VIE WAR FOR THE UNIONi' FHCM GEREBAL BUTLER'S DEPARTMENT. PitNFOI.H, prit 26. is but about a week some that General Wild was relieved from duty here by commandthis morning by General Shepley, who formerly was Military Governor of New Orleans tinder General Butler. The guard. ship Wyandotte, 1 m rn the Eliza beth river, a short distande below the city, was slightly dammed yesterday by being accidentally run into by the gunboat Commodore Perry. The gunboat Fort Jackson, Captain B. j:'. Sands, arrived in Hampton Roads to-day, from off the blockade at Wilmington, C. From her we learn that onFriday night last she despatchedseve ral boats' crews to illasonborough Soand, eight miles north of Wilmington, to oeetroy the exten sive salt wort: s there, be , ng run 'by the rebel au thorities of the State. They were thoroughly suc• cessful in their • undertak ng, and they not linty completely demolished the works, but brought away over fifty of the workmen - engaged there, who altowed themselves to be willing captives. They are glad to be released from rebel service and are eager to become loyal citizens. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, April 27.—The following letter accompanied the joint -resolution appropriating tg2g,Coo, UV, which was so expeditiously passed by the House to-day just previous to the recess: WAR DEPARTMENT, April 25. ir: The GO r ern( rs of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, owa and Wig Might have tendered to the floictent, on the 22d lust., a large number of volunteers frothi their rv in9tiyelittqeS(QT EVYTICO during -the present cam- Taugn. They are expected to number from eighty to one hundred thousand men, and their term of service is one hundred days from their being mus tered in. It Is telieved that they can render useful service. They art. to be paid-no bounty, and are not to di minish or delay the draft for three years men in the States where the quota or pending draft is not filled The quota is filled up in Indiana, Illinois, lowa and Wisconsin, end lees than 2,000 are due from Ohm. The expense of these troops is not provided for in the war estimates heretofore submitted. It is estimated that twenty-five millions of dol lars will meet the cost of one hundred thousand of these extra volunteers. I respectfully recommend a special sippr...pria- Um for that purpose, and submit a joint resolution for that obJect. The impending operations render it expedient that7there should be an early, action by Congress upon the proposition, so that, if sanctioned, all needful provisions may be made in due reason. I have tee honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, EDWIN M. STANTON. To Hon. Bobt. 0 Schenck, Chairman Military Committee, House of Representatives. The Senate, in Executive session, today con firmed the following nominations of Brigadier Generals: Colonel Sylvan us Thayer, U. S. army, late of Engineer corps, from May 31st, 1E63; Colonel Hi mm Burnham, 6th Maine; Colonel Edward M. McCook, 2d Indiana Cavalry; Colonel Lours A. Grant, sth Vermont; Colonel Edward Hatch, 3d lowa Cavalry. The Secre'ary of the Treasury' has received through MajorG.neral Dix 5200,.• transmated to Central by some unknown person, who ac 311(nowledges it to be due to the United States. A member of the 112th Pennsylvania regiment, :on picket across the Potomac, near Fort Ethan Allen, near the Chain Bridge, was shot last night by guerillas. . Mr...afach has written to the War Department from Cairo that the alleged. butcheries of colored troops at. Fort Pillow are fully proved, and that the fads are worse than were at first reported. Mr. Gooch Is Chairman of the House Committee on the Conduct of the War. The President waits for the report of the sub-committee. He will act when it is submitted to Congress. General Crawford has arrived here on his way to the front, to resume commode& the 3d Division of the sth Corps, the General having sufficiently recovered from his wound to justify him in taking the field. He was examined to-day by the Corn inittee on the Conduct of the War in relation to the operations upon the left at the battle of Gettysburg,. in which his division bore a' con spicuous part. • LATEST 8011 TRESS NEWS. From files of the Petersburg and Richmond papers to Saturday last, the 23d instant, we select she following summary of news : MOBILE, April 22 —On Wednesday Gen. Wirt Adams repulsed fifteen hundred Federala near Mechanicaville, Miss. Loss not stated. ' Davron, April 19. —There was a genetal review of the whole army to-day, and, notwithstanding the coldness of the weather, it was largely attended The enemy are quite active in trout, and stirring times are looked for by all. Ricamonn, aril 21.—A fleet of gunboats appeareared yesterday in Rappahannock river, twelve miles below Tappalcatmock. A dredging apparatus was sent in advance to search for tor pedos. It is believed now that Tappahanhock or Port Royal will be the base of Burnside's co-operative movement against Richmond. RICHMOND ' april 22. —The Yankee gunboats have left the Rapp' river. Before leaving We men landed at Bowler's wharf, destroyed 500 barrels of corn and batmen a farm house. Infoniaat'on was rece,ved yesterday at General Elzy's headquarters, that eight transports of the enemy and ane gunboat had ascended the Bappa ham. ock and landed troops at Bowler's wharf, which is about twelv e miles below Tappahan nock.. There Waft also a report that a large fleet of trans. ports was at the month of the river. The vessels that came up to Bowler's moved very cautiously, feeling their way for torpedoes. The troops who debarked moved about two miles into the adjoin ing country. Some gentlemen, who arrived in the city last night from the vicinity of Tappabannock, report that the force which the enemy landed was about two thoruand. They burned the buildings at Bowler's, and destroyed the ferry boats. A con siderable amount of supplies was captured in the Otrrehouses of the Government liere. Bowler's being a depot for all the supplies from the North ern Neck. We have no preen e information of the amount of cap ures. RALEIGH, April 21.—T0-day an election for a Congressman for the Seventh District (to supply the vacanc y caused by the dea h of the late mem ber elect, hon. Samuel H. Christian), took place. In three precincts in Davidson, Leach's own county, Foster beats him 61. votes. Leach is the Holden candidate. FAYETTEVILLE, April 2'2 —Governor Vance spoke here to-day before an immense audience. The whole square was crowded with ladies and gentlemen in his speech he showed that he had been in advance of Governor Brown and A.R. Stephens, in opposition to the bat to suspend habeas carpus. He read a letter which he addr,ssed to President Davis, protes ing against the passage of the bill. its sent letters also to the Sena ors and Representstives in Congress. He showed that he was for peace, and that he had written to the President urging that measures be taken to close the war by negotiations in bat ena.- ber last. He paid a handsome tribute to Vice Pre sident Stephens. He showed that Holden was not with Governor Brown. He tad received a letter from Governor Brown, in which he said that a Convention of any of the States at p - event, looking to separate State action, would be unfortunate and injudicious, and would tend to nn harmonious ac tion. He stated that the only remedy was with the people and their representatives. The speech was well received, and immense en thusiasm was exhibited by the people duraig its delivery. ORANGE COURT Rouen, April 20. —The enemy have been busy for several days with reviews and inspections. There ,is no truth in the rumor that the enemy were falling back to Centreville. All quiet in front. ORANGE COURT House April 22.—Observations from Clark's Mountains disclose no change In the Yankee camps. It is reported that the enemy began to. day moving up, their rear, preparatory to an advance. Nothing is going on in our front indi cating an immediate advance. The roads are dry and hard, and the weather • beautiful. Lvanantrim, 'April 19.—A Yankee spy, under the assumed name of Sterling Ring, who is be lieve d to be the comrade of Dr. R. Lugo, who was arrested at Ta PP ah annoch, has been arrested at darion, Va.. andrecognised byreturnedprisoners from Camp Douglas as a Yankee detective from Chicago. When arrested he represented himself as Colonel of the 2d Virginia Cavalry. Monnie, April 19 —Warren Adams, courier from Trans-Mississippi, reports that on the oth Banks's courier to Franklin was captured. nks says that Hastonup was !surrounded by rebel cavalry. A letter from the Hon. Jas. M. Mason to Gover nor Smith, states that the requisite amount for a statue to General Jackson had been raised by an English Association. • The outstanding amount of Treasury Notes, of the denomination of five dollars and under, is about seventy-five millions. The funding returns sum up an aggregate of - two hundred and thirty-seven million dol ars. Twenty small depositories yet to hear' from. The only' State from which complete returns have been re ceived is Georgia, where the amount funded is seventy-two million one hundred and - eighty-four thousand dollars. THE CAPTITEE OF PLYMOUTH. _AFroin the Pete csburg Express of -Spril :23.] 'We ate still without fall official information of the brilliant affair at Plymouth. We learn, how ever, upon reliable authority, that ski rm i s hi ng commented on Sunday, continued bristly M.on.- day andTuesaay, and on Wednesday the enemy' s works were carried by assault h i a most gallant manner. ,The Yankee commander, Brigadier General Wessel. as will be seen from a Richmond telegr am In another column, was twi o summoned to surrender, but refusing to do so. Vie place w toirne'd and captured. 7 he numb ir of prisoners 'faken is now stated t 7 have been two thins toad live undred. besides the negroes ' who were taken. The _sun telegram states .plat a Splendid two , . hundred pounder gout was also:amongst the valu able strii: lee, captured.. - • Pegram's and rah , m' s batteries, both from this city, were engaged in the conflict, and did splendid s.rvice. We- regret, however, to learn that Col. James R.'Braneh, who commanded that bearing his name, had one of his legs broken and was bruised by a fall of his horse. The wounded have been mostly sent to Weldon, where, we doubt not they will be .well taken care of. General Hokelias struck a mist enctive blow for the redemption.of his native State. His com mand was composed of North Carolinians, and they have nobly and gallantly liberated a Most irn. portant part of their State from the invader. We shall have more and get greater news from this and co-operating expeditions--1 he co-operating naval expedition is raider the command of Commander B. F. Pinkney. Commander J. W. Cooke cora• mends the iror -clad gunboat Albemarle, in Roan oke river. Lieut.' B. P. Loyall commands the ironclad gun boat - Neuse, in the Nense river, and Lieut. R. B. Minor commands a flotilla ''cut ters" in the Chowan river. Plymouth is in Washington county, near the Mouth of the Roanoke river, and the country around is shid to be very rich and full of sup- - plies. The . two other places held by the Yankeea on the' North Carolina Coast are Washington,- at the month of Tar River, and Newbern, at the mouth of the Sense. The latter iS strongly garri soned; but it is supposedlhatike, larger part of the forces at Washington had been moved up to Fly mouth. - FROM EUROPE. " Zbe following is a summary of sent by the Peringyl Viola on.the 12th instant: • It, is I taxed that all .1101 m 9€ saving the City of New York axe abandoned, Garibaldi arrived in London on thd nth, and bad a tremendous reception. The crowds eX ceeded anything ever witnessed. He had a prrfeci, ovation along the whole route, and was five hours getting from the rsilroad station to the Duke of. Sutherland's mansion, a diAance of two or three miles. The leading statesmen and men of all par ties are to meet Garibaldi at as, entertainment at the Doke of intherland's house. The Daily News gives a report that the Attorney. General has given an opinion that every registered shareholder in the Atlantic Trading . Company, the greatprojected blockade running scheme, will be gui ty of in!sdemeanor under the foreign entist int nt act, which prohibits the equipment of trans ports to be used by belligerents. 'I he House of Lords has debated the Danish ques tion. Lord Stratheden moved a resolution con demumoiy of the Government. Lords Grey-and Derby found fault with the ac tion of the Government, and the latter denounced the German powers and sticLhe had no faith in any conferer Ce. Russell, Argyle and Grandville de fended the Government, aid the resolution was withdrawn. The Queen 'received. the Diplomatic Corps on the 9th. The Times says Lord C arendon shortly goes to Paris on a private mission. ' The Archduke Maximilian received a Mexican depn anon on the 10th • in his speech he sahlthat as the resolution of the notables of that country, as well as the Govern ment of France, guaranties the independence of Mexico, and he had received the aidof Austria, he solemnlY_ declared the acceptance of the proffered crown, and pledged I. imsel t to govern constitution ally and for the benefit of the people. He clauned the united support and good-will of the peopie, and expressed his gratitude to the Emperor of the French, who has brought about a solution of: this difficulty. The Emperor of Austria permits the formation of six thousand volunteers, and a naval corps of three hundred sailors, for the aid of the new em pire in Mexico. A new Mexican loan of eight millions starling at 09 will be opened on the 15th .The bombardment of Duppein and Sonderburg continues but feeble. The allies have extended their trenches and, traced another parallel. The Danish repreteraatives to the Conference have ar rived in London, but there were no other indica tions of the meeting. A Committee of the German Diet bad recommended the Diet to send a represen tative to the Conference. There was renewed ac tivity amorg the Polish insurgents. COAL STATEMENTS AND FINANCIAL. The folloinn it - a statement of the amount Of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending April 23, 1864 and previous since December 1,1863 , compared with same time leaf year: Week. previously. TotaL Tons.Owt. Tons. Cwt. Tons.Owt, Hazleton ..... 4,672 15 13,e4.2 16 78,316 10 East Suva' Loaf.. 4,077 12 41,472 18 45,550 CS Council Ridge 3,189 82 31,819 10 65,009 02 !donut Pleasant... ika 17 14698 13 14,201 10 Spring Mountain.. 2,983 08 34,343 08 37,306 18 Coleraine. 676 16 9,604 08 10,481 03 Beaver Meadow... 121 12 400 11 631 03 Smith's Spring.... 91)3 09 15,187 01 16,010 10 N. Spring Mount.. 3,82.5 39,5.2 08 42,327 16 S. Spring Mount.. - Jeddo 3,188 19 48,222 02 , 48,409,01 Harleigh 1,622 07 16,706 02 18,234 09 German Penna.... 1,204 00 20,663 01 22,067 01 Ebbervale ' I,o= 16 13,748 11 14,771 07 Milnesville 1,212 95 16,342 04 17,664 09 Buck Mountain... 2,866 05 22,274 18 24,639 18 Blahanoy " 2,162 1025,369 11 27,523 01 Lehigh Coal& Nay. " 25,123 14 25,123 13 Other Shippers... 5 10 8,985 14 8,991 04 Total 33,820 18 452,21603 486,037 01 Oorrespotao4ng week last year..,693 06 427,142 08 450,833 IL Increase 10,127 12 15 (n 3 15 33,231 07 The following are the comparative receipts of the Susquehanna , Canal Company for the week and season, cozipared with same time last yesr: Week. Preciously. TotaL 1664-----,--$4, 064 24 , 6 3 , 066 30 $8,039 54 .. . .... 1,747 60 3,631 20 6,378 10 Increase-- 2,31674 STOVES; 13EAT1±1116. ,Sze IMPROVED STE A M AHD WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND . WATER-HEATINO COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. mhlB-6m§ E. M. FELTWELL, Sup't T HOMAS S. DIXON, Late Andrews & Dixon, VI 0. I= CHESTNUT street, Fhiladelptis, Opposite United States Mint, • Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, - CHAMBER, - - OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, for Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood 21res. ALSO, WARM AIR FURNACES, For warming public and private buildings, REGISTERS, VENTIL&TORS, AXED CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING RANGES, BATH BOLT ES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. my( TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LTAVANA CIGARS. 11 A good assortment constantly In Store and. Bond—at lowest rates for cash. 'STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, mlt2-3m04 No. 216 S. 'Front Street. hlids. shipping Tobacco received T to-day. For sale by BULDIN da.WARTNIAN t No. 105 N. Water street. • ap2B PENNSYLVANIA SEED LEAF TOBACCO. 19 Cases Pennsylvania Sea Leaf Wrappers and Fillers, In store and for sale by GEORGE AL- S & CO., 154 North DELAWARE Ave. sine. • • • mhl7 ifAVANA CIGARS. —3llOO - Havana Cigars re eeived per Brig Marie Lonise,-and for sale by GEORGE A.LICIPPS lc CO., 154 North DELA WARE Avenue. rab.l.7 TTIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO— V THE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT.-35 boxes superior sweet lamp rest ,received from Norfolk, now landing from schooner Florence, and for sale by • THOMAS WEBSTER, JR., General Agent Union Steamsbip Company, 14 Nortb Delaware avenue. C O PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have THIS DAY formed a copartnership for the carrying on of the Produce Clommission Business, ender the firm of ESLER & JENNINGS, at No.• 6 South WATER street' LEWIS H. ESLER, CHARLES JENNINGS. Arum 27th, 1234. - ap27-3t* 10 . OTICE. — CHARLES O. KNIGHT Id AD.. witted to, an interest in our business from this date. O. D. ROEBINS CO.; Iron and Steel Merchants, N. E. Cor. Second and Vine s ts. , and 42 and 44 North Front street. Purr, ATVIMP RI A • April 1. IR/SI • 81314m0 • • F OR SALE. 2 Barrels best SOUTHERN TAR. For terms apply to • PETER WRIGHT, lo SONS, ap26 tf]. • . - 115 Walnut Street. 'DICKMAN'S UNRIVALLED VENTTILA.• .1 ING Wigs and Toupees, Ladles Long Hair Braids, Hall Wigs, • Onris,..Bands, ,ko., cheap • ”nio_tb.. Uln,n Yn nos fITCF.RTIV atr•ot TV.TREIAM - MUSTARD.. - The subscribers' are LI now recalling aulnvoice' of this celebratod English Mustard, the finest in the world, put up in pound and half-pound bottles, imported and for sale by J. W BUSSIEE, apll 108 and 310 Sonth.Wharyl34- THE , DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 1864 B L-8 CAC SIL 4 s, suoo BLACK SILKS BLACK SILKS._ SI $5 50 00 . BLACK SILKS SA 00 BLACK SILKS ~ 53 50 BLACK SILKS • S 3 /5 BLACK SILIK'q $3 00 BLACK SILKS 112 50 BLACK SILKS $2 25 BLACK SILKS ; • .$2 00, BLACK SILKS $175 BLACK 51LK5.....:.. ' 81 50 BLACK SILKS $125 BLACK SILKS $1 123 i BLACK SILKS $lOO. CURWEN ST JDDART & BROTHER.- ' ' ' Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Sec mu street, above Virillova. FANCY DRESS SILK. SOLID COLORS sira. NEAT CHECK SILK. • CHENE SILK SOLID COLORS FIGURED SILK. CURWEN t-TOD.D.A.R C k B RO MEE, . Nos. 950, 452 and 454 North Second street,. ap2s-stl. above Willow EYRE 8c LANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET; have now arranged for sale, a magaiticent stack of Spring DRY GOODS, adapted to first class sales. This stock was laid in before the ra cer t advance in gold, which enables us to offer great incintements to the trade. WBOLE'ALE AND RETAIL. Black Silks, from $2O told per yard. - Brown Silks, $7 to $l. Moire Antiques, from $6 ts.t 2 SO. r Chenie and Spring Plaids. Mown Figured Silks, doable face. India Plaid Wash Silks, si. :90 pieces Slimmer Silks, $1 a. yard. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdy Robes. French Organdies, nevi , styles. 68 pieces Goat's hair Glacinas. Tan Colored Challies and Detainee., Fine Black Challies and Bombazines. Good style Grenadines and Foulards. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. London style Shawls, open Centres. - Tan:midi:o Ordered Shawls. Sea-shore Barere Shawls. Black Shawls, full stock. . TOURIST DRESS GOODS. French Crape Pongees. Summer Poplins, for suits. Tan. Pearl and Mode Ylotiture'. Full stock Staple Goods. SUMMER WEAR.— Gauze Merino Vests, Ft r Ladies. Gauze Merino Vests, For Gentlemen. Gauze Merino Vests and Badle,s, For Children. English and German Hosiery, All sizes full assortment. 'THOMAS SIMPSON'S SONS, 811 and 921 Pine street rtLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND QE ,J.JAMES Ec LEE, invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and Well assorted Spring and Summer stock, comprising in part COATING GOODS —Super Blick" , French Clott E;SnperColored French Cloths; Black French Habit Cloth; Colored, do. ; Castnaretts, all :Mare and qua ity ; Silk-mixed Summer Cloths; Tweeds, all shades and qnalitics. PANTALOON STUFFS.--Black French 'Doe skins: Black Frenclapasslmeres. Beaverteens,&c. VESTINGS.—Faicy Silk Ves'inga, Fizured Marseilles and Cashmeres. Fancy 'White Varseilles, Plain do.: Black Satin Vettings, &c. JAMES & LEE, No. 11 N. Second ap24 Sign of the Golden Lamb. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. 2,,) NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling- our BLACK SILKS at the same juices as we did early in use season, notwith standing the recent advances. IdA.NTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, all coltrs, 51 3u to S 5 75. Fancy :Wks, 51 CO to 52 50. Rich, Heavy, Handsome, Fancy Silks, 52 e 7 to $O5O. Rich Ghent. Silks, at 52 57, worth 53 55. ' 14 if at 'at $3 25, it St 00. It it at as $4 75, di 55 50. at a • at g 5 75. tt 57 00. to Pieces sraan PLAID CT S' at 51 25, worth $1 50. 702 Y.&RDS BLAME SILKS. we yards Organdie Lawns. 7re2 yards Grenadines and 13areges. 702 yards Pine Dress Goods. :14 yards Chintz and Calico. 704 yards Cloths and Cassimeres. 70.2 pairs Stockings and Gloves. 702 ARCH Street. JOHN H. STORES. MANTLES AND IJLOAKS" OF UNUSUAL nil ELEGANCE. Taffeta Mantles and Sae:lnes. Plain and richly-trimmed Mantles. Chesterfields, in Silk and Cloth. Short z:acqaes, of handsome Cloths. French Cloth Cloaks. MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. Spring Shawls, in light colors. Simmer Shawls, of goodquality. • One lot desirable Summer Shawls, .33 Black Thibet Square Shawls, 83 .00 to 37 00. COOPER A CONAEI2, apl3 S. E. corner Ninth and 'Market stieettf. LINEN ADVERTISEMENT. —S. MILLIKEN Jr. CO.—Stores for Linen Goods exclusively, 828 ARCH end 2 Sow II SECOND street. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS. —A good slront Irish Linen, at 44 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Use from 56 cents np. SHIRT BOSOMS. —We continue to pay par titular attention to this department. Ladies wilt find at our Stores the most extensive stoats of Booms, Wnstbsuids and Collars in the city. TABLE LINENS. —Blot of extra-heavy power. loom Damask, nalt bleached, at 75 cents per yard. CHEAP NAPKINS. —A n excellent article at 89 per dozen. S. MILLIKEN tz CO., Linen Importers and Dealers, mh3) e 253 Arch street. and HI S. Second street EDWIN 11A.LL CO., NO. 2.6 S. SECOND street, have now open the best stock of Dress Goods they ever had the pleasure of offering to thelf customers. . Magnificent Grenadines.. Magnificent Organdies. • Silk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Nonslip de ESSIYILFS a new fabric. Mohair Foulards. Plaids, Stripes and Plain Valencia& Plaid and Stripe Monairs. Beautiful shades fine Alpacas. Superior Black Alpacas. Striped and Figured French Chintz. Figured Percales and Cambrics. Plain Lawns and Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robes. Dress Goods, in great variety, of all the nem Fabrics that have appeared in this country this year, some styles of which have been of our on;c mportattim. BOYS'CLOTHING-, Boys' Clothing, BOYs' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothidg, Boys' Clothing, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, - In every variety. In every variety, In every vai iety, In every var.ety, In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Halloo ell .h Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell k Son's, 531 Market street, 531 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, . 531. Market street, 534 hlirket street, 534' Market street, ' 534 Market street, 531 Market street, 531 Market street, Sri - corer, NOTICE. —We have the largest and best assor ed stock of Ready-made Boys' Clothing in the city, cut in the latest styles, and made in the best manner. H. L. HALLO t SON, ap22.3m4 531 Mai ket street. _ - - - - - . . OORSETS !! ! COR ..ETS! ! ! — MAJJAIIIE A. ll BARATET has just received from Paris, a superb lot of light, strong Corset Material, for summer wear. Madame B.'s Corsets are univer sally admired for their superior finish, elegance of fit, and durability-. Ladies ate advised to call and procure a pair of her Corsets before having their spring dresses made up. MADAME A. B ARATET, • ap27-Im} 116 South FIFTEENTH street. LIVERY STABLES, or • avenue, between Buttonwood and • Phhia. • No Horse that ets S can injilureadel ap notherwile d. mitted.. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves 07 is taken away. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages,. Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire: New customers for these are most respect frilly requested to bring a reference. Terms mod erate, hut east' payments. MARTIN LEAN 1:Iw relo-31111 tx u 5 First 111111 Street. First Preruitan awarded by Franklin 'mutat, to MARTIN LEANS, rdaaufacturer of- • MASONIC! MARKS, PINS, EMBLMS, Ito. New and original 'designs of Masonic Marks and Tem ulars'Medals, - - Army Medals and corps Asvorintinr • ~,b2..42,e , A - A - 7 E RLY CORSETS. —Just received . from TV :Paris, best quality elegantly fitting Werly Corsets All kinds Corsets on hand, and made to order, at AIRS. STEEL'S, TENTlratreet, below • agg -• . • . ap23.sts DR/ GOODb IL STEEL Lt SON, Nos. 713 and 713, North Tenth street MlM==l . F. WORK & CO. STOCKS. Oil, Mining, Railroad and- Other STOCKS, Bought and Sold at BBOKERS'.BOARD. SMITH &RANDOLPH 16 South Third street. mlll6 2me E WORK & CO. U. S. COUPONS BOUGHT AT HIGH' PREMIUM. DE HAVEN &BRO, ..243 South Third Street. xl)l27.traylos JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AND NOTE BROKER! : No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the iffeehanles' Bane, Government Loans, Stocks and Bondi, Bought and Sold on Oonanisidon at the Board a Brokers. MONEY INVESTED NOTES. AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. fell-kut G. F. WORK & CO. GOLD, imarign, AND • RANK. NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN •k . BRO 20 SOUT THMn EXPANSE ON LONDON, FOR SILLS In Sums to Snit. by MATTHEW T. MILLER & CO., No. 45 South Third street. STOCKS Bought and gold on Comnthisin BY Matthew T. Miller Co. d3-tti No. 45 South Third al. G. F. WORK & CO. STOCKS AND SECURITTkP BOLVIIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO.. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET: ftaq ISAAC C. JONES, J.R:' Stock and Bill Broker, REMOVED TO No. 140 South Third St. NOTSTOCKS and LOANS bought and sold at the Board 01 Brokers. , *Sr Commercial Paper and Collateral Loans ne. cotlated. 1311117-thsa to 2fit.4 G. F. WORK & BANKERS . AND STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS; 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET: rthimmo CELEBRATED - - REEVE SDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & CO., S. E. corner Broad and Callowlo mh22-3rnti The 'Sunbeam Stories, Containing the charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO UATCH A SUNBEAM, ()Loup WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROC it ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, FIERSY OmusTmes DREAM' CHINTZ, • _ STAR IN THE DESERT, 4so gix beautiful Tolames, 'lllustrated, $2 50.. VT. P. ARDex: street ia2l-t iyi hontb s,ra. street CARRIAGE MaICERS, itjEM J.,LEITEDWERGEB& spit" 6b7 PENN terBSET: 'Oh akok, WE RFSPEQTFUL.LY Ato - CALL THE ArrtriTiori OF THE TRADE TO OUR STOOK OF • SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OY • French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, dm. BERNITEIIt, X 726 CHESTNUT ST. -Izet P. A. HARDING & CO, Importers and Jobbers of STRAW a gt , AND MILLINERY GOODS, NO. - 413 ARCH ST. virrasansitu. ralLs-2nif HENSZEY & CO. Photographers, 1 43. 9 3;. 12 - ARCH STREET. REMOVAL. A. N. ATWOOD, FORMERLY OF No. 42 NORTH SECOND ST., HAYING REMOVED TO THE ELEGANT AND COMMODIOUS STORE No, 45 South Second Street, Respectfully Invites the trade and the public to calland examine his extensive stock of SUPERIOR -MATRESSES, BEDDING AND SPRING BEDS. Also. a choice assortment of all kinds of UPHOLSTERED AND OOTTAGE FURPG. TURE. mAI9 t aplo,) TEEODORE RI APPLE , GAUGER AND 'COOPER Iwa. 102 and 101 GATZMEE STREET, (Between Front and Second and Walnut Chestnut Streets, ) PHILADELPIIL!‘. Imitation Brandy ()asks always on hand. Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always on hand,/ made to order tall-11 FOR SALE. The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH 1 ENTH STREET, Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. Mir Only a small part of Cash required. sir INQUIRE ON THE PREMISES. MS-tit, JOHN C. ARRISON.: NOB. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH ST., MANUFACTURER OF • The Improved Pattern Shirt FIRST CUT BY J. BURR MOORE. Warranted to Fit and Give Satisfaction. ALSO Importer and Manufacturer of - GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DT. B.—.A 11 articles made in a superior manner by hand and from the best materials. aplB-6m Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manufactory. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing GoOds, Of late Styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & 00.. 706 CHESTNUT STREET. Fine I,hirt Manufactory The subScribers would invite attention to Mete IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving, NOVELTIES FOR GENT'S WEAR) J. W. SCOTT 45VC0., Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Sl4 CHESTNUT STREET. 16 Four doors below the C ontinental Hotel. CABINET WARE. A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS Nos, 809 and 811 Chestnut street. •- - 464, . - • . ddipmaAlk,iit FURLOUGHS. Officers and SoldlerS, visiting the Oil on ref% tough, needing SWORDS, AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive Dilanufactunng Ea tahlishment of GEO. W. SLIMS a BRO., RANSOM STREET HALL, - Sansons. Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS It to order at the .shortext notice, which fOt richness and magnificence challenge competitiOrlp no other house in the country combining St. Md. NUP&OTURING JEWELER WITH TEI PRACTICAL SWORD MANE, apEl-1m(1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The u ndersigned would Inform their friends and the public aerial:Lily, that they: have removedfrOM their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WARMED:MS, No, 91.2 ARCH STREET; Where they will continue the sale of L GAS FIXTURES, CHANBEL, ERS, COAL OIL BURNERS, &o. flaying asSO,ttated with our house Mr. CI RAIILES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Om. nelins k Baker,) we are now preplreu to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of ail grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate. VAN - KIRK & CO ., 1 1919-aM6 No. 912 e.ROII STREET. BARL 0 W'S INDIGO BLUE', PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STO,RE, • No, 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Will color more water than - four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. LT The new Label doe* no; reoU re a stamp. It is WARRANTED TO.GIVE 3ATI3FACTI9N; it is retailed at the same price as the Inutatisne and inferior articles. a p ll lm PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES. C. PENN, • FORMERLY OF TEE FIRM OF HOWELL * BROTHERS. Wall Paper Decorations. SHOW ROOMS, 611.2BESTNETT STRE ET. Coramisibn Paper Warehme. FARREL 4 IRVING & CO. 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WI3 AP? ERS, DOUBLE. and :INGLE MEDIUM; OAP and OB.OWIT MNILLA, on band, - or made id order. Rigbest price paid for Rope in large or small , quantittelL We/4W. BEDDING. - MATTRESSIM )FE &THEW, BLANEMTS,(QUILTS, COXFORTABLES, f BED TICKING 'S, And eysry other article in the Bedding bush eias a the lowest cash prices. AEOI3 BULBUL 1e26-3ms TENTH BELOW .&EOE ST COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves, Trimmings and Fancy Goads, o:eeale and Retail, No. 53 North Eighth st., Phila. m2l- 3m I 1024 CHESTNUT eT. SPRING TRADE. E. rff. NEED ZS Is now receiving, and offers for salqbetow present market rates, many novelties in LACE AND WHITE Gtit•;DS. He would call "special attention" to his assortment of over tal different new fabrics and styles of White goods, suitable for vLsclies' Bodies and Dresses." in stripes, plaids and lignred,pulfed and tucked taus. lius. 09 pikes of figured .and plain Buff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad vance. New invoices of Guipare and Thread Laces, 'reread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, I nsertings, Flouncing., Act. Broad hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS all iirien, good quality, from 25 cents up. 1024 CH EB7 STR v•ET SPRING,IB64. - SPRING 1864. EDMUND YARD & 617 cIIESTNET STREET.' AND 614 JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPRIA. Have now in - store their SPRING IMPORTATION OF Bilk and Fancy Dry Goads, Clonsisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, , Black and Fancy Pilks, - Satins, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbon and Drees Trim: . ming& ALSO, . . White Goods, Linens, Embroider's* and Litoes.. A large anti handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, - BA_LMORAL SKIRTS , OF ALL GRADES, Which we offer to . the trade at the lowest prime: ja3o4m6 FOR SALE, Conntry Seat and Farm of 30 Acres, on. Old York Road, NEAR SHOEMAR EE.7 OWN. O. H. MIIIRHEID, ap19400 , No 203 South SIXTH Street. LONDON ' BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE,. By the _ Cask or Dozen. ALBERT- C. EOBERTh. DRAT.Eii IN FINE GEOOM3II, Oorner Eleventh and Vine EitreMaa. ==2ll EEMili