Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 25, 1864, Image 4
WITEMATESIS NOTICES. HAIR T ( f Ititlß DYE!! WI& DYEIi —BA EEL 'S - celebrated R glyy., is the best in the World. The only Harmless, OW and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Busty or Grey Hair, filistantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with_ tnit injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving tlis hair sort and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, grequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The nuine is signed Wihr.a.s.o A. BATOHIELOB, all oth er s are mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug , /co. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY street, N. irßatchelor's New Toilet Cream for dressing Os Hair. .11ILLBH,ECIIT, RIKES SOHMIDT, beg isave to announce that their Ptlannfactory of First-Olass ;Plano Fortes is now foi full operation. The general esibilaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet 91/10, by competent judges, enables them to assert Scmildently that their Piano Fortes are not snr. Ipaesecrby any manufactured in the United States. ilisy respectfully invite the musical public to call maid examine their instruments, at the Sales Room, M. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, MI prices moderate. - - - ___LENTO:A LOCUST MOU G NTAIN AID "MACH nnATH, HITE ASH OAL, caref ully selected and prepared for family use, tree from elate and duet, livered promptly and warranted to give full satis ction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Lun' COAL for formd- Vie, and CHESTNUT COAL for steam purposes, at lintolesale prices. An assortment of HIOEORY i OAK and Prue Woos", kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of BLAOSSIIITH' S Coax., delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A Mal of this coal will secureyour custom. Send To orders to THOMAS E. (3 A TriTkL, Offices,32s Walnut Street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. . North Pennsylvanlaßallroad and Master street. Tine street wharf; Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COXPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the Con 11011dated City and la the Twenty-fourth Ward. MAS ON PIANOS. vr A MAN' S R I M CABINET °ROANS. PIANOS. J. Seventh and 'Chestnut. ISTSCIE & co. , 8 lITEC/K CO.'S CABINET ORGANS.— These beautiful instruments are used by Gottschalk in all of his Concerts throughout the country, and pronounced by .him and thousands of the best artists in America, THE pnIBST HERD INISTRUZZNTS IN THE WORLD. They are rapidly superseding Melodeons. For sale in Philadelphia, only by J. E. COULD, Seventh and Chestnut. ELECTRICITY.--Oancer, Goitre, Tumors, and all foreign growths, cpred by special guaran tee, at the Electrical Institute, 140 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. GENTLEMEN'S H,A.TS.—AII the newest and best styles for Spring ear. ear. in Felt, Sil 41 and Cassimere, will be found at WARBURTON' S, No. 430 Chestnut street, next door to the Post Office. A NE v , .LEASE OF LIFE. A NF W LEASE OF LIFE Dr. Eadway's Pills have granted me a new lease of life. For fifteen years I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Indigestion. I have taken a cart-load of pills of different makes. but the re lief afforded by their operation was at the cost of severe suffering from Piles. If I stopped taking these pills one week, the old difficulty would trouble me. lat last struck a vein of gold, in Rad. way's Pills—the first dose acted so differently from all other pills, that I hoped for a care—six boxes made a new man of me; I am completely cured. No straining, no piles, no weakness followed their lase. I gained strength with their use. I have not taken any physic for over a year, and am as rugged, strong andhearty as a bear. JAMES W. FOSDICK, Clinton Town, Clinton county, N. Y. Dr. Radway' a Medicines are sold.oy Druggists everywhere. - RADWAY k. CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. EVEN IN BULLETIN MONDAY; APRIL 25, 1864. STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS We have to record to-day a steam boiler explosion in the city of a more than usually terrible character. Occurring as it did in an establishment where hundreds of hands were employed, it is surprising that the loss of life was not greater. But the accident was a new illustration of the terrific force of steam-explosions. The damage to property, all around the scene of disaster, was great, and the huge distance to which large portions of the boiler were hurled, car rying death and destruction along with them, was amazing. As in the recent case of the explosion at the foundry of Merrick & Sone, no censure can attach to the proprietors of the estab lishment where the disaster of this morning occurred. It appears, so far as can now be ascertained, that it was the result of indi vidual neglect, against which there can never be entire security. But there will, of course, be an investigation of the causes of the calamity, and we trust that scientific men will be consulted, so that the exact and immediate cause of the explosion may be discovered. Steam is certainly harmless' when it is properly managed. But the experience of generations has not enabled us to ascertain ail the minute details of care and precaution that are needed to ensure entire safety. Every explosion might be made to teach some important lesson, if it were only thoroughly investigated by expert and scientific men ; and thus, in time, we might be able to keep the indispensable agent under control. GENERAL JOSEPH G. TOTTEN. On Friday another Union General breathed :his last. Although not actively engaged in the numerous scenes of strife incident to the rebellion, Brigadier-General Joseph Gilbert Totten occupied, an exalted position in the military service of his country. Born in Connecticut, in 1788, he was,when fourteen years of age, appointed a cadet at West Point, and in July, 1805, graduated as a Second Lieutenant of Engineers. The fol lowing year he resigned, but two years later was reappointed to his original position. During the war of 1812 he greatly distin guished himself on the Lakes ; was breveted Major for meritorious services, in June,lBl3• and was breveted Lieut. Colonel for gallant conduct at the battle of Plattsburg. In November, 1818, he was promoted to a _Majority, and six years later was breveted Colonel for ten years' faithful service. Be- tween this date and the year 1838, he attained to the rank of Colonel of his corps, and during the progress of the siege of Vera Cruz, acted as Chief Engineer of General Scott's army, and for his services at that time was subsequently breveted as Briga dier-GeneraL He was also one of the Com missioners at the capitulation of Vera Cruz. On the third of March, 1863, he was pro moted to the `rank of Brigadier-General, and within a few hours' of his death was confirmed 13 . .T_the Senate as Brevet Major- General. Thus is another veteran officer -added. to • those of the Union service, who have gone to their graves full of years and honors. CALLING OUT THE MILITIA The Government has determined not to be caught napping this summer as it was last, summer and the summer before. All the troops doing garrison duty in the forts are to be put into the field, and their places are to be supplied with militia organized under the State laws. This will give large and valuable reinforcements to our active armies, while in case of--rebel raids into the loyal States, there will.be an organized and suf ficient force ready to meet them and drive them back. We have not heard what ar rangements, have been made for furnishing the quota of Pennsylvania in this new mi litia force. But it is reported that 85,000 men have -been offered by the. Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Llinois,Wisconsin and lowa, and it is probable that the other - loyal States will have to furnish an equal or a larger number. Our existing State militia laws are extremely defective. But there is a bill before the Legislature which is intended to effect a complete reform. We trull it will be passed without unnecessary delay, so that the militia force required for active duty this summer may be organized under its provisions. The regiments needed from New York arell being rapidly prepared. Those from Ohio have already received their orders. Pennsylvania must not be behind hand, as her border is more exposed than that of any other State. THE SWORD CONTEST But few sword-blades, unstained with blood, have been of so much use as that just awarded to - Lieutenant-General Grant by over fifteen thousand majority, in a poll of nearly forty-five thousand votes, at the New York Sanitary Fair. Every dollar of the money will go towards the relief of the suf ferings of sick and wounded soldiers, and the huge sum subscribed will carry comfort to every field where swords are drawn to defend liberty and the Union. It is curious that to induce this large subscription, a spirit of rivalry had to be evoked, and thus the very antagonism excited will be the means of blessing and saving those who are for the time thrown upon the sympathies of all parties, without distinction of prejudice or partisanship. However, the great end has been fairly gained, and we cannot but look upon the ingenious plan adopted by the managers of the Fair as one of the greatest successes of that most successful festival. ME OHIO RIVER- 'The citizens of Louisville are again agita ting the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio, and Many petitions have been sent to Congress to that end. The Democrat says:-- cc Should the navigation of the Ohio river be improved, making of itself a grand