' THS CONNECTING RAILROAD. To tie Editor of the Evening Bulletin. —Are our citizens generallraware of the mischief to be in dicted by the connecting road to join . the Trenton :Railroad and the Baltimore and Wilmington Railroad, by a track through our city? Are they aware that the work is in progress, and only awaits further . supplementary legislation, now being obtained, to override some few difficulties iii path, started by a few owners of property, who are marked eat for eacritice on the line of the road! Thus far there appears to have bten n h o opposition to this eVil, except from property-er..., and -after two or three meetings at the rooms of the Board of Surveys, even these gentlnnen have 'abandoned the contest, deeming it hopeless against the combined power of the three gigauticsorpora. Lions arrayed against them. It may be well to state that this RoMi, leaving the 'Denton Railroad at or near -Venango street, about a mite this aide of Franlcford, runs every foot of it through valuable btuld.ng lots, gardeus villas and squares, dm ctiy through the v cea ire of the principal limits of the city of Philadel phia, crosses Broad street within a few saintrea 0 t built-up blocks, and this side of its intersection by the Germantown Railroad; thence across Ridge Avenue just above Guard College to the S hucl kili, which it crosses by a bridge to be built, or now building, thus cutting into triangles and con sequently rendering useless for building proposes most of the equares it crosses, and orossing at or above grade beer one hund-ed and fifty public high way, through what wilt soon be a dense pop u ia• tion, thus severing the city of Phil adelpnin. in. lf, by a living wall of fire, running at the rate oft.•rty miles aw hour by day ; and night. It may avell asked are Our citizens aware of t his I With a through air line ttetween New York and Washington we have nothing to object; but we do most earnestly protestagainst the prosperity of our city being sacrificed to tins scheme, to run this air line directly through the heart of its municipal limits. Every citizen can judge for himself what the effect will lie. It is to De built for the sole benefit of the New Jersey joint monopolies (liainden. and Amboy Railroad Company') on the north, and the Baltimore and Wilmington Railroad Company on the south. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany have no interest and can have none in it, and yet they are the party who 'have Undertaken, for some cause not now apparent, to engineer this road through our Legislature, and to build it. If they have any interest whatever in it, why is this Annual Report just published and. tent to all Stockholders silent on this head What - could have induced this Company to lend themselves to the two corporations who are to derive all the benefits, passes comprehension. Perhaps the New Jersey monopolies had not forgotten a similar legislative enactment for their benefit, to lay rails and run steam on the upper end of Front sheet, and deemed it most prudent to keep in the background, and put the Pennsylvania Railroad Company forward to benefit by their status at liar rtsbru^g, and their popularity in this community. It is truly lamentable that a blow so fatal to the prosperity of our city should benven atempted by one of its most favored corporations. The bill authorizing this iniquity has been ski'l fully drawn. Naturally it was supposed the running, as this road will, through a dense popu lation. and the very heart of the city limits, the damages awarded would be.great; but to meet this contingency, the company can take jurors from the adjoining counties. No citizenif Philadelphia can sit on ajury to appraise damages Pr his fellow-citizen. The two large foreign corporations who are at the bottom of this mischief, and who are using the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for their o wn .parposes, are determined to carry It through, and whilst the'excitement incident to the war is occu pying the minds of our citizens, they think they will have no time or inclination to attend to such matters near home. I most earnestly call on our citizens to arouse from their apathy beforedt is tea late, or they will live to repent it bitterly. In round numbers the distance from New York to Washington is 250 miles. With about half a mile of new road under Market street hill, there is now connecting by rail by the Reading and the Junc tion roads, from New York to Baltimore—the dis tance, using the present roads, is about three or three and a half miles further only than by the proposed tante through our city. Then why not improve the present means of conveyance by lay ingarradditional track on these beds, and save our city from this fatal blow to its prosperity? CIVIS. (For the Philadelphia Evening Balletic. r' HOW CAN THE COUBTEY HELP WOMEN! In the BULLETIN of Saturday I find suggestions of "how women may help the country." This is only one of scores of a like character that have been made to - women upon this subject. I object to the reiteration of the suggestion, and would I eve it transposed into the one with which this article is headed. How can the country help women? Women have helped the country by many a personal and pecuniary sacrifice. They have given up their beloved ones to fight in de fence of its institutions; they have left their homes and families fox the terrible scenes of the hospital and camp; they have aided in procuring bounties to avert the draft; irdeed, wherever there .has been work to do, thousands of willing women have been found to do it, and ha.venever remained idle sympathizers, but have proved themselves efficient comforters, nurses and friends; they need not be told of other sacrifices to be made for the country or how they may • help it; they need rather to know how the country can Help them. Large numbers have been deprived of what are termed their “natural protectors," and have been thrown on the world without means, and unfortunately ( from the defi cient state of female education) utterly unpr4iared to fight against the misery and starvation which threaten them. What can the country do for its multitude of widows and orphans made such by this war? Does it provide them with the simple lawn or chintz of American or any other maul:L imn, alluded to by the writer in Saturday's LITIN, to clothe their toil-worn frames and weary limbs? Nay verilyi but when they lied It ditll-‘ cult to live on wauS advanced a hundred per cent. or more, since the breaking out of the war, the country, for which women have secrilicet so much, reduces their pay thirty-three, and in some instances fifty per cent. This may be very com plimentary to the sex, as it is giving them credit for great power of endurance, patience and long suffering; but they would, I think, be killing to waive the compliment in favor of justice and protection. Help the Country! Let Women help each other, and let the country aid them in doing it. The soldiers have deservedly enlisted care and sympathy, and had their wants promptly anticipated and attended to, and it is now high time for the country to look to the interests of others of its citizens. Soldiers have had their full share of practical aid and sympathy; but are they to be prayed for by Christian ministers, and thought of by Christian women, to the utter exclusion of their heavily burthened sisters, whb have no memory of the past that is not agony; no thought of the future which is not toil '1 Christian Commissions, Sant ` tart' Commissions, and Soldiers' Reliefs, we have in abundance. Soldiers' widows, Soldiers' sisters, Soldiers' orphans,we have by thousands, starving among us. How can the Country help the 'women.' A WOMAN. SIIICEDE.—About eleven o'clock last Tuesday evening, Mrs. Blanche. Cunningham, the wife 4)f a surgeon in the army, who is now stationed at Sherburne Barracks, Carroll Hill, committed suicidd by taking a quantity of prussic acid, ,which she bad purchased while on the way to the barracks from her residence on New York avenue, which she left about half-past eight. She passed the evening in coversation until the fatal hour arrived, when she went into an adjoining room and took the poison, the effects of which caused such agony that she was heard to cry out. Her husband detected the smell of the prussic acid by kissing her, and stomach pumps were sent for, but she expired before they arrived. No reason is given for her sad course of action.—Washington Chronic/e. COAL CfIOAL. —SUGAR LOAF, I 3 FAVEB. MLA. DOW and Spring Mountain Lemlgt, pow a " best Locust Mountain from Schuyikul, prei ered expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. carnal EIGHTH and WILLOW streets. Office, No. in South SEOOND street. B. XAEIOII Bfl JOHN P. SHBAPP. THE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTIO/M to their stock of Buck 'Mountain Company's Coal, Lehigh Navigation Company's Coal, and . i Locust Mountain lerluch they are prepared to sell at the lowest MST. Set rates, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders len with S. MASON SINES, Trani= Institute Building, SEVENTH street, below Mar. Ot t wilt be promptly attended. to. at SHEAF.L &reit atlmat wharf Salruvlkill • • "DEDUCT/ON iN THE tRIGE OF COKE. at, In accord= ce with a reValation of the Board of Trustees passed on the 25th inst., the price of co re from the Market Street and Spring .Garden Gas Works, has been reduced to 10 cents per bushel, and from the Point Breeze and M.anaynnu Works to 9 cents p e r er bushel. 3No. oREssoN, Chief Engineer. Prume.. GAB Wongs.Mareb OR. 70e4. tosh2 9 . im - - riIiOCOLATE.--WALTER BAKER it 00 , , g Chocolate; Cocoa and Broma ; single, double and triple. Vanilla • also, Oriel . Cocoa and Cocoa in store an d for sale by WAL S. GRANT ti Ms worm He sews,* Wbstryras irtilTES. —2O pails Dates landing, and for sale jj by JOS. B. 'BUSSIBR t ath, 110 smut Wharves. Choice Seats 'to all places of amusement may be had up to 6X o'clock any evening.. mltl7.lyl JUDAS IVIACCABEUS, - THIRD AND• LAST CONCERT OF TILE SEASON, EY ,TICE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, • ASSISTS/ft; BY THE ENTITLE ' GERM NIA ORCHESTRA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27th, 1864, • AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL, COMMENCING AT EIGHT 0' CLOCIC. • Tickets, FIFTY CENTS; to be bad at 'J. E. could's, S E. corner Seventh and Chestent.sts. uud gtthe door. - • ap2o.7t§ ArIONCERT HALL, —GRAND 0 1, NOERT. 1,./ CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. SIGN( BRIGNOLV S SECOND AND POSITIVELY LAST - GRAN 0 CONCERT, ON SATURDAY EVENING. Aprll3o, 1864, I y the unprecedented allay of Artists, - MISS LAURA HARRIS, SIG. BRIGNOLI.. SIG. DRAG ONI, • . MR. J. N. PATTISON, MR. H. ISIOLLENIIAUER. Cone + - ctor - .51G. 3. NUP I° An t ntirely new asd brilliant programme will be pr Lcnted. rICRETS ONE DOLLAR 'BAWL Seats may be secured wittont extra charge at Pugh's. Book Store, carter of Chestnut and Sixth streets, ..and at Leypoldt's Book Store, 1323 Chest. nut street. - sp:IG NOW OPEN—The Forty.lir6t Ann us.l Extubi lion of Paintings . and Sculpture at' the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF-THE PINE ARTS, eIIESTNUT street. above 'tenth. Op.m from 9A. M. till 7 P. 157 , and from E till tO in the evening. apat- tjao GROVER'S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE.— LEONfittD GROVER Manager (Also of Grower's Theatre, Washington, L. ) , , GRAND OPERA. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April /6tti. First and Only Time of L. LADLE BLANCHE. Grand Opera, in three Acts, by Boildieu. George Brown ...... ....M. Theodore Habelmann Aims Mad. Johaunsen Gaveston ryi argarette Jeyiny Fiction Weirton CARL ANSCHUTZ Doors open at 7o' clock. Overture at S WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 27, ISO, Beappearance of the • DRAMATIC COMPANY. Reserved Seals for sa'.e at Gould's Music Store, and at the Box ()Moe of the Theatre at the follow ing SCIALE OF PRICES. _ . Orchestra Seats Dress Circle and Parquet ' 50 (25 cents extra for reserving seats ) Family Circle 25 Private Boxes. 10 00 . A. BIRO-FELD, Business Agent. - INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.—EXHI. BITION every WEDNESDAY 31-33( P. M. Admission ICc. Store. No. 11 S. EIGHTH st. WALNUT S 1 BEET TREATRE.—Eugage ment of the celebrated *YOUNG AMERICAN ARTISTS. • MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE. Their 2d appearance In this city in - four years, after fulfilling the most unprecedented successful engnßements in Europe, and lately for 1•25" NIGHTS AT TAE WINTER' GARDEN, NEW YORK. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April '25, ISL MR. AND BIBS. W. J. FLORENCE In- nine Comic Cbaractere, introducing Songs and Dances. . Three laughter provokingpieces. HANDY ANDY. THE YOUNG AiITRES - S and RETURNED VOLUNTEER. 1U(BS: JOHN DREW'S NEW ARORSTREET /KU THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. UNABATED SUCCESS. HOUSES PAOKED TO THE ROOF. • ROSEDALE THE 1:11T OF THE SEASON. FOURTH WEEK OF AIRS. JOHN DREW. Fourth week of ROSEDALE. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April IS, ISM, JiIOSEDALE; ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE" ROSEDALE; OR, THE RIFLE BALL. With every Scene new; and a cast of characte-s including every member of the company, and Mrs. JOHN DREW as Rosa Leigh. Prices as usual. Doors open . at 7 o'clock. Cur tain rises at 7% o'clock. AMERICAN AOANIMIX OF MUSIC. • PATRIOTIC READING 3, ET JAMES E. MURDOCH, POE THE BENEFIT OZ THE FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN-AND THE VOL UNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 28, 1604, • AT 'THREE O'CLOCK. Tickets, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents. To be obtained at Ashmead lo Evans's, 721 Chestnut street. and at the Academy of Music. ap23-54 SPECIAL NOTICE. CARL WOLFSOHN Begs leave to inform the subsc , lbers to his CLASSICAL CONCERTS, that, in consequence bf the ACADEMY OF MUSIC being engaged far into the mouth of May for pnr poses connected with the GREAT SANITARY FAIR, he is constrained to give his FIFTH CONCERTOF THE SERIES AS A MATINEE, which will take place on SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1961, at 12, 1 / 2 ' P. M., at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Single Tickets, St. Can be had at the door on the day, and previously at the Music Stores. Loors open at 12 o' clo,:k. To commence at 12X o'clock. ap23.60 _ • ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HuUsE, "THE F.A.MILY ESORT." • uARNOROss AND DIXE R Y'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques, Plantation Scenes,&c., Zco., by • TWENTY TALENTED atTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7o' clock. felB.3no J. L. CARNOROSs, Business Manager. ZANE Sr. GIRLS' GRAMMAR SOHOOL CONCERT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 27th, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 20th. Tickets for sale at John L. 'Young' 5,2216 Market street; B. F. Kern's, corner Seventeenth and Market streets, .and at the Schools of the Ninth Ward. ' ap2s.2t* rt ERMANIA ORUZIESTRA.--Publie Rehear- Ur eels every Saturday at o' clock, P. fat die MUSICAL FUND HALL. - Single tickets, 05 :ants; Packages of six tickets, $l. To be had al tuidri's, 1104 - Chestnut street; J. E. Gould, %month and Ilhaatnnt, and at the hall doo not!' • J. WALTON & 00 A LADY DESIRES A SITUATION AS ALT AL O, atTOth in Episcopal Church. Address is an Office. it* TUANTED—An OFE/CE, with two rooms on it V first floor, front on the south WAL NUT street, between Dock and Fourthstreets. Address Box N 0.250. Philadelphia P. O. ap25.30S TUANTED—A good Contralto for arr Church Choir. Address, with reference, A. C., this Office. ap2s-2t* lOU ANTED—By an 9merican Lady a situation y as housekeeper for an elderly gentleman or to 5 CHE' , TNUT street. ait on an Invalid lady. Apply for four days at 1531ap23-30:=21 . . . . ALARGE, . UNFURNISHED SECOND. STORY FRONT ROOM, with Board. Ap ply No. 315 PINE street.' ap2s.6t*. SUMMER BOARDING AT CHESTNUT GROVE, MEDlA.—Applications for Board for the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on SATURDAYS. when the undersigned will see applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. ap2-Im* Miss A. L. HARRISON. AMUSEMENTS. ISLEX'S CONTINENTiLk NEWS EX- CHANGE (No extra charge for reserving ) WANTS BOARDING. - . 30 TONS LIGNUALVITAE, NOW .1..a.ND.T1(0 from Br. bark Thomas Ballet'. For - sale by vaLLErr 4 bOl l 1 9 124 t3oiath FRONT lilauti THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA,' TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1864: acr-O Z .ANS'CfURTSILI.- 1 4at l e! zatJNo.FEoatN,deeea•l.-130Y & SONS, Anetioneers.—G2ll.o CNC Rill; • TS AN 'ti BUILDING LOTS. Pursuant to to ~ r der of th • Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phila • delplua, will be sold at Ptiblie. Sale, on TUBS. ItAy, 'Way Pith, 1i364. at 10 .0' elooli, 110031, at -- - the PHILADELPHIA, EXCHANGE, the follow ing described property, - late of John 0. Pe.thie, deceased, viz: 100.. 1 -All that 3 early ground rental $1.1.a, lawful money .of the• United Stetest issuing and payable in half yearly payments, drst Apro and Octc4-1-, without any deduction for taxis, out of all th.,t lot of ground east side of Broact street, 160 fti.t. tooth of Alelliean stroeti is :Tont on Broad street 40 lest, and in Depth 205 feet to a new street 50 rept wrde. laid out and intended tote °pent d, rnrning S from Ala - Kean street 233 it et filmlrcaci street and parallel therewith, rereing a eNV street, 05 -feet wide, laid out intended :t be oii.ene.d, running - S. from 3 n street, 100 test east of Broad street. Doandt•d N. by ground nov. or late of Chat les F. Lea, S. by ground-gr ted to 'Hugh Clark on. r-n: 1 tieing the same premises_ 'which ,1 Tilereer and wife, and John C. Pi - oh:a-and by ia•tenture Decemb.r, 1E36 record: din i ieed Book, tf, B. w., No. 131. page 23. &e., grouted and conveyed - mita N. B. Boyd; in fee. Heservitt the.reent onto the slid 8.. J. Mercer and J. C. Pedbin, their 11 und resigns, the said ground rent of - 81.10, and. the said R. J- Merierlolo wife; at terward, by •ind..-a lure dated itch July - 1050, reccrtiyiltn Area. Book. A.D. B , No. 53, page 0:9, granted and COllveyed his une undivkled moie•y of said ground rent to the said John C. Pechw, in fee. gt" All that yearly atpund rent of $l.lO, ;Lee lawitil money of the United State; ' issuina ate-1 lee in hair yearly payments on the lst Of r ril and °etcher, in every ear forever, witua at any (Induction for taxes, oat of all t lot, situate. en the east side ot Bond street, 250 feet south of McKean ...tact, First Woad; containing in front on Broad street 40 feet, and in depth Odd feet t a cer tain new street, 50 feet wide, laid out and tateud-d to he opened classing e ecu tin new st ee:, -et aide, laid out and intruded t) ha opened 15J feet east of Bred street Bounded northward by ground granted unto James E. Neini on ground dent, souilawa*d by ground now or late of Barry Ingersoll. Being the same premises which Robart J. Me: tier and wife, and John C. Pechiu and wife, by inderture dated. th• 31st day of December, ISS I I, and reCorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds iri cl Wok It. D. P.'., No page 43 , , , granted anti conveyed unto James li. .Slant. gomel3. in lee, reserving thereout to the said Bo bet J. Mercer and Juba 0 Pechiu, their heirs and assigns, the slid yearly round rent of ilia, and the said Rot err. J. Mercer and wife. afterwards by iudenture dated the 11th day of J aly, and re corded iu Di ed. Book A. L 8., No 73, pare 279. /cc , granted and conveyed his one undivided moiety of said ground rent to the stud John 0. Pechin, in fee. (99 No.-3 —All that .lot of gr*ind, situate on giit . the north side of Pine street, 93 feet east of 291 nt,eer, Seventh Ward; containing in front on eille street 18 feet, avid extending in degeh N SJ f-et Bounded north by ground of John McCrea, east by grt mind of Catharine M. Tong, and west by ground of the American Sunday School Union. (Beteg the same premises which Edmund 0 Pechiu, by indenture dated the 6th day of Match, ISGtt, and recorded in the office ot the Recorder of Deeds, in Deed Book LR. 8., No , page , granted and t onyeysd Tinto John 0 Peclain, in fee. MaNo. 4 —All that triangular lot' of ground, beginning at the northeast corner of McKean and T A ellth streets; thence extending eastwardly along McKean street :IS feet 5 inche.; tence north westee ly 19.5 H feet to 12th street stares:lid; t terms southward* along 12th street 177 feet 2 inches. t o the place of be ginning. (Being the same peemt.i.es which.) Robert .1. Mercer end wife, by indenture cared the 11th day of July, 1553, and recorded tu the c flice of the hecarder ot Deese, in Deed Boot, A. L. B No 73. page 2;9. granted and con veyed infereffa, to John 0. Feeble. in fee ) 12-No. 5. all that lot of ground it the Twenty-_ EVCOI , iI Ward, beginnitg in the northwesterly SU. e of Green Lane, the corner of land, now or Ole of Edwin Tanis; thence extending north easterly along the northwest side of /(Green r tine, -35 feet to ground now or late of Jacob L. Brut an; thence northwesterly along the seine at ri s tit angles with the said -Green Lane I.a• feet_to Riley %treed; thence southwesterly along said Riley street RIO feet 4 inches to the said ground of the said Ed win Tams: thence southeastward** along the sane 2.1: feet 7 inches to the place of beglianiug. (11‘ing . part of a large lot,of ground whicti Charles Thompson Jones - an wife by indenture dated September 15.56, recorded in Deed Doak Re D. W., No. 10, page 19, A - c., granted and conVeyed to John U. Pectin, in fee.) By the Court. WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk 0. C. EDMUND PECELIN, Executors. MARGARET PECILIN, M THOMAS k SONS, Attelioneers, eV/Sony 9,13 130 ar d 141 South Fourth st. RI. Graff rcr lie Fr..ederici ....Dl' Ile 'ear issa ....61 Kronfold Lettm,in .Conductor `ZI 00 OBPJIANS' COURT .15,40 F RICHARD C. }CRIDER, deed THOMAS ere SONS AUCTIONEERS—LARGE AND VALUABLE Lor—OVER TWEN ri- FOUR ACRES, BUCK ROAD FIRST WARD, CITY OF PIiILAUELpHIA. Poreuant to an Older of tlat Orphans' Court of tthe City and County of 'Philadelphia, Will tei .old at Pahl:o Sete, on account' of and the risk end expense of a lormer phrchaser, on TUESDAY. May 17th. 1e.91, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the PHU:ADEL :;Hla. EXCHANGE, the following described prlPertY, Pgie of Richard C. Krider, dez'd, vir All that tract of land situate on the South-westerly side of Buck Road, in the First Ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning, at a point on the side of said Buck Road; thee extending S. 65 deg. 7 min., W. al 6-10 perches to a paint; th-nce N. 2.0 deg. 11,min. , W. ;Z:!. 59•1 tel perches to a red cedar post; thence N. 80 deg. 16 mm.. W. 3 2. 10 perches to a point; thence S 76 deg. 24 min., W. 2e 12-100 perches to a point; thence S. 11 deg. 53 min., W. lee perches to apointe thence S. 56 deg. 51 min iv .74 88.100 perches to a point; thence S. 53 deg. in.. E. 173-1 u perches to a point; thence N. 35 deg. 43 rain., E. 31-100 perches to a gum tree; 'hence S 35 deg. 35 mid. E. 40 perches to a point. (The distance from the last' mentioned point to a pony. terminat ing this fourth succeeding point is north 59 deg. 30 nun., E. 16 SB-100.perches. This course is given for the purpose of rising the two points, and does not for a part of the boundary;) thence S 6 deg. , E. 3 2-10 perches to a point; thence N. 76 deg_ 49 min., E. 4 2-10 perches to a point; .thence N. 51 deg. 55 min., E. 5 perches to a point; thence N. 39 deg. 35 mia., E. 10 perches to a petal above men tioned; thence N. 25 deg. 15 lain., W. 19 60-11 x) perches to a point; theme NI - 67 deg. 12 111111., E. 71 eS-100 perches to a point; thence N. 20 deg. 5e rain.. W. 2 9-10 per:hes to o. point; thence N 60 deg. 8 min ,E. 16.9.10! perches to a point in the side of raid read; thence along said road N. 17 deg. 49 min., 844-100 perches to the place of beginning; containing 14 ACRES and 534-10 perches, more or less. The above described tract of land being com posed of a part of the pronises which George Rees; Esq., High Sheriff, by Deed Poll dated 20th of September, A. D. 1530, enteied iu Book E, page 527, Zee. e granted and conveyed unto John J. lirieer in fee, and part of the premises which Ho ratio B. Pennock and wife, by indenture dated April 28th, 1530, recorded in Deed Book T. IL, No. 118, page 232. r granted and conveyed to said John J. Ii rider, in fee, and of the whole of the premises which William Shively and Henry Shively, Executors, Ice., by indenture dated Jan uary Ist, 1834, recorded in Deed Book A. 111., No. 45, page 610, ere.. granted and conveyed to said John J. 'Bride" in fee, and the said John J. Kri der, beingiso telzed thereof, died intestate, leaving a widow, Rachel B. 'Crider, and two children, viz.: Richard C. Krider and John J. %rider, him seurvieing, to whom the same inter chic descended, as tenants in common Mies. sub:e et to the widow' s dower, and the said John Krider, the younger, and a ite, by indenture dated February 18th, 1361, recorded in Deed Book A. 0. H , No. ifipage 135, vide e., d granted and conveye thereoftir one Till undi moiety or h df parteo unto the said Richard 0. Krider in fee, subject as aforesaid. certain ol me may y ga be ge p d ai eb ci t in co ' TERMS—One-third of the purchase r money (aftArthe payment reman ,o ofa art r cash at t y he option of the purchaser. By the Court, . WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk 0. 0. ROBERT McCAY, Jr., Administrator. N. B. —The improvements consist of a frame dwelling and a'good frame barn. Ninth, TAM and Eleventh streeFs, when opened, wiltpass through the property Ninth street is already opened to within 3 spares of it. The premises will be shown on application to Mr. John 3. Krider, Moyamensing, road, below Broad street. Plan at the Auction Rooms. , M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, ap26, my 9,16 130 et; 141 South Fourth street. 41119 - 4 EXECUTOR'S SALE—ESTATE OF 111,1' 1 JOS.T.AH DAWSON, deceased. BUSINESS & SONS, Auctioneers. VALUABLE STANDS. Two FOUR-STORY BRICK STORES, Nos. 23 and 25 North THIRD Street, above Market street. On TUESDAY. May 10th, 1561, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property. viz : No. I. All thatfour-story brica store and lot of ground , situate on the east side of Third street, 48 feet 6 inches north of Church Alley, No. 23; containing in front on Third street 16 feet, and extending in depth about 81 feet, more or less. aNo. that four.story brick store, ad joining No. 1 on the north, same size. Clear of all Incumbrance.. By order of Executor. • N. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 8 1 326 ,mal 9 139 and 141 South Fourth st. ' .... _ . . T ut PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL, FOURTH. Street, above Vine, will re-open VII 2to the Fall and Winter 80118011. on MONDAY, Sept h. 'Ladies and gentlemen desiring to enquire a thorough Imowledge of this accomplishment will find every facility at this school... The:horses . axt safe and well trained, no that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best man, nor. Saddle horses, horses and vehicles to hire ALSO carriages for funeTILOS. rals, to cars, steamboats, al Ontagiii *DA REAL ESTATE SALES ARCH STREET CARPET ,WAREHOUSE • The subscriber has just received a well-selecti4 stock 0; ENGLISH AND AMERICAN . •CARPETIGS, FOR SPRING TRADR. - JOS. BLACg.WOOD, mhlB.2m 832 ARCH Street, below Ninth. I 8 SPRING . 1864. GLEN.ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA M'C AILTIM & COO Ms,nufacturels. Imnorters and Whsle sale. Veal:3ra IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse s 509 Chestnut at,. Opposite Indepenaerme Hall. SPECIAL NOTICE., RETAIL DEPARTMENT._ iII'CALLUM --& CO. Seg leave to Inform the public that they hat timer:4.th° old established Carpet Store, - No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independence Ball, FOE A 'RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Where they are now opening NEW STOCK, op LTIPORTED AND A..irERItjAN CELNPATte, Eicalacing the choicest patterus of I.t.X.MINSTEIf,ITAPESTRY GAIL ROYAL WILTON. I PETS, V 1:4 0 .‘" ET, IBRTSSEr=S GARRET" VENETIANS. rogether with a full tfesortment of everyttung pertaining to the Carpet Business. 1311-3 m EN TERPRISE KILLS. A'TWOOD, RALSTON & GO, KAAUFAUITHERS AND VrziOLESIL4I4I DEALERS II( CARPETINGS, Oil' Cloth, Mattings s dec., &e. Warehouse ; 619 Chestnut Street, AND 616 Jzsirnal Street. tebl4llll CLOTHING. SPRING OF 1864. EXTENSIVE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 303 & 305 Cilestnt street, PHILADELPHIA. T The facilities of this house for doing IS) business are such that they can confl =l dently claim for it the leading position t o " O co M among the Tailoring Establishments of - I = l 143 Philadelphia. They, therefore, invite Cfb 0 the attention of gentlemen of taste to CfJ c) ca their superb stock of READY-MADE VZ CLOTHING - , out by the best artists, " trimmed and made equal to Customer o Work—AND. AT • Popular Prices, I=l co They have also lately added a CUS -48 TON DEPARTMENT where the latest p l . U n novelties may he found embracing g/ co 1 := some fresh from London and Paris. I W PERRY & cog 808 and 805 Chestnut st. Custom Department, 303 Chestnut st. n:MWt-tf rp 4LTNDS AND SHADES B. J. WILLIAMS, Th. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OP VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. Er The Largest and 'Finest assortment in the CIO at the Lowest Prices. airßepairing promptly attended to. Si - Store Shades Lettered. TE HcIOPARTNER N9Efl C 2eret — ofore exishug between the underl signed, under the firm of COWPERTH WAIT & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent • JOSEPH COWPERTHWAIT, In., JUSTUS ,41 STHAWBRIDGE. FEBRITAEY 19, 1861. ' • J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., - Would inform their friends, and the-public gen orally, that they will continue the• Dry Gods busi ness at their • • NEW STORE, S. E. CORNER NINTH AND ARCH STREETSS and mould tali the attention of buyers to their Irvge and extensive STOCK OF COTTONS. Comprising all the popular makes, such as New York Mills, Williamsville, Wamsutta, Forestdale, White flock, - Wa.uregan, Semper Idexn, Housekeeper, ..tc., Together with all the best makes of .5-4, 6-4 and 1-4 Sheetings., both _ _ BLE RED 'AND UNBLEACHED. OUR STOOK OF LINENS, comprising SHEETII•ZGS, • SBIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, TO WE NAPKINS, Will be offered-st prices which will command lie attention of those in want of such gooes. 43 , _16)D5. Our assortment is now complete, and in variety. style and price, we - t efv coin pei SlIfi r :WLS of all descriptions, adapted to the present season. BLAUR SILKS, ail widths and finalities, which will tie sold at very PRICES. PLAID INDIA. SILKS, inalt colors, extra width, very cheap. Great harg-ains in RARSEILtES COUNITYPA.NES. G ve us a. ctsll, and we will convince you that we :till maintain our reputation of ting the best goods at the lowest. prices. NE W -470 RE. SOUTHEAST CORNER NiNni AND ARCH. PHIL A.DELPH lA. J. COWPERTIIWAIT & Co. rnh2l-tb, s.tu, to jy 1 Lyon's Kathairon. Kethatron is from the Greek word ~ K attro," or • .Kattsiro. ' ' s:gnifying to cleanse ' rein venate and restore. This ar.icli whLt dame =Jelli fies. For pressrving, restoring and beatrifying the human hair it le the most remarkable prepare. tun in me world It is amain owLed ant pat nr by theorie.nal proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which gave it e sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most deb elrfal hair dressing. It ei adicates scurf Lnd dandruff ° It keeps the brad coo! and clean. It makes the hair rich. soft and glossy. • It prevents the hair from falling ol7and turning gray. If restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman woo values a beatriftil bead of hair should we Lyon's Hathairow It la known and used throughout the civilized World Sold by all resreciablci dealers. DIMAS. S. BARNES & CO.. New York. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most t Mightful and extraor.ljuery ar. tide ever discovered. It changes the sun barnt tare and bead's to a pearly satin texture or ra vishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the . divingtse appearance so invituig it the city belie of fashion. It removes tan, ft entitles, pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains n•) material injurious to the skin. Pa u - onized by Actresses and (ipera Singers. It b what every lady should have. Sold everywhere •.Prepared by W. li. JIAG.AN, Troy, N.Y. Address all orders to Demas S. Barnes & Co., New York, I - lEIMSTREEI''3 Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A DYE Bat restores gray hair to its original color, by sup plying the c.spillary tubes with us aral suste. canoe, imp:area. hy age or disease. MI instait.s heaus dyes are oemposed of /unar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford ol themselves no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Colo, log not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty promotes its growth, prevents its Tal.ing off, eradt cates dandruff; and imparts health and pleasant. ness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the or ginal Pair Coloring, and is constantly in creasing in favor. Vied by b th gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, orcan be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO., 202 Broadway, New York. Two sizes. 50 cents and Si. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St Louis and Cincinnati, whe have been Counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietorship, have been tho roughly estoppsd by the Courts. To guard limns farther imposition, I have procured from the U. S Treasury, a private steel platp revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the fac emits of my ignature, and without which the article is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless imitation: Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grow ing en favor for many years. There hardly exists ` - vnlet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tai • evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present im proved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made use ful, and untold ills assuaged. For cuts, bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cnts, oaken breast., strained horses, d c, it is a Sovereign Re medy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by a.l Druggists. fel6-tuth s Gm 6 D. S. B &RNES. New York. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & (Formerly Cowperthwait & Co.) HAVE NOW OPEN. A fine assortment of Black Silks. Small Plaid India Silks. Plain, Striped, and Plaid Poplins. Superior Black and Colored Alpacas. Pink, Blue, and Buff Brilliants. Pink, Blue, and Buff Percales. Striped and Figured French Chintzes SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. 100 Lama Wool Shawls, from 82 50 to 89. 100 Oflciliamblque " 83 to $7. 100 Silk Check 14 $4 to $9. 100 Black Stella la $2 50 to ea We still have an immense stock of COTTON AND LINEN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING. 500 dozen Towels and Napkins. A fair line of .13arnesby Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Hand-Loom Tata, Linens. linckaback, Birdeye and Diaper. Lancaster, Manchester and Honey- Comb Quilts, Pink, Blue, and White Xenonles. Counterpanes and Quilts. Cloths, Cassimeres and Cloakings. A frill assortment of Sackings. A fall assortment of Cloths and (Sass!metes. A full assortment of Boys' wear. At Wholesale and Retail, N. W. corner Eighth and Market Sts: jal4-tli Ea to tjyl PHrrovi" • Pj'S 'IINRIVAILED VENT MA ING Wigs and Toupees Ladles Long Hair Braids,Half Wigs, Curls, Ban ds, ,s &a. cheap. ____. nolgti, a, UM* NO. 994 OLIZSTBVT Watt FIR , T =NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADILPaIA I ESIGATED DE?OSIT,iRY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. -10-40 LOAN. This 'Bank hae been authorized and Is now pre pared to receive entscript'ons to the -NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issusd under authority of an act of Congress approved March 3, lEGI, provides for the issue of Two .Hundred 'Millions of Dollar (st?tJ,(sO,UuO) United States .bonds, redeemable aker ten years, and payable forty y ears from data, is colic, dated March 1, Iltql;, bearing interest a the rate of 5 PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on al bonds over :"...tIW and on Bonds of SUYJ and less, stun:ally: Subscribers will reeetve either Registered or Coupon Bcnds a= they may prefer E IST LEISD BONDS will be issued of the denomi. nations of fifty dollars. ($5O, ) one hundred dollars, ) v e hundred dollars, (1 2 5C0 3 ) one thousand dolliirs. ($1,61:.0,) five thousand dollars, 05,0004 and ten thousand dollars, (Ste,nufl). cosoms BOsl. s of the denominations of day dollars, - (550,) one hundied dollars, (5104, ) bye hundred dollars, tz500,) and one thousand doliam, (S 1,000.) • INTEREST will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the ant of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in U. S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (R) fifty per cent- to the amount for premium. . COUPON BONDS NO cv READY FJR LIVERY. C. CLARK, PRESIDENT. mlx29-ti SUBbCRIPTIONS TO •THE 10-40 LOAN, Received by the, SECOND NA: ZONAL BANK OF PHILALELPHIA, AT FRANKF - 0 R D. Tbis Bank bias been dei , temat.d by the SECRE TARY OF THE TREASURY a• it LEPOsITORI OF THE PUBLIC AIONEYS, A.ND A FINANCIAL AGENT OP THE HAITED STATES, And authorized to receive subscriptions to the NEW UN ITED STATES LOAN, be.p..-in g Interest at the rate of FIVE PER CE NT pp rannumlN COIN. Bonds f rom SSU to e. to, OW. Iniezest to commence either with the dale of the b mds. ?larch Ist, 1564, or at the awe of subsc: in tion, atthe option of the EnbscTibers. WILLIAM H: R3AWN, apls-Imo ,CASHIER. 10 40 LOAN. THIRD NATIONAL BANK CF PHILADELPHIA, Haying been designated. a Depository of Public ones s and Fiscal Agent of the United States, will re ceire finbscriptions to the new Government 10 - 40 LOAN Issued tinder the Act of Congress approved.pdarch 3d, 564. Redeemable after ten years at the opti rn o: the GoVernment. Payable in forty years in C BEARING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM IN COIN. Fegis'ered and Coupon Bonds of different deno minations. Interest.commencing from date of sub st.ription or from the first of March last. ap2 DAV/ I 3 B. PAUL; President. NEW LOA U. S. 10-40' JAY COOKE & CO. ' Offer for Sale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH, COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the .6-20's. The interest ore sso's and 8100's payable yearly; on all other denominations, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, 1864. The half-yearly interest failing due Septem ber Ist and March Ist of each yeas; until Ist Sep. Umber, the accrued interest from Ist of March is required to be paid by purchasers in omit or in LEGAL. 0171212 ENCY, adding fifty pef cent. for pre mium until further notice. ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COORE Sc CO., mk29-tr,rp§ .114 SOUTH THIRD STREET s , iEr.-4,2‘,... 4:24 • e o `,l 44, 0. ve, * I , SOUTH THIRD ST•ii A li BANKERS &BROKERS, • SPECIE, STOCK'S, - Quartermasters' Vouchers and Chechq MD ALL GOVERNMENT SEOURITrEE BOUGHT AND 80.1_1D- TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Don and all Throat and Lang affections, (flee of charge,) by sending their address to EEV. E A. WILSON, Wrttransnuno, apl6-21t&w5t* Stags county, Newyork:. - "WORSTED YARN.—Nos. 12 and 36 of sups. TV rior quality, for sale by reti-tf TROTHIRCIIIA.III kIirELLS.