Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1864, Image 7
riarovonairatianwsgaz Maiimk•El Bas ready to day the following THREE NEW BOOKS I. Walter Barrett's new work, entitled VIGOR. A powerful matter•of-fact novel, founded upon events in the history of this City. By the author of • -The Old Merchants of New York." 12mo Cloth, Si A spicy and gossipy sketch of camp and mill tarry hie in the Army at the Potomac, entitled RED . , TAPE AND PIGEON -HOLE GENE RALS. A capital work, humorous and pathetic, by citizen • soldier. 12mo. Cloth, $1 25. One of the best volumes of poetry that has re cently appeared. et titled, LYRIC O A AY. embracing by nue auth S F or, ma ly DAYS the best known, most quoted, and most popular anonymous con tributons to the press of the day. 12mo. Cloth, $l. *** Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail free on receipt of price, by m h2G- s -w-tf§ SPERE'S .OUROE OF THE. NILE. ITH ILLUSTRATIONS. A Journal of the W DISCOVERY or THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By John Hauning peke, Captain in the India I llustr ati o nt Map and Portraits, and numerous, chiefly from drawings by Captain Grant. In one volume octavo. ' TLY PUBLISHD THE ANRNUALECEN OF SCIENTIFIC E DISCOVE RY for 1864. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC fn 1861. 111 Y CAVE LIFE IN VICKSBURG, by a Lady. THAYER'S Youths' History of the Rebel lion. MAYHEW'S Illustrated Horse Management. VA UX' S Villas and Cottages. SMILE S Industrial Biography. COUNSEL AND COMFORT, by the Country Parson. FAMILIAR INVITATIONS. A new edition. CLEVELAND' S HINTS to Riflemen. JOHN lIUSS. His Life and Times. -NE MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC WBOOKS. and MISCEL LANEOUS and all others of a standard charac. ter, 101 sale as soon as published, at low prices, by LINDSAY & BLA.KISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 25 South Sixth street, above Chestnut NEW itOtia.::, ! NEW 130,1 Ks !' • ;.-pelie` Africa. A. Journal of the Di' c:ivery of the Sources of the Nile. Bvo. Universal Pr,gress. By Herbert Spencer; t2no. Bniwer L 3 tton' s Dramas and Poems. Blue and t 3 old. Bwalia , s Poems. - - Bine and geld Round the lack. .A new American Novel. ' Edith's. Ministry. By Harriet B. McKeever. 12m o: Berbert-Speicer on - EducatiOn. 12mo Fcr Pale by 'WILLIAM S. Zr. ALFRED MARTIEN. ap . , 606 Chestnut street JUST RECEIVED EY F. LEYPOLDT, tJ Bookseller, Publisher and Importer, CHEST NUT street. STUDIES OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY AND CRITICISM, ' - BY ERNEST RERAN, Author of "The Life of Jesus." Authorized translation from the original French, by Rev. 0. B. Frothingham, with a biographical introduc tion. 1 v01.,8v0., cloth. Price 82 50. Sent, posttge free, on receipt of price. air2o§ ALLEN'S LIFE _ OF PP r -r l /013. —TEM IFE OF PRIOE, Musician andrhess Player by George Allen, Greek Profesior In the University of Pennsylyania; with a Supple mentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Player, by Tassile Von .Heldebrand nn. dm Lam, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court Baxe-Weimar. 1 yol.,oetaYd, vellum, . I top. Price El 2 5 . Latly published by . E.H. BUTLER .k CO. nos 137 South Fourth street ITIREOLOGIO.AI, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS and NEWSPAPPHS bought and sold at JAS. BARR'S. 1105 Market street. Philadelphia. fel ft }LEAL ESTATE. =THOMAS _l4 - SONS' PRI.- VATE SAIE: F I RST- OCASS OHESTNUT STREET PRO PERTY, No. 1222, between Twelth and Thirteenth streets, 76 feet front, 235 feet in depth to Sansom Et. On the Chestnut street front is a large and ele gant mansion—on Sansom street a stable and coach house. Splendid Mansion, with Stable, Green Howe and Large Lot, 240 feet front, Southwest corner of Broad and Poplar ate. One of the most elegant residences in the city, and offered al tke price, In cluding the splendid improvements, asked for vacant lots in that vicinity. First. class STORE, CHESTNUT at, between 6th and 9th ste. Elegant Brown-stone Residence, Stable and Coach House ' No 1911 WALNUT st. Handsome Brown-stone Residence, No. 8t.2 Pine st. Valuable Residence, S. E. 'corner Tenth and Spruce vs. Store and Dwelling, No. 216 south 2d et. IRON FRONT BANKING HOUSE, Third st,. above Walnut, opposite the Exchange Valuable FLOURING- and SAW MILLS, Chesapeake city. Mcdern Dwelling. Burlington, N. J. Lame Boarding-house, Beverley, N. J Modern Dwelling. No. 237 r, orth 10thit Modern Dwelling. No. 324 north 9th st. One also No. 135 north 915 st. Very Valuable property, Chestnut st, east of Second st. Valuable Store, Nos. 239 and 241 north 3d et. Brick -Store, No. 5 north Water st, and No. S North _Delaware avenue. Larg4lucl Valuable Lot, over 11 acres, Passytualt road, Ist Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Eleventh, Tvelttb and Thirteenth sts, First Ward. See lithographic plan. Large and Valuable Building Lot, Arch st, west of Third et. CHESTNUT ST—First-class Business Stand, between Second and Third sts. TALU.IBLE RESIDENCE and Large Lot, corner Eighth and Spruce sts. Genteel Dwelling, 927 Spruce st Large and Valuable Lot, 21g acres, Old Second Street Road, First Ward. - - . Modern Residence, No. 202 Franklin st. Residence, No. 1634 Walnut at. Large and Valuable Lot, Vine street, river Schuy hall and St. Lavid's st. Country site, 30 acres. School House lane. Superior Residence, East Washington Lane, Germantown. ru acres, Chelten Hills. 50 acres. Church road and Willow Grove av 40 acres. Chestnut 13111. _ . . Valuable . Farm and Kills, known as “Sholl mire's Mills." Four-story Brick Store, corner Sixth and Cal loc hill sts. Business Property, 4thbelow Walnut st. 7 Sores, Hotel, hall, Stable, &c., S. W. corner Eib and Spring Garden Ste. Valuable Farm and Country Seat, 225 acres, Brindywine, Delaware county. Valuable Residence, No. 246 south Eighth Id. Handsome Residence, No. 1702 Summer St. Large and valuable ARCH STREET LOT, east of Twentieth street, 105 by 150 feet. Superior Farm - and Country Seat, Lancaster Turnpike, and near the General Wayne Station, 93 rcres, with good buildings. Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey street, Germantown. Elegant Modern Residence, Stable and Large Lot, 310 feet front, N. W. corner of Forty-first and Locust streets. Valuable Farm, 110 acres, with excellent im provements, Bucks county,- Pa. Modern Residence, No. 1346 Chestitut st. Residence, 1911 Walnut et. Nest Modern Residence, 681 N. Eleventh street. Valuable Residence, Main st., Germantown, uttli coach house, garden, ,tc. Lot 140 by Z 24 ft. Valuable Country Seat, 29 acres, Washington lane, near the township line, Germantown. L Neat Country Place, Green street, Germantown 3 Valuable Business Stand, Chestnut street, wee of Seventh.. Modern Residence, No. 208 South Fourth street. Five -story Stone Store, No. 531 Market street. Four -Story brick store, corner Letitia and Chest nnt rte. Neat Modern Dwelling, No. 335 South Twelfth street. Elegant brown stone Residence, No. 1618 Locust street. Valuable FARM and Country Seat, 104 lures, on the riverbelaware, near Andalusia. VALUABLE FARM, 13u acres, Montgomery county: Pa., .on the State road. in all parts ELLING the SAcity. number of small Dwellings, of acres, Hand ens some FFAR and COUNTRY SEAT, 15 il m Chestnut Hill . GI - For further list, see Private Sale ize f fist er . al ,itictimi ictimißooms, co sing every variet y o f it ea s r. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, f. MA and 141 South Vourrb street 'MT orrr , s GUNTO importing and all other kind of baglo Gao -1 wner. Gunpowder for blasrfng nenhipping ; IA !EV. Government Proor for oritn:trce military serviCe: ( . :anon, Trlnsaet , and Rine Po-wder. Sr r snAe bs , vvizazio.a s. 216 Sclath Dali OARMITON, PublishAr, New York FOR LIVERPOOL.—::oth instant—The first class Neutral packet ship EII.PIRE N, R. G. Moran. master, having her cargo rgaged, will sail as above. PETER WRIGHT SONS. 115 Walnut street ap9.t aftFOR FREIGHT OR OHARTER—The tine live oak Br. bark Sherwood, Bailey, mbe ter, 6.000 bbls , or 700 tons cap city; the Al clipper Br brig H. 0. Baziey, Pavia, master. 1,500 bb , s. or 240 tons capacity; the At brig Charles H. Frost, 245 tons, 375 tons capacity: the Al brig Centaur, Elton, master, 240 tons, 360 tons capa city. For terms, apply to J. E.BAZLEY tr. 00., bed South Wharves. apt-4t. sa.FOR latiVt.R.POOL—The first class Nett- Ira ship THE (MAWS, G. A Baker, master hating a large portion of her cargo en gaged, will sail soon. For balance of freight, ap ply to PETER WEIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. ap9tl PASSAGE FOR HAVANA—EagIe Line —The regular packet Br. brig PROTEGE, heynolds, master, can take a few pasFenrers, if applied for Immediately. For passage, apply to J. E. BAZLEY & CO., 122 S. Wharves. ap•L3.6t FOR BOSN—Exess Lino—The tint packet schr. pr QUEEN OF THSOUTH- Orson, master, is now receiving freight at ten, necry's wharf, above Arch street, and will sail with dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. ap2t FOR BOSTON—Express Line— rue mu packet schooner C ARR 1 E M. RICH, Brier, mabter, is now receiving freight at the seco ad wharf above Race street, and will sail for the above port with pronipt dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. 11 North Wharves. sgi shipO FR FREIGHT OR CHARTE.—Br. Burmab, Beckwith. master , 7t6 tons register; Br. bark Maria, Ktllam, master, G 500 bbls capacity; Br. bark Isabella Jewett, Hopkirk, master, 60.00 bbls. capacity; Br. bark U A. Jones, Francis. master, &WI bbls. capacity; bark Jen nie eitts ' Ilas.ltell. - master, 7,000 bbts. capacity; Br. bark Irma, Russell, master, 2,200 bbls. capa city; brig J. W. Spencer, Spencer, matter. 3,800 bbls. capa cl t.. For terms, apply to E A &YODER & CO., Doek street 'wharf. apse OOir FOR SALE—The Medtord-built, ware oak, copper fastened British bark .- ;RER- M 947 tons register, caries 750 tons, 800 bads or 6 000 bbls., 124 feet tong, 253 feet beam. IL3(, ft depth of hold, has been remained and put incom plete order, spars, rigging and sails in perfe:t order. For terms,apply to J. g. BAZLEY & CO., 122 South Wharves. 4)27 5t *Jutirt SHINDLFIEL es SUNS, SAIL. MAKERS, No. 244 North WARVES, beim" street, Philadelphia. All -work done in the best manner and on - the lowest and most favorable terms, and warrants! :o give perfect satisfaction. mILLS-hr Particular attention given to repairing. R E I s EAMSHIP NORMAN, FROM BOSTON.— onsignees of merchandise per above vessel will ple e send for their goods, now landing at Pine street wharf. HENRY WINSOR & CO— 332 Smith Wharves. . ap27.3t CONSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—British ship RE COVERY, Wilber, master, from Liver pool, is now discharging under general order at Sbippen street wharf. Consignees will please sit tend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. ap234.1. 110 °TICE. —All persons are hereby cautioned 1_1( against trusting any of the crew of the British ship RECOVERY, Wilber, master, from Liver. pool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS. 115 Walnut street ap2 ttf THE CONSIGNEE of 1 barrel Sugar; x barrel Molasses, 1 box Pecan Nuts, per brig AL FRED, from New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eliza beth Lear, care of George Cnrtz, will please call for the same at BISHOP, SON do CO.'S, 105 Arab street. nahlB UNITED STOOK COMPANY FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, of New York; also, Worcester's inimitable Patent Hinged Plate Pianos, for salsa at No. ii North Seventh street. mhi6-2in A. ST A NICOWITOH, PIANO 1115W 27 4A- TUNER and REPAIRER, removed to 930 RIDGE avenue, above Vine, and is prepared to receive orders as usual. His many customers bear- testimony to his skill and ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re. pairing is done in a dnrable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker; has eight years' city experience, with the best references which can be given. Ali orders promptly attended to; and guaranlees to give entire satisfaction. Price for tuning Si. Orders from the country accepted, and done very reasonably. rnh2.-3m6 6 17 . AN ASSORTMENT of the best New York and Philadelphia Mann• facturmg. - . from . .5175 upwards Also, MELODEONS; Harmomums" andt Cabme Organs, No. 233 South F.T.FTlistreet; •at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut. - .P. ‘BOIII7LEE "ipitiV^x WELLS. OWNERS OF, PROPER. only place • to" get, Privy Walla ard eleirfocted at very low prices. A. PEYSSaig. Manuiactrzer of Pottctretta. OldlsiaitL'f Hill Ltbmry .4001. AorrkSTEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL, touching at QUEENSTOW/11 ( Harbor). —The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Conapany are intended to sail as follows: OITI OF BALTIMORE Saturday, April 30 EDINBURGH Saturday, Mai' 7 CITY OF WASHINGTON .. Saturday, Mar J 4 And every succeeding Saturday at Noon; troll Pier 44 North River. BATES OF PASSAGE: PATABLII IN GOLD Oh ITS INDIVALZAT 114 OM. BRNOY. Ist Cabin. ' $BO Steerage. ".. ....$35 ea tit Cabin toToondon. 85 Do. to London 34 00 Ist Cabin to Paris.... 95 Do. to Paris .. 40 00 Lit Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hambury, 37 00 Passengers . alto forwarded to Haire, Bremeni Rotterdam, A.Wwerp, ice. at equally low rates. i Zurits mzoiY . Lrynnroin. OR QtriarisTowsr. - -: First Cabin, 875, 885, 8105. Steerage from Liver. pool and Queimstown, 835. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets hen at thus rates. For further Informationapply at. the Comp. ars Offices. JOHN ' G. DATE, Agent, ap2s 11l Walnut street, Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA STEA.MSP LINE- linfro each port on Satarday--HLPro -S ai g m lirst wharf above m Pins street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf; Boston, 011 Saturday, April 30, 1864. The steamship NORMAN, Baker, master, will sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, Aprd.3o, at 10 A. M., and steamship SAXON, Matthews, master, from Boston on Saturday, April 30, at P. .151.• TheSe new and substantial Steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually os Saturdays. Insurance at one-half the premium charged by vessels. Freight taken at fair rates. Rippers are requested to send slip receipts and bills of lading with their goods. For freight or passage, towing flue accoinmods• :ions, apply to HEN,aY WINSOB do 00, 332.Nlitath Delaware aTentts. FR. NEW YORK. and SWIFT-SURE LINES—VIa D la warea and Raritan Canal.—The steamers of Mess i.ines are leaving daily at 12 o'clock, X. and o'clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut st For freight, which will be taken on accOmmo. sating terms, apply to WILLIAM X. BAIRD A co., 132 South Delaware avenue. Pof. NEW YORK—New Daily Lino —Via Delaware . and Raritan Canal s l l.B%aia and New Ybrk Express Steamboat Oompany will receive freight and leave daily at P. M., delivering their cargoes in Hew York thi following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM. P. CLYDE, Agant, 14 South Wharves, Plaiada. JAMES HAND, Agent, iy2s.tf . Piers 14 and 15 East River, Itr. Y. FOR HATFORD, florin —Direct_ The Philade ß lphia Stream Propeller Com paby 's steamer MARS, Grumley, mister, no xr loading at the seeord wharf above Market street. For rw es of freight, apply on beard or to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., Agews, 1.31 South Wharves. ap26 FOR SAN FRANCISCO. COL - gra AN' S CALIFORNIA LIN E. SAILING REGULARLY AS ADYERTISRD Freight for this Lire sent to New York cis Swift Sure Line at reduced rates. _ . The splenr Id extreme clipper, CALYPSO, Baker, Commander, Is now rapidly loading at peer 11, Bast River. .I&This little clipper is new and built at Newburyport exprestly for the California anti China trade. Shippers will please examine this veseel and send their goods down at mace. She will only carry about 1.300 tons, and will be dispatched in a very few days. For bake of freight, apply to BISHOP, SON a vu., tf 105 Arch street, above Front. FOR SAN FIIANCISCO, Cal.—Direct MOLDfrom PhiladelphiThe 3 Callaghan lipper HICKORY. Charles com mander (late of the clipper ship Storm King), is now loading at Cattell's wharf, above Marke, street, and having the bulk of her cargo eagagedt will have quick dispatch. Shippers will please hurry Ql del goods alongside, as this vessel will have k dispatch, Apply to WOR.KBIAN Q • Walnut street. apt2.tf PIA.NOS, &O. CLOSE & BAEOKLER. • c , 7 THE _DAIL _EVENING _BULLETIN; _RIULLJUELEIciIiiiATZWIIIM 4-11"1.2"77.-iii64: 11111MINIE111111111/ _ - . WEST JERSEY RAILROAD 11111Mr—Runntrig time of trains, corn. m me 0g Mu HAY, April 18, 1864. PROM WALNUT STREET WHARF. For Cape May at 9A. M. Returning at 6 A. M. For Milleville ' &0., .at 9A. M. and 3P. M. Re turning atB 09 A. M. and 110 P. N. For Bridgeton dm., at 9A. M. and 4P. M. M. tarnizig at'6.llo A. M. and 1 For Salem, Sm.; at 9A. M. and 3 and 4 P. M. Returning at 4 and 8 A. M. and 1 10 P. X. For. Wood'iury, ice., at 9 A. M. and 3,.4 and 6 P. Id. Returning at 7.00, 7.48, 9.38 A. M. and 2 45 P.M. J. VAN RANSSvx. • Fit, Superintendent. SALEM RAILROAD. Running time 01 trains, commencingplONDAY, April,, 8, ir64. From Walnut Street Wharf at 9 A. M. aria P. M. Frelghtl2 M. Relaxable leave Salem at 6.10 A. M. and 1.10 P. M. Freight daily each way. Apply to MDR POI' MILLS, Agent,2d Covered Pier belovr Spra 81 J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. CAPE MAY AND XILLVILLE RAILROAD. Running time of trains, commencing MONDAY, April 18, 1864, from Walnut Street Wharf. e*or Cape Island, Court Rouse, Dennisville, Tuckahoe, Port Elizabeth, and by connecting A. M. lines of Returning leave stages to all parts Cape Islam of Cape May at 6 A. comity, at M 9 d. Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A. M. Freight sent or brought daily. Apply to MOR. TON MILT, Agent, 2d covered Pier below Spruce stree uo 12 J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup' t. 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1884. s grey lite traverses the Northern siin northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city 07 Erie, on Lake Erie. It has.been leased by the Pennsylvania Raihoar (Jompany, and under their anSpices Is being rap. !dl y opened throughout Its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight bum nests from Harrisburg to Emporium, (iffi miles,) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Ede (78 miles) on the Wester/ rats o PASSIMOBIt TRAI2I AT PHMLA.DKLYKLA MUTH WASTWA.RD. Mail Train. 8.06 A. M Ex Tress Train 10.30 P. RI Cars run through without change both ways or these trains between Philadelphia and Locl haven, and between Baltiraore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both wars between Williamsport and Baltimore, ant Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business. apply _at the Southeast corner or Eleventh and Marzet streets. And for Freight business •01 the Company's Agents:_ S. B. Kingston, Jr., Ger. Thirteenth an.t 3lar tot its., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Brill. Agent N. C. R. It. Baltimore. • H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS Hourr General Ticket Arent, "PhiladelphlL In JPH W D. POTTS, tit General M nan ager. illiamsoori. • - - IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEBS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY' OF PRILA DELPHIA.—Margaret Hudeon by her next friend George Cress vs. William H. W. Hudson, De cember Term, 1863, No. 7; And now to wit, 16, 1E64, the Court, upon motion of A. Atwood Grace, ESQ. Attorney for Libellant, grant a Rule upon the Respondent to show cause why a divorce a roifirtne niatrisisnii should not be decreed In the above case, returnatoe SATURDAY, April 3U, 1664, at 10 A. AI. The Respondent will plea.% notice the above Rule. A. AT WOOD GRACE, Attorney for Libellant. airtow, fit TN ME MER, OUNT 'PASSENGER ATT RAILROAD THE COMPFAIRM ANY . BORIE, et al. vs. The FAIRMOUNT PASSEN: GER RAILROAD COMPANY, et aI, S. C., July 3, IE-61. No. 10. In equity. An now, to wit: Nov. 16, 1663,. on motion of James W. Pant, Esq , the.conn order and direct that the account of Joseph J. Sharpless, Receiver. appoin•ed In the above case, this day tiled, be :referred to Edward Omitted, Esq., to a.tzdit,settle and adjust the same and report distribution of the fund in the - hands of said Receiver. The,. undersigned nareby gives notice to all patties interested, that he will hold a meeting for the purposes of his appointment, at the Washington Buildings, No. tr 4 South Third street, on Monday, May 2.. IE6I, at 4 P. M., when and where all peisons having claims on the said fund. or interested tbereua, may appear. apl°m,w,f, EDWARD OLMSVED. , OTIUE. —Lettere of Administra.tion to the A .ll Estate of ToOaIAS THOMAS, late of vie city of Philadelphia, deceased, aving been granted to...the undersigned, all per-one having claims against said Estate are hereby requevtld to make known the same, and those indebted thereto, to make payment, to WH. H. THOMAS, Ad ministrator, LAUREL Street Wharf: Sensing on. m'a_l-w, tits T HE RELIANCE, INSURANCE COMPANY t.F PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual OFFICE No. MF WALNUT Street. Insures against rloss or damage by FIRE, __ HOUSES, STORES AND OTHER DINGS; Limited or perpetual: and on FURNITURE, CHIODS, WARES. and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL $300,000. ASSETS 8357.211 86. Invested in the following secnrities, via ; First Mortgage on City Property, well secured 8106,906 64 United States Government Loans 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loans..,. 50,003 0 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cent tt , 3,000,000 Loan Pennsylvania Railroad Ist and 2d Mort. gage Loans 33,000 06 Camden and Amboy Railroad Com. patsy's 6 per cent. Loan... .i. 6,000 06 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent.• Loan 3,006 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent Loans 4,560 ' 6 6 Commercial Bank of Penn' a. Stock 1%020 06 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4, (1)0 oe County Fire Insurance Company's Stock Union Mutual Insurance Company's.' Stock Reliance Insurance Company of Phila. delphia Stock 2,500 64 Loans on Collaterais, well secured..... 2,250 06 Accrued interest 3,952 00 Cash in tank and on hand 16,357 55 Worth at present market value 830,664 36 DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley,Benj. W. Tingley, I Wm. R. Thompson, Robert Tohanti, Samuel Bispham, Wm. Stevenson Robert Steen, I Hampton L. Car , son, William Musser,Marshall Rill, I • Charles Leland, J. Johnson Brown, CLEM ' Mos. O. HILL. &tere. alusAT DISOOvEnT Applicable to the useful Arts. Ano thing s Combina tion: Boot and Shoe Manufaa. turere. Jewelers. Families. Itie a Liquid. Rerclember Finis uIB-Nunictrly Agentd to p xo. so N. T Fourth street TRAVELING GUIDE LEGAL NOTICES. INSURANCE Thos. II INGLEY, President. • • jai -fm w-Iy§ USEFUL A.ND vAr.trasts DISCOVERY I HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thon any , invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test• e d during the last two years by prac tical men, and muonuced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. Itanit Insoluble Cement is a new thing, and the result of year: of study ; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, and under no circumstances or , hange of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive amen. SOOT D SHOE Manufacturers AN using Machines will find it the best article known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive fm their use, as has been proved. It is Especially Adapted to Leather. And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. \ IT IS THE 0N4V2, 1 • LIQUID •CEDIENT ,EXTANT That is a'snre thing for mending I F'urniture, Crockery, Toy*, -Ilona. Ivory, And articles of Household 1186. , Remember Lillton's Insoluble Clmikrir 'is in a liquid form and as easily'applied as paste. Hilton's In. soluble Cermnt is insoluble in water or oil. • Hilton's Insoluble Cement ad. heres..oily substances. - - Supplied in. Family or hlanufseto• rer a Packages fronsla 0z..t0 Nola& HILTON 8R05..4b, • Proprietors. Proricittice, ladelphla, LAING MAGI - NNW, d at. ; Joseph Godfrey & Co., 38 N. - - LYON'S 'PERIODICAL °DROPI Vita FAIL TktugE THE StUnrkaintei LYON'S P13140140AL DROPS an a viola° for all female dial . cultism are vroaderiaily adapted to obstinate oases. are not pleasant to take, bat powerful talkie LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS nem harm any one Iftoey follow the directions LYON' S PESIODIOA.L DROPS, n oases of painful sickness, act liks a unarm In vienrating, restoring and renovating the rystem LYON'S PERIODIOAL DasOPS us a aeientilically prepare Maid preparation, and more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LIZ OW B PERIODIOA.L DROPS ar• genuine only, when the name of Doctor Jobs L. Lyon is written nnon the directions., whlclitrs wrapped carefully arcuad each bortla. LEWIS PERIODIOAL DROPIS ne for We by druggists bath" awl courio ovary LYON' 3 PERIODIUAL DROPS 0061 ant one dollar perbottle; will you waste sway with anxiety and pain. when an Invaatuund am tonal' will surely cure" ou. LYON' 8 PERIODICAL DROPS wlllrestore nature to its lissitio warns; wbateye M as indivoaliion. LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS' • sat. at all times when the direction* ate t tared so LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS When taken regularly always, prevent eleknese, •nd * not prevention better then core LYON'S PEELIODIOILL DROP 73 Cart stood the toot of 25 years' oxperlonos 18,000 00 LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS receive the imcomlnme of ail who use them PO Lady allOnld be without them. We hat. letters sr. most every day from ladles of the rdirbeit reaps. tabillty, telling us they would not b* without the Trench Periodical Drops for anything. Could we 1,050 OS publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most incrednlena. We lurre now tr mind an Instance of a lady Alto had been Irregala) until her constitution was nearly broken down Her physicians told her she had the Consumption; IM7 211 e 6 and must die. Sae saw our advertisement, and came to see ne. We, too; thought she wee too fto gone to be cured, but commenced at the cause with the Drops. They acted Like a charm; and to-day late 111 well and healthy, a living witness of M. efficacy of the French Periodical . Drape, and a re. aident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you. art, raffermg any of the illicansed by irregularity, we tag you to give them a trial, and recommend tub to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonsince the most sceptical, and wryer alter will you be 11 (Meld to b• WithOllt it &TO'S' IS PERIODIOAL DROPS .1 4 .)E7RST0111 $ HALLOW/LT comma, 31 . 0. 93 AOlllll 91ITIMTIOWs -Lti.lsi -iXTAIL lig titiciors uonaedltlAs ortryvtlisre, gi piiriavaq Wholv=us VrvigUmai-Proprieton, ~t~--~ D. AY LYON'S PERIOD/O.AL DROP. LYON'S PERIODIfSAL DBOPI WEIOLESALB rtataaelpkiii 0. IMAMS. bl3O. k fitayst, °prat DYLE'S FLUID MAGNESIA—A mild and 1 safe antacid to correct acidity of the stomach, sick •headaohe, .kc. Price pear bottle, 40 cents. Trade supplied by H. 0. BLAIR, Eighth and Walnutstvets. - NV.A.E.T'S TROCHES, for the cure of B Hoarseness, Throat Diseases, kc. , are spe ciallysi. recommended to lehas molt e de x public n speakers, as' ees. Weffirennruoyeofthefmahyteatbomenidals i,n our possession : • Ifesitisztraa, Feb. Bth, 1864 C. A. BeforeAßT—Dear Bir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches Wistar's Lozenges, and other - preparations for li!oarseness and throat troubles, and - in comparison with them all, can cheerfully, commend your own as a most admira ble specific for public speakers and singers, in eases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving In time of need, most ef ectually. - - Yuma 411 m1Y, T. H. - ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Manufactured•by (I A. BANNVART /c CO., Harrisburg. And for sale by • ROBERT SHOED:WIER & CO., Driiggists, N. E. cor. Fourth and Race sts., 244 Philadelphia. Also, bv. Retail Druggists generally. MMMi WHAT IS ,LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. 'Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, - ' medical Bleetalcians, formerly emsomemea with . Professor Bolles and Galloway, having dissolied partnershi ; the practice win be continned:by THOS. at the old established office, No. 723 North TEN I TH Street, 'between Coates and Brown where he will still treat and ..cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chrOnicc - Pulmonary or Paralytic, 'without a shock or any paw) with• the various modifies,. .tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat. mutt has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria; and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. A few of the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. gortstutPticu, first and General Debility. . second stages. Diseases of the Ltver Or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. Diabetes. raver and Ague Prolapsus Tterl (Paihnt Congestion. of the Womb). Asthma. Prolapsus Ani or Piles) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal Hmitmlons. Rheumatism. ttc., Rrtmchine. Deafness Itfineuss and Catarrh. N o charge for consultai 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to ne seen N O .D PAL zwrikr.aa.A. A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, de aroying animalculta which infsmt them, giving tone to the gums., and,_leavir_g a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness.ta the mouth. It may be used dailyand will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and do. tensiveness will recommend it to every one.: Bs. mg composed with the assistance, of the Detain; PIiyEICLEXL, and Nicrascopfst, It is confidently 3trbrest :Ls a RELIABLE sunstitute for the unoar. riin'Washes formerly in vogUe. I:mix:cent Deuttsts, aaccqquaisted with the contulte.- arts of ,the DEIST 'A, advocate Its uses; tt ;:zulair_s noting to prevent its tinreitmlsed sloyment. Blade only by JAMES T. minim A - 1 00' thzearT- BROAD and SPRUCE; Streets Xar eats by Drogglate generall .and Yred. Brum; D. L. use Haggard & Co.. Robert 0. Da I*. R. any, Geo. C. Bors. Isaac H. Say, Charles Sh ive r s, O. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, Ca T. J. Husband. - J. Cl. Ttirnnny, & Ambrose Smith, (Merles H. Eberle, Thomas Wearer, James N. *Larks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst & 00, James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co.. Hughes* Coombs, M. 0. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. TUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP eJ Chac eWe often hear 'it repeated by those who need 3U/I:MLLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the - thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so naintarytis congtrlnedlcine,sapotent as - an in vigorator so effectual as a purifying specific, and so shooting and restorative in cases of hyslear de bility, nervous irritation and a sinking or a prostration of the system. ' For sale by therproprietor. F. JUI I TE3 ,3 ".E, No. USZ Market street, and by all Druggbita., ifet-3ml Hr ODGISOW 8 BBOSUBIAL TABLETS ABIS A found to be an usable requisite in the sostment of BronclUtis, Ob , flearenass, and stuois: complaints' silbetbig the comma of the voice; pullouts:ly reoomniemded by public neut ers. Engem. and amateurs'. Prepared, arbolessie end retail, by LANCASTER & - ENSTLACK's DIPHTHERIA LOZENCSES.— X 4 These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Oceighs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market eta.„ Phila. : ia.2B-3a4 TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR, EN:BROCA TION. —A reliable article. Positiirely_ cures Itheumatisni. Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chillblains„ Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side fisek. For sale by the Proprietor, H. S. TAY LOR, Tenth and C•allowhill streets. Price, 9.5.. Nada. fe224m* "UST RECEIVED BY LATE' lISPORTA. tion, Hennessey's line Old Brandy, expresals for medicinal nee. LANCASTER WILL A; pharmau , entista, N E. corner ARCH and TENTH Ste.. Phila. et= DRUGS LAWRENCE'S METALLIC BROWN PAINT —t•S PER CENT METALLIC BASE. The Metallic base of this Paint Is ' composed of the rrotoxide and Peroxide of Iron. Its proper. ties are such as to nice it superiority over ail others in the market for the purpose for which it is re commend cd. It has been proved by thorough exposure, and by comparison with other paints, to be the only re. liable Paint to resist the actaon_of salt water and salt atmosphere. It is therefore especially recommended for ship bottoms, hulls, decks, boiler fronts, smoke stacks and steam pipes. For iron railings, fences, cars, railroad and other bridges, it is not excelled. It is especially adapted for /METAL ROOFS. It is not affected by acids or gases, and is a per. feet protector against rust on metals, and from dampness on brick walls. It mires and blends readily with .other paints, and by comparison to the amount of surface a given weight will cover, costs about one-half as much as other Metallic Paints. herever this Paint has been used, it has given ENTIRE SATISFACTION, which is, we believe, more than can be said of any other paint in The market. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., mhtl:fmw244] Sole Agents for Pennsylvania, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets, Phila. E HAVE JUST REUEIVED AN IN voice of the following desirable toilet arti cles, cf foreign manufacture, Law, Son .sc, Hay den's Honey and Glycerine Soaps, Beabow Sons' Elder Flower and Brown Windsor Soaps, English Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, French Extracts, of triple strength, in the original pack ages, from the Flower Farms of De Geniis & Sommieres (Gard.), in quantities to suit purcha sers. Morgan Zo Bros.' White Felt Corn Plas ters, &c. For sale by E. YARROW & CO.. Druggists, Eighteenth and Vine.. ap2o-lm*' RuBERT SHOEMAKER. a CO.— Rolm SHORES/LER% BENJ. H.l Saoxictumf, WiL M. SHOEMAKER, PLIOHAED N. l SHOEMAKER. TO DRUGGISTS. —We offer the following, o recent importation: Agaric, Aniseed, Star Anise, Caraway and Canary Seed, Althete, Aconite and Calamus Roots, Barbadoes Tar, Poppy Heads, Tonqua Beans, Refined Borax, Refined Camphor, Jennings's Calcined and Carb. Magnesia, Calabria Liquorice,: Essentia.l.oils of prime quality, French Chamois, Wedgwood and Porcelain Mortars and Pill Tiles, Evaporating Dishes, Porgelain nels, Flint-Glass Prescription Vials/ Druggists' Furniture Bottles, of Boston manufacture, Primal) Vial Corks, Pallet Knives, &c. ROBERT SHOEMAKER do 00., Wholesale Druggists, fe3 N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. DRUGS, &O.—Refined Camphor m 'barrels, Pure Cieam of Tartar in barrels, English Pilagneslas Caked Carbonate and Henry's. gebuine gaper Carb. Soda, Quinine; Morphia, Opium, Sarsaparilla, Jamaica Ginger, English and French Tooth Brushes, Low's Soaps, Glycerine Roney Tand Brown Windsor, Drug. gist's Earthenware, all sizes,Mor are , &c. For sale by WILLIAM ELLIS do , Druggists, No. 924 MARKET street. ap9.tt ItESII ENGLISH. EXTRACTS, &c. &c._ Just received direct from GEO, ALLEN & Ampthill,v supply of Ext. Acoiaiti. Bella donntt, Cannab, Ind., Conii, Digitalis, Hyos• gaint and Taraxaci, also ' °learn Amygd, /Jule, 'Olexim Croton, Tiglii Elaterium, Lactic', ' corium, and a full assortment of fresh medi cinal leaves, &c., &c. BULLOCK & CREN SHAW, Arch and . Sixth streets. F-'44* A .b• 17101.171 , .rom.d.ith,.—Alst IN V WALE of freshly ported Mrro w p sweetl tZented .with Yloimlets,"in a en ctjars. omade 7BBELL,y Apothecary. 1410 Chestnut street. frIHE DrE.w '' —A SIBIPLA • el,earay and portable contrivance for the appli- , cation or unguents to the internal surface' tha rectum. Sold by IiUTIBELL,. Apothecary., 1414 abastnnt streAt EITEILEHErd OATMEAL by the pound ox B keg—fresh every week. HUBBELL, Apothe. 'cars% t4lO UHEBTNITT-etreet. - - fen Office boars from at the office. deg-emf PEb.EMPTORY s S.HOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. -VERY ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, BRISTOL • TURN PIKE, . Large and Spiel:laid' MANSION, Stable and Coach House and 23 Acres, adjoining the Farm and Country Seat of Mr. Geo. H. Stuart, formerly Mr. Caleb Cope's. On TUESDA.Y,I4Itty 10.1E31. at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold' at Public Sale, without reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHAIN GE: All that elegant and valuable Coun try Seat, containing 22 acres and .1 - 7 perches of land, on the Bristol turnpike, 8, miles from the city, and l) miles from the Delaware river, on. which is a large and splendid modern Stone Man sion, built in the most substantial and best manner in every respect, and finished throughout in the most costly and elegant sty le. with all the modern improvements and conveniences of a city residence —built by William E. Bowen,Esq., and recently' owned by the late Mr. R. P. Lesilver. • It is in complete oiier, surrounded by a verandah is feet wide, supported by ornamental ce umns; hill It feet wide,, the entire depth of the house; elegant parlors, ibrary, dining -room with fit e proof and pantries on first floor, 4 chambers and '2 dressiag rooms on second floor; 6 chambers in the third story; marble basins, water closets, warm and coid baths, ac the wqote house warmed by a superior furnaie, besides having fire places and grates throughout, rendering Its desirable winter as well as summer residence.. The kitche.s and servants' rooms, chambers, 4te , are in the wings, with superior cellars under the ' allele; laundry, With permanent wash tabs; water and gas introduced - throughout There is tn - the premises a gardener's cottage, lodge, orchard house,- vit erles, conservatory, gas house, ice house, milk and provision vault, ad jot' ing, and substantial stable and coach house. The grounds ere elaborately improved and in a. high state of cultivation; a superior garden, with abundance of fruit; a young orchard, fine old and young forest trees, cho'ce evergreens and orna mental shrubbery, gaveled walks and drives; large fish pond, fountain, a pump of fine cold water from a deep well, three springs supplying an abundance of water for all other purposes. It is well-known as one of the finest-and most desi rable country places in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, no expense having been spared in the bui;diegs and grounds. It comagands most beautiful views of ' the sultouneTing country and the river Delaware. The location is unsurpassed for head:dulness and the neighborhood in every way unexceptionable. Convenient to churches and schools, and very ac ce;ssible to cars, steamboats stages, &c., being but a short drive frem Tacony Landing, and. a fe w minutes' walk from Holmesburg' Station, and by pleasant driving roads, and with increased facili ties in immediate prospect. The premises may be examined on any w . a u l day, except Monday, between the hours of 9 of 1 o'clock, or 3 and Go' clock. Possession loth June. a Tel me—S.2s, COO may remain on morc aiee fir the term of years, if desired bypurchaser , a or whole may be paid in 0, eh. Sir Clear of all incumbrance, Anciioneets, M. TB OMAS & SoN•sil39 7 9. %ap20,23, 25;27,30, rECY 2, 4 d ',... 141 F°"4ll. DEDUCTION iN 'I II E PRIOR OF CORE In accords' se with a resolution of the Board_ or Trustees, passed on the 25th inst. the price of Coke from the .Market S..reet- and 'Spring Garden Gas . Wolks, has been ',reduced to 10 cents „per bushel, and froca the Point Breeze and blanayunk Worke to 9 cents per bushel. JNO. C. CRESSON, Chief 'Engineer. p>zem dies Woas.a,Alarehlre,..DAL.. inh.9s/4131 STEMUFF'S NOTICES IN oBEDlEwep.tc-----------------7:7 13uleof ;Co irts tae she riff of the City - 'and'County of Philadelphia publishes the following writs: • JOHN THOPdPSON' Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, April 18, Isa My and County of Philadelphia,' as: 1 THE COMMONWEALTH OR PENNSYLVA- To the Sheriff of PhiladelphCounty, 'greeting: We command you, as beforee did, ttuttyo a sum mon JOHN R. CHANDLERIate of your Conn ty, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County.of Philadelphia; to be holden at Phila delphia, in• and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the wardONDA.Y of May next, there to answer Ed. Records and Mary ~ his wife. in right of said. Mary J. Records; to use of David D. Taman, assignee of John D. Small wood, who was assignee of John L. Bee, Charles B. Bee, Andrew Dilks and Elizabeth R. Dilks, his wile, Asher M. Kirkbride and Anniev his wife, . Hannah Bee and Edward I. Records andi Mary, his - wife, heirs and terra tenants of , Thomzus Bee, deceased; who was assignee of Edward I. Records and wife), who'was assignee of James, W. Wil- ' Dams, who was ziasienee of Thomas, li. Read and wife, of a plea of breach of covenant;, and have you then and there this writ. We command you as before we did,,that you. summon JOHN SMITH and ROBERT SMITH, late of your county, so that they be and:appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of - Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the-first MONDAY of May next, to answer Josiah L. Harvey and Alexai der E. Harvey, to the use of Alexander-E. Harvey, devisees oflsatte Harvey,„Jr., of a plea of breach of covenant; and have yod then and there this -writ. - ' - 'We command you, as before we did.that you summon JEREMIAH M. CARTY, late of your County, so that tie be and appear before , our . Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Mint for the city and County of Philadelphia, to - beholden at Philadelphia, in and for said City and County of Philadelphia, ;the first MONDAY ••off • May next, to answer Edwin W. -Lehman, John.Crean, Jr.. and. John L. Busby, who- survived - James A. Lehman,Executors of the last will and testa meat of Wiliam Crean, deceased, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. We command you, as before we did, that you summon JOSEPH" DONNELL, - late of your County, so at he be and appear beforeour Judges at. Philadelphia, at our District Court `for the -City and Cotinty of Philadelphia., to -- be holden at a; in and for the said Ci and CountyP hiladelphipf Philadelphia, the first MONDA.Y ty of May next, to answer Elizabeth G. "Jones, grantee of Samuel - Carver, Who was grantee of Oliver S Janney,' who was granteen of Alexander V. 13 Carver, who wastrantee of John-McCrea -and Marl bis wife, of a's plea of breach of covenant: and have von then and there this writ. We command you, as before we 'did,`lliat you summon • WILLIAM MILLIKEN, ; late, „of your county,, so that he be and appear beforeeur 'judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to beholden Itt Philadelphia /11. and "far the -d County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAYf May next, there to answer Eli H. Price, of a plea of breach of covenant; andhave yon then and there this writ. We tommat d you, as before we did, that you summon' FREDER.ISK STUMP. and • LOUIS ZIMMERMAN, late of your tletinty, so that they be and appear before our judges' at. Plubid • I „phia, at bin' District Court for the City and Conaty of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phitadelphis: in and , for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of May next, to =Aver Eli K. Price of a plea pf breach of coveautnt; and -"have you then and thare this wilt . • - We command von, as before we did, `that you summon JOHN MILLS, late ,of - , year County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, ate. our District Courtier , the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for - the said City-and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of May next, to answer John DaCosta and., Lewis Chester, Executors and Trustees, named. in and • appointed bythe last will and testament of . qii.a.e. 'W. Morris, deceased, of a plea of breach 'of Cove nant; and have you then and there this writ, Witness the Honorable George Stutrawood Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, 'at Phila delphia, the twenty-first day of April, ..in- the year of our Lord one thousand eight, hundred and sixty-four. ' .„ . , • • B. E: PLETORER,Vro ProthellotazY-. TN OBEDIENCE to a Rule of Court, the She riff.of -the City and- -County of Philadelphia publishes the following writs: • - ' JOHN THOMPSCN, - -Slieriff. Sheriff's Office, • April 16„ 1E61._ . Ci..t7i and County sf Philadelphia, sr: _- THE ; COMMONWEALTH OP P-VsINSYLTA . To the Sheriff - of Philadelohla County, greeting: We command you, as we have o ft in before done, that you summon JOHN CARTER, late of your County, so that he -be and appear'- before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Phil adelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of May next, there to answer RowlandE. ENalla and Edward C. Evarus, sur viving Trustees of Julianne D. Evans, of a plea of breach of ,covenanq'and have you then and! there this writ. We command you, as before we did. ,that you summon JAM S GlLMOUR—vvith notice to JOHN S. LISTER, terre tenant; late of your County, so that be be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas; for the City and, County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelia, in and for the said City and County ph of Philadelphia, the first hIUNDAY of May neat, there to answer William E. Lehman, Sarah Lehman and James D. Smith, surviving Trustees under the Will of William E. Lehman, deceased,for-Manon p l eassy, formerly Mahon T. Lehman, of a of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable r.swald Thompson, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, - at Phila delphia, the 16th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and sixty lour. ap2taw-t2t T. 0.. WEBS, pro Prothonotary. REAL ESTATE SALES.