DETAILED Accourrs or THE ATTACK ON • PLYMOUH. • • errespcntat. me if. Y. W. eta NEWITGE St, April. 2 F7. 2 The troops in this daps. - t are egitin on the de ten s•ve, with appa.reutlF no thettatt -prospect of meeting - the eneniT, who ''threaten to take - his city by storm at midniglat. We fire even now. in the condition of a best-ki town... Ati eatable of be , ring ELMS have b- en un man into the service, -except those engageo in eS. yin p ursuits for the tlovernment, and b asine tins been generally suspeaded. Every appro •to the ity is amply guarded; the forts are lilted with troops;. the g nub pats ere on the alert, and the pickets !or several miles are ready to notify us of tteapproach of the rebels eh o aid they appear. It is, perhaps, superfluous to boast t.l the means at our cif:loos:II to rep ale e 'the enemy, but the dispo sition of the troops by the commanding general indicates not only a keen appreciate's of peril, bit of the forethought and strategy by which it will be avoit d. There is a report that .the women and children have been ordered to 'leave the city, in order' that they may escape the dasgers inseparable frost a siege, she - old such be . attempted: I know that a great many ladies hays been preparing to go north and I have no doubt' the order for their departure has been issued. . , • N n weenn, April hnVe. just received here the sad Intelligence that Piyinouth has been captured by the enemy, and that General Wessels with fifteen hundred troops have been, taken prisoners. The news, I 'regret - to . say, lure teen cent:LT - Med by a special messenger trona Little Washingtbn, where there is still a. at ark consiecr ab themle force There, .whowere •• -exct the an orsreb to . pe somer. robcrated 'reports of the siege three.. days since in the -city, but they were not credited. have juet heard that L tie .Wathingtoa will bo et, acua:ed should the enemy approadh it, and Mil all our - troops will he concentrated at - this point till we receive reinfsr,Nen m's to recapture the strong . hold they have taken. The Newbern .Times of to m ay, has the following account of the capture of the town: • • On Sunday last, the 'l7th instant, a formaidible confederate force, numbering some twelve thou e.ancl or fifteen thousand men, made their apptac once in Irina of illymenth, and about 5 o' clock P. M. commenced a vig . erous and determined attic,: upon-vitt outw.orks, and kept up the ileh unlit two hours after dark. The rebels brought a large artillery train of heavy rifled guns, and a large force of sharpshooters. On Monday morning, at 5 o'clock, the rebels opened Ilre again on Fort Gray, and made a des perate assault on what is known as the "Eighty rifth Redoubt,', , from itslia.ving been built by that regiment. This assault was repulsed- oy our troops with great slaughter among the lobe's. The rebels have a battery of heavy rifled gun s'planted, which completely rakes the river, arid whieh sunk the Bombshell with fifteen shot. At 3 o' clock over five brigades Came out into the field about three-quarters of a mile from the forti fications and formed a line of ba.tle nearly A mile long. Shortly after a section of light artillery gal loped out in treat of the rebel lines, and opened fire upon our lines. A gun from Fort \Vessels opened on this section with grape and canister Every horse connected with the rebel ba tory was shot, and nearly every man was hit. in counec • lien with this movement, a furious Oaafioaade commenced from over one hundred guns Furious mid desperate assaults were made on Forts Gray, winisins, and WeeSels, which were gallantly 're pulsed. The rebel iron-c.lad, Heaneke, is within-a short distaues of Plymouth, some five or six miles. This boat has been more than twelve months in, course of construction, at Halifax, as well as the ones et Tarboro and Kinston. The plan seems to be to commence these boats in the interior, and then as the work progresses, move them into deep water. The troops at Plymouth are lighting manfully. and to use the words of the navy commander in the Albemarle, "fighting like the devil." Night and day, they stand up to their work like heroes. Brigadier-General Wessels is in command of the Albemarle sob-district, and his army idolize him. lie will do all in his_ power, and, we doubt not, give a good account of himself and his brave boys. At three o' clock on Tuesday morning the iron clad ram made its appearance, and came through the blockade, firing one gun. As she opened her port to lire a second time, one of the gunboats plumped a shell through the port into her interior. he immediately closed'her port and ceased fir'ng. She steamed directly for the Southfield, and, run ning her pro ar under the bows,sunk the South field. Pining the engagement mmander 0 W. Fluster was killed. With his own hands he trained one of his guns upon the ram, when the shell rebounded upon his own deck andexploded, killing him instantly. The rata immediately steamed between Plymouth and the mouth of the river. Wednesday the cannonading was resumed, and, communication being cut off with Plymouth by means of theram, we have no positive news. A rumor reaches us that Gen. Wessels and his troops are concentrated in one of the fortspwith ammuni tion and subsistence to enable them to withstand a siege. Heavy firing at Plymouth was heard at Bachelor's Creek during Tuesday night and Wed nesday morning, which indicated that the gallant Wessels and his heroic men were there undismayed and 'moon uttered. A rumor is in circulation that Gen. Wessels sur rendered at 1 o' clock. EULDIUIt_L. .ELECTRIO.ITY WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. fawn. GEM and A r..r.V11, Medial cians, formerly 'associated with PrcofessorEllectri 13ollea and Galloway, having dissolved partnership, the practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEN, al the old established office, No. 7i3 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the various modifies tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat ment has been found remarkably successful in all • cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, lint and General Debility. second stages. Diseases of the Diver or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. Fever and Ague. Prolapses Uteri (Falling Congestion. of the 'Womb). Asthma. Prolapses Ant (or Piles) H Dyseumatispepsia. Nocturnal Emissions, h.m.. • !to. &a. Bronchitis. !Deafness influenza and Catarrh. No charge foi cons - anal I A. X. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to oe seen OPAL DENT t . T.T;INA..: • A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, de stroying animalcule which infest them, giving tone to the ems, and leavinf a feeling of Ds. grance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. I , may be used daily, and - Minx found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de• tersiveness. will recommend it to every one. tug composed. with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a RPM • BLE substitute for the mum tain Washes formerly in vogue. • Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the cow:tits ents of the DENTALLINA, advocate its uses • it contains nothing to prever.t its unrestrained. 4- ployment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINTY, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE, Streets For sale by Druggists generally, and Pratt. Brown, D. L. Stec:knows*, Hassard 6c Co., Robert C. Davis, G. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, - C. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Turnuenny, es Ut Ambrose Smith, Charles EL Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurat E 6 00, 1 Jambs L. Bispham, Dyott 1t Co.* Hughes Zs Coombe, H. C. Blair,. ' Henry A. Bower, ,Wyeth ft Bro. TUXELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF ty DOCK. —We often hear it repeated by those who have used JUTEELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as &cough medicine,so potent as an in vigorator, sdeffectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and_xestorative in cases of physical de. biiity, nervous Irritation and a gentral sinking or a prostration of the system. 'For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fer4-3mt HODGSON'S REONOBIAL TABLETS ARE found to be an indispensable. requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, lioarsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of the voice; particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholcsals and retail, LANOA t STEB / ELYLOR' S ARNICA OIL OR BINIBROCA% TlON.—ATeltable article. Posittvpix aurae Ematism - Neuralgia and Sprains, Erosted Feet, Chilibfaine, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Sid* Bask. For Bale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY. LOB., Tenth and Callowhill stree ts . Pries, 25 cents. ie22-3m* 9 . :• n. o.e: Uon, item:tenser fine Old Brandy, e resal for Medicinal nae. LABOASTEB, Phatneaoentists, N. corner ABOH and T.e.,n•L'H Ste.. Phila. ges , coppyini, • Fe •• et A ING, Copper. Nails, Bolts radian. o. • or, constantl on hand, and for sale b : .e; "V 1. SO • . Xl2 Smith urb... SkIEALTLIING- FEIAT. —LOWELL PATENT Eleatic Sheathing Felt for ships; also, John. son's Patent Woo Wing Felt for Steam Pipesand Boilers, In acre and for sale - by DI S. CHWIT.Ifo. laS Solari Mtwara tames. don, Office hoary trom at the office. deb-Gmf SPEOIAL NOTICES THE GREAT CENTRAL. FAIR, OF -113 flee No. 1323 CHESTNUT Street.- Nctlce is hereb' given that the Secretary of the Tiessury has kindly ordered that all articles deb tined'for thektreat Central Fair, shall boadraitt , 4l to entry free-of duty, and-that instructions to this effect have been issued to the Collectors of the Potts of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. JOHN WELSH, Chairman. flartAci.: HowAro FUR - NEBO, :Sec' y. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. COMMITTEE ON ARMBAND TROPHIES. . . Pnu,Anm,rm.a. April tl5, Contributions of -any-articles of interest for this Committee, for sale or exhibition, as well a 3 of money, may be sent to any member of thiS Com mittee, and receipts will be returned by- the Treasurer All packages sent to Colonel G. 11. CRUSMAN, United States ArniN", Chairnisti, nt . the-Committee, , Northeastrorner TWELFT.FI and GIRARD streets, a by any of the. Rail road or Express Companies, will be free of char, , e. ap26 tic 'EIeWIN NORTH, Secretary. THE -GREAT CENTRAL. FAIR. R EC RIT I - DEP 0- . The Lad , es. committee on ABRANGEIIENTS (Intert al) and RECEPTION OF GOODS will be in attendance. daily, on and afteiTtiesday, the fld of May next, from 10 o' clock A. M:- until C P. M. ! at their Depot, in the Fair Building, Northern cor.. ner Logan ;:quare, -Eighteenth. and Vine Streets! Ponations may be sent by any Express or Railroad Company,, free of barge, addressed as above. All ieles x eceived will be duly registered in a book kept for the purpose, and pro aptly acknowledged. MRS. GEO._ PLITT, Chairman of - Committee, 1100 WALNUT Street. ap33•stn`L3t GREAT.' CENTRAL FAIR. —COM et MITTEE ON FINANCE AND DONA !' .ONS, April tn, 18E4.. - 'ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. F, nsylvanin Central Railroad . slo,too North Pennsyl can ia Railroad.. ... . ..1,000 Hon. J. R. Ingersoll 1,000 J. Rhea Barton 101) Mercer & Antelo • - 1,000 Mutual Assurance Company 1,000 Frtsident and Directors or .Farmers' and Mechanics' .Bank - Delaware Mutual Insurance Company.. Chas. Cambloss k Co, Jefferson Mill l'ierionsly reported 25 A. E. BORIS,S 19,9 fy,—• GREAT Cr.,NTIIAL FAIR FOIL THE 113 U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RECEP TION OF GOODS, Boom No 26 Washington Building, No. 274 Sofith THIRD street, PEru.s.- DEI:PIILS. April IS, It6l. The CoMmittee on "Reception of Goods" are now prepared to teceive any articles designed for Fair, and.wonld ask the co-operation of tie various branches ofTrade and Industry, as th-ir labars must necessarily he very arduous. Every tackage should be properly -marked, and seat to the Chairman or anv member of the Committee, who are authorized to receipt and acknowledge the same. ''They are happy to Inform the public that an of the raiircad and express companies have gene rously Offered to deliver packages to the Committee free of charge.. A. R. McHENRY, Chairman. E.H. Itowtzr, Secretary. Committee meet, on Tuesday and Friday After noose, ats o'clock. - • A.. R. McRENRY, A. S. ROBERTS, Jr. EDWARDR.ROW.L:EY, • • JAMES N. STONE, DAVID McCAMMON, CommrttQe GEORGE A. McBINSTRY, S. S. InOuN, • J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN._ JOSEPH HARBISON, Js., orDELAWARE AND RARITAN RAILROAD COMPANY, Aprill3, &The Stockholders of the above Company will meet on TUESDAY, the 10th of May next, at their Office, in PRINCETON, N.J., at 12 o' clock, M., to elect nine Directors for the ensuing year. apl6lanylo JOHN P. STOCKTON. Seep. OrSCHIJYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA Railroad Compan3r, Office, 227 South 'Fourth street, Philadelphia, April 4, 1561.