Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1864, Image 4
BITSINEISS NOTICES. DYE!I • it i y i D efflaMELf}ti r • yrs is the best in the World. The on' AT H ars ae r , Tres and Beiiabts Dyelmown. This splendid Hal; De is perfect—al:MO Red , Rus t :f or Grey Hair, isistantly to a Glossy Black or Nal-„ e x Brows " with. ggi Injuring the Hair or Staini ,- .4 the skin, leaving firs hair soft and beautiful• i".aparts fresh *vitality, frequently restoring its pr _ s tifle color, and rectifies ms 111 effects of bad Dy"Js. Tile genuine is signed Warier& A. BATCHIPIm, all others are mere imi tations, and shou l d - oe avoided. Sold by all Druz thrtst._&°• FA C T ORY-81 BAR CLAY street, N. "g. . Hew Toilet Cream for dressing tas rlatr.. seltheißcurg'lizwPlo K aglowiti that their Mantraetory of First-Class o Fortes is nova lufull operation. The general galletsetion their many Pianos, sold already, meet Wt by competent judges, enables them to assert SlOnfidezitly that their Piano Fortes are not sur- Wined by any manu.thea. red in the United States. ram respectfully invite the musical public to call land examine their inezuments, at the Sales Room, 'lO. 48 North Third Street. Full guarantee given, aid prices moderate. LEH.MH LOVNEIT MOUNTAIN AND Maws nwrsit, w Ears Anast., oarefnuy aeleoted and prepared for family use, free from n/ate and dust, ittlivered promptly and warranted to give in/A:Satisfaction, at prices as low as the /Meat for a goal article. Luxe COAL for found. VW, and Olin . au J. COAL for steam purposes, at Rholesate prices. An assortment of lirmlonv, OLE and Prna WOOD, kept constantly on hand. 4,L10, an excalent article of BLACKSMITH' El GOAL, delivered Dos of carting to any part of the city. A OW of this coal will secure your custom. Send your ordinal() THOMAS S CAKELL, Ofdoes, ES Walnut street. Lombard and y Tvrenty-futh street. Worth Penns. fine stoet wharflvaniaßailroad, Schuylkill.and Kanner street TEED COLD SPRING- ICE COMPANY. Micas and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the Con °Mated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. MASON PIANOS. TVIT.Trir s • • 07,5 1 CABINET ORGANS. PIANOS. J. E. GO Seventh and I:Mestuut. INOELic CO. 28 (TZOK 00. 7 S CABINET ORGANS.— These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts throughout the country, and pronounced by Wm and thousands of the best artists in America, THE V/WEBT REED INSTRIIKENTS , IN THE WORLD. They ere rapidly superseding Melodeons. For Ban in'Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut, ELECTRICITY.--Oancer, Goitre, Tumors, and all foreign growths, cured by special guaran tee, at the Electrical Institute, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. GENTLEMEN'S HA W TE.-Ail the newest and best styles for Spring ear, in Felt, Silk and Cassimere, will be found at WARBURTON'S, No. 430 Chestnut street, next door to the Post Office. A NEW LEA,E OF LIFE. ANEW .L.EASE OF LIFE _ - Dr. Rulway' s Pills have granted me a new lease of life. For fifteen years I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Indigestion . I have taken a cart load Of pills of different makes, but the re lief afforded by their operation was at the cost of severe suffering from Piles. If I stopped taking these pills one week, the old difficulty would trouble me. lat last struck a vein of gold, in Rad way' s Pills—the first dose acted go differently from all other pills, that I hoped for a cure—six boxes made a new man of me; I am completely cured. No straining, no piles, no weakness followed their use. I gained strength with their use. I have not taken any physic for over a year, and am as rugged, strong and hearty asn bear. JAMES W. FOSDICK, Clinton Town,Clinton county, N. Y. Dr. Radway's Medi cines are sold by Druggists everywhere. RADWAY is CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. HIGGINS'S BRIGHT THOUGHT. BY THB BARD OP TOWBB. HALL. T. Higgins, I esteem, in troth, To be a 'very worthy youth, i7eady, industrious and grave; But yet, his turnof mind is such, Tb at he appears somewhat too much Engrossed in trying how to save. He, from.the earnings of each day, • Had in his trunk, snug stowed away, Of greenbacks .quite a mighty roll; And, though his dress so shabby grew, That it raised mirth and pity, too, Thonghtsof his treasure cheered his soul. But lately, when the journals told Of the great rise in price of gold, Higgins perused it with a start. 'My greenbacks—oh, what keen distress! Each day in worth are growing less; To hoard them is a foolish plrt. mast at once my. cash invest In that way which shall prove the best; But, to begin, I'll lay out some In genteel clothes at TOWER HALL, That kind of property won't fall In worth, whate' er disaster come!" We have the largest and best assortment of Olcift ing in Philadelphia, of all styles, kinds and sizes, including a full asscrrtintne of Youths' and Boys' Clothing. TO WER HALL, SIS Market street, BENNETT & CO. . . EVENING BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1864. THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN. There are but few strategic newspaper writers nowadays. The scores of campaigns planned in leading editorials, during the past three years, all failed to be carried out. Our generals had different ideas from our mili tary editors, and refused to take their ad. _ - vice. Or, when they did, by chance, take —it, something turned up to bring defeat instead of victory. On the other hand, our great victories have generally been won in total violation of the plans of journalists and civilians. Farragut followed no such plans when he captured the forts near the mouth of the Mississippi and moved up to New Orleans. Grant at first tried the plans praised by newspaper writers for taking Vicksburg, and failed. He subsequently took it by,pursuing a course which critics pronounced very unwise. , So in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, he violated all the directions given him by the newspaper men, and' won a splendid victory. At this time, when the grandest cam paign of the war is Wont to commence, we see no strategic editorials except in the columns of certain New York papers, which persevere in their work of moving armies and fighting battles with pens and types, with a persistence which does credit to their assurance. But yet, the actual military plans of Lieutenant-General Grant are as our civilian . complete a mystely to our civilian strate gists as they seem to be to the rebels in Richmond. He has been repoited as send ing a large army to North Carolina, to Hilton Read, to the James River, to the York River, to the Rappahannock, to the Shenandoah Valley and to various other points. But he has done no one of these things, and so well does he conceal what he is really doing, that nobody knows any thing of his plans. It is known, however, that he has, al large army, and the appear ance of certain corps, divisions andbrigades in unexpected places shows that he is moving and intends doing something v ery soon. The disasters at Olustee, at Pleasant Hill at Fort Pillow and at Plymouth have been partly owing to bad luck, but chiefly to the bad policy ,of scattering our f9rces. In Virginia, at least, that policy seem to 1"-tave been abandoned, and the better-one e i • ' con _ centration has been adopted. For this we have to thank Lieutenant-Gener.si grant, and lee look upon it as the forerunner of a great victory. Until General. Lee's army is defeated, we can make. no, progress in the suppression 'of the reberilon. Washington is continually threatened, and there is danger of new invasions of; Maryland and• Pen nsylvania. An array sufficient to overwhelm Lee's is indispensable, - and we hope and beli , eve that Grant will have such an army. Bit nobody knows, and nobody need know, What are his plans for moving it. Enough that the people and the Government have confidence in his ability to lead it to'a great and decisive victory, which shall' more than compensate for the losses we have suffered this Spring. TEE REBEL TREASURY.- The Petersburg (Va.) Express of the 23d inst. says that instructions have been given to the First Auditor of the Rebel Treasury Department to remove his bureau from Richmond to 'Montgomery. The hegira was to take place next week, according to the same authority. If the rebels-had decided to remove their stores, provisions or muni tions to the safer shades of 3pntgomery, one would think it a wiser measure ; but their Treasury ! The idea of .carting for hundreds of miles the tons of worthless notes and bonds which constitute the entire assets of that; "bureau" is rather ridicUlous. The cost of their transportation alone will nearly amount to their value, and a fresh and heavy issue will be required to foot the bill as soon as the First Auditor sits down in his new office. The report of: the removal comes from a rebel source and is probably entitled to credit. If so, it shows that the position of Richmond is growing very critical as Gene ral Grant's combinations for its capture as sume form and coherence, and as the stir of the new campaign begins to ring more loudly in the ears of the rebel leaders on the banks of the James. The portents will soon gather far more thickly, and they will be ominous of far greater peril to the capital of the Confederacy than it has been in at any previous period of this gigantic war. , TEE TAX BILL The uncertainty which still exists con cerning the action of Congress in respect to the proposed tax on sugar and molasses is deranging the trade in these two articles of commerce. While the retail market is al most bare, there are very large quantities of both commodities in first harids. There have been numerous heavy arrivals of late from Cuba, and they generally—remain at the wharves or in store awaiting the final action of Congress. The effect of such ac tion will probably be to reduce the present high prices at retail ; while the passage of the tax bill will have a corresponding effect upon the price of gold. Congress should not hesitate to tax heavily and to tax promptly. MUSICAL THE GRAND OPERA FOR THE FAIR:- The Philadelphia public is to be treated to a series of operatic and other musical performances, under the auspices et, the Committee on Music of the Great Central Fair, the like of which has never been equalled in America and never sur passed anywhere. The —rehearsals have been going on for some time, and 'the preparations of scenery, costumes, &c., are all on the grandest and most liberal scale. There will be a chorus of from sixty to one hundred, an or chestra nearly as large, and the principal artists are the best English opera singers to be fonnd in the country. The first performance will be early in May, when a new grand opera by Wil liam H. Fry will be produced. It is called Notre Dame, and the story is from Victor Hu go's novel of that name. Those who have heard the rehearsals speak of the music as uncom monly fine. The dramatic situations are also admirable, and the mise en scene will surpass anything ever attempted in this country. The opera of Mariiana, by Wallace, and The Bohe mian Girl, by Balfe, will also be performed in the same style of splendor. In addition, there will be, during May, several oratorios, in which all our musical societies, native and German, will assist. Such musical entertainments will create a sensation and be worth traveling hun dreds of miles to hear. THE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY.-ThIS favorite society will give their third and last Concert of the season this evening. The Grand Oratorio of Judas Maccabaeus will be performed as only the Handel and Haydn can do it. This society has done more this season than any. Choral Society has ever — done before in one season. They gave the Messiah on Christmas night for their first Concert, repeated it for the Christian Commission, and in one week got up the Creation, for the same lauda ble purpose. The two concerts realized over eight hundred dollars for the Commiiiion. At their second concert they gave the beautiful oratorio of Mendelssohn, The Hymn of Praise, and now they give Judas Mctccabaeus, making four Oratorios in one season. The members and managers of tli9 society are all enlifited in the great performances that are shortly.to be given for the benefit of the Sanitary Commis sion, so that even after this concert, they still are ready to assist in-the good work- for the soldiers MR. CARL WOLFSOHN will give his next cla,ssi cal concert in the Foyer of the Academy of Music, on Saturday nest at 121 o'clock. The programme is one of the best ever presented. SIGNOR ilmoNota will give a second and final concert in Concert Hall, on Saturday evening. He will be assisted by Miss Laura Harris, Sig nor Dragoni, the fine new barytone,and several other artists. SIGNOR. PERELLI'S CONCERT for the Sanitary Fair will take place at the Musical Fund Hall on Friday evening. Although the price of tickets is - two dollars, yet the cause, and the general desire to hear the distinguished ama teurs who are to sing, has led to a great de mand, and there will be a large and fashionable audience. MR. JAMES E. MI3R.DOCH Will give one of his . Patriotic Reailings at y , the, Academ of *tote, at 8 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, for the bone fit of the families of soldiers and seamen and the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons . . ' We ex- Red to.pee a crowded house . ,_ _ - THE DATU:f TIVENINI3:BULLETII4 PRILADELPRIA; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 1864. LARGE POSITLVE SALE OF DRY GOODS -:STRAW GOODS, OARPETS,AWATLINGS, &c. John BkMyers & Co., Auctioneers,. Nos. 232 and 231 Market street, will to-morrow (Thursday) morning, April 28tb, hold a valuable sale of Dry oods, Straw Goods 2 Carpets, Mattings, , by 'catalogue. on Four Months' Credit and part for cash, embracing about 725 packages and lbts of American, -British, French, German and Swiss, comprhung -3/5 pieces Indigo Blue, Black and Col Ars Broad Cloths; Mations, Coatings, Tweeds, Satinets &c. 3400 dozen Cotton Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Shirts, Drawers, &c. 39 cases Palm Bats, Shaker Hoods, &c. 55 packages Domestic Goods. Also, Linen Goods, Tire.ss Goode, Shawls, Silks, Handkerchiefs, Silk Ties, Boop and Balmoral Skirts, Spool Cotton, Stock of Goods, &c. Also, at Uri o' clock precisely, with which the sale will commence, about 67 pieces Carpets and Canton Mattings, &c. EXTENSIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE NM` _ , JAB A. rytxxxiAn's sale next Wednesday, at the Exchange, comprises a very large amount of property,to be sold without any reservation:what ever The catalogue will be issued earlier than usual this week, to afford a more ample opportu laity for examination. nere are large squares of ground on C./venue and Markel streets, 240. Ward; the valuable estate 01 the IiCtIaeERTON COAL COM PANY Luzern° county; a VALUABLE STORE,.NO: 210 OHE.,TNIIT STREET. Also, .Detiralge Daoliiags, Onorum RENTS, a number of-,properties at Ger mantown and Chestnut Rill, altogether a very large sale.. AUCTION NOTICE-SALE OF BOOTS AND The early attention or buyers is invited to the 1 trge and attractive sale of 1,000 cases Boots, Shoes. Brogans, Balmorals,, Gaiters. Slippers Cavalry. Boats, Ice., to be sold by catalogue, for cash, to morrow morning; by Philip Ford & Co , Auctioneers, at their store, Nos. 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. ' . tX7' Sale to commence at 10 o' clock precisely PORTRAITS--True in ezzressioa andteatures, and life-like coloring. See and obtain an in valuable Likeness B. F. REIMER'S superior Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS, in 011, at cm ARCH street. -- DATENT TOOL and AWL HANDLES con taining from 6to 20 tools, all fitting into one bandit.. and a variety cf Boys' and Gentlemen's Tool Chests, for sale at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, Ninth (Eight Thirty-five) Market street. below Ea EIBIER' S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, for IL St 00, are unsurpassed in style, quality and coloring, and at charges within the means of all. Go to the Popular Galleryi SECOND. street, above Green,' 'Et YLET-SETTING MACHINES of several patterne, and a variety of Punch Plyers and Punches, for sale by TRUMAN .k SHAW, No. 535 (Eight Thtrty-fivel Market street. below Ninth. CARI ES DE VISITE .— B. F. REIMER. eau suit you with any style. His specimens em brace many pleasing and natural. Winn, you de sire any, try him. 624 ARCH street. IFE OF HAIR by baying lt cat at Koe.e's . SHAVING 'SALOON, Northeast scorner Exchange P• act and Dock street. it* CO I L ! ! COB •ETS! ! !—MADAME A. BARATE2 has just received from Paris, a superb lot of light, strong Corset Material, for summer wear. Madame B.'s Corsets are univer sally sdmired for their superior finish, eleganze of fit, and durability. Ladies are advised to call and procure &pair of her Corsets bsfore hiving their spring dresses made up. MADAME A. BABATET, a t 7. Ime 116 South FIFTEENTH street. n 1 PA.ETNERSHIP.—Ttie undersigned tsar Aj THIS DAY formed a copartnership for the carrying on ef the Produce Commission Business, unlit'. the firm of ESLER t JENNINGS, a: No. 6 South WATER street. LEWIS H. ECLEE, CHARLES JENNINGS. APRIL 27th, arr27.3t.* CBITTEN DEN'S 0051 , 31XE/0! PIL COLLEGE, 637 CH ESTI% U street, corner of Seventh. Establisb d 1614 Incorporated 1655. Young Men fully prepared for the Cltiunting Hcnee and Business Life. THE COL ESE OF INSTRUCTION INCLUDEi Houk-keeping in all its different branches. Penmanship, Plain and Ornamental. Commercial Calculations, Ekisiness Forms, Com mercial Lair, Detecting Counterfeit Notes, &c. Stucents instructed separately, and received at any time. No vacatior s. - In the practical va ue of its well-tried course of instruction, and in real advantages to business min, this institution is unequaled. During the past year nearly five hundred stu dents were in attendance, many of them alreadyengaged ih our largestmercantile houses. ef.talogues, containing terms, Inc, furnished gratis. on application. ap27-I tO S. H. CRI rTENDE N IC CO. LL -D EA BLACKL — LACE POINTES.—New A portation per steamer Etna opened this morn ing —GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 eliEsr:v UT Street, has just opened as above One hundred and Eighty-fhtee more Real Black Lace Pointes, mak ing one of the largest, handsomest And cheapest stocks in the country beyond any dispute. The assortment now comprises Good Pointes from $9O to $5OO, careful selections of cheap Pointes as well as some exhibition goods 4 tExtra.Fine:"- also RIO Real Lace Parasol Covers; some tine Veils, Sashes, Bathes, rich Guipure lusertings for trimming dresses, with Sashes to match; also 1,000 pieces of narrow Guipure Laces of French manufaature, handsome goods that will outwear the flimsy soft German goods; Real Guipure Mask Veils, and' many novelties in good Laces of the current styles in Paris Ibis oason. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This Is the last case of goods the subscriber can expect to pass under the present tariff. and until the new tariff' goes Into of-. feet I will offer these goods at old rates. Buyers wanting really good goods will please keep In mind that I import tbese goods. Ido not pay tribute to say New York importer, and I will give at retail to my customers all possible advantages. ap26-61 FR SALE. — , 2 t•arreis best SO UTELERN 1 For terms apply to PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 5p26 If) 115 Walnut Street. $3 500 FOR : ALE—A first-class ground _ _ ,rent, payable in silver. J. HAYS - OARSON. ap26-4lrp* 251 N. Ninth street. THE GREAT UENTE AL FAIR --tlubscrip- I tion sor donations for Committee of ONE D sr's labor, income or rever.ne,received daily by JOHN W. 01,A(3 -HORN, Treas. , Office No. 1113 S. Seventh at., Phila. LET ALL PROMPTLY RESPOND. Sub scriptions and remittances by mail dale recolpted for and acknowledged. apt: '-26t-rp* TOBEKEEPERS AND OTHERS ABOUT 0 giving "one day's revenue" to the Falr, please call or send for Show Cards, &c. (gratuitous), at Office No. 11 S. SEVENTH street. ap23.2 RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SVEOULA TORS—For sale.—A large VALUABLE PROPERTY of two hundred acres of ground, sit uate in the FIRST and TWENrY.SIXTH IVardq, having a front of twenty-tour hundred feet on each side of Broad street. with a front of twelve bun dre& feet on League Island or Second Street Rout, about one mile from the County Prison. and a less distance from League Island and from the Dell ware River. Apply to J. H. CURTIS Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut St. raptl3-12.rp - - GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stools and Loans bought and soldtmOtaltal- Sion. at the Board of 'Wolters. - - - Government Securities, Specie and Uncurrent money - tonght and sold. mU2.3mrThs CHEAP KID GLOVES, best quality, st .23 lJ pair. Plain Black of , 6. GM- 6M, GX, 7. Black, stitched with white and colors, 6,A M, ,6 7, Im. Medium colors, stitched. 6, 63‘, 6m, 631, 7. Taken out of regular stock, to close them right out. Also, Gents' Suede Gloves, a superior - article, 8, Bm, Bm, at S 1 a pair. To prevent disappoint. ment. note the sizes. OEO. w. VOGEL, aptO.6t, rp*- 1016 Chestnut streets. ARKING = WITH. INDELIBLE INK, M Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, dco. A Lady competent to mark neatly can ffnd employ ment et M. A. TORREY. mhla Inoo Filbert street 1 IiSRAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA is S free from unpleasant taste, and three times the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World's Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the best in the market. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS T. HUSBAND, 0019-m, wr. f. ly. rp N. W. Cur. Third and &mac LE IN SPARRING, AP HILLELESSONSS Ddo LEWIS'S GYMNASIUM, at any hour of the day or evening, in classes or in private. This Invigorating exercise is recommended for Youths of delicate frame and Gentlemen of seden tary habits. It expands the chest, enlarges the arms and improves the general health. Gymnasium open all Summer. ao22.strN "Cr 00P SKIRT EULNUFACITORY. —Hoop .1.1 Skirts ready-made and made to order; war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts renaired. S. E. BAYLEY. aplB-lni 1312 Vine street. above "Eighth. FITLEE, WEAVER & CO., Manufacturers of MANILLA AND TM:MEI/CORDAGE, Conn% TWINES, doe.. . No. 2.3 NOrat Water street and No. 22 North. Dela. ware ovenme, Philadelphia. Elm= FITLER, MOHAEL WEANT.RI r t CONA4D c/iOTHIEI4. - LADIES PREPARING ARTICLE! FOR . GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, Can procure the following at a Discount of Eight (8) per cent. below regular retail prices : Zephyrs ! Zephyrs • • f every color and shade. A frill litre (1 SOLFERINOS. SCARLETS and FINE PURPLES, have just been received. ALSO, Shetland Wools,s Crochet Cotton. Carob, ic, Edgings, Tidy Cotton, Quilled Buntings, Embroidering Canvas, Bugle Gimps. Zephyr Patterns, (}impair Laces, Slipper Pattenis, Gilt braids, , Machine bilks, bilksmbroldering Brain Crochet Needles, Worsted Binding, Floss Thread, Embrsidering Silk, Puree Thread. GERMANTOWN WOOL. This article is as rich in colors, nearly as floe in textrue, and as well adapted for many kinds of fancy work as the German Zephyr, and is EIGHT CENTS PER OUNCE And over ONE DOLLAR PER PODND CHEATED.. ALSO—A full assorin ent of the following at re gular Beta , ' Prices : - Corsets at $1 25 per piir, Corsets at $l5O par pair. SIl Beltings, To welings, Stockfugs, Gloves. - rrillings, Dress Linings, Balmora s. 'flatting Bindings, ,Scissors. Lace Veils, ' Sun Umbrellas., Linen Fane, Feyther Fans, (some- Shing ) • Manilla and Cane Whisks Trayetm g Hags, • Pocket Books, Hair Brusaes, Combs • Perfia4ery, Collars ana Cuffs, Particular attention is Sun Umbrellas Of which we have a large assortment of the choicest varieties, selected from the best fac•ora in the country. Ladies will do well by examining them before purchasing elsewhere. MOROCCO SATCHELS AND TRAVELING BAGS. Orders carefully and. promp - ..1e attended to. Per sons ordering from the aiunt• y wLII please name their ea press or nearest stage rotas. JOHN - M. 'FINN, S• E oorner •Seventh and Ai oh Sts, Cut LtLiS out for reference JAB, 11.: CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST., HAVE MADE EXTERSINE ADDITIONS TO THE .R POP umast STOCK OF SILKS, • SHAWLS, - AND DRESS GOODS, WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO,_ SELL At Moderate Prices, NOTWITHSTANDING - THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT IMPOH, TATIONS. Wholesale Roams Up Stairs. GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the pnhlio far nearly a year. They are aniveisally prononnced the nsatart anti beet fitting collars extant. The upper edge preter.ts a perlert curve, tree from the angles noticed in all other collars. The cravat causes ro puzkers on the Wilde of the turn-down collar—they are AS SMOOTH IN- SIDE AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to theirEck. The ttaxotte 4.301 ax has a smooth and evenly tatted edge oil BOTH SIDES. These Collars ar. not simply flat pieces of panel ant in the form of a Collor, bat are NOLDSID AND fiILA,VED TO FIT THE NYOR. ney are made in "Novelty" (Sr tnrn•d3wn style); i in every half size from 13 to 17 inches and in • •Enreka', (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches-, and packed in "sol'd sizes' in neat blue .7 Lrtons, con taining 100 each; also in small. r ones of 10 each— the latter a very itardy package for Travelers. Army and Navy Cancers. /Et - EVERY C-OL LEM is stumped Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all Dealers in Men's Furnishing Geu,ll The Trade supplied by Van MUM, Boehmer a. Co., 627 Chestnut - Street, Philadelphia. Imp . nters and Wholeeale Dealers in Men's Ft rdshing Goods mh3o.3mrp4 BOOK BOOKS !! AND FINE STATIONERY. Since the first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one in the largest and best assortments of BOOKS, FIRST-GLASS STATIONERY, PHOTO. GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be tocini in any es mblisbment in the United States. We warrasu our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very beSt material, strong, durable, and AS LOW 7" 1.11.105 as any m the market. New Books received as soon asissue4. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. mh , 22-2m , - • PAPER itA_NGINGS. JAMES C. FINN, FORMERLY OF THE FIRM OF • HOWELL .BROTHERS.. Wall Paper lioecortitions. SHOW ROOMS ; - 614 CHESTNUT STREET. tel4-3me MUSICIAL BOXES,IN HANDSOME CASE'S, playing from two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by FARE & BROTHERS, ImpOrters, mh2.2 No. 32111hAstnnt street. halow Fourth AMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING,F BRAIDING, Quilting, Tucking, &0., bean tifully executed on the GROVER &. BAKER SEWING MACHINE.. hlachines, with oper ators, by the day or week, no CHESTNUT street. ' apt-3m§ 3UTONS LIGNIMIVITAE, NOW LANDING from Br. bark Thomas Dallett. For .aala by / 1114 4 41 r 2 WFOOlik 9 Wrath FROirratneti-1"- invited to our stool ca .Sun Umbrellas !! (Fltm the New York Obseriftr.) "I HE U 4 I. TWO HUNDRED MILLION FIVE PER CENT. LOAN. • This loan is limited to two hundred nallions,and is being rapidly subscribed for by the people. A inodera,e portion of this amount hasbeen taken for Europe, and any reasonable portion of thexemain ing amount that the Secretary of the Treasury might be willing to designate, could be placed on the other side, with or without making the interest payable in London instead of New York, on highly advanageons terms, thus giving -the command of a large amount of sterling exchange Oa per cent. better than gold, as rates are calculated here,)_ through the Summer months. He has never yet entertained midi propositions for his popular loan's. His preference is that our own people should have the entire advantage of the Fold. in terest which they bear, or else the premium on their Bonds, such as can now be had on tha 5 20's when bought for .Europe. The' present object, therefore, is p:pular distribution at home, at par, on five per cent. gold interest, equal to : 73 or 8 per cent. in currency with gold at 150 a GO per cent. The act of Congress specially provides that the principal of 'these Bonds shall be paid in gold. If paid off aft‘,r ten years with the economical view of re-borrowing at three or four per. cent. interest —for, after the war of 1812, this Government bor rowed money in Europe at three per cent..—the payment w!ll be made in gold. On this and all other larded stocks' of the United States, there is a specific pledge of the Customs Bevenne in gold, for the continued payment of the interest in gold. The customs and duties, thus pledged for the payment of the interest and gradual extinction of the principalLthrough annual purchases for the sinking fund—of he funded public debt of the United t tales, constitute a system of indirect taxa tion, to which the people axe and always have been accustomed. It falls upon the people only in pro pOrtion to their ability or inclination to consume foreign wares and merchandise, upon which these duties are levied. As they elect to forego the use of foreign luxuries, so they lighten their own bur den of the public debt, even while investing their means in It at rates and en a security superior to any other stock, for uniform and assured income (free of local laxes)„in the whole country. The last fiscal year, to June 30, 16113, this source of revenue amounted to 260,059,542. The gold in terest on the 'public debt then amounted to only 729. MG, and the principal of the eld loan of IM2, $3, 25(, 00, was paid oft in gold, in addition. The present fiscal year, ending on the 30th June, IE6I, will snow at least 40 per cent. increase in gold customs, say $96, 64,39 e, on a gross importation of less than tIO per cent. increase over last year. The gold interest on the presentfunded and funda ble debt, for the current fiscal year,' will not ex ceed $47,1;25,650, leaving a surplus of aeariy fifty mi/lions in gold from customs over the specific charge for interest on them; part of which surplui the Secretary has readily disposed of at 165 per cent. for green-backs, the principal as welt as premidin of which will go to the benefit of the Sinking Fund,and to the reduction of the currency interest on the unfunded or temporary debt, such as one year certificates of indebtedness, certificates of deposit, tc. • That this statement may not seem overdrawn, we annex a scisedille of the funded debt and 7-30 per cent treasury not, soon to pass into funded debt by voluntary conversion, on which gold interest is tow being paid: FUNDED DEBT OF TH6 UNITED STATES TO ILIRUH 3,1564. LOAFS- RATE.. s wa(omt - r. Popular 5-rt, Lo la , ....6 per cent 5it0,77.1,11)0 7-3 u per cAnt. Loan, • r. 7-30 per cent.. 1- .31 1 9,000 Loan of 1t.61. Ju1y,....6 per cent 51,652.000 Loan of 1!6I, Feb. 6 per neat._ ~, 1.9,415,W0 Loans of Ir5S-CU 5 per cent_ • . r 27,022,000 LoaLs of IE-7.*, 6 percent IS, al n,OOO Loan of 1:50 s,per cent 3,415,n0J Oregon Loan, 1i.61.....a1ber cent 1,016.000 Total, Annual intereat in gold, 6 per cent. Stock alter ISAI - This interest charge upon the. same amount of funded debt. will be teduced the next fiscal year to the sum of $1.71 - €..521, by the ,onverston of the 7.30 per cents of 1-tit. in August and October into the 6 per cet is of btt - 1, leaving the interest charge upon the same 5:t 1 5,965,0t10 only SAS. M 7,126 for the next fiscal yi , ar, when, under the increased rates of customs duties t ow immediately contemplated by Cor mess, the gold revenues, on the same vol ume of gross imp( nation as in 1161, will be raked to 81 I t CUP, WO or $ll5. f,llO, COL apt7-6t&w6t A c lE. if, 8 7 BANKERS. Exchange on England, France ao Germany, 7 840---5-20 Loan aml Coapeug, CERTIFICATES LNDEBTKONITRi. QUARTERXASTER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Geld, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD sir Orders by Mail attpaded to. d 3-1.7 5-20 'COUPO NS, DUE 16T MAY, BOUGHT. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS A 2 TENDED TO Spl4-11R4 DREXEL cos 00. MONUMENTS • AND GRAVE STONES.— A large assortment of grave stones of various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Mirble Works of ADAM ST EININIETZ, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh etreet, Philadelphia. apl6-3mrp§ Mr. 0. E. SAREMPIT'S orders tor Tuning and Repairing Pianos ars rt. carved at Mason do Co.'s Store, 997 pIiESTMTI street, Only. Mr. Sargeant has had Walton. Years' factory experience in -Roston, and Filre Years' cis tinploymentin Philadelphia. SPEOLS.L—PIaucr re-ieatUred to . Sound BE soft and irmst-ttned at new, without reMernifV. Term ir for cumin.. Al ',pls./m."1,0 U . U E is on SINDT, STECK' S , PIANO, For sale 2.5 per cent. less than elsewhere. • ' A. SCIERZER, I.lsh.i.atar,p4 424 N. Fnnrth . sh. TI tkallowhilt . WE HEREWITH call attention to our rnvnilicent assortment of supe rior PIANOS, which we a.lwars have on, hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to purchasers.'` Best of references and FULL GUARANTEE invariably giver by_ TEE UNIOWITAI4O I'd.alTUE" G. CO. lip2o • 10.17WaLiant street. GOLD MINING COMPANY, BLAME HAWK POINT, NEAR. CELL TRAI L CITY. GILPIN CO. COLORADO TERRITORY. INCORPORATED Tri THE STATE OF PE RN SYXAVANIA., 7564. Capital, 51,000,000. 100,000 Sbaies---$lO per Shale: Subscription 85 per Share to Original Subscribers. The Books for Subscription to the Stock of this Company are now open at the office of the under signed, and an apportunity Is offered to the public to subscribe for a limited number of Shares. The property is in the richest developed part or _the Gold Regions of Colorado, and consists of right in fee on the following DAVELOPED Looks: FISH GUNNELL, BUGHEa, CALHOUN, GHEGOBY and Simmons. These Lodes are known to be - nett in Gold Quartz, and are row ready for machinery, which will be placed at the earliest possible date_ and of the most improved kind—ender the charge of a competent Superintendent, aided by the ser vices of JOHN ARMOR, Esq , whose interest is identified with the Company, and who is well known in New York Philadelphia, and through out the Wes', as a man of high character and ability, and a resident of Cololado. . ALSO, claims on the following Undevelopad Lodes : Portland, Novemliago, Gilead, Vermont, Roofrier, .Romattic, Keystone, Kettle-Drum and Warsaw ; these ate all valuable locations. Re ference ,is made to Feporte, that can be fon /din our Office, of General Fitz John Porter, and Pro fessor R. N. Kent, New York Assay Office, who were sent t, Colorado to examine and report upon this property, and also letters from Dr Judd, of the firm of Lee, Judd it Lee, and others, The Coin any have also a valuable Mill Site, with an abundance of water. - They reserve the sum of 8147,0t0 for Wonting Capital, which is as ample fund for the most approved machinery, and the test charac:er of Waperinteiglence and labor. The prospects tif profit in Gold;based upon the calculalon of intelligent cidzens of Colorado, is set forth in the prospectus at our Office, where the Public are invited to call and examine the evi detces of its value. WITHERS & PETERON. NO. I'9 SOUTII4HIRD STREET. The Company is organized 'is fonoVni DAVID STUART . President Esau Morris, Philad. W. p. Hacker. Philad.. A W. Adolpb, • • ohn 43 % •Ricbs d Peterson, .• Lewis C. Cassidy, Wm. IL Russell, N.Y., .Toba Armor, Central I City, Colorado. COITNSEL:—PIatt, Gerard & Buckley, N.York; CeWaaely ir„Beed, ntral City, Colorado. - ' Wfd. P HACKER, SECRETARY ADD TREASURER, ap4s•mwfss bath f MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 805 Ohestn.ut Street. Are now receiving their Swink Importation SILK AND MITTJNERY GOODS, SUCH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, hiarcellines and Florences, FrenCh and English Crapes, Lace s and Joined Blondes, Illusions andKaline Nets,&c Also, a full assortment of French and American Flowers. mhl4 576,965e0 47,735,650 FINE WATCHES. I We offer to persons Nrlshirg always to carry the "CORRECT TIME," a valiety of first-clan makers, "fludemais," 'illrgenSell, " "Cooper" qvardin, " , (CourroiEier," and others, adding the ad Taut- ge of a reliableguarantee to each Watch sold. FARR & BROTHER„lmporters, apl3 wsm 9to 3.4 CHESTNUT S below 4th et. ISAAO NATHANS, AUOT °NEER and MONEY BROKER, A E. corner of THIRD and SEKODE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal- Office, es tablished for the last forty years . Money to Loan, in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Oloth• 'mg, and goods of every desorption. Office hours from P A. M. till 7 P - 400-11 in, GRIFFITH & PAGE, Southwest Corner SIXTH and ARCH, Sell Universal Clothes Wringers,- First quality Refrigerators, . Ice Cream Freezers, Folding Step-Ladders QOA.P—PURE FAbULY SOAP. —uONTAIIAS. ij no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or (MAY, but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by eyery family. " Pat up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, fltIL weight, when packed and marked Fifty pound / . not Bars or Lumps, as many manufactured . brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. FILIKINTON & IS ON, d. 17-1 1113 Margarettastrest. IIiDURE PALM OIL SOAP.—Trds Soap is made JL - of pure fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vege table Soap; 'more suitable for Toilet welt= those made from animal fats. In boxes of ono dozen cakes for gl l per box. Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON .h sou, Ste. 110 Margaretta street, between FlvatAndi Second. alurre Cullnwhill st.eet. don-Ivrni czwLADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE STOJLEI —Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Every article in their line elesant, easy and -correct in make. 0. H. NEEDLES, Propitetor, attends tb Gentlemen on the corner of T'i+tELFTH and RACE Streets.. N. B.—Professional accuracy insured. th:GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Or our own importation, reliable in. 4mM:a and at lid Aces. VAQUlNAs.XilnPlirliarile-t Chsslants street s below PENNSYVV4N . 4 BANKERS, DIRECTORS