., Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, 814 CHESTNUT STREET. 16 Four doors below the C ontinental Hotel. CELEBRATED REEV.ESDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO., S. B. corner Broad and Callowhill ill -44 cf „ • IP.' • I P WEIGHT di r . SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. IVAIGHT DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at our establishment a tail as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drage, popular Patent Medicines Paints, Coal 1.111, Window Glass, Prescription! sta., at as low prices as genuine first class goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, and of the beat quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot ash, Cndbear, Soda As a, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Annatto, Copperas, Extract of Logwood, &0., FOR DYERS' use, always on hand, at lowest net cash prices. PURE SPICES FOR F &DULY USE, Ground expressly for our sales, and to which we Invite attention of those in want of reliable articles. Also, INDIGO, ST.AROH, MUSTARD, dto, f extra quality. .Orders by mail, or oity post, will MOE with prompt attention, or special Anota- Uons will be furnished when requested. WRIGHT SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse layrpli. No. flig Market atrftat above From CORSETS !: ! COR S! ! !—MADAME A. BARATET has just received from Paris, a superb lot of light, strong Corset Material, for summer wear. Madame B.'s Corsets are univer sally admired for their superior finish, elegance of fit, and dffiability. Ladies are advised to call and procure a pair of her Corsets before having their spring dresses made up. MADAME A. BARATET, ap27-Ini. 116 South FIFTEENTH street. MARTIN 7. - EANS, NO. 402 CHESTNUT Street. • First Premium awarded by Fraiiklin Institut. to MARTIN LEANS, Manufastarer oi MASONIO MARRS, PINS, EMBLEMS, &o. New and original designs of Masonic Marks and Templars !Medals, Army Medals and Corps nudism rfiamemilnty"., rtHOCO.LATE. —WALTER BAKER & CO. 'GI .) Chocolate ; Cocoa arid WOMB.; single, double and triple Vanilla; . also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, in store and for sale by WM. S. GRANT. MN Booth Bs aware Wharves °Mears and *olpiers, visiting ongh, needing S, AND OTHER M SWORD ILITARY EQUIPMENTS azo. invited to the very extensive Manufacturing tablishment of . GEO. W. SIBIONB & BRo irs , • SANSOM STREET HALL, Sas:lsom Street, above Sixth; PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which 102 richness and magnificence - challenge Competition, no other house in the country combining the MA NUP.:I.OTURING JEVTELER WITH THEE PRACYPIOAL SWORD MASER. apS-Hlf NOTICE OF BIOVAL, The undereigneti would inform their ittiendsand4 the public generally, that they have removedtrODlr their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WiILERILOOLLS, No, 912 ARCH STREET; Where they will continue the sale or - GAS FIXTURES, CHANBELtERS, COAL OIL BIIIINF.IIS, &at, Raying associated with our house Mr. OELARLRS PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Car. nelins icßakei t , ) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and' esigns, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate.. VAN KIRK & C® , te19.2m5 No. 912 ARCH STREET. _ • BARLG - W'S - INDIGO 'BLUE' 9 PUT UPI AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET,' PECELADELPHLA, Will color more water than lour times the sant• quantity of ordinary Indigo. liir - The Kew Label does sot require a stamp. t is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIEFACTION; t. is riftiled at the same price as the Imitations and Inferior aftialea. apil.brn • I 10246 CHESTNUT ST. Is now receiving, and offers for sale below present market rates, many novelties in LACE AND WHITE (H)eDS. He would call "special attention" to bis assortment of over 20,4h:fere= new fabrics and styles of White Goods, suitable for "Ladies' Bodies and Dresses." in stripes, plaids and ligured,puffed and tucked anus. lbws. 100 pieces of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad vance. New invoices of Guipure and Thread Laces, Thread= and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Insertinge, Flotmcings, Broad hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS aft linen, good quality, from 25 cents up. 1024 OH ESTNIIT STR t• ET LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE. By the Muth or Dozen. ALBERT C. ROBERTS DRAT RR IN FINE GIMMES; Corner Eleventh and Vine FitilKdig Commission Paper Warehouse. FARRELL, IRVING do "CO.; 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and .INGLB MEDIUM; OAP and OHOWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for Rope in large or small quantities. BEDDING. MATTRESSES, 'FEATHERS, BLANKETS, 'QUILTS, COMEORTABVPS, BED TIOE:INGS, And every other article in,the Bedding business al the lowest cash prices. AMOS - HILLBORN, fee/tame TENTH BELOW ARM ST! The Sunbeam. Stories, Containing the charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK ONLY, OLD TOLLEFFE, BIERRY ollationsAssi DR AIII CHINTZ, STAR. IN THE DESERT, ase: Six beautiful Tolnmes, Illustrated, V 2 50. W. P. HAZAR,D.,_ item iv' ai South NTH Stmt. COOK & BROTHER. Hosiery and Gloves, _ Trimmings and Fanajr Goads, holesale and Retail, r No. 53 North ,Eighth 'st., FIBS; m2l-310 P. H. snoniarz THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE—POBLyr - FRESH AND TASTFLVSS. The surest remedy for Coughs and Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, 1 Rheumatism, General Debility, &a. The undersigned having an experience of filtee2• years in the facture of Cod Liver Oil, has recently.' greatly improved the process of procuring it, amp now offers to the public a-preparation that for tins deviating purity, uniform freshness and superior— ity of preparation is unmatched. These, result* , are maintained by the personal supervision of the , proprie or, whose efforts have made this Oil the , standard of excellence Physicians and others looking to the attainment of the greatest medicinal , efficacy in the shortesttnne, and thereby obviating^ indigestionland nausea in the patient, can esoule , their purpose by the administration of my Oil. CHARLES W. NOLEN: No. 154 NORTH THIRD STREET. • Sold also by WYETH .3c BROTHER, No, 1412 WALNUT Street; OLIVER, lath and Spruce; and others. ap9-IMte HEN - SZEY C 0..; Photographers, NO. 812 ARCHSTREEE ap9-amo THEODORE Ma APPLE, GAUGER AND COOP= 1105.102 and 104 GATZDIER STREET, (Between Front and Second and Walnut Chestnut Streets,) • Imitation Brandy Casks aliways on hand. Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always hand made to order 1512-17 FIIRLOITG-ItS. SPRING TRADE. E. Z. NEEDLES . PIOLE.N'S Nedioitial Cod Liver Oil: