BEAL ESTATE SALES. MN ORPHANS' COURT—PEttEMPTOB,Y AM SALE.—Estate of ()fiat-ILES it adt, el, deceased. " THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers. Pursuant to a Pluries Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelpma, will bs sold at Public, Stile, without reserve, on . 1.1.1 ESDA Y. May 10th, IE6I, at 12 o' clock, noon, at the PFII DA-. DELPJIIA EXCHANGE, The • following de b:sr/btu/. propeny, late of Charles Harlan, dee'd.. Viz: Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4—(Nos . 2,3, 4 and 5- in the Order of Court.) Pour Brick Dwellings. Menu, and Preston Streets. No. I.—(No. 2in the Order of Court—All that lot of ground with tue swage thereon erected, southeast corner; of Myrtle street and Prestrn street, late West Pnilndeip now Twenty-fourth Ward; containing In front on Preston street 38 feet' 8 inches, and extending in depth of that width E.-130 feet. Bounded S. by other ground of said Charles Harlan, E. by ground now or late of John B. Vogdes. (Being the north ernmost part of a larger lot whica Joni' S. Moore, by indenture dated 21st May, A- D. 1830, and re corded in Deed Book A. D. D., No 117, page 377, granted and conveyed to the said C. Harlan in fee. - NO. 2—No. 3 in the Order of Court—( Adjoining "No. 2," last above described.) All that lot of ground with the messnage thereon erected,. east side of Preston street, 38 feet 8 inches south of Myr tle street ; containing in front on 'Preston street '4O feet, and in depth of thatwidth 130 feet. Bounded N. and S. by other ground of the said a Harlan, E. by ground now or late of John R. Vogdes. (Being part of a larger lot which John S. Moore, by inden ture, dated 21st May; A. D. 1860, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., N 0.147, page 377, &c., grant ed and conveyed to said 0. Harlan in fee./ - - No. 3—No. 4 in the Order or Court - (Adjoining "No. 3," last above described.) All that lot of ground with the messuage thereon erected, east side of Preston street, at the distance of 78 feet 8 lo ch( a S. of Myrtle street;.in front on Preston street 40 feet, and in depth 130 feet. Bounded N. and S. by other ground of said 0. Harlan. E. by ground now or late of J. R. Vogdes. (Being partof the aforesaid larger lot granted and conveyed to said C. Harlan in fee. ) No. 4—No. sin the Order of Court—(Adjoining "No. 4," last above described.) All that lot of ground with the messuage thereon erected, east side of Preston street, 118 feet 8 inches S. of Myrtle street; containing in front on Preston street 40 feet, and in depth 130 feet. Bounded. N. by other ground of said 0. Harlan, S. by a 20 feet street leading eastward from Preston street, E. by ground now or late of J. R. Vogdes. (Being the sontuernmost part of the aforesaid larger lot granted and conveyed to said Charles Harlan in fee.) Under and subject, however, as respects the whole of said tract comprising .-Nos. 2,3, 4 and 5, " (above described,) to the express condition and restriction, that no slaughter-house ' black smith-shop, glue-factory, starch-factory, tanning establishment, soap- manufactory or tallow. chandlery, or. other manufactory of an offensive nature, should at any time hereafter be erected or used, or carried on upon the said lot (above de scribed as Nos. 2. 3, 4 and 5.) ElNo. 5 —(No. 6 in the order of Court). BUILDING LOT. Ail that lot of ground. north side of a 30 feet wide street, cal:ed Pember ton street, expending from Eighteenth to Nine. teenth street, And between Shippen and Fitzwater streets, 86 feet 8% inches, more or less, E. of Nineteenth street. tnence N. 583f 4 feet, thence E. 160 feet, thence N. 5 feet, thence E. 64 feet, thence S. 63% feet, more or less, to Pemberton street, and thence W. along Pemberton street 224 feet to the place of beginning. Rounded W. by ground now or late of James and George Page, N. partly by ground of George S. Twitchell, and partly by ground now or late of the said G. Seneff, E. by ground of said G. Seneff. (Being the same premi. sea which James Lynch and wife, by indenture, dated 3d March, A. D. 1861, and ',intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto' said 0. Harlan in fee. ) an No. 6.—(No. 7 in the order of the Court). Bat GROUND RENT. All that yearly ground rent of 564, lawful money of the United States, chargeable and h alf yearly issuing and payable by Robert McFarland, his heirs and assigns, Ist of June and December, without deduction for taxes, lc.,out of and for all that lot of ground, with the buidings and improvements thereon erected,nerth side of Fitzwater street, 16 feet west of Wyoming street (formerly district of liroyamentilng); con. tabling in front on Fitzwater street 16 feet and ex. tending in. depth N. 44 feet to other ground of said R. McFarland. (Being the first described of three yearly ground rents, which *B. H. Huleeman and 'wife, by indenture, dated 7th April, A. D. 1852, ,and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said 0. Harlan in fee). al No. 7—(No. 10 in the Order of Court. ) matABGE LOT, SPRUCE street, 45 feet by 175 feet—two fronts. Alt that lot of ground, situate on the northerly aide of Spruce street, Twenty. fourth ward, 338 feet west of Till street; containing in front on Spruce street 45 feet, and extending in depth 175 feet t Church street. Bounded. east" by ground of ~,/ —, west by other ground of said Marl" Harlan, lately conveyed to John McDowell,. Jr.i \ (Being nart of a larger lot which H. R. Pennock, by indenture; dated Bth May, A. D. 1860, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. No. 128, - page 550, &c., granted and conveyed to the said C. Harlan in fee.) By the Court, WILLIAM 0. STEVENSON, Clerk 0. C. MARY ROBERTS, Executrix. X. THOMAS ft SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South 4th at. Same estate, and will be sold at same time and place, 4 Brick Dwellings, Myrtle and Preston eta., West Philadelphia, Twenty-fourth ward. See Other handbill. apl9,29kmy9 all ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Estate of MILIJAMES BROWN, deceased—THOMAS .k SONS, Auctioneers—VALUAßLE PR JPERTY, South SECOND street, between Dock and Spruce streets.—Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for. the City and County of Philadelphia, mill be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, May 10th, 1864, at 12 o'clock, Noo a, at the PHILA DELPHIA-EXCHANGE, the following described property, late of James Brown, deceased; Tiz: No. 1— •EXCHAN GE BATHS" and D WELL,- ING, SECOND street, 23 feet front, 276 feet in depth through to Laurel street.—All that brick mem:Lege, with back buildings, large bath house, and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Second street, between Dock street and Spruce street; containing in front on Second street 23 feet 9 inches, or thereabouts (Including, on the south erly side thereof the whole of an ailey 3 feet 9 inches in width, by 45 feet in depth), and in depth 276 feet more or less, to Laurel street. Bounded on the north by ground now or formerly of Eliza beth Steel, on the south by premises now or late of Piul Beck. No. 2 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. All that two-story brick mesenage and lot of Ground, situate at the south-east comer sof Elms lie's alley and Laurel streets; containing in front on Elmalie's alley 20 feet 3 inches, and in depth along Laurel street 343; feet. Bounded eastward by a messnage and lot formerly of Andrew R. Steel, southward by premises above described as Tfo. 1, belonging to the estate of said James Brown, deceased. No. 3, THREE FODR.STOR STORES AND DWELLINGS—Nos 213 8 R, 215, 1 CK and 217 South Second street, Tavern and D welling and Coach Manufactory on Dock street; Also two adjoining lots, on the east side of Second street, and extending from Second street to Dock street; containing in front on -said Second street, 4535 feet, more or less, and in depth on the north line 65 feet, and on the south line 99 feet to Dock street. Said lots, as now improved, having 3 four-story brick snessnages fronting on Second street, viz: Nos. 213, 215 and 217, and two brick buildings fronting on Dock street, viz: Nos. 150 and 152. By the tat, WILLIAM C. STEVENSON. Clerk 0. 0. FREDERICK BROWN, Administrator, d. b. n. c. t a. X. THOMAS k SONS, ap19,29,ma9 Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. 4th et. . l a. Dig u ct , ; r . ,Sy "5 , WRIGHT & SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. 0. W. wnismr. D . B. smonaLL. DEgpaGISTS, PHYSIOLiNS, AIM GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Gan ilnd at our establishment a tine as sortment of Imported and Domettlo Drags, popular Patent Bledtoinea, Paints, mai Window Glass, Prescription Vials, - sto. t at as low prices as , genuine first class goods am be sold. . . far Confectioners, in full variety, and Ot the beat quality. .oochineal, Bengal Indigo, Bladder Pot ash, Ondbear, Soda Ash, Alum, 11 of itimatto, Oopp eras, Extract of Logwooll, &c., FOR DYERS' use, always On band, at lowest net cash prices. PURE SPICES FOR FAMILY USE, Ground expressly for our sales, and tO which we invite attention of those in want of reliable articles. Also, srazzos, .11778TARD, a7O. qf ultra quality. . Orders by mail, or city post, will meet With prompt attention, or special- quota. tions will be farnlEhed when requested. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, WO.lllg Market street. above Pion PHILIP FORD A. 00., AIJOTIONEERS, 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. ON THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, At 10 o' clock, will be sold, on accourt of Under- Writere, 50 cases, Boots and Shoes, slightly damaged by fresh water., 1.4 . VINITURSTED YARN.—DIos. 12 and 30 01 aux*. v riar qand,V t for sale by , * - 11,1114f ,OTHINIMAN. Ai WELLS. :lit', I WV IA RIESLEY'S CONTINENTAL NEWI9 - choice seats to'ali joule of ant:mamma had up Pi 630,' clock any evening. nalLl7,ly§ • ri ROVER'S IJIIESTI4 UT- ar. THE& 01t.E.;•••• WI - LEONA/ill GROVER - Manager (Also of °Toyer's Theatre, Waal]Anton; D. 11 ) • - - (RAND OPERA CARD. The Manager begs Slea;reio state that the season of Grand Opeia cannot possibly be extendel be yond the present week, as the Opera Comp - 111Y have to appear in Boston onMonday next, April 25th. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 19 1 18$4 l . Second,Dlight of the OP-ERA. LAST NIGHT BUT FOUR. BARBER OF SEVILLE. -Comic Opera, in 3 acts, by ROEBilill. Count Alma:viva Habelmann Figaro - M. Steinecke Hanoi° M. Graff Lon Bassilio Yi. ,Srontetu Rosins Madame Jolia.nnsen Bertha Mlle La Roche F Zinsheim Madame Johannsen will introduce in the second act, Bolero, from "The Sicilian Vespers.' In the fourth act,:v•Velizano Valve." M. Babelmann will introduce in the second act, "Sleep well, Sweet. Angel," by Abt. CARL ANSCHUTZ Doors open at 7 o'clock. Overture at 8. WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 20, 1861, Third Night of the Opera. • FAUST. Grand Opera, by Gounod. Reserved Seats fer sale at Gould's Music Store, and at the Box Office of the Theatre at the follow.. ing SCALE OF PRICES. • Orchestra Seats ....$1 00 (No extra charge for reserving ) Dress Circle and Parquet 50 (25 oents extra for reserving seats) Family Circle 25 Private Boxes 10 00 - A. BIRGFELD, Business Agent. lterßS. JOHN DREW' S NEW BROIL STREET THEATRE, ARCH street. above Sixth. HOUSES CROWDED IN EVERY PART. ,Continued Success. ROSEDALE. ROSEDALE. THE DRAMATIC HIT OF THE SEASON. THIRD WEEK OF MRS. JOHN DREW. Third week of ROSEDALE. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 19, 1861, ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; ROSEDALE; O, THE 'RIFLE BALL. With every Scene new, and a cast of characters laoluding every member of the company, and Mrs. JOHN DREW as Rosa Leigh. Prices as usual. Doors open at 70' 0100 k. Cnr tan rises at 7% o' clock. NSTITUTION FOR, THE BLIND.—EXHI BITION every WEDNESDAY at 3% P. M. Admission 10c. Store, N. 11 S. EIGHTH st. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Mrs. M. A. GARBSITSOF THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, April 19, 1814, Positively Last Night but Four of . THE DAVENPORT-WALLAI3K ALLIANCE. On which occasion will be repeated, by par ticular request, the grand historical romance, written expressly for Mr. Wallack, entitled THE IRON MASH; or, the Fearful Doom. Mr. J. W. Leon De Bourbon Mr. E. L., the Huguenot Mrs. farren as... Hortense de Pierinont The performance will conclude with the latighn ble farce, called BOX AND COL • Box Ofilee open irom 9 till 3 o'clock. Com mences at quarter to 8. 'PENNSYLVANIA SEAMEN'S FRIEND SC- E CIETY FOR PROMOTING THE SOCIAL • b• I : I u . 11.0 V ISIENT OF SEAMEN : : 110. Din ar:13:I. I The Managers of this useful and interesting So ciety are making efforts to raise funds for repair ing, enlarging and re f urnishin dtheir "ROMP. FOR SEAIiS EN," 422 South FRONT street, wnere Sailors coming to the Port of Philadelphia, may be protected lrom imposition, and in addition to the comforts of a home. have their moral and spiritual welfare, cared for. More than fifteen thousand mariners have shared the privileges of this institution since its establishment. The matter having been represented to JAMES E. hIIIRDOCH, Esq., that gentleman has, in the most liberal manner consentad to help forward the good work by an Entertainment at CONCERT 14 A r.r,, . On FRIDAY EVENING, April 22d, 18.41. TO CONSIST Or SCRIPTURAL AND APPROPRIATE PATRD. OTIO READINGS. - PROGRAMME Selections from the'Sacred Scriptnres:—.Genesis. The Hermit, illustrating the powerb the Creator, , Parnell. The story of Joseph and his Brethren....Geneals. New Orleans. (Subject, the Fight of Farragut's Fleet and - the Rebel Forts,) Geo. H. Boyer. Mr. Murdoch will read this Poem for the first time in public. Brushwood—a P0em.......... J. Buchanan Read: - Gettysburg—a Poem.... Francis de Haes Jan vier. The Building of the Ship—a Poem.... Longfellow. Commodore Turner, U. S. N. , has kindly con sented to preside. Many of the Clergy and Naval Officers are ex pected to be present. - It is to be hoped a liberal response will be made by the public to this appeal, as no class of men, next to our soldiers. deserve sympathy and pro tection more.than those brave fellows who man our ships. TICKETS, NinEBERHD, price FIFTY CENTS, to be procuredat 'Maniere s Book Store,6o6 Chestnut street, the Episcopal Book Store, 144 Chestnut street, and at the Society's Office, Bible House, corner of Seventh and Walnut streets. . Donations for ibis object will be ales thankfully re ceived by AR-THUR G. COFFIN, Esq., President, Insu rance Company of N. America 232 Walnut street. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Treasurer,3 Walnut street, and JOHN M. HARPER; Esq., Recording Sec retary, 308 Chestnut street. _ apl4-74 A NNA E. DIOKINSON Will speak on IREcoNsTRErcTION," At the AOLDE3IY On OF MUSICS, THURSDAY EVENING, April 21, 1864, At eight o' clock. Admission. 25 cents. Reserved Seats 50 cents. • Tickets to be obtained on and' after Monday, April 18th, at Ashmead & Evans, 124 Chestnut street, and at the Academy of Music. apls.Bt* SIGNOR N. PERFT.I".I .7 S Grand Vocal and Dip strnmental Concert for the benefit of the "Great Central Fair" for the Sanitary Commis sion at the Musical Fund Hall, FRIDAY EVE NING, April 29th, 1864. Signor Perelli respect fully informs his friends and the public that he will be assisted on the above occasion by his best pupils, who have kindly tendered their valuable services. A large and effective Orchestra, and a fall chorus of Ladies and Gentlemen will take part in the performance. Tickets Two Dollars each, to be had at all the principal Music Stores. s, tn, th-ap9:6t4 GRAND GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION. at the Institute Nall, Wilmington, Del.,for the Benefit of the Central Fair of the Sanitzry Com mission, TUESDAY EVENING, April 19, 1869, at half-past seven o' clock. The first ar nual ex lubitien of the Pupils of Wilmington Gymnasium of Profs. Billebrand ,k Lewis, asssisted by some of the best Gymnasts of their Institute, corner of Ninth and Arch streets, Philadelphia. apl6.3tik IRILEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. "THE FAMILY RESORT." rARNOROSS AND DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Burlesques, Plantation Scenes; &c., &c., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. feiB.3mti J.D.CARNCROSS, Business manager. CA OLLSINO—OHESTNIIT Street, above Sixth. The Great Variety Entertainment. Ethiopian Comedians, Ballet Dancers, Pantomimists, ' EVERY NIGHT Comic Singers, mb2S-lm pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE AR STREET. Is CHESTNUT STREET. Is closed to prepare for the Spring Exhibition. Will open on the 25th of April. ap9 By order of the Oarnmittee on Exhibition nzmuums. 0110ZIESTRA. —Publie Belmar. sals every Saturday at 3,4 f o' clock, p. kets,6s ths MUSICAL FUND' RA Single tic cents; packages of six tickets, $l. To be bad at Andre's, 1164 Ciluntant street r. E. (loni4 gewentb and etestunt. and at the hall doe colt vE have rust received per steamer I Persia," an assortment of colors of Shakspearean Ter. centenary Badges, for the coming celebration. WM. H. BORSTMAN & SONS, aPls4t* • Fifth and Oherry atreeta. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. APRIL 19 1864. j i C. STRA.WBRIDGE & CO., (i-Ormeily oowperthwait & 00, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. 100 Lama Wool Shawls, from $2 50 to $B. 100 Mozambique " $3 to $7. 100 Silk Check 46 84 to 89. 100 Black Stella ,‘ $2 50 to $2O. We still have an immense stook of SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING, 500 dozen Towels and Napkins. A full line of Barnesby Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Hand-Loom Table Linens. linckaback, Blrdeye and Diaper. Conductor Lancaster, Blanchester and Honey- Comb Quilts, Fink, Blue, and White Marseilles. Counterpanes and Quilts. Cloths, Cassimeres and Cloakings. A full assortment of Sackings. A full assortment of Cloths and Ca/tamers& A full assortment of Boys' wear. At Wholesale and lietatl, N. W. coiner Eighth and Market Sts. ja.l4-th sa to tjyl Kathairon is from the Greek word “Sathro," or ..Kathturo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and restore. This article is what Its name sign'. Iles. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the most remarkable prepara tion in the world. It is again owned and pat up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It 1s a most delightful hair dressing. It er ad icates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Kathatron. It is known and used throughout the civilised world. Sold by all respectable dealers. DEMAS S. BARNES & CO., Now York. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary ar. tide ever discovered. It changes the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of re.. vishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting la the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, heckles; pimples and roughness of the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains uo material injurious to the skin. Pa tronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N.Y. Address all orders to Demas S. Barnes- & Co., New . York, But restores gray hair to Its original color, by sup plying the capillary tubes with na ural gusto. nance, Impaired by age or disease. All instanta neous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. ..lielmstreet's Inlmttable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Luxuriant Beauty, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off,eradi cates dandruff; and imparts health and pleasant ness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Bair Coloring, and is constantly in creasing in favor. Used by bath gentlemen and ladies. It le sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES h CO., 202 Broadway, New Y ork. Two sines, 50 cents and St. Mexican Mustang Liniment. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, whe have been Counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietorship, have been tho roughly estopped by the Courts. To guard !Mahn further imposition, I have procured from the U. 9 Treasury, a privet* steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over'the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the fee simile of my t•ignature, and without which the article is a Counterfeit, dan gerous and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grow ing in favor for many years. There hardly exists g " - ,ewilet on tne habitable Globe that does not con tat-. evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present tin proved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made use ful, and untold ills assuaged. For cuts, bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cuts,calreci breasts, strained horses, ac, it is a Sovereign Re medy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all Druggists, feld-tnth s time D. S. BARNES New York. Air THOMAS tc SONS, AUOTIONEEE,S, __Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY 3. Executors'l Peremptory Sale—Estate of James Hunt, dee' d.—ABOUT 75 ACRES, NIOETOWN LANE, corner of Ha RROWGATE L &NE, 2 3Ta Wenn, with Stone Dwelling and Frame Bars, inexhaustible Stone Quarry, Ice. LITHOGRAPIIIO PLAN and fuel description at the Auction Rooms. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Joseph Collis on, dec' d. —2 LOTS OF GROUND, Passynnk town ship, 25t.liWrrd. Same-Estate-4 GROUND RENTS, of $6l, si% $36 and 848 a year. Executor's Sale—Estate of John W. Hoffner dec'd —VALUABLE LOT, 48 ACRES, and TIN provements, near the 5 mile Stone, Second Stree Turnpike, about 1 mile above "OLNEY," Ward. • Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Azarlah H Sim mons, dee' d. —VALUABLE LOT, over 30 acres, Chevy Chase and Long Lanes, NEAR EIGH TEENTH STREET, crossing several public streets, 26th Ward. Plan at the Auction Rooms. • THREE-STORY ERICH STORE and DWEL LING, t 3. W. corner 4th and Greenwich sta. Sale by Order of Heirs—Estate of Dr. Peter Howell, dee d.—HANDSOIWE LARGE RESI DENCE, Office, Stable, Clutch House, and Lots of Ground, No. 32 Greene st, TRENTON, New- Jersey. Same Estate—LOT and FRAME DWELLING, adjoining the above. THREE-STORY TAVERN and DWELLING,. 41st st, north of Logan at, 24th Ward. Peremptory St Ie—VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No, 1004 WALNUT at, 26 feet front. Executor' s SaIe—BUILDING LOT, Agnes at, below Christian st, between 10th and' Uth sta-60 feet front, GENTEEL DWELLING, No. 315 Spruce at. Admlxistrators' Sale—Estate of John L. Smith, dee' d. —VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. 30 north Sixth above Alarket st. TBREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, 203 Richmond at, 181 h 'Ward. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Hannah Parke, dee' d. —lB IRREDEEMABLE GROUND BENTS, 830, $27, $156, 836, 832, 873 56, $.33 25, $l5, 635 75, V% $57, 055. 50 9 e 59, $57,270, 357,857, $ll2 60 a year. Perersp,oryi SaIe—VERY VALUABLE LOT, 10% ACH.ES, Wheakiheaf Lane, 25th Ward—olear of all ineumbrance. Sale absolute. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate late of Sarah Rohrman, .deo' d. WO. STORY FR A.IIIE DWELLING-, Race et, west ot 15th st, with 2 three-story brick dwellings ia the rear. Sale absolute. • - THREE-STORY BRICK BAKERY and DWELLING. No; 1616 South at, west of Tenth at. HAVE NOW OPEN. fine assortment of Black Silke, Small Plaid India Silks. Plain, Striped, and Plaid Poplins, Superior Black and Colored Allmon& Pink, Blue, and Buff Brilliants. Pink, Blue, and Buff Percales. Striped and Figured French Obiatzeil. COTTON AND LINEN Lyon's . Kathairon. HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. NOT A DYE AUCTION SALES. CLOTHING. SPRING OF 1864. EXTENSIVE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nes. 303 & 305 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA. ! • The faeilities of this house for doing U' business axe such that they can cont 6. tea dently claire for it the leading position O - • • au CYZ among the Tailoring Establishments of 48 Philadelphia. They, therefore,. invite CD . 00 the attention of gentlemen of taste to CC C.Z• . their superb stock of READY-MADE ' citt a CLOTHING, cut by the best artists, co trimmed and made equal to Customer "IA co 11:1 Work--AND AT Popular Prices. b I = l They have also lately added a CDS a: a TOM DEPARTMENT where the latest sm, r -)novelties ma y be found embracing 4? I; , ' some fresh from London and Paris. PERRY & CO., 808 and 805 Chestnut st. Custom Depal tment, 303 Chestnut st. mh26-tf rpt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 5 HILAD O E P LPHLL DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. Thia Bank has been authorized and is now pre pared to receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOIN. This Loan, issued - under authority of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1164, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollar (1200,000,000) United States bonds, redeemable after tea years, and payable forty years from date, Ix coin, dated March 1, 1164, bearing intereet a the rate of 5 PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually oil al bonds over $lOO and on Bonds of $lOO and less, annually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. • REGISTMLZD Botrus will be issued of the denomi. nations of fifty dollars, (850, ) one hundred dollars, (8100,) five hundred dollars, (8500,) one thousand dollars, (81,000,) live thousand dollars, ($, 000 ,) and ten thousand dollars, ($10.000). ()enrols Bonne of the denominations of fifty dollars, (850,) one hundred dollars, ($lOO, ) five hundred dollars, (88:0,) and one thousand dollars, ($1,000.) INTEREST will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the first of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in U. S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (30) My per cent. to the amount for premium. COUPON BONDS NOW BEADY FOB DE LIVERY. C. EL CLARK, PRESIDENT. rah49-t1 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE 10-40 LOAN , Received by the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, AT FRANKFORD. This Bank has been designated by the SECRE TARY OF THE TREASURY as a DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC MONEYS, AHD A FINANCIAL AGENT Or TUB ILIIIITI{D BTATASt And authorized to receive subscriptions to the NEW UNITED STATES LOAN, beating Interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT per annum IN COIN. Bonds from 850 to 810,000. Interest to commence either with the date of the bonds. March Ist, 1864, or at the date of subscuip don, at the option of the subscribers. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, apls-Im6 CASHIER. Fourth National Bank OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $100 , 000 ; With the Privilege of Increasing to $500,000. WM, P. HAHN, President. ALBERT 0 ROBERTS, Vice President, SAXI7EL NeoMULLAN, Cashier. Directors. Wm P. Hamm, William Brooks, Albert O. Roberts, II). W. Bradley, James O. Selsh. John Fareira, William S. Stokley. The . FOURTH NATIONAL BANK IS NO OPEN, at 723 Aroh Street, for the transaction of a general banking business: upon the usual term. Collections made on 'all points at the Tarp lowest MOB. Subscriptions received for the United States 10.40 BONDS. SAMUEL J. NeoMULLAN. spl3-10t4 OABILTHR. Commission Paper Warehouse. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers ofROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and ELNGLE . MEDIUM; OAP and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Q uanti Hightiesest price paid for Rope in large or smell . , mbit4ini ALL THE 5-20 BONDS Subscribed for Through Us, ARE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. PERSONS HOLDING OUR RE CEIPTS Will Pleate Call and Receive Their BONDS. JAY COOKE & 001, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. apl3-6* UNITED STATES TEN-FORTY BONDS, Ready for Delivery, And All Otter Government Securities, FOR SALE BY E.W. CLARK & CO., No. 35 South Third street, spls-64 NEW LOAN. U: S. 10-40' : JAY COOKE &CO _. Offer for Bale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARING FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST IN COIN, redeemable any time after TEN YEARS at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. BOTH COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan of same denomi nations as the 5-20's. The interest on 850's and sloo's payable yearly; on all other denomhuttiona, half yearly. The 10-40 Bonds are dated March 1, 1064. The hall-yearly intarestfalling due Septem ber Ist and March let of each year; until let Sep. Camber, the accrued interest from lat of March is required to be paid by purchasers in coin or in LEGAL CIIELEZNCY, adding illty per cent. for pre. minor until further notice. ALL OTHER GO • BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY COOKE & CO., mh29-tl,rp§ 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 87 BANKERS. \ I Exchange en England, Frain ai Germany, 7 840-5-20 Loan and Oonponif CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QUAILTEEMSTKRII CHECKS AND VOUCH:EZRA American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD arOrders by Mail attended to. 43-2.1 5-20 COUPONS, DUE IST MAY, BOUGHT. ORDERS BY MAIL OaExpluxes Amami, TO. aP I4 - I nl4 DREXEL a Go. - JR.A.2117- 4ti No. 16 a s, SOITTII THIRD ST., BANKERS& BROKERS, SPE.CIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters' Vouchers and Cheeks; AND ALL 80VERMIENT BEOURITES BOUGHT AND SOLD: HENS ZEY & CO. Photographers, NO. 812 ARCH STREET. N9lTllBieretu f f l o a re e H t be l: t7e - e r l i tTie nn signed, under the firm of 00WPERTHWAIT " & " CO, is this day dissolved by mutual conenit. JOSEPH COWPERTHWAIT. JUSTUS O. STRAWBRIDGE. FnuntrAny 19, 1864. Ji COWPERTHWAIT & CO, Would inform their Mends, and the public gen erally, that theywill continue the'Dry Goode bask. new at their • NEW STORE,... S. E. CORNER NINTH AND ARCH STREETS and would call the attention of buyers to their lrrge and extensive STOCK-OF COTTONS. Clomprising all the, popular makes, such as _ New York Mills, Williamsville, ,Wamsotta, Porestdale, White Rock, ' Wauregan. Semper Idem Housekeeper, 4te., Togetherg with all the best makes of 5-4, 6-4 and 10.4 Sheetings, both BLEApHED AND UNBLEACHED.; OUR OUR STOCK OF LINENS,. comprising . • MEETINGS, , . SKIRTINGS, - • TABLE LINENS, . - - ' - TOWEL,INGS, NAPKINS, ices. p Will be offered at- prices Which' will 'command he attention of those in want of such gooes. - DRES'S - GOODS. - Our assortment is now complete,_ and in variety, style and price, we defy competition. SHAWLS of all descriptions, adapted to the. present 'season. • BLACK SILKS, all widths and qualities, which will be sold at very LOW PRICES. . PLAID INDIA SILKS, in a ll colors, .extra wVit, very cheap. "Cire - at bargains in • - NAIISEILLES COUNTERPLIES . Give us a call, and we will convince yon.that we still maintain our reputation of selling the bed goods at the lowest prices. NEW STORE. SOUTTMAST CORNER NINTH AND AEOH. PHIL ADELPHIA. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO. 130:L24.-th, a. tn, to jy.l SPRING GOODS. OPECTISO OP SPRING DRESS GOODS. At the Store of J. F. YOUNG, (Successor to I'. Flamm) No. 10 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F. YOUNG la now opening one of the most complete selections it LADIES' DRESS STUFFS that can be found in this market. Special attention is directed-to the styles and prices. - ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE The st subscriber has just received a well-sehmted ock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, FOB SPRING MAIM. JOS, BLACKWOOD, mhiB.2m &48 ARCM Street, below Ninth: 1864. SPRING 18641 GLEN BOAC , MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M I CAH-AUX & CO.; Mannfactu.rez e nil m p e o= and Whsls nQ CARI'ETTIGS OIL CLOTHS, die. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut at e Opposite Independence Hall; ja3o-tt SEOUBITIEt3 SP CIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M'CALLUM & CO. Beg leave to Inform the pnblio thst itury leased the old established Carpet Store, - No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET; Opposite Independence Hall, FOB. A RETAIL DI:PARTE:KIT. Where they are now opening , A NEW STOOK, OP IMPORTED AND AIIIIIRIgAIf OARplag, Embracing the choiceet patterns of AXHINSTBR, TAPESTRY OAS ROYAL - WILTON, PETS. VELVET, BRUSSELS CARPET* E IS. Together wi th a VEN fall ass AN ortment of everything pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja.E.411 ENTERPRISE MILLS., ATV/00D, RALSTON it CO., DIANITTACIVIRMIEI AND WHOLZBILIN DNALVTLS CARPETINGB, Oil .Cfirthit, Mattingly ivy ire. Warehouse, 619 Maui, &rude 616 Jayne Street; 101410 Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Ill'anufactory. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt. ly at brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Gook Of late Styles In fan variety'. WINCHESTER & CO.. 708 ORISEMNIITIMEXT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers