Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 27, 1864, Image 2
TIE WAR FOR THE OUR TROOPS AT PLYMOUTH; REPORTED "NEWBERN, April 23. —Reports from Plymouth have lakn revered that our flag still floats over our fatillcations in the place, though the enemy have possession of the town and river. It is said that Gen. Wessels retired into his fortifica tions with hitt en days' provisions. • This report appears to be believed. On the arrival el more gunboats we shall be able to reach Plymouth, and ascertain the facts. Washington and New born are much stronger fortified than Plymouth ViaS. The obsequies of Comiaauder Flasser took place to-day. FROli CHARLESTON. The Port Royal New South publishes the fol lowing letter, dated Mortis Island, April 15: "On the 13th instant the rrbels fired a few shells from Fort Sumter. The lath was the anniversary day on which the rebels captured the tort, by bombarding itfrom Cummings' s Point and several other places. Not cue of their shells did a particle of damage. Our men immediataty Opened from Fort Gregg, and in a very short space of time the enemy was completely silenced. , "Thefact that the enemy has guns in Fort Slim ier is not doubted, but we are confident he will never be able to make any practicable use of them. 'The thirty-pounder Parrott gun which did such admirable execution in shelling Charleston, and which exploded on the forty-Fix hundred and fifteenth round, has been replaced by . a gun equally as effective. Shells are now tossed Into the, city at points the rebels supposed we would not be able to reach. The inhabitants who supposed themselves comparatively safe in the middle of the city, have been compelled to take another journey toward the .northern Limits. • 'For the past few days the tides have been and precedenteoly high, so that the banks along rye beach have been leveled for a distance of several yards inland. At Fort Wagner, near the sally. port, two torpedoes were washed out of the sand by the waer. One of the torpedoes contained po or der in a dry stare, the powder in the other was moist and nnexplosive. "Several dead bodies have also been exhurn.d by the tide near the fort. In one place seventeen and in another eight bodies were exposed to view. They were reinterred further inland. 'Deserters and contrabands come in every lit le while from Charleston and vicinity. The intelli &nee they bring confirms that which we already know concerning the force and position of the ene my's troops. Beauregard is traveling continua ly between Charleston and Savannah, and manifests considerable uneasiness at our supposed intention to strike a blow in the neighborhood of one or the other place. "There is nothing new to report of the fleet." FROM THE SOUTH. . FORTRESS Woman, April tti.—The Petersburg Express of April 42 says instructions are given t .the First Auditor cf the Treasury Department to rev ove his bureau from Richmond to Montgomery, Ala-, nest week. Monms, April 19.---The Red river has suddenly fallen, leaving forty transports and gunboats above the Raft, which cannot get out till the water rise . FROM MEW MEXICO PEXTER CITY, April '24.—Nevr Mexican papers of the .16th state that Captain .Asher, la 'e Quar termaster of Arizona under Gen. West, recently absconded into (Ad Mexico. A setter from Fort Lyon says that the Indians in the neighborhood• are undoubtedly friendly. In the vi.inity of Denver small bands of Indians continue to steal stozlr, but Were are no fears of their molesting the wesrern emigrants. Mft - ImPIA4/1 1 :4: Nuw YORK. _April :V.—Governor 0. P Morton, of Indiana, who has been here for some days past, lt - ft this evening for Indianapolis. His business is to take the field at the head of the Indiana Le.efon, Tecently tendered to the Government for special service. His immense popularity in Indiana will induce almost universal enlistment in that Sate. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, April 2u.—Yesterday Captain Wm. B. Saddle, ()Cabe 6th regiment Veteran Re serve Corps, discover..d a man lurking in. the Ti cinity of Laurel, Md., about eighteen miles on the Baltimore road, under very suspicions circum stances. The Captain arrested him and upon being questioned he gave his name as Lieutenant George Taylor, of Mosby's guerillas. He was this morn ins locked np in the Old Capitol prison. Liern.- Commander De Haven has been orderad to the command of the Tallaposa. A desperate encounter occurred to-day between B ole-in- the-Day, the Chief of the °hippo was, and Lock-around, one of his young warriors. The lattar fired a pistol, the ball from which entered near the right ear of the Chief, passing around his head, and coming oat of his month He lies in a critical condition. Look-around had his faze •an jured with a pocket knife in the hands of Hole.iu the-Day. The subscription to the ten-forty loan reported at the Treasury to-day amounts to 8907,000. INTERESTING -PEON THE SOUTH From the Richmond Efiquirer, of the 29th Met we take the following items: GENERAL BURNSIDE' S EXPEDITION . . .a. gentleman who left Maryland about ten days ago, brings us some interesting information from that quarter. He recently visited the camp of General Burnside at Annapolis, where ne counted four thousand two hundred tents, and learned that the forces amounted to about thirty thousand men, nearly half of whom were negroes. The trans ports to convey them to their proposed destination bad not arrived, but were expected every day. Meanwhile the organization of the expedition -was progressing with great industry. The opinion prevailing in Annapolis, Baltimore and Washing ton,- indicated the James River as a basis of opera tions for this formidable diversion. • Burnside is to land a short distance below Drew ry's Bluff. which he is to take by assault, whilst Dleade advances on Petersburg. Troops have been pouring through Baltimore for the past two months. The regiments- are spoken of as full, though of indifferent material. The Yankees, so far as our informant had opportunities of acquaint ing himself with their private views, universally agreed that the present was the last campaign in Virginia. If Grant should suffer a defeat, '••he game was uo." Our friends in Maryland are more hopeful of Confederate victory than they have ever been before, and confidently expect soon to see the glitter of Southern bayonets over the border TRE TRANS-IEIEBIPP' DEPARTMENT. We had the pleasure yesterday of au interview with Captain John W. Hinsdale, of Gen. Holmes' Staff, who had just arrived from Shreveport, La., and irom whom we obtain some late and in teresting Trans-Missiesippi intelligence. Captain Hinsdale left Shreveport on the 22d nit. , at wnich time - the place was garrisoned by a sufficient force to hold it against the expected attack. The forufl. cations are complete and very extensive, the natural advantages of the place, which are con siderable. having been improved on by much en gineering, skill and labor. The river at Shreve port is about three hundred yards wide. The op posite banks are low and the soil so boggy as to prevent an advance from that side: Our batteries are sqlficiently elevated ti secure plunging shot against the iron-clads, and the guns are of heavy calibre and well mounted. In addi tion to these defenses the river is obstructed to such an extent that theft eet cannot a Ivance on the town without much difficulty and delay, as well as dan ger. The garrison is provisioned for a siege of six months ; the troops are in the best of spirits and repose unlimited confidence in Gen Smith. The Trans-Mississippi army was never in better con dition. Many desertions have taken place within the past year, it is true, but the practice has ceased, and the army now thoroughly weeded, tested and harmonious, and, under a favorite lea der, is prepared for victory. Gen. Holmes has been relieved from duty in the Arkansas District. at his own request, and re ports his to Richmond for orders: He is stopping Sterling Price assumes with staff, at the Spottswood Hotel. General command of the depart ment vacated by General Holmes. He has a fine command of 13 , a - ve and enthusiastic troops. The forces of Banks, in the expedition, are esti mated at twenty-two thousand men. The g boats, according to the statement, of theeera are twenty in number. APPAIRS IN JOE aoriNSTON' F/ ARMY. • A Correspondent under date of April 17, writes as follows: The Meath of the men in General Johnston's hereand in the towns i was never so g oond. Indeed, the hospitals the Southwest are nearly all emptied, and the surgeons repose in otiunt cam dignitate, and if stationery were not so scarce, might hargthe leisure to prepare valuable theses Out of the results of their active and laborious campaigns. Gen. Johnston's liberal syste m o f granting furlough's has worked admirably. The furloughed men are rapidly returning, greatly IMproved.in vigor, in health and spirits, and many of them bring recruits. The young men who are reaching' the military age are rapidly joining their brothers and comrades in the army. There will be little difficulty in feeding Johnston's and Polk's army in this country, and of sending a surplus to your Virginia army,. if the govern ment will infuse a little more vigor and activity into the transportation department. West Alaba ma and East Mississippi' alone can supply the - Whole Cot federacy with corn, and nearly with pork. But yon in Virginia must see to the for warding It. ARREST OP AN ALLEGED SPY. - A. dashing young fellow, calling himself Dr. L. Lugo, who has recently cut quite a line figure hi fashionable and official circles in this city,' was ar rested on iSaturday , morning ld.st. in Tapp•than nook, Essex cottuty, while on too way for t h e North, with lots of-plans land drawings of bright particular spots in the Confederacy, and d ou b tl333 a memory well stuffed with the latest ‘ , ser a i. om _ dial), information relating to the ^no vem-nts or _Confederate troops. who, arra itoft by De iehtive John Reece, with others he uon lederate, Police Departnaerq t , had for some time past been in close and an xio s - p arse.' tOf h;in. tie had SUccestlinlly evaded the inasce 4 cres and coal. _ • -r."_ = *vas mutt svitiiiti itblitETlN t PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY,;:-APRIL 27, .1.864; binetions of the'Wliole, -department, begfin about three weeks ago, when suspicion_ first fell upon him, and_the department very naturally felt pretty sore abOut it. On Friday night last, about half-past ten o'clock, Detective 'Reece set out on horseback for Essex county, fell in, with a member of rdaryiand Line, who volunteered for , klittle scout," and took him along the Tappahannock.. Here they encountered on the following morning the identical Dr. Lugo, on his way to .r.he ferry, and although the officer had never seen him before in his life, he relied on his "points" and took him prisoner. Logo attempted to get away and played very in dignant, but the cool assurance on the part of Reece and his friend, that he would get shot cer. tarn if he didn't submit, soon settled him, and he accompanied them back to Sandy's Hotel, the Exchange of Tappahannock. He was then taken to a private room, where he was quietly informed that it was "the fate of war" t,at he should be stripped, and strippedhe was, in spite of protests and tne most magnificent indignatt n. In his pockets were found 'various papers, in which he is represented as a PrussilLll, though it seems he is an Italian ; a small caret bearing the name of a member of Congress. who had innocently. vouched for him to gam a passport in the days of his glory ;then there was a small bundle of papers, about six inches long and two and a half ,in breadth, containing drawings of ditTerent rivers showing where certain torpedoes were placed; a paper containing the names and descriptions of all the different batteries and points of 04arleston Harbor. and then an elaborate drawing of some other work.or works, the meaning of which he did not explain,. and the °dicers could not make out. There were also two or three passes. The search beieg over and the Doator's toilet re-arranged, he was taken to King William Court House, where he was furnished with comfortable lodgings, and on S'unday was brought to Richmond. e is now in Castle Thunder, awaiting examina lion. Lugo is apparently about twehty four years of age, is slender, but well built, and of free d prepossessing deportment. THE FRENCH TOBACCO 'the French tGbacco stored in this , city. and which will soon be shipped to Europe. consists of between seven and eight thonsand hogshends, all of which is of line quality, and worth several millions of dollars: To transport it away at once, will require sevsn or eight ships and it is said that the 3 equisite number will be at City Point in a day or two Two HIINDRED AND EIGIITY-THIRD DAY. —The enemy kekt, up a brisk fire upon the city Thurs day, tiring between forty and fluty shells Alout one o'clock. a Parrott shell entered the roof of Alexander Duncan's work-shop, at the foJt of Resell street, struck on the anvil and bunted. Two young men and a negro boy were standing by he anvil at the time of the explosion. The two 'white men escaped uninjured. The pegro boy, named Patten, belonging to Mrs. Breath. wts struck on tht , shoulder and the :eft arm broken. He also- received several severebruises on the head. ,It is believed that amputation of the arm will be necessary, Between thirty and forty shells have been ftred at Port Sumter since oar fast, most 01 widen struck, but did no damage The enemy were a.g.sia busy at the "Swamp Angel" on Thursday. There teas no change in the fleet —lrcreark FEMALE BIRT t SOCIETY'S SENIXENTEN. Rita. ANBIVERSARY. At ibe Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust street, above 'Fifteenth, last evening, the semi. centennial arniver.ary of the Female Bible Society of Philadelphia was celebrated. Judge Strong reao The report of the society which sates that, by the suggestion of the Philadelphia Bible Society, in the March of 11.414, a number of ladies assembled at the house of Mrs. Robert Rats. ton, in this city; to form themselves into a society for distributing the Word of God. • The assonation was organized, a constitution adopted, measures taken to secure a charter, which was subsequently obtained, managers and otit ers were ele iced, of whom but one venerable lady survives. Four so cieties auxiliary to ti e parent board were formed scon after; the NorthweAern, extending from Market to Vine street, and from .Broad street to the river Schuylkill; the Southwestern Auxiliary, Whieh is included 'within till limits of Market and South streets,and from Broad street to the Schuyl kill river; the Northeastern, from Market to Vine street, and from the Delaware river to. Broad street; the Southeastern, which extends from the river Delaware to Broad street, and from Market to Sontb street. In addition to theie there are two huge and tl3nr. Jibing auxiliaries, one in Spring Garden, extend inf from Sixth street to the Schuylkill, river, and from Poplar street north to Vine street South. and another in Southwark. the present limits of which are comprehended within South and Green fetch streets, the Delaware nver and Passyunk. In the First Independent, ; Tenth Presbyterian and the Church of the Epiphany, the society has valuable auxiliaries. During the past fifty years about &93,000 have been collected and paid into the Treasury, and dur ing the vame period about -Itt, nue bibles have been distributed. Reference was made to an annual do nation from Robert Barclay, of this city, amount. ing to SZI , , during the nine years preceding his death, and to a legacy of f lee at the time of his de ceive. Interesting addresses were madeby several ofour city clergymen. belonging to the different persua sions. The choir sang some appropriate pieces during the evening. FROM CALIFORNIA FAN FR.ANCISCO, April 25.--There have been no arrivals or departures of moment. It is rumored that James P. Otis, now on his way east, has been appointed collector of this port, vice Mr. Tames, removed. Fears are entertained that the grain crop this fall will be short one-half, the late rains not having been sufficient. There have been twenty arrests for violation of the law against gunning. FROM eIIiCIRRATI. CINCINNATI. April '2o.—The strike amonN, the employees of the TllliOlat. TILIITO3.(i depots in bis city is about at an end, new men having been em ployed. • The muster of the militia yesterday was well at tended. The four Cincinnati regiments will re. pint with well , filled ranks. MOVEMENT OF TROOPS BovrOn, April 26. —Two compantes of heavy ar tillery occupying the fort at Portsmouth, N are ordered south, and will be replaced by militia. STOVES. HEATERS, &O GOLD'S lALPROVED STEAM AND WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATINO COMPANY OF PHILA.DELP a. JAMES P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. B. M. FELTWELL, Sup' t mhlB-6m§ THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, "n hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY "-- DIFFERENT SIZES. Also,. Philadel. phis Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c.,ai wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. CHASE, SHARPE & THOPLISON, mh7m, No. 210 N. Second street THOMAS S. DIXON, Late Andrews Dixon, .14'0. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, . Opposite United States Mint, • Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, - OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood FL."44. ALSO, WARM AIR FURNACIES, For vrarming nbllc andyrivate but'icitngs, REGISTERS, VEIVTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY OAPS, COOKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. my. If to :Aulawm%l witOte xv :4:1 lILVANA CIGARS.— good assortment constantly in Store and Bond— A at lowest rates for cash. mla2-.3mot. STEPHEN FUGUET, Importer, - - No. 216 S. Front Street. TOBAC CO. 9_7 hbda. shipping Tobacco received wo. to. da.y. For sale by BULDIN dolos N Water street. - ap2G P E NNSYLVANIA BRE 1: LEAF Tf3 31w0). 19 Cases Pennsylvania sea Deaf Wrappers and Firers, In store and for sale by GEORGE AL- S do CC., 13 North DELAWARE Ave nue. • . mhl7 110FAVANA OIGARS. —MOO Havana Cigars re ceived per Brig Marie TAoulse, and for sale by GEORGE S & 154 KorthDEL &- WARE Avenue. mhl7 ITERGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO— V THE FIRST ARRIVA.L S_INGE TIIE WAD BROKE our. _4 - 1,5 boxes superior sweet lum 'net received from, Norfolk, uow landing fronp t -gchz- , oner Florence, and for sale by . - , THOMAS WEBSTER, .Tie,; - Geneml , Az ent Union Steamship Company, , „ 14 North 11wInAvara aveweet. COTARTNE 'SillPd OTICE.--01:LARLES- O. KNIGHT IS AD. initted to.an interest in our business from this date. O. D. ROBBINS A; (JO,lron ,and Steel Merebarits, I. E. Car. Second an Vine eta., and 12 and 441vorth Fyont street, • • •. Ar..in 1. 1804 1864 NEW STOCK. 1864 'LINFORD LUKENS, N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut Sts. NOW DETERS A LABGB AND BLISGA.NT EITOOM Or Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. AlYthe choicist novelties in this department. Constantly on hand, the best made Shirts in the city. Orders promptly executed. tar - Prices reasonable te24-tvini,am A. S. ROBINSON • , DIEPOUTEB. AND DP* v.RR Ilf LOOKING :GLASSES. Fancy and - Plain Frames, imitable for Ivorytypst. Photograph' and Engravings. Manufacturer of .. „ • PIER, MANTLE , ei WALL MIRRORS Engravings and Oil Painting& Galleries or pictures and Looking Masa Wars rooms , • A. S. ROBINSON, 'Flo. 918 Chestnut Street. Philadelehit, BLACK SIL K S, $s no BLACK'SILKS $5 00 BLACK SILKS 84 50 BLACK SILKS SE co BLA6K SILKS • 83 59 BLACK S t LKS.... 93 'l5 BLACK SILKS s.l to BLACK SILKS $2 .50 BLACK SILK .7 S 2 25 BLACK SILKS .g 2 00 BLEU K SILKS. SI 75 • BLACK SILKS et 50 BLACK SILKS SI 24 . BLACK SILKS St 12X BLACK SILKS.... St 00. CUKWEI STODDART a; BROTHER. Nos. 450, 452 arid 451 North Seeltiri street, above Willow. TIANOY DRES SILK. X SOLID COLORS SILK. NEAT ()HECK SILK:. CHENE SILK SOLID COLORS FIGURED SILK. CURWEN .STODDAR & BROTH-UR, 'Nos. 450, 452 and 451 North Second street, ap26-3t§ above Willow 4t, LAN DELL, 400 ARCH STREET, 124 have now arranged for sale, a magnificent SWek , of Spring - DRY GOODS. adapted to first. class sales. This stock was laid in before the. re vert advance in gold, which enablel3 us to offer great incur ements ti th. trale. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Black Silks, from v2O to $1 per yard. Brow, Silks, 8,7 to Si. Moire An lig nee, from SO is €2 50. h Chenie and Spring Plaids. Blown Figured. Silks, double face. India Plaid Wash Silks, tel. 100 pieces Sommer Silks,.Sl a yard. SUMMER. DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdy Robes. French Organdies, new styles. GS pieces Goat's hair Giacluas. Tan Culcred Challies and Detains. Fine Black ()bellies and Bombazines: . Good style rtrenadines and Fonlarcts. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. London style Shawls, open Centres. Tamar titre Ordered Shawls. Sea.shcre Barege hhawls. Black shawls, full stock. • , TOURIST DRESS GOODS. - French Crape Pongees- • Summer Poplins. for emits. Tan. Pearl and Mode Mohair... Full stock Staple Goods. SUMMER WEAR.— G ante Merino Vests, Ft r Ladies. Gauze Merino Vest s , Fbr Gentlemen. . Gauze Merino Vests and Bodice, - For Children. Er glish and German Hosiery, All eizes, fan assortment. ilionu,s SIMPSON'S SONS, I 2 and 99.4 Pine street CLOTHS, CASSLIIIEB.ES AND 1 7E4TINGS.— JAMBS k LEE, invite the tittentton of their It lends and others to their large and well assorted Spring end Summer stock, comprising in part CO s,TING GOODS.—Supper Black French Clan- t• ;Super Colored French Cloths; Black French Habit Cloth,. Colored, do. • 0 tsmareas, all :al art and dually; Silk-mixed,SCnmer Cloths; Tweeds, all shades and qualities. PA.NTA.LOON• STUFFS.—BIack French Doe skins. ,•Black French Cashmeres - Beaverteents VE&TINGS.—Fancy Silk Yes'ings. Figarel 31m - tellies and Cashmeres. Fancy White Martell es, Plain do.: Black Latin 'Wettings, Ice, JAMES & LEE, No.ll N. Second Street, ap2l • Sign of the Golden Lamb. BLACK SILKS, 'BLACK SILKS. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our BLACK SILKS at the same Tutees as we did early in the sen.son,notwith standing the recent advances. M &NTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. ' Plain Silks, all colors, 51 30 to 55 75. 44 Fancy Silks, SI (0 to 50. Rich, Heavy, Handsome, Fancy Silks, 55 :37 to 86 50. Rich Chen& Silks, at 5 S 7, worth $.3 50, 'a' as • 4 at $3 25, '' 51 us. at $4 75, '' 6 $5 . 50. as 64 • at its 75, 5700. 10 Pieces Small PLAID SILKS, at St 25,- wo,t.h Si 50. 700 YARDS BLACK SILKS. 4 70'2 yards Organdie Lawns. . 702 yards Grenadines and Bareges. • 702 yards nue Dress Goods. 702 yards Chintz and Calico. 702 yards Glottis and Oassimeres. 702 pairs Stockings and Gloves. 7tr2 ARCH. Street. JOUR H. STOKES NA AN TLES AND CLOAKS' OF UNUSUAL $'J ELEGANCE. Taffeta Mantles and Sacqnes. Plain and richly-trimmed Mantles. Chesterfields, in Silk and Cloth. Short Sacques, of handsome Cloths.. French Cloth Cloaks. MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. Spring Shawls, in light colors. Summer Shawls, of good quality. One lot destrable Summer Shawls, S 3 00. Black Thibet Square Shawls, S 3 00 to *77 00. COOPER k CONAI:I3, • apl3 S. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. LINEN ADVERTISEATTINT.--S.DIILLIKEN & CO.—Stores for Linen Goods exclusively? 628 ARCH and 32 South SECOND street. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS. —A rood s..rons Irish Linen, at 44 cents; Heavy Golden Flax Lille from 58 cents up. SHIRT BOSONS. —We continue to pay par. bonier attention to this department. Ladies will find at our Stores the most extensive stock of E osoms, Wristbands and Collars in the city. TABLE LINENS.—A lotof extis..heavy power. loom Damask, nalf bleached, at 75 cents per yard. CHEAP NAPKINS.—An excellent article at 82 per dozen. S. 1111LLIKEN & 00. Linen Importers and Deale;s, mli3J 829 Arch street. and 32 S. Second street EDWIN HALL & CO., . NO. :26 S. SECOND street, have now open the best stock of Dress Goods they ever had the pleasure of offering to their_ customers. Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent Organdies. iuilk Warp Taffetas. Plain, Stripe and Plaid Poplins. Mouslin de Esso' as, a new fabric. Mohair Foulards. • Plaids, Stripes and Plain Valencias. Plaid and Stripe Mohair's. Beautiful shades fine Alpacas. Superior Black Alpacas. Striped and Figured French ()hints. Figured Percales and Cambrics. Plain - Lawns and Plain Percales. Percales and Pique Robes. Dress 'Goods, in great variety, of all the nevi Fabrics that have appeared in this coun t r y thi s year, some styles of which have been of our own mportation. . DIL. SCOTT'S vt _ ; . ;......1.`4-= LIVERY STABLES, or avenue, between Buttonwood grid ' ; 11:11. streets, Philadelphia. No Horse that can InPu'e another will be ad. witted. Livery to be paid before a liorse leaves er is taken, away. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are mostrespect. fully requested to bring a reference. . Terms mod. Grata, hot cash Oarrnont.- fplO-ami Fr)R SA :2E. —A Light BAROUORE CARRIAGE. Also, York Wagon, in rate order. Apply at ad Stable West of S E ENTEENTH Street, on St. • Joseph's Avenue. be fore o' Clock. • te.p26-2t* - • -OARRIAG-E WAXERS, J..LEITENBERGER SOW 6W , PINE STREET fe'-to ap2 -I.mi' tfrni kluvi.tm H. STEEL & SOS, Noe. 713fttcl 71.5,, 4 , North. Tenth :•;I:pet FOR SALE- lir The Three-Story Brink Dwelling, Ne. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET Lois THREE-STORY BACK BUILDMOS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Let 18 by 87 Feet. • ssr Only a small part of Cash required. alir TNQVIRE ON THE PREMISES. fala-th - THEODORE fie APPLE, GAUGER ATD COOPER . Nos. 1&2 and 104 .CIATZETER STREET, (Between Front and Second and Walnut Chestnut Streets, ) • PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Conks always on band- Casks' Barrels and Kegs. always on handt( made to order 1112-ly REMOVAL. A. N. ATWOOD. FORMERLY OF No. 42 NORTH SEOOND ST., HAVING REMOVED TO THE ELEGANT AND COMMODIOM STORE. No. 45 South Second Street, Respectfully invites the trade and the public to call and examine his ext.nsive stock of SUPERIOR lIATRESSES, . BEDDING AND SPRING BEDS Also, a choice assortment of all kinds of UPHOLSTERED AND COTTAGE FLTRNI. TITRE. mill 9 t ap3o JOHN-C. ARRISON, NO3. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH ST., • MANUFACTURER OF The Improved • Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURR MOORE. Warranted to Fit and Give Satisfaction. ALSO Importer and -Manufacturer of CI-EN TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS N.B.—All articles made in a saperlor manner by band and from the best ma erials. aplß-6ta HENSZEY & CO. Photographers, .v..,§1.2 ARCH STREET. P. A. HARDING & Importers and Jobbers of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, NO. 413 ARCH ST. i lg) WE 11,FSPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO OUR STOOK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF French Flowers, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, &c. BERNHEIM, 726 CHESTNUT ST. mh29-im CABINET WARE, A FULL ASSORTMRNT AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS Nos. 809 and 811 Chestnut street, mhl7-4so B"s'CLOTHING, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys'-Nothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every 'variety, In every variety. In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallov. ell & Son's, - At Hr L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell •& Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, 534 market street, 534 Market street, Market'street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 531 Market street. SPECIAL NOTIOE.—We have the large.st and best assor ed stock of Ready-made Boys' Clothing in the city, cut in the latest styles, and made to tile best manner. Ii: L. HALLOWELL & SOX, ap22-3m§ 53i Ma. ket street. iiirARTIN LEANS, NU. 4112 ti.S.ESTf4t.4 in_ Street,. First Pram/tun awarded I:4,Franitliti Tiattitta, to MARTIN LEANS, Manufacturer of '• MASONIC MARKS, 7PINS, EMBLEMS, fet. New and original designs of Masonic Marks apt' Templar* !Medals Army Medals and - Corp its Badsaa of in ilisCriPUnr* - miamasoo . , -4 - ;.• SALE, - Conntryleat and Farm of 30 &QUI, on Old York oad, rtnan SIMEIVIAORTCWI , T. C. H. MIIIIIHEID, apll3-100 Ye 203 South SIXTH Street. SPRING,IB64. , SPRING 1864 EDDIUND YARD .2t Co., 617 CHESTNUT STREET, AND 614 JAYNE . STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Have now m store their SPRING IMPO33,TATION or Silk mid Fancy Dry Code, Consisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Black and Fancy Satins, Gloyes, Kitts, Ribbon and Dress Trza. ALSO, White Goods, Linens,N,Embrolder:ift* and Laces. A large and handsome assortment of • Spring and tlnnoner Shawls, BALMORAL SKIRT& OF ALL GRADES, - Which we offer to the trade at the lowest pt. - cc& ja.3o-3mo NOTICE OF REINOVAL, The. undersigned would inform their friends ant the public gene:rally, that they hare removed front their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their SinsENDIR NEW WARE/100ND' No. 912 ARCH STREET, Where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL OIL BURNERS, &et Hating asso aimed with our house Dlr. CHARLES PAGE,(prmerly the Principal Designer for 'Car. nelins & =her,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate VAN KIRK & Co ., fel 94=8. N. 912 ARCH STREET. FIT IMO ID GAS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the City on Tar lough, needing SWORDS, AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS ars Invited to the very extensive Manufacturmg Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIMON 3 di BRO., SANSOM STREET HALL, Sans om Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS ttlade to order at the shortest notice, Which tic richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MA• NUF t OTURINQ JEWELER WITH THI PRAOTIOA.I. SWORD MAKER. apB-1m Commihshin Paper Warehme. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and I.INGLE MEDIUM; OAP and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for Rive in large or small quantities. mh2.3mi _ _ _ _ _ REDDINGI-• mc -.., Tipugp s, 'FEATHERS, COMFORT/L3LE% I QUILTS, And et ivy c ther article is the Bedding businees et the lowest cash prices. AMOS HILLBORN, fe211.31a, TENTH BELOW AROB ST LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE. By. the Cask or Dozen. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DFi A Tmla IN FINE GROCERIES, %rear Eleventh and Vine Streets. 511 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 M trket street„ 534 Market street, dames IS. Earie db Non, 816 CHESTNUT ST. Immense Assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. Oil Paintings, First Class Enmvieg faSTEXlT ANP PICAME FRAZ.Z.S E==XIAN 1024 C3l - IESTNUT SPRING TRADE. E. N. NEEDIES Is now receiving, and offers for sale below present market rates, many novelties in LACE AND WHITE GOODS- He would call "special attention" to bis assortment of over 20 rifferent new fabrics and styles of White (sonde, suitable for Ladies'Booles and Dresses." in stripes, ds and figared,pnffed and tucked mus. 100 pie• es of figured and plain gaff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad vance. New invoices of Guipure and Thread Laces, Thread' and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Inserting% Flouncinge,&e. Broad hetaatdched ILANDRERCHIBES ant linen, good quality, from 25 cents up. L 02 4 I-31 4 1W) NI • 'l' fig' -ET COOK & BROTHER, Hosiery and Gloves, Trimmings and Fancy Goads, V. boles/de and Retail, No. 53 North Eighth st., Phila. msi•ama - - - BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 233 NORTH SECOND STREET, .PHILADYCLPHIA, Will color more water than four times the await quantity of ordinary Indigo. 67 - The new Label does not require a stamp. It Is WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIBP4OTIS4; it is retailed at the same price as the Imitati•ns and inferior articles. apli- lm 'PHOTOGRAPH FRAEO.3S, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM% IiVINDOW CORHIOR.S 4 B' 46- CO.; • N0.:142 south Third , Streei, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE, Dealers tit GoTettn.ment and Stabs Securities, Quartermasters' Checks and Touchers, and Cer. tificutes of Indebtedness. Orders for the purchase and sale of Stocks and Loane'p ..omptly exeuut:Rd. xah2B lmto G. F. WORK & CO. STOCKS. Oil, Mining,. Railroad and Other STOCKS, Bought and Sot at BROKERS' BOARD. SMITH & RANDOLPH 16 2. p outh Third street. G. F. WORK & CO. U. S COUPONS BOUGHT AT HIGH PREMIUM. DE HAVEN &BRO , 20 South Third Street. . 4111,27. ttaN G. F. WORK & CO. JOHN C. CAPP & SON, STOCK AM) NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opitosite the Mechanics' t au s , Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bou g ht and Sold on Commission t.l at the Board 02 Brokers. MONEY INVESTED . .AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED , ON THE BEST TERMS. lellam EXCHANGE ON LONDON. FOE C A T.l; In stuns to snit. by MATTHEW T. MILLER Csfi., No. 45 South Thiid Moot: STOCKS Bought and Sold on rommitilun, BY Matthew T. Mille, dit Co., (13-114 No. 45 South Third sia G. F. WORK & CO. GOLD, 31 - 21[AVETE, AND BMX NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN. & 20 SOUTH THIRD G. F. WORK & BANKERS AND STOCK COMMISSION BROKEEM 48 SOUTH THIRD STRUT. Trall2.6mo STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON' COMMISSION. DE HAVEN & BRO.; les 20 SOUTH THIS D STREET. The Sunbeam Stories, Containing the charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO OATOH A SUNBEAM, • CLOUD WITH SILVER HOUSE ON THE ROCK ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE; MERRY thiaisTiAo, DREAM CHINTZ, • STAR IN THE DESERT, aso. Six beautiful volumes, Illustrated, 5.2 50. W. P. HAZARp -t 1 1 smith strar.t CELEBRATED REEVFSDALE COAL. T. W. NEILL & S. B. corner Broad an4.oolowhill