Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 30, 1864, Image 10
F. REIMER'S Life-size PHOTOGRAPH U., B. in Oil Colors, pronounced the finest Portraits of the times; seen ate in outline, features and expression. Gallery 621 ARCH street. 4 'WROUGHT IRON MELTING LADLES, Of 11!a variety of sizes, and Plumbers' Cast Iron Melting Pots, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SHAW low , No. 635 (Eight Thirty five) Market street. be Ninth. ArINLY St 00 FOIL PLEASING, ACCURATE ki and durable Likenesses—RElDlEß'S popul Pictures. Colored Photographs; Hue quality and artistic in Coloring. SECOND street, above Green.. -w IRE SIiAD AND MEAT BROILERS, and a fair variety of other Cooking Hardware, for sale by TRUMAN .!s SHAW, No. 83 5 (li` Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. F. REIMER' S SUPERIOR STYLES B. CARTES DE VISITE are the most pleasing and satisfactory pictures of the kind. Made at his popular Gallery. 654 ARCH street. 200cre A a I p PAIRS S at Pseiclo'nlhlLcr dßegleLvArilEtNsTl above Thompson. Old doors, sash, fixtures, &c. , bought. [ap3o.6tsj NATHAN W. ELLIS. LOST—Early in April, a SCHOOL WARRANT, NO. 1306, for 814.62. Payment being stopped, a liberal reward will be given by returnito , the same to WM.HOPKIN, Germantown. ap3o, 3,3t* OAL the Mining Laws of ri Pennsylvania; also, the Geology and Chemis try of Petroleum. See AMERMAN EXCHANGE and REVIEW, for May. Price 25 cents. POW •LEH k - MOON, 521 Chestnut street. it* I RON STALES, iron Doors,lron Saies.—For sale at seeond-hand Depot, SEVENTH, above Thompson. rap3o.6t*.l NATHAN W. ELLIS. WANTED—A situation as Runner in a Bank or . other public institution. Refer to SHOBER 4S: 0., No. 26 South Delaware aver ne. it* CANNED MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGE TABLES. Beef, Mutton, Veal, Soups, Peaches, Tomatoes, Green Corn, Green Peas, Lima Beans, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, &c., for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO., 103 and 110 South Wharves. ap3o aIIHE UNDERSIGNED hare this day formed a Copartnership under the name of HEWES & RA.HDI, for the transaction of a General Banking Business, at No. 52 South THIRD street. GEO. W. HEWES, GEO. A. RAHN. ap3o 7 6tt, VIDE WHITE NET—For covering Ohande hers, Mirrors, , measuring fall 90 and 96 inches, good quality, at 60 cents a yard. A cover ing of this Net will last many years. - costing only ,he price of Tarletan, • which requires renewing every one or two seasons. BLA.OK BRUSSELS EDGINGS AND LADES (Deal), for dress trimming. Aftill Jibe of this de desirable Lace, good as the Guipure, at one half the cost. _ _ HEAL GUIPURE L ACES. —lnvite attention to the medium and wide Laces, from $1 to $9 50 a yard, exceedingly scarce, and lower than the im porters' prices for same goods NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. NOTTINGHAM LACE for Curtains NOTTINGHAM LADE TIDIES. NOTTING-HAM PILLOW CASE LACES. An increase of 33,5 i" or 50 per cent , new tariff*, will amount to an entire prohibition probably. A few hundred pairs, from $1 50 to $7 80 a. pair, pur chased as job goods in February, and very cheap, `to be sold at firstprices until closed out. Purchase now for the fell, and save 50 per cent BRUSSELS NET, for Bodies—Puffed. Part of case purchased last August, yard wide, 45 cents a yard, at WOMB' S Lace and Embroidery Store, it* No. 38 North Eighth street MUSIOAL BOXES, IN 13ANDSODIE OASES, playing tram two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by FARR ,t BROTHERS, ImPorters, =tat No. 224 Chestnut street, below yourth THE GREAT VENTRAL FAIR —Subscrip tions or donations for Committee of min Day' a labor, income or reTenue,receiyed daily byI.TOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treas. ' Office No.IIS S. Seventh St., Phila. LET ALL THOMPTLT RESPOND. Sub scriptions and remittances by mail duly receipted for and acknowledged. ap23-203t•rp* FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING, BRAIDING, Quilting, Tucking, &c., beau. tifally executed on the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Machines, with over. ators, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNUT street. apt-3m§ 'EMILE PALM OIL SOAP .— This Soap is made j_ of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vege table Soap; fmore suitable for Toilet use than thou made frem animal fats. In boxes ell one dam cakes for 11l 50 per box. Manufactured GFO. M. ELICENTON & Solt, Me. 