ship canal of nearly 1000 miles to Pittsburgh, capitalists would not be long in discovering that. the very place for a ship canal from the West to the East is through Pennsylvania. A vast propor tion of the products of the Western States, which now goes to the Lakes to find its way to tide-water through the New York canal, would drift towards the Ohio, (thus more than quad rupling the commerce of the river,) and find its way through Pennsylvania to Philadelphia. It is estimaated that ten millions will be required to improve the navigation of the Onie river by locks and dams, and that the tolls necessary to pay a dividead on the investment will not exceed en ordinary merchandise one mill per ton pe mile, while the rates on coal boats, rafts, &c., will be merely nominal. The toll would thus be only one cent and a half on a barrel of flour, from Louisville to Cincinnati, and two and a half cents on a keg of nails from Pittsburgh to Louisville. The boats would make more money than they now do, as they could run all the year, and always carry fall trade." Some more practical plan of improving the navigation than any yet suggested would have to be adopted, in order to realize the wishes of the dwellers along " the beautiful river ;" but it would certainly be an im mense benefit to the region from Pennsyl vania to the Mississippi river if such a vast improvement could be made. THE ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS On Saturday evening the customary "private view" of the pictures at the Academy of the Fine Arts took place, preparatory to the open ing of the 41st Annual Exhibition to-day. The attendance was very full, and from the feeling evinced, we can but conclude the exhibition of 1864 will rank with the most successful ever given. Among the most prominent works ex hibited are two by Mr. Rothermel, one entitled "The Last Sigh of the Moor," which is charac teristically full of fine effects, the other a St. Agnes," which is most beautiful. Mr. E. D. Lewis is represented by his splendid picture called "The Gates of the Susquehanna" and other fine landscapes. Mr. Schusselle contributes "Men of Progress," which will attract wide appreciation. There are also many fine pictures which we cannot now indicate in detail, by Sully, Hamilton, W. T.Richards,Russell Smith,J. R. and G.C.Lamb din, Boutelle,. Wilcox, Waugh, Cortnarroe,Mar chant, I. L. Williams, Moran and many other artists. The number exhibited is larger than usual, and the prospect is that the daily atten dance will be very full, and that the Academy will obtain a firmer hold than ever on the affec• tion of all lovers of art. M lISICAL SIGNOR Bum:vow,- the favorite Italian tenor, will give a grand concert this evening, at Con cert Hall, assisted by the young prima donna, Miss Laura Harris, a new baritone, Signor Dragoni, a fine pianist, Mr. J. N. Pattison, and Mr. H. Mollenhauer, the distinguished violinist. The programme, which is published to-day, is an excellent one. THE GERMAN OPERA CaMPANY will repeat Faust this evening, at the Chestnut Street Theatre. To-morrow evening the season will close positively, the opera being La Dame Blanche. SIGNOR PERELLI will give a grand concert on Friday evening, in the Musical Fund Hall, in aid of the Sanitary Faii. He will have the as sistance of his best pupils, and a large or chestra and chorus. TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS—DESIRA. 31LE IN VESTMENTS.—ThOMCIS ct Sons' four forth. coming sales, 26th April, and 3d, 10th and 17th May, each compris. a very large amount and variety of Real Estate, Including first-class property; irredeemable Ground Rents,. dc. To be *old peremptorily, Lists Will be found on the 18th, 19th and 20th pages cata logue just issued, and full descriptions in hand bills at the auction rooms. beiat To - Moanow—ExTßA VATATABLz REAL THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY.. APRIL 25. 1864. EsTATE, - to be sold peremptorily, by order of Or phans' Court, Trustees, Executors and others, See advertisements and pamphlet catalogues. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, Deasy. They sell on the premises on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock the elegant Country seat of Joseph B. 02noyer, Esq. , at Darby. PAMPHLET CATALOGUES NOW READY OF the sate of Properties next Wednesday, by James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. . WHERE can be found more pleasing and saris. factory PORTRAITS than those Splendid Life-size PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil colors, made at B. F. REIMER' S Gallery, 624 AROLI street? DO YOU WANT ANY ARTIOLE of ..UPHouse keeping or Building Hardware, or Toolsl You are invited to examine the stock of TRUMAN & SHAW, ' No. 635 (Eight Thirty-five) Edarket street. below Ninth. CARTES DE VI SITE. —lt is evident at a glance that REIMER' S artists are painstaking and skillful. Their Cartes de Vibite prove it. Gallery, SECOND street, above Green. EYE PROTECTORS for guarding the eyes from cinders, dust, &c.; in railroad traveling or elsewhere. for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty_ live) Market street, below Ninth. WWHO succeeds so well in taking IVORY TYPES as B. F. REIM. ER? Those chtrm ing. life-like and exquisitely-colored Likenesses made at 624 AR CH street. See specimens. HYDE' S NATIONAL PATENT COFFEE ROASTER. Every family should have one. For sale at the Hardware Store of SAMUEL O. HENSZEY,•9IO Market street, above Ninth, south side. lt* THE GREAT CENTRAL PAIR --b;ubscrip tions or donations for Committee of ONE Dek.Y . s labor, income or revenue,recetved daily by JOHN W. CLAGRORN, Treas. ,Office No.ild S. Seventh at., Phila. LET•ALL PROMPTLY RESPOND. Sub scriptions and remittances by mail duly receipted for and acknowledged. ap2l-26t.rp* Q TOREKEEPERS AND OTHERS ABOUT ID giving "one day's revenue" to the Fair, please call or send for Show Cards, kc. (gratuitous), at Office No. 118 S. SEVENTH street. av23.2a‘rp RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SP EC ur.A TORS—For sale.—A large VALUABLE PROPERTY of two hundred acres of ground, sit uate in the FIRST and TWENTY-SIXTH Wards, haying a front of twenty-four hundred feet on each side of Broad street. with a front of twelve hun dred feet on League Island or Second Street Road, about one mile from the County Prison and a less distance from League Island and from the Dela ware River. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut St. [ap93.P.2crp II OOP SKIRT MANTTFAOTORY. —"loop I_l. Skirts ready-made and made to order, war. ranted of tbe best materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. E. BAYLEY, aplS-lm likl2 Vine street, above Theitb. GEORGE J. BOYD, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 18 South THIRD street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis sion. at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Uncurrent money bought and sold. m132-3mrpf, LESSONS IN SPARRING, AT HILLE. BRAN D tr. LEWIS'S GYMNASIUM, at any hour ofte day or evening, in classes or in private. This invigorating exercise is recommended for Youths of delicate frame and Gentlemen of seden tary habits. It expands the chest, enlarges the arms and improves the general health. Gymnasium open all Summer. atal•Strp,) CHEAP KID GLOVES, best quality, 61 zs a pair. Plain Black 5%, 6. 64. 6S, 63, 7. Black, stitched with white and colors, 6, 6,v.. 6%, 7,7 h. Medium colors, stitched. 6, 6:4, 04, o,', 7. Taken out of regular stock, to close them right out. Also, Gents' Suede Gloves, a superior article, 6, 6,w, S 3, at St a pair. To prevent disappoint ment. note the sizes. GEO. W. VOGEL, apt.3-6t,rp* 1016 Chestnut streets. • WERLY CORSETS.—Just 'received from Paris, best quality elegantly fitting Werly Corsets All kinds Corsets on hand, and made to order, at MRS. STEEL'S, TENTH street. below Chestnnt. ap23-s!* ABARGAIN.— A lot of White' Llama Lace Pointer, half price. Goods sold last season for 5.35 to be closed out at SIS. t•ome sold at S.lO to be sold for Sal. A new assortment of• White Llama Pointes jest received, to take the place of thereduced goods. GEO. W. VOGEL, ap23.3trpe 1016 Chestnut street. FAMILY SEWING, hIMBROID ERI tRAIDING, Quilting, Tucking, &c., bean uttilly executed on the GROVER dc BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Machines; with °tier. ators, by the day or week, 730 CHESTNUT Street. ttrit-amt I)ETE.RSONS' NEW Boogs! - BY THE BEST AUTHORS Suitable for the Family. Army. or Railroad Car reading. Pnbbetted and for sale by T. 13. PETERSON S. BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelpb:a. Family Pride. By author of "Pique Price St 9.5 In paper, or St 50 in cloth Red Lark. By Gustave elimard. Price 50 cts. Lady Maud. By Pierce Egan. Price *I in paper, or SI 50 in cloth _ The Wife's Secret. By Mn.s A. S. Stephens. Price St 45'n paper, or St 5o in cloth. Thackeray's Irish Sketch Book, with Illnstra trations by the author.. By Win. 31. Thackeray. Price .50 cents. Ernest Linwood. By Mrs. Bentz. Price SI 25 in paper. or $1 50 in cloth. _ _ _ Life and Campaigns of General U. S. Grant 4 Life and Services of annoral G. G. Meade. la Life and Orders cf General B. F. Butler. Life of the late Archbishop Hughes, of N. Y. Price 25 cents each. $1.75 a dozen, or $l2 50 a hundred. Life Campaigns, Services, and Reports of Ge neral G. B. McClellan. Price fie cents in paper,' or 75 cents in cloth. Paper edition SO a dozen, or Si t 5 a hundred: cloth ediuon itG a dozen, or Z-15 a hundred. Life of President Lincoln, with his Speeches. Proclamations, 1 etters and Messages Price 50 cents in paper, or 75 cents In cloth. Price to Can vassers for the 50 eel t edition, S 3 50 a dozen, or 595 a . bundt ed. The ()loth edition SG a dozen, or 545 a hundred. Copies of any Books will be sent to any. one, to any place, fr e of postage, on rennituag us the re. tail price of the Book wanted. . New Books issued every week, comprising the most entertaining and absorbing works pnbli,hed, suitable for the Parlor, Library, and Sitting-Room, Railroad, Steamboat, or Soldiers' reading, by the best writers in the world. Orders solicited from Booksellers, Canvassers, News Agents, Sutlers, and all others in want of gocd and fast-selling books, and they will please send on their orders at once, for what they may want of any of the above. Address all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, - And they will receive prompt attention. Send for one of our Catalogues and Confidential Circular to Agents. apis-it EYRE & LANDELL, 400 ARCH STREET, have now arranged for sale, a mag,nitteent stock of Spring DRY GOODS, adapted to 'first class sales. This stock was laid In before the re cent advance in gold, which enables us to offer great inducements to th. trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Black Silks, from $2O to $1 per yard. Brown Silks, $7 to $l. Moire Antiques, from S6 - ts S 2 50. Rich Chenie and Spring Plaids. Brown Figured Silks, double face. India Plaid Wash Silks, $l. I(0 pieces Summer Silks, $1 a yard. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Magnificent Organdy Robes. French Organdies, new styles. 69 pieces Goat's hair Glacinas. Tan Colored Challies and Delaines. Fine Black Challies and Bombazines. Good style Grenadines and Foulards. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. London style Shawls. open Centres. Tamartine Ordered Shawls. sea-shore Barege Shawls. Black Shawls, full sl' TOURIST DRy,k. SS GOODS. French Crape Pongee . Summer Poplins, for suits. Tan. Pearl and Mode Kahan's. Frill stock Staple Goods. R & G. A. WRIGHT'S • NEW AND FASHIONABLE PERFUME Complete and desirable assortment of the sweet. est and most: delicate articles ever offered for the Toilet ' G. .A. WRIGHT respectfully all attention to the superior strength d fragrancy of their make; incomparable with qualities now being sold under that name. apt 2 COTTON SAIL DUCK, COTTON CANVAS, of every Weight, from one:to two feet wide, all numbers_,• heavy and light RAVENS HUM ASHLAND TOPSAIL and other Awning Twins, paper Felting, Sa Twine, &e. For sale by . W. EVERMAN & 00., 111 -17 . Na US Japers allo • Night Blooming Cerens Extract. Night Blooming Cerens Pomade Night Blooming Cerens Soap. • "Pennsylvania Gold Mining Co," Black HaNik Point, near Central City, Gilpin County,. COLORADO TERRITORY, Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, 1864 Capital, 81,000.000. 100,000 Shares---$lO per Shale. Subscription 415 per Share to Original Subscribers. -Company Books for Subscription to the Stock of this - Company are now open at the office of the under signed, and an opportunity is offered to the public to subscribe for a limited number of Shares. The property Is in the richest developed part of the Gold Regions of Colorado, and consists of right in lee on the following DEVELOPED LODES: FISK. GIINEELL, BITOVER, CALHOUN, GREGORY and Simmons. These Lodes are known to be rich in Gold Quartz, and are now ready ror machinery, which will be placed at the earliest possible date— and of the most improved kind—ander tne charge of a competent Superintendent, aided by the ser vices or JOHN ARMOR, Esq , whose interest is identified with the Company, and who is well known in New York, Philadelphia, and through out the West, es a man of high character and ability, and a resident of Colorado. ALSO, claims on the following Undeveloped Lodes : Portland, Novembago, Gilead, Vermont, Hoosier, Romantic, Keystone, Kettle-Drum and Warsaw ; these are all valuable locations. Re ference is made to Reports, that can be found in our Office, of General Fitz John Porter, and Pro fessor E. N. Kent, New York Assay Offiie, who were sent to Colorado to examine and report upon this property, anti also letters from Dr Judd, of the firm of Lee, Judd& Lee, and ethers, The Company have also a valuable Mill Site, with an abundance of water. They reserve the sum of 8147,000 for Wonting Capital, which is an ample fund for the meet approved machinery, and the hest charac er of superinteLdence and labor. The prospects of profit in Gold, based upon the wasulation of intelligent citizens of Colorado, is set forth in the prospectus at our Office, where the Public are invited to call and examine the evi dences of its value. WITHERS & PETERSON, BANKERS, No. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET. The Company iE organized as follows DAVID STUART, PRBSIDENT DIRECTORS ETsui Atoms, Philad. W. P. H r, Philad. A W. .6.Rolph, • . John G. is, .. Richa , d Peterson, L. Lewis C. idy, LL Win. H. Russell, N.Y., ;Jona Armor, central I City, Colorado. COUNSEL—PIatt, Gerard & Buckley, N.York Waaely & Beed, Central Qty. Colorado. SECRETARY I.lkD THEASCREE, ap'2,s-marf luth f WM. P. HACKER. STEAM MARLNE RAILWAY, The National Iron Armor and Ship Building Company Race now in constant operation at their Works at KAIGHN'S POINT. A new and extensive STEAM MARINE RAIL WAY, and are prepared to haul out and do all kinds of repairs with quick despatch to steamers and sailing vessels. W. C. MILLIGAN . , ar2.o-w tr m 6:► PRESIDENT. MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE & SONS, - No. 805 Chestnut Street, Are now receiving their Spring Importation SILK AND Itirr , T , TNERY GOODS, SL'OH AS Fancy and Plain Ribbons, Gros de Naples—all shades, Tilarcellines and Florences, French and BEglii.ll Crapes, ',acts and Joined Blondes, Illusions and Malice Nets, &a. ,Sc. Also, a full assortment of French and American Flowers. mhl4-ruw&tr-2m INATIIANS. 7nd MONEY BROKER, tY E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, oral. one square below the Exchange. NATHANS'S Principal ()nice, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan, la large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry.Cloth hig, and goods of every description. °Mee hours from RA. M. till P. M deM-ttro PURk PALM OIL SOAP.—This oval, is Iet9CLII of pure fresh Palm OH, and is entirely a vege table Soap; •more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozer cakes for $1 Se per box. Manufactured by (}EO. F.T.RitiTari re Son, e. 116 Margaretta vaeet, between Front and Second. above ratilowhill street. del7-Iyro4 F,TLhS, W ivA VE. ic b .Diannfecturers of .tdANILLA AND TARRED CO.RDAGS Gonne, TWINB, Ito. 23 Nortla Water street and No. V Nora Lsis ware avenue, Pldladelptda. ILDwilt R. Frrtza. MICHAJIL WRVien oosticark P. CLOTIITIM HUSBAND'S CALCINED DIALENESII;. - Ti free from unpleasant taste, and three time. the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World's Fair Medal and four First Premluna Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being :ha best in the market. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS J. HUSBAND, ocl9-m. wr. f. ly. ro N. aV. Cor. Third and Soruo. MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, ,tc. A Lady competent to mark neatly can find employ ment. AI. A. TORREY, mhl9 1R(11) Filbert street oAP—PUR.L FAMILY St..)AP. --CONTAINS SOAP—PURE SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should bs used by °Tiny family. Put np in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactnred by GEORGE M. ELKINTON S ON, dsl7.lvriii 1111 Margarettastreet. al FOR SALE.—A very desirable Country Seat; good STONE MANSION, containing 13 rooms, with verandah on two sides of the build ing; fL handsome lawn well shaded; superior vege table garden, with permanent beds of choice berries: a young and thrifty apple orchard; also choice varieties of Standard Pear and Cherry Trees in bill bearing; now Coach House with stablingfor pis bore es. Situated 4) miles from Market street bridge, and 34 mile from City Avenue Station on Pennsylvania Railroad. Two-third of poscint , e money may remain on Mortgage. Inquire at 219 CHESTNUT street. apil3-tivv .WE HEREWITH call attention to our magnificent assortment of sups rior PIANOS, watch we always have on hand, and offer them at my reasonable prices to purchasers. Best of references and pul..t. ou.mteriTaic invariably given by THE UNION PIANO MANUP' G. GO., ap2o 1017 Walnut street. LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE STORE —Conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first oor below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy and correct in make. C. H. NEEDLES, P•roprietor, attends to Gentlemen on the corner of T "ifELFTR and RACE Streets. N. B.—Professional accuracy insured. apll-30rpi ifhGOLD AND SILVER waToliES, Ol OUT own importation, reliable in quality, and at low prices. FARB. ft BROTHER, Importers, 394 Chestnut street ) below Your*. 10-40 - - LOAN. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Having been designated a Depository of Public Moneys and Fiscal Agent of the United States, will receive' subscriptions to the neW Government 10-40 LOAN Issued under the Act of Congress approved March 3d, 1864. Redeemable after ten years at the option of the Government. Payable in forty years in COIN, BEARING INTEREST AT , THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM IN COIN. Registered and Coupon Bonds of different deno minations. Interest commencing from date of sub scription, or from the first of March last. ap2 3- Im§ DAVIR B. PAUL, President. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma; Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to REV. E A. WILSON, WILLIAMSBURG. apl6-24ttcw5t* Kings county. New York. JAS. R. CAMPBELL it CO,, 727 CHESTNUT ST., HAVE MADE EXTENSINE ADDITIONS TO THE LE POPULAR STOCK OF SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS, WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Moderate Prices, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF RECENT IMPOR TATIONS. Wholesale Booms Up Stairs. BOOKS BOOKS !! AND FINE STATIONERY. Since the first of the year we have been adding constantly to our stock, until we now have one of the largest and _best assortments of BOOKS, FIRST-Cl. A S.'S STATIONERY, PHOTO GRAPHS and ALBUMS to be found in any es tablishment in the United St es. We warrant our PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS to be of the very best material, strong, durable, and AZ LOW I Pales as any in the market. AU Seto Books received as soon as issued. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard, No, 724 CHESTNUT STREET. GROVER - B,BAKEWS - FIRST P.REMIUM'. Elastic Stitch Sewing Machine!, No. 780 Chestnut Street. dil-R FOR FACTORY OR LIVERY STABLE— IG-LA. LOT, North Seventh street. above Poplar, 32 feet front by t!o feet deep, with baci. lot; 29 feet by 96 to an outlet forming an L, with two brick dwellings. A brewery and vault now on it. For bale low. Apply to BONS-41j, BROTHERS, apt?..2 ltrp. of, North Ninth street. Or iIUSTAVI'S BERGER, Library street. CBERLA ND SAUCE-This most wholesome tonic and table luxury is pronounced by con noisseurs "the Nonpareil." It imparts a most grateful zest to all kinds of meai, lish, soup, aids digestion, and coun teracts the tendency which rh h, strengthening food has, especially at this season of the year, to induce dyspepsia Sold retail by the best family grocers—wholesale at No. 45 North WATER street. CHAS. S. FITHIAN, S: Co., apni2-rp. 3t Proprietors. GRIFFITH 3: PAGE, Souttox est Corner SIXTH and ARCH, Sell Universal Ctothes Wringers, First quality Ref: azeracers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fold ID 4' Steil-Ladders. arr,23 CLOTHING, Hays' Clothing, Boys' P Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. Boys Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, It every variety, in every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, In every I ariety, In every variety. In every variety, In e very vat isty, lii every var ety, In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell 5: Son's, A t H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. .L. Haltowell& Sou' s, At H. L Hallowell & Son's, 534 Market street, 5:31 Market street, 53-1 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 534 Market street, 531 Market street, Sr ECIAL NOTICE.We have the largest and best assor ed stock of Ready-made Boys' Clothing in the city, cut in the latest styles, and made in the best manner. li. L. HALLOWELL SON, apt.. -3m5 531 Mai ket street. ODLE CERTIFICATES. - "DR. SWAT NE' S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CH ERRY. " _ _ "DR. SWAYN E' S COMPOUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY." For 30 Years a Standard Remedy. For 30 Years a Standard Remedy. FIFE YEARS' COUGH ENTIRKLI" CURED BY DR. SWAYICE' S COIkIPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. . . I suffered five years with a bad Cough, Sore Throat, spit blood at times, very weak, was at tended by one of our most eminent physicians, who prescribed various remedies, but I gradually grew worse. Hearing of the wonderful cures daily per formed by your Wild Cherry Compound, I con cluded to try it, and after using three bottles, a perfect care was performed. SAMUEL GOULD, No. 1 St. David street, between Race and Vine. STILL - ANOTHER CURE BY PR- SWAYNE'S COST. POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. I suffered four mouths with a violent Cough, accompanied with painful tightness of the chest, great difficulty of breathing, sore throat, sleep dis turbed from constant coughing; tried a number of remedies without benefit; I was advised to try Dr. Swayne's Conpound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which gave quick relief, and after using two bot tles a perfect cure was the result. I give this cer tificate freely, as I went all the world to know of this truly valuable medicine. HUMPHREY J. EVANS, Slater, li4 South street, Philadelphia. prepared only by. Dr. SWAYNE lb SON, 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. jag& w, f&m-ly MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES. A large assortment of grave stones of various designs, made of the finest Italian and American marbles, constantly on hand at the Mirble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE AVENUE, below Eleventh street, Philadelphia. apl6-3mrp§ MUS/OAL BOXES, IN HANDSOME OASES, .111 playing from two to twelve choice melodies, for sale by FARB& BROTHERS, Importers, m 1,23 No. 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth CITIZENS'. Fire Insurance,Company, No. 67 WALL STREET, New York. INCORPORATED 1836. JAMES M. EteLEAN EDWARD A. WALTON, President. Seereutry. DIRECTORS. James M. McLean,l Hem y Stokes, - Daniel Burnert, Augustus Schell, Bobert Barkley, Jacob Droller, . Edward Schell, - i Jas. M. Waterbury, John S. Ha /Tie, U. Henry Haight, 0. Jas.Baldwin, - Abram Dubois, AL D W. J. Valentine, Capital and Surplus, $527,289 91. The following statement of the condition of this Company is published in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania : The Capital Stock of the 0 - muany i5..5300, 000 00 Number of shares subscr.bed for 15, KO shilt Amount of installments paid in cash on Assets. Value of Real Estate held by the Com' y 1 7 ,664 70 Amount of cash on hand 0,011 S 9 Amount of cash deposited in Citizens' Bank. 20,296 n Do do dividend 7 per ct. 000 00 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mortgages,being the first liens on Real Estate 156,200 00 Stocks owned by the Company, viz : 800 shares Broadway hank Stock, mar ket value 600 shares Citizens' Bank stock, market value. 10,500 OD Amount of stocks held by the Company as collateral security for loans, viz: Par value 6271,340 00 Market value 307,417 12 Amount leaned on same Amount of interest due and unpaid. Accrued but not due Premiums due and unpaid, Liabilities. Amount of losses reported and not acted upon Dividends due and unpaid Amount of losses paid which occurred during the year 24,291 7 Amount of losses paid which occurred prior to the year Amonntof dividends declared during the year 41,250 00 Amount 01 dividends paid during the year 41,545 00- Amount of cash premiums received.... 1t5,667 Amount of interest received 24,195 21 Amount paid for reinsurance - :67 18_ Amount paid for return premiums 4,509 u Expenses paid during the tear, includ ing commissions and salaries, Taxes paid during the year, All other expenditures.. H. E. ROOD, AGENT AND ATTORNEY, No 411 WALNUT St. Philadelphiai GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Have now been before the public fer nearly a year. Tgey are universally pronounced the neatest and best fltung collars extant. The upper edge presents a perfect curve, free from the angles noticed in all other =lam The cravat causes no puckers on the inside 01 the turn. down collar—they are AS SMOOTH Is - AS OUTSIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck. The Garotte Ccllar has a smooth and evenly ils.ished edge IDE sera SLIDES. These Collars ar.. not simply flat pieces of paper cut in the form of a Collar, bat are MOLDED AAD EHATED TO FIT THE NECK. Trey are made in "Stoveltr (er turn-down style); in every half size from 1 to 17 inches and in :Eureka' , (or Garotte, ) from 13 to 17 inches; and packed in "solid sizes" in neat blue cartons, con taining 100 each; also in smaller ones 01 10 each— the latter a very handy package for Travelers, Army and Navy Officers. 4q/rE VERY COLLAR is stamped Gray's Patent Molded Collar.' Sold by all Dealers in Alen's Furnishing Elbods. The Traae supplied by Van Benson, Boehmer & 627 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Imparters and Wholesale-,Dealers in Men's Fa nishing Goods mh3o-3mrp, SECOND OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS.. JOHN F. YOUNG-, Fourth St. Bslow Ault, WILL OPEN THIS DAY, a Splendid Line of SILKS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, POPLINS , and ALPACAS.. arr2l-atO INOLIUN'S Medicinal, Cod Liver Oil. TILE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE—PURE; kRESH: AND TASTELESS. The surest remedy for Coughs and Cold's, Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Debility, an. Laving an experience of fifteen, )f Cod Liver Oil. has recently process of procury g it, and. ,fic-a preparation that . for un 'form freshness ana superior ' unmatched. These results personal supervi , ion of the propr .bits have made this Oil the. stanch once Physicians and colliers looking mmeut of the greatest medicinal efficacy in the shorte.qttme, and thereby obviating indige.tion and nausea in the patient, can secaso their purpose by the administration of my Oit. • CHARLES W. NOLEN. No. 154 NORTH THIRD STREET. Sold also by WYETH .t BROTHER, No. 3412 WALNUT St•eati OLIVER, 18th and Spruce; and others. an9-In* GRUPE ac 8./NDT, OR STECK' S PIANO, For sale, 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. A. SOHERZEN. lahn-fharo4 424 N. Vol:Nth. ah. CORRECT e 16.4(..) • " Mr. 0. E. V aEGRNT'S orders MP and Reairing are re. calved at Mason& Tuning Co. 's Store, Ce7 Pianos OilEgrat street, only. Mr. Sargeant has .had Wen" Yeara v factory experience in Boston, and Eirelirears' any eraploymentin Philadelphia. SPECIAL — PianCrit re-kothered to sound as soft and -swoolrtooloO air new, without removing. . Terms for tuning, Si. 00.12-Iogrn 300,e00 04 36, 000 00 242,740 00 82 73 3.500 00 9,163 76 $537,089 91 $9,500 00• 300 00 E9,9.Ca 00 23,6.99 97 130 7s 5,246 26"