'SOLDIERS' DAIIGHTERS. There ha been lately in several papers appeals in tehalf of a plan for establishing in Philadelphia a Home for Soldiers' children, who are left in circumstances of want by the death or prolonged absence of their fathers. Undoubtedly the project will meet with the favor which it deserves, and which any plan receives, having for its ob,;ect help or comfort to the brave soldiers of our army. There certainly should be no di.';'cul - f u proViding for the children of tie en who have left their families and firesides that we maybe protected in the peaceful enjoyment of our own comfort able homes. But the object of this article is to draw attention to the fact hat there is a'ready in this city an institution which partly provides for one class of soldiers' children. It is not limited to them,but includes them among others. The Industrial Borne for Girls is the one to which reference is mare. Already it has from time to time alfrdel protection to several daughters of soldiers, and about twelve more could now be at once received. The institution has existed a little over six years, and has in that time acqUired experience and maturity of organization, giving it an advantage over one newly established. It is not an asylum in the usual acceptation of the word, but is intended to be truly a home for any girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen, who need care, protection, and friends. These wants the managers try to supply to every girl who comes to them. • About 175 girls have been sheltered by this Home for a longer or shorter time since it was opened. They are placed in families, as soon as they are fitted to go out, and great care is taken in selecting these homes for them. Nor does the watchful interest of the mana gers cease when the girls have left the institu tion, but it follows them as far as possible into their after life. And they would fain hope that in the blessed world above there may be those who will bless God that they ever enterel-the doors of this Home. r Without wishing,l then, to interfere at all with the proposed provision for soldiers' children, we desire to say that the INDUSTRIAL IIOME FOR Gums will receive a limited number of daughters of soldiers within the ages above specified, _will clothe them, teach them, and care for them. They will do this, with an earnest and loyal endeavor, even by this hum ble means, to aid in bearing their beloved country through the storms and dangers with which she now contends. This Home is situated at the southwest corner of Broad street and Columbia avenue, and is easily reached by the Thirteenth and Fifteenth street cars. Its board of trustees and managers comprises names well-known in this community,, ; and in themselves sufficient security for the faithful discharge of the trust committed to them. HOW WOMEN CAN HELP THE COUNTRY To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin The, loyal papers of this city have wisely sug gested that one of the most practical and efficient modes of assisting the cause of our country at this" juncture is to diminish, as far as possible, the importation of articles of luxu ry, especially of dress, which is draining the country of its gold, so sorely needed at home. In WI good work, the women of our land have their share of a duty to perform, by dis pensing witli, ati far as practicable, the use of all such articles, during the continuance of the war. In yielding up their dear ones to the hard ships and perils of the camp and battle field ; in their devotion of time and labor to the sick and wounded soldiers, and their fa milies; and in the many ways that our women have shown a readiness to contribute their share of the common sacrifice to our country's good, they have proved their patriotism and true loyalty; and only need the suggestion of a practical mode by which a systematic and ear nest effort may be.made towards a reformation in the present extravagance in dress. Now is the tim% for the first step in this great work, when so many ladies of the first social position in our city will be on duty at the "Great Central Fair," where the least con spicuous dress will be in the best taste or so public an occasion; therefore, would suggest, that a simple dress of American lawn, chintz, or any other fabric of domestic manufacture, would be the, most patriotid prissuitable uniform for such an occasion and, with a little display of taste, may be made as becoming as more expensive ma terials. If the Chairman of each committee of ladies would take the vote of their number on this question there would, doubtless, be very many who would willingly make this slight sa crifice of mere taste, in consideration of the immense advantage to our country -that would result from this first step, if followed up by a public meeting of ladies favorable to the mea sure (perhaps at 44 The Union League House, if the gentlemen of that patriotic association would loan it for the pur pose), or, by a printed form of agreement or pledge to carry out this idea, as far as practicable, during the continuance of the war, to be circulated, signed, and returned to a Central Committee; and if generally adopted by this class, it would soon be followed by the masses, the result of which would be of incalcu lable benefit to our country, and enable' the ladies of Philadelphia to set an example to their fellow-conntrywomen worthy of imitation. Our grandmothers adopted this patriotic plan, with good results to our country, and surely, the women of this generation are not less will ng to serve their country, in this the greatest trial to which it has been subjected. TRUSSES MRS. LR. aIcCLENACHAN, with long experience in the constructing and applying the various kinds of Trusses and Sup porters, would respectfully invite Physicians and all others interested to call and examine her late improved Rotary Supporters, Trusses, Shoul der Braces and Spinal Supporters, pronounced by all enlightened Physicians and others who have seen them, far superior to any heretofore in use. The above articles are constructed and scientifi cally applied at her office, No. 50 North SEVENTH street. Dr. G. W. TAYLOR attends to the Male De partment. - Private entrance for ladies. MRS----.TABIES----BETTS'S CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under Medical patronage. Ladles and lebysicians are respectfully requested to call onl 'on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 W street, Philadelphia (to avoid counterfeits), thirty thousand invalids having been advised by their Physicians ear to g fuse her appliances. Those only are Labels on the box genthe United States Oopywrighl and the S sorters with Teattenrmials area also on Ruthup- EDUCATION INFA T'S RETREAT. ME DI A , DELAWARE CO., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined honie and the ten derest ears and culture for Children from three l seven years of age, will be opened on Wednee. day, APRILI3: Media is 13 miles from Phila. delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, Media, Pa. References Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epie copal Clergy of the city ; also to Abraham Martin. Esti fer7-3m6 . . 800 BAGS LAGUAYBA COFFEE, NOW landing from bark Thomas DaHatt, For isle by DAISJETT SON, 129 South _FRONT cfrGREAT CENTRAL FAIR. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND DO NATIONS. Apxui 23, 1861 ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. - - Pennsylvania Central Railroad. $lO, 000 North Pennsylvania Railroad 1,010 Hon. J. R. Ingersoll - 1,000 J. Rhea Barton 1;000 Mercer J. Antal° 1,000 Mutual Assurance Company 1,000 President and Directors of Farmers' aad Mechanics' Bank , 625 Delaware Mutual insurance Company 500 Chas. Cambloss is Co 2511 Jefferson Mills 250 Previons'y leporte3 apM.6t{o irrGREAT C rINTRAL FAIR FO:t THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON RECEP TION OF GOODS, Boom No. 26 Wasiitiiv Jri Building, No. 274 South THIRD street, PUIL..- DELPHIA. April IS, 1&61. The Committee on "Reception of Goods" are now prepared to receive any articles desiene:l so. the Fair, and would ask the co-operation of the various branches of Trade and Industry, as labers must necessarily be very arduous. Every package shonld be properly marked, and se the Chairman or any member of the COMma tee. alio are authorized to receipt and acknow.edge the same. Tbey are happy to inform the public that all of the railroad and express companies. have g,ite ronsly offered to deliver packages to the Committee free of charge. A. R. McHENRY, Chairman. E.H. ROWLEY, Secretary. Committee meet on Tuesday and Friday After noons, at 5 o' clock. A. -R. McHENRY, A. S. ROBERTS, Jr.. EDWARD H. ROWLEY, I JAMES N. STORE, DAVID McCAMMON, - GEORGE A. McKINSTRY, Committee. S. S. MOON, J. D. ELLIS, JAMES S. MARTIN, JOSEPH HARRISON, Ja., J ap22-Im§ /ErMEETINGS FOR PRAY ER. —The judg ments of God are upon us far our sins, and the great dangers which beset us, as a people, call for Special Prayer. We urge upon our fellow ministers and fellow Christians generally, to meet in the following cen tral Churches of different denominations, in rota tion, one hour daily, at 5 o' clock P. M. , for united prayer, viz.: FOR THE WEEK COMMENCING APRIL 18. Church of the Epiphany (Episcopal)—Monday and Thursday. Presbyterian Church, Penn Square—Tuesday and Friday. Baptist Church, Broad and Arch—Wednesday and Saturday. H. A. Boardman, Presbyterian. Thomas Brainerd, Presbyterian. Richard Newton, Episcopal. Jos. H. Kennard, Baptist. D. W. Bartine, Methodist. J. H. Suydam, Reformed Dutch. F. Hodgson, Methodist S. Bunting, Presiding Elder, Methodist. Albert Barnes, Presbyterian. S. H. Giesy, German Reformed. F. Church, United Presbyterian. J. H. A. Bomberger, German Reformed. J. M. Crowell, Presbyterian. J. Wheaton Smith, Baptist. J. B. Dales, United Presbyterian. E. E. Adams, Presbyterian. Denis Wortman, Reformed Dutch. J. A.. Vaughan, Episcopal. W. W. Spear, Episcopal. R. C. Matlacic, Episcopal. D. A. Cunningham, Presbyterian. T. C. Anderson. P. S.—At a meeting of ministers attending the above services, it was resolved, in consequence of the great interest manifested, to continue the meeting another week, commencing April 15th, to the same order. They request that notice may be_ given by ministers generally. ap22-6t* Tr GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. EPHIA. ORTICULTURAL PHILAADNDL FLORAL DEPART _ INTENT. The Committee in charge of this Department re spectfully solicits contributions for either exhibi tion or sale, at the Fair in June next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables; also, Bouquets, Autumn Leaves, Baskets of Flowers, Aquaria, Floral Designs, , Seeds, Hanging Baskets, (Horticultural Books, Flower Stands, Fountains, Fern Cases,. lron Work Aviaries,• , Wire Work. Gardening Implements,( c. China and .- . Native Wine, Gia&s, It Garden Seats and Vases , Pottery, Cut Flowers, Dried Fruit, Dried .6 Foreign or Exotic Fruit, Wax .. 'Wax Fruit, Leather .. Garden Statuary. Phantor- 4antom Bouquets, In short Rustic Adornments of every kind, - or anything of a rural or rustic character that does not strictly belong to the Agricultaral Depart ment. Daily contributions of Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Designs, Baskets. St,c. ,so as to insure a constant and regular supply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and contributors will please arrange with the Chairman of the Committee of Baskets, Designs, and Bouquets, Mr. ROBERT KILVI NG - TON, Florist, Locust street, near Thirty-seventh, Vest Philadelphia, as to the days on which their contributions will be required. Daily contributions of Fruits and Vegetables, not only for exhibition and sale, but also for the use of the Restaurant, will also be thankfully received. The time fixed for opening the Fair, is the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, and it will con tinue two weeks. All articles, except cuttlotvers; fruits and vegetables, must be received on or be fore the preceding day. Donations from the interior of this State, and from Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by any public conveyance, free of freight, and should be distinctly marked, "GREAT OEN= TR L FAIR, LOGAN SQUARE, PHI LANE L PHIA, HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Care of D. R. King, 723 Chestnut street, Philadel phia.' ''For Sale,'' or •For Er/iitition "as may be desired. Bills of lading should also be for warded to the same address. Airs. J. RHEA BARTON, " Chairman of Ladies' Committee. ap2l.s,rn, w jeg, D. RODNEY RING, Chairman of Gentlemen's Committee GREATCENTRAL FAIR. To be held in Philadelphia, Jane, 1561 The COMMITTEE ON GLASS, GLASSWARE AND PORCELAIN solicit your aid in further ance of the Fair, to be held by the citizens of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, in the city of Philadelphia, for the benefit of the Sani tary Commission, an organization too well knot: n to need any further notice than the accompanying appeal of the Executive Committee. The uncle-signed. while acknowledging the promptness with which our citizens have al ways answered any appeal in behalf of the great cause in which we are engaged, venture confidently - to hope that in the present case, although we were not the first to inaugurate this mode of collecting funds for our great national institution,- - yet, that - we shall not be behind our sister cities in the success of our proposed "Central Fair." We have great confidence that our contributors , Will do, with heartiness and good will, the utmost that lies in their power. Donations of single pieces of old china or fancy glass or porcelain are desirable, and will be than luny received. The Committee earnestly request that all contri butions be forwarded, if possible, before May 15th. It is also requested that each article be marked with its retail value. - . On sending box or package, please forward to the Chairman of the Committee a list of its con tents, in order that due acknowledgment of the re. ceipt of the same may be4nade. If sent by express or railroad company, do not prepay charges. On one corner-mark your name and County. Mark each hOx or package thus: "WM. M. MUZZ EY, Chairman, "Great Central Fair Warehouse, COMMITTE. WM. M. MUZZEIT, Chairma E n merce street. +NO. 419 Qom- Themes A. Boyd, 32 North Fourth street. G. N. Allen, 25 South Fnurth street. Win. M. Shoemekeri N. E. corner of Fourth and Race streets. Aug. L. Raub, 234 North Third street. Robert K. Wright, 115 Walnut street. MRS. J. H. TOWNE, Chairman, 1616 Locust street. Mrs. Isaac. S. Serrill, Darby. Mrs X. L. Frederick, 1633 Chestnut street. Mrs. Pemberton Smith, 30 north Sixteenth st - Mrs. S. Harvey Thomas, Tulpehocken. street, Germantown. Mrs. Treodore C. Lewis, Tuipehocken street, Germantown. Miss Hannah Ann Zell, Price st., Germantown. Mrs. Frederick Collins, 1917 Spruce street. Miss Sophie F. Jones, Walnut st., first house above Fortieth.. - Miss Helen Keen, Chestnut street, above Thirty sixth. apl9-tf ap23 1m CrA COUS OF LETURES ON I 3 OTANY, R wi E th frequent ex C cursions in. the environs of the city, for practical study, will be delivered in the Scientific and Classical Institute OIiESTNUT street, Northwest corner of Twelfth -street, beginning at 5 o' clock, April 27th. Entraco on Twelfth street. Introductory lecture free. 411214 ' N 13 : 13 . EkiNiiz, kcikuvai. ffIE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: . PIEILADELPHIA,IIONDAY, APRIL 2,1-1864 SPECIAL NOTICES $-10,925 A. E. BORIE. Chairman. SPECIAL. NOTICES. [I:7.HARDWARE 13RANOH,GREAT OEN TEAL FAIR. —The Undersigned Commit tee earnestly solicit from all directly or indirectly connected with iour trade" to send their contri butions, ba they large or small, money or mer chandise, to either of the undersigned: J oseph C. Grubb, 236 Market street. William H. Sowers, 412 Commerce Street. William P. Wastach. 38 North Third street. Aug. B. Shirrlay, 503 Commerce street. Charles A. Miller, 4 5 Commerce street. John J Burr, 614 Market street. ()has. J. Field, G 33 Market street. Daniel Steinmetz, 501 Commerce street. John A. Murphey, k2l Chestnut street. Isaac S. Williams ' 726 Market street. H. D. Landis, 1 Market street. W. Ft. Allen. 115 Market street. D. Faust, 49 North Third Street. Jcs. S. Fisher, :N.B. cor. Gth and Commerce st. A. M. F. Watson - , 512 Commerce st, apl6-s, m, w; KrGREAT GEN VRAL FAIR U. S. SAN I TART COMMISSION. EXPRESS "COMP ANI LS Auxiliary Commit tee on LABOR, INCON.E and. REV EIN'D C i , to obtain contributions of one day's pa y from the ployes of all Express Companies in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. JOHN BINGHAM, Chairman, Of Adam Express Co. • R. P. McCULLAGII, s Treasurer, Of Express Co. F. LOVEJOY, of H.arnden'sAdams & Howard Co.'s Expresscs. JOHN SMYLIE, JR., of Howard Express Co. J. VAN RENSS.ELAER„ 'of West Jersey Ex press. GEORGE R. DUNN, of New Jersey Express Company. JAMES MORRELL, Jn., of Klnsley ,5c Co.'s Express. CHARLES A. ()AMMAN, of PhiladSlphia Local Express Co. apt!). St¢ CABINET DEYARTIVIENT uF THE GREAT CEN TR FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION,_ to he held in Phila delphia, tires week in Jane, letl. The undersigned have been appointed a commit tee to solicit, receive and arrange for sale, Cabinet Ware, of any and every description, - whica the liberality ut manufacturers and venders may incline term to present in aid of the Fair. Any thing. however simple, or of but little. 111111.,?y vslue, will be acceptable, whil?t, at the same time, the undersigned wostd most respectfully urge upon all to make as valuable contributions as it. may be ir. their power to oiler. ['be great, indeed, sole attn of the Fair, is to do good to the sick and wounded of our gallant army, and though the feeling which will prompt all who contribute is that of gratitude to our soldiers, the occasion may be used, incidentally. to bring before the public eye, the varied manufactures of our country, and wbo are engaged in the department of Cabinet Ware, should make an effort to be properly repre sented All contributions forwarded should be addressed to :he Central Fair Depot, and invoice and value forwarded to THOMAS THOMPSON, Chairman, 23t; South Second Street, Philadelphia. _ Tuo:sias THOMPSON,:A. k Lej im bre, Chairman, '2.i.t 4 South I Abner Lincoln, Seccond street. I of Itiebel & Lincoln, Henry Ack Iph, I. Lutz, Joseph Allen, W. H. Main, of W. &J. Allen & Bro. of C. B. Mench & CO., John A. Bauer, George C. Mangan, Geo. S. Courtney,George Mecke, of Com tney & Willets,lThomas H. Moore, Marcus A. I avis, 1 of Moore .k Gimp ion, of Parson & Davis,Charles W. Reeves, I J. H. Gates, S. B. Register, cf Gates, Kilburn & Co., of Register & Bell, Charles Goebmann, W. Sanderson, John H. Gould, of W. Sanderson & Son, of Gould & Co., Thomas P. Sherbonie . jr. Stevens Gray, of Thomas P. Sher. P. P. Gustine, borne & Son, George J. Henkels, G. Volmer. John A. Her kels. I. H. Willer, of T. & J. A. Henkels, George I. Young, 11. F. Hoover, of Lewis Thompson & D. M. Karcher, 1 e° '• _LADIES' COMMITTLE UPON CABINET WARE. Mrs. Seth B. Stitt, Chairman, 2.12 West Logan Square. 3lrs. Edward H. Trotter, 1524 Chestnut Street. , Joseph Harrison. Rittenhouse :zonate. Henry Prothingham, Broad and Locust. , • Maxwell Green. 119 Girard Street. " T. H. Campion, '239 Pine Street. J. L. Southwick, thr2.3 Chestnut Street. A. M. Collins, 1900 Plrmonth Street. S H. Williams, 19 8 Vine Street. Miss M. G. Wells, 124 South Thirteenth Street. A. T. Jewell, 1911 Vine Street. Contributions is money may be sent to the Chair man of either Committee. area rirUNION STATE CON VENTION.—The loyal men of Pennsylvania, comprising the National Union Party, will meet in State Conven tion in the Hall or the house of Itepresenlati yea, at HARRISBURG, at noon, cu THURSDAY, April „ 0 4z, 7F61. Each district will be entitled to the same repre sentation it now has the State Legislature, and the delegates will be chosen at such limes and in such manner as shall be directed by the respective County Committees. The State Convention is called for the purpose of placing in nomination an Electoral ticket. SPlect inz delegates at large to the National Convention of the Union party to be held at Baltimore on the 7th of June, and taking such action as it may deem proper In reference to the approaching' Presiden tial canvass. The selection of the district delegates from Penn sylvania to the National Couvenuon is left--.vhere it properly beloug.s—to the people assembled in their County Conventions; but the different County Committees :ire earnestly requested to adopt suet , measures as will procure a full attendance at their resvective Conventions, and thereby sectare, in the choice of delegates, a full and fair expression of the will of the people. The committee cannot forbear to congratulate all lover; of liberty and the Union upon the recent trinmps of the good cause in New Hampshire at d Connecticut, and to exptess toe hopo shared by all loyal men, that they are only the forerunners of more splendid victories soon to be won in the same cause alike by the bullet and the ballot. In behalf of the 'Chien State Central Cortunittee, WAYNE IVIeVEA,GII, Chairman. Gr.o. W HAMERSLEY, W. }Secretaries. 4" ap9-ti§ W. . HATS, UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN . COX -1111 Sal oki —SUMMARY TO JANUARY 1, lt=6l. Work now in Progress in the Army at Rest_ Christian Commission Stations largely increased Number—The .Work Abundantly Prospered— Many more Stations needed to - meet the wants of the Army—Unpreceoented Call for Delegates and Supplies—Preparations for the Coming Campaign, with its Movements and Battles. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and must not be forgotten by Loy ai Christian People. INCREASING WANTS DEMAND IN. CREASED LIBERALITY. a Receipts of Money, Stores, &.0., to January 1, $1,145, OM 94. Number of Boxes of Stores, ac., shipped to the field or distributed at home, 10,330. Number of Delegates sent, 1, 563. Copies of Scriptures distributed, 5& 8 , 275; Hymn and Psalm Books, 502,556; Knapsack Books. 1,370, 318; Library . Books, 43,163; Pamphlets, (55,145; Religious Newspapers, 3, 316,250; Pages of Tracts, 22, R3O, 428, Silent Comforters, 4,115. The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to extend its work for the good of the Soldiers STATIONS have been multiplied, each with Its chapel and store tents, free writing tables, and clothing, comforts and reading matter for gm. tuitous distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before, have been sent to•preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments., bat. teries and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the Soldiers. . A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cheered, benefited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains unreached, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a perfectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire army in all its various fields. The money given goes in full measure, in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers; and stores also, immediately from the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kit dness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. - The large corps •of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the armies shall move and battles be fought, .and the greater their number the more prompt and effec tive will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Watt not for the cry of the wounded and dying before pro viding relief. Send now and send abundantly both money and stores, and the soldiers' blessing shall be upon you. Send money to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Trea surer, at Western Bank. and stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Crstian Cimmission No. 1t BANK street , Philadelphia. , W. E Boartrar_sx, Secretary mhß-tfo United States 0. 0 ay. DELAWARE AND RARITA.N RAILIiOAD OOMPANY, April 13, 1664. EThe Stockholders of the above . Oompany will meet on TUESDAY, the 10th of May nest, at their Office, in PRINCETON, N.J.. at 12 o' clock, M., to elect nine Directors for the ensninp veer. JOU.ii 1". *kollbaoii, SPECIAL NOTICES arTHE F.T.keTIETH ANqIVERSARY of the Female Bible Society of Philadelphia, will be held on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, (26th inst.), at 8 o' clock, in Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust street, above Fifteenth. An. ab • stract of the Annual Report will be read, and ad dresses delivered by Rev. - Dr. Newton, Rev. Dr. Shields, Judge Styong, and others. This being the semi-centennial anniversary of the Society, it is expected the meeling will be one of more than usual interest. ' ap23-3t* OFFICE OF THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY RAD-ROAD AND TRANSPOR TION COMPANY, BonDENTowbr, March 23th, 1664. NOTICE. —The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at BOR DENTOWN, N. J., on THURSDAY, 23tit April next, at 12 M.', in the Office - of the Company, for the election of seven Directors, to serve for the en suing year. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, mh2Stap29§ Sec'y G. Sc A. R.R. & Trans. ,Co. A SPECIAL MEETING of the PENN SYLVANIA HISTOBIOA.L SOCIETY, to the report of the Committee on the Penn House, will be held at the Rooms of the Society on ItIONLUY EVENING next, the 25th inst., at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of the members is requested ayncl.:3t, SABI' L L. S3IELLEY, Rec. Sec OFFICE OF THE LE:41i.4.41 ZINC Lkl- COMPANY, No. 121 WALNUT STREET ."111LADELPEITA, April 19, It-91 —The AnnnAl rneet. , n of the Stockholders of the LEHIGH Z!'() COMPANY will be held on WEDNES DAY. May 4th prox., at 11 a' clock A. M , for the election of seven' Directors to serve for the e.l - year, and for the transaction of other busi ness. GORDON BIONGES, aplS•lgO Secretary. OT. OFFDiE OF TILE SIIASIOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY COAL CO., 214 CHEST NUT STREEr, ..111LADELPUIA, April The annual meeting of stockholders and election fur direci , irs will he held at the office of this com pany on MONDAY, May 2, kill, at 12 o'clock. W. P. ATKINSON, ap21 , ...1-25•27-211-myl24 secretary. U LK.L.LL SLY.SQ„ HELL N A Railroad Company, Office, 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, April 4, 1,, , 54.—Tre Annual Riveting of the z.toeitholders of this company and an electit u for President and Six Managers will take place at the office of the company on MON DAY, the 2d day of May next at 12 o' clock, M. apstmy2s W. H WEBB, Secretary. AP MINING COMe.A.NY. —The An.- Intial Meeting of stockholders of the GAp MINING eoMPANY, will be held at their office, No, l 3 South THIRD street, on MONDAY tae second day of May, at 4 o'clock, ie. M., at which nine and place an election will he held for live Directors to serve for the ensuing year. apls-taty:2l F. S. HOECKLEY, Secretary, NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the BARCLAY COAL COMPANY, will be held at tLeir Office, Northwest corner FOURTH and WALNUT streets, on MONDAY, May :hi, 1r64, at P.! o'clock. noon, when an Election will be held for a PRESIDENT and SIX DIRE:G . - :ORS to serve the ensuing year. HARVEY SHAW, Secretary. sp 15-f, m, 616 ixHILTON'S CEMENT.— The il/SOltWid Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer tainly the best article of the kind ever invented. it should be kept in every manulactery, workshop and house, everywhere. By its ace many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Gement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation Is on scientific principles, and ender no ca-- an=tances or change of trimperatnre will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all clascos. For ria.rtictilars sea ad vorttsament GT.OFFIOE BOHEMIAN MINING COM PANY OF MICHIGAN, No. ll'2 WAL LS CT street., PLIILADFLPHIA, April I Ith, Notice is hereby :riven that an Assessment of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS.'ker Share on each and every share of the Capital tato.cz has this day been called by the Board of Directors of the Iconenuau Mining Company. dn•e and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 131? WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 15th day of May, ICGI. By order of the Board of Directors. ap 14 trny 15,5 war. L. 3JACT frr.PENNST ANiaAIL Ro"..1) CO NI PANY, TREASURER' S DEPARTMENT. — PHILADELPHIA, April zo. NOTICE TO STOWS HOLDERS.—The Board of Directors have tht , day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER. CENT. ou the capital stock of the Company, clear of national and State taxes, payable on and after May le, Blanks powers of A ttOrLey for collecting divi dends can be hadat the °Mee of the Company, No. 1 , 3 S South Third street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May '2.d. ap2l-tlel THOS., T. FIRTH, Treasurer PP I LADELREUA AND R EADI NCI - Railroad Company, Office 2....t7 South Fourth Kr - Street_ Ph ILA DELPHIA. September DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The folio Wing named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the common stbck of this Company. The residenre of several of them is unknown, and it is tt ‘refore necessary :hat the Certificates of Stock should be cresentßd on calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasmrar. STOOKHOLDEUS' NAMII9 ['lmo,.liy U. Boy's, Henry B ..:•—rrer, ..i. Lanciiiiier, Andrew Turner. .To Mclntyre, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Benjamin F. Newport, fe:26- : t ,) TREASURY DEPARTMENT —OFFICE • OP COMPTROLLER OP THE 1 CURRENCY, S Asn IN GTO N, Feb. 26th, li-ii4. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to q ° the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Flank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylva nia,. has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled , •an act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks. and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved February lith, 1E1;3, and has, complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now, therefore, I, Hngh Mcenlloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NATIONAL BANE. OF PHILADEL PHIA, co tasty of Philadelphia, and State of Penn sylvania., is authorized to commence the business of Ranking, finder the act aforesaid. _ - In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of °Mee, this twenty-sixth day of February, HUt+ll BicCULLOCH, Comptroller of tho Currency. ELECT RICIT Y. LOOK AND LIVE! A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! All diseased conditions, both acute and chronic, where there is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by warrantee, at 123 ti Walnut street, Philadelphia. and in case of a failure in most obstinate maladies, no charge is made. Elec trical Institution, established about five years ago by Professor Bottss. Read the following: A class of maladies prevails to a fearful extent in communities, dooming 100,000 youths, of both sexes. annually to an early grave. These diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symptoms are nervous deni tity, rein xatior, and great exhaustion. marasmus, or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body, shortness of breathing. or too hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs. palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronchitis, and a illy, sore throat, trembling and shaking of the arms and lower limbs, aversion to society, business, and to study: sometimes dimness of the eyesight, loss of mennry, dizziness of the head, neuralgia, pain in various parts of the body, pains in the back and lower limbs, lum bago, dys.pepsiMconstipation or the bowels, de ranged secretions of the kidneys, and many other glands of the body, producing virulent diseases in both males and females, likewise epilepsy, hys teria, and different forms of nervous spasms. Now, then, ninety-nine cases out of every hun dred of all the above named diseases, and a host of others not named, as consumption of the lungs or of the tbespinal nerves, have their origin in the-pelvic viscera, hence the want of success by any of the old medical systems of practice. All the above-named maladies are treated and cured by Professor 'Bolles ' at 12:20 Walnut street. DISEASES OF FEMALES. Prolapses Uteri, Lettcorrhma, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrticea. All the above diseases and other Uterine complaints have their origin in a loss of the vital power of the hody,brought on by injuries, excesses, sedentary habits, personal abases, abor tions, and the use of powerful medicines. Some of the peculiar symptoms are dragging pains through the hips and back, weakness of the limbs, and extreme languor and debility throughout the entire system The effects produced from these troublesome maladies are almost multitudinous. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Deafness, Blindness, Fits, Insanity and even idiocy are not uncommon. No effectual or reliable remedy has ever been found fpr these alarming complaints till our late discovery in the use of Electricity In strict accor dance with the positive and negative polar action of the Uterine Organs. We never failed in curing all of the above diseases • except in case ofor ganic &ran gements,or severe injuries of the parts. At 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia. Con sultation free ap i ARMORY "B" COMPANY, 71`31 REG-I -' MENT P. M., GREY RESERVES. —Mem bers of the Company, "September ' 1862." will meet at the Armory, BROAD, below Race street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the '•27th lost., at 8 0' clock, to sign the Pay-Rolls. Friends or Relatives of deceased or absent members will report. I , • C. FRED. HUPFELD. - Katt-3tle • Captain. SPECIAL NOTICES. PTHE ANNUAL MEETING- OF n; Stockholders of the Gre.n Mountain t...0al r:any will be held on TUESDAY, May 10, 1864, at 12 o' clock noon, in room Igo. 30,. IYler chants' Exchange, in the City of Philadelphia, for the purpose of electing Five Lirectors to serve the ensuing year. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on the 30th inst., and will be re-oneced on Dray 15. WEL. S. GREEN, apl3-w, am tmylo* SecreMry. _ U .665 UM:4IM TI WILSON ,S: .13110.—REAL ESTATE . AGENTS and BROKERS. 4`,18 WALNUT Street. Money carefully invested. Real Estate bought, so!d and exchanged. Interest on Ground Rents, Mortgages and House Rents promptly collected. apls-Im§ JAI/11ES SCOVEI., Attorney at Lam, Master and Elaminer In Chancery. 113 PLTJAI Street, ap7.l..m* Camden. N. 1. B AFFA GENERAL COMMISSION MERCIIA.NT FOE THE BALE OP FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL FEED, SEEDS, And Produce generally. No. 121. North WATER st., Phila. [aps-Im4 ROBERT EWING-, BILL BROKER, No. 109 Smith. THIRD street. e^, BOMB NATIONAL BANK OF PT - TTT. A DELPBIA.' FRAIIKFORD. CAPITAL $lOO, 000; with the privilege of inereas. mg to 5.500, OW. NATII AN IfILLES, President; WILLIAM H. RIIAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank. - - - Nathan Hines, Lewis Shallcross, George W. Rnawn, Charles E. Kremer, Simon R. Snyder, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjemin H. Deaeon t John ooper. The Second National Bank of Philadelphia la now opsn at No. 134 Main street, Frankford, for the transaction of a General Banking Business upon the ustiml terms. Collections upon all accessible points will b made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, fel3-2Tub GEO.RGE BoLDIN, MICHAEL WARTM N BOLDIN & WARTINIAN, TOBACCO and i+ENER.AL COBLISSION Merchants, No. 106 North WATER street and 106 North rals DELAWARE avenue, Philadelphia. J. VA UGHAV itIERRICK, Wi.tj. MERP TOR JNO. E. COPE. OTJTHWARIC FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPRIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam lia• gives for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers Tanks, Iron Boats &c. , . . _ Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for (las Works, Workshop at Railroad Stations, kn. - - - _Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and a 3052 improved construction. Every des cri on of Plantation Machinery, gala Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opiin Steam Trains, Defecatoors, Filters, Pumping En. gives, Sole Agents for N. Billenz's Patent Sugar Ball ing Apparatus, Nesmyttt's Patent Steam Ham mer, and Aspinwall A - . Woolsey's Patent Ceuta raga] Sugar Draining Machine. ja22 PENNSYLVANIA WORKS—on the DELA WARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER, Delaware county, Pa. REANEY, SON & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, alanufacturers of All kinds. CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all description, Boilers, Water. Tanks, Propellers, ac., &c. T. REAM EY, W. B. REANEY, S. ARCHBOLD, Late of Lat. Reality, Neafie Co., Engineer in Oda( Penn Works. Phila. flipl7-tfl U. S. Nary DETER WRIGFIT Ir. SONS, J. IMPORTERS OF F. kRTRENIVARS, A.ND SHIPPING AND COMMISSIONMES • : NU. Gs WALNUT STREET, P 1111.AMILLP Hid. JA...VAS A WRIGHT, I CILILICINT A. 611[71100Y, rnoruvroiv PILE . THRODORH WRIGHT. ti as fiXTrRES.—WARNER, MISKEY Ur CO., No. 7.5 CHESTNUT street, Manwtactn rers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c., ,ke., would :ail the attention of the public to their large and elegant ns.sortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets. &.c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Pnblie Buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work warranted tarvl Sro V EB. EATEELS, &.:C; GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and• Vent:lating Public Buildings and Private Ret,idences. Manufactured by the UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. mbl9-6m4 H. M. FELTWELL, Snp't THOMSON' S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, 17 4 , hotels or public institutions, in TWENTY •••--. DIFFERENT SIZES. Ilso, Philadel phla Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Collang Stoves, &c.,at wholesale and retail, by tue manufacturers. CHASE, SHARPE d, THOMSON, mh7m,w, f , 6mo No. tlOo N. Second street. HOItIAS S. DIXON, Late Andrews & Dixon No. 1.324 CHESTNUT stress, Plllll4.oliiiii,a, opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATE'S, itor Anthracite, Bituminous and W:".•.od. Elms. ALSO, WARM AIR FURNACES, Far warming public and pnyate buildings, REGISTERS, VENT.U.,P...TORB, AID CHIMNEY CAPS, 01901 LING RANGES, BATH BOMBES, 41c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,. Milt . . WANTS IA AN TED-43y an Imerican Lady a sittutt'on IV as housekeeper for an elderly gentleman cr to wait on an invalid lady. Apply for four days at 1531 CI-lE-TNUT street. ap123.31*.11 STALL andOarriage A R I \ o ' To Roam l a ' 0 R Tr'N l4 a - te —A or Club Stable, within two or !hree squares' of Broad and Spruce streets. Address, stating terms and locality, F. C. at this Office,. :4)20, w. f",mfitis yA ANTED—COACHMAN AND GARDEN , ER.—A person accustomed to the care of a pair of horses and a small garden. An English man or Scotchman preferred. Best reference required for honesty, sobriety. - skill and careful ness. Inquire at 1827 PINE street, between 10 and 11 o'clock, A. M. ap22-3t* i NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY ! ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY. MEN WANTED for the RVI all and MARINE CORPS, who wiII NAVAL be entitled to all the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to be made at once to WM. E. LERMAN, Captain and Provost Marshal Ist D., Pa., mh29.tfo 245 South Third street. .... . _ .. . BOARDING BOARDING can he had tor ten persons. ins pleasant location, lour miles west of CHEST NUT HILL. Fqr particulars, inquire at 635 CHESTNUT street. ap23-2t* Q. TIMMER BOARDING AT CHESTNUT 1.7 GROVE, MEDlA.—Applications for Board for the coming season will be made at No. 54 North THIRTEENTH street, except on SATURDAYS. when the undersigned will see applicants at CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE. aP' lm Miss A. L. HARRISON. LOST, LOST -A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for $516 05, dated March 12th, 1830, Mi. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. .Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $2OO, ated June 30th, 1815, No. 1452, in name of Eta R. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates: ELI K. A PRICE, .11 re fe 4 -3rna DUYONT'(*UN PO WI/Ex.—SUFI:RPM/1 Sporting and all other kinds of Eagle Gun powder. Gunpowder for blasting and shipping; also, GovernmentProot for ordnance and military serylce; Cannon Nuaset and Mlle Powder, for sale bv volr.T.TAk S. JE,...9.XT ) 216 !" . .;OCiell ware aysams. Clsi. FIFTEENT STREET. EM desirable four•st H ory Dwelling,—FOß SAE—A with Ithree story double back buildings, 114 South Fifteenth. street, replete with every modern improvement. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. ap2.l Ti cat BALE —A desirable three-story 19g1 Brick Residence, with three-story double back Buildings, having every modern improve ment, situate on east side of Sixteenth street, below Market. Lot 18 feet front by 90 feet deep. J. IIL GU BIMBY h SONS. 508 Walnut street. en. 7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a Ger mantown property, a three-story brick rest. clence, with double three-story back buildings, and replete with every convenience; iltuate on west side of Twentieth street, below Race. Lot 15 feet front by 70 feet deep J. lii. GUMMY & SON:, 508 Walnut street. de FOR SALE —A hanusome three story Brick Residence, with large three. story back Buildings, and furnished with all the modern im provements and conveniences, situate on west side of Eleventh street, below Spruce. Lot 19 feet 6 inches front by no feet deep. J. hI. GUDIALLY & SONS, .61'S Walnut street. W. H. RHAWN, ()Ratter 101 FOR SALE..—COUANI TRY RESIDNLIE Mq and FARM. of 50 ticras, substantial Dwelling and Barn cn the Bethlehem Pike. l) miles front North Wales Station, North Permsylyanat Rail road. Finely located and at low price. Apply to J. EL WEEK- , S. W. corner Fifth and Noble. ETO RENT—A large DWELLING HOUSE, well-shaded, stable and carriage house, good welter, variety of fruit, and six acres of land within two sonares of West Philadelphia Passen ger Railroad. • Immediate possession. Apply to WILLIAM ESHER No. 311 WALNUT street, or ea , . North SEVENTH street. sp2l.-601- de!! FOR RENT.—A double HOUSE, on FRA.N.FO.RD road, three squares above the Second and Third Street Passenger Railroad Depot, containing 12 rooms; all modern improve ments; garden, stable, fruit and shade' trees; about acres of ground. Possession 211th May. Bent 5450. Apply to WILLIAM ELLIS, ap22-3q No. 724 Market street.. AMWEST PHILADELPHIA RESIDENCE FOR SALE. —A handsome stone cottage -with all modern improvements Stable, co ich-honse, mac., situate, on the north side of LOCUST Street, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Street. Im mediate possession given. • Terms accommodating. Apply to A. IL CARVER &-. Co. ,southwest corner of Ninth and Filbert streets. apl9-6t* art COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR SALE. —One-half or all that val uable Stone post Farm of WO acres, BRISTOL TURNPIKE, above the seven-mile stone,and near Tacony, with a fine view of the Delaware river, Jcc. Mansion house and other dwellings to let; also, factory and smithshop. Apply on the premises, or R. WHITAKER, No. Gil) Locust street. ap3-f2otis mi TO .kENT THE —.l e = sirable House FOß and Garden, withSUMMER. pleas-tdut vnrd and - good shade trees, in the village of WOODBURY. N. J. Easy of access to the-city by the West Jersey Railroad.- With or without the furniture. Possession given Immediately. Apply to 81313-lm) bAVID COOPER, 18 North Whaves. GERMA.NTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—A very desirable propery within 10 minutes walk of WayneSta.tion,Grermantown Rail road. Large dwelling house with all the modern improvements, stable, spring -house, ice-house filled, and good garden, plenty of fruit and large shade ases. Apply to W. W. KNIGRX, at 500 COMMERCE street. ullMl-t4 COUNTRY SEAT AND PARM. FOR SAL — Containingfifty-five acres, handsomely situated in Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about algal miles from the city and one and a-half from York Road. Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. The buildings are nearly-new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer resi dence. Apply to O. H. MUIRHEID, No. .49i South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. _ - _ FOR SALE. —The Property on SchoolMt House Lane, fronting eight hundred and eight (.%u) feet on said Lane, and extending nearly one-third, of a mile to the - Wissahickon, with front on that stream. Containing thirty (30) acres, with numerous desirable Sites for Country Seats, five minutes walk from the Railroad Depot, and twenty minutes walk from the ity. Apply to CHARLES H. 111 TY IRHEID. No tf South SIXTH st. f 2.6-60 FOR SALE—CHESTNUT HILL MAN "V SION and GROUNDS on 5U5.1.7.K1T street, within five.minntes walk of Railroad Depot, over looking miles of country. The House is of Stone of excellent build and pdssessing every con venience. The lot is 2tX) feet front by 375 feet deep, well planted with trees. Terms accomodating. Apply to ' JOHN H. WEEKS, apls- S. W. cor. Fifth, and Noble. fat FARM. 101 t a high state of cultivation, in Montgomery county, within twenty minutes arise of a station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad; large Stone Dwelling, new Barn, all necessary out-buildings, plenty of excellent water, abunaance of fruit of all kinds Food fencing, - everything in good order. Posses sion immediately. Apply to GEO. J. LIENKELS t•it9 CHEST NUT street, or CHAS. W. RENS. ELS, on the premises, Montgomeryville. op 19-6t*- FOR SALE. —The superior DWELLING. No. 1916 VINE street, near Logan Suare. Lot LS f rontfee by 100 feet deep, to Winter Street The house is four stories high, with three-story back bnildii gs. and finished throughout in the best manner, with large parlor, chambers, bath room, conservatory for flowers, dining room, kitchen, and all the modern conveniences found in a first-cla.s house. Possession can be had imme diately. Price. $lO, 000, of which 51.100 can remain on the property. HARVEY SHAW, 154 South FOURTH street. ap93-tf¢ tip - 1 FOIL very desita`Sie anu - al 4 some monern four-story brick RESIDENCE 'with three-story back buildings and lot of ground No. 1111 IIIOUNT 'VERNON street (north side). 26 feet front and over 125 feet deep to LEMON street. !Ile finished in modern style, and is in c - mplete order; having been recently tnorougnly overhauled and repaired, hand.omelr papered and painted throughout; gas introduced (with handso m e gas fixtures and chandeliers, which will be included iss the sale), bath; hot and cold water, turnacu, cooking range, 4tc. Will be cold at a very reasonable price, on a.o coin= °sating terms, and immediate possession given. Apply to ap2o-6t de 111811 S TH — T h e s O u ßE c N i C be E r i l s R a O t N or W ize Oß t K s S i F I OR the valuable property known as ~T he Florence Iron Works," situated at Florence, on the Delaware river, six miles above Burlington, in the State of New Jersey, with all the Machinery, work-shops, store, workmen's dwellings, Mansion House. and about 50 Acres of Land, with a beautiful river front of 2.000 feet. The Foundry is 150 feet long by 100 feet wide, the Machine Shop 150 by 60, both built of brick, in the most substantial manner. The Mansion House is of brick, of handsome architec ture, and is surrounded by a magnificent grove, of large forest trees. , This property is well suited for the manufacture of Government work, iron snips, cannon, pip es , steam engines, &c., or could •be adapted to almost any manufacturing purpose. it is most eligibly situated;.possess no., as it does, the advantage of both water and railroad communication. For further particulars. terms, sc„ . apply . in person or by letter to E. CARPENTER, ark) 6I 242 South Third street. JOT ON SPRUCE STREET, by Twenty-fourth j street; 75 feet front on Sprnae street by 100 feet in to ' M b t the an lo Street. Will be sold or let on tv rate of 83 75 per foot; water grounddept depth rent pipe laid in Manning street, and the ground tree from every encumbrance. Apply to A. B. CAR VER 1n CO., Ninth and Filbert streets. ap2l.ot* /110 LET. —Large and small )100.1116, up stairs, _f_Bl2 and 614 OFIESTNITT straws fea.tf OTICE.—CHARLES C. KNIGHT. IS AD date ; C. D. ROBBINS •in fc lronbusiness and rom Stela' ideichants, N. E. Cor. Second and Vine sts.• and 42 naid 44 North Front .strPe• Parcaunruul 4 111 / 1 INA: apt4l4. FOR SALE AND TO LET. fire FOE SALE—A neat stone DwEr.a.pirG, lELWest Philadelphia, SPRUCE street, above Porty-ionrth. Apply at 103 WALNUT-street (up' Stairs). apls-12t* iffil FOR GALE. —The PROPERTY 1619 AROII iat street—double Rouse, by 160. Apply toG. H. BOBINETT, 230 GREEN street, or J P. OBINETT. 2.12 North SECOND st. apll-1310it dirtg TO BE LE —A. three-story brick Dwat. ElSing, 268 South Third street,'a central location. Apply to J. H. OURTES do SON, Real Esta!e Brokers, 433 Walnut street. ap23 story brick , with three-story kiouble ngs, 417 South BROAD street; modern improvements. Apply to 3. H. CI7RTIS do SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. - - de, FOR SALE.—Bandso W me BROWN STONE HOUSE, Spruce Street, est of 17th Street. replete with all modern convenience. .111.IIIRHEID,- No. 203 S3uth Sixth Street. ap22-6t* ere FoR ..A.L.E.-11auds)nae and co:wren/eat CI RESIDENCE, FIFTH street, below NOBLE, 95 feet front by to feet deep. Apply to JOHN H. WEE B.S, S W. corner Fifth and Noble. lapls-12t f iga TO RENT—A. beautif ally situated double COUNTRY RESIDENCE, three minutes' , walk from Wissinoming Station, on Trenton Rail road, with coach-house and garden. Apply No. 717 WALNUT street. apS-tfjp apls 12 b. W.. THELOR.A.I3 A & SON, No. 214 South Third at, eet CO - PARI'NERSIIIP6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers