XBBVIIITH( CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS SENATE.—Mr.-Hale- (N. H.) introduced. a bill to amend the actto .promote the efficiency °Otte navy, which provides that no otTicer shall be re tired under the age of. sixty-two, and whose name „shall not have been borne upon the Navy Register fcrty-five yews after he had arrived at the , age of sixteen.. Deferred to the Naval Committee. Mr. Ten Eyck (N. J.) reported from mittee of the JudicittrY a bill chap. tog anti defin ing the boundaries of the Eastern and Western Ju diciary Districts of Virginia, and making the two districts coextensive with the States of- Virginia • and West 'Virginia, the latter of which - shall hold six sessions annnally—at Clarksburg on the 21th days of March and August,at Wheeling on the nth days of April and September, and.a,t Oharlestenon the 19th days'of April and September.: ' - Mr. Wilson (Mass:) introduced the'following joint resolut on, which was referred to the Com mittee on Finance: Resolved, That the sum of $25, 009,000 be and the same is hereby anProPriated out of any money in the treasury net other wise appropriated, for arm ing, equipping, clothing, subsisting, transporting and pay lug volunteer's that may be received by the President for any time net less than one hundred days after :their muster into the service by regi ments. Mr. Wilson (Mass.) introduced a bill to increase the number of cadets in the army, and for other purposea.'' - It provides that the number of cadets at the Mili tary School shall not exceed 400. The President may appoint, in. addition to the number- of cadets heretofore authorized bylaw, two cadets, for each State represented in Congress; who shall be actual-', residents of the States for which. they may be ap pointed. All appointments of cad:As not other wise provided lor by law, shall be made from the military forces of the United States regulars and volunteers; but no person shall be appointed a -cadet under the ;aro visions of' this section who shall not have - served honorably for the period of twelve months; Provided, That the total number of cadets appointed in any year -shall not exceed 150. No person to be admitted as a cadet a; the Military Academy who shall be less than 'seventeen, or more than twenty years of age on the, first of July in the year of his admission, except 'hitch persons as are provided forfrom-the regular and volunteer forces as above mentioned.. No persou to be here. after admitted as ,a cadet until he shall have pits ed a full and satisfactory examination in the branches prescrily,d. Boards of examination are to be ap pcinted,- lieferred to the Committee on Mili tary Affairs. On motion of Mr. Coliamer (Vermont), the Hones bi.l establishing a money order system was called up, and after amendments passed. He also called up the Senate bill in relation to franked matter. It permits air communications, of whatio ever origin, to bereceived by the heads of the Ex ecutive Departments and chief of bureaus, who .are entitled to the franking privilege, without being endorsed iioffitial business." but with the name of the writer thereon. The bill was passed. State The ill for the relief of the of Missonri was ca led up by Mr. Doolittle as unfinished busi ness, and made the special order for Mot day near. Mr.: herman (Ohio) called up the special order, the Ecnse bill to provides national currency se cured by a pledge of United -States bonds, and to pro's ide for the circulation and redemption thereof. Mr. s. human explained that this bill repeals the act of the last Congtes.e..ihough nearly all the pro. visions - of that bill are contained in this one. The amendments are mainly as to the details to give efficiency to the measure. The chief differences are first—that the bill of,,3ast year required banks anti ori zed under the act tb.redeem their.own notes at their own counters, but this bill names certain chief cities where the notes of the diffe eat banks are to be redeemed in addition. The second change was in regard to taxation, there having been some -doubts as - to whether the banks were to be liable to both the Government and State tax. In the bill that matter is clearly defined. The third and four,li changes are in regard to the State bat Its, improving the system by whisk the -old bankS may came In : 'udder the law, and ren dering tt e stockholders individually liable to an extent equal to the amount of their stock. 'The fifth change is a. regards interest, but the Sefihte Committee proposed. to strike out the uniform rate of 7 per cent, as established in the House bill, and leave it much the same as in the old bill. The sixth change provides for the receipt of - 5 per cent. as well as 6 per tent. bonds of the United States as a basis of circulation, to be kept always at a margin of ten per cent. on their market value. The s.eventh change allows the issue of notes of a less denomination than five dollars, to the extent -of one. fifth of thiir entire issue—such notes to be recalled when specie payments are resumed. The , Senate proceeded to-actnn. the amendments reperted by the Finance-Ccimmittee, - On motin of Mr. Sherman the clause of the bill providing for the admission ef the Bank of Commerce, New York; was - stricken oat and amended so as to read : 'Except that the shareholders of any banking association, having not less than 55,000,003 of capital stock actually paid in and a surplus of 211 per cent, on band, shall be liable only in the amount.invested in their shares as long as said surplus fund shall remain undiminished. Mr. Sherman explained that this amendment was only meant to apply to the. Bank of Commerce in New York city.. It was important that this wealthy corporation should be alrowed to con in tinder the provisions of thekbill, as it had extended many favors to the government. Under the pro visions of the bill as it came from the House, it would be excluded; and it vi - as- proposed to strike our the Rouse-clause and insert the amendment he -had offend Mr. Henderson (Mo. ) opposed the whole bank ing system proposed by the Dill.. He considered it nothing but the revival of en exploded idea. The time would come when we would see the error of the present legislation. He opposed the colifer rirw of more power upon the wealthy Rank of Commerce, of New I - ork, than it now possessed. as it had already received a remuneration for all the favors it had done the, government. The Senate committees amendment, at thing ..out the clause in the House bill allowing a s State tax on the capital stock of banks organiied under this act, and providing that in lieu of all other tax every associa , ion shall pay to the treasurer of the i. nited States, in the months of January and July, a duty of one halt of one per centhm each halt year from and after the first day of January 1f64, upon the average amount of its notes in cir culation, and a duty of one quarter of one per cent tun each half year upon the average amount of its deposits, and a duty of one quarter of one per cent um each half year as aforesaid, on the average anu.unt of its capital stock beyond the amount in vested in United States bonds, was debated at some lentil by Messrs. Chandler and Henderson in opposition, and Messrs. Sherman and Fessenden in support of it. Without action, the Senate at five o clock adjourned. 1-10t8E OF REPEESENTATIVES. The House in Committee of the Whole on the state ot .the Union, having the 'lnternal Revenue bill under consideration, Mr. Stevens moved an amendment to tax:the salaries of members of Con gress ten per cent., which was voted down by a large majority. Many other amendments. among them one ex cluding dividends of sa rings institutions from Mxition, were rejected. The House, at half-paA four P. M , took a re cess until seven o'clock. Evening. ••Sestion. —Mr. Julian (Ind.) reported from the Committee on Public Lands the Senate bill with reference to donNting land claims in Or, get: aml "Washington territories, which was passed. Mr Driers, of Michigan, from the same commit tee, reported a bill granting lat ds to that State for the cons,ruction of a wagon road for military and po: tai purposes. biter some explanations the bill vas passed. r. Driggs also reported a bill granting lands to tbe S , ate of Wisconsin for the consirnction of a military road co Lake Superior, .witich was passed. Mr. Allison (Iowa) fromAhe Committee on Pub? lie Lands, reported a bill granting alternate sections of land for railroads in lou a, and also to the State of Minnesota for the construction of a railroad Item St. - Paul's to St. Anthony, which was passed. re r Allison also reported a bill authorizing the ;Legislature of low% to change and modify the locution of railr.nds under the land grant act of which was passed. The Rouse also passed the following Senate bill<it —Granting lards to the Lake Superior and Missis sippi Ica lroad Company, and land to Wisconsin for ravroad purposes. ' Mr. Ifernan said he' : ' would like to know how miuch laud we would have left after the extensive aren is made to-night. The Speaktr replied be was unable to say. Mr.?, ernan said Aiwas apprehensive there would not be el cugh left for the soldiers. Er. Julian, from the Committee on Public Lance, reported a bill to secure to soldiers and sailors, homesteads on forfeited and confiscated lance, pending winch, at 9.15 P. IL, the Honse -adjourr ed. NSYLVANIA -LEGISLATURE °LOSE OB TERTYILIJAY 8 rnOOREDINGB Bills Introduced.—Mr. Donovan, incorporating - the Woodburn Mainfacturing Company; also, re lative t o -be sale of certain real estate. The Appropriation bill was considered. Mr. Lowry moved to amend by instructing the Finance Committee to red nce the salaries of Judges' - and oth. r officers to the amounts of last year. Mr. Kinsey moved to amend by appropriating 1.34 to expenses of the Governor in and ont of the State In relieving the wants of sick and wound -ed l'ennsylvania soldiers.,Lost—ayes 1 .0-ratys 17. (Some misapprehension exists in, regard to the Delaware Avenue, and Delaware River Railroads. They are two distinct `projects. The former bill vast duced b re. r. Jose phs, and has not been -acted u o n. The y latter bill, introduced by-Senator Donavan. *authorizes a road up the Delaware river north or Easton, and has passed the SF nate. ) Ad_ jot , ' 7 et!. ic• 17044 SC 8811:41 Ale aitigll9p4 , l afitatalottr. wa SESSION principalty spent in the consideration of the Ap propriation bill. The subject of the removal of . the Capital came up, and a resolution appropriating $50,000 for new wings to the mei eut Capitol was ac opted. Dlr. Connell tiom a Committee of (lc:lnference on the Appor ioninent bill, made a report, which was concurred,in. Adjourned. 110IISE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Afternoon Sissian. —Mr. S^litifield presented a ..statement in reference to Jefferson Castes, a soldier Who lost his sight at Gettysburg. This statemen. was from the Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind. and on motion of Mr. Schofield a joint resolution w'.s adopted admitting him into that institution. The ansideration - of private bills was then re sumed, but only two passed daring the afternoon session,. of interest to Philadelphia, viz: . An act for' macadamizing, a portion of Broad street, in the city'of Philadelphia. An act relating to the manner of entering judg= . meats in the city and county of Philadelphia. Adjourned. COAL STATENEETS AND FINANCIAL. The following is the statement of coal trans• ported over the'Lehigh Canal, for the week ending April 23,1864: From Mauch Chunck, Summit mines Room Run mines Jetfrie's Coal Mines... A East Manch Chunk. Coleraine mines Spring Mountain Smith's Mountain " 652 17 N. Spring Mountain mines 1,275 07 S. Spring Mountain ' 1,053 05 Stockton Hazleton mines..... Buck Mountain Jeddo mine 5......... Fulton mines - Harleigh ..... DlilnesviJe Mount Pleasant... Pea and dust coal, Total In 1863 Increase.— . 9,057 17 Our correspondent at Scranton, sends us the fol. , owihg report of the amount o€ coal transported over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, for the week ending Saturday, April 23, and-for correspondink time last year: Week. Year. - Tons.Owt. Tons.Owt. Shipped North 5,596 09 78,902 08 Shipped South 19,362 15 902,055 14 Total 24,9159 04 1360,933 02 For corresponding time last year: Week. ' Year. Tona.Cwt. Tons. Cwt. 6,664 94 ' 67,755 05 —19,154 04 • 232,455 (13 -- ---- Total 26,315,08 320,210 10 Shipped North Shipped South --- Increase 60,T77 12 The amount 'of coal transported over the Lykens Valley Railroad Company's road, for the week and season ending Saturday,-April 16, 1861: Week. Season. 3 t 340 CO 18,026 00 21,241 00 This year. Last year Decrease 3,215 I* The following are the receipts of the Delaware Division Canal Company for the week ending April 23• For week to date.... Previously in 1864... orresponding time last year .. Increase... SAILING DAYS OF STEASDIELIPS. TO ARRIVE. WEEPS . PEON . POll , DAYS Pennsylvania—Liverpool...New Y0rk........A.pr0 12 0. of Ballimore..Liverpll—New York.. ... April 13 Bremen . . ... ..Southampton...New Y0rk.........April 13 Damascus Liverpool.. Portland April 14 Edinburg. Liverpool—New York April 16 Arabia Liverpool—Boston .....April 16 Bavaria.— .Southampton.. New York April 19 0 of Wasllington.Liverp , l„ New York April 20 Scotia' - Liverpool... New York. April 23 Asia Liverpool . . Boston April 27 Africa ..Liverpool—Boston ...April 30 G-'ennenta ..Southampton..New York Dray 3 Teutorda.....Southampton—New York ,flay 17 TO DRT Sidon... ...... •New York..L EPA ive . rpool ' April 27' 1 Asia. Boston—Liverpool........April 27 - Peruvian........ New. York—Liverpool ..—. April 23 Evening Star.. New York.. Havana, &a - April 30 Saxonia . . .... .... New York Hamburg April 30 1 If angaroo......New York.. Liverpool April 30 LETTER BLOB as , ?RI lirnnOmeleTs• axan&won, Plarkantirnmh. Ship Wyoming, Burton-- Liverpool, April 2i Ship Empire Queen. Moran.-- Liverpool, soon Ship Oawingo, liard LiverpoOlosoon _ . MnrM4Trirys7F:47.,''MMMre.7 SUN RIBIB4/522 SIIIII, 695 I HIGH WATHH, 541 rARRIVED YRSTERDA • Schr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Chrintfan Sr. Co. Schr Banner, Furman,3 days from Indian Ricer, Tel. with corn to Jas LBewley & Co. ' Schr Georgianna, Prettyman, 3 deli from Indian - Ricer, Del. with corn to Jas L' Bewley & CO. Ahr Jas McGee Lynch, 3 days from Pembroke River, with lumher to J W Bacon. Schr Ciiterion ' Williams, 2 4,sys.from,Laurel, Del. with lumber to J W Bacon.'" Steamer D Utley, Phillips, 24 hours from New York, with mike to W M Baird & Co. Steamer 31 Massey, Smith, 24 hours from New York, with mdee to W M Baird & Co. Steamer S Seymour, Room, from Alexandria, with mdse to nos Webster. CLEARED YESTERDAt Sri„ Delmont Locke, Wiswell,Portlantd, C A Heck ocher & Co. Brig Carrie _Estelle, Thurlow, Boston, L Audenried' & Co. Schr JullaXorrey, Fort Monroe, Tyler & Co. Schr C S Edwards, Gandy, Boston, J G& G Sftep pl ter. Schr M M Weaver, Weaver, Boston, Wannemftcher & Maxfield. Schr Carlton Jayne, Rowland, Providence, Powel ton Coal Co. Schr T Lake, Doughty, New Bedford, W H Johns. Sam C J Errielcaon, 'Puttle,New Haven, MilestrOo. Schr Joanna ' Barrett, Bridgeport, N Rathbun. Schr Emma, Phinney, Alexandria, J Hearing. Schr Victoria, Kelly, Fortress Monroe, Corn H A Adams. Schr Pursuit, Adams, Waahington, J R White. Echr Pohico, Taylor, Baltimore, Powers & Weight man. St'r Ruggles, McDermott, New York, W P Clyde. St'r R Willing. Dade, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. St'r Jos Hall, Hall, Alexandria, Thos Webster. MEMORANDA. Ship Weatmoreland, Decan, from Portland for N Orleans, was passed 11th inst.' 30 miles NW of Tortugas. • Ship Franklin, Nelson, sailed from San Francisco 23e1 inst. for New York. Bark Annie & Lizzie (Hamb), Yemen cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Bark Harriet, Hutchinson, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. Brig Victor (Hamb), Hein, cleared at New York yesterday (or this port. ' Brig Tangier, Sawyer, cleared at Bangor 23d hrt. for this port. • Brig Sarah Larsen (Br), Hopkins, from Havana, at Baltimore 25th inst. . - Brig Diary 0 Marriner, Marriner, for this port,' sailed from. Sagua lath inst. Brig Eliza M. Strong, Strong, hence at Boston 23d in.tant. Sohr S A Taylor, Dukes, cleared at Neue t York yesterday for this port. Schrs Abaco, Pendleton; Romeo, Foss, and Chat )enge, ,apley, cleared at Bangor 23d In - T st. for thin port. _ Schr Heroine, Champlin, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Rehr W E Stevenson, Mears; hence at Fall River 25th inst. Schr hart J Mercer, Somera, hence at Providence 14th Schr Sarah L, Waite, hence at Providence 24th inst. On Saturday. oft Point Judith, carried away , mainmast about 15 feet below the rigging. Scbr New Jersey, Morris, sailed from Providence 24th inst. for this port. Saha Clara Belie,. Cottrell, hence for Boston, at Newport 25th inst. Seta E & L Uordery, Babcock, hence for Salem, at Holmes' Hole 24th inst. Schr S H Sharp, Bachelor,sailed from Port Royal 20th inst. for this port. Schr Marine, kaller, hence for the SW Pass, was spoken 9th inst. in Crooked Island Passage, short of provisions, but could not be supplied. Bohr VCm Kennedy, Christy, cleared at Baltimore 25th inst. for Wilmington. Schr rnargaret Kennedy, Kelley, cleared at Alex andria 26th inst. for this port. Schr H J Deering, Room, hence at Alexandria, 2Eth lost Schr R S Warren, Pickering, Bailed from Ports mouth 21st inat for this port. Schr Cohaseet, Tobey, hence at New Bedford 23d in etant. • Schr G Franklin, Tyler, cleared at Georgetown 25th inst. for this port. Scll; S T - Chartre, Smith, and 0 A Stetson, Ste- vens, hence at Lynn 21st bet Schr Orris Francis, Huzit,hence at Salem 2.1 d last. Schr Sarah Cullen, Cullen, sailed from Salem 24th inst. fofthis port: Seim C a:el-rick, Montgomery, sailed from Salem 21at inat. for thil port. , Schi s Orem' W are, Baker; W G BartWt, Con. -nelly, and P Edwards. Babcock, hence at Boston 241.11 flat. Sohr B L Tay,Previa an; cleared- at Beam 23d inet, tor this tiort. Mar 'Wm Batman, Palk; Item., at Boston 25th Liadaut. Tan DAILY EVENINO BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAS:- APRIL '27:::..0304 Week. Total. Tons.Owt. Tons.Owt. . 7,808 1 1 3 23,642 01 .. 2,611 08 2,893 10 . 87 00 162. 05 133 14 954 0 921 03 2,560 11 1,796 19 4,290 09 350 10 775 04 923 07 2, 214 14 373 00 1 ,220 15 177 08 454 01 661 05 1,028 08 • 268.16 260 16 260 02 18,050 06 47,100 CO 33,042 03 • . $8,441 57 .:..10,384 81 $16,&28 33 10,.9 65 $6,546 73 BARRITT ec 00., AUCTIONEER;,, No. 230 MAR ere corner of BANK. CATALOCATALOGUE KET SALE OF et, FIRST QUALITY SPRING CLC•THING, COMPRISING OVER 3 l' , LO GARMENT S, on THURSDAY MORNING, April tN, at 10 o'clock, including the entire ba lance of stock of a first- class city house, viz a All Wool Fancy Cassimere Sack; Rush:less and Dress Ont..; Tweed, Linen and Cloth do.; Silk, Satan, Cassimete, Velvet and Marseilles Vests; Cloth, Cassitnere, Linen and Tweed- Pants, 'with a large variety of other desirable Clothing. Open for ex amintuion with catalogues early on the morning of the sale. ap23-st • - la WILSON & —r BRO.EE&L ESTATE AUL. AGENTS and BROKERS. .41:/"WALN OT street_ Money carefully invested. Reat Est ite botignt, sold and exchanged. Interest on Ground Rents, Mortgages' and House Rents promptly colleoed. apl.s.lm§. JAMES M. SCOVEL, Attorney at Law, -Blaster and Exruniner i - In Chancery. 113 PLUM street. rtra-Imet Camden. N. 3. 1 AFFA & SMITE. EcOND NATIO AL BANK OF PELILA. - • - Ce.inTv... $lOO,OOO, With the priTllege of increes. mg to *SAVA). NATE AN HILLES, President; WILLIAM B. aIiAWN, ()ashler, late of the PhiLadelphis Bank. DIREOTO7I2: • - . - • 'Nathan Hines, Lewis Shallcrose, George W. Rnawn, Charles E. Kremer, Simon R. Snyder, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjamin H. Deacon, John Cooper. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia la now open at No. 1:11. Main street, Prankford, fo) the transaction of a General Bl. , l l ring Business upon the anal terms. Collections upon all accessible point! will be made upon liberal terms. Respectally, tel-finns G_EORGE BuLDIN, MICHAEL WARTMAN BOLDIN WARTDLSN, TOBACCO and GENERAL °OMISSION Merchants, No. PM North WATER street and 106 North fold DELAWARE avenue; Philadelphia. E T ANS Ar. WATSON' S SALAMANDER SAFER, STOKE fro. 16 South FOURTH street, IMTLADELPErfA, rA. A lgrge variety of FIRE. PROOF SfiFESaivrays on hand, cheap for cash raylfl-17 'DENNSYLVANIA WORHS—on the DELA. WARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, ON STE.% Delaware county, Pa. HEANEY, SON k ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of AU kinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSTNO ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all description,Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers,&s., he. T. HEANEY, W. B.REANY, &ARCHBOLD. Late of Lab Heaney Nealle & it)o., Engineer in 4J/iiiri Penn Works. Phila. 0713411 Navlr TNDN&LE.—Jordan's Tonic Ale, warranted pure and free from dregs, brewed exprestly for invalids and lanuly lase. Philadelphia Ales constantly on hand, and bottled only for family use; delivered free to all parts of the city. English and Scotch Ales; also, Brown Stout; on hand at reasonable prices. Catawba Wmes, from cele. brated Vineyards, by the dozen or gallon. P. J. JORDAN, 220 PEAR. street, below Third an Walnut and Dock streets. =hill t j F. iBUSTON, 149 South Front street, above Walnut.Agenoy of(JILIISOB an d CAM - PELL SHERRIES, EBNEST-111ROY & ()O.'S OHAMPAGNTsS, Golden Star Brand, ' ' Ay Grand Monsoons. BRANDIES. PORTS and MADE JRAS.awI LCIST—A CERTIFICATE or 5 per Cent. Doan of State of Pennsylvania, for 8516 05, dated March 12th, 1030, No. 754, in name of WLIJAA.iyi MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $200,. ated June 30th, 1045, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI R. PRICE, Wn silt Arch strait fe9-3rn 4 DR. - .PIMOTIOAL - DENTIST for the last twenty years, 219 VINE Street, beam Third, inserts - Um most beautiful TEETH of itte age, ' Mounted on flue- Flatina, Silyer r Vulcanite Ooralite, . Amber, ice., at prices for seat and substantial *ork, more tuasonablcrtlian` mt Dentist intalS'AtY__Ot. __Teeth. plugged_ to lest for, lite. • -Artll2elar • Teeth repaired to suit, zfe re.! oaiscv , tine. All vverk WArrituted to lit . ism 41,7•11010, tinaliallhk: • 1111011.4414. AUCTION SALES T ki 0 s 1-; u a; Auctioneers and ocmmission lierenanta, kin. 914 CHESTNUT street, above" Sale No. 1203 Green Street. BOUSEBOLO FURNITURE. ON THURSDAY MORNING,' At '0 o'clock, at No. 1203 Green street, will be sold— The furniture of a family - declining hon•ekeepz ing, comprising neat parlor, chamber and dining. room' cabinet furniture, -Brussels, ingrain and Venetian carpets, beds, rnatrasees and bedding, plated ware, china, glassware, kitchen furniture. The furniture can be examined at 8 o' clock on the morning of sale. ' Sale at o. 914 Chestnut Street. SUPERIOR HNOUSEHOLD URNITURE, CARPETS, LARGE MIRRORS, CURTAINS, MARBLE BUSTS, fr.c.- • - ON FRIDAY MORN/NG, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will be sold The entire household furniture of a family de housekeeping, including superior pa , lor. chamber anti dining room cabiril t furniture, carpets beds and Matresz es, French china d inner set, silver 'plated ware, cottage suits of chamber furniture, 'Venetian blinds . matting, &c, CURT AIMS. Silk damask curtains for four windOws. new. FRENCH PLATE MANTEL MIRRORS. One richly framed mantel mirror, 73 by 60 inches. 4,72 AT 46 One'plain • I • 11, 71d by 24 , c Small vier mirrors. ITALIAN MARBLE STATUARY. One fine marble bust, May Flower, by Stout. Daniel Webster. g Henry Clay. SECRETAIVES AND BOOKCASES .... Also, several superior secretaries and bookcases. TIMBER LAND-AT PRIVATE SALE. • Fi r sale, 437 acres of Land, heavily timbered; also, iron ore on the same, situated in Sullivan corn ty, atjoir me Laporte, the county town; a stream of water passes through the property, 'and kgs•can be floated to a market. A plan-of the same can be seen at the auction store.. Thomos Birch tc Son will elm Siva' persona attention to the sale of Furniture at residence, of those about breaking up housekeeping or re mowing. Also, hold sales of furniture ever; FRIDAY MORNING, at 9 o'clock, at theD trLacions Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut street. ert , WART, AVOTIONEESE seurr CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM street. CARD.—The balance of the fine Italian statues, busts, ac., will be sold on Wednesday morning, Patty 4th. together with a fine assortment of vases, monuments and bronzes, now lauding 111 New 'York, directly from Europe. articulars hereafter. SALE OF UNCLAIMED EXPRESS PACE AGES. • ON THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2.5, At 10 o'clock, we will sell the 'unclaimed pack. ages of the following express companies, - wiz: Howard & Co.. Harnden & Howard Express Companies. having remained at their office for more than six months without payment of charges. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF STRAW GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29. At 10 o' clock precisely. 'alit be sold by catalogue, about 300 cases fresh straw goods, comprising Bonnets, dm 7 of new end desirable shapes. FUR TRIMMINGS Also, aline of muff; cape and • tassel trimmings. SCOTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, will give :heir personal attention to sales of BIRROBAN DISE and WARES of all descriptions. Fnrnl. lure of parties removing or breaking up Hons.. keeping, on the premises of the owners, or at theb elegant and spacious Salesrooms, nos. ttbl Chest. nut Sweet and 615 Sansom street. fel9.-tf BUSINESS OAISDS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT , YOB 'THE BALE OP - FLOUR. GRAIN, MILL FEED, SEEDS, And Produce generally. No. 121 North WATER st., Phila. [aps-irool OBERT EWING, BILL BROKER, No. 109 South TRIAD street. rithr..s-Iy. FRARKFORD LIQUORS, &O. LOST, DENTISTRY. 1.511.1 BODINE ST. --Three story brick house and lot, 19 feet 3Ti in. trout and neir 40 feet deep. - 415 SOETII 11TH ST.—With 2 houses on Salem Alley and lot 15 by 56 feet, ,;•> ground rant. 0. Court Sale. Estate of Robert Wright, de , 'd. SALEM ALLEY—Three houses, Yos 120 4 , 1210 and 1212 and lot 30 feet square. $l5 ground rent, Same Estate. . ziou TWELFTH STREET—Four-story brwk st. re and dwil ing, and back buildings, l 9 by 14 feet. No incambrance. Sams estate. GERMANTOWN--The 'minable property knownsts the Germantown Market Hoare : stone building, t nilt of the best materials at a cost of 813,000. V. by leo feet, with Walls 21 incites thick; strong enough for any purpose whatever; areal lighted from •ides and roof The lot is Sah' by 330 feet, in the ram t thriving part of the place. 8160 ground rent. • SUMMIT STREET—A desirable nearly new house, built by the owner for his own use, now occupied by Dr. Budd, who will show it. Lot by 157 feet. Possession with the deed. House Is 33 feet front, well built and finished. No tr cumbrance. •`lO N.TWELFTH ST.—Three-story brick house and lot, 1S by 95 feet. RACE ST.—Four genteel dwellings, near Broad Street, each 16 by 91 feet. No in.:umbra. noes. ICUI N. FIFTEENTH ST.—Genteel dwelling, alove Oxford Street. side yard. Lottll,tl by 100 ft. NORTH ST.—Two genteel dwellings, Nos. 1599 and 1611; each 15 by 57 feet ESHER ST —A lot of ground, near Washington Street, 20th Ware; 5.;4 by 100 feet. W. H. RHAWN, Clasher 131-11 LIP FORD A - UO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 Market and 5 2 Commerce streets. g.RGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, &HUM . .. BROGANS, As. ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 29 At 14 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by cata. ogne, for cash, 1,000 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Calf, Rip and Grain Boots. Brogans, italmorals, Oxford. Tier, .Cayalry Boots, MT Women's. Misses' and Children's Calf, ip, Goat, Rid and Morocco Heeled Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Buskins, and also city made goods. Open for examination with catalogues early on 'he morning of the sale. moSES Di ATHANS, AUCTIONEER AM COhIMISSION MERCHANT, Southeast corner SIXTH and RACE streets. WATCHES—WATCHES--WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and alive) watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch makers, dealers and private purchasers will de well by calling at the a Z. corner of Slut ant Race streets. - AT PRIVATE SALE. Se Peters' s PhilaAielphia cases English Paten; Lever Watches, of the most,,approved and beset makers; some of them have Rye pairs extra jevreis, and very fine and high cost movements. If ap. plied fog immediately they can be had singly, of Ibolot at 3.9.5 eaca. The cases will wear equal tc solid gold cases. Very line double barrel duel guns, breech loan. Lug; carbines ;' - revolVing rifles' line ngllsh rifles revolvers. &c AT PRIVATE SALE FORLESS THAR HAW THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting ease and doubts bottom English patent lever watches, jell jeweled and plain; of the moat approved and best makers:, fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and leplide watches; ladles ' fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold Americas hunting case _patent lever watches, of the most approved styles; fine silver hunting case and oper. race English patent •lever watches, of the moat approved and best makers: fine silver huntlna case American patent lever watettes of the most approved makers; fine silver hunting cane and open face SVASEI and French patent lever -and leptue watches; independent second and double time lever watches; saver tinartier English, Swiar and French watches; fine gold-plated watches: Peters's patent watches, fine English movements and numerous other watches.. Very Rue English twist double barrel fowling pincer, barr and back- action load,. SOM. Y" . 7 costly. MONEY TO Loam, • - In iorZo or email amounts, on goods of every description, for any lec.gth of time agreed on , SALES ATTENDED TO, either at private dwellings, stores, or 43 153Whirii• toad, wnen reqtdred, _two-thirds of the-=Value -p, ttEe goods will be advanced in anticipialon of sale 00 .NSKINMENTS'•• • . Of goods of oiery description solicited" for public sales. ..• • ' e -Very line sewin-g inacturifisi-several auperier: Hammocks; flne.gold' chains; • jewelry oVelrety , delcriptionl •diltionde •numerous other'llrll.• COW • • . AUCTION 845 LEE . TA.1 3.(171014.8ER, t) No. 4.2:: WALNUT street,• shove Fourth.- 11!. Oru RE • AL --k . '=I:ATE SALE, jytAX t), 1884. oourt slle- - -Estate 01 O. W. Hepburn, VALUABLE PaßßTdeceased. AT BRISTOL,. - BUCKS .COUNT Y AFTERNOON We will sell on the premisss, on TUESDAY , Tday 3, 1864, at 2 o clock. the valuable property at Bristol, known as the Bath Brie 01, Chalybeate Springs," 61 acs of land, part in Witt extensive improvemems. IQ" Full particulars in handbills,- $1,0L.0 to ba paid when the Property is -Strack7oft: • -REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY L This sale will incinde— -• BLE SQUARE OF GROUND, south side of Chestnut st, 500 feet from 47th.. to 48th et, thence along 49th st 2153 c Mot to York at,- along the north side of York it 423 feet 4.j, inches, thende fee°trtobnealltBll6,te.ees SsatitifEltailles"os' Esthfr Byram, ftec . d. VALUABLE S r ABE or a s, 4 00 E. corner 48th arm chestnut stre,ets, 400 feet front on Chestnut and Oak streets, and 214.4 rearm-14th street. Same estate. VALUABLE SQUARE OF.GROUND at the S. W. corner 49th and Chestaut-streets 410 feet on Chestnut and York streets, 215 x feet on 48th street.. Same estate. • 'N. VALUABLE SQUARE. OF GROUND at. the W . corner 49th and Chestnut streets 42b feet - lx in. on Chestnut street, thence N. W. 1.94,V feet to Oak street, 480 feet on Oak street and 211).i feet on 48th street. Same estate - VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND S. W. corner of 48th and, Market a reets 48 i feet along Market anti CU stre.ts, and 211.1 i feet on 44th and 49 hstreets Same estate, VALUABLE .SQUARE OF GROUND at S E. con er 47th rind Ch. stnnt strtetz, 181 feet on Chest nut et.; thence S. E. 45 Pet ids inches;. thence S. W. 218 lest 11 inches to 47th i t., a 2d along 47 h st. 144 feet 5 inches. Same Estat, V &Ix ABLE LOT OF GROUND north side of NTk, 440 feet west of 49th sf, 600 feet on York st.; thence N. E. toChestnut:treet, along the seime feet: inches; thence south 215 feet 2 inches. Same Estate 8 1 5 S: 7TB. ST. Three-stor bk house and let. 52 fret front, near 40 feet deep. I 7 ground rent. Orphans' Court Sate—Estate •J Bernard Quinn, des' a. RIMBERTON COAL CO.—This valuable estate, comprising 300 acres of Coal lands in Lu taut,. zerne county, Pa., near Wilkesbarre. Sale GERMANTOWN COTTAGE, at the corner of Knox end Linden streets, with every convenience. Full descriptiters in handbills: Poises:ion im mediate. BROWN STONE STORE, NO. 210 CHEST NUT STREET, 151‘ feet front, Ilr2 feet eeep.. No inerimbrances. lull descriptions in handbills. Executors'. Sole. Estate of Joseph- Fisher, deceased, GER MANTOWN. —A valuable property of 7 acres, on .Main avenue, Armat and Hancock streets, with excellent improvements- stream of water through the land; stone mansion: stable end coach house, and all out-buildmgs. Fine fruit and very accessible. 997 SPRUCE STREET—Three-story brick DOME', /9X by 83 feet to a 10 Lest auey, $92 2.5 ground rent. Executors Sale—Estate B Gib son, deo' ti. S E. CORNER EIGHTH AND SPRUCE STREETS—Large mansion house and line 10t.21 feet 9 inches by 250 feet to a 40 feet street. 812,000 may remain • Possession immediate. May be ex amined at any time. Same estate. GROUND RLNTS. 825, 821. Sl9 50 and .F. 30 per annum, out Of iota of ground and frame houses, 19th Ward. . hey are all old rents, are well se. cured, the land being worth more than the princi pal of the rents, d recutor's Sole. 339, 311 AND 3 3 43.5. TWELFTH STREET— Three-story brick houses and - lots b low spruce strset, each les by 31 feet; 810 50 ground rent on each 440 POPLAR STREET—Three s•ory brick store nno lot, IS by 61 feet, no inCumbranCe. Orp "tan:. Court Sale—Eslate of G. Letter* Sr., rioc'd 442 POPLAR ST.—Propf rty adjoining, store and dwelling, IS by near 50 feet: no incumbraoce. Same rnate. Ist OTIS ST.—Two-story brick house, and lot .10 by Ul is: feet clear; VO gr. and rent, Same estate. 'OORE ST.—A lot of ground adjoining the ?too re on the rear, 20 by 65 feet. Sam, esfatt... $l2O GROUND RENT—Out of a lot OA Moore et ••u by 65 feet. :tante estate. \ - ALLTABLE BROAD ST. LOT—S W. coiner of Ontario st., Ki feet on Broad, 3.57 feet. 10g inches on Ontario at,: thence S. W. 37 fe,-t 9t Inches to Fifteenth et., on wh_ch it Is 36 feet . trout. Sias per. adp:ory: SOUTH FIFTEENTH St.—Three-story brick house N. W. corner of ..llollory at, 30 by ;3 feet: object . to 53.01X1 mortgage. and to a dower of $3OO r year. Ezecu ors' atzolult Salt, Wale cy R. Ilsit^, meter' d. I:113 POPLAR St—Three-story brick house and ?et of is feet. part over ';'3 feet deep to a 3 feet alley. rcai POPLAR. ST.—Three-story brick adjoin ing. PQLAR ST.—Three—gory brick .s.El3.irsi- Inn. 2lth WARB—Destrable property, N. E. corner of 3- , ..11 and York Inv, 75 by WO feet. 1517 .t'ADWALA.DER ST.--Three-story brick Louse and lot 25 by neared feet_ 1516 BO a 1I E ST. —Three-story brick house and lot on the rear of the above, 13.; feet by near 30 feet deep. • AtrOTION''BADS Y - JOHN -•M Y -E .12 S & O 0:: _LS Auctioneers. Nos. 232 "and , 244 Market street. corner ' of Bank. LARGE* PEREMBTORYiI r•s; or'•EITRO..; PLAN,. lA‘DIA AND HEL.X.ERICAW, DRY GOODS. • ' --4 We will hold a large' sale of British, Garman; French - and' American Dry Goods,. by catalogue. en FOUR-MONTHS! •CREDIT and-parLfcr•cash;. ON THURSDAY 'MORNING; APRIL 28, Commencina at precisely 10 o' clock comprising • *Zit_ PACKAGES AND LOTS:, t; of British,' german,' French; 'lndia:and America+ Dry Goods, embracing a' large, fall lind , fresti as.: .- sortnient Woolen, Worsted; Linen,Ootton and Silk Goods, for :City and country • • N. B. — SamPlel 0 11 ie-same will bc arranged for examination, with eat:wog - nes, early On the ruorri: ing of the stile,: when - dealers Will Qad thet interest to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS; .Sfllle.W. • 'GOODS: BATTS. - &e.. • NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of - Foreign and Domestic Dry Gonda, on THURSDAY MORN. , ING, April 28 at WO' c locd,. will' b3-found in part the following:desirable 'articles, to- be sold without r.serve;bri four mbriths , credit and for cash : —packages standard must ins. -- packages corset jeans. packages fancy prints. - - - packages twine and liste. - -- cases neat stylesAmencan. ewes neat styles American gingharns. -- cases English and German giughams. • • -- cases Lipton cheeks. cases blue. 'denims. • cases tickings.' - , cases blue stripes. • cases black and colored silesiss. • cases brown add bleached mt Elias. eases tancy cotionades. cases jeans and mixtures. • Ca& sSaxony dress goods. cases fancy lawns and jaconets. cases pbplins and mozambiones cases fancy reps. nd poll ye chevres. cases de bef e and mous de laines. -- pieces French plaid flann«ls. —pieces mode and silk el otica.s. 100 bales el:Moab .its. LIN EN. GOODS. ON THURSDAY, April 28th, will be sold— _ pieces 7 4 and 8-.1 Barnsley damasks. • pieces white.and brown damasks and cloths pieces damask and buck toe els. pieces diaper and plain•towels pi-ces bleacliedand brown linen bucks. pieces elastic cat vas. dozens % and cambric handkerchiefs. TAILORING GOO. S—To OLUTRIERS AND OTHERS. ON THURSDAY, . • April 28 will be included in our sale— Abou t say 275 pieces woelensand cassinets. pieces Belgian and French- broadcloths, in blue. black and fancy colors. —pieces Englhhblack cap and cloak cloths. pieces English meltons, in fashionable shades. --pieces fancy French cassimeres. - pieces black doeskins. ' pieces black and fancy satinets. pieces black Italian cloth. - - pieces black drag Also, black satin and fancy silk restings, serges. velvets, hosiery, gloves, spool cotton:, patent thread, silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral skirts, shirts and drawers, linen bosoms, buttons, touon handkerchiefs, woolen, thibet and stella shawls, fancy articles, &c.. tic. • Also Ewa of American dry goods for cash 3t cares palm bats and shaker hoods. kc. CARNETS AND CANTGN IVIATTINGS. • ON THURSDAY MORNING, APH11.29-, At precisely 10 o'clock, will be- sold, an assort ment of ingrain, Venetian, hemp, list and rag car_ Vets ; Canton mattings, An. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH INDIA, • GERIdAN AND RRITIeR • Eat' GOODS &c. , FOR SPRING SALES.ON ItIODDAY MORNING, MAY 2, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, of FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, about 5.50 PAOK9OLS AND LOTS of French, India, German and British Dry Goods, &c.„ L embracing a large and choice assortment fancy and staple articles, in silk, worsted, woolen linen and cotton fabrics. N. B. --Sainples of the sable will be a..r...anzed fc7 examination, with catalogues, early on the molt ing of the sale, when deilers will find It to they Interest to attend. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 11.04.1 PACK A.GE:-. ROOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, ARMY GOODa. STRAW GOODS, Ac., ON TUESDAY MORNING, 'MAY - At 10 o' clock, will be acid, by catalogue, Althea resom, on FOUR 15IGNI'ES' CREDIT, show 1100 packages-Boots, Shoes, Brogans, ..licarosis, Army Boots and Shoes, Zce.,, Ac., of Cit and Eastern manufacture, embracing a freari and prime assortment of desirable articles. ea, men, women and ctuldrea. Also, straw goods, in men's hats, shaker heeds., ho. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale 217 HOMAS - SONS, AUCTIONEERS, /. Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth street.. REAL ESTATE SALL, MAY 17. Orphans' Court SaleEstatr of Benry B. Mark land, a minor-THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING, No. S3l Hace st, west of sth st. Sale absolute. VERY HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT of Mr. John B. Andrews, 7t3i ACTIES, Springfield Brad and Darby Creek, DAEBY-a number of elegant building sites Peremptory Sale-15 YA'LLTAFILE BI T ILDING LOTS anti 1t ACRES OW LAND, Atlantic City, N. J. Orphads' Court Sale-Fstate of Mrs. Mary Pepper, dec'd-THREE; STORY BRIOK STORE. MAREET st, N. W corner of Eighth Same Estate-THREE-STORY BRICK STORE No. 2 north Eighth st &roe E•tate- THREE STORY BRICE STORE and DWELLING, No 4 north Ethsi. Sam. Estate- THREE- STOR.YBRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. - to rth 9th st. Same • Estate-4 _ -TEIREE.STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, rear of 51.11 st, below Filbert. Salve Estate-FOUR-STORY BRICE STORE and DWELLING, N. W. corner of Fifteenth and Locust xis. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of John C.Pecbin der' a- 2 YEARLY GROUND R.ENTS of Sit 0 a year each. Same Estate-LOT OF GROUND, Pine st, east of 2'al Some Estate-LOT .OF GROUND, N. W. coiner of McKean and 12111 six. • Same Estate-LOT. Gen Lane, 2.23 Ward. - 5 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, New. ktik st, extendirg through to Thompson. °rollers' Court Sale-Estate of Thos. L. Ash. mead, deed-THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LING No li:09 Race st Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of Jas. hlcKenney, deed- DWELLING. II ustou et. Executor's Sale-Estate of Susannah Fricke,_ dec'd - BUSINESS STAND-THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 716 north Second st_ Same Estate-2'l 'WO-STORY BRICK DWEL LINGS, St Tot n st, adjoining. Executor's HANDbO.Y E COUNTRY RESIDENCE and 1 ACRE, Beverly, N. J , havD_g a grave front on the River Delaware. Peremptory Sale-VALUABLE CO VNTRY SEAT and FARM, kmiwn as , LINDEN ' " Old 'Yolk Read, at the Smile store,Cheltenharatown. ship, Montgomery county, Pa -Large Stone Mansion, Barn, Stable, &c. Sale absolute. Executor's Sale- Es ate of Geo Sheol'. dee' d -2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No. 244 I hester st, and No. 231 Shell at. Executor's Peremptory Sale-Estate of Powell Stant house, dee d-zVerrenx. - n BUSINESS LOCA- T lON- II BRIOR DWELLINGS, Front st, be. tween Race and Vine /1.:1; 61 feet front by 132 k feet deep. Sale absolute. FOUR STO.RY BRICK STORE add DWEL LING. N. W. t orner 16th and Summer sus. LARGE and MODERN RESIDENCE and, Coach House, No. 259 E.:Mth Fourth at, ,near Walnut st. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of t . Robert C. Eros der, dec'd-LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, over 21 acres, Buck Road, First Ward. Sale at the Rising Sun Village. SUFFF.IOR FURNITURE, BILLIARD TA - BI.E, FINE MIRROR, CARRIAGE, DON REVS. ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29. At 11 o' clock, on Goiniantown arenne, near the junction of the Old York Road, (Rising Sun yil late) the surplus , furniture. bookcase, rosewood billiard, table, mantel mirror, carpets, matting, dc. Also. a Germantown carriage, ,by Rogers, pair don eye and wagon, . . . SW' May be examined at 8 o'clock, on. the morn. lug of sale. PubliC Sale on the Prem es AT is. ELEGANT COUNTRY SE, 8 ACRES, DARFSY ROAD AND SUMMIT' ST.', • DARBY. ON WEDN ESDAY, 'May 4, 1864, - at 3 o'clock P. M.will be sold at public sale, on the premises, an-ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 8 acres, 'cor ner of Darby Road and Summit street; DARBY. Btnne Mansion * 2 carriage houses, wagon house, 'tenant house, ice 'hence, ite , .vegetable garden, fruit and fhate treea r bydraulte ram, good spring water, ish pond, '&c. 'tie a valuable and hand some country place.- 116.7 - 'Will be shownC by the owner and occupant, Joseph B. Conover, ate. AsEignees' Sale. _ Ezustsm. ASSETS OF THE BANK OF r - - VANIA, ON THURSDAY, NAY 5, ,At 12, co' clock noon.. will be sold at public, sale, at :the ...Philadelphia 'Exchange, by , order of the AESlgtees of the Biteltot.Ptanutyliquaia, in pursn. :rune of ;the. authority of..theAlottrl.,, of Common Pleas of Ipilltulelphia,the rertiairiing assets of said Emik: Terms- cash • Payable:chi' or before Mon- day, ati 19. o'clock: Patio particulars in vatsingees, which may ,had at . the Auction. voinme, e. II MION SAJ.,RE, • ups. vssi an4,4l•scart•b•Poul'll • puRNATI-Tftv, ivr 1: liGialtd/C" STORE: EVERT VaI.' II, SDAY • •• - REP ParticuiEwatteetion‘vven to solei at trtralg 4k resienc.43, o. " - '- SALES 0.1 , ' STOOKS. ANL' 'AX IL EbTATB it the lachalLge, TITESI)- 4, Y, at 12 o'clock _ . ,0".2 - andbil Is of each_nroperty issues' 6eParatelfr ime. on -the ,Saturday previous to ettc,'' sale 10 4 4 P Catalog - nes, in pamphlet forin, giving descrly. ttor-e- - _ STOCKS &c. _ ON;'i MAY 1,., •At 12 a' clock noon, at the Exchange— •Wilhout resErve for" accou=nt, or whom . concern,, Ito ;Sets.. `ark aadiffhlt le 0,1;4- Fleld Co. EAL ESTAT4 KAY 3; - EXetutors' POTPIT iItOTV.: Sale— Estate of James' hunt ; decd.—ABOUT 75 ACRES, NICETOWN' "1, E, corner of - 11.110•09 GATE LA15fE'.2.5%.11 - W.;s.nr. 'with. Stone I, ceiling and Frame - Sarni eahanTtible Stone (Incrry, &c. T./rD00D.A.2.1110:, -E'L.N.and descriprion at:the /Itretto-h-,Mra-g 2O• .01 1- } ban , -'Coml. Sale.—Estate or Ju. - ,411 01/1i504, - t - : —2 -LOTS O .F,IIIIIOL'N - D,Passyntalr Ediarrt-: s?up.2sth,W rd. . Some Estate-4 GROUND RENTS, of $5l, $l9, S'.3 and E 45 a year.- Executor's Sali--Fstate of John W. Reirner dec d LOT; 43 ACRLS.-i - and Int pros, meats ; near the 5 rade Stone, SP lona_ Stree - Tarhpiker ithout 1 mile, above "OLNEY," 23d Wnrct Caphans• Court Sale—Est:l , P of Azariah :. Sim moni, decld.—VAL - ITAv LE T, over oacres, Chevy (:base and Long Lanes, NEAR EIGH TEINTIf STR ELT, crossing several public streets, 2ath "Ward. Plan at the Auction Rooms, TREE-SIORY EI3ICE &FORE-andDWEL LING, W. corner 4th and Greenwich sts... bale by Order of "h . :its—Estate of Dr Peter Ho - well, den' d. —HAN LtSOY E L.S.RGE , RESI DENCE, Office, Stable, (1 sell "Rome, and Lots of Ground, No. 32 Greene , at, TRENTON, New Jersey., Fame Estate—LOT and FRAME DWELLING, adjo l ning the above '1 BREE-STORY TAVERN and DWELLING, 4lst Qr., north of Logan st, 2,4•1 i Ward Peremptory Si Ie—VALUABLE RESIDENCE,* No, 1(44 WALNUT st 26 feet front. • Executor's SaIe—BUILDING LOT, Agnes st, below Christian st, between 10;33-and 11111. stsl-tio feet trout ' GIPITEEL DWELLING, No. 315 Spruce st. A dmiutetrators' Sale—Esaite of John L deed.—VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. au north Sixth s , abo . to Alarket.st • T 1 BEE-STDRYBRICR STORE and DWEL- - L3NG, Sid Richmond Ey „Sill Ward Executor's Peremyo cry•ale- - -;E:nat?, of Hannah Farl4c. dee' d. —l9 1 H.REDEEKA.BLE.G-TIOUNIk.. --5151 i, C , 336,- 82. S,i'S 56 -- ,,531 '35 75 , S 7 O, i 5 7, SSSA 40, 850, 5 57, t 70 ,537,5r 5 . Et, :2 54• a year. Same Estate—VALUABLE BUSINESS STAN D—Ttiree-i•ors Britt Store and Dwelling,, No. 22 north Eth. st,above Arch st. Sale absolute,- - Terersp.orsl Sale—VEßY' VALUABLE LOT, 1.4 x AUBES, Wheatsheaf Lane, 25th of all Incumbrauce. Sale ab=olute. E.Yeentor's Peremptory Sale—Estate late of Sam-It Flohrman, c'ec.' ci- —TWO- STORY ERRell'E--• DWELLING, Race it; west et 15th st, with 2 , th•e e ry brick dwellings in the rear. absolute THREE-STORY BRICK B VICE RY tind L I A Li LING. No. 1615 Scott' st ofTenth et. Easiness Stand--STOREazd DWELLING, No: 117 4 70) Ft, west of Front st. . En Sil. ess Stand—STOßE and DWELL! . G, No-o N i A ch st. tresrot Frontst. adjoining . tho's.bove.- 3 TB REE-S 7 ORY BRICK DWELLINGS, . .2.:(5, (€. at,d :510 Pine st, west of Willow St.' F. remptrry Pate--THREE-STORY BRIM LLING, No. 61.5Raeast, west or Eighth • Bale ahsolntt. FLAT Bit ODERN DWELLING-, No. 1.10, Lrcwn st. vveS.t. of Eleventh ft. -- 7 Is REE. STORY BercE STORE and DV7EI.- Ll 7-, 4 ., S. W. corner of 12th and Fi tzwater sts THREE-S'IORY BRICK DWELLING, - No. svuth Ninth et, 'below South, st, (RonaldsOit's: Pow • L.A RGY and VALUA BLE RESIDENCE : NO £ow h Fourth at, below Walnut. PEAL F-pTATE SALE, MAY 10. Orphans' Court Salt...--Estate of James Brown. eeen—VALrALLßßusrs.nsa PROPERTY—BRICK. BrILU ' INGS, known as the EXCHANGE BATHS. Second st, below Dock st, - 23 feet front. 2;6 Jett in depth to Laurel et. Same 'Estate- TWCNSTORY-HRPCETDWELL--. GS. E corner ofilm ire s allky and Laurel ' Same Estate-3 •FOUR-STORY BRICK STC'VES and DWELLINGS, :Nos: - 213_ 215 and south Second st, with. TAV ERN and DWELL-- INO ard COACH MANUFACTORY''' . Cal Dock st-45% feet front. Peremptory bale—LOT, No th Penn Village, 21. st Ward, near Girard College, and , Lands-in liissonri and New _Teri.y._ Sate abiolute _ - C L ING s, N. E. corner of Coombs's alley and Chance-y lade, be. t wren Front a nd Second an / Market and arch Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT. Bristol Tnrnpike, (formerly Mr. Rovrea's, sad latter Mr. Desilver's)—LAßGE and. SPLENDID Iy STONE MANSION. STABLE and OAOR ROUSE and iii ACRES. The mansion, is elegantly finished, with all modern convent-,.. ences, at d the grounds handsomely laid oat and: I.: , ghly Improved. Commands .beautiful views, - cenvenie/t to churches and schools, and accessibleto cars, steamboats, stages e. Sale absolute.. T EE- STORY BRICE Ice.- STORE and DWElir. Ii G, Nc. IF-21 ielarket st, west of 1-th. THREE- ST 0 REICH DWELLING, PIo. 711) PIInCL \VC C St. DESIR,,ABLE ~, COTTAGE LOTS, James art. ue. lebxbinong.tr, 2'st Ward. VALUABLE t:OUNTRY PLACE, known as • Villa," Marlton Turnpike, 3 miles from Can den, N J. Executor's Sale—Estate of George Lnd wick, de , r 7 d—VALUI.BLE TAVERN PROPER.I'Y, N. W. corner of Ilaverford road and 411:h st, and- RGE LOT, Lancaster avenue. ilith Ward. VERY "VALUABLE COUNTRY SEATof the F-v. James Neill. 12 ACRES, Bunting a; F• ite Grove of M. Fand. Eeq., DARBT—IVIan. FICII. Stable, Carriage Hops,., Ice House; and older out-buildings. TT In ti s SaIe—DACCA I3LE BUSINUF STANDS -3 BRICK STORES, Nos.-Min :lnd t=l4 SOUTH FRONT at lx-tweenUHESTNUT` aid WALB UT. • $3 - i 1 to sold giving the choice (3:either, w ith, privilege of the ilnee. Seme EStti.Te—.." VALUABLE FIRE-PROOF W EHOUSES, S.W. corner of Front - and New .t-. between Race and Vine sts—Lorge LOT, 86 by abtAit 155 feet. HANDSOME-COUNTRY PLACE, 26 Aotate, r c;a ware county, about 2,4 mutes trom Chester nd about l s miles from 'West Pale Station, on the Media and Pbil3deltatia Railroad. • Cltpbans' Conn Peremptory Sale—Estate of Cbaries Harlatiotec'd-4 RRIOB. DWELLINGS, S. E corner of 111:frtle and Preston sts,2lth Ward. lama Estate-BUILDING LOT, Pemberton.st,. between IFth and 19th and Shlpptm ,and Eltztvater sts. Sale absolute. Same Estate—LAßGE and VALUABLE LOT, prr.ce st, north bir e, west of Val st, 2.lth 43 feet front-2 fronts. Strtre I - state—GROUND RENT. of 864 a -_year. , TWO-STORY STONE DWELLING Ridge avenue, above the 3 mile stnne—Lot - 150 feet front. xee ntors' Sa;P—Est ate of Townsend Sharpl es s, dee' d —VALUABLE STORES, Nos. 32 and 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, extending through to ts'trawberky st. Fame33,:ittte-;-VALUABI,E STORE, No. 251 IvinREET t, near Third st. Same state-VALUABLE DwELLINGS,; CIFF.S.TNDT st, corner of Seventeenth. - _ _ nms Estate—DWELLING, N. W. corner, Of 2th and Filbert sts. Circe Estate—DWELLING, Filbert se, east of Thirteenth Same Estate—LAßGE LOT—Vine st and Nikes eonrt, with 33 BRICK DWELLINGS and 2 I'rantes. - NEAT MODLBN RESIDENCE, No. 1919 Ccates st—bas tbe Modern conveniences. Executor's Sale-,Estate of George Peterinan, dee' d—GENTEEL THREE. STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1026 'Constar st. - • Executor's Sale—Estate of Josiah Dawson,. dee' d-2. VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS, Nos 23 and 25 north THIRD st. above MARKET. Exe' utor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Daniel S Davis, dee' d=-THREE.STORY BRICK DA'ELLING, No. 717 Sansom st, west of Seventh st. Sale ab.soluta. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 Sourch Fourth street. SUPERIOR F URNITURE, ELEGANT ROSE WOOD PIANOS, MELODEONS. LARGE MIRRORS, FINE BRUSSELS CARPETS, &o. ON THURSDAY MORNING-, At 9 o' clock, at the auction store, superior , ftu - nitnre, elegant rosewood piano, by Chicketing; cae by Beichenbaell; rosewood melodeon, 4 fins; French plate pier and mantel mirrors, large wal nut bookcase, fine Brussels carpets, &c.' WATER' CASKS. ON THITIOSDAY ISIORNING, ,_ • At 19 0' clOO/1 M., at Simen's warehouSe, Fro t and otter streets, 'for aCCOtint 01' United States, 545 water casks, unserviceable . u9-IEI perth.n may be seen. at Front and Otter streets, the balance omPetty's Island. • ' SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, from ,a LIBRARY. JUVENILES, TOY BOOKS 'sc• ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL V, At the anbtlon store, 1 - tenable Miscelhineotts Hooks on ;various' interf sting subjects. Also, Juveniles, Toy Books, C. BRINLEY & JO.. Nos: .615 -V - cil-FESTy!Trr ri.pd 614 JAYNE street 800'13= guElyggArtti6COrMtnirof sate - by DALLETT & SON, j4B South FROI4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers