Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1864, Image 6
THE LATE EXP.LOSIOH AT OHNE/JUR -4 COB4ONEFI'd lal vzsr BAKER'S FACTORY-- The Coroner's inquest in lo the case of the recew exption at the chandelier and lamp fit - boiler tory of Cornelius Baker, -on- Cherry street, wet: commenced yesterday at the Central Station. Th. , following e v idea ce st ' s elicited: Hobert Cornelius, sworn—Arn a - membn of the firm of Cornelius & Baker; am acquainted wiie the engineer; be - has been, in our employ soy , - years . consider him a competent engineer: I seet v il : stbout:four or five holirsln the factory every. aa saw the engineer on. Thursday or Friday l Swat have !earned that he Went to the factory day night to fix up the fires for the next on morning; the boilers, have been in use w o n two and three years; .there were two boilers; nut • know how they are -connectsd together; r u t t it ti , know that they had changed the iu jeet or; we had purchased a ne a w; f i Fine from the East; the old one was too f °lathe idjector; was not in the factoi yon Monday; was there on - Saturday morning, but don' t recollect going to the engine room; 2: mat the boilers can be n separ ately or together; they both received their W Lr, from one injector; I do not - understand the steam engine as well as tlio ein that businsss; we get men to parforna this. work - yr a 03e tat dne- - it is to do such work; we do not take men for th• purpose out or the factory; we had p1:1. ? e 1. sit. tai beginningot the office and engine room, a gauge, andt they have eolith - ivied to operate tae Slane; tit i week- ago, before any change had been ma le, ew , that the gabge-wes-ninety-tutu po CA imratouttelyseat Wore to the ereriaeer to reduce i . to .4hty pounde r which is the et:LT.l.lm d poi,.t; e immedhrely did "e.o,`:, at - d' I- thought more Of litth the same thing occurred about a week of er. to 1 again sent word not to :et it get over eighty po ands; watChed the gauge. and saw that he co n with what I said: I cannot speak too well of this man. Is.aec .T..l3aker, sworn—l go roz,nlitr'y-to the- Inanutuctory evely day; never saw tits eagmeer ruder the influence of imme .ta'ely at er the explosion at Merrick &Gown I asked my sett if be had Lonfldence in the engineer of oar es ta lishruent, and he esid -yes; .1 asked welt wa were given him, one my sou replied i. , :tta p-r week, which is M.• highest rate given as a getters. thing; I asked how long he had rmAn.engaged, an I he said ten 3 ears; there was a Bps of tare., ye ire in this time whe, he wan employed san engiaeer at another place; - 1. was ia tLe engine-room Saturday, and gave espeeial rge. that every care should be tak-n; I thought the eep,'Eaear en tirely competent; I Lit perlectly site with him, and a-so being acquainted with. the Weil-kat, character of the makers of . the boilers, Messrs. Morgan, Orr & Co.; the steam averaged from 7.1 t 8U pounds pressure; I arts int.rtnei that at tit - time of the expleision there was- it pressure ~f pounds indicated by :e gauge; others will tell ou of this, of their o wn knowl dge; I was not there at the tithe of the explosion. William C. Biker swore —I have the supervi sion of the manufactory all the tim , :arn in coo slant communication with the engineer; I never smelled liquor upon him; coMider him eveet way trust . - worthy and competent; everybody Who kao him says the same thingt I was at the manufactory at l2)t o' clock Sunday; I had a conversation with the engineer then - respecting the michinery, &a.; he said everything was all right; I observe I th boilers—no fire in them—the water was cold, ,and running out of the cocks; there was no alteration made in the boilers; a change had been made lithe injector to suit the neW engine that had just been introduced; owing to the extra work, we placed anotherman to assist the engineer; steam is re gnired to work the injector; the supply of water is received through an iron pipe from ttie street main; the engineer had charge of the boilers and engine; by standing in a certain placethe boilers and engine could be seen at the same time; the water cocks were in the upper drum; the distance between the boilers and the engine was about twenty-five feet. Mr. Arthur Orr, sworn—My business is steam engine builder, of the firm of Morgan, Orr & Co.; we built ape boiler for Cornelius and Baker, three years next October; have built a number of boilers of the same kind; the engineer stood at the east end cGthe boilers when firing up;- by standing in the doorway he could see both the boilers and the en gine; he believed that communication between two boilers with a pipe three inches in diameter will al ways keep the water in both at's level. Charles Bishop, sworn-A am a machinist in the employ of Messrs. Morgan, Orr & Co.;. went to Cornelius & Baker's last s , aturday week to make a - connection from the new engine - to' the boiler; went there on Monday morning, a few minutes before seven. to get my tools; it was about quarter after.seven when he started the Injector; it worked first rate; he stopped the in. jector because he hadn't enough steam-to start the machinery; was there on Saturday, but did not see the injector;; he took it down after six o' clock that evening the - injector was stopped on Monday when 1 left., which was 25 minutes past 7 o'clock; -did not see him turn the stop-cock of the hydrant. on; the explosion took' place about ten minutes after I left; both of the boilers had a pretty good fire under them when I was there on Monday; he filled both boilers up 'o the third cock on Sunday morning. Mr. John Donaldson, sworn—Am engineer in the employ of Cornelius & Baker; had charge of their engine; at halt-past four o'clock On Sunday I filled the boilers to work - the injector - ran the in jector about a quarter nit'an hour, till the boiler was full: then shutoff the injector and the cocks; was perfectly satisfied that everything was right; and 1 covered up - the flreethinly; it was about six o'clock when I went to the factory on Monday morning; the Bores, being new, were nearly out; at seven o' clock I blew the whlstle,_ and found forty-five pounds of steam; hurried up the fires as mum as could;I about ten minutes past seven I bad about fifty pounds of steam; I then started the • injector; I looked at the gauge, and it indicated fifty-eight pounds; I then told a man named Cons ad,- wh# - was working near by, that - 1 wits going-up. stairs, and asked him to look after things; I went to the office to see ifsoMe oil had arrived, as there wag'none in the building; I got to the archway when the explosion took place; the injector was not running at the time; I then stopped bff the steam, mad then the water; it was abouthalf,past seven, when I last touched the water gauge; just before I went up-stairs I shut off the damper a lifie bit; the explosion took place between three and four minutes after I le't; I told the man not to let the steam get over eighty pounds; he went into the engine room to sea the gauge, and if ho bad not done so, he would have been killed. Conrad Shanerman, swornAm engaged as a stamper at the factory, the engineer told me to watch the steam, and not let it get over JO pounds: I went to the gauge and saw that it was betvreen. 60 and 70 pounds; r then went to my place, and in a moment afterwards the explosion took plaee;' would have gone back and looked again, if it had not blown up. • Charles F.• Heaton, eworn—Arn an engineer, and engaged at Wood & Perot's - , I kuo,i - the engineer of Cornelius. & Baker's: I have always heard him spoken of as a good engineer. Wm It Brinckle, sworn—Employed at Corne lius & Baker's as clerk; I got to the Oain about twenty. five minutes pastseven; saw the engineer in the office; don't think he was there more tlt pa a minute; the explo.slon took place about five or six 'minutes after he went out; before leaving the office I examined the gauge, and it stood 05 lbs. Gecrge Bartz, sworn - -Am a machmist and en gineer. Was on Eighth street, below Cheiry, when the .explosion. took, place; helped to take the wounded to the hospital; then went bank to the factory and looked at the water pipes, and found them all in good order. The inquest then ad journed, to meet again on next Tuesday afternoon at half- past three o' clock. TRUSSES kIRS. JAMES :BETTS'S CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only porterr, under Medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 103.9 WALNUT street, Philadelphia (to avoid counterfeits), thirty thousand invalids having been advised by their Physicians to use her appliances. Those only art genuine bearing- the United States . Oopywright :Labels on the boa and signatures also on e'Sup sorters with Testimonials arab. MRS. DR. McOLENAOSAN, long experience in the constructing and apply ing the various kinds of Trusses and Sup porters, would respectfully invite Ph 3 Melons and all others interested to call and examine her late improved Rotary Supporters, Trusses, Shoul der Braces and Spinal Supporters, pronounced by all enlightened Physicians and others who have seen them, far superior to any heretofore in use. The above articles -Are constructed and scientifi cally applied at her office, No. 50 North SEVENTH. street. Dr. G. W. TAYLOR attends to the Male De partment. Private entrance for ladies MILLINERY. " op MRS. R. DILLON, 323 and VI SOUT street, has aglandsome assortmentJof Spring MILLINERY, ot the latest styles, to waiel she invites the attention of the ladies. 'inh3l-2.4t* MESS A. BAKER, • has opened a 1346 OELETNUT street, PARIS MlLlarge assortment at for the Spring and Summer LINERY,. of 1951 MISS FENNELL, 26 North EIGHTH. street, has opened SPRING AND SUMNER STILLINE AY, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, apo .2m 10OPENING.—MRS. S. A. LINU-LE, o pen 734 SPRING GARDEN St. ' will open on THURSDAY, April 7th, a handsome as. sortment of Spring DIILLINERY; also a choice assortment of Children's; Hats, trimmed in the aatest Parisian styles, being of clAtite_a new de. llgn. Bleaching, pressing, and Dyeing -carefully attended to. ' - apt-2ato§ gPECIA NoTtcF,s /EA 11.1.,Wa BRA:Nth:I; tIREB:p cEN. BA L F eIRJ —The undereigned Comthit tre eat nektly solicit from all directly or indirectly connected with 4.our trade" to send their ~entri•- • they large or small, money or mer chandiee..lo either of the undersigned: - - Joe-ph C. Grubb. '2;36 Mart et strut. Wi Marti U. Sowers, 412 13oalmerce street. William P. Wilstach. North Third street At.g. B Shipley, 563 Commerce s'seet.. Charles A. Miller, 4 5 Commerce atreet. John J Burr, 614 Market street. Chas. J. Field, 633 Market street. • Dan'el - Steinmetz, -56 Commerce street. John A. - Mutphey, '922 Cheitnnt street - . Isaac S: ":26 I,ltirket street: IL It. Landis, 211 Market street. W. U. Allen, 115 Market street. TY. Faust, 49 Ncrth Third street. Jcs. S. Fisher, iv. E. ccr. 6th and Commerce st. At M. F. Watson, 512 Comthex'ce st. apl6-s,m,ve,lm§ frrCABINET DEPARTMENT TUE EA CEN-TRAL FAIR. FOR THE SANITAItY COMMISSION, to-be field ill Phila delphia, first weck-in June;.ll6l. . -.. The undersigned have been appointed a commit tee to solicit, receive and arrange for sale, Cabinet Ware of any tu d every description, whida the liberality 01 manufacturers and venders may incline them to present in aid of the Fair. Any thing, hoWever .simple, or of but Uttle..inaciey value- will be acceptable, whilst, at the same time, the undersigned. .wo , ,,Jd most ',respectfully .Urge upon all to snake as valuable contributions as it may b.- their power to offer. The great;indeed, sole aim of the Fair. is to do good to the sick and wounded of ot+r- gallant army, and-though tali feeling' which.. will prompt all who contribute. is that of gratitude to our soldiers,the occasion may I c used, incidentally, to bring before the public t: =‘, the varied manufactures of olitcountry. and . who are engaged la the department of Cabinet. ilionld make an effort to be properly retire -- sell*, All contributions forwarded should be addressed to ,he Central Fair I;epot, and invoice and value forwarded to THOMAS TROIIIPSOD4 Chairman. 239 South Second Street, Pltiladeiphia. , _ THONAS TllOllFBcrN, - lA.9jlMbre - , Chairman, 238 ,Soutti'Abner Lincoln, Seccond street. - I_ of. Plebe' & Lincoln, - Henry AM. Iph, I. Lutz, 1 Joseph Allen,' -.- W. H. Main, of W. &J. Allen &Bro. of C.. 13, Menai & Co., John A. Bauer, - ' Gedrge 0. Mangan, . Geo. S. Courtney, 'George . Mecke, of Con I tney & Willets, I Thomas H. Moore, Margins A. .1 avis, , of Moore & Campion, of Farson & Davis, Charles W. Reeves, _ J. H. Gates, S. B. Register, rf Gates,Kilburn& Co:, of 'Regitter & Bell, Charles Goehmann, . W. Sanderson, _ . .._ _ John H. Gould, of W. Sanderson&Son-, of Gould & Co., Thomas P. Sherboraejr. Stevens Gray, of Thomas P. Sher • P. P. Gustine, :. borne & Son, George J. Heukels,- G. Volmer, John A. Bet kels. I. H. Wit.ler, of T. & J. A. Heukels, George I. Young, H. F of L , !wis Thompson &. D. M. Karcher, Co., LADIES' corparrrEE UPON CABINET WARE. Mrs. Seth B. Stitt; Caairman, 212`. West Logan Square., Mrs. Edward H. Trotter, 1824 Chestnut Street. 44 Joseph Harrison. Rittenhouse Square. 4 , Benry Frothingham, Broad and Locust. • Maxwell Green, .119 Girard Street. 44 J B. Camrion, 230 Pine . Street. 44 J. L. Southwick, 2028 Cllteltimit Street. 44 A. M. Collins, 1900 PlymontrStreet. 4, S. B-Williams,.l9 8 Vine Street.. Miss M. G. Wells,l2l'South Thirteenth Street. '' A. T. Jewell, 1611 Vine Street. Contributions in money may be seutto the Chair man of either Committee. ap2l.6t§ [ffa "LINGERIE" DEPARIMENT AT THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR TES SANITARY_ COMMISSION, IN FRILAIM I I R RIrJUNE, 1564. TRIMALINGS, • RIBBONS, LACES AND The undersigned have been appointed to repro. sent the constituencies of the above Department in the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR at Phil-delpbia, which will excel all preceding .Fairs in the exte of its competitive displays of good's, and in the number of its prosperous visitors from the dl,tri buting and conemnirg biasses. They appeal to merchant', to tnatinfa:rturers, and others, at home and abroa.t„to sandal oune r to rW y of the memtere of the Cominittee here named, such donations of .15tEPNEV.,by good ii, 'they shall deem sortable, in aid of the object of he Fair. There need be no fear that too much can be sents, as the Trade stand ready to purhase from the De partment any excess of goods, whifeno guarantee is neei.ettforthe humane employment of all the funds entrusted to that no }c Commission the ret sulteof who - se laborg are a /noteworthy that they are carefully chronicled throughout the Christian world Donations tlrough this Committee will be duly acknowledg• d is thoaaleadiug Arnerieut journals most ilk. ly to be seen by the respective donors. Due credit for theitenniand the aggregate will given in the recorcs of the Fair, and it is .ex pected that the'comparteon with the achievements of other interests will not be other than creditable to tt ere represent, d by this Committee. To theuredit of ~ he trade, dealers in the above lines of goods ehonld Had no difficulty in arrang ing amicably for the transfer for the benefit of their own department, of any engagements elsewhere, which should, however. be henceforth avoided. Ls dies of this Committee will call for the good will offerings of those citizens on whose humanity they rely for tokens ,of remembrance for the brave men who sacrifice:health and limb to preserve the property and lives of theirneighbors at home. contributors who are ready, notify any of the un dersigned to call or send for their gifts. ' Contributors who maze individual and collept ive donations to this cause are themselves, in ef fect, good Samaritans at battle-field and hospital, relieving onr prostrate foes as well as succcoring the • gallant de fenders of our advanced civil irttion who chance to suffer in the maintenance of the welfare of the country. ROBERT A. MAXWELL, (of J. 0-. Maxwell & Son), Chai,maA. ',TER S. LB WIS. (of Lewis Bros. & Co. ) Alterna'e.. BENJAMIN G. GODFREY, (of B. G. God frey.. & Clo. ), Treasurer. GEOliGh T. STOKES, Corresponding Seere • 'Eery. DE WITT O. MOORE, Recording Secretary. JAMES M. BILLINGS, (of Billings, Roop do Co.) _ _ THEODORE WERNWAG, (of Shuff Warn wn ) SIGM. B. HORSTMANN, (of W. H. Horat•' manr, ns. THOMAS W. EVANS, (of T. W. Evans & Co.) WILLIAM HARDWICK, (of H. Di:airing & Co.) FR ANCIS LEE, (of Lee, Brother & Co.) M STONE, (of John Stone & Sons.) BENJAMIN HOQLEY, (of B. Hooley & Son.) HENRY C. MOORE, (or Armor. Young, Bro - her &- Co. ) THADDEUS W. MARKLEY, (of Markley & Shaffner.) WII LJABIGROSHOLZ, (of Wm. Grosholz & Co ) WILLIAM BROOKS, (of Brooks & Rosen . heim. ) JOhN A. ROPEY, (of F. S Hovey & Bro )' SAMUEL W. YAN CULIN, (of Joel J. Bally do Co. ) HENRY M. DAY. EDWARD M. NEEDLES. • LADIES' COMMITTEE. xis. J. WARNER JOHNSON, Chsirma n, No 535 Chestnut street. Mrs. ELL I STO N PEROT, No. 1032 Arch street+. Mrs. CHARLES S. OGDEN, No 413 MAraliali strPez. Mrs. THOMAS W. EVANS, No. Sm Chestnut. street. Pare. HENRY DUHRING,. No. 259 N. , Sista street. Mrs. H. C HARRISON. No. 931 Franklinst. Mrs. JOSEPH M. STODDART, No. North Sixth street. sae Mrs. JAMES CONSTABLE, No. 127 S. E gh teenth street Mrs. CHARLES W. WHARTON, No. 125 S. T wet rth street. Mrs. H. A. ItUHfiING. No. 1932 Spruce st. Mrs. JOHN H. LONGSTRETH, to. 218 West Logan tzgartre. In forwm die g contributions, please observe the following chrecnons:• Ist. Mark each box. package, thus : ge,or bundle, clearly, TRIMMINGS BRANCH. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR WAREHOUSE, P HILADELPHIA.. 2d. On one corner mark your name and county. 3d. Send by Express or Railroad Company, or= private hand, but do not prepay -charges. 4th. Mail to me , the iecelpt from the Express or Railroad Company, and 'a list of ,tbe melts, to getber with the donors' names. Notify me to send for the goods, when necessary, - sth. Let all cont ibutiont be lorwarded,"so as to be delivered at the. Warehou'e, rn. Philadelphia, before the 30th of May, the earlie'r th , better, oth. Let each, article be marked with its reasona ble value. ap`23 lm apl2-3m Ith Let every box, parcel or package, be well andn securely made, and the contents carefully pitched. • Every donation of money, or goods, will be promptly acknowledged. ' ROBERT A.. MAXWELL, Ohalrman. - Chestnut and Gil eventh els. ap2:2l, e, w 3 t 4 I' HE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN_: PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1864 THE GitEtlT CENTRAL FAIR, OF fice No. 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Nctice le hereby given that the Secretary-of the Tteesory has kir dlr ordered that all articles des- Ilned for the Great Cartral Fair, shall be admitted to eptryfrre of duty, and that: instructions to this efleet have been i.e.ned ,to the Collectors, of the Forts of Pt iladelphia, , New York; and Boston.. JOHN WELSH., - Chairrnan. r t. : PRACE Ht.IVAICD FunirEss, Sec' y. ccr GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. COMMITTEE ON ARDIS AND TROPHIES. - PIIILA.PELPHIA, April 25, 1.861. Contributions of any articles of interest for this Committee, for tale or exhibition, as well am of money, may be sent to any m.raber of this Com mittee, - and receipts will be returned by the Treasurer All packages sent to Colonel. Cr. IL CRC SATAN, United S , ates Army, Chairmin of the Committee, Northeast,corner TWELEPH and G-IRARD streets, by - Tiny of the Rail road or Express Comps nies;will be free of charAe. if, EDWIN NORTH; Secretary. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. -005.1- ILIV • MITTEE ON FINANCE AND DO.:7A TIONS, April :13, ISGt • • • • ADDITIuNaL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Pennsylvania Central Railroad slo,foo Norib'Perinsylvania. Railroad I,ooif Hon: J. R. Ingersoll 1,000 J. Rbea Marton Lam mercer & Ant 4 lo 1,000 l'a u tia al .A ssnran ea' Company 1,003 Prisi&nt and. Idrectors of Farmers and Mechanics' Rank 603 Dela‘vare.Mutrial Insurs.nce Company.-- 500 Cbas. Cambloss A; Co 25.) Jefferson rdin - • - 230 MGREAT CENTRAL FAIR, FOR THE U. S. SAI , ITARY 005111.11SsIONT. FFICE OF THE COMM!' ME ON RECEP TION OF GOODS, Room No 26 Washington. Building, No. :274 South THIRD street, Pnir.s.- DE.1.1911A. April 18, 1t6.1. The Committee on "Reception of Gods" are nos prepared to receive-any articles-designed for the lair, and would ask tue co-operation of the various branches of Trade and Industry, as thAr labors must necessarily be very arduous. Every package should be properly marked, and sent to the Chairman or any member of the Committee, who are anthonard to receipt and acknowledge the same. They are happy to inform the plane that all of the railrcad and express companies have gene. ro'usly offered to deliver packages to the Committee free of charge. AR. McIIENRY. Chairman.. E.H. ROWLEY, Secretary. Committee meet on Tuesday and Friday After. ntons, at 5 o' clock. A. R. hIcHENRY-, • I A. S. ROBERTS; Jr.,. - EDWARD H. ROWLEY, JAMES N. STO• E, • DAVID McCADID6ON, GEORGE A. 111cRINSTRY, Committee. S. S. J. I). ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN. JOSEPH HARRISON, ap22-Irtiq ay GREAT (JENTRAL FAIR. PHILADELPHIA. - HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL DEPART The Committee in charge of this Department re spectfully solicits contributions for either exhibi tion or sale, at the Fair in Stine next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables; also, Bouquets, Bouquets, Anti:Lan Leaves, Baskets of Flowers, Aquaria, • Floral Designs, Seeds, Hanging Baskets, Gardening. Books, Flower Stands, Fountains, Fern Cases, Horticultural Iron Work Aviaries, , t t Wire Work, Gardening Implements, 1 ,t China and Native Wine, Glass, Garden Seats and Vases, 1 — " 1 Pottery, Cut Flowers, 11 ed t t 1% .tx t t Lea t EMBROIDERI Pr ant oat Bouquets, , In Ehort Rnetic Adornments of every kind, or anything of a rural or ruatle character that doaz. not *strictly belong to the - Agrieultura Dapart ment. . Daily contributions of Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Designs, Baskets. &c ,so as to insure a constant and, reg ular stupply during the Fair, wilt be vary acceptable, and contributors will please arrange with the Chairman of the Coirimittee fir Baskets, Designs. and Bouquets, lair. ROBERT IC ILYI NO TON, Florist.l °east street, near Thirty-seventh, 'West Philadelphia, - as to the days on which their contributions will be req mired. Tally contributions of Fruits an d Vegambles; nDt only for exhibition and tale, but also for the use of the Restaurant, will alsobo thankfully received. The time fixed for opening the Fair, is tits FIRST* TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, and it will con tinue two weeks. All articles, - except cat flowers, fruits and vegetables, must be.. received on or be le* e the preceding day. . Donations from the interior of this Stite, and from Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by sty -public -conveyance,- tree of freight, and should be distinctly marked. 43.31. EAT (JEN 't It L SQ.tTARE, Pin LA.D EL PHI A, HORTIC ULT LT it - DEPARTIIENT. Care of D. R. Kin,O, • 7.4. n Cheztnvt street, "Fcr ' or 4 .11x Exhiiition, ,, as may be desired Bills of lading should also be' for warded to the same rs. J. REIEtk Ban-rON, Chairman of Ladle= Committee. aptr-s, w je.:4 D RODNEY E I Chairman of Gentlemen's Committee. UN.ON STAXE CQPi V EMPICON.—The loyal men of Pennsylvania, comprising the Na.ional Union Party, will meet in State Conven tion in the Ball ot the house of Representatives, at HARRLSBURG, at noon, on TI3URSDAY, April a , t, 19411. Each district will be entiti.d to the same repro sentation it now has in Inc State Legislature, and the de-legates will be choi:en at such times and is such manner as shall be directed by the respective County Committees. . The State Convention is called for the purpose of placing in nomiiiation an .Electoral ticket, select ing delegates at large to the National Convention 01 the Union party to .he held at Baltimbra on the 7th of June, and taking such action as it may deem proper in reference to the approaching Presiden tial canva7s. The seleCtion of the distriet delegates 'from Penn sylva.nia to the National Convention is left—A-here it properly belongs—to the people assembled in their ilkunty Conventions; tint the different County Committees are earnestly requested to adopt subs measures as will procure a full attendance at their respective Conventions, and thereby secure, in the choice of delegates, mull and fairexpression of the will of the people. The committee cannot forbear to congratulate all !overt of liberty and the Union upon the recent triumps of the good cause in New Hampshire and Connecticut, and to express the hope shared by all loyal men, that they are only the forerunners of more splendid victories soon to be won in the same cause alike by the bullet and the ballot. In behalf of the Union State Central Committee. WAYNE DIoYEAGH, Chairman. Gro. W lielinnetacx, 2 s ecretar i en apg.tft. W. W. HAYS, irrOFFICE BOHEMIAN MINING CoM PANY OF MICHIGAN, No. 132 WAL-' NUT street, PHILADELPHIA; April 19th, 1954. Notice is hereby given that an Assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per Share on each and every share of the Capital stock has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the 'Bohemian Mining Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 132 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 15th day of MaY,"lB6l. . . By order of the Board of Directors. apittrayls§ WM. L. MAOTIER, HILTON'S CEMENT.— The Insoluble lA Clement of the hiessis Hilton Brothers is car. y the best article of the kind ever Invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its.use many dollars MU be saved in the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or' become corrupt, as its comb' nation is on scientific principles, and under no air. csumstances or change of temperature will It emit any offensive smell. Tito various uses to WiliOtt it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all classes For particulars ass ruivertlsamout PANT TREASURER RDEPARD pox _ —PHILADELPHIA, Aprll2o, 1061. lENr. NOTICE TO STOURHOLDERS.—The Board of‘Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of national and State taxes, payable on and after May 16, 1.r.6 I. Blanks powers of A ttorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Compa n y, No.. 00 South Third street. . Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2d. - • ap2l- tjel - PHILADELPHIA AND READING u.„ - gßailroad company, Office 47 Soo.th. Fourth Street. PRILADEIPEFIA, September% 11363, DIVIDEND- NOTICE. —The following named Persons are entitled to a Dividend on tbLe common crock of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and it is therefore necessary that the' Certificace of_Stock . should be presented on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Troas ture r. _ B rocurgoznims' tfAtins. Timothy C. Boyle, Henry B. Sherer, S. Lancaster,: Andrew Turner :Ran Meatyre, lairs. Rebecca Ulrich. Ltenjami. Newport, _ . fe26-tfl SPEOLtd, NOTICES. Vreviously reported . A' E. BOR LE, Ohairrnii.%9:2s Dried Fruit, Foreign or Exotic Fruit, Wax Fruit, Garden Statuary. THO 2. T. FIRTH, Treasurer SPECIAL NOTICES CWA COURSE OF LECTURES- ON . BOTANY, with frequent excursions in the environs of the city, for practical .-study will be delivered in the Scientific and Classical Institute 011ESTNUT street, Northwest corner of Twelfth street, beginning at 5 o'clock, April 27th. Entrace on Twelfth street. Introductory iectaretree. • ap2l•fit* By S. ENNIS*, Principal. PASSENGER — RAILWAY NOME. PIIILAD.ELPILIA, April 23 kb/. At a meeting of the Board- of Presidents of the City Ptvkenger Railways it was resolved that' on: and after May Ist next, smoking will be prohibited on all parts of the cars. ap2s tf HENRY CROSKEY, Seey.'l „D EL A. WARE AND RARITAN RAILOAD' COMPANY, Anntll3, 1331. , r,The Slabkholders of the above COmpany will meet• on TUESDAY, the 10th of May nest, at their Office, in PRINCETON, N.J., at i 2 o'clock, M., to elect nine Directors far the ensuing' year. apl6tmylU JOHN P. STOOKTON. Sec' y. ErrSURUYLKILL SUSQUEHANNA Railroad Company, Office; 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, April 4, tS6I.—T , e Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or this companyand an election for President , and Six Managers will take.plsce at the office of, the company on MON DAY, the 2d. day of May next at 11. 0' clock, 5.1.. apsrmy* W-843-13,-Secretary, or. 6"AP COMt'ANY.—The A.n nnal Meeting of stockholders of the GAP MINING COMPANY. will be held at their offi.e, No, 136 South THIRD street, on MONDAY ttie second day of May, at 4 de eloctc, P. DV, at which time and place an election will be held for live Directors to serve for the ensuing year. avls-tmy2 6 F. S. lIDECIIC.LEY, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC 113 COMPANY,. No. 121 WALNUT STREET, rilk,ADELrflii; April 19, 1861 —The Annnal mert,ng of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH Z C COMPANY will be..held on WEDNES Ilkolklay 4th prox., at-11 o clock A. M , for the election of seven Directors t I serve for the' en suing 3 ear, *lnd for the transaction of other busi ness. GORDON MONUES, aplS-14t5 Secretary. NeiTlfJi''•—Appli;;atton will be made for the i , isne of new certificates in the (lawns. Ron Mining Company, of iiitChigan, the folloWing nor :ideates having been lost or mistilidt No. 23R, 50 set.: No. c3e• In sits.; No. 393, 30 sits.; No. 411, 3, bcti :Pis.; No 113. Lolls she.; and N 0.416,450 she. All in the r ame of CLEMENT MA.ROEL. rnrNOTICE.—The Anonal iXee , ing of the BARCLAY COAL COMPANY, will be held at their Ofttce, Northwest corner FOURTH nrd WALNUT eireets, on MONDAY, May 2d, ltfA, at 12 o'clock nooS when an Election will be held for a PRES!DENT and SIX HIRED -1 ORS to serve the ensuing )ear. HARVEY SHAW, a4)15-1, w, 6th Secretary. ErOFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY COAL CO., 1214 Cif EST NUT STREE r, PUILADELPIIIA, April 18, - 15'61 'I he annual meeting of t•tockholders and election for directors will be held at the °Mos of this cont• pany on MONDAY, May 2, 15G1, at 12 o'clock. W. P. ATKINSO.N, ay2l-23-25 _ secretary. 17.4. MEEI.ING 01 THE sr, icKHo L DEas of the Bloomsburg' Iron Company, will be !arid at tbe Compa y's Office at Irondale, Colnaa. bia county; Fa. , on NV EDNE•=I),3Y, Dray tstb, Itt6l, for the purpose of electing Nine Directors to serve the ensuutg Sear, and for the transaction of otter bnsiut-se WM. E. S. B AKER, Tres. and SeCy, No. •213 North Water street. PHILADYLPHLA, April 16, 161. air 20,27, m 3,10, 17 5.1.1 k ry•-• OEFILIE OF THI.; SHIM/SHINNY COAL' AND IRON COMPANY, 230 WA LN UT street, April Notice is hereby given to the Holders of the SEVEN PER CLNT. MORTGAGE BONDS of this company, that the Conixins doe Bltty-lst ISBI, kill to paid on.the 3tith April, on presentation at the Bank of o.mmerce, free of. tate, or National Tax. GEORGE HELMUTH, ar2o-54 Treasttrer. DTTit EASURY DEPARTMENT —Ori , rou OP. COMPT2,OLLP.B. OP TILE CUTLESNOT, ASIIINGT(nt, Feb. 26th, incrett,, 13y satisfactory evidence presented to the nederviened, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the - ,onnty of Philadelphia, and Sate of Penneylvd-. oia, has been duly organised under and according ro the requirements or the act of Congress, entitled un act to provide a' national • currency, secured ay a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide tar the circulation and redemption. thereof," ap oroved lebrnary. - 25tb, 1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the businen of Baulting, Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch. Clomptroi ter of the tharreurq, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PIIILADEL PELLA. co tnty of Philadelphia, and Stile of Penn sylvania, 1s authorized to commence the business Of Fluaking,,,under the act aforesaid. - - - . In testimony whereof, _witness my hand and gee' ••?f °thee, this twenty-sixth day of Februsry. HUGH hIoGULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. 151 EETI NGS FOR PRAY ER. —The judg ;kg ments of God are upon-usl%3' our sins,.. and the great dangers which beset us, as a people, call fcr Spec's! Prayer. We urie upon our fellow ministers and fellow Christians generally, to meet in the following cen tral Churches of dtiferent denomtna•i•eas, in rota tion, one hmir daily, at 5 o'clock P. AI., for united pray, r, viz 7, FOP. THE WEEK COMMENCING APRIL IS. Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal)—Monday and Thursday. Prrshytergn Churcb, Penn Stinare—Tuesday and Fs ay. Banns: chnrch, Broad and Arch—Wednesday and SAtutday. 11. A. Boardman, Presbyterian. Thomas Brainerd:. Presbyteintn. Riebare Newton, Episcopal. Jos. 11. Kt /11111jd, .Bapt Bi. D. W. Battine Methodist. J. IL Suydam, Reformed Dutch. F. licf.:w..en, Dlethodist S. Enalmg, Presiding , Elder, Methodist. Albert Barnes - , Presbyterian. S. H. G iesy, German Reformed. F. Church. United Presbyterian. J. 11. A. Bomberger, German Reformed. T. tii. Crsixell, presbyterian. J. Wheaton Smith, Reptist. .J B. United Presbyterian. E. F. At!enas. Fiesbyterlan. Pen's Wortman, Reformed Dutch. J. A. Vangban, Episcopal. W. W. S'pear, Epi-copal. R. 0. Matlack, Episcopal. D. A. Cunnieglitm, Presbyterian. . T. 0. Anders.un. ' P. c —At a meeting of ministers attending the above set viets, it was resolved, in co( sequence of zte great interest '32.lnel:tested, to eonti nue the meeting another week, commencing April 15th, to the same order.• 7 hey request that notice may be given 113 ministers generally. npl2-6t* WELECTRICITY. OK AND LIVE! A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! All diseased conditions, both acute and chronic, where there is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at MO Walnut street, Philadelphia, and In case of a Mauro in most obstinate maladies, no charge is made. Elc.ic n teal Institution, established about five years ago by Professor Bord.ms. _Read the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in ccinmunities„ dooming 100, COO ycntlas, of bath sexes- annually to an early grave. , These diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous deal - its, rein xataor, and great exhaustion, msrasmns, or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the Nobble body, shortness of breathing, or too harried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis,,and a di y, sore throat, trembling and shaking of the arms and-lower limbs, aversion to society, business, anti to study': sometimes' (tartness of the eyesight, loss of memory, dizziness of the head, neuralgia, pain in various, parts, of the body, pains in the back and lower limbs, lum bago, dyspepsia,fconstipatiou of the bowels, de ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many other glatds of the body, producing virulent diseases In both males iand females, - likewise epilepsy, hyis te,ria, and different, forms of nervous spasms. Now, then, nmety,nine cases out of every hun dred of all, the above named diseases, and a host of others not named,' as consumption of the icings or of the spinal nerves, have - their origin in the pelvfe viscera, hence the want of success , by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above named maladies are treatedand cured by Professor Bolles', at 1.) Walnut street. D 'STASES OF FEMALES. prolapsus Uteri, heucorritcea, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea. AU the above diseases and other Uterine complaints have their- origin in a loss of the vital power of Lbelbody,brought on by injuries, excesses, sedentary habits, personal abases, abor tions; and the use of powerful medicines. some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains through the hips and back - , weakness of the limbs, and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire system The effects produced from these troublesome'maladies are almost multitudinous. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Deafness, Blindness, Pits, Insanity . aud. even Idiocy are not uncommon. ' No effectual-or reliable remedy has ever been found for these alarming complaints - till oar late discovery in the use of. Electricity in strict accor dance with the - potitive and negative polar autos of the Uterine Organs. Wo never failed in curing all of tbe-mbove diseases, except in case of or ganic ds.riau gemeits, or severe injuries ot the parts. At 1210 WALNUT the t .Philedelphia. Con sultation tree , aPl4-1311* SPECIAL: - NOTTOF,S,. OFFICE OF THE etaL eiDELPEIIA. - EXCHANE COMPANY. r!.ll.lLADEpsicie, The Managers have ibis day declared a dividen4 of T7O IiOLLAIIS per share, clear of all taxes, payable-on and after sth proximo. - HENRY D. SHERSERD, -• ap2s• tms ,, Treasurer. • For. THE ANNUAL MEETLNG OF THE •Stockbolders of the Gre-n Mountain Coal rapany will be held on TUESDAY, May 10, 1E64, at 12 o' clock noon, in room No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, in the City of Philadelphia, for the purpose of electing Five Directors to serve the ensuing year. The Transfer 'Rooks of the Company will be closed on the 30th inst., and will be re-osier ed on May 15. .W.M. S. GREEN, apl3-w, fAmtmylo* Secretary. ErrOFFICE OF THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY RAI ROAD AND TRANSPORrA TION COMPANY, BOHDENTOWN, March 28th, 1804. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at BOR DEN TOWN, N. J., on TBUR.SDAY, 28th April next, at 1211. , in the Office of the Company, for the election of seven Directors, to serve for the en /ping year. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, mb2Stap..29§ Sec' yC. &A. R.R. & Trans. Co. arUNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COAT MTSSION..-SUKRIARY TO JANUARY 1, 1864: Work now in Progress in the Army at Ben— Christian Commission Stations largely increased in Pi uthber—The Work Abundantly Prospered— Many more &atolls needed to meet the wants of the Army— Unprecedented Call for Delegates and Stipplies--Preparations fOr the Coming Campaign, with ifs Movement. and J.3attles. The Christian Commis,,ibn depends mainly npon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loyal Christian People. 'NCR EASING WANTS DEMAND IN CREASED LIBERALITY.. VReceipts of Money, Stores, &c., to, January 1, 1864, 51,148 613 434. Number of Boxes of Stores, Sc., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 16,130. Number of Delegates sent, 1,563. Copies of Scriptures distributed, 568,275: Hymn and Psalm Books, str2, 556; Knapsack Booki, 1,370, - 318; . Library Books, 43,163: Pamphliits, 155,145; Ben gions Newspapers, 3,316-250; Pages ofTracts, 22,13.3e,41.8, Silent Comforters. 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seised the present goiden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its w - .rk for the good of the Soldiers _ STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, and clothing, 'comforts and reading matter for gra tuitous distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, In numbers greater than ever before, have been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments, bat teries and camps without Chhplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the soldiers. A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been antlieently extended to establibh stations and superintend the work. THE BLF-SSI NG OF GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains nnreached, and doable the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Comm' ision offers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all its various fields. The money given goes in full measure, 'ln benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegatg from home, who add words and deeds of kit dness to the gifts. when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Storey, and the work .will be don?. The large corps of Delegates— now in the field will serve as a grand corps of rel.ef when the armies shall move and battles be fought, and the greater their number the more prompt and effec tive will be the relief they f.hall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for the cry of the wounded and oyirg before pro viding relief. - Send now and send abnndantly both money and stores, . and the _soldiers' blessing shall be upon you. Send money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank, and stores to GEORGE R. STUART, Chairman Christ.an Cimmissinn, No. 13 BANK street, Philadelphia. W. E BOAMDILA.24 Secretary trilaS-tfo rtnitod Stiles O. fl FOTt.SALE AN . TO LET de TO RENT—West Phi:adelphia—a desirable J - Mthree-story Dwelling, with all conreniences. Apply on prernesis, Walnut St., East of 35th. Rent IRU. lapW-nt* FOIL. ;SALE —An elegant RESIDE:4;IE, beantttnllY stinated opposite St. Ittrk's. Church on lA,CUST etreet. Apply ;o GEORGE. W. CHILDS,' 6*"an46;leCtiestmutst,ceet . ap25.64 oil FOR. SALE.— A watt stone DWELLING, Wept Philadelpnia, .SPRUCE street, above Forty-fourth. Apply at'lb3 WALNUT street (op stairs). ap).s fie.. FOR BALE —The PROPERTY 1619 ARCH street— double House, lot - 42 by 160. Apply tot+. H. ROBINETT. Iltd) GREEN street, or J P. EOBINETT. 2North SECOND st. apl4.lm* FOR SALE.—handsome BRO WN STONE ja.HOUSE, Spruce Street, West of 17th Street, replete With all modem convenience. C. H MUIRREID, apf..2.6t. 7 No. iliX3 Sinth Sixth Street. Fi,R ."NALE. —N.ands,nne and convenient REzl DENOE, FIFTH street, below NUBLE, 95 feel front by SO feet deep. Apply to JOHN H. WEEKS. apts.T2te S W. coruer Fifth and Noble. tgla TO RENT—a. beautifully situated double Eel COUNTRY RESIDENCE, three minutes' walk from Wissinoming Station, on Trenton Rail. road; with coacb-bone and garden. Apply No. 717 WALNUT street. apS-tf§ ea FOR SALE, CHEAP. va.nable ka r t DINCE In Burlington. Also, D WELLLNG with sde yard, JEFFERSON street. east of BROAD. R J. DOBBINS, apt2l-mlcs.Et* No. BS S. Fourth street ala THE FARA( HoUSE A r H LATAION TO N Nei STATION, Onmden and Attantiz Railroad, To Rent for the Season, for- a B larding House, containtrg eleven rooms; an airy, pleasant and healthy location. Apply to JOHN STE WART, Architect, 427 WALNUT street ap2a-ht§ TGLE T.—A COTTAGE, delightfully M . situated for a Summer Residence, near Nor ristown. containing four good-sized R'oms on first and seconi fl _or each, and fwoin attic—and of easy access to the city by Railroad, eight times daily. Apply to J. F. .IVHITALL, on premises, or through NorriEtowL P. O. apfl6 tu, th, e, 6t* FOR SA LS. —COUN TRY RESIDNOB it.l7 and FARM of SO acre, substantial Dwelling and Barn on the Bethlehem Pike, miles from North Wales Station, North Pennsylvania-Rail road. Finely located and at low price.. Apply to J. H. WEEK-, :TM la* S. W. corner Fifth and Noble. ZTO RENT—A serge DWELLING HOUSE, weil.shadett, stable and carriage house, good water, variety of fruit, and six acres of land; within' two sauares of West Philadelphia Passen ger Railroad. • Immedinte possession. Apply to WILLIAM ESHER No. 311-WALIWT street, or 6t . ::3 North SEVENTH street. aye2.2-6t* FOR SALE—School House, near German town, a desirable country seat. A large mo dern STONE DWELLING, with all conveni ences, Stone i Stable and Coach House, Ice House, &c. Several acres of ground handsomely planted and shaded. Apply at 111 OHESTNUT Street. . [aptl6-st* COUNTRY SEAT AND .\FARM FOR SALE.—One-half or all that valuable Stone post Farm of 100 acres, BRISTOL. TURNPIKE. above the seven-mile stone, and near Tacony, with a. line view of the Delawaite river, Ac. Mansion bouse and ether dwellings to letj also, factory and *inithshop. App33 , on the premises, or R. WHITAKER; No. 610 Locust street. apB-20t* TO stENT FOR VIE SUALIVIER.—a. de- BEI - Sirable House and Garden, with pleasant _yard and good shade trees, in the village or WOODBURY. N. J. Easy of access to the city by the West Jersey Railroad. With or without the furniture. -- Possession given immediately. :Apply to apl3-Imj DAVID COOPER, 18 North Whayea FOR SALE. —The Property on shoo] Ma Rouse Lane, fralltilig eight hundred and sight (650) feet dn stud Lane, and extending nearly one-third of a mile to the Wissahickon, with front on that strotTri. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous desirable sites for Country Seats, live minutes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minuted walk from the oily: Apply to CHARLES U. NW IRE RID, No. 205 South SU= et. 126-80 FO SALE.—OHESTNUT HILL MAN- Ea. SIC 'N and GROUNDS on SUMMIT street, within flvo minutes walk of:Railroad Depot,over looking miles of country. The House is of Stone of excellent build and possessing every con venience. ,The lot is 200'feet trout by 315 feet deep, well planted with trees Terms accomodating. 1 1, 1 3 P 1 9 to - JOHN H. WEEKS, apls-12t* S. W. cor. Fifth and Noble. muFOP. tiALt..'. —A very desirable lot of ground sittlate on_ the north side of Spring earden' sp ett SO feet 10 inches west of 18th street, 1..1 feet f{ .t by about, 171: te.r. d'ep This lot is in the immediate vi• May of the most desirable improve- Meats of Itmh hLI; artioining new Bapttst altur , ll and commands a very extensive-view-'over the city; would be divided , to suit purchasers. 41..yp1r to , • 4.3 ' • sped.let* S. W. corner Spring Garden and 13th • FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE--A desirable Property for In- Llayeatment, on Sergeant street, abOve Ninth. Lot 47 feet by GI feet deep.. J. X. GITEDNIEYek SONS, 303 Walnut street. - • maCOUNTRY PLACE.—Wanted to purchase a well improved summer -residenc.., atm c le to 20 acres, within five miles of the M.y. Apply to S. E. CURTIS Z S9N," Real Estate Brokers, .I'4 Walnut street. MR SPILL C E mia desirable E•ST fonr•story T bris.k DWELLING. with three-story back-buildirtga, 13(13 SPIMIE street; replete vith'every convenience— Apply to J. H. OVRTIS tc SON, Real Estate Brokers, 431 Walnut street. La7o h E LET.—A three-story Brick Dwelt.. ing tt ith three-story - double back buildings, Twenty.first street, oppowde 'Surnnaer, between Race and Vine streets Rade*, furnace, bath. eas. ace. .Apply to J. H. CORTI & SON, Real tate Brokers, 433 Walt nt street. 41187.4 r FOR bALE—g handsome fotir-Aory IFH:4 residence ' with three-story double bi... 117 butid tugs, every-rneeitrn convenience, in peifect order throngbout, vial lot of g - ronnd 20 feet. f rout by 117 feet deep, to a 20 feet wide - street, situate No. 1331 Filbert street. Immediate pose sion given. J. M GUALISIEY & SONS, 503 IVglnutSt. • DE.S4IAI3LEUWELLINGFOI MlThe convenient, handsome y located, three. story DWELLING, No. lil7North ELEVENTH Street, below Dlonnt "Vernon street, east side. built in the very best mapr, er, witt. doab:e three-story back buildings and all the modern convenience=. Immeoiate possession. Terms, accommodating Aptly text aoor to the property, or to A. B. CA.R VER & CO , Conveyancers, corner tiinth and' Filbert Streets. ' [arr...kit4t* COUNTRY SEAT AND PAlialf".• SALE—Containing fifty -ET:. • acres, :" handsomely situated in Dheltenha.ra Uontgoinery conety, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one ar.it fro= Yogi Road Station, on the North PenusylTania road. The buildings are nearly new, - subst._runial end well calculated for P. whiter'or summer rereiw lance. Apply to C. H. MUDIEMID, 2:1 South SIXTH street. Philadelphia. ; sates-tf4 S H A R,O N.—FOR SALE—The property known as the SHARON INSTITUTE, :Liu ate l mile below the Passe, ger . R E. depot at Darby. Improvements consist of a large stone building formerly occupied as a Ladies.' Seminary, wish accornildations for one hundred poptis, 2 tenant houses; ban s„' spring bonzes, ice house, and all other necessary out buildings.- Ce 3 acres of land attached, which mulct ce. etivided advan tageously into building sires of 5 or 15 acres each. The buildings will be sold with any porti or of the ground if pi eferri d 3. .M. 011111.111.EY Or:SONS, 5t2 Walnut street. ap•.:l ell TO 111.. i ”..E AN I;ooUNT.—rossession .Eg in a few days. A rare chance fo • an inve,t ise.nt. FOR SALE—No. 9.4 . 21. BRANDYWINE Street, between Spring Garden and Green streets. west Irom Twent:eth street. a desirable part of the clitv, a neat, three-etory BRICK HOUSE, with two story tack bni'dings, g.,rdert, iron railing in front: has eaz, bath. &c..; modern conveniences; lot 16 feet tront.by 6t deep to a uacg ontlet. Pri :e, 51.500 mast remain on mortgage. W,Il rent for S3VO per annum. 'Apply to EruaN dr HILLIER, lat South Fourth street aye2t3-30 MBFOR SAL F.- —The -superior D WELLINT3. No- 1916 VINE street, near Lozan Square, Lot 18 feet front by 100 feet seep, to Winter street The house is four stories high, with three-s , ory 'ha k buildis gs. and dnished throughout is the best manner, with large parlor.' chambers, bath room, conservatory for - flowers, dining room, kitchen, and all the modern conveniences found in a frst-cla a hc use. _Possession can be had imme diately. Price. S.lO, WO, of which $l,lOO can remain on the pzipperty. HARVEY SHAW, 151 South FOURTH street. - awn- tl6 Olt FOR SALE. —A very desirable Country Seat; good STONE MANSION, containing 1,5 mi. ins,' with v randah on two sides of the build ing; a handsome lawn well shaded; superior vege tabie garden, with permanent beds of choice berries: a young and tbnfty. apple orchard: aLso choice varieties of Standard, Pear and Cherry Trees in full bearing: n , w Coach House with stabling, for six .horses. Situated .1)6 miles from Market street bridge, and ~%• mile from City Avenue Station on P. nnsylvania Railroad. Two-third of pnrcha.e - money may remain an Mortgage. Inquire at 219 CHESTNUT street. apti-gt* z tlla PUBLIC SALE.—Of a HANDSOME EU COUNTRY- RESIDENCE, on THURS DAY, April tith, 1961. at 2 o'clock, on the -f -mises situate in JENKINTOWN, on the old York Road, half mile Intim Railroad Station, bit e miles from the city; containing about 3 Acres of Land. The improvements are a two. story Cottage built of brick, rough-cast; 12 rooms with one story back Kitchen. finished and pap'red tbrout boutFurcace in cellar- Range in kitchen; Frame stable and other • out- bultdingst two wells with pumps, soft water; fine springs on rear of lot; large gaiden -, fruit of all kinds; beautiful share trees, shrubbery, /cc.' Possession im. mediately. Conditions on day of sale. ap6,"cr,s4ttt THOMAS P.: IHANYPENNY. OT ON SPRUCE sTR.Et. T, by Twenty-fonrttt J SAT. et: t 5 feet front on Spruze street by ltrJ feet in depth to Manning street. Will be sold or let on grant d rent F.t the low rate of lt3 75 per foot: water pipe laid in Manning street, and tM gronifd tree from every inenmbrance. Apply A. B.: CAR TER a: CO., Ninth and Filbert e. ,- sp2l.6t* TU LET.—Large and &small ii.o ay stairs, 1112 and Bid ESTNTIT srmat. fesl-tt GROCERIES LW CROP TEAS.—Choice new crop Grant anci,Black Teas, of the late - st importatioa, in store and for sale by M. F. SPI.LLIN, Tea Dealer and Grocer, Iconftwest corner of Arch snd Eighth streets. ap 2t FRGS:'BOSTON AND TRENTON oßlDif: ERG, of all varieties, for sale by WI F. SPIL LIN, Northwest con Arch and Eighth. sts. ap Et MS, .DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES.— l 1 'Very superior Jersey Hams, choice Dried of and large Tongues, for sale by M. F. SP.I. LIN, Northd - est con Arch add Eighth sts. apt 11AMILY FLOUR.—Splendid Family Flour, by r the barrel, or in small bsp, for sale by M.F. SPILLIN, Northwest corner Arch and Eighth. streets. - ap2l. filkA, SUGAR. AND COFFEE. —A choice as -11 of flue Black and Green Tess, prime uld Government Java, MA cba, Laguayra, Rio and Maracaibo Ccffre; patent cut Loaf Sugar, .Lover ing's dobble refined Loaf, Crushed and Pulverized Sugars. For sale at the low est prices,by THOMP SON BLACKS SON, Broad and - Chestnut ate. EXTRA FINE SALAD OIL. —Fresh' Bordeaux Olive Oil, of V, celebrated brands of ~ E . S. z-nyres" and t ...T. Latour," also, prire Virgin Oil of Air, in quart and pint bottles.' For sale by the case or single bottle, by THOMPSON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chestnut streets. 0141 E OIL,— connoisseurs and those want thgV the best Olive Oil, we havenst received a lot of the celebrated virgin oil of 4tx; also, Olives Farcies of our importation, and for sale by.SIAIOX COLTON & SON, Si W. Broad and Walnut a ts. T CART' S BROKEN CANDY.—Just IT eel e d 13 Stuart's Broken Candy, and r sale by SIMON COLTON & SON, S. W. broad and Walnut. CALIFORNIA PORT.—Suitable for invalids kj from its purity,-and to the public generally from its being a rich; fruity wine, and for sale by •zIAION GOLTON do SON, S. W. Broad and Walnut. OLIVE OIL! FRESH OLIVE 011.. Just re ceivEd a lot of fine Table Oil in whole, half and quarter bottles. Imported and for sale by E. B CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Main street. adjoining R. R. Depot. Germantown.. ACABONL—UurIed Italian Macaroni, fresh In and very choice, for sale by E. B. OLA.R . B.E, dealer in fine groceries, 'Main street, adjoining F. Depot Gettnantovn, Tx/ lILOWE'S Green Corn, French Peas VV ar d Boneless Sardinps for sale by E. B. CLA.BRE, Family Gr 'Ter, Alain street, adjoining B. R. Depot Gerillaritown. jENV PRESERVED GINGER —St i.lO per jar Just received and for sale at COUbTY'S, No 119 South Second street mir23 NEW MAPLE SUG A R—Very' bright, in store and for sale at COUSTY'S, No. US South Second street. OBIATOES IN GLASS. too doz.. Fresh T Tomatoes in Glass Jars—s very superior article, fox sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Walnut and Eighth Streets, PRIME` NEW DUTCH. MERRlNG—Ancho vies, Grissom., and Maraschino, for sale at COUSTY!.S. No. 318 South Second street. SMOKED S = ON AND HERRING;._ Smoked salmon and Yarmouth Herring, Just received, and for Bale .TA'NT'F'S R.. Walnut and Eighth Streets. R.:FINED SUGARS Abi 13 SIRUP* OF ALIA grades manufactured at the'Southwarb Sugar finery and the Grocers - Sugar- Reese; for s al4 by E. C. & CO., Sonthettst:.enrial Water and, elter4aq4seet.. - EIKJOATION,. INFANT'S RETREAT. • • • MEDIA,- DELAWARE CO., PA: • iyms, SAtiUEL EDWARDS,. Principal . l'hir. , Institution, providing a refined luims anti the tan. Merest care and .culture, tor - Children thin threw in seven years bf age will he openeiton Wednea, day, APRII:I3. — Maths is-:t3—rnites 'front delplua by Railroad, For paiticulars apply VI Rev. S. Edwards, Media, .pa., • Ilf•fe.reaciesti,:, Bishop Potter, Bish.op Stevens,' and the Bpi's. copal Clergy. of`tits city ;alto 'tcr 'aiiranank Martin, 'tut ' ' ' l3 k 7 4lnf •