Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1864, Image 8
• GEN. SIGEL'S DEPARTMENT. - ' [Correspondence of the N. Y. klerahl:f Harman's EERILY, Vd., April 25, —A very spirited engagement took plade between a eetach inent of the Ist New York cavalry and a body of! rebels at Newtown, near Strasburg. We lost one, officer and quite a number of men. The iebel force is reported to have been between three hurt-- Aired and tour hundred strong; the strengti of our party about one hundred men. The contest, al— though a decidedly unequal one, was kept Alp With: much spirit for some time. Superiority of num bers alone gave the rebels the alvanTages they AMUSEMENTS THE WALNUT.—Mr. and Mrs. Florence appear in anew bill this evening Mr. F. plays O'Brien in . 1 •The Irish Emigrant," and we shall be much interested in. the Lew points he will probahly mare. Mrs. iF. plays six characters in "Mis r chievons Annie," in which she will display all her powers in singing, dancing, foreign accent, &c. The closing piece is ' , Sarah's Young Man." THE MiNsrnars will charm thl frequenter,: of • the Eleventh Street Opera House with:one of their Most varied bills this evening. ' THE CHESTNUT. —The cpera having -departed from the Chestnut, is walls no lotivr echo to tae melo' y of the singers. — To' night the dramatic company reappear. We welcome them back most cordially, for they have been greatly missed. •The Octeroon" - be played this evening, 'with all its charming scenery and music and with the admirable cast icr which it has been distin guished hitherto. Tun ABCH.— , 'Rosedale" this evening. PHIB; PA.—The councils of Erie city propose to make that corporation a city in fact as well as in name. An amendment to the city charter, tecoin mended by both branches of councils, contem plates, through powers . .granted by the Legisla ture, the let cing of the Parks with an iron railing, the purchase of fire engines, and - hose and praper management of the same, and the right of paving any street without obtaining•. consent of property. holders, whenever a two-third vote of council shall be obtained; also, permitting the councils to purchase real estate, if they deem it necessary, for City Hall,- engine houses, ',Sce. • Tau Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad is now com pleted to pillaski, ten miles below Sharon. Work has been commenced on the Sharon branch of toe A. do G. W. R. R. Both roads will be open by July. NEW PUBLICATIONS DETER:SONS' WEW 1100 KS! ± BY THE BEST AUTHORS Suitable for the Family, Army. or Railroad Car reading. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Family Pride. By author of "Pique." Price $1 25 in paper, or St 50 in cloth. Red Track. By GritaveAimard. Price 50 cts. Lady Maud. By Pierce Egan. Prize 41.1 in paper, or $1 50 in cloth , The Wife's Secret. By Mrs. A. S. Stephens. Price $L 25 in paper, .or $t 50 in cloth. Thackeray's Irish Sketch Book, with Illustra trations by the author. By Wm. M. Thackeray. Price 50 cents. Ernest Leawood. By Mrs. Lee Hentz. Price 25 in paper, or SI 50 in cloth. Life and Campaigns of General U. S. Grant. • Life and Services of General G. G. Meade. Life and Orders of General B. F. Butler. Life of the late Archbishop Hughes, of N. Y. Price 25 cents each. Si .75 a dozen, or $l2 50 a hundred. . ' Life Campaigns, Services, and Reports of Cie. nem! G. B. McClellan. Price 50 cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth. Paper edition S 3 50 a dozen, or $25 a hundred; cloth editionse6 a dozen, or $45 a hundred. Life of President Lincoln, with his Speeches. Proclamations, I otters and Messages Price 50 cents in paper, or 75ents in cloth. Price to Can vassers for the 50 cei t edition, S 3 50 a dozen, or SIM a hundred. The Cloth edition $5 a dozen. or 45 a hundred. Copies of any Books willbe sent to any address, fne of postage, on receipt of the retell price of the Books wanted: • Address all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, • No. 306 Chestnut street, Phlladelphia, And they will receive promptlittention. . Send for one of our Catalogues and Conildential Circulaeto Agents and Canvassers. ap.:74t REAL ESTATE BALES BMORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of HENRY B. DIARKLAND, a Minor THOMAS k SONS. Anctioneers.—THßEE STOßY BRICK DWELLING, No. 831 RACE STREET. —Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia., will be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, h.lay 17th, 1861, at .12 o'clock. noon, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following de scribed property, of HENRY B. MARKLAND. a Nimcr, viz.: Being an undivided moiety in all that messuage and lot of ground, sdpate on the north side of Race street, 89 feet 7 in hes eastward from Ninth street; containing in front on Race street 17 feet' 3 inches, and in depth 100 feat. Bounded W. by lot marked in said plan No 4, N. by Maple alley, leading from Ninth street to Chester street, E. by a lot marked in said plan No. 6. (It being the same premises which. Jacob Per kins, brickmaker, and Sophia his wife, by inden -turebearing date the 2,th day ofTebruary, A. D. .1312, and recorded in the office fcr recording deeds, An., in Deed Book G. S., No 32, page 225, granted and conveyed to John Markland. his heirs and assigns. ) By order of the Court, WM. C. STEVENSON, Clerk 0. C. HENRY SPLF.SE, Guardian. The whole of the above property to be sold, one- • half by.order of the Orphans' Court, the remain der by order of the owner thereof, the purchaser obtaining a title to the whole .M. THOMAS 63 SONS, Auctioneers, ap27,my7, 16 139 and 141 South Fourth street. . _ W.a.Nl'6 T O NURSES. —A limited number of respectable Women, between the ages of 22 and 45, who can bring first-rate references as to inteiligence, moral character and good thsp , sition, will be received for gratuitous instruction as monthly nurses at the the Nurse's Home. Apply at the Institution, No. 126 North ELEVENTH street, above Arch, on THURSDAY, the 28th' inst., at 4 o' flock P. DI. ap2B-2t* TA7 ANTE D..._Ar OFb'IQE with cc , o rooms on first floor, front on the south side of WAL NUT street, be . tween Dock and Fourth streets. Address Boa'No. 286. Phdadelphit P.O. ap2s.3t* BOARDING AS.I4ARGE. UNFURNISHED SECOND TORY FRONT ROOM; with Board. Ap ply No. 315 PINE street. ap.2.5-6t* Cti WITMER BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED IN tj a pleasant part of Germantown, for persons without children. Apply at Harkinson's Confec tionery establishment, Main street. ap27-60 Q UDIMER BOARDING AT CHESTNUT fa GROVE, IYlLEDlA.—Applications for Board for the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on SATURDAYS. when the undersigned will see applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. ap2-root Miss.A. L. HARRISON. gj - „ '4) KO, e- WRIGHT & SIDDALL NO. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. 0. W. WEIGHT. DRVGG-ISTS, PHYSICIAM,IDDALL. Can AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS ilnd at our establishment a fan ae, sortment of Imported and Domestic Drugs, popular Patent Medicines, palat e , c ow Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, etc. atas low prices as genuine Ant class goods GM be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, In full variety, and 02 the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder b rot. ash, Oudbear, Soda Bab, Alum, Oil ofo Vitriol, Annan°, Copperas, Extract of :Dogwood, & c., FOR DYERS' use, al ways on band, at lowest net cash FAMILY - PATER SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground expressiy for our sales, and to Which we invite attention of those in. Want of reliable articles. Also, INDIGO, STARCH, MUSTARD, 4C. qf extra quality. Orders by mail, or city post, will meet with prompt attention, or special quote 'lone will be furnished when rearm:dad. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, 1-lyres Iro . fll9Marketstrest. above Fron 1-17EaLym received from TT Paris, best quality elegantly fittlny, Werly Corsets All kinds Corsets on hand, and made to ordern at/ARS. STEEL'S, TENTH street, below aP23-St* HARDWARE AND TOOLS, NAILS AND SASH 'WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AND HINGES (ell sizes), to., for sale VERY OREAR FOR CASH, b yy ANDREW TO HANN. No; 1113 Market street' tabSe-lmt 4MIJEIKKENTS RISLEY'S GONTINENTELL NE WS E2I- CAEELI;TGE. , . Choice Seats to all places of amneenient reap be bad np.'to 6 ,o'clock any evening. mb.17.3.31. JUDAS MACCAREUS. THIED AND LAST CONCERT OF THE BY THE HANDEL . AND HAYDN. SOCIETY, ABSIBTBD BY THE TarTraz , GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27th, 1364, AT TES MU,SICAL FUND: HALL, -0011.31BNCING AT EICiRT • O'CLOGE. Tickets, FIFTY CENTS; to be had at J. E. G clad' a. S. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut sts. and arthelloor. ap20.70 SPARRING HILLEERAND tk LEWIS'S GYMNASIUM, CORNER NINTH AND ARCH. Private Instal:talon in the above Science at any hoi . 4ap274.30 G lINASIUM OPEN ALL SUMMER. GI" CH.ES'INUT ST. THEATRE.— LI UNAb.D. GROVER. Manager (also of GroversTheatre,-Washington, D. U.) THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, April 27th, Ile-entree of Use DRAMATIC COMPANY. In the great SCENIC AALERICAN DRAMA, THE OCTOROON, Which, npon.esch of its former representations, has been received with every demonstration of de had by AUDIENCES THAT FILLED THE THEATRE AUDIENCES THAT FILLED THE THEATRE In every part. THE BEAUTY OF THE SCENERY, By JOHN R. SMITH and D. A. STRONG, Is received by LONG AND CONTINUED APPLAUSE, LONG AND CONTINUED APPLAUSE, Which likewise greets the SUPERB ACTING, THRILLING SITUATIONS; WONDERFUL EFFE+JPS, That combing one with another in swelling the in. terest otthis great picture of LOUISIANA LIFE. SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY. Act I—Terrebotme Mansion and Grounds; by John R. Smith. Act 2—Wbarf Boat.shed on the Banks of the Atchafalaya, by. John R Smith. Act 3—Apartments in Terrebonne Mansion. by Smith and Strong. Act 4—Night—Landiig of the Atchafalaya—The Burning Steamboat, D. A. Strong. Act s—Scene Ist—The Slave Quarter— Pete's Cabin, by ~ John R. Smith. Scene 2d and 3d—Cate Brake—A Bayou—Red Cedar Swamp-- Night, by D. A. Strong. Scene 4—Apartment at Mansion—Apotheosis of Vengean e ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 30. 15.6.1 FAMILY MATINEE ENTERTA.INMENP. Sc &i or Prticas.--Dress Circle and Parquet 50 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents-, Orchestra Seats 75 cents. Doors open at 7;' cowmen* at a quar:er to S Engaged and shortly to appear, MR. J. E. MORTIMER, Endorsed by the New York press as the first light Comedian of the English Stage. Also. MISS JENNIE PARKER, The talented and beautiful letidingjuyentle actress Also, to reappear, MISS EFFIE GERDION, • - • The accomplished Comedienne. . To be immediatfly produced. • - MISS LILY O'CONNER, THE BURLESQUE COLLEEN BAWN. it i f JOHN DREW' S NEW AROIiSTRE.E7 THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. 'UNABATED SUCCESS. HtIUSES PACKED CO THE ROOF. ROSEDALE THE HIT OF THE SEASON. FOURTH WEEK OF MRS. JOHN DREW. Fourth week of ROSEDALE. THlS — (Wednesday) EVERLNG, Apr 1107,186 4! ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; - ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; OR, THE RIFLE BALL. With every Scene new, and a cast of character's including every member of the company, and Mrs. JOHN LICE W as Rosa Leigh. Prices as usual. Doors open at 70' clock. Cur min rises at 7% 0' Clock. WALNUT S'l KELT THEATRE. —Trium phant Re entree to this city of the YOUNG eND TALEN TE ART ISTS, MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE. Whose personatarns of Irish and Yankee charao. tern nightly produce shouts of langnter and con tinued applause. To-night, Mr. and Mrs. Flo rence in eight varied characters. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, April '27, MI. Will be presented John Brougham ft beautiful drama of THE IRISH EMIGRANT Tim Cr Brien tan emigrant just landed), W. J. Florence. After which the protean farce, by W. J. Florence, enti tled MILXHIEYOUS ANNIE. Mrs. W. J. Flo rence in six characters. To conclude with the farce of SARAH'S YOUNG MAN. CONCERT HALL —GRAND C iNtIERT. CHESTNUT street. above TWELFTH. SIGNOR BRIGNOL S SECOND AVOSLTIVELY Lest , GRA CONCERT, ON SATURDAY EVENING ,April 30, IEB4, By the unprecedented array of Artists, IdJSS LAURA HARRIS, BRIGNOLI. SIG. DRAGON", DER. J.' N. PATTISON, Conductor MR. H. IBOLLENHAMER. SIG. J. NUN 0 An entirely new and Milli:unit programme will be prr serried. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR EACH.. Feats may be secured without extra charge at Pugh' s Book Store, corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets, and at Leypoldt's Book Store, 1323 Chest nut street. ap26 114 NOW OPEN—The Forty. tint Annual Exhibi lion of Paintings and Sculpture at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, WIESTNUT street, above ;oath. Open from 9A. till 7P. M,and from 8 till 10 in the , eveni n g . ap26- tje2o* AMERICAN ACAD./WY OF MUSIC. PATRIOTIC READINGS. • BY JAMES E: MURDOCH, FOR THE 'BENEFIT OP THE FAMILIES OP SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN AND THE 'VOL UNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS, THURSDAY , AFTERNOON, APRIL 28, IEO4 4 , • AT THREE 0 . CLOGS. Tickets, 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. TO be obtained at Ashraead Evans's, 72i Cheetniat street, and at the Academy of fitn.sie. ap23-st. E LEVENTH. STREET OPERA. RoUSE. 4T RESORT." ()ARM:MOS H S AND itTTLY DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, 1.11 their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques, Plantation Scenes, .tc., &c., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS, EVERY . EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at'7 a' clock. felB.3no J. L. CAB.NCROSS, Business Manager. EPatalilA. ORCHESTRA. Rehear 4jr salt every Saturday at 33i o' clock, P.: M., at the MUSIOAL PHND HALL. Single tickets, 23 mats; packages or six tickets, $l. To be had at andi" s, 1104 Chestnut street; E. Gould, Seventh and Mutant. and at the hail doo 9019 dm FURNISHED' HOUS.t. TO RENT—plea. Ensantly located. Address, With reference, Box 282 Philadelphia Post office. [ ap27-tf NEgr FOR s ALE __ E ,,,,, z4 . vivrir., _ a ING, No. 33S South FRONT Street, 19 E feet by 122; has the lnodern conveniences. Apply to M. THOMAS & SONSapa7, 139 and 111 S. Fourth Street. Q MALL GROUND RENTS.—Four small 113 Ground Rents, 828, 8.30, $•10 and .852 per an mina, for sale. Apply at the Office of JADES H. CASTLE, It* ' - 115 South Fifth street. MILL NERY MRS. R. M. TELFORD WILL OPENon THURSDAY, 28th, a splendid assort. ment of SPRING MILLINERY, at No. 9t3 North SECOND street. lt* • • - --IL cargo or ow, eon ror saw by •a. OCIIIPNRAF Via, 1 )Oct gruiet l9bf4rt. THE DAILY EVENING ITPLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,x:18 . 64 FiTo ,Justitatoo 'Con:010 3 , E , Niv 67: WALL s,TlefEt"i Nov l'iiiii-.. INCORPORATED 1836. • JAMES N. McLF.,AN, I EPWAEP A. WALTON; PreniCent., -• • •• • -.• Seerettry. • • D ft : MOTORS.' James M. McLean, I Hen , y Stokes, Daniel Burnett, Augustus Schell, • B obert Barkley , Jacob Ed ward Sch e 11, • Jas. N. Waterbur John tt. Berrie, . I D D . Henry Haight. 3 . 6 Abram ub „it D. W. J.Nalehtine, • . • The following statement of the condition, of this Company is pnbliShed in accordance with thelaws of Pennsylvania : The Capital . Stock of the 0 mpany 003 06 Number of shares subscr.bed for i 5, (CO shg Amount of installments paid in cash on Valne of Real Estate held by the Com' y 1 7 ,601 70 Amount of oath on hand 3,611 89 Amount of cash depcsited in Citizens' Back Do . . .do ' , dividend 7 per ct. Amount of loans secured by bonds and mortgager,being the first Beni on Real Estate .156,200 00 Stocks owned by the Company, vtz sGG sbare . s Lroadway Bank Stock, mar ket value 35,000 00 600 abases Citizens' Bank bto..k, market value Amount of stocks held by the Company us cell:Vera' security for loans, - viz: Par value 1,t271,310 to Market value 307,4 t 7 Amount I,,,ened on same.... Amount of interest due and unimi3 Accrued but•not due - ... f•remiums due and unpaid Liabilities. Amount of losses retorted and not acted upon - Dividends due and unpaid Amount of losses paid which occurred during the year • 21._+91 .9 Amount of losses paid which occurred prior to the year amountof dividends declared during the Sear V Amount of dividends paid daring the year 41,515 00 amount of cash premiums received—. 1 - 2.5,667 Ea . Amount of intrust received 2419; 21 Amount psid for reinsurance 767 iS amount paid for return premiums 4,909 Expenses paid dn.nt g the 3 e r , theta• irg comm salons and salaries Taxes paid during the ye tr, All other expenditures.. . AGENT AND ATTORNEY, tto 411. WALNUT St Ptiladelphiia, ,s,We base learned not to be astonished at any. thing. 'Years of experience and a corr es pondence extending throughout all nationalities of the ha bitable globe have turned theories Into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. tie are not surprised at such facts as the follow. ing-Aalthough gie persons who write them are. Ws know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorses their statement: "NEW BEDFORD, Mass., Nov. 21, 1541. Bleu Sat— I have been aft m‘riy years with severe prostrating cramps in my I.mbs, cold feet and bands, and a general disordered system- Phy sicians and medicines ftiled to relieve me. 'While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters they prevailed npon me to n them. I commenced with a small wine glassful , a: ter dinner. Peeing better by degrees, in a few days 1 was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleAp the night through, which I have not done for years I feel like another being. - My appetite and str.nirth have aleo greatly unproved by the use of the. Plan tation Bitters. Respectfully, EDITH RUSSEL. • • • •Basursurrar, Wls., Sept. le, P:453. • • • I have been m the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave use a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottlevestored my speecb and cured ms. * * • 4t • FLAUTE." The following is from the Manager of the Uniti Rome School for the Children of Volunteers: "HevricEnnra Illarrsio . x, Illy-seventh, strees our, 1663. I DR. DRABS Y ou Na r vy wYonderfulAugust Plan 2, tation it tern have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill bad been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a tea.Rpoonful of Bitters a day. - Her appetite and strength rapidly In creased, and she is now well. Respectfully, nuts. 0. M. DEVOE." "• * * I owe much to you, for I 'verily he ave the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. REV. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N.Y.' .* * * Thou *tit send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their nse. Thy friend, AtiA CURRIN, Phila., Pa. * * I have been a great sufferer from ,Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. REV. J. S. CATRORN, Rochester, N. y." * * I have given • tke Plantation Bitters of hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effects. G. W. D. ANDREW • Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, G. ■ tt* * * The Plantation Bitters have carte me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. 'KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O." &* * * The Plantation Bitters have ured me of a derangement of the kidneys , and urinar c y organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. 0. C. MOOR Agent for Colgate Zs Co.. 25t Broadway.'! 4cc., .!cc , Ake., drc., The Plantation Bitters make the tivaak strong the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the cele brated Calisaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, dm., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Ruin. S. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weak. nese, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, cons stipation, ho., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They axe recommended byte highest medical authorities, and are warranted to produce an in mediate beneficial effect They are exceedingly agreeable, Perfectly pure and harmless. l'ioxiou—Any person pretending to sell Planta tion Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler , and impostor. It is put it up only in our log cabin bottle. Beware of Bottles re -filled With imitation deleterious stuff for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has out an States Stamp over the cork, tenitutgated, and our signature on steel plate side label. • Sold by respectable dealers throughou.t the habitable globe, P. H. DRAKE ez 00.. 202 BRAISWAY, New York. fel°. W, in, O -dm OITI - ZENS' Capital and Surplus, $527 289 91.- Assets. H. R ROOD, • NATIONAL BANK This Bank has been authorized and is now pre pared to receive subscription& to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued under authority .of an act of Congress apProved March. 3, ISM, provldes for the issue of Two Hundred Millions . of Dollar (s-240,000,000) United States bonds, redeemable after ten. years, and payable forty years from date, u cone, dated -March 1, lea, bearing inorest a the rate of 3N),(00 00 per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on a! bonds over Ell}o and on Bonds of sled and less, annually. Subscribers will receive either Ileastered or Cour on Bcnds as they may prefer- EEG iarrmr.o BolvDB Will be issued of the denOnal nri tions of fifty dollars, (550.) one hundred dollars, (Situ,) five hundred dollars, (8500,) one thousand dollars, (SI,OKI, ) five thousand dollars, ($5,00n,) nod ten thousand dollars, (S 10,000). COUPON Boors of the denominations of fifty dollar l. (550,) one hundred dollars, (itithn, ) five hundred dollars, (S.stio,) and one thousand dollars, 0;1,0004 • 20,233 S 3 :300 00 tr,, 500 00 will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued. Interest from the first of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in 11. S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (50) fifty per cent. to the amount for premium. 2'3,710 OD 82 73 3 stHi (0 3.163 76 COUPON BONDS Now RE&DY FOIL DE LIVERY. $537,089 91 6;,0-tf R", 509 FU 00 ,cUBECRIPTIONS TO TEE 10-40 LOAN, • Received by the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, AT FRANKFOR D. This Bank hag been de- irnal.Pd by the SECRE TARY OF THETREASURY a+ a LEPObITORY OF THE PUBLIC MONEYS, cane FINANCIAL AGENT OP PBS UPITED STATES, . And flont.ooTlZPli io reeekve STlblreliptiOnS to the NFW UNIT ED STATESLOAN,b s ing Intereet at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. rwr annum IN COIN. Bonds from 8.5t1 to sio,roa. In ete.:t contretnee either with the date of the binds. March let, 1%1, or at the ea e of sutler at the option of the fribseribare. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, apls-.1m4 CASHIER. S:`, 0 00 41,254 00 el, 659 97 7,1:4/ 76 5,226 26 10 40 - LOAN. - THIRD NATIONIL RINK OF P MAD ELPHI A , Baying been designated. a Depository of Public Moneys and Fiscal Agent of the United States, wlll receive 61;lbkeriptione to the new Government 10-40 LOAN Leued uu#er the Act of Congress approved March 3d, tE6.I. Redeemable aft,r ten years at the opti of the Government. Payable in forty years in C:1 IC, BEARING INTEREST AT" THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM IN COIN. Fegis•ered and Coupon Bonds of different deno minations. Interest commencing from date of sub scription, or from the first or March ap2 I-1m LA` iii B. PAUL, President. NEW LOAN. • . U. S. 10-40' JAY COOK E & CO. Offer for Sale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT; INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED 3ONDS are issued for this Doan of same denomi nations as the .5-20's. The interest on 550's and ,s[oo's payable yearly; on all other denominations, half yearly. The 10-40 I3onds are dated March 1, 1E04: The half-yearly Interest falling due Septem ber Ist and March Ist of each year; until Ist Sep tember, the accrued interest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in cora or in 1....0.aL CURRENCY, adding fifty per cent. for pre mium until further notice. ' ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO.. Inti29-tf,t b 114 SOUTH THIRD . STREET. A.N. t . 8 7 14. o. le SOUTH TIIMD ST., BANKERS 4 BROKERS, Ipt SPECIE, " STO CRS, • Quartermasters' Vouchers and Checks, BARD ALL GOVERNMENT GEOIJRITLE3 Emuawr AND SOLD. TO CONSUDIPTIVES. • Consumptive stitlirrers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma , Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of ohargd,) by sending their address to REV. E A: WILSON, WILLIAMSBURG, apl6.2 4 lt&Wst* Biagi; county, New York. TI7ORSTED YAEN.--lifos. 12 and 3 of =ye ll! riot quality, for saleyb - VROTBIEGIELS.OI & FIRET QF PELMADLLFHLEL DESI4NATED DEPOSITORY . . • FINANCIAL AGENT UNITEDTATE: I+4o LOAN. 5 PER CENT. INTEREST C. H. CLARK, PRESIDENT. )smineAt _o_9 T . OONSTITVTICT WATER; _ - CONSTITUTION WATER, CON6T.JTUTIOPi _WATER, - _ . CONSTITUTION WATER,. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, . . . _ •• • CONSTITUTION WATER, • - 00X§TITI.ITIoit :WATER, CONSTITUTION WAt i ,TER, • CONST.T.TUTIODt'iv - 41 , 4,. • CONSTITUTION W4I`ER, , . . - • CONSTITUTION WATER, . CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITIftiON WATER, WATER, .CONSTITUTION WATER, i. . CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, VIE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE TUE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE PKE ONLY KNOWN REMLBY FOR THE ONLY KNOV,ig RETiEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOON REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY Fail TEE ONLY KNOWN REfEDY FOR THE ONT.Y'KNOWN REMEDY .FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FeR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY RICONS , 'N RESIFJ)Y FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REhIEDY FOR DIABETES, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, IRRITATION OF THE' ECK OF THE BLAD DER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS CATAE.Mi OF THE BLADDER STRA.NCiURY For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has beent.nowr. to remove the most 1:M. gentkgraptorns. A r tn• o troubled with that distressing pain in he email of the back and through the hipsl A es.spoonful a day of the Constitution Water wit relieve you iike magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buctoi, cubed' and juniper In the trea.ment of the diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy CONSTITUTION WATER has -proced it3elf equal to the task that has • valved upon it _ I) 1 UERTICS irritate and areneh the kidneys, and by constant ah• soon lead to ettroalo degeneration and coralr.med disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the eonciCtion that it has no equal in relieving the of disea,e, for which it has been fours so eminently sueceJsful ior curing, and we trust we banal bt, rep:ll%lrd for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form todneet the reqture meats 01 patient and ph) SlCiall. IN IriSMENORRIICEA, OR PAINFUL. bIEN, SIETJATION; Aft!) 491.E.NORRIUGI3, Both ..Ineases ariSing Iro9 R faulty secretion 01 the menstrual cast, of being too little, and Ilecompattird by so - err pain, :tad the other a roc profuse seerviion, i• - :hich will be speedily cured by the 4.knistiitition Water. The disease known as FALLING or THE WOMB, which is the result of a reiaaaucui of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a. sense cer Ire....tiness and drag:zing pains in the back and sides, and at time; accom,raa.td by sharp, land uatirig or stwiiug paths through the parts, will in all cases, be cured by this medicine. There is another class or eymptorris arising from luN OF THE WO:tIB, which physi cians call nervousness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does 1 of really know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms. We can onlyl enumerate them here. 1 speak more particularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Inipzured Merriory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and Dinaess 01 Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in the unmarried teinale is a constantly re. Curnng disease, and through'neglect the seeds DI mcre grave and iltuigerous maladies are the result; and as month :liter month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression be. comes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption finally ends" her career READ! READ!! RE.A.D!!! DaAviLLE, Pa., June 2, 1562, Dr. Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir: in February, P-2431, was afflicted with sugikr„. diabetes, and for ve months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in live months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. buiing the month of July, 1:61, I pro cured two bottles of Constitution :Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon after regaining my usual good health. ' Yours truly, J. V. L. DEW/TT. - BOSTON CORNERS, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1t.61. Wm. H. Gregg & Co.—Gents—l freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of Constitution Water., which I can re commend in the highest manner: fly wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in hex limbs, with l'alintation of the heart and irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who at tended her three months, when he left her worse than he had found her. I then employed sine gl the best physicians I could find. who attended her for about nine months, and while she was andel Ms care she did not suffer quite as 'much pain. He finally gave her up and said, her ease was in curable. "For," said he,"she *as such conibinatioa of complaints, that medicine giros for one operates against some o her of her difficulties. " About this time MI6 commenced the ame of -the CONSTITUTION. WATER. and,to our utter astonish ment, almost the-first dose seemed to have the de sired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestacatfairs. She has not taken any of the OONSTITUTION-WATER for about four weeks, and We are happy to say that it has produced a perrna. neat cure. . WM.III. VAN BENSCHOTEN. WETHERSFIELD, OHM, Bisxch 4 2, 1E53 Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Haying seen yow advertisement of • Constitution Water," recom mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of_die Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of pity siciaas with, only temporary relief. I was induced to.trryour medicine. I procured one bottle from your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson .& , and when I had used half of it, to my sur prise I found a great change in my health. nage used two bottles of it, and am where I never ex- pected to be in my life, well, and iii good spirits. I cannot express nip gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more than you recommend it to be. May the blessing of God ever attend you in your labors of love.- Yours, truly, LEONARD S. BIGELOW. THESE ARE RaCTS ENOUGH. • We present the Constitution Water to the public , with the conviction that it has no equal in reliev ing the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in curing; and ws trust that we shall be rewarded for our alerts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patients and physicians. • FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. W. H. GREGG & 00. Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, deneral Agents. No. 46 CLIFF street, New York. For sale by • JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, FRENCH, RICHARDS & Co„ 1815-nuw,246m . Phtladelphlk .:.::...0..1.0T.,8.T.ik.44:.T .... SPRING 61 '1864. 7 ,1 V EXTENSIVE OLOTRItiG HOUSE Nos. 303 & 305 Citestwat-s,reei business are such Ulu they rub coall• 4.4 dently claim for it the leadirg position :V I • among the Tailoying Establit.:lttnentt : of tl Philadelphia. They, therefore. invite the attention of gentlemen of taste tor, their superb stock of "REA I/ Y. ill LID CLOTHING, cut by the best ari.Lits trimmed aud made equal to Customer Work —Ali D AP ,They hay!, also lately added a OILS- • t-'4. TOM DEPAltTratriT wt e;e the latest novelties may be found embracing f=l some fresh from London and Paris 303 and 30 Chestnut st Cuctom Depa tment_ 303 Chestnut st :a:111264f rpt, Elastic Stitch Sewing Machines, No. 730 Chestnut Street. 1864. SPRING 1861 GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M'CALLITM & Cog, Nannfactraers, Importers and Whale sale Dealers. tH CARPETINGS S OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut st. l Opposite Indepeneence SPECIAL NOTICE RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M'CALLUM & CO, SET leave to inform the public that they Lae leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET. A RETAIL DEPARTXFarri Whore they are cow opening IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS', Embladng the choicest patterns of AXMINSTER, i TAPESTRY C. , Liz ROYAL WILTON, PETS, VELVET, IBRUSSELS OAB.PNTII VENETIAN'S. Together with a full assortment of everything pertaining to the Carpet Business. 1531.1-3 m W ILE ELER &W% Lsox's IthiEST PREMIUM HE CHEAPEST, aI3.I.LEST, AND BEST, Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut Street, above 7th. ENTERPRISE MILLS ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WROLESAI CLRPETINGS, Oil Cloths, Matting& &e., Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street, 616_Jayike Street. hbl-Sari ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE The subscriber has just received a well-selectsd stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOR SPRING. TRADE. JOIS. BLACKWOOD, millS-Ihn 832 ARCH Street, below Li LM. PHILADELPHIA. The fitellities.ot this house for-doing, Pflpula.r Prietz.s. PERRY & CO., Opposite Independence Hall, A NEW STOCK, DEAtRIIS