—T , e Annual Meeting or Hie Stockholders of this company and an election for President and Six Managers will take place at the office of the company on MON DAY, the 2cl day allay next at 12 o'clock, M. apstifiy2§ . W. It WEBB, Secretary. [gab OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSITRANUE COMPANY, No. 310 WA IA N street.—A general meeting of the Stock= holders in the American Fire Insurance Company will be held agreeably to ()homer, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May next, at 1•2 o'clock iIE. The Annual Election for Directors will take place immediately thereafter. A, C. L. URAWFORD, Secretary. April 2lst, 1E64. sp2l-th sa ttc...50 nsree.- HILTON'S CEMENT.— Tile Insoluble Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer =ly the bes't article of the kind ever invented. It should be keplin every manufactory, workshop and house, .everywhere. By its laze many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Clement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as 14 combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses towhich it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all elassas For partlettlara ...a ad vortleemant ocrOFFICE BOLIF.m LAN m Dam+ con. RANI: . OF MICHIGAN, No. 132 WAL NUT street, PIIILADELPLIIA, April 11th, IE6I. Notice is hereby given' that au Assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS Rer Share on each and every share of the Capital Stock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the Pollemian Mining Company, due and parable at the Mice of the Company, No. 1U WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 15th day of May, IE3I. By order of the Board of Directors. apiltmyls§ WM. L. MACTIER, Sec' y. ay. PENNSYLVANIA MININU COMPA NY OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that an Installment of Two Dollars per Share on each and every Share of the Capital Stock in the. Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michi gan, has this day been called by The Board of Directors of said CAmpany, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 325 WALNUT street, Pniladelphia, on or before the sth day of April, 1E54. Interest will be charged on all Install ments after the same shall have become due. By order of the 13oard of Directors. 800 S. M. DAY, Secretary. Parte., March 23.1664. tab./I-Qt.-5, to, th. ring LIBRARY COMPANY.—The annual -election Of directors and a treasurer of the Li rary Company of Philadelphia, will be held at the Library, on MONDAY, the 2d day of May nest, at 3 o' clock in the afternoon, when the trea surer will attend to receive the annual payments. As there are several shares on which fines are due, the owners of them, or their representatives, • are hereby notified that they will be forfeited, agreeably to the charter and laws of the Company. unless the arrears are paid off on or before the day of May, or within ten days thereafter. WM. E. WHITMAN, Secretary- No books will be given out or received on that afternoon. ap9-s-tn-th_tmr.4 PENNSYLVANIARAILROAD 00 hI PANT , TREASURER' S DEPARTMENT.' — PirmAnst.rnte., April 20, 1E64. NOTICE TO STO t3ll HOLDE RS. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER. CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of national and State taxes, payable on and after Nay 16, k6l. Blanks powers of Attorney for collecting divl dends can be had at the office cf the Company, No. 238 South Third street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra. dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2d. • ap2l.tiel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Street. PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Office 237 South Fourth treat. PITELADELPHIA, September 3, 18G3. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the comman stock of this Company. The residence of govern.; of them is unknown, and it is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented on muting for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. SToOKHOLIMBS' MMES. Timothy 0. Boyle, Henry B. Sharer, S. Lancaster, . Andrew Turner Jam Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport, fe2G-if TREASURY DEPARTMENT —Curios p.A.OP COXPTICOLLHII OP TRB . 811INGT011, Feb. 26th, MI. Whereat, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it tias been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the eopnty of Philadelphia, and State of. Pennsylva nia, has beau duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," cp. proved February 2.6tb, 1883, and has complied with all the provisions of ,said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Itanng, Novr ' therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANS OF PHILADEL. PHIA, co.mtyofPhllarielphia, and State of Penn sylvania,- is authorized to commence - llitibusinees of Banking, under the act aforesaid. In testimony Whereof, - witnees my band and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, 1861. HUGH .111OCULLOCH. • Comptroller of the Currency. ml4-2m.1 , THE DAILY EVBNIIIG BULLETIN ; * 'PHILADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 8„ 1564. CrrPASSENGER. RAILWAY NOTIOE.— PHILADELPHIA, April 23, Irel. At a meeting of the Board of Presidents of the City Passenger Railways it was resolved that on and after May lst next, smoking will be pro habited on all parts of the cars. sp2s tf HENRY CROkCEY, Sec'y. GAP 14IIn1NG COMeANY. —The An -13,3 nual Meeting of otockholders of the GAL' MINING COMPANY. will be held at their office, No. 136 South THIRD street, on MONDAY toe second - day of May, at 4 o'clock, p. M., at WhichAirne and place an election will be held for five,Director4 to serve for the ensuing year. • apis-tmyfl F. S. HOECKLEY, Secretary. or, OFFICE .OF THE LEHDI.H ZINO COMPANY; No. 12L WA.LNITT STREET, PnILADELPEITA, April 19, ' 1884"—The Annn;sl met-meg of the 'Stockholders of the LEFIIGH. COMPANY will be held on W EDNE DAY, May 4th prom., at IUo clock A. M ,- for the election of seven Directors t) serve for the suing }ear, and for the trantaction otlp,r " GORDON MONaES, aplB-11td ca. OEFIOE.rUF• THE SHIOKSHINNY :COAL AND IRON COMPANY; 23.1 WALNUT street, April 25, IF6I. Notice is hereby given to the Holders of the SEVEN PER GENT. MORTGAGE BONDS of this company, that the'Ounnoris due May let will he maid on the 30th April, on presentation at the Bank•of o:mmerce. free of state, or National Tax. GEORGE HELMUTEL ap26-s'§ Trea.saTer. KrOFFICE 0 'THE OA - MERIN AND Ain- BOY RAI ROAD AND TRANSPORrA• TION COMPANY, BORDENTOWN, march 2.3t1 1 , MO4. ,NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stook holders.of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at DOR DENTOWN, N. J., on THURSDAY, 23tb. April next, at 12 M., in the °dice of the Company, for the election of seven Directors to serve fur the en• suing year. SAMUEL RA.YARD, mh2Btap29§ Sec' y &A. .13.11 & Trans. Co. DTM LETING-S FUR PRAY ER. —The judg xnents or God are npon•us f, r Our sins, and the great dangers which beset us, as a people, call for Special Prayer. . We urge upon our fellow ministers and fellow Christians generally, to meet in the following cen-1 tral Churches of different denominations, in rota tion, one hour daily, at 5 o'clock P. M., for united pray*. r, TiZ. : FOR THE WEER COMMENCING APRIL 18. Church of the Epiphany (Eptscopal)—Monday and Thursday. Presbyterian Chnrch,7 Penn Square—Tuesday and Friday. Baptist Church, Broad and Arch—Wednesday and Saturday. H. A. Boardman ' Presbyterian. Thomas Brainerd. Presbyterian. - 'Biel:tare Newton, Episcopal. Jos. 'H. Kennard, Rapt st. D. W. Baitine Methodist. , J. H. Suydam, Reformed Dutch. F.Roc'gson, Methodist S. Bunting, Presiding Eider, Methodist. Albert Barnes, Presbyterian. - S. H. Giesy, German Reformed. E. Church, United Presbyterian. J. H. A: Bomberger, German Reformed. . J. M. Crowell, Presbyterian. J. 'Wheaton Smith, Baptist: J B. Dales, United Presbyterian. E. E. Adams, Presbyterian. Deals Wortman, Reformed Dutch. J. A. Vaughan, Episcopal. W. W.. Spear, Episcopal. R. C. Matlack. Episcopal. D. A.-Cunningham, Presbyterian. T. C. Anderson. ENE 5t6,6.2.5 $21.3;i0 P. S.—At a meeting of ministers attending the above services, it was resolved, in corsequence of the great interest .menlitstsal, AO continue the meeting another week, commencing April 25th, in the same order. 'limy request that ,notios may be given by ministers generally. ap22.61.* ap22-Imy 410 IT Y. • 'TOOK AND LIVE! A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! All diseased conditions, both aente.and chronic, Where there, Is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at Ittn Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a, failure in most obstinate maladies, no charge is made. Elec t! lest Institution, established about live years ago by Professor Bota.r.s. Bead the following:. A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in communities, dooming 10X1, red mmths.;* of faith sexes- annually to an early- grave.7Nt. are very imperfectly understood. Their extemal manifesiations or symptoms are nervous deoi'ity, relszatior. and great exhaustion. marszmus, or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the 'hole body, shortness of breathing, or too hurried breathing on ascending& hill or flight" of stairs, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a dry, sore throat, trembling and shaking of the arms and lower- limbs, aversion to society, business, and to study : sometimes, dimness of the eyesight, loss of memory. dizzinesa of the head, neuralgia, pain in various parts of the body, pains in the tack and lower limbs, lum bago,, dyspepsia.'constipation el .the bowels, de. ranged secretions of the kidneys, and - many other glands of the body, rroducing virulent diseases in both males and females, likewise epilepsy, hys teria, and different forms of nervous spasms Now, them, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the above named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lungs or of the spinal nerves, have theirorigin in the pelvic viscera, hence the want of success by any of the old medical sybleMS of practice. All the above named maialies are treatedand cured by Profevsor Bolles, at lt2 Walnut street. D'SEASES OF F,,EMALES. Prolapsus Uteri, Leucorrhcea, Amenorrlicea, Dysmenorrhcca. All the above diveases aeu‘other Uterine complaints have their origin in a loss of the vital power of the body,brought on by injuries, excesses, sedentary habits, per:Tonal abases, actor. Lions, and the use of powerful medicines. Some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains through the hips and back, we'vlrbess o' the limbs, and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire system The effects produced from these troublesome maladies are almost multitudinous Consumption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Deafness, Eilindriess,iFits, Insanity and even Idiocy are not uncornthon. No effectual or reliable remedy has ever been found for these alarming complaints till oar late discovery in the use of Electricity in strict actor. dance with the positive and negative polar action of the Uterine Organs. We never failed in curing all of the above diseases, except in case of or ganic derangements,or severe injuries of the parts. At 1'2:20 WALNUT sire t Philadelphia. Con sultation free *pia line TrUNITED STATES CHRISTIAN MISSION. —SUMMARY TO JANUARY 1, 1864. Work now in Progress in the Army at Rest— Christian Commission Stations largely increased in Number—The Work Abundantly Prospered— Many more Stations needed to meet the wants of the Army—Unprecedented Call for Delegates and Supplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, .with its Movements and Battles. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Lo al Christian People. INCREASING W ANTS DEMAND . IN CREASED LIBERALITY. VReceipts of Money, Stores, &C., to January 1, 18 64 , $l, tie,o9a 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, &c., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16, 330. Number of Delegates sent, 1,56/ 'Copies of Scriptures distributed, 568, 275;' and Psalm Books, 502,556; Knapsack Books, 1,370, 348; Library Books, A 3,16.3; Pamphlets, 155,145; Religious Newspapers,3,3l6, 250; Pages of Tracts, L 2, 930, 428, Silent Comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the -Army to extend its work for the good of th e Soldiers . STATIONS have been multiplied, each with Its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, 'and clothing, comforts ,and reading matter for gra tuitous distribution. - VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, have been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations - and In regiments, mat. teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the goodof the Soldiers. A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish Stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD rests signally on all cheered benefited. Many thousands have been and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains unreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demandlorthertr. - The Christian tiommission offers to the people a perfectly reliable and Wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all its VariOUS fields. The money given goes in full measure, •In benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kir dness to the gifts when bestowed. the Le work will the people gi the Money and Stores, and The large corps of Delegates now in the field will serve a s a grand corps of relief when the armies r shall movem nu o m ve b a er nd the battl ino e r s e be fought, and the Prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for ding the reli cry. ef;of the, wouruied and dying before pro ,vi Send now and send abundantly both mone upon sto u. res, and the , soldiers ' blessing shall ben yo Send'money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank, and Stores to GEORGE STUA.RT, CrhairmaKOhristian Chnmission, No. MB street, Philadelphia. 'w E -110112Ditext, Eaoretary - mbB4f4 United States G. SPECIAL- NOTICES OFFICE OF ME r.l - 11.LADELPI-lIA. EXCHANE 001el'ANY. Pnmenka.rate, April t 5. IE6I. The . Wanagers have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per snare, clear of all taxes, payable on and after sth proximo. • - HENRY D. SRERRERD, ap2s tmso • Treasurer. ry. AI)IVJDINiIUPTWOAND. H,ILF . PER CENT. on the UOUNION STOOK of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Company will be paid on rad alter the SECOND DAY OF MAY, at the pent sy,vania Railroad Company's Building, Room No. 1, corner. of THIRD streat. and IV UJUNG'S ALLEY, -by GEORGE TABER Agent fer the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. April '26, 1 664. ap23. tn. th sa 3t§ patiftwEviimiarwreibwo To - REN s —West l.hiladelphia—a desirable tbree-story Dwelling; with all onnveniluces. Apply,, on promos's, Walnut St., East of '36'h. Rent $4lO. [al-,* Secrets& aa FOR SALE —An elegant. RESIDENCE, JESII beautifully situated opposlte • St. Hark' s taiureh on LOCUST street • Apply. to GEORJ W. CHILDS, 6t and G3O Chestuut apt2s-64 -FOR .SALE—A neat stone DW ELLINCi, West Philadelpnia, SPRUCE street, above Forty-fourth. Apply at 1.63 WALNUT street (up stairs). . . apts all FOR ;`ALE --The PROPERry 1619 ARCH 111 . street—double Ilon§e, lot 12 by WO. Apply toG. ROBIDIETT, •2311).G REEN btr:et,or3 P. OBINETT, '2.,2" North SECOND Et. apl4-Im* fp FOE SALL—A desirable Property for in (.4:41 vestment, on Sergeant street, 'above Niath. Lot 47 feet by 61 f4et deep. J. Iff. GUALSIEY Pa SONS. 569 Walnut street., as C w 1 elliNn T r .} o Y v 1 ed summer I r V e a sl i ci te e I n residence, purchaseao ut l 0 to 20 acres, within five miles of the city.. Apply to J. H CiIETIS Sc SON, Real Estate Brokers, 44 Walnut street. FO SALE.--ho an cizome ito W N STONE EaHOU*E. Spruce Street, West of 17th Street, replete withrl modern convenience. • U. H MUIRHEID, No. 203 South Sixth Street. gri tiP22 t t elt sALE:—LiandsJtue and convenient REsIDEZTOE. FIFTH street, below. NUBLE, 45 feet front by Su feet deep. Apply tp JOHN H. WEEKS. apls-12to p ' S W. corner Fifth and Noble. ma TO RENT—A beautifully Situated dbuble Ira COUNTRY RESIDENCE, three minutes' waiklrom Wissinaraing Station, on Trenton Rail. rond,‘with coach bonne and garden. _Apply No. 717 WALNUT street. • artB-t0 a a TEE FAUX RuUSE t.51.11:4NT0 N iyt" STATItvIa, Camden and Atlantic Railroad, To Rent for the Season, for a B larding House, containing eleven rooms; an airy, pleasant and healthy location. Apply to JOHN STE WART, Architect, 427 WALNUT street ap213.64 ea SPRUCE STREET —FORS t.LE— 'LETd. 'Ude:Arable fear-story brick' DWELLING, with tbree. 2 story back-buildings, 130 i SPRUCE street; rFplete with every convenience. Apply t. , 3 J. IL CURTIS SON, Real Estate -Brokers, 413 Walnut Ivrea. an TO IsE LET.—A three-story Brick Dwell ing with three-story double brick buildings. Twenty-first street, opposite Slimmer, between Race and Vine streets Range, furnace, bath, gas, ice. Apply to J, IL CURTIS do SON, Real Es tate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. MR FOR t. , ALE—Pi. handsome four...tory brick residence, with three-story double back build ings, every modern convenience, In perfect order throughout, with lot of grouncl.2o feet front by 117 feet deep, to a3O feet wide street, situate No. PM Filbert street. Immediate posse-sion given. J. GUItIItIEY 8 SONS, SOS Walnut et. is.TO LB T.—A. OOTTAG.E, delightfully situated for a Summer Residence, near Nor rirtown, colitaining_four good-sized Rroms on first and sewn itcor each, and two in attic—and of essy access to the city by Railroad, eight times daily. Apply to J. F. Wii/TALL, on premises, or throng?. Norristown P. A. ap96 tu, th,e,6te SALE.—COUNTRY RESIDNOE and FARM of 50 acre, substantial Dwelling and rn cn tha Bethlehem Pike. tkg miles from North Wales Station. North Pennsylvania Rail road. Finely located and at low price. Apply to J. H. WEEK-, ap15.1.21* S. W. corner Fifth and Noble. sta F sit SALE—School House, near German town, a desirable country teat. A large mo dern STONE DwELLING, with all coareat epees, Stone Stable and.Eoacn House, Ice House, &c. Several acres of ground bands melt' plunted and shaded. Apply at tit CHEsTSTQT Street. [ap -* • 11. TO RENT FOR THE SUIMMER:—.I. de sirable House and Garden. with pleasant vard and good shade trees, in the village of WOODBURY- N. 3. Easy of access to the city by the West :Jersey Railroad. With or without the furniture. Possession given Immediately. Apply to -• spl3-Im] DATIRCOOPER, IS North Whaves. COUNTRY, SEAT AND Fa.RM FOR SALE.—One-half or all that valuable Stone post Farm of 100 acres, BRISTOL TURNPIKE, above the seven-mlie stone,and near Tacony,witb a fine View of the Delaware river, Sc. Mansion house abd ether dwellings to let; also, factory and smittishop. Apply on the premises, or IL WHITAR 16R. No. 610 Locust apS-i3t4 Dili SALE. —a very desirable Country Sear; hia good STONE MANSION. containing is rooms, with y•-randah on two vides of the build ing; a handsome lawn well shaded; superior vege table garden, wr_li permanent beds of choice berries; a young and trinity apple orchard; also choice varletieS of Standard Year and Cherry Trees in Lull bearing; new Coach House with stabling for six horses. Situated 4J miles from Market street bridge, and 34 mile from City Avenue Station on Pennsylvania Railroad. Two-third of purchase money may remain on Mortgage. Inquire at 219 OHESTNtJT street. ap-61.11, FOR SALE.—The Property on Sahool lionse Lane, fronting eight hundred and might (8O) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (IO) acrec, with numerous desirable - sites for Country Seats, fire minutes wallefromThe Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk front the city. Apply to CHARLES H. D1U1R11E1D.N0...%5 South SIXTII st. t26-6e AR FOR SALE.--OHESTNUT HILL MAN r.O SIC IV and GROUNDS on SUIIIIIT atreet. within Ave minutes walk of Railroad Depot, over looking miles of country. The House is of Stone of excellent build and possessing every con venience. The lot is 200 feet front by feet deep. well planted with trees Terms accomodaliag. Apply to - JOHN IL WEEKS, apl.s-12t 4 S. W.. cor. Fifth and Noble. FOR SALE.—A: very. desirable Ma ot ground satiate on the north side of Spring Garden inert SD feet 10 inches west of 18th street, 72 feet frost by about lit feet deep. This lot is in the immediate 'vicinity of the most desirable improve mekts of Bush hid; adjoining new Baptat Ohnr and commands a very extensive view over the 'citj ; would be divided to suit purchasers. Apply to I. PrtioE, ap2o-1/t* S. W. corner Sprink Garden and 13th DESIRABLE Di WELLLNU. FOR SALE. The convenient, handsomely located, three story DWFT.T..rNO, No. 617 North ELEVENTH Street, below Mount Vernon street, east ride, built is the very best manner, with double three-story back buildings and all the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Terms accommodating. Apply next door to the property, or to A. B. CAR VER te CO , Conveyancers, corner Ninth and Filbert Streets. . [ap26.4t* COUNTRY SEAT AND PARNI FOR ma vii SALE-0011ftiTailag Wry-five acres, handsomely situated in ()he Denham township; I t iontgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and One and from York Road Station; on tho North PennsylTaula road. Tike buildings are nearly new, substantial' and well =cola - led for a Winter or summer reed. deuce. Apply to 0. H. IkIIIIREELD, lio. 2sl South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. sele:tfl SHARON.-FOR SALE—The property known as the SHARON INSTITUTE, situ ate 1 mile below the Passenger R. R. depot at Darby. Improvements consist of a large stone building formerly occupied as a Ladias' Seminary, with accomodations for one hundred, pupils, ti tenant houses, barns„ spring houses, ice house, and all other necessary out buildings. 63 acres of land attached, which could be divided advan tageously into building sites of 5 Or 10 acres each. The buildings will be sold with any portion of the ground if preferred. 3. AI-GUMMY& SONS, 518 Walnut street. ap27 M. TO CLOSE AN. AoooUNT.—Possession in a few days. A rare chance fo • an invest ment. FOR SALE—No. 2021 ERA.NDYWINE Street,. between Spring Garden and Green streets, west from Twentieth street, a desirable part of the ctity, a neat, three-story BRICK HOUSE, with two story back buildings, garden, iron railing in front; has gas, bath, &c.•, modern conveniences; lot 16 feettront, by 66 deep to a bseK outlet. Price. $2;800. 51,500 may remain on mortgage. Will rent for $3OO per annum. Apply to KUHN is" HILLIER, 120 South Fourth street. ar26.3tt• __FOR SALE.—The superior DWELLING. BSI No. 1016 TINE -street, near Logan Square. Lot 18 feet front by 100 feet deep,to Winter street The house is four stories high, with three.s tory, back bnildu gu.. and finished throughout in the best manner, with large parlor, chambers, bath room, conservatory for flowers, dining room, kitchen, and all the modern conveniences ((Auld in a Brat-class licause...Possession can be had imme diately. Price. $lO, 000, of which $l, 100 can remain on the .property. HARVEY SHAW, 151 South FOURTH street. • spin- tf§ • SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT—plea santly located. Address, With reference. Box 262 Philadelphia 'Post Office [ ap27-tf 411161 FOR SALE—NEAT MODERN- DWELL. ING-, No. 3:J.8 South FRONT Street, 18 feet by 122; has the modern conveniences. Aply to . M. THOMAS & SONS, ap B 7 .120 and 141 S. Fourth Street. FOR SaLE.—The building and lot No. 303 Era CHERRY street, south eide.. Lot 60 feet front, 115 feet deep, at E 2 feet in depth widens to 71 feet to an 8 feet alley running to Oh-rry street. ..Apply atthe office of CHRIST OHUROEI HOS PITAL, 226 WALNUT street. ap6,11.-th-s-tu6t* iffe - 1 TO RENT—A large DWELLING HOUSE, well shaded, stable and carriage house, good water, variety, .of fruit, and sus acres of land ; within two'souares of West Philadelphia Passen ger Railroad. Immediate possession. Apply to WILLIAMI. ESHER No. 311 WALNUT street, or North SEVENTH street. aptl.2-6t* 10 LET. —Large and Ethan 1100111., up stairs 612 and RA (IFIESTNIIT street: fe34l iNsvp A_1%702.1. nE.LAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU L RANGE COMPANY.— Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania,. .OFFICE—S. E. Corner,THIRD and WAY,. NUT Streets, Plglladelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELSI CARGO, To all parts of the world. FREIG UT, IL ND INSURANCES On Goods, by aver, Canal, Lake and Land Car. riage, to all parts of the Union. RE INSURANCES - Cn. Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &e. ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY. Novxmist.s. 1,.1863 UntMd States 5 per Cent Loan $97,04,3 ee, ' 75,000 ; ; 6 per ct Loan 5-20 s 75,000 CO 20, Othl 64 66 64 10,41 2.000 (it 50, 000 a 7 3-10 pr et Tr Nts &3,250 100,000 State of Penna. 5 per cent Loan IGO, 907 55 54, ; ; per cent 66 57,5'60 05 1Q3,050 Philadelphia City 6 per et Loan 1-27,52 4 5 Go 36,000 State of Tennesse:s 5 per ct Loan 15,000 4i1,000 Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage 6-per cent. bonds.. 60,000 Pennsylvania 'Railroad second mortgage 6-per cent. bonds.. 53,259 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, ' principal and. interest guarantied by the city - of Philadelphia. is, we 5,000 100 shares Stock Pennsylvania Raiiroid Company 0,000 100 'shares Stock North Penn. sylvania Railroad Company 2,650 21,000 United. States Treasury Cern ficatea of indebtedness 11,420 123,700 Loans on Bonds and Xort- • gage, amply secured I=7oo i 791, 750 par. - cost. 8760.737 12--market value Real Estate Bills Receivable forim 'lran ma mane .- 187,917 16 Balances due at Agencies—pre miums on Marine Policies, • accrued interest, and other ' debts due the Company 2%919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry In surance and other Compa nies, 85,803. Estimated value 3,205 89 Co 0 , , on depceit with " United States Gov ernment, subject to ten days- call.. - Cash, In Banks „. (lash, in drawer., DIRE' .7,r2TX, Ec.LcurS.. Souder, Tr eoptiruK Paulding, Jelin R. eurose, James Traquair, Henry O. Duller; Jr., James C. Hand, William 0. Ludwig, Joseph IL Seal, Dr. R. X. }install, George G. Leiper, -, Hugh Craig, THOMAS C. SOHN C. D. EM MY LYir.tras, Sec': riIHE DIANIIATTAN LIFE INSURANCE I. COASIPA.NY OF NEW YORK, Accumulation nearly s],oo,oo@. Total Losses Paid E5O, 000. Dividends made over 'AA 008. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, No. 410 WALNUT Street, __. JAM_ ,ES B. CARE, Agent and Attorney. This Otimpany °fibre superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an insurance upon their lives, giving to those who desire the • privilege of settling their premiums, annually, semi-annually or quarterly. The rates are lower then most Companies offer; and the insured are participators to the profits. The businesi, of the Company is devoted er4u siray to the insurance of lives. It is prompt in Dot • payment of its losses. Any information upon the subject will be ob.eov• fully given by the AGENT, together with all no oessary Books and Tables upon the subject. - LOCAL BOARD OF BEFF.REN.CE. El. Bev. Alonzo Potter. Keen S Coates. Rt. Rev. W. B. Stevens. D. D. Bon. John M. Butler. Alfred Jenks fr. Son. .0 S. V. Merrick Zt Sons, Rich. Garsed x Bro. T. B: Peterson& Bro. Hur.swoxth, Bakens 4t Naylor. Boswell fr. Wilson. Walton & Yost. EB. J. P. Orne. MEDICAL EXA.MIN DI. D.; Wm. Gardener, D. ANTEtRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY— CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 Walnut St., above Third, Phila. Will indure against Loss or Damage by Fire, oh Buildings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight. Inland Insurance to all parts of lbs Union. DIRECTORS: Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, - J. E. Baum, Win. F. Dean, I John Ketcham, HER, President. DEAN, Vice-President. ary ' - 3a22 Wm. Ester. D. Luther, Lewis Audereld, 3. R. Blakiston, .10s. Maxfield, WM. E.: WM. F. Wm. M. Farrra. Scare /n HE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE 00M- I, PANT. OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREW, BELOW ORBSTNITT "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of, Incorporated by the Legislatures of Pennsflvanin in lRk.), for indemnity againel loss or damageby fire, exclusively. Cu ASTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchan dise, so. either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by lire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety, of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible der spassli. DIRECTORS. • • Charles J. Sutter, Edwin L.Reakit, Henry Crilly, John Horn, ' Massey, Jr., Joseph MiToore, 'Henry Bndd, George Macke, Andrew H. Miller,James N. Stone. CHARES J. SUTTER, President BENJAMIN F. ROBON.LNE. See'y and TreasulSL -rto.l l ._ FIRE ASSO C IATION . — "itti Incorporated March 27, IE2O. F , A OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street. a Insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD' FURNITURE and MERCHANDISE generally, from Loss by Fire, (in the -taw of ''hiladelphia only. ) SO:dement of the Assets of the Association, Sanit ary 1, 1801: Scuds and _Mortgages on Property Ditto City of Philadelphia only 3637,261 32 Ground Rents 26,806 61 Real Estate, (Office, Fifth and North streets.) .... .... 14,396 13 U., S. Gov. 5.20, Bonds 45,000 00 Deposit with U. S. Assistant Treasurer. OM 00 Otiatt on hand W, 629 87 TRUSTERS: GEORGE W. TRYON, President Wm. H. J - Tar" hint Jos. R. Lynda% John Sonder, Levi P.. Coats, Peter A. Keyser, Samuel Sparhawk, John Phithin,. ChaxlesP. Hower. John Carroty, Samuel Scattergood. Geo. I. Young, Jesse Lightfoot. T uys WIT.T.TAM 1". BUTLER; Secretary. (`{ITT FIRE INSURANCE- CONFANY.- 1U Branch office 109 WALNUT etreet. Cash Capital and. Assets, *gl3o 500. JOSEPH TILLING-BAST, -Agent. Behr by permission to E. 0. SCRANTON, President .131 m City Bank, New Omm. SAXES M. BEEBE .1k 00., Boston, miss. WILTMNIANTIC LINENOOIIIPAY, New York City. ,MbNly, T.B. LIPPINGUTT Co.: . PkiledelPbte• 113 . • 741.200 SO . • 36,363 33 09 39,593 39 . 203 89 119,739 II Sl, IE9, 925 64 ,TORS: i Charles Kelley, }Robert Barton, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H.. Jones Brooke, James B. MI• Farland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer AV John B. Semple, Pitts' bg A. B. Berger, HAND, President, LVIS, Vice President. r• ~ retary. Ijala-stuth • Thos. Robins, Esq. Clem. Tir.glei, A. W. Little, Esq. Henry Simons, Esq. Alfred Dsv, Esq. Jacob D. Ben t - Esq. Watson Malone, Esq. George Gllback, Esq. Thos. B. Beok, Esq. Adam Warthman, Esq J. A. McAllister, Esq. J. Warner Erwin, Esq. RS.—T. M. Drysdale . D.; J. K Knorr, M. tkelS-th,s,trt,tf =4,00 9t3 INSURANCE. CHARTER 1829 • PERPETUAL. E . FRANKLIN FIRE lINSURLINUE COMPANY PRILAII4. E ITIA. ASSETS CrN. JANUARY 1, 1861. .$ 2, 4 5 7 -8 4 9. 95 , . . CAPITAL, - - - - ---- $lOO 003 ACCRUED SURPLUS; - - - - 971,090 INVESTED - PREMIUMS, - -. 1,086,2 r-nstrriaED CLA.1316, INOOMB sort 1861. 58 ,416. 5309,000. Loss PAID BINGE 1629, ' - • . SS, Una, WO. PERPETUA.L AND TEMPOR ARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. inr.scro ts. . Charles N. Rancher, Isaac Lea, - - Tobias Wagner,' Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Pales, Jacob R. Smith, . Alfred Finer, George W. Richards, Fras. W. 'Lewis, M. D. CHARLES N. --- BANOKER, President. EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice-Preside, t. SAS. W.3llcALLlsima. Sec. Pro. Tem. mhldtdel6 IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COALL'ANT —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY andTE UST COMPANY, of Philadelphia, OFFICE, No.. OS CHESTNUT Sheet. CIWZTER PERPETUAL. Oapital, NM ; OCO—paid in and invested in Bode and Mortgages. Continue to ranks Insurance on Lives, grant An nuities and Endowments and make con-aaalts gen.- rally, depend on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assinneeu, 'Receivers Committee of Lunatics, Guardian of ninon ard.Trastees generally, whether committed tg their charge by individuals, Courts of Justice or corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profits to the in alined forlife. VII,IIAGI3LS Thomas Eldgway; ---- Yam A. Brover- Robert Pearsall, John E. Lanmor, John R. Slack, John C. Mitchel, Thomas P. James, SethJ. Comfy, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, Stacy B. Barcrott. Henry G. Freeman, Wm. P. Jenks, Naronmar,- ExAidEusas.--Geo. Emerson, M.D., lad Samuel Chamberlaine, M.D., 'ht - tend at the 7Mee daily at 12 o' clock noon. Pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla. natlun of terms of application and furtherinfor matLon can be had at the office. THOM A S RID(} " AY, President. Joan F. .T.,earne. AetnerT. , fen 1/ A irSURANCE COMPANY or NOIC.TH AMERICA. —MARINE, ELBE AND IN. ND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT ease; South side, East of Third street. i • The , Properties of this Company are well in vested and furnish an available fund for the ample Indemnity of all persons who desire t 9 be pro tected byy Insurance. MARINE RISES taken on Vessels, Freights Lnd Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads. and Stew:kb - oats FIRE RISKS on Merchsraiss, Furniture and Buildings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN UN--CAPITAL 8500,684, AND PAID. IN. AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, 81,300,000. RTER. PERPETUAL CHA DIEBOTOB. Arthur G. Coffin, James N. Dickens, Samuel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, Job= A. Brown, John Mason, (Ihrgles Taylor, George L. Harrison, Ambrose White, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter, Will blm Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E. IBowen, William Cummings. T. Charleton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CriLaurs PLATT. Secretary. INCORPORATED 1801-CHARTER PER PETUAL. NO. 224 WALNUT street, opposite the Ex ehtulge. In addition to MARINE and INLAND IN SURANCE, this c ompany Insures from loss or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, on bitildMgs, merchandi. , e, furniture .tc. for limited ; periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit Of premium. The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS, ;during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. D. Clark Wharton ' lawrence'Lewis, Jr.. DaTid Lewis, Benjamin Etting, Thrmas H. Powers, A R. Tdellenry, Edmond Castillom. John L. Hodge, Adolphus Peries, William McKee, M. 13. MahonV, John T. Lewis, John. R. Wilmer,' William S. Grant, aobert W. Learning, JOHN R. WIJ6HERER, President SA-Id - ETRE. Wia.cox, Secretary TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM. 0 FANY OF PHILADELP 4l A . —Ora* North cazt corner of THIRD and EUTTONWOOD Meets (late T 5 ,11 1 ,71 . , v)„ Incorporated by the . Legislature of Pennsylva nia CRAW= Fmnrirroat, Capital authorized by law, SIM OM. Make Insurance af,-- - .. 1..0z0 3r Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build ings, Furl:at - ars, Stocks of Goods and Merchaz. dise, on favorable terms. TM:MOTORS. • George Erety, .'Henry rGe ker, Augnst C. Miller, Christopher H. Driller. Sohn F. Belsterling, 'Frederick StaLts, Henry Troomner, Jonas Bowman, vsniii. 1 , 1 McDaniel, Frederick Doll. Socob Nnllet, Jacob &handier, George Blutz., Jr., Sthe e llpn Smith, Samuel Mier. GEORGE ERETY, President. WEN F. BELSTERLING, VieePresident. Pwcray E. Comte Aar. SecrMsrv. als-ti NO B 00141. PAN 'NUT STREET, • ELPHLA. ND INSURANCE. I:rous. Francis N. Buck, Jac. W. Everman, Charles Richardson, Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis, Jno. Kessler, Jr., 0. W. Davis, E. D. Woodruff, P. S. Justice, Chas. Stokes, Geo. A. West, Jos. D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. B CH, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Maxon sap. Secretary F AJILE INSUR NO. 406 CHEST] PHILADI FIRE AND INLAI A IId:ERT.CAN FIRE INSURANOB CO,':- Aofk PANT, INCURPORA.TED 'Ste—CHARTER PER PETUAL ;10 WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, purr. A nET.PHIA. Hiving a largo paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS invested in sound and available Ssert. continue: to insure on Dwellings, Sterns, rurnitnre, Merehandise,Wessels in port, and :heir Cargoes, and other personal property. hal LOS.sfAll Liberally and promptly adjusted. =MOTORS. Thomas R. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dntilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. _ TMODIAS R. MARIS, President. alszsy Q. L. Chrawirona. Seeri,atari. AMERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY--0111ce,, Farquhar Building , No. is Walnut street 'MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES.-Risks taken: on vessels, cargoes. and freightst to all parts of the 'world, and on geode on inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout_ the United States. - _ WILLIAM CRAIG, President. PETER (JULLEN, Vice President, V. B. STACtiIY, Secretary'. • - DIABOTone. William Craig 4 Henry C. Hales, Peter Callen, WilliamT. Dowbez, John Dallett, J. Johnson Brown, William H. Merrick, Samuel A. Rulcm, Gillies Dallett, Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. 'Elder, Pearson Serrill. Charles Conrad, • WI mm iyi.. B a i r d. . i PIRE INSURE ExoLusivELI—TELE PENNSY A FIRE INSURAW4IS OELPANY—Inco orated L.W..5.- - ..Charter, Perpet ual—No. 510 WA.LNUT Street, apposite Jude. pendence'Squure. .. This company, lairorably known to the comma. pity for nearly forty years, con - dunes to insure wallet loss or damage by fire, on Public or Private B u ildings, either permanently nor fora limited time. Oleo,on Furniture , Stocks of Goods and Merchan dise nnerally, on liberal terms. • . Their 'Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund is inverted in the most careful manner, which enables them to oftr to the insured an un doubted security in the case of lose.' DIRECTORS. . Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smyth, Jr., Alexander:Benson, Sohn Dayerenr„ Isaac Easlehurst, - Thomas Smith, Thomus Robins, , ' Ueury ~Lew is, J. Gillingham Fell. .... JONATHAN-PraTERSON, Prague Toni WiLLIAlit G. Csowsr..t., Secretary.