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second. above Callovanill stmt. del7.lyroi MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES. .131. A large assortment of grave stones of various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Marble Works of ADAK STEINDIETZ, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, Philadelphia. apl6-3mrp§ - - 11111EALELACR LACE POINTES.—New Ira- Xi; portation per steamer Etna opened this morn ing. —GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Street, has just opened as above One Hundred and Eighty-three more Real Black Lace Pointes mak ing one of the largest, handsomest and cheapest stocks in the Country beyond any dispute.. The assortment now comprises Good Pointes from $9O to $5OO, careful selections of cheap Pointes as well as some exhibition goods "Extra Fine;" also 100 Real Lace Parasol Govern some fine Yells, Sashes, Barbee, rich Guipure Insertings for trimming dresses, with Sashes to match; also 1,000 pieces of narrow Guipure Laces of French manufacture, handsome goods that will - outwear the flimsy soft German goods; Real Guipure Mask Veils, and many novelties in good Laces of the current styles in Paris this season. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Is the last case of goods the subscriber can expect to pass under the present tariff, and until the new tariff goes into ef ,ect I will offer these goods at old rates. Buyers wanting really good goods will please keep in mind that I import these goods. Ido not pay tribute to any New York importer, and I will give at retail omy customers all possible advantages. ap2o-6t FAALLL Y no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, birt is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should. bs used by every family. Pnt up inB OXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, whenpacked and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bare or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. • Man ufactured by GEORGE M. 7 TARTNON & S dell -1 yrpe ll6 Margarettastrest MaDWELLING No. 310 South Front street, lately fitted up. Also 4-storied stone dwell ing, 1335 Spring Garden street, 35 by 150 feet; 1.131- mediate possession of both For sale by A. P, .1c J. H. MORRIS, 916 Arch street. ap33-3t* WHY DYE, WREN YOU HAVE A PER FECT HAIR DRESSING ADD_ RE STORES. OF COLOR COMBINED 7. A sure Preventive of Baldness. A sure Preventive of Baldness. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." •'London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. , This discovery is just what has long been needed, only one preparation; does not stain the skin, or soil the finest linen. Restores gray hair to its ori ginal color, prevents baldness, keeps the hairsoft, moist andglossy, highly perfumed. No toilet com plete withot t Cres an eruptive disease ItPbiag, Scu u rf, i Dandru u ff, &c. y , keeping the, scal p in B. healthy condition. We can - refer to hiindreds of families in Philadelphia alone, who' are rising this truly elegant preparation. IT IS NOT A DYE. The only known Restorer of Color. The only knownßestorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color. The only known Restorer of Color. And Perfect Hair Dressing. Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. And Perfect Hair Dressing Combined. DR. SWAiRD is SON, 330 North Sixth street, PhUncla. Price,so cents. Six bottles, $2 50. Sent by Ex press to any address. • ia27-th-s•tnlyrp • 11 FAR WITH INDELIBLE INR, .11.1. Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, zce, Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ. ment I& A, TORREY Table 1800 Filbert street 1:1 OOP SKIRT MiIIitTPAOTOR.Y. —Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order; war. Tutted of the beet materials. Also Skirts repaired. NES. L. EATIXY, 612 Vine street. above Eighth. aplB-1m CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD COMPANY. - 7 isToTioz.-01:1ANGE OF TIME OF. DE. PASTURE of Way Linea from Philadelphia, Walnut Street Wharf, for Beverly, 'Burlington; Bordentown, Scc., tcrs, 6 and 7 P. M. On and after MONDA.y, May 2d, 1864, the Bordentown Express Line (Maxwell Conductor), now leaving at 4g P. M. will leave Philadelphia at SP. M.. Burlington 6.15, Bordentown 6.55, and arrive at Trenton 7.15 P. AL The Way Accommodation Line will leave Phila delphia at 6P. M. , Burlington 7.15, and arrive a , Bordentown 7.50 P. M. The Market Line (Fenton Conductor), now leaving at og p. will leave Philadelphia at 7 P. 81., and arrive at Burlington 8.20 P. M. W. H. GATZMER, Agent. April Mt, 1864. ap3o-3t¢ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1864;--TRIPLE SHEET 4 Fourth and Arch . - 5 4 Have now arranged for sale a magnificent stock of SPRING - DRY GOODS Adapted to first class sales. This Stock was laid a before the recent advance in go d, which etiabies us to offer great inducements to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Black Silks from 820 to $1 per yard. Brown Si. ka, $7 to $l.. Moire Astiques, from $6 to $2 50 Rich Ohenie and Spring Plaids. Brown Figured Silks, double face. Incia Plaid Wash Silks, St. 100 pieces Summer Silks, $1 a yard. SIMMER DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdy Robeo. French Organdies, new styles. 68 pieces Goats' Hair (Dextrins. Tan. colored Challies and Detainee. Fine Black Uhallies and Bombazines. Good style Grenacinee and Foulards. SITAWLS I& MANTLES 1 ondon style Shawls, open Centres. lemartiLe 0, dered L-hawls Sea Shore Baregq Shawls. Black Shawls, fall stock. TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS. French Crape Pongees. • Summer Poplins for, suits. • Tan; Pearl and Mode 11101161 re. Full Stock Staple Goods. aria° Elegant Mantillas at Low Prices. AN IMMENSE STOCK CF SUPERB MANTILLA SILKS, From 95 cents to $5lOO. A 011010 E STOCK OF Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, at McELROY'S, avaa • 64 31 South NINTH Street. J. T. DELACROEK. Has now open at his New Store, No. 37 South Second st.abovo Chestnut, A large stock of the newest styles of y CARPETINGS, John Crossley it Sons VELVETS, 44 BILUSIELS, ef TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Together with an extensive line of INI'ERI AL and EXTRA TERMS-PLY Ingrain and Venetian Carpetingi, Ak r on Cloths, Window Shades and MaUints. Wholesale and retail at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. ID Al5-31:11 SENAT, BROS. & 914 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry Bt. Importers of ' WHITE GOODS* Offer a completeaasoriment of Jaconeta,Carakries, Checks, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India Mull and other Nualinsof our usual make and finish. N"OHIO MAPLE SUGAR--Very hand some. For sale in large or small quantities, by ARCHER lc REEVES, aptz-3trpis No. 95 North Water street. TOREILEEPERS AND OTHERS ABOUT giving •'one day's revenue" to the Fair, please call or send for Show Cards, Icc. (gratuitous), pt Office No. 118 S. SEVENTLI street. apM.2d:rp* D ABE OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECULA JUL TORS--For sale. —A large VALUABLE PROPERTY of two hundred acres of ground, sit uate in the FIRST and TWENTY• SIXTH Wards, having a front of twenty-four hundred feet on each Side of Broad street. with - a front of twelve hun dred feet on League Island or Second Street Road, about one mile from the County Prison and a less distance from League Island and from the Delt ware Elver. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut St. jarM-12trp GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BBOKEB, No. 18 South THIRD street; Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Ontunis. Lion, at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, . Specie and Unctirrent money bought and sold. mb2-.3mrP6 FITLEB., WEAVER. & 00., Manufacturers of MANILLA. AND TA_RB.EaCOB,DAGE, COEDS, TWINES, IMS. No. 23 North Water street and No. .22 North Dela ware avenue, Philadelphia. EDWIN H. FITLETt MICHAEL WEAVES, Cottilsh F. Cr.ovittEn. HEAL ESTATE. THOMAS SONS, SALE —LARGE and ELEGANT RESI DENCE, No. 259 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, between Walnut and Spriace.. 'with Stables and Coach.house .on Bingbam's Court, ti feet front, 116 feet in depth. On TUESDAY,' My 10, Ism. at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE: All that superior three-story brick messuage, with two story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Fourth street, between Walnut and Spruce streets, No. 259; containing in front on Fourth street 26 feet 7 inches, and extending in depth of that width on the south l feet 1 inc p hes; thence 'widening south 23 ine feet lsl 5 inches; X thence east' 1 feet 83' inches to Bingham's court; thence la orth 9 feet 2335~ inches•, thence east 10 feet 2 inihee; thence nor.h 32 feet 3 inches; thence west 4 feet 9x inches; thence north 8 feet 6X inches; thence west 27 feet I inch; thence still further west ward 154 feet 134 inches to Fourth street, the place of beginning, the entire depth on the north line being 181 feet 2 34 inches, and IE6 feet on the south line. At the depth of 154 feet the lot widens to 50 feet. The house is finished in a most substantial manner, Very elegant Italian marble mantels, large and superior chambers, superior wine closets and cellars, and the modem conveniences. There is a large stable and coach house on Birgham' a court. MO - CLEAR OF ALL INGUMBRANOR. TERMS, ONE-HALF CASH. OrirSOme of the finest residences in the city are in this square. A 'survey of the property, made April 28, MR, by D. H. Shedaker, surveyor, may be seen arthe auction rooms, and the property will be sold according to said plan. M THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, ap3Onty3 7 139 and 141 South Fourth street: MR PEREMPTORY SALE--THOMAS & BR SONS, AUCTIONEERS. —HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.2.57 South SEVEN TEENTH Street—Between Locust and Spruce streets• ; 19 feet front, 190 feet in depth; on TUES DAY, May 10, 1861, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that modern four story brick messnage, with three-story back build ings and a lot of ground situate On the east side of s Se tr y ee e t t , ee N n o 257, th . ' street, between Locust and Spruce containing in front on SeVen teenth street 19 feet, and extending in depth 190 feet to a court :8 feet wide, leading into Latimer street, together with the privilege of Said court. The house and garden are in perfeot order, all the modern improvements. marble 'mantels In every room. The whole house and hydrants 'drained into the street culvert. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of $3OO a year. Immediatepo m ssession. Can beto seen any tie previous to sale on appli street, or to the cation' Mr. A. 1). Cash Auctioneers., No. 209 South Sixth Writ is a most desirable location, and overlooks in the rear a dumber of beautiful gardens. N. B. In-' consequence of the decision of the Court , .saspending for the present the extinguishment of 'ground rents in national currency, we are authorized to state; if the ptir. chilrer desires it, that an "arrangement will be made for the extinguishment of the ground rent on thus property in 30 days from the time of sale. M. THOBIAS &.SONS, Auctioneers, ap3O•uly3 • 7 ,130 and 01S. Fourth at. ASILENT BUT POWERFUL, EVIL —War, resilience and fa - oin are lo3kett upon as tie meet dreadful calamities to which humanity is subject, yet we have an agent at work among us , slaying by day and by night its thousands and tens of thousands. The scuurge to Which we refer this evil, which is so effeclve on its tnislion of de e traction, is the useless ilruggipg_of the sys iem w ith nauseous - drags. That a large number of Our fel low creatu.les annually go to. their graves from drugging themselves to •death o th ars to do so, is a-fact which is uncoutrcivertible. The question is, cannot, this evil be alleviated? 'Are there not at hand medicines which are competent to cure most of the disease‘ which afflict mankind ? Experience has proved. that there are, and for the CUM Of all Bilious .Disorders, Dyspepsia, and all the complaints of the Stomach, Liver and B3welS, Dr. Hoolland's German Bitters are a positive and permanent remedy.. The. witnesses to this truth are a mtulitude. laThe worth of an article is based ripen its pogo laxity, and no medicine has won such unbounded praiseand honor as these BITTERS. Wherever they thave been introduced, they have superteded all other preparations—and-when once used, tbey be- Gorne a public necessity. Why, then, DRUG our selves to death, when we have within our reach' a remedy that never fails 7 Its name and virtues are now universal—and wherever the banner.. of civi lization is spread to the breeze, it: is there that f3OOFLAND'S BITTERS is the standard medicine for all. We large no one to purchase this article—we but lay before you the FACTS of their curative 'air tees-=end it is 011-leAeTB - alone that each one must judge for himself., Will cure every case of CHRONIC. on, WEnVortB DEBILITY, . • DISEASES ON TAB KIDNEYS, And, diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, resetting Lona Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Plies, Fullness of Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, iesgust for Food. Fent ess in the Stomach, Sour Erectations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ned and Difficult Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or hufbcating Sensations, Dim ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain la the Head, Deficleacy of Perepiration, Yellowness of the ektn aid Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. Ale; Sud den Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Con slant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of 'spirits. Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember Remember. Remember Remember That this Bitters is not Alcoholic, That this Bitters Is not Alconoitc, That this Bitters is not Alcoholic, That this Bitters is not Alcoholic, • That this Bitters is not Alcoholic, , That this Bitters is not Alcoholic, Contains no Rum or Whiskey, Contains no Rum or Whiskey, Contains no Rum or Whiskey, Contains no Rum or Whiskey.. Contains no Runt Qr lA r 'elekey,t, dad cannot make Driankarde. And cannot make Drunkards, And cannot make Dm. kettle. And cannot make Drunkards, c But is the Best Tonic But is tbe Best Tonic. Bat is the Best Tonic In the World. In the World. In the World.. In the World. In the World. In the World. We will pay 31,000 to any one that will produce a certificate published by us that is not gentile°. Facts ! ! Facts!!! Facts !! ! - Facts ! Facts !! ! Facts !! ! Facts !! ! .Facts ! Facts !! ! Facts ! Facts ! Facts! Facts ! Pacts! Facts! Facts! Facts! From the Hon. Thomas B. Florence. WARRINGTON Jan Ist, 1561. G'sndemen--Haelng stated it verbally to you, I have no hesitation in writing the fact, that 1 expe rienced marked beneftcfrom your Hooffand's Ger man Bitters. During a long and tedious session of Congress, .pressing and onerous duties nearly prostrated me. A kind friend suggested the use of the preparation I have named- 1 took his advise: and the result was improvement of he.alth, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtained Others may be similarly advan taged if they desire to be. Truly, year friend. B. THOMAS I. 'LORENCE. From the Hon. Jacob Broom. FRILABELI.III.4., Oct. I'M, ISO/ Gesacesea—ln reply to your inquiry as to the effect produced by the use of Hoalland's German Bitters in my family. litiave no hesitation in say ing that it has been highly beneficial. In one la s ance a case of dyspepsia of thirteen years' stand trig, and which had become very distressing, the use of one bottle gave decided relief, the second effecting a care, and the third, it seems, has con fl med the cure, for there have been no symptoms of its return for the last six years. In my indi vidual use of WI find it to be an unequaled tonic, and eh:merely recommend its use to the sufferers. Truly, yours, JACOB BROOM. let' Spruce street. From Rev.W. D. Siegfried. Pastor Twelfth Baptist Church. BRILADELPIIIA December etzth. Gentlemen : I have recently been laboring under the diteressir g effects of indigestion, ' accompanied by aprostration of the nervous system. Numerous remeaies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but wikhont relief. Your 11.00113.nd German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of the Bitters induced me also to try them. I must confess that! had an aversion is patent medicines from the "thousand and oue" quack Bitteeme ` " whose only aim seems to be to palm ofi seeeetene,e and drugged liquor upon the community, in a aly way; and the tendency of which, 1 Kee, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learaliag that yours was really a medicinal preparation I tcok it with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the nervous system, was yrompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully yours, W. D. SIEGFRIED, No. 254 Saackamaxon Street. From Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J formerly of the North Baptist Church, phi's. I have known 'foothold's German Bitters favor ably for a number of years. I have used them in my own fam ly. and have been so pleased with their effects that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know they hare operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great plea sure in thus publely proclaiming this fact, ant calling the attention of those afflicted with •the diseases for which they are recommended, to those Bitters, knowing from experience that my recom mendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheer-. fully, as Howland's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is "not n: ram drink." Yours, truly, LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newtown Brown, D. D. , Editor of the Encyclopredia of Religious li. oar ledge and Christian Chronicle, Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in.general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no suf ficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes himself to have received from any temple preparation, In the hope that he may thus contribute to, the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regiud to Howland' s German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under. the impression that they were chit ily an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prej adtce by proper teem; and fur encouragement to try, them when suffering from great. and long continued - -debility. The use of three bottler of these bitters at the beginning of the. restoration, was follovfed by evident relief and to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before,and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them.. J. NEWTON BROWN, Phila. Fromthe Rev. Thomas Winter, D. D. Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church ' . Dr. Jackson—Dear Sir: I feel it due to your ex cellent preparation, ' Ileofiand's German Bitters. to add my testimony, to the deserving reputati on it has obtained. I have, for years, at ttmea, been troubled with great disorder in the head and *ner vous system. Germandvised by a. friend to try a bottle of your Bitters. I did So, and have experieaced great andunexpected relief; my health has been very materially _benefited. 1 confidently recommend the article where I meet - with cases similar to my own, and have.been assnred by many of their good effects. . • Respectfully. yours, T. WINTER, Roxberough, • WPAn TIM ItOLT.OIVII.(G. P a . The following well known reverend gentlexasa have acknowledged in Writing the kreat benefits they have received from the use of these Bitters. Such testimony mustcertainly convince the most skeptical : Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church, Kutztown, - BerkS county, p a Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Co. lt:imbue N. J.) and Mitestown ( Pd.) Baptist Church, H. Turner, Pastor Of Redding ler R. Philadelphia. , Rev Jos.. H. Kennard. Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Rev. " War ia n Rand( Iph, Pastor of • Baptist Chßureve.hwerrilanea. re Smith, t° fOr P merly Pastor of the Tin centtown and blfllville (N. J.) Baptist Churches. Rev. Lawrence .W. Bates, Editor • Afethedist Protestant, Baltimore, Md. p e W~e could add many others to this list did apace Principal-Office, 631 Arch street, Philadelphia. JONES & EVANS, Successors toe. M. Jackson ec Co., . Proprietors. FOr sale oy Druggists is every tewn in the Vnitefi §tates. aP3O-leafew-264 IVTETALS : I: SY4TALt..!:I MET ALS_ Li • • M:yr..k.Go . ' , T-4)(.0..t.{,.0Q,', SQ3-- ; ',Siti`itica...ST - ,- ;,GOO b6xesTiDfl'ldt.T.E. assorted 1 c.- 10 44, la. 10-14, Ic. TEalkiE 14.20 .I.a nil/NE 14-20. Ic. COKE 10-14: 1 - c. ',ERNE CORE, 1 4 -20; cOitE 12-12. 50 tone• PI4 LEAD. 20 tons Eli G LISEE WIRE 20 casks ANTIMONY 20 calcs-COPFEB. ;100 V/5E5 20t0 bundles WIRE SOOO bundles SHEET IRON 10,660 lbe. CAST STEEL 10,000 lbs. SHEET COPPER 5600 lbs. BOLT COPPER. `CO bridles RIMSIA. SHEET IRON 10 casks BANE PAN S a casks BEILSS KETTLES NI) kegs EIktERY. - 50 casks FILES 100 casks ZtNO CHILDREN! ATTEND. ' ELOOLLEOT THAT THr, May-Day Paity at tha Assembly Buildings. . • W.LL TARS PLA.dE ON MOBDAY, MAY 2, . Tickets may be had at Mr. Schwarz, 1006 Oust. nut street, or at Miss Druck s, corner of Sixth and But' onwood streets. 14 Civil and Army Clothe, MIDDLFSTX 6-4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRAIO-S DARK DIA. 3 4 a d 6-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. - 3-4 and 6 4 BLUE CASSIMEEES. 3.4 isad 6i-4 DOESKINS FULL STOOK OF CLOTHS. COATINGS. " ' CASSIMERRY. • BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE morErs. CLOTHS FOR COACHMAXERS. ALL KINDS TRIMM/ NOS, Ac. W. T. SNODGRASS, 34 Eolith Second and 23 Strawberry Ste. apllo-3Ecii, el FOR SAL P, A HANDSOME THREE STORY, BRICK DWELLING, On Borth Broad Etreet, near Oxford, hepletewi h every :V e er Improretuentand con e. ONLY $0,500. CLEAR OF' ALL INCUM -I.IIANOR OLO. N. TOWNSEND Jt CO., Ity 123.,4 South FOURTH Street. HEWES ST, RAHM , Bankers and Exchange Brokers, No. 52 South Tbird Str4et, • realers in Specie, Bank* Notes and Governmsnt Sicurtties. Stocks bought and sold on commission Collvations promptly made apW-lat f ALVAN WILKINS, Detroit, Michigan, BROKER In Mining Stocks and . Mineral Lands, Of Lake Superior, fins for sale a number of choice Copper locations, in Ontonagon county, and also about 3, COO acres of siLVER-LRAD LANDS, selected with great care in the new ailneral region of Marquette county. Parties desirous of organizing bona fide Worsing Companies, will find this au excellent opportunity, as a large punka of the pay would Da token in Stock. Orders for the Purchase and Salt of Lake Szparior ,s - socks win harepronipt attention. rhiladelphts. Reference—Messra WORK, Mc- COUCH & CO. ap2u4.t* BEVERLY. N. J. E A COUNTRY SE 3T FOR SALE. Replete with every convenience, with about one acre of ground—in line order. iirEarly possession. For particulars, apply to E. L. MOSS, sp29-etto ' 219 DOCK Street. HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE, With Stable and Carriage House and 27 ACRES OF LAND, Striate on WASHINOTON LANE, midway be tween the North Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and Cternmatown Railroads—several acres wood land and a steam of water running through. J M. GUMMEY & BONS. ap2B.oto iOB WALNUT Street. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive 'sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Etsttuna, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to BEV. E A. WILSON, WiLLuatencan, epl6.24tecwSt* Kings county, New York. MuRniGER.s BEEF TEA. JELLY—An in valuable militia for the sick and delicate, con vertible in a few minutes into a delicious Soup or Beef Tea. Hours of preparation and trouble are required according to the old method. For sale by JOS. B. BUSKER it 00., 108 and 110 South Wharves: , T ITOKNOW SAAJOE.—This most delicious and wholesome Sauce imparts the most exquisite relish to Shad and other deli, and gives also a fine flavor to all kinds , of gravy prepared for roast meats. For sale to the trade by the sole agents, JOS. IL BUSSIEIt, CO. , kid and 110 South WI/myna,. CHARLES STOKES. tk TIRST-01,413S "ONE -PRICE" READT ?d - ADE .CLOTHING STORE,- at} 624 CHESTNUT STREET, ITIT DER THE GON_TINENTa T I XOTEL. PHILADA. •••••- • L' - 01. Cleal— v . -4 .. \ 7 . --; ...,-,t . - kr.n,s-tho_fback A 2-.4 . . ,44. - -74 from base of .., V.,y, , • :::. -., - t,ilar towaist andfromwaLet: , 4 :•,, ~. , _to end of U.l 1., ,„.;.; „r,;• ..,. Length of ! f: :leave (with J . i `tl - fi c ::..rrn crooked) 3 i '' . A . ..:1, irom raiddleg 1 •.‘,. # 3.011.4 of back be ) • - ..,-,: - --i‘yl tureen the. o 1 , .1 1: . shoulder& to? . ~ ~.. , . :- . 1. end of cuff, 0 ~.0 . - and around_ j. i i l - ',,' the most pro' -- 1 , ,-.„.____ . ! .1 . mir.ent portal ~ r '" ". the chest and_ =.. -I- 7 • ;i ti .• sraint. State". i •ahrth ereree; 1 . 1 , il 4 , or Stooping. •I, , I '-ci } . ...r Punta, 1. .„, - trlide :teem,. 4 / g___ • mid outside . • ' -'-"a-ita--'dam from nip bone arond tag want and hip. 1 o 2 • - Teat, - cult ea Goat. A good ii outranteed. tat .garments mude from direcdons sent to cc' cordanee with these instructions will be gtturantsac satisfactory. It not so, the money will bs returner for than". officers. Uniforms Beady-muds, arrnsys op hand, or made to order in the best tawnier and of the,most reasonable terms, Haring finished =ny hundred Uniforms the past year for Staff, Field and Line Officers, as well as for the 1 4 (e17,ti are prepared . to execute all orders in this lino wit) correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock of Ready ;dad* Clothing in Philadelphia alwayson hand. THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN neußza ON ALL OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, With Si. tintates sent by mail -to any address when rd quested. • CBARLES STOKES & GO CJHARLES STORES, E. T. TAYLOR, W. 3. STOIMS. mhltuthsly IT S. 10-40 BONDS. These Bonds are issued cinder the Act of Con gress of March sth; IS6I, which provides that all Ponds isstad lancer this Act shall be'EXERPT FROM TA EATION by or under any State or Mu nicipta authority. Subscriptions to these Bonds are i eceired in United States notes or notes of Na tional Banks. They are TO BE REDBEUED IN COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not las than ten nor ,sore than forty year: from their dale, and 'a:tit their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds: f not over one hundred do lars an nuttily aid on all other Bonus :elm-annually: The interest is payable on, the first days of March and September in each year. Registered Bor,ds are reccrded cn the Books of the United States Treasurer, and can be transfer red. only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are rayable to bearer, and are more conTenient for core m eretai rases. Subscriber's to this loan w:11 have the option of haring their Bonds draw interest from March Ist by payir g the aterned interest in co u—(or in United States notes, or the r otes of National Banks adding fLfty per cent. far premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscrip tion and deposit. /is these Bondi are exempt frcm Atrmicipat or State taxation their Talue is increased from one to three per cent per annum, according to the rate tax levies to cartons parts of the country. At the preseht rate of prez lam on gold they pay ever eight per cent, interest in currency, and are of equal convenience as a penman( at or tem porary I n rest= e nt. It is be.leted that ns securities offer so great in ducements to lenders as tht , carious dascriptians of U. S Boi ds. In all ottp r forms of indebted ness, the falth crablilty of pn 'rate parties or stock companies or sep ,rt to communities only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United 6....V.C3 the whole property o_ the country is holden to secure tke payment of both princtpaland interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sumsrrom SZO up loamy magnitude, cl o the stone terms, and are thus made squally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist They : can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the beneett of the interest. The fact that all duties on imparts are payable in specie furnishes a fund for like payment of in te:est on all Government Bonds largely in excess of the wants of the treasury far this purpose. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United States Treasury until March :26:11, but In the first three weeks of April the sub4criptioxte hare ayeraged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK Subscriptions will be received by the TREA SURER OF THE UNITED STATES atWash ington, and the ASSIWPANT TRE ASTIREES at New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and by the First Nattoni 1 Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Second Rational Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.. Thud National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. - First National Bank of Allegnany, Pa. • First National Bank of Carlisle. Pa. First Nations I. Bat k of Danville, Pa. First National Bark of Erie, Pa Fin t National Bank of Marietta, Pa. First National Bank of Aileadville, pa. • First Nationalßank of Pittsburgh, pa. Third National 'Bank of Pittsburgh, 'Pa: • First National Bank of Scranton, Pi.," Second National Bank of Scranton, pa. Pint National Bank of Strasburg, Pa. First t ational Bank , of Towanda, Pa. First National Bank of West Chester, Pa. • First National Bank , of Wilkesbarre, Pa. t econd National Bank of Wilkesbarre, Pa. First NationaLßank of York, Pa. • First National * Bank of Baltimore, Md. • First National - Bark of Washington, D.C. And by all National Banks which are depositories of public money. All respectable Banks and Banliers throughout the country will farnlilt far ther information on application; and affordeverf facility to subscribers. apl7-et wit. - - rIRIFFITH PAGE, %Dr Southwest Corner SIXTH mild ARCH, Sell Universal Clothes Wringers, First quality Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Folding Step-Ladders. ISAAO NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of TIMID and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal otnoe, es tablished for the last forty yearn Money tq Loan, in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, .Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Oloth. Ing, and goods of every description. OMCe hours tram 8 A. M. tilt T P. lig. da2o-t4v 20 GENTS!-FRANII EaI&F E C2I,,A.y 0 4 ,2 901)1 2 tit KB 011FATUUT Stiset.2 ESTABLISHED IN 1858. LANCASTER fa GSILL'S INSURXNCE AGENCY, FOR FIRE, MARINE And Inland Navigation Insurance Marine and Fie Loses' Adjustell. CeMPANIES REPRESENTED. LORILLARD. CARLISLE NORWOOD, President, JOtiN C. MILLS, 'ecretary $500,000 $725,C, CIO Cash Capital, Assets, FULTON. WJLLtani JAMES M. EANKIIi, Secretary. Cash Capital, agoosioa 1300,000 Luets, HANOVER. LIORLS I .I". STONE, President B. S. WA.TXOTT, Secretary. Cash Capital, -$4OO 000 Assets, $495,000 GERMANIA. MAURICE HILGEI3, President BUD. Ct..I.I3RIGUE, Secretary. Cash Capital, Aisets, RESOLtTTE. C. F. UHLHORN, President. MM. X. RANDALL, SteretarY Cash Capital, Assets, YONKERS, RICHARD L. FRANKLIN. President. JOHN W. MURRAY, Secretary. Cash Capital, Assets, EQUITABLE. THOS. G. TURNER, President F. W. ARNOLD, Secretary. Cash Capital, Assets, NEW YORK LIFE Incorporated 1841. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. W. H. BEERS, Actuary. Cash Capital, $3 000,C000. Dividends 40 Per Cent. Each Year. We respectfully refer to the following well known firms. 1 Mess. Coffin & Altem, Mes.RidgWaY, riellssner ‘ Riegel, West & ErTni lc Co. ' I Boat, Sprague A.- Co. & & Wm..G.Lsrned &00 , & Reynolds, Howell & && Wolf, Mayer & - Co. R e iff. ~ & & Gans, Letterman &On. && Shapleigh, Rue J 6 Co. & & Barerott fr. Co 4 & Werner, Itschner & "M. Rosenbeek & Co. Co. Martin Landenberger, << James,Kent, Santee & • Esq. Co: . Jos. C. Fryer, Esq., & & MeGuteheon &Collins G. W. Childs, Esq. << Stout lc Atkinson.. Wm. T.. 11. Duncan, Esq. Insurance to any 4mount placed with out trouble or expense to the Assured. LANCASTER & GASKILL; N, W, cor, Fourth and Walnut sta. TROJSULS J. LANDASTM JAMES GAST:CELL CASH CAPITAL REPRESENTED, $8,000,000. $500,000 $580,000 $200.000 $295,000 $200,000 $253,000 $100,003 $150,000